"Earth as a Simulation Series 4: This Series offers MANY pages of Evidence that many Anomalous Experiences, Plus 'Exceptional' Abilities & Skills can be explained 'IF' we are Simulated copied people being Simulated with Less Advanced Technologies resulting in ourselves having Anomalous Experiences that relate to Hi-Tech Neural Implants & CNS Enhancements that the person we are simulating HAD, but which we are a long way from developing here!!!"
Main Page Headings List
- How 'POORLY' might Simulation Software Render 'Heads Up Display' Type Experiences?
- Anomalous Experience of Blanked out Visual Spaces, Missing Visual Areas when dealing with Customer Orders . . .
- How Would Simulation Software Keep Obscured Internal Visual 'Graphical User Interface GUI' Experiences?
- Detailed Examples of 'Graphical User Interface' & Visual 'Heads UP Display' Human Enhancement Experiences?
How aware are you of what humans go through as they learn how to do things?
How aware are you of how much you do and how much of your functioning is completely automatic? How much of your actions and functioning are carried out with no conscious thought because they have become automated (and are therefore carried out unconsciously).
Just have a think now of the ‘things’ (as in objects and devices) that you regularly interact with. Think about the objects and devices you interact with on a daily basis AND then spend time thinking about how ‘automated’ your actions and interactions are with these thing.
For example try and remember all the details of you yourself making and or sitting and eating breakfast. What did you drink? Where did you get the cup from, what did the cup feel like and what did the drink taste like? Just how much do you consciously REALLY take notice of?
Most of you reading this will have what is optimistically described as a ‘SMART’ phone.
Can you remember when you actually bought your alleged ‘smart’ phone? Take time away from this page and try and recall your first smart phone purchase AND then think of the first phone call you made, the first call you received, then how long it took you to set up you facebook account details, how long it took you to figure out how to access your gmail account e-mails and so on and how long it took you to send text messages . . .
When you first got it, it probably took a few weeks of you reading the manual and or working by trial and error combined with some straight forward shear persistence before you learnt to use it properly and particularly for the options and functions you regularly use.
How ‘POORLY’ might Simulation Software Render ‘Heads Up Display’ Type Experiences?
Just take a few minutes to think about this. Then have a think about how much of your current smart phone you access and use completely automatically and unconsciously WITHOUT THINKING AND WITHOUT YOU EVEN BEING AWARE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING IN DETAIL and even without you being aware that you are NOT AWARE OF THIS.
Let’s go back to the first quote on a previous page which is from the forum entry here.
1. “I also experience visual disturbances. Freeze frame images, bits missing from my visual line of sight. I have customer orders in front of me most of the day but I sometimes miss one in a row even with a big gap between.”
How much of your smart phone do you actually CONSCIOUSLY take notice of as you are using it. If you were honest, then it is likely sinking in now that you do so much automatically that you are no longer really conscious of what you are doing and you are not taking very much notice of what you are doing for most of your use of your alleged ‘smart’ phone.
So, if you had some of your alleged smart phone functions as an implant with it’s display as a heads up display in your head THEN how long would take before you accessed and used most of it’s regular functions automatically and UNCONSCIOUSLY?
How long would it take before you’d actually automatically blank out unimportant or distracting parts of the display? HOW LONG?
Would the simulation render ‘unconscious, unnoticed’ scripted data of anomalous events that it wants kept hidden ‘strategically’ such that it deliberately doesn’t render ‘things’ the person you are simulating and you yourself here are not generally aware of, don’t take notice of or which you have consciously ‘blanked’ out?
So, keep all of the above in mind AND the visual display possibilities that I pointed out on the previous page as you read the below.
Anomalous Experience of Blanked out Visual Spaces, Missing Visual Areas when dealing with Customer Orders . . .
