So, despite that I am definitely very, very aware of some extended experiences of the person I AM A SIMULATED DUPLICATE/COPY OF actually designing some very specific implants, BUT because these were so utterly bizarre while also happening many, many years, likely more than a decade before I was even aware of these possibilities then I’m very sure I’ve not mentioned any of these experiences in any of my writings before this . . . basically because, they were not only extremely bizarre, but they were completely out of context with respect to anything/everything I knew at that point in my life . . . never mind being completely ‘out of context’ with regards 99.999% of pretty much everyone else’s experiences too . . .
Anomalous Experience of Awareness of My Soul, Spirit Form, Higher Self Version Designing an External Sensory Awareness ‘Buffer/Filter’ Subtle Body Implant
So, the very first subtle body investigation and subtle implant design effort that I became definitively conscious of as well as then consistently aware of over an extended period of time, was during a phase in my early 20’s during which I was automatically becoming more and more ‘sensitive’ to absolutely ‘EVERYTHING’ of ‘MYSELF’ specifically because I was making a concerted effort to train myself ‘ALL THE TIME’ to become more and more orientated to and aware of my internal states and ‘ALL’ inner sensations to such a degree that over time (likely over about two years) I gradually become more and more definitively ‘sensitive’ to my inner states ALL THE TIME while in parallel to this I also found myself more and more automatically as well as directly picking up other people’s internal states and feelings including anxieties, worries as well as traumas etc, etc and this was particularly the case with respect to anyone/everyone that was in close ‘proximity’ to myself . . . however, an unfortunate side effect of this increasing sensitivity/awareness was that I very gradually found myself persistently becoming more and more disturbed/negatively impacted by my steadily increasing sensitivity/awareness of EVERYONE IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO MYSELF!!!
I describe (in way more detail) my ‘increasing my awareness of myself/my internal states and sensations’ orientation/effort’ and the very rational reasons for myself initiating and holding to this line on this page here, which I’d recommend you read else you simply won’t have ‘context/understanding’ with regards how utterly/unbelievably ‘sensitive’ I actually am with respect to all manner and varieties of my own internal states/make up never mind ‘everything’ else, including awareness’s of all manner of ‘external’ oddities too!!!
It was during this phase when I started to became aware of ‘myself/a version of myself’ which I’d now more accurately describe as a version of the PERSON/FORM I AM A DUPLICATE/COPY OF HERE very much engrossed in designing sensors as well as filters into its/my subtle energetic body!!!
Overall, for an extended period of time, I was regularly aware of and to a certain extent somewhat ‘fascinated’ by these subtle body functioning altering/adjusting implant design efforts seemingly ‘happening within myself’ very likely over an extended period that I’m sure went on over at least a few months, such that during this time, as the design and testing/evaluation of these subtle technologies progressed I eventually ended up finding myself having different levels or ‘modes’ of sensitivity towards others which I could then . . .
Very consciously, DIRECTLY select and adjust from:
- A normal subtle body functioning ‘picking’ up all external broadcasts/emissions mode . . .
- A highly filtered functioning mode where others/people in close proximity to myself’s internal states/feelings etc were actually blocked while also then being presented/represented in my upper internal visual field in the form of (I KID YOU NOT) VARIOUS ‘REPRESENTING’ ICONS (sad, depressed, manic, traumatized, happy, loving, etc. etc. ) . . . that then directly ‘VISUALLY’ represented the various internal states and feelings that the person I was interacting with/close to was ‘PRESENTING / FEELING / EXPERIENCING’ within themselves . . . and also . . .
- Dual Function Filter mode. This was specifically for people I was friends’ with and or very close to (my girlfriend for example) I could consciously disengage and leave disengaged the buffer and conversion filters (specifically related to their ‘broadcasts/feelings/internal states’ for very specific people) and hence be directly aware of and then impacted by friends’ and my girlfriend’s internal states, which in some instances had me (for example) waking up in the morning feeling very angry while also then being very confused as to ‘WHY’ when I’d had no dreams and wasn’t thinking about any circumstances to account for these . . . however, I’d quite often find that when my girlfriend awoke she’d then tell me she was feeling very ‘angry’ about situation or person ‘XYZ’ that she’d been dreaming of or thinking about!!!!!
Many Subtle Environment, Subtle ‘Body’, Higher Self, Focused Experiences are Anomalous & Incompatible with a Physical ‘ONLY’ Reality
Now, what I describe above was all happening while I was employed as a junior research associate contributing in many ways to medical research efforts focused on diabetes within the Clinical Biochemistry & Metabolic Medicine, Medical Research Focused Department of a University.
To be more specific, in writing and re-reading, editing and updating etc. etc. this page many, many times, this is facilitating myself to more and more coherently ‘resolve/get more and more detail’ of these specific as well as very vague experiences) such that despite being originally very vague/distant I’m very gradually becoming more and more aware of more and more coherent memories inclusive of feelings and sensations very internal to myself during that specific period/phase in my life when I was finding myself becoming aware of this supposedly alternate/separate ‘subtle body, subtle form’ version of myself ‘seemingly’ working on specific aspects of myself very specifically during the times when I’m at work within a research laboratory, setting up tubes, reagents and everything else needed for an ‘assay/measurement of blood plasma’ as part of the ‘diabetes’ research efforts that I was involved in at the time.
Now, as one of the absolute overriding ‘agendas’ of our fake reality seems to be to ‘disappear/depreciate’ all evidence of ourselves as subtle forms/beings, then it seems to me that any/all subtle experiences which are ‘SPECIFICALLY’ very much focused on and or involve attributes and or ‘worse’ concerted investigations/research which are ‘SPECIFIC TO THE SUBTLE BODY & OR THE SUBTLE ENVIRONMENT’ will all have to be very, VERY MUCH DISGUISED/MADE AS ‘DIFFUSE’ & AS ‘INCOMPREHENSIBLE’ AS POSSIBLE’!!! In this instance/for myself, by being converted/transformed into some vaguely equivalent/obliquely ‘best fit’ physical environment and physical human body focused experience while also being associated with some best fit/equivalent ‘physical/human life task/experience/interests’ that would have to be ‘as equivalent as possible’ to the original subtle environment focused subtle body experience too.
Let me be more explicit with respect to my subtle form in the subtle environment (that I am a simulated duplicate of) having some very specific types of experiences of spending time investigating and ‘adapting/altering’ certain aspects of it’s subtle body forms ‘functioning’ that are having to be converted into (or more accurately overlaid onto), some, seemingly equivalent/best fit, physical environment/human life experiences!!!
My Spirit/Higher Selfs Forms Research into it’s Subtle Body Functioning & Making Adaptations Are Overlaid onto a Physical Body ‘Diabetes’ Research Experience!!!!
Basically, from a certain angle/perspective, what my ‘original subtle form/the subtle person/being I’m a duplicate of’ was actually working on ‘could’ be described as subtle body investigative ‘research’, specifically because it is investigating its own subtle bodies functioning in very ‘exacting’ detail as part of efforts to try and reduce or eliminate negative and or detrimental impacts to itself.
It was in fact, exceptionally focused on/engrossed in trying to figure out how to make alterations to itself and particularly of facets of itself that are (from its perspective) causing itself consistent problems/debilitations and specifically to make itself ‘SELECTIVELY’ less sensitive to and less impacted by the broadcasts and emissions of specific feeling and emotional combinations that it was picking up from subtle others that it was close to as subtle friends as well as subtle work colleagues whom in being subtle energetic/resonance based forms are pretty much always generally emitting and broadcasting various ‘resonances/frequencies’, at the very least because this is how subtle forms normally communicate/make each other aware of what they are thinking and feeling’!!!
In this respect these specific subtle body ‘investigations’ of the person/subtle form that I am a duplicate of then somewhat ‘obliquely’ matches up with the physical body only focused ‘diabetes’ research efforts I was involved in during that phase of my life!!!
This happening also directly correlated with the current ‘phase/time’ in my physical human life when I was becoming more and more ‘negatively impacted and disturbed by’ myself more and more picking up the ‘negative’ feelings and states from those I was in close proximity too within my physical life, which coincidentally was mostly happening at work (i.e. the people I was spending consistent time close to because they were work colleagues)!!!!
So, just to be very ‘explicit’ here, the personal ‘subtle’ body focused research, investigations and adaptations carried out by the subtle person/being I’m a duplicate/copy of that was investigating, working on and making changes to its own subtle body (specifically to reduce negative effects/impacts on itself picking up negative feelings/emotions being generally broadcast by other subtle forms it likely spent the most time with) are being ‘translated/converted/presented’ here into the efforts/experiences that I had within a series of research jobs/posts that had a specific emphasis on ‘diabetes’ which had me contributing to research focused on finding ways to reduce/limit/alleviate the negative physical body impacts of diabetes while coincidentally working close to people that I was being more and more negatively impacted by because of my ‘increasing’ sensitivity to ‘others in close proximity to myself’!!!
In other words the specific university job/post/position that I had at that time in my life was a pretty fair although somewhat ‘desperate’ match with respect to the experiences of the subtle person, the subtle form that I am a duplicate of such that I am then living out a somewhat bizarre physical body, physical reality only ‘version’ of its life as a subtle being as it was within the subtle environment whom during this phase seemingly spent significant time involved in researching/investigating its own subtle bodies structure and functioning as part of efforts to understand its subtle body well enough such that it then spent time altering/adapting/modifying various aspects of its functioning i.e. it spent time modifying aspects of itself specifically as part of efforts to reduce the negative impacts on itself because it was picking up various negative emissions/broadcasts from other subtle forms whom were in close proximity to itself.
In this respect, for some very specific subtle body form focused experiences that are also SERIOUSLY DIFFERENT to any physical body equivalent whilst also being of circumstances that are focused on aspects of the subtle environment and or the functioning/structure of our original subtle body form itself AND particularly with respect to experiences that went on for a significant length of time such that they are then, VERY, VERY SIGNIFICANT ‘EMBEDDED’ EXPERIENCES of the subtle form/subtle being that is having these and WHICH YOU ARE A DUPLICATE OF, then the presentation of these types of experiences here (in a reality/our earth ‘system’ here that appears to be designed to ‘disappear/depreciate/force well into the background’ all ‘significant’ subtle form/subtle environment experiences that the person we/maybe ‘you reading this’ are a duplicate of maybe had extensive as well as extended experiences of) appear to be being kept as hidden as possible whilst also being ‘experienced/relived/weaved’ into an ‘as equivalent as possible’ physical activity/experience while also happening ‘by and large’ over a vaguely equivalent time scale here too!!!!
