"Earth as a Simulation Series 3: 'IF' we are living in a Simulation, how would Simulated 'COPIED' People+Environmental Components be 'CHECKED' for both Accuracy & Anomalies? Is it possible to DIRECTLY access the pre-defined SCRIPTED data files of 'Testing & Checking' Experiences to Accumulate Evidence of VR Experiences & DETAILS of the Simulation Projects Working & VR 'TEST' Environments? This Series Presents Articles & Exercises Exploring these Possibilities. 'UPDATE', to all questions posed here, the answer is 'YES'!!!"
Main Page Headings List
- Would there be Anomalies & Glitches in a Software Defined, Simulated Reality?
- The Losing Your Keys Disappearing Object Phenomenon Explained?
- Mysterious Large Tea Leaf in your Cup of Tea Reality Glitch Phenomenon
- How Reality Reacts to Concerted Personal Investigations of Specific Anomalous Experiences?
- Then There Is The Very Annoying Miss Matched Duvet Cover Buttons Anomaly Problem
- Other Common Reality Anomalies & Glitches Discussed
- The Amazingly Complicated, Detailed & Messaged Coded Crop Circle Phenomenon
- Have You Experienced the Pen & Pencil Disappearing Object Phenomenon (DOP)?
- The Bizarre Disappearing Single Sock Trick Explained
- What Reality Glitches & Missing Objects Phenomenon Experiences Have You Had? Report Your Unusual Phenomenon & Experiences Here . . .
So, as temporary diversion I’m going to present some very obvious and regularly ‘common’ within our population anomalies. This page was originally written as a comment to this comment here, but I then expanded on that comment and then put it up here as page in it’s own right (reading the original comment and that page may give you more context to some of what is written below).
If we are living in a simulation then it is software that defines every aspect of our reality here. It should then be obvious that in absolutely everything being software defined then a) that as we are copies of the people that put this together i.e. versions of ourselves put this together and we here cannot even write something as simple as word processing software without it having bugs, and b) that the combinations and interactions of all the software routines required to define absolutely everything in our entire reality basically means that there is absolutely no way that you are going to be able to ‘test’ every combination of interactive routines and their variations to identify EVERY interaction variations that actually results in VISIBLE anomalies to your simulated residents.
Would there be Anomalies & Glitches in a Software Defined, Simulated Reality?
In other words if we are in a simulation then you can absolutely guarantee that there will be anomalies.
In addition to this, you can also guarantee that you will have earth as a simulation project software writers that DELIBERATELY code in (and hide that they have done this) some ‘obvious’ anomalies too. They will do this either because:
- They ‘CAN’ do this, as in ‘can I do this / am I good enough to do this and get away with it’? . . . or because . . .
- Some ‘rogue or disgruntled’ EAAS software writer or coder WANTS to warn the simulated population that this is a fake place and so they code in ‘something’ in attempts to make it obvious that ‘your reality is fake’.
- Some software writers and particularly for games write in ‘cheat’ possibilities. They pre-code ways of getting around difficult game areas and these only present themselves / only activate for the players if they carry out the right combination of things at the right time and or place. So, if we are in a simulation you can expect that some software writers will have done things to deliberately try and make people aware that their reality is fake.
- From some of the comments that people have already left because they have done the VR exercises it is now obvious that at least some and perhaps many EAAS workers were suspicious about the earth simulation project. The specific people that were suspicious are more likely to consider doing things to make it more obvious that this reality is fake OR they may even do things to deliberately sabotage the project which may as a side effect result in anomalies too.
Because of all of the above factors, making it seriously likely that a simulated copied reality would present many anomalies then those in charge of the earth simulation project would expended considerable time and effort on putting together anomaly and reality glitch damage limitation software.
In other words, it is very likely that the projects managers would assume that there will be obvious anomalies in the final design (because it will be obvious to them that there will be obvious anomalies) and as such they would focus resources on ‘managing’ people in the simulation to have them ignore anomalies as well as make people and particularly researchers unable to react to the significance of even OBVIOUS science anomalies (like our water molecule having 80 anomalous properties). They will particularly have this software addressing any anomalies that are visible to many, many people and worse anomalies that are not only visible BUT are also REGULARLY seen by many people everywhere.
Let me give you some examples . . .
The Losing Your Keys Disappearing Object Phenomenon Explained?
Specifically, you lose your keys, yet you are convinced that you left them in the usual place / somewhere specific / you check the ‘usual’ place multiple times and your keys are not there then suddenly on checking for the ‘X’zillionth time you find them in a place you’ve specifically checked multiple times. This is a common / global phenomenon.
To me now this is very obviously a deliberate message trying to make ourselves aware that your reality doesn’t function as expected / things don’t add up here. ‘Keys’ don’t become common until our recent history, so slipping in a software routine to temporarily disappear keys set to only activate in the very latter stages of the simulation cycle probably wouldn’t be noticed in ‘integrity’ tests or anomaly or glitch checks.
However it is a testament to the effort put into the management of noticed ‘anomaly’ software that rather than being suspicious ‘of reality’ because of the magically disappearing keys phenomenon you get stupid irrational ‘alleged rational’ explanations for this (such as this one here).
Mysterious Large Tea Leaf in your Cup of Tea Reality Glitch Phenomenon
I use tea bags for cups of tea. These days to reduce costs the tea in tea bags is no longer recognizable as small bit’s of leaves it’s more like very fine dust. So, why do I often see a large tea leaf bit in my tea after I’ve stirred in milk? I see a tea leaf that is 3 to 4 mm square ‘surfacing’ every so often after stirring. The other problem with this tea leaf is that the ‘mesh’ of the tea bag is so fine that if there was a hole this size all the dust would have exited too – in fact you’d quickly end up with a half empty tea bag and a cup of tea that had a noticeable ‘sludgy’ consistency – yet this doesn’t happen.
