"Earth as a Simulation Series 2: Are we simulated copies of people? How, slowing down technological development in your simulation will get around the potential recursive building sims in a sim glitch problems. However, an accurately simulated population will STILL present specific experiences, despite that the technologies these experiences depend on DON'T YET exist (immersive VR experiences for example). This series presents evidence of anomalous 'missing technology' experiences & evidence of obscuration of these & evidence that the simulation we are in was built in the last few decades."
Main Page Headings List
- Here are some examples of how Specific Virtual Reality Gear Faults Would Impact people Simulating Someone that Originally Experienced these Faults
- How would Glitches in the Matrix be Experienced by a Person being Accurately Rendered in a High Quality Simulation?
- A real Example of a real Glitch in the Matrix and a real Simulation Anomaly
- How would a Virtual Reality Hardware Glitch be Experienced by the Person being Accurately Simulated in a High Quality Simulation?
Well, there is an embedded engrained assumption that ‘IF’ we are in a simulation it will be perfect in it’s presentation.
I would agree that it stands a reasonable chance of being ‘perfect’ in terms of it’s ‘visual, perceptive and sensory’ technical presentation.
However, a perfect technical presentation doesn’t get round the problem that both simplifying approximations and structural anomalies will result in IMPOSSIBLE TO NOT HAVE VISIBLE anomalies. As I’ve already pointed out this is delusional thinking of the highest quality ‘IF’ the simulation is simulating accurate copies of self aware, free thinking people because then it’s impossible for example, to get around the rigid, robot like behaviours etc that simulating accurate copies would be STUCK WITH (As I explain on this page here: How the Behaviour of a Simulated Person will Differ from a Real Persons Behaviour & result in Confirmation Bias & Cognitive Dissonance Anomalies).
So, it is likely NOT delusional to expect that the quality of hardware and rendering of both the simulated people and reality would be flawless. In other words in a simulation project trying to convince the population they are in a real reality the quality of the presentation is likely to be impeccable.
Unfortunately for people that cannot THINK too well then they might not realise that this doesn’t mean that specific individual experiences in the simulation will themselves ALWAYS BE FLAWLESS. What this means is that in a simulation that is technically flawless in it’s perceptually and sensory presentation then anyone here simulating someone that used poor quality, flawed or faulty VR gear will experience the same poor quality effects, the same flaws and the same ‘faults’ in their simulated reality here because they are actually being technically duplicated and rendered VERY ACCURATELY.
Here are some examples of how Specific Virtual Reality Gear Faults Would Impact people Simulating Someone that Originally Experienced these Faults
In other words ‘IF’ some or many people here are simulating someone that used virtual reality gear AND the quality of the virtual reality equipment was poor or it had some flaw or it developed a fault then these ‘problems’ will very likely be accurately rendered to the simulated copied person here.
Basically, ‘IF’ your simulation is out of sync in terms of technology this will result in some people here living out virtual reality experiences, while inconveniently not having the virtual reality gear and equipment to give these particular experiences context.
For example, you are likely reading this on either a computer monitor, a tablet or a mobile screen. Most evenings I watch DVD films and series. During the last week I’ve been having problems with my computer AND as a result my default media player has been having problems RENDERING my DVD’s. Apparently there is some data encoding problem that prevents the software from displaying the video information correctly. The end result is that my DVD is displayed as large multicoloured pixels which splat about on the screen as it plays.
I suspect that many so called clever people haven’t quite managed to figure out that ‘IF’ we are in a superbly accurate high quality, flawlessly engineered, multiple redundancy EVERYTHING, simulation then this means it will do an amazingly good job of very, VERY accurately rendering all the flaws individuals experienced when people being simulated used their consumer grade, bug ridden virtual reality technologies.
How would Glitches in the Matrix be Experienced by a Person being Accurately Rendered in a High Quality Simulation?
So, if ANYONE in our hypothetical simulation is simulating someone whose personal, home entertainment grade virtual reality set up was glitching AND they couldn’t afford to replace it AND spent six hours a day in virtual reality environments during which their glitch had the hardware occasionally rendering a consistent areas of their virtual reality environment landscape as a mass of much larger pixels then what can you expect here?
