"Earth as a Simulation Series 4: This Series offers MANY pages of Evidence that many Anomalous Experiences, Plus 'Exceptional' Abilities & Skills can be explained 'IF' we are Simulated copied people being Simulated with Less Advanced Technologies resulting in ourselves having Anomalous Experiences that relate to Hi-Tech Neural Implants & CNS Enhancements that the person we are simulating HAD, but which we are a long way from developing here!!!"
Main Page Headings List
- The Human Implants Exercises Introduction Common to ALL Simulation 'Exercise' Pages . . .
- Accessing VR Networks & High Technology Originated & Facilitated Experiences Directly
- The Simulation Software DOESN'T LIKE People Accessing these Experiences . . .
- Focusing Exercise '6' to Engage with Cultural, Secular, Spiritual, Religious, Experiences Group Experiences & Managing Implants
- Exercise '6' to Engage with a Cultural, Secular, Spiritual, Religious, Experiences, Devotional or Alignment Implant & Coordination System
The Human Implants Exercises Introduction Common to ALL Simulation ‘Exercise’ Pages . . .
“‘IF’ we are being simulated then is it possible to get direct access to the original experiences of specific enhancements that are encoded in your script?”
Well, as I’ve already done this and have then defined and refined means to do this and the answer to the above is a resounding ‘YES’.
I’ve also had specific people work with these exercises / perceptual, experience ‘focusing’ protocols that have got access to entire (and I do mean ENTIRE) scripted internal VR environments as well as very coherent access to scripted ‘functional’ experiences of various scripted enhancements and implants too.
Accessing VR Networks & High Technology Originated & Facilitated Experiences Directly
Being able to gain access to very coherent scripted experiences is particularly the case when you are simulating someone that as part of either their job or their personal interests (eg VR games playing) had them engaging with a virtual reality network and or making use of various technological enhancements or implants pretty much ALL THE TIME.
In other words specific people here will be simulating someone that spends a substantial chunk of their REGULAR time immersed in high technology originated experiences. In some cases this is in enough detail that they can even recall their passwords enabling them to then access extremely interesting (scripted in great detail) administration VR areas including access to whatever specific VR project the person they are simulating worked on. This has allowed ourselves to directly access scripted VR experiences of specific earth simulation project software departments in fine detail.
The Simulation Software DOESN’T LIKE People Accessing these Experiences . . .
In efforts to avoid having people access these anomalous scripted experiences DIRECTLY, the simulation software relies on keeping people disengaged from everything of themselves that is ‘worrying’ from the simulation projects: objectives, ‘consensus’ reality and the ‘generic humans’ range of experiences point of view. The software basically keeps you locked into a bubble of ‘normal’ human functioning and a managed ‘consensus’ reality view point AND more importantly it relies on stopping you from even become aware of any ‘out of bounds’ possibilities as in ‘extra’ enhancements and or abilities or what these mean. It relies on this ‘awareness and investigation’ disengagement tactic to severely suppresses you from even becoming aware of never mind of THINKING about trying to access never mind of allowing you to actually gain use of any scripted ‘extras’. The more any scripted experiences are anomalous compared to what is considered ‘conceptually’ and in ‘consensus reality’ terms’ ‘normal’ for an ‘alleged’ real human the more effort the simulation will make to keep you disengaged from them.
Unfortunately for the simulation software, if you give this tactic ‘THE BIG FINGER’ and ‘go for it’ then at least for some people they can find themselves gaining access to all sorts of things that were being kept beyond their awareness or of what they considered possible . . . I should point out that in ‘playing’ with these exercises then the software will likely tag you as ‘dangerous’ and you can expect it’ll try and find ways to distract you, make this web site and your experiences gained here fade from your memory while keeping you busy and occupied elsewhere . . . and so on . . . this is just it’s standard operating protocol (SOP) for worrying people. I’m personally still giving it ‘THE BIG FINGER’!!!
To make it very clear . . . despite that the worst anyone has experienced pushing against the simulation in these ways is some temporary ‘weird’ experiences that have faded out after a few minutes or hours . . .
You use/work with the below . .
Entirely at your own risk
‘IF’ you do decide to ‘go for it’ then work with the below when you have some hours to spare, so if anything ‘extra’ weird and or disturbing happens you have some time to recover / wait for it to fade out (before you have to do things like ‘drive’).
So, if you want to explore these areas then work with the ‘statement of intent’ presented below, BUT first you read the following . . . .
COPYRIGHT: The below is all Copyright, all rights reserved Clive S Hetherington 2015 and on. The statements of intent (SOI) STAY on this site and you don’t copy what is below to present on another site, I have made my copyright very clear and I don’t want ENTIRE sections taken from this site and presented somewhere else. I don’t mind a paragraph or two as an ‘opener’ BUT no more than 20% (this is stated and has been stated for years in my Legal page (the link is in the very top menu way above)). This is specifically the case for this page BECAUSE I’m wanting COMMENTS of feedback from people working with this page to help myself and in fact everyone interested in what I’m presenting here to IMPROVE our understandings of WTF is going on!!!!
INSTRUCTIONS: You have ‘statement of intent / focus’ below. As you read the ‘statement of intent’ then you state ‘with intention’ what you read internally with a directed will of ‘I WANT THIS’ while simultaneously keeping your awareness alert and ‘still’ to give yourself the best chance of becoming aware of anything that the focus reveals / gives you direct access too. This does take practice as you are in some ways attempting to do two opposing ‘things’ at once AND of things that we have been kept away from exploring for a very long time.
This ‘does’ take practice, I ‘started’ to spend time trying to become aware of my internal states and inner perceptions three and a half decades ago.
The above ‘essentially’ has you directing your intention to access implants and enhancements that you are already simulated as having, in this respect having a confident and or even ‘better’ having an automatic EXPECTATION of being able to do this AND gaining access to these will automatic and ‘natural’ offer the best chance of this happening.
Focusing Exercise ‘6’ to Engage with Cultural, Secular, Spiritual, Religious, Experiences Group Experiences & Managing Implants
This entire series is about investigating the possibility that we are simulating people with advanced technology implants wired into their head.
I would ADVISE that anyone interested in doing this exercise and or that is is interested in these ‘simulation’ possibilities ALSO READS THE BELOW . . .
Neural Enhancement ‘Group’ Experience & Group Management Focusing Exercise: This focus tries to have you engage with the implants and experiences relating to you having any type of scripted cultural, secular, spiritual, sacred, new age, religious or similar experiences associated with any implant or combinations of implants and particularly any that may be integrated with your feelings, emotions and inner states as well as any that may trigger ‘things’ for group meetings, for important ‘group’ dates or events or initiations including group implants that may instigate group: ‘mind, consciousness and or awareness expanding or altering, healing and or guiding, aligning, instructive and or teaching’ experiences and particularly to ‘magically’ coordinate these between people within any specific group too.
