I’ve updated the very,very bottom/last few paragraphs ‘WAREHOUSE’ STORAGE, MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION/SECURITY ‘COSTS/CHARGE’ . . . the warehouse/birth certificate tax it’s for ‘warehouse/storage’ of your subtle/soul/spirit form!!!!
Based on what I’ve presented on previous pages/sections of this series, we are all ‘subtle’ beings or what I’d describe as an energetic/frequency/resonance based life form, that (in our terms) is often locally referred to as the soul or subtle/spirit form.
These subtle beings originated within and hence then ‘appear’ to be natural to an exceptionally different higher frequency/resonance based ‘subtle’ strata, which is just one of a set of stratas that are part of the base characteristics of the entire meta universe’s base structure/configuration.
However, sometime in their (and then our) very, very distant past, ancestral versions of ourselves (the spirit/soul form that is interfaced to the human body avatar) very, very gradually becomes aware of another separate as well as very different parallel to themselves ‘universe’ strata, which in being way, way slower in base matter/frequency terms compared to there own, is then the ‘physical’ universe strata, which (as I described on an earlier page here: The ‘REAL’ Subtle Energetic Body Anatomy of our Androgynous Soul Form & its Differences Compared to the Physical Human Body Explained), they then start to remotely investigate and research what to themselves as an energetic resonance based life form living within a none physical/resonance based ‘subtle’ environment would be an exceptionally strange/alien place/environment (at least compared to there own).
However, over time these physical strata/physical universe investigations of (in most cases) generally inert/lifeless physical worlds/planets eventually results in them finding one (that we know of) that is presenting a vast variety of physical life. On then directly remotely investigating and researching such a world this have result in themselves gradually them learning how to interface themselves more and more ‘coherently/seamlessly’ to different physical animal forms, such that it likely wouldn’t take them long before they started to interface more and more of their subtle populations to some perhaps very different physical animal forms while also then more and more seriously considering and then eventually starting a physical civilisation/culture!!!!
If any subtle culture did consider doing this, it is then also very, very likely that they’d interface some of their subtle population to a variety of animals as part of setting up one or more very small physical earth world communities perhaps also including some wandering tribes as a small herd of horses or as a pack of wolves for example!!!
In them, then having members of their subtle population spending permanent time within a few likely very small communities and or as mobile tribes they’d also then begin to figure out all of the dangers/problems associated with different environments and habitats including for example dangerous predators, poisonous plants, water sources etc. etc. while also giving the subtle researchers focused on the physical ‘colony’ efforts and those working on the ‘experience an incarnated physical life’ project trying to figure out how to support/facilitate their subtle forms to adapt to the physical environment and to being interfaced to an animal form as well as getting used to the planet’s day and night cycle as well of the yearly seasons that are an inherent part of a physical planet’s natural cycles while they also learn to more and more adapt the subtle form and or the interfacing to help them synchronise with these as well as of the habits, instincts and life cycles of the animal specie types that they’d have volunteered or chosen to be interfaced to . . .
If you’ve managed to take in what I’ve been describing above then you’ll now be aware that it is exceptionally likely (as I’ve regularly pointed out elsewhere) that the human body you are presently using the eyes of to read this with is essentially nothing more than a remote vehicle, an ‘avatar’ being driven around by an ‘intelligent’ none physical energetic/resonance based ‘organism’ which coincidentally, is what is commonly described or labelled as the soul, the spirit and or the subtle body form here . . .
The Early ‘Common Knowledge’ Of The Immortal Soul/Spirit/Subtle Form & the Subtle Environment Origins Problem
In this respect, the closer you are to the earlier past times when the first human and or other animals were chosen as part of efforts to interface a much larger population of subtle beings/soul form to the physical earth environment then the more aware these incarnating ‘pioneers’ will absolutely/utterly of themselves as absolutely being a very, very different none physical, subtle/spirit form that has been interfaced/incarnated into a specific physical animal form, very specifically to have an animal avatar experience of living on the surface of a physical planet/world.
It is in fact exceptionally likely that during the earliest ‘moving the subtle population’ to the physical efforts that all of these whom then find themselves interfaced to any physical animal form would actually then be DIRECTLY/EXPLICITLY aware of their immortal subtle being/form origins ‘AND’ they’d also absolutely know that they have been deliberately interfaced to some physical animal form (which could be human or another animal) which, unlike themselves ISN’T ACTUALLY ‘IMMORTAL’, but has a very, very limited life span, at least compared to any immortal being that may have already been around for a few millions of years!!!
In a very basic sense if you are interfacing an invisible/cannot easily be seen/viewed spirit/soul form specifically to one or more physical animal species, very specifically to use this animal as a remote vehicle/avatar and particularly as part of offering the spirit/soul form an incarnated physical/join my physical civilisation life/experience, then isn’t it exceptionally likely that some if not many ‘inherent/normal’ characteristics/details of the immortal/androgynous/asexual subtle/spirit/soul form will be reflected/represented within early physical language!!!!
In this respect isn’t it actually very, very, very likely that early language would be directly as well as exceptionally ‘explicit’ with respect to having words describing both their early circumstances as well as at least some of the characteristics of the very, very different none physical as well as immortal spirit/soul form that now found itself interfaced to a human or other physical animal ‘vehicle’!!!!
Some Base Descriptions & Definitions of the Spirit, Soul Form, Being Made into ‘Flesh’ by being Interfaced to a Physical Animal Form
In this respect, it’s possible that some of you whom that are reading this whom are currently interfaced to a human avatar may then actually be aware of the use of and or the meanings of a whole load of often well used terms (at least within certain circles) that have been and or are still currently being used to describe facets of the none human, none physical ‘intelligence’ that is actually what allows humans here to at least have the potential to be intelligent . . . a level of intelligence that maybe actually (for example) allows you to read characters on a screen, presented in a form of writings that are attempting to convey certain meanings and or concepts/ideas and particularly as part of trying to define and or explain certain specific things to others . . . which after reading, you can then attempt to ‘THINK’ about and or then ‘EVALUATE’ . . . which in some cases for certain people can easily be made difficult because in that all of your ‘real’ thinking processes are literally going on SOMEWHERE ELSE then your ability to take in and evaluate anything can then via the bi-directional interfacing be manipulated and particularly via systems designed into the interfacing and or your none physical real ‘spirit/soul/subtle forms ‘thinking’ processes.
Maybe an example of the effects of this being done would be that you’ve read this page and also the previous one BUT you didn’t relate what was written to any of the terms I’m going to point out below never mind not having at least some ‘musings’ related to specific words and or early ‘language’ possibilities which would perhaps imply that you are being managed to NOT THINK OF WELL USED AS WELL AS OBVIOUS ‘RELATED’ INFORMATION & OR DESCRIPTORS/TERMS that are actually ‘evidence’ of what I’ve been pointing out/trying to make more explicit within these pages!!!!
PLEASE NOTE: For the terms and definitions below I have searched the internet and taken and then blended together descriptions which are presented on sites offering various dictionary and or etymology (past language origins) references/definitions!!!!
Base Descriptions/Definition of the Soul: A substantial entity believed to be that in each person which lives, feels, thinks and wills. The soul, in many religious, philosophical, and mythological traditions, is the incorporeal essence of a living being. Soul or psyche (in Ancient Greek is equivalent “to breathe”) comprises the mental abilities of a living being: reason, character, feeling, consciousness, memory, perception, thinking, etc.
Sometimes said to mean originally “coming from or belonging to the sea,” because that was supposed to be the stopping place of the soul before birth or after death [Barnhart]; if so, it would be from Proto-Germanic *saiwaz (see sea).
For some it’s the spiritual or animating or vital principle embodied in human beings, all rational and spiritual beings, or the universe. It gives ‘life’ the vital principle and hence then is what ‘gives life’ to physical organisms!!! Plato’s view of the soul: Plato considered the psyche/soul to be the essence of a person, being that which decides how we behave. He considered this essence to be an incorporeal, eternal occupant of our being. Plato says that even after death, the soul exists and is able to think. He believed that as bodies die, the soul is continually reborn in subsequent bodies.
COMMENT/S: Again we’ve a lot of what can only be described as indirect and for the most part difficult to conceptually understand, never mind the need to interpret/decode ‘symbolic’ terms/descriptions presented within the above.
As described on the previous page the subtle body form is vaguely equivalent to a dynamic ball of plasma/’energy’ i.e. it is frequency/resonance based and hence then is exceptionally different to and then actually very hard to describe in ‘physical’ only conceptual terms.
However, let me try and do this now by specifically using ‘BREATH’ to ‘illustrate’ this ‘energetic/resonance/frequency based none physical’ form in a way that pretty accurately ‘symbolically’ represents the base ‘energetic/frequency’ characteristics of this form!!!! Basically, if on a very cold day you step outside and take in a large breath of air and then after a few seconds deliberately breathe out through your mouth then you will actually ‘SEE’ your breath because it temporarily becomes visible as an amorphous semi transparent cloud of temporarily elevated in temperature (compared to the surrounding air) dynamically moving ‘air and likely water’ particles . . . which also ‘fits’ with the Atman reference further below too . . .
Base Descriptions/Definition of Incorporeal Essence: (usage begins in 15th century) Middle English incorporealle, from Anglo-French incorporel, from Latin incorporeus, from in- + corporeus corporeal. Not corporeal : 1. having no material body or form but a spiritual form, OR relating to, or constituting a right that is based on property (such as bonds or patents). Synonyms (words of equivalent meaning): bodiless, ethereal, formless, immaterial, insubstantial, nonmaterial, nonphysical, spiritual, unbodied, unsubstantial. Antonyms (words of opposite meaning): bodily, corporeal, material, physical, substantial.
Atman (n.): in Hindu philosophy, the self or soul, 1785, from Sanskrit atma “essence, breath, soul,” from PIE *etmen “breath” (a root found in Sanskrit and Germanic; source also of Old English æðm, Dutch adem, Old High German atum “breath,” Old English eþian, Dutch ademen “to breathe”).
COMMENT/S: Let me point out a few conceptually ‘weird’ things here!!!! You essentially have a subtle, spirit, soul form/entity/species that is both directly and automatically taking in ‘nutrition/sustenance’ directly from the environment. Hence, in terms of finding a ‘best fit/closest physical earth life equivalent’, and particularly in human/earth conceptual terms related to life, would make the soul/spirit/subtle form equivalent to something like a plant (or better still maybe a ‘tree’) specifically because trees take in ‘radiation/emissions’ from the sun (to use as ‘energy’) as well as invisible components directly from the air (specifically CO2 as ‘food’). Hence then a ‘tree’ would perhaps be the closest equivalent in ‘life on earth’ terms to the spirit/soul/subtle forms food/nutritional and or energy intake abilities/capacity . . .

Strangely I couldn’t help notice that within Dante’s circles of hell descriptions, he describes one (the 7th hell of ‘Violence Against the Self) that has people being made into a tree. Strangely, in that Dante describes quite a few of what are in many ways, way more conceptually realistic ‘hells’ BUT then suddenly throws into the mix a hell where people are made into a tree . . . AND . . . remember what I mentioned about the management via the interfacing . . . strangely there is a deafening ‘SILENCE’ around this possibility, there is never any ‘WTF’ response along the lines of . . .
“How could anyone be made into a tree or experience ‘Being a TREE'”!!!!
Which shouldn’t come as a surprise should it when ‘conceptually’ the only way you can become a tree is to be interfaced to one, which would be no more difficult than what has been done to interface you reading this to your human avatar/vehicle.
Perhaps it would be more realistic to translate the ‘Violence Against the Self’ as being despair/desperation due to themselves no longer being a subtle form living within the subtle environment, within which you don’t have to drink water regularly, nor eat food 2 or 3 times a day, just to continue to live, nor do subtle/spirit forms need to work to buy food either!!!
In this respect it’s then very possible that an aware of themselves as a subtle form interfaced to a human would perhaps prefer to be what they really are while also perhaps preferring to live within its natural/original subtle environment i.e. living as a subtle spirit form that automatically takes in all sustenance needs automatically from its environment while never ever having to work regularly to ‘live’ either . . . such that, is it not possible. maybe even likely that some, whom on finding themselves incarnated into the physical (perhaps even forcibly, perhaps they were press ganged/kidnapped in the subtle!!!!) might find themselves at least ‘unconsciously/subconsciously’ becoming desperate with respect to finding themselves living a physical life . . . perhaps even to the point of becoming suicidal . . . !!!!
However, if they did then kill themselves/their physical body (which in their terms is perhaps nothing more than a remote physical vehicle/avatar used to engage with the earth’s physical environment) . . . and hence then are perhaps doing this specifically to escape perhaps ‘some’ hellish physical circumstances . . . then how much of a piss take do you think it would be for them to then find themselves interfaced into the physical yet again, but this time as a tree . . . which, I strongly suspect they’d find a lot harder to kill/de-interface themselves from at least compared to a human animal form . . . despite that they are also finding themselves as a tree experiencing circumstances equivalent to being tortured . . . ‘I quote’ . . .
” . . . are then fed upon by Harpies, hideous clawed birds with the faces of women; the trees are only permitted to speak when broken and bleeding . . . Dante learns that these suicides, unique among the dead, will not be corporally resurrected after the Final Judgement since they threw their bodies away; instead, they will maintain their bushy form, with their own corpses hanging from the thorny limbs . . . “
Strangely however, we actually have films depicting intelligent trees (don’t tell me you’ve magically forgotten about the “Day of the Triffids” (as both a film and series)). Strangely however, if you actually were living as any type of tree you’d expect to produce ‘blossom’ i.e. flowers, in which case anyone here that’s lets say ‘representing’ someone interfaced to a tree would perhaps feel compelled to wear ‘flowery’ clothes perhaps specifically at times related to the tree’s flowering time/season!!!
Coincidentally Eddie Izzard (comedian/actor) likes to wear flowery clothes, even more coincidentally he was one of the main actors in the ‘Day of the Triffids’ series!!!!
Strangely, basic observation abilities and or the ability to make connections between directly related topics/experiences/FACTS doesn’t often seem to be a strong point within our weird reality here!!! DOES IT!!!
Can you think of any even more bizarre as well as DIRECTLY/STARKLY SHOCKING ‘people as trees’ possibilities!!!! Strangely, if you cannot, then perhaps this means that that you are then completely unaware that we actually DO HAVE PEOPLE BEING VISIBLY DEPICTED/PRESENTED AS TREES HERE!!!
I’m being deadly serious about this!!!! We ‘do’ have people being presented as if they are a tree here!!!
Here are some pictures:
If you make an effort to read about how their condition impacts themselves then you’ll become aware that what they are experiencing is HELLISH!!!!
Strangely, in myself making an effort to read about these people/this condition I’ve not once noticed any scientist/academic/doctor type mention how this condition makes those with this condition have many visible characteristics that are strongly reminiscent of a tree . . . hence then it’s not a surprise that I’ve also not noticed anyone correlate this condition to Dante’s 7th circle of hell either . . . ‘basic observational abilities’ coupled with wide ranging scale of interests/knowledge . . . often reveals all sorts of very interesting correlations . . .
More correlation weird experiences/evidence relating to incarnated ‘people’ as subtle beings can be found on this page here: Details of our Subtle/Spirit Form, the Subtle Environment & the Various/Many Anomalous Experiences Substituting for these Here
Base Description/Definition of ‘Spirit’: Meaning “supernatural immaterial creature; angel, demon; an apparition, invisible corporeal being of an airy nature” is attested from mid-14c.; from late 14c. as “a ghost” (see ghost (n.)). Your spirit is the part of you that is not physical and that consists of your character and feelings. A person’s spirit is the immaterial intelligent or sentient part of a person i.e. the ‘non-physical part of them’ that is believed to remain alive after the death of the physical body. When someone dies it is the ‘spirit’ that leaves the body, which is sometimes seen and then described as a ghost or spirit form by others (that have usually been close to them)!!! The use of the word spirit then also refers to a ghost (as a supernatural being).
COMMENT/S: . . . I’d yet again like to point out that animals are driven in a base sense by instinct/instincts/drives rather than ‘intelligence’, never mind that in the above it is made clear that it is the ‘spirit’ which is the ‘immaterial’ intelligence i.e. it is this ‘spirit’ form what actually confers the ‘intelligence’ on the human form!!!
Past Word Origins & Definitions of Psyche, Psychology & Psychic
Base Descriptions/Definition of the Psyche: (plural psyches is a shortened form of psychology, from French psychologie, from Latin psychologia) denotes the human soul, mind, or spirit. (Psyche). The human mind as the central force in thought, emotion, and behavior of an individual. Psychology: The science of the human soul; specifically, the systematic or scientific knowledge of the powers and functions of the human soul, so far as they are known by consciousness; a treatise on the human soul. Psychology: the science conversant about the phenomena of the mind, or conscious subject, or self.
Past Origins of Psyche (n.): 1640s, “animating spirit,” from Latin psyche, from Greek psykhē “the soul, mind, spirit; life, one’s life, the invisible animating principle or entity which occupies and directs the physical body; understanding, the mind (as the seat of thought), faculty of reason” (personified as Psykhē, the beloved of Eros), also “ghost, spirit of a dead person;” probably akin to psykhein “to blow, cool,” from PIE root *bhes- “to blow, to breathe” (source also of Sanskrit bhas-), “Probably imitative” [Watkins].
Also in ancient Greek, “departed soul, spirit, ghost,” and often represented symbolically as a butterfly or moth (a ‘flying through the air’ creature). The word had extensive sense development in Platonic philosophy and Jewish-influenced theological writing of St. Paul (compare spirit (n.)). Meaning “human soul” is from 1650s. In English, psychological sense “mind,” is attested by 1910.
Past Origins of Psychic (adj.): 1872, “of or pertaining to the human soul” (earlier psychical, 1640s), from Greek psykhikos “of the soul, spirit, or mind”.
COMMENT/S: the above collection of definitions will give you some idea of how over time ‘original’ in the past and perhaps way more ‘ACCURATE’ definitions/meanings are superseded by modern and in fact more and more misleading ‘science’ based definitions all very gradually making the original and hence then way more ‘ACCURATE’ past/historical context/meanings of specific terms less and less obvious!!!
As the soul/spirit/subtle form (as described on the previous page) is always in the air i.e. it is always ‘flying’ as there is no ground then representing or referring to the departed ‘spirit’ as a flying creature such as a moth or butterfly is in a conceptual sense pretty accurate/realistic!!!!
Let me give you some yet more ‘interesting’ words to think about . . .
Past Word Origins & Definitions Related to being Being ‘Animate/an Animal Form’ that requires to continually ‘BREATHE’ to Continue to Live/Stay Alive!!!
Animate (adj.): “alive,” late 14c., from Latin animatus, past participle of animare “give breath to,” also “to endow with a particular spirit, to give courage to, enliven,” from anima “life, breath” (from PIE root *ane- “to breathe”).
Exanimate (adj.): “inanimate, lifeless,” 1530s, from Latin exanimatus “lifeless, dead,” past participle of exanimare “to deprive of air or breath; tire, fatigue; to deprive of life; to terrify,” from ex “out” (see ex-) + animare “give breath to” (see animate (v.)). Related: Exanimation.
Pneuma (n.): used in English in various sense, from Greek pneuma “a blowing, a wind, blast; breeze; influence; breathed air, breath; odor, scent; spirit of a person; inspiration, a spirit, ghost,” from pnein “to blow, to breathe,” from PIE root *pneu- “to breathe,” of imitative origin (compare Greek pnoe “breath,” pnoia “breathing;” Old English fnora “sneezing,” fnæran “to snort”).
*ane- Proto-Indo-European root meaning “to breathe.”: It forms all or part of: anemo-; anemometer; anemone; anima; animadversion; animadvert; animal; animalcule; animalistic; animate; animation; animatronic; anime; animism; animosity; animus; Enid; equanimity; longanimity; magnanimous; pusillanimous; unanimous.
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit aniti “breathes;” Greek anemos “wind;” Latin animus “rational soul, mind, life, mental powers, consciousness, sensibility; courage, desire,” anima “living being, soul, mind, disposition, passion, courage, anger, spirit, feeling;” Old Irish anal, Welsh anadl “breath,” Old Irish animm “soul;” Gothic uzanan “to exhale,” Old Norse anda “to breathe,” Old English eðian “to breathe;” Old Church Slavonic vonja “smell, breath;” Armenian anjn “soul.”
COMMENT/S: How many different references/angles of distant past historical descriptions do you need before it sinks in that the soul/spirit is describing in terms of ‘breath’ as well as ‘feelings and sensitivities’ i.e. we have terms and descriptions being used to categorise ‘something’ that don’t relate/equate to a physical/material form BUT they do relate to ‘something’ equivalent to an amorphous energetic cloud like being/form that in then being INTERFACED to the human form is then ‘animating’ the human form never mind while also very like being responsible for the human’s level of intelligence (at least compared to the other physical ‘animals’ that we have here)!!!!
Base descriptions of the Higher Self & Divine Self: Higher self is a term associated with multiple belief systems, but its basic premise describes an eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and intelligent being, who is one’s real self. Blavatsky formally defined the higher self as “Atma the inseparable ray of the Universe and one self”.
Many people refer to the levels of your being using such words as higher self, soul, spirit, and Divine Self. It is also referred to as the Divine Self, ‘spirit’, God/ess and for some ‘The Presence’ or the ‘I AM PRESENCE’, all of which are coincidentally referring to the source or essence of all life. The Divine Self is described by some as within you, while being as eternal, infinite consciousness, free from all attachments and beyond all action; it is described as constant and unchanging, birth less and deathless.
COMMENT/S: Strangely in describing what is presented here as the higher or divine self and or spirit in these terms (as both birth less and deathless/eternal) this then directly implies that this form/being/organism neither experiences being born nor does it experience itself as ever dying either. Which actually then directly implies that it is an organism that is not only immortal but for it to not experience being born (which is the outcome of sexual conjugation/propagation) then directly implies that it is an organism that actually propagates by ‘dividing’ itself, very specifically because this is the only form of propagation that produces offspring that then aren’t actually given birth to i.e. they are not then actually ‘born’.
This Self/the Divine self (likely called divine because it’s both immortal AND its view point is above ‘everything’) can only be known through a direct experience of ‘It’ and cannot be known through the rational mind. It is described as the Oneness from which all life comes, and to which all life returns. Your soul is also described as living on the soul plane/level, a dimension of light and vibration . . .
COMMENT/S: It was hard, pretty much impossible for me to get my head around interpreting the above until I looked up the old/older meaning of ‘Life’ . . .
Life (n.): Old English life (dative lif) “animated corporeal existence; lifetime, period between birth and death; the history of an individual from birth to death, written account of a person’s life; way of life (good or bad); condition of being a living thing, opposite of death; spiritual existence imparted by God, through Christ, to the believer,” from Proto-Germanic *leiban (source also of Old Norse lif “life, body,” Old Frisian, Old Saxon lif “life, person, body,” Dutch lijf “body,” Old High German lib “life,” German Leib “body”), properly “continuance, perseverance,” from PIE root *leip- “to stick, adhere.”
COMMENT/S: Well, the above makes it exceptionally clear that the early meaning of the word ‘life’ specifically only refers to those living an ‘animated corporeal existence’ i.e. the word ‘life’ wasn’t originally used to describe any/all ‘PHYSICAL’ ANIMAL FORMS/PHYSICAL LIVING THINGS, rather the word ‘LIFE’ was only used to refer to those that are incarnated into flesh i.e. it only refers to those that are ‘interfaced’ to a physical animal form!!!!
Now, if you/we ‘really’ are a form that is equivalent to ‘breath/air’ which is then interfaced i.e. incarnated i.e. is made to be ‘in flesh’ then wouldn’t it be interesting to see what past definitions of these specific words reveal!!!
Past Word Origins & Definitions of Corporeal, Becoming Flesh/Carnal & Incarnate, Incarnating & Ghost
Flesh (n.): Old English flæsc “flesh, meat, muscular parts of animal bodies; body (as opposed to soul).
