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    • Clive September 12, 2022 at 6:47 pm on OtherSitesSign of the times . . . (12th Sept 2022) . . . re the global weirdness's that have been ramping up over the last 2 to 3 years now (I wasn't expecting it to go on for this length of time (as a start)!!!) . . . and with my money shrinking, I recently decided to get rid of most of my web sites above and also switch to a more ‘affordable’ web site hosting company for the rest . . . so, I’ve just this site (in public) and a private site I use for ‘musing’ about ‘this and that’ . . . I've also been in the worst 'personal' sabotages over the last few weeks too, a veritable XYZ shit storm . . . !!!!
    • Stacey Hirschausen August 29, 2022 at 1:48 pm on Simulation Technology Slow Down, Human Implants & Enhancements Anomalous Experiences DiscussedWhen mystical becomes technical, when magical becomes digital, when healing becomes code repair, when after death becomes another simulation, when the body becomes an interface and the organic earth a hologram, does it matter?. One of these realities is a repeat loop and the other a creative infinite wonderland with very different pervading laws, perhaps the current world simulation is a violation of a Creation Law which has caused an inversive simulation. One repair code changes the entire field of experience - at the speed of light . Being prepared to give up one simulation to allow what is being blocked, through, may be in the hands of ME YOU and its answer is not in the simulation engine room. if focus is directed within, to locate a place in our interface ( physical body/mind/heart) where "it" cannot reach or go - a place of peace. Instead of trying to repair - improve - or enjoy the current simulation, we recognise, that proving its unreality, is evidenced by gaining a different reality, which can only be received by de-identifying from the current one. Now the very first fear that comes up is - i may lose my mind in fully forgetting, letting go, and what if there is nothing there? I wont remember where i came from and i wont be anywhere. Would this fear of letting go drive and create an entire universe that has locked this secret fear of having "no identity" hidden, so that it may never be faced - the existence of pure self and no thing.
    • Stacey Hirschausen August 29, 2022 at 10:55 am on Self Exploration / Investigation EXERCISE SET-7 – Targeting ALL Defining Origins of ALL Personal Behaviours & PatternsHi Clive, very supportive info. I was thinking about the stillness of mind, of being able to stop the pendulum from bouncing around back and forth in a programme of manifesting opposites. It makes sense that in the still middle there is no programme reacting. In the still middle, maybe the past and future image screen that is keeping the mind " engaged" in the simulation stops. At that point forgetting letting go de-identifying with the "interface" our body, getting off the hook then it releases the current death programme and opens up another, decommissioning the pain and suffering frequencies. Instead of fighting the programme, maybe in stillness we can turn it off and forget it, ( forgive) knowing that what remains is true eternal gifted and certain love.
    • Stace August 25, 2022 at 11:13 am on Negative Issue Identifying HEALING EXERCISE-1: To Identify Everything that Defines or Contributes to my Issues & Moment by Moment ExperiencesI have been prompted to investigate symbols, witchcraft, curses. Its all witchcraft. I see we are " interfaced" by consent everywhere I look, symbols of " witchcraft" are on food packaging, street signs, TV, decor, phones, cars. What we know as simple " business branding" is spell casting. The reason we get out and then pulled back in again us the perceived consent given - we buy, we enter, we connect, we follow, we accept. By deception, we enter the realm of Hell. After Death ( AD) refers to our capture. I trace rhe yingyang and find it to be the strongest bind of all, i see the separation of a part of self being sent into a dark spinning void, the rest of the selfvtrying to reunjt, which causes the yingyang to spin around perpetual energy. The second symbol is the infinity sign which sets the trapped soul on an endless journey around and around, never getting off, mithing different, the pattern. The yingyang, i see it can cause deeper and deeper regressions, split within a split witjin a split, just awful. These particularly are to be rejected, in fact all symbolism is an invutation and consent into duality, which thrives on evil. Selling us the idea" have to have the dark to have the light" is bullshit. In the present moment, we are pure, so the past future projections keep us away from the perfection of now. How to get out? Reject all symbols, see them, call them out. Entrapments set in circles, well known symbols falsely sold as harmless, pretty shapes, brands. They are not nothing but we turn them to nithing by noticing the source tgey come from, has no existence of its own, it requires our mind, sight. Starting to think the swastika is a defence of choice but has been given such a terrible association we feel unable to use it without fear or with certainty. Bless us all, we are waking up!
    • Xin August 16, 2022 at 1:21 pm on Self Healing, Self Exploration EXERCISE SET-8 : Targeting ALL Scripted ‘Debilitating/Unwanted/Limiting/Containing’ ExperiencesHad a weird dream last year in november. It was a dream where me and a group of people infiltrated a facility to rescue someone. It felt like a christian facility because of all the high dome shaped architecture. In this dream me and that group of people were looking for something, I found a black piece of cloth on the floor with the name ‘rose’ on it. I was so happy I shouted to the group ‘ I found Rose!’
    • Melissa July 8, 2022 at 4:47 am on Self Exploration / Investigation EXERCISE SET-7 – Targeting ALL Defining Origins of ALL Personal Behaviours & PatternsI see!! Your tried!! Thanks for your support over the years!! I do come back sometimes and do some focuses and sometimes they help, but yes it is short term. Thanks for all that you do!! Blessings to you!!