As I mention elsewhere here we are simulating people that are being EXTENSIVELY managed by subtle means. In putting together the music focus AND specifying implants that interconnect between people as part of providing ‘group’ experiences (as part of music and dancing implant possibilities) a few people left descriptions showing they’d connected to not only religious and spiritual implants impacting people as groups but also to cultures. This implies that there are groups / even cultures that are fitting people with PHYSICAL implants to keep them aligned to the ideology, religion and or spiritual perspectives of the group, nation and or culture. In other words some cultures, nations, religious and spiritual groups are in effect forcibly binding people to their ‘beliefs’.
I have of course already pointed out this type of thing being extensively applied by subtle means. For example this page here: How Group Member Loyalty & Devotion is Achieved covers some of these possibilities. However, it is quite shocking that many different groups reinforce this with the blatant use of PHYSICAL body implants too.
CONSIDER THIS: If many / most groups are desperately trying to collect as many people as possible into their own little ‘delusional’ group ‘PILE’ after which they then forcibly hold them to their group by using implants to do this while ALSO very likely trying to actively ‘poach’ people from other groups then it doesn’t take much thinking to imagine that some group, culture, religion or ‘whatever’ would try and come up with a strategy to re-program / brainwash everyone to their own groups delusions. Coincidentally, this is what the simulation we are in is designed to do.
The ‘FIRST’ comment below is a REAL example of the feedback I have already had from ‘Tom’ (edited a bit) who has already worked with the ‘focus exercise’ below. This comment is to be honest quite HORRIFYING as it gives you some idea of the shear ‘SCALE’, effort and dedication put into the COORDINATED management of one specific religious group. ‘IF’ you just do ONE exercise here then do this one and leave a comment with feedback BECAUSE this is about identifying and understanding this type of ‘shit’ enough to DELETE IT.
PLEASE NOTE: like the previous focus this is long and detailed because it’s trying to target collections of implants and distributed connections between many people.
Click on the ‘purple’ 6. ‘Cultural, Secular, Spiritual, Religious, Experiences & Management Implant’ below to open, read and work with this focus / exercise . . .
AND . . . of course if you DO experience ANYTHING while using the above then you give us a comprehensive description as a comment below . . .
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
December 9, 2015 @ 3:30 pm
In doing this focus I connected to implants or other things with Christian connotations like a house with holy water in pipes in the walls (keep you in a pure space) and I then became aware of symbolic icons for certain implants / components including a hooked net and an iron mask with fire behind it, like a devil’s mask. Then I felt metal things beaming at me and they were all around me and seemed to be transmitting shit. I felt I was connecting to something different.
The metal things feel like electricity pylons. There are networks of these things. I felt that everyone was tuned into this and connected to this wirelessly. As if there are different channels, like a radio. I even become aware of a torture channel which just plays you the same tormenting shit over and over again, and a heaven channel for people who are very in tune with Christianity which gives them happy feelings and visions of angels and can manipulate events in their life in their favour. There are also lots of channels in between these related to various activities.
This reminds me of a time (during sex) when I suddenly thought ‘I’ll channel the Christ energy through me to create a child’ (I didn’t want a child and I wanted the Christ energy even less haha, especially at that particular moment, so it was very out of context).
There seem to be different transmitting channels that are related to various activities: for example sex, praying, eating, negotiating and other activities – how to do all these things in the most Christian way and have those objectives in your awareness at all times, for your own good of course.
There are two way communication between you and the pylons at any time. You can be receiving several different channels simultaneously and they overlap and intermingle. It’s like the Mystery Plays – plays used to pass on Christian values to people or educate them – it feels like radio plays of pre-defined scenarios where certain things are fed into you to program / align you. Helping you to choose or make the right choice and these are timed to coincide with particular life moments or just before them to choreograph your actions (so this Christian controlling tech would be predictive, just like we’ve found for the drone shit and the simulation software).
Ah also while the network was playing this music or film (or videogame) in your head is monitoring your reactions at every moment and transmitting them back through the pylons so that the controlling tech would build up a very comprehensive map of how everything influenced you and be able to make new music, films, books or videogames which worked better to create the intended effect on you and others. So in this case it would be predicted and then created by algorithms based on data collected from people’s reactions and preferences – lots of films seem to be generated by algorithms here as part of mass influencing people towards specific mind-sets and states – and this is done by predictive software which is analysing where it wants people to be collectively in the future at a certain point and is coming up with algorithms to get us / everyone there – it seems like the same would apply to books and songs too. Also the tech logging our reactions could store any moments from any of these (and edit the books or films in these stored moments so that we became one of the characters) and then replay those moments at specific times to create the same effect again, which is what seems to be happening here.
Also there are other forms of management like fairy tales – Christian stories to scare the children and make sure they did the right things / orientate in the right ways – “and then the three little pigs who had taken refuge in the church realised that the reason the wolf had blown away their houses but not the house of God was because He loved them and had protected them, and they fell on their knees and thanked Him for saving their sinful, unworthy bacon from eternal damnation while the Big Bad Wolf slunk back to Hell with his tail between his legs.” Also soap operas to follow a particular theme or reinforce certain values, which would be written to templates (the same thing is probably done for most TV programmes here in fact, if the simulation creates new programmes based on its own agenda). But much of this could be played under the surface to influence people continuously. It’s like a pre-defined, pre-packaged selection of internal entertainment where you could select from different options like in Netflix or iTunes but the range would be narrower and grow more limited over time and leave out more and more of anything that was interesting or vaguely against the status quo / religious agenda. This is also a good way of getting people to become more and more isolated from each another and more absorbed in their own inner worlds. Like in some public places they are full of people but nobody talks, they are all just totally absorbed in doing something on their smartphone, this seems to be the same representation but at an earlier technology stage.
I feel that I was connected to the ‘hell’ channel today and that this was contributing to some nasty shit I experienced earlier.
December 9, 2015 @ 5:27 pm
I just thought I’d post what was personally happening to me / the effects I notice impacting myself while reading this page and also while doing the above focus for distractions / put off’s / sabotages etc — in case it helps anyone else here to relate to it etc.
RE specific effects as described in the focus: sabotaging or punishment (making tired, sleepy, crashing out, spill my coffee and or absolutely anything else)
THINKING: Today, I specifically had ‘bleak’/ negative thoughts, as well as distracting thoughts. It felt like they were subtly attuned to me personally so they weren’t like big overhanging ‘gloomy’ DEPRESSING thoughts they were more like subtle feelings of dread or ‘bleakness’ which ‘seeped in’ to my psyche and made me generally not want to engage with the site / this page.
BODILY SENSATIONS: Accompanying the above, I also experienced being extremely cold and shivering and shaking. So it almost felt like ‘punishment’ or putting you in a ‘cold’/ vulnerable/ weakened state psychologically, as if you are feeling trapped outside in the cold without a coat.
So I can see and feel how both of these strategies are personally attuned to me and directed at me, and particularly with the intention to make my experience while here and while reading and working with the exercises more difficult and also to make it harder for me to stay and read and take take in the comments already left by other people here as well as the new pages that are posted.