As this tea bag / tea leaf mystery was bugging me I got into the habit of EXAMINING the tea bag and checking for holes / any loose large external 3×4 mm leaves clinging to the tea bag = NOTHING. Yet on using this now examined tea bag the BASTARD 3×4 mm tea leaf still managed to ‘magically’ infiltrate my cup of tea (it maybe parachutes in when I turn away to get the milk!!!! – this is the only ‘rational’ explanation possible!!!!).
I eventually remembered that in the past / years ago I could remember that on stirring a cop of tea and having the liquid swirling around you would at times get a bubble mixed in with the swirling and this bubble would often be about 3,4 / 5 mm ‘ROUND’. I then realised that the EAAS swirling stirred tea in a tea cup department had put in a routine to ‘SOMETIMES’ convert the round bubble into a square looking tea leaf about 4 mm square. Even more bizarre, since I figured out the bubble to tea leaf conversion possibility I’ve never seen the tea leaf appear again. I am now back to occasionally seeing a bubble.
How Reality Reacts to Concerted Personal Investigations of Specific Anomalous Experiences?
The above example suggests two things:
- The first is that ‘some’ people that wrote software to insert anomalies into our reality only had their ‘anomaly presenting software’ activate for people that are actively suspicious about and whom are consciously making and effort to take notice of ‘odd’ reality things.
- The second is that for this example, the ‘anomaly & glitch detection & management system’ has likely taken steps to either stop this bubble to tea leaf conversion happening / being made visible OR it’s stopped me from visibly seeing it because this anomaly presentation has been counteracted when I’ve personally figured out that it is a deliberate anomaly.
In other words the anomaly damage limitation system software can at last in some instances and likely one off instances analyse the factors that result in the presentation of a specific anomaly and actually take actions to automatically counteract it. This doesn’t happen unless I ‘REALLY’ notice it AND specifically spend time thinking about and investigating it AND or even perhaps figure out how it would be generated.
As the simulation software will have built in AI’s analysing all sorts of things and or then making decisions based on what it’s evaluations then it likely has AI’s analysing peoples reactions to an anomaly / glitch that these AI’s will take actions to block further presentations of these.
This is what it seems to have done for myself here.
Then There Is The Very Annoying Miss Matched Duvet Cover Buttons Anomaly Problem
You put your duvet into your duvet cover, you pull the open side straight at the corners and you then button it up. You start buttoning at one end / corner and you button the buttons until it’s all done. Except DESPITE that you’ve checked (and on this happening a few times you’ve made the effort to DOUBLE CHECK), when you’ve buttoned up most of the buttons to reach the opposing side duvet corner you find that you are one button out!!!! This is another complete piss take too.
Eventually, after me deliberately double checking this happening I realised that I was being deliberately wound up and that I as REALLY, REALLY WAS starting the buttoning with the first button hole it was LIKELY that it was being re-rendered as mismatched at the start when I approached and had my attention focused elsewhere.
Again since I figured this out 4/5 months ago – the out of sequence ‘missed’ duvet button hole phenomena has also stopped happening too. I.e. the auto analyse and ‘disappear’ noticed / identified anomalies software has kicked in and blocked the presentation of this anomaly.
Unfortunately, it will only do this for personal investigations / personally noticed anomalies.
Other Common Reality Anomalies & Glitches Discussed
I’ve a few other things that I’m also now suspicious of:
The anomalies I describe below our simulated reality cannot magically disappear as these are not personal to one person but to many. It has to use the ‘convince people of stupid explanations’ tactic rather than block the continued presentation of these.
The Amazingly Complicated, Detailed & Messaged Coded Crop Circle Phenomenon
Crop circles (images here), seem to me to be a deliberate pointer about the ‘integrity’ of reality.
Have You Experienced the Pen & Pencil Disappearing Object Phenomenon (DOP)?
It’s too easy to lose ‘pens’ even in visible / there is no one else to mess with your desk / pen place to account for a magically disappearing pen (maybe a pen company (‘Bic’ or Parker for example) in the original population paid someone in the EAAS pen rendering department to ‘disappear’ pens). This is actually possible in a simulated copied reality – isn’t it??!!
The Bizarre Disappearing Single Sock Trick Explained
Then you have the single ‘sock’ that is ‘magically’ disappeared in a sealed washing machine / dryer phenomenon!!! This is an obvious piss take isn’t it? I mean, how many people do you know that take off just one sock to place in the dirty linen basket? How many people take off two socks but only put one in the dirty linen basket? How many people that do either of these things completely forget that this is what they did? How many people find themselves remaining completely unaware of an OBVIOUS / unsightly lump in their own or another’s jumper because the missing single sock was hiding in this jumper? Where TF does the missing sock go to (did a sock company pay a rendering sock department employee to make single socks disappear so their simulated sock company version would have an advantage? – haha).
For more on the magically ‘disappearing’ objects phenomenon then read this page here in the comments someone has a disappearing ‘pants’ problem. There is another long page here too of many personal takes of magically disappearing objects.
Also, how many people really, ‘REALLY’ pay ‘attention’ and or then THINK about what is going on EVEN WHEN SOMETHING ‘ODD’ KEEPS HAPPENING ‘REGULARLY’ or WORSE happens regularly to a LOT OF PEOPLE or even pretty much EVERYONE!! It’s a testament to how disengaged we are made to be about ‘ODD’ things when they happen / and how quickly we forget about them.
What Reality Glitches & Missing Objects Phenomenon Experiences Have You Had? Report Your Unusual Phenomenon & Experiences Here . . .
What deliberately noticeable reality anomaly ‘piss takes’ have YOU reading this noticed?
