"Earth as a Simulation Series 2: Are we simulated copies of people? How, slowing down technological development in your simulation will get around the potential recursive building sims in a sim glitch problems. However, an accurately simulated population will STILL present specific experiences, despite that the technologies these experiences depend on DON'T YET exist (immersive VR experiences for example). This series presents evidence of anomalous 'missing technology' experiences & evidence of obscuration of these & evidence that the simulation we are in was built in the last few decades."
Main Page Headings List
- How the Cause to Effect Flow is Reversed with Simulated Copied People Living in a Simulation Project
- A Rational Explanation for Why Some People Feel that Aspects of their life are Pre-Ordained or Pre-determined?
- How Would Reality HAVE TO BE for Peoples Lives to Actually be REALLY Pre-ordained or Pre-defined?
- Why a Simulated 'Copied' Person Living out someone else's life has NO FREEWILL!!!
- How Simulation Project Predictive Software would Keep people Glued to their Pre-Defined Life Script in a Simulation?
- How Much Would It Cost to Create the Perfect Simulation?
- Have you experienced NOTICEABLE & unlikely Synchronicity or Coincidences leading UP TO a life event?
- Has anyone felt directly Guided as part of being Steered to particular outcomes?
- Have You Ever felt directly Guided as part of being Steered TOWARD/TO or AWAY FROM being hurt in an Accident?
As I’ve already pointed out, despite ourselves having a ‘simulation argument’ for well over a decade none of our researchers or anyone else appears to have spent time understanding in a fundamental sense what it would actually be like to be a SIMULATED COPIED PERSON living out someone else’s life.
Again as I have also already pointed out, copied people won’t exhibit ‘real’ freewill. They will think and feel and be convinced that they do have freewill because the people they are simulating would have had ‘real’ freewill but they won’t actually ‘really’ have any in a simulation project.
What else will be different about simulated copied people compared to real people?
How the Cause to Effect Flow is Reversed with Simulated Copied People Living in a Simulation Project
Well, ‘IF’ we are in a simulation project then another of those stupidly obvious things that I’ve not seen mentioned elsewhere is that because everything will be pretty much already pre-determined for each person’s copied life then the simulation software will be specifically programmed to ensure that you very accurately follow the life of the person you are simulating (which will be defined in detail by a personal to yourself script).
In effect a simulated copied person will be living a duplicated, already pretty much completely mapped out life.
If you spend some time THINKING about this then you will realize that in a real reality you would naturally have a cause or series of causes leading to an outcome or a series of cascading outcomes. In a simulated copied reality rendering copies of self aware free thinking individuals their future lives are shockingly already completely mapped out in fine detail.
In this respect the flow of determinants defining how a simulated copied person’s life unfolds will be the reverse of that of a real reality. Effects and outcomes will in fact drive the construction of plausible causes.
In a simulated copied reality rendering simulated copied people then because outcomes as in events, important decisions, important people interactions and so on are PRE-DEFINED then ‘CAUSES’ to put it bluntly are going to have to be plausibly manufactured and choreographed to ‘naturally’ maneuver the copied person to make sure they make it to the next already defined outcome or event.
‘IF’ the software doing this isn’t seamless and completely natural then in a simulated copied reality certain people will very definitely feel as if ‘the hand of fate or even that some god’ must have intervened because the ‘coincidental’ string of causes make them feel that ‘somehow’ they have been divinely GUIDED to a very specific outcome. This may be so obvious that to any ‘rational’ person they will have to question the possibility of the causes being pre-ordained.
In a simulated reality it is likely that in some cases the outcome of a copied person being maneuvered and choreographed by simulation software to make sure that they get to a specific outcome at a specific time is likely (if you think about it for a while) to result in completely unrealistic and impossible coincidences (which you’d absolutely NOT expect to happen if we are in a real reality).
A great example of this is Dean Radin’s experience which he describes in the video below . . .
A Rational Explanation for Why Some People Feel that Aspects of their life are Pre-Ordained or Pre-determined?
In a real reality where NOTHING is pre-defined or choreographed then you’d likely NEVER EVER have anyone feeling or thinking never mind being convinced that ‘some’ event or meeting was very definitely pre-determined or pre-ordained.
It is astonishing that once again obviously no one has evaluated either of our two popular alternate reality possibilities to see if either would account for such a commonly experienced ‘oddity’.
What this ‘effect and outcomes are used to initiate and define CAUSES’ flow actually means is that a very large, highly complex software engine will keep track of what is already defined and which absolutely needs to happen IN THE FUTURE. To do this properly there will have to be a hierarchy of software engines that all work together to keep track of and to maneuver each person with regards keeping them aligned to what they are defined as living out and experiencing in the future.
In this respect you will have what would be called a long term look ahead software engine that looks ahead say 5 years to determine all of the critical ‘decision’ and experience points within that time period.
Let me give use an example to show you how this software is likely to work.
Let’s say that your script has you marrying person ‘X’ in 4 years time. That would be quite an important future outcome wouldn’t it?
How Would Reality HAVE TO BE for Peoples Lives to Actually be REALLY Pre-ordained or Pre-defined?
From the simulation software’s point of view then this means that you will have to meet ‘X’ when your script has you meeting ‘X’ perhaps in about 3 years time, the ‘long term look ahead’ software will gear up NOW to ‘orchestrate’ and to ‘choreograph’ your life and your interactions AND the software will manipulate you to MAKE DECISIONS THAT WILL LEAD TO THE PREDEFINED OUTCOMES YOU HAVE TO TAKE TO KEEP THE SIMULATION ACCURATE.
It is likely that another software engine will kick in at about the 3 month mark to ‘orchestrate’ and to ‘choreograph’ your life and your interactions in much finer detail, for example, to have you meet ‘Y’ whom is a friend of ‘X’. It is even likely that you will meet ‘STFG’ whom are all friends of ‘X’ so that there are multiple opportunities to have you meet ‘X’ at the time that is pre-determined by your script.
It is likely that yet another software engine will kick in a few weeks before the ‘important event’ point to ‘orchestrate’ and to ‘choreograph’ your life and your interactions in even finer detail. For example, this software will likely make sure that ‘STFG or Y’ decide to have a party (because they are scripted as having parties together at a certain frequency) AND that they will invite you AND the mysterious ‘X’.
Why a Simulated ‘Copied’ Person Living out someone else’s life has NO FREEWILL!!!
This finer detail software engine will not only manipulate yourself it will manipulate all the key players in your life in attempts to make sure that your pre-defined future outcomes are successfully reached and accurately lived through.
There will then be yet another software engine that is ALWAYS operational that deals with the approach to and the actual presenting of each ‘NOW’ moment.
It is this ‘in the moment’ software that will make sure that you become interested in ‘X’ when you do meet. it will make sure that you have appropriate attraction feelings AND it will likely also make sure that you preferentially only notice GOOD THINGS to be attracted to.
During these fine detail moment by moment times the software will be generating each thought, each feeling set and each insight and intuition you have. It will also be determining and rendering your internal state, your mood and so on and so on.
This ‘now moment’ software will also make sure that you DO preferentially notice AND THAT YOU TAKE NOTICE OF things that you will be attracted to of person ‘X’ whilst simultaneously it will ALSO very likely be doing the opposite. It will be dampening down your awareness of things you’d find unattractive or repulsive, in many cases even if you do notice anything ‘off putting’ the software will deliberately keep these ‘sensations’ WELL IN THE BACKGROUND. This ‘in the moment’ software will ALSO be doing exactly the same with ‘X’ with respect to yourself.
How Simulation Project Predictive Software would Keep people Glued to their Pre-Defined Life Script in a Simulation?
This very complex software engine will manage your awareness, it will manage and determine the lines of thinking you start and it will make efforts to have you pursue certain thinking lines and it will also make efforts to have you NOT pursue others such that it will absolutely manipulate and manage your evaluations of ‘X’ as well as ‘X’s evaluations of you.
In other words in a simulation project the software that would manipulate and manage your AWARENESS, your THINKING, and your EVALUATION ABILITIES and the CONCLUSIONS YOU’D COME TO and the decisions you make would already be defined as part of what would be essential to accurately simulate copied people living out someone else’s life.