Well, in these circumstances you’d expect your likely designed to be flawless simulation to accurately render these flaws into the vision of the person simulating the original person whose virtual reality hardware had this fault.
In this respect anyone claiming to see obvious pixels in the rendering of their vision would actually be evidence that our simulation is rendering virtual reality experiences minus all the actual virtual reality technologies of someone whose original virtual reality equipment was consistently faulty. This would also of course be evidence that technological advances had been slowed down.
On the simulation argument web site on the Why Make a Matrix? And Why You Might Be In One page Professor Bostrom writes this . . .
“Some people have written to me that they have found signs that we are in a Matrix. One person, for instance, told me that he could see flickering pixels when he looked in his bathroom mirror.”
This is ‘pixels’ in mirrors is exactly the sort of thing you’d expect ‘IF’ technologies are being slowed down and we are simulating people though the the high technology very advanced phase the simulation was designed and built within.
A real Example of a real Glitch in the Matrix and a real Simulation Anomaly
In talking to a simulation expert I had explained to myself how window spaces and mirrors are likely to be dealt with by software routines that would use specific hardware to construct and render these simulation components separately. You would expect that future high tech virtual reality hardware just like today’s modern graphics cards would have very specific hardware designed to do specific frame rendering jobs.
One of the very specific virtual reality construction tasks that you can deduce would be handled by very specific independent hardware would be mirror rendering.
Thus ‘IF’ that specific ‘mirror rendering’ hardware component developed a fault then what the person describes above is coincidentally exactly what you would expect for such a fault. You would also expect that in a technically perfect simulation, simulating duplicated ACCURATELY copied people then such a simulation will very accurately and very perfectly duplicate the copied people’s experiences.
An ‘I’m seeing pixels when I look in a mirror’ experience would be one of the things a virtual reality hardware designer would identify as the sort of specific fault that you could expect to occasionally encounter.
Of course there is also the anomaly in the above extract that this is not a web site discussing MATRIX possibilities, it’s actually a web site supposedly discussing simulation argument possibilities BUT because no one presents definitions of matrix or simulation anywhere then no one seems to have a clue as the actual differences. Because of this, then everyone mixes up matrix only information with simulation only information with the observable outcome that apparently no one realizes that in a SIMULATION the people ARE NOT REAL, they are entirely software generated which means that it would be stupendously realistic for the people to exhibit anomalies themselves.
In a matrix the people are real, ONLY In a simulation are the people entirely software generated. In a matrix only the external environment can be manipulated, in a simulation the external environment AND the people could be manipulated. Perhaps they would be manipulated to have them not define anything while also having them mix up information selectively or perhaps to have them remain unaware of realistic virtual reality hardware fault possibilities?
As such you’d expect that at least the originator of the simulation argument would KNOW that simulated people would have to be software generated AND in knowing this then you’d imagine that they would at the very least discuss the possibility of highly complex, unexpected software interaction problems as well as the very likely possibility that in a simulation, simulating software defined self aware, FREE THINKING people it is actually seriously likely that the simulated people themselves will be directly manipulated and managed AND if this is done there will be observable evidence OF THIS BEING DONE.
How would a Virtual Reality Hardware Glitch be Experienced by the Person being Accurately Simulated in a High Quality Simulation?
‘IF’ this observable pixels problem in mirrors happened to EVERYONE here simultaneously then you’d have to conclude that our own simulation had developed a very specific mirror rendering hardware component fault. ‘IF’ however this just happened to isolated individuals under very specific conditions then a slow down of technology coupled with a fault in the very advanced virtual reality technology of the person someone here is simulating would be a very realistic possibility that you’d EXPECT to have explored and discussed ‘IF’ we are living in one of those mythical real realities.
Above I give just one realistic virtual reality ‘fault’ possibility, I’m sure there will be more. If anyone can think of other possible ‘faults’ and ‘Glitches in the Matrix’ that could end up with noticeable anomalies then leave a comment below. If anyone has experienced a ‘Glitch in the Matrix’ then leave a comment describing it below and I’ll may end up using it in the later pages or more likely I’ll construct a page specifically to present possible simulation glitches and anomalies with REALISTIC explanations, explaining how they’d fit in with ourselves living in a simulation.
