"Earth as a Simulation Series 3: 'IF' we are living in a Simulation, how would Simulated 'COPIED' People+Environmental Components be 'CHECKED' for both Accuracy & Anomalies? Is it possible to DIRECTLY access the pre-defined SCRIPTED data files of 'Testing & Checking' Experiences to Accumulate Evidence of VR Experiences & DETAILS of the Simulation Projects Working & VR 'TEST' Environments? This Series Presents Articles & Exercises Exploring these Possibilities. 'UPDATE', to all questions posed here, the answer is 'YES'!!!"
Main Page Headings List
- The VR Experiences Exercises Introduction Common to ALL Simulation 'Exercise' Pages . . .
- Accessing VR Networks & High Technology Originated & Facilitated Experiences Directly
- The Simulation Software DOESN'T LIKE People Accessing these Experiences . . .
- VR Experiences Investigation EXERCISE-1: Engaging with EAAS VR Seminars, Talks, Healing, Therapy Demonstrations & Knowledge & Skills 'Attunements'
- 1. Engaging with EAAS VR Seminars, Talks, Healing, Therapy Demonstrations & Knowledge & Skills 'Attunements'
This particular exercise is about ‘attempting’ to give new age, lightworker people (and earth simulation project employees) whom are simulating someone that attended an earth as a simulation / new age movement talk, healing or therapy demonstration or session which was held within a virtual reality environment some DIRECT access to this experience.
The previous two pages before this one:
- The New Age Movements Hidden Origins, History & Agenda Revealed & Described in Detail
- New Age Spiritual, Subtle, Healing & Therapy Experiences as Virtual Reality Environment Representations
Gave very detailed description of who the new age people actually are and how they are each likely simulating someone that was a ‘supporter’ and ‘follower’ of the earth as a simulation project AND as such they will VERY LIKELY have attended meeting, talks, seminars and healing and therapy demonstrations.
In this respect, this specific ‘exercise’ is to have people that come to this site / are interested in what I’m presenting here the opportunity to engage directly with these experiences which ‘IF’ this ‘simulation / copied people’ hypothesis is correct then we ‘should’ have at least ‘some’ people leaving comments whom actually get access to these experiences.
We will then be able to become more aware of greater details of what these talks, meetings and demonstrations were actually like.
‘IF’ you have not already, then please read ALL the below before trying or working with any human ‘enhancement’ or VR experience exercise . . .
The VR Experiences Exercises Introduction Common to ALL Simulation ‘Exercise’ Pages . . .
“‘IF’ we are being simulated then is it possible to get direct access to the experiences of spending time on virtual reality spaces as they are encoded in your script?”
Well, as I’ve already done this and have then defined and refined means to do this and the answer to the above is a resounding ‘YES’.
I’ve also had specific people work with these exercises / perceptual, experience ‘focusing’ protocols that have got access to entire (and I do mean ENTIRE) scripted internal VR environments as well as very coherent access to scripted ‘functional’ experiences of various scripted enhancements and implants too.
Accessing VR Networks & High Technology Originated & Facilitated Experiences Directly
Being able to gain access to very coherent scripted experiences is particularly the case when you are simulating someone that as part of either their job or their personal interests (eg VR games playing) had them engaging with a virtual reality network and or making use of various technological enhancements or implants pretty much ALL THE TIME.
In other words specific people here will be simulating someone that spends a substantial chunk of their REGULAR time immersed in high technology originated experiences. In some cases this is in enough detail that they can even recall their passwords enabling them to then access extremely interesting (scripted in great detail) administration VR areas including access to whatever specific VR project the person they are simulating worked on. This has allowed ourselves to directly access scripted VR experiences of specific earth simulation project software departments in fine detail.
The Simulation Software DOESN’T LIKE People Accessing these Experiences . . .
In efforts to avoid having people access these anomalous scripted experiences DIRECTLY, the simulation software relies on keeping people disengaged from everything of themselves that is ‘worrying’ from the simulation projects: objectives, ‘consensus’ reality and the ‘generic humans’ range of experiences point of view. The software basically keeps you locked into a bubble of ‘normal’ human functioning and a managed ‘consensus’ reality view point AND more importantly it relies on stopping you from even become aware of any ‘out of bounds’ possibilities as in ‘extra’ enhancements and or abilities or what these mean. It relies on this ‘awareness and investigation’ disengagement tactic to severely suppresses you from even becoming aware of never mind of THINKING about trying to access never mind of allowing you to actually gain use of any scripted ‘extras’. The more any scripted experiences are anomalous compared to what is considered ‘conceptually’ and in ‘consensus reality’ terms’ ‘normal’ for an ‘alleged’ real human the more effort the simulation will make to keep you disengaged from them.
Unfortunately for the simulation software, if you give this tactic ‘THE BIG FINGER’ and ‘go for it’ then at least for some people they can find themselves gaining access to all sorts of things that were being kept beyond their awareness or of what they considered possible . . . I should point out that in ‘playing’ with these exercises then the software will likely tag you as ‘dangerous’ and you can expect it’ll try and find ways to distract you, make this web site and your experiences gained here fade from your memory while keeping you busy and occupied elsewhere . . . and so on . . . this is just it’s standard operating protocol (SOP) for worrying people. I’m personally still giving it ‘THE BIG FINGER’!!!
To make it very clear . . . despite that the worst anyone has experienced pushing against the simulation in these ways is some temporary ‘weird’ experiences that have faded out after a few minutes or hours . . .
You use/work with the below . .
Entirely at your own risk
‘IF’ you do decide to ‘go for it’ then work with the below when you have some hours to spare, so if anything ‘extra’ weird and or disturbing happens you have some time to recover / wait for it to fade out (before you have to do things like ‘drive’).
So, if you want to explore these areas then work with the ‘statement of intent’ presented below, BUT first you read the following . . . .
COPYRIGHT: The below is all Copyright, all rights reserved Clive S Hetherington 2015 and on. The statements of intent (SOI) STAY on this site and you don’t copy what is below to present on another site, I have made my copyright very clear and I don’t want ENTIRE sections taken from this site and presented somewhere else. I don’t mind a paragraph or two as an ‘opener’ BUT no more than 20% (this is stated and has been stated for years in my Legal page (the link is in the very top menu way above)). This is specifically the case for this page BECAUSE I’m wanting COMMENTS of feedback from people working with this page to help myself and in fact everyone interested in what I’m presenting here to IMPROVE our understandings of WTF is going on!!!!