In this respect my estimated 2 pennies or two cents extra cost in the dollar to implement specific management efforts with respect to ‘earth as a simulation’ possibilities for researchers, scientists or anyone else is likely to be a a huge, HUGE over estimate.
It’s actually way more likely to cost an extra 0.2% pence to implement rock solid awareness, thinking and evaluation management software to handle all worrying ‘earth as a simulation’ awareness, thinking and evaluation possibilities.
How Much Would It Cost to Create the Perfect Simulation?
I’ve read on authoritative web pages that the estimated COST to implement a ‘perfect’ simulation would be pretty much INFINITE. On the other hand to implement the software to MAKE MOST PEOPLE COGNITIVELY CONVINCED THAT THEIR REALITY IS PERFECT would actually cost . . .
Pretty much NEXT TO NOTHING . . .
As a scientist working with people obvious convinced that their reality is ‘perfect’ it was hard to understand that given the number of instances where the word IMPOSSIBLE is used by scientists when the use of this word would imply to the cognitively sound of mind that . . .
They don’t seem to be AWARE that every time an academic or scientist or other ‘rational’ objective person utters ‘IMPOSSIBLE’ that this means that their understandings and the fundamental assumptions they are operating to should be seriously questioned. Coincidentally in my experience this observably doesn’t happen, they immediately revert to trying to come up with any explanation (no matter how bizarre) that will absolutely keep their basic assumptions intact. Even more strangely they don’t often question this behaviour either.
To manage and to ‘orchestrate’ people’s awareness, thinking, insights, intuitions, any resulting conclusions they come to and or the decisions they’d make would require an unbelievable and absolute understanding of the human brain to do this seamlessly such that this could be done without anyone noticing that they were are being directly managed.
In this respect the population that put this simulation together would very likely have put a huge and concerted effort into researching brain functioning. This research would be necessary to help them figure out enough to be able manage and manoeuver simulated copied people seamlessly.
Strangely enough I recently read of an announcement that the next concerted large scale ‘research’ push which will likely involve 100’s of millions in funding will be to fully research the workings of the human brain (this is despite ourselves being bankrupt and despite that we have many seriously pressing problems which you’d imagine would take greater priority). Obviously this must just be one of those strange ‘coincidences’.
Even more interesting I also read that part of the reason for doing this research is to try and understand (and perhaps correct) the causes of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance. It took me about a half hour before I could stop laughing when I read this.
Some simulation designer is seriously taking the piss because this is exactly the sort of tactic I’d use.
As a simulation designer that has already deduced that their entire simulated population will appear to be FAULTY because they’ll all exhibit confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance then what better way of keeping the very essential for your simulation projects massive brain research effort hidden (in plain sight within your simulated population) by getting them to use confirmation bias as one of the reasons to justify the massive brain research which because you already did this then this will begin to happen in your simulated population.
Seriously you couldn’t make this up, it’s like living in a Monty Python sketch . . .
Have you experienced NOTICEABLE & unlikely Synchronicity or Coincidences leading UP TO a life event?
In a simulation project designed to have people living out someone else’s life then each persons life will unfold in the opposite way to what you’d expect of a real person living on a real world. This is because they will already have all of their life events and experiences pre defined by their script.
Because peoples lives are already defined then they won’t follow a cause to effect/outcome flow that would be normal for a real reality. For a copied persons life to be kept on track and for each person to live out the life of someone else accurately then their life choices and decisions will have to be ‘finessed’. Basically a simulated person living out some other persons life will be influenced and directly manipulated. It is very likely that they will be presented with precisely engineered CAUSES all of which will be designed to lead the person to their next already predefined experience event or life outcome.
In carrying out these manipulations then many people will have to be very strongly weaved or ‘guided’ by having presented very specific causal events, information presentations and encounters in effect to ‘very definitively’ maneuver them to make specific choices that would lead them to specific outcomes. This would be done for the most defining and very important life events (one of which would be to make sure you meet and get involved with the currect/right pre-defined partner such that you will likely have your reality defining software presenting a barrage of causal ‘pointers’ and ‘steering’ information all designed to lead the simulated person to the required very specific outcome.
Which would then ‘absolutely be done’ to make sure that you meet and get involved with the right ‘pre-defined’ person . . .
If this is how our reality actually works then then it is actually likely that MANY PEOPLE will experience obvious life synchronicity and or coincidences because they are being very strongly guided to some very specific very IMPORTANT/DEFINING life events.
‘IF’ more than a few percent of people are experiencing synchronicity or unlikely coincidences leading up to a specific and or likely significant event (leading to them meeting someone that they start to have a relationship with) then we’d very definitely have to suspect that we are not in one of those mythical ‘real’ realities.
So, have you have any synchronicity/coincidences ‘pointers’ leading you to any person that is then VERY SIGNIFICANT IN YOUR LIFE . . . this would either be a life partner and or someone connected to you finding the right pre-defined job!!!!
Have you experienced Very Noticeable synchronicity or coincidences leading UP TO any event?
PLEASE NOTE!!! The POLL immediately below is ‘INVISIBLE’ in FIREFOX (but not in Internet Explorer or Yandex for example)!!!
‘IF’ you do tick the poll above and it’s 1 or 2 can you leave a comment indicating the type of event and maybe write of any coincidences you can remember that you experienced.
“Basically . . . I’d appreciate if you LEAVE A COMMENT IF YOU CAN RELATE TO A COINCIDENCE ‘SUPPORTED’ Event . . . . “
If you do this then we’ll have more idea of the sorts of events these coincidences are linked with.
Has anyone felt directly Guided as part of being Steered to particular outcomes?
When I had my set of extreme coincidences leading up to meeting my future wife I had a seriously ‘guided’ experience the previous weekend before meeting her. I had a stall at a ‘spiritual, new age’ event and a friend came to talk to me because she had heard that I was heading off to ‘work’ with a healer in Sao Paulo Brazil and wanted to know how about it. In talking to this friend I mentioned that I felt a very strong connection to the woman I was going to meet AND that despite how bizarre and actually IMPOSSIBLE is was I felt that I was going to start a relationship with this woman I’d never met and hadn’t even spoken to.
My friend then gave me a puzzling look and explained that for her stall she’s been guided to charge a particular crystal which was to facilitate a ‘soul mate’ connection, she asked if this was meant for me. Very interestingly she also made it clear that she had seriously resisted her own guidance persuading her to charge this crystal and she didn’t think it right to have a crystal charged in this way as she felt that someone would pick it up EXPECTING it would magically attract their soul mate. I went with her to the table full of crystals and she / we literally couldn’t find it. Standing there I then experienced my right hand being moved ON ITS OWN to point down the table while simultaneously my legs upped and did their own thing too. I walked down the table quite fast and my hand automatically moved and stopped over a specific crystal AND then grabbed it. None of this was done by me. My friend confirmed that it was the crystal she’d not been happy about charging. This entire lead up to our meeting with descriptions of the barrage of coincidences, synchronicites and directly guided events are described on this page here.
Now, please NOTE that this is an extreme example of direct physical movement guidance rather than internal ‘guidance’ as insights, feelings and impulses or even ‘spirit’ or ‘virtual’ voices.
After thinking about ‘duplicated’ life possibilities, it then becomes obvious that there will be another ‘experience’ of a very specific nature that will also ABSOLUTELY result in reality having to make a BIG effort to absolutely make sure these specific events/experiences either absolutely happen to certain people at certain times and or for other people efforts have to be made to make sure that the same events absolutely don’t happen . . . can you think of what these specific events will be?
Is Reality Pre-Defining Accidents & Injuries are Injuries & Accidents Pre-Destined?
Have You Ever felt directly Guided as part of being Steered TOWARD/TO or AWAY FROM being hurt in an Accident?
