"Earth as a Simulation Series 4: This Series offers MANY pages of Evidence that many Anomalous Experiences, Plus 'Exceptional' Abilities & Skills can be explained 'IF' we are Simulated copied people being Simulated with Less Advanced Technologies resulting in ourselves having Anomalous Experiences that relate to Hi-Tech Neural Implants & CNS Enhancements that the person we are simulating HAD, but which we are a long way from developing here!!!"
Main Page Headings List
We already have now or are on the verge of having very specialist, highly complex interactive data presentation systems developed to present different information sets and types in many different easy to comprehend VISUAL formats.
In other words highly complex data is presented to the user via an external visual display that gives the user easy, direct and very functional access to investigate the data these systems are designed to display . . .
Examples of External High Technology User Interfaces Designed to Visually Display Complex Data
The following three images will give you some idea of how these systems present data in visual form and how users see and interact with it . . .
I want you to become aware that we already have people working on the above and we already have some of these systems in use.
We also already have people trying to develop direct neural implants which we can easily envisage will evolve to present communications, data as well as access to various ‘systems’, systems controls and systems options . . . .
The images below are taken from the series ‘Continuum’, The main character is super enhanced with a military grade wireless communications, visual data accessing, handling and presentation system.
Example of an High Technology Neural Implant User Interface Designed to Present Visually Complex Data
The image immediately below is an example of what is displayed in this characters visual field (in her head) when she mentally prompts for information about characters in a bar.
I want you to consider the possibility that if we are in a simulation and we are accurate copies of ‘other’ people whom have very technological advanced enhancements and implants (compared to ourselves) then how will these types of enhancements impact peoples experiences here? If some people here are scripted as having these types of enhancements that have very sophisticated ‘user interfaces’ then how will these anomalous scripted experiences be presented to ourselves here?
If someone here does have one of these then under what circumstances would you expect different implant types to be scripted to activate (and then present anomalous experiences)?
As all ‘user interface’ enhancement experiences are going to be HIGHLY anomalous then what strategies would the simulation software use in efforts to try and limit and or obscure these anomalous visual experiences including any resulting ‘anomalous’ abilities? What common strategies would the simulation software likely apply to anomalous visual effects AND how would these impact what the simulated people actually internally see and experience?
For example; for the above ‘user interface’ bar scene overlay . . .
- How would it deal with information data display ‘blocks’? Perhaps it will automatically apply a blurring filter to such ‘anomalous’ areas. For entire visual BLOCKS of displayed data or schematics it may just try and BLANK THEM OUT completely.
- What about ‘scanning’ system displays? How would implanted scanner monitoring someone’s heart, respiration rate, eye sight pupil dilation indicate scanning activity and present results within the user interface? Perhaps you’d have scanning ‘dots’ that moved around or hovered over the visual element being examined? In which case here some people would experience ‘dancing’ lights in their vision BUT with no context as to their meaning.
- What about flashing displays in the user interface? What about status monitors or processing data / waiting for more information indicators? These might be displayed as coloured squares or dots which could also be flashing. In some cases status or monitoring dot’s could be flashing at different rates depending on ‘activity’ and or the estimated time of completion? Does anyone have anomalous flashing and or moving dots appearing in their visual space at particular times?
Any of the above could result in the person here experiencing all sorts of weird vision and inner visual effects.
Would you take much notice of blank or blurry visual areas, flashing or moving dots perhaps of different colours while sitting in a bar? Would you be allowed to be suspicious about them, or would you be managed to put it down to the bottle of beer you just drank? Or, perhaps the simulation software would try and disguise this type of presentation to manage you and make you ‘think and of feel’ that you were seeing people that had some weird type of halo around their heads. Depending on your beliefs you might be persuaded that they were some specific type of angel?
The below is an example of what is displayed in this characters visual field (in their head) when they mentally prompt for the layout and an overlay of a real time scan of the interior of a building they are wanting information about . . .
Again how would simulation software keep this OBVIOUS visual anomaly obscured. Well it would likely overlay this on the real view of the building while blurring and fading out as much as possible of the entire visual overlay.
The below is yet another example of what is displayed in this characters visual field (in their head) when they mentally prompt for an analysis of the finger prints on various objects and a search for who they might belong to . . . again some within display areas and dots are flashing and even moving in this scene.
