"Healing Session Exploration of Poverty Issues: This series gives you a detailed walk through (including audio) of a therapy session focused on identifying & then dealing with 'some' of the spiritual & subtle causes of money & poverty Issues. It illustrates the 'interactive' awareness 'competence' & determined persistence needed to find and 'successfully' deal with a whole range of hard to 'corner' & reveal subtle 'shit'. It also points out how we are not allowed to fully resolve certain issues (i.e. why some healing successes are only temporary) and why this happening is evidence that we are in a simulation."
Main Page Headings List
- The real 'Reality' of Yourself as an Immortal Subtle Being Stuck in a Physical Body
- How as a subtle being you can interface yourself to ANY aspect of the Physical Reality
- How as an 'Aware' IMMORTAL Subtle Being You'd Absolutely NOT Bind YOURSELF to ANYTHING
- Why you are Incarnated into a Human Body & How You are Manipulated into Being Convinced YOU ARE JUST THE PHYSICAL BODY
- What Happens if your Subtle Form to Physical Form Interfacing becomes Damaged, HACKED or Your Human Meat Suit Becomes Possessed?
- Exactly where is your subtle energy body AND exactly what condition is it in? NOW
- How do you address health problems that originate in a subtle form that is kept hidden as part of a long, long, long con?
- The REAL Meaning & REAL Reality of YOUR REAL life as Forcibly Earth BOUND Subtle Being
Some spiritual people and healers are also aware that ‘unbelievably’ this subtle being is also immortal and as such it will have been around for quite a long time. In this respect, a single human incarnated life will be the equivalent of a single clock ‘tick’ compared to how long each subtle bodied person will have been around for (in some cases 10’s of MILLIONS of years).
The real ‘Reality’ of Yourself as an Immortal Subtle Being Stuck in a Physical Body
Because of the above, it’s then interesting that many that consider themselves to be ‘spiritually aware’ seem to not quite manage to understand that on average each person here will have been around for literally 10’s of millions of years and that unless you get seriously run over by a number 10 subtle bus your subtle body will be around for another million or 10 or 100 million years . . . OR LONGER . . .
I want YOU reading this, just to take a moment and have the REALITY and the TRUTH of you actually REALLY being an immortal subtle being to sink in . . .
Your subtle being just by conscious will can move through the subtle reality material in any direction and it can move quite fast too, apparently so fast that another subtle being wouldn’t be able to see you if you moved past them at a pedestrian pace because you’d be moving soooo fast.
As a subtle form you are an immortal being and you can naturally move faster than grease lightening.
In other words as a subtle form the ‘multiverse’ is yours, the entire multiverse is literally your ‘oyster’.
How as a subtle being you can interface yourself to ANY aspect of the Physical Reality
You could ‘easily’ travel around and explore the subtle reality AND with some experience you might even spend time interfacing yourself to different components of the parallel physical reality. If you did, then you might choose to spend time learning to competently engage with various physical things, like deep underground rock formations (those interfaced to an animal form on that world might then see you as a troll) or perhaps you’d like to spend time interfacing to different facets of the surface skin of a world (in which case you would (most of the time) be seen as a dwarf or a pixie) alternatively, perhaps your cup of tea would be to experience what it is like to be interfaced to different forms of vegetation or even a tree or trees (then you’d be seen as a nature fairy or a tree fawn) or perhaps you’d be more into engaging with the surface atmosphere and get turned on by being a cloud, rain or even thunder and lightening, perhaps even scaring the local animal life by perhaps being seen as a wind sprite or even better, during superstitious times you could try and have yourself mistaken for a powerful weather god.
With enough interfacing, enough controlling systems and enough patience you could completely engage with and ‘BE’ an entire physical world or the sun or an entire solar system. With this degree of engagement and competence you could even MANIPULATE physical things from beyond the physical backdrop. Mind if you did try and do this you’d likely make a big effort to convince those living within your domain that ‘THINK’ they are clever that there is ONLY the physical, and that ‘HAHAHA’ it’s ‘Impossible’ for there to be none physical influences.
Unfortunately manipulating people incarnated into the physical from the none physical is stupidly easy to do AND in ‘fact’ it’s likely the only way you can ‘rationally’ explain the ‘stupid’ explanations handed out by so called ‘experts’.
As the subtle being you ACTUALLY REALLY are, you have the ability to spend an infinite amount of time visiting interesting places, meeting interesting subtle people, getting involved in interesting projects and exchanging interesting ideas.
How as an ‘Aware’ IMMORTAL Subtle Being You’d Absolutely NOT Bind YOURSELF to ANYTHING
In this respect, what you are seriously, SERIOUSLY unlikely to EVER, EVER, EVER DO is to agree to have yourself contractually bound to ANYTHING, particularly if you are spiritually aware of what I describe above (or even just slightly CONSCIOUS).
You’d not do this because you are an immortal being with the entire multiverse at your feet to explore.
There is absolutely no way that you’d bind yourself to anything, ANYTHING AT ALL, never mind to bind yourself to ‘something’ FOREVER . . .
If you did do this then your subtle brain would have to be either severely mentally retarded OR alternatively some subtle con artist is likely to have convinced you to incarnate into a physical body to experience a physical life, while inconveniently WIPING your memory (you ‘did’ read the small print on the incarnation contract didn’t you?) AND THEN over time (repeated incarnations) it becomes easier to sell you the idea of you electing to ‘officially’ enslave your soul to a second hand, don’t forget to kick the wheels of the alleged ‘spiritual’ enterprise FOREVER & EVER & EVER & EVER . . . .
Why you are Incarnated into a Human Body & How You are Manipulated into Being Convinced YOU ARE JUST THE PHYSICAL BODY
As a subtle being now interfaced to an animal body and being unconsciously forced to live a physical incarnated life whom is also suffering from memory wipe you might even become aware and even ‘see’ ex-physical people that are SUPPOSED to have completely died before the behind the scenes subtle bureaucracy of the world could catch up with them and incarnate and memory wipe them yet again.
You might even preferentially see ghosts particularly if you experience physical trauma or severe emotional stress or ANY subtle event that unfortunately somehow disrupts your subtle form to physical body vehicle interfacing because this happening could easily have you seeing people that are supposed to be ‘really’ dead (‘yes’ REALLY).
Our subtle interfacing integrity help line technicians are currently all occupied dealing with a completely unexpected subtle body interfacing substation outage, every effort will be made to re-connect your disengaged interfacing at the earliest opportunity, in the mean time you could try depressing the subtle body interfacing reset button for 15 seconds (you will be able to psychically locate this as being very close to your third eye area). Please hold if you wish to talk to one of our experienced facilitators (current waiting time is approximately 6 months). Please Note, that for training and security purposes all psychic calls are recorded and may actually be sent to a psychiatrist without your permission particularly if we are unable to fully restore your interfacing functionality within an appropriate time scale (5 minutes).
With damaged interfacing you might even start seeing the subtle body of ‘someone’ that is interfaced to a physical body that is alive and kicking.
This could be very, very confusing to people being made to be convinced that they are nothing more than their physical body.
However, you really don’t need to worry about any of this because the subtle people perpetrating the ‘there is only the physical, long, loonnnnng, LONG con’ have countered this by incarnating designated ‘experts’ whose job it is to explain EVERYTHING unbelievably stupidly as a means to help keep everyone convinced that they are really, REALLY . . . “YES REALLY” ‘just’ their physical body.
They’ll very determinedly let you know that . . .
- That it’s impossible to have memories of previous lifetimes . . . that past lives are a delusion . . .
- That it is impossible to have a near death experience that has you experiencing becoming completely disassociated from your physical body . . .
- That it is impossible when you are close to dying to have a phase of clarity which represents when your subtle interfacing is being automatically disengaged from the dying physical vehicle form . . .
- That it’s impossible for anyone to temporarily disengage from their interfacing and be able to astral travel . . .
- They are also very, VERY keen on trying to persuade everyone that your thinking and your CONSCIOUSNESS and memory are all REALLY the result of synapses in your animal brain . . .
- What also appears to be impossible is for any of the so called clever people to actually join what are essentially quite simple dot’s and actually figure out how ‘reality’ WOULD HAVE TO BE to account for all the above clues . . .