If we are living out ‘someone’ else’s life then if the person you are simulating had an accident such that you are then NO MATTER WHAT . . . GOING TO HAVE THAT ACCIDENT then there will likely be some very weird circumstances/setups pre defined TO ABSOLUTELY MAKE SURE that some people absolutely have an accident while the same sort of effort will be applied to others to make sure that they DON’T HAVE AN ACCIDENT . . . which if correct then it’s very likely that some people with have really bad luck when experiencing having an accident (because they are predefined as having one) while other people will then seemingly have amazingly good/magical luck avoiding having an accident . . .
Are Some Life ‘Defining/Critical’ Events pre-Defined such that you either absolutely cannot Avoid them OR they Absolutely won’t be Allowed to Happen!!!!
So, have you ever felt directly ‘GUIDED/FACILITATED/FATED & OR STEERED’ in a particular direction or toward a particular outcome and particularly to ensure that something either absolutely happens and or absolutely doesn’t happen because it’s likely that for a duplicated reality some people whom are pre-defined as having an accident will very likely feel as if they had very unlucky circumstances contributing to the accident (because it was MADE TO HAPPEN) while others (whom are not supposed to have an accident) will find the opposite, that they are LUCKY/ INCREDIBLY LUCKY to have ‘somehow’ avoided having a bad accident (car crash or similar)!!!!
PLEASE NOTE!!! The POLL immediately below is ‘INVISIBLE’ in FIREFOX (but not in Internet Explorer or Yandex for example)!!!
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
November 3, 2014 @ 8:12 pm
This is much more in my wheelhouse. I have experienced this constantly. With my own friend, there were so many times where she could’ve died and/or fallen apart, but I knew she would somehow get through. I even predicted how some of her relationships would go. Like how one person would leave and she would eventually go to another. Another more detailed example, since out of respect I kept it a bit vague, is my recent moving situation. I was supposed to move months ago but am still stuck here. Interestingly enough, I felt I was given signs of it when the local college classes were open to join with my friends. Maybe this isn’t the best example. Really, it is more of a feeling I get, like I’m on some sort of track. If I can think of more detailed examples and how to present the causes, I’ll post them on this page.
November 3, 2014 @ 10:49 pm
Hi Tim, Yea I’ve had a few of these too. My soul mate ‘trip’ had loads of coincidences leading the ‘right’ way.
December 17, 2014 @ 9:52 pm
I had forgotten that in addition to a ‘fated’ feeling of meeting a soul mate there have been 4 or 5 times when I just ‘knew’ upon meeting someone or entering a ‘new room, space, or environment’ or even just ‘feeling’ a social scene that it was a very MARKED atmosphere. It felt incredibly DIFFERENT and although I was not able to consciously acknowledge this the feeling that I had was that there was absolutely ‘nothing’ I could do to ‘mess things up’ and also that I was not really ‘responsible’ for what happened.
If I was originally a virtual reality tester in the encoded original form that was copied and is now living my life here, there is a possibility that I’d be able to spot a ‘forced’ transition or ‘interposition’ of a script element.
If this was the case my behavior or attitude in relation to that event might be changed. So it’s very interesting that I found myself in a very ‘go with the flow’/ passive/ accepting attitude in these situations.
This seems like a way for the simulation to internally manage someone while still allowing for ‘flexibility’ so that externally people do not exhibit overtly forced or robotic behaviors.
In addition to the ‘meeting my soul mate’ fated experiences, the 4/5 other times I can think of consistent of seriously strange behavior from me and others that I even found myself laughing at or ‘pointing out mirthfully’ at the time. However, some of these interactions also seem to be quite limiting OR not reflecting of what I’d have chosen IF (a big IF) we had free will here.
Basically it seems likely it was all done to keep me from ‘going off the rails’ from what I was scripted to experience AND/ OR when I was needed as a ‘stand in’ for someone else’s script.
If you think about it the more aware a person is the more you’d have to ‘drug them’ in software terms to put them in a ‘passive non-thinking’ emotional state if you were going to use them as a ‘stand in actor’ in someone else’s script.
November 4, 2014 @ 10:45 am
This article reminds me of how simulated spirit guides ALSO seem to directly “manipulate” simulated people into taking actions that will lead to specific outcomes and events.
November 15, 2014 @ 4:17 pm
Hi Clive, but deciding a ‘free’ course of action would then inevitably entail experiencing coincidences, once you’re attuned to look out for them. Are you then questioning the ability of someone in a simulated environment to come to free action? Once aware of the impossibility of free action and previous arriving at this awareness ‘an impossibility’ are we then awakening to a subtle realm, equally manufactured? Simulation vs New Age dialectic. Nothing new then, under heaven and earth, but mans’ own creative will. To not be perceived, to be bound to synchronicity, to give up spiritual pursuit. Sounds like Christ. Simulated soul mates are nevertheless ‘real’ simulations for a time ?
November 15, 2014 @ 4:58 pm
A DECIDED course of action shouldn’t then be described as ‘free’ (without direction) should it because it’s self determined and self generated and as such then any coincidences are not then ‘coincidental’ because they’d be expected. All of my coincidences were leading me an event or circumstances that I didn’t know about until they arrived.
I define what I’m talking about as ‘simulation’ here I’m talking about copied people living out someone else’s life. This is a typical operational simulation of which there is loads of observable evidence here AND this page was describing in detail exactly how a copied persons life would be defined WHICH in many cases will as a visible anomalous side effect lead to ‘unexpected’ coincidences.
So, based on what I write and explain then ‘NO’, SIMULATED COPIED PEOPLE DON’T HAVE FREEWILL. DID YOU ACTUALLY READ the above page, because coincidentally this it why this poll is on this page!!!
November 16, 2014 @ 11:03 pm
I’m having a difficult time understanding this post even though this is not my first reading of it. Stupid brain fog. I’m not absolutely sure of the specific coincidences, but I do feel like I am being steered into a specific situations and I’m absolutely NOT happy with it. My brother feels everything is predetermined. He states everything he has predicted has come true. Except one thing. My sister and he think that he was supposed to have died at some young age, but now this situation has been mitigated somehow. He said the thinks he had a “choice” to go on to a ‘normal’ life versus life expanding his metaphysical talents (I hate the word, psychic). He chose to go the ‘normal’ route and now he still lives. That sounds like a software glitch.
November 17, 2014 @ 2:53 pm
I also get brain fog writing these. The sim isn’t happy about this type of ‘coherent’ information about itself being presented. I’ve now given a longer and better defined explanation in the paragraph before that poll, so you might find it easier to understand.
If the sim is actually taking you away from your pre-defined script then it’ll have to make more effort AND the coincidences and predetermined feelings will be stronger.
November 17, 2014 @ 3:52 pm
Being directly ‘Guided’ POLL added at the bottom of this page . . .
November 17, 2014 @ 7:55 pm
Hey Clive. When reading some of your contents on most pages (the longer paragraphs and pages) my brain gets foggy to. I end up even rereading each word to make sure that I understand its content. As far as coincidences I can say that the same situations keep happening to me a lot. For example, gossip. Everyday when I walk the streets, one set of people will be talking about me behind my back but ONLY to see a set of people from a distance looking at me and saying stuff and giving me ridiculous looks. This happens very often. Pretty weird.
November 18, 2014 @ 6:57 pm
Funny, I messed up on the second poll. I do feel steered sometimes AND I do have a feeling for the spiritual realms. I grew up thinking I was the only one who did not have this extra sense amongst my siblings. I was steered into being initiated into this ‘talent’ by searching for answers to my problems. Now I question whether the problems are of my own choosing. Because now I have doubts about these decisions. Needless to say, these observations are rocking my world. They are also disturbing my own spiritual organization (my guides, guardians, teachers, etc.), lol.
November 19, 2014 @ 2:32 am
I’ve been observing something weird lately (surprise!), I am having emotions, sadness in particular, but I feel like they are not from me. It’s like I am meant to have these emotions, but it feels more and more false. Interesting. Though the last wave of sadness seem more genuine, perhaps the software is getting better. Also, this sensation of false emotion was occurring before I said the most recent intention statements.