In a high tech society and specifically in a fast food joint the orders are likely made directly via either a mobile phone OR more likely by a combination mobile phone, messaging implant which with the right ‘app’ will pass your order directly to the food order chef’s ‘meals to cook’ queue while your built in GPS will later pass details of where you end up sitting.
So, the chef’s orders implant will likely present an internal visual display of the cooking orders either permanently within ‘some’ area of his visual space and or when he cognitively initiates to have this list displayed, as he’s examining any particular order for cooking then coincidentally his visuals are likely to appear to be freeze framed as the external visual input is temporarily suppressed to make it easier to read what is internally visually presented. It is also likely that there will be either adverts and or a messages presentation box also being presented as part of the internal visual overlay display (for a twitter, facebook, google messages and so on display stream) and each of these are also likely to be displayed in a specific part of your visual field.
How Would Simulation Software Keep Obscured Internal Visual ‘Graphical User Interface GUI’ Experiences?
Unfortunately the simulation software will likely identify at least some of these functions as being worryingly anomalous with respect to the technologies we are actually simulating as having here never mind when compared to how a bog standard human is actually supposed to function. Under these circumstances the software is likely to do it’s best to not render certain things based on your level of awareness of these ‘areas’ and or it will attempt to blank out / not render at least certain things, which would perhaps leave you with either visual gaps / blank areas as well as other odd visual effects.
In a simulation with someone with this tech taking meal orders working in the same environment as the person they simulated did, then I can also personally envision a clash between many different interacting implanted technologies (think of an i-phone implant with a lot of apps running in your internal visual head space) never mind that the simulations efforts to try and NOT present out of context things would end up with what I would personally describe as a visual mess.
Detailed Examples of ‘Graphical User Interface’ & Visual ‘Heads UP Display’ Human Enhancement Experiences?
There are actually many science fiction books by many authors describing high technology implants including in some cases details of their installation, their wiring into and interfacing to the human perception, memory and cognition systems and also their functioning in different circumstances and under different conditions (including attempts to hack and disable these).
Some authors of such books include Peter Hamilton, Neal Asher & Charles Stross (I’ve read books written by all of these authors over the last 10 years).
I’ll point out ‘again’ that in a simulation delaying these types of technologies you’d expect to have books commonly describing such technologies during the time these technologies were in common use by the population. They’d be ‘normal’ for books written about specific collections of people whose day in day out job would involve the use of various human enhancement technologies.
AND . . . once again . . .
In reading the above, if this reminds you of your own (or someone else’s) similar ‘odd’ eyesight / vision / internal mental spaces experiences, then can you leave a comment below describing this experience in as much detail as possible.
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
November 26, 2015 @ 11:52 am
I’m already experiencing strong ‘resistances’ and ‘distractions’ about writing this, and I haven’t even started yet. The sim makes itself too ‘obvious’ at times. It’s almost as if we can gauge how ‘true’ certain theories are just by the way the sim reacts to us wanting to present the information…
So the experiences i’m about to describe came quite ‘easily’ and naturally to me. I was able to piece this together ‘somewhat’, and even ‘wrote’ a few paragraphs in my head about how i’d present the information. This was all done without much/any resistance, but as soon as I came to the site and wanted to start writing about it the sim ‘kicks in’ with it’s sabotages against me.
You’ve mentioned this somewhere before – that the sim can’t ‘completely’ prevent someone from experiencing what they’re SCRIPTED as experiencing and understanding.. but it’ll definitely want to prevent people from presenting that information to others. This would seem to be the case here.
I’ve mentioned in the past about certain ‘issues’ i’ve been experiencing for the last few years. For those of you reading this, i’ve been ‘suffering’ with what could be described as a ‘blocked up’ feeling throughout my head region. It’s a very ‘disharmonious’ feeling which has me almost constantly feeling ‘weird/abnormal/not right’. I feel very ‘out of sync’ with my life AS IT IS BEING PRESENTED TO ME HERE.
