"Earth as a Simulation Series 4: This Series offers MANY pages of Evidence that many Anomalous Experiences, Plus 'Exceptional' Abilities & Skills can be explained 'IF' we are Simulated copied people being Simulated with Less Advanced Technologies resulting in ourselves having Anomalous Experiences that relate to Hi-Tech Neural Implants & CNS Enhancements that the person we are simulating HAD, but which we are a long way from developing here!!!"
Main Page Headings List
- The Historical Timeline of Music & Audio Technologies . . .
- The Historical Timeline of Personal Messages as Letters through to Video Chat Technologies
- Communications, Radio, Television & Internet
- The Historical Timeline of Voice Communication Technologies
- Real Authentic QUALITY Interactions & Personal 'Direct, Eye to Eye' Engagement
- Instant 24 Hours a day Communications, Distant 'Fantasy' Interactions & Personal Disengagement & Distractions
- This is the Age of Noise, Diversions, Distractions & Disengaged 'Pseudo' Interactions
The Historical Timeline of Music & Audio Technologies . . .
How would the above apply to music? Well, we had the gramophone, record player playing ‘records’ as discs both of which were quite bulky and not very portable, this early technology then shifted to digital recordings as cassettes (magnetic tape) and we ended up a few years down the line with the ‘Walkman’ as a very portable device for listening to music on tapes. Magnetic tape as a storage medium then shifted to re-writeable memory which evolves over time until we get very small hand held I-pod devices capable of holding and playing 1000’s of tracks of music and or spoken books and or audio based education courses.
The Historical Timeline of Personal Messages as Letters through to Video Chat Technologies
In parallel to the above for hand written ‘messages’ we start with ‘letters’ written on paper then we have the ‘telegraph wire’ sending ‘telegrams’ then we have e-mails, then interactive text chats then video chats and then the same but between more than two people at a time.
Communications, Radio, Television & Internet
In parallel to the above we have transmitted sound as radio. Again these first ‘valve’ based devices were bulky and not very portable, eventually we get transistor technology which leads to portable radios which eventually leads us to having streaming audio delivered through digital network sources. Later and then in parallel to radio we have visual images as television and then eventually streamed video supplied over a digital network. Later & in parallel to both radio and television we have the internet which starts out as text only with perhaps attached files to eventually develop to deliver just about anything as ‘media’ to ourselves.
The Historical Timeline of Voice Communication Technologies
This started out with ‘wired’ phones, only able to make local calls BUT over time the scale of phone connectivity became larger and larger. Then communications shifted from fixed, wired devices to portable wireless devices that eventually reduce in size and while also functioning pretty much anywhere.
We are now at a point where we have the latest equivalent of ALL THE ABOVE available on one small hand held device.
In writing and then thinking about the above I’d like to point out something about these ‘trends’ . . .
Real Authentic QUALITY Interactions & Personal ‘Direct, Eye to Eye’ Engagement
Music will have started with people singing accompanied by sounds made by banging things together (even if this was just rocks or sticks). We’d then develop musical instruments AND we’d then gather to listen and perhaps to dance to collections of people singing and playing musical instruments. It’s likely that 90% of the population in the distant past would have spent some time singing and or playing a musical instrument. Personal messages in the distant past will have been sent by foot and delivered by mouth then with writing, personal letters would also initially, likely to have been delivered by hand by a personal messenger whom would have perhaps waited until you wrote a reply.
In other words in the distant past everything was about QUALITY personal interactions with those around and close to you.
Also, learning to PLAY a musical instrument or to sing well, actually requires time, patience and consistent practice AND all of this without distractions. Learning to play a musical instrument will ALSO have you developing patience, concentration, attention, focus and dedication . . . which as a side effect increases confidence and helps develop character . . .
Instant 24 Hours a day Communications, Distant ‘Fantasy’ Interactions & Personal Disengagement & Distractions
I stopped listening to music about 4/5 years ago when I realised that: ‘I drift off, am made to be distracted by and to get immersed in the music’, in other words I noticed that it was highly likely that the simulation was using music to distract myself and make me less focused. I also SPECIFICALLY noticed at this time that I’d occasionally and BIZARRELY end up having ‘tracks’ of music that I’d recently listened to ‘UNBELIEVABLY’ randomly but consistently and uncontrollably playing in my head. WhyTF is this happening? Even more bizarre this would ‘occasionally’ be of tracks with lyrics that I’d not normally remember and wouldn’t have been able to even if asked!!! How, ‘UNBELIEVABLY’ bizarre is that? What ‘Evolutionary’ DISTRACTION advantage is this bizarreness aiming for?