November 19, 2014 @ 10:40 am
I have noticed a pattern in my attempts at building myself a career. First I would be guided into thinking that the opportunity is good, but once I have taken the bait, extreme shit happens so that I eventually give up and stop the career dead in its tracks. Coincidentally, I would then be presented with a new opportunity, but I’d be so heartbroken by the recent failure that I’d decline the offer and then remain stuck for a year until I have the guts to try again.
One example of such scenario was how I was “misled” into teaching English to play out what I now feel to be a script-defined mission failure scenario. On January 2009, I was drawn into having a career reading with a psychic. I told her of my plans to study Mandarin in China for six months. In turn, she told me she dreamed of me teaching English abroad, which my guides said were aligned 100 percent with my life purpose of healing and helping others.
Once in Beijing, my classmates often told me my excellent English skills were excellent and encouraged me to find English teaching jobs in China. So I attended a job fair for foreign students finding teaching jobs in China. I didn’t get any job, but I managed to find out that I needed a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certificate to qualify as an English teacher.
Finding volunteering opportunities to teach English was easier than finding paid work. My roommate quickly found a Chinese teacher who was willing to teach me Mandarin in exchange for me teaching her English. When she became too busy to continue with the set-up after a month, a new opportunity quickly arose. I noticed an ad at the dormitory’s convenience store looking for an English tutor to teach an 8-year-old kid. The store owner helped me contact the kid’s parents. This resulted in me spending every Friday teaching the kid in exchange for snacks throughout my stay in China.
A month after returning home from my studies, I chanced upon a global internship program that allowed me to have an internship abroad. I applied for it and passed the interviews, giving me the chance to find my own internship until January 2010. It was around that time when I stumbled upon Clive’s sites a day after a teacher told me to make my own decisions because no one else could do it for me.
I began leaving comments there and receiving responses from the authors who wrote the articles. This revealed the true nature of my guides. They began to tell me to stop listening to Clive and warned me that I’d not like what I’d find if I choose to explore my issues further. They also said that I contracted them many lifetimes ago because I couldn’t handle what I was going through at that time.
I persisted in reading Clive’s sites and insisted that I make my own decisions. At that point, my guides became more belligerent, calling me naive for deviating from the “light” path and saying that I’ve betrayed them by seeking help from others. They advised me to go back before the situation worsened. This prompted me to dump my guides.
I felt that events conspired to make the English teaching internship come true even though I didn’t pass several Skype interviews. The deadline of the internship was extended for a month, and I finished the TESOL course a few days after securing an internship in an Asian country. This coincided with the time I read about sabotaged missions on the Soul Healer site, which triggered the gut feel that I’d fail the internship even if I had no idea of how that would happen. As if to support my intuition, my mother gave me a re-bookable ticket that would allow me to return home anytime of the year.
My gut feel was right. When I taught English for one week, I received negative feedback for my performance, such as speaking with a very soft voice (caused by lack of confidence) and always appearing nervous (i.e. not credible) in front of class. The odd part was that I was given another week to prove myself before my internship was terminated for real. I was then offered an internship in Malaysia, but this time, I declined for fear of entering into another “failed mission.”
In 2012, I was on my way to the same building where I took up my TESOL certificate to attend a franchising seminar when I tripped and injured my foot, as if I were being blocked from setting up my own business or franchise. Conveniently, I tripped myself several steps away from the hospital, so I went there to have my foot checked before going home. That was also the same year that I secured stable work-at-home work in an attempt to build a freelance writing career: a high-paying yet redundant SEO writing and a low-paying online writing gig that focused on weddings and educational topics for students.
None of the work lasted long. The fiction writing workshop lasted only one semester. The following year,I dropped the low-paying one, and I was laid off from the high-paying one. Only then did the opportunity to apply for a travel writing gig, my previously “dream” job, show up. But I had been burned out from writing crappy SEO and not getting the pay I deserved from writing quality articles that I did not bother send my resume there. I have remained jobless since then.
I have two other coincidences related to my past attempts to develop my writing skills:
I joined my university’s Chinese cultural organization, particularly its publication department, because I so happened to read one of its magazines while passing time in the high school library as a senior. At that time, I felt very strongly drawn to writing for them as a way to learn more about my Chinese heritage.
I was prompted into sending a Facebook message to a classmate, who now taught in the same university where we took up nonfiction writing classes. I asked him where I could take up writing workshops. He arranged for me to attend a fellow teacher’s fiction writing class for free. Technically what I did was illegal according to university rules, but since I looked like a college student at that time and since the librarians still recognized me every time I photocopied the required readings in the university library, I got away with the set-up unscathed. Since this took place in mid-2012, around the same time I acquired the SEO writing work, this felt like another one of the synchronized coincidences so I’d live out my pre-defined life as a writer.
Another “coincidence”: I was almost done with this comment this morning when a blackout hit my home right before lunch time. Power returned after a few seconds. After lunch, I checked my draft and was surprised to find a blank page instead. It felt so odd because normally, if I just close my word processor and re-open it later on, the draft should still there even if there’s a blackout, the draft should still be there. But not today. I had to write everything again from scratch.
November 20, 2014 @ 4:31 am
Wow Nina, and I thought I had it bad. But then again, it took me over 10 yrs. to get my career started for one reason or another. Ok, thinking about this, it took almost 20 yrs. before my career started. I wish you a quicker success, Nina! 🙂
November 26, 2014 @ 11:48 pm
In regards to synchronicity leading to joblessness, I have a tale that would definitely cast doubt into the authenticity of this reality.
I used to apply for hundreds of jobs, complete with resumes with plenty of (fabricated) experience and references, only to be disregarded every single time.
The most interesting thing of y job hunt was when I applied to ALL of the fast food joints in the city, including EVERY LAST MCDONALDS, which should have been dead easy for me to get. Out of the fifty locations I applied for, ONLY ONE called me back for an interview that was easy to pull off; and even then, I did not get any call back after said interview, and I called the manager of the specific branch that wanted to hire me MULTIPLE TIMES, each time said manager just so happening to “have left” or “be too busy”.
-I have had at least four people who were determined to help me get a job (and or really liked me,) all having the authority and experience to guarantee me a spot in a decent restaurant as a bartender. I have given DOZENS of calls to each individual without getting any responses, before loosing contact with them, all together. for one reason or another (mainly, either I, or the other, has lost their cellphone or had it changed). I always found it fishy that this was the expected case for me.
-In two situations where I worked hard to overhaul my life so that I would be very self responsible and proactive (and was making much progress); I was hit with a traumatic accident that had me crippled for at least a month, with all my positive changes lost, and my behaviors back to normal.
November 29, 2014 @ 11:09 am
Finally I could answer two of the polls, before this not only did I not have easy means to write an answer, but I had NO IDEA what the ANSWER even was.
Today, I knew what the answers were & could answer the poll questions truthfully from MY perspective.
Answering the polls allows us to see the ‘Results of the poll’ so far & the answers were interesting & I was glad of the results of some of the answers, I wish I would have wrote down the Results of the Polls, because I can’t remember the answers well enough now to ponder them
Thanks Clive xX & the Whole Sim Healing approach xxxx ~ Much Love x
~ 🙂 ~
December 3, 2014 @ 5:28 pm
Many instances. Two examples:
1) Moving to the town I presently live in: we made the decision to move one weekend, and in less than 2 months, sold a house and business, moved, bought a house, got a new job/started a new business.
2) Having a 3rd child. We’d been discussing it but hadn’t decided yet .. then perfectly timed accident, scheduled almost exactly two years apart from the second child. Found out I was pregnant on New Year’s Day for child 2, and then found out I was “accidentally” pregnant on New Year’s Day for child 3. Both are September babies.
And some negative paths, such as the no, no, no, no, yes to the job search process, creating a career path that leads you to the most dead-end of options .. which is a path that doesn’t appear to be dead-end until you pursue it and find yourself locked in. Or the disappearing of friends – when every friend you make moves away as soon as you begin to really enjoy each other’s company and you had begun shaping your social life around them .. which means you also now have hole in your social life because you’ve not nurtured other friendships. Or the odd persistence to continue with a bad life choice, just, well, “because” .. even when you KNOW it’s a bad choice but you can’t see the way out. You could see the way out if it were someone else’s life but you can’t choose that path for yourself.