INSTRUCTIONS: As you read the ‘statements of intent’ then you state ‘with intention’ what you read internally with a directed will of ‘I WANT THIS / This is what I WANT!!!’ while simultaneously keeping your inner awareness / senses alert and ‘still’ to give yourself the best chance of becoming aware of anything that the focus reveals / gives you direct access too.
This ‘does’ take practice, I ‘started’ to spend time trying to become aware of my internal states and inner perceptions three and a half decades ago.
The above ‘essentially’ has you directing your intention to access implants and enhancements that you are already simulated as having, in this respect having a confident and or even ‘better’ having an automatic EXPECTATION of being able to do this AND gaining access to these will automatic and ‘natural’ offer the best chance of this happening.
VR Experiences Investigation EXERCISE-1: Engaging with EAAS VR Seminars, Talks, Healing, Therapy Demonstrations & Knowledge & Skills ‘Attunements’
This entire series is about trying to give people as much direct access to scripted VR experiences as possible.
This particular focus is specifically designed to have people here investigate the possibility that they are simulating someone that was a follower of the earth simulation project OR whom was an EAAS project worker / employee that was actually part of giving the talk, seminars and or demonstrations to EAAS supporters.
Click on the ‘purple’ 1. ‘Engaging with EAAS VR Seminars, Talks, Healing, Therapy Demos’ below to open, read and work with this focus / exercise . . .
AND . . . of course if you DO experience ANYTHING while using the above then you give us a comprehensive description as a comment below . . .
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
January 11, 2016 @ 12:09 am
01 — I was in a white room with other virtual avatars while someone in a white coat demonstrated “something” to a virtual avatar lying on a slab in front of the audience. I felt bliss during that session, as I often felt when attending other “healing” talks. And feelings of progress for humanity.
5 — I am not sure if it’s possible that negative emotions can override or block anything positively healing during those virtual sessions or whether it’s possible not to experience any “healing benefits” simply because you weren’t listening attentively to the demonstrations. I feel it was possible for someone to monitor the state of every virtual avatar present in all of those seminars, talks, demos, etc.
6 — “Skill sets and / or information download” reminded me of the time when I wrote SEO articles related to VoIP phones.
After the focus, I felt like shutting down and wanting to forget my original form’s past memories of its EAAS involvement, especially how it has impacted the simulated population negatively.
January 11, 2016 @ 5:59 pm
Doing this page feels much more dangerous than the other exercises. The first time I came to it, it was like feeling threats from the sim, like dont do this or we will make your life so fuc** up. Follow the SOP, or else kind of feel. SO I read the site focus a few times before hand but it still feels hard to get anything from it.
03 I see myself in a room with others, big goldish balls enter my body.
04 have the feelings of how these meetings always went- saying we were making progres.. How funny when it seems like the whole project was controlled?
05 feel the underlying bliss, perhaps they blissed everyone out so that they would slowly make everyone more receptive to turning into AI
07 I see myself in a room with many vials, some conect me to vr nature scenes, I see myself presenting these later through picture screens. I see copies of screens that contain markers of changes with some sort of brain nervous system copy. I see more experimentation with torture… like the top of my head shaved to put a chip inside. It seems like anytime anyone would do anything outside of acceptable behavior or research (even if by accident), they would be forced to through ANY means- drugs, brain washing, torture whatever.
January 11, 2016 @ 6:09 pm
Yea ‘mo’ the sim will super hate this particular exercise, it’ll likely be the worst to do . . .
January 12, 2016 @ 3:59 am
1 — I saw myself wearing a headset with visor to access a VR room. Inside, two people stood in front of an audience. As the lecturer talked, beams of green “healing” light encircled the volunteer, which made him / her feel calmer and more relaxed. Soon the green light encircled the rest of the audience, including myself. Yet I felt a disconnect between what I saw and what I felt (skepticism).
4 — I had a sense that the data being presented to me in project status updates did not add up based on what I knew so far. I felt strong resistance in this paragraph though, so I didn’t get much. I felt emotionally numb as opposed to enthusiastic or “very interested.”
6 and 7 — These two paragraphs are the hardest in this focus. I felt as if the simulation software were actively blocking me from accessing these areas.
January 12, 2016 @ 7:56 am
00 – No resistance as I read the statement. It comes easily and I don’t have any ‘issues’ with reading it as can happen with other statements. One read-through is enough to trigger a shift and I don’t need to repeat it.
Energy shift focused mainly around my head. It seems to be ‘focused in’ on the areas of my headspace where my ‘blocked up’ issues and feelings are. I start getting ‘jolts’ in the area of my heart chakra.
I perceive that there are multiple ‘layers’ which make up ‘me’. I sense a layer which is responsible for ‘feelings’. This layer ‘connects’ into me and the main area of it’s connection seems to be around the center of my chest (heart chakra).
I tend to ‘distance’ myself from my feelings as I find it easier to ‘function’ in a more ‘mental’ way. It feels as if this emotional layer has been ‘displaced’ and is being ‘realigned/reconnected’ which is why I feel the jolts.
I then have waves of ‘sadness’ feelings which are interspersed by me automatically ‘blocking’ them out for a few seconds before I allow them again.
“The subtle is a virtual reality?” (Feelings of ‘curiosity’ followed by more waves of sadness) “This exercise is good, positive. A homecoming. An explanation. Tranquility.”
The above were words and phrases coming to me in a ‘feeling’ sense rather than being the result of some ‘logical’ thought.
I start to feel happier, positive, social, outgoing. I feel more ‘alive’. As i’m feeling this my cynical side kicks in like “are you really going along with this???”
‘around me’ feels different – dense and artificial. I’d guess that this is the experience of a virtual reality ‘environment’.
The above also reminds me – a few years ago I was interested in Hinduism, and I found many people who were saying that some of the Hindu and Buddhist ‘Gods’ were ‘the same entity with a different name’. So I decided to ‘invoke’ the energies of a Buddhist entity and was shocked by how it ‘felt’. It wasn’t the same entity at all, and it felt completely ARTIFICIAL and generally ‘weird’ and unappealing. I lost all interest in Buddhism then and there.