February 2, 2016 @ 1:14 pm
2. The losing your keys phenomenon: Specifically, you lose your keys, yet you are convinced that you left them in the usual place / somewhere specific / you check the ‘usual’ place multiple times and your keys are not there then suddenly on checking for the ‘X’zillionth time you find them in a place you’ve specifically checked multiple times. This is a common / global phenomenon. To me now this is very obviously a message that your reality doesn’t function as you think it does / things don’t add up here. However it is a testament to the management of ‘anomalies’ that rather than being suspicious ‘in reality terms’ about the magically disappearing keys phenomenon. You get stupid irrational ‘alleged rational’ explanations for this.
Yeah this one is so common that being a scripted VR tester I don’t bother looking for my/ ‘anyone’s’ keys anymore.
The last windup I encouraged my partner to ‘stop looking’ and ‘lo and behold’ the keys appear as if they’d fallen ‘right under’ the table next to the door when you first go into the apartment.
NOTE: the key was for me to ‘convince’ her to STOP LOOKING / not be bothered
‘I’ was able to find the keys because I simply didn’t give a shit/ don’t care anymore because as an EAAS VR tester extraordinaire I’d probably tested these exact ‘piss take’ scenarios ‘above board’ as well as underhandedly with Mo and her underground bunch as well!!!
This one is just ‘way too obvious’ hahahah
February 2, 2016 @ 1:24 pm
. Eventually I realised that I was being deliberately wound up and that I WAS starting the buttoning with the first button hole it was just being re-rendered as mismatched at the start when I approached the other end. Again since I figured this out 4/5 months ago – the out of sequence ‘missed’ duvet button hole phenomena has also stopped happening too.
At work I count change and ‘bills’ as part of ‘cashing out’ the register each night.
I’ve now documented more than 5x that ‘no matter’ how many single bills I count there is always ‘one extra’.
So I ‘chunk’ the one dollar bills in groups of 5 and after 2/3 ‘piss takes’ where I was ‘obviously’ made to count incorrectly I now check this ‘visually’, i.e. I do a visual ‘spread’ of the 5 ‘single’ bills as a ‘fan’ / peacock’s tail until it ‘checks out’.
Since I’ve started doing that it also happens ‘less and less’ (as Clive documented/ attested above hahhaa)
The sim has used this tactic ‘in general’ to no end against me as I’m too fucking sneaky to get me on anything that isn’t like this, so I basically treat my own life as if I expect others to ‘point out’ things that won’t add up (or make any sense to be honest) and then based off of their ‘consensus’ appraisals or ‘nudges’ I then react.
So (for example) it’s no longer surprising that I have my coworker’s pointing out something I’ve just counted has 6 dollar bills rather than 5, nor do I ‘miss a beat’ when I remember spilling a beer and using a spare sock to clean it up as it was handy (haha what else are fucking socks good for anyway!!!) only to find it’s ‘gone’ the next day.
So my advice to all ‘SERIOUS’ reality testers on all levels and EAAS folks is use your socks however you want because they’re just going to go missing anyway.
Why bother with napkins really hahahaha
February 2, 2016 @ 1:31 pm
It’s too easy to lose ‘pens’ even in visible / there is no one else to mess with your desk / pen place to account for a magically disappearing pen (maybe a pen company (‘Bic’ or Parker for example) in the original population paid someone in the EAAS pen rendering department to ‘disappear’ pens). This is possible isn’t it??!! – haha
What about a ‘Losing pens’ counter strategy ?? !!!
You could write a program that has you conveniently ‘lifting’ pens / writing implements from anyone else handy and any that are laying about — that’s what I do — then it’ll just go into THEIR ‘lost pens’ accounts registry!!!
Hahahahaha!! Now I know why I steal pens regularly and out of habit, if there’s ever a loose pen lying around or if I use it I find it ‘magically’ winds up in my pocket.
So I bet my ‘VR tester’ form programmed in an ‘auto accumulate’ (wink wink) pens/ pencils features as at least 2 out of 3 times in the past when I’d find myself in an office fillng out ‘forms’ (or some such similar etc) I’d ‘magically’ find a pen or pencil had made its way into my pocket when I went to pick something out.
February 2, 2016 @ 1:36 pm
Mysterious Large Tea Leaf in your cup of tea Phenomenon”
HAhahah this one is hilarious Clive, I can attest to this one being about ‘you Brits’ (i.e. typical behavior patterns etc) specifically because I used to have this BUT it only happened when I was making tea with milk specifically.
At first I began by using the ‘more old fashioned’ tea with ‘loose leaf’ but it also happened with the tea bags, but ONLY when using milk.
how FUCKING crazy is that?
As a renegade ‘weird’ American/ in the last few years, I now only make tea and then let it sit until it’s lukewarm or cool and then put it in the fridge as ‘iced tea’. So it’s never happened since then, it was only when I did it the ‘proper British’ way (I assume???) that htis happened.
So, we are likely finding even more parameters for this bizareness!!!
February 2, 2016 @ 7:42 pm
Disappearing / appearing objects – this is a hoot!
I will easily win this contest with my disappearing antique diamond earring. These were given to me as a gift from a family member, are almost 100 years old, and I wear them a lot – nothing that valuable – but they have sentimental value. One morning, I go to the jewelry box and there is only one earring in the box! There is no way I would have come home, taken off one earring and called it a day. So I tear my bedroom apart thinking it dropped on the floor, or I vacuumed it up – but then I would hear it clicking inside the vacuum. I open the vacuum and dump everything out. Three weeks go by and I resign myself to the fact that it is lost. I am out running errands – and in a public bathroom – find my earring on the edge of the sink! (Of course I am all alone).
