"Earth as a Simulation Series 2: Are we simulated copies of people? How, slowing down technological development in your simulation will get around the potential recursive building sims in a sim glitch problems. However, an accurately simulated population will STILL present specific experiences, despite that the technologies these experiences depend on DON'T YET exist (immersive VR experiences for example). This series presents evidence of anomalous 'missing technology' experiences & evidence of obscuration of these & evidence that the simulation we are in was built in the last few decades."
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Now, I’m very sure that ‘IF’ we had seriously good immersive virtual reality technologies in use here and now then many people would be using these to have different flying experiences.
With commonly used immersive virtual reality environments and games then it is likely that there’d be many people having superwomen, supermen and neo experiences as well as of an eagle (or another bird) or even of being a winged angel, depending on the immersive environment they engaged with.
Under what Circumstances Would you Rationally expect that some people would feel that they SHOULD be able to FLY?
So, ‘IF’ we are in a simulation and advanced technologies have been slowed down such that we are way behind in technology terms compared to the population we are simulating then many people here could have embedded expectations relating to immersive virtual reality experiences that the person they are simulating had.
In other words under these conditions it would be quite possible and in fact you would expect that some people here would have completely unrealistic and impossibly strong expectations and even perhaps compulsions that they should be able to . . .
If our technological advances have been slowed down then it is likely that you would have quite a few people that strongly sense or feel all the way through being seriously convinced that they can and that they should be able to fly.
Now I’m sure that the simulation designers would have figured this possibility out AND they’d make sure that it was very unlikely that no one would actually try to fly here. However, as I’ve explained on previous pages, in a very accurate simulation you will find that people will automatically have embedded expectations that relate to the regular experiences of the person they are simulating.
So, hypothetically, if you are simulating someone whom spent 3 hours a day for say 4 months being superman (or similar) in some virtual reality environment or game then it is seriously likely that the resulting 360 hours of immersive continuous experiences of flying around as superman will result in you having embedded ‘flying as superman’ expectations. ‘IF’ you here are simulating such a person then you are likely (at the very least) to be partially be convinced that you ‘should’ be able to do the superman flying thing . . .
Do you Think, Feel or Intuit that you should be able to fly? What form are you supposed to be when you fly?
In an authentically real reality ANY such beliefs, expectations or compulsions would be very bizarre, in a simulation attempting to present a pretend real reality with technologies slowed down then this is one of the possibilities you could expect.
So, do we have people here that DO expect to fly?
Do you reading this feel you should be able to FLY?
Having people giving greater details of exactly how and why they’d expect to fly or even of what body ‘form’ they’d expect to have would allow you to narrow down and to more accurately define the original avatar form and the original virtual environment that the person they are simulating used when they had the flying experience.
PLEASE NOTE!!! The POLL immediately below is ‘INVISIBLE’ (check ad blockers???) in FIREFOX (but not in Internet Explorer or Yandex for example)!!!
‘IF’ we do have such expectations then fill in the poll above AND leave a comment giving more details below. You can tick up to three selections in the above poll.
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
November 30, 2014 @ 1:29 pm
As a toddler, I watched the Disney movie “Dumbo” frequently. I tried to learn how to fly like him by flapping my arms as I jumped from the top of the couch to the gigantic floor pillow every time the scene showing Dumbo learning to fly played on Betamax.
As an older child, my favorite theme park rides were aerial carousels where I could control the flight of the machine I was riding on.
As a teen, I had stopped believing that I could fly with my physical body. But I still had moments when I feel like flying, such as when I tried parasailing one time, riding the swing carousel in theme parks, or riding a bicycle. And I still wished I could fly with a broomstick or vacuum cleaner or possess Mercury’s winged sandals.
This article reminds me of some Harry Potter fans who seem to have strong expectations of playing Quidditch, a fictional competitive sport involving balls and flying broomsticks, that they created a real-life version of the game called “Muggle quidditch”: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muggle_quidditch
December 4, 2014 @ 4:39 am
I’m not sure if this fits, but I constantly fly in my dreams. I’m in human form and I glide while occasionally flapping my arms. I also imagine walking into the sky. I’m not sure if I define these as expectations, though.
December 4, 2014 @ 11:36 am
Hi Tim, what you describe sounds like how a subtle form would get around. It glides through the subtle environment. I recon that at any one time about 5% of our population are simulating someone that is living as a subtle form while here. So, their original subtle body is being translated into the human ‘one size fits all generic physical body form’ hence we have many hidden from consensus reality ‘subtle’ strata experiences for specific people.