In other words, it seems as if very long term as well as ‘very detailed’ subtle experiences specifically involving investigations into the internal structure and or functioning of the subtle body while also involving ALTERATIONS TO THE SUBTLE BODY FORM ITSELF have, at least for myself been translated/represented here within a physical only orientated, science research environment within which, this experience is being very specifically presented/experienced as very, very, very background/internal to myself ‘only’ experience that went on for at least 3 to 4 months . . .
Having Direct Conscious Experience of Making Direct Alterations to the Subtle Body, Higher Self, Subtle Body Form
I should perhaps make it clear that not only have I had an unbelievable number of an exceptional variety/scale of in many cases exceptionally ‘consistent’ anomalous experiences I’ve also written/documented a fair proportion of these in reasonable detail on my web site.
Coincidentally, many types of anomalous experiences are actually very consistently being presented outside of consensus reality to very specific people ‘ONLY’ i.e. many anomalous experiences are actually ‘seemingly’ only ‘perceivable’ by very specific individuals only, such that others in the same locations whom are also in ‘perception/sensing/viewing’ terms ‘viewing/looking/sensing’ within the same location and or direction are apparently not allowed to see/perceive ANYTHING OF THESE AT ALL . . . based on what I’m writing about in detail on this page of the conversion of some very, very specific subtle environment originated experiences that went on for an extended period of time, essentially being consistently presented as an internal to myself only experience through being overlaid onto my university research work experience over a period of a few months . . . it is therefore highly likely that anyone here that like myself are having weird none consensus reality perceptions/experiences (i.e. experiences involving perceptions of things that are not part of consensus reality because they are not seen by others at the same time and or in the same place) are then very likely to also be simulating a duplicate/copy of someone that actually spent consistent time living as a subtle form within the subtle environment (as I myself am).
In other words as we are living within a reality that is very specifically ONLY PRESENTING THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT i.e. it is missing and or absolutely not allowing ‘normal/direct/stepping over’ access to the parallel subtle environment here then it appears as if at least some very specific ‘detailed’ subtle reality originated experiences (perhaps because there is no physical reality equivalent!!!!) are being presented to very specific people here as EXPERIENCES/PERCEPTIONS SPECIFIC TO THEMSELVES ONLY (either on their own or with others with the same subtle background/specific experience type) . . .
I want to point out that as someone with extensive experience of consistently sensing/perceiving very ‘CONSISTENTLY’ many none consensus reality, i.e. many HIGHLY ANOMALOUS ‘things/forms/people/being/structures/artefacts’, then, what I specifically and originally described above as my parallel/duel ‘subtle’ research university experiences are of experiences that were at least 10 times more removed/distanced from my conscious/normal ‘self’ compared to the majority of the other ‘anomalous’ experiences I have already documented specifically because they were very much being presented ‘INTERNALLY’ to myself only.
Perhaps the most accurate way to describe these specific university research focused anomalous experiences would be to state that they were almost like a background internal ‘virtual experience’ giving me a direct but very remote ‘visual as well as feeling view/view point orientation’ of what this subtle version of myself was doing/working on specifically while I was at work carrying out physical body equivalent research!!!
The above ‘weird, very much in the background’ experience happened likely over a few months, during my early 20’s, however, by my mid to late 30’s, (because my ‘sensitivity/awareness’ was increasing all of the time, very likely because of what I describe on this page here) I left the University to become self employed as a healer therapist practitioner specifically because I was very much becoming ‘exceptionally’ aware of myself/us/everyone as the subtle forms/beings we actually really are, and this was to such an extent that I was directly and consciously accessing myself and others’ subtle bodies as part of investigating the origins of all sorts of negative/detrimental issues!!! Hence as an outcome of this ‘progression’ I’ve a series of 30 web pages (starting here) all focused on my direct investigations of many, many, many different ‘subtle’ body implants and subtle technologies that I only became aware of because they turned out to be contributing to the origins/causes of some of the issues that as a therapist/healer I ended up investigating in my clients (as well as myself)!!!!
In that I’m now 60 and hence, have then been directly accessing and investigating whilst also being somewhat ‘exceptionally’ absorbed in ourselves as subtle forms/beings whom originate from and hence then are ‘natural to’ an extremely different subtle/energetic/resonance based environment, which essentially means that ALL OF OURSELVES ON EARTH/HERE/EVERYONE READING THIS, we are all being ‘simulated’ here as an actual subtle being/form present within a perceptually as well as conceptually remote, very difficult to become aware of subtle environment that is then being simulated/rendered as interfaced to a very specific physical human vehicle body/avatar form i.e. each of us/each of you reading this is actually ‘REALLY’ a subtle ‘energetic’ being that is directly interfaced to a ‘remote human avatar/physical vehicle body form’ such that you have been and are now actually experiencing living ‘as a human’ within the physical strata/environment . . . ‘HOWEVER’, in that over the last few years it’s become exceptionally obvious to myself that our fake reality is doing an exceptionally good job of keeping the VERY REAL ‘none physical aspects and experiences of ourselves as well as our NONE PHYSICAL origins’ exceptionally contained/limited/diffuse (to say the least) such that there ‘really’ isn’t any decent/coherent accurate or ‘correct’ information covering these possibilities (that’s not either ‘contained’ spiritual/spirit focused and or new age ‘symbolic’ semi nonsense), hence, this is why I decided to make an effort to write this series, in a sense to try and write about and to describe the details of our real selves AS SUBTLE ENERGETIC BEINGS, & THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE SUBTLE ENVIRONMENT WE/OURSELVES AS SUBTLE BEINGS ACTUALLY ORIGINATE FROM & WHICH OUR ‘REAL’ NONE PHYSICAL BODIES ARE AT THIS VERY MOMENT LYING WITHIN ‘SOMEWHERE’!!!! . . .
So, let me be exceptionally, explicitly descriptively accurate about our actual real circumstances HERE AND NOW!!!!
” . . . it is ‘yourself’ as a subtle being/form that is actually remotely directly ‘animating’ the human body that you are at this very moment currently ‘remotely occupying’!!! Now, during this, your current incarnation into this entirely made up software defined alternate dense matter/physical reality strata, it is actually yourself as a subtle form/being that is via interfacing stretched out between your real subtle body and your remote human ‘avatar’ form that via various interfacing access points wired into your remote human physical body form (locally called chakras and meridians) that are allowing yourself to see/perceive as well as then ‘MAKE SENSE OF’ these written words within this remote and somewhat ‘alien’ environment, at least it’s ‘alien’ compared to the subtle environment that you/we actually NATURALLY ‘EVOLVED WITHIN’ & HENCE THEN NATURALLY ‘ORIGINATE FROM’!!!! So, your subtle form which is very likely lying in a subtle pod on a subtle slab within the subtle environment ‘somewhere’ is then reading this via the signals and impulses passing between the interfacing connections/lines between the physical eyes of your human avatar form and whatever the subtle body ‘equivalent’ of human eyes/senses actually are while your subtle form is then attempting to evaluate what is written here via the subtle forms equivalent to a ‘thinking/evaluating’ organ that will also be directly interfaced to the neurons of the human head of your remote human avatar vehicle . . . “
Strangely as I wrote/rewrote and continued to ‘refine/make more explicit/more directly accurate’ the above paragraph which does describe the circumstances of YOURSELF READING THIS VERY, VERY ACCURATELY, my ability to write and read (while not making mistakes) and particularly my eyesight got worse and worse as I was doing this . . .
Why when writing out some specific ‘possibilities’ in ways to make what I’m describing as our REAL IN THE MOMENT ‘NOW’ CIRCUMSTANCES as clear and as simple and as easy to read/take in and to UNDERSTAND AS POSSIBLE, should anyone experience either any weird mental/shut down effects and or any degrading/variable quality eyesight/vision/sense ‘sabotaging/degrading’ effects!!!!
If your reality is real and or you are ‘really’ nothing more than this physical human form then why would anyone reading the above have any weird never mind essentially ‘suppressing/put off’ effects applied to themselves?!?!?!?!
Can you read from ‘In that I’m now 60’ down to here again . . . just so you have a better chance to ‘take it all in’ at least as I intended it to be taken in when I wrote it!!!!
Important Details & Characteristics of Your Hidden ‘Subtle’ Body Form ‘AND’ the Subtle Environment It ‘Originally’ Naturally Lives Within!!!!
Now, in that it would be accurate to state that all ‘subtle’ beings are ALL AUTOMATICALLY DIRECTLY ‘EMPATHIC’ ALL OF THE TIME, to such an UTTERLY UNBELIEVABLE EXTENT, that what any subtle form is thinking/feeling/focused on as well as of their ‘reactions and responses’ to ‘anything’ are pretty much ALWAYS AS WELL AS ‘AUTOMATICALLY’ BEING ‘GENERALLY’ BROADCAST INTO THE ENVIRONMENT IN ALL DIRECTIONS AROUND THEMSELVES . . . such that they/all ‘subtle’ beings then absolutely ALWAYS HAVE THE POTENTIAL OF HAVING THEIR INTERNAL STATES AS ‘EMISSIONS’ BEING ‘PICKED UP’ & HENCE THEN ‘DETECTED/TAKEN NOTICE OF’ BY OTHER SUBTLE BEINGS ‘ALL THE TIME’ . . . such that, anyone within our reality here that is simulating a duplicate of someone that spent most of their time not interfaced to any type of physical animal remote vehicle form whom also in then regularly interacting with other ‘people’ as subtle beings such that during these interactions, whenever any subtle being put their attention/their sensory ‘matrix’ on ANY OTHER then this ‘other’ would very, very likely absolutely AUTOMATICALLY ‘know/feel’ this and as such they’d ABSOLUTELY KNOW that this other subtle being/form/person had their ‘attention’ on themselves BECAUSE THEY’D ‘AUTOMATICALLY’ FEEL IT (and they’d even FEEL THIS OTHER PERSON’S ATTENTION even when their own ‘sensory attention’ was directed elsewhere) . . . coincidentally there has been research conclusively confirming that at least certain people are consistently aware of others looking at themselves EVEN WHEN THOSE LOOKING AT THEMSELVES ARE ACTUALLY LOCATED BEHIND THESE OTHERS THEY ARE ‘STILL’ SOMEHOW ABLE TO BE AWARE OF THESE OTHERS ‘LOOKING’ AT THEMSELVES (this is research done by Rupert Sheldrake (his page describing this research is here))!!!
