"Earth as a Simulation Series 3: 'IF' we are living in a Simulation, how would Simulated 'COPIED' People+Environmental Components be 'CHECKED' for both Accuracy & Anomalies? Is it possible to DIRECTLY access the pre-defined SCRIPTED data files of 'Testing & Checking' Experiences to Accumulate Evidence of VR Experiences & DETAILS of the Simulation Projects Working & VR 'TEST' Environments? This Series Presents Articles & Exercises Exploring these Possibilities. 'UPDATE', to all questions posed here, the answer is 'YES'!!!"
Main Page Headings List
- New Age Origins, Beliefs, History & Agenda, Exposed & Discussed in Detail
- How the New Age Movement Population Experiences REPRESENT Virtual Reality Network & Physical Hi Tech Enhancements
- Why the New Age Movement & Lightworker Population have a focus on Healing & Transformation
- The Real Origins of the New Age Movements Experiences Described in Great Detail
As a result of these direct explorations I eventually moved sideways and started to work as a full time ‘professional’ healer during which I then started to become aware of many contradictions, anomalies and basic untruths about healing, alternate therapies, the subtle realms and spiritual reality experiences.
Basically many aspects of these just don’t add up AT ALL.
The extensive contradictions, anomalies and downright untruths I catalogued and described in the 350+ Spiritually ‘Scary’ pages. They ARE ‘SCARY’ because they completely turn the new age healing and spiritual ideas, beliefs and understandings ON THEIR HEAD.
As if this ‘expose’ wasn’t enough, you now have many pages giving coherent and reasoned evidence that we are software defined copied people living in a simulation . . . can it get any worse than this!!!
New Age Origins, Beliefs, History & Agenda, Exposed & Discussed in Detail
Well, yes it can . . .
We do in fact ALREADY have ‘simulation’ pages here that step by very logical and reasoned step make you aware that the new age movement and lightworker population are each accurately simulating someone that was an actual supporter and follower of the ultra, advanced, ‘high’ technology simulation project that we are all now living within.
I then also pointed out on earlier pages here in very ‘reasoned’ logical and painful detail how the so called spiritual, subtle and healing experiences of the new age population are actually the experiences that the person they are simulating had while interfaced to a high technology virtual reality network . . .
How the New Age Movement Population Experiences REPRESENT Virtual Reality Network & Physical Hi Tech Enhancements
In other words . . .
The New Age populations experiences are the result of each new age person simulating someone that spent regular time directly interfaced into an immersive virtual reality network because they are each simulating someone that SUPPORTED and avidly FOLLOWED the earth simulation project. The entire NEW AGE POPULATION, THEIR ‘LIGHTWORKER’, HEALING & SPIRITUAL PRACTICES and the SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES ASSOCIATED WITH THESE are absolutely NOT subtle or spiritual originated experiences.
While interfaced to a high technology virtual reality network they would also have attended virtual TALKS, SEMINARS & WORKSHOPS offered and arranged by earth simulation project experts and advisers whom worked for and were DIRECTED by the current Earth as a Simulation project chairman/person (perhaps described as St Germain here) and the Board of Directors of the Simulation Project project (whom are called the SPIRITUAL Hierarchy here).
Like I’ve mentioned on many pages here the so called ‘spiritual’ hierarchy behaves as if they ‘own’ the subtle realities and in fact this entire ‘place’, they BEHAVE as if this entire ‘reality’ is their project.
This is because:
IT IS . . . ‘Their’ PROJECT . . .
It is in fact ‘THEIR’ . . .
It is their ultra high grade computer technology hardware with unbelievably complex software ‘simulation’ project and as such the spiritual hierarchy are NOT spiritual beings but are simulation software translated versions of the original earth simulation project directors whom in the original population were directly involved in instigating and building the earth simulation project that we here find ourselves living within now.
As part of the ‘real’ origins of the ‘new age’ people the directors of the earth simulation project are presented as ‘wise’ all powerful beings living within the spiritual realms.
This can only be accurately described as a simulation software initiated misdirecting ‘FANTASY’.