COMMENT/S: Please note that the above sentence was copied and pasted as is (i.e. it included the (as opposed to soul) part), implying that in the distant past it was common/normal to view yourself as ‘not of the flesh’ BUT as an incarnated soul/spirit form!!!
Carnal (adj.): c. 1400, “physical, human, mortal,” from Old French carnal and directly from Latin carnalis “fleshly, of the flesh,” from carnis “of the flesh,” genitive of caro “flesh, meat,” “flesh,” originally “a piece of flesh,” from PIE root *sker- (1) “to cut.” . . Meaning “sensual, pertaining to the passions and appetites of the flesh” is from early 15c.; that of “worldly, sinful, not spiritual” is from mid-15c. Carnal knowledge “sexual intercourse” is attested from early 15c. and was in legal use by 1680s. Medieval Latin carnalis meant “natural, of the same blood,” a sense sometimes found in Middle English carnal.
COMMENT/S: Just in case you’ve already forgotten or haven’t read the previous page, then ‘we’ as a ‘subtle/soul/spirit’ type of life form/species are actually completely none sexual specifically because the soul/spirit form is actually androgynous i.e. the soul/spirit form doesn’t have any body gender/sexuality differentiation. Hence then, in being interfaced/incarnated into an animal type that is of two genders/sexes, means that these incarnated forms would then automatically gain/experience so called ‘carnal knowledge’. Basically, an/all interfaced/incarnated ‘spirit/soul/subtle’ forms would gain knowledge/experience of HOW PHYSICAL ANIMALS REPRODUCE i.e. via direct ‘sexual intercourse/coupling’ . . .
This would seem like a good place to check out terms/words related to ‘incarnate/incarnation’!!!!
Incarnate (adj.): late 14c., “embodied in flesh, in human or bodily form” (of souls, spirits, etc.), from Late Latin incarnatus “made flesh,” a frequent word among early Christian writers, past-participle adjective from Latin incarnare “to make flesh” (see incarnation). Of qualities or abstractions, 1530s.
Incarnate (v.): “clothe or embody in flesh,” 1530s, a back-formation from incarnation, or else from Late Latin incarnatus “made flesh,” past participle of incarnare “to make flesh; be made flesh.” Meaning “make or form flesh” (as in healing a wound) is from 1670s. Related: Incarnated; incarnating.
Incarnation (n.): c. 1300, “embodiment of God in the person of Christ,” from Old French incarnacion “the Incarnation” (12c.), from Late Latin incarnationem (nominative incarnatio), “act of being made flesh” (used by Church writers especially in reference to God in Christ; source also of Spanish encarnacion, Italian incarnazione), noun of action from past participle stem of Late Latin incarnari “be made flesh,” from in- “in” (from PIE root *en “in”) + caro (genitive carnis) “flesh” (originally “a piece of flesh,” from PIE root *sker- (1) “to cut”). Glossed in Old English as inflæscnes, inlichomung. As “person or thing that is the embodiment” (of some quality, deity, etc.) from 1742.
COMMENT/S: Let me make an effort to be very explicit about our very distant past scene/circumstances for yourself . . . we have well used embedded terms within ‘western’ society making it very, very clear that we are forms that are being incarnated into flesh i.e. we are ‘being made flesh’ which is an apt description if you/we are all actually ‘something else’ that is from ‘somewhere else’ that is then being directly interfaced to an animal form!!!!
Historical, Distant Past Word Origins & Definitions of Immortal, Immortality as well as Mortal
Base Description/Definition of ‘Ghost’: The spirit of a dead person, sometimes represented as a pale, almost transparent image of that person that some people believe appears to people who are alive. An apparition of a dead person which is believed to appear or become manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image.
Ghost language origins: Old English gast “breath; good or bad spirit, angel, demon; person, man, human being,” in Biblical use “soul, spirit, life,” it is the English representative of the usual West Germanic word for “supernatural being.” In Christian writing in Old English it is used to render Latin spiritus (see spirit (n.)), a sense preserved in Holy Ghost. Sense of “disembodied spirit of a dead person,” especially imagined as wandering among the living or haunting them, is attested from late 14c. and returns the word toward its likely prehistoric sense.
Also, most Indo-European words for “soul, spirit” also double with reference to supernatural spirits. Many have a base sense of “appearance” (such as Greek phantasma; French spectre; Polish widmo, from Old Church Slavonic videti “to see;” Old English scin, Old High German giskin, originally “appearance, apparition,” related to Old English scinan, Old High German skinan “to shine”). Other concepts are in French revenant, literally “returning” (from the other world).
COMMENT/S: . . . I’d also like to point out that we have a lot of well recorded/documented cases of people whom have died (BUT just temporarily before being resuscitated/revived) whom have themselves then described having a viewpoint that is very, very obviously outside of their temporarily dead human body form, including of themselves seeing their own body being dealt with by doctors/nurses coincidentally in such detail that some of whom have had these OUT OF THEIR PHYSICAL BODY experiences can recall both the activities AND in some cases the conversations of those present around their recently dead body. . . . in other words we not only have people being ‘seen’ as ghosts BUT we have people having experiences of essentially BEING A GHOST too . . . both of these types of experience directly imply that the ‘intelligence’ exhibited by the human form is then independent/separate from the human body form itself which also then directly implies that it is this ‘ghost/spirit’ form that actually confers the ‘intelligence’ on the human animal/body . . .
I am sure that within my own personal lifetime ghosts have gone from being depicted as a white transparent amorphous i.e. not ‘really’ human body form that was generally depicted as a flowing as well as a floating off the floor form. In doing some image searches and looking for images of past ghosts as compared to how they are presented in modern/recent films . . . this gradual transformation shift of this form from a just slightly vaguely human floating in the air (sometimes half in or half out of walls or flying through them) as an indistinct wavy ‘edges’ indistinctly flowing/flying type figure to more and more being depicted as nothing more than a transparent human now standing pretty solidly on the floor . . .
Historical, Distant Past Word Origins & Definitions of Immortal, Immortality as well as Mortal
Mortality (n.): mid-14c., mortalite, “condition of being subject to death or the necessity of dying,” from Old French mortalite “massacre, slaughter; fatal illness; poverty; destruction” (12c.) and directly from Latin mortalitem (nominative mortalitas) “state of being mortal; subjection to death,” from mortalis “subject to death, mortal,” from PIE root *mer- “to rub away, harm” (also “to die” and forming words referring to death and to beings subject to death).
Immortal (adj.): late 14c., “deathless,” from Latin immortalis “deathless, undying” (of gods), “imperishable, endless” (of fame, love, work, etc.), from assimilated form of in- “not, opposite of” (see in- (1)) + mortalis “mortal” (from PIE root *mer- “to rub away, harm,” also “to die” and forming words referring to death and to beings subject to death). In reference to fame, literature, etc., “unceasing, destined to endure forever, never to be forgotten, lasting a long time,” attested from early 15c. (also in classical Latin). As a noun, “an immortal being,” from 1680s.
COMMENT/S: Yet again (as with a lot of specific word meanings over time in the distant past) notice how the use/meaning of the word is over time being shifted sideways so that it ends up describing/referring to something that is actually very different i.e. in this case from describing an immortal being to someone that is immortalised because of ‘fame’!!!! Below there is another example of this type of gradual creeping shift with respect to word meanings with respect to another angle of spirit word which is as a ‘ghost’ . . .
Immortality (n.): mid-14c., “deathlessness,” from Old French immortalité (13c.) and directly from Latin immortalitatem (nominative immortalitas) “deathlessness, endless life,” also “imperishable fame,” from immortalis “undying” (see immortal). Of fame, etc., “quality of being permanent,” early 15c.
COMMENT/S: Can any academic explain as to why an essentially mentally, conceptually and ‘intellectually’ limited animal form that in needing to eat regularly including likely hunting and then killing and then eating animals AND whom is also very likely part of some tribe such that they will all then be very, very, very, VERY aware of death BEING UNAVOIDABLE and specifically because either naturally or via sabre tooth tiger etc encounters they themselves and or their friends/people they know are regularly killed actually then somehow, seemingly ‘magically’ actually even come up with the concept of immortality never mind of then conceiving of ANYTHING AT ALL as being ‘immortal’ . . . never mind that this ‘immortal’ concept is used to DIRECTLY REFER TO SOME ASPECT OF ‘THEMSELVES’!!!!
Why would any intelligent animal form that arose on a physical world and hence then absolutely only have experience of natural ‘physical’ phenomena as well as a built in animal experience/instincts mostly focused on surviving generation after generation have or develop concepts/terms/words such a mortal and or immortal, never mind of actually attributing a part of themselves as being ‘immortal’ which means a part that always lives is alive for ever and ever and ever!!!!
Past Word Usage & Definitions of both Avatar & also Deity = Natural Gods
“In a very basic sense if you are interfacing an invisible remote spirit/soul form specifically to one or more physical animal species, very specifically to use these these animals as a remote vehicle/avatar as part of offering the spirit/soul form an incarnated physical/join my physical civilisation life/experience, then isn’t it exceptionally likely that some if not many ‘inherent/normal’ characteristics/details of the immortal/androgynous/asexual subtle form in being ‘interfaced’ to one of more physical animal species will be reflected/represented within early physical language and then writing efforts!!!!”
Avatar (n.): 1784, “descent of a Hindu deity to earth in an incarnate or tangible form,” from Sanskrit avatarana “descent” (of a deity to the earth in incarnate form), from ava- “off, down” (from PIE root *au- (2) “off, away”) + base of tarati “(he) crosses over,” from PIE root *tere- (2) “cross over, pass through, overcome.” also meaning “concrete embodiment of something abstract” is from 1815.
COMMENT/S: all/everything that what I write above on this page is basically repeatedly suggesting that we are a none physical self existing spirit form BUT in now being incarnate such that we are now currently wearing a flesh overcoat . . . until we physically die . . . after which we apparently ‘cross over’ . . . perhaps ‘cross over’ means we’d be back at least temporarily into the subtle strata . . . before perhaps being born again/reincarnated which essentially means being re-interfaced to another animal form!!!
Overall, from the above, we have descriptions of a form that is described as being interfaced to a human/animal being directly described as having some ‘GOD LIKE’ characteristics including being immortal while also being described as something higher i.e. it’s conceptually described as something that was originally above i.e. higher which is then subjected to a descent. In other words, specifically from this ‘forms’ perspective/viewpoint it’s being described as being shifted in sensory/perception and perhaps awareness terms from a higher realm/place to a lower realm/place, which is also described as it ‘crossing over’ too, which is yet another way of stating that perhaps in perceptual/sensory and or awareness terms these were all originally focused ‘somewhere’ on a higher level BUT now are focused somewhere else that’s described as lower!!!!
However, if they maintained the physical worlds research/investigation teams and or those directing these whom originally both helped investigate the physical planet as well as designing the early physical world ‘incarnation’ interfacing to actually have them remotely view/look out for those they’d incarnated i.e. which would have them all directly viewing/remotely viewing all those they incarnated from above, i.e they’d then SPECIFICALLY HAVE A VIEW POINT EQUIVALENT TO THEM BEING IN THE SO CALLED ‘HEAVENS’!!!
Keep in mind that the ‘incarnated’ population are attempting to learn to drive/handle what to them is an alien life form (which for all intents and purposes you could describe as being an ‘avatar’) while also then trying to get used to living as this animal within an exceptionally different/alien environment which includes it having an regular LIGHT DAY/DARK NIGHT repeating all of the time cycle. Hence then, isn’t it likely that the upper subtle forms monitoring the incarnated population and or any monitoring/evaluating tech/systems would warn them as and when needed? Including, helping them to avoid accidents and or dangerous places, isn’t it likely that they’d even give them direct ‘severe weather’ warnings too!!! Although isn’t it possible that they might intervene if those below were for example about to be attacked by a sabre toothed tiger or fall down a well hidden hole or be at risk of drowning etc. etc . . .
If upper subtle forms and or monitoring systems acted as ‘guardians/advisors and or protectors’ with perhaps a specific directive to step in during physical life threatening circumstances then wouldn’t it appear as if they’d have unbelievable, verging on ‘magical’ abilities, such that they’d perhaps appear as being ‘God’ like at least from the perspective of those that were part of the normal less knowledgeable members of the subtle population whom were incarnated into the physical/having a physical life ‘experience’?!?!?
Deity (n.): c. 1300, deite, “divine nature, godhood, attributes of a god;” late 14c., “a god, God, the Supreme Being or self-existing spirit,” from Old French deité, from Late Latin deitatem (nominative deitas) “divine nature,” coined by Augustine from Latin deus “god,” from PIE *deiwos “god,” from root *dyeu- “to shine,” in derivatives “sky, heaven, god.” From 1580s as “a being to whom a divine or godlike nature is attributed.”
COMMENT/S: So, we have plenty of past language references describing ourselves as essentially being a ‘spirit’ incarnated into flesh i.e. that we are each a spirit/soul form being interfaced to an animal avatar/vehicle . . . hence then within the descriptions above ‘God’ i.e. ‘ourselves’ is described as a self-existing spirit (i.e. that we are actually independent of the physical form ) i.e. this implies that when not incarnated or before you started to be continually incarnated i.e. ‘re-incarnated’ again and again you were a freely living spirit/subtle/soul form!!!! I’d advise you to re-read the ‘incarnate’ references above a few times for this to properly sink in!!!
PLEASE NOTE: I’ve presented more angles of all of these ‘interfaced to a human’ possibilities written from a ‘matrix’ film analysis angle/perspective that also specifically goes into the language aspects associated with the word ‘matrix’ which turn out to be extensive as well as extensively revealing too on this page here: Matrix Film, Plato’s Cave, Theory of Forms, Metempsychosis & Platonic Dualism Comparisons!!!!
So, if all of us here are ‘actually’ some sort of none physical form from a none physical reality whom are each then being ‘interfaced’ to a human form then doesn’t this somewhat directly imply that we must all (whether we believe in such things or not) must then be being ‘incarnated into’ i.e. ‘interfaced to’ a human form while also, very likely being continually incarnated i.e. repeatedly reincarnated after the remote vehicle, human avatar form kicks the bucket i.e. actually dies!!!!
Wouldn’t the Greatest UPPER ‘Support’ Efforts Focus on Incarnating/Birth and or De-Interfacing/Death Efforts?
If we ‘really’ are of a form/being that never ever dies such that it/we are all being repeatedly interfaced/incarnated and then re-interfaced/re-incarnated then are there any specific word/words that would directly reflect/represent ourselves as being interfaced to and or repeatedly re-interfaced to the next available/suitable human fetus that would then be within a female’s pregnant ‘womb’?!?!?
Even more strangely, if this is all utter nonsense, i.e. if within our early origins we are not immortal subtle beings, whom then become aware of a parallel ‘physical’ strata which on then being investigated and on finding a world with physical life results in people becoming ‘experts’ in various aspects of the planet earth which they achieve by learning how to interface themselves to one or more different types of animal forms after which they then interface more and more of their own subtle culture’s population to a physical avatar form. However, in that to do this, they’d have to become experts in the human reproduction system as well as of the timing of the processes/stages of development of the fetus during pregnancy as part of interfacing the subtle form to the developing fetus correctly.
In this respect, wouldn’t you then expect that the specific immortal subtle beings/forms whom in the very distant past likely spent ages studying/researching/absorbed in the likely many and varied as well as complex factors related of the subtle form to human fetus interfacing efforts to such an extent that if in the future they themselves were also then interfaced to a physical form then isn’t it possible, maybe even likely that they’d have these specific past experiences resurfacing!?!?!?
Strangely this book for example “Parenting Begins Before Conception: A Guide to Preparing Body, Mind and Spirit for you and your future child” describes and goes into the spirit to human interfacing possibilities specifically IN VERY GREAT DETAIL!!!
Entire Subtle Culture Populations Being Interfaced/Incarnated as part of a Physical Earth Civilisation Possibilities
If you are knowingly setting up a ‘physical’ civilisation that would involve massive physical environment research as well as massive efforts to develop interfacing technologies for a project that would involve having to house and or protect/keep safe the stored (likely in a secure ‘pod’ somewhere) a very large population which also likely needs to be permanently monitored as well as checked to ensure that the subtle form doesn’t degrade in some way due to being inert/inactive . . . then wouldn’t all of this involve a super/ultra massive effort and or expense for any culture that was intent on doing this . . . AND wouldn’t all of this require a massive and highly organised ‘organisation’ to oversee all of this and or perhaps many sub organisations to deal with different aspects of these efforts . . .
As a start to this section, I’m going to come back to Incorporeal Essence from above: (usage begins in 15th century) Middle English incorporealle, from Anglo-French incorporel, from Latin incorporeus, from in- + corporeus corporeal. Not corporeal : 1. having no material body or form but a spiritual form, OR relating to, or constituting a right that is based on property (such as bonds or patents).
Incorporeal (adj.): early 15c., “spiritual, immaterial,” with -al (1) and Late Latin incorporeus “without body,” from in- “not” (see in- (1)) + adjective from corpus (genitive corporis) “body” (from PIE root *kwrep- “body, form, appearance”). The Old French adjective was incorporel. Glossed in Old English as lichhaemleas (see lich).
I want you to have a think about the last reference above: relating to, or constituting a right that is based on property (such as bonds or patents). Incorporeal Essence Incarnating means that you are Born!!!
Corpus (n.): “matter of any kind,” literally “a body,” (plural corpora), late 14c., “body,” from Latin corpus, literally “body” (see corporeal). The sense of “body of a person” (mid-15c. in English) and “collection of facts or things” (1727 in English) both were present in Latin.
Corporeal (adj.): 1610s, “of a material or physical nature, not mental or spiritual,” with adjectival suffix -al (1) + Latin corporeus “of the nature of a body,” from corpus “body” (living or dead), from PIE *kwrpes, from root *kwrep- “body, form, appearance.” Meaning “relating to a material body or physical thing” is from 1660s. Related: Corporeality, corporeally.
Corporation (n.): mid-15c., corporacioun, “persons united in a body for some purpose,” from such use in Anglo-Latin, from Late Latin corporationem (nominative corporatio) “assumption of a body” (used of the incarnation of Christ), noun of action from past-participle stem of Latin corporare “embody, make or fashion into a body,” from corpus (genitive corporis) “body, dead body, animal body,” also “a whole composed of united parts, a structure, system, community, corporation, political body, a guild” (from PIE root *kwrep- “body, form, appearance”). Meaning “legally authorized entity, artificial person created by law from a group or succession of persons” (such as municipal governments and modern business companies) is from 1610s.
Corporate (adj.): early 15c., “united in one body, constituted as a legal corporation,” as a number of individuals empowered to do business as an individual, in early use often of municipalities, from Latin corporatus, past participle of corporare “make or fashion into a body, furnish with a body,” also “to make into a corpse, kill,” from corpus (genitive corporis) “body” (from PIE root *kwrep- “body, form, appearance”). The past participle, corporatus, also was used as a noun meaning “member of a corporation.”
*kwrep-: Proto-Indo-European root meaning “body, form, appearance,” probably a verbal root meaning “to appear.”. It forms all or part of: corporal (adj.) “of or belonging to the body;” corporate; corporation; corporeal; corps; corpse; corpulence; corpulent; corpus; corpuscle; corsage; corse; corset; incorporeal; incorporate; leprechaun; midriff.
COMMENT/S: Is it only me that finds it strange that we have a spread of related words including incorporeal linking being incarnated into the physical and incorporations which is the legal term meaning to legally found (perhaps!!!) a ‘physical’ ‘company’ or ‘Corporate’ ‘entity’ that all originate from the root term/concept of *Kwerp-!!!! hence ‘incorporate’ below implies a none physical organisation/united body of people
Incorporate (v.): late 14c., “to put (something) into the body or substance of (something else), blend; absorb, eat,” also “solidify, harden,” often in medical writing, from Late Latin incorporatus, past participle of incorporare “unite into one body, embody, include,” from Latin in- “into, in, on, upon” (from PIE root *en “in”) + verb from corpus (genitive corporis) “body” (from PIE root *kwrep- “body, form, appearance”). Meaning “to legally form a body politic with perpetual succession and power to act as one person, establish as a legal corporation” is from mid-15c. (A verb corporate was used in this sense from early 15c.) Intransitive sense of “unite with another body so as to become part of it” is from 1590s. Related: Incorporated; incorporating.
COMMENT/S: I quote: “to put (something) into the body or substance of (something else), blend; absorb, eat,“. This underlined section above is ‘substantially’ equivalent in descriptive terms to putting or blending or incorporating a soul/subtle/spirit based life form into something solid/hard (at least compared to something readily described in ‘breath/moisture’ terms . . . hence then the soul spirit form would become ‘substantive’ i.e. it would go from something amorphous/ethereal to something solid/hard i.e. physically ‘touchable’!!!! Strangely, doesn’t “unite into one body” directly imply the merging of more than one body (i.e. two bodies) into one!!! Which coincidentally is ‘exactly’ what you get when you interface the soul/spirit form into any physical animal’s body!!!
Embody (v.): 1540s, in reference to a soul or spirit invested with a physical form; from 1660s of principles, ideas, etc.; from em- (1) “in” + body (n.). Related: Embodied; embodying.: To give a body to (a spirit) (i.e. Incarnate (adj.): late 14c., “embodied in flesh, in human or bodily form” (of souls, spirits, etc.), from Late Latin incarnatus “made flesh,” a frequent word among early Christian writers, past-participle adjective from Latin incarnare “to make flesh” (see incarnation). Of qualities or abstractions, 1530s.)!!!
Other associations/uses of ‘Embody’: to deprive of spirituality, to make concrete and perceptible, to cause to become a body or part of a body: INCORPORATE
Incorporation: In checking various early language definitions, there are 5 definition ‘angles’ given for ‘Incorporation’, below are the ‘3’ that I personally find the most interesting:
“To give substance or material form to; i.e. to ’embody’ /to be combined into one united body; merged”
“To unite (one thing) with something else already in existence.”
“To cause to merge or combine together into a united whole.”
So, once again, we have terms and words used that strongly as well as directly imply the embodiment or merging of a soul/spirit form with a physical body i.e. a spirit form being incarnated into ‘flesh’!!!! In other words it very strongly implies that ‘incorporation’ was originally describing the practice of subtle ‘people/spirit forms’ being interfaced to a physical form resulting in them being ‘incorporated’ into the ‘PHYSICAL’ reality?
In other words for at least ‘SOME’ of those that decided that they wanted to move their entire subtle/spirit population into the physical (which would take a massive amount of EXTREME organisation) and particularly in terms of making this entire set up work seamlessly i.e to automatically select the next available physical ‘vehicle/avatar’ i.e. physical fetus it will be interfaced to be returned (likely yet again) to the earth physical society . . .
Interestingly, the above original/early language descriptions are then replaced with the following:
“To admit as a member to a corporation or similar organization.”
“To cause to form into a legal corporation: incorporate a business.”
Which appear to imply/suggest that the perhaps subtle ‘ORGANISATIONS’ that were originally focused on ‘incorporating’ subtle beings into the physical as part of their physical ’empire/civilisation’ building/program efforts i.e. these original organisations CEO’s, directors and managers and workforce are perhaps now those here that are directing, managing and or working for what have been converted here into entirely ‘VISIBLE’ physical ‘CORPORATIONS’ . . .
The above, descriptions in an overall sense all very strongly imply that a corporation is equivalent to some ‘enterprise’ that is subtle based and which is directly associated with overseeing and or maybe utilising those incarnated into our physical reality/earth world!!!
With respect to later sections above and the massive effort and organisation required to interface an entire subtle population into the physical then perhaps ‘some’ subtle races and or cultures may decide that they want some ‘payback/return’ for all of these efforts/their investments!!!!
With respect to this ‘bizarre’ possibility specifically, here are some interesting as well as disturbing ‘facts’ that I read about on a web site called viewzone:
The Birth Certificate as Representing a Warehouse Receipt/Payment!!!