Subtle beings generally automatically ’emit/transmit/broadcast’ their internal states in all directions/orientations (i.e. 360x360x360) ALL THE TIME while ‘generally’ also pretty much automatically being aware of and or taking in others ’emissions/transmissions/broadcasts’ FROM ALL DIRECTIONS ALL THE TIME too . . .
Coincidentally, for a subtle form whose entire body is ALL THE TIME in ALL DIRECTIONS always ‘EMITTING’ WHILE ALSO ALWAYS PICKING UP EVERYTHING FROM ALL DIRECTIONS because they DO NOT HAVE ANY RECOGNIZED ‘FRONT’ or ‘BACK’ then this means that ALL THE TIME they are ALWAYS omni-directionally sensitive!!!
Basically, subtle forms don’t have a front or back or sides, rather, every side/orientation of the subtle body form is always a ‘FRONT’!!!!
Now given the absolute management efforts to prevent anyone including myself from ‘explicitly’ describing the characteristics of and subtle environment circumstances as well as of WHOM WE ACTUALLY ARE as SUBTLE FORMS/BEINGS living within a none physical ‘energetic’ subtle space, then it is exceptionally unlikely that you’ve been allowed to translate the above descriptions of our subtle form and the subtle environment it lives within into a decent/accurate as well as ‘conceptually’ solid view/image!!!
In this respect, then let me be way more ‘explicit’ with respect to making you aware of yet more variations of problems translating/converting incompatible but long term consistently experienced subtle environment & an androgynous subtle body form experiences into an exceptionally unrepresentative flat, 1 and occasionally 2 dimensional physical environment scale while also being saddled with an exceptionally sensory limited physical body that is also handicapped by being sexually divided into one of a two role/scale of expression/attributed limited ‘human’ body form . . . on the next page . . .
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
May 28, 2019 @ 2:42 pm
As these new pages cover many different angles of the subtle reality and subtle body form details as well as of aspect of the subtle bodies functioning ALL of which is absolutely ‘outlawed/not allowed here’ then it’s taking a very long time to write/read/re-read/re-write these in efforts to pull out more and more detail . . . these are the hardest pages I’ve actually written . . .
May 28, 2019 @ 5:35 pm
That’s so interesting you realized the experience of someone designing/redesigning you and your “implants/filters” was delivered as an “internal to yourself ‘only’ virtual reality type presentation/overlay”.
Is that an auto generated vr presentation overlay created for you “on the fly” to experience here, or did someone custom design it for you before the beginning? It’s obviously very specific and special so regardless it would have needed extreme care to create the vr experience for you properly.
Sorry I know you probably have already figured these questions out and don’t want to be bothered answering them, it’s just very interesting and I’ve never seen you describe in detail certain angles of how your very detailed experience was actually designed to be so complex and involved, with perfect progression and coordination, and who designed them. That person(s) would have to have already known everything about you and what you were scheduled to experience and how, in order to design it all, wouldn’t they, based on your descriptions on this site of how this reality was designed.
Thanks for this interesting article.
June 8, 2019 @ 5:41 pm
Basically, Kyra they’ve been far too difficult to write about as they are 1) too ‘revealing’ of the KEEP SUBTLE EXPERIENCES HIDDEN EFFORTS programm, so there is massive EAAS SHIT efforts expended to put you off/make it as difficult as possible to write about these . . . while 2) also making you worried about writing in great detail of weird shit/experiences that relates to yourself too!!!!
June 1, 2019 @ 2:15 pm
I have been reading your website for quite some time. Today, when I clicked on the link to your site, I ended up with this page:
“Our system thinks you might be a robot! We’re really sorry about this, but it’s getting harder and harder to tell the difference between humans and bots these days. Please complete the captcha below to prove you’re a human and proceed to the page you’re trying to reach.”
I entered the captcha and managed to access this site normally. I opened another Soul-Healer tab to check if I will get the same “robot challenge” screen and didn’t get any. Very weird experience indeed.
I’m aware this may not be the right page to post this. I just don’t know where else I can write about this. Sorry for your trouble and thanks for writing the articles.
June 13, 2019 @ 4:47 pm
We have a much greater variety of ‘odd’ things happening here ‘L’ at least compared to most other sites . . . at no extra ‘charge’ either – hahaha!!!!
June 8, 2019 @ 6:54 pm
Reality should not reaaally like this pages … since wednesday (when I committed to read these pages) that only shit have happened to me, like… every single day!
Wednesday – I almost sneaked twice while I was driving because a rear tire was much more empty than the rest…
Thursday – find I actually had the tire stuck because it was totally empty in the morning…
Friday – the person who lives with me lost the keys of my car…
Saturday – I lost my wallet with my 2 pens and all my documents in there (and I have not found it yet)…
Today – had a ridiculous dream that pertinently was trying to frighten me about things related to the subtle…
And this not to mention that the first time I committed to read the pages I had the idea of going first to do something else that would take me maybe many days … however, contrary to what reality would probably like, I changed my mind and left what I had to do for second place, let’s see…
(Ahh and when I was about to post, my computer hung up out of the blue… more… when I was opening the page where I have my comment saved, I had to wait because… the office was updating……..)
June 11, 2019 @ 3:26 pm
Sorry Jessica, it’s been ‘generally’ very bad for weeks (I and others have had impossible computer problems regularly) and to a certain extent I started to write these specific pages because these are core/accurate with respect to ourselves as subtle beings AND as ‘EVERYTHING’ related to the subtle, our subtle form it’s functioning/circumstances as well as accurate details of it’s living environment are all EXCEPTIONALLY as well as ABSOLUTELY outlawed/NOT ALLOWED HERE . . . then it’s forcing remaining shit into the foreground/making it much more obvious as it takes action to suppress/react against these pages . . .
June 20, 2019 @ 2:29 pm
Kyra “That’s so interesting you realized the experience of someone designing/redesigning you and your “implants/filters” was delivered as an “internal to yourself ‘only’ virtual reality type presentation/overlay”.
Is that an auto generated vr presentation overlay created for you “on the fly” to experience here, or did someone custom design it for you before the beginning?”
Hi Kyra, interestingly it seems that Clive was referring to an experience, as he says “of the person I AM A SIMULATED DUPLICATE OF actually designing some very specific implants”, and therefore, that includes him, as he says “‘myself’ specifically (AS THE PERSON/FORM I AM A DUPLICATE/COPY OF HERE)”.
This means that most likely he is referring to an (original) fraction of his subtle body that is not interfaced to the EAAS, or to our reality here. So, a circumstance outside the boundaries of the EAAS (in terms of the definition of circumstances/experiences by the EAAS’s software) and probably quite undesirable, as it also turns out to be revealing with respect to the subtle strata (in this case from outside) (a strata which, as it seems, is wanted to be obscured for the residents of the EAAS [the subtle from within the EAAS, never mind the subtle from outside …])
Concerning the revelatory and outside the boundaries of the EAAS experiences, there are statements from Clive that give to understand that there is a mechanism that automatically translates them “on the fly” into less dangerous experiments. Here are some examples:
“(…) Despite that I got access to ‘outside’ the sim a long time ago the sim ‘still’ translates my external to this sim environment ‘wanderings’ as sensory input into myself here as sim agenda ‘safe’ experiences. So, the external subtle beings have a human like outline and even some gender ‘look’ differences. I.e. this is done to try and give the ‘BEST’ physical con impression / misdirection.(…) ”
“(…) people doing exercises have been engaging with and becoming aware of their own issues / VR simulation translations (…)”
OR maybe your 2nd questioning is right… if the hypothesis that ‘all these inter ‘EAAS-preceding MV’ experiencies are part of another script of a more comprehensive reality than the EAAS’ is also correct…
July 24, 2019 @ 3:02 pm
Regulars/24th JULY . . . I’ve rewritten and massively extended the earlier version of this page so ‘current’ page ‘now’ is a replacement of the previous version (now about 7-8 pages of A4 rather than 4)!!!
The page following this I’m going to split into 3 so I’ve room to expand on all areas . . . spending time updating/SEO tuning seriously reminded me/made me aware of all of the exceptionally anomalous experiences I’d had (that had been pushed into the background) which has helped a lot with respect to me having more ideas and angles approaches/awareness of more subtle form and subtle environment things presenting anomalies here . . .
Current hacking progress . . . we’re still dealing with the base processor ‘under MV’ wired in processor/architecture functioning which also fits with these ‘subtle’ and ‘subtle symbolic’ angles as (for example) our periodic table is double the size it should be as ‘half’ the base ‘elements/atoms’ are ‘representing’ base elements of the subtle reality (all allowing direct back door access to the physical/us here) . . . gold and sliver are ‘representing’ subtle elements (gold is particularly ‘coveted’ by subtle beings as the best element to use for the interfacing between subtle and physical bodies . . . it’s a bit strange that the Vatican has entire walls in some rooms made of Gold!!!!) as are mercury and aluminium (which is perhaps why these 2 always seem to mysteriously find their way into vaccines as these are also ‘means’ to provide backdoor access to yourselves/us here!!!) . . . various ‘crystals/gems/jewelry’ here represent subtle technologies hence at ancient burial sites you often find amazing collections of gold and gems . . . i.e. these are of ‘subtle’ people/subtle forms being ‘represented’ here as actually being physical (when they weren’t) . . . also if you do a search for ‘subtle body anatomy’ you’ll get a book showing up that is very detailed bullshit because it’s of the EAAS backdoor design efforts of MAKING UP 7/8 subtle bodies of the human form inclusive of 7 or 8 chakra interfacing points in each of these all providing direct backdoors into the fake software defined human physical body form . . . the BASTARDS have designed all of this into the base architecture MVOS processor functioning too . . .
August 6, 2019 @ 2:10 am
Hi Clive Thanks for the hacking update. Been going thru some gastrointestinal issues for a couple of months – actually everyone in my family including my mother and child. A lot of rumbling, noises, churning, nausea with no medical issues whatsoever. It almost seems like an extreme detox, muscle aches, headaches, and then with fatigue. Eating anything seems to make it worse. I do notice the lack of needing to eat with little or no hunger . People continue to complain that I am not nice and I simply do not know what else to do to satisfy them.
I struggle to get anything out of the focuses and seem to be blocked for some time from going much deeper. I will keep trying.
August 12, 2019 @ 12:55 am
Update ish . . . Yea, Annabelle I’ve been getting a lot of cleansing/clearing/releasing type symptoms too every few days or so (from various personal data caches) . . . while at the same time it’s still been very suppressing/contained too . . . we are ‘STILL’ dealing with what is left within the MVOS base architecture shit, which has been ‘extra’ wearing . . . as the closer we get to the last of the last sets the more sophisticated/difficult to hack they become ‘plus’ more aggressive and desperate too . . .