Basically, all of the immersive virtual reality experiences of absolutely all simulation involved people have ALL been translated sideways into subtle ‘aka’ spiritual realm experiences to make it as difficult as possible for anyone to figure ANYTHING out, particularly because all ‘spiritual / subtle’ experiences are inconveniently ‘invisible’ to physical eyeball observation as well as apparently also being cognitively invisible to researchers that amazingly imagine they are competent (read the physical con page here that presents a big pile of indirect evidence that we are simulating subtle beings interfaced to a physical animal form body).
I should remind readers that I have made an effort to point out on page after page here how many, many aspects of the spiritual hierarchy and the new age, lightwork spiritual and healing approaches and ‘agenda’ just don’t make sense and or that don’t add up and particularly so with respect to ‘healing’ approaches and how they are supposed to resolve negative and or debilitating issues BUT VERY OFTEN DON’T.
Why the New Age Movement & Lightworker Population have a focus on Healing & Transformation
The simulation project was ‘spun’ by the con artist directors to the original population as being a project that during the end of an entire ‘historical’ simulation cycle, would initiate and offer various ‘therapies and healing approaches’ as part of efforts to facilitate change within the simulated population with the AIM being to have these changes:
AND used to UPDATE . . .
The Original ‘REAL’ Population
Coincidentally, anyone here that is simulating one of the original populations earth simulation projects followers will quite naturally be simulated as EXPECTING that their entire population would at some point experience some personally TRANSFORMING UPDATE that would impact and ‘transform’ their entire population BECAUSE this is EXACTLY what the earth simulation project was designed to do.
This is in FACT why the new age movement population is EXPECTING some entire population changing event to ‘magically’ happen ‘sometime’ toward the end of some alleged ‘simulation/spiritual’ cycle that is part of some ‘transforming process’ that involves and impacts the entire make up of reality here.
In other words the ‘ascension’ expectation that the new age people hold to absolutely fits 100% if they are simulating a sub population that ‘followed / supported’ a simulation project designed to simulate their entire population through some process whose aim would to change and then UPDATE the original population we here are simulating.
The earth simulation project in being at least spun as being focused on CHANGING the population here will be why the new age population specifically are focused on and are offering various therapies and healing approaches here. This would strongly suggest that a large proportion of the new age populations original immersive VR network environment experiences as an earth simulation project follower and supporter would involve them spending time in VIRTUAL talks, seminars, & workshops many of which would have been focused on the THERAPY, HEALING & TRANSFORMATIONAL aspects of the simulation project.
The Real Origins of the New Age Movements Experiences Described in Great Detail
In other words, a great percentage of the new age people here are simulating someone that DIDN’T physically meet up with others to be part of a talk, meeting or workshop within which they listened to and watched someone giving a talk, seminar or a workshop focused on the THERAPY, HEALING & TRANSFORMATIONAL aspects of the simulation project.
In which case . . .
1. How would any ‘original’ healing sessions and or therapy demonstrations as ‘experiences’ that all took place within a none physical ‘unreal’ but very realistic virtual seminar, lecture theatre, discussion forum room and or healing, therapy workshop demonstration space be translated here within our simulated ‘pretend’ environment here which because our technologies have been deliberately slowed down doesn’t actually have immersive virtual reality networks available to ACCURATELY represent these experiences?
2. How would virtual demonstrations of different healing and therapy approaches, all offered as DEMONSTRATIONS ONLY of what would ACTUALLY be offered in the simulation to the simulated population AS IF THEY ARE MYSTERIOUS SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES?
Any ideas? How would the original virtual space experiences of demonstrations of various healing and therapy approaches be translated here AND what would be the consequences?
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
December 26, 2015 @ 5:00 am
Thank you for posting this page on Christmas. This is the best gift you can give to us regular readers.
I feel angry and upset at the revelation that the directors of the earth simulation project are the same Spiritual Hierarchy (SH) leaders that I have come to dislike after reading the pages here about them. I can’t believe I wasn’t able to join the dots even though I have been reading this site for some time.
I was thinking of the possibility of rebelling against the SH / earth simulation directors when I suddenly felt as if my mind were “silenced” so I could not type any further. That’d be the mental equivalent of having someone tape my mouth or gag me so I can’t speak at all.