So, for about 4 years now I’ve not EVER had one music track play in my head. My head is as ‘still’ as a mill pond, I’ve no mind chatter, no ‘conversations’, no voices, no ‘tones’ going on in my head. I basically have NOTHING ‘consciously’ going on unless I choose to consciously initiate THINKING and or pondering lines.
I don’t have a radio or a television and I don’t have a ‘smart’ phone specifically because basic observations indicate that these devices offer massive potential for distractions as well as facilitating global personal disengagement. I have an ancient PAYG mobile that I leave switched off unless travelling. Until recently I’d get an average of 2 phone calls a month on my land-line AND it would take me a few seconds to ‘re-orientate’ to the NOISE and think ‘AHH, that’s that phone ‘thing’ ringing!!!!!
So, not only have I massively minimised external distractions I’ve also in some cases figured out how to minimise and even eliminate ‘bizarre’ internal ‘IN YOUR HEAD’ distractions too.
To give yourself the best ‘conditions’ that offer you the best chance to figure ANYTHING out, to become aware of new possibilities and or things that don’t add up you actually need a lot of undisturbed, quite and distraction free time.
Everyone can THINK, but to learn to THINK well and particularly as part of trying to understand DIFFICULT things requires time, patience and consistent dedication. To give yourself the best opportunity to do this requires that you gift yourself with a consistent distraction free setting (no TV, radio, music, phone calls, of Facebook messages ‘shit’). It’s only after you spend enough quality time pondering on things that you may become aware of (for example) consistent patterns relating to anomalous experiences such that you can THEN more easily and more rapidly become aware of the likely circumstances of the original experiences that these are likely translated from. As you are developing to this point in THINKING and understanding terms you will ALSO as a side effect develop patience, concentration, attention, focus and perhaps dedication . . .
Now, I suspect that most people attempting the above will find themselves quickly feeling bored while bizarrely finding themselves missing the barrage of distractions (it’s almost like an addiction). I will guarantee that ‘whatever’ within yourself tries to put you off from having what essentially can only be described as ‘peace and quiet’ will be the simulation software. It’s actually quite difficult to do this, it’s also quite difficult in that once you get used to it then the ‘barrage of distracting shit’ that is considered normal by everyone else actually feels and IS extremely disturbing.
This is the Age of Noise, Diversions, Distractions & Disengaged ‘Pseudo’ Interactions
Coincidentally and very suspiciously (from my point of view) our entire society supplies everything ALL THE TIME that makes it as difficult as possible for people to be able to do what I have done. If I was a sceptical type I’d be suspicious that our entire modern society seems to be specifically ‘designed’ to make it impossible to have the circumstances and environment that are needed for anyone to be able to figure ANYTHING out at all!!!!!!
It took about 2 hours to write this page (at least this is the time it took until I begin writing this paragraph). It’s had multiple re-writes AND many interesting ‘threads’ and ‘possibilities’ on this page only ‘appeared’ because in spending time re-reading and THINKING about the earlier version I’d just written I’d become aware of more possibilities that were just a little ‘off the edge’ compared to what I’d already written and in adding these possibilities and then re-reading and then pondering and thinking about these I then become aware of even more possibilities. Like thinking about ‘communications’ back in ‘pre-technology’ makes you aware that during these people directly interacting with people times, and then making comparisons with how it is now which has you becoming aware of the obvious differences and then some of the seriously obvious negative consequences of this for ourselves now . . .
As this ‘implants’ section will cover implants providing functions that we currently have on a smart phone all crammed into and functioning in your head . . . then can you think of any anomalous ‘in your head’ or ‘behavioural’ experiences that would be evidence of people having any or all the functions of a smart phone wired directly into their head?
