Let me repeat what I stated on a previous page, which is that our and your ‘real’ subtle body form has full universal 360′ x 360′ x 360′ orientation sensory input/awareness. It doesn’t have a face, nor any sides, nor a behind nor does it have a left or right side either. The best way to describe it is to state that all 360’x360’x360′ sensory orientations are ALL FRONTS TO ITS INTERNAL SELF!!! Because its entire body surface is equally sensory sensitive/aware/responsive on all surfaces/angles around itself then it exhibits no blind spots!!!!
Try and spend some time imagining yourself hovering a mile up over ‘IN THE ‘OPEN’ SKY’ . . . imagine yourself spending ALL OF YOUR time permanently suspended within a COMPLETELY OPEN SKY SPACE WITH ABSOLUTELY NO ‘HOUSES OR STRUCTURES’ AROUND, while being subjected to absolutely ‘NO GRAVITY PULL’ either . . and hence having absolutely no sense or orientation of UP or DOWN, nor any concept of LEFT OR RIGHT, nor absolutely any sense at all of having a BACK OR FRONT ‘orientation’ either . . .
Let me contrast this with our and your own current interfaced to a human physical body from ‘environment and living’ circumstances!!!!
Which also has everyone here living under the direct and permanent influence of our planet’s gravitational pull such that we have a completely automated/unconscious, absolutely built in up and down ‘fixed’ orientation!!! This is then in direct contrast to our subtle forms’ original 360′ x 360′ x 360′, entirely 3 dimensional scale, full potential as well as ‘natural’ body orientation possibilities never mind their full spectrum spatial awareness/sensory abilities never mind their inherent/natural movement possibilities which for ourselves here have then been reduced to a living space that relative to our subtle forms’ natural living conditions is essentially a FLAT 2 DIMENSIONAL SURFACE!!!
Although to be more ‘objectively’ accurate, for those of us living within towns and cities the scale of ‘actual/real’ free (as in ‘UNHINDERED/UNRESTRICTED’) movement and orientation is automatically reduced even further because of the layout of buildings and roads such that your ‘actual’ REAL SCALE OF FREE MOVEMENT, AT ANY PARTICULAR TIME is ‘OFTEN’ substantially equivalent to ONE DIMENSIONAL, in that you often walk on entirely straight as well as narrow paths/sidewalks/corridors both outside as well as inside . . . for substantial distances!!!
Let me point out some of the problems that are going to have to be seriously ‘FUDGED’ as in they are going to have to be ‘HANDLED IN ‘ANOMALOUS/PERSONAL TO SPECIFIC INDIVIDUALS’ WAYS’!!!!
Let me define some of the ‘conversion’ scenario problems you are going to have to address at least for some specific subtle groups as well as subtle ‘communities’ permanently living in a no up or down ‘SKY’ space . . .
If you are simulating someone that spent pretty much ALL OF THEIR TIME living within a NO UP OR DOWN ORIENTATED FULLY OPEN SKY SPACE whom then also, ALWAYS then experienced BEING ABLE TO HOVER WHILE ALSO BEING ABLE TO HAVE ABSOLUTELY 3 DIMENSIONAL AWARENESS & SENSORY INPUT, 3 DIMENSIONAL BODY ‘ORIENTATION’ & MOVEMENT IN ALL DIRECTIONS ALL THE TIME, which would coincidentally result in them very likely having absolutely no concept of up or down and absolutely in concept or experience of having a permanent ‘front’ orientation, because in being ALL THE TIME omnidirectional then they have no concept of left or right nor any concept of themselves having a front or back orientation either . . . in this respect . . . how would you give these specific people THESE TYPES OF SUBTLE ENVIRONMENT ‘ONLY’ EXPERIENCES WHILE KEEPING THESE EITHER PERSONAL TO THEMSELVES AND OR AS SHARED EXPERIENCES WITH OTHERS THAT ARE ALSO COMPLETELY HIDDEN FROM EVERYONE ELSE!!!!
What type of consistent experience/experiences would these people ‘EXPECT TO HAVE’ and how would you give these people these types of experiences while ABSOLUTELY KEEPING THESE AS PERSONAL TO THEMSELVES ONLY, i.e. ‘OUTSIDE OF ‘CONSENSUS’ REALITY’!!!!! What sort of anomalous expectations and or CONSISTENT PERSONAL TO SPECIFIC INDIVIDUALS & OR GROUPS that we DO HAVE HERE would be ‘CONSISTENT’ with respect to them being well hidden/personal to very specific people and or groups ONLY that some people ACTUALLY DO HAVE HERE!!!!
Coincidentally . . .
If what I describe above is correct/true then many people whom are simulating someone whom consistently lived as a subtle being whom ALL THE TIME ARE ESSENTIALLY LOCATED IN THE MIDDLE OF ONE BIG MASSIVE SCALE SKY (WITH NO ‘GROUND’ ORIENTATION) will ‘here’ very, very likely feel as if THEY ‘SHOULD’ BE ABLE TO FLY!!!
One of the VR experience poll questions which I presented on this poll here had a very high percentage of people indicating that they felt and or had an ‘expectation’ that they ‘should’ be able to fly.
Subtle beings, that permanently spend the majority of their time within an infinite open space with a community of others as subtle forms/beings whom are also living within the same open space such that all of those within a ‘reasonable’ distance from each other (say less than 10,000 miles distant) will ALWAYS be remotely as well as automatically communicating with each other while very likely also being VERY AWARE OF EACH OTHERS’ CIRCUMSTANCES TOO perhaps over even greater distances!!!
Coincidentally . . .
This is why you also have many people here whom at times manage to ‘psychically’ pick up/are very aware of and in some cases are ARE DIRECTLY/STRONGLY VERY AWARE of what is happening and or has happened to someone they are close to (in ‘family/friendship & relationship’ terms) and particularly with respect to them having some accident and or ‘shocking’ event or experience happening to themselves. This is because subtle beings whom are close and or related (remember there is a reasonable possibility that they are TWINS of each other) are very likely always and particularly sub consciously aware on some level of the internal state and or circumstances of each other quite simply because of their close past contacts and openness between each other, it is very likely they are pretty much ALWAYS REMOTELY AWARE OF EACH OTHER IN A BACKGROUND WAY such that if any with this type of permanent open channel/connection experiences difficulties/problems it’s very likely those with close ties to them will become pretty much instantly aware of this!!!!
Coincidentally . . . we have yet another consistent as well as ‘odd’ anomalous experience . . .
It’s been ‘noted’ that a significant number of people automatically ‘know’ that their phone is about to ring and or that they are about to receive a ‘text’ message!! However, it’s also been noticed/noted that some people are also pre-aware of WHO IT IS THAT IS TRYING TO CONTACT THEM TOO . . .
Subtle beings that have very long term as well as day in day out consistent experience of being part of a specific subtle group and or subtle community that are then consistently/permanently all of the time interacting with each other in full ‘THREE DIMENSIONAL/’SPATIAL/ORIENTATION/NO GRAVITY, NO UP/DOWN ‘ORIENTATION” terms, whom will then have EMBEDDED EXPECTATIONS of all sorts of BEHAVIOURS/EXPERIENCES of themselves LIVING LIKE THIS . . . .
. . . ALL OF THE TIME . . . as in FOREVER & EVER & EVER & EVER & EVER . . .
. . . how in our generally one dimensional and occasionally two dimensional world would you (in hidden ways) give people consistent BUT very likely indirect/disguised experiences of themselves living within a fully three dimensional space that offered all angles and orientations of movement as well as perceptions/senses within that space . . .
Coincidentally . . .
Strangely, a very, very well hidden experience of being able to hover/fly around within a full three dimensional environment while INTERACTING WITH OTHERS DOING THE SAME, that is of SHARED EXPERIENCES very specifically kept internal to each ‘shared’ person having these experiences is of them all astral travelling. Astral travelling is another of our fake reality’s physical only reality ‘conversions’ that has people here, whom are ‘obviously’ simulating someone with consistent experience of ‘LIVING & INTERACTING WITH OTHERS IN THE SKY’ of being able to directly experience this BUT only as this outside of consensus reality ‘ASTRAL TRAVELLING’ form . . . i.e. this is a way of allowing people to experience how they were as subtle beings within a group/community whom spent all of their time then LIVING IN THE SKY while also keeping their original ‘REAL’ self as a subtle form as well as their real subtle environmental circumstances completely hidden with respect to our ‘consensus’ physical only reality and human body form circumstances!!!!
. . . as well as . . .
Many people have dreams within which they are flying, people having lucid dreams have also described themselves as having very coherent/completely ‘real’ flying experiences too. For example, I found this description here:
” . . . in my lucid dreams, I love flying high, I’ll swoop over a mountain range, day or night. I’ll soar among skyscrapers and watch people live out their dream-lives in the city below. Lucid flying dreams possess a powerful combination of exhilarating freedom and unraveling adventure. In my flying dreams, the sense of weightlessness, whooshing and wavering in the air certainly feels vivid and real to me.”
In other words there are very many, many ways of indirectly and in hidden as well as ‘internal to themselves’ ways of allowing people to experience themselves ‘flying’ . . . on the other hand we also have some alleged ‘real’ flying claims too . . .
There are quite a few instances of so called ‘spiritual’ practices (i.e. ‘spirit’ associated ‘practises’, which are then very likely to equate with your subtle body’s attributes and abilities) such as some specific yoga traditions as well as some specific meditation paths which make claims that some yoga and meditation masters of these have special powers known as ‘siddhis’ which specifically allow them to be able to levitate at will.
As our fake reality offers many different ‘flying’ possibilities being disappeared (you could be simulating someone/be a copy of someone that was interfaced to a bird for example OR you could have experience of being in an EAAS design VR suspended in mid air too) then I set up a poll years ago to check out the incidence of ‘flying’ expectations . . . which is ‘now’ also presented below here!!!!
One of the other main and extremely important differences between the subtle body form that represents ourselves and particularly when compared to any physical ‘animal’ form (that they might spend time interfaced to) is that subtle forms/subtle individuals/people/groups/communities don’t spend any time whatsoever either looking for food, preparing food and then of cooking anything, nor do they then spend any time actually ‘eating’ ANYTHING AT ALL!!!
This is very specifically the case because, the body surface of the subtle form directly and automatically (in ways that are similar/equivalent to ‘plants’) takes in ‘energetic’ sustenance as emissions/radiations from the local environment itself . . . i.e. the subtle body takes in sustenance directly from the ’emissions/resonances/frequencies’ that are present within the environment around itself . . . i.e. it takes in sustenance from the entire ‘sky’!!!