December 26, 2015 @ 8:21 am
Hi Clive. Good post!!
Ah well obviously, distance healings like John of God (as described here in a long distance surgery for Dr. Wayne Dyer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smjWQninbUY) The guy sent him “mysterious herbs” and then Dyer crashed out for a day or so ..
He sent you “herbs” in the mail, Mr. Dyer. What did you expect??
The “put your name on a list” Reiki healing, which is pretty much the chain-letter of the new age crowd: http://reikidistancehealing.org/index.php
Visions or visits from spiritual hierarchy types would likely count. St Germain “knows everything and never dies” according to this gem:
According to the site, “a few of his historical incarnations include; the Prophet Samuel, Plato, Merlin to King Arthur, Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, Christopher Columbus, Saint Alban, Saint Joseph – father to Jesus, Prince Rakoczy (Rákóczi), and Leonardo Di Vinci” So he’s in all sorts of books and story books and even in a TV series as Leonardo Da Vinci himself!
We can apparently watch Da Vinci, ahem St Germain, in action here:
You can even buy the Saint Germain’s Elixir of Life Essence™ on the St Germain website, claimed to be “the mysterious Elixir that Saint Germain created to keep himself young for hundreds of years. He wished for [the website owner] to make it as a vibrational essence so that everyone could easily utilize this powerful tool for Ascension.”
Kinda like a New Age infomercial. Mid-VR education stream, here comes the pitch for the elixir .. “be sure to program this into your virtual simulated self’s template so your virtual self will acquire a virtual copy of the elixir to make the ascension stress free!”
I can’t make this stuff up. It’s too funny as it is.
But seriously, your post brings up a point that has been nagging at me for a long time.
I don’t know many people who are “subtle aware” who are NOT new age. To put it a different way: 99% of the people I am aware of who are “subtle aware” ARE “new age”. The ratio seems “off” – it’s too high in my opinion.
The physical con VUE suggests to me that this lack of subtle awareness (OUTSIDE the new age crowd) may be a result of trying to convince EVERYONE there is no “subtle” at all, but it still leaves me wondering why would the new age crowd be aware of the subtle, yet HARDLY NONE of the rest of the population?
Am I missing something? Is there a huge swath of the population “aware of the subtle” yet not ascribing to the new age philosophies, and I just don’t know where to look for them? Or is their “subtle awareness” being “swallowed up”/explained away / covered up by other spiritual experiences, like Hindu mysticism or other spiritual “paths” that are gathering followers and using their own methods to convince people their path is the path to “salvation” or to some other “shift” in state or location?
I would love to read a post exploring this idea in more detail.
December 26, 2015 @ 1:58 pm
This page is ‘very’ VERY strictly describing the new age bullshit angle. All the above is possible, and is easily done by a subtle being in the subtle environment. HOWEVER, in a simulation that ‘covets’ trauma / debilitations etc either then healing solutions are very strictly not resolving the actual causes, they are just adding a veneer or feel good niceness often temporarily. If you are doing anything reasonable then you’ll be targeted and described as a ‘con person’ and life will be made difficult.
December 26, 2015 @ 9:29 pm
I don’t quite understand the questions but will take a stab at this. For a while I thought this New Age stuff was dying out, but after a recent trip to the organic food store see that there was no less that 100+ promotional brochures and cards devoted to New Age healing. And – a big sign said, “ Only Healing cards can be left here.” The description of the healing and therapies were couched under different names such as:
Life coaching, stress and pain management, renewed vitality, house cleaning, unwinding, multi sensory power naps, oxygen bars, boosting immune systems, and even new age yard maintenance (what the heck is that?)
Clive – you just answered the main question I had about the shift I have seen in some of these practitioners – prior to writing about these questions:
It seems a whole new bunch of people are on the scene and they are quiet and follow the rules. Those that start talking about politics, world governments and aliens are having a ‘difficult” time. As far as I can piece this together, describing most new age healing would / could include laying / waving of the hands, symbols, crystal, sound, frequency therapy, music, incense, smoke, chants, repetitive phases and motions, and unusual body positions.
