"Earth as a Simulation Series I: How the New Age movements spiritual sayings are 'correct' for a COPIED population where everyone is 'accurately' living SOMEONE ELSE's LIFE. How 'Confirmation Bias & Cognitive Dissonance' are the deducible 'Fixed Behaviours' a copied population will present BUT, wont figure out because 'software' defined people can easily be managed."

Let me make you aware of even more detail ‘IF’ YOU reading this are a simulated person . . . here we go . . .

As a simulated person then everything of yourself as in your physical body, your head, your brain, your eyes, your moment by moment feelings, each thought you have, and all supposedly ‘spontaneous’ thoughts and thinking lines as well as all of your internal states, feelings, behaviours, responses and all aspects of your personality and character are all defined, calculated and ‘rendered’ by software and ‘data’.

‘IF’ we are in a simulation then all of these software routines will be functioning as YOU are reading this page now . . .

For example, as a software defined person you will be relying on many different and complex software routines to define the quality and accuracy of your eye sight and vision as you read this page.

In a Simulation WHAT defines the quality of your VISION? What is your EYE SIGHT Absolutely Dependent on?

What you see written on this page and the quality and accuracy of what you perceive IN THIS MOMENT NOW will all be defined by simulation software.

The very words you are reading now are each being ‘rendered’ as individual characters, as whole words and entire sentences by the simulation software onto your software defined and rendered computer screen, your virtual smart phone, your virtual i-pad display or as a printed out virtual page.

In a Simulation WHAT defines the quality of your THINKING? What is YOUR thinking Absolutely Dependent on?

How well your eyes are able to focus on and to ‘resolve’ each character, each word and each entire sentence in vision and eye sight terms will be entirely dependent on simulation software.

How well and how accurately the simulated neurons in your simulated head are able to process, evaluate and interpret each word, and each sentence and each paragraph as well as EVENTUALLY all the paragraphs on this page in terms of accurately taking in and understanding the MEANING I AM TRYING TO CONVEY will all be entirely dependent on simulation software.

In fact the MEANING that formulates, emerges and is retained in your simulated head space will be . . .

  1. Dependent on the quality of the neural, information processing software . . .
  2. Dependent on the memory storage, retention and accessing software . . .
  3. Dependent on the integrity of the software programmers that were responsible for this software . . .
  4. As well as WAY MORE IMPORTANTLY the OBJECTIVES and aims of the simulation project which will be influenced by . . .
  5. The pressures and stresses on the simulation designers to have their seriously expensive simulation project achieve what it was designed to do . . .

How accurately the information presented in this page is perceived by yourself, how well and how accurately it is transferred into your simulated mind and how accurately this information is stored and ordered AND even how long it is accurately retained for will ALL be dependent on the quality of software AND once again on the objectives of the simulation project designers.

How well you are able to retain this information, how well and how DEEPLY you are able to think about it and how well you can make connections between the different paragraphs on this page AND other pages you have already read is also coincidentally absolutely entirely dependent on many, many different sets of software routines, the integrity of the programmers AND once again the objectives of the simulation project designers.

The bottom line is this . . .

How well and how accurately and for how long the information you take in on this page is ALL entirely dependent on 100’s and more likely 10,000’s of software routines, how ‘strongly’ this information is retained in your memory, how fast it fades away how difficult it is for you understand this material AND how easy or hard it is to retain understandings or insights after you read this information . . . ALL OF THESE CAPACITIES are each entirely dependent on simulation software routines.

As you read these simulation software rendered words then you will likely start thinking about them, you might even find thoughts spontaneously popping into your head about what I’m writing here. In a real world the thoughts you have about what is written here are perhaps the outcome of synapses and neurons while in a 100% simulated reality your thoughts are the product of simulation logic and pre-programmed software as well as of the PRIORITIES and objectives of the simulation project.