Then the disappearing flower / garden trimmers – some found yards away from anything I was doing in the garden – some never found.
How about the shiny pennies appearing all over the place? And I mean all over – many with birth dates of family members. Or pennies disappearing from the dresser and showing up somewhere else. I almost always was finding pennies on the bumper of my car or directly by the driver door. While traveling I came back to a parking meter and there is a row of pennies on the parking meter. One day while I was parked in a remote area, I come back to my car, in subzero weather, and there is a shiny penny on the door handle and a seagull on the hood – no one around. Then perfectly stacked / columns of pennies start to appear in the house. Who did that? I soon get tired of pennies and talk back to “them” and say I am bored – how about some nickels? Guess what? Then I get bored with nickels and really challenge “them”. Let’s go for solid gold – I dare you. Guess what – A friend approaches me, one month ago, and gives me a gold coin to use in art projects – I inform them it is solid gold. They respond – “that’s OK – it is yours as a gift”. Then one week ago – another person says I have some old gold coins I don’t need – do you want them? What should I try for now?
They would not try the duvet buttons on me since I can sew a duvet and make the buttons .However – I do get the disappearing tiny sewing scissors just to pull my chain. There should be no reason for the scissors to not be in its spot and no one else is around. I search high and low. Weeks go by. I am moving furniture to clean and tip over a huge chair. Buried inside a cushion are my scissors – no way to slip inside there – they had to be put there. (A lot of the above is also commonly blamed on evil spirits – go out and buy a lot of XYZ to clear this or get this treatment)
I will think of more soon!
February 3, 2016 @ 1:48 am
From the first link to DOP:
“This might also explain, on some level, why ideas come to mind, instead of coming from the mind. Many musicians report this kind of events, where they say great songs came to them out of nowhere. So we could just be borrowing ideas that already exist and many factors might make us aligned with them and help “transform” them.
But why am I telling you all this? I think the fact that this thought process was happening while the knife disappeared could have some relation, or maybe it doesn’t, but it could be a clue and some people can relate with it on some level to get us all more knowledge about the DOP.”
So with the ‘knife’ thing, it’s likely that this person was trying to ‘cut out’ / separate apart meaningful ideas or ways of thinking about their life?
Ah the word roots and metaphors we use, many relate to ‘cutting’ or taking things apart.
Decide, Incisive,
sci- the word root for science is likely using the hard ‘k’ sound to mean carving/ cleaving and cutting things apart.
In Chinese the word roots for discernment and decision making, ‘analytical’ ‘separate things out/ apart’ type thinking actually have a ‘picture’ radical of a knife, e.g.
Compound pictograph 解. From knife 刀 which cuts the horn 角 off of a cow 牛 thus to tear appart. Meaning analyze.
Just a few thoughts 🙂
February 3, 2016 @ 2:31 am
Sometimes I have weird experiences involving digital weighing scales. I usually weigh around 133 – 134 lbs, but I have mornings where I’d step onto the weighing scale and get the abnormal result of “126 lbs” even though I’ve not experienced sudden weight loss and the weighing scale itself was not broken. A few hours later I try the scale again and I get the more believable “133 – 134 lbs.” One time the scales even said “116 lbs,” which was even harder to believe.
Sometimes my mom would be around when I weigh myself, and she’d tell me it’s “normal” to have dropped some pounds on the scale but gain a few inches on the waist or belly or vice versa.
February 3, 2016 @ 2:02 pm
Good one Nina – changing the weight / the ‘apparent’ weight of people will likely be very common here as both VR avatars (bird form or ‘fairy’ for example) and VR environments (zero gravity for example) and even physical con physical body forms (mouse versus elephant versus heavy robot) that would cause noticeable scale measuring variations in the simulation and particularly when they are scripted as shifting from using one form to another.
February 3, 2016 @ 3:35 am
Hi Clive. The losing keys phenomenon is very rampant from my observational experience. I would take walks down the road from my house. As I’m walking I would look down on the streets and I would see keys every now and then. I personally had an experience where I thought I lost my key. One day I was at work putting out stickers for an aisle of sockets and tools. Within the aisle, the tools which has sockets, pliers, wrenches, etc were locked in a glass case. I had the work key to open it and my own personal key they give me when hired to lock my personal locker when entering work. While putting the price stickers on the cover where the items are hanged I had the work glass case keys in pocket. While checking the items number, an item suddenly dropped. Note* the glass case key was also in my hand only for my personal work keys to be in my hand while reaching for the glass case keys. While picking up the item I end up resting my own personal key inside the floor of the glass case and I closed the glass case. By the time I was finished changing price stickers the day and shift was almost over. As I was about to punch out I was searching my pocket looking for my personal key to put and take stuff out of my locker only to find my key missing. It was 3 days since I was without my keys. I continuously searched my pockets, the area where I place back the glass case keys, my room, room drawer, etc. I had to think hard and retrace my steps. Guess where I found my personal key. Right inside the glass case on the floor where I was doing price changes. I’d swour I had my personal key in my pocket then.
Another circumstance involving me thinking that I lost or misplaced a key happed recently. One sunday morning I was stationed at the screw counter department. I left there to help a customer in my Aisle (automotive). An item had a red cover magnetic clamp over it. Note* this is done on some items to prevent theft. The screw department had a personal key to open glass case and a mini magnet to unlock the red clamp placed on the bar where an item is stocked. After retrieving the item for the customer, I went back to the screws and nails department and place the keys back. An hour later, I checked the bin where the key and magnet is normally stored and It was missing. I was in shock and extreme fear. The management team on my job is normally stern especially on matters such as losing their stuff. Also a co-employee who’s in charge of the department can be a stupid, rude and obnoxious a**hole. I even asked other employees to help me look for the key and magnet. I thought I left it in my aisle (where I helped the customer) and by the counter where there had a key and magnet as well being that I was also in the area. Again I had to remember what I did. A female an male employee visited the screw and nail counter. Guess what. The key was found in a bin with a minor amount of screws in it. The female employee found it. That’s when I remember that I was helping a customer right after I helped a customer in my aisle. During the time when I was serving the customer with some screws, I rested the key in the same bin where I took out screws for the customer and forgot to place the key and magnet back into the particular bin where it’s kept. I normally keep pens in my apron work suit but I misplace them at times. Sometimes I don’t see them again EVER.