What would the simulation software do for the above to keep the obvious anomalous displays obscured? Maybe it would blur the more worrying areas creating an image with ‘smoky wispy ghosting’ areas. You have to remember that this is the software that is defining and rendering absolutely everyone of our reality in quantum detail. As such then under most circumstances it can likely pretty much disappear most ‘anomalous’ effects while also managing ‘experts’ to interpret anything anomalous that is misses as a medical problem (despite that some effects that are explained away as medical problems are actually not possible in terms of the known anatomy and or the functioning of the human form).
From what I have read so far, apparently a ‘migraine’ is the preferred ‘catch all’ explanation for most internal weird and particularly shimmery and blurry effects. This explanation does a great job of killing any extended and or ‘rational’ THINKING about these types of experiences . . .
Hi Technology Brain Implants, with Visual Cortex Enhancements & Access
I want you to keep these hi tech ‘in your head and internal space visual USER INTERFACE intrusions and overlay’ possibilities in mind as you read the following pages. Also, before reading the next page . . . can you spend a little time time thinking about of how much you/we are actually aware of, generally ‘conscious’ of and or are taking notice of different ‘things’ that are part of our regular and repeating experiences.
I want you to try and become aware of just how much we do lots of things automatically and unconsciously as if we are on autopilot AND how these automated experiences may end up being recorded in our script POORLY because the person we are simulating may actually not be very consciously aware of them.
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
October 18, 2015 @ 5:02 pm
On certain occasions, without explanation, I would encounter “sparks/dots” in my vision. Such a visual effect only happens once in awhile, and is unlike anything else I experience, visual wise. When it happens, a collection of neon dots appear and move about, in my field of vision, giving the appearance of bright sparks flying about. They are unmistakably present, given that they are so bright. This effect usually lasts up to five seconds, at most, before fading. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, or where I am, I can encounter this visual quirk doing anything.
Another visual quirk I experience, is the flickering dot. Since Autumn of 2012, I began to notice a small dot in the center of my vision, constantly flashing, no matter where I look. Sometimes, the dot is very faint and fuzzy, and thus easily blends in the environment. Other times, the dot is clearly visible, and flickering too brightly for me not to ignore. There can be anything from one spot, to two spots, to four, juxtaposed to one another, when I focus in on this flickering spot. This dot has always been present, since the first time I saw it.
I ocassionally had a red dot that appeared only occasionally, “physical” vision wise, often when my eyes are closed (meaning more appearances back when I attempted meditation; summer 2012-spring 2013). Sometimes there is also a blue light that appears just as rarely as the red one. The red light flashes just once, and always in my peripheral vision before disappearing., it is “imaginative”, in that I see the red light shine out from my right eye, in certain visions.
October 19, 2015 @ 10:25 pm
heya Arjang, from the way you describe it that reminds me of the targetting lasers from ‘predator’. That has 3 lasers but i have seen other films where there is anything from 1 to 5 and they chase around points of interest in the ‘scene’.
I get a flash of neon green/blue every now and then but they are more ‘splodges’ like alert popups which have been faded out by the sim. They are always in my peripheral vision (so non – critical vision space).
This article, and some experiences today, brings to mind a weird visual effect which spots different chemical consistencies in the air as very visible density/smoke effects. The sim does seem to fade them within a fraction of a second of me noticing them however. We are talking absolutely minute amounts of chemical reactions that give off totally invisible byproducts, yet somehow i can not only see them but they are almost highlighted as important. You would need IR/UV scanners to be able to see this stuff alogn with a very controlled environment. At first i thought it was my imagination but i wasn’t even thinking about the byproducts at all until i saw it.
It happened more than 3 times tonight while i was using a polyeurathene resin to coat some labels. I can actually ‘see’ them curing.
October 19, 2015 @ 5:22 pm
Sometimes I have ‘tangible’ 3D objects in my headspace or thoughts are presented as felt databands. Today a rectangular ‘plate’ appeared in my head space for a while, which was an artificial object with no visual and felt like both separate from me and part of my body or environment. I could move it around, turn and twist it and it felt very easy and direct i.e. intuitive. There was no additional data attached, but I can imagine that it might have been a pop-up notepad or something similar in my 3D work space.
October 20, 2015 @ 1:40 am
While masturbating physically with eyes closed, my mental sexual fantasy was overlaid with a user interface that downloads the (imaginary) partner’s profile, scans and analyzes his body for erogenous zones, and feeds me with information regarding “his” sexual preferences. The (imaginary) guy, in turn, would be provided with similar data regarding my own sexual preferences.