December 10, 2015 @ 4:55 pm
The pile of distractions continues, to include, 3 episodes of road rage, telephone crash, and a full glass jar falling off the shelf and making a complete mess on the floor.
Became very sleepy again during the focus, did finish reading it, and I closed my eyes to gather my thoughts. There was no emotion associated with anything I encountered. As a reminder – I do not watch movies of any type. This is gruesome but I felt like it was more important to describe it accurately.
Saw a big black “eyeball” against a black background. I remember from the last focus that a big mouth that was an AI security guard and told the “eyeball” to go away
1. Two women are sitting on hay bales on the back of a crude horse or donkey drawn cart. A man is driving the cart. The women were being taken somewhere and it did not seem to be good. The scene quickly faded to a fancy Victorian carriage with 2 wealthy ladies inside and I say ”oh no – go back to the other scene” Back to the women sitting on the hay bales. Thoughts of Salem. Scratchy on going cough on the left side of my throat started to act up and I started coughing. Had this for 20 years.
2. Vision of women homeless / rejected / abandoned / ragged trudging thru a dusty desert wilderness
3. 2-3 people, not sure if they were women or men, chained to a wall on the floor of a cave or crude cement room. The walls seemed to have triangular 6 inch long spikes on them. Dogs were coming in to eat the people.
4. I, watching myself, was on a hospital table and a minion looking doctor or surgeon was leaning over me. Some thought of reproduction modification.
5. I was tunnelling thru a tube out into a black space of infinity and not sure where I was going. The tube was transparent and I could see the black universe full of stars as I travelled on forever. It went on and on and could not figure out what this was and lost focus.
Again – Saw a big black “eyeball” against a black background and told the “eyeball” to go away. It blinked a few times and did not leave. Told it sternly to go away, and it faded quickly to the right.
Immediately I am in a 1600’s?? peasant village setting. There is a prison type building, 2 stories, bars on windows, and the building was cut-away as a cross section so I could see inside. Each cell has large 12 inch hooks hanging from the ceiling and there were shells of hundreds of corpses hanging from the hooks. This was strange as the corpses did not have heads, hands or feet. It appeared the skin had been peeled off and was hanging out to dry. The skin looked like a tanned hide that was to be saved for some use.
Outside – there were men wheeling wooden carts / wheelbarrows full of the insides of the bodies They were taking them to the center of town to a large fire in process around the very tall pole that extended high into the sky. On the right of this fire was a bench with 8-10 women in black dresses, white bonnets holding hymnals, and they seemed to be singing. I asked “what is going on here?” “Who is in charge of all of this?” Nothing. I asked again demanding to know who is in charge of all of this. Face of Albert Einstein appears and I tell it to go away. I ask who is in charge of this and Up in the sky at 2 o’clock a bunch of beings, 4 or 5 that looked like puffy Pillsbury doughboys, translucent, no arms or legs, big black eyes, no mouth. (I have seen these guys before, alot, in my closed eye field just before I fall asleep – they are creepy looking). I asked them “what is going on here and what are these people doing?” The women got up from the bench and started to walk into what looked like an old church – they had no emotion and it seemed like this activity was mandatory for them. This town was empty of all other people.
Big black eyeball is back and I tell it to go away.
Back to the town scene and there is now a moat of crocodiles surrounding the fire where the bodies are burning.
I am now on a hill top at night, sky full of stars and looking at the sky. I want to go back to that tube from the 1st attempt and ask “what is the story about the tube?”
A space ship appears – looks like a typical disc shaped ship that is parked close to me on the ground. I think – “really – a typical spaceship?” I ask – “what is going on with this space ship?” The ship morphs into the space shuttle. I tell it “no way – this is not real”. It goes back to the space ship. A beam or tunnel comes down from the space ship and for 2-3 seconds I do not know where I am. Then I am back on the ground. “tell me what just happened”. No answer. I then see the face of Albert Einstein. I tell it to go away. Immediately I see data bits flowing from right to left that look like the top of black dominoes with white circles.
I am back standing on the hill, and a large “egg beater with 2 beaters” comes down and starts to whip up my hair – it sucks my hair about 12 inches into the air and it is swirling my hair like a vortex at a very high speed. Then my head start to spin in the opposite direction. This startles me, as I actually felt dizzy, and I fall out of focus. I ask “what is the purpose of the egg beaters?” Nothing
I then find myself on a rotating glass disc, about 5 feet in diameter, 1 ft. thick. I am inside a laboratory of some type and the room is circular, all glass or crystal walls. The walls are lined with round crystal / glass pillars floor to ceiling. Beyond the walls I can see computer workstations – but no people. It is very bright and quite beautiful. As I spin, I am replicating myself, and when done, I have 4 copies of myself, glued together like a three dimensional rectangle / cuboid.
I ask who is in control of all of this and I am shown a vision of a 1950’s business man in a gray suit sitting at a primitive typewriter. I tell this guy to go away. The Albert Einstein head is back. I tell it to go away.
I am back on the hill with the space ship. I continue to ask and yell “what is the spaceship doing?” Everything goes black and I see a bunch of purple grapes, sparkling, looks like glass grapes – very beautiful. The grapes start to separate and the next thing I see is the spaceship flying thru the air, slowly, and dropping millions of these glass grapes down to the peasant population on the ground, they are all very excited about this and open their mouths and eat the grapes. The purple grapes start to turn into various colors (almost looks like pills), and everyone still is very happy and stands with their mouths open and eat them up.
End for now – will try more soon
December 11, 2015 @ 11:37 am
I’ve had to spend time thinking about all of this Annabelle to try and pick out ‘what is what’ . . . basically a rule of thumb for you is that if you’ve the ‘black eyeball’ thingie or Einstein’s head hanging around then you can assume that it is highly likely that you are describing experiences that are part of your ‘testing’ EAAS project job being carried out in a virtual testing environment.
So, much of what you describe above I was initially thinking would be of you’re original forms ‘real’ world experiences but I’m pretty sure that most if not all that you describe here are all virtual environment simulating accuracy ‘testing’ experiences that are related / connected to the exercise/focuses you’ve been doing.
Before I forget rather than ask “what is the purpose of XYZ’ ask / have the intention to FIND OUT: “What does this experience represent” (then ‘feel’ into the experience more).
So in the same way that you’d be engaged with an uploaded version of yourself ‘cooking’ to check that cooking process, the smells, how the food heats up and bubbles / changes in texture and consistency over time in the pan etc, etc is as close to how it should be as possible then what you describe above are about you’re uploaded from spending time in various environments / situations within different historical times again to experience and feel if these are consistent and accurate for these times.