December 3, 2014 @ 5:46 pm
And another negative path:
*Certain life opportunities won’t pan out (the appointment will be postponed, the firm will shift directions, traffic, emergencies, contact info gets lost, forget to follow up, etc etc) or
*They’ll appear and look solid/enticing/life’s dream, but you’ll for some reason not be able to take advantage of them (too much on your plate already; commitments that prevent you from pursuing them; you weren’t ready for the opportunity when it did present itself, whether in education or experience or mentally/emotionally; family matters, etc)
December 17, 2014 @ 8:30 am
Yes, my entire life has been this, like a puppet on a string , seeing numbers 11,22,33,44,55 and meeting people and connections, being completely controlled from start to finish.
Clive, excellent article, thanks for sharing.
December 17, 2014 @ 9:28 pm
Another thing that seems to be going on in addition to things being pre-defined is that there is an ‘internal emotional’ landscape that is supposedly in synch with the external environment — at least it’s ‘supposed’ to be or it’s passed off as if it is.
So not only do we not have any real choices BUT if you somehow manage to ‘block’ the negative effects in the external environment ‘sure enough’ like clockwork you’ll find yourself in the same moods, states, and emotional preoccupations as if you WERE living the external environment. In some ways it’s worse but in some ways it’s better because you’ve managed to deflect some of the damage the simulation can do.
My own personal experience is that each day around the same time I experience the same abrupt ‘mood’ shifts and the same recurring thought patterns and they have very little to do with what is actually going on externally.
In my opinion the only reason why I don’t ‘attribute’ what is happening internally to what is going on externally–why I’ve ‘escaped’ this–is because I had enough will powerful and observation ability (and have in my script to be a virtual reality tester) that the simulation could no longer ‘attribute’ my inner and outer space or ‘get away with this.’
This also effectively means that my ‘inner landscape’ is now completely off the rails with respect to what is going on externally. So I can personally confirm that we must be living in a simulation that pre-defines things (our emotional states, moods, reactions) AND can be ‘broken’ or ‘unhinged’ because I use this every day to keep what is going on ‘internally’ separate from the external reality.
In this way I can ‘escape’ the hell that is mis-attributing all your ‘misfortunes’ to others or some external causes. It still means you experience the hell that is the simulation we live in but at least you know the difference. Bizarre but true and more evidence to add to the pile that we are in a pre-calculated, pre-rendered simulation which also renders our internal and external ‘experience’ and landscape differently.
December 24, 2014 @ 1:26 pm
Ah Matt well said. Yes the more aware I am of the script ‘possibility’ the more this makes sense to me.
And what pisses me off probably more than anything is how when things don’t pan out or something crappy happens, we either assume it’s our own fault, or just assume it’s “the will of god” or that it’s supposed to be good for us somehow. We seem to be managed to adopt the idea we should blame the victim (us) instead of questioning ‘larger possibilities’ such as the ‘sim’ idea.
January 2, 2015 @ 8:35 pm
Not wanting to have children (and have this awaken me to certain painful realizations) and having my purse stolen at work during the “rehearsal dinner.”
My purse contained my Rx for birth control pills, a refill authorization. Had to use back up birth control methods during honeymoon. Stress of wedding and brain fog did not allow me to access Dr.’s office for a new Rx. But I really DID NOT WANT to be pregnant.
Then, I bought spermicide to use. Used it. Only after I became pregnant did I notice the product was 6 months past expiration, thought I just bought it.
With 2nd child, spirit of said child appeared to me for 3 nights during dreams to demand I get pregnant so s/he could be my child as desired for her life experience. She knew I didn’t want to be a parent, again, and wanted to focus on my education and career.
Over the next 3 years, I slowly began to actually want this child (felt like I was being subtly “persuaded”) and again, accidentally got pregnant when again, just wanted more time with my best friend/husband.
I’ve had too many things happen to feel there is not a script of some kind and a set of predetermined “objectives” mostly comprised of “subjective feeling states” or epiphanies that advance the mind through several lifetimes of “lessons” that are increasingly challenging and “elite,” meaning much investment by a set of designers and coaches from all over goes into the process, which we are only somewhat aware of, even during between incarnations.
Investment develops in non-linear forms, and some are living multiple lives out in several dimensions. Time is not linear, so there is what would appear while standing in a timeline, of overlapping.
Carrots are definitely dangled to get us to go through the “lessons.” Mission failure is a “heading” with sub-lessons. I recall from a “scanning machine” of a past life that I dreamed in this one. I passed because I saw that a supreme “collective” mission failure was the whole point of that entire life sequence, for me and the entire ship and crew that sank, even though everything was fine (think military Titanic event) and in the between state, I “accepted” this, as the captain of said vessel, and I accepted the “fact” that the whole life for me and the whole crew involved was just one large pointless failure–we did everything right, but one person, my second in command, was a bit lazy & he brain fogged during carrying out my exacting orders, and we all died as a result; his brain fog was orchestrated by the spirit advisors doing the life review with me. It was a large scale mission failure making the above posters look trivial and merely annoying. I had to see that even though it totally “sucked” and gave me a spiritual “sinking ship” feeling, emotionally, that the love of the ONE energy that I felt orchestrated and allowed it for my own benefit, even though that benefit is not clear still, I accepted this. They began to clap and stand up for me, smiling, and said “You Passed!”
Now I do not have mission failure lessons and it’s other stuff I’m running into, but my spouse has subtle mission acceptance and overt mission failure he is stuck with now. I’m trying to support him as he works through a major block.
Finally, only when I began to imagine that some people are living out multiple lives and holding the strings to many “puppet selves” in many “realities” that I found Clive’s image, who I saw as a male who is doing this, too, with me. It looked to me like a time/dimension parallel/similar traveller in a hurry to defy some of the programming designed to SLOW US DOWN from developing. 🙂 So I saw Clive in my mind’s eye moving through these realities like an avatar in many layers of intersecting “games” that I am also “playing.” I “was” suddenly aware of this reality, after contemplating one particular past life that is intersecting in this one’s schemas, and within minutes of googling Akashic records reading, “accidentally” found his site for the first time. I’ve googled that many times, and never found this site before.
Prior to this my sister had an Akashic records reader do readings on me that were definitely edited in order to keep her from finding out facts that she cannot know in her life script yet, and needs to discover on her own in her own way.
January 3, 2015 @ 8:41 pm
Hi Mel, your story is interesting and it may me think, what if the proscribed timeline gets changed? What if something happened to tweak it to a different scenario? Does the software then try to keep going with the proscribed timeline? Or does it try to get you to the same script at a different timeline? I don’t have a full time/consistent job at this time. I could see this if I had children and would want a part time job.
January 3, 2015 @ 8:49 pm
All this makes me wonder how much “flexibility” we have, if any, in this sim.
January 6, 2015 @ 3:25 am
@I’m Not Totally Oblivious, What an interesting question!
While I do not think I could answer this probing question with my own learning to this point, to offer my perspective to-date, I was told by my guide, Michael, who was my husband in a past incarnation, and, who I have seen “in the flesh” six years ago, that we contract certain events that would be better for us to do, at the first opportunity, but will simply have to happen later on much of the time.
In my case, Michael told me while we talked in the hypnotic state just before fully awakening that I would be receiving $5k at the first of many gifts that he had found out from Source that she had prepared to offer me. He knew I wanted to buy my first house, and also to earn my Ph.D. He tried to convince me to put off buying a house, that I’d be better off if I put my Ph.D. first. I argued with him, and he gave me the right to put the house first, with consequences being that it would be a bit different and would put off the inevitable. He thought I’d be more happy doing it his way. (Now, when I’m conflicted, I tend to defer to my guides when it feels they are right, as I could tell I have been stubborn, and shortsighted.)
Michael continues to push me to do the Ph.D.
So based on my life and guide, the Source of our Soul is fully capable of “watching” us and then, right in the middle of life, deciding to add further gifts. Gifts can be many things, but are often positive experiences that are being newly added and “unlocked” levels are promised in the middle of lives, set up, in the middle, based on how well a person is doing. These were not provided in the basic “sim” or “preview” of the life script. These are “won” through soul work.
