Some of my clients get to the point where they actually directly ‘know’ that ‘some’ particular ‘mental or thinking’ things are NOT theirs. Some get to a point where they have 100% success identifying ‘managed’ thinking and managed evaluation efforts.
Those that are able to do this have much less of an investment in their thinking or evaluating abilities being ‘exceptional’ or accurate . . .
Below I describe some behaviour and attitudes that we have found are a VERY strong indicators (90%+) that your thinking is compromised and is being managed in some way.
By compromised and managed I mean that something is ACTIVELY working to limit or restrict your ability to openly think about, contemplate, properly evaluate or understand . . . .
- Unwillingness or an inability to keep in mind that your basic assumptions or beliefs are just that; ASSUMPTIONS and as such should not only never ever be considered ‘true’ but should be held as being very likely WRONG (I explain this more comprehensively here).
- Being unable to openly consider ideas, concepts or ‘data’ outside of what you already consider correct or true or which you cannot ‘verify’ by you current set of ‘assumptions’.
- When presented with information that contradicts what you already think you know you retreat and keep referring and reminding yourself of your basic assumptions, what is derived from them or what you already consider true or factual and so have a hard time reading, taking in or openly or properly appraising other areas of ‘knowledge’ or expertise and particularly those outside your own base of assumptions or beliefs.
- You cannot read something for it’s content or meaning, rather you are distracted by the presentation, format, spelling errors and so on, in fact ANYTHING that has you reducing the ‘value’ of the core presentation or worse jumping at the chance to dismiss what is ‘essentially’ being conveyed because of some assumed mistake, minor error or apparent contradiction.
- You cannot read something for its content or meaning. Rather, you are distracted by the presentation, format, spelling errors and so on. I fact, ANYTHING that has you reducing the ‘value’ of the core presentation or worse jumping at the chance to dismiss what is ‘essentially’ being conveyed because of some assumed mistake, minor error, or apparent contradiction.
- Inability to REALLY take notice of, think about, remember, accept or integrate repeated experience that contradicts your thinking, assumptions or understandings.
- Inability to look for, think about or accept contradictions present within what you yourself are doing or holding to or strongly involved with.
You might think that perhaps the list presented above is ridiculous?
In which case maybe you should ask yourself the following:
Why is it that for the most part many people and probably YOURSELF will stand in a direct or indirect way quite solidly for certain beliefs or way or understandings or truths as being REALLY true and become upset if anyone even suggests that they might ‘not be’. Why is it that MANY others will HOLD equally strongly to different ideas, beliefs, assumptions and so on that are a complete contradiction to your own and be equally upset if these are questioned. WHY do these people hold to different and contradictary understandings as strongly as you do to yours.
In ‘fact’ the more ‘rational’ someone claimed to be under these circumstances then you’d imagine that they’d be hugely more aware of the possibilities that it’s not a ‘rational’ idea to hold doggedly to any beliefs or basic assumptions as if these are ‘words of god’ . . . else . . . well you’d just be doing what everyone else does.
So, perhaps it’s NOT about what you yourself are holding to that is the issue. Perhaps the real question is;
So, yes you may think that the above list is ridiculous because I would imagine that just about everyone will do just about everything on that list and so doing this would be considered normal?
What is considered normal is understandable and sort of correct by default or is that another assumption?
What is the difference between ‘normal’ and ‘common’.
- Common is something that happens frequently.
- Normal is the assumption that something that happens frequently is actually ‘normal’ because it’s assumed to be ‘representative’ of a population.
The outcome of managing software acting on the already seriously feeble minded is that what is common is bizarrely often then re-classified as being normal. For example because sleep paralysis is pretty common it is now described by some seriously feeble minded academics as ‘normal’ for our population. In other words you are supposed to believe that sleep paralysis is a normal part of human functioning and ‘therefore’ it’s not ‘odd’ that people have this. It won’t be long before diabetes which is becoming more and more ‘common’ is also re-defined as being ‘normal’ for humans, it perhaps won’t take long before people that don’t suffer from diabetes are re-defined as abnormal.