There seems to be a lot above relating to ‘Christianity’ and horrifying incidents (witch hunting / inquisition), you also seem to have tested out an alien abduction experience AND I’d suggest that the grapes represent how others would be indirectly impacted / managed by such an experience despite that they only hear about such experiences second hand (many alien abduction experiences are actually engineered not by aliens but by the drone shit, these experiences are deliberately presented / made to be contradictory / not to add up, in effect they are presented as being multi agenda i.e. too complicated to figure out the alien main !! (while in actuality the overall / actual agenda is to create fear and trauma) watch the dvd series ‘Taken’ which covers this well).
The Albert Einstein head will represent an AI / something that would offer explanations in the original space EAAS project work environment!!!
The fire around a tall pole is likely for burning witches. In fact a lot of the experiences you describe include elements of people being hurt / frightened / traumatized / killed or of people connected to such events.
All very interesting . . . oh and I deleted the list of ‘vague’ thinking things you had toward the top as these ‘lists’ are often sim inserted distractions. I’ve particularly told Nina no more lists as the sim is using her in particular to encourage others here to also leave ‘lists’ as part of sabotaging their comment / these pages . . . often lists when read seem to stop people from thinking. Writing of your experiences as EXPERIENCES and how these FELT to you and how they impacted you is what I’m after / is the MOST useful. Your list of EXPERIENCES above are fine, lists as Nina has been posting won’t get posted from this point on. AND don’t let the sim shit use this to put anyone reading this off from leaving a comment either, IT WILL TRY & DO THIS!!!
December 12, 2015 @ 3:35 am
3rd Attempt
Viewing a man looking at many messy boxes of files full of manila folders and papers that were scattered around him on the ground. I wondered what he was doing and he scratched his head and it seemed he was trying to figure out how to sort all this data and understand them. I felt he was somewhat confused, and felt sorry for him, but I did not feel I was gaining much from this experience. Nothing else came of this.
Distractions to include seeing a large frog and parrot. I watched them and it faded away.
Next, I am walking down a sidewalk and a stranger approached me and handed me a rice size implant and said, “ this will help you remember things”. I did not question this and took the implant and walked on.
Now I am in a sterile white classroom watching a teacher writing on a white board. I was seated in the 2nd row of chairs and I was the only student in the room. The teacher had a pointer stick and was telepathically discussing some formulas on the board. They appeared too complex to be basic mathematical equations and looked like shutterstock image 264165311. I felt like I had already learned this stuff, but was courteous and decided to pay attention to the teacher. A second teacher then came in and put his hand on my right shoulder and placed a red/pink disk on the desk in front of me. The disc was 6” in diameter and 1 inch thick and glowed. I felt very proud to have been given this. I asked how to use the disc and they said it was the “master lock / key”. Then, about 30 more students came into the classroom and sat in the last 2-3 rows. They were silent. They seemed to be new. I pursued the idea of this master lock and got up and walked into a locked area that contained many , many endless halls of laboratories. I was all alone and free to walk around, however, I do not recall having to carry the pink disc. Everything was white / sterile with crystal / glass walls and glowing fluorescent white and yellow. Each lab room was full of hi-tech gear and measured about 10 ft. by 10 ft. There were no people in the lab rooms. I thought this was very cool, but wondered where the people were. When I tried to pursue the purpose of this – it all went black.
Now – a rhino was looking at me against a black background. I thought this was funny. It faded away.
I then saw a tombstone of a dear family member that is still alive. This severely jolted me and I lost focus. I felt shocked and very mad and almost in tears. I wondered if the SIM had telepathic abilities and was trying to tell me something. I was then bombarded with dozens of negative comments like “ Why do you bother with these stupid focuses, your feedback is dumb. They don’t care. You look foolish, this exercise is supposed to be about religion and all you get is this stupid stuff, That guys is nuts”. I struggled to maintain composure and be able to continue. I felt very mad and scared. I then was handed 4-5 skeletons of dead fetuses. I had no idea why this was happening. I felt another severe jolt again.
I now have someone placing my hands on a steering wheel. They said,” Here – you take the controls”. It felt cool. I asked what I was driving and it was a spaceship. I could see the stars flying by the window. This felt very exciting. I looked again out the window, and the window had changed into a (radar, GPS, navigation hi tech) computer screen and I was disappointed not to see the stars. I wanted to pursue this and try to find out what I was wearing and when
I tried to sneak a look at myself I saw myself wearing a werewolf Halloween costume. I was disappointed, as this did not seem to be authentic.
New area – I am looking at my hands, and there are implants between each finger, at the base of each finger, 3-4 implants on each side of each finger. They were black and about the size of a piece of rice. They appeared to be recent as the wound was open, but did not hurt. I wondered what they were for. Suddenly I am playing the piano like a famous musician. I heard the words “ you can do it, you can do it, and you can control them” “You can control people by humiliation and guilt. ” I felt very frustrated with this type of feedback.
The focus seemed to go fast but when I finally looked at the clock one hour and 15 minutes had passed.
December 12, 2015 @ 10:15 pm
Hi Annabelle this feels more like you were/are being worked on to bring up issues / to have ‘shit’ (likely trauma shit) revealed / cleared / deleted? How did you feel after posting this? ‘IF’ this is what is going on and you’re still in this then ‘relax’ even if it seems like chaos / very disturbing!!!
December 18, 2015 @ 3:53 pm
They appeared too complex to be basic mathematical equations and looked like shutterstock image – actually this is not mathematics but instead it is javascript code, computer programming that is. So maybe you weren’t given formulas, but instead being taught how to write programs. If the image you give is an accurate description of what you saw ofc.
December 12, 2015 @ 10:09 pm
I was reluctant to try this at first…I don’t know what I was afraid of. Then I remembered my somewhat lousy week at work and life in general sort of lousy situation and how maybe the sim was responsible for this crap…then it was on! I am giving it the big finger…lol.
This statement may take time to work, but this is what I experienced when I was actively reading statement: 1) my vision was doing a macro focus (the letters of the computer looked bigger) and then back to normal and one time it did a mini focus ( the letters appeared smaller). Then some events were being vaguely recalled (?) in my mind, but I understood that an implant can be used on your wedding night for a memorable sexual experience ( for a small fee of course).
This is possibly off topic: a few nights, intermittently, I would get a flash, or two or three of white light right before falling completely asleep. it reminded me of how my computer would shut off with a flash of bright light before the screen would turn off.
December 13, 2015 @ 1:43 am
I’ve done the focus six times. Extreme fear and mental paralysis have kept me from writing anything ever since this focus first came out.
So far I have connected to the “wrong” kind of selflessness and martyrdom, where I sacrifice personal goals, dreams, necessary life tasks (such as finding work) to spend time with other people (family, friends, and relatives) or devote myself completely to a cause. This includes sacrificing my own life to make myself useful (i.e. suicidal thoughts).
I feel that my original form has been a leader, teacher, and writer (i.e. spin doctor) of anything related to ‘spreading the word’, gaining more members, and “expanding awareness” by passing on knowledge to others. And it seemed that it had been misguided by the authority figures in the groups it has joined.
