This is last page of a 14 page article series on:
"New Age Ideology Contradictions. Could New Age Values, Expanded Higher Awareness & Light Trained Discernment all Miserably Fail? Would 'New Age' types be 'Awake' enough for example to stand against a Divinely Sanctioned Light Army plan to carry out large scale Unloving Dark Acts? Would they?"
Table of Contents
- How to Make 'Something' dreadfully NEGATIVE and bad seem like 'A Good THING'?
- How to Spin Negative Symptoms & Effects as 'GOOD' Ascension Preparation Signs
- Do some Ascension Signs & Symptoms represent Subtle Energetic Influences?
- Ascension Delays, Disappointments, Set Backs & Experiences
- Anyone want to buy a full set of the 'Kings New Clothes'?
Have you noticed the spin used to persuade people to accept or go along with something ‘not good’ by having the ‘not good’ thing presented as a ‘good thing’?
How to Make ‘Something’ dreadfully NEGATIVE and bad seem like ‘A Good THING’?
I’ll give you some examples . . .
A meteorite strike on earth would generate massive amounts of energy, way more than we could generate or use in 1000’s of years . . . so if we are hit by a meteorite we could harness this and replace all that horrible nuclear power and those dreadfully noisy and landscape spoiling windmill things . . .
With global warming it’ll only be a few years before the sea level is meters higher and we’ll lose all our beaches . . . research shows that not having access to nice places to sun bathe will reduce skin cancers by 0.3 gazillion percent . . .
I’ve heard of similar types of ‘arguments’ spouted by new age, lightworker types desperate to convert something that’s actually dreadfully negative into something more ‘positively’ palatable.
I’ve even a full page horrific in-depth example of how the spiritual hierarchy themselves spun something seriously negative as a ‘good thing’ HERE.
A variation of the above is quite common in certain circles too. This spin tactic tries to convincingly explain something ‘dreadful’ as temporary symptoms that are side effects to the build of something that will happen in the future that will be reassuringly and amazingly ‘good’.
How to Spin Negative Symptoms & Effects as ‘GOOD’ Ascension Preparation Signs
Yea, we’re going to completely and properly regulate the banks sometime on a very defined but strangely far in the future date . . . eh!!! . . . by which time hopefully you’ll either have all forgotten about it . . . or . . . even better . . . it’ll be someone else’s problem.
Have you had any physical health problems or symptoms such as drained or low energy, tiredness, sleeping problems or forgetfulness, short term memory loss, attention deficit order, difficulty thinking clearly or abdominal weight gain or bloating?
Well, depending on who you are and your ‘level of awareness’ then the above symptoms and health problems are the result of;
- Poor diet, toxic overload, air or water pollution, electro magnetic radiation . . . or are . . .
- Symptoms of ascension or a sign that you are one of the spiritual people of the future aka the Indigo Children . . . or . . .
- Even more bizarre they may be physical symptoms of subtle energetic influences.
Do some Ascension Signs & Symptoms represent Subtle Energetic Influences?
Drained or low energy, tiredness or sleeping problems
Auto cleansing technologies dispose of large volumes of people energy fields over time which contribute to low energy and tiredness. Tired and low energy is great to keep people disabled and in a ‘cannot be bothered’ state which would explain the huge numbers of subtle energetic crap acting to MAKE people tired and to drain their energy AND cause them sleep problems even nightmares. All of which helps to keep people in ‘low’ consciousness, passive and docile.
Forgetfulness, short term memory loss, attention deficit order, difficulty thinking clearly
There are huge numbers of different types of subtle energetic crap depressing memory, thinking and mental abilities and capacities. It’s much easier for ‘some’ to be able to do what ever they want if caring potentially aware people cannot think about things enough to ‘really’ notice them doing what they want.
Abdominal weight gain and bloating
Suppression of emotions, trying to ‘stay’ positive has Useless Help and other ‘spirit’ originated things leaping in and attempting to dowse their unbalanced clients with ‘universal’ energies to smother negative or difficult emotions while also pumping in stifling ‘feel good’ substitute ones. This overtime builds up 10,000’s of artificial subtle energetic layers within the energy body which is symbolically physically presented as body weight gain or bloating.
Of course this ‘bad’ is a good ‘symptom’ tactic only really works well if it’s ‘sold’ with the guarantee of these symptoms changing when some reassuringly amazingly ‘good’ thing happens on some (usually indeterminate) date in the future . . .
Ascension Delays, Disappointments, Set Backs & Experiences
I’d imagine that you reading this would think it would be impossible to achieve this?
I mean there is no way that anyone is going to be that gullible or naive are they?
Are they?
Well, apparently they are . . .
Yes, Christ will return, we will all be ruptured or raptured or something (isn’t that a type of dinosaur?) and end up in heaven
. . . oooppppss . . .
Silly me . . . bit of a mix up there . . . I was reading from the wrong ‘keep a population controlled’ plan . . .