After this client disappeared another client (whom we eventually found out was actually ‘related’ to the first) started working with me a few months later. This new client had an IQ the size of a planet.
They have an IQ of 185 and again they were ‘subtle realm’ enabled and aware (but not as well as the previous client though).
Again however they were also unable to take in ‘data’ outside of particular boundaries particularly with respect to what I’m presenting (in general) here and particularly with respect to their own issues. They too were not able to engage with what I was and am presenting and again they had day in day out practical ‘in their face experience’ of what I’m stating here.
At a certain point I gave them the original version of this article series for them to read. Which they eventually managed to do after I badgered them regularly for about 6 weeks. However in this instance they actually stated that what I’d written described themselves very well, they were able to recognize their own behaviour and attitude . . . and then amazingly, shortly afterwards . . . they too disappeared.
Those that have the greatest trouble EVEN contemplating the possibility that their thinking may be corrupted or managed in some way, even after experiencing repeated personal examples of what I write being 100% true are those whom would consider themselves the most intelligent, the most ‘rational’, whom would most likely bet large sums of money that their thinking and ability to evaluate is NOT compromised or managed.
The below is a quote taken from here that Paul Krugman made about future ‘AI’ intelligence.
“It’s just never been my experience that the higher you go up the IQ scale, the better people are at achieving their goals.”
Personally, I myself was astounded at how ‘poor’ academics and scientists are in terms of basic thinking skills as well as in terms of figuring out basic things that actually related to PEOPLE and LIFE. They are exceptionally good at constructing highly theoretical ‘in their heads’ models and theories that often don’t actually reflect ‘reality’ or how people function in the slightest.
So, when confronted with circumstances where reality ‘conflicts’ with ‘what is in their head’ which translated means:
“When their own or OTHERS regular and repeated actual real life experience conflicts with the ‘theoretical’ bullshit in their heads”
They bizarrely, preferentially ‘circle the wagons’ around their ‘in their head fantasies’. I observed the above for many years while working in science . . .
January 6, 2015 @ 7:56 am
It’s amazing it took 3 or 4 read throughs for me to correlate and connect this:
“At a certain point I gave them the original version of this article series for them to read. Which they eventually managed to do after I badgered them regularly for about 6 weeks. However in this instance they actually stated that what I’d written described themselves very well, they were able to recognize their own behaviour and attitude . . . and then amazingly, shortly afterwards . . . they too disappeared.”
With confirmation bias and cognitive dissonace.
I even made a note on the printed page but immediately forgot. So it’s no wonder this guy was shuffled off somewhere because we’ve got at least two embedded sets of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance of our original population already managed by energetic shit–the strongest of which is probably around obscuring the long physical con–and then this is made even worse in the simulation which absolutely tries at all costs to maintain everyone’s scripted beliefs and understandings.
So it’s no wonder that it took so long and so much badgering only for ‘zero’ gain. It also took two years or so for you to put all this together after you’d already put together nearly all the ‘management’ stuff so it makes sense the progression of your ideas.
If it were no there’s no way you’d be spending the time trying to ‘convince’ or badger anyone about anything — instead you’ve cut your losses/ focused on ‘writing about what you know no one will be able to take in’ in the ‘Truth Shall Set You Free’ and similar pages.
So we also can see here the progression of the insane ‘slope’ of investigating internal management of ourselves. As you’ve climbed each phase the slope has becoming steeper until you are now the only person on earth who is perched up on an eerie somewhere or an icy cliff cleft looking out at the barren snow driven earth bereft of understandings, the path to which nearly no one else can follow.
So your own progression of working with others and trying to ‘bring them along’ and update their understandings to eventually giving up on this closely parallels the increasing management that happens when you begin to investigate management itself.
So in fact your ‘thinking’ was being managed to continue to try to ‘appraise’ reality as if it was level or at least to ‘teach and train’ others or spend time doing this because this was how you’d approach things and it took many many examples as well as seriously thinking about the earth simulation areas before you’d be able to ‘circle back’ to all of this and realize the absolute ‘stark’ reasons for all of this being the case.