I see this as no different to a boss who has more wisdom and experience seeing a newer employee do really well and deciding to offer him special training in a particular area in line with what I think he could benefit from in order to do a better job and perhaps advance further in the organization. In order to offer this investment in the newer employee, the boss must tap into the higher echelons’ resources and gain administrative approvals. Funds and training are released and earmarked for this individual’s benefit.
Some of “doing well” involves, I’m told, remaining true to the Source “fingerprint” from whence you come, even though life has made that very difficult, if not apparently impossible. It is important for your original form or essence to shine through all the dirty build up of soul trauma and belief in the simulation that would tend to dull the essence.
Since we are all deeply connected, desire to share gifts freely with others, in various ways, for their growth and benefit, is definitely a consideration from my Source. I cannot speak for others’ Sources, as I think there are several clusters of Sources from which souls are born.
So I’d wager there is flexibility in the timeline, but not for some contracted events, which are often procrastinated on.
January 6, 2015 @ 12:07 pm
Have you read the article series: Discussion of the Connections our new age population have to a Simulation Project yet Mel? Because this ‘Michel’ isn’t a ‘real/simulated’ subtle guide it’s a ‘Virtual’ ‘AI’ adviser guide. Matt another regular commenter here has the same and has been getting ‘sick’ of the ‘stupid’ distracting ‘wrong’ advice that doesn’t actually reflect what he knows from his own experience of how our reality here actually specifically works.
So, your ‘source’ of wisdom is some database of information containing limited pre-defined ‘new age’ explanations. Which to be honest ties in with much of what you write above being straight out of the simulations ‘new age propaganda’ book. So, ‘exactly’ how much flexibility do you have in terms of updating your understandings with respect to the evidence and ‘reasoning’ of ourselves being in a simulation (absolutely no belief is required)?
January 10, 2015 @ 1:12 pm
In terms of manipulations relating to relationships and life choices I am reminded of a complex chain of ‘coincidences’ that happened on Christmas Eve – I started writing a comment about this before but seem not to have finished it, and at certain points when rewriting it I am fed a sense of fake joviality and relaxation.
I got on the coach to travel to see my family and just glancing at the queue of people still waiting to get on I knew the woman fourth from the door would sit next to me, and she did and I pretended to be a normal writer and teacher and she mentioned that she met her husband on an internet dating site which just happened to be the same one I used six years ago, so the conversation kind of got ‘steered’ towards that subject and she starts giving me advice about how to use it, photographs, profile, username etc – it seemed I was sitting next to someone who regularly helped their male friends find relationships – I was wondering if it was a ‘sim’ setup, but kept chatting and actually felt quite interested in what she was saying and strangely enough the conversation had a very pleasant rapport and atmosphere where we found ourselves laughing and getting along.
Then that same evening I watched a TV show with my grandma and it was a Christmas special of a comedy show about marriage (more laughter to make me feel nice and relaxed and open) and when they exchanged rings a thought appeared in my head: “It would be nice to get married” (wtf?). Then, I have vivid dreams about a would-be girlfriend I last saw more than four years ago – I am aware of these going on through the night – on getting up I find thoughts of marriage coming into my head again, but connected to this friend from ‘forever ago’. The sequence of dating conversation, program about marriage, incepted (inserted) thought, incepted dreams (as Clive describes here) and then more inserted thoughts which were blatantly obvious. The manipulations continued but more in the background – in retrospect I had these before as well, they just seemed especially concentrated recently.
A few days before this happened, I had a conversation with a very close other and recent partner who is one of only a few people I would even consider taking advice from, and she basically suggested pursuing such interactions and that this might be important for me in terms of issues, which now feels like it was ‘priming’ me for what happened later, and on other occasions in the week leading up to this I had a feeling of being lonely, but I never get lonely usually, so this also feels part of the ‘sim’ manipulation.
This is the kind of thing I would have put down to synchronicity and meaningfulness in the past – so first I would have been manipulated and then I would be manipulated to think the manipulations were something good.
January 16, 2015 @ 10:54 pm
There are lots of ways to tell a story, though. The hero can find his quest is really really easy, or suffer horrendous trauma as he (attempts to) accomplish the quest. Both versions can tell fundamentally the same story, but the end result for the hero could be dramatically different.
I’ve noticed how some people feel led to do something, but their lives are filled with pain and suffering while they strive for their goal. They may not ever reach it, but feel they should have, and that it shouldn’t have been as painful as it was to get as far as they did.
And I observe that others can have the same amount of passion and talents, connections and education, and it seems they breeze through it all and reach their goal with no fuss.
Same everything: same vision, same belief in their path, same resources, same abilities and education and drive. Yet drastically different outcomes and often devastatingly so.
The idea of “bad luck” or “wasn’t meant to be” doesn’t resonate with me.
Seems this place has it “out” for certain people / maybe most of us.
June 2, 2015 @ 11:18 am
Hi Clive,
I have been experienced many synchronicity events in my life, most of them too odd. some that I can remember are:
1 – I’m brazilian and I live in Sao Paulo state, in 2011 during a holiday I went to Pernambuco (another state about 2500km distant) where I have some relatives, there I went to an party at which no girl seemed to notice my presence, but just one very nice and beautiful girl gave me her attention, after some minutes talking to her she asked to me if I knew the city Sao Jose dos Campos in my state because she would be going to live there, what it’s very odd is that this is exactly my city, Exactly my city, ( remember, 2500 km distance!) Another point, in the past this girl had lived in the same street that I lived in her relatives’ house in my city. We had already lived very near before to met each other years ago. So when she comes to my city in 2011 we started to have a relationship, about 4 months after I was introduced to her cousin Which by her voice I felt that I knew she from some place….then I’ve remembered, that girl (the cousin of my new girlfriend) took classes with me in the elementary school about 13 years ago!!!! tooooo odd. My relationship with this girl lasted about 1,5 years surrounded with so many synchronicity.
2 – About 2 year ago, I was as a passenger in a car during an business travel, and it was been played the music “somewhere over the rainbow” in the radio, I was mentally singing the music, when the music reach the part “Rainbow” I looked outside the car and in the billboard had an advertisement with the word RAINBOW!!! I saw the word rainbow at the same time it was been said in the music, toooo odd.
3 – My encounter with my wife was the same as you depict in the example on this page, actually when I’ve read this page, I’ve seen my own history reflected.
Very, very similar.
4 – I’ve lived some situations in the same way of another person which I’ve had put focus on, specially if I don’t like the way that this person have guided its life.
During all my life, so many odd things have happened and I always have asked to myself WHY? I am very happy to have found your site here and the other websites of yours for some of the answers.
Post Scriptum: Sorry my english, I hope that it can be understandable.
May 4, 2016 @ 12:21 am
Research indicating we don’t have freewill: Free will could all be an illusion, scientists suggest after study shows choice may just be brain tricking itself which is what you would expect if we are copied people living out someone else’s life.
December 12, 2016 @ 12:18 am
This page is alarming disheartening and disempowering!! I have had so many moments where I feel ‘it was meant to happen’, ‘it’s destined’, where I can normally recall almost a cascade of events prior to ‘main event’ happening. Of course as I sit here trying to recall an example I am feeling like I’m fumbling even though normally I can recall this happening through out my entire life!