In that subtle beings then day in day out, week in week out, year in year out as well as millennium in, millennium out don’t ever have any experiences never mind habits never mind completely embedded ones with respect to finding food and or taking in sustenance i.e. ‘EATING’, then it is highly likely that anyone here that is a duplicate of someone that by and large spent all, or pretty much all of their time NOT INTERFACED TO A PHYSICAL ANIMAL FORM (WHICH HAS TO EAT TO SURVIVE NEVER MIND STAY HEALTHY) will then have an embedded as well an absolutely automatic expectation that they don’t need to spend any time whatsoever either looking for food, preparing food and or then of actually directly ‘eating’ anything . . . so if we are simulating any of these subtle experience ‘ONLY’ people here then you can expect that some will be very, very, very, very adamant that they ‘should’ absolutely be able to live normally without ‘physically’ eating anything . . .
Coincidentally . . .
Strangely, we’ve had regular news items (here is one, a documentary focused site on this phenomenon is here) pointing out yet another ‘Living On Light’ (In that the subtle body form is ‘translucent’ i.e. it would be seen as predominantly ‘white’ i.e. ‘light’ in colour) and or Breatharian’ person, whom like the others in the past are all once again convinced that they can should be able to live without physically eating any sustenance at all (in some cases not drinking anything either, including no water)!!!!
So, if you and EVERYONE ELSE are always, all of the time living within the sky, then it is exceptionally likely that you’ll have end up having entire communities of subtle people living together IN THE SKY . . . this would particularly be the case for any subtle population or populations/communities that specifically didn’t actually ever incarnate their people into the physical such that their specific as well as large population/community would always then be living together at a specific location ‘IN/WITHIN THE SKY’!!!
In ‘physical/earth worlds’ terms you’d also very likely describe and or refer to this population as living together WITHIN THE SKY . . . now if you think about this for a while, then it’s also highly likely that many people within this population are likely at times to leave their ‘community’ space specifically to fly around/spend time within the environment external to and away from the community space whom on then returning to their ‘community space’ location they would then see this population as ‘COMMUNITY LIVING TOGETHER IN THE SKY’ . . . also people who’ve been away from their community and friends for a while will often have an emotional reaction as they are approaching their home community i.e. when they are coming home . . . as this specific experience would be ‘significant’ while also SPECIFICALLY connected to them seeing their home/population IN THE SKY . . . then it’s likely that some people ‘here’ will actually ‘need’ to have some reasonably equivalent experience . . .
Coincidentally . . .
I’ve noticed occasional reports of sightings of entire ‘CITIES WITHIN THE SKY’, one of these sightings was in Africa and has been extensively written about (for example here), there are also details of a Chinese ‘CITY IN THE SKY’ seen by many people here. There are more examples of cities in the sky are listed here.
However, on doing searches for these I also came across bizarre sightings of various types of flying ships and boats . . . which could of course represent sightings of different types of transport within subtle environment (maybe of people or of subtle ‘goods’).
There is a page describing some of these sightings here!!!
For ‘regulars’ here then you’ll know that I’ve already presented evidence that China is actually ‘representing’ an underwater culture and that the ‘Chinese’ people are actually ‘mostly’ crabs being simulated as ‘humans’ (read the home page, search for ‘crabs’ and then check out the links giving more details).
In that the entire Chinese culture are then actually of people all of whom are living UNDER THE OCEAN, then it would then be AN ABSOLUTE INDISPUTABLE ‘FACT’, that they would then always see boats ABOVE THEMSELVES i.e. in their terms they’d be FLYING OVER THEMSELVES!!!!
In posting the last link then this reminded me of a film I watched about a year ago (called After Earth), which seemed to be of a ‘mostly’ wooden (interior) flying ‘ship’ being used to travel through ‘space/the sky’ (very bizarre)!!!!
There does seem to be a lot of ‘wood/tree’ type connections with respect to at least some types of ‘subtle’ experience/presentations . . .
Coincidentally . . .
While writing about the ‘don’t need to eat’ food people and ‘again’ having a think, then this reminded me as to how much ‘shit’ these people have to put up with from our well managed science types and their backup supportive army of pseudo sceptics, and this is despite that I can remember that they actually studied a ‘Doesn’t Eat Anything’ meditator in a closed and monitored environment for months (whom I recall only had occasional visitors) whom didn’t seem to exhibit any ill effects of not eating any food.
Afterwards, however, somewhat ‘predictably’ they had to put up with claims that he could only do this because his visitors absolutely must be smuggling in food (this is despite that they had no evidence of this)!!!
In some respects it’s obvious that people/anyone that are not conforming to the physical ‘only’ delusion tend to get shit, and then in also spending time thinking about the subtle people exhibiting characteristics of ‘plants’ i.e. of physical life forms that also don’t need to look for food/things to eat either then this reminded me that we actually have people here whom seem to be being represented as if they are an entire ‘plant’ form and specifically ‘AS AN ENTIRE TREE’!!!!!
I.e. they are being ‘represented’ as a form that doesn’t directly eat or drink i.e. as a form that doesn’t actually have to continually look for or spend time actually ‘eating’ food or water . . .
There are plenty of descriptions and or pictures of these people around the web.
Have a look at the picture below for a while . . . and in particular, try and notice which parts of the body are the most ‘detrimentally’ impacted!!!!
I found the picture on the right here which makes the impact on the hands and fingers way more obvious/noticeable!!!!
So, did you manage to ‘notice’ from the pictures above how this condition seems to specifically detrimentally impact their hands and feet compared to other parts of their physical body!!!!
In that trees just like subtle beings don’t have to move and or then TRAVEL to look for or find food/things to eat, then it seems super suspiciously ‘coincidental’ to me that this condition specifically makes it unf***ing believably difficult for the person with this disease to pick up/handle food as part of ‘EATING’ as well as to make moving or walking and hence the ability to actually look for and or find food difficult to do too.
What is even more strange is that my first experience of definitively accessing the parallel ‘subtle environment’ which coincidentally not only happened within a forest BUT it very specifically happened WITHIN A TREE CIRCLE!!!
During this experience I become aware of various ‘forms/intelligences’ that over time I now strongly suspect are ‘REPRESENTING’ some of the subtle environments inhabitants/people. In fact, I now very strongly suspect that these specific forms ‘somehow’ represent subtle people (i.e. versions of us/who we really are within the subtle environment) that have some very specific interests and or expertise areas and or positions.
It was during this first ‘nature spirit’ experience I become aware of a specific nature spirit/form that presented itself as having antlers made of twigs!!! In investigating this nature spirit form on the web some years later I found that others had also already had both numerous as well as consistent encounters with the very same ‘tree’ related being/form AND even more bizarre/coincidental is that this specific form/being is often called the ‘green man’ specifically because it’s often seen and then hence described and depicted as having many of the characteristics of BEING A TREE!!!
The ‘composite’ picture below is of various ‘depictions’ of the ‘green’ man, while the one on the left here is of one of these depictions/representations very deliberately with an insert of the face of the centre guy in the top most picture of the three people with this disease. I have of course done this very deliberately to ‘highlight’ the similarity between the tree bark characteristics of the disease with one very specific depiction/representation of the green man nature spirit whom it could be argued appears to be suffering from the very same condition!!!!
How ‘academically’ incapable/mentally handicapped must anyone actually be to be completely incapable of correlating at least some of the absolutely consistent anomalous experiences that are ‘consistently’ experienced by at least some individuals as well as groups of people (BUT absolutely not by others) as evidence that we are a simulated duplicated population, that includes people whom consistently lived within at least two very different environments and that within these two independent and very different environments they are also ‘represented’ by a body/form that exhibits completely different but consistent characteristics!!!!
Coincidentally, absolutely any hypothetical ‘real’ reality will ‘ALWAYS’ be entirely consistent, a real reality absolutely won’t have any presentations of anomalous experiences such that any presentation of anomalous experiences AT ALL and particularly UTTERLY CONSISTENT ONES (TO ALL THOSE EXPERIENCING THEM) ‘should’ then be immediately categorised as ‘suspicious’ with respect to the foundation base ‘integrity’ of your reality.
In spending time concertedly ‘thinking’ about software defined ‘fake’ reality possibilities it’s possible that academics could/maybe eventually figure out that an undisclosed fake reality within which everyone reading this would not only be completely software defined BUT could and VERY LIKELY WOULD be permanently monitored and tracked and particularly with respect to absolutely ANYONE within the fake population managing to PROPERLY/REALISTICALLY ‘THINK’ ABOUT fake reality possibilities!!!
Coincidentally it took me about a decade before I started to properly ‘THINK’ like a simulated/fake reality designer . . . such that it then becomes stupidly obvious that if your simulation includes any allegedly ‘intelligent’ components then you will ‘absolutely, always’ both monitor as well as comprehensively ‘manage/manipulate’ these components and particularly to make sure that they exhibit absolutely no realistic thinking abilities about these possibilities ‘WHAT SO EVER’ (while having them think otherwise) . . . otherwise they’ll figure out they’re living within a fake reality AND this will likely significantly change the behaviour of the entire population which as we’d be living in an EXPENSIVE EXPERIMENT would very likely be sabotaged by this changed behaviour . . . a fake population in a fake reality absolutely WON’T BE ALLOWED TO BECOME ‘ABSOLUTELY’ AWARE OF THIS POSSIBILITY!!!
Coincidentally, in a real reality academics would openly catalogue all anomalous aspects of their own research as well as all anomalous experiences as well as of also finding decent ways of examining/evaluating these, unfortunately in a hypothetical real reality YOU WOULDN’T HAVE ANY OF THESE TYPES OF ANOMALIES TO EXAMINE NEVER MIND CATALOGUE, however a fake reality and particularly one that’s OBSERVABLY resulting in massive numbers of also absolutely consistent anomalous experiences then academics will all be ‘absolutely’ managed to ignore as well as then automatically (no thinking required or even ALLOWED) to put these down as being signs of FRAIL/FAULTY PEOPLE when in fact they’re ‘ALL’ evidence of our designed fake reality applying various ‘SIMPLIFYING APPROXIMATIONS/CONVERSIONS’ to the fake reality as well as the fake software defined population such as (for example) multiple original environments being converted into one single environment such that important/significant experiences applicable to the missing environments have to be presented OUTSIDE OF CONSENSUS/SHARED ‘REALITY’ i.e. some very specific experiences are presented entirely ‘personally/individually’ to some very specific people here!!!
This is because our pseudo duplicated single planet ‘earth’ focused reality is a very much cut down exceptionally limited version when compared to the actual original circumstances of the population we are simulating!!!
More on skillwire tech as it’s presented here and more anomalous examples on the next page . . .
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
June 6, 2019 @ 4:02 pm
Worst page to write so far and got worse and worse to read/edit the more examples of anomalous experiences representing missing subtle form and subtle environment experiences I managed to figure out and add to it . . . worth reading . . . if anyone manages to read it and manages to think of yet more examples then try and leave a comment giving me details!!!