The original birth or naturalization record for every U.S. Citizen is on file in the official records in Washington, D.C. (you get to keep a copy!) and the property and assets of every living U.S. Citizen is pledged as collateral for the National Debt! Within two weeks and three days each Certificate of Live Birth is to be filed in Washington D.C. Evidence reveals that there is even a Federal Children Department established by the Shepherd/Townsend Act of 1922 under the Department of Commerce that appears to be involved in this process in some way. Every citizen is given a number (the red number on the Birth Certificate) and each live birth is valued at from 650,000 to 750,000 Federal Reserve dollars in collateral from the Fed. This kind of makes you feel a little different when you look at Federal Reserve Chairman, Nancy Yellen, doesn’t it?
OK. Let’s take a pause to look at the Birth Certificates [below to the right]. You will see the red numbers and you will see the fact that it is, in reality, a “Bank Note”, hence then directly implying that you and I are actually then ‘commodities’!!!!
The Possible Implications of Names in “ALL CAPS” weirdness on Birth Certificates
Since the early 1960s, State governments have issued Birth Certificates to “persons” with legal fictional names using “ALL CAPS” names. This is not a lawful record of your physical birth, but rather the acknowledgement of the “birth” of the juristic, all-caps name. It may appear to be your true name, but since no proper name is ever written in all caps (either lawfully or grammatically) it does not identify who you are.
The Birth Certificate is the government’s self-created document of title for its new property — you and me!!!
The state claims an interest in every child within its jurisdiction. The state (via CPS) will, if it deems it necessary, nullify your parental rights and appoint a guardian (trustee) over your children. The subject of every birth certificate is a child. The child is a valuable asset, which if properly trained, can contribute valuable assets provided by its labor for many years. It is presumed by those who have researched this issue, that the child itself is the asset of the trust established by the birth certificate, and the social security number is the numbering or registration of the trust, allowing for the assets of the trust to be tracked.
If this information is true, your child is now owned by the state. Each one of us, including our children, are considered assets of the bankrupt UNITED STATES. We are now designated by this government as “HUMAN RESOURCES” with a new crop born every year.
In a way, it makes us a kind of corporation whose company name is the same as our real name, but written in ALL CAPS. This “corporation” then generates taxes and wealth over its lifetime and in this way repays the collateral that Uncle Sam borrowed from the Federal Reserve.
Remember that “Bond” thing printed on the bottom of the certificate, let’s take a closer look at the word ‘Bond’ (Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law (1996)).
1a: A usually formal written agreement by which a person undertakes to perform a certain act (as fulfill the obligations of a contract) … with the condition that failure to perform or abstain will obligate the person … to pay a sum of money or will result in the forfeiture of money put up by the person or surety.
1b: One who acts as a surety.
2: An interest-bearing document giving evidence of a debt issued by a government body or corporation that is sometimes secured by a lien on property and is often designed to take care of a particular financial need.”
Banknote: a kind of negotiable instrument, a promissory note made by a bank payable to the bearer on demand, used as money, and in many jurisdictions is legal tender. Along with coins, banknotes make up the cash or bearer forms of all modern money.
Birth certificates are a form of securities called “warehouse receipts.” The items included on a warehouse receipt, as descried at §7-202 of the Uniform Commercial Code, the law which governs commercial paper and transactions, which parallel a birth certificate are:
- The location of the warehouse where the goods are stored…(residence)
- The date of issue of the receipt…..(“Date issued”)
- The consecutive number of the receipt…(found on back or front of the certificate, usually in red numbers)
- A description of the goods or of the packages containing them…(name, sex, date of birth, etc.)
- The signature of the warehouseman, which may be made by his authorized agent…(municipal clerk or state registrar’s signature)
Based on the above, then birth certificates appear to at least qualify as “warehouse receipts” under the Uniform Commercial Code. Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th ed. defines:
Warehouse Receipt:
“A warehouse receipt, which is considered a document of title, may be a negotiable instrument and is often used for financing with inventory as security.”
It is not difficult to see that a state-created Birth Certificate, with an ALL CAPS name is a document evidencing debt the moment it is issued.
Now, once a state has registered a birth document with the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Department notifies the Treasury Department, which takes out a loan from the Federal Reserve. The Treasury uses the loan to purchase a bond (the Fed holds a purchase money security interest in the bond) from the Department of Commerce, which invests the sale proceeds in the stock or bond market. The Treasury Department then issues Treasury securities in the form of Treasury Bonds, Notes, and Bills using the bonds as surety for the new securities.
This cycle is based on the future tax revenues of the legal person whose name appears on the Birth Certificate. This also means that the bankrupt, corporate U.S. can guarantee to the purchasers of their securities the lifetime labour and tax revenues of every citizen of the United States/American with a Birth Certificate as collateral for payment. This device is initiated simply by converting the lawful, true name of the child into a legal, juristic name of a person.
Legally, you are considered to be a slave or indentured servant to the various Federal, State and local governments via your STATE-issued and STATE-created Birth Certificate in the name of your all-caps person.
Birth Certificates are issued so that the issuer can claim exclusive title to the legal person created thereby!!!
HOWEVER!!!! . . . . after having a think about the above for a while . . . then, as this birth certificate is being presented as a warehouse receipt/payment and as your subtle/spirit/soul body must be being looked after as well as being kept safe ‘SOMEWHERE’ i.e. it’ll have to be:
- Kept, safe within some very secure/protected subtle reality/strata storage area/space (i.e. some subtle equivalent to a ‘warehouse’) while . . . in that it’s not a box of cash or coins . . . such that . . .
- It’ll have to be regularly monitored/checked/looked after either by subtle forms/trained personnel and or sophisticated automated monitoring/diagnostic/apply remedies systems and particularly to ensure that it’s health doesn’t depreciate during the time it’s being interfaced to a physical human form during which it’ll be lying in an inert state, unconscious of and hence then unable to respond to it’s subtle surroundings . . . never mind . . .
- All of the research and development necessary with respect to providing the interfacing to the physical vehicle itself . . .
Such that, it seems to me that at least for certain cultures here, that these ‘WAREHOUSE’ STORAGE, MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION/SECURITY costs are being recouped as a human vehicle incarnation, new human birth, have a physical human life tax/charge!!!!
After reading the above you may find the following interesting too:
Prophet: is a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration and or who foretells/predicts the future.
Profit: (in terms of ‘corporations’ and ‘shares’) is about making gains, leverage or an ‘advantage’ by being the best at assessing trends/predicting future outcomes.
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
November 20, 2019 @ 6:12 pm
NEW POST . . . it’s taken ages to get all of the information together for this page and then ages to get it written in a decent form (its about 20 pages of A4 in length, so equivalent to a decent book chapter!!!!) . . . I also still consider this page to be a ‘work in progress’ despite that it (to me) seems to be exceptionally good now . . . so if you can think of any other connected angles and or ‘associations’ leave a comment!!!!
Also, as you read it I’ve pointed out obvious things like WhereTF would early ‘humans’ get concepts such as ‘immortal’ from never mind obviously applying it to ‘THEMSELVES’?!?!?! . . . so ‘again’ if any other words strike you as out of place for earlier 600 years ago way more primitive times and or in ‘concept/meaning’ terms then point these out in a comment too!!!!
Also as ‘English’ as a language is crap/shite as it just doesn’t have the words to cover specific concepts never mind some ‘alternate’ experiences . . . so if your ‘foreign’ and or are familiar with other languages and can think of related other language terms/words that either I’ve missed on this page or that would relate to what I’m writing about here then again maybe leave a comment to let me know about them/these!!!!
Also, it’s worth reading it all the way to the bottom because the most ‘blatant/in your face/stark/unbelievable’ part is left till the very end!!!!
November 20, 2019 @ 8:55 pm
Clive you said people being turned into trees story of Daphne and Apollo. Daphne was a nymph and Apollo fancied her didn’t really work out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_and_Daphne Maybe have a chat with her dad. You spoke about the metempsychosis have you had a chat with Persephone about how that exactly worked? I’d also try to see if you could have a chat with Ninhursag her husband made the human animal form. For the hindu thing I’d see if you could have a chat with Ganesha since he’s a wisdom deity. I’d also have a chat with Thoth Anubis and Isis because well remember that Isis her husband actually died and they somehow fixed his corpse. Idk if you could get any of those to talk I remember you had a chat with Isis while doing a entity release of someone. Basically if you figure out their tricks I’d think you might undo some things they did shoddy. I wouldn’t risk talking to the chief deity of Greeks but remember his nifty trick of separating the sun and moon parts. There is a certain Titan who brought fire to humanity and he also was very good in prophecy maybe have a chat. I remember the original Babylonian myths that the gods made humans as slaves what is the chance that they tricked our subtle forms to be trapped into the human animal form what if your theories of the eeas are wrong yes there was a a eeas but what if those were just stuck in another simulation made by those shitty Babylonian entities and they are stuck in a simulation of some other shitty beings ect. Might be a long shot and it’s a lot of speculation they might not even wanna talk but maybe go dig in their scripts if humans have scripts then the deities must also have scripts just delete this because it’s prolly a shit comment
December 8, 2019 @ 4:18 pm
Very interesting Tommy, I’m impressed with your knowledge of the early God’s . . . when I was first setting up as a healer which included myself at some point putting together this web site, which then had me checking other ‘healing’ sites, during which I kept coming across the Caduceus healing symbol . . . which felt sort of familiar, BUT also seemed to me to be associated with all sorts of types of pseudo healing efforts (like Medical Schools for example) such that I never used it . . .
‘However’ at some point about 2 and a half decades ago myself and a couple of friends went on a drift wood hunt (I was thinking about this a few weeks ago) such that I came back with loads of interesting drift wood pieces including an entire gnarly/burr covered drift wood tree stump whose burr’s seemed to me to be presenting faces (i.e. it was a smaller version but very similar to the lower trunk part of the Game of Thrones sacred tree) . . . I also came back with two longish ‘undulating/snake like’ branches which when placed together were then strangely suggestive of the Caduceus staff!!!!
However, a good few years later . . . I’m having some weird ‘energetic’ shit going on with my right arm, which is sort of more and more feeling as if it’s going sort of ‘dead’ (and particularly in energetic/channelling energy terms) more and more from above the wrist getting closer and closer to the elbow (like when you sleep in a certain position lying on an arm such that on waking up your arm can then doesn’t work/function properly for a while) . . . except it had been getting steadily worse for a few weeks at this point . . .
While this weird arm thing is going on I have a guy book a healing session, and specifically because a healer friend of mine has told him he should see me . . . so, he comes. It turns out that he’s started to spontaneously do healing/heal people beginning a few weeks ago, he’s very excited about this . . . so excited that as soon as he arrives he insists on showing me how he heals . . . i.e. he wants to give me a ‘blast’ of his healing . . . which he then does . . . even more strange is that I feel nothing . . . like nothing happens . . . he’s also very puzzled by this . . . ‘now’ at this point he looks at me directly and steps back slightly shocked/taken aback like he’s seen some sort of ghost or ??? . . . however, he then tells me he’s seeing me in a brown monk looking robe, wearing leather sandals while also having a helmet on my head AND . . . here’s the thing . . . both my sandals and my helmet apparently HAVE WINGS . . .
So, he’s basically describing myself as Hermes the God of healing Hahhahahhaha!!! . . .
So, in feeling into ALL OF THIS while also trying to get my head around WTF is going on . . . I then realise that he’s someone that actually NICKED my/Hermes healing staff, i.e. my healing channelling abilities (hence then my right arm is missing it’s healing channelling tech because during this time/phase in my script this ‘BOZO’ stole it . . . ) . . .
So, I take my tech back, BUT I also then make a duplicate of the tech and ‘sort of’ pass it over to him . . . my right arm then goes back to ‘normal’!!!!
Now Tommy, my nature spirit awakening experience that I described here, is missing some extra weird bit’s . . . after completely leaving/walking away from the tree circle area, about a quarter mile away I feel and start to track myself being followed by a Wood Nymph whom seems to me to be in a very very sexy/seductive/enticing mood (with respect to myself) . . . which has myself ‘energetically’ determinedly sealing myself off from her . . . while doing this Joan also starts laughing while also mentioning that I’ve a very seductive Wood Nymph trailing me while also mentioning that it’s best I ‘NOT’ let her engage with myself else I might have trouble getting rid of her . . .
On reading about Hermes . . . I find that after being ‘created’ (by I think Maya and ???/cannot remember now) I then run away while also apparently stealing my fathers ‘cattle’.
Now, when accessing my own soul creation time (as described here way down in that page in section: How I became Aware of my Soul Parents & My ‘Creation’ as a Soul Child). I found that I wasn’t the product of a normal soul form dividing/splitting effort BUT that I was very specifically ‘created’ from specifically chosen subtle body form characteristics/attributes/parts from 4 soul parents. So, 4 subtle forms (facilitated by subtle tech) select out and duplicate very specific parts of there subtle body which would have the very specific attributes/qualities/skills/abilities etc that they wanted the new subtle form to have . . . which are then put together in a hi tech subtle chamber which then works to ‘meld’ all of these parts together . . . ‘NOW’ in engaging with these experiences (about 2 decades ago now) I find that while this is happening/in progress a sort of subtle ‘reality’ quake activates and keeps sending shock waves out, which completely disturb my soul parent forms whom are tending/looking after me, as well as myself . . . which get’s so stressful that I’m so pissed off with my soul parents having no ability to do anything about this that on exiting the ‘melding’ chamber I head off away from them as fast as possible . . .
Hermes is the God of healing and the God of Thievery, the second of which had me very puzzled (as I’ve no cat-burglar type inclinations at all – haha) until I found early language descriptions describing ‘thievery’ as being able to ‘get access to’ impossible places . . . now the original description is worded in such a way that I eventually realised that it’s referring to someone that has exceptional REMOTE VIEWING/ACCESSING abilities i.e. it’s describing someone that can access anything/anywhere remotely . . . hence then I’ve managed to access my own soul creation times (in unbelievable detail) which happened within the multiverse next door to the multiverse outside of our shit EAAS version!!!!
I also read later that Hermes was also known for regularly meeting up with a Wood Nymph type too!!!!!!
Also, in being commissioned to be ‘designed/created’ to have very specific characteristics/attributes by using subtle body material from 4 subtle being donors, specifically for a very specific ‘project’ (in my case to remotely view and figure out WTF the EAAS project is actually going to do) . . . then you could at a stretch say that by and large it’s possible that whomever sanctioned the ‘design/creation’ of myself whom specifically did this for myself to be the leader of the entire ‘spy on the EAAS project’ teams effort . . . would by and large perhaps consider myself to be there ‘property’ . . . and in evacuating/disappearing/running off this could perhaps be seen/described here as being equivalent to “stealing ‘cattle’/someone’s property”!!!!
There is a series called Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell which is all about two rival ‘magicians/wizards’!!! This series represent the efforts put into manipulating two very competent ‘subtle’ beings in attempts to have them become rivals/causing each other more and more problems!!!!
November 20, 2019 @ 10:58 pm
I’ve taken one read so far (will re-read a few more times to let it sync in), although I’m not certain how the changes in the meaning of the words (over time) that you listed are useful other than serve as evidence that there is a deliberate attempt to keep us unaware of our subtle origins.
One word that immediately came to mind that is associated is the Chinese word: Shen, which has many meanings and references and is a very old word.
The reference to Dante’s hell (Ring 2: Against Self), trees and hellish existence perfectly describes my situation. My current existence is beyond hellish. I frequently have thoughts of ending it because of the extreme hellish nature of what I am physically going through.
Have you thought about Zaqqum, which is a tree referenced in the Quran:
The reference doesn’t involve incarnating/interfacing subtle beings as trees but there is a reference where those in the hell are forced to eat the fruit of this tree (devil’s fruit):
The fruits of Zaqqum are shaped like devils’ heads (Qur’an 37:62-68). Some Islamic scholars believe in a literal meaning of this tree grown in fire, showing the inverted flora of hell. The inhabitants of hell are forced to eat the tree’s fruits, which tears their bodies apart and releases bodily fluids as a punishment.
Theres also the tree of knowledge of good/evil – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_the_knowledge_of_good_and_evil
But not sure how that would tie in but I imagine you’ve already thought of this.
The birth-certificate/US-government/federal-reserve thing for some reason to resonate strongly with me. For a long time I’ve had this belief that we are basically slaves to the state and the system.
But as it relates to us as subtle beings – would this apply to all of us? There are subtle beings who are interfaced to human avatars who live privileged lives – those in the top 10% of wealth for example or those who are wealthy and have no physical or mental health problems. Reminds me of the film Elysium with Matt Damon:
November 22, 2019 @ 4:02 pm
Thanks for these Shalin, the top 3 and particularly that ‘tree of good and evil’ is very ‘striking’ I can maybe use these for another angle sometime!!!
The Elysium film, I cannot remember that one BUT I’ve watched ‘Altered Carbon’ a few times as it’s striking that the ‘sky’ residences are of the ‘Lords’ that are then actually living within the subtle and not only are they presented as having a formal garden (of an ‘eden’ like presentation) but the main ‘Lord’ even has what is pointed out as a very special ‘tree’ within this ‘mansion’ i.e. the tree represents the physical populations ‘interfacing’ efforts/interfaced circumstances . . . the coiled snake in the ‘intro’ is representing being ‘incarnated’ AND the double coiled snake is implying for ever and ever i.e. your going to be re-interfaced forever and ever!!!!
November 21, 2019 @ 12:46 am
Also any useful link between neural networks (dendrite trees) in human/animal brains and physical tree’s?
November 21, 2019 @ 1:27 am
Shalin re ‘neural networks ‘dendrite trees’ . . . I’d bet money that tree root mycelium or ‘similar/other root’ structures are organised to represent logic structures/neural networks . . . good way to keep these hidden!!! Also, the most recent shit designs we’ve encountered were related to the film ‘The Adjustment Bureau’ (AB) and the Spanish series ‘Minesterio Del Tempo’ the AB film uses doors as portals to magically get access to pretty much anywhere while the Spanish series uses doors to access places though time AND both are about keeping the future on track . . . as most doors yet again usually either are entirely ‘wood’ or use wood products as part of there make up then these are possibly yet another creative/magical tree/wood angle!!!!
November 21, 2019 @ 11:21 am
2nd time i’m trying to post. An error came up saying “an error has occurred. You posted your comment too quickly. try again later.” Weird.
So here I go, second time round:
My husband works on creating simulations and running test environments for various insurance companies which then result in these systems going live. He struggles with the craziest amount of anomalies, works so fucking hard to work out every kink (there is a compulsion to do this – he’s close to burnout – and he doesn’t get well rewarded for the hours). The point is, we talk. I told him to relax a little & not be surprised by anomalies. So, we’re talking about his system & I mentioned to be on the lookout for managed thinking. People being puppeted (like a Mr. Smith).
His reply was: Interesting! The tool that runs the deployment is called puppet! Xx
Tool in South Africa is slang for “an idiot” as in “you are a ‘tool’” / “what a ‘tool’!”
Puppet I found extremely interesting too:
Definition of Puppet:
a person, group, government, etc., whose actions are prompted and controlled by another or others.
an ARTIFICIAL figure representing a human being or an animal, MANIPULATED by “the hand”
Of course “the hand” to me immediately reminded me of “god” (the hand of god).
And then I found: According to Aristotle, the hand is the “tool of tools.” This seemed odd too, because it’s almost like a joke: “the hand” of god is a “tool” (idiot).
So to go back to my husbands original reply, the meaning of his current project is:
“The tool (Idiot) that runs the deployment is called ‘puppet’” – an ARTIFICIAL figure representing a human being or an animal, MANIPULATED by the “hand” (god/a “tool” / “idiot”).
Literally provides him with all the information he has to know about his project – or therefore perhaps, in general – simulations!? Hahahaha! This came minutes after I started reading your updated post.
November 23, 2019 @ 6:10 pm
Hi Olivia, and this also fits well with this page as we/us/humans/people are also being viewed as useful/valuable tools and hence then have an assigned ‘value/worth’ at birth too. It’s possible your husband (being a copied/duplicate person here) was working on the EAAS project doing something similar with respect to getting people/humans ‘animated’ correctly!!!!
November 22, 2019 @ 3:37 am
You may want to investigate the following films if you, Matt/Tom haven’t already done so:
1. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
A wardrobe made from a magic tree that transports people to the netherworld of Narnia. (magic tree angle)
2. Being John Malkovich
A door behind a filing cabinet that transports people to the inside of John Malkovich’s head. (door/wood portal angle)
3. Monsters Inc.
Closets that transport people and monsters between the monster-ruled city of Monstropolis and children’s bedrooms. (closets/door/wood portal angle)
4. The Nightmare Before Christmas
A tree that transports people to Christmas Town. (tree portal angle)
5. Poltergeist (1982).
Bizarre events occur the following day: a drinking glass of milk spontaneously breaks, silverware bends, and furniture moves of its own accord. The phenomena seem benign at first, but quickly begin to intensify. That night, a gnarled backyard tree comes alive and grabs Robbie through the bedroom window. While Steve rescues Robbie, Carol Anne is sucked into a portal that appears in her closet. The Freelings realize something supernatural has occurred when they hear her voice emanating from the television set that is tuned to an empty channel.
(tree/closet portal angle)
6. Stranger Things Netflix series
Various portals throughout the series but there is one at the base of a tree:
When Jonathan and Nancy went searching for the Demogorgon on Mirkwood, they came across a wounded deer. As they were about to perform a mercy kill on it, it was suddenly pulled away by an unseen force. Following the trail of blood, Nancy discovered an open portal in the base of a tree
7) Avatar (you likely already investigated this) – 2009 film with the home tree / tree of souls as the center of the civilization for the Na’vi people on Pandora
The Tree of Souls, besides being a connection to Eywa, also works as a way for her to directly interact with the world through the seeds of the tree. The tree has the capability to connect directly to the human nervous system, despite humans lacking a queue. The roots of the Tree of Souls are capable of initiating a neural link with the Na’vi, like with the Tree of Voices. This allows all of the Na’vi to unite as one.
8. Sleepy Hollow – 1999 with Jonny Depp
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcOENbnXxQ4 (tree of the dead scene)
The is tree in the film that is the portal into the living world (hellmouth) – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellmouth
9. Game of Thrones (HBO tv series) – there is a tree type called Weirwoods which have faces carved into their trunks and have eyes. It is said that they enable one to see into the past/future and provide extraordinary powers/magic
December 2, 2019 @ 1:23 pm
‘AND’ thanks for the tree film list to Shalin
November 22, 2019 @ 4:39 pm
Shalin – it’s interesting that you often refer to TCM terminology. I keep meaning to post something, but somehow it never comes about. I am a TCM practitioner and was trying to convey the meaning of Qi & Shen yesterday. I did some searching through the net (acupuncture today etc/various manuals by Maciocia) on all the connections with the organs/emotions/spirits etc.
Clive – from our perspective as practitioners of TCM, there are Hun and Po spirits. They also relate to a direction, a season, an emotion and an organ.
We also use the word Qi, which is the idea of a “universal source of energy”. Any energy which has power and strength, has qi. That could be electricity, magnetism, heat or light. Even the weather has qi.
In some of the earliest Chinese texts, like the I Ching or Book of Changes, they described qi as ‘breath’ (not that I’ve had the chance to read the translations, but it’s well known & taught).
I remember when I was in China studying, the lecturers told us something along the lines of “human beings were created when a “god” brought terracotta statues to life by exposing them to qi, “the breath of the world’s beginning”.
Qi is something so essential to “life”, that the Chinese character for qi is made up of those for ‘rice’ and ‘steam’.
So you can think of it as the steam from a warming bowl of rice, something that keeps you alive. This goes along nicely with breath/spirit etc you mention in this page Clive.
November 23, 2019 @ 5:52 pm
Hi Olivia, TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine!!!
