"Earth as a Simulation Series 2: Are we simulated copies of people? How, slowing down technological development in your simulation will get around the potential recursive building sims in a sim glitch problems. However, an accurately simulated population will STILL present specific experiences, despite that the technologies these experiences depend on DON'T YET exist (immersive VR experiences for example). This series presents evidence of anomalous 'missing technology' experiences & evidence of obscuration of these & evidence that the simulation we are in was built in the last few decades."
Main Page Headings List
- How would it be possible to Have Virtual Reality & Immersive, Virtual Environment Experiences WITHOUT These Environments?
- What sort of Virtual Reality Experiences would be possible 'IF' you are simulating someone that had REAL Experiences of Virtual Reality, Immersive, Virtual Environments?
- How Would it be Possible for an Alleged REAL Person to be Absolutely SURE that they are NOT IN A REAL REALITY?
- How do your EXPECTATIONS make you feel about the quality of your own personal reality experience?
You’d also not want anyone joining any simple thinking dots and realizing that ACTUAL immersive virtual reality technologies and accessories are NOT actually an essential requirement for people to have these types of virtual reality experiences.
On the contrary, you only need virtual reality technologies to have virtual reality experiences if you are living in one of those mythical, assumed entirely consistent ‘real’ realities that actually had these advanced technologies already established.
How would it be possible to Have Virtual Reality & Immersive, Virtual Environment Experiences WITHOUT These Environments?
Real live completely immersive virtual reality technologies and accessories would not be a requirement in the slightest to have these types of experiences ‘IF’ you were already living in a software defined virtual reality or a simulation because the simulation designers could EASILY program their simulation to emulate these experiences without the original technologies.
Couldn’t THEY?
The problem in doing this is to make sure that no one realizes what these specific experiences REALLY signify. You’d have to find a way to disguise these experiences and prevent people from spending time thinking about them.
In this respect ‘spiritualising’ peoples scripted virtual reality experiences is a master stroke isn’t it?
Because in doing this . . .
- It keeps the original context and REAL meaning of these experiences hidden from the very people having these experiences . . . while . . .
- It simultaneously gives these people having these so called ‘spiritual’ experiences an authentic virtual reality experience substitute which would be essential to validate their scripted expectations . . . while . . .
- Simultaneously and very effectively killing any realistic and rational thinking about the possible REAL origins of these types of experiences because those that imagine themselves to be clever are in the habit of automatically dismissing these types of experiences out of hand apparently as examples of human ‘frailties’. Apparently ‘no deeper THINKING’ about these types of experiences is warranted, allowed or actually even possible for cognitively ‘frail’ academics.
So, ‘IF’ we are in a simulation project AND our technological development has been slowed down to such a degree that we actually do have people here having scripted virtual reality experiences WITHOUT ANY VISIBLE virtual reality gear then what would be an amazingly good and rational and objective question to ask at this point?
Well a seriously good question to ask would be this . . .
“‘IF’ our ‘technology slow down’ hypothesis is operational then what OTHER types of virtual reality experiences can we deduce that people here SHOULD BE EXPERIENCING AND ‘IF’ they are experiencing these then HOW WOULD THEY BE PRESENTED HERE and even more importantly is there evidence of such experiences because people are describing them?”
‘IF’ this is correct then we can likely deduce a whole variety of ‘unbelievable’ experiences which should actually be, being experienced by people here.
What sort of Virtual Reality Experiences would be possible ‘IF’ you are simulating someone that had REAL Experiences of Virtual Reality, Immersive, Virtual Environments?
For example what if someone here (or many people here) are simulating someone that originally:
- Were employed to use virtual reality gear as part of their job to demonstrate or sell merchandise on the virtual net?
- Were employed as a customer ‘support’ person on the virtual net and helped people solve problems they were experiencing with their companies services or products?
- Regularly used virtual reality gear to play immersive games of different types or to spend time in immersive recreational environments. For example . .
- Shoot em up games . . .
- Magical Realms where people have magical abilities can manipulate the environment, cast spells, make binding contracts and pacts and so on.