In that each nature spirit ‘type/form’ directly symbolically ‘represents’ a subtle being and what that subtle form specifically did (you as that form did) then I’ve started to write a series on these angles (as this fits with the subtle environment/subtle beings pages here too) . . . so, there is an introduction page to this nature spirit ‘symbolic’ series up on What are Spirits of Nature, What is a Faerie, What are the Elementals, the Fairy Folk? and I’ve another 6 pages of that series by and large finished . . . so, I’ll be putting one up every 2/3 days on realitywalker and I’ll leave a link here too . . . also you might have noticed that I’ve a whole web site here on HEALING (which I’d obviously forgotten about – haha) and when you do healing you direct/channel energies i.e. you ‘BROADCAST/TRANSMIT/EMIT’ a directed bean/emission of energies via your hands and or other parts of your body (chakras for example) none of which is physically possible i.e. healing all channelled healing is anomalous and as such it’s another example of something that ‘some’ subtle forms commonly do because they do this to HEAL OTHER SUBTLE BEINGS . . . so, I’ll be extending the broadcasting section here into another separate long page to cover this angle too . . . hopefully over the next couple of weeks!!!!
August 23, 2019 @ 2:25 am
I have had 3-4 episodes of losing touch with reality. I start to feel like my environment is fading away, get spaced, out and have to push myself to stay alert. I would have thought this was a medical issue but then I saw other people complaining about this exact same thing on line (labeled as jumping time lines ??)
A lot of accidents and near misses and people continue to try to tell me I am not nice or don’t do a good job.
1. Was at a store and a bunch of shoes fell off a rack. The elderly clerk looked overwhelmed, did nothing, so I started putting all of the shoes back, like 100 pairs. When I was done she came over and pointed out one pair on the floor and said, “ You missed one”.
2. I was helping a family member move into new apartment, in a construction zone. A rock flew off a tractor and cracked my car windshield.
3. A friend sent me an email listing all kinds of bad news about the company I used to work at – did they think I didn’t know about the company status and I would appreciate being ridiculed?
4. I was doing some community volunteer gardening and lost my footing, tumbling down a berm, onto a large rock and almost was knocked out
August 28, 2019 @ 2:26 pm
Hi Annabella/everyone BIT OF AN UPDATE . . . yea I’ve had a couple of similar very weird/surreal reality presentation FU efforts (when out shopping) plus I’ve been aware that I’ve to double/triple check/stay ‘aware/alert’ at times because I can ‘feel’ I need to be ‘on the lookout’ for blatant sabotages/accidents/knocking things over (fortunately it’s only happened a couple of times) . . . the sub, sub basement, hidden within EAAS ‘BIOS’ areas ‘shit’ versions are somewhat more desperate/aggressive than usual/previous ‘maintain’ shit versions . . . it’s also been getting harder and harder to ‘write’ although, this is specifically ‘likely’ because all the current different writing efforts are basically ALL about areas the ‘system’ we are living within wants kept diffuse/interpreted symbolically i.e. NOT described as ‘explicitly’ as I’m making an effort to write . . . it didn’t like the last page (of figuring out the ’causes’ of a stammer) AT ALL, the traffic to that site tanked for days when that page went up . . . as part of these FU efforts I get virtually no feedback at all from anywhere i.e. readers (or anyone that actually manages to read anything of the latest pages) are very likely absolutely being put off from writing comments either . . . Mmmm actually if anyone wants to write a comment BUT cannot . . . try and write a comment describing the effects/put offs making sure you cannot . . . as this will help the external lot to get a handle on current ‘shit’ as they track what reacts to these efforts/attempted efforts!!!!
Actually we just found that that the current ‘shit’ is using the human body ‘Fascia’ system that is part of a full human body spanning connective tissue membrane ‘system’ that has actually been specifically added into the EAAS human form here as a human body network symbolically representing the core subtle ‘coherent’ organism/plasm cloud form!!!! I.e. the entire ‘fascia’ system is symbolically representing the subtle form WITHIN THE HUMAN BODY ITSELF . . .
August 30, 2019 @ 6:25 am
I’ve had a really bad week, and I’ve been sort of checking in to see if there was an update. Interestingly enough, I’m not the only one having troubles.
I lost my phone, and 10 months of data from that phone. I know someone found the phone and never returned it. I could sense her feelings on this. I think she threw it away. I had problems with the phone company to transfer my account to the new phone. The phone became unresponsive while transferring info from my last back up. It’s my fault for not backing up the data more often, but is it really my fault? The bad week started after I forgot to do my somewhat daily intention statements, Exercise 9. I didn’t feel like doing the intention statements and if I remembered, I did not feel like I needed to do them, even though I’ve been depressed/fatigued more than usual this past week. I hate being manipulated. It takes so much effort to keep reminding myself I need to do everything I can to fend off the bad as much as I can. Even now I feel like I am over-reacting.
I’ve been wanting to comment on things I’ve been thinking about, but never ‘got around to it’. I just seem to forget about it. Whenever I think about commenting, I’m afraid sometimes, that my comments are not valid, not important/relevant or Clive will get mad at me. Sorry, Clive:)
September 1, 2019 @ 12:17 pm
Unfortunately Jean, as the remaining shit shrinks it’s getting even more desperate/vicious . . . last week or so we’ve been dealing with some very creative hidden ‘advantages’ i.e. ways of ‘functioning’ that are extremely difficult to track/hack/deal with/pacify . . .
August 30, 2019 @ 10:50 pm
Writing good comments for you is hard because I feel I can’t really think about what would be a decent comment without getting scolded by you for writing a shit comment.
let’s not waste his time or eh fuck I don’t wanna write another pisstaking comment or what management is messing with my understanding of your writing.
that aside I feel I have been made to worry about dumb past thing eg some guy who is kinda angry and wants to find me really bad.
Might turn ugly for me if that happens thought it might be anti hacking management like if I keep doing focuses that guy might actually find me and I will end up getting hospitalized.
That and all the other managment my head that doesn’t work the beeping the internal screaming voices ladidida that and other irl worries fall outs stuff.
The mice running around in my house the same old shit with my ex. It’s like the sim plays in on my weaknesses let’s distract him with the usual videogames discord laziness fearmongering.
I have to admit I’m one of those which you called out in one of your posts you commented about it you might think something along the lines of boring long winded.
I understand you have a medical research background so your used to present your findings thoroughly I also understand that there might be some management involved. I don’t expect you to write differently with emojis memes and lots of jokes. You are a researcher not a bloody comedian
What I find shit is there also have been moments I felt tempted to say well I have been doing Clive stuff for a very long time and I’m not seeing any tangible results. I mean my new place I live is oke but I still feel shit most of the days.
I mean if it’s a simulation preprogrammed and Its not making me feel better get what I want why bother with it.
They also play into my role of betraying people things like what if I sold out Clive could I then get what I want. Sabotaged Clive
That and I have been kinda busy with a new group of surprise surprise of course their all Catholic teens with problems I play mostly videogames with them and try to advice them how to deal with the teenage stuff of shitty parents not knowing what to do which college depression insomnia.
Majority is Asian
I also feel like I’m not really getting your writing eg I can’t understand it properly or that your writing is edited by something so that I can’t proper understand it and it’s made to fade out.
It’s kinda shit transitioning from teenage enfant terrible who did drugs went to party’s and had a bunch of girls to overweight poor neckbeard loser who doesn’t get out and plays videogames all day.
That and the whole lostness I’m 28 unemployed I have no gf no money no decent clothes shit health so much problems I don’t even know where too start. Just make a note of this and don’t put it up.
Or edit out the good bits that are useful
September 1, 2019 @ 12:45 pm
Well, to be honest Tommy this is the best comment you’ve written, you’re actually just explaining laying things out very coherently without ‘flying off the handle’ as it were!!!!
I ‘write’ to explain in very coherent logical ways various ‘angles’ of ‘what is what here’ BUT for the very few people that I occasionally talk to (via phone or a ‘chatting’ system) they’re at risk of dying from laughing (literally), because I’ve a very surreal/satirical piss-taking sense of humour and use it to take the piss out of our deranged circumstances/everything that’s going on here . . . I noticed that a lot of comedians that I really like have the same sort of surreal/satirical sense of humour (Eddie Izzard, Billy Connelly, Mark Thomas, Bill Bailey) . . . however, I eventually realised that when I talk/describe often very complicated things to others I’m often also being very humorous/piss taking BUT I’m then able to figure things out much better/faster . . . I also realised that a lot of comedians are actually very astute i.e. they often ‘state’ some very close to the bone things that most others wouldn’t actually realise never mind actually STATE . . . so, I realised that they and I all have the same ‘sense of humor’ subtle implant which for our subtle forms was originally to help us discuss extremely sophisticated things and particularly things that indirectly would be about ourselves possible/maybe BEING MANAGED/INVISIBLY MESSED WITH . . . so, basically management ‘shit’ has an extremely difficult time figuring out if when you’re discussing something while using/interjecting into the conversation a piss-taking sense of humour about what you are discussing, the management efforts monitoring yourself has great difficulty figuring out if your being serious or not . . . i.e. a particular type of sense of humour completely sabotages invisible management efforts during discussions with others and or when you’re thinking out loud/musing about possibilities IN YOUR OWN HEAD TO . . .
October 15, 2019 @ 8:07 pm
This past week has been brutal.
-dream themes (back in university in fear of not graduating)
-dream sensation as if something is trying to suppress me or enter my body while asleep and I cant fight it off or open my eyes
-so much anger especially directed at politicians, central bankers etc and related very much to losing money in the stock market (financial themes)
-my liver issues has to be a result of so much bottled up anger, resentment and similar emotions of all the shit piles I’ve experienced in this life (and perhaps past lives). The yin deficiency is as a result of the liver stagnated and heating up burning yin the root is the congestion – but why is it chronically congested is the question?
-my mental state is getting worse and worse into the depths of insanity/psychosis due to the various congestions
Last 1-2 weeks as been especially brutal for some reason but there has not been a single week where I can say things have gotten slightly better. Its been on a path towards worsening all this time.