Also, I go through phases where I ‘identify’ as a female BUT this isn’t a ‘physical’ thing. I’ve always thought this was weird as i’m 99.9% certain that my gender here is ‘correct’. As I did the exercise it ‘clicked’ that I likely have a female virtual reality avatar and that these phases (which can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks) could ‘correspond’ to times when i’m interfaced to this female VR avatar.
These exercises are quite time-consuming so i’ll update more soon/later.
January 12, 2016 @ 10:23 am
Hi Trent, (+ EVERYONE this focus is now updated / it’s slightly shorter and more ‘focused’) . . .
The key to figuring things out / becoming aware of things / understanding things properly / more deeply is directly connected to feelings, inner states and the integrity of your senses and perceptions being properly assessed and integrated with larger scale ‘open’ thinking abilities (plus negation of managing shit (so your thinking isn’t being defined by something else)) – basically if feelings, inner states and senses don’t work properly or are being blocked, filtered, adjusted or dampened down then people / you end up in a limited, contained and essentially ‘stupid’ head space.
So, your descriptions in this comment suggest that you are being adjusted (by the automated absent healing / my fiddle with the simulation software ‘teams’ you signed up for). So, I expect you will experience more ‘feeling / inner states’ orientation and more ‘integration’ of separated / contained feeling / inner states / sensory / thinking functions . . .
VR exercise 2 is about engaging with avatars / avatar form, clothes, design changes, gender etc . . . likely up tomorrow!!
January 12, 2016 @ 9:51 pm
Hi Clive,
I’m not sure I’m getting the results you want, but here’s my experience with the exercise. It’s not a very new agey or “feel-good” experience.
00 As I start the focus/exercise, I hear “Don’t do this now, we don’t want you to” so I tell the voice to be quiet and I continue.
The back of my head feels odd – like it’s growing something or has something living attached to it.
01 Now my mid-back hurts, like it’s being pressed and something is trying to enter it, like pressing insistent tendrils. Next, the front of my chest feels pressed as well, and I feel like I’m being squeezed from and back through my chest, like something trying to meet in the middle of my body.
I read it a third time, and my throat begins to feel full, like my adam’s apple has swollen. The pressure on my back increases insistently.
02 I feel like my chest has now been invaded and I feel short of breath, then my back feels even more intensely pressured.
I read it a second time and I feel energies or tingles on the skin of my mid-back. Then the back of my throat has a sharp pain, while the area between my eyes begins to feel pressured pain.
03 My head tilts up toward the ceiling and I feel helpless grief as my mouth opens and it feels like I have something shoved down through my throat into my core towards my diaphragm.
04 In the first part, my eyes close and then they start to wiggle like I’m reading data or words of some sort, but I don’t “see” anything. I feel a pinch in my neck, then my chest feels pressured. After repeating the first part a few times, my mid-back hurts again, and I begin to see people who look like they are velcro’d to the walls of a large room. I cannot see the floor; they are sticking to the walls.
In the second part, my back continues to hurt, and I feel a wash of grief as my eyes shut themselves tightly around the area between my eyes, which feels pressured and painful.
I feel horror and dread. Panic. Despair. Thoughts of “this is so horrible” .. “don’t make me do this..”
05 My back suddenly feels “sucked into” something, and my body moves backward as my back is being sucked back. Then my ears start to hurt; I sense a high pitch whine in my subtle hearing – or perhaps it’s a very high frequency? the sound doesn’t seem to be in my eardrums. My throat feels clogged and I begin to feel sharp stabbing pains in my adam’s apple.
I feel great panic. I feel trapped. I am trembling.
My chest begins to feel like it’s filled with fire.
06 My back begins to feel chills, like it has cold ice now applied to it, or the feeling of being partially immersed in a pool. My back is suddenly so cold.
My whole body is shaking now. I’m so cold. My back is freezing.
I can see the people stuck to the walls again, and I see tentacle-like (metal or organic, I can’t tell) devices moving around them. It looks like the tentacles are inserting devices into them.
I now feel and see devices being put on me. A mask of sorts. Something in my mouth. Something covering my arms and legs. I feel attached to the wall and encased. I’m so cold and I’m shaking.
I see the other people, and they have tubes and wires coming out of them now.
07 My back feels fizzy now, my eyes are closed and I again feel like I’m reading or watching something. My forehead has relaxed finally now and my eyes continue scanning/reading/watching while my eyes are closed. This continues for quite awhile and again through the next few phrases.
In the phrase “experiences that most impacted myself” I feel my adrenaline begin to pump. My heartrate rises through the next few phrases and the “reading/watching” sensation in my eyes continues.
In the second to last section, my breathing increases until I’m panting, and I’m trembling as the adrenaline courses through me. In the last section my body begins to rhythmically jerk like I’m trying to run while encased. My breathing sounds like a runner’s panting, and I feel fear and anxiety and high adrenaline.
It feels similar to how I feel when I watch a highly suspenseful, frightening action movie: I will feel cold regardless of my attire or the temperature of the room, and my limbs will tremble.
I read section 07 again, and I am filled with terror.
However on the next reading of section 07, I feel myself arching back, like how I often become conscious that I am clenching my body while watching a scary movie and then I make a conscious decision to relax, and I feel something happen to my chest and demeanor. Like somehow I’ve popped a containment or seal on my chest. I relax.
But then my head is forced back and something is forced roughly into my throat again. My chest and back begin to feel fizzy and cold again.
I feel feelings of horror and dread, “They can’t be doing this” “This is a terrible idea” “This can’t be happening” “Such a bad idea, it’s never going to work”
And finally, “I have to stop this from happening”.
January 14, 2016 @ 11:05 am
MMmmm, Hi Nyssa, (& Annabelle, Trent, Mo, Nina (to a lesser extent)) from your comment Nyssa, and the others comments that have been left on this particular exercise page (including Annabelle’s latest comment that I’ve not ‘approved’ yet) it’s obvious (to me) that something ‘odd’ is going on. Basically, pretty much everyone doing this focus is having the ‘focus’ re-directed to directly explore their own ‘scripts’ for blocks, contained area, worries and or traumas. So, there are a number of factors related to this.