    • Clive July 5, 2022 at 1:49 pm on Self Exploration / Investigation EXERCISE SET-7 – Targeting ALL Defining Origins of ALL Personal Behaviours & PatternsHaha, yea (I've not died yet), although almost from boredom, waiting for the shitty EAAS system to reach the 'end point/transformation'!!!
    • Clive July 5, 2022 at 1:17 pm on Self Exploration / Investigation EXERCISE SET-7 – Targeting ALL Defining Origins of ALL Personal Behaviours & PatternsI did explain the base problem in great detail ages ago Melissa: we are in a duplicate reality i.e. you/me/everyone else here is a copy of someone else living out someone else's life, unfortunately this includes all physical, emotional, mental & 'spiritual' issues/traumas/health challenges too . . . so, in working with people DIRECTLY, some for many years I (in being diligent & exceptionally observant) noticed that for some people (likely many, perhaps MOST people here) you aren't allowed to resolve their issues NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO OR HOW MANY HEALING SESSIONS YOU HAD, the fake reality 'system' we are living within wouldn't allow these to be resolved (because they weren't resolved in the original person), although sometimes and for some people you'd just feel temporarily better for a while before it would yet again revert to 'as shitty as was in the past'!! Even worse, I'm pretty sure that the EAAS/fake earth 'system' in actually focused on debilitating and degrading as many people as possible in as many ways as possible as it's been specifically designed to use ill health as a means for a very small group of people to accumulate wads of ca-s-h . . . so rather than work with people for months maybe years with some, maybe many just 'feeling' temporarily better for a while after sessions I chose to not do that as it didn't seem ETHICAL to me with respect to what I'd figured out?!?!?
    • Melissa July 5, 2022 at 4:36 am on Self Exploration / Investigation EXERCISE SET-7 – Targeting ALL Defining Origins of ALL Personal Behaviours & PatternsAre their any focuses that help with releasing blocked, painful emotions? My body feels blocked from releasing bad emotions and guilt and pain. It’s just stuck there, and it makes my days really bad and my whole body hurt. Isn’t the absent clearings supposed to help with that stuff?
    • Tommy June 28, 2022 at 11:08 pm on Self Exploration / Investigation EXERCISE SET-7 – Targeting ALL Defining Origins of ALL Personal Behaviours & PatternsIt’s been ages curious if your still around. It’s a lot of the same old same old here. I’m basically a chunky rage monster whos ear goes iiiiiiiiiiiiiii Xin tried to comment but they don’t get through I was curious if you maybe have some suggestions tips for focusses maybe a update about how things are going at your side? It’s weird since my comments are always the only ones that get through. your doing well. What has the rest been up too btw? I haven’t seen any comments of anyone for ages. The discord is still up for those who might be interested.
    • Xin Ying January 13, 2022 at 2:19 pm on Details of our Subtle/Spirit Form, the Subtle Environment & the Various/Many Anomalous Experiences Substituting for these HereOne project im involved in is codenamed peter pan which i guess relates to myself being from the hermes subtle line
    • Xin Ying January 11, 2022 at 7:25 am on Details of our Subtle/Spirit Form, the Subtle Environment & the Various/Many Anomalous Experiences Substituting for these HereDoing an internship for a dairy company and I managed to find a split of me working in the same company. Not only was she a split of me because we kind of shared the same name but she did coding and even knew a tommy. We are both working under the same supervisor as well which was shocking and her personality was kind of similar to mine. I feel this could be a representation of the subtle body split and we are even going to work on the same project together which relates to big data based on info gathering of nutritional data on the developmental growth of children
    • Xin Ying January 10, 2022 at 4:14 am on Details of our Subtle/Spirit Form, the Subtle Environment & the Various/Many Anomalous Experiences Substituting for these HereHad a few anomalous experience with regards to projection of people’s energy into my space. I would see some people from SH in my life sometimes. I remembered working last month in Victoria Secret and saw a young version of tommy with his dad (took a photo of them and tommy said one of the little boys looked like him when he was young). I kind of concentrated on what was going on and kind of found myself imagining a white VR space and the energy that was projecting out of me could have been tommy’s energy. I saw him again in a store at Benjamin barker but this time older and with this pretty asian lady. I also saw a maya last week when i brought my cat to the vet for a check up. She was a caucasian lady who was holding a golden retriever. I find these experiences pretty weird. I even have a rose split cat cause she seemed to have similar ear problems from what i read on the healing examples page.