I had a phase of using acupressure and a very good western version of the I-Ching for ‘dowsing/advice’ too (likely 2 decades+ ago now)
Keep in mind that these healing/health approaches relate to an underwater culture (remember the crabs as humans links I gave on the home page here) i.e. it’s one of a very few cultures that at least was trying to give it’s in the air spirit/soul incarnated people a full 3 dimensional living environment (an entire underwater environment) rather than just a 2D flat surface one. So, they also designed in the acupuncture system that via the interfacing allows ailments of the subtle form to be diagnosed and treated (hence modern medicine research of acupuncture isn’t allowed to confirm the effectiveness of TCM!!!!)
On the others hand the acu pressure/acupuncture has been co-opted within the EAAS to (like everything else) be used as a subtle backdoor into the human form . . .
This web copy of a book: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/antigravityworldgrid/ciencia_antigravityworldgrid06.htm#Ley%20Lines%20and%20The%20Meaning%20Of%20Adam
. . . that is no longer available to buy (I’m not surprised as it’s too revealing) showing how the human acupuncture points/places not only also match up with some ley lines they also match up with various star systems too i.e. in the latter case aspects of the ‘heavens’ which will then allow the EAAS ‘universe’ to generate/use emissions from these star systems to mess with peoples subtle form and then through this the human body processes/functions!!!
There are backdoors/often multiple backdoors into everything/every aspect of everything here!!!!
November 25, 2019 @ 2:43 pm
EVERYONE . . . you might find this interesting . . .
The current series at least from one angle is arguing that any investigation of any/all original subtle/soul/spirit form cultures of the physical strata is exceptionally unlikely to focus on ‘humans’ ONLY i.e. it is in fact highly likely that we should have many human grade in intelligence ‘animals’ here as part of the larger society . . .
If this is correct, which it is because I’ve pointed out in links on the front/home page here I already compiled extensive evidence that some people ‘here’ whom are currently presenting as ‘humans’ have in fact been ‘converted’ (via software) into humans from being a crab species . . .
In other words we appear to have at least some point in the past been subjected to a planet wide ‘transformation’ where all intelligent animals (i.e. all those that have via interfacing resulted in the spirit/soul/subtle form being ‘made flesh’ within a none human animal form) have all then been converted/rendered as a human . . . HOWEVER . . . until this point in our past we’d then have cultures that were (likely) a very, very diverse mixture of ‘intelligent’ animals . . .
Recently I came across a book written in 1906 that is describing in great detail past criminal prosecution cases specifically involving ‘animals’ . . . called:
Here is an extract:
It is said that Bartholomew Chassenée,[1] a distinguished French jurist of the sixteenth century (born at Issy-l’Evêque in 1480), made his reputation at the bar as counsel for some rats, which had been put on trial before the ecclesiastical court of Autun on the charge of having feloniously eaten up and wantonly destroyed the barley-crop of that province. On complaint formally presented by the magistracy, the official or bishop’s vicar, who exercised jurisdiction in such cases, cited the culprits to appear on a certain day and appointed Chassenée to defend them.
In view of the bad repute and notorious guilt of his clients, Chassenée was forced to employ all sorts of legal shifts and chicane, dilatory pleas and other technical objections, hoping thereby to find some loophole in the meshes of the law through which the accused might escape,[Pg 19] or at least to defer and mitigate the sentence of the judge. He urged, in the first place, that inasmuch as the defendants were dispersed over a large tract of country and dwelt in numerous villages, a single summons was insufficient to notify them all; he succeeded, therefore, in obtaining a second citation, to be published from the pulpits of all the parishes inhabited by the said rats. At the expiration of the considerable time which elapsed before this order could be carried into effect and the proclamation be duly made, he excused the default or non-appearance of his clients on the ground of the length and difficulty of the journey and the serious perils which attended it, owing to the unwearied vigilance of their mortal enemies, the cats, who watched all their movements, and, with fell intent, lay in wait for them at every corner and passage. On this point Chassenée addressed the court at some length, in order to show that if a person be cited to appear at a place, to which he cannot come with safety, he may exercise the right of appeal and refuse to obey the writ, even though such appeal be expressly precluded in the summons. The point was argued as seriously as though it were a question of family feud between Capulet and Montague in Verona or Colonna and Orsini in Rome.
——————— another extract:
Sometimes the obnoxious vermin were generously forewarned. Thus the grand-vicars of Jean Rohin, Cardinal Bishop of Autun, having been informed that slugs were devastating several estates in different parts of his diocese, on the 17th of August, 1487, ordered[Pg 37] public processions to be made for three days in every parish, and enjoined upon the said slugs to quit the territory within this period under penalty of being accursed. On the 8th of September, 1488, a similar order was issued at Beaujeu. The curates were charged to make processions during the offices, and the slugs were warned three times to cease from vexing the people by corroding and consuming the herbs of the fields and the vines, and to depart; “and if they do not heed this our command, we excommunicate them and smite them with our anathema.” In 1516, the official of Troyes pronounced sentence on certain insects (adversus brucos seu eurucas vel alia non dissimilia animalia, Gallicè urebecs, probably a species of curculio), which laid waste the vines, and threatened them with anathema, unless they should disappear within six days. Here it is expressly stated that a counsellor was assigned to the accused, and a prosecutor heard in behalf of the aggrieved inhabitants. As a means of rendering the anathema more effective, the people are also urged to be prompt and honest in the payment of tithes. Chassenée, too, endorses this view, and in proof of its correctness refers to Malachi, where God promises to rebuke the devourer for man’s sake, provided all the tithes are brought into the storehouse.
The archives of the old episcopal city of St. Jean-de-Maurienne contain the original records[Pg 38] of legal proceedings instituted against some insects, which had ravaged the vineyards of St. Julien, a hamlet situated on the route over Mt. Cenis and famous for the excellence of its vintage. The defendants in this case were a species of greenish weevil (charançon) known to entomologists as rychites auratus, and called by different names, amblevin, bèche, verpillion, in different provinces of France.
Complaint was first made by the wine-growers of St. Julien in 1545 before François Bonnivard, doctor of laws. The procurator Pierre Falcon and the advocate Claude Morel defended the insects, and Pierre Ducol appeared for the plaintiffs. After the presentation and discussion of the case by both parties, the official, instead of passing sentence, issued a proclamation, dated the 8th of May, 1546, recommending public prayers and beginning with the following characteristic preamble: “Inasmuch as God, the supreme author of all that exists, hath ordained that the earth should bring forth fruits and herbs (animas vegetativas), not solely for the sustenance of rational human beings, but likewise for the preservation and support of insects, which fly about on the surface of the soil, therefore it would be unbecoming to proceed with rashness and precipitance against the animals now actually accused and indicted; on the contrary, it would be more fitting for us to have recourse to the mercy of heaven and to implore pardon for our[Pg 39] sins.” Then follow instructions as to the manner in which the public prayers are to be conducted in order to propitiate the divine wrath. The people are admonished to turn to the Lord with pure and undivided hearts (ex toto et puro corde), to repent of their sins with unfeigned contrition, and to resolve to live henceforth justly and charitably, and above all to pay tithes. High mass is to be celebrated on three consecutive days, namely on May 20th, 21st, and 22nd, and the host to be borne in solemn procession with songs and supplications round the vineyards. The first mass is to be said in honour of the Holy Spirit, the second in honour of the Blessed Virgin, and the third in honour of the tutelar saint of the parish. At least two persons of each household are required to take part in these religious exercises. A procès-verbal, signed by the curate Romanet, attests that this programme was fully carried out and that the insects soon afterwards disappeared.
About thirty years later, however, the scourge was renewed and the destructive insects were actually brought to trial. The proceedings are recorded on twenty-nine folia and entitled: De actis scindicorum communitatis Sancti Julliani agentium contra animalia bruta ad formam muscarum volantia coloris viridis communi voce appellata verpillions seu amblevins. The documents, which are still preserved in the archives of St. Julien, were communicated by M. Victor[Pg 40] Dalbane, secretary of the commune, to M. Léon Ménebréa, who printed them in the appendix to his volume: De l’origine de la forme et de l’esprit des jugements rendus au moyen-âge contre les animaux. Chambery, 1846. This treatise appeared originally in the twelfth tome of the Mémoires de la Société Royale Académique de Savoie.
Aren’t the above not only ‘bizarre’ but don’t they directly imply that the mentioned cats/rats/slugs and a greenish weevil species were considered to be ‘people’ and hence then were responsible for there actions!!!!
A free .pdf of this book is available and can be found/downloaded from here: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/43286/43286-h/43286-h.htm
If anyone reads more than the above ‘and’ comes across other ‘animal’ species being taken to court copy and paste the ‘shorter’ bits from these as a comment here!!!!
I’ve also re-written parts of the above page and particularly the introduction as well as correcting a lot of spelling errors too!!!!
November 25, 2019 @ 7:13 pm
Clive cant understand what you mean with this comment.
What I’m picking up is.
Animals got a trial just like humans. Certain Animals have human like intelligence. Certain animal forms got translated into humans. After the trial the shenanigans of the animals stopped.
There is a part in the end of the book that mentioned crucified lions in Afrika and that other lions who saw the crucified ones didn’t attack.
I have been working with a girl named Luna to remove things and become more grounded and she said she perceived my higher self as a coyote humanoid and that I had like a bear and a panther helping me. That those were my siblings. The whole animal thing makes me think of shamanism with the power animals.
I had another guy check something out and he said he perceived me as a light being basically something like the sun only smaller somewhere else.
They both found some reptile like creature snacking on me Luna told me she removed it with coyote bear and panther. Clive isn’t your lot checking up on me how tf did I get a reptile attached to me snacking on my whatever if I’m in the hands of your lot?
The whole animal thing the only other thing I can think of is my ex called hinde that means female deer in dutch. So what’s the possibility that she was a female deer spirit that got interfaced to a human animal form?
The more I think about stuff the less it all makes sense. Dollhouse and psychonaut stuff. Me seeing the weird alien stuff. Me being possessed by a fallen angel? I’m a coyote? Or a sun from another galaxy? But I got borged? On top of all the other shite? It’s also like I somehow can’t comprehend or that I forget stuff.
You know like your whole past I can’t remember anything of my human past lives or my lives anywhere else.
My comment Is all over the place and your too busy to explain. So guess I should just keep my head down.
Is it useful to like work with other people to remove stuff or is it script defined? So am I wasting money on that? Like Luna removed that reptile but did it just fuck off for a week and then the fucker is back because it’s not in my script to get it removed?
December 2, 2019 @ 1:56 pm
Hi Tommy, re ‘Clive cant understand what you mean with this comment’ – yea it’s not clear . .
At some point in our past history we had a mixture of many types of intelligent animals (equivalent to us/humans ‘now’ in intelligence terms) as well as none intelligent/normal/dumb animals. At some point in our past maybe sometime in the late 18th century and or early 19th century all ‘intelligent’ interfaced to an animal of all types WHOM WEREN’T HUMAN were all converted/transformed INSTANTLY into humans i.e. before this time humans we’re in very small numbers mixed in with a lot of other intelligent species!!!
However, if you remember the crabs as humans evidence Tommy (links on home page somewhere!!!) then this crabs to humans conversion implies that ‘SOME TYPE’ of transformation has been applied to all peoples/races/cultures that didn’t use a human animal to interface there population too. Basically within the EAAS part of the agenda is have everyone interfaced ‘soul’ identify as being human because they want everyone brainwashed into thinking that humans are automatically superior to all other animal forms so that the final update will then have humans in charge/considered above all other cultures whom are using a none human avatar!!!
November 25, 2019 @ 7:21 pm
SUMMARY of Shalin’s Animal link efforts . . .
Page: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/43286/43286-h/43286-h.htm#Page_124 e ditos sentencios espirituaes e moraes, etc. Vol. V., Lisboá, 1747.]
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Worm & bee:
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Toad & Frog:
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Malleolus gives the following formula for banning serpents and expelling them from human habitations, inculcating incidentally the iniquity of perjury and judicial injustice: “By virtue of this ban and conjuration I command you to depart from this house and cause it to be as hateful and intolerable to you, as the man, who knowingly bears false witness or pronounces an unjust sentence, is to God.” Sometimes the exorcism was in the form of a prayer, as, for example, in that used for the purgation and disinfection of springs and water-courses: “O Lord Jesus, thou who didst bless the river Jordan and wast baptized in it and hast purified and cleansed it to the end that it might be a healing element for the redemption from sin, bless, sanctify and purify this water, so that there may be left in it nothing noxious, nothing pestiferous or contagious, nothing pernicious, but that everything in it may be pure and immaculate, in order that we may use whatever[Pg 122] is created in it for our welfare and to thy glory, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”
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Mice & Moles:
Page: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/43286/43286-h/43286-h.htm#Page_112
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Here is a more exhaustive list of references, condemnations and prosecutions of various animals. You can jump from animal to animal by search “===”. As well there were too many refernces to vermines so I did not compile them. Lots of instances of prosecutions pigs/sow/swine but I did manage to capture most of them.
Beetles & Bears:
Page: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/43286/43286-h/43286-h.htm#Page_30
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Page: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/43286/43286-h/43286-h.htm#Page_149 (multiple animals)
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Page: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/43286/43286-h/43286-h.htm#Page_176, 177 & 178
More than three centuries later the same means were employed for curing murrain, which in the summer of 1796 had broken out at Beutelsbach in Würtemberg and carried off many head of cattle. By the advice of a French veterinary doctor, who was quartered there with[Pg 139] the army of General Moreau, the town bull was buried alive at the crossroads in the presence of several hundred persons. We are not informed whether this sacrifice proved to be a sufficiently “powerful medicine” to stay the epizoötic plague; the noteworthy fact is that the superstitious rite was prescribed and performed, not by an Indian magician or an African sorcerer, but by an official of the French republic.
In the latter case one of the largest of the locusts was seized and tried and then put to death by being thrown into the water with anathemas on the whole species. A few years ago swarms of locusts devastated the region near Kallipolis in Turkey, and a petition was sent by the Christian population to the monks of Mount Athos begging them to bear in solemn procession through the fields the girdle of St. Basilius, in order to expel the insects. This request was granted, and as the locusts gradually disappeared, because there was little or nothing left for them to eat, the orthodox of the Greek Church from the bishop to the humblest laymen firmly believed or at least maintained that a[Pg 137] miracle had been wrought. Pious Mohammedans exorcise and ostracize locusts and other harmful insects by reading the Koran aloud in the ravaged fields, as was recently done at Denislue in Asia Minor with satisfactory results
Osenbrüggen’s statement that the cock condemned to be burned at Bâle was personified as a heretic (Ketzer) and therefore sentenced to the stake, is a far-fetched and wholly fanciful explanation. As we have already seen, the unfortunate fowl, suspected of laying an egg in violation of its nature, was feared as an abnormal, inauspicious, and therefore[Pg 12] diabolic creature; the fatal cockatrice, which was supposed to issue from this egg when hatched, and the use which might be made of its contents for promoting intercourse with evil spirits, caused such a cock to be dreaded as a dangerous purveyor to His Satanic Majesty, but no member of the Kohlenberg Court ever thought of consigning Chanticleer to the flames as the peer of Wycliffe or of Huss in heresy.
December 2, 2019 @ 1:12 pm
Thanks for all of the animals as people being prosecuted links Shalin I’ve made a summary list!!!
November 28, 2019 @ 3:47 pm
RE: “showing how the human acupuncture points/places not only also match up with some ley lines they also match up with various star systems too i.e. in the latter case aspects of the ‘heavens’ which will then allow the EAAS ‘universe’ to generate/use emissions from these star systems to mess with peoples subtle form and then through this the human body processes/functions!!!”
Interesting info… all this reminded me of astrology in general and made me think about how it could work. And it reminded me mostly of the Human Design system which was channeled to a guy from Canada in the 80’s (this must be why it’s relatively little known).
That system precisely mixes or combines I’Ching’s divinatory system, with astrology, with the (pertinent) Kabbalistic tree of life and with the Hindu chakra system (the latter 2 suggesting connotations with our interfacing… by the way, the meaning of name Kabbalah is literally “that which is received”).
Each person’s Human Design Chart or BodyGraph (which according to the description translates to “a graphic illustration of the energetic flow within your system, a blueprint for how you operate and interact with the world”) is then defined according to the configuration of the stars and the ascendant at the birth time.
Since each point on the Zodiac Astrological Wheel matches with one of the 64 I’Ching hexagrams (number which very interestingly corresponds to the number of all possible combinations that codons in DNA can assume (also 64)…), so according to each astrological position on our Natal Chart, we will have associated or activated in us several I’Ching hexagrams.
It is therefore the hexagrams we have activated or associated with us, and the pairings they make (because each hexagram pair with another one, making 32 pairs (at least in human design)) that will define the kind of characteristics which, according to what was suggested, could very well “come down” to us here throughout the interfacing from the stars, and that will also dictate whether each of our 9 centers is defined or undefined (9 centers which have a direct correspondence with the Hindu traditional 7 chakras, with the detail that there are 2 more, one which they call Spleen and another called G center).
According to what I read, (which was all encrypted……), the more undefined our ‘centers’ are (which is determined by the hexagrams we have or not active, or the gates as they call), the less consistent their energy flow is, and also the reliability of certain functions or aspects related to the center involved, and also the greater the pressure we feel when expressing their energy……. that is supposedly reflected in our dispositions and behaviors…
Now they actually associate each of the 9 centers with all sorts of aspects of us and our functioning, including organs of our physical body… which actually suggests that each of these 9 centers is associated with the basic functions of our subtle form with direct correspondence with our functions in the physical body…. and I wonder how much such an indefiniteness of our centers would not be related to certain problems in our subtle form and their manifestation in our physical body?
For example, I met a woman who besides being very impulsive to speak, had several problems that are associated with throat chakra unbalances (bad breath, frequent abscesses and few teeth), when I found her birth day, I made her Human Design Chart and found that out of the 11 hexagrams or gates related to throat/expression center, she had NO ONE active, making her throat center totally undefined…
In my specific case, my G center (related to the sense of self) is also totally undefined, and I literally live incorporated…. and not knowing exactly by whom or how many?……
I would not be surprised that, according to the ‘debilitations’ that people already have, the period between lives mafia, through the day of birth, configured the influences that enter through susceptible points of our interfacing and/or subtle form, precisely to make it easier for us to fuck even more (and all with the excuse of the evolution bullshit and the overcoming of what are termed “defects/imperfections”, towards an ideal defined by someone (probably some dictator)….. or perhaps also so that people can be molded toward something convenient… I would also not be surprised that they also interfered in the way we are interfaced, precisely so that the desired effects were more consistent (both for lack and excess…) (and in fact, the presence of undefined centers in the BodyGraph, which makes one’s own energy quite inaccessible, suggests precisely that)…
(and i got Java scrip error again… and again…)
November 29, 2019 @ 6:37 pm
Jessica (+ REGULARS) . . Jessica, this is a very good ‘connected’ summary of different angles . . .
I’ve checked ‘yet again’ the java script angles ‘AND’ yet again I cannot find anything obvious or even oblique . . . so, do what I do, which is to ‘write’ the comment separately i.e. NOT IN THE COMMENT BOX ITSELF but in word or wordpad etc and then once written then copy paste and ‘post it’ . . . ‘then’ if is doesn’t actually post/seem to post try again and if you’re still not sure send it to me by e-mail with the post URL/TITLE it’s to be posted on!!!!
November 30, 2019 @ 12:41 am
Clive, related to Jessica’s comments regarding astrology/I-ching. Not so long ago I went to an astrologer who practices a different kind of astrology than typical vedic astrology. Instead of using gemstones to balance the planetary blockages/misalignments within my astrology chart (which is what typical vedic astrologers do) he gave me print outs of symbols and objects to place in the inside of my closet.
Here are the images/symbols:
I relay this in concern that the images/symbols too are some sort of backdoors into me, although lately I’ve been having lots of paranoid thoughts about everything being a backdoor into me – especially a gemstone I was given by an astrologer I saw long ago. The name of the stone is Hessonite and it is a type of garnet and used to strengthen the Rahu vedic planet, which actually is a fictitious/invisible planet in vedic astrology.
Of course the Hessonite didnt do shit for me but wore it nonetheless until recently when I broke my chain while doing qigong.
We also have various crystals/stones around the house and I’ve become obsessed with every tv show/film I watch trying to find clues as possible backdoors.
After I sent you a list of films with tree/portal angles I haven’t been able to get them out of my mind. The *Being John Malkovich* film where a portal in his closet gains access to his nervous system keeps coming up in my mind. But that could be because my mind is connecting my physical ailments with anything that matches since my nervous system/kidneys/adrenals/liver are all shot to hell/blocked.
I also find myself spending hours on google searching for films/tv shows/books that have some linkage to trees, portals & subtle beings being interfaced to them. There are many such things – lot of it in Japanese anime with tree like beings called Druids for instance but I haven’t found a direct match with Dante’s Hell. Also how trees connect to everything in a sacred grove but this may be related with neural-networks/dendrite structures and how they span out and connect every tree.
In that light I wonder whether the remaining 350 kr/cp people are all connected via dendrite structures which when one is set free from the management the SIM quickly gains backdoor access to that individual through the neural-networks/dendrite structures connecting all of us.
December 2, 2019 @ 12:30 pm
As there are ‘backdoors’ into every aspect of EVERYTHING related to all aspects of ourselves then it’s not worth worrying about Shalin!!!
December 5, 2019 @ 12:41 pm
RE “At some point in our past maybe sometime in the late 18th century and or early 19th century all ‘intelligent’ interfaced to an animal of all types WHOM WEREN’T HUMAN were all converted/transformed INSTANTLY into humans i.e. before this time humans we’re in very small numbers mixed in with a lot of other intelligent species!!!”
Hum… in speaking of the 18th and 19th centuries as the time when this conversion would have taken place, are you speaking in a merely hypothetical way or are you in fact trying to give your best prediction?
Actually, I had already suspected the mythological gods or deities scattered across diverse cultures around the world as having actually existed… And to be honest, when you referred to this transformation in your initial comment, I thought it was actually likely that it had occurred at a time when these deities possibly walked the earth thousands of years ago…
I have evidence of being a Naga in India for example (an ugly thing of this kind, in a female version probably even uglier than the one in the image https://www.pngfans.com/middle-bd13e7ec20ce15ce-snake-human.html ), hence animals have distinguished themselves into intelligent and non-intelligent, because some had a brain size that allowed them to manifest greater intelligence and others not…
It’s that the implications of having occurred such a conversion recently are VERY disconcerting… because everything in our historical records has to do with us as human beings… from archaeological records to the design of our most varied objects (that have evolved over time always in an adapted to the human form way), to what is implicit in historical descriptions and accounts, to paintings and works of art in general, etc… IN ADDITION to people seeing themselves as human beings when accessing their past lives (sometimes even because they have direct memories of it) or when encountering versions/entities from their own or others as incorporation of psychological/soul aspects from past lives…
Therefore, having recently occurred such a transformation would imply that ALL these aspects have been CHANGED (what should have been hard monumental work!!!)… and which would imply that all past records we currently have are FALSE, including our memories and/or from aspects of us!!!
December 8, 2019 @ 3:34 am
The conversion from a majority of ‘intelligent’ interfaced animals to humans definitely happened sometime in the past, I just don’t know when specifically. Yea, the main problem is that it would require absolutely ‘EVERYTHING’ to be converted/translated not just the bodies but all clothes, tools etc. etc. used by different intelligent animals etc. etc. all pictures, loads of descriptions in books etc. etc. . . . plus all of our/everyone’s memories too . . . I only had one past life here (a Mayan one 2000+ years ago) that I realised that I was an animal (a big cat Jaguar).
The next/current page I’m writing is very focused on the God’s/Deities which are representing ‘overseers/facilitators/helpers/guidance’ for earlier incarnated people of different cultures early incarnation efforts.