June 7, 2019 @ 1:36 pm
An extension of #2 is that some people absolutely believe they can perceive others using their “alternate senses”/subtle senses, but they experience the reverse of their expectations. Instead of well coordinated experiences between people, as #2 suggests, their “subtle senses / perceptions” of others are wrong, unverifiable and inconsistent, often perceiving others in a manner that, while consistent with the “perceiver’s” own cohesive narrative, is inconsistent with the other’s experiences. This suggests the number of environments is well beyond two environments, as you allude to at the end of the article.
The expectation itself, much like the expectation to fly, seems to drive people in certain behavioral ways, blinding them from seeing what “is”.
I feel like my attempts to shed light on these anomalies and areas of confirmation bias have resulted in severe retaliations against me, where my observations and critiques of others experiences, and the inconsistencies that their expectations and experiences present, resulted in harsh payback against me.
June 8, 2019 @ 5:20 pm
Pyotr, it might help/be useful to give me 1 or 2 ‘real’ examples of this with respect to your own experiences (as these may be very specific to you/a small population sub set)!!!!
June 8, 2019 @ 5:31 pm
EVERYONE in that our fake realities ‘shit’ efforts has disabled ‘replying’ to individuals then if you want to reply to someone’s comment then write your comment in the comment box at the bottom with the ‘NAME’ (i.e. Clive) of the comment author it’s a reply to while also starting the reply by copying and pasting the first say 5/6 words of the start of comment too (so I can easily find it (for example to reply to this one you would use “EVERYONE in that our fake realities”)) before then writing your reply to it!!!!
June 8, 2019 @ 5:51 pm
June 8, 2019 @ 9:43 pm
Hmmmm the knowing what’s going on with other happened a lot with me but for me it translates on knowing what they dreamed. When I was like 9 or ten I woke up panicked because something happened to Stella she was my 20 year older ex but that was before I knew or met her irl. She dropped from some concrete blocks. The people I met in college and I hung out a lot with i asked them about their dreams and I could fill in parts of the dream. When a girl I hung out with in middle school did lsd for the first time she freaked out bad trip I had the same I saw it happen tried to calm her down. My friends on shrooms were talking to a painting I was sleeping but I was talking with them through the painting. I confirmed that later with them. My Afghan friend was doing shrooms with her cousin and that guy made a portrait of me while I wasn’t there. When I was sleeping I dreamed about my little brother he was drunk as hell he tied a flag around his neck and was being a idiot he went inside a house and stole a bunch of weed. We talked about it a couple of days later. When my friends dropped the lsd I left in their fridge I was there with them in Haarlem while I was in Amsterdam. During my second lsd trip I was walking near the house of a future gf I hadn’t met. I was like ow lol that’s anna and just carried on with my stuff. This what you wrote actually makes a lot of sense of all the weird things that happened. Somehow when I take drugs I get glimpses of the future that can be visuals that can be sensations or some translation of their energy. The reason I stopped doing drugs is because I went really psychotic like having sensations of other people inside my bodies the voices and a lot of yeah I call it possession shenanigans because it feels like I sometimes am stuck inside others peoples bodies. The floating has been translated in me always living high i never had a room on the ground floor. With my parents I had a attic the last place in the bijlmer was also on the 3 floor my house I have now is on the 4th floor. I hope this helps
June 9, 2019 @ 10:54 pm
Clive, re:
There’s lots of examples when interacting with new age people since they always get me wrong, like they see whatever they want to see (or what their experience dictates, perhaps) when they try to “perceive” me via what they’d call energy or subtle senses.
But the most extreme example is someone I met about five years ago, who claims extreme competence, that he has access to billions of multiverses, and that his subtle sensory competence is so great he can sense who someone “is” just by reading something they write. He and the people who follow his narrative are observably deeply involved in a very complex narrative and when I began either sharing my own experiences that were at odds with how he believed things to be and what he stated was “actively really happening in real time”, or even when I questioned outright the holes in his explanations of “how things are”, things began to become extremely aggressive in my life. The level of energetic torture skyrocketed, my life pretty much ground to a halt with everything going haywire. He waged an aggressive smear campaign against me amongst the people who follow his narrative, telling them terrible things that he perceived me to be “here”, plus his perceptions of the terrible person he states my life is based on, and it seemed it was to discredit me thoroughly, disparage my character and make sure everyone would forever shun me and not ever interact with me.
At the time I had noticed how wrong his perceptions were of me, but had no substantive “real world” evidence that subtle perceptions are not reliable. However, on accident, in the midst of this shitfest of aggressive effects on all fronts of my life, I discovered proof. To quell conflict with close others in my own life who also did not want me to interact with this man, one day I created a new email with a new name to use for a comment post on his blog. Pretty stupidly basic but it led to uncovering real and shocking evidence that something very odd was going on, despite the proclamations of this man that his narrative was completely reliable to describe the totality of everyone’s experiences and his own role as the most competent center of it. It started with the bizarre anomaly that he DID NOT recognize it was me when he “perceived” me using his “subtle senses”. Over the years he has slowly began to share his and his followers’ perceptions of me (as this different name), perceptions that were very different from how he’d described me previously. Basically he (and the other “extremely competent” people in his group) “perceived” me as a completely separate person from who he originally perceived me to be when using his “subtle senses” (which was also wrong), just because I used a new name. It’s obvious this “new person” he perceived me to be, plays a key role in his elaborate narrative so “something” arranged for him to get this new character in his perceptions via such a stupidly obvious and simplistic manner.
The story gets even weirder and more aggressive towards me/my life from there, along with a growing body of evidence, like if I tell him using direct terms about something relating to the “subtle” that is affecting himself versus using the third person to refer to him in the situation, his interpretation and reactions and the accompanying “story” he uses to explain it, are wildly different, despite that I’m revealing the same thing. I have learned I have to use third person descriptions, otherwise myself/my life gets attacked in even more aggressive ways than when I speak of it directly.
June 11, 2019 @ 2:10 pm
MMmmmm, (this is for Tommy & Pyotr) from recent comments here and from an accumulation of experiences over many years I’ve had to conclude that it’s extremely difficult to separate out the ‘subtle originated/specific experiences’ the 360x360x360 awareness/sensing abilities from the EAAS/sims efforts to maintain very specific groups ‘collective thoughts/ideas/perspectives and understandings’ . . . for example I pointed out on pages here (now likely a decade+ old) explaining that the new age people are in a group/collective fantasy . . . ‘HOWEVER’ for them/that group it’s obviously a very coherent i.e. VERY, VERY, VERY REAL i.e. ‘none fantasy’ to ‘THEMSELVES’, which is also obviously EXTREMELY IMPRESSED ON THEMSELVES because they all keep doing the same things while everything here marches on getting worse and worse (‘generally’ including the own and their clients health issues etc getting worse and worse too) . . . the same goes for the vast majority 99.999% whom are into the ‘Matrix/Glitches in the Matrix’ possibilities they too are all put into some sort of ‘group’ ‘collective consciousness/coherent symbolic ‘thinking/discussion’ space” within which they are made to write in some sort of what can only be described as ‘symbolic code’ i.e. the ‘gibberish’ they write is ‘obviously’ presented and or decoded IN THEIR ‘PERSONAL’ HEADS ONLY to actually mean something to themselves as a group (when in my terms it’s all incoherent gibberish/mindless nonsense) i.e. they are made to ‘feel/believe/are convinced’ is very ‘real/true/correct’ despite that the words/sentences/paragraphs they write are ‘obviously’ irrational/illogical/mindless nonsense!!!
So, Pyotr the same thing seems to be happening/being done to this guy you mention, he and likely some specific others close to him are all in their own little symbolic/ideas/perspectives ‘fantasy’ within which everything all ‘input’ is assessed for ‘coherence’ with respect to their own internal ‘symbolic’ conversion ‘engine’ to get translated in and out into something that from anyone outside of their personal to themselves symbolic ‘translation matrix’ it just won’t make any sense, such that ‘they/this specific group’ to those outside of this group what they say just won’t make any sense . . . AND/ALSO from their perspective as you are outside of this ‘conversion/translation MATRIX’ what you say/state isn’t converted (no matter how rational/correct) and so to them, what you say/state likely arrives in their heads in an unconverted state and is hence then not understandable/doesn’t ‘fit’ with their own internal to themselves only ‘FANTASY REALM’ perspectives/world view!!!
June 11, 2019 @ 6:07 pm
There is yet another consistent as well as normal ‘subtle form’ experience which is translated here as REMOTE VIEWING . . . people whom can see or ‘sense’ get coherent information/details of things that ‘coincidentally’ are outside/way beyond the range of human sight/hearing/smell etc . . . does anyone have any experiences of this?
June 12, 2019 @ 1:14 am
Interesting evaluation of the situation.
He once stated my words were “static”, referring to what didn’t align with his cohesive narrative, and especially to what was at direct odds with it. The reaction was initially surprising to me but then I realized the word choice seemed representative of something likely jamming his ability to perceive and understand me.
Re remote viewing – this seems like a primary experience for him incl regarding his perceptions of me but he’s obviously viewing something/someplace else.
June 12, 2019 @ 1:44 am
Well, they perhaps aren’t as competent as they think they are if he cannot figure this out himself i.e. that his understandings of communications with perhaps specific ‘others’ are obviously being deliberately sabotaged/depreciated keeping himself locked within a contained/limited and perhaps ‘incorrect’ view point!!!!
