"Earth as a Simulation Series I: How the New Age movements spiritual sayings are 'correct' for a COPIED population where everyone is 'accurately' living SOMEONE ELSE's LIFE. How 'Confirmation Bias & Cognitive Dissonance' are the deducible 'Fixed Behaviours' a copied population will present BUT, wont figure out because 'software' defined people can easily be managed."
Main Page Headings List
- Earth Represents Everyone and Everything ✓
- There Is Nothing New in ALL OF CREATION ✓
- Earth is the Centre of Everything ✓
- Each Person’s Experiences & Understandings are ALL Equally Valid ✓
- Everything is ‘Perfectly’ Unfolding ✓
- Everyone is Living Exactly what is Right and ‘Perfect’ for Themselves ✓
- All Paths Lead to the Same Place ✓
- We are all interconnected and EVERYTHING is interconnected and interdependent of everything and everyone in all of Creation ✓
- We originate from ‘Source’ which is “The Creator Of All That Is ✓
- We all connected and part of one universal mind ✓
- Everything here is an illusion ✓
- As Above So Below, the Microcosm Reflects The Macrocosm ✓
- Why ALL the World is a Stage AND Why we are EACH AN ACTOR ON THAT STAGE ✓
Perhaps an even better question to ask is this . . .
How come we have 300+ million web pages written by many people questioning the nature of our reality AND apparently no one managed to do the most stupidly SIMPLEST thing imaginable which was to actually evaluate OFTEN USED so called ‘spiritual’ sayings that would be IMPOSSIBLE ‘IF’ we were in a real reality to see if they’d be valid if we were in one of the two WELL KNOWN about alternate realities?
Is this information supposed to be kept TOP SECRET or is it that because you are simulating software defined people it would be stupidly easy to manage their awareness, thinking and evaluating abilities so make sure that they DON’T think of anything that would ‘worry’ a simulation designer.
Why did NO ONE Evaluate Spiritual Sayings to check for Validity for either of the two Popular, Commonly Known About Alternate Reality Possibilities?
Don’t you THINK that it would be the most RATIONAL, objective or even intuitive thing to do ‘IF’ some group of people were describing reality in ways that CANNOT BE POSSIBLE ‘IF’ we are in a real reality to check if either of the two most commonly known about alternate realities would actually accommodate their descriptions?
Shouldn’t it be the most RATIONAL, OBJECTIVE and REASONED thing to do that ‘IF’ you were to EVER find yourself stating ‘IMPOSSIBLE’ about ‘something’ because that impossible ‘something’ was IMPOSSIBLE with respect to the characteristics of an assumed REAL REALITY that you’d then automatically get off your arse and check to see if the IMPOSSIBLE THING would be POSSIBLE if we were living in either of the two commonly known about, well written about and very comprehensively DISCUSSED alternate realities?
For those that claim to be REASONED, RATIONAL & OBJECTIVE THINKERS you’d imagine that they would occasionally be observably seen to exhibit some REASONED, RATIONAL & OBJECTIVE THINKING as opposed to what they often do which is to observably AUTOMATICALLY dismiss ‘alternate’ possibilities out of hand while exercising absolutely no thinking capacity OF ANY SORT whatsoever with regards even conceptually checking out the dismissed possibilities . . .
Perhaps it’s even more interesting that with millions of pages discussing matrix and simulation possibilities that those interested in, are writing about, researching and or discussing alternate reality possibilities obviously haven’t thought about doing this either.
Perhaps no one has been allowed to think of doing something so obvious, because ‘IF’ anyone was allowed to do this then you end up with 13 new age so called spiritual sayings that each very definitely fail the big bang, natural laws, etc ‘real’ reality test while strangely they receive full marks if we are simulated copies of people living in someone’s simulation project. In other words you could say that we now have a small pile of ‘indirect’ evidence suggesting that we are all LIVING IN A SIMULATION.