Well, ‘intelligence’ if you think about it for an subtle form interfaced to any animal, a tree or a peanut depends entirely on the intelligence of the subtle form not what it’s interfacing too nor the size of anything’s brain either as brain power can be supplied from elsewhere as it were!!!! I don’t think I’ve been any snake type thing though!!!!
You’d be amazed as to how much of archaeology and or ancient history is very carefully selected to avoid all of the things that don’t add up. For example when they converted all of the different intelligent dead animals bodies/remains/bones into human versions they forgot to adjust for size too – hahhahha, likely deliberately so we’ve skeletons of very small humans as well as seriously big humans too (imagine an intelligent giraffe or an elephant or even a very large horse skeleton being converted into a human)??
This ‘past’ language page on it’s own makes a good case for the subtle/spirt form representing our real selves ‘just’ on the past language alone!!! Yea, the transformation effort is very comprehensive which makes me suspect that they let that one book through, although it’s contents in being so specific to animal activities (locusts or other insects eating grain) would have been difficult to convert to a human only perspective!!!!
December 12, 2019 @ 4:31 pm
RE “Well, ‘intelligence’ if you think about it for an subtle form interfaced to any animal, a tree or a peanut depends entirely on the intelligence of the subtle form not what it’s interfacing too nor the size of anything’s brain either as brain power can be supplied from elsewhere as it were!!!!”
What makes me think that the physical form brain capacity has something to do with the subtle being ability to express and manifest their real cognitive abilities and attributes is the acknowledgement of some very interesting phenomena… for example:
When people have dementias, what happens is a degeneration of their physical brain structures, which in practice results in the loss of various cognitive functions (depending on the affected areas) and the consequent inability to partially or fully manifest the respective associated consciousness attributes……
Thus, dementias (as well as brain injuries and brain birth defects) can make the subtle being intercfaced to the damaged physical body unable to, for example, access its own past memories of experiences lived in the present life, or to be unable to form new ones as it have new experiences (or instead, unable to access newly formed memories somewhere?)… These can also result in the inability of the consciousness conditioned by physical structures to reason coherently, or in the inability to reason at all… or, for example, to speak…
Another example, I once had a cockatiel and a rooster as pets… and when they died, they as a subtle body (or at least as one of their subtle bodies) chose to always be with me wherever I went… the really bizarre thing here is that it was only when they died that they started talking just as anyone does… and even drawing (which apparently is the rooster hobby)…! But what’s interesting is that when they were alive they behaved like any dumb animal!
However, since you must have your reasons for assuming that the “brain power can be supplied from elsewhere as it were”…… could my pet friends actually have made better use of their limited brain structures compared to their peers???
There is actually something very interesting about the idea you convey related to the manifestation of intelligence in the physical, which is…. the assumption that subtle forms differ greatly in their intelligence levels….. so (since you refer somewhere to the existence of subtle races… and also… to the existence of some kind of subtle lice that reproduces…) I wonder if you would have any idea if subtle forms in their natural and real state (not as subtle avatars) would be distinguished from each other in an equivalent way to how the various physical species are distinguished here from each other?
Re “Yea, the transformation effort is very comprehensive which makes me suspect that they let that one book through, although it’s contents in being so specific to animal activities (locusts or other insects eating grain) would have been difficult to convert to a human only perspective!!!!”
About that book “THE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION AND CAPITAL PUNISHMENT OF ANIMALS”, there is still the chance that it did not need to be converted… if its content is not actually representing criminal persecution efforts towards what at that time would be perceived as intelligent animals (as one might assume at the outset)…?
Some excerpts from the book actually seem to reveal that, in light of the Christian mentality of that time, animals were seen as instruments which were eventually used by the devil to cause trouble, or even as incarnations of the devil himself, hence it was appropriate for them to have the animals condemned, because, in their view, what was being condemned was actually the devil himself and/or his demons…
(or perhaps this, the explanation for animal prosecution, was already the result of the translation efforts (however… we must not forget that christians were really insane))…
According to a Doctor angelicus “the lower animals are satellites of Satan instigated by the powers of hell and therefore proper to be cursed,”
Chassenée refers to this opinion in the treatise already cited (I. § 75), and adds “the anathema then is not to be pronounced against the animals as such, but should be hurled inferentially (per modum conclusionis) at the devil, who makes use of irrational creatures to our detriment.”
After these quotes, the narrative proceeds with the following: “This notion seems to have been generally accepted in the Middle Ages, and the fact that evil spirits are often mentioned in the Bible metaphorically or symbolically as animals and assumed to be incarnate in the adder, the asp, the basilisk, the dragon, the lion, the leviathan, the serpent, the scorpion, etc., was considered confirmatory of this view.” – page 55
Other references that point to this reasoning:
“the good Catholic becomes an efficient co-worker with God by maltreating brutes and thus aiding the Almighty in punishing the devils, of which they are the visible and bruisable forms. Whatever pain is inflicted is felt, not by the physical organism, but by the animated spirit. It is the embodied demon that really suffers, howling in the beaten dog and squealing in the butchered pig.” – page 83
“In the question under discussion the argument is not subject to such limitations, but gathers testimony from all races and religions, showing that there is not a civilized nation or savage tribe on the face of the earth, which does not regard or has not regarded the lower animals as embodiments of evil spirits and sought to propitiate them. That “the devil is an ass” is a truth so palpable that it has passed into a proverb. Baal-zebub means fly-god; and the Christian Satan betrays his presence by the cloven foot of the goat or the solid hoof of the horse. In folk-lore, which is the débris of exploded mythologies adrift on the stream of popular tradition, cats, dogs, otters, apes, ravens, blackcocks, capercailzies, rabbits, hedgehogs, wolves, were-wolves, foxes, polecats, swine, serpents, toads, and countless varieties of insects, reptiles and vermin figure as incarnations and instruments of the devil” – page 85
December 29, 2019 @ 1:39 am
Everything is very, VERY mixed up here in insane ways Jessica, as the EAAS is about re-programming everyone, then we all also have versions of ourselves interfaced to pets too, hence then most pets seem more responsive and or intelligent than they actually ‘really’ are (or ‘should’ be).
December 8, 2019 @ 9:03 pm
Clive, you may also want to investigate vajrayana buddhism (unless you have already), which is Tibetan buddhism. It is filled with mysticism and deities of all kinds, many who serve as protector deities, obstacle removers, even healers and much much more.
I attended many many Chod practices https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C3%B6d and Mountain Smoke Offerings https://www.rigpawiki.org/index.php?title=Riwo_Sangch%C3%B6 but none of that did anything for me. I consulted with a Tibetan astrologer 2 years ago and he said that I may have offended/hurt the *earth lords* http://spiritgrooves.net/pdf/e-books/Tibetan-Earth-Lords.pdf and I needed to perform puja’s and rituals to appease them in order to be free of this health crisis. Of course I did all that yet did nothing for me. Interesting enough there was a lady that attended a Tibetan temple that I use to go to who became gravely ill. The head monk there invited 12 other monks and together they did a series of rituals to free her from her ailment/illness. Remarkably, within a week she started to recover and within a month she was completely healthy.
Perhaps she was simulating someone who experienced similar in the original population and recovered because that is what is written in her scripts. I haven’t had that luck unfortunately…
December 13, 2019 @ 12:46 pm
Reply+Hacking++ Update . . . Yea, Shalin the Tibetans are ‘special/a one off’ Shalin, within the entire self propagating data system within which our MVOS is but one of many (although our specific EAAS MV version is a ‘deviant’ one off designed within a MV off to one side of the main data structure/setup within a separate and ‘extra’ side branch) . . . so, after 50 million ‘subtle’ years some specific culture within EVERY MV WITHIN THIS DATA SYSTEM finds themselves magically feeling compelled to design/build the next ‘underMV’ . . . now when I first became aware of this my reaction was WTF, there is no way that this would result in an ultra consistent/same design/repeating pattern outcomes . . . however, as the selected XXX culture work on the design it turns out that no matter what they design and or then implement as their own MV version/variation it’s always magically replaced on startup by a Tibetan version whom spend there time as permanent subtle beings whose ‘job/aim’ seem to be to make sure that everything within the data system AND each experiment works as it’s supposed to so that it all stays on track, that each MV is of the same/correct MV design and that the same repeating propagation structure continues as well as the correct/base MV design parameters all stay the same AND that each lower MV base population are always duplicates of the MV above AND each duplicated persons life by and large always unfolds based on there previous upper versions lives too.
As this is what (in the normal MV’s) the ‘Tibetans’ specifically always do then they have a way, way, way better/more accurate idea of the entire nested, propagating, cascading MV focused data structure and also the base/repeated everywhere (except here) MV design than anyone else . . . despite that their diagrams/explanations are made to be exceptionally cryptic/impossible to understand in the correct context!!!
However, it’s very odd that ‘here’ within the EAAS they have also been incarnated (i.e. they are having a physical life), which I’m very sure that they shouldn’t be or more accurately they never incarnate in the main/normal self propagating data system MV’s. Basically, our deranged off the rails side branch ‘shit’ MV version has only been allowed to be designed because it serves the purposes of the data system owners/administrators whom are of course way, way, way up over!!!!
I’m actually 95+% sure that we’re in a very specifically designed and utterly deranged one off side MV that’s been put together to very specific specification (defined by those way up over) specifically as part of some gaining experience/expertise of hacking/combating hacking efforts project.
For example as part of our hacking efforts we’ve kept coming across shit that is exceptionally difficult if not impossible to hack specifically because it’s targeting vulnerabilities within the processors and or data structure/data handling systems i.e. some shit uses these types of ‘advantages’ which are basically pretty standard data/computer system hacking/attack techniques. Some shit versions we’ve dealt for example have brute forced i.e. thrown/blitzed very specific parts/functions of the EAAS operating system with very specific data/instruction combinations such that it overloads these functions in very specific ways that then result in ‘unexpected’ outcomes which then make it exceptionally difficult to track these outcomes. We’ve also had another technique which I call ‘incompatible component’ errors when two processing/data components are ‘somehow’ made to be forced to interact in ways that are abnormal for the data structures/processing functions trying to handle them such that these efforts also then result in ‘unexpected’ outcomes (which can then be tweaked to be used in ways that result in useful outcomes to those that discover these) . . . in the past we’ve dealt with ‘shit’ sets every so often that uses sets of these types of ‘advantages’ however in the last few months rather then a few 100 or maybe even 10000’s of these at a time we’ve had millions (the last mega big set of these was 3 or 4 weeks ago now had about 45 million sets of these) to neutralise these those way up over in the data system have to redesign our MV hardware so that these no longer work . . . without causing us to spill our coffee etc. etc. while this is being done either!!!
So, the above very much suggests to me that the designers/owners of the data system we are in are having external hackers/hacking problems!!!!
Chats with those way, way, way up over ‘seem’ to confirm this!!!! Which to be honest makes what we are in even more of a piss take than I was already aware of i.e. those that designed our own ‘local’ off to one side MV actually designed it (very likely unknowingly) to ‘OTHERS’ very specific ‘SHIT’ specifications so that we end up living within such a shit system that it’s easy to have someone get suspicious (i.e. me) and particularly as the person I’m a copy of tracked and remotely monitored the EAAS as it was being designed/built and then also very likely knew it was going to be shit too!!!!
We are still dealing with a big mess of ‘extras’ hidden/mixed in with peoples persona/behaviour and trauma data stores that have all been mixed together as one big amorphous cloud!!!! Last time I checked I was getting that all shit versions hidden/integrated within this have by and large been tamed/neutralised however they’re still working on trying to get access to the persona/personal behaviours/attitudes/temperaments/responses etc all mixed in with specific trauma/extremes in combinations and in ways to make it as difficult as possible to ‘release/alter’ these . . .
December 8, 2019 @ 9:13 pm
I forgot to mention I also attended many Vajrakilaya puja’s to appease Vajrakilaya who is a protector/destroyer of all obstacles, similar to the role Ganesha plays in hinduism.
Of course he destroyed none of that which was an obstacle for me. haha.
December 9, 2019 @ 3:13 am
Clive I don’t wanna be a cunt but Hermes is not the god of healing. he’s not known for it. He’s the god who plays tricks. The Americans took the caduceus as a symbol of healing that’s the piss take. The caduceus comes from something Babylonian. It’s you’d prolly guess it a tree.
The legit symbol of healing is the rod of Asclepius the son of his brother Apollo. Just one python on a stick Asclepius got killed because he revived people hades got huffy like I don’t get new folks in my realm. Zeus solved it like he solves everything with his fucking thunderbolt. Zeus is Hermes dad. Hermes is the messenger boy the trickster the liar he has a big portfolio boxing kids travelers animal husbandry running.
but he mostly just goofs off is a jerk. Hermes is snarky jerky adhd hyperactive sugar addict likes to gamble likes his porn is bisexual as hell likes em young like his dad. Can be nice most of the times he’s a asshole. Has a fucked sense of humor. Dude had someone worship him for like 20 years he was running around with a statute of him he was very poor. He got angry flung the statue and I turned into money. He did help Odysseus with Circe because Odysseus was his kid.
Someone squeeled he was trying to fuck a river nymph and he turned that guy into hawk so remember that’s also in the realm of possibilities.
The legit god of healing is Apollo he also does prophecy archery music. Is known for his shitty dating life. Has the muses hanging around.
Speaking about thievery and lying guess what I did since I was 9. Always the wrong shit my intentions are criminally inclined. Hermes comes in two forms young teen or old dude with beard.
My shaman said I had problems with Hermes dad because I did something in his energy field. Like I told you I have no fucking clue what I did after the lsd. Shaman wouldn’t explain wtf I did. What would make more sense is that Hermes swiped your arm like you described I think the bozo who nicked your arm was Hermes.
You did meet Athena right also you said she was kinda chubby and part of the rusty ray gang. I’d have a chat with her. Be honest she likes wisdom display what you found out. Hermes is for dodgy things. Kinda like Loki remember that Clive Hermes loves to play tricks on mortals and gods. don’t fall for his bullshit.
What wouldn’t suprise me is if the guy who visited you ow I can do healings was Hermes himself. They have a funny sense of humor I had three 4 weird visits of people I thought I knew but some things didn’t add up deities sometimes come around as humans keep that in mind.
Remember don’t ask to see them in their real form that’s what the mom of Dionysus got killed. Stay clear of the majority of the Greek deities because they have short tempers won’t answer questions and take offense very fast. I guess Athena would be safe Nyx would be scary but she’s the only one Zeus is afraid of so that might worth having a chat. Shaman said I had affinity with the underworld. Which is weird because I don’t like death or earthy cavernous things. Underworld is hades his realm only one who have access to that are Hermes Hades Persephone Hecate Nyx. Well and ereshkigal. As far as I know I’m persona non grata with all Greek deities they don’t like me.
I don’t wanna be whiny because your super busy but I asked you this already a dozen times Clive I need you to check what in the flying fuck happened with me because i can’t make sense of it.
Also check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ningishzida there is your caduceus since we are going back to Babylonian watch out for Enki and Enlil and his mates. Those are your shyster Elohims. Happy hunting mate
December 18, 2019 @ 4:26 pm
Hi, Tommy(+update of sorts), I’ve had to think quite a bit about your comment before I ‘maybe’ managed to figure it out!!!
The ‘Hermes’ sighting incident happened 20+ years ago around the time the internet just got started so the ‘God’s information likely wouldn’t be that comprehensive nor maybe accurate . . . so, a few things . . .
On checking my notes on potential past life possibilities I’ve found I’d written details of Asclepius, which then has me remembering that I’d become suspicious about the Hermes line and done some checking likely a few years later!!! Also, the guy seeing/describing me as ‘Hermes’ was doing this with a look of astonishment/WTF on his face, which implied that he wasn’t making it up and that then maybe in a sense it was being channeled through him!!!! Which has ‘misdirected’ me somewhat . . .
The ‘Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell’ series is likely representing a sort of generic shit ‘template’ of pre-defined FU possibilities used to cause as many problems as possible specifically between very competent subtle forms (aka decent magic focused people as well as ‘Gods’ ) . . . i.e. I suspect that both he AND myself were being ‘messed with/used’ . . . also, likely 4/5 years after this I ended up spending some time talking to this guy in depth and he unbelievably spent all of his time talking about all of the people/circumstances he’d covertly manipulated and or actually set up resulting in him causing all of them very serious problems . . . In other words, like you write, it DOES seems to me that he’s a very, very good candidate for ‘The Trickster’!!!
You then bizarrely ask a question “what in the flying fuck happened with me” that you/we already know the answer to . . . i.e. dollhouse imprints that could have you doing all sorts of shit and then we’ve the ‘Psychonaut’ sites psychedelic/drug shit too . . . on the other hand many people from the Dollhouse background also seem to then end up working on the EAAS . . . and from your knowledge of God’s you’d be a very likely candidate to have been working on the EAAS God’s interactions Tommy!!!! Which I’m getting is correct!!!!
At the same time I get your comment I get an e-mail from a Michel B whose a Native American which if you remember I wrote a comment somewhere recentlyish about the NA and the Gypsies being two populations of the very same ‘subtle’ competent people being put into circumstances to FO them all!!!!
I being reminded of the Gypsy/Native American FU efforts I then realised that they’ll also have predefined shit networks that will have been working full time (for centuries) making things as difficult as possible for them all . . . AND I then remembered that many NA tribes have a totem pole i.e. a TREE symbol and on checking YES this is also symbolically representing yet another tree of life/knowledge/subtle interfacing backdoor AND that these specific FU networks have actually also been ‘converted/adapted’ into a more sophisticated form to be used to mess/FO the remaining core key people the EAAS is still trying to lock down . . .
So, thanks Tommy and Michel B for the well timed ‘pointers’ as I needed these to figure out some of the origins/details of the remaining amorphous cloud shit, still focused on maintaining worrying key people to target it, which I did about 4/5 days ago now . . . unfortunately it’s all ‘still in progress’ as the ‘cloud’ shit is exceptionally competent and still difficult to pin down!!!!
ALSO: Overall recently myself and a few others I know are having some aspect of past events and or specific experiences investigated (very likely for there knock on accumulated effects on other issues). So, in the last 2/3 days I’ve been in at least two sets of distant past things, another has found themselves put back into a loss/grief incident from decades ago . . . I suspect that this will only be happening for those people whose more serious shit sets have been reduced somewhat such that they are in more background effects!!!!
I’ve also got another page in a decentish state, such that I’ll likely post it here within a few days that shows how all of the different types/categories of early God’s ‘interests/jobs’ are all focused on facilitating the early subtle population that find themselves interfaced to an alien physical animal form to live within an alien world/environment with respect to EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF EARTH LIFE/LIVING ON A PLANET that would be very, very, very different and hence then be exceptionally difficult for the first incarnated subtle forms to adapt too i.e. they’d need support for the first 2/3 incarnations/physical live’s to adapt to all the physical life circumstances differences . . . and particularly to every facet of any/all earth experience that would be different to how they’ve habitually lived as subtle being in the subtle environment for literally millions of years i.e. they’d all have automatic embedded habitual subtle experiences that are exceptionally different to anything/everything they’d find in the physical . . .
December 14, 2019 @ 11:58 pm
Thanks for the update Clive. I’ve been wondering what has been going on this last month or so. Things have been strange. Things at work have been awful, and the last paragraph of your comment certainly explains why. I’ve been dealing with a lot of personality/temperament/attitude/head/mental issues, more so at work than anywhere else. There was an incident at work a couple weeks ago that made me feel awful, and the whole incident bugged me for a week until I realized that the events that happened where specifically designed to ‘punish’ me. These last couple of weeks, it feels like things have been becoming more confining and controlling. To give an example, within the last two weeks they have implemented a new Lean manufacturing auditing system where the employees of the same department audit each other to note problems and come up with solutions. It is supposed to be about the process, not the person, and I was the first one to volunteer (unless that was misunderstood) and since then my training has been inconsistent and I have been constantly farmed out to other departments. Yet the one time I was audited, and this was by another woman in my department with my supervisor over-shadowing, it felt more like an interrogation than an audit. I felt intimidated and completely jumbled mentally. I was asked a lot of questions and couldn’t answer clearly. In the end, I felt humiliated, and like I made a huge fool of myself. After each audit, notes for improvement are written on a white board where they are reviewed by the group and implemented, and the following day when we all reviewed what was noted from my audit, my supervisor made some off-handed comment about it ‘not being painful,’ when I still felt humiliated and angry. The second time I’ve done an audit my supervisor overlooked but didn’t say much of anything. I was auditing an area I had no experience in and again I felt inadequate and intimidated and my mind was just blank. My supervisor helped a little but didn’t say much, and at the end of the audit I made a comment about how beautiful my co-worker’s work was which was probably inappropriate but the whole situation was weird. Again, the next day reviewing the findings of the audit, my supervisor at the end going over what was expected from these interactions, and he commented on how saying how someone’s work is ‘pretty’ does not lead to anything helpful or valuable to the customer. Yet again, I felt like I had been indirectly singled out, or maybe I’m just being bitter, petty and paranoid.
Thinking on all of this reminded me of the confrontation I had with the machine operator at my old job. A co-worker, who I thought I could trust and who I had vented to out of frustration, told this machine operator that I said she was mean (which according to my memories is accurate,) and the machine operator came back with, “…You think you are a victim.” Which hit me hard. It wasn’t until reading this most recent page that I even thought to look up the etymology for the word ‘victim’ and I get,
“late 15c., “living creature killed and offered as a sacrifice to a deity or supernatural power, or in the performance of a religious rite;” from Latin victima “sacrificial animal; person or animal killed as a sacrifice,” a word of uncertain origin. Perhaps related to vicis “turn, occasion” (as in vicarious), if the notion is an “exchange” with the gods. Perhaps distantly connected to Old English wig “idol,” Gothic weihs “holy,” German weihen “consecrate” (compare Weihnachten “Christmas”) on notion of “a consecrated animal.”
Sense of “person who is hurt, tortured, or killed by another” is recorded from 1650s; meaning “person oppressed by some power or situation, person ruined or greatly injured or made to suffer in the pursuit of an object, or for the gratification of a passion or infatuation, or from disease or disaster” is from 1718. Weaker sense of “person taken advantage of, one who is cheated or duped” is recorded from 1781.”
Funny enough, the word seemed accurate for what has been going on because it seems like my very existence belongs to some god or other being, and they are pissed off with me.
“We are still dealing with a big mess of ‘extras’ hidden/mixed in with peoples persona/behaviour and trauma data stores that have all been mixed together as one big amorphous cloud!!!!”
Weekends are my ‘Going Within, No People’ time, and this morning when I woke up, I could feel and see myself standing before this giant cloud like thing in the back of my mind. At first I thought it was a ghost, kind of like Casper, but it didn’t seem to have an individual intelligence. Needless to say, today has been a very interesting day so far. Thanks again for the update.
December 26, 2019 @ 3:11 am
The word anime in Japan according to etymology online,
“c. 1985, Japanese for “animation,” a word that seems to have arisen in Japan in the 1970s, apparently based on French animé “animated, lively, roused,” from the same Latin source as English animate (adj.). Probably taken into Japanese from a phrase such as dessin animé “cartoon,” literally “animated design,” with the adjective abstracted or mistaken, due to its position, as a noun. “
Thinking on this reminded me of the anime Castle in the Sky by Hayao Miyazaki. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_in_the_Sky
Laputa, the floating city in the sky, was abandoned by its inhabitants for the earth between 600-700 years ago, and was protected by a storm with winds that blew in two opposing directions. It flourished with plant life and animals and at the heart of the city was a giant tree as well as a giant crystal that housed and controlled the city’s advanced technology. The weapons of mass destruction were said to be the cause of the fire that rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah from Heaven.
Although the article says that the movie has references to other things, I remember talking to a friend of mine who is a huge anime buff, he said the movie was a reference to the legend of Atlantis, though I don’t know where he got his information from.
Another tree reference I thought of while writing this was the maypole. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maypole#Malta
December 30, 2019 @ 4:51 pm
UPDATED FOCUS VERSION: It’s using system vulnerabilities (brute forcing etc) to be able to do impossible things/function in impossible ways . . .
