This is page 7 of 9 of an article series on: "The Sabotages & Blocks that arise when FULLY Orientating Toward & Seriously Investigating the Deeper, Subtle & Past Origins of Difficult, Negative & Traumatic Life & Personal Issues . . . "
Table of Contents
- The Start of some Diabolical & Dark Spiritual Revelations . . .
- You're NOT even allowed the choice to read 'revealing' Information . . .
- Another Type of well Hidden Subtle Energy 'Light' Attack
- Subtle Light Energies Manage Light Workers and EVERYONE ELSE . . .
- Six Months to Clear 'Light' Suppressing 'Black' Energies
- Unhappy Demons Over Revelations of Past 'Black' Associations
The Start of some Diabolical & Dark Spiritual Revelations . . .
Then early in 2008 for the first time I felt that I had enough ‘conceptual’ space to start writing something. So, I created a private site, secured it and started on the first few pages.
This was the start of yet another very revealing never mind educational phase . . .
When I had three pages written I gave my clients access to read these pages . . . and before anyone had a chance to read anything . . . the entire site became inaccessible . . . no matter what I did ‘technically’, neither myself nor my clients could get access to read those pages . . .
You’re NOT even allowed the choice to read ‘revealing’ Information . . .
Computer internet connections just don’t work, the web server crashes, the sites msql database falls over, even the passwords at times mysteriously change or just don’t work . . . that’s how much the information presented HERE on this site NOW was being MANAGED . . . not one person was able to even have access to read it . . .
I check myself and my clients for ‘subtle influences’ causing this to happen but there is little . . . and what I do clear does not make any difference . . . so I start checking the web site space, site connections and the domain, the computer server, the hosting company and their staff . . . BINGO . . . massive amounts . . .
Another Type of well Hidden Subtle Energy ‘Light’ Attack
I do a clearing of this AND I and most of the clients can access this site BUT only for 24 hours . . . I eventually have some ‘beings’ I can identify appear a little annoyed that I’m clearing ‘their’ energies . . . these beings turn out to be spiritual hierarchy bureaucrats . . . whom it turns out have been churning out gigatons of these types of subtle energies attuned to make sure that ONLY the information THEY WANT PRESENTED is ALLOWED to be presented . . .
WOW . . . isn’t that thoughtful . . . presumably so you wont ever be presented with ANY information that might just jolt you all out of your awareness and thinking induced LIGHT COMA . . .
I’m sure if asked they’ll come up with some stupid and spiritually convoluted ‘light’ explanation as to how this does not violate freewill (for example) . . . or maybe they’ll use one of those tried and tested ‘dismissals’ such as; trying to convince you that you’re just not aware enough or not spiritually advanced enough or NOT ‘evolved’ enough to gain understanding or ‘some such’? . . . or maybe they’ll actually think up something to convince you that being brainwashed by these types of ‘light’ energies is GOOD FOR YOU . . . but then they don’t need to do that . . . because that’s what they have already DONE.
Subtle Light Energies Manage Light Workers and EVERYONE ELSE . . .
So, energies deliberately dispensed to induce DOCILE, conforming and accepting states are it seems normal operating procedure for the Spiritual Hierarchy . . . I hesitate to mention that the same types of subtle energies are ALWAYS mixed in with what is channelled or comes when invoked or asked for as part of healing or balancing or resolving ‘negativity’ attempts . . . which is why its been noticed by many that even though in some healing session ‘£*c* ALL’ of someone’s difficult issues are resolved they OFTEN leave FEELING VERY MUCH BETTER . . .
YES . . . that’s right our tools are REALLY useless, so useless in fact that we always dowse people with ‘feel good’ energies never mind ‘accepting, conforming and NO complaining’ energies too because the LAST THING WE’D WANT is for ANYONE to be ‘together’ enough to even THINK about never mind DIRECTLY investigate subtle energy based healing failures . . .
It took 6 months of daily clearings to clear the energies DEDICATED to make sure that no one would EVER even get to READ this type of information. That you’d not ever have a freewill choice to do this . . .
No wonder you’re all kept on ‘dark forces attack’ alert, it makes it so much easier to slip all sorts of LIGHT energies though that you’re all brainwashed into thinking are super good anyway?
Six Months to Clear ‘Light’ Suppressing ‘Black’ Energies
That level of diabolical suppression turned out to be just the start as once I got people reading the pages other subtle energy sets appeared to target specific angles;
- Making sure the information would not be taken in . . .
- Make you distracted, diverted, not interested, want to go somewhere else . . .
- Make you jump on irrelevant inconsistencies or spelling errors . . . as opposed to actual CONTENT!!!
- Prevent you from holding enough of this information IN YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS so you’ll be unable to cross reference enough to actually have THE CHOICE to REALLY understand its consistency and coherence . . .
- Prevent you from not only confirming what is presented that corresponds to your own experience but ALSO actually stopping you from actually ADDING your experience to what is presented . . .
- . . . and much, much more . . .
Within the last two and a half years we’ve cleared enough to make attempting to present this publicly feasible . . . and having lived through energetic attacks for over a decade now then I’ve rather a LOT of experience of dealing with these and since there is a lot of difference between keeping this information private to making it public then we were expecting that this would ‘gift’ us with some more ‘interesting’ times . . . which is FANTASTIC . . . as these ALWAYS lead to yet more deeper understandings . . .
Unhappy Demons Over Revelations of Past ‘Black’ Associations
The first two sets of scary material didn’t actually ‘provoke’ too much BUT just preparing the ‘Spiritual Mission’ pages caused all sorts of energetic reactions and attacks . . . which is why I had to delay presenting these particular pages until we’d had some ‘quiet’ but strong words with all those involved . . . it would be perhaps understandable that the Spiritual Hierarchy would make an effort to try and prevent the presentation of the material on the atrocities they are responsible for with regards the false spiritual missions that they give people to keep them occupied and lost for example (you can read about these HERE) . . . their attacks are par for the course really . . . as you can see it didn’t work . . . what was not expected was some attacks by annoyed demons groups unhappy that people would find out that they were in fact once lightworkers (you can read about these HERE) . . . they really don’t want ANYONE to mistakenly associate them with ‘lightwork’ or the Spiritual Hierarchy in anyway W.H.A.T.S.O.E.V.E.R they’d rather be dead than associated with anything so ‘manipulative, dishonest and unethical’ . . . so eh!! ‘dark’ actually . . . I can quite understand their position . . . me too . . .