June 12, 2019 @ 4:05 am
I don’t know what’s real or what’s fake because it translates as psychotic symptoms for me. I mean I see a black dog run. I saw a pig a couple of days ago. I do notice that it’s hard to filter out what’s real what’s fake I told you about that purple pink field in what weird visuals happen it’s mostly indescribable weirdness mostly faces and sometimes it’s scenes of cartoons like the Simpsons or something else. sometimes I see some of the stuff I see in that weird purple field irl later. So bunch of weeks ago I was minding my own business and before I went to sleep I saw a lobster. I had to go to the park and there was a festival and on the banner of the festival was a lobster. Same as the voices in my head. 99% is bullshit but I hear conversations that are still gonna happen. Or I hear conversations that other people are having I’m still going to meet. First time I had something like precognitive dreams was pre drugs when I was 8 or 9 and I was able to see what was going to happen in Italy when I was on holiday there a couple of years later when I was 15/16. I also had plenty of deja vu’s. Or things that happened in dreams actually happen later irl after confirming its with the people I dreamed about. Same as with the purple field stuff It mostly happens when I close my eyes and just before I fall asleep I see something. And bam a couple of months later it happens
June 12, 2019 @ 2:48 pm
Hi Clive, haven’t had the chance to read much, or do many exercises (thanks for the latest BTW) – been a F*^CK*NG HELL 8 months (Oct to May). I can see/sense/hear/smell/feel/know loads of shit other people can’t. I can hear plugs that keep mosquitoes away. I can “hear/see” other people’s thoughts even if I’m not facing them. I can see, hear, feel forms/people (family passed other people etc). I know what other people are thinking (often my husband will tell me to get out of his head). I can sense things and see them happening (example: father in law went into hospital for a suspected cancer of the kidney – I knew it was benign, they cut it out anyway. He also had bowel cancer. I could see the operating theatre; knew the surgery was going to be around 12 hours rather than 5; saw a third surgeon enter the theatre to assist; saw his “soul” half out of his body. It was overwhelming. Text my friend to tell her everything I was seeing. Husband called me later to tell me all the things I had seen, including the extra surgeon. Showed him my message. He started shaking. A week later, confirmation of benign kidney. Also can hear “beings” talk to me like they’re standing next to me. Grandfather for example told me my grandmother was going to pass away and that I needed to get to SA as soon as I was able. Knew from October she was dying. Missed her passing by a week. My mom called me frantically to tell me she had an aortic aneurysm in her stomach and she could go in days or years. I knew I wouldn’t make it. She died the day after I called her. She came to me the morning of her death, still in her nighty. I asked my uncle what she was wearing. I have had to learn to tune out a lot of things because I would often get info that really wasn’t my place to know. I got images of my sisters womb and knew she was pregnant before she did. I text my mom to say I’d seen this. 2 days later my sister told me she was pregnant. Also knew my best friend was pregnant with a son before she did. This suddenly started 4 years ago. Was very overwhelming and I thought I was going mental. These are just some of the examples. I became a recluse for a year as the noise/chattering/feelings/info was incessant. Felt as if I was a radio picking up every signal but couldn’t process it as quickly as I was getting it. I found your site a year later. And I’m so grateful I did. Thank you. Hope this helps/answers your question. X
June 13, 2019 @ 4:59 pm
Olivia (yea it’s VERY BAD/STILL ‘SHIT’ . . . ) & Tommy . . . strangely both of your awareness of the future comments we’re perfectly timed, as the next ‘wired’ into the EAAS versions I was trying to become aware of were of about 50 betrayers/KP whom after being wired into various very sophisticated VR’s (to give the person you are simulating the necessary experiences, including having access to peoples ‘already pre-defined future’ data (because we are each living out someone else’s already lived/pre-defined life)) . . . then these ‘as data/experiences’ we’re wired into the EAAS as part of yet another effort to maintain everyone in ‘shit’ . . . we’ve dealt with that set now ‘BUT’ . . . we’re now dealing with an inverted ‘end of times’ Umbrella Academy series version . . . which also has a young time travelling/knows the future guy (who doesn’t age) who becomes aware of the ‘apocalypse’ and does everything to try and stop it (hence it’s an inverted version of these efforts that’s been wired into here)!!!!
June 12, 2019 @ 7:37 pm
A few other examples are people’s expectations of time travel. We expect to /wish to be able to go back in time.
Photographs and videos seem to be our only acceptable vehicle to fulfill this expectation, but possibly others have unique-to-them experiences to simulate these experiences for them.
A possible corollary to time travel (or could be a separate aspect) could be precognition, like Tommy’s experience described above. You have written of the Dune books, and Paul Atreides had significant precognition abilities.
Also the expectation of teleportation /instant relocation. There are some examples of this, but usually found in anomalous experiences. I recall a YouTube video that included videos of a dog that mysteriously appears near the interstate and another of a person who is crossing the street in the path of a speeding car but suddenly finds himself instantly on the side of the road out of harms way. These videos could be fiction but the expectation itself of “teleportation” is a real emotion, as any person stuck in traffic and wishing to instantly be at the destination (and feeling that this is a normal, albeit generally deemed “absurd”, expectation *) can attest.
A poor yet “approved” substitute is possibly the use of technological communications like video conferencing.
* the “absurd” inner assessment of the emotions about the expectation of teleportation could be an applied aversion to thinking more deeply about the expectation itself.
The above experiences could also have vr translations as you have described, further obscuring what’s going on.
June 14, 2019 @ 12:32 am
Hi Pyotr, I’m very sure there is time travel in the original MV ‘but’ I’m also pretty sure that this isn’t a ‘natural’ subtle body ability it’s more ‘time travel tech’ based (so, ‘some’ people here will likely have some bizarre fudged experiences that represent time travel because the person they are simulating had these experiences).
Having said that I’ve experiences of various ‘time portals and being able to view into the past’ I’ve an example here: Belsay Hall Time Warp – A dimensional window into the past . . . I forgot about the accessing past lives in healing sessions!!! Here is an interesting one: The Egyptian Goddess & Great Pyramid Past Life Healing Session
For pre-cognition yea I’m pretty sure that at least some subtle beings have this (I’m not absolutely sure it’s ‘natural’ though), I’ve had this very consistently for some specific experiences (I’ve always known (no matter how bizarre or unlikely/never mind impossible it would be) whom I’d have a relationship with in the future) I could also ‘absolutely’ predict my car breaking down (even to the precise time ‘and’ the parts I’d need and ‘where’) . . .
Teleportation, I added that to my ‘to do’ list for this page a week or so back, as I’d completely forgotten about these possibilities, then in updating my realitywalker.com site I was reminded of two very bizarre teleporting experiences I wrote about there:
1. Unicorn’s a Dragon and other Nature Spirits move home
2. Creating & Relocating Abused Miss-Treated Nature Spirits Through a Dimensional Portal
So, as all ‘nature spirits’ represent subtle beings with specific ‘skills/experience’ then those two examples are of myself teleporting A GROUP OF SUBTLE BEINGS . . . the ‘thing’ that REALLY GOT ME about these experiences was that doing this was ‘Natural/Automatic’ I didn’t think about it, I just though, yea I’ll just teleport them // and then did it – haha // no big ‘HooHA/WOW’ just like it was perfectly normal!!!
Ah, I’m also pretty sure that ALL SUBTLE BEINGS can teleport themselves a decent distance too, that’s on top of flying around probably quite fast in any direction as needed . . . so it is VERY LIKELY that ‘some’ people will likely have some bizarre fudged teleporting experiences here because the person/subtle being/form they are simulating had these experiences.
I found 2 personal Teleportation Experiences here
So, here we are stuck on a flat surface, no natural/automatic hovering around or flying abilities permitted and NO TELEPORTING ALLOWED ANYWHERE, EITHER . . . except to and from New Zealand!!!!
June 13, 2019 @ 7:53 pm
@Tommy – re I don’t know what’s real or fake: you’ve just reminded me that almost every night begin I fall asleep, I see scenes of people/places/people doing things/going places – as if I’m seeing parts of other people’s lives. I don’t know them. And it’s odd. Almost like memories. And I notice this happening at the time, but then always forget in the morning/as soon as I fall asleep. It “feels” as if I must have been there, or seen it from a distance, or even, STILL seeing it from a distance. I also get these sort of data stream type things – like an aura I guess, but it’s just in the air. And I have had loads of weird invisible to other people stuff go on, including having what I suspect are AI’s talking shit to me and using emoticons to communicate. I stopped that shit soon after as I thought – that’s f*cked up. Why would anything communicate like that!? But was only after I discovered Clive’s site that I realised it was sim shit. I suspected for a while that things were not as they appeared.
Clive – with regard to this 360x360x360 – I’m aware of that. I can feel see sense hear from behind, left, right, in front, behind and I can have different body sensations when I feel in those positions. I often feel like I’m floating too. I love driving really fast (find I’m super focused), sprinting (running), flying, and the sound of aeroplanes (by flying I mean being in the air in any format. Swinging, microlight, aeroplane, paragliding, zip wire. Don’t like to be upside down though. And I love being high up in buildings/mountains). I used to have the most incredible eye sight. I could literally read platform signs on the tube that were at the end of the line (& I was at the start) so the whole platform’s distance. Suddenly one day, that stopped. I can see other things, birds, trees etc in the distance, but not letters. I often feel like I’m elevated when I meditate. (Though bloody have not had the chance to tune in and see what’s going on. Really getting a lot of interference). I also see loads of symbols when I close my eyes. Eye of Horus, upside triangle, circle in a triangle, loads I can’t remember now. It’s not easy being like this.
June 14, 2019 @ 4:39 pm
Has anyone had any ‘surreal’ type experiences related to memories of yesterday in the last 24 hours or so? I’ve very clear memories of browsing specific topics/book marking specific sites for maybe 2 hours yesterday BUT I’ve none of these sites bookmarked and my browser history has no record of these . . . in that we ‘seemed’ to be dealing with EAAS core processor/last shit sets (Remember the Umbrella Academy series has an extinction ending), so, it’s possible that a nuclear (cough cough) or other ‘extinction’ event was initiated i.e. to force the end point/update (I’d thought of this possibility ages ago) . . . in which case it would take a while for those outside to sort it out and then restore us back or at least restore us as much as possible/as well as they are able . . . the only other person I’ve had feedback on this noticed that his computer updated yesterday and then updated again today i.e. it seemed to have updated itself twice within less than 24hours . . . which also isn’t normal!!!!
June 16, 2019 @ 11:32 am
Hi Olivia (this is re the (by flying I mean being in the air in any format. Swinging, microlight, aeroplane, paragliding, zip wire.)) I remembered that you mentioned your ‘African’ connections, ‘Africa’ (and Russia) are both very odd in that they ‘generally’ don’t seem to have any obvious ancient ‘monuments’ (Russia has one or two) . . . ‘now’ ancient monuments, such as the Avebury stone circle ‘complex’ and or the pyramids, seem to ‘represent’ subtle research and tech specifically associated with interfacing people to the physical (so the whole ‘Avebury’ complex, all of the stone circles, barrows, standing stones are all representing subtle technology efforts) i.e. contrary to popular scientific belief, they weren’t built by ancient ‘man’ as they are of subtle structures that DIDN’T PHYSICALLY EXIST.
Basically the entire ‘African’ race specifically didn’t incarnate their people into the physical ‘EVER’ so, all of their culture their communities always lived in the subtle i.e. in ‘THE SKY’ . . . strangely I’ve noticed that occasionally you have reports of sightings of entire ‘CITIES IN THE SKY’, and, (I’m sure in the past there have been a ‘few of these’ in African (although I’ve seen one spotted in China too)) one of these sightings is written about here.
So, if you’ve an entire ‘subtle’ culture/population living together as a large community ‘somewhere’ then they’ll all be used to having a specific ‘place’ IN THE SKY that represents their living/community place/space ‘AND’ those that then spent time ‘outside’ of the city space would then always see (or in subtle terms they’d ‘sense/feel/be aware of’) their entire ‘city/community’ space as always being IN THE SKY/AT A DISTANCE . . .
Details of the Chinese city in the sky sighting can be read about here, and on doing more searches there are also bizarre sightings of various types of flying ships and boats . . . which could of course represent sightings of different types of subtle ‘transportation/craft’ . . . a page describing some of these is here!!! In posting the last link then this reminded me of a film I watched about a year ago, which was of a wooden flying ‘ship’ being used to travel through ‘space’!!!! I’ll try and remember which one and give details of it!!! More on cities in the sky here!!!
