SoulWork; Getting Started

I’m a Medical Research Scientist by profession . . . . . a ‘scientist’ . . . I class myself as a real scientist rather than one of those science ‘scientist’s’ (whom seem to have become super glued to some really stupid assumptions) . . . I actually class myself as a meta modality researcher . . . I’ve investigated and deeply researched many different modalities including the currently popular science based one.

I enquire, I investigate, I confront, I dig up, I interview, I ask difficult questions . . .

Dedicated, Unbounded & Open & Self Explorations . . .

. . . . AND I’m doing this because . . . . I am VERY SERIOUS about understanding AND resolving some DEBILITATING PERSONAL ISSUES . . . as such . . . I’m definitely NOT interested in holding onto ANY truths or beliefs or so called ‘facts’ or assumptions . . . PARTICULARLY if this means MY ISSUES REMAIN UNRESOLVED . . . that’s it . . .

So, I was researching and exploring many different modalities primarily to get a direct personal FELT & KNOWING experience and understanding that would only come through involving myself with a wide range of diverse approaches.

While doing this I put my clipboard and slide rule away and I sincerely involved myself in many things . . .

I DEDICATEDLY Studied my Inner Landscape and feelings and senses

I also over decades spent many hours exploring my inner self; my feelings and emotions directly, my intuition, my ‘guidance’, my abilities to enter other dimensions, my abilities to take 3D scans of energetic bodies, my abilities to remote view, my abilities to scan down a ‘beings’ time line, my empathic abilities, my imagination, my memory, my precognitive abilities . . . are you getting the drift here . . . I put in literally 1000’s of hours to check and to understand the limits and integrity of what I just listed. I did NOT take these abilities or skills at face value, I explored their accuracy, their boundaries and limits . . . I did NOT take anything for granted . . . I defined the integrity of my own tools . . .

So, having done the ‘science’ research scientist thing and caught on that it was a dead end early on . . . I went walk about and with personal tools and abilities that over time I thoroughly investigated I directly involve myself with and explored many different ‘ways’ . . .

In each ‘life’ area people tend to become super glued to a particular ‘paradigm’ set, a favourite set of belief’s, facts or truths. Observation shows that this is globally true . . . it’s also true of scientist types too . . .

Too many things just NOT adding up . . . .

It’s also TRUE that only after you have REALLY and sincerely involved yourself in some diverse and different modalities that you start to become aware of not only the ‘coherences’ and real internal truths BUT also the contradictions. You also start to become aware that it’s VERY unlikely for each modalities basic assumptions to be ‘truthfully’ right because they often contradict each other.

Over time in becoming aware of enough cross modality contradictions, untenable assumptions as well as information from direct ‘other’ reality investigations and ‘interviews’ I became increasingly aware that it was VERY likely that the general assumptions or world views taken for granted by spiritual, new age, healing and lightwork or ‘whatever’ modality were full of holes (rather than the wholes I was told I’d find and had assumed were ‘correct’).

The more I uncovered the less I found that made sense

What I was finding was so horrifying that it took many years for me to REALLY come to terms with this never mind being unable to think of a way to make what I’d found ‘presentable’ without being lynched by just about everyone . . .

So, although my earlier explorations resulted in what I presented as SoulWork’ . . . . an approach that even then was somewhat well off the healing, spiritual and therapy edge. I’m keeping the articles of this past presentation because they are a record not only of a deep involvement BUT they also present some of what I was becoming aware of even if this is only hints or questions . . . I’m doing this because others whom are also REALLY searching OR are already becoming uncomfortable about the ‘accepted’ truths may find in these articles something they can relate to. I’m also keeping these articles here because they show the progression of involvement from what is (by and large) accepted (just) to . . . . something well beyond this . . . .

Lightwork & SoulWork as stepping stones to something deeper . .

So, although SoulWork was the outcome of a dedicated involvement in ‘all that was/is accepted’ but it was not that approach that was important in itself or ITSELF, rather it represented a phase in my ongoing explorations and movements that helped led me to somewhere altogether more radical . . . that would not be recognisable or accepted by any modality . . .

So, if you read the ‘old’ articles openly you may become aware of some of what I was finding or becoming uncomfortable about but could not quite get a handle on . . . I gave many hints as well as some direct presentations . . .

There are about 80 pages here now and I’ve about a 500 other pages of new information which I’m still sitting on . . . in the mean time I’m going to present some of this new material here that I’m only comfortable with because although it’s going to shake things up . . . . boy is this new information tame compared to what is to come . . . .

Reality shaking new Information about ‘what’s really going on’!!!

So, if you’re REALLY interested in reality, ‘what’s happening’, ‘what REALLY going on’ then pull up a seat and take your time reading these . . . . and get used to being shocked because there is nothing here yet that is shocking . . . not in my terms.

So, I’d advise that you try if you can to imagine that whatever you hold to as being true IS ACTUALLY ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE then you might be able to appreciate some of new material when it gets presented here . . . never mind that this will be good training for what will be presented over the coming years . . .