Thinking about how this could translate into the simulation project:
Laying and waving of hands – perhaps advanced technology will one day allow an implant in the hands that can scan the body for medical / psychological / compliance issues
Crystal and any frequencies therapy – some advanced device could then be used to alter the body, heal, tune, or discipline.
Channeling – the original population may be connected by this virtual network and be discussing options or giving directions
Incense and smoke / oxygen therapy – future means of medication / mind control delivery via inhalation
Life Coaching – population management – how well do people listen to rules and attempts to change their behavior.
Color therapy / relaxation – the new trend in adult coloring books, mandalas, and complete lack of wanting to think about anything
Power naps – apparently you do put on a helmet and electrodes, listen to / watch something soothing and come away feeling great / reprogrammed/ and no worries or thinking
New Age yard maintenance – I am a bit concerned about this – I have heard people talking about the new trends in placing crystals in strategic locations to help your crops grow better in pollution / or is this really transmitting something / creating a communication grid to the controllers??
The end short-term results of any of these therapies could easily be explained away as spiritual experiences. ( And I hope I did not pick up any implants looking at those cards!)
December 27, 2015 @ 12:11 pm
‘Everything’ you list above plus the likes of EFT, TFT, NLP, CBT, SE (cognitive behavioural therapy / Somatic Experience) works as I’ve described on the scary pages. They all ‘adjust’ people while never actually opening to / dealing with the underlying embedded: trauma / pain / stress / anxiety etc.
Basically, ‘everything’ works by covering up and keeping ‘disguised’ the ‘CAUSES’, the REAL origins of ‘issues’.
When you are subjected to trauma and or stress, anxiety and or ???? . . . all variations of all of these lifetime after lifetime then these alter / accumulate within your subtle energy body. They provide what I describe as ‘resonance triggers / behaviour directors’. So, you may have circumstances in your life that make you slightly or strongly; ‘worry/anxious/insecure/fearful’ such that you end up orientating away from such circumstances. However, essentially ‘invisible’ subtle implants / networks can EASILY stimulate/amplify subliminal anxiety/worry/insecurity/nervousness combinations to essentially make you avoid / stay aware from certain life areas and or of making (or not making) specific decisions. Basically you reading through living many lifetimes in here of stressful, traumatic shit will have accumulated literally 10,000’s of ‘resonance triggers / behaviour directors / controllers’.
‘This’ is what the simulation was/is designed to do!!! This is why it was ‘SPUN’ as a therapy project ‘because’ whom in their right mind is going to help design a project that is going to be used to use a copy of yourself to accumulate trauma that will then be used to manage and control YOURSELF?
December 26, 2015 @ 10:03 pm
I greatly appreciate this article. I am slowly beginning to comprehend the simulation information in your site more clearly, even though I have always felt it to be right. So I guess what I am still curious about is how clear is the simulation in terms of how identical the experiences are in this fake world to the ‘real’ world. Is there ever large mistakes such as someone coming here who does not have a ‘real’ copy of themself.. Or what happens if someone decides to not simulate their ‘real’ self. How far can one go in not simulating that person? Also what kind of perspective should one take she coming to the fact that they are just a simulation, should this be upsetting or what should someone do if they think it’s not a good project? If the motives of the directors of this project were positive, then why is their no disclosure. It would be really neat to design an exercise for people to see who they are simulating. Sorry for my random questions. Thanks Clive
December 27, 2015 @ 11:37 am
Lot’s of people reading these pages seem to be stuck in ‘new age’ ideas / as well as illogical ‘bullshit’. Most of what you write in you comment here (and what others write about ‘choice’ in recent comments DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE). You / no one here choose to come here. You were not given a choice AND you couldn’t be give a choice because you are a copy of someone else AND ‘THEREFORE’ you only existed when you were ‘run’ as DATA on someone’s computer system. You are essentially a computer program emulating ‘someone else’ and you are running as a computer program on someone’s computer. The only choice you have NOW is that you know that you are a simulated person AND that in knowing this you have the choice to THINK ABOUT THIS in these terms.