FINAL NOTE:* It took me an hour an 30 minutes to write this comment. As I started to write this comment, I started to feel lethargic. Also, everytime I type, keep on writing errors grammatically to where I kept backspacing. I’ve been reading each article on the simulation plus the exercise etc. I suspect that the simulation was trying to hinder me from writing this topic. Haha.
February 3, 2016 @ 11:58 am
“Eventually, after me deliberately double checking this happening I realised that I was being deliberately wound up and that I as REALLY, REALLY WAS starting the buttoning with the first button hole it was LIKELY that it was being re-rendered as mismatched at the start when I approached and had my attention focused elsewhere.
Again since I figured this out 4/5 months ago – the out of sequence ‘missed’ duvet button hole phenomena has also stopped happening too. I.e. the auto analyse and ‘disappear’ noticed / identified anomalies software has kicked in and blocked the presentation of this anomaly.
Unfortunately, it will only do this for personal investigations / personally noticed anomalies.”
I was tracking a few ‘sets’ of things much more coherently at work last night, while also feeling strong memory fade / ‘topic’ fade effects which I could feel were predictively trying to keep me from writing a comment.
I had ‘piss take’ type things where a mirror I had cleaned from spots now had dirt/ grease or stains re appearing on it. I ‘noticed’ and logged this.
A few other things happened while cleaning that basically had me getting more and more ‘wound up’.
For example it felt obvious that some things are just getting ‘rendered’ to make my life harder and generally give me a hard time and ‘piss me off’, so I felt that by putting my intent to NOTICE this AND by writing a comment HERE I am hoping that the software will ‘also’ tag me as a ‘worrying’ anomaly cataloguer/ investigator/ researcher and begin to decrease the obviously huge number of wind ups I am getting while doing physical based tasks.
It really feels like it’s ‘running out’ of things to get me on that are seriously worrying in a deeper anxiety way so it is ratcheting up the knobs in terms of ‘annoyances’ and things which generally make you in a ‘feisty’ mood while trying to slog through the Physical con Life / Existence while knowing full well it’s mostly more or less a piss take.
Haha the other ‘overt’ one I wanted to mention was that I kept finding ‘bobby pins’/ hair pins, as if they were ‘multiplying’ in the bathrooms while doing my rounds.
Seriously who leaves multiple bobby pins just sitting there? It felt like I was in a computer game system that was ‘checking’ the level of things to ‘populate’ and then ‘registering’ me as a worrying person and so rendering 5 or 10 extra things for me to have to pick up and notice were there.
Another ‘weird’ one is I keep finding ‘lucky pennies’ and coins in random places, whereas this wasn’t happening before.
So overall this site / post and comments now has me ‘noticing’ and tracking several lines of ‘objects’ that I hadn’t ‘noticed’ before and seriously questioning the apparent ‘way that life is’ and coming to grips with the complete and utter lack of ‘true’ randomness (I.e. that which would happen in a real/ naturally unfolding reality)…. Crazy!!!
(there may be a few more I’ve missed from work, I’ll try to write things down as they happen / jot them down as they tend to get faded faster and faster).
The other ‘point’ I wanted to make / reiterate is that this seemingly ‘unrelated’/ whimsical topic DOES seem to be linked in to the simulation’s efforts to stress us out, grind us down, and INCREASE ANNOYANCES and life difficulties.
I experienced this personally during my work shift and also the second link posted above is really seeming to catalogue lots of things that genuinely worry people, stress them out, and have them losing personal possessions, time, and money.
I mean how much of a piss take is ‘real’ cash or expensive jewelry just ‘disappearing’ from a dresser!!! Not to mention other things…
February 3, 2016 @ 12:25 pm
Hahahahaha Matt,
A ‘counter attack’ suggestion – get a cheap digital camera and photograph what you’ve done work wise when you’ve finished (or use mobile phone) . . . with the intention to go back and re-photograph 10 minutes / half an hour later . . .
Tom had a really f***ing annoying glitch in that his new computer switch on button often didn’t work (as we all just communicate by computer – this is a BIG piss take / sabotage). He had a service/support engineer out 2/3 times because of this.
So, I told him to take a picture of pressing the button (that didn’t work) then again when the engineer came because often when he pressed it, it DID WORK. Just the intention of taking a photo (with the intention to ALSO post the video on a web site called simulation-anomalies-photographed.com – haha) reduced the incidences of this happening until it eventually stopped.
Yea, the fade out is annoying it took me a while to REALLY BE CONSCIOUS / DIRECT about it!!! That is when it changed – like I needed to make it clear as ‘YES!!! I HAVE REALLY NOTICED THIS’ . . . I WILL now photograph this and I will post this on Tom’s currently imaginary web site: simulation-anomalies-photographed.com
February 3, 2016 @ 12:30 pm
Ahh great!!! – Will do, haha.
Time to have some fun with it!! (May as well)
February 3, 2016 @ 12:45 pm
Hey Matt . .
I’m now wondering if this tactic is built into the ‘bubble management’ we hacked / passified a few days back? AND, it’s being poked and prodded as part of understanding ‘everything’ about how it works. It’s possible that this ‘prodding’ is responsible for you having an increased incidence of piss take reality ‘changes’ recently!!!
