So, if you were able to manage and influence peoples thinking in a hidden way directly on a large scale then what would you do as a priority IF you could actually do this?
What would you make an effort to do first if you were the one in charge of manipulating and managing peoples thinking?
Well, you’re first task would be to manage their thinking to make sure that they won’t ever seriously contemplate the possibility that their thinking might be being managed.
That’s very obvious isn’t it?
Of course, perhaps it’s only obvious if you’re actually allowed to ‘think’ about these areas even just as a possibility.
Also because I already know how difficult it is to ‘think’ down these lines then here is a suggestion that will make what I am presenting here easier for you to ‘contemplate’.
See if you can approach what is presented on this page either:
- As an interesting ‘thought’ experiment . . . or . . .
- As an exercise about ‘thinking’ possibilities.
Then put yourself in the ‘role’ of a ‘mad scientist’ type whom can manipulate and manage peoples thinking by hidden means and then try and think about what you would do in ‘managing thinking’ terms to make it difficult for people to seriously think about or consider the possibilities that their thinking might be being managed. What could you do to achieve this? What would you do to make it as difficult as possible for people to openly and ‘rationally’ consider the possibilities of thinking manipulations and management even just as an interesting possibility?
Here are some . . . how about . . .
- Don’t allow them the opportunity to even start thinking about these areas just as ‘possibilities’. If they are at risk of ‘thinking’ about these areas then . . .
- Make their mind very contained or ‘blank’ about such possibilities.
- Keep them distracted, diverted or otherwise busy so they don’t have time to even start seriously thinking about these areas.
- If they are kept diverted or distracted then make sure they don’t get suspicious about this happening. Don’t let them think about this either.
- Make them react against even the suggestion that there might be the possibility of directly managed, ‘corrupted’ thinking.
- Make them ‘think’ that this is such a ridiculous proposition that it’s not even worthy of spending ANY time thinking about AT ALL (this is probably a depressingly common ‘open thinking’ killer).
- Cause some to have ‘spluttering fits’ about someone even suggesting the possibility that their thinking might be corrupted. I’ve had a few spluttering fit presentations and it’s interesting that those exhibiting the ‘spluttering’ fits still bizarrely seem to think that their reactions are ‘rational’). Do you think it would be possible to put people into outraged ‘fits’ while at the same time also have them completely convinced that this is a valid reaction to just considering an interesting ‘possibility’ or a ‘thought experiment’?
- For some, you would perhaps make them feel really REALLY uncomfortable about such possibilities.
- Even better try and make them feel so bad or overwhelmed by such possibilities that they’d seriously want to avoid considering anything down such lines even as a possibility (I’ve personally had this one ANd I had to fight to NOT go there).
- Make them come up with convincing ‘psychological’ or other perhaps ‘human frailty’ explanations as to why people would have difficulties thinking about directly managed and corrupted thinking possibilities and so (hahaha) make them feel completely justified in not thinking beyond these.
- And if they DO come up with such explanations then make sure you make them feel very VERY certain and very VERY confident about these so as to maximise the possibility that they’d discontinue thinking about ‘corrupted thinking’ possibilities.
- Have them come up with all sorts of so called ‘rational’ or ‘logical’ reasons to dismiss even considering such possibilities. Like;
- I have to assume that I can think properly else I cannot trust my abilities to evaluate what I’m trying to evaluate here (what other dodgy and illogical basic ‘assumptions’ are you basing your evaluations and explanations on?).
- Stop them thinking about all the possible ways that might be used to manipulate them to make sure that they’d dismiss and not ever be able to seriously think about the possibility that perhaps our thinking is being corrupted . . . even when just thinking about this as an ‘interesting’ possibility.
- Perhaps make them even question the sanity of anyone making such a suggestion despite it being presented as an interesting ‘thought’ experiment!!!
Can you think of any more?
How else would you manage people to ensure that no one THOUGHT about the possibility that their thinking might be managed seriously?
What else could you do? Or perhaps you haven’t thought about your thinking enough to find it easy to ‘think’ about your thinking? If so then read the next page . . .
December 19, 2014 @ 9:06 pm
Make em ignore it
Make em ignore it some more
Make it seem ridiculous
Cripple it
Make it disappear
January 18, 2015 @ 1:23 am
Lately I’ve been realizing that when I notice anomalies or out of context thoughts, I often don’t question what I’ve noticed – or even question why I don’t question it (whether it’s an external observation, or more chilling, an observation of a line of thinking that seemed out of context for who I am). This has been a huge realization for me that maybe, just maybe, there’s something in my head that’s intentionally telling me to stop thinking, or to think something harmful towards myself or others, or to take an action that seems inconsequential but ends up being traumatic to another person. Maybe not every thought in my mind is mine. Sounds like crazy talk, but then again, isn’t the urge to dismiss this very observation a possible manipulation?
And THAT is one of the most disturbing yet insightful “tells” I’ve seen as I try to understand this messed up place – that the most evil parts of it lie within our heads, keeping us from thinking about why we hurt, what makes us hurt others even when we really don’t want to, makes us hate ourselves and keep us in limiting situations. It’s like we are being used as weapons against each other and don’t even realize it.
I’d suggest these managed thoughts can be used to inflict some of the most devastating trauma possible, and because it’s hidden.