- Have virtual environments and spaces for relaxing, stress releasing or for meditation and particularly visual meditations.
- Regularly used virtual reality gear that had an occasional fault or even a known specific ‘glitch’ and particularly one that only happened occasionally, started to happen after a period of time or that only happened under very specific conditions. In a commercial product these types of faults could have impact a large number of people.
- Was employed to be fully knowledgeable of and to demonstrate and sell different virtual reality products of different models to companies or the public?
- Were involved with researching, developing, testing and or comparing the quality of different virtual reality products.
- Employed to review or to construct and or test the ‘accuracy’ of different immersive virtual reality environments, which perhaps required that this person spend serious time testing the quality of each of different virtual environments and even the quality of rendered components (did they feel right, smell right, and could they adjust these). People involved in the design of virtual environments would of course be IN THEM WHILE THEY DID THIS and they’d be able to make design changes to their virtual environment directly. People here simulating someone whom did this originally would likely be able to make none obvious changes here and adjust mood and ambiance of their environment at will. Some people might even be able to be aware of simplifying approximation translations and as part of testing how good these were they would have the ability to FEEL and be aware of what the original environment was like compared to what was actually eventually rendered. Such people would end up being able to grade the authenticity and ‘realness’ of a virtual environment AND how good it was compared to the ‘real’ reality.
- Researched, developed, designed and or tested AND LIVED IN some of the first ‘real world environments’ which would involve all that I describe above BUT there would also be safety features built into so that the avatar form that represents you cannot die when it’s test driving a virtual car for example?
- What about the very likely possibility that the first immersive virtual reality environments would have been developed specifically to test the safety of vehicles and particularly under crash conditions. For these they’d want to have real people interfaced into test simulation as part of these tests to make them as realistic and authentic as possible.
‘IF’ you think about the above for a while then with all of these possibilities it is very obvious that ‘some’ simulated people here whom were intimately involved with virtual reality products and or whom regularly used them or that tested the quality of virtual environments then such people would actually be able tell the difference of themselves being in a ‘real’ reality compared to a virtual one, virtually IN A COMA?
How Would it be Possible for an Alleged REAL Person to be Absolutely SURE that they are NOT IN A REAL REALITY?
In other words, if you have a lot of people in your simulation simulating someone that used virtual reality gear regularly on a day in day out, month in, year out basis then they’d develop an inbuilt automatic feeling and sense of the subtle differences between a real reality and an artificially generated virtual reality. In a counterfeit virtual reality trying to pass itself off as a real environment then people simulating someone with extensive experiences of virtual environments will very likely feel that our reality here is NOT REAL?
Strangely, it is OBVIOUS if you spend some time reading specific forums around the web that some people here very obviously automatically absolutely KNOW that they are NOT in a real reality here. I should point out that in one of those mythical real realities NOT ONE PERSON would feel that their reality was even ‘questionable’.
If we are in a simulation then there ‘WILL’ be people here and likely MANY people whom are not even suspicious about whether they are in some sort of artificial reality because they ABSOLUTELY KNOW that they are?
These feelings and knowing’s would be entirely expected and it would be entirely deducible that people would be very certain of the ‘quality’ of their reality ‘IF’ they are simulating someone whom spent quality time in virtual spaces and artificial realities AND these people are accurately simulating this persons virtual reality experiences minus the virtual reality gear.
Once again the above is very easily deduced and OBVIOUS AND it would account for rather a lot of what some people experience . . . once again I’ve not seen anyone laying out anything that would offer a rational basis for these experiences . . .
If we are simulating a population that had virtual technologies and a virtual net, then are there hidden in plain sight clues that people are having experiences that reflect these possibilities.
So, can you THINK of different aspects of virtual reality engaging technologies AND of distinctly different virtual environment experiences BEYOND that of an ‘earth simulation project’ supporter that different people might be here that would also be evidence that technological advances have been slowed down such that virtual reality experiences are being FUDGED?
How do your EXPECTATIONS make you feel about the quality of your own personal reality experience?
Is your reality as you are EXPECTING it to be? Are you perhaps expecting ‘something’ to be different either in phases or all the time? Let us know how your reality is to you by ticking what most represents your experience below.
