This focus/exercise is ‘designed’ to scare the living daylights out of ‘any ‘artificial, fake realities’ managing/sabotaging’ shit.
- An artificial, designed reality would have no problems at all initiating and sustaining efforts to sabotage any and all residents of its ‘fake’ reality from being able to properly read, take it and or fully understand, appreciate AND be FULLY impacted by the worrying implications of what I’m trying to convey on this site here.
- In other words, a fake reality will detect, react to and make efforts to suppress ‘REALISTIC’ information about ‘ITSELF’!!!
- So, have you experienced ANY noticeable distractions, diversions, interruptions and or poor attention for example while reading any of the ‘Matrix/simulated reality’ i.e. pages about ‘FAKE’ reality possibilities on this site?
- Coincidentally, if you ‘do’ actually experience ‘absolutely’ ANY effects AT ALL while reading this page or any other page on this site that are ‘NOT’ ‘REPRESENTATIVE/CONSISTENT’ of what you yourself ‘PERSONALLY/NORMALLY’ experience of ANYTHING YOU READ ANYWHERE ELSE then these happening here ‘should’ be taken as being EXCEEDINGLY ‘SUSPICIOUS’.
- While reading any pages on this site, have you had more than usual put off ‘effects’? Have you had any interruptions or distractions, have been increasingly feeling tired or hungry or the opposite / feeling overloaded or overwhelmed or have you had any problems taking it in, thinking about, evaluating and or following, retaining and or recalling any individual points and or overall and accumulated reasoning ‘logic’ of what on most pages here you have presented in an ‘easy an follow, well structured format’ as part of pointing out exceptionally obvious, as well as ‘anomalous’ repeating patterns that that are VISIBLY OBSERVABLE IN OUR REALITY? Or perhaps you are actually being made to ‘imagine’ there are flaws in the simplistic and obvious things that I’ve written on this site, perhaps things that your head has been becoming increasingly befuddled or confused about or perhaps you’re been made to think this is all REALLY COMPLICATED (when it’s absolutely not) or even worse you’ve been made to become outraged, perhaps even over some ‘stupid’ grammar or spelling ‘thing’ or maybe you are experiencing ‘something/ANYTHING ELSE AT ALL’ . . .
So, anytime you experience consistent / noticeable: put off’s, interruptions, distractions, thinking problems, attention fade etc. etc. then this is the focus to do . . .
- Version
1.00 / 2.00 / 2.50 / 3.00/ 3.10
0 . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely everything that is contributing in the slightest to have me not remember, not find, forget about, not be able to take in and or be able to work ‘effectively, efficiently, with FULL ATTENTION’ with ANY EXERCISE/FOCUS and or absolutely ANY PAGE/INFORMATION ABOUT OUR UNREAL, FAKE, ARTIFICIAL, MANIPULATING REALITY and I particularly connect to ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING contributing to making it in the slightest difficult for me to spend time reading, accurately and with full, undivided attention TAKE IN, and or then completely UNDERSTAND and PARTICULARLY in terms of the original context / meaning that the writer was trying to convey ABSOLUTELY anything I have been reading and or trying to take in or understand in the last hour, day or week, and PARTICULARLY ANYTHING contributing in the slightest to me understanding absolutely anything ‘INCORRECTLY’ and or in ‘OUT OF CONTEXT’ ways and I PARTICULARLY connect to absolutely ANYTHING that was in the slightest directly or indirectly highlighting, internally prompting and or conceptually, subliminally, sub consciously and or via dreams reminding or supplying me with absolutely any impressions, ideas, meanings, points, conceptual understandings, connections and or associations and or which were deliberately misleading and or that DO NOT represent or support what ANY writer of ANYTHING I read was ACTUALLY ‘REALLY’ trying to convey and or have the reader understand . . . I FULLY and absolutely connect to absolutely anything that has ever, is NOW or ever ‘COULD’ contribute in the slightest to have me misunderstand, fade away, diminish and or LIMIT my understandings of absolutely any specific artificial and or ‘we are being managed’ reasoning and or the logical progression of and or interconnections between absolutely ANY; ideas, meanings, points, impressions, facts, data, conceptual understandings, connections and or associations that DID or DO represent and or support what the writer of absolutely ANYTHING I read in the last week was ACTUALLY ‘REALLY’ trying to convey and or have me understand and or I connect to absolutely ANYTHING that has ever, is now or that ever COULD directly or indirectly contribute in the slightest to make more prominent and or highlight or making me aware of and or support me to remember absolutely any ‘impressions, ideas, meanings, points, facts, conceptual understandings, connections and or associations’ and or combinations of these and or ANYTHING ELSE that was DELIBERATELY part of absolutely any strategy to misdirect, misinform, confuse and or muddle myself and or have me DISMISS absolutely ANYTHING that any writer or ANYTHING I EVER READ was actually ‘REALLY’ trying to convey and or have me understand and or appreciate . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely ANYTHING and everything that has ever, is now or that EVER COULD influence me and PARTICULARLY to give me absolutely any misleading, wrong and or incorrect; impressions, ideas, meanings, points, connections, associations and or understandings and PARTICULARLY absolutely ANY that are in the slightest SUPPORTIVE of the absolutely any ‘immediate’, short, medium or long term aims and objectives of the simulation software and or absolutely ANYTHING else and PARTICULARLY of ANYTHING that is now or that has ever attempted to influence myself as I read and or attempt to comprehend and or understand anything in the last week, last year, last 3 lifetimes . . . and PARTICULARLY in ways that would be DETRIMENTAL to myself, anyone else and or because of ANYTHING I have been doing and or MAY do in the future . . .
1 . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely everything that is contributing in the slightest to block and or sabotage myself from automatically becoming aware of, encountering and or without any interruptions, resistance, distractions, sabotages or put off’s and PARTICULARLY from EASILY finding a page or focus, easily reading, EASILY taking in (the full ‘meanings, understandings and explanations’ that the author was actually trying to convey) and or RETAINING absolutely any information that absolutely ANYTHING contributing in the slightest to defining or influencing ANYTHING of either reality or MYSELF won’t be keen on me encountering, FULLY reading, FULLY understanding, FULLY retaining and or of OPENLY discussing with EVERYONE I KNOW and or of myself OPENLY TARGETING AS PART OF ME DOING A FOCUS TO HACK absolutely anything . . .
2 . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely anything that ever directly or indirectly contributed in the slightest to analyse, assess, make decisions, define and or then design, make, distribute, deliver and or then protect from discovery many individually independent managing approaches that are each designed to contribute to achieving the same managing objectives and our outcome goals by using varied, different and or diverse approaches in relation to the overall management of the same individual . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely all versions of these AND even those that are currently dormant, inactive and or creatively hidden and or unavailable including ANY OF THESE that have ever impacted myself or ANYONE else in the past and or that may do so in the future . . . I connect to absolutely ALL variations of these NOW AND to absolutely anything that would contribute to replace any that disappeared . . .
3 . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely every single component and or combination of components that have been or could contribute in the slightest to protecting, keeping secure, directing, obscuring, backing up and or monitoring, checking, analyzing and or defining absolutely any managing, protection and or backup strategies and absolutely any creative, hidden and or magically obscured deployment approaches of absolutely anything that has been or that MAY IN THE FUTURE contribute to directly or indirectly manage me and or with respect to ANY type of information, ANY hacking focus and or any web or book page ANYWHERE, AT ANY TIME . . . I connect to absolutely all components that contribute in the slightest to define and or implement and or orchestrate, direct, protect and or keep secure and or backup and or define alternate versions of the same of anything of any of this and I particularly connect to absolutely any components that are part of any chain, layer or nested combination of components that have in the slightest reacted to what I am doing now and or absolutely anything I may do or will possibly do in the future . . .
PLEASE NOTE: The pink ‘Accordion’ below is on the bottom of every exercise / focus page AND if you click it ‘NOW’ then you will see that the top item is directly linked to this page. So, if you want to ‘best’ focus to target ‘sabotaging’ efforts/effects while doing any other focus/exercise on this site then just click on the ‘PINK’ message and then the top item to reach this page . . . of course the clicking on the same also gives you a list of and direct access to every exercise / focus on this site too. See how long it takes before this is all faded from your memory such that you find yourself unable to ‘easily’ find an exercise you wanted to use!!!!