Prior to me meeting my ex, I walk everywhere and for weeks or even months before meeting him I would walk past his house and stare at it. It wasn’t anything special or out of the ordinary but I felt ‘drawn’ to this house and would specifically walk past it just to stare and wonder why out of curiosity. (This happened with the apartment I currently live in as well, before even beginning my apartment search I would walk past it and stare there was also usually loud piano playing that I would hear coming from ,what appeared to be, somewhere in the apartment but after I moved in I did not hear this beautiful piano playing anymore….) My ex and I also lived in various different areas of the city in our past at nearly identical time periods. And I’m talking 5 or 6 different communities and time periods…. The exact day of me meeting him (I was on an online dating site and answered a message from him, we met that day and he actually ended up ‘moving in’ that day as well but I just didn’t realize it at the time. I should mention the relationship was VERY dysfunctional and he was extremely controlling and abusive and parasitic. He almost literally ‘CLUNG’ onto me as soon as we met and still has not let go… 3+ years later) I had an overwhelming full body sensation of ‘WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT MEET HIM!!!!!!!’ My body ached I felt nauseous and it took me forever to get ready and my response was ‘Mmmeh, what’s the worse that could happen?’. So I walked to his house to my surprise was NOT only a couple blocks away from my apartment at the time BUT the same house that I stared at and walked past and felt ‘drawn’ to time AND time again!!!! I thought it was a “sign’ that I was meant to meet him and instantly dismissed my previous strong reaction and warning. I recall walking up the steps to his house, this was a 3 story house and he lived on the third floor with stairs leading to it on the outside, I was extremely nervous and scared (have a fear of heights and there was no railings to hang on while climbing MNAY stairs). I stood at the bottom of the last flight looking down at my feet. I looked up and he was there standing at the top of the stairs and simultaneously I had the thought of ‘This man is going to kill me one day’ combined with a feeling of ‘love at first sight’. I was terrified but felt like a fly caught in a spiders web and I literally had no choice but to continue to walk up the remainder set of stairs because ‘he already had me in his web and there was no getting away’…..
I have been trying to get away and out of his web ever since but not before I ‘lived’ extreme highs and lows with this man…..
And all the while I felt like ‘we are meant to be together’, ‘ he is my knight in shining armor’ ‘My true love’ ‘My soul mate’ ect ect all the while being presented continuous evidence that he is quite the opposite as I many times fought for my life against him…..
I am really very not happy to say the least with all of this F****** B******T of a fantasy life we/I am/ are trapped in………
December 21, 2016 @ 1:00 am
“alarming disheartening and disempowering” what about ‘truthful and accurate’ at least from what you describe from your own experience . . . for some people this should be a good ‘wake up call’ page?
I’ve had a few close calls with being ‘guided’ to get involved with someone (usually overly persistent to be involved with me (which is a warning sign in itself)) that would likely drive me ‘crazy’ make me very unhappy / thankfully I’ve managed to avoid all of them . . .
December 21, 2016 @ 8:10 pm
Carli’s story reminds me of the new HBO show Westworld.
December 12, 2016 @ 12:33 am
In addition to my comment about meeting my ex I forgot that at that point in time I was working at a restaurant. There was a MASSIVE flood in the city either the day before meeting him or just a couple days. My work was flooded as well so I evacuated to home. Where we lived in the city there are many hills and it was high ground which resulted in us literally being flooded in this one community. All major roads leading out were closed due to the flooding. So not only was I off work because of the flood but also stranded in this area of the city all at the SAME time of meeting him. This ensured that we were able to spend NIGHT and DAY together getting to ‘know’ one another. Instantly concreting a strong bond that felt destined to me and him. I can’t even begin to describe or explain how much I have struggled with departing and separating myself from this destructive man because of this feeling that we ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TOGETHER because of all of these and more synchronicities that occurred leading up to us meeting, IT ALL FELT LIKE FATE!!!!! I still have a very strong connection to him despite me not seeing him for a year and now living in a different city from him.
This all makes me exhausted to think about/fathom/comprehend. I have no clue what is real, well actually APARENTLY NOTHINF F*****G is
January 25, 2017 @ 11:57 am
I have had many such experiences. Many revolve around meeting specific people and “clicking” instantly with them, almost as soon as I heard their voice in a crowded room I was drawn like a moth to a flame. One of the strangest however was one day after I was at uni. I was asked by a work colleague to pop in after uni to a work function (I was studying and working full time at the time – which was also very “manufactured/led/synchronised”). I didn’t really fancy it as was extremely tired, but I “sensed/felt” I should attend. I was getting changed, I looked myself in the mirror, and said to myself, “tonight I am going to meet the man I will marry and the man I will have a child with”. I was taken aback by the thought. I even thought, how odd, I don’t even want children….neither do I really want to get married…..”. That evening, I was introduced to my now husband by the woman he was casually seeing…(I didn’t know this until weeks later). I knew in that instant, he was “THE ONE”. After a few months of dating, he discussed the future. He was 8 years older and basically ready to settle. I was 23, and he was my 4th boyfriend. It felt a bit soon, especially as he wanted children, and I didn’t (but why did I think that that night I’d find the father of my child I wondered). He asked me to think about it, provided with an ultimatum. I loved him very much (still do 15 years later) and agreed to get married and have a child, but not until I was at least 30.
Very happily married, loving life, and on my 30th birthday, pressure to start trying for kids. I was petrified and managed to put it off for 2 years. The first time we tried (the date/day/timing etc was all meticulously planned) I fell pregnant that night. It was the most difficult time of my life falling pregnant so quickly, being pregnant, becoming a mother. I felt “forced” to some extent, obviously I adore my child and I’m so happy to have her, but looking back it was very odd. I always thought it was. I suffered severely from depression and all sorts of difficult physical issues throughout the pregnancy and for a few years following. As if I knew that that would happen and then it did….which is why I didn’t want kids, but I had to…
September 13, 2017 @ 9:03 pm
I don’t even know where to start. Let me just say I am homeless, jobless and everything I oen in one suitcase. 9 years in the making.
Rewind to 2009. When it all started. And happened so fast. Major life event. Prior to 2009, 2007 12/31 was my last day of employment that was a twisted setup derailing me into quitting to protect a co owner of the business as we had become intimate over 4 years and i was the threat. I was unemployed for the most part of 2008 – with small part time jobs lasting 3 months or so, or permanent lasting 1 month and another 1 day…in the course of it I had very paranormal unexplained incidents that were considered conspiracy then but are well k own topics of truth today. Nanotech plagued me and I began speaking of Chemtrails. I was immediately targeted. Dealt with hianus attacks and felt absolutely crazy and couldnt talk to anyone about it. husband thought i was nuts. However seemed like he knew something as to be part of.
Prior to 2008, I had a very successful career as a Marketing Director, my last role in Tech company of 8 years. Prior, I held high position in a similar Tech company for 13 years. So 21 years. It started declining in 2005 when weird synchronocities literally just began to slowly rip me from a marriage of 13 years (known each other 23 years) . A verbal emotional covert narcissistic behavior came over him seems like overnight and it was like hr was someone else. I struggled to keep it all together very hurt . Children born in 1999 and 2002. It all seemed like too much to handle I had become very like I had been consumed by a succubus being everyday. I began to use drugs mostly to cope. He made me see a psychiatrist and the drugs given made me want to commit suicide. I struggled yet held a house together and took care of my girls. We did marry into a Roman Catholic church and that contract of baptism confirmation as an adult before that marriage feels today as if it was all a setup. Because once we were married, he became dissociated . He also was in military. Family is from a hierarchial bloodline with ties to aerospace technology. May 2009 I was forced out of my home left with nothing. His abuse because not physical but mentally drained and scarred me ledt me suicidal. He accused me unfit drug abuser had no proof but an incident that was another setup 2006 where it was to “scare me” and nothing ever came of it was dismissed but was on my record. played part in job hunting as difficulty came upon background checks. So I assumed guilt left he gave me none of our money I eas left onky to uneployment check i got wekly 160. He had his parents pay high dollar lawyer ti rip the house kids all out from under me. i didnt knowhowto fight. ive been trauma based mind control to now extreme.