June 13, 2019 @ 8:09 pm
OMF. I just had another thought regarding your comment about the time traveller Clive….I don’t mind getting older, but I have this compulsion not to look my age. I use all sorts of anti ageing techniques, I micro needle my face (I’m a traditional acupuncturist), derma roll, use various serums, LED therapy, microcurrent, various food state vitamins specifically for skin, facial exercises. I also eat really well (First degree was in nutrition), except when there is major interference…..so I have this compulsion to “not age”…..I am 41, but most people think I’m late 20’s to early 30’s. I also like to do everything very quickly. And I’m good at doing a million things at once. Until this human form can’t take it. And I burn out. But I get very frustrated if I can’t think or do things quickly. Hope this one isn’t a time waster.
July 2, 2019 @ 7:09 pm
MMMmmm Olivia/Everyone . . . it’s taken a bit of time (AGESSSSsss actually . . . ) before thinking of a ‘reasonable’ possibility relating to these ageing reversal efforts . . . and strangely this also ties in with this pages content too . . . my original form has only been around for (relatively speaking) about 5 minutes (compared to pretty much everyone else), it’s hard to explain but ‘most’ subtle forms relative to the time of when the EAAS was designed/initiated in the original MV would be between 30 and 50 million years old (in ‘subtle’ year/time scales which is 1:15,000 faster/longer than the physical strata, because it’s 15,000 times slower in ‘time’ passing terms) . . . now when my original form was created by a very weird process of merging subtle body material from 4 different parent subtle forms whom each ‘duplicated some subtle body’ material (to make sure I had all of the diverse attributes I’d need basically to ‘do what they wanted me to do’) . . . while also likely thoroughly ‘cleansing’ the duplicated subtle body material . . . so this resulted in my subtle form being very ‘shiny/a bright light’ . . . at least compared to most others . . . however my original form being ‘a bright light’ turned out to be a problem . . . (I’m a very rare ‘creation’ in subtle form terms as I’m not a ‘TWIN’!!!)
For various reasons (it would take too long to explain but because of basically SHIT external circumstances/phenomenon) then when I emerged from my subtle ‘gestation chamber, having had all 4 subtle body parts/bits ‘melded/merged’ together properly . . . I got as far away from my soul parents as possible . . . so during this phase, I’m wandering around the ‘SKY’ space on my own . . . now, when I accessed these ‘times’ (decades ago now) I became aware that in then bumping in other subtle forms/beings/people or becoming aware of other subtle forms and going to have a chat the ‘bright shiny light’ phenomenon means that I’VE A VERY GOOD/PURE ‘VIBE/SHINY LIGHT’ which many other subtle beings/forms want to huddle around and in a sense they want to absorb some of what I’ve got which in some instances (let me polite) is ‘INVASIVE’ to say the least.
This is specifically the case because, as subtle forms can choose to temporarily merge/sort of ‘meld’ their subtle bodies or parts of their subtle bodies then this can be VERY ‘INVASIVE’ // AND, it’s likely ‘generally’ only done when two forms/subtle people are very, VERY close AND this is also associated with the subtle body having some sort of equivalent/togetherness ‘melding’ which is likely by and large equivalent to an orgasm AND it also involves an ‘energy/subtle material/soul fragment like’ exchange too . . . in other words shiny people have to take great care to avoid being abused . . . my original form obviously felt it was being abused (here for example, we’ve a lot of abuse by OLDER PEOPLE of very ‘specific’ very young kids whom are likely representing specific subtle forms made in the same way so they are ‘bright/shiny lights’ in subtle body terms too!!!!
So, I ended up finding a place within the subtle environment that was like a desert/virtually uninhabitable/couldn’t be entered by others . . . I did this because in entering this area/space and feeling my subtle body reacting I’m pretty sure it spent time ‘modifying’ the subtle body so that it was ‘fine/could manage’ in this environment without having an detrimental long term consequences . . . so I got some PEACE AND QUIET AT LAST!!!! . . .
ALSO, this also bizarrely fit’s in with a bizarre dream I had probably in my early teens of my father sexually abusing myself WTF??? Which he VERY VERY definitely never did nor would he ever have either as he’s no such inclinations!!! I was shocked by this dream . . . it only took about 2 or 3 decades before I figured out what it related too!!!
So, as you Olivia/most people reading this have a high probability of being 30+ millions of years old as a subtle form AND (and are then loosing their shininess!!!!) it’s likely that some subtle forms will have maybe developed means to cleanse the accumulating build up of ‘CRUD/DARKENING/NOT SHINY ANY MORE’ SHIT . . . it sounds to me to me that this subtle form ‘cleansing the crud’ likely ‘represents’ what you are doing Olivia!!!!
June 14, 2019 @ 12:56 am
The other angle you may want to add (if you haven’t already investigated this) is qigong and the Daoist/Taoist literature that speak of supernatural capabilities once someone has acquired sufficient qi and mastered the use of that qi – powers like levitating, teleporting, walking through walls, moving objects without touching them, moving clouds, longevity in terms of lifespan and good health.
Although, I suspect that these capabilities aren’t really real and instead are some sort of tech implant.
Not like any of the above will help people get out of the *SHIT* they are in but just an fyi. However, what I mention below may be useful….
Also the concept of *JING* or *ESSENCE* in TCM – the literature states that every physical human body is born with a *fixed* amount of pre-natal JING/ESSENCE and this energy is stored in the Kidneys and is basically the LIFE Force that sustains life. There is another concept called post-natal JING/ESSENCE, which you can cultivate after birth through herbs, food, energy practices like qigong/taichi and lifestyle.
The JING/ESSENCE concept is important in the TCM understanding of *HEALTH/AILMENTS* in the physical as deficiency of JING/ESSENCE leads to all sorts of health issues. Also, one can deplete JING/ESSENCE through emotions such as fear/worry, drugs (may be relevant for Tommy and others), pharmaceuticals, excessive sexual activity, over-work, working night shifts etc.
When all jing is depleted the physical body dies.
Now ALL this could just be a *tech implant* and/or *software code* that defines how much JING/ESSENCE you have when you are born and how much you are using/depleting/cultivating – but thought this angle might be interesting to explore.
Here is a video I believe taken in the 80s of John Chan who is an Indonesian Qigong master.
It shows some what appear to be supernatural capabilities – i.e. where he moves a sword without touching it, catching a bullet, igniting a light bulb with his fingers etc. The TCM practitioner who treated me who is a qigong master also spoke of various psychic abilities to be able to attract certain things in your life, read minds, hear people talking who are hundreds of meters away, remote-viewing and so on.
The Qigong master community could also be a VR set impacting a community of people such that only those with those VR sets can develop those energetic capabilities….
June 14, 2019 @ 9:31 pm
Regarding anomalous experiences – I wonder if ‘cosmic ordering’ counts? e.g. some people seem to be gifted with this? I have my own example – back in 1993/1994 I was studying Indian Art & Architecture at Uni. I was deeply impressed by Indian Hindu Temples and Buddhist architecture, so much so I really really wanted to see them but didn’t have the funds. And So I intentionally put in a cosmic order and I actually worded it out loud as ‘I want to go!’ I want it to happen! That was in Autumn 1994. Early in 1995 I had a dream of being in the college lecture class on Indian Architecture. As people were walking out of the theatre, a ‘flyer’ from a magazine a lady was holding feel to the floor. I knew that this flyer, if I picked it up was representative of me winning a trip to India. At this point I was semi dozing but still in the dream. I asked the lecturer if I should pick up the flyer and he said well she hasn’t noticed and can’t be therefore interested. So I picked up the flyer and on it was a photo of the Taj Mahal and a treasure map like from a kids book on pirates. This dream was so lucid I told my boyfriend about it – I was certain it meant something. I remember then in the Easter break flicking through the Sunday Express, I saw the back page had the photo of the Taj and the treasure map – there were a load of questions to answer and I remember thinking ‘wow this is it – this is for me’. I was determined to answer all the questions which required some research (i.e. going to the library, no internet at home then). Then I nearly didn’t ring up the number to submit my answer, but a voice in my head said, no do it now! With that done, I was in a state of knowing and let it go as I had to focus on exams. About 2 weeks later I got a call to say I’d won an 8 day trip to see the solar eclipse of the sun in Autumn of 1995, for 2 people and some spending money. I got to see the places I’d studied in my lectures – brilliant experience. I still have a sneaking feeling that it was like doing a deal, and I’d ‘pay’ somehow. I’ve been ‘lucky’ a bit in other ways- I don’t know what cosmic ordering really is but I’m very good at visualization and imagining I’m somewhere – it’s not remote viewing though. p.s in wiring this I’m convinced I’ve written this before – almost gave up.
You also mentioned how ‘spiritual groups’ get a download of shit so that they have a kind of consensus reality. Thanks for answering a query – I didn’t ask. I can say that the spiritual group I belong to, even designed a language of colourful symbols called the language of light that each of us were meant to embody and this was a measure of your DNA, and evolution, and yes people could see these symbols in our fields.
June 21, 2019 @ 11:50 am
Hi Anne, this would relate to so called ‘synchronicity/guiding coincidences’, as a duplicated person then we are each living out someone else’s pre-defined life i.e. your future is to a large degree already set/fixed. In this respect you have to be ‘facilitated/led/guided’ to make the right decisions . . . circumstances that are ‘key’ to yourself such as a specific job and or particularly a relationship with a specific person means that you ‘HAVE’ to be ‘guided’ to these to make sure that these become ‘REAL/ACTUALLY HAPPEN’ . . . so, ‘IF’ we are duplicated people then it will be hard for the ‘sim’ to not have presented ‘nudges/directors’ to ensure that you make the right decisions to reach the right/correct outcomes . . . i.e. people often have to be ‘led’ to the ‘correct’ outcome . . . I’ve Examples of synchronicities, of being ‘guided’ to specific outcomes that covers these angles better!!!!!
June 16, 2019 @ 1:12 pm
Hi, In mentioning Russia/Africa, I was reminded of when I was in Australia and what a very difference continent it is – flora and fauna developed in an isolated way. Also the Aborigines never built any structures and their lifestyle/culture is so different to the western civilization, there’s not a chance they would be interested in integrating in a western style society.
June 16, 2019 @ 4:54 pm
Hi Anne, actually I’ve read of some recent research that indicates that the Australian Aborigines have gene’s highly suggestive of them originating from Africa (which academics cannot understand at all), also there is evidence that many of the native American tribes come from completely different parts of the world (I’ve seen research indicating that the language and or characteristics of their tribal culture/modes of dress and or ‘appearance’ suggest that one is ‘Irish’ another ‘Russian’ and another ‘Japanese’ . . . now if you factor in that all of these tribes are hunter/gather’s/living off the land and have rituals that are highly suggesting of ‘subtle’ as well as of them having ‘high awareness’ of ghosts/spirits i.e. also highly suggestive of high awareness of the subtle then I’m of the mind that these are very competent as well as entirely ‘subtle’ communities whom have been deliberately COPIED AND PASTED/BEAMED DOWN to very specific physical places/locations where they will be then treated deplorably (by migrants/immigrants to their lands) . . . PLUS as the ‘gypsies’ are by and large treated in the same way I think they are also exactly the same copied and pasted peoples as the native Americans BUT this time they are converted into ‘gypsies’ i.e. I think that the specific people (as subtle beings) of various gypsy tribes/communities are ‘exactly’ the same people/subtle people as a particular Native American tribe or the Australian Aborigines!!!! I KID YOU NOT!!!