Click the link below for the next page in this series . .
Invisible Subtle Body Skillwire Implants/Systems Facilitated Experience Examples Introduction
March 12, 2017 @ 2:16 pm
NEW: Exercise to Target your ‘Artificial/Fake Realities’ Managing/Sabotaging EFFORTS
March 13, 2017 @ 3:41 pm
I have been going through a huge amount of physical pain in my body. I had these throughout my pregnancy and I basically never slept more than 30 mins at a time. The pain is excruciating and shocking, it comes in quick and then it’s gone, over and over and I never know when the next one is coming. Eventually I basically suffered from similar PTSD symptoms following the extremly painful birth of my daughter (I was not given any pain medication and my daughter presented back to back). Very recently I contracted a revolting flu virus and I had the most severe pain. I decided to ride it out, to tune in, and I often felt I was hallucinating, but I was conscious of what I was feeling. I felt as if I was tortured repeatedly as some form of experimentation. How long would I go before begging for release or praying to god?….I heard myself begging for the pain to stop, praying to god, catching myself “thinking WTF I didn’t want to do that! That “prayer” feels “put in””. I seemed to be able to take a huge amount of pain, for significant periods of time, I also feel very easily able to “forgive” for this pain I’m repeatedly exposed to. Every few hours, I’m given some sort of “sedative” that stops me from fighting back or resisting, but doesn’t completely take the pain away. After nearly 12 hours of focusing on the pain I reach over for pain killers (pain is so bad I know the standard stuff is not going to touch it) and I welcome the 60mg of codeine which provides significant relief but I know it also numbs me to what I’m feeling emotionally. It makes me feel malleable and sedated. I go through this for 2-3 days (can’t remember, I really wasn’t able to do anything else) and I get this sense that I was made to forget this pain.
3 or so weeks later, I watch Bourne Legacy, and in the scene where Tony Gilroy is beaten up, bandage on his head, vulnerable, asking if “this is a test” and “can I just stay here?” I start crying, sobbing silently feeling the pain, the despair, vulnerability, confusion etc…..and it reminds me of “my” (?) torture experience. I decide to tune into the feeling, and as I do I start crying. I can’t get any more info though, thoughts of you “don’t need to know, you’re not allowed to know…..” and suddenly my thoughts are pulled into thinking about my friends birthday. The crying stops, like a switch, and I thought “how weird, crying doesn’t just “switch on and then off””. I could not get back into the trauma. Even now I’m forgetting what the point of me typing is…I have to scroll back to re read parts of this focus, which were clear at the time, but I can’t remember so well now. Ah yes, the point was I felt my thinking physically change/move away from doing deep work. I made notes after doing this particular focus: I felt physically pulled (thoughts seem to “move” to the right) to thinking about glycolic face peels. I have to physically pull myself back to the focus. Then as I do an extreme sense of anxiety (even though I’m not anxious) and thoughts “this is wrong/you’re wasting time”. I ignore it and carry on with the focus, my back becomes painful, I start getting hungry and then become worried about a play date my daughter has, even though I’m not actually worried.
Thanks so much for the updated exercises and your work. Hopefully this is not a distracting comment. I’m finding the “thoughts and feelings” management very intense, often frustrating, but I’m hopefully able to differentiate more and more between my own and managed ones better than when I started working with your focuses. Thanks again, for everything.
March 22, 2017 @ 7:03 pm
Artificial/fake realities exercise: string urge to vomit at reading word FAKE. Throat constricted . Feeling FURY and seeing AI light cables connected to head and shoulder area. Dozens of the. Buzzing in upper body.
Mid way through had to fight to stay focused on reading. Idea came to me that detoxing heavy metals, which I am doing now, is attracitng and facilitating AI manipulations. Saw neural lace or filigree AI neural wires in head and throughout neck and shoulders.
I just re read what I write and feelings if hopelessness arise.