This ‘incapable of joining simple dots’ impossibility is also expected, it is also in fact deducible as part of the ‘we are only physical’ con. This is because for every ‘con’ you need PERSUADERS, you need people whose job it is to convince the marks that the con is real. In our case the con is to persuade us that we are entirely physical people living in a physical reality AND that THERE IS NOTHING MORE . . .
As the con involves keeping everyone disengaged from their subtle form to have everyone focused entirely on the physical then of course it is really easy to MANIPULATE peoples subtle forms without them knowing about this. For example the well hidden subtle form can easily be manipulated to cognitively super glue ANYONE to a set of ‘researcher’ basic assumptions that support the con, to have researchers subtle forms managed so that they explain everything ONLY in approved of ways. Perhaps this is why so much effort it put into shooting down any suggestions pertaining to possibility of their being essentially invisible spooky, woo woo means of influencing incarnated, physical people in undetectable ways.
In sure that the subtle forms of specific subtle people that have been physically imprisoned in a physical body could EASILY be manipulated to have them troll and manage alternate and much more accurate views of reality in attempts to suppress information that might have people starting to join the STUPIDLY simple dots that might risk exposing the PHYSICAL con . . .
What Happens if your Subtle Form to Physical Form Interfacing becomes Damaged, HACKED or Your Human Meat Suit Becomes Possessed?
That idea that some physical people are seriously CONVINCED that some subtle BASTARD is trying to interface to their very own physical body and be trying to make it do things that they personally wouldn’t dream of themselves (like kill themselves or have them try and kill others) are just the product of a vivid imagination and or psychoses as opposed to them actually REALLY being because some subtle person is £uc&ing around and trying to interface to the same physical animal form vehicle as yourself and is trying to take it for an unauthorised ‘ruggedness’ test drive that simple isn’t covered by the lifetime interfacing warranty.
In the same way as someone determined enough could HACK into your (invisible) wifi connection and hijack and take control of your game ‘avatar’ and then cause your avatar to do embarrassingly badly in that immersive game you spend time playing (like for example, having it try and kill off it’s game friends and associates!!!!). I’m sure that under these vaguely equivalent circumstances your game buddies may be slightly more understanding compared to say a psycho therapist listening to a client claiming that someone is trying to hijack their own personal physical earth life avatar vehicle?
I’d personally bet that you reading this never got round to reading all the ‘get out clauses’ in the small print such that you missed the clause on page 3492 (sub section 14, sub clause 31, paragraph 437)? I quote: ” . . . blah . . blah . . blady blah . . . and henceforth and forthwith . . blah . . blah . . . such that if you don’t keep up the repayments on your individually hand crafted customized certified 100% organic physical vehicle then the vehicle supply company has the legal right to use aggressive repossession tactics (often sub-contracted to Micky Taeken’s family friendly Daemon Repossession Enterprises (please familiarize yourself with their separate legal contract))” . . . Hahahahaha . . .
Then of course you’ve the other obvious problem . . . which none of you reading this will be able to THINK of because by subtle means you’ll be being directly managed to not think of ANY essentially worrying possibilities AT ALL. It’s a very obvious possibility for anyone that is capable of adding up 1 + 1 and arriving at 2 will be able to figure out in an instant . . . . . in your own time . . . . . any moment now . . .
The obvious and worrying possibility is that subtle people that are being imprisoned in a physical vehicle essentially have both a Subtle body + a Physical body which amazingly adds up to TWO bodies . . . which for the con to remain intact you’d have to keep very, very quiet. In keeping the ‘fact’ that everyone has two bodies quiet then you’ve essentially got an even BIGGER problem. For subtle people trapped in a physical body whom will essentially be managed to NOT think of such possibilities then I’ll now enlighten you.
Exactly where is your subtle energy body AND exactly what condition is it in? NOW
Here is the leading question which will magically allow you to start THINKING about this problem . . . are you ready . . .
“What specific ailments and health, mental and psychological problems etc . . . are actually specifically problems that originate in what can only be described as your animal body avatar AND which ones are specific to your REAL subtle body?”
AND . . . . ‘EXACTLY’ . . . . ‘where’ . . . did you leave your subtle body? . . . can you remember?
Well, it’s likely to be lying on a subtle slab somewhere . . .
. . . was it left in a good neighborhood do you think?
What it won’t be doing, is that it won’t be getting out and about and for example meeting up with it’s mates in the local subtle pub. In fact, i won’t be moving at all will it.
It’ll just be lying there completely encased with subtle to physical body interfacing wires . . .
How long could your physical body lie immobile before it started to develop health problems? MMMMmm? FOR HOW LONG? Any ideas how long your subtle body could lie immobile and still remain healthy?
How would you appraise whether some health problem was due to a physical body originated problem OR as opposed to it being due to a health problem in your magically amazingly well hidden subtle body?
Any ideas?
Well, as an ex-medical research scientist with published papers in medical research fields I’ll have a stab at answering this for you . . . here we go . . . .
What is likely is that a physical ONLY symptom will be able to be cured and it’ll be done and gone. Conversely, a symptom that directly relates to an ailing subtle body form which cannot be addressed without compromising the long, long, long, con will be problematical to resolve. Symptoms of the subtle form are therefore very, VERY likely to be addressed AS SYMPTOMS, there won’t be any actual ‘real’ cures of the originating causes there will only be cures of the symptoms of the causes which will all be temporary as they are just suppressing the physical symptoms that actually arise from the subtle body form lying prone on a subtle slab located in the subtle environment ‘somewhere’.
Is there any evidence that our modern much over hyped medicine is amazingly good at just temporarily disappearing SYMPTOMS?
Is there any evidence that a great deal of effort is expended by the seriously well conned with respect to discrediting subtle energy healing and alternate healing approaches that are actually trying to address health problems that originate in the magically conceptually invisible subtle body?
The REAL Meaning & REAL Reality of YOUR REAL life as Forcibly Earth BOUND Subtle Being
The subtle ‘strata’ of reality (which as everyone (except ‘experts’) will know) is located parallel to and just to the left of the denser physical reality strata (which coincidentally it just left of a third ‘super’ dense physical strata).
Less well known is that our subtle forms don’t actually ‘eat’ food (which is why those of you that are perceptually aware of the ‘subtle’ realm will have noticed that there aren’t any take away’s, little chef’s or even pizza hut’s anywhere to be found (although it’s possible that there have been some BUT that they were all blown up by these dark demon spiritual terrorist forces we hear so much about).
As a subtle form you just naturally take in everything that your subtle body needs automatically and directly from the subtle environment which coincidentally is actually your real ‘home’ environment. In other words, you reading this have a subtle form which is immortal and which doesn’t need to scavenge for food or resources AND it’s got built in ‘super’ mobility.
Contrast the above with your current ‘physical life’ and then you might be tempted to ask yourself who would benefit if people were being forcibly physically incarnated and memory wiped combined with them being subjected to concerted efforts all focused on convincing the now conscious and occasionally self aware animals that they are nothing more than their physical animal form which inconveniently requires sustenance to maintain itself such that they are in the habit of dying off rather quickly if they don’t eat lots and lots of chips and burgers every day.
Horrifyingly, your physical avatar animal form body eventually gives up the ghost and kicks the bucket which has your subtle to physical body interfacing gradually disengaging until you find yourself as a subtle being very irritatingly being told that you didn’t do well enough in your last physical life and that you need to ‘buck’ up and do much better in the next one and as if that isn’t enough you are then made to join a long queue and are forced to hang around waiting to be reincarnated and memory wiped once again?
What an amazing long, long, long. long, long ‘spiritual’ con this is eh!!
I’m really sure that I’m likely to get the biggest set of minus marks EVER when I eventually kick the bucket BECAUSE ‘words and whole sentences’ will very likely be enthusiastically exchanged . . .
The more observant readers here might have noticed that this post ISN’T in the surreal or satire category . . .
Every so called ‘spiritual’ person on the planet should read this page because it very accurately describes our circumstances ‘apart’ from the little ‘fact’ that we here are in a simulation and we are simulating the people living these atrocities (it wouldn’t be too far out to state that we are simulating people ALREADY living in a matrix) . . .
See if you are ALLOWED to leave a DECENT comment? As I mention elsewhere here ACCURATE information isn’t allowed to be noticed or even ACKNOWLEDGED . . .