” . . . anything acting as a gate keeper or ‘guardian’, and or has details of and or is actively using absolutely any base MVOS system defects/vulnerabilities specifically in ways to give itself ‘advantages/super powers/super functioning abilities’ and or is otherwise limiting, controlling and or moderating awareness of, understanding of and or is otherwise blocking full access to absolutely any facet of ITSELF/IT’S FUNCTIONING and or is contributing to keeping hidden/obscured it’s selection/choice of and or means of deployment of any trt’s and or trt combinations and particularly any representing any type and or combinations of trauma, fears, stress, tension, insecurity and or anxiety or absolutely any ‘behaviour, reaction/action and or automatic response and or trigger’ and or absolutely anything else that has already been and or could or would be used to manipulate/make myself/me/us/anyone automatically react and or respond/behave in certain very specific ways, under very specific conditions and particularly as part of achieving very specific immediate and or short or long terms outcomes/goals and particularly with respect to controlling, conditioning and or modifying the overt and or subliminal responses and or behaviours of myself and or others and particularly anyone reading/working with this/the above . . . “
Part of a hacking update from Tom giving you some idea of how sophisticated the current shit version actually is . . .
” . . . I do the focus five more times and there’s nothing at first . . . then very gradually, it begins to feel as if the structure of reality is somehow ‘crystalline’ . . . then I engage with what feels like a crystal maze which seems to exist only for a hundredth or a thousandth of a second, and then disappear again, and this crystal maze seems to be made OUT of specific people, so that each person is sort of representing or part of a specific local network of tunnels, which then leads into other tunnels. It feels as if it could be their ‘trt’s / pre-defined persona behaviours / interactions’ which together, make up this maze.
Ahhh, in writing that it feels ‘clearer’ somehow, I was wondering how a person can be / represent tunnels in a maze, but a pre-defined behaviour takes someone from one place to another, and a pre-defined interaction takes two or more people from one place to another, and since it’s all PRE-DEFINED, then it’s like a defined ‘tunnel’ taking one or more people from A to B or C to Z. So it feels as if people’s trauma and pre-defined persona behaviours and interactions are stored as part of this crystal maze, which also feels as if it could be advantaged / it definitely seems to be off the radar most of the time, and it’s like it then appears again temporarily / does what it needs to / adjusts people, and then disappears again.
As I continue with the recursive focuses, it feels like there are other variations of this ultra-secure, locked down “safe” component behind the scenes, which are keeping other macros / components off the radar.
Now it feels like there are many more of them – I see these “safes” all over the place on my HUD [Tom has an internal ‘Heads Up Display’ that’s used to present ‘VERY’ relevant details/important information (in a ‘visual/understandable/real time’ context) from a ‘hacking/hackers’ perspective]. But it feels like they’re not macros now, but SUB-FUNCTIONS of other, more dominant macros, like something added in to modify or adjust the functioning of specific macros under specific TXYZ conditions. This could fit with what I felt in relation to the “safe” component, that it’s working to keep the macro / macro sub-function as hidden as possible, and that the macro / macro sub-function could also be temporary. Again this feels like there could be something in the actual macro code – either that, or there definitely seems to be a lot of macro shit behind the scenes in the EAAS.
As I feel in more, I begin to experience these macro sub-functions in a more “interconnected” way, and now it feels like they’re all part of a wider network of macro code, or it feels like when these macro sub-functions are in the “safes”, they’re not strictly “part of the macro code”, but dormant, potential parts of it / things which could adjust it at some point in the future, and manoeuvre its functioning towards SNV objectives.
I begin to experience these (often hidden / dormant) macro sub-functions as integrated STRATEGICALLY into the wider macro code, then as a distributed, fractionated and ultra-compressed and locked down network . . . it’s like a piggybacking network which has been designed with a deep understanding of how the overall macro code works, and how to compromise it / alter it in imperceptible ways with the least amount of adjustments / alterations. So this part “deep understanding of how the macro code works” makes me think about designs and VR testing of this shit, and that maybe they would have had to set up temporary MV’s or ‘similar’ to test out how to adjust the macro code the way they wanted . . . “
December 31, 2019 @ 3:12 am
Notes from the old focus from this morning.
‘I think I’m becoming shrewder in a way. I feel a pressure in my heart center and I got the impression that I tried to lock my heart away not out of pain/heartbreak/betrayal, but for some other reason. Energetic deficiency? Am I not taking in a critical energy that is leading me to eat more/different things to make up for it?’
Trying this new focus throughout the day I don’t necessarily get anything, but I get the impression that what is being targeted is ultra, super fine. I pulled something in my lower back shoveling snow today, and while it hurts, I think it did more ‘good’ because it felt like something emotionally/energetically broke lose, and while I was laying on the floor with an ice pack on my back I felt into the pain for a bit and ‘saw’ someone ‘working’ on my lower back. I’ve been kind of sensitive for the rest of the day since then, but sitting here just kind of feeling that I can kind of feel my own mental resistance towards it kind of a ‘stand your ground or die trying’ thing. This makes me realize that I never really give or gave a lot of things that I have tried or done in life a chance, that I have been more results or outcomes oriented than anything. Thinking on this the thought comes up, ‘I wanted to help, and I wanted what I could do to help. But I couldn’t do what I wanted and help the way I wanted to. I had to do it their way or not at all.’
January 3, 2020 @ 12:56 pm
Hi Megan/Everyone . . . I’m in obvious symptoms related to issue explorations which for myself are particularly focused on embedded background stress/trauma type release efforts. Basically we seem to be ‘cracking’ at least some peoples ‘locked down/maintained’ shit/trauma states, which I’m pretty sure is what is going on with you Megan based on your descriptions in this and your previous comment . . . I’m pretty sure that we have no more independent ‘maintain’ shit states versions/backup stores, but we do seem to have shit trying to block/present/make it difficult to access the final personal/persona data store which is what defines/holds detrimental ‘states, behaviours, attitudes and responses’!!!!
January 1, 2020 @ 3:43 am
Clive, so I’ve been doing the focus a few times today despite feeling blocked.
After doing my latest session, I had this impression that my severe imbalance(s) may be because of the extreme fear/worry/fright/anxiety trauma episodes I’ve repeatedly had in my adult life i.e. related to HIV/STDs, losing money, fears of rejections in romantic relationships etc.
In the 5 element Chinese Medicine imbalance cycle – the Liver & Spleen/Stomach have a feedback relationship whereby the Wood element (Liver/GallBladder) controls the Earth element (Spleen/Stomach).
Here is a chart:
I got this impression that all my fear/worry traumas have substantially weakened my Earth Element (Spleen/Stomach) to such an extent that the normal amount of Wood energy that is spent on controlling the Earth Element no longer needs to be spent on the Spleen/Stomach because they are weak. The end result being then there is excess energy stuck/congested /blocked in the Wood element (Liver/Gallbladder).
So I’m thinking that those fear traumas are being maintained such that the Earth element (sp/st) remain in the weakened state thus perpetually congesting/blocking the Wood element (Liver/Gallbladder).
I know I’m usually blocked from seeing anything with the focuses but that is the impression I got. I know its nothing to do with the crazy brute force shit but just relaying over what I got.
January 3, 2020 @ 1:06 pm
Hi Shalin/Everyone spleen/stomach i.e. ‘abdomen/gut’ areas represent ‘feelings’ hence then you’ve had your subtle feelings/states locked down/making it difficult for you to ‘be in touch with yourself’!!!!
lso, some of the recent shit sets were directly related to the myths of different cultures, here’s part of a hacking update from Tom (we’ve got rid of these now) . . .
” . . . I do the focus ten more times and feel connections to something which is sticky, like long strands of mucus, and become aware of floating nets which seem to fade in and out of reality. Then I have vague, confusing impressions of something with scales “birthing” something / an orifice / various other weird things and then a sort of scaly winged creature on a throne.
Next I see distributed jewels, and then it’s like a net appears, which the jewels are part of, and it feels like Indra’s net (Hindu god). I see beams of light appearing / being shone from random points in space, then see a white light, like a sun, with what look like remote controls floating outside it, which seem to be able to produce the light.
I engage with a giant ball of dung rolling through space, which seems to be getting larger as it rolls, and then see dung beetles pushing it – it feels like this represents ‘shit’ / collecting more shit as time goes on, maybe by putting people in trauma and then collecting those trt’s and adding them to the other pre-existing ones. It feels like I’m on drugs / some kind of acid trip or dreaming, when I ‘see’ things at the moment.
I see carpet around the edge of my HUD, crackling with static electricity, and sometimes bolts of this shoot into space and do something. It feels like there’s something behind / under the carpet which is doing this. Next I see many weird geometric shapes forming. These seem to be made of numbers. A short time later, I continue doing the focus and see what feels like a meteorite. Hacking is very weird this morning. I have no clue about anything I’ve connected to and it feels like I’m on drugs / just seeing random images . . .
then later . . .
. . . i do the focus 5 times. see many copies of me arranged around me in a self-adjusting mandala formation. being used to pass shit into me. lightning storm going on between all the different copies of me / exchanging information, passing in influences in fractionated ways. then i see them fold back into me like a concertina, then fold out from me again temporarily, are used to apply some shit and then fold back into me again / like each time, they only exist momentarily / for a split second . . . “
In that we seem to have maybe an Egyptian scarab Beetle (which is associated with a specific Egyptian God) as well as a Hindu God mentioned and then later we have Mandala’s i.e. likely Buddhist, then I do some scans for shit that was converted into tech/systems forms of these of any other migrated to another MV’s ‘advanced’ cultures and or of people from these ‘migrated’ cultures that they copied and pasted to have them ‘design’ shit using there own cultures approaches . . . which gets hits!!!!
January 4, 2020 @ 2:40 am
I have always been very close to trees and feel I need to take care of them. The trees in my yard are doing better than most trees in the city, and I have had arborists ask me what am I doing that they are so healthy? During my habitat restoration work, I felt bad for trees that were infested with carpenter ants, and did what I could to help get rid of the ants. I also recall being on tours in parks, etc. where the guides suggested we try to see the faces in the trees.
I see many people and companies cutting down trees now and wonder what is going on. Some say the trees are dying but others say people just think the trees are in the way. I also like to look for very old trees – 100-200 years old – and have a tremendous respect for them (unfortunately with the reset – most of them are gone or intentionally cut down to hide history).
In other areas I am bombarded with constant immediate bizarre emergencies, house issues, medical, family issues and car issues. Four family members are extremely ill al of a sudden with no explanation for their decline in health.
I often said I don’t let much bother me, but I feel I have met my match. I volunteer at a charity and help a very senior little old lady. She is eternally picky, negative and criticizes everything I do, and it rewinds in my head all day and drives me crazy. I
have worked with her for one year and finally told myself I need to reject all of her attempts to psychologically manipulate me.
January 4, 2020 @ 2:44 am
Clive, thanks for the update & Tom’s feedback. Much appreciated.
So I take it when you say *gut/abdominal* area it also includes the liver/gallbladder and all organs of the abdomen. The main problem appears to be with whatever locked feelings are contributing to the blockages/congestion in the liver/gallbladder – at least it appears that way to me… but there could be more involved like a complex web of locks from all the feelings/emotional traumas I’ve experienced.
My heart seems to be involved in some way as well and likely related to the locks imposed on it from all the heart-ache/break I’ve experienced.
I also have tremendous kidney/adrenal pain/heat (right side), pelvic tenderness/pain/congestion & significant deterioration in breathing/lungs but that could be because of the domino effect from all the other blocks/imbalances (liver/gallbladder I suspect) but could be due to its own set of locks from grief/sadness related traumas/feelings (I’ve had so many).
Its all one big cluster-f$k in my body.
I notice from time to time that *random* some combination of Chinese herbs tend to move my liver/gallbladder qi/energy to give me a tiny bit of relief in breathing but it is very brief and never lasts – it usually reverts within hours or over night.
January 5, 2020 @ 7:17 am
Re: Clive “Hi Megan/Everyone . . . I’m in obvious symptoms related to issue explorations which for myself are”
That makes sense and explains a lot. Whenever I am at work, I always feel like I’m on a weird form of autopilot. I feel like I have blinders of some sort on my attention/awareness/intellect, kind of a ‘I don’t give a fuck anymore, just do the work, get it done, go home and leave me alone.’ I do the actions but I notice myself making a lot of, ‘commonsense, I should know better than to do this errors,’ and I feel ashamed, and silently judged/mocked/criticized by those who are watching or are around me. My head feels like it is full of cotton or static and like it is floating/swimming in thick sludge or soup. Thing is, I never experience this when I am working independently or am in charge of the process, but here at my ‘new’ job I am not either of these, and when I am at work I feel this ‘stay away from me, go away, leave me alone’ program/feeling looping in the background. I know part of this is because I have nothing in common with the others I work with but I’ve always kind of been that way. Stuck in certain ways, obsessed with certain things, never really branching out or trying new things. This has changed significantly over the years and I keep pushing and challenging myself to branch out, but sometimes I wonder/feel if I’m not doing it in the right way.
Also, there has been some things that have been happening for a while that I can’t explain. The first is whenever I am writing something I have a habit to insert wrong letters when writing out words at random. For example, I went to a yoga class today and writing out a check for a punch card, I put ‘Youga Class’ in the memo field instead of yoga. I am not dyslexic and at first I thought it was I was because sometimes I happen to think faster than I write and will start writing the word I am thinking of at that moment instead of the word I intended to write. Second, I notice that I am not keeping track of conversations or getting lost confused about the topic the other person is discussing. For example, after yoga class today I stopped at a coffee shop on the same block where I also happened to meet up with one of the students from the class who was a minister who deals with grief, loss, death, sickness, etc. We were talking about the problems he was having with his neck from a car accident as a child and how he received acupuncture to treat it. He then went on to talk about all the negativity he receives from people and I thought he was talking about receiving negativity from people because he did acupuncture, not because he dealt with peoples’ negativity on a regular basis and it caused hypertension in his neck.
Even when writing all of this I get this ‘who gives a fuck’ feeling that doesn’t see this as a problem or even wants to fix it.
January 5, 2020 @ 6:12 pm
Well we ‘seem’ to have got rid of the last FU/sabotaging/maintaining ‘SHIT’ set which means that we’ve now access to personal data stores!!! However, it seems as if we have manipulative ‘shit’ that actually been designed into the personal data within the personal data stores themselves to make accessing and more so releasing personal trauma/trt’s i.e. personal shit more difficult than usual . . . so, can everyone use the scan/focus below, which will help us get a handle on these sabotages!!!!
Try this new/different focus/scan version:
” . . . I connect to anything that is coveting/keeping hidden/hiding and or preventing normal access to release my trt’s/trauma and or persona/behaviours/attitudes and or that is acting as a gate keeper or ‘guardian’, to any aspect of myself and or anyone else/any others preventing myself from openly accessing persona data and any other/all aspects of the data that is defining myself, my persona and or any of my responses/reactions/attitudes and or behaviours and or anything that has details of and or is actively using absolutely any base MVOS system defects/vulnerabilities specifically in ways to give itself ‘advantages/super powers/super functioning abilities’ and or is otherwise limiting, controlling and or moderating my/our/anyone awareness of, understanding of and or is otherwise blocking full access to absolutely any facet of myself/me/my persona data and or is in the slightest contributing to blocking/making difficult the release of any of my persona data including any trt’s and or trt/trauma and or anything else of myself and or any combinations of these and particularly anything that has been/is now and or could in the future be used to control any of my internal and or subliminal and or external behaviours/reactions/actions/responses and or that could initiate any type of trigger and or anything that could or would directly or indirectly contribute to manipulate/manage/make myself/me/us/anyone automatically react and or respond/behave in certain very specific ways, and or under very specific conditions and particularly as part of achieving very specific immediate and or short or long terms outcomes/goals and particularly with respect to controlling, conditioning and or modifying the overt and or subliminal responses and or behaviours of myself and or others and particularly anyone reading/working with this/the above . . . “
January 6, 2020 @ 4:18 am
Clive – So I’ve done the new scan/focus about 8 times today.
As usual, I’m not getting much. I know you guys are using some sort of AI to monitor us as we do focuses so not sure if any of it was helpful. I don’t really think I got anything but various random thoughts popped in/out of mind. But nothing that I could pinpoint.
I will keep trying though.
January 7, 2020 @ 12:23 pm
Hi Shalin/Everyone, yes it’s taking ages and AGES to get this ‘personal data’ focused shit dealt with!!!!
FYI/INTEREST: I recently found someone pointing out anomalies relating to the subtle form as enthusiastically as myself from certain angles. He’s obviously simulating a subtle form photographer as he’s gazillions of subtle ‘ORB’ photographs on one of his web sites called ORBPRO.
However, as he’s then figured out that these relate to the subtle form (rather than the physical human/avatar/remote vehicle form) then he’s compiled page after page of science anomalies related to the human animal avatar forms head/thinking abilities as well as memory storage and functioning too which is called HeadTruth.
January 7, 2020 @ 5:49 pm
Hi Clive, thanks for the post & updated focus. Apart from still being exhausted, I’ve had a better month – not talking about much to anyone seems to keep sabotages slightly at bay. I tried the 2nd focus (updated one) three times yesterday. Difficult to do through the headaches and dizziness (am also doing my annual jan detox even though I don’t eat badly I’m general or drink much (compared to everyone else I know). Had to lie down immediately after eating lunch. I only managed to see vaguely through the fog, the first paragraph up to ‘guardian’. Initially there were a lot of feelings of tightness in my stomach, and lots of claws /witch hands, some sort of blood pact made on my abdomen (but my abdomen seemed to represent a “general to all people pact” rather than just mine.
Then there seemed to be some sort of ethereal sticky web, but made of a flexible bubble type material that can shrink or expand. Each flat bubble seems to contain information. A bit like bubble wrap I guess, with each bubble containing information that is intended to make things difficult in some way. Like triggers I suppose now that I think about it a bit more.
This web/flat bubble wrap is also invisible and ultra fine & 3D flat (can’t explain it any other way, perhaps like tiny SD cards?) It can feel like it’s tightly wrapped like “vacuum packed” but then when I notice that it’s “stuck around me tightly”, it moves away further back from me. It also moves quickly and dynamically in unpredictable ways. Very bizarre.
Hardly slept last night, even with a sleeping tablet. Struggled to fall asleep then woken up 4 hours later. Could not get a handle on the thoughts/still my mind. It seems to be doing its “own thing” in the background. So either extreme exhaustion, sleeping for far too long, or not enough & then zero energy/patience. A lot still linked to my menstrual cycle too. Will try this focus again tomorrow.
PS: I get this message almost every time I post a reply Javascript support must be enabled to leave comments.
Error: Comment submitted too quickly.
Error: The form had expired. Please reload the page and try again.
When I click on links to comments, I’m always taken to the top of the page and have to scroll through everything to find it (though usually the most recent comments are on the bottom anyway), but if there are a number of new comments, I don’t get to them without starting at the beginning of the page (so takes a lot of time/feels like time wasting or diversion tactics – sometimes stops me from reading properly or up to date because I get too tired).
PPS: I get A LOT of orbs in my photos. Very often. I’ve researched it briefly myself, but never come across the pages you’ve linked in, so thanks for those. I just got the sense they were subtle forms, so googled something to that effect. Thanks again for your hard work. If it’s difficult for us, I can imagine the shit you must get! Hahaha.
January 7, 2020 @ 6:23 pm
Hi Olivia, Mmmm, well from the above it’s likely (it ‘feels’ like this too) that your original form was a leader and that this pact/promise type of thing directly involved while also tying you/making you beholden to a group and or community of people . . . hence then as a type of spell and or subtle network facilitated binding ‘pact/promise’ to SPECIFIC people it would then span these peoples personal/persona data stores too . . . I’m not surprised it’s taken getting rid of all of the covering/distracting shit before this could be picked apart/properly tracked and understood before this!!! Hopefully it can be understood enough to be tamed/fully dealt with now!!!!
RE site java script errors, you likely have a browser web page addon/popup blocker/disable ad type ‘thing’ that is also specifically disabling javascript . . . check these types of browser addon’s and disable for this site!!!!
January 12, 2020 @ 10:17 am
Hi Clive, so I’ve done the focus 4 more times. After the initial information re my last comment, tuning in was almost impossible this time. I could see, hear, feel, sense, know there was something coming…& then it was as if I was enveloped in a thick dense cloud which blocked out clear sight/sound/senses etc into what was going on. MASSIVE throbbing headache, eyes aching too. Had to stop.
Dreams have been bizarre and in relation to my information being guarded / protected but I can’t remember them well, but I’m “busy” at night. I do not sleep without sleep aids/meds.
Extreme irritability & feeling overwhelmed. I can feel all sorts of things going on to waste my time, exhaust me, keep me wired & ultra busy. I find this is often the case after I do any hacking. I feel compelled to do things / OTT planning for an upcoming trip/staying up late looking on the iPad – when id rather be meditating or reading…It’s also why I don’t do focuses as often as I’d like.
Did another on 10/1/19 eve.
I was suspended in a tight triangle box. I was on my own inside this tight insulated triangular “box”. It was surrounded by some sort of “sound proofing / dense foam”, & suspended by a strong thread; something above me, me in the middle and “earth or something similar” below. All these streams of white light carrying information were coming into this triangle box/me.
Then I fell into this weird dream disturbed sleep I mention above: it felt as if I was a “fly on the wall” I guess, or “viewing in” (?) on “something” I shouldn’t be seeing.
I’m on my January detox still and attended a hot yoga class yesterday to help me sweat. I definitely wasn’t connected to by body after 45 mins in. Very surreal. I came home &
I then really started noticing/feeling weird shit going on in the “background” of my own thoughts. It’s as if I have a “hard drive” on standby mode with shit happening (updates/“virus checks”/push feeds (like when emails come into your inbox, they’re “pushed”. So you can opt for auto push or manual. This “stuff” is auto “pushing”). It’s as if I actually have a disc and disc drive in, and at the back of, my brain/skull that has separate thoughts/reactions to what I feel are my own thoughts/beliefs/feelings. I can hear lots of talking/whispering in code / language that doesn’t make sense or that I just can’t make out. It’s constant, very quiet & very fast.
Later on I had a lie down / tune in whilst in my hammock – I like this because I feel like I’m “flying”.
I was back in the triangle box, but now able to move about a bit. Then floating, swaying, rotating like a paraglider does coming down a mountain top. Then I was at the “bottom” (this “earth type” space), (but also still in this suspended triangle).
When I moved my “consciousness” to where I was at the “bottom”, there were so many hands on me, so many people trying to touch me, stroke my hair, touch my arms, face. Old hands, young hands, female, male hands. It was horrible, I couldn’t get away, the crowd was so dense. Couldn’t see faces.
I “came back” ‘up’ to the triangle & tried to remove this disc from my head. I felt nauseous trying to do this. Then very afraid. I could see a hole in my head (this was “presented” to me as a “consequence” if I removed it) and felt afraid that I would loose a lot of “ability/knowledge” or even perhaps “a part of myself”. I kept trying anyway, but it was jammed in. I could feel it in my subtle head. Had pain in my physical head where it was “sticking out” of my subtle head.
I have wanted to post this twice, but then felt afraid / anxious to do that. Generally fear and anxiety are not natural state characteristics. So I’m going to post it anyway.
Really weird experience!
Hope it’s not a bunch of time wasting shit. X
January 14, 2020 @ 2:20 pm
Clive, it still feels as if sabotage efforts are continuing for me.
During the past few days I’ve had:
a) dream of x-girlfriend from back in 2001 (I was so fck’d up after the breakup) and it involved the same theme as if she wants to spend time with me as if to *re-kindle* what a romance.
b) dream of income tax related conflicts/traumas Ive had in the past with the Canada Revenue Agency
As well, since my imbalances are so severe that the smallest warming food/spice/herb can exacerbate my symptoms I’ve had an exacerbated situation this week and so I had to make a trip to the Chinese herbal store to purchase various herbs so I could calm the aggravation back to its baseline.