December 13, 2015 @ 1:50 am
Okay so right before I started the exercise I saw some form that was the pope, almost spinning towards me. It was then disrobed as some sort of ‘dark’ creature I don’t know why but it was funny and made me laugh. So as I then started to read I felt the usual headache and and body pressure that I experience when doing these exercises. I managed to push through this. It then seems like I am accessing some sort of room with many almost identical looking people in what seems to be a never ending office of cubicles who are writing these scripts which are all different yet the same? I get a vague sense of something behind them all running the show on this but couldn’t get anything more. Towards the very end of this I sense a gold cone attempting to come hover slightly above my head, when I noticed this it went away. I found myself breathing somewhat heavey between each section as if me bringing this up (although maybe not completely aware of everything that was happening on a mind level) was clearing it from me? I am not sure but while writing this I have a stronger headache and slight chest pain.
December 13, 2015 @ 11:41 am
Hey ‘Mo’ . . . at the end of an exercise when you’ve the headache etc do the very bottom ‘red’ focus and add in somewhere: ‘Headache & Body Pressure’
December 13, 2015 @ 2:59 am
Clive – In response to your question in the last post – I feel like my focus activity is not up to stuff, but I am very determined to push ahead and stick to the exercise purposes. I could be getting a lot of trauma shit revealed and maybe it was too but too true to deal with. But I am not at the point where I can analyze what I am shown and do not feel comfortable censoring anything. In general , each post becomes harder, as in more hesitancy to post – but you have mentioned this as a diversion tactic, so I plow on.
Attempt 4
Section 03 – Goal orientated dates – Social media and FB came up – particularly birthdates. I do not use these but have seen them. The emoticons also contain codes that travel to the central database. The feedback is used to toggle people. Confirmation, hands up, likes , are used as feedback to the core.
I then saw the following white words against a black background; “Forced coupling of abilities between individuals”
I see bits of the social media data is traveling thru interconnecting series of clear pipes to a central core. I wondered how it was going to be analyzed.
Section 04 – I was walking down a long black tube/hallway lined with people on both sides, and they were all in white clean room suits. This hallway went on and on, slightly slanted downhill, and I was free to walk down it but it did not seem to lead to anything. I tried to pursue what this meant and the hallway ended up at a set of 2 glass lab doors. Inside, is a sterile white laboratory. The left side was lined with many 6 ft. vertical pods full of fluid and what appeared to be bodies from failed experiments of implant insertions, or surgeries, etc. Pipes were running in and out of the tops of the pods and it seemed the people were being kept alive. On the right side were 3 scientists in white lab coats, I thought this all was disgusting. They seemed to say ” don’t look so surprised – you have been doing this to each other for centuries”. Thoughts of Mayan ceremonies and war atrocities. Then I looked at them and thought ” that does not make sense if we are all simulated copies and you are in control of all of this”. The heads of the 3 scientists immediately turned into monkey heads, (see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil) and now they all are wearing noise cancellation headphones. I felt like I had hit dead end with them but wanted to try to pursue this more passively. I wondered how they knew what to do to each person that they modify and they said, “ you tell us from your feedback.” I felt more agitated, heart racing and thought I would come back at a different time . As I left the room, a man looking like an airport customs agent handed me a passport and said ” You are welcome to come back anytime”.
Section 08 – An Albert Einstein head is attached to a mummy body lying on a slab. I spent some time trying to understand what this was. The body crumpled up and disappeared. Then another Albert Einstein head appeared on a mummy body on a slab. A wheel appeared like on the TV show “Wheel of Fortune” and the Albert Einstein head on the mummy body replicated itself onto each pie shaped section in the wheel. The entire wheel was very large about 15 ft. in diameter. The wheel itself then started to replicate very fast and many wheels were flying all over the room. It was a bit overwhelming and I felt like saying “whoa” . The wheels then moved to the center of the room and stacked on top of each other into a column / core. I walked around the wheels and could see between each layer. The stack went from floor to ceiling. I tried to drill into how the data is managed but became agitated again, dizzy and light headed, and need to return later.
Section 05 – The song ” I’ve got the music in me” started playing in my head. I thought his was odd since I don’t listen to music anymore, but this is an older song. This also felt contrived due to the title of the song. I tried to pursue why this was happening and it felt very irritating. Then the song stopped and an image of a golden skeleton key appeared- like I could turn the song on and off at my will. The song came back on and back off, and I felt I was being manipulated so I stopped.
December 13, 2015 @ 11:43 am
Hi Annabelle,
Yea, the ‘power’ of the web is reduced to ‘likes’ (and I’m sure I read that dislikes are coming sometime) rather than offering something like: ‘interesting, thought provoking, negatively nasty, revealing, inspiring, depressing’ or ‘whatever’, it’s amazingly pathetic BUT predictable because one or two choices automatically programs people into ONLY THINKING in terms of one or two choices (do I like this or dislike this) rather than to actually START THINKING!!!
Section 4 is back to Trauma orientated things. The sim is designed to create trauma because trauma can be used to completely manage people behind the scenes. So, the wars etc here in the sim are way, WAY more than the original environment. WW1/WW2 never happened in the original environment and our global ‘financial’ problems have been engineered / defined / staged by the sim software to cause as much persistent and ongoing trauma to as many people as possible.
The Albert Einstein ‘heads’ you can think of as representing an ‘AI’ a so called artificial intelligence (I personally call them artificial idiots). These are embedded in the sim software and they analyse the data, evaluate, define and coordinate strategies to achieve the simulations objectives AND in some cases they are stacked as you describe / multi layered distributed AI’s. Given that the person you are simulating was working at a data level that was handling ‘everything’ I’d not be surprised if a version of you is in the sim as an ‘AI’ here!!! It is very possible that the scene in section 04 represents the ‘preparation’ of an AI version of yourself. If you remember in a previous comment you saw, I think it was 4 co-joined versions of yourself too!!!
How section 05 is written it’ll really ‘REALLY’ hit a lot and the sim won’t like this, hence the obvious ‘distracting’ song put off!!!
December 14, 2015 @ 5:37 am
Interestingly I’ve been getting a lot of thoughts since yesterday like this is all in your imagination and Clive is just really creative making up everything on his website. I admit sometimes I feel this is all in my imagination. But I know Clive and this website is true. So after reading 3xs of the war footing focus exercise I did round 2.
I felt more focused this time and felt new awarenesses come up randomly through my reading. Including the realization that all the people I’ve had as friends were designed to keep me more apart of the sim. I also realize that most of my life has been orchestrated through beings (some AI) that are defining/writing my ‘life’ that are influencing everything about me and the way my life has gone. I try to zoom into one of the papers defining my life and it says ‘kill Mo she is an imposter’ like as if they found out I was a spy trying to blend in and then they found out and directed all my papers to be in the hands of those who will fuck me up the most. I have the desire to take all my papers in my hands but this didn’t seem completely possible. For whatever reason, towards the end Sedona Arizona kept randomly coming to mind.
December 14, 2015 @ 11:37 am
I’m a bit confused with the word ‘papers’ Mo!!!