PLEASE NOTE!!! The POLL immediately below is ‘INVISIBLE’ in FIREFOX (but not in Internet Explorer or Yandex for example)!!!
‘IF’ you have some ‘very’ specific or strong or continuous expectations then please leave a comment below and give us details . . .
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
November 15, 2014 @ 2:58 pm
New Poll on this page . . .
November 15, 2014 @ 7:49 pm
Hey Clive. It looks like the majority rules. Looks like a lot of people are sick of their reality lol.
November 15, 2014 @ 10:29 pm
Hmm, I’m not sure how I like the wording of the poll. I think there should be options like not expecting anything, for just a little variance. Anyway, my reality has presented itself quite or close to what I expect from others in my life and somewhat for myself. I actually am quite confused about my “expectations,” though. I get the impression that I’m supposed to become powerful, but I’m in a constant state of weakness. This could be an aspect of the script slowly “building” me up to that conclusion. But it is bugging how hampered I am with psychic abilities, physical money, andmy “physical” body. I feel I’m getting farther, but I still have that nagging feeling of being slowed down or in stasis. I’m basically waiting for the next phase, if you will.
November 16, 2014 @ 9:30 am
I’ve added another line to it to give an ‘inbetween’ option.
However there are some variations that I can think of where it’s not just the expectations of how you feel about ‘reality’.
For example:
1. Everyone ‘should’ be accurately scripted AND so you should be following the time line and the life elements they will be expecting however I know some people that were part of the design of the simulation we are in AND their timelines have been re-written in a few cases quite drastically. In those cases they are not living what they expect to live, they don’t have the right job, they are not interacting with the right people. So, ‘reality’ might feel right for them BUT what they are ‘LIVING’ doesn’t feel right.
2. Simplifying approximations could end up drastically changing the environment AND in some cases you won’t be living in the environment your are expecting to, you may not even be with the people you are expecting to be with. People experiencing such drastic changes will have them feeling as if they are ‘A stranger in a strange land’. I felt like this in my early life which wasn’t matched up with the circumstances of the person I’m simulating while the latter part of my life feels fine now because it does.
So, there are other variations beyond just the basic ‘feel’ of reality.
‘IF’ I write pages that lead to the two points above then I’ll add in more survey’s
March 18, 2015 @ 10:25 pm
I was thinking about the fact that the place I live seems to be representing many people who have both 1) and 2).
In this case it would almost seem as if many people were living in their own world OR that each interaction was very isolated and individual because the simulation was having to keep people’s scripted experiences as ‘right’ as possible while simplifying lots, as with what you write on this page:
Basically where I live now it’s almost as if everyone is living a ‘cut down life,’ with the subtle and nature spirit realms having been cut down and disappeared.
I sometimes get a sense that everyone here is in some kind of fog and ‘comes out of a dream’ or ‘dreamland’ when they interact with others but is otherwise very much kept to themselves.
I live in a small but very distinct ‘college’ town where major university is held but it feels very ‘remote’ and aloof/ distant and is often blanketed and surrounded by a very foggy, mistlike, dreamlike sequestered atmosphere.
November 16, 2014 @ 10:27 pm
I woke up from sleep one time and realized I was supposed to have 3 kids. Just as I finished my comment, the song Wednesday Morning 3 AM came on my phone. Coincidence? Ha!
February 15, 2015 @ 8:56 pm
Inside I feel and see myself higher than others actually see me or treat me. I feel I’ve lived a lower life that was not mine not lined up with what I expect on the outside. I’ve literally had my life pushed into certain directions against my will and I feel I’ve been lied to about muskeg making me crazy inside.
March 18, 2015 @ 10:44 pm
well.. hm how do I feel about reality and how ‘real’ it feels?
For me I have always been pretty annoyed with work especially and everything around work. Here is what bugs me:
For one, most people have to come to work really early, even though very few people naturally wake up that early. Why make most people unhappy day in and out with a time that doesn’t suit people’s natural biology?
