"Earth as a Simulation Series 2: Are we simulated copies of people? How, slowing down technological development in your simulation will get around the potential recursive building sims in a sim glitch problems. However, an accurately simulated population will STILL present specific experiences, despite that the technologies these experiences depend on DON'T YET exist (immersive VR experiences for example). This series presents evidence of anomalous 'missing technology' experiences & evidence of obscuration of these & evidence that the simulation we are in was built in the last few decades."
Main Page Headings List
- Why is it NOT Possible to Simulate a Population Through the Phase the Simulation was Built?
- Experts Have Decided that you Cannot Simulate People Through the Phase the Simulation they are in was Built?
- "Historical Simulations - Motivational, Ethical and Legal Issues."
- What are the Specific Reasons WHY Building a Copy of the Simulation you are in will make you AWARE that you are ALREADY in the Simulation you are building?
Why is it NOT Possible to Simulate a Population Through the Phase the Simulation was Built?
They have dismissed the possibility because as I have already pointed out in the previous series, ‘IF’ this is a simulation project then the simulation designers WORST nightmare would be of the simulated population finding out that they are in a simulation.
‘IF’ we are in a simulation then theoretically we could be simulating individuals from the population that put this simulation project together. Now, ‘IF’ we then were simulated through the time period when the original population conceived of, designed, built and tested the simulation then we would be simulating those here that designed and built what we are in AND in an accurate simulation they’d AUTOMATICALLY DO THE SAME THING and conceive of, design and build the VERY SAME SIMULATION here.
Academics ‘therefore’ argue that ‘IF’ we are in a simulation then we won’t / CANNOT be simulated through the phase where the simulation is conceived of, designed and built BECAUSE this would mean that we ourselves as accurate copies would start to BUILD THE SAME SIMULATION HERE and in doing this it is virtually guaranteed that we’d very quickly figure out that we are in the same simulation we are in the process of designing and building.
Experts Have Decided that you Cannot Simulate People Through the Phase the Simulation they are in was Built?
This ‘problem’ is described in an academic abstract called:
“Historical Simulations – Motivational, Ethical and Legal Issues.”
By Peter S. Jenkins, Attorney at Law, USA.

Below I’ve images from two sections of this paper from the bottom of page 36 and the top of page 37. I’ve highlighted the relevant parts of the text below which are both about giving the reasons as to why you’d NOT simulate people through the phase when the simulation they are in is actually thought of, designed and built.
So, the so called ‘rational’ reasoning is that you won’t and or cannot simulate your population through the time period where the simulation is designed, built or run because this leads to two serious problems . . .

1. In building the same earth as a simulation project there is a very serious risk of you ending up having recursive simulations within simulations within simulations running within each other which would quickly overload, slow down and hence completely sabotage the PRIMARY simulation project . . . plus . . .
2. ‘IF’ you let your accurately copied population re-learn everything the original population already learned re-create the earth simulation project then they’d also very, VERY likely realize that they are actually living in the simulation they are in the process of building. Them having such a realization would basically sabotage the simulation project (the need to NOT become aware they are in a simulation to retain accuracy).
A rational thinker on reading the above might think to ask . . .
What are the Specific Reasons WHY Building a Copy of the Simulation you are in will make you AWARE that you are ALREADY in the Simulation you are building?
So, perhaps a very rational and very pertinent question you should ask yourself here is . . .
“Precisely why would the simulated population building the same simulation result in them eventually ABSOLUTELY figuring out that they are ALREADY in one? What would they find out ‘IF’ they tried to build the same simulation?”
See if you can figure this out before reading the next page . . .
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
January 5, 2015 @ 8:20 am
I feel like this is what the crew at Urth Games are doing…using virtual worlds such as video games, and now Second Life to illustrate this Simulation principle.
January 5, 2015 @ 1:19 pm
Hi Catherine – All the many different (10,000’s) of research lines for the original project have been split and ‘isolated’ so there are lots of clues of the earth simulation project presented in all facets of our culture here.
For example the series ‘LOST’ (Fallen (from the sky/higher realms) ‘LOST’ people trying to ‘find’ themselves) has a varied set of people suddenly finding themselves on a ‘hidden’ island where they are each presented with ‘themselves and their issues’ AND at the end versions of themselves IN THE REAL WORLD are ‘Unbelievably’ magically updated with the ‘LOST’ island versions of themselves ‘experiences’. Which is ‘exactly what the original ‘uncorrupted’ sim plan was supposed to do – update the original population after ‘sorting them out’ in the sim. So, ‘LOST’ is a ‘series’ presented to the original population about the earth simulation project which has had to be translated sideways to make it difficult to join the obvious ‘sim’ clue dots.
One of the MAIN lead characters of LOST (Michael Emerson) whom in LOST seems to be involved with what is behind the ‘LOST’ island’s ‘mysterious’ functioning just happens to also be the main character in the series ‘Person of Interest’ which is about vacuuming up all data about ‘everyone’ AND of then finding ways to analyse it AND to then use that data to PREDICT PEOPLES FUTURE BEHAVIOURS to ‘HELP’ people and prevent injustices. ‘Coincidental’? I think not. It is even possible that Michael Emerson was involved in the original sim AND has been diverted sideways script wise to play out this involvement in films rather than real (simulated) life.
Then you have a series called ‘Touch’ which was likely a series in the original environment about how some aspects of the ‘therapy’ system of this earth space was supposed to work to present people with ‘magical’ connections and coincidences AGAIN as part of ‘sorting people out’.
I could point out more ‘series’ links.
January 15, 2015 @ 11:27 pm
It took me a while to “get” this concept — that our films and books etc are from the original world. My first reaction to the entire idea this is a sim was it was a “wacky” idea BECAUSE the reasoning started to sound like a movie script.
But once I got that this IS a simulation, it makes sense. There will be a database of sorts of everything already created – it’s perhaps this database “source” that creatives (script writers, directors) often feel they are “magically” accessing as they are writing .. I’ve heard them speak of not really knowing where their ideas come from, the ideas just flow out fully formed.
And now that I deeply understand that this is without a doubt sim, I find so many movies chilling. It’s like watching historical records.. and the place we are simulating was definitely f’d up. Disconcerting to say the least.