So I was about to purchase the same herbs I always do BUT this time the herbalist convinced me to add in *Xi Yang Shen* (American Ginseng) because it is cold/cooling and nourishes the yin. I was surprised that there was a *Ginseng* that had a cooling effect as *Ren Shen* (Chinese Ginseng) & Siberian Ginseng are rather warming in nature and have a very strong Qi tonifiying property. I checked online and sure enough it said *Xi Yang Shen* was cold/cooling and yin nourishing.
So I purchased some of *Xi Yang Shen* and added some to my formula (about 4% of formula) yesterday afternoon. Boy did I pay the price of that as it AGGRAVATED my symptoms even more. I read up further on *Xi Yang Shen* and it turns out that despite being cold/cool it still has a very strong Qi tonifying property and strenghtens the Chong Mai and Du Mai channels, which are channels whose energy flows UP AND I already have a problem with energy flowing UP from other channels (CV Channel). I also think by strengthening Chong Mai channel the LIVER/GB are also strengthened which is VERY BAD for my situation.
So anyhow, it seems to me sabotage efforts continue for me OR that these sabotages are built into my personal data stores… just an FYI.
January 16, 2020 @ 7:24 pm
Hi Shalin, ‘YEA’ there is a stressing/wearing emphasis re current/remaining shit . . . try new focus!!!!
January 16, 2020 @ 7:18 pm
Updated/best Focus + I’m busy doing ‘business’ accounts UUuhAAAAH!!!
Current ‘best’ focus in use as part of the ‘STILL’ continuing investigations of our personal data stores ‘shit’ is this one:
” . . . I connect to absolutely anything/any combination or types of ‘shit’ that has in the past, is now and or would in future directly or indirectly contribute to coveting/protecting/maintaining personal data and or any trauma/pre defined behaviours/responses as well as of maintaining and or working to make worse specific internal to myself states/effects and or any difficult/complicated/stressing/stressful/wearing day in day out general ‘life/living’ circumstances and or particularly problems involving manipulating myself and or any others whom will either be in close proximity to myself and or I’ll directly interact with and particularly to discuss and or resolve my own personal and or living circumstances problems/difficulties/complications with ‘ANYONE’ and or anything circumstances setup in dreams and or otherwise designed to impact my subconscious . . . and or ‘anything’ that is by any means directly or indirectly contributing to maintain any internal or external ‘shit’ states/circumstances and or my personal data cloud/persona/shit data stores and or anything/any combinations of anything/anything’s that has or have been deliberately designed to work in ways that are different/difficult to become aware of and or access/track/figure out/understand and or anything that is using and or directly or indirectly collaborating with anything that is separate from anyone’s data/the data cloud and or which is covertly and or via any convoluted coding, signalling, messaging system is working to maintain myself/others/anything that I’ll likely pass close to and or directly interact with ‘sometime’ as part of efforts to maintain my own and or others shit/shit states and or prevent myself and or any others/anyone else from being able to easily access and or release trt’s/trauma and or any anything contributing to ANY of my limiting, stressing and or traumatizing life circumstances and or interactions with any others . . . “
January 17, 2020 @ 7:30 pm
Clive, so I tried the focus 10-12 times during the past 2 days.
After each time I read the focus I just lay there in bed with my eyes closed with no lights on in complete darkness and stillness. After not seeing/getting anything I re-read focus and repeat several times.
After about 7 times doing the focus I got something about CCTV cameras in the ceiling corners of rooms (or what could be outside buildings) with electric/lightening strikes being used to inject shit into/maintain people. I don’t know where the CCTV cameras area though as in my parents house we have 3 cameras around the house but none of them are plugged in and none are placed in the ceiling corners (or on the outside) that I got after the focus. I also got something related to *lighting* – as if lighting systems was being used to inject/transmit/maintain shit in people.
I tried to *feel* into it more but I can’t *feel* into it as you, Tom & Matt seem to be able to do but that doesn’t surprise me since I feel that I am LOCKED down… and can barely feel any positive emotion and feel like my entire abdomen is cutoff/empty/feelingless so that is invariably playing a major role in my not getting anything with focuses.
I don’t know if any of what I got is useful to you guys though.
It doesn’t help that I have energy rising to my head raising my systolic blood pressure making my head feel like its going to explode, which makes it nearly impossible for me to focus/concentrate on anything. :’(
During the last 5 years that I’ve been trapped in this physical symptom/imbalance hell I’ve wondered what happed that in April/2015 over night my symptoms/imbalances began in a binary event. Was it truly binary in that just at that time our MVOS was hacked by who knows what and for whatever reason I was selected to be one of those people to be fcked with OR was the April/2015 trigger just the end result of 38 years of accumulation of every trauma/negative-emotion/negative-experience that has been LOCKED in my subtle body since the day I was interfaced to this physical avatar?? My sense is it is the 2nd of the two possibilities given my crazy history and non-stop ferocious sexual appetite since a child.
I will continue with this focus.
January 18, 2020 @ 2:07 pm
Hi Shalin/Everyone . . . bit of an update . . . ‘bottom line . . . it’s all still ‘on going’ . . . ‘
Currently, we are still dealing with various yet more data cloud maintain personal data ‘shit/trauma’ versions.
BUT, in that I’ve been ‘having to do’ my accounts/tax return for the end of this month, you might find the following interesting and particularly with respect to what this specific page is about/presenting!!!
We had a ‘cloud’ maintain/block access/release of shit/trauma data version in the last few days that was focused on the criticisers/key people (i.e leaders) of none SNV culture ‘key’ peoples ‘SMALLER’ sub group of about 350 people, which ‘now’ seems to have been dealt with!!!
However the next version that then kicked in, on checking I found was messing with the full 350,000 set of CR/KP . . . and on myself and Tom doing scans for this set we became aware that it’s an ‘ACCOUNTING’ tree version . . . I’ve been puzzled that in our computer/data age everyone still has to keep and or print out all accounts/invoices/receipts etc onto bits or paper i.e. everything is still being recorded on ‘BIT’S OF TREES’ which also fits with the bottom/last part of the above page in that the ‘Birth Certificate’ i.e. a document directly referring to a specific person is also issued on ‘paper’ (as a WAREHOUSE STORAGE RECEIPT – haha), while all ‘significant’ aspects of your life are also recorded on bit’s of tree too!!!! For example, University and College degrees/certificates too!!!
Now, I’ve mentioned ‘splits’ on lots of pages here. Such that regular readers here will know that we are all subtle/spirit beings whom divide/split asexually to ‘by and large’ generate/propagate other versions of ourselves.
Now, as this place/the EAAS was designed specifically to FO the entire none SNV population here AND most if not all efforts related to this are focused on the CR/KP . . . ‘AND’ you might have noticed that our earth population has pretty much always been expanding such that at the moment we’ve between 7/8 billion people here. So, if this place is ‘really’ just focused on FO just the CR/KP population then WHO ARE THE REST!!!
In checking it turns out that the EAAS MVOS is and has been for a long, long time making more and more duplicates of the CR/KP. So, out of the 7/8 billion we have here now only about 6% of the earth population is made up of SNV people while ALL OF THE REST are actually duplicates of the 350,000 base CR/KP sub population i.e. likely everyone of you reading this has another 20,971’ish’ other versions of yourself here. I.e. 94% of the current population is made up of just 350,000 subtle beings!!!!
So, the smaller CR/KP sub group that other recent shit has been protecting which was of just 350 CR/KP was actually ‘really’ protecting 359×20,971’ish’ in total!!!
So, it’s no wonder that we’ve been having problems trying to get access/hack the most recent/current shit as A) it’s only protecting the data of 350,000 people (rather than 7ish billion (it’ll be much easier to do this)) while then also likely confusing things with respect to ‘variation’ factors related to any different individual CR/KP’s copies current incarnations race/culture/ethnicity/religion/status/job/personal circumstances etc etc’!!!!
Bottom line, our specific MVOS EAAS version isn’t functioning as any other ‘normal’ FOR ALL OF THE REST MVOS within the entire data system.
January 22, 2020 @ 3:03 am
Re: Clive “Updated/best Focus + I’m busy doing ‘business’ accounts UUuhAAAAH!!!”
When I first read this focus about half way through the words seemed to fragment in my head like the picture on a television screen when the signal is being interrupted, causing the video to distort through frames and the audio to skip. My head has felt bogged down and I have felt lethargic at times. It has been off and on since the new focus has come out.
I’m reading a book on indigenous spirituality on have had trouble reading to the point where I would re-read sentences two to three times must so what I read would stick. I’m still having issues putting time and attention towards things I want to do, that all my time and energy are diverted elsewhere.
I have this extreme focus or sensitivity towards other people and whether they need help or not, even if it is over the simplest things that they can do on their own I am always asking if they need help or something is wrong, and I know this habit gets on my roommate’s nerves, not to mention my co-workers. It drives me nuts because it’s not like these people are helpless and invalid. Feeling into these feelings of wanting to be helpful and supportive, I get ‘we don’t need your help.’ At this I am left wondering what the hell I am here for then.
On the other hand though, when I am working with a team of people and have been given clear instructions and documentation on how to do something I still feel doubtful and insecure. For example, at work the other day, I was working in an area where I had to unbox and build items that would later be loaded into a rack used to control electronic signs. Well, I was still in training and there was a part on the cart that I had never had to unbox before and even though my standard operating procedure said to unbox everything except the power supply, I felt lost/thoughtless/unsure about it so I asked the technician assistant if I had to unbox it or not (sometimes I don’t know about this area. Nothing is really set in stone and things seem to be constantly changing or in flux.) While I didn’t quite feel the self-conscious, ‘you dumbass’ kind of feelings I usually get when I ask stupid, obvious questions, I still got the impression that he was fed up with the question. It’s like I can’t do anything without someone giving me a verbal confirmation or reassurance that what I read or had been told is right. Honestly, my world still feels so closed off and so small. I have little to no creativity or thinking outside of what I am told to think or do. I feel like a robot or a doll who needs commands/input from others just to do something, and even then it has to be done their way. I feel very logical/linear/one-track minded and that all of this seems to be closing in on me.
Still have a tendency to ignore/repress/deny those things that tend to bug be or make me feel back. This has actually cleared up quite a bit.
I realize that I have no interest in the job I have, or any job I have ever had, and none of them have ever been what I wanted to do.
I noticed at work that all the issues I had regarding people I trusted or relied on that I projected into and played out through my stories are actually being projected onto my co-workers and it is helping me resolve these things faster. I noticed that a part of me wanted to know why people were behaving the way they were and why they were treating each other like shit. I get the impression that people were acting all wrong and it was this change or behavior that I didn’t understand that got me to investigate or try to do something about it.
I still feel some skepticism towards spiritual issues. I’m becoming more away of certain non-physical things, but it is still like my monkey mind still needs undeniable evidence that this is indeed real and not some foolish/delusional fantasy I created to comfort myself. And that’s another thing. The more I try to talk about spirituality with other people the more I feel they think I’m talking about some figment of my imagination or they dismiss it or they thing I’m talking about whatever they are interested in, in my terms.
I did the focus before going to bed, woke up sometime last night to images of 3D blocks moving around in space and it reminded me of the defragging process on a computer.
Things are steadily getting better.
January 22, 2020 @ 2:10 pm
11th March: Latest update and focus is here:
18th Feb: Latest update & focus is >>HERE<<.
30th Jan: Older UPDATE and older focus’s are below!!!!
We seem to have no further separate sabotaging ‘shit’ blocking access to each persons personal trauma data however we have found a few people whom have had there personal data stores modified/adapted in ways to block/make releases of trauma/personal shit effects as difficult as possible. So, immediately below is a new focus that targets this ‘blocking’ shit specifically:
BEST FOCUS TO FACILITATE PERSONAL TRAUMA/TRT ‘RELEASES’: The focus immediately below is currently the best to use if you’ve anything ‘difficult’ going on because this specifically targets anything limiting/blocking TRT/personal data access/releases:
. . . I connect to any components/combinations of components that have been, are now and or that would in the future contribute to indexing and or coveting/keeping hidden/obscured and or fire-walling, guarding, locking down and or screening access to my own or anyone else’s trauma and or personal/persona/behaviour and or response data and or current incarnated life culture/society and or status/class/standing data for myself/each individual and or anything that is contributing in the slightest to making up/defining specific angles of and or specific trauma/trt’s and or trt impacts as well as deliberately traumatic/traumatizing ‘trauma/shit effects’ releases and or anything monitoring, predicting, preempting and or then reacting to, blocking/locking, locking down/containing and or otherwise detrimentally interfering with any trauma and or any trt/trt combination releases including using Chinese finger-traps, vicious feedback spirals, loops and or anything which contributes to define a wide range/variety of influences with variable/numerous delivery options and or variable/numerous final influence/influences and or impacts as part of making tracking and or countering/neutralising anything of any of this as difficult as possible . . .
Targeting Ultra Transforming/Self Altering SHIT: I connect to absolutely anything/everything that has been designed to emulate advantages and of give any shit ‘advantages’ such that hacking this shit is difficult or impossible, shit that in various combinations and under certain conditions/circumstances have been specifically designed/refined/tested/optimised to work/function in very convoluted/miss-leading/constantly transforming and or generating fractal like aspects/sub aspects/functions/divergent functioning versions/aspects of itself and or otherwise functioning in ways to be as difficult to track/understand/decode/figure out never mind negate/neutralise/block . . . and or anything/any combination of components that we’re specifically designed to emulate any type of advantages/advantaged abilities/characteristics and or ‘functioning and particularly to avoid being tracked/hacked and or then compromised/combated/tamed/negated/disabled and or understood . . . and or generates any temporary and or compressed and or ultra compressed but ‘still’ able to generate functional components from these including as micro dot/coded data/information type components and or anything similar and or equivalent and or just temporarily/momentarily, and or any interacting reality foundation substrates and or any temporary non-normal ‘pockets or strata’s’ of reality temporarily appearing and disappearing on the fly and or anything with similar and or equivalent functions/functioning abilities/objectives and or anything exhibiting eclectic/apparent randomised and or illogical/chaotic functioning and or that defines and or generates any dormant ‘dust’ or equivalent type data particle components that on when ‘activated/wake up’ do things under TXYZ conditions, and or as part of setting up circumstances to have knock-on and or long-term and or accumulative effects on specific people and or their environments/others connected to them and or anything/any combination of ‘anythings’ including temporary ‘processors’ that directly or indirectly define, re-write and or alter base reality functioning and or rulesets and or generate temporary versions of the same or similar anywhere/everywhere and or while modifying the base functioning/functionality of the components associated with it including switching from logic to anti-logic to variations of fuzzy logic and semi-logic and chaotic ‘logic’ and any switching Rubic’s Cube type and or CrystalMaze like efforts and or any other variations of non-normal/abnormal functioning components and or that switches between these and or other variations/possibilities ALL THE TIME to make/keep itself as untrackable, none understandable/incomprehensible/bizarre/illogical and or fuzzy, chaotic, anti-logical/none logical etc, from one moment to the next, and then again the next moment and or use multiple conflicting logics/anti-logic variations and or anything else/any other combination simultaneously and or anything contributing to continually keeping it all transforming/altering any/all aspects of itself, it’s functioning though time
January 22, 2020 @ 4:46 pm
Update from Tom which is describing in great detail the scale as well as the sophistication of the functioning of current shit:
After finishing my last email update to you, I do the ‘Facilitating trauma releases’ exercise you put up, then the latest focus ten times. I begin to see something like glass beads moving around on some giant, complicated framework, and it reminds me of ‘The Glass Bead Game’ by Hermann Hesse:
“The plot revolves around a game (the Glass Bead Game) that requires expertise in all fields of science, art, music, literature, history to win. There is a entire subset of Castalia that is solely devoted to perfecting their skill at the game. The rules are vague and complex and as readers we’re not really meant to know the specifics other than that it is complicated, beautiful and incredibly challenging. To win the game is akin to achieving a state of perfection or bliss – seeing the interconnectivity of everything in life. Knecht dedicates himself to the game, goes through many trials of faith and ultimately wins and then goes on to become Magister Ludi. The story incorporates aspects of eastern and western philosophy.”
So Knecht, the protagonist of the story, could represent me or someone else in a VR who was given a sort of pre-made ‘puzzle’ / challenge to master, which could then relate to this shit, so that when they solved the puzzle, they could then be converted into an AI which would oversee and help to develop this system. Then “seeing the interconnectivity of everything in life” feels like “enlightenment”, but also a kind of piss-take that could relate to some shit which connects many different things here as part of delivering or maintaining shit
As I continue the focus, I see the framework ‘fleshing out’ as I become aware of more and more of it. First it begins to look three-dimensional, then eventually it feels omnidimensional / like it’s spread across many different dimensions, and also omnidirectional. It also feels organic and like it’s growing and changing all the time. I see the beads moving around from one place to another, and it feels to me like the beads are the ‘trt’s’ from different past lives or people’s original forms, which are being deployed into specific combinations and structures / ‘organised’ in a way which most accurately reflects the SNV’s objectives
It now feels like this is moving ‘through time’ too, not that it’s merely four-dimensional (it seems to have more dimensions than that) and updating as time goes on. It also seems to exist in the future, as if the future has already been planned out and there are prospective / ‘will exist at this moment’ future trt’s existing at different points in the future. So I have the sense of a timeline covering many lives in the past which is also focused on the present and the future. It’s as if everyone’s being guided along a specific progression which corresponds to the SNV’s objectives, and this guiding seems to be being done by the trt’s / glass beads continuously moving around
But it’s not exactly like a timeline as it’s not ‘chronological’ in a way, like a straight line. It’s more like it’s everywhere, in the future as well as the present and the past. I get that the ‘Glass Bead Game’ which I’m seeing relates to all the Tom’s, so 20,971 or however many. Then there seem to be other ‘Glass Bead Games’ which relate to other people and those people being reprogrammed / gradually altered in relation to the SNV’s objectives. It’s like each game is focused on 20,971 people who are all versions of each other
January 24, 2020 @ 2:30 am
I read Clive’s recent update at work during break and something interesting happened shortly after break was over. So, I have mentioned before the peer-auditing process we do to help each other improve our work and processes, and the selection of what area to audit is completely random by drawing a card out of a bin. Well, one thing my supervisor stipulated is that we are supposed to find one waste in the process, and if we can’t we were to call my supervisor over, and he would observe and help find one. Well, the girl didn’t observe a waste, so she called my supervisor over and they both watched for a while. Well, they found one waste, I had to recheck some settings in some screens I had previously looked at for another setting, but the whole time the girl was there, even before she had called over my supervisor (who I would usually feel very hostile/defense/on edge about, this is steadily improving,) I felt on cornered and self-conscious, and felt worst after she called my supervisor over and they identified a waste in the process. Ever since they started this process it has felt like a ‘slave master cracking the whip’ kind of thing. I mean I can see benefits of the auditing system but there is a part of me that absolutely hates it (this has gotten better in the last couple weeks, but this incident kind of surprised me.) It’s like they are trying to beat the humanity out of us and make us into automatons. This concerns me because I’m afraid I’m going to snap at my boss.
Reading the focus two times, I connect with feelings of bitterness, exhaustion and resentment. Earlier this evening I was reflecting on the fact that I am a copy of someone else who lives outside of this reality, and given the interest and intensity that I have with these focuses now I assume or am hoping that my original self is helping to resolve this mess. With that in mind, I feel resentful as the copy being stuck having to do what she/it has done or is doing, of being unable to be an individual, unable to chose and have no freedom or free will to do what I want to do, and I feel sorry for feeling this way.
I remember how intense and draining and lonely my trauma-releases have been. How absolutely no one I around me knows or cares or understands what I am dealing with, that I have been through and how hard and painful it can be at times. No support or understanding or sympathy and recovering is a bitch. Even when I am exhausted I can’t/don’t stop working on my issues and trying to deepen my awareness internally.
I noticed at work my mind isn’t always with body at times, or with me in the present moment when I need it. It’s only when I am out of work, alone or in a small, relaxed group of people, do I really feel whole, but still my mind is still away in a sense because doing focuses and expanding my sensitivities and awareness is far more interesting than anything society/culture has to offer in here.
I remember all the plastic bags, metal and paper we throw out at work even through we recycle paper and aluminum and steel. We are so focused on our work or burnt out to care whether we toss this in the garbage or not, I’ll be honest even I barely care which I know is bad. Remembering all this I get the impression that it is not a simple matter of getting out of here and shutting this monstrosity down, but that it will be operational for awhile while we sort out, deal with and correct all the things that have happened that is fucking us over outside of this place.
I’m reminded of my intense demand or intention to get out of here or get away. It’s been reflected in my relationships and personal interactions here in the past. The moment I was yelled at or hurt in anyway (there was often no empathy, understanding or forgiveness in these instances,) I would mentally and emotionally shut them out, give them the cold shoulder or leave/run away to a new group of friends and/or family to make a better life for myself. But the better life never happened, it was always the same old thing and I’d end up running away again to a new group of people and the same pattern would repeat itself. This is kind of what played out at my last job. This has frustrated me greatly in the past and I never understood why I would do this or could never fix the problem, even though I don’t know what that is but I always assumed it was my fault. Sometimes I wasn’t even the one who would do it. People would just drift away or leave automatically.
I remember a couple times I had told a counselor, and a lightworker about some personal and painful issues I didn’t know how to deal with or who to turn to and both of them reacted poorly to the point that I stopped seeing them. It’s has frustrated me how piss poor any form of ‘approved’ help is. It’s really pisses me off that we have to pay a complete stranger who has no connection or experience with us and our lives to just have someone ‘listen.’
I realize that a lot of the violence and disrespect in TV/movies/video games/etc has been a major turn off for me. I’m very out of touch with society, and for so long I’ve felt like this arrogant rebel thinking I was protesting, hiding away or even getting angry/rioting against these things without any knowledge or understanding. Something feels off reflecting on all this and on Clive’s comment about the population numbers, because with all the civil-rights movements and protests and anger and pain and the death in the news things here should have changed, but reflecting even on my faint and limited knowledge of history, conditions here have barely budged. I sense a fluffy/gel-like cushion/barrier between what is going on here and what people want, and what is going on up there in the sky. I also realize all of our governments, even democracy-based ones, are a hoax to give us the illusion that we have power or a choice or can make a difference or change things, but we can’t.
Going to bed after all of this, I felt suction cup-like cap upon my head with a long tube coming off the top of my head.
January 24, 2020 @ 10:10 am
Yea Megan what you write (how you are made to work) is exceptionally equivalent to Tom’s descriptions in his last update in terms of how the shit is attempting to make us all into automatons:
January 24, 2020 @ 6:58 pm
Megan RE my reply to Shalin’s comment you could do the same, i.e. the next time you do the current/latest focus start with:
” . . . I connect to absolutely anything/everything that has been deliberately designed into my personal data/trt store and or anywhere else that has been, is now and or would in the future contribute to: ”
And then ‘think of or mentally list/internally highlight’ anything you’re not happy with!!!!
January 24, 2020 @ 5:16 pm
Clive, So I’ve done the focus about 12 times in the past 2 days and I don’t see much as usual. Each time I do the focus it takes me about 1 hour as with intent I connect to all of my trauma/situation/circumstance categories I have experienced in this life and their timelines. There is a lot of SHIT I have experienced in this life so each round of focus takes some time to fully cover everything.
What I got:
1) I got an assembly line of what appeared to be items like balls/beads or bottles moving along conveyer belt/assembly line and each getting some kind of attention as they passed through a station along the line. Think of an assembly line filling bottles of pepsi cola for example – the bottles each get a squirt of cola at the cola station, then a cap at the cap station and then a label at the labeling station. I don’t know what the context of any of this is- whether the bottles/balls/beads represent our traumas/trts and the assembly line being how they move along in time??