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
December 1, 2015 @ 8:30 pm
Yes! – I am glad we are talking about this subject. I was wondering how you, Clive, functioned so well with all of those examples of DVD’s and TV shows. I don’t have any of the above stuff either and I don’t even allow anything to be plugged into an electrical outlet around me in my house unless absolutely needed. Everything breaks down very fast and “has to be replaced” with a better “smart” version – sorry I want an old / vintage version – or I will find one at the junk yard or resale shop or go without it.
I would like to add one comment about the historical time line of photography – how we went from drawing pictures, to photographs developed on real film, and then to digital photography. Alot is lost in the translation along the way. For whatever reason – I used to develop all of my photographs onto film, and still do. There is an amazing amount of stuff in real photographs that you don’t see in a digital image. The new smartphones / digital cameras are so self-correcting that this is all screened out. Imagine that. I have photos of trees that have entire square chunks missing. Forests with houses superimposed, people superimposed, and stuff that looks like ancient symbols. Rooms full of colored shadows, faces, stars, random pieces of scenery missing or altered, and not to mention those orbs. Thousands of orbs. I used to blame it all on an old camera. I saved these all in my collection or weird photos. You cannot see that on a digital image and each smart phone version claims to have the best new camera. Take some photos on an old camera, and develop them – and then – enlarge them and you will be amazed at what you see.
The music today is hideous – the lyrics are one thing but this new EDM (Electronic Dance Music) is designed to put kids into an altered consciousness and forget about all of your troubles. Hmmmm…. I wonder why….. The music isn’t even made with real instruments – it is all computer generated. And I hear the sound of real musical notes, “A”, “C”, etc., has been modified from its original real tones – just a tad – enough to create a new spectrum of sound tones.
As far as having a smart phone wired in one’s head – I think of the following things:
1. Ability to constantly send a signal to a person and keep them in synch, in control, get a tune up
2. You could interface yourself to another person/s in your contact / collective list whether you wanted to or not
3. Groups could be manipulated to do something (good or bad) as a whole if those names/numbers were in your head contact list. People may even be made to not even care about self-destructing themselves.
4. The bosses would obviously know where you are, going and what you are doing all the time
5. I have noticed many people get withdrawal symptoms from not being able to connect to the internet / Wi-Fi, and or not being on line enough hours of the day. Some even drive until they can find a café away from their house to get their hit and take their whole desk top! So I am sure entire populations will submit to this to avoid this withdrawal symptom.
6. People would / will lose the ability to communicate / talk about / investigate much less discuss or teach complex issues. I can’t help but think this real society has very strict controls around what people are allowed to do.
7. Anyone having an ache or pain could be detected by a remote doctor, who could possible send a medical fix patch / signal thru. Mates would be located and routed to the correct person. Children are kept corralled or protected as needed.
8. Dietary / oxygen / water / radiation / UV consumption could be monitored and regulated
9. Instructions for how to build something / blue-prints, recipes, etc. could be transmitted into one’s head
10. Smart phones are used by many to remember their appointments and what to do the next day– I guess we won’t need much real thinking power
11. No need for a clock and along with that means no ability to navigate around nature, tell time by the sun, no body clock, know whether it is night or day, work longer hours that you think
12. If the phone is in your head – you may not need to use your hands or mouth for much – what goes on with people’s bodies in the real world?
13. People tend to use their phone instead of face to face interaction and they tend to not worry about how they look as a result. Perhaps the real world does not need attractive clothes or hair styles or everyone looks the same?
This list could go on and on – whatever we think is cool about a smart phone could become quite invasive.
December 2, 2015 @ 12:19 pm
There are coming pages covering some of your listed possibilities Annabelle.
Your internal clock . . . I know a lot of people that ‘see’ the same numbers of some clock ‘time’ as part of their external environment. So, they’d look at the kitchen clock and it’s 12.13 (or whatever). If you’ve an internal alarm set to become visible (and maybe flash or whatever) at specific times to remind you of that time (dinner break / start making dinner / leave for work / coffee break) then the sim would translate this into having you look at an external clock at that exact specific time – haha – another seriously weird mystery solved by many people having an alarm clock implant
December 3, 2015 @ 3:22 am
Took the words right from my mouth, I’m basically homeless right now because I could not find exactly what you stated, which is peace and quiet.