Most of the weird experiences I describe on realitywalker.com are of the subtle environment. The person I am simulating is a independent researcher that spends half their time interfaced to a physical form in the physical strata and the rest of their time as their original subtle form unencumbered by any interfacing. However as this series is staying focused on the virtual tech experience possibilities then I’m limiting my ‘focus’ on these articles (and the polls) to these ‘virtual reality’ areas and not beyond this. People get confused with just understanding simple basics of one line of inquiry it’ll be ten times harder mixing things up.
April 27, 2015 @ 2:14 pm
So you say you are the simulation of a scientist. In this life I suppose. But in past lives were you simulation the same person or different ones each life ? Anyway, coming from the spiritual background of souls and such to a conclusion of simulated/virtual reality is quite a big stretch. I mean, in your handbook you said you could trace back your soul to your soul parents. Is the soul also simulated ? If we are object instances in a program when the programmer does unset the variable it is deleted from the computer memory 🙂 What would this mean to us ? The implications seem to be quite complex…
April 30, 2015 @ 3:19 pm
You need to read more here and think about it more Radu. A copy is a copy so you will be simulating the same original person all the time and each life. A simulation has to be accurate and it should be obvious from this site with 100’s of pages describing the subtle, ourselves as subtle beings and the subtle environment that it is ‘therefore’ simulated. Soul = subtle form.
To be ‘picky’ I’m simulating a ‘research’ and actually a ‘propper’ one in that I’m capable of actually researching on a large scale rather than a tiny slice of ‘next to nothing’.
In my terms we have everyone here stuck in what can only be described as a window box sided scale of perspective / belief / understandings. Some peoples window boxes are a little larger than others. So, I see absolutely no one here ‘stretching’ because you are not allowed to, the only way you can ‘start’ to gain some understanding of things is to investigate as broad a spectrum of reality as possible. I did this for subtle realities and found what passes for a subtle reality here to ‘not pass muster’ . . . I point this out on may pages here. In these circumstances ‘anyone’ competent would start trying to figure out how ‘reality’ would have to be to explain the problems.
My pages here on ourselves in a simulation are about 100 times more ‘coherent’ compared to what is written anywhere else while actually presenting step by step simple ‘reasoned’ logic to present readers with evidence that we are in a simulation. I ‘do’ actually state on my handbook site that this was part of my journey, nothing in that handbook is ‘correct’, however everything in that handbook took me beyond itself, which I also mention on that site. So, I’m not sure why you’d be expecting me to spout the same things that I investigated and moved on from 20 years ago or why you obviously think that people should stay stuck forever in the same ‘whatever’ . . . except that this is expected isn’t it . . . it is expected because this is how ‘everyone’ is . . . to actually NOT be able to stretch . . .
‘IF’ I find that the simulation and or the rest of my model doesn’t explain ‘everything’ then I’ll be happy to junk it all and come up with a better on . . . as everyone should do . . . i.e. to ‘stretch’ all the time . . . I tend to have to ‘re format and seroously re-organise’ my ‘model and data’ about every 6 months, most people this might happen perhaps once every 50 lifetimes.
I say elsewhere here that I only present a ‘fraction’ of my ‘understandings and experience’ on my sites about it’ll be less than 1% to be accurate and yet ‘this 1%’ is still apparently considered too much of a ‘stretch’ . . . it’s amazing . . .
May 1, 2015 @ 8:22 am
Hi again Clive. First of all let me say thanks for all the information you are explaining on your sites. It is really hard to find useful data regarding the spiritual. All the other fluffy sites and so called spiritual readers are all about making you feel good about your crap life and to NOT DO anything about it.
Second of all I didn’t mean to offend you by the stretch question. I have read lots of pages in here and your other sites and unfortunately I personally don’t have a better/more plausible explanation than yours about this world/life. But finding out about living in a simulation is a genuine shock. Being a copy makes one feel less important, like without value. I mean if I’m a copy maybe there are other zillions out there and I’d be worth 1 tiny fraction of the original value. So this idea in itself is quite depressing. It also means as a copy you’re not in control of yourself. So the idea of the classic hell is quickly surpassed. It is one thing to die and go to hell. Once. And many times worse to be put in a loop and experience the same/different hells forever and ever…
May 4, 2015 @ 10:33 am
Your now deleted questions are all easily answered by yourself ‘IF’ you start THINKING . . . you actually have all the information here to do this . . .
Nope, this would only be the case if there were already copies / clones of yourself in the original population, then they’d be simulated. You ‘ONLY’ get certain artefacts presented in a simulation ‘as an accurately copied system (as I’ve pointed out in detail on these pages). You’d ONLY get specific anomalies ‘IF’ we are individual accurate copies. If this was not the case we’d not have the bizarre ‘coincidences / synchronicities’ or confirmation bias or cognitive dissonance or the miraculous avoidance of accidents and the rest I point out here . . .