2) Another time I got a structure like a circular space station https://i.stack.imgur.com/Q89O4.jpg with multiple rings. Each of the rings were rotating in different directions and along a ring are compartments of traumas/trts/pre-defined-shit. I tried to feel into it but wasn’t able to get any more than that.
Seems to me 1 & 2 above appear to be like what Tom described with the beads but slightly different representation.
The following are my situations/circumstances/trauma categories although many of these involve multiple combination of these:
a) Financial loss traumas & poverty circumstances/situations
b) Job loss traumas & current/past job stressors/frustrations/disappointments/cognitive-overload/overwhelmed
c) HIV & STD related traumas
d) Family conflicts- physical/verbal/emotional/sexual abuse
e) Romantic relationship loss/heartbreak -I repel women for whatever reason
f) Dollhouse/body invasions
g) Conflicts/incidences that have caused extreme guilt/shame/embarrassment/self-hate
h) Sexual addictions & sexual frustrations
i) My entire persona/behavior is conflict, combative, anger, fear, & worry driven – conflicts with friends, conflicts with strangers, conflicts with family, conflicts with coworkers, conflicts with money, conflicts with romance, conflicts with sexuality, conflicts with myself
j) Hatred/disdain for people in authority – politicians, corporate executives, governments, my father etc
I don’t know if:
1) there is anything built into my data stores that is DELIBERATELY causing my physical imbalances/symptoms (as in to keep me STUCK/DEBILITATED). Like shit A messes with the Liver, shit B messes with the spleen/stomach, shit C messes with the Kidney and so on.
2) whether they are the end result of all of the above issue/trauma/circumstance/situation categories being LOCKED in my subtle/physical body
3) whether there is something entirely different responsible for it that I am not aware of and not able to describe/articulate?
Your latest update re: Tom’s feedback is fascinating. I can see that I have so many autopilot/automatic triggers/beliefs/thinking/reactions, specific people who ALWAYS trigger conflicts/combative-situations with me and reward/punishments of which I have mostly had punishments in this life (must be like for every 1 reward I’ve had 20 punishments) and specific circumstances/sabotages that repeat over and over again to fck me up.
I will continue with the focus and report back if anything new pops up but I definitely don’t see things like how you/Tom do.
January 24, 2020 @ 6:54 pm
Great effort Shalin, you’re obviously starting to get some decent access to current ‘shit’ . . . next time you do the focus start with:
” . . . I connect to absolutely anything/everything that has been deliberately designed into my personal data/trt store and or anywhere else that has been, is now and or would in the future contribute to: ”
Then read/scan your comment issue list with the intention to ‘engage with everything’ directly or indirectly contributing to anything of any of these . . . and then switch to do the main/current focus, as this will likely ‘help’!!!!
Everyone is different when doing scans Shalin, although I suspect that the external/upper lot/help have copied/pasted adapted Tom’s hacking tech to work with your focus/scan efforts!!!!
January 25, 2020 @ 1:31 am
30th Jan: Latest UPDATE and current best Focus trauma ‘release’ to use at the present time!!!!
We seem to have no further separate sabotaging ‘shit’ blocking access to each persons personal trauma data however we have found a few people whom have had there personal data stores modified/adapted in ways to block/make releases of trauma/personal shit effects as difficult as possible. So, immediately below is a new focus that targets this ‘blocking’ shit specifically:
BEST FOCUS TO FACILITATE PERSONAL TRAUMA/TRT ‘RELEASES’: The focus immediately below is currently the best to use if you’ve anything ‘difficult’ going on because this specifically targets anything limiting/blocking TRT/personal data access/releases:
. . . I connect to any components/combinations of components that have been, are now and or that would in the future contribute to indexing and or coveting/keeping hidden/obscured and or fire-walling, guarding, locking down and or screening access to my own or anyone else’s trauma and or personal/persona/behaviour and or response data and or current incarnated life culture/society and or status/class/standing data for myself/each individual and or anything that is contributing in the slightest to making up/defining specific angles of and or specific trauma/trt’s and or trt impacts as well as deliberately traumatic/traumatizing ‘trauma/shit effects’ releases and or anything monitoring, predicting, preempting and or then reacting to, blocking/locking, locking down/containing and or otherwise detrimentally interfering with any trauma and or any trt/trt combination releases including using Chinese finger-traps, vicious feedback spirals, loops and or anything which contributes to define a wide range/variety of influences with variable/numerous delivery options and or variable/numerous final influence/influences and or impacts as part of making tracking and or countering/neutralising anything of any of this as difficult as possible . . .
Targeting Ultra Transforming/Self Altering SHIT: I connect to absolutely anything/everything that has been designed to emulate advantages and of give any shit ‘advantages’ such that hacking this shit is difficult or impossible, shit that in various combinations and under certain conditions/circumstances have been specifically designed/refined/tested/optimised to work/function in very convoluted/miss-leading/constantly transforming and or generating fractal like aspects/sub aspects/functions/divergent functioning versions/aspects of itself and or otherwise functioning in ways to be as difficult to track/understand/decode/figure out never mind negate/neutralise/block . . . and or anything/any combination of components that we’re specifically designed to emulate any type of advantages/advantaged abilities/characteristics and or ‘functioning and particularly to avoid being tracked/hacked and or then compromised/combated/tamed/negated/disabled and or understood . . . and or generates any temporary and or compressed and or ultra compressed but ‘still’ able to generate functional components from these including as micro dot/coded data/information type components and or anything similar and or equivalent and or just temporarily/momentarily, and or any interacting reality foundation substrates and or any temporary non-normal ‘pockets or strata’s’ of reality temporarily appearing and disappearing on the fly and or anything with similar and or equivalent functions/functioning abilities/objectives and or anything exhibiting eclectic/apparent randomised and or illogical/chaotic functioning and or that defines and or generates any dormant ‘dust’ or equivalent type data particle components that on when ‘activated/wake up’ do things under TXYZ conditions, and or as part of setting up circumstances to have knock-on and or long-term and or accumulative effects on specific people and or their environments/others connected to them and or anything/any combination of ‘anythings’ including temporary ‘processors’ that directly or indirectly define, re-write and or alter base reality functioning and or rulesets and or generate temporary versions of the same or similar anywhere/everywhere and or while modifying the base functioning/functionality of the components associated with it including switching from logic to anti-logic to variations of fuzzy logic and semi-logic and chaotic ‘logic’ and any switching Rubic’s Cube type and or CrystalMaze like efforts and or any other variations of non-normal/abnormal functioning components and or that switches between these and or other variations/possibilities ALL THE TIME to make/keep itself as untrackable, none understandable/incomprehensible/bizarre/illogical and or fuzzy, chaotic, anti-logical/none logical etc, from one moment to the next, and then again the next moment and or use multiple conflicting logics/anti-logic variations and or anything else/any other combination simultaneously and or anything contributing to continually keeping it all transforming/altering any/all aspects of itself, it’s functioning though time
January 25, 2020 @ 6:09 pm
Updated Latest focus version is above!!!
January 25, 2020 @ 4:40 am
Thanks for the addition Clive it helped a bunch!
So, I am taking dance and yoga classes, and as much as the original focus helped I was still feeling resistance to doing, or the idea of doing, physical exercise, and by extension, hard work so I just listed this for my first time using the latest update to the focus.
I was always told, ‘…to work hard and you’ll make your dreams come true’, or ‘work hard and you’ll be happy,’ and I whole-heartedly agreed with this in the past and live by it, still do in a way. But the sad thing I realize for those things I really worked hard for, in the best way I understood or knew how, I was never happy, and my dreams never came true.
‘Hard work’ and lying, presenting a false self that others would accept and approve of and wanted to see, is all I have ever been able to do to connect with people, or even attempt to be or do what I wanted or wanted to get done, which in my case bordered on self-abusive on many levels. From believing I was lazy, to being self-conscious and obedient to the thoughts/feelings/beliefs/opinions of others. I worked hard to the point of hatred of myself and my life and others, too burnt out because I never got what had been promised or implied.
I get it now why this system would spin it to have me hate my original – ‘Higher’- self, being able to feel, my own sensitivities and awareness, and even topics of ESP/spirits/spirituality.
Reading Clive’s reply to Shalin about those on the outside likely giving him a copied version of Tom’s hacking tech to help him out, and I want to help the hacking efforts in any way I can, and I immediately get resistance. A part of me hates the idea. I see me/she/it sitting in an isolated, gray corner with her back turned to me. I suddenly feel old and tired, and just want to be left alone. I’m sick and tired of the harassment. It’s also scary. I don’t want to lose anything/everything!
My thoughts then stray onto romance and intimate relationships, and I realize that it’s not that I am averse to having an intimate relationship with someone else, it’s that I literally cannot have a relationship with someone, not without it ending in absolute disappointment and misery. And this block feels physical somehow, like it is a part of my body. This also reminds me about my own reflections and musings on family, and how the structure of family and its importance is designed to restrict and traumatize us.
Shalin, if I may, it might be a good idea to focus on just one issue at time when you are working with the focus rather than a whole group of issues all in one sitting at least until you get used to how the focuses work for you. Reason being is back when I first started using the focuses, I didn’t really see anything either, and after months of frustration and failure I was guided to slow down and just focus on one issue at a time. The first issue was my disconnect with my emotions/lower chakras and having to learn how to accept, identify and express my emotions in a healthy manner since I tended to block them out or avoid them at all costs, I had actually stopped doing focuses for the most part during this time. Once I was comfortable with feeling again no matter how I felt I was encouraged to pick the focuses back up again. Sometimes even just doing a focus on one issue would cause a waterfall or daisy chain effect into other areas that bothered me, and even into other areas that were a problem, but I didn’t think anything of them.
January 26, 2020 @ 3:18 am
No less than 3 new family and friends medical emergencies to include cancer, broken hip, and breathing issues. My stress level is thru the roof as I try to help and cover for everyone. During all of this, some friends started asking about very personal details – like what time is the hospital appointment and what are the names of my relatives involved. I wondered why they asked and they said they were going to enroll me in their church prayer chain. I thought I really do not want that, and it seems uninvited prayers are an intrusion. I remember as a child looking at church bulletins and seeing long lists of peoples names with all of their problems listed in the prayer section.
As of January 1, I started to get severe hives all over and worked to eliminate food allergens and bought all new organic cotton clothing. This was of no help. I finally thought of a medication I have been taking for one year and stopped it and the hives disappeared over night.
Did the recent focus and saw a ball of wet and tangled spaghetti spinning like a globe.
I continue to have a lack of enjoyment of most of my favorite activities and wish I could feel good and happy.
Continuous dreams about old relationships that seem to be releasing trauma – like should I continue this relationship, and it really isn’t working out, so what ever happened is ok.
February 14, 2020 @ 4:27 pm
Hi Annabella, I think we’re likely in a phase where (because of the system is starting to ‘fail/have problems’) it’s possible it’s resorted to causing personal connection ‘problems’ i.e. distracting problems with respect to close others!!!! Although your last paragraph is also of ‘relationship’ traumas/problems so, these ‘could’ also be attempts to facilitate releases related to your connections/feelings towards others which if I remember correctly that you’re a leader/key person of a none SNV culture might also relate to people within your specific culture having problems/difficulties too i.e. these ‘others’ problems could be representing larger scale incidents of the person you are simulating related to trauma too!!!!
February 4, 2020 @ 7:57 pm
Clive, I’ve done the latest 2 focuses anywhere from 5-15 times per day the week or so. I got thoughts of Bernie Sanders (US politician), visions of naked women/sex, old memories, all sorts of fictional stories/fantasies & often deep silence/stillness. Seems like a lot of nonsense/nothingness.
However, I did have some interesting thoughts during focus BUT were very brief: (more details further below): vision of an octopus like structure, a honeycomb structure, a casino slot machine, email/physical-letters(paper/wood/tree angle), a pipe network/system, mobile/cellular network, lasers used for fire-walling/guarding, spanish/venus fly trap blocking/locking release of trauma/trts – in all those cases the thought/awareness was very brief – like 3-5 seconds each at most. In each instance I tried to engage further but was unable to get anything more.
That said, I am not any closer to finding the root causes of my problems. I have my *issue list* and the focus results referred above BUT I don’t get any insights/clues from focus sessions on what is ACTUALLY CAUSING/CONTRIBUTING to any of these and/or my extreme physical imbalances.
Below are more details of my focus results BUT these are for just a split second -5 seconds at most(so I don’t know whether my mind is deliberately creating this or whether I actually saw this?).
-octopus like structure/creature with legs spread out in all directions. Its legs/tentacles were connected to vessels of what I thought were pre-defined-shit/traumas/trts BUT I only saw this for a very short few seconds. There was an octopus for every subtle being and it seemed responsible for some aspect of operations of our data and/or was responsible for guarding/locking-down/fire-walling access to our traumas/trts/persona/behavior/response/reactions/culture data
-Honeycomb or fibonacci structure/network – I also saw this for a very short few seconds and its not clear to me what this network was being used for
-Casino Slot machines – perhaps a network of casino slot machines whose pull results were contributing to *something* about us – don’t know what though.
-Email/Paper letters (paper made from trees and used to record/store SHIT) and with email to exchange/send SHIT
-Thought of Blue Coat Systems (one of my former employer that makes network/security appliance/technologies) – is that fire-walling me?
-Pipe network/system (water, natural gas, oil) types – but not sure if this is our physical pipe network or the something virtual in the sim used to do *something* – don’t know what though.
-Mobile networks – not sure what it was being used for but thought came up.
-Lasers used for fire-walling/guarding/locking down:
a) Film: Oceans Twelve – Lasers used to guard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wnEuOJg_dA
b) Film: Entrapment – Lasers used to guard work of art: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX2_LCUkhDs
-Spanish/Venus fly trap plant being used to block/lock release of trauma/trts
2nd/3rd Updates:
I also forgot to mention that there has been a LOT of manipulative activity targeting me this past week. I have this ONE FRIEND who has a knack for instigating arguments, heated discussions and debates and during those he often resorts to insults when he is losing the argument/debate/discussion.
I am 100% sure he is being used by the SIM to target me – to draw out predefined responses from me as in combative/argumentative/agitation/flustered/anger type of responses.
This has been happening very frequently this week over the Whatspp text message application for smartphones. We have a group chat with a lot of my friends but its ONLY this ONE friend who continues to be used as a pawn by the SIM to continuously draw out predefined responses/behavior out of me and then to fuk me up.
Sometimes I am able to ignore it but a lot of times my response is automatic and I can’t help myself.
We often go long periods of calm but this week seems the SIM has him on overdrive trying every which way to get a response out of me.
I still get dreams of past girlfriends. Had one last night. I dont know if that is an *separate* sabotage artifact OR whether it is part of my trauma/personal/persona/behavior/response/trt/etc… data stores.
Just an FYI because your latest update indicated all *separate* sabotage SHIT was basically neutralized. There may be more if those dreams are NOT part of my data stores.
February 9, 2020 @ 3:32 pm
Hi Shalin/Everyone . . . ‘good effort’ . . . in that (from the overall feedback I’m getting) we do seem to ‘JUST’ be dealing with what is within people’s persona/persona data (although some people have been deliberately subjected to very specific circumstances/efforts (mostly in VR’s) to design in factors that lock down/make difficult to unravel/deal with specific traumatic and or debilitating circumstances/experiences).
For example, in that I’ve found myself temporarily back in some ‘shit/weird’ effects (extreme ‘head’ based stress/tension effects so bad that my ‘jaw’ would literally ‘lock’ (that I actually resolved and then haven’t had for 4/5 years now)) then this has indicated to me that my own personal/persona data is obviously being checked out with respect to all past incidents as well as any/all combinations of ‘interacting’ and or accumulating over time factors too.
In other words, we seem to be having all angles/facets of our personal data trt stores and all factors with respect to all interactions between different experiences/circumstances as well as the progressive of accumulations over time investigated too . . . while also trying to edit/alleviate these and or get access to while specifically trying to release/reduce any/all types of trauma . . .
Now quite often specific ‘trauma’ relates to circumstances involving other people (a relationship breakup would be a classic example) so, as part of investigations of these some people will find themselves perhaps having ‘dreams’ of these people/types of circumstances/traumas and or they may find themselves spending time thinking about and or even having direct contact with these ‘past’ people too . . .
However, for yourself specifically Shalin because you obviously have ’embedded’ as well as often ‘severe’ symptoms I spent time having a feel around and I’m pretty sure that your original form was (lets say) ‘kidnapped’ and then actually tortured, such that it’s likely that your embedded trauma/shit effects are the outcome of this.
So, A) I’ve done some scans for these specific circumstances BUT B) if you yourself do any more scans it would likely help if you have the intention to directly connect to the original ‘torture’ circumstances before doing these to help deal with these ‘shit’ circumstances more effective/directly!!!!
April 1, 2020 @ 4:44 am
FYI – Clive, this video describes your discoveries/theories on birth certificate, taxation, federal reserve, postal system etc perhaps from a different angle.
April 17, 2020 @ 6:38 pm
In response to “Yea, Shalin the Tibetans are ‘special/a one off’”
Just a crazy line of thinking I had the other day..
If this place was created/designed/etc with the intention of it being hacked then those who instigated this probably wouldn’t leave it up to chance as to whether it was actually hacked or not.. which means that you/other hackers/wsw’s/etc might’ve been influenced/directed to hack it in the first place, inclusive of all kinds of decisions you had to make along the way, things you had to research/notice/find out about/remember/piece together/etc to lead you to hack the things that are ‘meant’ to be hacked, and if this is true then you may all still be being influenced in these ways and having your efforts directed behind the scenes.
Also if these way up over people wanted this place to be created and for it to be the way it is, then could they have decided which people would populate this MV? Could they have also directed the decision for the sim to create copies/versions of these people such that theres now a lot of those specific people? And since it’s apparently possible to move between MVs and the plan seems to be that we leave this place and go somewhere else, then could there be some larger scale plans for us after we leave? It’s fascinating to think of all these people who can move around to different mvs, meet up with all kinds of people and the potential that we could play key roles in all kinds of events that happen over very long time scales throughout the larger scale ‘game’. Things that might not have happened without us?
I don’t know. Trains of thought that seem to piss things off / get reactions.
Also the Egyptians, I guess them leaving wasn’t a coincidence / wasn’t really their own decision?
May 8, 2020 @ 1:06 am
Hi Trent/everyone . . . “If this place was created/designed/etc with the intention of it being hacked then those who instigated this probably wouldn’t leave it up to chance as to whether it was actually hacked or not.. which means that you/other hackers/wsw’s/etc might’ve been influenced/directed to hack it in the first place,”
Yea, ‘EXACTLY’ Trent . . . I’ve been feeling ‘SET UP’ . . . design a shit/completely fucked up world, that’s going to get worse and worse while setting up people to figure out it’s a fake world and then get them to start to try and hack it/stop it from doing what it was designed/set up for . . .
Sorry ‘regulars’ I’ve been in a fair amount of ‘shit/distractions’ recently (at least for me) making thinking/doing anything much more difficult . . . although I’ve managed to massively update and extend the ‘missing people’ fake reality evidence page to include some completely new angles (I’ll try and get that updated here in the next day or two ) . . . overall the upper shits that set this place up seem to be getting on analysing/tracking and trying to negate and or more likely ‘control’ the shit effects impacting us BUT so far they seem pretty useless . . . I’m now also very sure that they’re using the global (likely made up) virus scare to then have different cultures respond differently specifically to ‘maximise’ the multiples of copies of different ‘people’ behaviour diversity too!!!!
May 8, 2020 @ 3:37 am
Clive, maybe thinking about hacking/brainstorming from Sun Tzu & Niccolo Machiavelli Art of War literature & Game Theory could be useful. If you are being setup to think in certain directions/angles then maybe its deliberate and the right path is something else.
I’m finding the Art of War / Game Theory being the tactic being employed my Q/Trump against the Cabal/illuminati. Every step is a calculated move anticipating every permutation of the opponents steps well into the future.
In your case the opponent are the EAAS designers. I wish I could dive more deeper into the literature & strategies but you know my extreme situation which is preventing me from doing or thinking anything properly without me head feeling like its going to explode.
July 18, 2020 @ 7:47 pm
“Now Tommy, my nature spirit awakening experience that I described here, is missing some extra weird bit’s . . . after completely leaving/walking away from the tree circle area, about a quarter mile away I feel and start to track myself being followed by a Wood Nymph whom seems to me to be in a very very sexy/seductive/enticing mood (with respect to myself) . . . which has myself ‘energetically’ determinedly sealing myself off from her . . . while doing this Joan also starts laughing while also mentioning that I’ve a very seductive Wood Nymph trailing me while also mentioning that it’s best I ‘NOT’ let her engage with myself else I might have trouble getting rid of her . .”
Clive, in regards to your experience with the wood nymph or any other nature spirits, did many of them come off as seductive? I’m asking because recently I had been working on a Heart-center issue regarding an inappropriate encounter with an older gentleman who was significantly older than myself, and when I finally got frustrated and asked a nature spirit who has been working with me for a while, ‘What did I do wrong, where did I go wrong?’ The reply I got was like nature spirits always come off as sexual/seductive. This revelation solved my heart issue, but it got me thinking about all the other incidents I have had in the past with either married or older men, one even being my grandfather, and your comment about me being a ‘fairy/plant/healer’ type. If it is any correlation, my middle name is ‘Rose,’ and having read a few Greek myths on nature spirits and how they have been the lovers of mortals and god alike I look up the myths for roses and I find some that are associated with Aphrodite/Venus, Eros/Cupid, various prophets and saints like Muhammed and St. Francis of Assisi; leaders like Alexander the Great, Nero, Mary Queen of Scots, and Cleopatra; as well as various Popes and the Crusaders. In general, roses symbolize love and romance, but can have different meaning depending on the color and number of roses presented.
Regarding the head/mental stuff I have been dealing with I am getting a lot of ‘psychiatric’ stuff. An example would be a few weeks ago I kind of had a mental breakdown when it came to interacting with the spirits I am working with because I can only see them in my head, the same place where all of my fantasies and daydreams and wishful thinking things, come from. I am still repressing my senses in a way. I am still punishing myself for this in some way because something tells me I should know better. I also got the strange idea that the ‘Inquisition’ dealt with the body focused subtle senses like what could be physically felt (I know a lot of their questioning methods involved physical mutilation/desecration/torture) and ‘psychiatric/psychological’ dealt with the head/mental space and what one saw, thought, believed about the world and about themselves.
I will say, by the way I act around other people and how awkward and wrong I feel interacting with others, I wouldn’t be surprised if people think that I am mentally ill or insane. I mumble to myself a lot, especially when I’m struggling with a particularly difficult issue, and I know a co-worker of mine heard me say ‘I hate myself’ at one point. But some part of me can’t help but hate me because I keep fucking up my relationships. I don’t and can’t interact normally with others around me, and when I have obviously made a fool out of myself publicly, I hate myself even more. I’m guessing this has a lot to deal with the missing people manipulations/interactions you’ve talked about.
I am still being stopped from learning/understanding/comprehending hard/difficult concepts or maintaining an interest in things I want to research/learning.
Do you have an update as to how things are going? I’m guessing the Royal Shits Up on High are still trying to get their poop in a group.
July 22, 2020 @ 12:40 am
Re seductive nature spirits – it was just that first encounter Megan, the upper lot are still doing what they want, I’ve had another 2 physical symptom sets, but it’s now obvious that with me they’re ‘adjusting’ my reactions to these so that I barely notice them – so we’re still is the same phase, with the upper lot doing what they want adjustment wise with respect to their own objectives!!!
Also, as I’ve not really had any significant issues they seem to be using me as a blank sheet to subject me to specific ‘one off’ things that would be ‘lost’ amongst most other peoples full scale of issues/debilitations.
June 5, 2021 @ 9:14 am
I was kind of directed to look at the halo series and read about the forerunner culture which led me to looking up the section about precursors. When I saw the design of them I thought they kind of look like crab people and I tried projecting that image in front of me and I found that i resonated with the image and found myself being comfortable with it having an androgynous gender.