May 11, 2017 @ 3:10 pm
Hi clive. These articles are completely blowing my reality view apart… what I’ve been dealing with the past 5 years since I turned 17 is extreme harassment and beratement from my ex spirit guides. I left their group, since then they’ve been destroying me Emotionally and spiritually. I look forward to getting out of this place so I can get back there and kick their false light asses back to wherever they came from…
November 6, 2017 @ 6:10 pm
This may seem like an idiot’s question, but is the idea with respect to these exercises to read the words aloud, while applying focus and will/intent, and then pause at the very end of the reading to reflect and attempt to take notice of any thought, image or other means of connection to the things being targeted in the exercise?
I would think the answer has to be “yes”, as it is impossible (for me anyway, along with most of the rest of the population, I believe) to hone in on visions and/or insights/connections that might be trying to come through as a result of doing this exercise, when one is fully applying oneself to the task at hand of 1) The actual reading aloud and in-the-moment comprehension of the words being read and 2) Bringing to bear/throwing the full force (or as much of the full force as possible) of one’s will and intent towards those words.
The other thought that came to mind in relation to these exercises was that the simulation “machine” (I’m using this term here as one would use the term “political machine” – that is not any reference to an actual “machine”) being highly intelligent via means unknown to me presently, would have a huge advantage – being the “creator” of this reality if that is in fact the case- over anyone trying to “hack” in to see what its up to and how it operates. For example, the sim could have written a code well in advance along the lines of: “Ensure absolute and total prevention of any creature – human or otherwise – from probing the sim to learn how it operates, who is/are the operator(s) or virtually any other information about or related to the sim under any circumstance at any time.” ?? To me, it really seems very plausible…I mean, it’s what I’D do, if I were trying to keep “prying eyes” out….
unless it’s the FORCE OF WILL behind the “code”/words or whatever being applied that counts when trying to achieve an outcome (the outcome in this case being hacking into the sim), and not (or not JUST) the code/words themselves – in which case the force of will of a human – if stronger than the “force of will” of the sim and/or its operators, whomever/whatever they may be – would “win” out, and the human trying to “connect” or “hack in” as it were, would not be prevented from doing so.
Am I being too simplistic here? If so, feedback as to exactly WHY what I am positing is in fact too simplistic would be helpful for me in terms of increasing my understanding.
Another thought: All commenters here seem to have made a “connection” of some sort to what these exercises are targeting. My question is: How can you all be sure that what you are connecting to is not only meaningfully related to what the exercises are trying to target but are actually REAL/TRUE, as opposed to idle daydreaming or wild imaginings, or other misdirection of some sort?
Thoughts or insights on this from others who have done the exercise would be most helpful, as I seem to be getting nowhere despite the strong mental intensity/focus I am applying to the actual words in the exercise. It’s like screaming out loud to see if anyone’s there and getting “crickets chirping”. (That’s an American expression, for any confused foreigners. :-)). But truly, I am getting absolutely nothing at all. I can’t be the only one, yet reading the comments here and the experiences contained therein, it seems that I am.
December 21, 2017 @ 12:24 pm
INSTRUCTIONS (taken from another exercise page): As you read the ‘statements of intent’ then you state ‘with intention’ what you read internally with a directed will of ‘I WANT THIS / This is what I WANT!!!’ while simultaneously keeping your inner awareness / senses alert and ‘still’ to give yourself the best chance of becoming aware of anything that the focus reveals / gives you direct access too. This ‘does’ take practice, I ‘started’ to spend time trying to become aware of my internal states and inner perceptions three and a half decades ago.
What each person ‘gets’ with any exercise on this site is very individual // relative to their experience ‘here’ as well as the experiences of the person they are simulating (that you are a copy of)!!!
December 10, 2017 @ 9:42 am
Hello everybody, Where and how can I get the password to enter the RESOLVING ISSUE PAGE, posted Nov., 3rd 2017?
Thank you for your attention!
December 10, 2017 @ 6:25 pm
You cannot!! . . . the whole point of a password protected page is to only allow certain people to read it // ERGO is you haven’t got the password then you don’t have access to it!! It’s quite simple . .