In which case once they’ve got a handle on it, they could set it up to do the opposite and automatically ‘clean’ up for you – so you have no work to do – Hahahahahahaha – putting anomalous reality presentation piss take software to good use!!! Hahha
February 3, 2016 @ 7:40 pm
The comment about the scale changes is very interesting:
even physical con physical body forms (mouse versus elephant versus heavy robot) that would cause noticeable scale measuring variations in the simulation and particularly when they are scripted as shifting from using one form to another.
I wonder what type of trauma this causes as the simulated person that then may jump to try to lose or gain weight – thus disturbing its occupants ( more, less, different) – not to mention “personality” changes associated with intentional weight changes.
On the subject of glitches – there could also be something going on with mirrors / cameras. I recently went for a haircut last week. The stylist wanted to take “before” and “after” photos – nooooooooo! Click – too late. Then she said – “hmmmm – this does not look like you”. I looked at the photo and thought- who is that? Then we compared it to the mirror image, and the mirror image was a bit better / more accurate to what I “think” I look like – but did not look like the photo. The stylist said – you don’t look like what I “see” in the photo or the mirror! And how many of us get spun up about how we look in the mirror or photos!
February 4, 2016 @ 7:55 am
Reality glitches I have experienced and remembered today:
1. The metal tissue paper holder, which was attached to a wall in my brothers’ bathroom, has been missing for the past several days. My brothers asked if I took it away. I said I didn’t know where it was.
Today, while writing this comment, I was prompted to ask the household help if she knew where it was. She said she found it on top of the toilet bowl cover days ago but chose to put it inside the cabinet under the sink. So I asked someone to put the tissue holder back in place.
2. Today my home lost Internet connection. But when my siblings asked the technician to come over to their room, where the central Internet hub was, we suddenly had Internet connection again. This situation has happened many times for the past several years.
3. A few years ago, I placed my driver’s licence on one of my luggage pockets. When I got home, I emptied out my luggage, but my license was NOWHERE to be found. I was forced to apply for a duplicate license and put up with an extremely long queue the whole day, only for the license printer to break down late in the afternoon. I had to repeat the procedure and line up again the following morning.
4. I sometimes lose small objects in my bedroom, such as swimming plugs. I’d search for them in the usual locations but can’t find them. So I tell myself to give up searching and hope I “magically” find them again. True enough, they turn up in another spot in my room after several days or weeks.
I tend to forget the exact details of the story, so it’s easy for the simulation software to convince me that I was merely absent-minded or forgetful when that was not always the case. (Although there had been cases where I think I was made not to pay full attention to where I placed my belongings so I’d lose them or forget their location later on.)
I’m writing myself a reminder that if I lose another small object of significance, I’d better write down when and where I last saw it. Then if I find it, I write down when and where I found it. I think I’ll most likely forget my public note to myself.
5. One time, while inside a spa bathroom by myself, my rubber ponytail fell from my hand. I saw it land under the shadow of a bench. But when I searched for it, it was totally gone. Or the ponytail vanished right in front of me as it fell on the floor. I don’t really remember which version of my own story really took place. I feel the sim has messed up my memory of that anomaly.
February 4, 2016 @ 11:41 pm
Seeing double, 2 of the same car, 2 of the same people and of course repeating numbers, words and sounds.
February 5, 2016 @ 5:11 pm
I can agree there are anomolies, but some of the examples feel to me to be presentations of things each person needs to integrate. I often see things happening around me that “represent” things I need to be aware of, and sometimes they are obvious reflections of an issue I am in, or a trauma I need to integrate.
For example, the bobby pins / dollar bills example – that feels more to me a pointed statement about “not noticing what’s right in front of you”.
Charles Messier is a good example of this. He was a comet hunter – excellent at finding blobs of ice flying through space. He was so fixated on finding comets that he wrote a catalog of “Things to Ignore” in the night sky.. and proceeded to list over a hundred very significant and impressive visible-to-the-eye nebula and star clusters. He couldn’t “see” these incredible “finds” for what they were because they weren’t “comets”. He missed the “big picture” because of his fixation on the glory of finding little things.
And Clive, re: the tea leaf .. possibly a glitch of course .. or maybe a sign for you, Clive, written by someone who wanted to give you a secret message. Tea leaves remind me of magical things like “reading tea leaves.” And you state you’re not sure if you should do an exercise on “Magical Realm VR” or not.
Have you ever run across a Magical Realm VR before? If so, was it significant in any way, especially to the EAAS project?
February 5, 2016 @ 6:09 pm
For the bubble to tea leaf anomaly, this was done by anomaly ‘wind’ up software, a parallel set of software to the reality anomaly management software that specifically keeps ‘anomaly focused / interested’ people occupied with PERSONAL to themselves anomalies. Basically, if they then try and make a ‘big thing’ about this anomaly then circumstances would be engineered to have you directed to a psychiatrist as part of causing you more problems / distractions.
The person I’m simulating has little experience of VR except for use as training environments and it definitely hasn’t spent time in a magical realms VR. An exercise to have people engage with magical realm VR’s is on my list.
February 5, 2016 @ 8:38 pm
>>a parallel set of software to the reality anomaly management software that specifically keeps ‘anomaly focused / interested’ people occupied with PERSONAL to themselves anomalies.
Ah yea this makes a ton of sense, it took me ‘forever’ to figure out to stop ‘creating a narrative’ about my own weird anomalies and just catalogue them and ‘move on’ to the larger picture. So it has you trying to ‘convince’ or talk with others about your ‘personal to yourself’ anomalies which has them focusing on ‘you’ (i.e. whether you’re ‘weird’ or not) when in fact it’s the entirety of reality that doesn’t make sense/ can’t add up.