    • Melissa January 6, 2022 at 10:56 pm on Glitches in the Matrix: Examples of Reality Manifesting Impossible Changes such as having Observably BIG Macroscopic Objects DisappearingYou're probably a twin flame and are healing. Google it. You probably met your twin flame already after the post here
    • Nina January 4, 2022 at 2:44 am on VR Experiences Investigations EXERCISE-1: Engaging with EAAS VR Seminars, Talks, Healing, Therapy Demonstrations & Knowledge & Skills ‘Attunements’January 2, 2022 0 — I did the focus after feeling triggered by election-related news. I connected to my country's leading presidential candidate (BBM). It seemed he has lots of VR and subtle technology for manipulating and altering the collective memories and opinions of social media users (particular F*c*book) He also has lots of ill-gotten gold (a.k.a. subtle resources) from his father's dictatorship. 1 — I am not sure if social media has access to its users' collective resonances. I sense that social media has so many manipulative energies keeping its users addicted. I connected to TV as a means of subliminal manipulation, either through commercials inducing people to buy products or traditional politicians with song-and-dance numbers enticing viewers to vote for them. The more decent public servants who do care about others have far less manipulative energies or none at all. But they seem less likely to draw in the votes. 2 — I attended the seminar of an enemy by pretending to be a supporter so I could gather intelligence. As a spy, I seemed capable of temporarily taking on the enemy's resonances until someone or something else disables them. The real life equivalent I can think of is that when I'm with anyone else besides the S-H regulars, I act as if reality were real. I even forget that we are in a simulation. Once I'm alone again though, I just seem to remember that I'm a duplicate in a simulated world. I connected to numerology and its algorithms. I felt as if certain number combinations can alter subtle people's consciousness. It seemed that manipulation using numerology was easier in VRs and simulations than in the subtle environment. I'm not surprised the dictator used numerology to make the citizens misremember the date martial law was proclaimed in their country. 3 — I experienced cognitive dissonance while attending a virtual talk from the enemy. I would have been carried away completely if I were not angry at him. 4 — A feeling of being invalidated as an EAAS worker. The closest life representation took place this New Year's Eve. I shared my concerns about the future to a witchy friend, who only told me to think happy thoughts before turning the conversation around so that she gave unsolicited advice. I got too triggered that I lost control of myself and smashed my phone in rage. I thought of George Orwell's 1984, whose protagonist Wilson worked in the Ministry of Truth. Here is Winston's job description: "Winston Smith works in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth, where his job is to rewrite historical documents so they match the constantly changing current party line. This involves revising newspaper articles and doctoring photographs—mostly to remove "unpersons", people who have fallen afoul of the party. Then the original documents are destroyed after being dropped into ducts leading to the memory hole. " It felt like the above paragraph was similar to what I did as the alternate timeline script writer of the EAAS project. I might have doctored the timeline to compress several persons' scripts into a single stand-in because not all members of the original population could be recreated into sim versions in the simulation project. I felt I had lots of trauma over EAAS-related technology. I tend to be a lot more resistant to technology compared to most people around me. I am rather concerned with privacy and hate the reality that our gadgets are being used to gather data about us, which can then be used to create targeted ads to make us buy their products. I also hated that the government trolls can track down dissenters on social media and ask police to threaten or capture them to silence their criticism against the government. I am reminded of the telescreens in 1984: In Oceania, the upper and middle classes have very little true privacy. All of their houses and apartments are equipped with telescreens so that they may be watched or listened to at any time. Similar telescreens are found at workstations and in public places, along with hidden microphones. I think the EAAS workplace has something similar in place and that secret dissenters had to find ways to avoid being caught as much as possible.
    • Melissa December 13, 2021 at 5:33 am on VR Experience Investigations EXERCISE-3: Engaging with VR Experiences of Sharing Avatars & of Avatar Possession, Entity Attachment Experience PossibilitiesJust did this focus because I was having energy flowing into me and I have felt like there are things taking my medications out of my body and then feel this ball of energy between my legs and people are saying that they need to get back to those people and how they get the persons life back to them is to steal it from people over here and get it back to people over there, they call it the past life. It feels like people are inside me and things are taking things away from me. Like everything.
    • Xin Ying October 19, 2021 at 8:17 am on New Age Spiritual, Subtle, Healing & Therapy Experiences as Virtual Reality Environment RepresentationsHi Clive if its possible can you help post this comment here? Hi guys just to let you know our discord channel is still up and running. Do send me a friend request or post your discord ID here for me to add you to the group! We talk about a range of topics from sim stuff to how the weather is today. My Discord ID : miaocat#9150
    • Xin Ying September 28, 2021 at 7:24 am on Details of our Subtle/Spirit Form, the Subtle Environment & the Various/Many Anomalous Experiences Substituting for these HereI find myself relating to being a designer baby. Even my life here is presented as such. The founder of my country lee kwan yew was into eugenics (esp making smarter kids) and my parents met at a dating event organised by the gov where educated people met together. Think this scheme was to encourage such people to get together and make smarter children.
    • Xin Ying August 14, 2021 at 11:45 pm on How Anomalous Is Our Sun & Solar System Compared To Most Others?I think the reason I kinda wrote that way was because if I wrote normally the wind up shit happens ( eg head suppressions) think was my way of coping with the effects when I wrote.
    • Xin Ying August 14, 2021 at 11:44 pm on How Anomalous Is Our Sun & Solar System Compared To Most Others?hi Megan! Well I guess we could have been managed to create the discord group (have a feeling we did it multiple times before with larger group).