October 29, 2019 @ 4:31 pm
UPDATE/Hi Shalin, yea and it’s been getting worse/absolutely desperate I’ve been getting ‘rare’ BUT very strategically timed blue screen computer events . . . coincidentally (for example) I was just finishing writing my first reply to this comment when I got a blue screen event . . . so this is the second attempt . . . the latest most recent shit version yesterday+ was emulating Dante’s 7th circle of hell which is specifically describing people as ‘being a tree’ (i.e. this implies that people are interfaced to a form that is then unable to move about hence then it would somewhat equate to being imprisoned) although this also fits with the Lord of the Rings stories/films which has the Ent’s? people/race as being trees too . . . today however, we seem to be dealing with a different ‘tree’ variation which seems very odd to me . . . except that I remembered finding some images of ‘mountain’s’ being presented as being substantially equivalent to a tree stump either saw cut or roughly felled. I suspect that current shit is using these ‘rock’ trees as the second ‘tree’ originating backdoor shit version!!!
Images of these tree stump mountains:
I have managed to write and put up a few more pages for the site ‘and’ I’ve some half done for here following on from the last one BUT given the current massive head wind it’s been very difficult doing very much at all . . .
2. An Example of a Past Life Trauma Release & Finding What are the Real Causes of a Stammer/Stutter
3. Anomalous Experience Investigations Reveal Real Causes of a Stammer & How I cured my Stutter & Speech Block
Oct – 4. How I Developed Extra Sensory Perception & Awareness of Invisible Spirit Presences & Spirits of Nature
October 30, 2019 @ 2:11 am
Clive, thank you for the update. I also have a quick one for you.
I recently went to see a homeopathy who uses a machine to test different subtle energy levels in the body (rubimed system:
Anyhow, through testing she discovered that my LIVER, LUNGS and ADRENALS are out of balance BUT the root cause of it is energetic blockages in the HEART/HEART-CHAKRA. She has me on homeopathic remedies to address the HEART related energetic blockages.
Her testing also revealed that once the HEART/HEART-CHAKRA blockages are dissolved the LIVER/LUNGS/ADRENALS imbalances will also resolve.
Then we went into WHY the HEART/HEART-CHAKRA is blocked – deep seeded depression and anxiety/worry, lack of joy, heartbreak, despair/sadness etc ALL of which I’ve had at extreme levels in this life BUT I reckon there MUST be a shit load of it from PAST LIVES – I was more susceptible in THIS LIFE because of PAST LIFE ACCUMULATIONS. HEARTBREAK is a MAJOR theme of mine as are SEVERE ANXIETIES related to various subject matters.
So all this time I’ve been blaming the LIVER but it seems its the HEART/HEART-CHAKRA.
Take it with a grain of salt but identification of the blockages being in the HEART/HEART-CHAKRA may be true.
Now it might be a battle between the homeopathic remedies and the SIM, with the remedies trying to dissolve certain frequencies in me while the SIM is trying to re-inject them in me – so net net the remedies may lose out until you/WSW teams get to the root of it but I will sill to try the remedies to see if I can get some relief….. UNLESS you think the HOMEOPATHIC remedies are another BACKDOOR???
November 1, 2019 @ 6:26 pm
Everyone/Shalin . . . Homeopathy = subtle ‘remedies’ (as are Bach flower remedies and and other ‘essences’ so they are all worth trying)!!!
Re the current weird Tree shit connections.
Trees are symbolic of the subtle to physical animal form population interfacing efforts.
So, the person I’m a copy of had ‘portable’ interfacing tech and and at times would spend time out of research interests and or for recreation interfaced to some physical animal and or ??? but only ‘TEMPORARILY’ (a few days a week or so longest time in the physical was about 6 months. . . ) hence then in that my subtle form was an interfacing expert my ‘awakening’ was then within a tree circle/wood area that then here (insanely I might add because it’s pretty much impossible to decode/explain) are symbolically representing these subtle form to a physical animal interfacing efforts USUALLY of a specific ‘culture or sub cultures ‘ population . . . .
My tree circle experience I describe here:
Just to put what I describe above into context, (because it sounds insane) which I suppose is the entire point!!!
So, a ‘tree’ or specific collections of trees are symbolically representing these interfacing efforts . . . which essentially means that in that every culture and or sub culture in this earth space will have designed interfacing for their original population they will each then have a special tree or trees that represent these subtle to physical interfacing efforts within our fake earth world/space here . . .
Coincidentally we have a lot of what are called Trees Of Life which are all then representing the interfacing symbolically!!!
For ‘Tree of life’ images click here
AND we also have a lot of what are called ‘Trees Of Knowledge’, likely meaning/relating to specific trees that are associated with the knowledge required to experience ‘physical’ life!!! Coincidentally the images/information focused on what is called the ‘tree of knowledge’ seem to me to be substantially equivalent to the tree of life ones!!!
For ‘Tree of Knowledge’ images click here
However, we also have a lot of ‘sacred groves’ which I’d expect are ‘representing’ the same or similar,
For Sacred Groves images click here
November 2, 2019 @ 6:19 pm
Your talk about sacred groves reminds me of the comment I put up a while ago about creating a space where people can go to heal and deal with their problems, and the ideal vision I have of this is in a dark and remote part of nature surrounded by large, tall trees and I wouldn’t have to do anything. I mostly just see myself lounging against a tall tree while others come and go. We don’t talk or acknowledge each other, we know that each one of us is there, but those who visit mostly come to rest and recharge themselves before leaving.
Also, your comment about the latest shit version and how, “this implies that people are interfaced to a form that is then unable to move about hence then it would somewhat equate to being imprisoned”, it reminds me of my own feelings of deep seated anger and frustration of feeling stuck. It seems to matter where I try to move to or what change I try to make in my life I wind up back where I started in the same situation even if it is with different people and in a different location.
November 4, 2019 @ 10:15 pm
Your explanation of trees acting as an interfacing mechanism makes sense to me! There was a pine tree nearby, with 3 large trunks which rose about 40 feet tall. I sensed it was an observation post. I could sense more than 1 entity there and at times, a few entities who were training? to be dispersed to other observation posts. Sadly, the pine tree was cut down some years ago. A nearby redwood tree “opened” me and now I have an affinity to redwood trees and trees in general.
November 7, 2019 @ 7:28 pm
I’ve also had a couple of crappy weeks, then a couple days ago, things got better; my mood and environment got better. So, I’m assuming something good happened and will continue to happen (fingers crossed). Ha! I’m having trouble submitting this comment times 4. Java script error. I’ll try again.
November 11, 2019 @ 7:28 pm
Reading this page made me think about how EAAS (Earth As A Simulation) works, and that made me feel like sharing my reflections with the soul-healer community, since it may be that, whether they are accurate or not, contribute to someone’s conceptual advances, which would make me happy. And it’s good because it could lead to someone adding more reflections or useful information!
So, starting from the beginning, EAAS is a project centered on the outside population, as it was conceived with the aim of reprogramming it in convenient ways*[1].
As such, it makes sense that (at least part of) WHAT ORIENT the sequence in which the original and old circumstances of the outer MV are represented (presumably recorded until the EAAS operationalization long ago) in order to build a coherent script of our circumstances in EAAS here, are in fact, and as suggested in the description of this article, the ‘reprogramming needs’ (from the standpoint of someone’s agendas) of the external population ‘IN REAL-TIME’.
As mentioned many times, since one of the agendas that orient what is represented in EAAS and how (and that obviously REFLECT someone’s agenda for exterior reality) is to DISAPPEAR AND DEPRECIATE EVERYTHING THAT IS RELATED TO THE SUBTLE, then in the specific case of Clive described on this page, given that a version of his own subtle body, originating from the external MV, was conducting in-depth investigations into the workings of their subtle bodies, and was therefore doing something within a not recommended or unauthorized spectrum, it makes a lot of sense that this has triggered the need to move the strings to reprogram it subliminally in terms of its RE-ORIENTATION TO THE REALITY OF LIFE IN PHYSICAL STRATA… hence the use of EAAS to the achievement of such an end…. and hence the way Clive’s life circumstances here were coordinated and choreographed in advance.
Now this has very interesting implications from the point of view of how EAAS works….. because all of this strongly suggests the existence of a whole process that begins with the prediction of what will happen in the long term in the external MV (logically from the external MV) >>> that proceeds with the introduction (infiltration?) in EAAS (from outside) of the prediction data of what is likely to happen in the future of the external MV >>> that is continued with the manufacture of scripts (from within EAAS) corresponding to the future circumstances to be represented within EAAS (presumably according to the ‘more equivalent’ circumstances contained in the script of the outer MV original/ancestral circumstances, and according to EAAS translation/conversion criteria), as well as the consequent anticipated choreography and coordination of these circumstances >>> and that culminates with the reprogramming in convenient ways of the external population in REAL TIME!
Thus, it could be expected that EAAS would be a VERY USEFUL tool to help maneuver its population (or just some elements, since as previously mentioned, only 0.2% is represented here*[2]!!!), as according to the needs, it would be possible to maneuver its elements ONE by ONE in one or the other direction, not only because there would be no lack of wounds to mess with through invisible means (that trauma/resonance triggers OR points of ACCUMULATED trauma which EAAS is pleased to provide [and by logic, probably of accumulated attractions too*[3]]), as there would still be the opportunity for fractions of their subtle bodies to be subjected to all sorts of reprogramming things in the background in REAL TIME (in the specific case of this page to be suggested/programmed toward the physical reality)!!!
[1] “(…) each of us has to REPROGRAM the ‘soul/subtle form’ of the person we are simulating (…)”
“(…) There are many physical con incarnated cultures vying for ‘supremacy’ and trying to gain control over others. The sim represents the efforts of one of these cultures to ‘re-program’ ‘EVERYONE’ at once (…)”
“(…) it doesn’t take much thinking to imagine that some group, culture, religion or ‘whatever’ would try and come up with a strategy to re-program / brainwash everyone to their own groups delusions. Coincidentally, this is what the simulation we are in is designed to do. (…)”
[2] ”(…) We are just simulating a sub population of the original population, about .2%. (…)”
“(…) we here only represent 0.2% of the original population or 1 in 500, so for every person here 500 are missing (…)”
[3] “(…) Basically you reading through living many lifetimes in here of stressful, traumatic shit will have accumulated literally 10,000’s of ‘resonance triggers / behaviour directors / controllers’. ‘This’ is what the simulation was/is designed to do!!! (…)”
“(…) (referindo-se aos objetivos do EAAS) is about TRAUMATIZING everyone ‘because’ traumatized people are easy to manipulate and manage by invisible means (…)”
November 13, 2019 @ 4:27 pm
Reply+Update . . . I’d say that’s a reasonable summary with some relevant/decent supporting links there Jessica . . . we’re (me/us+external lot) are still somewhat bogged down in the many and varied symbolic tree shit versions trying to understand/control all interacting combinations of these!!!!