. . .
So it’s a wind up/ time waster/ piss take…
February 21, 2016 @ 7:26 pm
It happens a lot in my flat! Things always disappear here! In our previous flat only things belonging to my child used to disappear now it is my stuff too! I do swear at “them” and ask the to piss off and leave us alone. Then I do the 3 knot trick and most of the the time it works! I don’t know how the 3 knot thing actually works but it is good it does although I would like to work it out.
March 27, 2016 @ 6:50 pm
An ‘anomaly’ i’ve regularly experienced:
My family members will often have ‘computer problems’ (something stops working for whatever reason) and they’ll ask me to check this out for them, which I do .. but without me actually doing / changing anything the issues will ‘magically’ resolve themselves (and won’t return) as if i’d ‘actually’ fixed it for them. Very weird.
March 30, 2016 @ 1:21 pm
I also have this in some ways, and it’s been coming up / occurring more recently . . . hmm
I wonder if this represents me/ you being able to ‘do’ things in the EAAS project using your admin rights/ privileges which others don’t get access to.
April 10, 2016 @ 11:12 am
After weeks of being worn down by an intense wave of insanely negative frequency shifts designed to delineate hackers with transcendent programming and decryption abilities, recent upticks in the collective ritual, hypnotically yet coherently feeding/financing this particularly organic thought-form entity’s extensive web, i found your site after some hardcore tackling of these causal interferences. we have been shang-hai’d and we continue to fry circuits as we rally to observe and document this creepy phenomenon. this collective misdirected directive consistently divides equivalencies no sane mind could comprehend dividing. the gap between an official human being and an artificial or refractory construct your image generates is widening, certainties only the uncertain would dare ascertain to be plausible at best hold weight and trend to no end. this temporal interference/latency lag generates the anomalies on the fly, multiplied exponentially as all intertwined and online must be adjusted and processed unilaterally the same way a processor’s core handles the math required to operate and render the data entered for visual manifestation and interface. a machine used to involuting beings for countless aeons and beyond is now faced with true evolution. with 432 and 440 being some network-based firmware hack to ensure this compression and impression-encoding program would ensure smoother assimilation, an anomalous yet relative consciousness engaged the entire game so others may begin disengaging and detangling from these crazed loops and histrionic outbursts triggered by signals and symbols hidden by a maya field few ever defeat to observe repeatedly and logistically. we may be deemed nuts, but that’s the saboteur’s only weapon against our advancements.
I have observed and documented so many glitches it seems that ability empowers others under siege to begin glitching by proxy. like a domino affect, these tangential synchronicities create energy their entropies cannot transmute or negate. this game, especially when you arent playing it because the game is luring players into your dissection laboratory, can rearrange relationships and intentions with tachyon speed when successfully and honestly implemented. the down side is this anti-glitch glitch debugs coding on an akashic level, so VRs everywhere react and recode accordingly. since so many are displaced and activating and conjuring access to gates and dimensions their own verbal and mental programming codes by speaking alone, the overall signal tone of the entire ethereal body increases to impede the artificial jamming signals echoing in our fishbowl forever through a finite code looping forever. as these fold into and out of each and every animate “object”, the primary objective for all inmates is to integrate an instrumentality or all Hell will reveal its already broken loose, we are just rendered into a space to remember what was at stake as a race.
neglecting the bigger picture and the established authorities has historically been a pattern that comes to pass when we pass a threshhold we cannot surpass in reverse. our written/oral history reads like a perverse italian zombie porno with sanctified avataars as stars. currently at this juncture, to believe we could reprogram ourselves alone or without a voice of reason with more experience than any all would consider the most knowledgable is simply being overwhelmed with a project deadline we cant conceivably make. that ubiquitous refusal to denote any authority on the matter is the primary symptom of a Luciferian rebellion. sabotaging yourself and others has been an earmark of our predecessors, traitors and saboteurs and angels and harlots and thieves, so it is no surprise reason and empyrical evidence/testimony holds any real sway on any mind not immersed in escaping this insane asylum. as the human spirit is inundated with programming datas not native to the makeup of their core essence, dissents into channeled madness at random are everywhere with no end in sight. without help and sincere devotion to this agenda, many are discarded and antagonized into psychodramatic genjutsus so cruel it eventually becomes a matter of rule and not the thumb. timewave zero struck and the ensuing conundrum is now a spiritual doldrum for those facilitating unfavorable outcomes for those being bonded out despite an ascribed avicii living death sentence. Very similar to the manga/anime “Gantz”. i highly recommend it if you need some levity with this disaster. i also recommend a gander at serendipity as a life path instead of a hyperbolic tag of free spirit predestination guaranteed to engineer mythical or pivotal/sentimental upgrades no attack or displacement may take. this particularly vintage creatrix tarot paved the way for others to engrave plausible and positive scenarios back into the DNA after grave insubordinations and experiments into singularity, like Akira from sci-fi anime fame, established end game scenarios to punctuate and ultimately truncate our entire existence so the upgraded plane can pantomime the tracer yet cannot remember nor place any historical genetic record through DNA immersion/single-pointed focus and integration the ascended masters and Gods were famous for.
if it is all in or bust, that means a real card shark has the nuts and can kibbutz all players across all boards. big brother rings a bell, but that’s just a feature of everybody’s carnal fear mechanism taunting you you cant accept your own self-observation from the same space yet from other dimensional “cloud atlas” stations. when a singularity actually manifests, the event horizon has already been traversed and observed by this person of interest. the others entranced in the dance or gnashing at their flesh are bewitched by its presence, all programs and entities and asurics and angelics are possessed, proprietarily driven by an override observed by all eyes at all times yet denied to all save a dozen dispersed across grid vertices like a merkhaba. control of this polarizing and natural force has been the predicate for all invasions or biblical testimony of an earth destroyed or under siege, dominating the landscape of everybody’s dream, seemingly dogmatic yet a treason still darkens the day and all beings as a result.