Why we are in a Simulation and NOT a Matrix
I should point out that all the above sayings are ONLY correct for an accurately defined and rendered DUPLICATED REALITY generated on some sort of super computer.
Which means that because a Matrix Reality ISN’T about making an accurate copy AND a matrix is of REAL people whom are therefore not then software defined by some allegedly ‘divine’ source code then NONE of the above sayings would be correct ‘IF’ we are real people living in a Matrix. Of course I’ve also written a page describing what I think is actually going on here, because as far as I can tell we are simulating people already living in a Matrix. This would contribute to general confusion of ‘what is causing what’ because this double layer would make it all more difficult to figure out and pull apart what would cause different anomalies.
Is it possible that there might be some visible and way more DIRECT evidence that we are in a simulation beyond the ‘fact’ that rather a lot of so called spiritual sayings all suggest we might be?
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
January 8, 2016 @ 7:19 pm
Thank you for all of the work you have done and continue to do. I’ve read many of the articles on your site. I’m wondering if I’ve missed something or if I just haven’t gotten to it yet to address a few questions.
1. If it turns out that we are avatars, how were we convinced to do this in the first place? I agree, it does NOT make sense that any of us would knowingly, willingly agree to be bound in such ways.
2. What sparks our “awareness” that something is wrong? Although many of the New Age concepts “made perfect sense and felt right” over the past 20 years of my life, why would I suddenly and almost immediately reject some of the concepts presented during a Lightworker energy program? In other words, I was on board with many of the New Age principles (such as those listed in 1-13 on this page) until I began receiving “attunements” in September. This was followed by learning how to GIVE an attunement in November and almost instantly began to feel something was incredibly wrong and off with what we were doing. I no longer participate in ANY “healing/energy” work.
3. How is the “Hierarchy” involved in the “real” world and with those that we are simulating? What were their initial intentions of creating the simulation project?
January 9, 2016 @ 4:40 pm
Sorry, Cheryl but ‘NO’ you’re not getting it.
1. Questions in point 1 are a waste of my time as they are either ‘nonsense’ or are already explained here.
2. We are simulating aware people and you are living out someone else’s life – so it would be appropriate for you to THINK about and to try and see if you can figure out what this ‘experience’ would be translated from (while being kept obscured).
3. ‘Really!!! just two pages back who the ‘spiritual Hierarchy’ are / were explained. On this page here.
A message TO ‘EVERYONE’ that is interested in this site . . .
‘ALL’ the simulation pages are DIFFICULT to take in and understand AND as explained on many pages here this is because we ‘ARE’ in a simulation AND we ‘ARE’ software defined and the ‘software’ doesn’t like anything about itself / about ourselves being in a simulation written about never mind ‘read’ or worse having people reading them and starting to understand things or even worse perhaps have us figure more things out about itself. ALSO, part of it’s strategies against me / us / regular readers here is to have people leave let’s say ‘inadequate’ comments . . . this is because it can them make people upset if I point out ‘stupid’ things or worse just out right delete a comment. Deleted comments that the software would LIKE ME TO NOT DELETE because it can then direct others to read these comments and have them latch onto more ‘stupid’ things and then have them write more distracting comments.
This is just part of ‘how it is’ in terms of presenting this material . . .
SOOOOOOOOOO, if I ‘do’ delete anyone’s comment then the best advice is to not get worked up about it AND perhaps spend more time reading pages again ‘because’ . . . as I’ve already pointed out ‘Matt’ had to read most pages 6 times before he ‘REALLY’ started to get the picture. This is just a VERY annoying side effect of what is required if you ‘really’ want to understand our reality / and or ‘some’ of WFT is going on here!!!
January 13, 2016 @ 11:25 am
Cheryl, this is response to your latest ‘explaining’ comment that I’ve deleted . . . I’ve no interest in having more distracting comments like this.