December 15, 2015 @ 3:40 am
ya I dont know what the papers signified either. but with your comment I was like well maybe this was just a distraction so have been reading the red tab ”focus war footing” some more.
December 14, 2015 @ 1:23 pm
Eight try — I did the war footing focus to connect to the chest pain and depression before doing the main focus. During the first four paragraphs, I cried from grief when I remembered the silent treatment I received from almost all of my former group mates after my expulsion from their group. Eventually I connected to an implant that makes me feel a sense of belonging to groups and makes me want to seek out the company of like-minded communities. By the sixth paragraph, the crying had stopped. I began to feel that real independence is about being ok with NOT being part of any group.
In paragraphs 7 to 9, I connected to items that remind me of my membership to the groups I’ve joined so far. In particular, I connected to the batch shirt that a group mate has created for our batch of mountaineering club members. I remembered the draft of the shirt design, which included the batch’s graduation year, logo, and motto, as well as the individual member’s name and ID number.
December 18, 2015 @ 9:34 pm
The hesitancy to do the exercises continues to be high and I only could start to write this today. There seems to be a lot of trauma and weird stuff coming thru – silly pictures, memories, and I still do not feel comfortable censoring this. I found myself deleting 50% of what comes thru out of fear that is is not good feedback.
Others have also commented about the sparkly drone things that are now around the periphery of my face almost daily. It seems they would grow larger if I allowed it, but now I try to mentally zap them or smack them like a mosquitoes.
I had a very bad hypnogogic dream / experience Sunday night and almost could not function on Monday. This use to happen alot to me 20-30 years ago and I thought I got rid of this stuff – it still comes thru a little – but not as bad as Sunday night. I tend to sleep like a rock but at times end up in some astral / zone?? A male being came to the bed side and tried to suffocate me with a pillow – I was in sleep paralysis. I am so used to these things that I can’t even open my eyes at night, and I still sleep completely under the covers regardless of the temperature. Even if I have to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, I have to keep my eyes closed. This being was fighting with me and I was using everything I could to keep him off of me and it appeared he was trying to assault me. I could not look at him but I could feel he had claws and hard skin. I was trying to scream, and finally woke myself up. I was shaking for 24 hours.
Section 02 – I did not think to mention this at the first 4 times –on the words “implants coordinating other implants” – each time I became very hot and flushed. I also felt like I had a ring of heat around my mouth – nothing painful but noticeable. I tried to drill into what this could be and the ring of heat would continue to come back as I pressed into this. I saw many small power substations connected to a main distribution center, teeth and dental implants. This made sense that this would connect to nerves and be distributed from the teeth / mouth. This would also seem to be easy to keep more discreet inside the mouth. The tooth type implant would serve many purposes – analyzing nutrition content of foods, to include toxic bacteria levels as a warning. It would monitor food consumption and ration between the population as needed, or recommend more nutrition as needed, vitamins, etc. I connected to a strong need to control the amount of food and assure healthy eating. The composition of the tooth implant would also serve as an antenna or transmitter. This could be routed up thru the ear and one could talk to others or Tcon as needed. Certain people may also have the authority to positively or negatively influence based on the sound / frequency of this communication from the mouth to the ear.
This could also connect up thru the nose to analyze air quality, oxygen content, etc.
Attempt 6
Initially connected with an image of a fish that was very large – about 50 ft. long and it was on a hook. This was a simple blue fish / lake fish, but just exploded in size. The fish was lying flat on a golden / crystal grid with squares each about 10 ft. in diameter and the side of the squares was made up of tube shaped pipes. The hook was slowly pulling the fish from the lower left corner to the upper right-hand corner. I first thought this was nonsense, but stayed with it and drilled into the meaning of the fish. The fish then faded away, and the grid became upright. I searched online to find something that looked like the grid work and found Wikipedia, Marching Squares, Case examples 0-Case 15. I then see myself, am watching myself climbing on the grid work like a child would climb on a piece of playground equipment. As I climbed and touched various cross bars on the gird – they would light up into colors (only pastels, yellow, light blue, pink and mint green). Certain bars would not light up and I knew I then had to change my path and could only climb on bars that lit up. There was no emotion, pain or incentive associated with this activity, just that I was allowed to climb anywhere on the grid as long as I stayed on bars that lit up. And at times – bars that did not previously light up would light up if I went back to them. There did not seem to be any goal to get to the top or any specific area.
I then saw a square icon / picture of Clive, (just like your tag photo) in the upper right top of the grid, looking down at me, and I became very startled. I instantly thought I was in trouble for doing a focus while you were resting / healing. I lost track and stopped.
December 20, 2015 @ 1:47 pm
Before doing this focus, I visited my grandmother in the hospital. An aunt invited me and the caretaker to pray for my grandma’s recovery. I pretended to oblige but I secretly put out the intent to investigate or connect to my aunt’s prayer process. Immediately I felt mental blocks, which worsened every time my aunt invoked the name of Lord Jesus Christ. I saw tubes connecting all of us to some “source,” but that “source” was enshrouded in blackness, as if it didn’t want to make its presence felt to me. In contrast, my aunt was touched and shed a few tears during the prayer.
Once home, I did this focus, but I didn’t get much. The words “controlling system” connected me to the “source” I felt earlier, but the resistance persisted. The words “healing” and “inner guiding” reminded me of my aunt referring to Jesus as the Great Physician, especially when my aunt observed that color has returned to my grandma’s face.
Trying to connect to my aunt’s and grandma’s heart resulted in bits of coughing and mild chest pain lasting for around two seconds.
December 24, 2015 @ 11:55 am
I’ve been using this focus to connect to the noise I’m experiencing so far. Yesterday, during the bus ride home, I felt my music implant coordinate with the radio on the bus so that I’d have great difficulty reflecting on my plans for next year or accessing the negative effects of the songs playing on the bus. I felt the love songs and the commercials being played on the radio aligned with the simulation agenda to orient the passengers to the physical (i.e. falling in love) and to keep them sedated throughout the ride.
These days, I feel that my music implant connects with practically any source of music or noise to annoy or irritate me: others’ desktop computers, loud music blaring from noisy neighbors’ stereos, different establishments…even firecrackers. I also feel that my implant subconsciously records the sounds I dislike so that it can play back those sounds internally in the future.
Coincidentally, I thought of Christmas (Eve) when I read the phrase “timed, dated or organised event…or any external circumstances…or special occasion.” The holidays seem to be the noisiest times of the year.
January 8, 2016 @ 6:59 am
This is the exercise I have done the most of all the others. I still feel like I should do it more but will post my experience of doing it today. I deleted my comments for sections 7,8,9 as they seemed unnecessary to include.
I am spinning on chair bandages on head emotionless aliens in room taking care of me.
I see a women in an office upstairs in a building with many files and cubicles, I find the file my with my name on it, I take it out and delete everything then leave.