    • Megan August 13, 2021 at 12:45 am on Modern Medicine, Quality of Research & Health Care Approaches, Practices & Recommendations & the Observable ‘Insane’ Outcomes!!!Tommy, I know I can’t make you listen to me or do anything I say; I also don’t know what your living situation is, but please hear me out! You need to say ‘no’ to these people! That is how part of your issues is being perpetuated! I get it that you see these people in need or are suffering, and want to help them, but that is how it is set up! It is how good people are buried under mountains of shit, plus their own, and are unable to dig themselves out! I’m taking a shot in the dark here, but I know you may feel bad for doing what I suggest, you may feel guilty for abandoning them in a time of need, you might even be afraid of them getting angry at you or lashing out or even being alone. But you need to do it for you. The reason this keeps happening may also be a part of a deeper trauma that hasn’t been resolved yet. Taking another shot in the dark here, but your addiction issue may also be something other than ‘addiction.’ Have you tried sitting with these feelings whenever you get a craving? I’m also interested in joining the discord server you and Xin created, but I’m more interested in discussing personal issues that are experienced and perpetuated, and what could be understood to resolve them. I tried to DM Xin and Nina, but it required sending a friend request to do so, and when I tried sending a DM after sending the friend request I was unable to send my message because it said I was blocked. I couldn’t even find you Tommy. My handle on discord is flyDragonfly289#2220. Re Clive: I’m still working on these things the best I can. I am still struggling with issues regarding standing up to and talking back at my ‘family.’ I got a mother who doesn’t want to deal with or talk about anything ‘too deeply,’ and a cousin(ex-Navy, has been aware 20+ years) who I stood up to after calling me rude (he called me during a movie in a panic after my mother didn’t pick up the phone, and I hung up on him shortly there after telling him I sent him a text.) He said it was disrespectful and that we are all ‘family,’ and I kind of jumped down his throat after that about how he has treated me when I called him, and how he has never been a part of my life. I blocked him on my phone and on Facebook, and I honestly don’t feel bad or sorry for what I did. This ‘family’ is a bunch of fucking hypocrites anyway. One thing that was going on, on the day I posted my latest comment while I was at work, was fucking Jesus showed up pushing me to talk to my old roommate (I moved in with a new set of roommates who work at the same place I do, but my old roommate’s name would pop into my mind from time to time.) I wonder if this has anything to do with the Christian ‘prayer-network’ and that ‘Divine Call-Center’ you’ve talked about. She is a pretty devote Christian, and there are times I have conveniently shown up at places were people needed ‘help or support’ who were Christian (or had a thing for God.) Thing is, I have half a notion to contact her say, ‘Fucking Jesus has shown up here pushing me to contact you..' but it is another one of those ‘things’ that is kind of a red flag where a lot of good and decent people have been fucked over. Sorry for the long rant.
    • Clive August 12, 2021 at 4:27 pm on How Anomalous Is Our Sun & Solar System Compared To Most Others?That's actually quite impressive Megan, (as I've said below most people seem to be in a lock down mode i.e. you aren't allowed to interfere/impact them in a healing sense ) although 1 or 2 people seem to be in quite 'odd' things specific to themselves. My friend Matt for example seems to be being recycled through some specific i.e. 'key' past times scenario's/experiences in ways that suggest that the current system is trying to either better 'optimise' these (with respect to it's objectives) and or to test out different ways of achieving the same or similar outcomes. I.e. some people (I'm sure) are being impacted in ways that suggest they are being used to test out/optimise different 'key' experiences/impacts!!!! So, for yourself Megan it might be that you've been 'locked down' in the past by the over system so that you have not been allowed to access/deal with specific issues, whilst 'now' you seem to be allowed to access/make some progress in particularly areas i.e. to release past trauma!!! Like I already mentioned I used to have a very bad stammer/speech block that was due to extreme childhood trauma that took me years of effort before I got access to this. I started to try and access the causes/trauma of the stammer (EVERY TIME i.e. EVERY SINGLE TIME I SPOKE TO PEOPLE) when I was 21 and it took me until my late 29'th year i.e. it took me 8/9 years of effort before I got access to and started to be able to feel and also then 'release' the original and exceptionally extreme trauma that I began accumulating as a toddler when I first started to try and speak!!!
    • Clive August 12, 2021 at 4:14 pm on How Anomalous Is Our Sun & Solar System Compared To Most Others?Problem is Nina that information of this type is deliberately converted (here) in a highly symbolic form i.e. what ever the original described circumstances actually was it's converted into an entirely 'made up' highly cryptic form that can easily be interpreted/decoded in multiple and often conflicting viewpoints!!!
    • Clive August 12, 2021 at 4:07 pm on Modern Medicine, Quality of Research & Health Care Approaches, Practices & Recommendations & the Observable ‘Insane’ Outcomes!!!Hi Tommy, I've been having a long rest (and tracking reading about the current cough i.e. 'vi and va' responses/insanities), although this site/all my sites 'shit' levels are through the roof, all my e-mail accounts are also suffering from what seems to me to be completely 'made up' problems too i.e. when I reply/send e-mails I get server errors (when there is nothing wrong with the server), basically all my replied to/sent e-mails just return a server error/unable to send message?!?! So, I'm now having to use a separate e-mail account which was setup by a friend (on his server), to post out/reply to e-mails now!!! I'm also 'still' in my ongoing stress/tension release efforts, despite that I feel there is virtually nothing left of these, although they gradually gone from having me in teeth chattering 'release' effects going on for hours, most days (9+ months ago), these are now down to background i.e. very slight 'teeth chattering' releases usually on going just for a few minutes which rather than daily are just happening maybe once or twice a week now. Since the start of C19 thing (setup by EAAS system objective software as far as I can tell//checking out with way up over 'monitoring' systems) everything going on here seems to have been put into some sort of 'lock down' mode i.e. I've been doing scans for this sites people but it feels to me that these 'aren't' allowed i.e. they are deemed as interfering with upper agenda's i.e. they feel to me as if they're being counteracted/negated!!!