So working nonstop for what is likely 30 years (or your hold life or ‘whatever’) but especially the last 10 or so making a concerted effort and all of that to ‘crack’ this problem:
By compromised and managed I mean that something is ACTIVELY working to limit or restrict you’re ability to openly think about, contemplate, properly evaluate or understand . . . .
First in ‘thinking’ terms and then after a loooong long time of repeated experience you are finally able to ‘put this knowledge into play’ and to stop trying to ‘do the impossible’ which is to actually have others engage with themselves in these ways.
So this page in itself is a ‘study’ in what the page is discussing and the ‘brilliant’ thinkers who also had expanded awareness probably represent the ‘best’ mix of natural traits that would allow ANYONE to ‘get’ what you were talking about and they still had no chance. So all of what you are writing about ‘stacks’ very well and nicely and the arguments are nested within each other and also interwoven and reinforcing and bracing against each other.
Interestingly I’ve now had maybe 30 but possibly more than 50 DIRECT conversations explaining to people how their thinking is being managed AS THEY SPEAK WITH ME while also for the last 5 or 10 conversations specifically tagging on that ‘it’s ok because you’re not going to remember any of this anyway’ . . . only to find that everyone I spoke to not only remembered NOTHING of these conversations but what they DID remember in a few cases was that I had told them they ‘absolutely wouldn’t remember ”something” . . . which was then used by them to say that they DID in fact remember what I’d spoken to them about so HAHA ‘you lose I win’ or ‘don’t accuse ME of having a poor memory/ bad head’ because I DID remember.
And with that also a few rationalizations and self-protective mechanisms along the lines of what you have written about.
Put another way you could say I’ve had maybe 10 – 30 hours of ‘dialogue’ about this topic only to have let’s say 10 – 30 minutes ‘sort of’ remembered and that used to justify and explain things away, just like pseudo ‘rational’ arguments like Nick Bostrom with the simulation argument, just like the general nonexistence of definitions of simulation vs. matrix, glitch v anomaly v artefact, and just like these clients . . .
January 6, 2015 @ 8:17 am
Haha after writing this comment I suddenly became ‘cold’ and began shaking all over, but also feel a bit like I am shaking from drug withdrawal or ‘something’. I don’t know if my ‘icy cliff’ metaphor was taken by the sim as a cue to F with me, but I feel as if internally I am now in a bracing wind and cannot get warm — like I am trying to hide in a cave but the wind gets in through the cracks no matter what.
So it’s like it uses my internal metaphor and makes me ‘shiver’ but also feel vulnerable and cold symbolically, I have the strong sense and sensation that this will be used progressively over the next 15 or 30 minutes to make me ‘disengage’ from the comment I wrote here and also to have a negative internal association with this page and my comment, a la Pavlov’s dog.
In thinking about this more I think there have been more than 10 times where I’ve either read a page you’ve written that REALLY struck me and changed my fundamental understandings and really made me say ‘ah hah’ and that I REALLY wanted it to ‘touch the core of who I am’ only to end up with this shivering and strong feeling of detachment and disengagement.
Another metaphor I would use is that (I don’t know if anyone else has had this experience) often times I’ll be perusing something, reading, or thinking late at night and have a new flash of recognition and illumination that very strongly ‘charges’ my body and whole self with energy and excitement–the excitement of discovery and having learned something ‘fundamentally’ new or very interesting — only to wake up with this feeling very ‘remote’ and very much in the background, almost like the ‘hangover’ or ‘low period’ following the ‘high’ of this realization.
This also happens when I read pages and comment here.
So this seems to be evidence that the simulation is very effectively using our internal ‘register’ of associations and also our habits and behaviors and especially our vulnerabilities and ‘weak points’ to debilitate and sabotage us.
This SHOULD have been a comment about ‘thinking’ — expanding your thinking and awareness — but what it actually is also about is your core emotional self and ‘personal’ relationship to your own thinking, and the way in which ‘reality’ itself is obviously attuned to ‘play each of us’ like a fiddle so that we have the least chance of taking anything in and we end up presenting observably BIZARRE, polarized, inverted, and OPPOSITE behaviors to who we are.