June 16, 2019 @ 2:26 pm
As the ‘city in the sky’ comment ‘fits’ with this page I’ve added a new section covering these specific ‘anomalies’: 8. ANOMALOUS SIGHTINGS OF ‘CITIES’ AS WELL AS ‘SHIPS & BOATS’, ALL SPOTTED ‘IN THE SKY’
June 16, 2019 @ 3:08 pm
8. ANOMALOUS SIGHTINGS OF ‘CITIES’ AS WELL AS ‘SHIPS & BOATS’, ALL SPOTTED ‘IN THE SKY’ read from 2 paragraphs above this title on the page!!!
June 16, 2019 @ 7:00 pm
Clive, in reply to your “surreal type of experiences” comment above.
I had no technology experiences aligning with your technology-related odd experience, but I have an overall sense where it feels to me like we are on a splice, where either as a reset or a shift, we are on a different version of the timeline right now.
It feels like some variable was changed and we are now experiencing the subsequent resulting change of events based on that modification.
Unfortunately I don’t have concrete examples for you. But things feel changed (neither observably good nor bad at this point just different) in a fundamental way and have since last week.
This has happened before, several years ago. Again I don’t have concrete evidence of it happening just the sense of it. Similar to this time, there were certain circumstances orchestrated that led up to it, but it felt like it was deliberately done to trigger something and while it exploded a different timeline was spliced in.
June 16, 2019 @ 7:27 pm
Clive re “as the ‘gypsies’ are by and large treated in the same way I think they are also exactly the same copied and pasted peoples as the native Americans BUT this time they are converted into ‘gypsies’ i.e. I think that the specific people (as subtle beings) of various gypsy tribes/communities are ‘exactly’ the same people/subtle people as a particular Native American tribe or the Australian Aborigines!!!!”
Lol as to Australian Aborigines I cannot say anything BUT… I know a person who is descendant of the most problematic family of gypsies in the country where I live (according to that person… (he really implies that they are good at committing crimes…) whose family name is “MAIA”………. which leads me to wonder if by chance the American tribe you talk about wouldn’t be the famous tribe “MAYA…?
June 16, 2019 @ 8:54 pm
As far as surreal memory events I distinctly remember getting two software updates that day. I also could not send any digital photos that day.
Stumbled upon a book called “ Before we were Yours” by Lisa Wingate about the whole orphan children capture and relocation around the country. This seems to have happened many times in history as people were relocated where they were needed.
I happen to be on vacation in Hawaii and went to an aquarium with stories of the most diverse species in the world on this tiny set of isolated islands , since the distance to any mainland allowed species to propagate in abundance. Saw a fish called the unicorn surgeon fish that has a creepy looking human face.
June 16, 2019 @ 9:09 pm
Regarding the extreme dollhouse focus we were advised not to do – I did not do it just glanced through it. That week two good friends fell off a sidewalk fracturing their foot and shoulder. I was forced into action getting handicap supplies , helping with their work and families. My clothes dryer died. I went to bed and saw beings that look like those triangle shaped fun pencils with the face and plastic hair coming out the top. I felt like I was being sprinkled with glitter.
Related or not I have lost my ability to tolerate music. I never liked music but the stuff these days is hideous.
Regard weird memories I was helping teach people how to use a digital cash register the last 6 months. I noticed one employee calculating change in her head and said “ the register calculates the change for you”. She exploded and said I never trained her!
June 20, 2019 @ 12:36 pm
Mmm, ‘little people’ that spend most of their time ‘invisible’ (i.e. not visibly present ‘in the physical’) while also ‘living forever’ (i.e. they are ‘immortal’ same as subtle beings) while also exhibiting the ability of being ‘heard’ while also not actually able to be ‘found or encountered’ (i.e. they are present within a parallel living space at times)!!!
June 20, 2019 @ 2:34 pm
What all this suggests is that the EAAS is giving more experiences with subtle “scent” to people who in the original circumstances had more experiences of the subtle… BUT that are here being represented as being interfaced to the physical, and in an entire society that does not conceptualize the subtle. Hence some people circumstances interfaced to the physical render some interesting anomalies from the perspective of what is our consensual reality here, right?
That might be the reason why some people here, even living within a reality that strives to hide and depreciate everything related to the subtle, and even being interface to the physical in these circumstances, are having their circumstances rendered so that, for example, they can have access to their subtle senses rendered by the EAAS… (and probably this is also the reason why they are readily given as crazy, and remain silent about their experiences, and only share them with people alike or of the same group…)
For example, the person whit whom I live seems to have had his life circumstances coordinated so that he would end up having very typical experiences of the subtle, BUT while having an entire life in the physical… So, after being hit by a truck and having been in coma for a few months, when he awoke, he began to have non consensual and typical perceptions of the subtle strata… Interestingly, one of the explanations that are given for the phenomenon of some people having subtle perceptions (which I’ve already read somewhere on the web [I have not idea where …]), is precisely the interfacing to the physical body being damaged due to accidents.
After awakening from the coma, he began (at least) to see and hear the subtle environment and things typical of the subtle, i.e. subtle chords, subtle energies, auras, nature spirits, disembodied persons, entities/versions of people…
In agreement with point 2. he also senses when something bad happens to me or when I become very nervous for some reason; the opposite is also true (this happens with some frequency, he often gives me feedback on this).
Like Tommy, he also knows what I dream about, and often knows more than I do, which is weird because it’s not always because we are both present in the same dream (because this also happens, I find out that we were both present in each other’s dream dreaming the same thing …) he’s already told me that while he’s having his dreams, he’s also aware of what I’m dreaming … was he using remote-viewing skills towards me while he was sleeping?
This is very interesting because there are other clues in him that he may be precisely one of those people who originally had more experiences of the subtle than of the physical. 1. He grew up and currently lives in a village and spent a good part of his life in an environment where there was a lot of nature around, 2. he has never been able to integrate into society and have a life as one expects a person in the physical to have, i.e. a) he never stood up for long in school, literally (he spent all his elementary school years trying to escape from school…), b) he still (almost 40) has difficulty hold any job, c) it doesn’t deal very well with daily routines and duties; eg. he shaves only once in a while, he does not care for his personal hygiene (or of the place where he lives) nor does he care to wear dirty and ratty clothes, nor is he very committed to all the rituals that the need to eat implies or may involve… c) he was already homeless and had a lifestyle in which his life was to go around having fun and doing shit … aah, and I don’t know if it counts but he has also consumed various drugs…
All this is quite suggestive, because it‘s not expected that in the subtle people have to have routines and duties (at least so may), because… as people simply take in energies from the environment, and because they don’t have to worry about shelter like we have to worry here, they also don’t have to work to earn money to guarantee basic needs that are automatically guaranteed there… and besides that they also don’t have to worry about maintenance matters as we do here…
June 25, 2019 @ 2:01 pm
Jessica/everyone following these ‘skillwire/subtle’ pages . . .
Subtle beings seem to have a combined sensing and feeling area that then automatically evaluates/figures things out, and or allows them to directly ‘knows’ things, which seems to relate to our human form ‘gut/gut bacteria’ area within our fake reality here . . .
The current areas/anomalous abilities/experiences that I’ve thought of that are very likely related to the subtle forms and particularly with respect to the subtle ‘environment/factors within the subtle environment’ are listed below:
1) Remote Viewing . . . this is the ability to perceive things ‘well/in detail’ (at a great distance), which here is translated into allowing certain people to remotely view physical ‘circumstances’ (which ‘physically’ or for a physical only reality shouldn’t be possible . . .
2) Various ‘Meditation’ Practices . . . I ‘now’ view meditation practices as highly anomalous (If you read up on TM it’s obvious that there has been a massive effort to ‘depreciate/give at least this form of ‘meditation’ a very poor reputation’ . . . this has me suspecting that ‘meditators’ are subtle forms that are very good at ‘extreme’ distance remote viewing of the subtle . . . I also think that the ‘Kundalini’ represents subtle tech that facilitates extreme ‘subtle’ distance remote viewing/sensing/awareness . . . specifically because it seems to me that this tech ‘here’ is deliberately being sabotaged/causes a lot of people extreme problems!!! I.e. it’s been ‘hijacked’ in here and and is used to give specific people extreme problems!!!!
3) Various ‘Enlightenment’ Practices . . . ‘WTF’ are these about!!!! . . . well, having had a think/feel into these, I suspect that these maybe relate to practices that allow SUBTLE FORMS/BEINGS to perceive/sense/feel become aware of vast reality scale factors and or the ‘organisation/make up’ reality on a vast scale . . . i.e. they maybe get access to the ‘drone’ strata and or beyond this . . .
Meditation (from a certain angle/perspective) basically has people orientating/centring on ‘themselves’ and particularly their internal states . . . which in a sense is what you need to do, to be able to get decent access to your subtle forms ‘normal/natural’ abilities here . . . so, for some people ‘meditation’ seems to give them a much larger scale sense/awareness, i.e. it allows them to become aware of very fine/subtle/virtually imperceptible ‘things’ . . . in other words it probable equates to a ‘practice’ that some subtle beings developed to allow them to become more and more ‘aware’ of finer and finer detail OF THERE SURROUNDING/REALITY/LARGER SCALES OF REALITY because it allowed them to get in touch with the internal aspects of themselves ‘more and more’ coherently that are in sense/awareness terms ‘AWARE IN SOME WAY/FASHION’ of larger scale ‘details’!!!!
I was actually part of (light and sound) meditation group for 3/4 years in my late 20’s, it ‘felt’ right to do BUT ‘it’ as in ‘meditation’ the descriptions of what it’s about/what this practice actually/really relates to just don’t add up to myself ‘now’ . . . as I’ve extreme ‘subtle’ remote viewing abilities which included getting access to the drone strata (the higher frequency ‘strata’ of reality ‘above/past’ the ‘subtle/the subtle forms living space’ plus, I also have access to the MV outside (‘AND’ to be honest I’ve even accessed beyond this) then it does seem to me that ‘meditation/so called enlightenment’ practices relate to these specific ‘scales of awareness’s” which in that the ‘agenda’ here is to attempt to persuade everyone they are this physical ‘human’ only form then EVERYTHING related to the subtle form and particularly ‘worrying’ abilities seem to be being ‘depreciated/extremely depreciated’ here . . .