    • Megan August 11, 2021 at 6:39 pm on How Anomalous Is Our Sun & Solar System Compared To Most Others?Clive,  quick update because this last week has been different from anything I've experienced for over a year. I've had the major releases within the last week,  all of them involving a lot of hurt and anger,  towards/from myself, and towards/from others. The first release dealt with my own feelings of hurt and anger,  and my perception/experience of these things.  I was taught,  and observed,  since I was a child that these things were bad and hurt people,  and that's the last thing I wanted to do so I repressed/controlled them the best I could, and the real problem is I didn't know what do do about my reactions,  how I felt or how to change it. The second release was about the anger and things I felt/experienced when it came to dealing with my mother. The thing that came up was a childhood-memory (sometime after my father left) where she and I were working down in the basement,  and something happened,  something wasn't done, where she was suddenly shouting at me about something,  as furious and ugly as sin, and I tried shouting back to stand up for myself and she came back at me with 'don't you dare yell at me again ' This mainly came from my solar-plexus, I saw this shriveled up,  fetal-like child, who was alone and scared and didn't know what to do.  This left me feeling extremely slow and weak and burnt out. The third release has to deal with what I had done to other people as well as what other people have done to myself. I saw myself as a Christian trying to help others, doing the 'right/good' thing,  but that 'belief' came back upon myself as I watched countless people being enslaved and slaughtered. I feel like I've carried that guilt for a long time, and I've lived lives where I tried to counteract or make up for this incident, and nothing has ever worked.  At the same time,  I see myself trying to honestly help people,  trying to come up with someway to resolve what is really happening or going on with people, and I suddenly find myself in a dark cell alone being punished and persecuted for being 'wrong.' I'm crying as I write this, my limbs feel weak,  my chest hurts,  and it feels like there is so much more I have to dig through. I think this is Inquisition stuff (I feel like there were counter-spies in the original group who kept an eye out for those who could sabotage their plans, and were quick to act upon those they found.) By the way Tommy and Xin Ying, reading your comments about your discord server, your comments felt very off to me. They were very 'light and fluffy'. Are you sure you two weren't being managed?
    • Nina July 31, 2021 at 9:48 am on How Anomalous Is Our Sun & Solar System Compared To Most Others?I've been trying to decipher what a few Asian folk tales involving moons and rabbits originally meant. I have asked a split with Japanese ancestry about this and she had said I may be going somewhere. She has a Japanese friend, a fellow split, who seemed obsessed with moons and owned a rabbit. If I sound like I were making up stories completely, then I apologize in advance for wasting your time. A. Houyi and his wife Chang E Several versions of the tale exist, but here are the consistent elements: Houyi, a legendary archer, was known for killing 9 out of 10 suns that scorched the earth dry. He was rewarded with an elixir of immortality. Then Chang E drank the elixir alone, turned immortal, and flew to the moon. Reasons for her doing so varied, from accidental curiosity to selfishness to protecting the elixir from falling into the hands of Houyi’s jealous apprentice Peng Meng. Houyi was someone important to the culture and kept order. This gave him access to important stuff which Chang E stole from him before returning to the subtle. After this our girl lived on the moon with the rabbit which the rabbit could have symbolised her or splits of her. In terms of the origin story of the moon rabbit. this story could have been related to an operational exam of some kind. The animals in the story seem to symbolise animal avatars.
    • Tommy July 30, 2021 at 2:40 pm on Modern Medicine, Quality of Research & Health Care Approaches, Practices & Recommendations & the Observable ‘Insane’ Outcomes!!!Hey Clive multiple people told me they can’t put comments up so I’m trying to see if mine goes through. Xin and Nina told me they couldn’t get anything through. Idk how far wsw are with figuring out addictions but once you guys are that far maybe some assistance please. I’m living your worst nightmare right now people with drugs flock to me like moths to a candle. I’m trying to nice and kind and help them but maybe I shouldn’t sleep with them anymore ow well what’s done is done. Idk who did this part of my script but really? Witches? First that weird Ukrainian. Then Swedish tantric masseuse who I assisted in getting clean with borderline? Autistic transgender sexworker who did porn with crack and heroin addiction? I’m trying to assist with getting her clean but jeez It’s pretty piss taking to be honest. Am kinda frightened what they send next my way. Ow well sorry for ranting I know I live in Amsterdam but holy hell this wasn’t what I expected ow well hope your invisible lot will do some damage control Did hacker Tom or any of the other people who signed up had such a bizar script?
    • Clive June 8, 2021 at 3:22 pm on Modern Medicine, Quality of Research & Health Care Approaches, Practices & Recommendations & the Observable ‘Insane’ Outcomes!!!Hi Melissa, if you remember despite that we are all 'human' here we are actually duplicates of people whom in many cases interfaced to many different (none human) physical animal forms. What you describe could be representing you interfaced (for example) to an underwater species or to a species that lived in a very different atmosphere compared to what we have here. My browser went back to normal (after about 24 hours of sabotages) i.e. this happening seemed to me to be part of a stress/worry focused windup/campaign FU sabotage of my web browsers, accessing and engaging with the internet effort although I'm still having general sabotages with respect to my computers (causing 'functionality' problems for a while). I even got to the point of I trying to install a Linux OS (Q4OS (a generally unbelievably easy Linux version to install)) on my laptop (trying to have a duel boot into linux or windows) to have ongoing and unbelievable problems, I eventually lost my entire windows install?!?! This happening seems 'typical' during this 'extra' FU phase!!! I've also been doing remote scans for Absent Healing signed up people 'BUT' given that we seems to be in a general 'experimental' phase with respect to the agenda of our fake realities 'owners' then they'll be doing 'whatever' suits their agenda which I suspect will include 'blocking' healing efforts that will very specifically 'mess' with what they are doing/trying to achieve (for themselves)!!!