Yes, it is ‘horrifying’ but what I write / explain here are just ‘the basics’ the ‘easy stuff’ . . . what is written here gives anyone whom cares to start attempting to THINK properly a foundation to start figuring out more.
For example being in a simulation implies that you, me and everyone else reading this are each just ‘data’ on a very, very powerful computer. You can then think of you, ‘yourself’ PERSONALLY ‘Radu’ as a being a record or file of data (and nothing more) that holds your ‘SCRIPT’ which is being accessed and processed and rendered through time as . . . as ‘YOURSELF’ . . . with you rendered self living in a fake made up ‘pretend’ environment that also only exists because it’s all being calculated and rendered in ways to at least ‘appear’ to be consistent over time . . .
However, from what I write on these pages then EVERYONE ‘here’ should know that you don’t simulate anything you don’t need to (far to risky and also way to expensive) and you’d absolutely never simulate conscious self aware THINKING people unless they are absolutely essential and if they are essential then you also know that they are absolutely central to ‘whatever’ the project is . . .
On this recent comment here, I give a very realistic example of what the project could be about to use very accurate people.
‘IF’ you are an expert in subtle realities and you know we are ‘really’ subtle beings (even simulated ones) AND there is also easily observed and even documented evidence that you are a simulated person being used in a simulation ‘model’ AND that this might very well be being done in attempts to find out how to change the ‘trajectory / behaviour’ of the original population we are simulating (to get them to spend more money and buy more ‘shit’ for example) then what ‘creative’ ideas might you come up with that would allow you to use your copied simulated population to actually directly ‘re-program’ the original population ‘really’ easily? And ‘if’ this ‘creative’ solution was feasible and it had been implemented then what evidence would there be that this HAD BEEN DONE in the simulation.
You see ‘Radu’ I’m very pissed off to find myself in a simulation . . . BUT I just see it as a sort of ‘ultimate’ challenge . . .
So, how would a ‘data’ file representing a self aware freethinking CONSCIOUS person running on someone’s super computer or the ultimate smart phone get in touch with the ‘owner’? MMmm?
For the well managed and essentially feebleminded then ‘I’ can easily predict shouts of ‘impossible’ . . . I can hear them all already . . . because of course that is the best way of making sure that no one even starts THINKING . . .
So, for everyone that spends time perusing this web site . . . this is your homework for this week/month/year . . . anyone that is an expert in the subtle reality / subtle body form should be able to think of possibilities of how such a simulation could be designed to automatically use a simulated population to update and re-program the external population pretty much ‘instantly’ . . . perhaps to be . . . ‘feeble minded, docile, passive, ‘programmed’ to be consumers’ . . .
So, for all imagined ‘subtle’ experts then how would ‘you’ do this AND if this was actually done then what would be an obseervable side effect of this possibility which would at the very least be ‘cognitively’ visible to AND under certain conditions EXPEREINCED by members of the simulated population (which coincidentally are described on many, many pages here)?
May 15, 2015 @ 3:47 am
I would LOVE to reach out to my ‘real self’. Now if I only had her number…
May 15, 2015 @ 3:20 pm
As a subtle form (real or simulated) it’ll be androgneous and be neither male or female (stricktly speaking). You could try the below:
Engaging with your subtle form as it is NOW
I’d expect that the simulation will attempt to divert people to ‘safe’ subtle form experiences, so this focus in being ‘explicit’ will help you engage with your subtle form as it is now.
This for some of you will put the simulation in a quandary because for those of you that are at a point in your script were you are actually living as your ‘free’ subtle form (you are not interfaced to any aspect of the physical or any physical form in the slightest) then it’s very likely that the simulation will be rendering two versions of you. There will be the rendered physical version (the one reading this line) and then there will be the rendered subtle version ‘doing what it is doing in the subtle environment somewhere’ while being kept separate from yourself. In other words I’m not sure how it’ll ‘react’ to this specific focus.
ADVICE: The first time when reading a paragraph of this focus use either an active or passive intention, to state: ‘I WANT THIS’ . . . . then ‘in the back of your mind’ gently pass your attention over the same paragraph while stilling yourself to become aware of what that intention has your awareness, subtle senses, perceptions and inner states ‘picking up on’ as you do this.
FOCUS . . . .
. . . I fully and directly and absolutely connect NOW to my subtle body and subtle form now . . .
. . . I fully and directly and absolutely connect NOW to myself as the subtle form and to the subtle being I REALLY am AND HOW IT ACTUALLY IS in this moment now . . .