The past 9 years every attempt to get a decent job sabotaged, attempts to gain joint custody…he HATES ME as if i am horrrible person. Still yo this day. kept my kids on leash away from me most times. I emdured 2 abusive relationships following . Been in and out of over 30 jobs, over 12 residences which seems yo only last 3m now anywhere i stay a month or so becomes sabotaged. I can relatr to the job searching as i am well qualified for fast food jobs and no calls. Ive applied at over 55 places in month. 2 interviews. nothing. I am to leave the place i am at in 2 days if i dont have job. Again no reason, i am helping with everything and easily doing my part but i am with someone abusing situation with his mom in her house. hes ill and diabetic type 3 angry mean…doesnt help with anyyjing $$ wise but gets lots disability. she gets barely enough and he is like all relationships ive had in 1. I am always putting myself in pkaces that people degrade me. Also….final contact ended with my youngest. says cant get my shit together so she wants no contact. shes 14. other one started college and has limited interest but still talks to me. their dad has pmayed parental alientation well. rach time i tried for custody a fear or threat stopped me. i coukdnt explain it. 4 tines had a job and home and had stabikity for 3 or 4 months but he still kept them from me. he caused too much guilt on them if they did..
i am lost. Been heavy in truth movement and with people making change via special ops programs of disclosure and get mind control extensively. Oh my parents hate me too. i was so close to my Dad. i have no idea or explanation for it. all of it. i accept and merely survive.
Yes. It is like everyone sees me as something I am not!! I havr no friends at all. I cannot mix in with the non awakened world.
September 25, 2017 @ 9:51 pm
In my case 3 distinct types of synchronistic events occur to me with some frequency
1. One is perhaps the most frequent among all people (and the less frequent in my case) and has to do with experiencing sequences of events that defy the natural law of probabilities, but in a way that can almost be taken by innocent or accidental, such as bumping into the same person in the same place (the only one where the meeting could be held) several times in a short time period, taking into account that it is a person without an address and established routines and whose whereabouts are not predictable at all – this happened to me.
2. Another one is even more impossible and unbelievable (the kind of thing you can never tell the psychiatrist) and sounds rather like a reality try to communicate with someone to say things like “go in that direction” or “you’re on the right track” or yet associated with a revelation. Things like going out one day and seeing the same message printed on the t-shirt of a suspicious number of people, and which furthermore insists on appearing through other means (slogans, what someone just said…) – this also happens often with me and, needless to say, it fits perfectly with the confirmation bias … (I answered yes to the 1st and last question of the last questionnaire)
3. Another kind of synchronistic event – the most ridiculous of all – and that happens to me quite often (and also equally impossible) has to do with bumping into something that happens to really coincide with what a person was thinking or doing but apparently without any sense, such as thinking about something like this “well, I think I’ll cook potatoes for lunch” and suddenly cross myself with a car with potatoes printed on the painting (perhaps it would be to influence me on a subtler level).
As far as I can remember, all this (setting aside the last example) has been associated with the following – sequences that would eventually lead me to a romantic relationship, or instead, that would influence me to have specific ideas about reality and the way things are (I became traumatized on account of that), to give me tips on how to live my life, and even for the evaluator of my stage to get a misconception about me (curiously they were in need of workers and I remained unemployed).
October 21, 2017 @ 4:13 pm
Over the last 15 years I’ve become aware of experiencing many synchronicities To start with they seemed to relate to visions I was experiencing and then they became what I might call purely external. One that had a big effect began with me seeing what I subsequently was told was an orb – about the size of a large football. That appeared in a circle of 4 people and then disappeared (none of the others saw it). I searched for what orbs were, came across a book I really wanted. I had great difficulty in getting the one I wanted. Eventually had to send a cheque. I was also, at the same time, writing a cheque to a removal firm who were storing my furniture. I noticed that the first line of the address was Head Hill, Faversham for one and Hill Head, Glastonbury for the other. At the time I had no idea what Glastonbury was about. 3 weeks later I was looking for a place to buy in the town I was living. I didn’t like the look of a particular house and decided to go on the beach. When I reached a crossroad, I usually would have gone one way; I felt this real pull to go the other. So I did. I found myself at the end of a road I’d never been up. As I stood there I saw this house about three quarters of the way up and said out loud, now that’s the kind of house I want to live in. I walked up the road and stopped opposite the house, which had a name – Glastonbury. I was astounded – and every time I tell that story, I get goosebumps. 6 months later I moved to Glastonbury, where I still live.
This is an astonishing site, thank you for it. I feel as though I am in freefall at the moment
March 14, 2018 @ 1:39 am
https://9gag.com/gag/a2oZRZD Photo of a married couple in China discovered that they appeared in same photograph as teenagers hmmmm would the software have started counting down from the when that picture was taken.
March 14, 2018 @ 4:06 pm
Tommy, this is one of the outcomes of the duplicating/dividing twins problem, that subtle forms that divide, producing copies of each other, whom in many cases will then be very good friends / spend the most time together and whom therefore have a good chance to be ‘together/married’ in our fake reality here will then have the same/equivalent ‘backstory’ which will then have them having ‘equivalent/coincidental’ experiences/visiting equivalent places in their past . . . which I explained in detail on this page here!!!
March 24, 2019 @ 6:31 am
So, years ago, I was in a job with an abusive boss. There had been several things that should have made me quit.
There was a screw up by a coworker which I tried to tell him about that was going to cost the company dearly. It was a very bad situation and one we could not get out of if we didn’t act immediately. He dismissed my warning as tattling on a coworker. I kept repeatedly telling him we would be contractually screwed, and he had to stop the coworker. I was panicked. He yelled at me and threw me out of his office and told me to stop causing trouble.
I left with, “You remember that I brought this to you. You remember this because YOU are making a giant mistake.”
It went as bad as I predicted.
I was called on the carpet for not “forcing” him to listen to me. I asked him if he expected me to stand on his desk and scream? Yeah, I should have punched him in the face if that is what it took. Anyway, much more to this story. . .
In the midst of this literally very dark (they turned off the lights but a small desk lamp at the back of the room behind me) and scary meeting with a room of executives, this man was reciting a litany of all my sins. By his count, there were many. The situation was so absurd, I couldn’t believe these other people were actually participating.
In the middle of this, something. . . happened. I don’t know how to describe it. But like the physical world fell away, I was not there any more. I was in a void. It was like a vision. . . ? It felt like it was a long time, but it was instantaneous. Some voice (god?) told me I had a choice, I didn’t have to do this. I understood that I didn’t have to take this guy’s shit any longer. I now wonder if it was a choice to alter the timeline or have soneone else jump in. I had been with them five years and I had never considered leaving my job. It just never occurred to me.
Again, more to this story, but I calmly stood up and walked out in the middle of his speech (he didn’t even know I had left because he was leaning back looking at the ceiling, so pleased with himself). I found out later he had billed this as a teaching moment to the other executives how to “control” your staff. He was going to demonstrate how to effectively manage personnel.
I went home. I made a business appointment with a seemingly random company (one of dozens doing the same thing) for the next day. The company was wholly unrelated to my previous employer and I just new that somehow I would get a job with that company. I KNEW I was going to work there. This has happened a few times to me. I did not have an interview, they were not looking for anyone. At the end of my appointment, the guy asked me if I wanted a job.
That was the beginning of a lot of other weird synchronicity and spiritual events.
March 25, 2019 @ 5:33 pm
Hi Shay, well this is typical of our fake realities ‘manoeuvrings/nudges’ to keep people on track with their predefined future have you read ‘HitchHiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ or watched ‘Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency’ series as both are about the noticeable/insane synchronicities being presented I’m sure within the original MV . . . I’m also very sure that D Adams worked with my original form/was part of the wsw WTF is going on group too!!!
November 7, 2019 @ 9:04 pm
I have been thinking about commenting this for months.
I have 2 examples of how specific the matrix script is. I was waiting in line in a grocery store and I dropped the pouch which holds my grocery bag. I picked it up and somehow dropped it again. This happened a couple of times. How could the pouch slip from my fingers when I’m consciously trying to pick up the pouch? I dropped it again, but it was my turn at register. I knew I dropped it, and I meant to pick it up again, but I forgot to do this. As I was leaving the grocery store, I remembered the dropped pouch, but did not want to go back to pick it up. This time line of events bothered me enough that I went back to the store to see if someone put the pouch in the lost and found section. Nope, it wasn’t there.
2nd example: I was walking my dog and I almost fell from tripping on the sidewalk. I quickly regained my balance and then lost it again. I finally regained my balance and I felt confident that my balance as right. I still fell and skinned my knee. I KNOW I righted myself, I KNOW my balance was regained. I fell anyway.
And these are examples of when it was obvious to me when the matrix was managing me.