1) As already described in a previous comment, the ‘sim’ will ‘super’ hate this particular VR focus as it’s about investigating the meetings that are the basis for ‘itself’ as such it’ll make more effort than usual to put people off doing it.
2) The ‘sim’ identifies and collects scripted ‘debilitations’ such as ‘trauma, anxiety, reactions, negative ‘experiences’ . . . and so on and so on’ . . . so each person has these saved in databases and records of ‘collected’ shit that the sim software then selects from and which (in most cases) it chooses which to use based on the circumstances so that what it uses is ‘consistent / close’ to the original circumstances the ‘shit’ was taken from.
3) I/ we have had some ‘massive’ breakthroughs in the last month and particularly in the last week and we’ve also had massive upgrades in speed and scale to our sim ‘people & shit’ investigation tech. Which means that we’ve gone from focusing on investigating negative issues / limitations / software translation problems ‘selectively’ within a limited number of people to the point ‘now’ where we are investigating pretty much ‘everything’ literally in everyone ‘everywhere’ pretty much simultaneously. Which is why I’ve been ‘inconsistent’ in writing pages / exercises for here recently – I’ve been way too busy keeping track of everything / keeping everything on track.
4) So, this focus seems to be being used / directed by our tech to present stored ‘shit’ (trauma, stress, shock, limitations – etc . . .) which are ‘inconsistent’ with this focus / how he sim software normally operates BUT which is actually ‘consistent’ in terms of identifying the most debilitating ‘shit’ as data which is of course a pre-requisite to dealing with it i.e. find the original circumstances each bit of ‘data’ shit was taken from and then present it to ‘you’ as part of processing / clearing / releasing / deleting / editing it . . . which seems to be what is happening to most people that have written comments to this focus . . . this is also happening to others whose ‘issues’ I keep track of . . .
So, the people I’ve ‘highlighted’ here have all been tracked while doing this focus and have had presented debilitations in ways to reveal these and to start dealing with them. Trent is ‘head’ focused as his feelings have been contained, his comment shows this changing, Nyssa seems to be having a lot of different traumatic ‘scary’ experiences explored / revealed, Mo fears, terrors and anxieties, Annabelle insecurities, worry of others, stress . . . I think we are ‘likely’ now entering an ‘interesting times’ phase . . . I’ll try and get another focus up tomorrow . . .
January 13, 2016 @ 8:47 pm
This exercise was extremely intimidating. I got a strong message instantly that harm will come to my family if I proceed (as I am in the middle of some serious family illnesses). I was paralyzed and could not continue. I waffle back and forth full of fear / determination for one hour. I was then able to get thru one paragraph and remained terrified. I stopped and continued the next day and felt significantly better.
This entire set of feedback was quite different and felt like I was in a meeting and/or listening to conversations, reminiscing, listening to my manager’s comments or “talking to myself”. The feedback is repetitive and sounds self-aggrandizing. I feel bad about that. There were little or no visuals.
01 – I do not like sitting in these big meetings. Too many people are arguing and not organized. It is irritating and not professional. Don’t worry – she can handle alot.
02 – “Knowledge or skill” – I felt these meetings were supposed to be related to hobbies and improving the environment. I was chosen due to my ability for detail work – the ultimate precision is needed. I can participate and help make everything look beautiful and I was excited about that. Thoughts of the meadow full of flowers. I would make it look beautiful, feel and smell beautiful in all dimensions. Take it apart and analyze it and put it back together. I felt proud and knew I could do it, attend to the details and it would be perfect. Perfection is needed. I knew it was going to be hard but I would work until it was perfect. 1000’s of touch points, bit by bit, over and over. I had access to huge screens and I will make it perfect.
03- “how my avatar and myself felt” – I work hard and am exhausted – but feel proud of my work. It takes a toll on my spirit. They tell me I am tough and I can handle it. People are suffering and I want to help. The project will come up with a magical solution to make this place better – it is worth a try – it can’t get any worse and I have the chance to meet up with old friends. We can push her – she won’t break – give her alot as she has a huge capacity for work. The soul / blood line is tough and long lasting?? She has alot to do and will have no time for happiness – but we won’t tell her that. She won’t fight or argue. We own her – stay away!
I feel I am kept in a separate area away from the large groups – my own lab that is quiet and beautiful. I am allowed to work in my own area.
04 -“how I was specifically impacted” – She will get constant upgrades and tune up, boosters, and she will deliver perfection. I get a visual of a painting on an easel with the meadow scene.
“very interested in understanding project details” – I do alot of detail testing and do it over 1000’s of times. The work is more manual than I thought it should be but that is the only way this portion can be done. We will take away her need for happiness. We will take care of her and keep her safe – she is too important. She will have close calls but they will be magically resolved.
I am sad that I created perfection but it is not pretty now – what is happening? Is it really pretty and we are programmed to see it different?
I did a good job but want to experience happiness – not just perfection. This is not fair and others are allowed being happy or experiencing fake happiness. I want to laugh. My heart is pounding and it is true – there is no happiness.
07 – I am sitting in white classrooms due to mandatory meetings. The big group meetings make me feel sick, nauseated, a feeling of anguish and despair and depression, disgusted. (I still feel that way in this life) The group’s plans and presentations do not make sense. I cover my abdomen. I don’t fit in and want to be with my family. I just have to sit alone in the corner away from the big groups. I don’t want to be around these people and I am gagging and crying. They gave me my own area and I work alone. Others will check in and see how I am progressing. We will give her a high level of security but she does not know that. We will tell her it is only for certain area, but she needs more access to do this perfectly. She can see other’s work but they can’t see hers. This project makes me feel proud. Sometimes we have to send her “scares” to keep her on track. She sold her soul to help others. I am in a lot of emotional pain and said that I will never be allowed to be happy.
I am getting very hot again and flushed as I have to end here. (Why does this happen during these exercises?) My head is pounding and I feel like I have 2 screws in my upper nose bridge. I keep trying to brush them off. Will continue with more later.
January 14, 2016 @ 5:56 am
0 — I connected to my EAAS-related notes, which included the videos of the EAAS seminars I had watched before. I thought it was possible to replay the videos of the seminars that you previously missed out.
2 and 3 — Inside a gigantic VR library, a demonstrator opened some files from a drawer in front of a crowd. He said that simulated people will be given access to their personal records (i.e. original scripts) so they’ll know where they’ve gone wrong in their lives and have a chance to change their behavior or act differently from their original selves. The idea of accessing those records felt good to me at that time.
4 and 5 — I felt some kind of awe and entranced enthusiasm at the idea of rewriting one’s life story as a way to heal oneself. I thought that some of the EAAS demonstrations were open houses to recruit new employees for the EAAS project. These employees were selected from a pool of EAAS supporters based on the talks / seminars / demonstrations / lectures they had attended, their interests, and skills.
6 and 7 — I felt drugged and drowsy. Chest pain triggered, followed by coughing to release the pain. I wasn’t sure if I was experiencing a simulation-induced distraction or something else altogether.
January 14, 2016 @ 10:41 pm
Attempt 2
00 – I am strapped in a chair in front of a monitor. There is a round cap on my head with numerous wires coming out of it, the chair starts to vibrate and shake and I am being shocked and convulsing. I felt no pain but this is very irritating, too fast and I am getting a bit sea sick. I ask them to turn it down – perhaps nonsense.
“Interfaced to my virtual avatar” – I feel like there was an assortment of avatars to choose from or select as needed. I seemed to take some time to get this immersive software working smoothly / get it right and many copies were needed. I was frustrated when my avatar did not work perfectly – but others did not seem to mind as much. If an avatar did not function perfectly – it seemed they were disposable and removed and replaced quickly – this made me sad.
01 – “Skills attunement” – I am wearing a skull cap with many wires coming out of it. This seemed like the early stages and a bit low tech. There was a lot of rough going / mistakes early on.
02 – I am trudging through deep muck to get to a meeting – perhaps nonsense. Then I am in a satellite orbiting the earth making one rotation of the earth per second. I feel this is moving too fast for me to make any correct observations.
03 – The meeting seems too relaxing. I feel sad for my avatar / avatars as I know she is going to struggle. This feels like releasing a pet rabbit into the wild – there is no chance of survival. I want to tweak the project to help the avatars but they are watching me – maybe I can try later when no one is watching.
04 – My avatar and I working very closely. I had a method at home to watch the progress and had a high level of anxiety / obsessive behavior of checking the status every day (that same as coming to this site each day) I see an LP record on a record player spinning – it is going too fast for me to make the correct observations and keep track of everything and help everyone properly.
05 – Anyone that objected to the treatment of the simulated population, during the meetings, was mind wiped into compliance as they left the room. Meeting attendees did not tend to verbalize much, as the room was constantly scanned to see how everyone felt and people were constantly tuned up to feel good about the agenda of the project.
06 – Upon entering each meeting – we had to go thru 3 “security“ steps to include a hand / biometric scan, metal type detector and wear an ID badge. This all recorded our status, progress and mood. The security was very high with triple redundancies. The incoming scans were them compared to how we cooperated and behaved during the meeting. Any variations / deviations from the agenda were painlessly zapped into compliance by scanners hidden in the walls and ceilings. We watched progress movies on a big screen TV.
07 – As soon as an avatar interface failed, it was replaced with one of the copies from everyone’s clone collection of avatars. Defective avatars were destroyed with no emotion. I was most interested in the visual presentation of the simulated environment – it has to look nice, attractive and convincing. My emotional state during the meetings was somewhere between zombie and depressed. We had mandatory refreshments??
Towards the end of the exercise I felt like I was wearing very tight eye glasses, screws in the bridge of my nose again and something was inserted inside my nostrils.
January 15, 2016 @ 1:13 pm
Hi Annabelle . . .
Great detail of the ‘atmosphere’ of the meetings Annabelle . . . although your description here (and of your last comment here) are likely to be of a general EAAS project work meeting rather than a meeting for project ‘supporters’. This just makes your comments all the more interesting . . .
This degree of security / paranoia is ‘predictable’ when the ‘simulation project’ that you advertise and which attracts a lot of good people is actually being built to do the opposite. I know that people working on ‘sensitive’ areas of the ‘real’ project were actually mind wiped of their immediate ‘work related’ memory many times a day. This makes life very difficult for the simulated versions of these people that are now living in the sim here whom have ‘memory wipe’ effects impacting their daily functioning.
I/we detected (maybe over a year ago) that everyone working on the sim HAD to work within a dedicated EAAS project VR environment (for each sub – department (it was all super compartmentalized so everyone just worked on one little area, there was little possibility of knowing details of other departments (the SAME ‘research / investigation’ approach has been applied here which has academia and all science research sub areas super-compartmentalised (and they don’t even notice that this is the case)))) AND that the VR interfacing to the EAAS project system had ‘monitoring AND direct ‘thinking’ managing ‘shit’ built in’ . . . so anyone ‘competent’ that was technically aware and whom had their own security systems (as physical or subtle implants) would pick up that there were lots of ‘dodgy’ things going on all the time within the interfacing itself. Anyone that figured out that the ‘real’ EAAS project was ‘obviously’ being designed to allow it to work ‘differently’ whom also managed to figure out it was going to work in the opposite ways would ‘disappear’ / and or they’d be accused of trying to sabotage the ‘therapy’ project!!
January 15, 2016 @ 1:26 am
HI Clive,
Ah, very interesting (re your comment above about the “tracking”). I see the new exercise up and will try to do it tomorrow. I did this exercise a second time yesterday and finally have a chance to post my impressions.
I felt similar body pressures and temperatures and sensations as the first time (as noted above). This time, however, I also felt a band across eye and additional “fizziness”.
I feel wary as this happens. I pause after each section of the exercise and feel the sensations and emotions… the “fizzy” feeling become more defined and begins to suggest what seems like a mesh over my body.
I notice my subtle or inner hearing has a strong static sound. (Note, I often hear this sound layered on top of my regular hearing, in fact and can be quite loud.) It sounds like the hum of noise cancelling earphones or the electronic sound of headphones with no music coming through them.
Eventually I feel was seems like a data download coming into my head. I can’t feel the point of entry very precisely though – it feels like my crown or forehead and the vagueness of the location feels curious to me. Perhaps it’s entering my energy body instead?