To understand this, then read of this page ‘here‘ and then specifically the part that starts with: VERY IMPORTANT: because ‘some’ people may construe that what I’m offering there is ‘odd’ and or even impossible or delusional AND because I’m VERY BUSY and don’t want ANY HASSLE then I’ve made every effort to make it all clear (of exactly what I’m offering). AND to ensure that this is the case at the bottom of that page you have to ‘tick’ to let me know that you understand what this involves i.e. I DON’T ‘WORK’ WITH PEOPLE // I DON’T RESPOND TO ‘HEALING’ REQUESTS/TO ANYONE WANTING ANY SPECIFIC ISSUE ‘EXAMINED’ EVER!!!
So, when people tick that form and I get an e-mail telling me they are ‘fully’ aware of what I’m offering then AND I also give them access to that password password protected page which gives some experiences of what in the past WAS RESOLVED with respect to particular clients. This page is ‘protected’ as A) some of what is written on that page (by others not me) is very personal and B) as you’ve these deranged ‘skeptic’ types going round causing problems because they have weird ideas about what is possible and what is not then ‘to me’ that page ‘might’ be used to ‘harass’ me or these others.
Now recently in ‘someone’ filling out the form and me sending them details of that page, then unfortunately because they have a ‘tablet’ then the OLD password was pretty much impossible for them to figure out the characters/numbers for them to gain access to it (because they couldn’t just copy and paste it!!!) so I edited it and changed to something simpler AND unfortunately as it’s now at the top of my ‘recently’ edited list I’m now getting pestered/hassled by people whom HAVEN’T BEEN GIVEN ACCESS TO THAT PAGE IN THE FIRST PLACE or have in the past but the old password now won’t work BUT ‘THEREFORE’ they will have already read it / and as NOTHING ON THAT PAGE HAS CHANGED except the password there is no point in them reading it again!!!
December 14, 2018 @ 2:52 am
I am usually a closed off private person that talks to almost no one and when i mentaly read the exercise i didnt feel any difference,
but when i started reading the excersize my throat and head started to increasingly hurt followed by nausea and shaking.
I did finish reading the exercise, looking forward for the next ones…
February 1, 2019 @ 1:20 pm
Controlling Forces
A Dream Journal Entry
This dream seriously opened my eyes to the control in the spirit world, I have been doing Clive Hetherington’s Statement Exercises and he mentions that, ‘there are spirits designed to mess with us, to debilitate us anyway they can’. Everything and anything is open to them, to do this. I had this same notion already but this dream has 100% confirmed that notion. Spirits were already messing with me, I have been woken up on purpose, every single time I become lucid, spirits wakes me up intentionally, I keep seeing different people, they tend to be male (some famous actors, although this could be a disguise). But to make things worse, there are negative entities involved with them whom I have issues with in the physical. Is this the spiritual hierarchy? I already thought that these entities were involved with the hierarchy! Are they working together?
To begin with I have mentioned a few times, I have serious sexual issues from my childhood sexual abuse, I gave up watching porn because demons were attaching to me through it, and the guilt and shame I felt was ridiculous. So the dream begins with porn, this is the method they used to get to me:
I was looking at an electronic tablet and searching through items to buy, porn images kept popping up on the screen, I had no idea how (was some unseen force with me doing this) I should of put the tablet down but I did not. I kept looking and the images kept popping up, I didn’t have to do anything, my sensitivity made me cum (just looking).
I woke up after that, usually depressed, guilty or ashamed of myself that I allowed it to happen, but this time was different. I did not allow any feeling to be connected to the dream; I did not feel any lust surface; just my own sensitivity and sexual energy rise. This would usually create a pattern of feelings and thoughts that would bring my energy lower causing me loads of problems and spiritual attacks from the NEGS, causing me to unground more, allowing them entry inside me. This did not happen and no demon was residing inside me.
The next dream was directly from the last, even though you would not guess this at first, I was at the children’s home I think!
I was sat at a PC in a bedroom (mine I think) and I was looking at some images and noticed a white wolf (my power animal) and a figure in the background wearing a coat and hat, he was green colour (my spirit, me) I did not connect the dots straight away until I woke up, the next images they both were getting closer and closer, I felt the sensation of eyes upon me and this made me feel creepy, it was like the wolf and green figure on the pictures were aware of me and looking at me. Then the images went blank and I could only see black pictures, I tried printing them of but nothing. I managed to print a file with writing on, but every time I tried reading it, my awareness kept shutting on and off, like my memory was being impaired and every time I picked the file up it would shrink in front of my eyes.