I’ve made it very clear that A) in everyone being entirely software defined is being managed to essentially present themselves as exceptionally ‘FEEBLEMINDED’ i.e. to be unable to THINK about simple basic things never mind to ‘figure out’ anything once you know some simple basic things. B) ‘IF’ you want to ‘attempt’ to understand what is written here you cannot do this reading one page or a few ‘random’ pages. For example ‘Matt’ in being very interested in what I’m writing here has read most ‘simulation’ pages at least 6 times, some dozens of times JUST SO HE’S GOT A GOOD BASIC GROUNDING IN TERMS OF WHAT I WRITE.
Basically, it is HORRIFYING to find yourself as a copy of someone else STUCK in someone else’s ‘simulation’ project that (as I’ve described in comments) is about TRAUMATIZING everyone ‘because’ traumatized people are easy to manipulate and manage by invisible means (the AIM of the simulation is to copy / upload the trauma WE HAVE ACCUMULATED HERE to the person we are a copy of OUTSIDE, AND specifically because then the population outside can be EASILY MANAGED to do / behave as some psychopaths want them to). Unfortunately, THIS IS OUR REALITY, AND, as some people are interested in the nature of reality and want to have some idea of what is GOING ON then ‘AMAZINGLY’ you can find out by reading these pages. They are offered as an ‘education’, they are ALSO offered because as I’ve also stated in comments you need to understand ‘this’ in great detail before you attempt to change anything, which is also why more recently ‘exercises’ have been offered, which AMAZINGLY have shown in the comments that many people can actually access AND write about hidden aspects of how the simulation works AND how it’s translating specific things of the person we are simulating in the original environment into our reality here INCLUDING in some cases information of people that worked on this project.
Are you concerned about what is going on, on our simulated pretend world here? Are you concerned about your/our future? Do you want to do something about the state of the world?? YES!!! then read these pages, become informed, do the exercises, LEARN TO THINK.
December 27, 2015 @ 11:45 pm
Wow please excuse me for my ignorance.. I will keep reading (; thanks for painting the picture clearer.
December 29, 2015 @ 7:14 pm
When I first read your soul-healer.com website prior to substantial simulation arguments appearing (just a slight allusion to the simulation on a page or two), I was assuming that the idea of “subtle” was related to what’s commonly described as ‘subtle experiences” by New Age-oriented people, hence my earlier comment wondering about why the ratio of subtle-aware to new age people was so high.
After the reading this page several times, it finally occurred to me I have been using the wrong DEFINITION of “subtle-aware”. THANK YOU!! Definitions completely change how to think about something.
In my attempts to “understand” what subtle ACTUALLY is, I went back to your older writings to try to shore up this emerging clarity of needing to be more clear on the definition of “subtle”. This paragraph, from
when combined with your recent writings, strikes me:
“The Spiritual Hierarchy is ‘managing’ the entire population of this ‘earth’ space never mind beyond by using subtle energy means. They want no one whom is subtle energy aware or who has subtle awareness capabilities to find out about this, they want no one to deeply investigate or research subtle energies or so called ‘spiritual’ spaces, they want no one to question why some people with dreadful issues DON’T respond to the ‘tools’ they GIVE US TO USE.”
Because now I’m beginning to reason out how it could be possible, that “perhaps” all the new age VR stuff was developed and used to overlay those people’s (and possibly everyones?) REAL subtle senses, to overtake their senses, and distract those people from engaging with their REAL subtle senses. Like how eating Doritos, margarine, artificial sweeteners and other artificial foods will destroy the taste buds and a person can no longer appreciate the terroir of their food, no longer able to appreciate the delight of enjoying the subtle nuances of soil, water type, and other factors that can influence the incredibly diverse flavors and textures and smells of fine food.
And is it possible that the New Age VR was used as test ground to develop ways to squash true subtle senses, like a “test environment unbeknownst to the participants”? and if so, would that have then been incorporated in the simulation project and applied all the entire simulation population? (… which would then have auto-updated back to the original multiverse population of course, reinforcing the SH’s efforts of “killing off” TRUE subtle senses and thus further supporting the VERY dark agenda you describe so chillingly in the link I posted above).