After reading the page regarding ‘chess implants’ and coming to understand that I likely have a ‘problem solving’ implant, I realized that if I do have such an implant then it’s very likely that I also have OTHER scripted implants effecting me RIGHT NOW. I conceptually linked this to the SUPPOSED ‘issues’ i’ve been ‘SUFFERING’ with for the last few years, and started to question whether what i’ve been experiencing could be the result of ‘translated’ technological enhancement experiences. I believe these ‘issues’ COULD be due to the sim attempting to BLOCK/SUPPRESS my ability to access and utilize the functions/experiences of these implants.
I started by trying to shift my perspective – rather than going along with feeling shitty and blocked up, I started by thinking along the lines of ‘okay, I have some kind of technological enhancements here and WHAT ARE THEY DOING?’. I was having a cigarette out the front at the time, and when I looked at ‘objects’ around me (such as trees, cars, etc) I got the impression of these being ‘analyzed’ and would conceptually perceive 3D objects representing them within my visual field. I also got the impression of distances being measured.. not that I felt I was actually being presented with ‘numbers’ but rather a ‘recognition’ of where these objects were and their distance from me.
While I was doing this, my eyes were BLINKING a lot and I was moving my ‘face’ a lot (like small movements of my facial muscles, jaw, etc in an attempt to get ‘comfortable’) AND this ‘blinking a lot’ thing triggered a memory in my mind of Magnus Carlsen (Chess World Champion). I’m a bit of a ‘fan’ of his and watch many of his games, and when he’s calculating/visualizing during the games he BLINKS A HELL OF A LOT. Conceptually I pieced together that this ‘constant/excessive blinking’ may have some relevance to these technological enhancements (as it’s the eyes moving, i’d guess it’s related to ‘visual’ information). I’ve also noted that others here have seemed to be describing similar experiences when working with some of the ‘exercises’.
So.. what i’ve written above has been mostly copied from an email I sent to Clive a few weeks ago. I was planning to rewrite the information and present in a slightly different way BUT the ‘sim sabotages’ were incredibly intense.. I could barely put a sentence together.
Now.. at this point something weird is happening. The sim seems to have changed tact, and has almost completely stopped with it’s ‘direct and obvious RAWR! sabotages’ BUT is continuing with it’s ‘distraction’ line. It also seems to have activated a different sabotage which is attempting to make me believe that the next ‘section’ is ‘irrelevant/unimportant’ and thus I shouldn’t write about it. It’s actually VERY convincing.. except for the fact that it’s still running the ‘distraction’ process..
The below information ‘ties in’ somewhat with what i’ve presented above, and here i’ll give a ‘warning’ – as I was writing the below section I noticed my ‘writing style’ had changed. I feel i’m being influenced to present the information below in a way which will make it more difficult for you to ‘think’ about it…
So today I was at a local ‘shopping mall’ which was very busy/crowded. As I weaved my way through the crowds, I realized that I seem to have some kind of ‘automatic path-finding’ ability. What I mean by this is that it seems i’m ‘almost unconsciously’ running detailed analysis of the people around me. I’m analysing their POSITION, their MOVEMENT SPEED and their CURRENT TRAJECTORY. This also ties in with ALMOST INSTANT (split-second) changes of my own movement in reaction to what others around me are doing. Examples:
So i’ve had this ‘ability’ for a long time but I never considered it ‘weird’. I use this all the time when crossing roads, for example. I quickly/instantly analyze the movement of traffic to know ‘almost exactly’ when it’ll be safe to cross and at what speed i’ll have to walk, etc.
Now.. this might not ‘seem’ weird BUT the ‘analyzing positions, etc’ part of it correlates to what I experienced in the first section of this comment AND while ‘observing myself’ during this experience I FELT AS IF MY HEAD/MIND/AWARENESS WAS ‘WITHIN’ A ‘COMPUTERISED SPACE’ which correlates to what I experienced when doing ‘exercise 2’.