Can you join MORE dots other than what I describe above? For example it should be obvious that a real reality won’t have past life records of ‘people’ and yet we have the Akashic records cleverly disguised in ‘spiritual’ mumbo-jumbo so that no one realizes that these are SAVED COMPUTER FILES of each persons life. There ‘are’ plenty of clues that our little sink hole reality here is not in the slightest real.
I’ve added to and greatly extended the evidence of the ‘physical con’ and have conveniently put all of this evidence together in a visual chart form. If you are interested in these areas and want to understand the physical con in more detail AND read about yet more angles of evidence then head on over to this page here.
As part of the ‘physical con’ descriptions I give above, then this ‘implies’ that we ‘should’ have many intelligent ‘people’ as many different animal forms being ‘SIMULATED’ here. This is not only correct, BUT, there are of course many, MANY clues that many people here are ‘NOT’ actually (really) humans.
What ‘clues’ and SERIOUSLY obvious ones would ‘crab’ people being ‘simulated’ as humans ‘exhibit’???
You’d imagine that some of those with advanced ‘observational’ powers would have spotted these specific people ages ago!!! So, I challenge you to attempt the ‘impossible’, which is to try and think of the ‘problems’ a simulation designer would have translating a crab body form into a human body form and then attempt to identify the ‘people’ on our ‘simulated’ world here that are ‘obviously’ crabs.
Attempt to do this before reading this comment here that lists ‘some’ of the many ‘crab people’ clues as this will help you to become aware of how MANAGED you are to prevent you from thinking about and becoming aware of ‘obvious’ things.
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
September 22, 2014 @ 6:43 am
Another one sinking in hard, I’m shaky inside reading this!
June 15, 2015 @ 4:02 pm
this has gotta be the part where we play, ” HIT THE ROAD JACK AND DON’T YOU COME BACK NO MORE”
October 19, 2014 @ 11:11 pm
I can feel the restraint as I type hehe I think in terms of computer processing with a live operator -avatar which is me . I remember watching a 70’s episode of star trek where the team was investigating what was taking possession of the minds of the town folks lo and behold a automated computer was behind the curtain. The town folks never even thought to investigate the origin
November 1, 2014 @ 12:39 am
I am grateful that the years-old “hunches” I had about physical reality being a very vapid puppet show was not nonsensical, after all. Back when I thought certain doctrines and scriptures had elaborate and understandable explanations of “alternate realities”, you trump them with this single article.
I could imagine that the average person, regardless their background or caste, would feel the deepest pit in their gut EVER, their world shattered as everything they were taught was “true” was actually an elaborate hoax to hide a very exciting, more dynamic, and overall EASIER life outside of the physical. Many common dilemmas people would worry about would be easily resolved if they were allowed to remain in the subtle domains; and with all of the options exclusively available, “boredom” would be far scarcer than it is, here.
SO MANY things would change here with this exposed to the public.
December 11, 2014 @ 2:12 pm
This page has been very much updated with way, WAY MORE seriously worrying possibilities . . .
December 12, 2014 @ 6:22 am
So, I see. I knew I read this page before, but some bits were slightly unfamiliar.
December 20, 2014 @ 12:00 am
“Light is Dark, Dark is Light”
Interesting to note that Halloween (a day to acknowledge the immortality of our subtle selves) is considered dark and evil, while Christmas, a day designed to put hope in a puppet in the “hopes” of gaining eternal life–but only if you follow all the rules–is considered light-filled and good and holy. Furthering this deceit is the idea proposed to children that Santa can “be everywhere” but then it’s revealed as a hoax, reinforcing the idea that it’s impossible to move with the speed of thought.
December 21, 2014 @ 8:04 am
I’ve just begun reading ‘The Years of Rice and Salt’ by Kim Stanley Robinson–it seems to have some pretty ‘juicy’ descriptions of an afterlife ‘between lifetimes’ hellish realm called the ‘Bardo’ which seems to be place where people are ‘judged’ and then served their next ‘incarnation incarceration’ prison sentence. Haha I’m keeping my out for interesting and juicy passages to relate back here.
It’s interesting that this was all kicked off in response to the Buddhist and similar paths’ ‘spiritual con’.
It seems like this could actually be documentation of the first Shyster bunch who founded the SpiruCon Inc… incarnation long con memory wipe software enterprises?
Chapter 8, p 71 – 74
In the bardo Bold explains to Kyu the true nature of reality; Their jati regathered, they are cast back into the world.
At the moment of death Kyu saw the clear white light. It was everywhere, it bathed the void in itself, and he was part of it, and sang it out into the void.
Some eternity later he thought: this is what you strive for.
And so he fell out of it, into awareness of himself. His thoughts were continuing in their tumbling monologue, revelry, even after death. Incredible but true. Perhaps he wasn’t dead yet. But there was his body, hacked to pieces on the sand of the Forbidden City.
He heard Bold’s voice, there inside his thoughts, speaking a prayer.
“Kyu, my boy, my beautiful boy,
The time has come for you to seek the path.
This life is over. you are now
Face-to-face with the clear light.”
I’m past that, Kyu thought. What happens next? But Bold couldn’t know where he was along his way. Prayers for the dead were useless in that regard.
“You are about to experience reality
In its pure state. All things are void.
You will be like a clear sky,
Empty and pure. Your named mind
Will be like clear still water.”
I’m past that! Kyu thought. Get to the next part!
“Use the mind to question the mind. Don’t sleep at this crucial time. Your soul must leave your body awake, and go out through the Brahma hole.”
The dead can’t sleep, Kyu thought irritably. And my soul is already out of my body.
His guide was far behind him. But it had always been that way with Bold. Kyu would have to find his own way. Emptiness still surrounded the single thread of his thoughts. Some of the dreams he had had during his life had been of this place.
He blinked, or slept, and then he was in a vast court of judgment. The dais of the judge was on a broad deck, a plateau in a sea of clouds. The judge was a huge black-faced deity, sitting potbellied on the dais. Its hair was fire, burning wildly on its head. Behind it a black man held a pagoda roof that might have come straight out of a palace in Beijing. ABove the roof floated a little seated Buddha, radiating calm. To his left and right were peaceful deities, standing with gifts in their arms; but these were all a great distance away, and not for him. The righteous dead were climbing long flying roads up to these gods. On the deck surrounding the dais, less fortunate dead were being hacked to pieces by demons, demons as black as the Lord of Death, but smaller and more agile. Below the deck more demons were torturing yet more souls. It was a busy scene and Kyu was annoyed. This is my judgment, and it’s like a morning abbatoir! How am I supposed to concentrate?
A creature like a monkey approached him and raised a hand: “Judgment,” it said in a deep voice.
Bold’s prayer sounded in his mind, and Kyu realized that Bold and the monkey were related somehow. “Remember, whatever you suffer now is the result of your own karma,” Bold was saying. “It’s yours and no one else’s. Pray for mercy. A little white god and a little black demon will appear and count out the white and black pebbles of your good and evil deeds.”
Indeed it was so. The white imp was pale as an egg, and the black imp like onyx; and they were hoeing great piles of white and black stones into heaps, which to Kyu’s surprise appeared about equal in size. He could not remember doing any good deeds.
“You will be frightened, awed, terrified.”
I will not! These prayers were for a different kind of dead, for people like Bold.
“You will attempt to tell lies, saying I have not committed any evil deed.”
I will not say any such ridiculous thing.
Then the Lord of Death, up on its throne, suddenly took notice of Kyu, and despite himself Kyu flinched.
“Bring the mirror of karma,” the god said, grinning horribly. Its eyes were burning coals.
“Don’t be frightened,” Bold’s voice said inside him. “Don’t tell any lies, don’t be terrified, don’t fear the Lord of Death. The body you’re in now is only a mental body. You can’t die in the bardo, even if they hack you to pieces.”
Thanks, Kyu thought uneasily. That is such a comfort.
“Now comes the moment of judgment. Hold fast, think good thoughts; remember, all these events are your own hallucinations, and what life comes next depends on your thoughts now. In a single moment of time a great difference is created. Don’t be distracted when the six lights appear. Regard them all with compassion. Face the Lord of Death without fear.”
The black god held a mirror up with such practiced accuracy that Kyu saw in the glass his own face, dark as the god’s. He saw that the face is the naked soul itself, and that his was as dark and dire as the Lord of Death’s. This was the moment of truth! And he had to concentrate on it, as Bold kept reminding him. And yet all the while the whole antic festival shouted and shrieked and clanged around him, every possible punishment or reward given out at once, and he couldn’t help it, he was annoyed.
“Why is black evil and white good?” he demanded of the Lord of Death. “I never saw it that way. If this is all my own thinking, then why is that so? Why is my Lord of Death not a big Arab slave trader, as it would be in my own village? Why are your agents not lions and leopards?”
But the Lord of Death was an Arab slave trader, he saw now, an Arab intaglioed in miniature in the surface of the god’s black forehead, looking out at Kyu and waving. The one who had captured him and taken him to the coast. And among the shrieks of the rendered there were lions and leopards, hungrily gnawing the intestines of living victims.
All just my thoughts, Kyu reminded himself, feeling fear rise in his throat. This realm was like the dream world, but more solid; more solid even than the waking world of his just completed life; everything trebly stuffed with itself, so that the leaves on the round ornamental bushes (in ceramic pots!) hung like jade leaves, while the jade throne of the god pulsed with a solidity far beyond that of stone. Of all the worlds the bardo was one of the utmost reality.
The white Arab face in the black forehead laughed and squeaked, “Condemned!” and the huge black face of the Lord of Death roared, “Condemned to hell!” It threw a rope around Kyu’s neck and dragged him off the dais. It cut of Kyu’s head, tore out his heart, pulled out his entrails, drank his blood, gnawed his bones; yet Kyu did not die. Body hacked to pieces, yet it revived. And it all began again. Intense pain throughout. Tortured by reality. Life is a thing of extreme reality; death also.
December 23, 2014 @ 8:16 pm
‘The Years of Rice and Salt’
202- 204
Chinese bardo
cf. :
‘numbered levels and legal chambers and bureaucrats wielding lists of souls to be remanded’
‘menagerie of demonic gods’
‘evil insinuated right into the heart of the cosmos they themselves had made’
‘vials of forgetting’ (allusion to memory wipe)
Karmic laws of the universe; ‘We live in a universe ruled by very few laws, but the redoubling of violence by violence is one of the main ones.’
Snowy peaks, towering over a dark land. The first blinding crack of sunlight flooding all. He could have made it then–everything was so bright, he could have launched himself into pure whiteness at that moment and never come back, flowed out forever into the All. Release, release. You have to have seen a lot to want release that much.
But the moment passed and he was on the black stage floor of the bardo’s hall of judgment, on its Chinese side, a nightmare warren of numbered levels and legal chambers and bureaucrats wielding lists of souls to be remanded to the care of meticulous torturers. Above this hellish bureaucracy loomed the usual Tibet of a dais, occupied by its menagerie of demonic gods, chopping up condemned souls and chasing the pieces off to hell or a new life in the realm of preta or beast. The lurid glow, the giant dais like the side of a mesa towering above, the hallucinatorily colorful gods roaring and dancing, their swords flashing in the black air; it was judgment–an inhuman activity–not the pot calling the kettle black, but true judgment, by higher authorities, the makers of the universe. Who were the ones, after all, that had made humans as weak and craven and cruel as they so often were–so that there was a sense of doom enforced, of loaded dice, karma lashing out at whatever little pleasures and beauties the miserable subdivine sentiences might have concocted out of the mud of their existence. A brave life, fought against the odds? Go back as a dog! A dogged life, persisting despite all? Go back as a mule, go back as a worm. That’s the way things work.
Thus Kheim reflected as he strode up through the mists in a growing rage, as he banged through the bureaucrats, smashing them with their own slates, their lists and tallies, until he caught sight of Kali and her court, standing in a semicircle taunting Butterfly, judging her–as if that poor simple soul had anything to answer for, compared to these butcher gods and their eons of evil–evil insinuated right into the heart of the cosmos they themselves had made!
Kheim roared in wordless fury, and charged up and seized a sword from one of the death goddess’s six arms, and cut off a brace of them with a single stroke; the blade was very sharp. The arms lay scattered and bleeding on the floor, flopping about–then, to Kheim’s unutterable consternation, they were grasping the floorboards and moving themselves crabwise by the clenching of the fingers. Worse yet, new shoulders were growing back behind the wounds, which still bled copiously. Kheim screamed and kicked them off the dais, then turned and chopped Kali in half at the waist, ignoring the other members of his jati who stood up there with Butterfly, all of them jumping up and down and shouting, “Oh no, don’t do that Kheim, don’t do that, you don’t understand, you have to follow protocol,” even I-Chin, who was shouting loudly over the rest of them, “At least we might direct our efforts at the dais struts, or the vials of forgetting, something a little more technical, a little less direct!” Meanwhile Kali’s upper body fisted itself around the stage, while her legs and waist staggered, but continued to stand; and the missing halves grew out of the cut parts like snail horns. And then there were two Kalis advancing on him, a dozen arms flailing swords.
He jumped off the dais, thumped down on the bare boards of the cosmos. The rest of his jati crashed down beside him, crying out in pain at the impact. “You got us in trouble,” Shen whined.
“It doesn’t work like that,” Butterfly informed him as they panted off together into the mists. “I’ve seen a lot of people try. They lash out in fury and cut the hideous gods down, and how they deserve it–and yet the gods spring back up, redoubled in other people. A karmic law of this universe, my friend. Like conservation of yin and yang, or gravity. We live in a universe ruled by very few laws, but the redoubling of violence by violence is one of the main ones.”
“I don’t believe it,” Kheim said, and stopped to fend off the two Kalis now pursuing them. He took a hard swing and decapitated one of the new Kalis. Swiftly another head grew back, swelling atop the gusher on the neck of the black body, and the new white teeth of her new head laughed at him, while her bloody red eyes blazed. He was in trouble, he saw; he was going to be hacked to pieces. For resisting these evil unjust absurd and horrible deities he was going to be hacked to pieces and returned to the world as a mule or a monkey or a maimed old geezer–”
December 23, 2014 @ 9:56 pm
That’s a very powerful and very appropriate ‘quote’ Matt
June 15, 2015 @ 3:55 pm
oh yeah, so it occurred to me, while everybody is sitting around doing the ” secret” thang…that all they’re gonna do is visualize themselves more human good or evil, depending on the vantage point, aka get more sucked into the physical…i asked my current rep of mySelf, my Guru, the Zenmaster, ” hey, so if i sit around and visualize this current body with, oh you know, bigger tits, a wrinkle free face ( and i could literally feel myself like a bug on a wall when i said this), if i sit around visualizing this current body having all good things, if this is the subconscious past manifest, wouldn’t that kinda mean i’m stupid. like, wouldn’t it be a smarter run to visualize myself as a light body? only, one problem, ” i told the Great Grand Z, ” i don’t know what the hell a light body looks like.” the Great Z answered, ” I DO.” now, i went ” thru the light” and all that b.s. when i supposedly was 22. let me assure the other botz right now. none of the stuff we see on the physical plane was ” there” AND I MEAN NONE OF IT. NOTHING WAS ” THERE” so much for the ” secret law of attraction ” aimed at morons. jesus.
December 24, 2014 @ 6:46 am
305 – 308
Back in the Bardo
[ scenario: they’ve all been wiped out by a plague . . . (also not hard to engineer as part of your physical con to traumatize your physically enslaved population) ]
# ‘jati’ (probably from the same word root as ‘genus’) :
grouping of souls (12 in this case) that continuously reincarnate together and often try to track each other down; the meet back in the ‘bardo’ and temporarily recollect/ rehash their life before being wiped and dumped back into the hell of the physical con environment…
# ‘vials of forgetting’ is even stronger here: + ‘transmigration of souls’ , ‘mindless repetition’ / ‘veritable charnel house’
# wheel of birth and death, contemplation of it afterward
note: the ‘must tell their stories honestly’ part reminds me of the (lack of) ethical prohibition on simulations and obvious lack of ethics/ morals on large scale that would lead to physical con societies in the first place
# time interval is unknown to them (from a subjective time standpoint who knows how long they are in limbo?)
# INCREDIBLY DEPRESSING: the concept and treatment of the topic of ‘progress’ – the members of the jati trying to make ‘progress’ through this mess. . .
they struggle with ‘buying into the con’ and the meaningless of all of it, the most optimistic of the group can only come up with this:
“God judges, and sends us out again,” Bahram said. “Man proposes, God disposes.”
The reply/ speech by Khalid (the realist) is illuminating.
Well, it was, as might be imagined after an end like that, a very discouraged and dispirited little jati that huddled together on the black floor of the bardo this time around. Who could blame them? Why should they have had any will to continue? It was hard to discern any reward for virtue, any forward progress–any dharmic justice of any kind. Even Bahram could not find the good in it, and no one else even tried. Looking back down the vale of the ages at the endless recurrence of their reincarnations, before they were forced to drink their vials of forgetting and all became obscure to them again, they could see no pattern at all to their efforts; if the gods had a plan, or even a set of procedures, if the long train of transmigrations was supposed to add up to anything, if it was not just a mindless repetition, time itself was nothing but a series of chaoses, no one could discern it; and the story of their transmigrations, rather than being a narrative without death, as the first experiences of reincarnation perhaps seemed to suggest, had become instead a veritable charnel house. Why read on? Why pick up their book from the far wall where it has been thrown away in disgust and pain, and read on? Why submit to such cruelty, such bad karma, such bad plotting?
The reason is simple: these things happened. They happened countless times, just like this. The oceans are salt with our tears. No one can deny that these things happened.
And so there is no choice in the matter. They cannot escape the wheel of birth and death, not in the experience of it, or in the contemplation of it afterward; and their anthologist, Old Red Ink himself, must tell their stories honestly, must deal in reality, or else the stories mean nothing. And it is crucial that the stories mean something.
So. No escape from reality: they sat there, a dozen sad souls, huddled together at a far corner of the great stage of the hall of judgment. It was dim, and cold. The perfect white light had lasted this time for only the briefest of moments, a flash like the eyeball exploding; after that, here they were again. Up on the dais the dogs and demons and black gods capered, in a hazy mist that shrouded all, that damped all sound.
Bahram tried, but could think of nothing to say. He was still stunned by the events of their last days in the world; he was still ready to get up and go out and start another day, on another morning just like all the rest. Deal with the crisis of invasion from the east, the talking of his family, if that was what it meant–whatever problems the day happened to bring, trouble, crisis, sure, that was life. But not this. Not this already. Salt tears of timely death, alum tears of untimely death: bitterness filled the air with smoke. I liked that life! I had plans for that life!
Khalid sat there just as Khalid always had, as if ensconced in his study thinking over some problem. That sight gave Bahram a deep pang of regret and sorrow. All that life, gone. Gone, gone, gone altogether beyond . . . The past is gone. Even if you can remember it, it’s gone. And even at the time it was happening Bahram had known how he had loved it, he had lived in a state of nostalgia-for-the-present, every day of it.
Now gone.
The rest of the jati sat or sprawled on the cheap wooden floor around Khalid. Even Sayyed Abdul looked distraught, not just sorry for himself, but distraught for them all, sad to have left that turbulent but oh-so-interesting world.
An interval passed; a moment, year, an age, the kalpa itself, who could tell in such a terrible place?
Bahram took a deep breath, exerted himself, sat up.
“We’re making progress,” he announced firmly.
Khalid snorted. “We are like mice to cats.” He gestured up at the stage, where the grotesqueries continued to unfold. “They are petty assholes, I say. They kill us for sport. They don’t die and they don’t understand.”
“Forget them,” Iwang advised. “We’re going to have to do this on our own.”
“God judges, and sends us out again,” Bahram said. “Man proposes, God disposes.”
Khalid shook his head. “Look at them. They’re a bunch of vicious children playing. No one leads them, there is no god of gods.”
Bahram looked at him, surprised. “Do you not see the one enfolding all the rest, the one we rest within? Allah or Brahman, or what have you, the one only true God of Gods?”
“No. I see no sign of him at all.”
“You aren’t looking! You’ve never looked yet! When you look, you will see it. When you see it, everything will change for you. Then it will be all right.”
Khalid scowled. “Don’t insult us with that fatuous nonsense. Good Lord, Allah, if you are there, why have you inflicted me with this fool of a boy!” He kicked at Bahram. “It’s easier without you around! You and your damned all right! It’s not all right! It’s a fucking mess! You only make it worse with that nonsense of yours! did you not see what just happened to us, to your wife and children, to my daughter and grandchildren? It’s not all right! Start from that, if you will! We may be in a hallucination here, but that’s no excuse for being delusional!”
Bahram was hurt by this. “It’s you who give up on things,” he protested. “Every time. That’s what your cynicism is–you don’t even try. You don’t have the courage to carry on.”
“The hell I don’t. I’ve never given up yet. I’m just not willing to go at it babbling lies. No, it’s you who are the one who never tries. Always waiting for me and Iwang to do the hard things. You do it for once! Quit babbling about love and try it yourself one time, damn it! Try it yourself, and see how hard it is to keep a sunny face when you’re looking the truth of the situation eye to eye.”
“Ho!” said Bahram, stung. “I do my part. I have always done my part. Without me none of you would be able to carry on. It takes courage to keep love at the center when you know as well as anyone else the real state of things! It’s easy to get angry, anyone can do that. It’s making good that’s the hard part, it’s staying hopeful that’s the hard part! It’s staying in love that’s the hard part.”
Khalid wiggled his left hand. “All very well, but it only matters if the truth is faced and fought. I’m sick of love and happiness–I want justice.”
“So do I!”
“All right, then show me. Show me what you can do this next time out in the miserable world, something more than happy happy.”
“I will then!”
Heavily Khalid pulled himself up, and limped over to Sayyed Abdul Aziz, and without any warning kicked him sprawling across the stage. “And you!” he roared. “What is your EXCUSE!” Why are you always so bad? Consistency is no excuse, your CHARACTER is NO EXCUSE!”
Sayyed glared up at him from the floor, sucking on a torn knuckle. Daggers in his stare: “Leave me alone.”
Khalid made as if to kick him again, then gave up on it. “You’ll get yours,” he promised. “One of these days, you’ll get yours.”
“Forget about him,” Iwang advised. “He’s not the real problem, and he’ll always be part of us. Forget about him, forget about the gods. Let’s concentrate on doing it ourselves. We can make our own world.”
December 26, 2014 @ 7:54 am
337 – 340
More on the bardo setup and design; subtle bureaucracy/ administration, vials of forgetting
impossibility of ‘progress’ or finding any ‘justice’
cf. Fromwest (aka Busho) is likely ’Bahram’ from the previous bardo passage
She was reading her copy of “The Jade Record” = going through fine print of the incarnation (enslavement) contract . . .
one expalnation/ rationale’ / ‘spin’ put on it: “souls were not to return to life too burdened or advantaged by their pasts.”
Thus it was that many years later, when the jati had again convened in the bardo, after years of work fighting off the foreigners living at the mouth of the East River, fighting to hold together their peoples in the face of the devastating new diseases that struck them, making alliances with Fromwest’s people embattled in like fashion on the west coast of their island, doing all they could to knit together the nations and to enjoy life in the forest with their kin and their tribes, Fromwest approached Keeper of the Wampum and said to him proudly, “You have to admit it, I did what you demanded of me, I went out into the world and fought for what was right! And we did some good again!”
Keeper put a hand to the shoulder of his young brother as he approached the great edifice of the bardo’s dais of judgment, and said, “Yes, you performed well, youth. We did what we could.”
But already he was looking ahead at the bardo’s enormous towers and battlements, wary and unsatisfied, focused on the tasks ahead. Things in the Bardo seemed to have gotten even more Chinese since their last time there, like all the rest of the realms, perhaps, or perhaps it was just a coincidence having to do with their angle of approach, but the great wall of the dais was broken up into scores of levels, leading into hundreds of chambers, so that it looked somewhat like the side of a beehive.
The bureaucrat god at the entryway to this warren, one Biancheng by name, handed out guidebooks to the process facing them above, thick tomes all entitled, “The Jade Record,” each hundreds of pages long, filled with detailed instructions, and with descriptions, illustrated copiously, of the various punishments they could expect to suffer for the crimes and affronteries they had committed in their most recent lives.
Keeper took one of those thick books and without hesitation swung it like a tomahawk, knocking Biancheng over his paper-laden desk. Keeper looked around at the long lines of souls waiting their turn to be judged, and saw them staring at him amazed, and he shouted at them, “Riot! Revolt! Rebel! Revolution!, and without waiting to see what they did, he led his little jati into a chamber of mirrors, the first room on their passage through the process of judgment, where souls were to look at themselves and see what they really were.
“A good idea,” Keeper admitted, after stopping in the middle and staring at himself, seeing what no one else could see. “I am a monster,” he announced. “My apologies to you all. And especially to you, Iagogeh, for putting up with me this last time, and all the previous times. And to you, youth,” nodding at Busho, whom he had known as Fromwest. “But nevertheless, we have work to do. I intend to tear this whole place down.” And he began looking around the room for something to throw at the mirrors.
“Wait,” Iagogeh said. She was reading her copy of “The Jade Record,” skimming pages rapidly, “Frontal assaults are ineffective, as I recall. I’m remembering things. We have to go at the system itself. We need a technical solution. . . Here. Here’s just the thing: just before we’re sent back into the world, the Goddess Meng administers to us a vial of forgetting.”
“I don’t remember that,” Keeper said.
“That’s the point. We go into each life ignorant of our pasts, and so we struggle on each time without learning anything from the times before. We have to avoid that if we can. So listen, and remember: when you are in the hundred and eight rooms of this Meng, don’t drink anything! If they force you to, then only pretend to drink it, and spit it out when you are released.” She read on. “We emerge in the Final River, a river of blood, between this realm and the world. If we can get there with our minds intact, then we might be able to act more effectively.”
“Fine,” Keeper said. “But I intend to destroy this place itself.”
“Remember what happened last time you tried that,” Busho warned him, getting into the corner of the chamber so he could see the reflection of the reflections. Some things were coming back to him as Iagogeh had spoken. “When you took a sword to the Goddess of Death, and she redoubled on you with each stroke.”
Keeper frowned, trying to recall. Outside there was a roaring, shouts, sounds of gunfire, boots running. Irritated, distracted, he said, “You can’t be cautious at times like this, you have to fight evil whenever the chance comes.”
“True, but cleverly. Little steps.”
Keeper regarded him skeptically. He held his thumb and forefinger together in the air. “That small?” He grabbed up Iagogeh’s book and threw it at one wall of the mirrors. One of them cracked, and a shriek came from behind the wall.
“Quit arguing,” Iagogeh said. “Pay attention now.”
Keeper picked the book back up and they hurried through close little rooms, moving higher and higher, then lower again, then higher, always up or down stairs in multiples of seven or nine. Keeper abused several more functionaries with the big book. Pounds the Rock kept slipping into side rooms and getting lost.
Finally they reached the hundred and eight chambers of Meng, the Goddess of Forgetting. Everyone had to pass through a different one of the chambers, and drink the cup of wine-that-was-not-wine set out for them. Guards who did not look as if they would notice the slap of a book, be it ever so thick, stood at every exit to enforce this requirement; souls were not to return to life too burdened or advantaged by their pasts.
“I refuse,” Keeper shouted, they could all hear it from the nearby rooms. “I don’t remember this ever being required before!”
“That’s because we’re making progress,” Busho tried to call to him. “Remember the plan, remember the plan.”
He himself took up his vial, happily fairly small, and faked swallowing its sweet contents with an exaggerated gulp, tucking the liquid under his tongue. It tasted so good he was sorely tempted to swallow it down, but resisted and only let a little seep to the back of his tongue.
Thus when his guard tossed him out into the Final River with the rest, he spat out what he could of the not-wine, but he was disoriented nevertheless. The other members of the jati thrashed likewise in the shallows, choking and spitting, Straight Arrow giggling drunkenly, totally oblivious. Iagogeh rounded them up, and Keeper, no matter what he had forgotten, had not lost his main purpose, which was to wreak havoc however he could. They half swam, half floated across the red stream to the far shore.
There, at the foot of a tall red wall, they were hauled out of the river by two demon gods of the bardo. Life-Is-Short and Death-by-Gradations. Overhead a banner hanging down the side of the wall displayed the message “To be a human is easy, to live a human life is hard; to desire to be human a second time is even harder. If you want release from the wheel, persevere.”
Keeper read the message and snorted. “A second time–what about the tenth? What about the fiftieth?” And with a roar he shoved Death-by-Gradations into the river of blood. They had spit enough of Meng’s not-wine of forgetting in the stream that the god guard quickly forgot who had shoved him, and what his job was, and how to swim.
But the others of the jati saw what Keeper had done, and their purpose came back even more clearly to their consciousness. Busho shoved the other guard into the stream: “Justice!” he shouted after the suddenly absentminded swimmer. “Life is short indeed!”
Other guards appeared upstream on the bank of the Final River, hurrying toward them. The members of the jati acted quickly, and for once like a team; by twisting and tangling the banner hanging down the wall, they made it into a kind of rope they could use to pull themselves up the Red Wall. Busho and Keeper and Iagogeh and Pounds the Rock and Straight Arrow and Zigzag and all the rest hauled themselves up to the top of the wall, which was broad even to sprawl onto. There they could catch their breath, and have a look around: back down into the dark and smoky bardo, where a struggle even more chaotic than usual had broken out; it looked like they had started a general revolt; and then forward, down onto the world, swathed in clouds.
“It looks like that time when they took Butterfly up that mountain to sacrifice her,” Keeper said. “I remember that now.”
“Down there we can make something new,” Iagogeh said. “It’s up to us. Remember!”
And they dove off the wall like drops of rain.
December 28, 2014 @ 7:25 am
Tonight while reading ‘The Years of Rice and Salt,’ I had an inner vision and feeling of one constant template which appeared to change, shift, and move but which was in fact underlying always the same.
I believe what I was actually witnessing was the origination and refinement of the long long long con.
I was originally the earth simulation history department manager and in general I have spent many many many years pursuing the subject of history — with particular interest in the entire Western empires and empires in general. Large masses of populations of people.
If you think about it these ‘masses’ are in fact large shelved energy body matrixes of ‘suckers’ or ‘poor benighted souls’ who have either fallen for the long con or been kidnapped and incarnated into the physical matrix environment.
This inner vision shook me to my core because I was able to overlay two different data sets within my self that had previously existed separately. One if the abstract idea that there is a long con taking place and the other is my ‘main’ area of interest as an original member of the population we are simulated. The interface or overlaying of these two datasets caused me to gasp for air as if the wind had been knocked out of me–a feeling I have had at times while being completely shocked by the implications of what is written here.
Much of what I have been doing the last two years is learning to ‘walk the boundary’ AROUND the knowledge sets that we are not able to engage with correctly. In a very concrete sense, until you find those boundaries for yourself within which all of our knowledge is contained you cannot differentiate the reality of the situation from the surface situation.
The surface situation is in all cases and aspects turning out to be an illusion. The entirety of history is an illusion and more or less ‘irrelevant’ in our terms now except as the ‘stage’ upon which the long long multiverse con is predicated.
So this puts all of this into a very new perspective for me because I have finally perceived experientially this boundary line for myself — unless you understand that engaging with our history is engaging with a ruse or a fundamental lie which is masking what is essentially slavery of an entire population you cannot truly be a student of history because you continue to engage with and be immersed in details.
We are ‘swimming’ in detail here and so you have to find a way to ‘pan out’ and also to ‘fade’ the resolution of the picture into a distance and opacity of resolution such that you can see only black and white outlines before you can gain perspective. As I write this I’ve been engaging with the ‘history’ question for years but have not really ‘felt’ it this way before — it is a new sensation and feels like my subtle awareness is ‘registered’ and integrating this ‘knowledge state’ with everyone I have ever known and thought about ‘history’.
So anyone remotely interested in our history as a population who still has two brain cells to rub together — creative types and historians such as Kim Stanley Robinson of ‘The Years of Rice and Salt’ or Frank Herbert of the ‘Dune’ series would be very interested to learn about and engage with this subject. This is the thing you need to ‘get’ before you can start to study the underlying ‘fabric’ and related relevant aspects of our real history as a population of people.
February 14, 2017 @ 9:05 pm
I’ve still been reading your articles and I believe to an extent this could be probable. I am in the stage in my life that I’m trying to truly heal the wounds I have and the blocked chakras I have. Lots of the wounds I have stemmed from experiences I’ve had repeatedly of lack of trust, abandonment, and betrayal. I have taken a course in philosophy couple years ago in college and all this made me think of this idea of infinite regression. Things on a small scale happening on a larger scale and there’s an infinite something causing something else.
After reading your things about the con, I might be wrong, yet I feel perhaps that this wounds of betrayal, abandonment, and lack of trust in my subconscious may not be exactly from my human experiences… it definitely could be that when our memory may be wiped, we still have these ‘gut feelings’ from what our subtle being is-has experienced. Betrayed by someone we thought we could trust to be reincarnated, trapped and abandoned in a physical body in a strange physical third dimensional world, and lack of trust because of that subtle body experience. It is then carried over into the physical body where it experiences these types of experiences repeatedly…
I know I could be wrong, yet I wanted to throw it out there and see if I’m on the right track? I am trying to contemplate the best way to heal a subconsciousness in me the right way. I think the answer may lie in the philosophies and-or even thinking through what the true reality may be. The answers are mixed in there with the con propaganda, it’s just a matter of collecting all information and making the best judgement by following your gut. This self empowering ability is still under developed in me so we will see how this goes.
February 22, 2017 @ 12:42 pm
Hi Brittany “I think the answer may lie in the philosophies and-or even thinking through what the true reality may be. The answers are mixed in there with the con propaganda, it’s just a matter of collecting all information and making the best judgement by following your gut.”, Yea? Well I’m a reincarnation of ‘Plato / PD Ouspensky / Giordano Bruno’ and others . . . so I’ve been collecting / studding / and making the best judgement for many 1000’s of years and pretty much everything is a ‘GROSS’ misdirection AND you ‘spectacularly’ fail to mention the annoying seriously aggressive direct ‘MANAGEMENT’ of yourself / EVERYONE HERE / which is the primary means used to keep people stuck in blind alleys. Which is why that despite that the ‘answers’ are presented on many pages of this web site, the ‘Matrix’ pages for example present indisputable ‘evidence’ of ourselves living in a fake reality of a specific combination / at least they would be ‘indisputable’ if readers / everyone here weren’t being completely ‘MANAGED’ to be unable to ‘evaluate’ anything correctly.
February 10, 2018 @ 9:26 pm
Whew! Twenty four hours of reading this site and oh..my.. god! Finally! I am not insane! I have not become delusional! I don’t need an exorcism (in the traditional Christian religious sense)! I have known for what seems like my entire adult life, that “something” is not right in the spiritual world but have only been getting partial understanding here and there… not even baby steps… more like a ‘pull myself across the floor by a single bloody fingernail inch-worm style’ crawl until 24 hours ago when I got beyond fed up and told the angels that have been hanging out with me, “Enough! I want the TRUTH, the Whole Truth and nothing but the truth and don’t effing bother to tell me I cant handle it (sorry for the bad movie paraphrase but it IS what I said). I need to help my clients get HEALED!” And so later on in the day while in researching some other subject entirely I somehow stumbled on to this site and have been avidly, voraciously, intensely reading every, EVERY word, taking copious amounts of notes, confirming ideas I have been having since as long as I can remember, and in general thanking myself for clicking on a link that had absolutely nothing to do with the subject I had been researching (menopause if you must know). Just in the past hour I have had more confirmations of things I had suspected but never read or heard of elsewhere than ever before in all of the classes and courses I have poured my time, effort and finances into. I have sat through certification process after certification process thinking “Ok this is all very lovely and nice but HOW does this HELP my clients????” And in one sentence you summed it all up perfectly! In the information about the healing sessions with Shirley (I think? I have been reading since yesterday…) you stated “…why not have the intention for you to identify everything that is contributing to your issues directly YOURSELF, AND also then the intention to learn how to properly deal with everything that you find?” This is why I have turned clients away even though I am building a business and really couldn’t afford to. Because either I knew they weren’t willing to actually do anything to help themselves sort out their own sh!t and then deal with it or I knew instinctively (?) that I wasn’t ready for what we were going to find once we got started (hey, I am still inch-worming it across the floor at this point.) I just wanted to say thank you for making this information available. For putting yourself out there even knowing that you are going against the “norm” and may not get all the warm fuzzy accolades those forwarding the the “Long, Long Con” are getting. If I ever get the chance to meet you in person I hope to goodness you are a hugger because I plan to make sure you get a big one from me.
April 27, 2020 @ 6:53 pm
I remembered a new angle of EVIDENCE that we actually survive the death of our physical body, and that IN TURN, we are ‘long lived subtle / spiritual beings that from time to time intertafe to alien physical avatars’.
It is a phenomenon often mentioned in the arguments in favor of the existence of reincarnation, apart from memories that are confirmed to be real from past lives. I am talking about ‘birthmarks’!…
I have already found accounts of people who, in addition to having memories of past lives, have birthmarks that relate to the way they remember having died in their past life.
In addition to knowing 2 interesting and somewhat suspicious cases (although one is more of a symptom than a visible mark)…
The most blatant is that of my ex-boyfriend, who besides being obsessed with the Nazis and the 2nd world war (he read an entire encyclopedia and knew EVERYTHING about the 2nd world war), also dreamed once he died gradually in a trench, in an icy scenario, in what seemed to him to be the famous “D-day” with a huge wound in the bottom of his back… The thing is that he was born with a birth defect, AND… ‘exactly’ in the bottom of his back in the area where he dreamed he had the wound… he was born with a vertebra deformation that was smaller than normal and that caused him a lot of back pain…
The other case is that of my mother who, in the context of telling me about the horrible heart pains she felt when she was younger, told me (I no longer remember why, but I think she simply remembered with the conversation) she once had a super realistic dream that she was a soldier and that when he was in a battle he was hit by a spear that pierced his chest, something that in the dream made her feel real pain “as if it were real”… And when saying that, I could not help but automatically linking that perhaps the spear explained the ‘unexplained’ pains she felt in the chest (the doctors never detected anything odd)…
Now, a few years ago, I read a lot of material related to the so-called “spiritual” phenomena, and one of the stuff I found closer at hand was the spiritist material, and all its spiritual channelings and its accouns of “spiritual” phenomena made by the so-called “mediums” (people who probably have what would be called subtle habilities here). And one of the phenomena they talked about a lot was the so-called “somatization” (and this is actually a scientific term attributed to the ‘known’ phenomenon of the physical manifestation of symptoms resulting from psychological and emotional disorders), which referred to no more and no less than the ‘physical manifestation’ of problems which ORIGINATE in what they call “spirit”.
So, all of this suggests that there is a ‘VERY INTRICATED’ and ‘MUTUALLY’ INFLUENCIAL relationship between our physical body and our many subtle bodies (probably artificial, since in principle as subtle beings we would only have one (probably unconscious in a subtle pod …))… HENCE considerable physical injuries “ended up” having an effect….. surprise, surprise… in the “next life” physical body alien avatar (if not on those of the next lifes…)…!! BECAUSE these physical injuries would already have impacted our subtle body/subtle bodies BEFORE from the physical plane, which in turn, having imprinted these injuries in itself, would end up influencing the development of the next physical body! SO, it is likely that the interfacing of the subtle body to the physical body, and that the possibly ‘natural’ possible relationships between the subtle and the physical strata (from the perspective of how our reality is fundamentally defined), gave origin to that BOTH bodies tending to ‘reflect on each other’, at least with respect to certain parameters…
The interfacing between the two bodies could in fact be set up in a ULTRA detailed way, like at the cellular level, and who knows if not at the molecular and even atomic level (actually you suggest that this is possible on the “Psysical Con” page from the “Visuals” series, and if this were not possible, how on earth could a subtle being interface to a rock, to the atmospheric system or to a star?), WHICH COULD EXPLAIN THIS“ MIRROR EFFECT ”. That… and also actually the fact of ‘half’ of the periodic table elements having a direct correspondence with elements of the subtle strata, as you suggest very directly in this comment https://soul-healer.com/human-enhancements/first-awareness-of-a-version-of-myself-designing-subtle-body-functioning-adjusting-implants/#comment-26559.