December 29, 2015 @ 7:45 pm
ps .. Took awhile for this second part to bubble up so apologies for the second comment. It feels like there would be a two step protocol re the subtle senses (IF what I wrote above is remotely accurate of course) .. one protocol to “suppress” true senses, and the other to ‘translate, overlay, replace, amplify’ the fake senses, probably designed to unfold in stages to allow for the ‘expanding, transforming, amplification’ experiences people have in terms of what they “believe” is accessing their subtle/spiritual senses.
Which makes this even more horrible. Because how would we KNOW if we are accessing our REAL senses or these fake applied senses?
Is it possible that only people who haven’t been accessing the fake (or any?) subtle senses at all would be able to tell the difference, like someone who’s been fasting or eating simply would best be able to taste nuances of carefully grown and crafted nutritious food, and would also be incredibly averse to the chemical tastes of artificial food?
Hm does the fact I am even thinking about this “design” suggest another area I was involved in? The crown of my head and back of my head/neck is tightening right now and it feels like my thinking along this line is being targeted for suppression. Not completely though – I’ve been actively fighting these thinking suppression techniques for a long time now, so it’s more of a sloshy soggy head feel now, instead of the hard “WALLS” I used to run into. Argh, it’s increasing, like there’s something I need to remember or communicate but the more I move into the sloggy marsh the more the resistance – like I’m attached to a rubber band that’s applying more resistance the more I move in this thinking/communication direction. ha watch it becoming clear to me as soon as I “post comment” but I’ll likely choose to refuse to post a third one so it won’t get communicated to you.
I really want to develop my TRUE subtle senses; will you consider eventually provide exercises to help us sort out the crap from the real?
December 30, 2015 @ 4:17 pm
Not quite Nyssa . . . the sim is basically doing the same with ‘senses’ as it does with ‘thinking’ possibilities . . . so, in the same way that it just doesn’t let you start thinking down certain lines it just doesn’t let you know that you have certain ‘extra’ senses . . . I started to personally investigate myself and my internal states AND I consciously ‘watched’ myself / my inner / outer responses and the inner / outer responses of any other that I interacted in my early 20’s (about 35 years ago now). I.e. I was starting to consciously engage with inner / hidden senses 35 years ago . . . and I’ve been doing this ever since . . . I gradually then became aware of all sorts of ‘extra’ senses . . .
For example: when I was writing the scary pages I’d write a page (on my computer) then I’d sit and feel and analyse the FUTURE responses to that page . . . I’d then re-edit the page then again feel / access the future and keep ‘re-tuning’ that page until I got the best future response. I did this for every scary page (I AM NOT KIDDING!!!). In other words as bizarre as it sounds I do have a very coherent future ‘prediction’ sense . .
I’ve at least 20+ extra senses beyond the pretend physical ones (I suspect that I’ve another 20+ that I’ve not become aware of yet (too busy)). The drone shit also works hard to keep these extra senses hidden / unused too – to help you to stop becoming aware of the drone shit itself (for example) which I started to access and examine and start to get rid of over a decade ago).
NOW, also way over a decade ago, I spent regular time viewing and interacting with nature spirits and occasionally ‘ghosts’ . . . i.e. I was able to become aware of what was ‘immediately’ close to myself in scripted ‘subtle’ environment / sensory terms . . . however from about a decade ago I’ve been too busy and had stopped using this ‘anything close to myself’ subtle sense . . . as such the sim has been making a big effort to fade it out, such that what I wrote on my ‘ghost’ page (which is on realitywalker.com here) I had to make an extreme effort to track my father when he died just over a couple of years ago. That ‘basic’ subtle sense had been faded out a great deal.
However I regularly use ‘other’ senses that are pretty much ‘instant’ and on a scale that no one would even believe possible – haha.
January 8, 2018 @ 8:30 pm
Are you including your future ‘prediction’ sense in the category of natural subtle senses?
From the start it seems far more conceivable to explain that ability as being a tool associated with the fact that we are simulating people who worked on the construction of a simulation project that would already have everything scripted and that would calculate in advance what would have to be rendered based on the calculation of what would be most likely to be effectively rendered.