‘Computerised space’ – this is how I feel/perceive it, but I think what this actually IS is a scripted ‘technological enhancement experience’ in which I am being presented with visual and potentially other forms of ‘data presentation’.
I also started getting a ‘headache’ within around 30 minutes of being in the shopping mall, but this wasn’t a real one as it passed as soon I left the place a few hours later.
I was also getting very minor ‘mental perceptions’ OF THE DATA PRESENTATIONS. For some reason, whenever this happens, the prominent colour i’m ‘perceiving’ is RED. Red outlines around people, objects, etc.
Anyway.. this comment ended up being a lot longer than I was expecting it to be, and I feel there was more I wanted to mention but have now forgotten. Thanks for reading.
November 26, 2015 @ 2:33 pm
Distractions / management has ramped up since I posted the focus at the bottom of the ‘Exercise’ pages to target sim ‘management’ efforts applied to people because they are visiting this site. After the drop in traffic a week or so back and after being ‘adjusted’ it came back up, then with the ‘management effects’ focus it dropped again yesterday . . ce la vie . . . that’s life in the sim . . .
November 26, 2015 @ 5:51 pm
Yes – the distractions may be up, but so far so good. I actually got on this site today on a computer that never worked before. I am somewhat triangulating my comments between written notes, to a word document and then try to paste it into the site, and between various devices. No way can I write directly onto the site without losing words or the whole message. In addition – reading the site on a “toy” of any type, limits comprehension significantly. (Those devices are designed to mess with comprehension) I have to print out the important pages and exercises. They are not distracting, to me, once printed. I even resorted to hand writing certain exercises so I can sit in peace.
Trent – a big “yes” to the red outlines on people and objects. This happens immediately after accessing the site, and doing exercises, and then fades after a few hours. I tried to describe this earlier and lost my links as examples. People have a red outline with more shading on their actual ride side. Static 2D symbols, letters, numbers, have a red shadow rotated to 3 o’clock creating a 3D symbol on computer and TV, electronic screens. Will try this link as an example of how symbols look
I did the memory focus 2 more times:
1. As a child I traveled internationally and wanted to go back to a specific house in Central America and try to look at the dishes that were in the sink. As a tester – I can already remember the inside of the house like it was yesterday – despite the fact it was a long time ago. Almost instant black and white slide show of me and my family photos progressing back in time to when I was that age. The photos were accurate – I remember them and have the black and white photo album. But I could not get into the house. I got to the people in the house but did not get to that kitchen sink – which I thought was really cool as it was a large old single tub sink. I then decided to try to close my eyes and focus and soon started to fall asleep (another distraction). Curious that a yoga teacher once told me if you fall asleep meditating it is because “they do not want you to remember”. Who is “they”?
2. Next time – significant tingling on the top of my head. I felt like a Chia pet growing 4 inch strands of grass out of the top of my head. This continues for 10 minutes but I could not anywhere. Then – maybe the next day – as I am walking around I notice that objects look like that old toy “Colorforms” – as if they are all pasted in a temporary position and could be movable. Also – always a significant headache which goes away if I go out in nature or away from electronics. Will continue to work on this.
November 26, 2015 @ 6:29 pm
Wow!! someone taking an organized ‘battle’ stance against the ‘evil’ sim . . . hahaha . . . tomorrow they’ll be another exercise page to add to those it’s already ‘worried’ about!!!
April 12, 2016 @ 8:08 pm
This surely belongs to another page, but right after 911 – I decided to type in various typical/simple things about 911 into MS Word (being curious about any conspiracy type stuff) – I can’t remember exactly what now. I highlighted and changed the fonts to different wing dings – nothing really that interesting happened except a few symbols of two buildings/towers.
I let my attention wander a moment and accidentally hit a key, perhaps escape key, and new text popped up in regular English, “I WILL PREVAIL”. Needless to say I got a little spooked/chills up spine…..