During the (solo) sex, I’d receive ongoing live feedback and instructions from the user interface on what sex act to perform for him. Often the instructions come in the form replays of past sex acts I’ve watched on PG-13 movies or on porn videos I’ve watched in Akihabara stores out of curiosity. Other times I intuitively receive data from text I’ve read in female masturbation sites or in my dad’s Playboy magazines. This sometimes results in performing sex acts I’ve never done before.
The above situation made me think of advanced versions of cybersex in the future, where it’s probably possible for users to view a partner’s sexual biodata overlaid on the image or video of the sex partner. Alternatively, this interface can be used in sexual role playing games with first-person point of view. A third possibility is that sex implants with advanced optics can be developed in the future for prostitutes and their patrons to take the guesswork out of both sides and increase the chances of enjoying each other’s company even if they don’t know each other.
October 21, 2015 @ 2:53 pm
I might get round to explain this ‘properly’ later in this series . . what you describe ‘Iris’ is likely related to a VR (virtual reality) re-programming experience. I’m aware that some people are simulating someone that has been subjected to an immersive VR environment avatar experience of themselves living through what they are being programmed to avoid. You could call it immersive VR aversion therapy. You are put into the experiences you ultimately want to absolutely avoid. In this case ‘masturbation’ which then has choreographed / has mixed in horrifying possibilities which you are then MANAGED in the VR to become traumatized by and strongly react against. This is played through once, then your memories are wiped (you are just left have the built in sub-conscious ‘aversion’ trauma that will ‘eventually’ stop you from ‘masturbating’ in real life), then it’s played though again and again, until the VR program decides you’ve had enough aversion to stop you from doing ‘whatever’ it is that is to be avoided. I’ve recently become aware that for some people the sim is playing out the ‘horrifying’ bits as part of it’s FU strategies while missing out the aversion part. I.e. it causing people to have back to front experiences here!!!
October 24, 2015 @ 1:02 pm
I have a regularly occurring purple dot / round shape in my right peripheral vision and it gives the impression of being a couple of feet outside of my body which appears and is around for days, then is gone. It often coincides when I am involved in something that is challenging for me, and as far a I can remember its also appears when I am involved in something like a phase of soul-healer.com reading. I have had it for a couple of years on and off.
I have a series of white ball/moon shapes that will slide up or down either side of my eyeball too, these are less frequent and I cannot say I recognize why or when they appear.
Most of my life I have been plagued by floaters, which will cross and hover at my pupil when I am trying to focus on something and I have to blink repeatedly to clear this. I know this is a common issue, but my floaters seem to be able to target my vision when I really really want to look closely at something.
November 16, 2015 @ 3:56 am
I myself have experienced similar for the past year. I would see purple/blue/green/yellow or red dot mainly in my left eye. It’s like it blinks 2-3 times.
I’ve also encountered like a floaty practically all my life on and off. I am near sighted. I find that when i really focus my eyes the floaters appear or if i stare/gaze into the sky during the day or when sunlight is in/on my face.
November 14, 2015 @ 12:11 pm
Various eye movements that are triggered by `internal search systems´ might be remnants of concealed data presentation possibilities. Depending on the position and direction of the movements, different information is said to be accessed which I´d imagine might indicate the distribution of the respective applications on the scripted internal display. The distribution appears to be standard but is sometimes mirrored.
November 14, 2015 @ 12:14 pm
Of course! that is so obvious now you mention it. The original in visual field display is being hidden but the eye movements are not.
IF the original population is using the same mass produced ‘implants’ then they would ALL match up for the same implant. Probably activates the display window when it is looked at and hides/pauses the rest. Like a mouse pointer that just follows the eye position. Different versions/manufacturers have different ‘positions’ of the data but this would gravitate towards the most common user interfaces over time as they do here. Hence the mirrored version. Different OS maybe?
I managed to really confuse some NLP people because my own design of interfacing doesn’t even use/need eye movements most of the time to isolate an ‘active display window’ so i consciously faked the eye movements! ahaha … good times….
November 14, 2015 @ 3:16 pm
Wow yea, AND ‘IF’ large numbers of your simulated population are going to present eye movements because they are engaging with internal HUD and user interfaces to access internal databases / visual presentations then to HIDE THIS you’d define the heads up / user interfacing translation software to have EVERYONE present pre-defined consistent eye movements – else even generically ‘thick’ scientists may become suspicious.