So when I read this page initially I thought ‘poor guys’ about these two clients but in fact over the years I’ve had this type of ‘reaction’ internally many MANY times but just learned to view it as suspicious.
So I’m not ‘actually’ often feeling my REAL feelings of satisfaction, insight, wonderment, bafflement, and very strong interest in topics related to thinking management and deep reality investigations. What I’m actually feeling is a ‘tiny’ emitted layer of interest, a thin veneer over a VERY strong thick grey oozy cloud of ‘muck’ making me NOT want to comment or stay on pages which is over the top of my NATURAL very strong interest in these topics and incredibly strong unswerving ‘internal commitment’ .
TOP LAYER strength 1: layer of interest
COVERING MIDDLE LAYER OF strength 50+: shit/ muck/ management
COVERING MY INTERNAL CORE OF strength 10: internal ‘real’ feelings
In fact in thinking about it this is also how I ‘manage’ myself in relation to how I’m being managed so that I at least have a ‘chance’ at keeping hold of a ‘semblance’ of how I actually am.
It feels like I ’emulate’ the layer of what I SHOULD be feeling and try to overlay it over the top of all of this ‘shit’ so that I can try to write what I WOULD write if I was naturally allowed to comment and present myself as I really feel.
January 6, 2015 @ 12:52 pm
Updated / bit’s added to the end . . .
January 10, 2015 @ 2:30 pm
Clive, this article makes me think of the link which you posted to a discussion of how easy the subconscious can influence ourselves (first page of 4):
So this your evidence and reasoning line makes a tremendous amount of sense in this context as well, and exemplifies the LEVEL OF EFFORT it takes to sensitize yourself and become aware of being managed as you write here:
Some of my clients get to the point where they actually directly ‘know’ that ‘some’ particular ‘mental or thinking’ things are NOT theirs. Some get to a point where they have 100% success identifying ‘managed’ thinking and managed evaluation efforts.
Those that are able to do this have much less of an investment in their thinking or evaluating abilities being ‘exceptional’ or accurate . . .
Below I describe some behaviour and attitudes that we have found are a VERY strong indicators (90%+) that your thinking is compromised and is being managed in some way.
By compromised and managed I mean that something is ACTIVELY working to limit or restrict your ability to openly think about, contemplate, properly evaluate or understand . . . .
January 14, 2015 @ 9:53 am
I had an experience that relates to some of the things Matt described above. I had a conversation with an acquaintance of mine right when the simulation articles were being posted on this site. At the time, I was unable to talk about the simulation theory as my head was feeling sudden pressure to say not a word.
Fast-forward to about three weeks ago and I was hanging with him and his friends. We both were discussing simulation possibilities and it was quite a shock from what I originally experienced. The other two, however, didn’t have a clue or were even able to register what we were saying. I’m thinking that’s why we could speak more freely.
Hasani Baron
April 7, 2015 @ 1:28 am
To show that people who are so-called spiritually aware would say that people who have debilitating issues should transcend all of the issues into something positive. For example, I ran across a man who is a supposedly metaphysical, spiritual, and grand master teacher. He was speaking on youtube talking about conspiracies and how to use adversary for one’s supposedly rise. This man said that people talk about conspiracies (people or subtle forces) trying to keep us lost and so forth. He said that one may go through a lot of hell or have many debilitating issues (example:people always gossiping someone or someone always losing something) such metaphysician would look at this as a possibility that the forces, universe, or whatever may be conspiring for one’s rise and not demise. As you have given details about one’s debilitating issues and even worse (people suffering constant trauma whether it be putting up with all types of abuse from people, being constantly accident prone, or other things) ones EXTREME HELL AND MISERY could be a sign that there are forces who are conspiring for one’s so-called rise by putting people through all sorts of unbearable crap. This is to show that people are not only managed particular thinking patterns but people are just plain delusional.