Have you read the ‘nav’ page which is here. Take a look at that page because it illustrates quite a lot. In particular, take notice of the missing text in the ‘?’, TAB. About 4/5 months ago I added a TAB to list the ‘simulation pages’ AND I also wrote a brilliant ‘?’ page which really defined quite well the connection and progression of this work linking into the other ‘TAB’s of links on that ‘NAV’ page. I spent probably 3/4 hours of time updating the TABS on that page. I eventually got it right and saved it . . . F***!!! I couldn’t believe it, I eventually found out that the TAB software has a rare fault in that it occasionally ‘may’ not actually save changes – unf***ing believable so I LOST 3/4 hours of writing effort that laid out things much better here. BUT as I’d prefer to concentrate on the new simulation pages then that’s what I’ve done since then!!!
I HAVE on many pages here Cheryl made it clear what we are up against. Disappearing pages, the web site being inaccessible, distractions, you cannot concentrate, your head won’t take things in – you think this is an exaggeration? It’s NOT, it’s an understatement.
Do you know how search engines work Cheryl? They don’t work on your depth of knowledge or your scale of understandings or experience or even on your dedication, they work on ‘popularity’. GOSH, and look at me here!! As I’m writing REALLY unpopular ‘shit’!!! I’m not likely to get many search engine referrals or ‘likes’ am I? I actually contradict and I stand against ‘everything’.
So, to get around this slight problem I studied web site optimisation AND, do you know what search engines focus on as ‘text phrases’ Cheryl? Well, it’s the main page title and then it’s the within page titles that search engines base a LOT of their assessments on.
So, from the time I wrote the ‘Scary’ pages, EVERY SINGLE PAGE here is ‘tuned’, each page is ‘adjusted’ specifically to use the best words and phrases so that there is a ‘chance’ that some people using search engines will actually have one of my pages coming up as say the first or second page on google. So, yes you are quite right some titles ‘don’t ‘exactly’ represent’ the actual page contents. The titles do however actually ‘relate’ to the content, because if they didn’t the search engines wouldn’t list them, they just may not relate in specific details.
On the other hand without this degree of effort (and slight inconvenience to readers) it is actually highly unlikely that you Cheryl would have ever found this site in the first place.
So, some people actually made it here and some that did are obviously giving the sim the finger and are coming back to read new pages.
So, here is a suggestion, if any of these people read other pages on other ‘similar’ sites that also allow you to leave comments, THEN maybe think of leaving a comment linking to this site – that would help. As would posting a link to each new page or any page here on facebook or twitter and or any of the other ‘popular’ but distracting ‘services’ that I refuse to waste me time signing up for. Doing this would also help!!!
January 14, 2016 @ 5:11 am
Thank you for the link with the tabs, that is SO much better!!!!!!!! Ugh, that whole thing must have been very frustrating for you!!!
Ha, I KNOW it’s not an exaggeration. In fact just today I tried initiating a conversation about some of my concerns about IET work (–> are you familiar with this and/or Stevan Thayer, founder of The Center of Being) with 2 people that took some classes with me. Was going to send them a link to your site and OF COURSE my email was conveniently “stuck” in my outbox.
What’s funny about that is I haven’t heard from either of these women in a few weeks and on the SAME day I try emailing about my concerns, I get an email from them about how “wonderful” IET is. Ugh. Barf.
There are a few answers I’m trying to find within your site about free will and the “liarchy” as Cameron Day calls them, ha.
I don’t waste my time with social media stuff, so I’m not the best mouth piece for you in those arenas. Barely active on Face Book and I can NOT be bothered with Twitter, such a ridiculous creation.
I will ABSOLUTELY be passing your site and info on to some people I think can handle it!! Stumbled upon “Cleaning Wings” and was happy to see you can be found through them.
I’m coughing like crazy, I’ve had a terrible head AND chest cold since 12/31. So going to try and get some rest.
Hope all is well with you.
PS – I do know about SEO, but thank you for explaining just in case I didn’t! I didn’t realize that’s why your headings are like that, but it makes sense.