I then see a room of new age yogis, getting bliss transmission. I then walk out of the room, then walk back. When I’m back they are all dead, then replaced with clones of themselves after the bliss transmission without the awareness that a part of themselves was destroyed just minutes ago.
Read 2nd time: I see myself laying down from years ago in yoga studio, see snake like creature come into my body- brought feelings of lightness and brightness.
Read 3rd time: I am back to the file room. I open one file to then twirl into Buddhist environment, monks meditating- this is pre-step/preview to this reality if you were to be a Buddhist.
Read 4th time: I see the unity church a few blocks from my house. Everyone who enters gets their head opened to be filled with many love light implants– Very interesting the methods to spread ‘love’– cutting open peoples heads without permission.
Read 5th time: I see influences of city, there is a program or implant for most cities that one enters to, to get a hook up into that particular program of the city, state, country for my town this connects people to a software that does brain scans, if the scan detects something that is abnormal or not acceptable to this particular town program they get zapped or fried with a particular damaging energy, or they re route the brain into some more acceptable form of thinking/connection/ energy pattern. This is interesting to me as this was a part of me having difficulty in understanding information on this site.
In this particular city it is made clear also that most Christian churches are connected to a type of broadcasting systems which puts small implants or shreds of luring energies into peoples heads so they would be more open to go to church.
I am underground being tortured as I did not follow catholic rules this is zipped back into nothing– note I have zero affiliations or past connection with Catholicism.
I am sitting up mediating, this is past experience where I would before this exercise describe it as feelings of connection, peace, happiness balance. I now look back and see this experience with an AI pushing its way through my body, giving me these feelings, pushing out parts of my soul to make this occur.
I become aware of how possible it is that ones body changes location in this reality, to be replaced by a clone, the original body is usually tortured and or disposed of for various purposes, the memories are streamlined so there is no awareness of this happening for most people. This is another method to keep people ‘in line’.
I see a women ringing a meditation bell, this pulses through the bodies in the room, hitting their implant in the middle of the head to then pulsate bliss through peoples body, bliss energy moves back towards women ringing the bell and into a collection agency which collects data on the received bliss energy, giving details about every person that the bell energy touched, then the system knows what kind of energy to send back through the bell as a feedback loop to each individual person continuously- the energy that is given is particular to that person but is intended to mold or contour the person to be more apart of the group, eventually much of their own identity leaving.
I sense all of the energies that were overlap bliss energies put onto as a feeding tube for me.. I now see my love hate relationship with positive emotions as much of them that are fed through these feeding tubes actually take pieces of me which have a more authentic level of emotional feeling.. many people choose the feeding tubes because negative emotions are always pulsated onto them making this option seem more appealing.
I do feel hesitant to share this, as if what I wrote here may not be completely clear enough, it is still hard for me to clearly see what is going on as its sometimes fuzzy in the scenes. I am especially taken back if it is true that people are (physically) being frequently taken and then replaced with a clone in this reality to constantly modify experiences.
January 8, 2016 @ 11:59 am
Hey Mo, this is very good . . .
I’ve not mentioned it anywhere because it’ll take too much explaining BUT we are actually in a ‘Christian’ designed simulation AND it is specifically designed to ‘convert’ everyone IN THE ORIGINAL POPULATION into a Christian. Like I said this is hard to explain as ‘looking’ around it appears as if the opposite is true – the opposite is what you do if you are going to apply VR aversion re-programming (which is done after you DIE here). To say that this is diabolical is an extreme understatement.
The sim software has AI’s that analyse everything and they continually make adjustments to individuals, communities, towns, societies – all different scales of people to ‘align’ people to the overall agenda for that scale of place / collection of people. So, you are getting glimpses of this in what you describe in your comment . .
As part of these personal and larger scale group adjustments then there is some ‘extra’ aggressive software that kicks in that I/we have labelled as ASQ – Against the Status Quo (or more accurately Against the simulations Agenda and Outcomes). If this is applied to yourself then you have up to 6 AI channels that each run ANOTHER VERSION of you in a VR to analyse how to manipulate you in efforts to force you to conform to the simulation’s agenda. So, it runs a VR version of you to find the best way to debilitate / re-orientate you then when it’s ‘got it right’ it feeds this ‘shit’ into your final rendered version as a background overlay. So, what you describe in your comment is very likely the experience of your simulated version TESTING ‘ASQ’ and how effective it would be / how it would work for different people in different circumstances.
January 8, 2016 @ 9:42 pm
Clive – thanks you – your feedback is very useful in these posts. It really helps me understand how to proceed.
I also wanted to comment on Mo’s comment about the snakes entering the body. Many times after I get a massage I feel within a few hours that a snake (some enormous) is trying to penetrate my body. This has become very alarming and I stopped going for massages.
I am frustrated that I keep getting so much nonsense and tried a different approach. Drilled into each word and sentence in the focus multiple times.
01 – Saw a spinning globe of the earth and it stopped exactly with a pointer arrow to where I live. I then am standing and looking at a clone of myself standing in front of me. The clone does not seem friendly or nice and gives me the impression she is in charge. The clone also shape shifts a bit between a person and a computer generated fake looking model / mannequin outlined in black.
02 – Connected with a skyline of multiple high pointed church towers, which is very common where I live. I was mesmerized by this skyline view as a child. I remember strong resistance to going to Christian church as a child, and felt the spiritual messages did not make sense. I still went every week under pressure. I occupied myself by looking at the flowers and peoples’ clothes. I could not focus on the alter. The church bells ringing during each service seem to tune each person. I asked many questions as to how these spiritual experiences could happen and was shut up each time. As a reward, I was told I should become a church school teacher at 15. How could I possibly do this and teach what I did not believe, to little children.
Some neck pain is building up like I have a rope around my neck. I also am back in the room with many dentist chairs and they continue to drill into people faces.
During the sentence “spreading the word” I connect to many times that people have told me I have such “good energy”. I do not understand why this happens, and they would come up to me and ask if they could touch me. Many said “I want to stand next to you so I feel better”. This has been happening for at least 15 years and still happens all the time in random public areas. I feel like I am on a spy assignment and can’t deviate. I don’t know if I am transmitting something to them or visa versa.
03 – connected to clergy standing in crucifix position asking me for help – this could be nonsense
04 – “moods” – wondering why so many friends and family have constant mood changes and completely different mood swaps that don’t belong to them – the mood seems to be toggled to fit the agenda and goes back and forth.
Words “inner vision” – I am now inside a lab with a scientist in a white lab coat and computer desk. He has a wooden box with many slots full of 4 inch diameter glass contact lenses. Each contact lens can adjust emotions and how people will see the world. The scientist puts the contact lens in his computer, like a CD, and it pulls up a hierarchy / decision tree. This will show who needs or should have this implant installed today. I get mad and take the box of contact lenses and throw them on the ground and jump on them and smash them. The scientist looks at me and tells me ”don’t’ worry – we have a lot more”. Behind him is a huge clean-room, and I look inside and there are 15-20 clones or AI building many more contact lenses. I get upset again and pull the power cord on his computer and break it. (I don’t know why I am getting mad during this focus and am really trying to drill into the intent of the message) The scientist reaches in his pocket and pulls out a huge syringe full of fluid. I am worried, but he injects this into the power cord, and restores the whole network. This seems to be a common approach to inject new ideas / behaviours into the network. It can also send booster shots as needed.