    • Melissa June 8, 2021 at 12:55 pm on Modern Medicine, Quality of Research & Health Care Approaches, Practices & Recommendations & the Observable ‘Insane’ Outcomes!!!Issues with swallowing and breathing through my nose Feels like there are tons of different people in my throat and in my nose and all are fighting over the ability to swallow and breathe. I can barely breathe in my nose and it feels cut off from my lungs. I feel cut off from my lungs and it doesn’t feel like they work. Someone says when I breathe through my mouth that they can breathe through me that way. My mouth feels like it has to stay open and is my normal way of breathing. Feels like there is stuff stuffed in my body. It feels tight and smashed I just had the sensation of breathing through my mouth to my lungs but it was very shallow and the lungs felt lower and small. It doesn’t feel like my lungs. Something won’t let me swallow or close the back of my mouth / throat. It feels like people are using my body to function and live. I feel connected to tons of people that have issues with their swallowing and breathing. Also I have issues with burping and passing gas. Everything feels so tight and like it won’t move. Swallowing is still a problem. I also feel that these other people I am connected to experience eating through me and swallow my food. I feel people coming in and biting down in my teeth. It causes bites in my mouth. It’s like people are eating food through me. I remember my lungs being higher up and deeper breathes. My chest would rise and fall. I used to be able to take deep breathes and it would be connected to my nose and throat. As I try to breathe I feel things blocking off my nose and throat. When I stop trying to breathe through my mouth and bite on my teeth it feels like it is cutting someone else off of breathing. Also it feels like the back of my throat comes back but once I move my mouth open it slides a way. To swallow in the back of my throat is labored and I have to try to do it, it doesn’t come natural. It’s like I am trying to overcome a block in swallowing. Voices saying they can’t let me swallow or won’t let me swallow. Voices in my chest heart area sending energy saying they want me to come back. I don’t know what they mean by this. I am being blocked from swallowing and healing and living a normal life. The back of my throat felt like it lost the back and voices in the back of my throat say they can’t let this come back. When I try to swallow they say they can’t let this come back. They just won’t let me swallow. I just tried to swallow and it’s blocked again. Someone won’t let me swallow. My throat feels blocked. The back of it won’t close and swallow.
    • Clive June 6, 2021 at 4:26 pm on Subtle Cultures Earth Research & Ancient Gods Helping/Supporting the First Incarnated Settlers/Pioneers!!!Hi Melissa, I suspect that we are in an 'upper shits/fake designed software reality' i.e. data system owners research phase i.e. it is very likely that they are trying out different sabotages/debilitations and or also 'improvement/shit reversals' on different people within our population. For example 'today' I find that I cannot view any of my sites in my firefox browser (I use this all the time). although, in just checking now pretty much every site I try and view/browse in Firefox results in a "Gah. Your tab just crashed" message (even Ebay and Amazon?!?!?!). So, when I access '' (this site) I always get a crash notice BUT when I access the same site as an administrator (to check on comments or to update plugins etc.) I get 'normal' access and can (at the moment) seemingly do anything within the 'administrator' space (at least at the moment). Fortunately I've got all of my important browser links in Yandex which (in just checking now) seems to work as it should (at least at the moment).
    • Xin Ying June 5, 2021 at 9:14 am on Historical Past Language Based Evidence of Ourselves as an Immortal Soul Form Incarnated into FleshI was kind of directed to look at the halo series and read about the forerunner culture which led me to looking up the section about precursors. When I saw the design of them I thought they kind of look like crab people and I tried projecting that image in front of me and I found that i resonated with the image and found myself being comfortable with it having an androgynous gender.
    • Melissa June 4, 2021 at 3:32 am on Subtle Cultures Earth Research & Ancient Gods Helping/Supporting the First Incarnated Settlers/Pioneers!!!After I did the focus about my breathing issues I found out that my breathing parts are energetically pinned down with a plug or a nail or something like that and someone said that they wouldn’t take that off till I come back to the past life. I have been getting this message for like ten years or more. They won’t tell me how to get there but they want me to go back to the past life to them. My chest can’t breathe deeply my abdomen is blocked from breathing and my throat gets blocked. It got better after I did the focus but that one part is still blocked and it went back to all being blocked the next day.
    • Melissa June 3, 2021 at 7:22 am on Subtle Cultures Earth Research & Ancient Gods Helping/Supporting the First Incarnated Settlers/Pioneers!!!I just did these two focuses. I am having issues with swallowing. It seems like there is a block to swallow. Because it won’t let me swallow properly there is like pressure and saliva in my mouth. I also am struggling with deep breaths and it feels like everything in my lung and upper abdomen is smashed flat and it won’t let me breathe properly. Swallowing and breathing are a issue. It feels like I am being blocked from doing that. What focuses would you recommend that I do for this Clive?
    • Clive May 24, 2021 at 6:38 pm on Exercise to Target your ‘Artificial/Fake Realities’ Managing/Sabotaging EFFORTSI've done focuses/scans in the past re the javascript site errors Megan, and it didn't make any difference. I used to have a plugin that focused on the comments (allowed more commenting options) which I thought might be causing the problems, BUT getting rid of that didn't make any difference either. Basically the 'system/fake reality' doesn't like this site.