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
November 16, 2014 @ 1:45 pm
Some other areas of ‘likely’ virtual reality problems in a simulation I can think of:
Curving surfaces will be one.
The more accurate you want your curves to render the more location data points you need to do it and so the more ‘processing’ needs to be done. A ‘curve’ can be (and is) simulated by lots of very small straight flat surfaces attached together so they look like a curve from far away. This is also why you can see ‘curves’ on your screen that is made up of square pixels.
For an ‘adaptive’ simulation where it manages resources on the fly there is likely to be times when it ‘suddenly’ drops to low resolution due to resource constraints, bugs etc. Slow loading causes objects to be missing and have low resolution placeholder or even blurred versions.
These kinds of things have happened numerous times in my life where a single curving roads suddenly turns into 3 or 4 hard angled STRAIGHT roads joined together and i have to change how i drive the car!
It has also happened numerous times where i have seen placeholders and low resolution objects if i shift my attention quickly from one space to another until the actual real, high detail, object ‘loads in’.
Plus, mirrors are interesting as sometimes the reflected image is ever so slightly out of sync.
ALL of these are symptoms of a piece of simulation hardware/software being tested to MAXIMUM load in order to see what glitches crop up. Which is something ANY simulation designer/tester would absolutely have to do as part of the testing process (in other words I’m likely simulating someone that designed, worked in and tested simulation and virtual reality environments because I have regular experiences that can only be explained if this is the case).
November 22, 2014 @ 4:19 pm
Lucid Dreams:
Whilst many of the dreams I had were very immerse, I have two specific examples where the dreams had too many peculiarities for me to consider to be “normal”.
Both dreams were short lived, happened in the very apartment I live in, AND at the EXACT time of day I would wake up from said dream. All of my senses and normal behaviors were ACTIVE during both dreams.
The first dream was of me, right next to my bed, lowering myself to my knees to collect crystals, whilst whispering a poem to myself. After having picked up a few of my crystals,a bright flash overwhelms my vision, and everything goes “Black” quickly afterwards, as if someone turned out the lights for REALITY, and not just my vision. A few seconds of nothingness and silence, I suddenly find myself awakened, laying on my bed as if I never got off in the first place, though the time was still the same.
The second dream involved me getting off the bed, and wandering along the rooms of my apartment, in the middle of night. As I passed the entry hallway, everything, including MYSELF, “froze” in place (as if someone pressed “pause” on my life, which NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE) as a green, translucent face became superimposed over my frozen vision for a second. I then am forced awake, with what I swear were a pair of green, glowing bright eyes, staring right at me, even though my face was under the blankets.
There was enough depth and realism in both dreams to fool me that I was awake and conscious, and the way the dreams suddenly CUT OFF in such a distinct way have NEVER happened before in any of my other dreams.
-Flickering Dot.
Originally, my vision was impeccable and clear. Then, about two years ago, I began to notice a “flickering dot” in the center of my vision, constantly flickering in green and purple, its clarity and brightness changing from time to time (sometimes it was easy to see in the MIDDLE OF DAYTIME). Sometimes it would just be one flickering dot, and other times it would be two or four. There is no rational explanation as to how this dot came to be, and no remedy or practice I have used can be done to remove it.
March 19, 2015 @ 10:40 am
there are cg movies and there are regular movies. but rarely are there movies with cg backgrounds and real characters or vice versa, real characters with cg backgrounds. This would be likened to a Matrix reality. Because it would be too obvious that it wasn’t real and would then be really difficult to become immersive. It seems like having a Matrix for VR for this reason might be flawed.
I would not watch a movie that was not immersive. However depending on the movie itself, it still may be worth seeing, but then without immersion, it makes it harder.
When I make a cg scene in blender, I find it interesting that just about everything that seems like a real effect is not, from even the littlest thing. Every particle that floats through the sky, every crumb on a plate, is all completely unreal.
I had just watched the beginning of Bolt with my son yesterday and the beginning was interesting. Bolt was a dog actor in a show except no one told him he was in a show and it wasn’t real what he was experiencing. They did this so he would more realistically act the scenes.
April 1, 2015 @ 12:35 am
Translated . . .
The land apparently a prison planet, and we are the prisoners.
Out in the free world, there is a war between two powers of the local universe, there is a breed that is experimenting and they decided to enslave souls and the opposition does not agree with it and try for it.