Secondly why are there so many jobs? Most work can be hugely down sized and so making less people as a whole have to work. And if people are not working it is considered negative, when if the society can become efficient enough that not so many people have to work, it should equate to abundance, and not be a bad thing.
Basically there are a lot more problems with work and with every aspect of life that are obvious and I have brought up to countless people, and everyone agrees, but everyone also says nothing can be done about it.
In a real reality this blatant bad design wouldn’t exist and once it was discovered could be changed. So I have always not been content with reality as ‘real.’
February 6, 2016 @ 11:02 am
I’m 99% sure my script has been re-written once or twice. From teenage years I remember being absolutely certain I’d never have kids and would live single. Literally ‘saw’ it all mapped out. I was ok with it. I dabbled with new age stuff in my early 20s with disillusioning consequences and ended up blocking it all off. In mid-20s doctors suspected I have a brain tumor. I absolutely knew I didn’t, just knew no scans would show any. Then they told me I could never have kids due to whatever it was. I was ok with that. Some sort of spirit guides appeared to me in my late 20s trying to feed me something about a soulmate, pointing out ‘one or two’ as well! I had none of it, it felt manipulated. Have lived without taking notice of ‘guides’ ever since. But I had an experience shortly after which I don’t know where it came from, it was a peculiar… like ‘changing a timeline’, like ‘train tracks of life’ chugging into a different position (knowing what I know now from your texts Clive, I start to think they might have changed their approach as I wasn’t co-operating earlier!) Some odd things occurred around that time too. I had a period of becoming very social, talkative, extrovert, totally out of character. Some while later I met my husband and eventually also gave birth. Another ‘train track change’ came a few years afterwards involving lots of house moves between countries. All of this moving has felt completely orchestrated and many space/time anomalies occurring. I’ve been trying to figure out ever since what the heck is going on. That’s how I ended up finding your website too.
February 7, 2016 @ 4:20 pm
Hi Mia, everyone that worked on the EAAS project had an alternate script written that is then used rather than their actual script of the person they are simulating. As far as I can tell this end up with all EAAS people being very far away from anything related to the EAAS project and their EAAS job / work areas.
Also, some / many people are simulating someone that as a subtle being is millions of years old (some 50 million+ years old). For some of this ‘subtle’ age (like Matt) his timeline here is actually folded over and he’s living through 3,4 or more sections of his script at once in parallel rather than consecutively. This would explain some of what you describe in your comment i.e. your likely ancient as a subtle form – haha
February 6, 2016 @ 7:08 pm
The one single weirdest thing is the need to sleep. That everyone in the world population has to “sign off” for a certain amount of hours in any 24h period – to go where? To “recharge”? And if being deprived of sleep for too long, then completely wrecking havoc on hormone balance and the functioning of mental faculties etc. Never have understood the need to sleep. I’d rather just get on with stuff I want to be doing. Need to sleep is such a give away.
February 7, 2016 @ 4:29 pm
Subtle forms sleep, they spend about 10% of their time sleeping. When a subtle form interfaces a physical form it becomes ‘synchronised’ to the sleep pattern of the animal form it’s using as a vehicle.
On this page here I mention the drone strata and in the comments I describe how ‘shit’ in this strata was managing the people we are simulating. As we have investigated the drone strata ‘data’ in our scripts AND then got a handle on it and deleted it, then the people we are working with outside started to learn to access and ‘hack’ this ‘real’ layer outside too. As they have hacked and cleared this strata’s shit they have stopped dreaming, they also lose their sub-consciousness. In other words the drone strata ‘CREATES’ both dreams and the sub consciousness as part of it’s strategies to directly manage the population.
You’d be amazed as the number of completely independent ways that ‘people’ are being completely f***ed up!!!