    • Megan May 24, 2021 at 4:16 am on Exercise to Target your ‘Artificial/Fake Realities’ Managing/Sabotaging EFFORTSI see a rectangular strip running from the base of my skull to the first knob of my spine at the base of my neck. Doing the exercise a second time (reading it off a dimmed cellphone screen while sitting in a dark room) my eyes have trouble focusing on what I am reading. I find this surprising because I don't usually have this much trouble looking at my cellphone in this kind of setting. Your comment on ADHD is interesting. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar 1 disorder, and the thing that surprises me the most after being put on medication is that I no longer daydream. I don't have this looking fantasy story in my head, and anytime I try to daydream myself it is extremely irritating and exhausting. Are there any focuses you would recommend to help target the shit sabotaging this site?
    • Xin Ying May 23, 2021 at 8:04 pm on Self Healing, Self Exploration EXERCISE SET-8 : Targeting ALL Scripted ‘Debilitating/Unwanted/Limiting/Containing’ ExperiencesI did the one on dreams again. Was very interesting i keep getting muscle twitches (still getting them now as i write). They are mostly at my leg area (hopefully they are energy releases). I also felt another body twitch feeling i have no idea whose it is but i feel i am connected to it in a disembodied way and its twitching as if its in an enclosed area kinda like a cage. The right side of my neck is kinda of pain too (like a pin prick). Was reading on the part about store ,collect save and I saw like a computer file labelled ‘tommy’ again. I couldnt open it but it could be a distraction
    • Xin Ying May 12, 2021 at 10:38 am on Self Healing, Self Exploration EXERCISE SET-8 : Targeting ALL Scripted ‘Debilitating/Unwanted/Limiting/Containing’ ExperiencesWhile doing the section on dreams I saw a lone man standing in the dark with a circle of light shining on him (prob a distraction) i also saw tommy’s file for a brief period as well. After doing the exercises I managed to gain access to a vr reprogramming shit where i was being placed in a room where a situation was replayed over and over and got scarier and scarier overtime. I woke up and fell asleep again and the VR space was revealed to be a stage set with the people in my dream talking to me in a friendly fashion. The people I was talking to was a man and a woman and I was discussing with them about healing activities such as group meditation which they mocked. As I have seen these people many times in my dreams I was wondering if they were mentors of mine and the vr reprogramming shit was a form of spy activity. Overall very interesting and I feel i am more sensitive to things going on around me. Will keep trying.
    • Xin Ying May 5, 2021 at 4:31 pm on Awareness of My Higher Self, Subtle Spirit Form Designing Subtle Body Functioning Adjusting ImplantsHi nina! Xin ying here! Managed to get your invite! i sent the friend invite to the discord server in your dms, hope youre able to slide into it like a piece of semi melted butter without issue!
    • Clive May 5, 2021 at 1:54 pm on Awareness of My Higher Self, Subtle Spirit Form Designing Subtle Body Functioning Adjusting ImplantsHi Nina, it's very possible that ADHD could be caused by the subtle to physical interfacing being blocked or sabotaged i.e. the physical form is nothing more than a remote 'puppet' hence then your 'thinking' and decision making abilities relate to and are then entirely dependent on your subtle form. In other words, your physical form is dependent with respect to it's 'thinking' on the integrity of the subtle to physical form interfacing. If this is being interfered with such that the 'thoughts and or decisions' of your subtle are blocked i.e. prevented from reaching/impacting your physical form then it's very possible you'd be or feel 'mentally' blank i.e. because you've made to be disengaged from the subtle forms thinking process/thoughts and decisions. On this page here, I describe 'seemingly' being peered at/disturbed by what seemed to be ghostly forms. However, subtle administrator forms will very likely regularly 'shift' their awareness/consciousness i.e. awareness/thinking focal point between the subtle reality and also any avatar they are interfaced to. Sometime they are even likely to temporarily disengage from the remote physical vehicle because something way more important requires their full attention within the subtle. Such that while they are then 'completely' subtle reality 'engaged/orientated' their physical avatar form is then very likely to present itself as 'blank' i.e. 'driverless' specifically because the consciousness/intelligence has been temporarily disengaged/withdrawn from the physical avatar form!?!?!
    • Nina May 5, 2021 at 6:11 am on Awareness of My Higher Self, Subtle Spirit Form Designing Subtle Body Functioning Adjusting ImplantsTo Jack: The reply button on your comment regarding my supposed absence is not working, so I am forced to post a separate comment here. Actually, I read every single one of Clive's post and every single comment when they come out at least once. Sadly, I have a terrible history of commenting issues in the past. I don't think this issue is totally gone yet given my adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) diagnosis. I am prone to writing distracting comments for the sake of writing / contributing without thinking whether what I write makes sense. It's as if some manipulating shit is jumbling my mind and using my strengths, issues / trauma against me (ex. people pleasing behavior, seeking others' approval / validation) so whatever important information I meant to share gets lost. I end up writing irrelevant shit instead, which then gets deleted (for good reasons). I've to put up with my disorder on top of the usual simulation software sabotages affecting all of us here. I am put off from engaging further with info on this site ever since I oriented myself to finding out the root cause of ADHD. I've difficulty figuring out what subtle-to-physical interfacing or my subtle form has, much less figure out what exactly had been done to my original form's Central Nervous System (CNS) originally. It's distraction after distraction, with hobbies and shit interaction from others taking up a lot of time. I have just contacted Maya recently. I doubt she'll go back here anytime soon. Should anyone wish to contact me on Discord, my handle is Nina#9562. I've just sent a Discord friend request to Xin Ying. I hope she receives it. (Xin, if you receive my friend request, please link me to the other regulars here. Thanks!) I'm unable to add Tommy though. Copied and pasted his Discord handle and the friend request just gets rejected. Clive, you have my permission to give my email address to Tommy, Xin, Jack, or any regular here.