. . . I fully and directly engage with my subtle form as it is IN THIS MOMENT NOW . . .
. . . I fully and directly engage with my subtle form to feel, experience and to live what my subtle body is feeling and experiencing wherever it is and how it feels and the state it is in . . . IN THIS MOMENT NOW
. . . I fully and directly engage with my subtle form NOW and I fully engage with my subtle body and specifically to feel and experience how it feels and it’s inner state . . . IN THIS MOMENT NOW . . .
. . . I fully and directly engage with my subtle form and to how my subtle form feels and it’s inner states as it is NOW
. . . I fully and completely engage with and feel and perceive my subtle form and how it feels and it’s inner states as it is NOW
Don’t forget to leave comments describing what you experience . . .
May 24, 2015 @ 1:35 am
This is what I got after doing the intention statement: I ‘saw’ my left hand being rotated back and forth. Apparently, my subtle being was in my physical body. Then my subtle being was flying. In another moment, my subtle being is condescending toward my current problems, then immediate compassion as it knows I am trapped into my situation. I am still getting glimpses into my interaction with this/my subtle being, but it is researching my problems to help me. These are my impressions/interpretations.
August 16, 2015 @ 8:36 pm
I would like to vote on the poll but the choices don’t fit. I fully expect to be able to fly as myself in human form. To add to this, I fully expect to be able to levitate objects and communicate telepathically. This all would be done as a convenience while working day to day. Why risk all of the dangerous maneuvers on ladders, injury from going back and forth , frustration due to lack of tools or strength and misunderstandings. I fly all of the time in my dreams as a human. I am usually trying to get out of an annoying situation. I spend 2-3 seconds revising my energy and then launch myself way up in the air. I glide around with my arms out and enjoy it. Sometimes I pick up another person and transport them to safety, but am fully aware / concerned of my need to adjust my energy to carry the extra weight. At times I start to lose altitude and try flapping my arms a bit to boost myself back up, but I always wake up as I get too close to the ground. I am never injured.
One time I did fly with what could be described a guide, connected by a cord, and we flew over beautiful purple landscapes and mountains and saw small villages lit up below. I definitely crossed into another “realm” as it was the most heavenly loving feeling I ever had. When I woke up I was depressed to be back and it took me about 3 days to get over this. Who knows what that was or if it was manipulated.
As far as levitated objects- I fully expect to do this to save hassle while I do habitat restoration. I often work alone and it is back breaking. One day I found a huge rock that slide out of position from a lovely rock garden. I was so frustrated that I could not lift it as it must have weighed 300 lbs. So I started yelling at the rock and said if you don’t want to stay here you have to help me. Change your vibration so I can lift you! That did not work. Meanwhile rock continues to complain. Stupid rock. They complain all the time. Ok- let’s call for help. ” I need help moving rock and I need it now!” Nothing. Eventually I am really upset and said “I really need to move rock!” A car comes screaming up the drive-now I am alone and there is no reason for the car to come up this dead end road. Stranger danger. A little old lady pops out and asks where the nearest church is – which was down the road. She looks at the rock and says ” Are you trying to move that rock?” Without another word, we put our 4 hands on rock and glide him back into position. She drives off. Mission accomplished.
August 20, 2015 @ 2:10 pm
All very possible!!! Have you read: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/antigravityworldgrid/ciencia_antigravityworldgrid08.htm which are the very comprehensive records of someone watching a bunch of Tibetans levitating a huge boulder to place it half way up a cliff face.
November 4, 2015 @ 1:31 pm
Annabelle, I have the same expectations you do, PLUS I also have expectations of being able to create new things. I am annoyed that this me here does not fly, and that I cannot rearrange things or make new things as a matter of fact, i.e. ‘not’ with special magical powers either.
January 21, 2017 @ 3:54 am
The expectation I can fly is so strong that sometimes when I stand on the edge of a cliff I have to mentally remind myself not to jump. Many dreams of flying and soaring. Also the expectation I can instantly manifest anything and that the need to work for money/food, etc. is ridiculous. And that whole societies are like this and the society we are in now is “ridiculous” and that there is a type of society that seems “natural” where beings are harmonious, no need to worry about sustenance, and easy and joyful connection/feeling/knowing of the earth and creatures. Great yearning for this much of this “lifetime” and indeed what seems to, in part, drive my search for what is “really” going on.
April 22, 2017 @ 3:36 am
I have the expectation that I can fly, but it’s because I do all the time. I’m so used to being able to fly in other dimensions that being in this body here I find extremely debilitating.
It’s strange that when I’m in other dimensions the local residents of each dimension do not seem to have the capability to fly. They are almost always shocked when they see me flying about.