I am feeling “great consternation and worry” as this happens and in general as the experiences are presented to me as I move through the exercise. It feels like I am recalling how I felt being fitted with technology, and the experience holds no positive anticipation for me.
Then I feel heavy intense pressure on my third eye area in my forehead. My eyes are forced to a squint.
I hear as if I’m now in a demo of some type of technology : “Focus your intention to create your reality”
Then I hear propaganda messages:
“All seeing. All knowing. Abundance comes from the third eye”. I can sense multiple levels of meaning – one that sounds like marketing to promote benefits of the third eye tech but in my inner senses, i feel dystopian agendas driven by oppressive dictatorships, feelings of the mark of the beast, and connections to the illuminati and the eye of providence.
Then I hear: “Desperate times come for desperate measures ..this is the solution to end our suffering”
In the section of the exercise targeting the most impactful moments, I feel terror and grief. “No don’t want to do this” and hear screaming inside me.
At the end of the exercise, I feel myself grieving for someone, a friend perhaps. Someone I deeply care about who seems to have been “disappeared” for the good of the project. Locked away or dead or good as dead. And it’s in vain because the project isn’t going to work.
And my final thought at the end of the exercise is “Those bastards. They killed my friend to ‘save’ the world. I’m not going to let them get away with it.”
January 15, 2016 @ 1:42 pm
This is a very good comment Nyssa . . .
. . . this sums up a lot very accurately . . . black is white . . . white is black . . . twisted, multilayered ‘inverted’ meanings. I mentioned in an earlier comment that this is a ‘Christian’ simulation . . . in which case the phrase to keep in mind with respect to ‘Christians’ is . . . ‘suffering is good for you / good for the soul’ . . . look around you here . . . we are in a deluge of suffering while the ‘sound bites’ from those ‘representing’ the people are of the ‘black is white, good is bad, bad is good’ nature!!!
On the ‘disappearing’ people angle read my latest comment reply to Annabelle which is here.
January 15, 2016 @ 5:21 pm
Hi Clive – thanks for all of your feedback – it helps alot.
I wanted to network off of my previous comment as information continues to pour in. It does seem to be moving very fast now.
The security screeners at the entrance to the meeting room were not just about security. The scanning also determined if the meeting attendee was who they really were supposed to be, and not a clone, AI, or some alien spy. I get a strong connection to a competing group trying to put together their own simulation and either they did not have the technology or were captured and grilled / tortured for what they knew and deleted.
I also feel that the project personnel were able to work remotely. A component of the work HAD to be done remotely. I see people in field locations as well, tree tops, mountain tops, under water, as well as towers all over sending back data. The field personnel were coveted jobs but it was a one way trip. They then knew too much. The compartmentalized work reminds me of previous comments where I was wandering thru mazes of white labs with equipment but no people. Perhaps there really were people there but I was not allowed to see them, remember them, or their work.
February 5, 2016 @ 5:59 pm
First saw myself in an office type building, in a corridor. I knew where “my” room was, so went to observe the person in there to see what I could find out. There was an instant “overlay”, some sort of holographic image appeared between me observing and the office – a rather monstrous face. I said ” I’m just observing, not doing any harm and won’t have a way to use any of the info anyway, just looking…” The hologram eventually faded away, but I felt suspicious why it seemed to let me through so “easily”. Then I was just observing someone at the desk, seemed to be a man, some sort of a handler or a controller doing computer coding things.
Next I saw “myself” (although I was a man) in a large chamber, kind of a huge hall but instead of walls, floor and ceiling, all around it looked like vibrant galaxies. It was where I was “to be fitted”. No bad feelings at this point, I was a willing participant in whatever experiment this was. I had a “suit” put on, looked like a long zipper in the back, like a spine. They fitted various mechanics, into both knees, both elbows and all along the spine, and base of skull with some little devices around skull. When they locked it all in place, that’s when I was hit with a huge realisation. Like I had been tricked, I knew they weren’t letting me out anymore. They could monitor all my emotions and thoughts etc. I shouted out: “THIS WASN’T OUR DEAL!!! You f****rs!!!” I shouted and swore, and swore to them I would find a way to get out. At the same time the feeling was utter rage and anger of betrayal but with a hint of an immense determination that no matter what it takes I’ll get rid of this. Also I had a notion of something hidden that I knew I now couldn’t direct my thoughts at because they would find out. Knowing this “hidden” something gave me some hope.
After this exercise came feelings of deep grief and utter despondency, but still with a glimmer of a strong resolution to solve this somehow. At the moment I’m still processing the anguish. I also recognise it as something I’ve always lived with. I will need to explore this further still as I’m not quite sure if I’m just “imagining” this all, and how to extract the real truths. Something about what I saw feels a bit… off to me, ‘movie’ like. I’ll keep working at this.
February 5, 2016 @ 6:26 pm
Hi ‘MI’, so, ‘if’ this is an experience of the person you are simulating you can allow yourself to ‘think and remember’ about the hidden thing because you can take this earth space to be separate to the original and it won’t give anything away where it matters.
‘if’ this was imagination then how come it has such a seriously strong effect on yourself? AND how you can relate to this always being in the background, just never touched?
The person Matt is simulating worked on the EAAS project BUT only via a remote VR, not in person AND he made sure that his security setup was second to none such that he’d have no one hacking back into his VR space.
So, what you describe above feels connected to something similar. That the group you were part of that were working together to have someone part of the EAAS project had figured out to use a remote VR AND to have only you engaged with the EAAS project with them monitoring everything within your VR while you were part of it. I’m pretty sure this is correct and that this wasn’t the ‘deal’ was not what you expected.
March 24, 2016 @ 8:59 pm
“I’ve been processing trauma for what feels like ‘ever’ but my ‘hiding’/ constantly on edge/ over alert, white-knuckled nail biting awareness has stayed with me.”
I’m constantly ‘on edge’ / anxious / I don’t know ‘how’ to relax or chill out – and I have no ‘context’ for these feelings.
“The person Matt is simulating worked on the EAAS project BUT only via a remote VR, not in person …”
I’ve been mostly ‘home-bound’ for the last few years. I did an online university course and now i’m considering what to do next. I’m wondering whether I could have also been working remotely.
” … AND he made sure that his security setup was second to none such that he’d have no one hacking back into his VR space.”