The earth is but one of the prison planets, it functions as a negative emotion factory which for them is a raw material for various purposes, as we create sheep to get wool, they create us to produce this energy.
From time to time spaceships come and collect the raw material.
So to so much suffering here, so the sabotage ….
April 1, 2015 @ 11:12 am
Nope, we are in a simulation.
It might sink in that we are in a simulation ‘if’ you read enough pages here because there is rather a lot of visible evidence of this. You of course being a simulated copy of someone are very likely simulating someone whom was being subjected to what you write in your comment on the planets local to yourself.
April 1, 2015 @ 1:43 pm
Sim eu acredito que estamos vivendo uma simulação, eu só quis acrescentar algo.
Eu descobri minha origem e como eu cheguei aqui na terra, foi através disso que obtive essas informações.
Yes I believe we are living a simulation, I just wanted to add something.
I discovered my background and how I got here on earth was through (how?) that I got this information.
April 1, 2015 @ 2:05 pm
I don’t ‘believe’ that we are in a simulation. I present page after page of visible ‘evidence’ clues pointing out things like confirmation bias and our global data collection program and way more which are what you’d have in a simulation project rendering accurately copied people. I point out the clues that you’d absolutely NOT be able to hide from your population EXCEPT by managing them to make sure that they don’t join these easy dot’s and or are made to not be emotionally impacted by this information.
You for example may be simulating someone that was involved in designing this simulation which in some cases ‘could’ have you ‘intuitively’ knowing more about the simulation than just about everyone else. . . ALTHOUGH I’d have to caution you that the sim goes to great efforts to manage those that were involved in it’s design to misdirect their ‘intuitions’ and understandings to keep itself safe. IT ‘likes’ to move such people into the new age delusion bullshit for example.
April 27, 2016 @ 2:33 am
My sister, her sonson, and his friends, were over my apartment. I came out of my bedroom to go outside to smoke a cigarette. As I was walking through the living room towards the front door, everyone’s face look blank and no one seem to notice me. I should add, that my pace seem normal, but in slow motion all at the same time. So, I just thought it strange, and went outside. When I finished my cigarette and walked back in, everything was back to normal and my sister asked me when did I go outside. I told her they were just really into whatever they were watching. But I knew something else had happened.
August 10, 2015 @ 10:26 pm
Yes curves, mirrors, windows, screens. I have had several near accidents on curved stairs that changed to straight lines or slightly disappeared. I am very cautious now about making sure the stairs are where they appear to be. Even testing the floor feels like my foot goes right thru the step. This has happened inside and outside and in many parts of the world.
Objects in mirrors appear and change shape. I have had people look at my image in a mirror and tell me I don’t look like my reflected image. Things buzz by in the mirror flashes of light , shapes ,blobs. I am told they are visitors or guides ?? I have almost injured myself due to changes in the reflected image , particularly if this is a decorative mirror due to significant distortion of the room. Why are there so many mirrors all over new houses? Is this supposed to compensate for something or serve as an intentional distraction?
Screens and glass- I have many times walked into glass or screens when I knew they were there. They just disappeared or changed distance and I could not see or even remember I knew they were there. I have knocked over reflective / crystal objects on tables and simply could not judge where to put my hand to properly pick them up. I am fully aware and try hard now to judge where these objects really are and how big they are.
August 11, 2015 @ 8:38 am
The entire article series that this page is part of is ‘partially’ letting you know that ‘A LOT’ of so called ‘spiritual’ experiences are NOT SUBTLE / SPIRITUAL AT ALL, but are experiences that people had in a Virtual Reality space with themselves interfaced to an ‘avatar’.
So, what you describe here means that you are very likely simulating someone that was a VR environment programmer and or ‘tester’ whom likely designed WEIRD ‘none real’ VR environments. VR environments that had mirrors that don’t reflect images correctly, objects that don’t stay in the right places after you’ve seen them and then look away, including the style of ‘stairs’ changing as you are using them. The film Labyrinth with David Bowie was likely originally set in some VR spaces that don’t conform to how a normal ‘reality’ SHOULD work, hence he can walk up and down the walls and across the ceiling – all ‘normal’ for a specifically designed VR reality.