Two male spirits came in the room then, questioned me about printing the file off and reading it. There was a lot of confusion around it, I was confused to what was going on with the file (at was causing the file to shrink and the pics to go blank). Anyway, they said to me, ‘we know what you have done’? Does made me think the demon was back inside my energy and they were helping me rid of it.
Again I woke up, and every time I tried falling back to sleep and back into my dream, something was waiting for me. I could not see anything, but only hear voices. I heard the sound of a dog cry and whine, (which made me think even more the demon was back inside and I or it had intentionally hurt my power animal) if it wasn’t for the fact spirit showed me what actually caused the whelp I would of continued thinking the demon was inside again. I felt myself stroking a dog, the dog was beside my bed sat on the chair and I was stroking him, calming him down. I even saw him for a few seconds and saw the pain in his eyes. I still did not let the dream get to me and drifted back into sleep and dream world.
I was inside a building, I was kept there and not allowed to leave, there wasn’t much freedom and yet it wasn’t total lockdown, I had freedom to move around. But I kept seeking freedom and tried several times getting outside. I was seriously confused because nobody would tell me what was going on, so I got it in my mind, the demon was back inside my energy and they were locking me inside to protect everyone from it (this was an unusual way to rid a demon) I was been told of, not violently but something kept messing with my awareness, I kept blacking out as if something was stopping me from seeing, hearing or feeling. I need to point out, my sense of feel is dramatically low, because of entities attachments and there attacks, I cannot feel; I cannot sense when other spirits are near me, it’s obviously done on purpose for this very reason. This part of the dream went on for some time, indeed most of the morning and I remember asking one of these spirits, ‘how did the demon get in?’.
Is it a coincidence? I was woken up when I asked that question. So I had no answers to what was going on and why it was happening, I had it in my mind as did my spirit it was the demon inside me again, I even heard a male disembodied spirit say, he’s turning into Gorki. And someone say, ‘do not make a pact with god again’.
So this was what allowed me to understand I was being controlled by forces, they were controlling me, to stop me gaining my power, and they did not want me to connect with my divinity. I follow a Shamanic path and recently have had trouble letting go of things, many blocks were in my way and spirits were doing everything in their power to stop me moving forwards. I quit the shamanic course at one point, when I did I saw a spirit leave me and after that I seem to feel better (I seem to have found my power after this). Actually I paid for the absent healing services from the soul healer Clive Hetherington and yes it was working to begin with, but doubt then came in my mind and I quit doing the exercises, everything came crashing down then and my mind was a total mess, I was struggling to start things, make plans or finish things. Even though I was being blocked from things, I was still receiving hints and directions from spirit and I was still learning and moving forwards a bit at a time. You could say, if it had not happened this way I would not have learned what was going on.
Yesterday I learnt what my power was, what I AM meant, what being present means, this increased my awareness and it’s why I now see the control Clive Hetherington speaks about. You only move forwards when you directly have conscious experience of it.
May 24, 2021 @ 4:16 am
I see a rectangular strip running from the base of my skull to the first knob of my spine at the base of my neck.
Doing the exercise a second time (reading it off a dimmed cellphone screen while sitting in a dark room) my eyes have trouble focusing on what I am reading. I find this surprising because I don’t usually have this much trouble looking at my cellphone in this kind of setting.
Your comment on ADHD is interesting. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar 1 disorder, and the thing that surprises me the most after being put on medication is that I no longer daydream. I don’t have this looking fantasy story in my head, and anytime I try to daydream myself it is extremely irritating and exhausting.
Are there any focuses you would recommend to help target the shit sabotaging this site?
May 24, 2021 @ 6:38 pm
I’ve done focuses/scans in the past re the javascript site errors Megan, and it didn’t make any difference. I used to have a plugin that focused on the comments (allowed more commenting options) which I thought might be causing the problems, BUT getting rid of that didn’t make any difference either. Basically the ‘system/fake reality’ doesn’t like this site.