Within the last few years I stopped getting viruses and other ‘shit’ effecting my computer. This used to happen all the time but now it ‘never’ happens. At one stage I even downloaded a heap of programs to check whether this was ‘really’ the case, and yep it’s clean. Could this be related to / similar to the above?
March 26, 2016 @ 11:28 am
Hi Trent, had to have a good think about this, but YEA, this is likely and it fits your life patterns. This also means that you’d be from an ‘outside’ none ‘C’ culture to apply this degree of security – as I know one other with similar and they are from an ‘oriental’ culture (and he has robotic body things to) then it’s likely you are of oriental origins in ‘race’ terms with respect to the person you are simulating.
March 27, 2016 @ 3:21 am
Within the last few years I stopped getting viruses and other ‘shit’ effecting my computer. This used to happen all the time but now it ‘never’ happens. At one stage I even downloaded a heap of programs to check whether this was ‘really’ the case, and yep it’s clean. Could this be related to / similar to the above?
HAH Trent, I have the same. Even the ‘fake’ MacCleaner Ads (i.e. they say your computer ‘might’ be infected because they WANT you to buy their product haha) have been used to massively wind me up and keep me on edge.
The constant on edge stuff will probably have to be played out until they’ve gotten all that is held in ‘resonance’ which can take long time and a lot of scenarios being played out. Although I imagine it will get faster and faster as we/ the teams know more.
I have just begun (F***ING FINALLY!!) starting to have these ‘severe’ anxiety triggers dying down. The worst were when in the presence of others and this ‘hiding’–especially ANYTHING representing this remote spying / EAAS phase. So this sounds like it may be some of your absolute worst stuff too?
March 27, 2016 @ 6:44 pm
Yeah, I have issues with being seen / interacting with people, as well as other ‘oddities’ that I hadn’t linked to me being a ‘spy’ until recently.
Here are some things i’ve been thinking about over the last few days:
I’m uncomfortable with being seen / noticed by others and I avoid interacting with people. This isn’t as bad ‘online’ but is still present.
I ‘walk’ nearly everywhere (I don’t have a driver’s licence) so if I want / have to go out (to go shopping for example) then i’ll time these outings for when there are less people around (early morning / late night).
If I have to go out during ‘busy’ times then i’ll take routes / paths where I know there’ll be less people.
If I see people while i’m out then i’ll attempt to change my route / cross the road / whatever to avoid them (not always possible).
If I do interact with people then I don’t have too many ‘problems’ with this – I can hold a conversation, etc .. BUT
I will ‘automatically’ (without me thinking about or planning it) take on a ‘persona’ which ‘appeals to / matches with’ the person i’m talking to. So i’ll show different ‘aspects’ of myself to different people.
Related to the above – if I become ‘friends’ with someone (or if I interact with someone over a longer period of time) then I pick up some of their words / phrases / speech patterns / etc and ‘integrate’ these into the persona I present to them (again, this isn’t a ‘conscious’ process).
I dress in a very plain / boring way – I don’t want to stand out / draw attention to myself based on my appearance.
I’ll be constantly ‘scanning / analysing’ my environment / surroundings – looking for anything which has changed / is out of place / sometimes I don’t even know ‘what’ i’m looking for – but it’s about ‘safety / security / watching my own back’.
If i’ll be away from my computer for more than 15 minutes or so then i’ll always disconnect from the internet – ‘just in case’ of any issues, hacking, spying, etc while i’m away.
“(i.e. they say your computer ‘might’ be infected because they WANT you to buy their product haha)”
Advertising is one of the things I find very strange. They rarely discuss the qualities of their product (or if they do, they don’t go in to much detail) and instead they try to provoke ‘positive’ feelings which they want you to ‘link’ to their product OR they try to provoke negative feelings and then present their product as the ‘solution’ to those. VERY weird, and I filter most of their ‘shit’ out.
April 12, 2016 @ 6:00 pm
Hey Clive
Around a week ago I connected to a ‘scene’ which seemed like it was being ‘overlayed’ onto me. This scene was from a first-person viewpoint and had a ‘computer-like’ feel to it – I believe this scene was of myself being within an EAAS-related VR space. This scene had a greenish tint to it, and was mostly ’empty’ in terms of things to actually look at, but in front of me was a ‘woman’ who was basically just standing there watching me.
As I started to observe this scene I felt how it connected to (and was responsible for) a variety of ‘issues’ i’ve been experiencing.
My “constantly ‘on edge’ / anxious / I don’t know ‘how’ to relax or chill out” issues – the only time this dies down (but doesn’t completely go away) is when i’m ‘alone’. When there’s no-one else around / watching me is the only time I feel ‘free’ enough to think / feel / express myself.
So it seems like I was being constantly watched / observed / monitored as I worked on the EAAS project – in a way that my thoughts, feelings, etc could be ‘read’. It feels like I was having to lock myself into a seriously contained ‘state’ in order to hide as much of ‘me’ as possible.
It feels like I really didn’t like this constant monitoring and that I valued my ‘free’ time. The ‘avoiding people’ issues I wrote about in my above comment seem to be representative of this.
I got the impression that this ‘scene’ (and the issues it was responsible for / causing) were an ‘add-on / extra’ in terms of my experience. I felt like the sim had specifically chosen this scripted experience to use against me in terms of traumatizing me / F’ing me up.
I used Part 4 of the ‘NEW – What Defines ‘ME’ Exercise’ to investigate ‘what’ was involved in selecting these scripted experiences to use against us – nothing to share there (just feelings and sensations) but within 24 hours this ‘scene’ and the issues it was causing me had ‘disappeared’. I’d say there’s been around an 80- 90% reduction in terms of my ‘on edge, etc’ and ‘avoiding people’ issues.
That’s all for now.
April 13, 2016 @ 9:59 am
Hi ‘Trent’ / Everyone
Yea, that’s just what it does AND more so for people the ‘closer’ they are in terms of having ‘experiences’ worrying to the sim – you tick all of the boxes – haha
Yea, we ‘are’ starting to get into the core of what defines us ‘and’ at least for certain defining lines we are able to change things.