June 20, 2019 @ 2:37 pm
(this is kind of a continuation of my previous comment)
Clive re “if anyone manages to read it and manages to think of yet more examples then try and leave a comment giving me details!!!”
Apart from the access to all kinds of abilities proper of the subtle body by some people incarnated/interfaced to the physical, such as empathy, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsensitivity, remote viewing … (which, since such experiences are not normally allowed in the physical reality, could be that they were experiences of the subtle that certain people originally had BUT here being translated into the physical) … and apart from some people’s way of life integrate much better in a subtle reality context rather than in a context of physical reality, there are rumors of the existence of a very interesting phenomenon here, known as PSYCHOKINESIS or TELEKINESIS, in which, as Shalin had already mentioned, people move or manipulate objects with the power of mind (doing things like bending spoons, levitating objects…).
This may be yet another example of subtle experiences translated into the physical, as a compilation of experiences and reports of how the subtle reality works consistently indicates that subtle structures CAN and are moved, modified, and even created and extinguished solely with the power of the mind/intention. This also seems to be a common experience in people’s dreams, especially in lucid dreams and also in astral travel experiences. As for myself, when I happen to have lucid dreams, I also often do this (I change the objects shape, color, I make things disappear…) because I have the EXPECTATION of being able to do that. Am I the only one to have this expectation? And were at least some phenomena of disappearance, appearance and movement of objects (poltergeists) precisely the result of translations of this type of subtle experiences?
There are also very bizarre reports of shapeshiftings out there … and as it seems, according to a lot of information, subtle beings can also modify their subtle form with the power of intention and thought (the person I live with, who can see the subtle, already witnessed this [in my dreams (normal and lucid) this sometimes happens too]).
Another thing, also according to some information out there, subtle beings can merge their subtle bodies when they are being intimate with each other, which results (if I am not mistaken) in experiences of shared consciousness. Clive even mentioned this on one of his pages: “(…) ‘subtle’ beings actually merge their subtle energy body when they are being affectionate / intimate (…)” https://soul-healer.com/human-implant-vr-exercises/vr-experience-investigations-exercise-3-engaging-with-vr-experiences-of-sharing-avatars-of-avatar-possession-entity-attachment-experience-possibilities/
In having people here being represented into the physical who originally had many experiences of the subtle reality, it could be that this type of experiences could be here being represented as experiences of incorporation, community consciousness or even of shared consciousness…
Yet, some behaviors typical of subtle people, such as the aforementioned high-speed travel, could be (as already suggested) being here represented in the physical as something equivalent in terms of what would be to travel fast. This may explain why some people like to drive at high speeds. I personally do not usually drive this fast (mostly because I’m afraid to waste a lot of gas [fuels here are exorbitantly expensive and I’m poor …), but I remember when I was a kid I used to sprinting out of nothing like Forest Gump, furthermore I never had patience to walk slowly.
And since subtle beings don’t have to eat like we do here, this might explain why some people here don’t like to eat or don’t care about food, or have lack of appetite issues, or are not very committed and or forget to prepare meals or to eat…
June 25, 2019 @ 1:25 pm
Hi Jessica, Well, I’ve covered the ESP extra sensory perceptions elsewhere Jessica and the ‘shape shifting’ is likely VR experiences i.e. instantly changing your avatar!!!
June 25, 2019 @ 7:48 pm
Clive re: “Hi Pyotr, I’m very sure there is time travel in the original MV ‘but’ I’m also pretty sure that this isn’t a ‘natural’ subtle body ability it’s more ‘time travel tech’ based ”
So by being able to access your past lives to explore your problems, and by doing the same with your clients and the entities that were attached to yourself, and by saying “I can tune into and ‘be’ anyone and track them through time / and in the past too.” (https://soul-healer.com/human-implant-vr-exercises/examples-of-a-virtual-reality-environment-component-translation-accuracy-consistency-through-time-checkers-experiences/) … so you can / have only been able to do all this exclusively because of some kind of technology?
July 2, 2019 @ 11:41 pm
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uttu Was the daughter of a deity who actually got abused reminds me of what you dreamed about. The shiny light thing sounds familiar my ex Stella they always told her she was shiny like a ray of light. Dude I did lsd with also told me before we did that you remind me of my childhood friends while I was 21 he said your so light and bright. The abused exploited by elders is also something that happened a lot with me in this life. And is something I’m very pissed about have you found ways to reverse the stealing of the shiny parts? Clive didn’t you update the site on 1 juli?
July 4, 2019 @ 2:51 pm
Everyone . . ‘update’ of sorts . . . I’ve been doing some ‘housekeeping and SEO(search engine optimisation)’ on realitywalker.com and noticed that my ‘Inception Dream’ page DOESN’T GET ANY TRAFFIC AT ALL ‘EVER’!!!! . . .
This then had me thinking about ‘dreams/dreaming and ‘sleeping” re the subtle forms which I’d forgotten about . . .
Subtle forms ‘sleep’ BUT only 10% of the time (and they of course fall asleep ‘in the sky’ (no bed,no itchy sheets to deal with or wash/no pillows or bedding etc required at all . . . it’s another no need to buy anything scenario!!! What a surprise eh!!!)) . . . they also ABSOLUTELY DO NOT EVER ‘DREAM’ . . . which is exceptionally weird isn’t it as not only do most people here/the interfaced fake humans dream, BUT dreams can and often do have a major impact on ourselves (in all sorts of ways in both traumatising and also ‘mood/attitude’ terms as well as ‘guiding and decision making’ terms) . . .
. . . also recent feedback from someone ‘still’ in serious shit is having a lot of this ‘shit’ being done/setup within obviously ‘staged’ dreams/dream scenario’s . . . so, on checking these angles this morning and doing scans/targetting these angles it turns out that dreams/dream manipulation are a baseline absolutely built in backdoor (within the EAAS/what remains of ‘current’ core processor designed in shit) used to manage/manipulate people into their pre-defined F***UP future self version . . .
So, has anyone reading this noticed ‘managed’ dreams/dream scenario’s and particularly recently and or any dream scenarios which have been disturbing/stressing (trying to maintain your trauma/shit) quotient . . . and or which are ‘guiding’ you to make certain decisions and or orientate you in certain directions/stances and or to cause you problems with respect to specific people. . . AND OR . . . is anyone aware of day dreams/dreams/internal dream like scenario’s going on maybe in the background during the day!!!!
Mmmm have a read of my realitywalker.com Inception page which is here and leave comments there (rather than here) as I might then write another page on that site (as I’ve one already half done that I apparently started about 3 years ago which I’d completely forgotten about) covering more areas/angles of these possibilities in greater detail as my wife/ex wife was being setup with dreams every night specifically to sabotage us/our relationship AND in investigating this we got access to the equivalent of a film studio and actors/director and dream architect writers . . . all focused on defining dreams to cause us as many problems as possible . . .
Ahhh, if anyone reading this thinks of any ‘films’ that are very much focused around dreams/nightmares leave a comment with details!!!!
July 5, 2019 @ 2:08 pm
Clive reply: “Everyone . . ‘update’ of sorts . . . I’ve been doing some ‘housekeeping and SEO”
It’s funny. After reading your comment I had a dream about the co-worker I’ve been having problems with these last few months (who recently I realize I have been trying to ‘diagnosing and treat,’) and we were arguing over saving pop can tabs of all things. She’s also Native American. Things have improved significantly between her and I, but I still become numb-brained and blank whenever I am around her, kind of like a dollhouse doll when I think about it.
As for movies about nightmares, the only one that comes to mind is Nightmare on Elm Street. I have never seen the movie itself, but according to Wikipedia, “The plot concerns four teenagers living on one street in the fictitious town of Springwood, Ohio, who are invaded and killed in their dreams, and thus killed in reality, by a burnt killer with a bladed leather glove.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Nightmare_on_Elm_Street
July 4, 2019 @ 9:03 pm
Plenty Clive a lot things that happened years later I saw in my dreams happened irl. Last night I had weird I was driving on a bike I swiped it was from another person I had a bag with food and I stepped off the bike a bunch of african people came to me. I gave the bike to one of them and shared the food from in the bag. some weird tall not so attractive mullato man forced me to stand still and I was stuck I was yelling names of deities fuck off I know Hermes papa legba baron samedi let me go else your gonna pay for it. I had plenty of alien kidnap shit in dreams. Plenty of I’m stuck and they are doing stuff to me while I’m strapped down onto something and there is always some weird forcefield that prevents me from moving escaping. Can’t you guys target all my dream crap? Maybe a new dream focus targeting past dreams. That isn’t the focus that targets the subconscious and the dreams
July 4, 2019 @ 11:49 pm
Do you know the comic series The Sandman by Neil Gaiman it’s about Morpheus the deity of dreams lots of shenanigans and fuckery with dreams.
July 11, 2019 @ 7:29 pm
Re: Clive “I’ve extreme ‘subtle’ remote viewing abilities which included getting access to the drone strata (the higher frequency ‘strata’ of reality ‘above/past’ the ‘subtle/the subtle forms living space’ plus, I also have access to the MV outside (‘AND’ to be honest I’ve even accessed beyond this)”
Which brings very interesting questions… because, the remote viewing limits in being so broadened (something that apparently comprises several realities beyond our EAAS, which is only data being running on someone’s computer), requires that:
1. Or that we here in EAAS are working with our various subtle bodies subtle senses (or anything equivalent to subtle bodies or subtle senses) which would exist in the realities prior to EAAS [which would make sense if the realities were nested and if the operant consciousness in each of them was always the result of the existence of a subtle body fraction from the previous reality interfaced to the posterior reality – if that were the case, we’d always be represented in previous realities as fragments of someone’s subtle body, probably with all the subtle senses that a subtle body has the right to have, but also probably being suppressed…; this could explain why some people here have access to realities beyond the EAAS, but in principle, would explain much more difficultly the inverse, i.e. people from outside as those of whom we are a subtle body fraction having access to things from within the EAAS, because their only counterpart here would be precisely WE in our entirety, the fragment];
2. Or that there is a mechanism pre-defined by a previous reality which comprises other reality levels or realities beyond the EAAS, that allows things to be identified through the direction of our will/focus, irrespective of the boundaries it was supposed to exist among the realities that it comprises. In other words, that there is a mechanism that allows all that exists within the same reality, with all that it includes (or at least some things), to be identified;
3. Or that both hypotheses are correct.
In a sense, the 2nd hypothesis (of the impossible becomes possible) becomes more reasonable if we take into account that there exists an emission/reception of frequencies mechanism here that, against all odds, allows ‘RV substrate RV components’ to be identified through our ‘subtle’ receptors (and also by technologies)1. What is weird here is that normally communication systems via encoding/decoding of signals are created by someone, and that we are talking about components which don’t want to be identified1 !!! So, it seems that components that do everything to hide were conceived in a way that allows them to be identifiable (because all of them emit resonances)!!! It’s insane, it seems a joke…
If in addition to this, we take into account that people from outside appear to have as much access to the EAAS components and structure as those from within, the 2nd hypothesis becomes even more reasonable…
1. this information is based on the information provided in a recent feedback comment about our circumstances; https://soul-healer.com/extensive-evidence-our-world-is-a-simulation-designed-in-a-vr-on-a-3d-wireframe-grid-backdrop/#comment-25573
July 11, 2019 @ 7:39 pm
“So, I ended up finding a place within the subtle environment that was like a desert/virtually uninhabitable/couldn’t be entered by others . . . I did this because in entering this area/space and feeling my subtle body reacting I’m pretty sure it spent time ‘modifying’ the subtle body so that it was ‘fine/could manage’ in this environment without having an detrimental long term consequences . . . so I got some PEACE AND QUIET AT LAST!!!! . . .”