So, in the original environment you’d have some people with ‘weird’ eye movements and others with NONE (no implants) and that people with ‘weird’ eye movements would have a wide variety of different eye movement patterns as well as eye movements centred on completely different visual eye positions (and particularly when they were accessing memory or internal information).
The EAAS project would have to identify and translate all variations of all types of HUD & UI associated eye movements and visual field ‘positions’ to work in pre-defined, consistent and universally standard ways within the entire simulated population.
Which means that it is very likely that NLP originators here are simulating the EAAS project UI/HUD translation department people that worked on these eye translations!!! AHHH . . . AND to be further hidden, obscured then NLP would be weaved into the new age therapy ‘collective’. Haha, what a mind job!!!
In which case I now wonder if EFT represents another original ‘problem’ area translated into the bizarre and ‘magical’ finger tapping bullshit therapy here!!!! I know people here that the EFT tapping things just doesn’t effect / it doesn’t work on them . . .
November 14, 2015 @ 6:40 pm
Wow.. it’s almost right there in the name, isn’t it? Neuro-linguistic PROGRAMMING..
I’ve just started to learn about NLP actually.. some of it has seemed a little ‘fantastical’ for my liking (along the lines of ‘law of attraction’). Now, I don’t know much about it at this point, but one of the things i’ve been learning about is to PRE-PROGRAM DEFINED ‘STATES’ such as ‘feeling good’ and the like.. and these are then linked to what they call ‘Anchors’ – a kind of ‘trigger’ such as a specific hand movement which is then intended to be used to ‘activate’ those ‘achors’ and thus the ‘states’ at will…
November 15, 2015 @ 9:46 pm
It might be worth noting that it was the movie and TV series ‘Limitless’ that led me to eventually finding NLP. It seems that quite a few NLPers are pushing the idea that one can achieve such results using their system.
November 15, 2015 @ 11:37 am
Another possible behaviour relating to these VR / HUD possibilities: There is a notion of people´s `eyes glazing over´ / they disappear into some inner world.
I can recall one person where I was surprised how visible this `I go into my inner VR / engage with an internal HUD / UI, do not disturb´ sign was. Their eyes would become instantly and unmistakably dark and foggy, they’d stare into nothingness as there was nothing coming through this shield / state.
In the times before smart phones people would exhibit a variation of this a lot while waiting or riding the train etc. Now they often externalise the absent, almost `autistic´ stare with their gadgets I guess.
November 22, 2015 @ 8:51 am
Let’s consider also the back-side of this — and perhaps you address it on a subsequent page, but here goes:
The hyper-efficient information access systems might manifest to us as incredibly easy-to-find data, which we’d chalk up to a lucky coincidence.
Examples may include from finding data that shouldn’t be available online as one’s first search result (in my case, I’ve regularly found statistical databases and obscure industry standards documents that shouldn’t exist on the public internet — very expensive, with extremely limited circulation, and with staff who actively search for copyright violations); noticing a data file “magically” appear in a directory though you don’t recall placing it there; or perhaps even moments where your hands propel themselves directly to a necessary paper document immediately upon opening a file drawer.
Taking that further: cases of information we’re not permitted to access in the sim might manifest as long fruitless searches for data (especially when it should be easily findable — or we specifically remember having access to it at a prior time), finding information that proves to be incorrect, or even critical datafiles mysteriously corrupted/inaccessible.
In my own Universe (n=1, ergo cum grano salis), all of the above seem to occur far too often.
November 22, 2015 @ 12:41 pm
BUT!!! Tim based on what I write here you should be able to answer this yourself based on these ‘coincidences’. Isn’t it very ‘obviously’ that you are simulating someone that was a ‘hacker’ i.e. you are simulating someone that was looking for and FINDING this type of information. Hence you bump into this type of hidden information without any effort. It is likely that you’ve been given what I call an alternate script, which diverts you sideways from your real script BECAUSE the people that set this place up deemed you ‘dangerous’ to what they wanted to happen in the simulation. Nick Bostrom the originator of the simulation argument has been gifted with a side ways script – the person he’s simulating presented a MATRIX argument (this is reasonable for the original population AND this is very obvious from NB’s web site presentation as he mixes up ‘simulation’ only things with ‘Matrix’ only things ALL THE TIME but he himself doesn’t even notice this (nor does anyone else). So, his simulation argument is a psy-ops ‘mis-direction’ effort to have information focused on our reality as a ‘simulation’ presented and described in ways to completely misdirect the entire population down extremely ‘stupid’ simulation thinking lines.