December 4, 2015 @ 3:54 pm
As I was going to sleep last night I started to think about an old friend. For the first 10-15 seconds or so this was just ‘normal’ thinking lines, but then I was suddenly presented with an ‘icon’ at the bottom left of my closed-eye visual field.
This icon was coloured light blue and was a square. It had the name of the person in the upper portion of the icon and a photo of them below that.
Obviously my ‘focus’ was drawn to this icon, which within a few seconds seemed to ‘trigger/activate’ it. It dragged itself to the center of my visual field and then ‘opened itself’ to present me with some kind of data (like opening a file or folder on a computer). As this was happening I was quite ‘surprised’ about it which caused me to ‘jolt’ myself away from what I was experiencing, so I didn’t actually see that data.
Around 20 seconds later i’m presented with a large image of a local park area. The image was ‘static’ rather than a moving scene. I thought this was ‘strange’ at the time as it seemed to be completely irrelevant (“why would I be shown this?”).
In thinking about this today, I realized that the ‘file’ I almost accessed likely contained ‘links’ or ways to access stored memory images of that specific person. As I ‘jolted’ myself away from that experience, then instead of being presented with an image of ‘them’ I was instead presented with an ‘irrelevant’ image.
Further thinking about this reminded me of a few ‘anomalous’ experiences, some of which i’ve personally experienced and others i’ve only read about.
These are having a sudden ‘knowing’ that a specific person…
– is about to call you MOMENTS BEFORE THEY ACTUALLY DO.
– has been seriously injured or even died.
– is in a bad mood, upset or angry.
Now i’m not sure ‘what’ is actually causing those but it would seem likely that these experiences are related to scripted physical technological enhancements.
That’s all for now.
December 4, 2015 @ 7:14 pm
Hi Trent, there’s a page coming covering these areas, this is great . . .
April 25, 2016 @ 5:13 pm
An interesting link on one of the (until now) unknown effects of ‘silence’ here:
In other words you NEED silence and ‘internal’ space to figure things out,
April 26, 2016 @ 2:23 am
I came across this article here which I felt was applicable both in terms of ‘enhancements’ and as a negative correlation and ‘juxtaposition’ to of ‘stimulation’ to silence.
In some ways I think ‘ok, this is pretty standard / straightforward, common sense stuff.’
But there is mention of ‘different neural systems’ (which are now no longer being used) due to overstimulation from ‘digital’ / media type content:
Instead of performing varied activities that engage different neural systems (sport, knitting, painting, cooking, etc)
And also I was just thinking about the incentive to make ‘reality’ like this:
Our attention spans are now thought to be less than that of a goldfish (eight seconds). We are hard-wired to seek novelty, which produces a hit of dopamine, that feel-good chemical, in our brains. As soon as a new stimulus is noticed, however, it is no longer new, and after a while it bores us. To get that same pleasurable dopamine hit we seek fresh sources of distraction.
I.e. you’d basically ‘have’ to set up your reality to be oriented / ‘sloped’ / tilted this way such that you cannot get an ‘even’ spread or balanced ratio of experiences.
Something like a balanced progression of:
1) Active engagement: ‘ah this interesting stimulus’
2) Passive reflection: ‘relaxed, reflective, ‘integrate this experience into yourself’ time . . .
With some variation here depending on the person / personality, situation, ‘inclination’ etc – but generally kept, maintained, or held ‘within’ reasonable bounds.
(But ‘reasonable’ itself would of course be a context-based / person & group evaluation-based parameter which went ‘by the wayside’ a long time ago – and was intentionally made to do this . . .)
May 1, 2016 @ 5:37 pm
There is an Interesting web page discussing the ‘Lunatic’ voices / mind chatter drivel that goes on in many peoples heads HERE.
AND I found this cartoon walk through of the coordination of visual perception and external reality HERE. It seems obvious to me that this person was involved in the EAAS design of the ‘coordination’ of human CNS functioning – keep clicking ‘next’ top left . . .
May 2, 2016 @ 1:12 am
Hi Clive. I can relate to both of the web pages you’ve shown because at times, music or cartoon images would appear in my head for no apparent reason. I get the impression that the author of the first website is clueless about the possibility that some of our thoughts and actions are not ours.