November 11, 2016 @ 6:46 pm
I look at all the anger and hatred, all the dividing lines and bigotry in the people around me, and I feel frustrated, lost and helpless. There’s a part of me that says, ‘this isn’t right, this isn’t how things are suppose to be,’ I get the impression that we are all suppose to get along and respect and accept each other for who we are, no matter who or what that may be. There’s also the lack of consideration for what our personal interests and actions are doing to each other and the environment around us (the Dakota Access Pipeline, for example.) It’s like my anger and disapproval should be enough to put a stop to it. Part of me sees all this and wants to yell at everyone, ‘do you not see how you are treating each other, do you not see what you are doing.’ But, at this, I feel a sense of defeat and hopelessness, like I’ve tried to wake them up, I have fought this fight before and I’m tired of fighting a battle that is given little consideration or support.
There’s also a feeling that I should be a lot stronger, able to do more, and more capable than I actually am now. I feel, when it comes to certain issues, that I should know the answer or know what to do in order to resolve it (say, for example, an argument or friction between two co-workers) but I end up drawing a blank, and to some extent I don’t understand why I should have to get involved or solve anything because it’s not my place to interfere.
There’s also this expectation that there should be more comradery with myself and the people I work with, but that’s not the case at all. Granted I do get along with some people, but I feel like an outsider in most cases. I feel that there should be people in my life that aren’t there, and I try to find these people or fit in with those around me and it feels all wrong.
I hope it makes sense.
November 25, 2016 @ 1:45 pm
Hi Megan, yea the sim software makes a big effort to keep specific people ‘isolated and weakened’ it also keeps people you are scripted as interacting with away from you. Try the latest exercise/focus ‘6’ as this also targets ‘missing’ people i.e. people that you ‘should’ have in your life . . . it’s pretty much done the same to me BUT that’s an advantage when you don’t want distractions / and when many people think that what you are doing is ‘crazy’ and waste your time ‘patiently’ coming out with utter bullshit that they mistakenly think ‘isn’t’ – haha!!!
December 12, 2017 @ 8:13 am
Clive, I have examined my life and see many times over the past 58 years. I have experienced on multiple occasions a direct intervention from a type of “scripted,” parameters preventing me from going to the next level, whether it’s within my personal goals or professional goals to facilitate financial funding of any of my inventions. These ideas are not items of worthless clutter, as some would consider such. Many are of high technology in nature and very cutting edge.
For many years, I’ve surmised that we live in some kind of VR, or some very, very complexed simulation. Resources which boarder the unfathomable for our mind to comprehend. I don’t know where we live, but I know for sure what we are told is a total lie. The detail, which has gone into the lie is at every level that I have examined. I no longer wonder if I’m being funneled through gates and diodes, I’m absolutely convinced this is the case. One SINGLE fact has overwhelming evidence pointing to this fact. The human brain has absolutely no type of “hardwiring,” it is the ultimate WiFi connection. It is able to do both uploads and downloads. All within the confines of different frequencies. Light is both a particle and a wavelength. Physics / Science has been working for years trying to explain how the brain and mind works. Many of the explanations are nothing more then a distraction of the truth, misleading the masses of intellectual minds astray down a path of premeditated misdirection and at time outright lies.
My whole point of writing is to share the obvious… where we live and what we perceive as truth and this reality we experience is nothing more then a very, very clever illusion masked with deceit, deceptions, which beguiling the masses all for the experience.
So I while heartedly know what you say is true in regards to this “Matrix,” is “throttled,” to prevent technology from surpassing the ability to create adequate simulation to carry on it’s grand plan. I am proof, I know this to be fact within my own experiences. There is no truth within this perceived reality, it’s all supposition. One man’s truth is another man’s lie.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:42 pm
Yea, Yahron ‘unfortunately’ there is some ‘serious’ clamp down on ‘competent’ people with non standard ‘ideas’ and particularly ones that don’t conform to ‘known physics/how things/reality is imagined to work/function’ and or won’t be helpful of what our simulation is trying to achieve or are considered a threat to it. I personally know the reincarnation of Tesla (although there are many ‘twins’ of the same subtle form!!!), they are not allowed to have enough to live decently/’freely’, they have designed ‘things’ (including ‘free’ energy systems) to ‘exacting’ specifications, taken them to engineering companies to ‘make’ and despite being very clear they always then decide that his design ‘cannot possibly work’ and so change it to ‘how they ‘think’ it should be designed’ without telling them EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!