Right . . . wait a bit . . . OK . . . I think I’ve found the right one now . . . I’ll start again . . .
Yes, Maitreya will return or Archangel Gandalf (or similar) will appear and we will all become ascended into a higher dimension or consciousness or awareness state where we’ll stop being tired or bloated or absent minded or thinking poorly (or something) . . . while all the stupid unaware people (particularly all those that have been taking the piss out of us) will end up on some badly refurbished, hand me down 2nd dimensional ‘fell off the back of a lorry’ clapped out pole shifted parallel world . . . or some such . . . serves the b*$t*r@s right if you ask me . . . good riddance . . .
Yea all them unaware b*$t*r@s that have not been helping one bit while all of us aware potential super ascended types we’ve been working really hard. Yea, REALLY hard . . . eh!! . . . actually . . . doing nothing much really, just positively sitting round getting occasionally disappointed (while trying not to show it) that we’ve not ascended yet . . . almost there though . . . just maybe yet another 5 minutes . . . then we’ll all be laughing . . .
. . . HhahahahHHHAAaahahahaHa!!!
Anyone want to buy a full set of the ‘Kings New Clothes’?
Yes . . . NEW STOCK . . . just in . . . ectoplasmically channelled and manifested through time by the magical being Archangel Gandalf and his staff . . . guaranteed ‘see-able’ by the higher dimensionally aware only . . . certified washable and colour resistant in all advanced dimensions . . . psychiatric shrink proof . . . just right for any imminent special ascension occasion . . . totally ‘appropriate’ for the VERY (cough, cough) discretely aware . . . get yours now . . . free delivery to any higher dimension of your choice . . . higher dimensionally challenged? . . . no problemo!!! . . . just hire a higher dimension . . . large portfolio for perusal . . . discretion guaranteed (no one will ever find out you’re as ‘dimensionally’ aware as a basket) . . . try before you buy . . . now all going cheep on tweeter . . .
Have you liked this series? Want to relate any of your own contradictory ‘lightmare’ experiences? Then leave a comment below . . .
January 23, 2018 @ 5:27 pm
I can attest to the reiki baloney you wrote about in this series. (And the extreme difficulty reading through ANY page on your site.) Anyways, I felt “pushed” to learn reiki for some months before finally committing to a two-day intensive for level 1&2. I felt I had to do it for my sanity at least because I was experiencing a super-heightened sensitivity to all the energies I could perceive at the time, and it was seriously wacking me out at work. It took everything I could do to get through a day and not have everyone I came in contact with unloading their toxic crap and residue all over my own field to such an extent I was sick and depressed and at war with my self internally 24/7. It was like my field was made of glue. Once I had a date set for the classes I ended up having to walk out of my job at the time over an impossible situation to overcome, and while on the way home I was pressured to wreck my car and commit suicide…which I resisted with considerable effort. So I go through hell (multiple date changes, etc) to get these reiki attunements and lo and behold…something felt extremely wrong. Alarm bells were going off in me and it felt like the attunements didnt work properly. I didn’t get the mind blowing “love and light” experience of the energies descending from the heavens or whatever. I couldn’t bring myself to “just get out of the way and let the universal intelligent energy of all life do the work.” Just be a “hollow reed” and a “pure vessel” for the Creator to work through. I just couldn’t totally drone out, stop asking troublesome questions or stop wanting to see what was behind the energies. I couldn’t stop addressing the reiki energy whatever as “gods.” I thought that was peculiar that I instinctively understood there was some kind of group, rather than a singular Creator behind the energy. I experimented with the symbols given and found quickly that I didn’t actually need them or any real thought behind the so-called healing, all I had to do was open up. It felt automatic, and that it ultimately accomplished no deep healing. In fact it seemed that I felt worse rather quickly and discouraged from trying to attempt to help anyone heal. I needed “top-ups” more and more frequently and was pushed out of the reiki group I was working with. (There was an air of suspicion coming from some place higher than the actual people I was involved with.) Eventually it stopped working at all and I could not do any energy work, not even for myself. I became disillusioned and turned away from reiki and healing work entirely. I just knew I was sabotaged but I couldnt manage to find any dirt on the organization the classes came from. It never occurred to me to look much higher up the chain, and every effort I made to do any searching at all in higher places was likewise short-circuited. So, yes everything you say is turning out to be completely spot on from the perspective of my own limited experience. Thank you for your efforts and for continuing to expand your work. Im determined to read through your whole site now even though it feels like it will take a gargantuan effort despite the fact that I’m a voracious reader.
February 6, 2018 @ 5:34 pm
Seems like your ‘Reiki’ experience matched up pretty well with mine Ryan, if you ‘question’ things you very quickly get the cold shoulder/pushed out ‘and’ if you are simulating someone competent in the subtle/as a subtle being/with subtle healing experience it’s used to shut you down/replace/depress your own natural abilities/experiences as a subtle form healer . . . they want everyone as an unquestioning mindless drone . . .