Consideration of Mental Manipulations is Blocked

This is page 6 of 26 of an article series on:
"Rivalry, Competition and Egotism Between all Group types. How group members beliefs, ideas, ideals & loyalties are managed by hidden subtle means preventing open evaluations & engagement of different conceptual frameworks, ideas & possibilities while limiting openness, change, freewill & diversity. Includes Self Exploration, Inner Awareness Exercises & Examples."

Every group (even subtle or spirit aware ones) has studiously avoided mentioning to its members’ even the possibility that subtle energetic means may be being used to influence their OWN group members beliefs, understandings and so on.

Contemplating Mental & Thinking Manipulations is not Allowed

Not only have they avoided mentioning this BUT because it would be such a disaster if anyone found out then they are all also using use subtle energetic means to act on their members in the following specific ways;

  • To stop their members from even being presented with information that would introduce them to group ‘thinking’ management ideas just as possibilities.
  • Big efforts are also made to stop them from considering such possibilities if they DO encounter information covering these areas.
  • In people whose groups ‘pride’ themselves on their ‘thinking or intellectual’ prowess or their conceptual or mental evaluating abilities then they’ll often be made to dismiss such suggestions of thinking manipulations or mental management possibilities out of hand or as simply obviously ridiculous or even crazy . . . again a fantastic way of making sure that such possibilities are NOT seriously THOUGHT about.
  • Which means that these efforts and more will prevent you from seriously taking the time to THINK about the implications of this if it were true.

Consideration of Thinking & Conceptual Manipulations as a Possibility is Blocked

It will be of the highest of high priorities of all groups to;

  • Stop you from taking the time to think about or consider that your ability to think in many ways is being well managed.
  • To stop you from thinking about the possibility that your ability to seriously engage with ‘different’ concepts, ideas and understandings is being managed and controlled.
  • Particularly concepts, ideas and understandings that even suggest that groups THEMSELVES may be directly managing, containing and keeping your thinking and conceptual understandings and ideas and evaluating abilities limited.
  • As part of this, they’ll be seriously ‘keen’ to stop you taking notice of the outcomes and effects (put off’s, distractions, mental shut downs and so on) that might occur as you read about what they are doing to yourself . . .
  • As well as of attempting to stop you taking notice of any problems or lapses of memory or how you never seem to have the time to spend thinking about, contemplating or investigating these areas even just as an interesting ‘possibility’.

If what I’m saying here is true then what effects would you expect yourself to be subjected to as you attempted to seriously take in information about these areas, think about these areas or contemplate these areas?

Are you free to freely THINK of the possibility that your thinking might be being managed?

You see in a very basic sense you should have equal ease or equal problems thinking virtually no matter what you choose to think about. You should be able to spend time ‘thinking or considering’;


. . . without any put off’s . . . and . . .

  • Certainly WITHOUT major differences in incidences or types of distractions or diversions while you’re thinking about these areas . . . and . . .
  • Certainly WITHOUT your mind going blank or of being blocked or of having any trouble functioning normally at all . . . and . . .
  • Certainly WITHOUT what is being presented here being internally edited or mentally translated so the real meaning of that is actually being conveyed becomes changed or is made to mean something else . . . and . . .
  • Certainly WITHOUT you forgetting or finding it difficult to recall what you read a few days later or even a few MINUTES later . . . and . . .
  • Certainly WITHOUT you forgetting or finding yourself being kept occupied or diverted off or of otherwise finding it difficult to get back to read these pages AFTER you had ALREADY decided to do just that . . . and . . .
  • Certainly WITHOUT you being preoccupied with impulsive or persistent thoughts or reactions that all of this is simply ridiculous or unthinkable or even crazy . . .

I’d say it would probably be ‘normal’ for those engaging with and thinking about these areas if your thinking wasn’t being managed that you’d probably have some mild anxiety or discomfort about what I’m stating here.

The Able and Competent Thinkers Thinking Management Conundrum

Have you any idea of how difficult it is to come to terms when you are actually directly confronted by the VERY likely horrific possibility that your mind and thinking is being messed with . . . ?