Have you managed to find an equivalent solution here? If there is any solution that does not cause side effects I would like to know (I am quite energetically harassed) …
August 15, 2019 @ 6:20 pm
Jessica/Everyone (latest Realitywalker page is up here) . . . Well, as mentioned elsewhere Jessica I spend all of my time doing what I’m doing plus as I’m seriously absorbed (and essentially have to be) in what I’m doing ‘and’ in that I’ve no interest in chit chating or having what others might describe as ‘normal’ conversations AND as everything is managed here so that you’re being persuaded all of the time to go along with the lowest common denominator ‘opinions/memes etc’ which I’ve no interest in whatsoever . . . then in a sense my ‘friends’ are those I’m close to with regards to what I’m doing, also in that my past friends whom pretty much all had an affiliation to the new age BS line such that my later divergent line was not just taken as being bizazre BUT I was often outright and ‘seriously’ described as ‘crazy’ in some cases repeatedly. . . so, I didn’t see the point of continuing to meet up with earlier friends either!!!
Basically as a subtle being I’d go off and spend time on projects away from everyone else then meet up/catch up with friends later . . . so far I’ve not yet got to the point of finishing this specific project, at least not yet . . . BUT this is how I ‘think’ about it too . . . i.e. this effort is yet another temporary project . . . which would also fit with myself spending likely 95% of my time as an IMMORTAL/HAS INFINITE TIME subtle form whom had occasional interfaced into the physical ‘projects/interests’ . . . all of which then somewhat ‘fits’ with this ‘phase’ . . . as well as somewhat explaining what would seem to most people as an exceptionally ‘bizarre’ attitude too . . . haha . . . it’s all ‘REALLY’ true . . . !!!
LATEST WEIRD FAKE REALITY base architecture of the system we are being generated by . . . in hacking problems/efforts . . . we’ve had things that have been very. very, very difficult to track/pin down recently (for those outside) AND in the last day or so we’ve found that these are due to what I call ‘brute force’ and or ‘incompatible component type’ efforts . . . so in the ‘processor chips/core architecture’ that DO ALL THE WORK if you set up specific ‘data/processing’ circumstances such as brute forcing i.e blitzing specific processing areas in a concerted manner with different data/components then you can cause an overload which leads to an ‘unexpected’ and or then untrackable/abnormal outcome . . . so if you have the time and patience you can set up test spaces and then find out how to use these so that the ‘outcome’ is a) useful while b) ALSO cannot be tracked . . . AND . . . we’ve not had any of these for ages (5/6 months now) . . . all of which suggests (attempts at memory fade out to have us forget about these) before these are used again . . . so, these are what are keeping going the latest ‘maintain’ shit efforts and which annoyingly require the processors and logic around them to be redesigned so that everything works correctly/as expected no matter what is thrown at them . . . which is all ‘in progress’ at the present time by those not ‘in here’ . . .
November 2, 2019 @ 1:46 am
Hmmmm…..my avatar has drastically changed.
The sh** is really getting ramped up. The new age crowd is coming on full blast from every website, news, radio, etc. One thing I wonder is what is the subtle meaning / translation of all of the ascension talk about going to a new/other / parallel planets? As well as all of the people that claim they have lived on other planets travel to other planets, planes going to other planets, condos for sale on other planets? I can’t believe so many people are buying into this.
November 2, 2019 @ 4:33 pm
EVERYONE READ – Hahahahahhaha!!!!
Hi Annabella,
We are ‘generally’ all simulating someone that either is all the time or often and or has ‘some’ short term temporary experiences (such as me) of being interfaced to an animal form on one or more physical worlds. However, we ‘here’ on our ‘earth’ world are a very, very specific very ‘selected’ very small sub population from this very, very large subtle form/interfaced people population of another parallel MV = multiverse . . .
This/the original/other ‘full’ population/multiverse of subtle forms has a population of about 1.2 ‘trillion’ ‘subtle’ people . . . the subtle races/cultures that then set up physical incarnation civilisations have then selected a world and or then over time many worlds within the ‘physical’ strata to then incarnate/interface their subtle population to have a physical life experience on a specific world/planet . . . after which they are generally reincarnated again and again . . . total populated worlds/planets/flat artificial Terry Pratchett type ‘disc’ worlds (of which there must be many else we’d not have so many people here convinced that the earth is flat!!!!) plus large deep space nine type space stations etc is about 1.2 million . . . spread out within a space within the physical universe encompassing about 15 ‘galaxies’ . . . hence star trek is ‘representing’ some aspects of the original MV fairly accurately!!!!
So, we are a very small selected population of the original full 1.2 trillion being ‘adjusted’ here/on earth such that each of you reading this will have their adjustments ‘fed’ back to your original form within the full ‘entire multi galaxy’ original population within another MV . . . ‘now’ as there are vast differences between our experiences ‘conceptions/memories’ scale of knowledge here compared to the experiences of these others/your counterpart in this other MV then we are being subjected to all sorts of ‘your memory is faulty/cannot be trusted’ efforts i.e. the piss taking magically engineered Mandela Effects are part of these ‘convince everyone there memory is faulty cannot be trusted’ efforts so that both ourselves AND the updated ‘person/persons’ then also has a sense that they cannot trust there memories too . . . I suspect that this ‘update’ will work 2 ways that the full population in the other multiverse will also be copied pasted over to ours (to the same planet with the same planetary infra structure/buildings/bureaucracy) such that we will then find ourselves as having about 1.2 million ‘populated’ planets ‘and’ we here will be the central ‘earth’ administration world, while versions of us from different races and cultures here will also be duplicated and find themselves as administrators/bureaucrats on a specific world/planet/disc world too!!!!
‘And’ it’s very odd that I’d write the above in ‘public’ . . . ‘except’ that it’ll drive remaining managing shit demented trying the stop people reading this and or ‘REALLY’ taking it in . . . because of course reading this i.e. what is ‘supposed’ to be going to happen to us / you supposedly just before it ‘should’ happen wouldn’t have been factored into the update protocols . . . well, I’m always happy to throw a few spanners in the works . . . HAHA!!!!
Hence then the new age people are being fed information by the upper spiritual hierarchy/useless bastards in preparation for the above!!!!
November 9, 2019 @ 8:00 pm
Re “while versions of us from different races and cultures here will also be duplicated and find themselves as administrators/bureaucrats on a specific world/planet/disc world too!!!!”
Wait… what the heck are these people, who you refer to as versions of ourselves (splits I guess?), so that their duplicates result in administrators / bureaucrats in other worlds??
Thank you for the info!
November 6, 2019 @ 7:08 pm
Clive the whole being interfaced to a tree weren’t that the Woodnymphs of Greek mythology? Did your lot find a way to un dollhouse and to de borg people yet?
It’s kinda weird because the dollhouse multiple bodies thing sharing bodies thing is acting up. What also is annoying is that when I go out I get nasty things of others shot into me.
I had that a lot. I had that while backpacking it’s mostly from homeless or weird people.
The guy in Berlin shit something in my leg. It hurt The guy in Venice shot something in my stomach. Also unpleasant.
Back in Amsterdam the other homeless dude shot something that itches as heck.
Before that I had a weird thing while I was going to bed before I went off to sleep something or someone shot a arrow into my stomach and I had a nightmare
Well a couple of weeks ago I was speaking with a friend of a friend and something unpleasant snuck inside me again it’s mostly things that itch and it’s hot.
Then I getting groceries a couple of days back and something got stuck in my left eye.
November 14, 2019 @ 3:32 pm
You have to remember Tommy that you’ve got the ‘psychonaute’ weird head/mental/conceptual shit on top of the dollhouse shit!!!!
December 2, 2019 @ 12:24 pm
I’d completely forgotten that I’d put together a ‘Do you have any expectations of being able to fly’ poll . . . so I’ve added it to the ‘flying’ section of this page!!! On having a look at the results of this poll only 9% of people DON’T have some type or angle of flying expectation . . .
January 4, 2020 @ 3:32 pm
Possible evidence of some people here simulating someone that was a physical animal form that had a tail (maybe even someone interfaced to a dragon)!!!!
Man with 5.5-inch horn growing on his back:
Also, it looks like it felt natural to the guy or at least it didn’t disturb him, cause:
1) he did not go see a doctor to treat it until it reached 5.5 inches.
2) “Also unusual, his lymph nodes weren’t swollen—a common, nonspecific sign that the body is fighting off an infection or disease, such as skin cancer.” –> this means his body didn’t see it as anything unusual or a threat.
September 28, 2021 @ 7:24 am
I find myself relating to being a designer baby. Even my life here is presented as such. The founder of my country lee kwan yew was into eugenics (esp making smarter kids) and my parents met at a dating event organised by the gov where educated people met together. Think this scheme was to encourage such people to get together and make smarter children.
January 10, 2022 @ 4:14 am
Had a few anomalous experience with regards to projection of people’s energy into my space. I would see some people from SH in my life sometimes. I remembered working last month in Victoria Secret and saw a young version of tommy with his dad (took a photo of them and tommy said one of the little boys looked like him when he was young). I kind of concentrated on what was going on and kind of found myself imagining a white VR space and the energy that was projecting out of me could have been tommy’s energy. I saw him again in a store at Benjamin barker but this time older and with this pretty asian lady. I also saw a maya last week when i brought my cat to the vet for a check up. She was a caucasian lady who was holding a golden retriever. I find these experiences pretty weird. I even have a rose split cat cause she seemed to have similar ear problems from what i read on the healing examples page.
January 11, 2022 @ 7:25 am
Doing an internship for a dairy company and I managed to find a split of me working in the same company. Not only was she a split of me because we kind of shared the same name but she did coding and even knew a tommy. We are both working under the same supervisor as well which was shocking and her personality was kind of similar to mine. I feel this could be a representation of the subtle body split and we are even going to work on the same project together which relates to big data based on info gathering of nutritional data on the developmental growth of children
January 13, 2022 @ 2:19 pm
One project im involved in is codenamed peter pan which i guess relates to myself being from the hermes subtle line