November 14, 2019 @ 2:22 pm
Hi Jessica I got your last comment BUT I’ve just had all my wordpress sites update to the latest version which seems to have caused chaos but very specifically just for (I couldn’t log in/get access to the administration/backend (in other words I was locked out of my own site)) so, I’ve had to revert it back to the later/last wordpress version/site state of about an hour ago which in that you’d not then ‘yet’ posted/approved your comment it’s now disappeared in a timeslip BUT I did get the e-mail version of it . . . so, I use either the Yandex (however I notice that with ‘Y’ I cannot see the very top of the screen/page menu (the one that presents the ‘contact’ and ‘othersites’ links)) it’s magically invisible although the firefox browser seems to work fine BUT it’s very, very possible that in the current ‘blitz’ of ‘last stand’ shit, is making a big effort to sabotage anything/everything/cause as many problems/distractions as possible!!!!
November 14, 2019 @ 2:23 pm
Well last comment/comment above posted quickly with no java script messages either!!!!
November 14, 2019 @ 3:25 pm
‘AND’ in actually checking I had one ‘ad’ type blocker active in my Yandex browser for my site and switching this off I get the entire top menu appearing now:
Search . . . . . . . . . . Home – Services – E-Book – MyOtherSites – Contact – Links – Legal – Newsletter
<—–<—–Search . . . . . . . . . . Home ¦ Services ¦ E-Book ¦ MyOtherSites ¦ Contact ¦ Links ¦ Legal ¦ Newsletter I've also now updated to the latest wordpress which worked fine, and I've updated each plugin individually and so far (with only one left to update) it's all working correctly . . . as I have wordpress on an automatic update setting i.e. all site data/settings are all automatically saved then it's all updated automatically!!! So, I strongly suspect that as the auto update was 'initiating' I clicked to update all plugins . . . which would likely cause confusion and have one or more failing/getting stuck!!!!
November 14, 2019 @ 3:42 pm
Just in case you Clive didn’t take notice, but… although the last 4 comments appear on the Latest Comments page, they do not actually appear on the page they belong to…
(reality must not be liking the fruit, because like Jean and Megan every time I try to post this comment I get the Java script error…)
Update: when trying to use Chrome to post the comment, I found that comments already appear on the respective pages, however they still don’t show up with explorer…
November 14, 2019 @ 3:51 pm
Right, I’ve pretended I’m you to post your lost comment Jessica . . . ‘and’ on checking I’m getting the full comment listing on both Latest comments listings both in the sidebar widget: ? ‘Nav’ Comments ‘Scary’ which definitely seems to show all comments and on checking the: full page of latest Comments link all comments seem to be there now too PLUS to me they are all appearing on the bottom of the page they we’re commenting on too!!!!
Ahh one of the updates was to the ‘theme’ so it’s possible that there was some error relating to the theme ‘handling’ comments?!?!?!
November 15, 2019 @ 4:33 pm
I just know that today the same thing keeps happening to me with Explorer (all most recent comments still don’t appear, including those from November 14th), but with Chrome everything is fine, except that to see the most recent comments on the “Awareness of My Higher Self…”page, it was not enough to click on the links, I had to update the page (however this just happened for this page).
Another weird thing that is happening with both Explorer and Chrome, is that only the first paragraph of the comment from November 14, 2019 at 3:25 pm is appearing on the Latest Comments page, although with Chrome the full comment appears on the page to which it belongs (at least I think so…).
A stupid thing is that it was only thanks to your lastest comment that I realized that the sidebar widget:? ‘Nav’ Comments ‘Scary’ really existed… (which seems to be working well).
November 15, 2019 @ 4:57 pm
In which case, it seems possible/likely that your ‘explorer’ is set to automatically use a previous (already downloaded) cached version rather than displaying the latest page version Jessica!!!
It’s also possible that the weird characters of the line in the comment that it’s only displaying/rendering too are blocking it/preventing the lines after this from displaying . . . so I’ve copied pasted the original line BUT with an edited out of ‘weird’ characters version before the same two lines with nothing edited . . . i.e. if it’s failing because of the weird up right spaced character it might present the first version but then not those below!!!
Search . . . . . . . . . . Home – Services – E-Book – MyOtherSites – Contact – Links – Legal – Newsletter
<—–<—–Search . . . . . . . . . . Home ¦ Services ¦ E-Book ¦ MyOtherSites ¦ Contact ¦ Links ¦ Legal ¦ Newsletter Search . . . . . . . . . . Home – Services – E-Book – MyOtherSites – Contact – Links – Legal – Newsletter <—–<—–Search . . . . . . . . . . Home ¦ Services ¦ E-Book ¦ MyOtherSites ¦ Contact ¦ Links ¦ Legal ¦ Newsletter
November 15, 2019 @ 5:39 pm
RE “In which case, it seems possible/likely that your ‘explorer’ is set to automatically use a previous (already downloaded) cached version rather than displaying the latest page version Jessica!!!”
It’s possible…
RE “It’s also possible that the weird characters of the line in the comment that it’s only (…)”
yup, you’re right, it only appears this on the Latest Comments page:
‘AND’ in actually checking I had one ‘ad’ type blocker active in my Yandex browser for my site and switching this off I get the entire top menu appearing now: Search . . . . . . . . . . Home – Services – E-Book – MyOtherSites – Contact – Links – Legal – Newsletter
April 1, 2021 @ 11:14 am
I do feel overall I have the experience of myself as xin ying living the life of xin ying but I find that sometimes I get switched with different versions of me kind of like a split soul fragments / split consciousness since I do feel disoriented sometimes when examining the little things. It seems like some of the memories I have arent transferred correctly and I do not recognise some of the things I have done in my work. Most recently, I had an amnesia like feeling whereby I thought I might have been swapped into another reality and it was extremely apparent to me when I took a look at a project Im doing in school and realised I couldnt recognise the work I did. These experiences led me to believe maybe my main ‘body’ us being fed experiences accumulated from my split consciousness/ split soul fragments. It seems my main ‘body’ is randomly swapped to experience different experiences of my split forms. (P.S this is so hard to write about they keep trying to delete it from my mind). I also tend to see repeating numbers now like 404 which is kind of funny since its like a glitch in the system that Im here
April 21, 2021 @ 1:16 pm
Yea, I’ve been in another wave of ‘mouse and keyboard’ sabotages i.e. keys on the keyboard randomly don’t work or do something unexpected (it’s the same when clicking the mouse too (works sometimes, other times not)), so back to difficult/ultra time-consuming trying to write something/anything (although not as bad as the worst past times when I was in similar).
April 11, 2021 @ 7:17 am
To add on to the comment I made about hua tuo I am starting to think maybe he was a split/ duplicate of an important subtle being that may have led the subtle race in the early stages of our interfacing with the physical realm. In the biography I read about him apparently it was claimed that the first medicine he discovered was that of the cure of hunger. Apparently in a village that experienced extreme famine (could be a simulation of the early settlers) he discovered a plant known as yam which the villagers would be able to satiate their appetite. That along with the fact that he was the one that introduced 5 animal exercise forms which could have been a way for the early subtle people to adjust to the animal forms that they interfaced with made me think maybe he was a one of the early settlers in the physical realm that came back to teach our subtle society how to interface to the physical. The reason why he could have been trapped in this simulation too was because he might have pissed off one of the higher ups. in this reality during the end of his life, this was depicted as him trying to do surgery on an emperor’s brain during the three kingdoms conflict which could have been a translation something to do with the subtle technology.
P.S originally wanted to post this on the ‘two bodies interfaced together matrix proposal’ thread but that dont seem to work (java script error) so I am posting here instead. This along with my previous comment that I wanted to post on that page seemed to have disappeared when I tried commenting which is weird
April 28, 2021 @ 4:08 pm
Hi Han Xin Ying, have you ever considered the possibility of suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder?
One of its main characteristics is precisely ‘amnesia’ and the more or less vague sensation that there are several ‘selves’ associated with the person itself…
It’s estimated that it affects about 2% of the world population and that ‘good part’ of those affected are unaware about having this disorder…
The cause of the disorder, and the disorder itself, remains a mystery to psychiatry…. however… I very strongly suspect that the cause is ‘subtle or spiritual’ and that it has to do with the person itself having entities (or versions) which sometimes take over the physical body here, causing periods of amnesia for the physical body owner (i.e. for the original version that was born with it)…
(there are cases of evolution of this type of situation in which the owner, in being stripped of the own physical vehicle, remains in the background aware of what is happening during their absence, remaining with their memories ‘intact’ (their own memories of being in the background)
There are very interesting accounts on You*tube about this subject (which I recommend)
(the relatively known phenomenon (although very little) more similar to this is perhaps the ‘walk-in’s ‘phenomenon)
April 28, 2021 @ 4:57 pm
This could relate to people here being a copy of someone that was regularly using and or even swapping between 2 or more physical remote vehicles while spending time in say some very, very diverse physical environment/habitat and or while working to complete some physical environment exploration project.
So, maybe rather than some people here actually having multiple personality disorder they’ve maybe just got multiple ‘avatar’ i.e. animal body form experiences. Don’t different animal species have different temperaments, maybe even personalities, aren’t some ‘animal’ species generically passive, whilst others are more aggressive, some are more sociable, whilst others are loners etc. etc.
For example, I’m sure some people could and would have set up an interfacing system (under specific circumstances) that allowed themselves to switch between interfacing to a ground based animal species (dog/cat), a flying species (bird/dragonfly), a climbing (squirrel), a burrowing (badger, rabbit) and or a swimming/underwater (otter/shark) species. Doing this would be essential if we were investigating a ‘new’ physical environment and particularly if you were doing this to evaluate it’s potential and or dangers with respect to maybe interfacing a larger population, so they could have a physical environment experience. Some specific people would likely have done this regularly too!!!!
In this respect anyone here that was a copy of someone that was trying/testing out different ‘live’ animal avatars would very likely present themselves here as having a diverse and in some cases maybe very, very different ‘personality’ at times!!!!! Even to the point of having identifiable/switchable multiple personalities!!!