It ‘IS’ horrific, it’s the last thing you want to think about particularly if you consider yourself mentally and conceptually competent and able . . . which . . .


In FACT the more mentally competent and able you consider yourself to be then the worse it is likely to be for you to seriously think about these possibilities . . .


. . . you are MADE TO FEEL as if the rug of your entire world has been pulled out from under your feet.

You can find yourself seriously wondering if there is anything you can trust that is going on in your head and mind . . .


I had a VERY bad three days when I was not only confronted by this as a VERY STRONG possibility (which was bad enough) BUT of then on investigating of finding some of what was responsible that was actually doing this.

Three days was how long it took for it to eventually sink in that however much my thinking was being messed with, it obviously wasn’t being messed with enough to stop me realizing that my thinking WAS being messed with AND to find some of what was doing this . . .

I mentioned on the previous page that this page would be dead easy to read . . . well it’s not likely to be easy in the slightest (I was seriously kidding). On the other hand it is now likely to make those who’d ‘imagine’ that it’s me ‘suggesting’ that people would have difficulties because I suggested they would . . . to actually have to think again . . .

Did you find this page easier or harder to read than the previous?

If you can relate to what I write here then leave a comment below . . .

This page was written in early 2012, my understandings have ‘of course’ improved enormously since this page was written. So, if you want to read a more ‘up to date’ page covering these areas then read this page here. This newer page: points out consistent visible clues of these ‘managing’ efforts applied to ourselves, it also gives very ‘rational’ reasons as to HOW this would be done (and very easily done to) and also why a population would absolutely be ‘managed’ and particularly with respect to blocking people from thinking about the ‘real’ nature of our reality as well as the scale of ‘anomalies’ we have presented in our reality here. If you have any doubts about that page then read the 2 that follow as they provide even more ‘coherent’ evidence that our reality isn’t in the slightest real.

And for a ‘REAL’, really easy to read page . . . read the next one . . .


  1. amj
    June 25, 2013 @ 8:44 pm

    Definitely harder to read than the previous page and the idea of a placebo effect did pop into my mind before reading it and i was expecting it to be easier. i think i retained absolutely nothing specific just the general idea that my thoughts could be manipulated…


  2. Jessica
    October 19, 2016 @ 6:50 pm

    I considered the reading of this page as or more difficult than the previous one, it was like as I was reading the senteces they meant nothing and despite it being relatively short it took me about 4 hours to resume it… and more my hands don’t want to open as I writte this (this also happened to me while I was translating the previous two pages…).


    • Clive
      October 22, 2016 @ 12:27 pm

      Hi Jessica, this page here will be even worse because this was written just a few months ago compared to this page which was written in early 2012. This newer page: points out consistent visible clues of these ‘managing’ efforts applied to ourselves, it also gives very ‘rational’ reasons as to HOW this would be done (and very easily done to) and also why a population would absolutely be ‘managed’ and particularly with respect to blocking people from thinking about the ‘real’ nature of our reality as well as the scale of ‘anomalies’ we have presented in our reality here. If you have any doubts about that page then read the 2 that follow as they provide even more ‘coherent’ evidence that our reality isn’t in the slightest real.


      • Jessica
        October 27, 2016 @ 11:09 am

        So a doubt came upon me, this article suggests that groups use subtil energetic means to prevent people whom they have connections from considering the possibility of are being managed with regard to their thought processes by them.
        The question is if they have also something to do with that or if in fact the only responsable is the simulation software.
        Thank you


        • Clive
          October 27, 2016 @ 5:17 pm

          The sim software is just the more difficult to hack / pacify / re-task ‘immediate’ version, Jessica there have been plenty of entire / complete systems doing the same i.e. managing everything of most people. At least 4 entire systems most with multiple ‘doing the same’ shit backups and in some cases many 100’s if not 1000’s of versions done done to impact / manage people in specific groups and entire cultures.

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