In other words, the thoughts you have as you are simulated as seeing, reading and (hopefully) accurately perceiving as very clear and sharply rendered characters, words and eventually sentences will be put together in your simulated head as sentences which are (hopefully) accurately conveying the meanings as I intend them to be. The thoughts you have about the words and sentences you are reading here and more importantly the meaning and the UNDERSTANDINGS that emerge within your potentially simulated mind should allow you to fully comprehend and to easily understand what I’m trying to convey to you here. If you are being delivered the correct meaning then you should have no doubt in the slightest in understanding that ‘IF’ we are in a simulation then ALL OF THIS WILL ONLY BE HAPPENING because some sophisticated simulation software is making it happen.

In a Software Defined Reality what you are allowed to Become AWARE OF is Dependent on the Quality of the Software & The OBJECTIVES of the Software Writers

Every thought you have, the quality of your thinking, every thinking line you take, every realisation you have about what is written here is ONLY HAPPENING IN YOUR SIMULATED HEAD because these thoughts, realizations, meanings and understandings are being calculated and then ‘rendered’ within what you believe to be your mind by some sophisticated and hopefully ‘error free’ cognition emulation software.

‘IF’ we are in a software defined reality then is it doing a good job at conveying what I present above accurately?

‘IF’ we are in a simulation such that everything of yourself is software generated then would the simulation software itself be programmed to allow the points that I make above ABOUT ITSELF to be accurately conveyed TO YOURSELF?

Would the simulation software itself be programmed to FREELY allow the points that I make above ABOUT ITSELF to be accurately conveyed TO YOURSELF?

Would the simulation software itself be programmed to FREELY allow you to become aware of this depth of detail OR would it be programmed to try and stop you really appreciating that if we are living in a simulation then it is software that is responsible for EVERYTHING YOU ARE TAKING IN HERE?

Would the simulation software itself be programmed to FREELY allow you to become aware of this depth of detail when it would be EASILY DEDUCIBLE that it would be a disaster for your simulation project ‘IF’ your simulated population became aware that they are in a simulation BECAUSE this would likely seriously change their behaviour, which would completely sabotage the accuracy your ABSOLUTELY require to achieve a successful objective?

Don’t you think that it might, just might, have some routines written to protect what the simulation project is trying to achieve by making sure that no one will even be capable of THINKING about stupidly obvious ‘simulated’ people things?

In which case, perhaps you should check to make sure that what you are taking in and cognitively understanding of what is written on this page is actually REALLY what I’m trying to convey to yourself? Can you read this page again please, just to check that it is consistent and that it still returns the same meaning and gives you the same understandings as it did before? I’d advise that you do this now.

I’ll point out again that we’ve 300 million web pages with many of these pages questioning the nature of our reality and yet, why is it that I’ve not seen anyone ANYWHERE describe in detail of the ‘reality’ in software terms of ourselves being simulated as a self aware, free thinking being with respect to:

  1. Our ability to find information on topics we are interested in . . .
  2. Our ability to engage with interesting information we do find . . .
  3. Our ability to accurately take in the information we do engage with . . .
  4. Our ability to THINK about, ponder on, cross reference this information with other information you already know . . .
  5. Our ability to remember the information, to realise connections with other information YOU SHOULD ALREADY KNOW
  6. Our ability to remember and recall the original information and any insights and connections beyond it at a date later . . .
  7. Your ability to hold to and to retain your interest without DISTRACTIONS and diversions with respect to ANYTHING your read that you have an interest in . . . and so on . . .

So, a pertinent question you have to ask yourself here . . . is this:

“What is the problem of ANYONE simply writing of how it would be ‘IF’ you and we and everyone here are each an accurately simulated person? With respect to how many are questioning the nature of our reality here then how do you explain the lack of definitions and OBVIOUS detail and descriptions relating to Matrix & Simulation possibilities. Definitions & details which it ‘should’ be very obvious you will need to read and become familiar with before you’d even have the opportunity to THINK WELL ENOUGH before you’d be able to figure out STUPIDLY OBVIOUS possibilities as well as to become aware of what SHOULD be stupidly OBVIOUS IMPLICATIONS.”

Would you expect this sort of omission ‘IF’ you are living in one of those mythical ‘real’ realities?

Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .