"Healing Session Exploration of Poverty Issues: This series gives you a detailed walk through (including audio) of a therapy session focused on identifying & then dealing with 'some' of the spiritual & subtle causes of money & poverty Issues. It illustrates the 'interactive' awareness 'competence' & determined persistence needed to find and 'successfully' deal with a whole range of hard to 'corner' & reveal subtle 'shit'. It also points out how we are not allowed to fully resolve certain issues (i.e. why some healing successes are only temporary) and why this happening is evidence that we are in a simulation."
Main Page Headings List
- Perhaps, this is How the Devil Collects & Enslaves 'willing' Souls By Selling Spiritual Salvation?
- Is it REALLY 'Spiritual' to PERMANENTLY Bind Souls to 'ANYTHING' for 10,000's of lifetimes?
- How a Collection of Disguised Dark 'Light' Devil Beings Organize, Police & Terrorise the Spiritual Realms To Keep Obscured their Own 'Dark' Agenda?
- Just How Many Spiritual Devils are Convincing their Followers to SELL THEIR SOULS?
BE WARNED, there’s lots and LOTS of . . .
very, VERY ‘SPIRITUAL’ . . .
‘Swearing’ happening in this audio example . . .
I’m sure, seriously SURE that some PITIFUL thinkers reading this will say that this is Shirley’s fault, that she shouldn’t have been daft enough to fall for this permanent ‘spiritual’ contract ‘SHIT’ in the first place.
Perhaps, this is How the Devil Collects & Enslaves ‘willing’ Souls By Selling Spiritual Salvation?
In which case I’d have to remind you that this particular SHYSTER and so called ascended master has between 350 million and 1.6 billion followers AND as far as I can tell about a third of them have sold their soul to this ‘Spiritual’ con artist.
I’d bet my own soul that this spiritual gangster didn’t get round to mentioning that this contract is binding to the conned humans subtle SOUL form AND that the bound SOUL form is immortal AND therefore it will find itself hounded in each future earth incarnation to re-join this spiritual con artists path yet again because they’ll be hunted down by this con artists army of Buddhist spirit guides.
There is a healing example written by Shirley on this web page here The effects of Japanese Buddhism on your love life which describes the efforts that Buddhist spirit guides were going to, in efforts to try and drag her back to Buddhism by using spooky means to continually offer other Buddhists as relationship partners (this example actually describes events after the alleged ‘Spiritual’ Hierarchy con artists forced their fellow con artist to just temporarily break this forever and ever seriously unspiritual contract).
Is it REALLY ‘Spiritual’ to PERMANENTLY Bind Souls to ‘ANYTHING’ for 10,000’s of lifetimes?
You’d have to ask yourself how ANYONE calling themselves a spiritual ‘MASTER’ would actually THINK it a good idea to bind an IMMORTAL person to ANYTHING ‘REALLY’ SPIRITUAL in the first place AND why they ‘somehow’ manage to include in the ‘forever and ever’ contract that their followers will ALSO be kept permanently in poverty of a so called ‘spiritual’ path run by an overweight well fed FAT person?
Well, obviously from my own perspective, this not only means that Shirley will not only be kept locked into dire SPIRITUAL poverty but also the eating chips and burgers kind of poverty too.
Seriously!!! Can anyone tell me how this is ANY DIFFERENT to selling your soul TO THE DEVIL?
Apparently the best way to get people to sell you their soul is to TART something up, put some ‘spiritual’ glitter on it and then you’ll get 100’s of millions falling over themselves to sell their soul to a colour coded as SPIRITUAL ‘devil’.
As you will notice if you listen to this audio about half way through I demand that the other pack of lying shysters the so called spiritual hierarchy get their arses in gear AND make sure that Shirley is completely released from this binding SPIRITUAL contract ATROCITY.
This is one of the advantages of having a bunch of so called spiritual masters setting themselves up as the bureaucracy/police/terrorism organizers of the spiritual realms in that you can demand that they actually ‘do things’ AND being desperate to appear legitimate they have to at least give the appearance of being in charge AND to at least temporarily appear to actually be able to ‘DO’ THINGS . . .
How a Collection of Disguised Dark ‘Light’ Devil Beings Organize, Police & Terrorise the Spiritual Realms To Keep Obscured their Own ‘Dark’ Agenda?
So, if you find something this OBVIOUSLY OBSCENE in ‘spiritual’ terms AND you make a big thing about complaining about it, then they are going to have to at the very least LOOK as if they are going to do something about it. Particularly as they’ve sold themselves to everyone as the champions of goodness and love and light and higher dimensional ascended enlightenment (coming soon . . . ‘honest’ . . . ) and so on . . .
Unfortunately for them rather than just DEMAND that they forcibly revoke Shirley’s destined to be a Buddhist forever and ever and ever contract I also demand that they have to release EVERYONE else whom has been bound by the same Buddhist contract too.
I would feel that SPIRITUALLY I’d be letting down millions of Buddhists if I didn’t take this stand . . .
AND . . . I’d be spiritually mortified and horrified if I didn’t find out if there were other paths being run by the same sort of spiritual shysters and con artists whom are ‘unbelievably’ doing the same and are ALSO binding there followers with their own version of this obscene (binding pact with a disguised as ‘light’ devil) contract . . .
Just How Many Spiritual Devils are Convincing their Followers to SELL THEIR SOULS?
I should point out that until I started to access, explore and investigate ‘spiritual’ realms AND start to figure out the ‘shit’ going on I DIDN’T ACTUALLY SWEAR . . .
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
September 24, 2014 @ 7:32 pm
I’m sure that I’m not going to be the only one who will have had strong reactions to this, having some automatic thoughts within me telling: ‘oh it just can’t be, it must not be the real Gautama he’s talking about, it must be a ‘fake hierarchy demon’ and so on and so forth…’
But then, since I like the persistent bastard side of me that I dug back up from mud lately, I tried to just look at this as a possibility and then I think the answer lies in that if it was a ‘fake demon version of it’ it would probably really more easily have taken on the form he finally was forced to reveal and not try to hide in multiple other barriers before and plenty of resistance
September 24, 2014 @ 8:41 pm
Yea a ‘real’ unspiritual shyster would make a huge effort to stay hidden because the only way their con works is if they are not found out. Have you read about the roots of Buddhism because there is a fair amount linked to black magic and dark beings. Although I’m sure that information will go down as well as the rest that I present here.
I read that the truth ‘Will set you free’, which was obviously written by one of these spiritual shysters never imagining that their con would be found out. So, the con truth will make you feel free and hopeful as you watch everything sink . . . almost there . . . just another 27 minutes . . . and the ascension event will ignite . . . tickety tock
All you have to do ‘Herbert’ is have a quick look around, spend a day reading some decent ‘news’ read counter punch for example and ask yourself . . .
We are delivered into the pits off hell AND STILL ‘fairy tales’ are grasped at in desperation ‘that it cannot be so’.
September 24, 2014 @ 10:36 pm
I’ll read about this right away (roots of buddhism) while I can wrap my head around it and think I can think, I can, haha…
September 26, 2014 @ 12:18 pm
Here are some:
Although I cannot find the original writings I read 4/5 years ago.
September 29, 2014 @ 2:20 am
WOW I listened to the recording and you are right! I admire your courage and strength to go up against those fucktards! They are doing this to everyone on the planet and i’m at least glad to know that I am not the only one standing up to them! They can all burn in hell if such a place exist… 😉
October 20, 2014 @ 1:26 am
After a visiting a Tibetan relic show in my city I was contacted through my third eye to join them in their pursuit I did a instant trace back to the origin which came from Tibet luckily i did not bind myself to them. You’re not the only one, ancient one
November 9, 2014 @ 5:57 am
All of these re-LEGIONS need many living souls/followers because the more free food (humans) the merrier (more energy for those vampires to feed off of). They all need to be smashed back to their hellholes WITHOUT the free food.
November 9, 2014 @ 11:00 pm
@Leslie: Your comment got me thinking on how these vampire-like religions drain energy off other people. Don’t these religions rely on donations from their followers to build and maintain magnificent temples, churches, and mosques? They may have set up charities to help the poor, but if a typhoon strikes a community, lots of effort are exerted to rebuild those religious buildings to conserve heritage sites or to give people “hope”. Those funds could’ve been redirected to more pertinent expenses like livelihood projects.
Also, these gods are so insecure they need their followers to commemorate their “birthdays” every year (Buddha’s birthday in many Asian countries, Christmas or Christ’s “birthday” every Dec 25, Muhammad’s birthday (?), etc.) Imagine how much more time people can have for themselves if they’re not busy celebrating these occasions. I’m not against celebrations or get-togethers with family and friends per se. I just think one can have this merrymaking without centering them on religious occasions.
December 11, 2014 @ 6:46 pm
I stumbled over some connections between yoga and Nazism. (Yoga is of course not a discipline of Buddhism, which these articles are about, but of the neighbouring Hinduism, so quite ‘close’ in many ways).
I have always considered Hinduism to also be a very brutal religion, just letting millions of people live in extreme poverty and suppression, or even worse, as casteless ‘outcasts’, while the ‘spiritual’ monks, gurus, yoga practitioners teach that it is all just ‘the veil of Maya’, an illusion, and to be ‘transcended’ as soon as people make up for all their ‘bad karma’ (which easily translates into that it is their own fault). And the Indian ‘saddhus’, the ‘holy men’, strive for and achieve almost super-human control and power over the body, their own energy, and sometimes also other people’s (I have witnessed some of that myself in India, what they were able to physically was un-believable, literally, and the ‘energetic’ part was seriously frightening). So no wonder that was attractive to the Nazis, who also ‘borrowed’ the swastika from there.
Heinrich Himmler who was one of the leading designers of the Holocaust, had studied the Baghavadgita, and saw Nazi Germany as the new “Kshatriyakaste”, the military and ruling elite of the Vedic-Hindu social system of ancient India.
SS recommended its members, including the death camp guards to practice yoga as a good way to de-stress.
A British historian Mark Singleton published a controversial book claiming that the ‘father of Danish gymnastics’, Niels Buck (whose gymnastics and pedagogy became popular in many other countries), who openly supported Nazi Germany, and who was training the Indian military in the 1930s, was prominent in shaping modern Indian yoga, and the modern yoga culture now practised all over the world and in the West in particular, rather than the widespread image of of yoga as a ‘timeless, unchanging phenomenon’.
There are some interesting articles here:
November 24, 2015 @ 3:49 pm
Another example of an organisation sneakily attempting to ‘bind’ people to their ‘shit’ pile of beliefs / ideology: the page is here.
November 25, 2015 @ 9:25 pm
So true Clive. Many of the things of that organization don’t make any sense. In the churches, one is already against the so-called devil so what makes these people think that one will follow their organization? After all, the vast majority of people are brainwashed with christianized ideology anyway just like I was. Lol.