    • Xin Ying May 4, 2021 at 3:36 am on Awareness of My Higher Self, Subtle Spirit Form Designing Subtle Body Functioning Adjusting ImplantsHi clive! We managed to create a server although with some difficulty. Minor issues thus far probably because the three of us dont really pose a threat to the system. If any other person would like to join please post your discord ID here! I think its best to not make it a public chat since who knows what might happen if we let the flood gates open.
    • Tommy May 3, 2021 at 10:50 pm on Awareness of My Higher Self, Subtle Spirit Form Designing Subtle Body Functioning Adjusting ImplantsJack I’m on discord I added xin. But eh yeah Crazy Coyote The Third #2676 is me on discord. I also run around on Quora as Thomas Haage. I think a little wsw reality hacking discord server would be nice. It’s easy. Clive do a focus for that Ukrainian that was staying with me. When he fucked around with the clock in my room you had clock issues. When he fucked around with the keyboards you tell me keyboard issues. Might be coincidence but his name was andrii maybe have a little gander. Jack just whip up a discord and me or xin will grab it. Curious if the rest is going to join. Lots of old people who used to comment are kinda gone or prolly can’t comment. Hope their doing better then me and suggestions tips tricks of the rest would be nice. Ow and everyone is welcome to join just add me or xin in discord and I or her might just make a quick server.
    • Jack May 3, 2021 at 5:02 pm on Awareness of My Higher Self, Subtle Spirit Form Designing Subtle Body Functioning Adjusting ImplantsHi Xin Yin, just added you on discord..I couldn't send you a message
    • Xin Ying May 3, 2021 at 2:39 pm on The Anomalously Thick Coal Seams ‘Fuel’ Resources Presenting Many ‘Out Of Place Artefacts’ ProblemI was thinking about other anomalies and find that in terms of interfacing into a human form, people that were interfaced to amphibious creatures or crustaceans would have anomalous skin conditions such as Hyperhidrosis which is excessive sweating. This apparently affects 2.8% of the population and is similar to the adaptation of amphibians’ moist skin or the need for crabs to keep their gills moist to breathe on land.
    • Xin Ying May 3, 2021 at 2:22 pm on Awareness of My Higher Self, Subtle Spirit Form Designing Subtle Body Functioning Adjusting ImplantsHi jack! Here is my linkin profile I saw your message but am not sure if you were able to see my reply to you.
    • Xin Ying May 3, 2021 at 1:16 pm on Awareness of My Higher Self, Subtle Spirit Form Designing Subtle Body Functioning Adjusting ImplantsHi clive! I understand why youre so against a more dynamic groupchat. If this kinds of bad inconvenience things keep happening to you to distract you and even harass you just because you run this site and try to facilitate a more semi-direct conversation in the comment section, worse shit might happen if we tried more direct discussion. Even when jack mentioned about contacting with nina and maya, they seem to be directed away from engaging with this site as well. Probably communication such as that on instagram might be allowed as there is minimal dialog between people which is why memes are so prevalent. If the sim is trying to prevent us from contacting with others I am going to try and do the exercises that clive mentions in reality walker and the self help handbook to try to gain more info and abilities myself as I hardly have an iota of the abilities Clive has managed to gain. In terms of my discord ID it is miaocat#9150 but I have no idea if communication would work.
    • Clive May 3, 2021 at 1:06 pm on Awareness of My Higher Self, Subtle Spirit Form Designing Subtle Body Functioning Adjusting ImplantsLike I said, I personally haven't signed up/joined any social/media groups BUT if there is a way to create a group 'elsewhere' (i.e. is separate from this site) so that people here that want to chat about this site could use then I wouldn't mind someone else setting that up and then giving me details so I can post them here for anyone here to access this.
    • Clive May 3, 2021 at 1:00 pm on Awareness of My Higher Self, Subtle Spirit Form Designing Subtle Body Functioning Adjusting ImplantsI just posted a 'test' comment on the same page and I didn't have any errors. Like I said, the problem is 'unlikely' to be the site itself, the problem is that we are living in a software defined reality (the 'EAAS', the 'Earth As A Simulation') and it doesn't like this site describing details of itself (in public), although it's also very possible it won't like either certain people commenting here and or comments with specific content either!!!!
    • Jack May 3, 2021 at 4:41 am on Awareness of My Higher Self, Subtle Spirit Form Designing Subtle Body Functioning Adjusting ImplantsHi Xin Ying, sent you a message on Link in. Please check.. seems like I am having issues now posting here.. Java script error. Also, Tommy how can we connect with you?
    • Jack May 3, 2021 at 1:15 am on Awareness of My Higher Self, Subtle Spirit Form Designing Subtle Body Functioning Adjusting ImplantsHi Xin Ying I just added you on Link in. pls check. I couldn't send you a DM. I like Tommy's idea of the discord group, how can we connect? I feel like trash most of my life, and really wanted to change as well, I know how you feel.