April 30, 2021 @ 7:57 pm
Hi jessica! Xin ying here! I am actually quite shocked you would bring this subject up about multiple personality disorder because I was just thinking about it and its implications in our reality as well! In terms of myself having this as an issue, I personally cannot confirm this as I do not have a proper diagnosis. However I would say I do remember most aspects of my life so far. In terms of the amnesia aspect, I should have elaborated about it more. Even though I did not recognise some of the work I have done, I do however have access to the memories of the Xin Ying’s that did the work which is really strange ( I usually get access to these memories a while later kind of like a lag). It doesn’t feel like its a different entity when I access these memories though as I feel a sense of familiarity with them like a ‘this is me’ type of feeling. I was playing around with a theory that I am being switched into different realities as some of the little things in my environment change, such as yesterday when I was in public I was walking along a familiar route and noticed a store that I at first did not realise was there. When I mentioned it to my friends they were bewildered by my surprise at the presence of the shop and mentioned to me that the shop had been there for quite some time and even recounted times that they had been to the shop. I think I will try to read up more on dissociative personality disorder and see if I can relate to some of the symptoms mentioned thanks!
The above, was posted by Clive on behalf of Xin as ‘shit’ is relentless now. My Firefox browser (portable version) has been made unusable by shit (EAAS sabotage efforts), in switching to Yandex, despite being better, it’s also being gradually more and more ‘degraded’. Also, I normally watch Netflix in the evenings BUT after 3/4 minutes I’m getting a ‘browser not responding’ message and then it also ‘locks’. My e-mail ‘Thunderbird’ (also the portable version) is also responding less and less and will likely become unusable shortly too.
Strangely, on repeatedly checking my home internet connection everything seems OK there.
April 28, 2021 @ 4:19 pm
Hi, it is to warn you that I tried to leave a comment in response to Han Xin Ying 2 times, something I should not have been able to do because no message appeared that my comment was waiting for moderation …
April 28, 2021 @ 4:35 pm
We seem to be having extra shit/problems/sabotages in this phase Jessica, I just found some comments in the ‘spam’ bin?!?!?!
April 30, 2021 @ 2:04 am
I have been so managed not to post for a long time. I am unable to read some areas of the site and if I click on links it says I need a password to log in. Some strange things are happening and I notice the following changes:
• Things are manifesting very quickly- for example – if I have scheduled too many appointments, and don’t really want to go to all of them – I start to get phone calls that they all have to reschedule for some reason.
• I am getting much more done in a very short amount of time, and time is moving very slowly
• Being stuck at home I find myself eating healthier and have developed a strong intolerance of many foods – for example corn products. I can no longer eat corn and get horrific nightmares if I do. I also can’t eat any chips, snacks, candy or sweets.
• I cringed they other day thinking about your post on the crab population when I saw this link
• I don’t listen to music, but recently heard some songs fro the 1970’s and became very sad to think about remembering that time
• I have had repeating dreams about being chased down and bad guys trying to capture me to torture me. Many times they sneak up behind me and inject me in the neck with something
April 30, 2021 @ 8:34 pm
Hi Annabelle, (as mentioned in the last comment reply Xin to Jessica) sabotaging ‘shit’ has ramped up massively the last few weeks (at least for me). However, I’d expect that different people will experience different impacts/effects and maybe of different levels of severity/nastiness too. Personally I’ve never had a phase this bad specifically in terms of general overall many different angles of ‘degradation’. Although, despite that everything/all aspects of my own circumstances are degrading, I’m strangely pretty relaxed about it all. Also, I’m still getting phases of ‘stress/tension/anxiety’ accompanied by some noticeable (although not a lot at all (compared to the past ‘releases’)) head stress focused /teeth chattering ‘releases’!!!!
Personally I’d not be surprised if this site get’s too bad/goes down/becomes inaccessible as it’s presenting the most worrying things (re fake reality evidence). Mmmm, if this site does become unusable/disappears. I’ll try and put some form of update on as that site will likely be ‘hit’ less than the others!!!!
May 2, 2021 @ 12:49 pm
I have post several times in here before, and I think only one time I was able to post. Basically ever since I moved to Hong Kong for a new job, I am experiencing all these suppressed emotion coming out, and somehow I was more calm about it compare to before.. it seems like what everyone is going through.
I have sent email for Absent healing update, not sure if that went through. Sad to hear that this site might eventually go down. Stay safe everyone..
May 2, 2021 @ 3:49 pm
Hi jessica,
Xin Ying here! I did some light reading on the issue and find that I do not personally relate to having multiple personality disorder. However, I do find that i may have suffered from depersonalisation disorder especially when I wake up. I always had very vivid dreams albeit censored and they were very vivid dreams to the point I can feel the emotions and objects I touch and even read the words. I find that if Clive’s theory is proven correct that I might be a split of him, the dreams I have are mostly related to simulations my original form went through such as those for self defence. Even a game I played called Rainbow seige could have been a substitute for the self defence simulation my original form went through. The reality is messing with me again. In Singapore, the coughing times is ramping up again with more cases and I fear we might be back in lock down. I hope the site is still up, in the meantime I will be saving the exercises up on this site for my own personal use just in case. Stay safe!
May 2, 2021 @ 5:00 pm
Hi, Xin Yin
I wanted to create a chat group in here to discuss our issues and experiences.. Everytime I tried to post it doesn’t go through. Now my keyboard is not working well, and I have to type on screen.
May 2, 2021 @ 5:25 pm
Mmm, do you have any idea of the scale of sabotages we’d have with a dynamic chat here Jack? Basically if I’d put up a chat this web site would likely have become unusable/would have disappeared years ago!!! Hence years ago I made the decision to NOT DO THIS. Coincidentally I’ve a private site where I ‘write’ articles that sometimes end up here ‘and’ within this site I’ve a few people whom 7/8 years ago where my old ‘clients’. Overall, probably about 30 people were originally given access, although only 6-8 are now regulars (maybe look in once a week or 2 or 3). Coincidentally the chat in there stops working during difficult phases (i.e. semi regularly we have ‘impossible’ problems with it). Coincidentally it failed/was blocked completely 2/3 weeks ago, although it’s ‘now’ working, although coincidentally most people whom used to be regulars (weeks ago) are ‘now’ being blocked/aren’t allowed to even make it to the site. Bottom line, a chat in ‘public’ would be killed off as I tried installing it OR it would be allowed because I’ get nothing done because of ‘mindless’ chat ‘chatter’.
Sabotages are also often ‘specific’ i.e. those I’d ‘LIKE’ to chat with (because (for example)) they might be able to help with the current site sabotages/problems or are most knowledgeable about the latest in progress article/articles are more often the ones that it doesn’t work for (or they are kept away)!!!!
I should also point out that I also don’t chat/chat, to me ‘chats’ (and hence then the likes of farcebook, twittie etc) I’ve never signed up for ‘because’ I’d find those wanting to chat would end up being the ones that are wasting my time generally chit chatting when the quality of articles you have here only happen because I don’t allow myself these distractions. Also, the chat in my private site, the people automatically only chat/give comments on any current article or the last 2 or 3, it would be a nightmare having anyone reading a lot of old articles (most of which didn’t make it here) whom then start asking me questions about these when I’m currently trying to think/write from a new or different angle!!! I.e. the opportunity for sabotages is proportional to the number of people that have access to these and it’s hard enough ‘as it is currently’ despite being ‘optimised’.
Also, I’ve hardly been able/been allowed to write ‘STILL’ in the last few weeks/months anyway.
May 2, 2021 @ 6:11 pm
Hi jack! I would like to discuss these experiences on a more regular basis too however if it is like clive predicts our computers would probably catch fire or something before we are able to send a message to each other. I do find that during these coughing times I have experienced many drastic changes where I basically did a speed run of lightworker practices and stumbled onto this site when I was contemplated whether what I am doing with my life is right, along with various repeats of past trauma I have accumulated over the last 20 years if my life in a matter of months. This covid times must be of significant importance if they plan on shutting down this website.
I am willing to try and see if I am able to correspond with you ie email
May 3, 2021 @ 12:16 am
Well, I’m just going on my personal experiences over the last few years Xin!!! All my sites a month or 2 back were sabotaged in that I lost the most useful dynamic sidebar widget where I could have three/four columns/lists selectable by from one single title line (i.e. it was very compact). On checking (to find a replacement) there were 4/5 similar sidebar widgets BUT none of these worked for my sites despite that they all obviously work on everyone else’s site!!!! I.e. shit ‘efforts/impacts’ has been getting worse on this site/my sites specifically!!!
May 2, 2021 @ 6:33 pm
Sorry, what I was trying to say is that I wanted to create a private chat group with other members on whats ap or tele gram . But I am not sure how that will work out. I managed to get a hold of Maya and Nina’s contact, but AFAIK they do not follow this site often these days.
May 2, 2021 @ 11:17 pm
Oke so Clive doesn’t find a chat interesting because sabotage and the majority will be just a headache for him to answer because we won’t understand it. Waste of time etc etc ect.
Some of us might chat somewhere but idk if that’s going to be very helpful. I mean I can whip up a discord server or someone else can do that and communicating would be possible unless they nuke discord which doesn’t happen. I don’t see how that’s going to help any of us figure something out unless the other hackers eg Matt Tom or Kai might be interested in dealing with the rest of us numbskulls.
Clive is stuck in a shitstorm his keyboard doesn’t work what if we all pitch in for a tablet? I mean I never ever had issues with my IPad idk if he needs something so expensive but eh I think that would get past the keyboard shenanigans then maybe he can write something? I’m just spitballing here I mean if they would sabotage the tablet?
I myself am dealing with the regular issues I always am dealing with I said fuck it and am mostly doing psychedelics again. Clive abhors it is pretty anti drugs and I can understand why. So far of all my lsd experiments the past 8 years I had 1 nice trip 3 shitty ones.
I’m getting used to it. It all starts the same lots of scary demons weird sex stuff some christian stuff Clive said the psychedelics are or some failed translation of the subtle or what I suspect is it’s some weird vr reprogramming effort.
So my new friend Sasha is one of those witchy types but he has some Jesus undertones which is really funny. Sucks that he is kinda how I was as a teen takes more then he brings. Ow well it also feels he causes me to indulge more in drink and drugs. Mostly beer and wine. Lots of things have been playing out. My envy insecurity me feeling like I’m being used my trust issues some fuckery with my sexuality it’s all been loads of fun.
Then because I run on the most weird places on the internet I found a young girl called Luna who’s kinda a reality warper sharing her body with some others. Where Sasha is kinda the selfish witchy semi Christian. Luna is full dark evil selfish I want what I want and I don’t care. She removed some things for me I felt a bit better afterwards but I went into preachy and ofc trying to see if I could get laid. She had something weird like almost a trance or enslave ability while just chatting with her. It’s weird.
Funny thing is though she kinda can do some things. I had 2 and half tabs of lsd. Sasha came with the beer. We started with 1/4th. He went fast to his ex but Sasha showed some classic teen tommy behavior he got angry and hit something outside but he couldn’t explain it. Wasn’t really a lot of wine left so I said fuck it.