Otherwise how could such an ability be explained out of the context of a simulated reality? In other words, of a reality that via software defines all the people’s processes and that has scripts already defined for them?
January 9, 2018 @ 9:56 am
I remember doing one of these new age therapies (named aura reading in english). What made me remember it was precisely the fact that it ONLY MAKES SENSE FOR A VIRTUAL REALITY in which everything is software defined and the script of people’s lives is already fixedly predefined …
Basically (after the therapist supposedly channeled information from my soul and spoke about my pre-destined purpose of life, agreements for this life, and other things …) it was all about ALIGN the course of my life with what, according to the therapist, was the path that my “soul” originally had PREDEFINED for me. He told me that I was 17 minutes away from what should be the configuration of my life for that age…
In other words, what he was telling me was that ALL MY LIFE WAS ALREADY PRE-CONFIGURED at such a point that it was possible to calculate (using the therapist’s analogy of a clock with the 12 hours marked) the lagging minutes in the face of what was already established for me… and also that IDEALLY I should be PERFECTLY ALIGNED with such a configuration (or script).
Being all of people’s lives rendered by software according to an already predefined script, these 17 lagging minutes (considered by the therapist not to be significant) perhaps were only possible if the simulation gave to people some flexibility to avoid rigid and bizarre behaviors as described on this page https://soul-healer.com/new-age-origins/how-in-giving-accurately-simulated-people-the-flexibility-to-avoid-obvious-rigid-behaviours-responses-will-lead-to-deducible-accident-anomalies/?
… and/or if people could have alternate scripts as described in the comments of this https://soul-healer.com/new-age-origins/under-what-conditions-are-you-likely-to-automatically-know-if-you-are-in-a-simulated-or-virtual-reality-and-not-a-real-reality/ and this https://soul-healer.com/new-age-origins/how-a-simulated-copied-persons-life-causes-are-calculated-to-lead-to-specific-already-pre-defined-future-outcomes/
My testimony: thanks to this therapy/reading, I could be simulated to orientate my life in a way that I would never have done if I had not participated in it… Many things have changed radically in that phase and reality has made me some things hard to swallow for a real reality too…
What makes me wonder if this would be a simulations tool to reorient people’s life course in a way that, instead of rigid and anomalous, could be contextualized according to the person’s mindset? If so, well done!
February 3, 2018 @ 12:46 pm
Haha Jessica “He told me that I was 17 minutes away from what should be the configuration of my life for that age . . “ . . very likely with a ‘straight/serious face’ too . . . the overall problem is that we’re all simulating someone else’s life within our aim here to use ourselves to feedback the shit we’ve accumulated into our external counterparts i.e. to have them impacted by an instant update of ‘shit/re-programming’ . . . so we have to be manipulated and manoeuvred // poked and prodded to make decisions to follow the predefined ‘life’ of someone else // hence crazy coincidences / synchronicities as well as ‘magical’ nudges . . .
February 3, 2018 @ 6:08 pm
Reply to Clive’s December 30, 2015 @ 4:17 pm
Clive’s comment on predicting the future made me realize something I didn’t before.
So, at work we have satellite radio play over the PA system that rotates between different genres every 2 hours. On more than one occasion I will suddenly have part of a song play in my head at random, and then that song I thought of will play sometime later in the shift. There are even a couple times when the song I think of will be the next one played.
Another incident was just this last Thursday when my crew and I (a group of three people total) had to go through a bunch of loads to check for bad date code on labels stamped outside the boxes that were being shipped when I suddenly asked if anyone had found any bad labels recently (we had found a handful earlier in the day, but not for a while at that point.) I was only a few seconds later, the next box I think, that one of my co-workers picked up in fact had a bad label on it. I can think of a few other times that I had moments like this throughout my life.
The thing I suddenly realized about these moments is that I, whether I am at work or I am going somewhere to relax, always like to be one step (or more) ahead of myself. I will come in as much as 1 hour early into work (and sit in the breakroom before I clock in.) And I always like my inventory figured out not just for my crew but also for the next crew at the beginning of my shift (12 hours before the next crew even has to come in.)