December 9, 2015 @ 1:51 am
Hey Clive,
I’ve been ‘experimenting’ with some custom statements of intent lately, and I had a few ‘interesting’ realizations this morning while using what I’d made up:
They ‘kick in’ for me immediately, and put me in a ‘sleepy’ type state where my eyes automatically close themselves.. I guess you could say this is somewhat ‘meditative’. This is accompanied by very strong ‘energy shifts’ especially throughout my head area. So I was in these ‘states’ for a while but I wasn’t seeing or hearing anything, so I decided to get up and go outside for a while. As I was sitting out there, I found myself ‘zoning out’ which is something I used to frequently experience when I was younger.
This usually happened during times when I was ‘bored’, and I basically I have my eyes open but become so engaged with my ‘mental space’ that I lose track of my physical surroundings. This has caused me a few ’embarassing’ experiences where people wanted to know why i’d been sitting there staring at them for the last 5 minutes, while I was barely even aware that they were there or that i’d been staring at them…
So it would seem that this ‘zoning out’ is related to engaging with some aspects of the ‘software’ of these physical tech enhancements AND the zoning out effect takes ones focus AWAY from their actual ‘vision’ to the point that they’re barely aware of it, while at least ‘some’ of the anomalous stuff is being presented ‘internally/mentally’.
I was much more creative and ‘imaginative’ when I was younger, especially in a ‘visual’ sense. So.. i’m someone who usually ‘thinks’ in terms of concepts, and while this is still true, there used to be a strong visual component to this. If I was ‘thinking’ about something i’d usually be linking these thoughts and the concepts to either visual memories OR simply something that I was ‘imagining’. I’d also regularly get caught up in daydreams where i’d be visualizing myself within some kind of ‘alternate scenario’.
I realized that over the last few years i’ve become more ‘serious’ and much less likely to daydream or imagine things AND the ‘visual’ component to my thinking has been greatly reduced.
This made me realize that, at least in my case, the sim seems to not only be blocking access to and utilization of scripted tech enhancements BUT it’s also suppressing ‘behaviors’ that are likely to lead to me (even unintentionally) engaging with those tech in the first place.
SO it seems that even something like ‘imagination’ could be deemed a threat to the sim…
I know you’ve written about some/all of the things i’ve written here BUT I feel this is relevant and interesting as I had these experiences and realizations ‘on my own’.
Till next time…
December 9, 2015 @ 2:00 pm
Hi Trent, I’d seriously warn against anyone being made to be diverted off by trying to write their own focuses. This is a ‘primary’ management strategy designed to have people wandering off / away from what will provide maximum return for ourselves. . . AND don’t let this wind you up as this is another tactic to have people ‘wandering’ off too!!! The sim software has all of the advantages!!!
From your comment Trent it is extremely likely that you are simulating someone working on ‘management diversion’ efforts of the EAAS project and as such the person you are simulating will have spent time ‘testing’ different diversionary management strategies. This ‘blanking’ out is a common one / a primary effort because if you cannot ‘think / become aware’ of ‘anything’ you’ve no starting point from which to to go any further.
Imagination / daydreaming are extremely useful as tools to reveal possibilities beyond ‘conceptual & thinking’ straight jacketing and containments.
October 2, 2016 @ 1:54 am
Hi Clive,
I’ve experienced some weird issues relating to vision in which I didn’t noticed until to read this page.
Sometimes a white bubble pops up in the upper right corner of my field vision, this bubble is like that one which appears eventually in the movies theater (also at the upper right corner of the screen). I also have some spark/blinking lights popping up in any place of my field vision, this lights are like micro leds, are colorful, sometimes is just one light, sometimes more… I was Led to believe that when this lights has blinked, this meant that some high spiritual being was close to me hahaha…
November 11, 2016 @ 5:41 pm
The third to the last picture (the one with the see-through building) struck a cord with me.
I sleep on a mattress pad on the floor that is pushed up against two walls of my apartment. One morning as I was waking up, I was in that sort of ‘waking up but not quite awake’ state, facing one of the walls, and the entire wall had been replaced with vertically scrolling orange numbers, similar to those seen on the computers in the Matrix. However, I was quick to correct myself (especially since the numbers in the movie were green, not orange) but when I finally woke up, the scrolling numbers had vanished.