I’m pretty sure I tossed in the 1 and a half tab of lsd when he was doing his little errand. When he came back he told me about the hand what happened afterwards was a nice little recap of some problems I had with other people. We got out of it he got a little freaked out I freaked out after a while we went to sleep. Some stuff from him jumped over while sleeping I was shaking two three times like a deer that just escaped a tiger it was pretty weird even for my standards. He fucked off at like 12 in the afternoon I was trashed until like 22 in the evening.
Here comes the funny part. I told you I ate 1,5 tab so that with the quart should have been almost two. What do I find in my fridge the next day. Fucking the 1,5 tab? Did Luna warp something? Was I that drunk I didn’t see I just ate one? This all doesn’t make any sense ow well. I was thinking of getting more lsd after a month and just do the focusses on it see what happens it’s going to be horrid but can’t be much worse then the last two trips.
I really stopped giving a damn tried to avoid drugs like the plague I was drinking a lot but ever since that Ukrainian and Sasha popped up I started doing substances again. Not like when I was a teen in crazy amounts and every weekend but it sneaked in again. I’m trying to eat healthy work out a bit and Sasha is helping me with my wardrobe but it’s like I’m so super lazy.
Idk I mentioned this a bunch of other times the beeping in my head and the idk what to do with myself my life since I was little boy. Then I fuck around with bad things but I know it’s not what I’m supposed to do. I hate being overweight but I hate going outside it’s some weird cycle I can’t break out. My stupid ex who just doesn’t leave me alone it’s all the same.
It’s funny Sasha said try getting a job at a bookstore. I feel like I have to rehabilitate myself first as in build some condition and stop being a weird cringy envious retard while interacting with humans. Sasha was crying ow tommy stop with the lsd only your crazy ass is doing that during a pandemic. Sasha is off the white light and clearing spaces gang. Joke is the altar he uses instead of properly cleaning he just painted it over and it reminded me of Clive’s talk about how energetic problems get fixed well just toss over a new layer don’t mind checking where it comes from or properly cleaning it.
Hmmmmmm I have been using all the focusses but I still feel I’m doing it wrong or it doesn’t matter. Ow well hope Clive didn’t have too much problems or sabotage coming from me. I had a weird dream where he put up a comment alright rest of the lot. We done with Tommy he can’t use focusses anymore we won’t help him anymore.
Was interesting which I can completely understand tbh I am a natural disaster who’s completely kamikaze. I want to be normal but idk what normal is. I want to be good but my natural inclination is something bad and I am kinda untrustworthy morally completely fucked. I want to change but idk how. Too good to be evil too evil to be good it sucks. This isn’t how I imagined starting my 30ies but here I am.
May 3, 2021 @ 12:05 am
Eeeerrhhh, I’ve three keyboards, and 3 mice, when ‘shit’ sabotages it doesn’t matter which I try and use as they are all ‘dynamically’ messed with and sabotaged. So sending me another one (of anything) wouldn’t make any difference.
I’ve also a Dell SFF Optiplex & an HP SFF too and a very decent Dell Inspiron laptop (built in keyboard which was also sabotaged during the kb sabotage phase). The sabotages and piss takes are strategic and dynamic . . . i.e. the goal posts are moved as and when ‘shit’ wants and if you find a work around these don’t last long!!!!
Basically the networks are intelligent, so they quickly adapt to counteracting strategies!!!!
Another example, the entire shared house that I’ve a room within (10 units in the house) the hot water has been off for about 2 weeks now as the wind coming down the old chimney is apparently always blowing out the boiler light?!?!?! Strangely it only started to do this 2 weeks ago, which doesn’t make any sense at all because the wind ‘now’ at least compared to the weeks previous to this (sometimes it was almost hurricane force (I even had a water leak through the ceiling into my room it was so bad)) whilst now the central heating pilot light is apparently regularly blowing out in a light breeze or maybe even when there is no wind at all?!?!?
I.e. it’s all a strategic/dynamic made up piss take?!?!?
‘Interesting’ very definitely isn’t the right word, basically a chat is a shit ‘magnet’, it’s like equivalent to waving a red flag at a bull!!!
May 3, 2021 @ 1:11 am
getting the Java error now..
May 3, 2021 @ 1:00 pm
I just posted a ‘test’ comment on the same page and I didn’t have any errors. Like I said, the problem is ‘unlikely’ to be the site itself, the problem is that we are living in a software defined reality (the ‘EAAS’, the ‘Earth As A Simulation’) and it doesn’t like this site describing details of itself (in public), although it’s also very possible it won’t like either certain people commenting here and or comments with specific content either!!!!
May 3, 2021 @ 1:15 am
Hi Xin Ying I just added you on Link in. pls check. I couldn’t send you a DM.
I like Tommy’s idea of the discord group, how can we connect? I feel like trash most of my life, and really wanted to change as well, I know how you feel.
May 3, 2021 @ 1:06 pm
Like I said, I personally haven’t signed up/joined any social/media groups BUT if there is a way to create a group ‘elsewhere’ (i.e. is separate from this site) so that people here that want to chat about this site could use then I wouldn’t mind someone else setting that up and then giving me details so I can post them here for anyone here to access this.
May 3, 2021 @ 4:41 am
Hi Xin Ying, sent you a message on Link in. Please check.. seems like I am having issues now posting here.. Java script error.
Also, Tommy how can we connect with you?
May 3, 2021 @ 1:16 pm
Hi clive! I understand why youre so against a more dynamic groupchat. If this kinds of bad inconvenience things keep happening to you to distract you and even harass you just because you run this site and try to facilitate a more semi-direct conversation in the comment section, worse shit might happen if we tried more direct discussion. Even when jack mentioned about contacting with nina and maya, they seem to be directed away from engaging with this site as well.
Probably communication such as that on instagram might be allowed as there is minimal dialog between people which is why memes are so prevalent.
If the sim is trying to prevent us from contacting with others I am going to try and do the exercises that clive mentions in reality walker and the self help handbook to try to gain more info and abilities myself as I hardly have an iota of the abilities Clive has managed to gain.
In terms of my discord ID it is miaocat#9150 but I have no idea if communication would work.
May 3, 2021 @ 5:02 pm
Hi Xin Yin, just added you on discord..I couldn’t send you a message
May 3, 2021 @ 2:22 pm
Hi jack! Here is my linkin profile I saw your message but am not sure if you were able to see my reply to you.
May 3, 2021 @ 10:50 pm
Jack I’m on discord I added xin. But eh yeah Crazy Coyote The Third #2676 is me on discord. I also run around on Quora as Thomas Haage. I think a little wsw reality hacking discord server would be nice. It’s easy. Clive do a focus for that Ukrainian that was staying with me. When he fucked around with the clock in my room you had clock issues. When he fucked around with the keyboards you tell me keyboard issues. Might be coincidence but his name was andrii maybe have a little gander. Jack just whip up a discord and me or xin will grab it. Curious if the rest is going to join. Lots of old people who used to comment are kinda gone or prolly can’t comment. Hope their doing better then me and suggestions tips tricks of the rest would be nice. Ow and everyone is welcome to join just add me or xin in discord and I or her might just make a quick server.
May 4, 2021 @ 3:36 am
Hi clive! We managed to create a server although with some difficulty. Minor issues thus far probably because the three of us dont really pose a threat to the system. If any other person would like to join please post your discord ID here! I think its best to not make it a public chat since who knows what might happen if we let the flood gates open.
May 5, 2021 @ 6:11 am
To Jack: The reply button on your comment regarding my supposed absence is not working, so I am forced to post a separate comment here.
Actually, I read every single one of Clive’s post and every single comment when they come out at least once. Sadly, I have a terrible history of commenting issues in the past. I don’t think this issue is totally gone yet given my adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) diagnosis. I am prone to writing distracting comments for the sake of writing / contributing without thinking whether what I write makes sense. It’s as if some manipulating shit is jumbling my mind and using my strengths, issues / trauma against me (ex. people pleasing behavior, seeking others’ approval / validation) so whatever important information I meant to share gets lost. I end up writing irrelevant shit instead, which then gets deleted (for good reasons). I’ve to put up with my disorder on top of the usual simulation software sabotages affecting all of us here.
I am put off from engaging further with info on this site ever since I oriented myself to finding out the root cause of ADHD. I’ve difficulty figuring out what subtle-to-physical interfacing or my subtle form has, much less figure out what exactly had been done to my original form’s Central Nervous System (CNS) originally. It’s distraction after distraction, with hobbies and shit interaction from others taking up a lot of time. I have just contacted Maya recently. I doubt she’ll go back here anytime soon.
Should anyone wish to contact me on Discord, my handle is Nina#9562. I’ve just sent a Discord friend request to Xin Ying. I hope she receives it. (Xin, if you receive my friend request, please link me to the other regulars here. Thanks!) I’m unable to add Tommy though. Copied and pasted his Discord handle and the friend request just gets rejected.
Clive, you have my permission to give my email address to Tommy, Xin, Jack, or any regular here.
May 5, 2021 @ 1:54 pm
Hi Nina, it’s very possible that ADHD could be caused by the subtle to physical interfacing being blocked or sabotaged i.e. the physical form is nothing more than a remote ‘puppet’ hence then your ‘thinking’ and decision making abilities relate to and are then entirely dependent on your subtle form.
In other words, your physical form is dependent with respect to it’s ‘thinking’ on the integrity of the subtle to physical form interfacing. If this is being interfered with such that the ‘thoughts and or decisions’ of your subtle are blocked i.e. prevented from reaching/impacting your physical form then it’s very possible you’d be or feel ‘mentally’ blank i.e. because you’ve made to be disengaged from the subtle forms thinking process/thoughts and decisions.
On this page here, I describe ‘seemingly’ being peered at/disturbed by what seemed to be ghostly forms.
However, subtle administrator forms will very likely regularly ‘shift’ their awareness/consciousness i.e. awareness/thinking focal point between the subtle reality and also any avatar they are interfaced to. Sometime they are even likely to temporarily disengage from the remote physical vehicle because something way more important requires their full attention within the subtle.
Such that while they are then ‘completely’ subtle reality ‘engaged/orientated’ their physical avatar form is then very likely to present itself as ‘blank’ i.e. ‘driverless’ specifically because the consciousness/intelligence has been temporarily disengaged/withdrawn from the physical avatar form!?!?!
May 5, 2021 @ 4:31 pm
Hi nina! Xin ying here! Managed to get your invite! i sent the friend invite to the discord server in your dms, hope youre able to slide into it like a piece of semi melted butter without issue!