In this respect of the relations between the subtle bodies and the physical body, and between the subtle and the physical strata at a fundamental level… and right about the content of this page… I remember reading a comment on a forum’s thread about reencarnation and freewill (if I am not mistaken) in which a spiritist person said that, having explored why he had a physical disability, he made a regression (guided I think) to the moment when he had been interfaced to the embryo inside his mother’s womb from the after-life place he was standing…… AND he found out that when someone arrived to give him the WONDERFUL news that it was the time for him to reincarnate ‘AGAIN’, he vehemently said ‘no’, that don’t wanted to (the music “Rehab” from Amy Winehouse comes to mind, and in fact there are rumors that she ended up committing suicide… coincidence? mmm… (hoping she does not end up reincarnated in a tree…)), and that despite having been very decided and resolute in his position, that someone in a VERY disrespectful way with respect to his proclaimed free will continued to insist and insist and insist…. until eventually something dragged him ‘by force… ending up literally ‘stuck’ in his mother’s womb… and apparently he was so determined that he tried to escape.… BUT as it seems, without success… In the account he said that a spirit guide explained to him that he ended up with the disability (I don’t remember what it was…) for having tried very hard to escape, which would have caused the malformation (here is an alert for you guys… if you don’t go the easy way, you go the hard way… it’s just how things work in the after-life…). In other words, what probably would have happened here was that he’d have somehow damaged his subtle body (most likely artificial) and/or the interfacing, which interfered and impacted his physical body… so here’s another example of “somatization”.
And… I have a question for you Clive… It’s that for a long time you have NOT been referring to our circumstances of compulsive interfacing to the physical strata as “the physical con”, and for a long time you have NOT been referring to the existence of “physical coners ”as well… so the question I want to ask you is if your perspective on our circumstances has changed?
And at the same time you seem to have found out what nature spirits are about (as this comment implies https://www.realitywalker.com/nature-spirits-fae-elementals-fairies-devas/relocating-some-estranged-nature-spirits/#comment-55730)…
…and that makes me wandering: WHO the hell are the ‘coners’ after all? Would they be the instigators and/or managers of the subtle to the physical interfacing investigations and the instigators and/or managers of the organized expeditions into the physical (as perhaps Pan and your friend Cernnunos?)… OR, for example, some kind of very odd thing happened in our EAAS, odd to the point that the subtle organizations themselves responsible for the subtle population mass interfacing to the physical strata are also strangely being represented in the physical strata ‘AS WELL AS’ their managers and workforce (as you suggest on this page https://soul-healer.com/subtle-body-soul-form-higher-self/historical-past-language-based-evidence-of-ourselves-as-an-immortal-spirit-form-being-incarnated-into-flesh/) (are they being subjected to the ‘SAME’ kind of circumstances as we are? You mention in this comment https://soul-healer.com/advanced-healing-awareness-training/self-exploration-healing-exercise-3-targeting-investigating-highly-complex-contributions-to-myself/#comment-24542 that some of the regulars here [if not the entire population of EAAS] are representing ‘spirits of nature’, ‘the’ subtle researchers of the subtle to the physical interfacing… that workforce?… and yet they are down and out as you and me?…)… For example, are ‘coners’ actually soulless creatures automatically generated by software? What do you think Clive? (and sorry if I look like an intrusive detective…)
May 8, 2020 @ 6:12 pm
Well, you’ve a lot of mixed up angles/references here Jessica, our shit circumstances/specific world/EAAS was designed within another multiverse, BUT ‘instigated/prompted’ by a specific sub population/culture that as you know I’m not directly making clear here because I’m prefer to avoid having any hassle/shit!!! BUT they were directly manipulated to do this ‘and’ to specifically covertly design a ‘shit/breaking people down’ version BY ‘people and or some ‘system/intelligence” that are way, way further up within the data system that this is all happening within . . . i.e. it’s then very likely that what is setup here/what we are living within was pre-defined by the owners of the data system whom will be way, way up over/outside the top of the computer/data system . . .
Newest page gives the best evidence set yet that we are a living in a duplicated reality and that as are a smaller/sub population of ‘copies’ of specific people living within a neighbouring multiverse!!!
May 9, 2020 @ 8:05 pm
Thank you for the answer Clive, conjugating it with the matter of my comment, what I interpreted from it was that the baseline of our reality is really fucking us all, whether we investigated the subtle to physical interfacing or not, whether we instigated organized expeditions into the physical or not, whether we were coners or not…
You said “Well, you’ve a lot of mixed up angles/references here Jessica”
And I in my poor knowledge of the English language (I am not a native speaker) I assumed the term mixed up meant confused, right?
So, is there any association in my comment that you know is not correct (I really strive to think coherently and to understand something of my reality)?
June 24, 2020 @ 1:19 am
Networking off Jessica’s comment regarding trauma between the physical body and the subtle body, compared to what Jessica shared, I have had rather ‘small’ injuries to my body that felt like more than what they were.
For example, while shoving snow off the driveway, I had picked up a scoop a snow and twisted the wrong way (hell, I was doing the work incorrectly anyway,) and wound up hurting the small of my back (I believe I mentioned this in a comment now that I think about it.) I remember icing it and taking pain killers and laying flat on the floor and nothing helped. The thing is, for as minor as it was – even the pain – I remember feeling as if this pain affected more than my body. For the record, when it comes to physical pain, I have a high pain tolerance. But in this instance, I felt as if a second invisible body had been overlaid or permeated my physical body and it was shaking, and I remember wanting to cry because this hurt even felt emotional in a way, but nothing would happen.
Another time was at work, I had spent over half of a ten hour shift hand stripping the ends off cables for an audio rack – an failing miserably with most if not each cable – that by the time I was done, my right arm was ached so badly, and like the incident mentioned above I felt as if there was a secondary body overlaid upon mine, and while I can usually deal with the physical ache, this ache felt emotional/subtle in a way and I wanted to cry.
Also, quite a few weeks ago, when I was in bed just drifting and trying to fall asleep, I would feel this very subtle clicking sensation. It wasn’t something I physically heard, even though I think I heard something (the thought that came to mind was a distant gunshot.) It was small, but my whole body felt it to the point of jumping and I would feel funny afterwards.
I have mentioned the video game Final Fantasy VII in comments here before, and just recently SquareEnix released the first part of the remake they are creating for the game. It is one of the biggest games they ever made, and a remake has been highly anticipated. I know I have a lot of emotions and stuff wrapped up on their world, and had no intentions of buying or playing the remake. Well, one day a few weeks ago, I wake up from a nap with the thought/idea of buying the remake, and guess what, I did.
I don’t regret it, but playing through the game, it felt like much more than a video game. I felt as if the trauma of the characters and then some (I think there was even some of my own that came out and the game was just the medium being used to explore/trigger these traumas.) But there is/was an incident in the game that left me curious. So in the original game, there is a character named Zack Fair who is a soldier (one of the best and who had been the subject of horrific scientific experimentation for 4 years,) carrying the comatose protagonist of the game, Cloud Strife (who was subject to similar experimentation,) and is on the run from his previous employer, the ShinRa Electric Power Company (a huge corporation which utilizes the spiritual energy – i.e. souls – of the Planet to generate electricity and make everyones’ lives more comfortable.) Zack is pursued by an army and killed just before reaching his destination (Cloud is left alone, believing he is dead, but wakes up from his coma shortly before Zack dies and continues on alone.) The PSP game Crisis Core is the focus of Zack’s story, and no matter the outcome you lose regardless (you play this character right up to the point he dies.) Well, in the remake, thanks to the actions of the characters, history may have re-written itself and Zack may very well be alive. Playing through and watching this, I remember feeling discomfort and unhappiness but it was different. A part of me was upset for all the sacrifices that were made which were for nothing, but I also felt as if a deeper part of me had healed or corrected itself. It was as if Zack being alive (or potential of being alive) fixed something within me in/around my solar plexus area.
I believe this game is a VR within the original MV, and I suspect that the main characters in the game are administrative avatars. I believe my original self played as Cloud often. He is one I focus on when I write fanfiction, especially his relationship with the antagonist, Sephiroth, which I always wanted to fix. I even wanted to dress as him once for Halloween. But thinking on these characters as potential VR avatars/administrators and the fanfiction written about them got me thinking about the comment Clive left about Tom finding shit related to myths and legends here, and it made me wonder if the FU fanfics weren’t also being overlaid/fed into those that would have used the avatars these characters represent on top of the shit from the game itself.
June 24, 2020 @ 5:21 pm
Hi Megan, Mmmm you might find reading this comment here useful as I had a similar piss take and described the effort involved in resolving/healing it!!!