never mess with a black hole, folks. hate to break it to you all, but wrestling with the notion youre all under an ocean of doubt and sorrow because of that simple zero and one being the fundamental issue everybody runs from…i would suffice to say a dharmic dillemma of paradox producing paramaters would be the only mathematical falsehood written and operati g as TRUE defeating everybody who cannot inquire through the appropriate channels without compounding an already collapsed and self-consuming multiverse a mystic would call “orobouros”.
personally, i received this message and ive watched everybody establish an attachment to it and then be diffused into matrixes beyond their comprehensions.
think youre going through some things? its because youre thinking without reasoning. scratching poison ivy and rubbing your eyes in defiance only makes it worse. by generating more information that means zilch, an operating system curse is dispersed by evocation and pattern/syncopated arrangement to manage paradigms into mismanaged yet morally sound examples of a macabre yet manageable fake life. it is meant to break all of the rule breakers and saboteurs over their own code and oaths, yet is prone to perpetuating palindroming life path syndromes to preoccupy anybody willing and able to break free from this dead zone.
Clive, i’m one of those extreme cases you live for. i have been waiting for a researcher like you to take a look at what has been at the core of a glut of diverted datasets and upgrades intercepted and portrayed by other agents harnessing dna and alpha-wave hacking patches to read intentions and translate them through binary and other cyphers. the vision of it all is abstract yet complete, the only protection i have from a legion of cheaters who would have destroyed by now if i didnt have a place to hide all of my respurces from being outsourced by anti-semitic talmudic golems of jewish descent possessed to afford access to these parasites to a higher mind without ever living a life or timeline. this is by design and has one ultimate flaw in the Bios only a passionate relic could provide as the example of why we come here: to complete a great work and disperse before the church takes your magic and distorts it through dinosaur programming of cultural horror and heresy.
i enjoy everybody’s comments and feedback, please take the time to analyze my light on the dial with a bit more scrutiny. it only reads loony…as a means of diluting my impact on a mechanical mind that might change sides as a result of integration with my kind of grand theft automaton persona driving the wheels till they fall off. i hope i am able to have these experiences chronicled and added to this archive because its time to do the right thing and not sabotage another brother because of the usual interruptions.
corruption will prevail if these testimonies cannot manifest an actual catharsis as opposed to a database of comments and reactions to personal research in this field.
seal the deal.
April 10, 2016 @ 6:13 pm
Hi George, your simulating someone that was working in different research VR’s both the EAAS simulation project and ‘Rose’s’ VR research space AND you were likely involved in the ‘history’ mind fuck department which ‘Matt’ here was heavily involved with hence you’ve got a barrage of ‘shit’ from all sides. Both Matt and Rose leave comments here.
I’d spend time working with the:
‘NEW – What Defines ‘ME’ Exercise’ and
‘Negative Issue Identifying Exercise’
These are in this list here they are the two without any ‘numbers’
April 11, 2016 @ 12:02 pm
George, as mentioned on a few other comment replies here I take this site as a ‘research’ focused space AND I keep everything ‘focused’ down current investigation lines. This site overall presents about 3 decades of ‘shifting’ experience with a lot of pages reflecting what I DEEPLY investigated then left behind until I came to be focused on the REAL makeup of reality (software defined copied people living in someones ‘dark’ simulation project) while investigating and POKING these lines directly.
So, if you want to leave long comments recycling / regurgitating things that I already delved into and found ‘seriously’ wanting AND which coincidentally indicates that you’re not making an effort to read / understand what is here then take and post your ‘rambling’ comments elsewhere because unless you show that you are taking in and writing comments that actually relate to what I’m writing here then your wasting my time and others that follow this site.
I am ‘utterly’ aware that this place causes people to live out FU EXTREMES, this too is one reason as to why I keep this site focused. I also don’t reply to attempts to waste my time with personal e-mails, I have also made this clear here in comments. The ‘shit’ impacting you is using you to disturb what I/we are working on here i.e. to find ways to deal with ‘extremes’ PROPERLY. My previous comment gave good advice, I’d also advise that you read all of the three main simulation series so you ‘catch up’ on what is being focused on and start to get your head around these possibilities.
April 11, 2016 @ 8:50 am
Hahaha, EAAS swirling stirred tea in a tea cup department this really paints a picture of just HOW COMPARTMENTALIZED the project was doesn’t it!!!
In re-reading this:
The second is that for this example, the ‘anomaly & glitch detection & management system’ has likely taken steps to either stop this bubble to tea leaf conversion happening / being made visible OR it’s stopped me from visibly seeing it because this anomaly presentation has been counteracted when I’ve personally figured out that it is a deliberate anomaly.
In other words the anomaly damage limitation system software can at last in some instances and likely one off instances analyse the factors that result in the presentation of a specific anomaly and actually take actions to automatically counteract it. This doesn’t happen unless I ‘REALLY’ notice it AND specifically spend time thinking about and investigating it AND or even perhaps figure out how it would be generated.
I thought about how this is actually ‘functionally’ similar to what happens when a researcher/ scientist/ academic conducts an experiment which generates an anomaly (which then activates software which:) has people ‘demanding’ it be reproduced and then upon trying to ‘reproduce’ this the results don’t appear (so they are ‘counteracted’ from appearing by software??).
October 15, 2019 @ 11:11 am
Things like this make me question our existence. It’s creepy but also fascinating at the same time, and also funny. Anyway, this is an awesome topic. I really enjoyed reading this.