I am upset again and push the scientist down and sit in the computer chair and type in my name. A huge file comes up with many data points and decision trees. I don’t understand it but am trying to. I now become so drowsy that I can’t continue – almost feel like I am going to pass out. I stop here.
After 5 minutes I start to recover and am very hot and flushed. My vision is blurred and for 30 minutes I feel like I am looking thru white smoke.
January 9, 2016 @ 5:47 pm
MMmm, Annabelle, I was thinking the other day that I was lucky, in that my mum sent me to Sunday school, asked me when she picked me up afterwards if I liked it / wanted to continue going. I said ‘no’ (I must have been 5 and even then could feel these people were ‘bizarre/odd’!!!) So, ‘fortunately’ I never went back. So, my feeling is that for some reason the sim / sim designers have given you an alternate script making a big effort to have you sucked into the religious ‘C’ BS (it’s not working too well is it?).
Doesn’t the ‘Snake’ represent ‘temptation’ and doing ‘bad’ things by the ‘C’ people? Like physical sexual temptation (which a massage ‘could’ represent)!!! The clone is likely representing a VR version of you that an AI is modelling / using to try and figure out how to manoeuvrer you so there is more chance of you becoming a Christian (they’ve not a hope in hells chance of that – have they? – HAHA). Then it seems like you were specifically put in a place in the simulation where the entire skyline messed up with church spires . . . the ‘subliminal / indirect’ message approach . . . (that’s not working either is it?) – ‘Please’ become a Christian and help save good people from being Crucified on the whim of a psychopathic deranged ‘moody’ god. (I cannot see that line working either?) . . . then we have the eye filter, which represents filtering out ‘resonances / perceptions’ and or replacing them with different ones. So, they are expecting your personal filter to have made you more amenable to the ‘C’ persuasion line. I strongly suspect that you may actually be simulating someone that was/is a ‘spy’ that was incarnated into the deranged ‘C’ culture because many other cultures see the deranged ‘C’ culture as a threat and HAVE infiltrated people into it to keep better track of what the deranged people are working on there (this incarnated spy / approach is reasonably common AND spy’s are likely to have implants that counteract ‘C’ culture ‘shit’ like this ‘filter’ crap).
I have come across a few people that are simulating someone that had some ‘spying’ incarnations (your ‘don’t mess with me’ attitude / reaction to ‘sim’ project people doing things you do not approve of is what I’d expect of a ‘simulated’ spy whom doesn’t know they are actually ‘really’ a spy here – haha). In fact a fair number of ‘good’ people that turned up to work on the EAAS project were likely ‘spy’s from other cultures trying to find out if the project was actually going to do work as stated OR do something DARKER!!! Well, ‘DARKER’ is an understatement isn’t it!!!
Interestingly a few hours ago I had an obscene soul-healer.com contact message from an irate ‘Christian’ ranting on about God and how I’m now writing even more shit AND how God won’t be happy and will strike me down (or some such – I cannot remember) . . . I also cannot remember the last time I had a ‘C’ person ranting in an e-mail (it’s usually a new age person trying to ‘patiently’ explain where I’ve gone wrong – haha).
January 10, 2016 @ 4:53 pm
A little story about a ‘snake’ entering my ‘body’..
I’d just started meditating around a week prior to this. I was already entering full-blown ‘trance’ states which were so ‘realistic’ that i’d forget that it was part of a ‘meditation’. On this particular day I had a ‘hooded cobra’ appear within my closed-eye visual field. As soon as it appeared I started to think “wtf” and so it immediately ‘introduced’ itself as “Kundalini” (I knew nothing about ‘Kundalini’ at the time). It then asked to MERGE with me, which I thought was a strange concept, but it felt ‘right’ so I agreed to it.
The snake then entered my body, head-first, through the base of my spine. It moved upward so that it’s head was in line with mine, and then it’s head ‘morphed’ to merge with my own. I perceived that there was ‘my’ head, the ‘snakes” head and then a third ‘merged head’ if that makes sense. It’s body stayed in place along the length of my spine. I forget what the actual ‘effects’ of this were but I remember them being ‘in line’ with what I later read about Kundalini.
About a year ago I was reading ‘something’ online about ‘special spirit guides’ which are assigned to people who progress far enough along a specific ‘spiritual path’. I forget what the actual context of this was, but I believe these were guides who would assist with some aspect of ‘enlightenment’. I thought it was likely that the ‘snake’ i’d met was a similar type of guide assigned to assist me with ‘kundalini’ experiences.
This is also very likely related to ‘Hinduism’ due to the ‘kundalini/snake’ references and I know i’ve been involved with ‘Hindu’ spiritual paths in previous lives.
Mo did mention ‘yoga/yogis’ above so I thought this might be relevant.
July 4, 2016 @ 1:48 pm
Hello, I am new to your web site and I was directed here by a friend.
I do not have the terminology that many here have to describe my understanding of the matrix world we exist in. So I will just lay it out there, hoping I don’t end up with a book.
All the web sites i have searched on that are aimed at helping empaths are actually traps for them. Empaths who use tarot cards and are telling people that their dead relatives are trying to be in touch with them are lying to people, and manipulating them. These empaths have no idea the harm they are causing because they are programed to sabotage other empaths, and spread all kinds of false religious, and other miscellaneous belief systems that are nothing but distractions and lies. By buying into the concept of reincarnation, you are just buying into another programming lie and it is a means of distracting you. You are correct to not practice shielding your abilities of intuition and abilities to feel peoples emotions. There is energies you do not want to miss or misunderstand.
You ask readers what your assignments triggered in them. This is my friends and my experience. I am emotionally beat up and tired of all this shit and the lies. I do not have any entities attached to me and I am free of all that programing. I am on the defense emotionally all the time because my family is used against me. The spirit entities can’t kill me or shut me up. I had no problems writing this. I have only scratched the surface of what I know, and I know I have even more scary information than I have seen on this web site. But lets see what happens with this information that I have shared. Lets see what your programming does with this tip of the iceberg…
Thank you for considering and pondering this information…
July 9, 2016 @ 10:51 am
I don’t waste my time reading pages of meandering ‘drivel’ and particularly when it shows that you’re assuming that what I’m presenting here is equivalent to anything presented elsewhere . . .
You write:
Of course you didn’t, your comment was 8 pages of A4 long and are nothing more than a rambling disjointed tirade and ‘worse’ a waste of my time.
OMG, you’ve more of the same!!! You cup is overflowing isn’t it, there simply isn’t room for anything else is there? As such I suggest you either start reading what is here and make an effort to piece it together or find somewhere else to leave ‘waste of time’ comments.