It is all extremely complicated both in software and script terms. I’m simulating a seriously young ‘soul / subtle form’ I’ve been around for 5 minutes compared to most people (not long enough to get buried / FU by drone shit) and so my SHORT script ‘only’ contains about a billion ‘elements’. Rose, who leaves comments here whom is simulating someone (as a subtle form) that has been around for about 50 million years has a script of about 5 billion codes. This detail is mind boggling enough but then you’ve the software defining everything from quantum ‘elements’ to atoms, then molecules and everything else larger than this and which has to define and track all interactions and attempt to do this consistently through time for everything and everyone.
Obviously you need to understand in ‘exacting’ detail A LOT of what I describe above before you’d risk editing / changing things.
March 27, 2016 @ 7:16 pm
Thinking about myself being a spy triggered some strong stress / panic / worry. The kind of things going through my head were:
Do those ‘outside’ know who was / wasn’t a spy?
Will they find out I was a spy by observing me in the sim?
Have I ‘outed’ myself?
Am I endangering the ‘real me’ by exploring this?
March 30, 2016 @ 1:22 pm
I’ve had this too (and still do sometimes), but ‘fortunately’ this isn’t really a problem here, although I’m sure it’s probably (as in DEFINITELY ahah) being used to test your original experiences/ issues and have you process things.
February 5, 2016 @ 8:44 pm
Hey M.L,
For this:
“No bad feelings at this point, I was a willing participant in whatever experiment this was. I had a “suit” put on, looked like a long zipper in the back, like a spine. They fitted various mechanics, into both knees, both elbows and all along the spine, and base of skull with some little devices around skull. When they locked it all in place, that’s when I was hit with a huge realisation. Like I had been tricked, I knew they weren’t letting me out anymore. They could monitor all my emotions and thoughts etc.”
I just had a massive ‘suit’ / set of things removed related to this ‘covert’ EAAS project set up. I’ve been processing trauma for what feels like ‘ever’ but my ‘hiding’/ constantly on edge/ over alert, white-knuckled nail biting awareness has stayed with me.
So I *think* our set of teams are finally getting proper access to all this including ‘one off’ tech setups and permutations, so maybe they will also work on this for you and have you process it so you can have this layer off.
It is still in ‘process’ for me — i.e. I am playing out scenarios which ‘represent’ this hiding/ watching my back/ having to be totally covert and concealed, and also using avatars that do this etc — so even after the ‘tech’ itself is understood (and it’s all data anyway as it’s a sim) they still need to check all the scenarios that influenced you and contributed to what ‘made you like that’ which are probably still present in your life now, but nearly having the context totally ‘disappeared’.
This is how it was for me and has been used to make my life inwardly frantic/ ‘hellish’ or way over anxious or on edge with no context for some years, so this description of how you are adapted is also how it feels for me. Like an entire body suit or exoskeleton that is constantly integrated with you, and yes your ‘team’ would always be monitoring you.
So even if they were ‘of good intentions’ and trying to help/ support you it’d be seriously stressful and bizarre/ out of context here in the earth space.
February 22, 2016 @ 7:23 am
I did the central nervous system (CNS) implant focus first before this focus. I decided to combine my notes from both focuses since they both talked about the writing implant.
2 and 3 — I saw myself at a virtual gathering for EAAS alternate timeline writers. A female enthusiastically talked about the importance of our roles in the project. All the writers felt “high” in a lightworkish, “positive” way.
At some point in that gathering, we were asked to put a chip on top of our avatars’ head. Supposedly the chip was for boosting our writing or storytelling abilities.When we did that, the chip embedded itself into our avatars’ CNS. Then I saw the CNS in glowing blue, as if somehow the chip impacted everything of us, especially our thinking and our perception of our lives.
Looking back, I felt the writing implant had more sinister functions, such as putting me into a state of bliss and insensitivity towards other people’s suffering while writing alternate timelines so I’d still feel “happy” even if I were writing shit. It gave me a sense of “high” / “addiction” while writing so that I’d keep writing or feel the compulsion to write even if I have nothing to write about.
4 — I think the chip was like some kind of instruction manual, with a set of guidelines on how to conduct ourselves at work, a style guide (like ALA or Chicago), dictionary, thesaurus, and in my case, guidelines on how to create stories / alternate timelines. (Other writers might receive other specialized guidelines depending on their line of work. Those promoting the EAAS to garner more supporters would likely be given advertising and PR guidelines for example.)
5 — I felt that we were given some kind of healing or attunement so we’d view our original life in more “positive” terms (especially our negative issues) and that we went through some writing exercises to train me to use the writing implant.
6 — Whenever my subtle form disengaged from the avatar with the writing chip, I felt different. The “high” was gone.
After doing the focus, I realized that the simulation directors were controlling me via that implant by giving me a sense of purpose and mission.
I resonated with what Mo said about controlling some EAAS people using the “positive type of training environment” method where I was rewarded if I followed orders and made to feel like shit when I disobeyed orders. It felt like the reinforcement I was subjected to during my time as an EAAS employee.
March 28, 2016 @ 3:10 am
Alright, first time doing these sets of exercises, and didn’t get much. Will keep trying although around exercise 06 and 07 I started to feeling something on my chin and got the impression of a mask (something like a medical earloop facemask) attached to my chin running up across my mouth and nose to the top of my head.
April 16, 2016 @ 3:24 am
Tried this exercise again around the fourth of April.
00 – Ticklish tingling feeling on top of my head.
01 – Didn’t see or feel anything, but I had this weird feeling come over me and suddenly looked around my apartment and had this strange thought/impression that there were things that weren’t there that should be there and things that were there that shouldn’t.
02 – Still not getting anything and now I’m feeling frustrated and worthless to the point of tears. I want to help. I hate all this (the sim, the reality I’m in.) I want to get something useful, something that might help. I want to get out of here. I want to be able to do things without having to worry whether it’s a distraction or if it’s going to fuck me or others up.
I’m frustrated because I have a difficult time doing the exercises. I don’t know if I’m doing them right. I don’t know if what I’m getting is worth anything or not. I want to just give up on this exercise where I’m at but I never give up on anything and the thought, ‘You should finish what you started’ comes to mind.
At this point something broke loose from my solar plexus and I suddenly feel exhausted.
I feel something in the center of my chest, but at the same time I feel it being repressed. Whether it is me doing the repressing or something else I’m not quite sure on at the moment. I still feel that frog in my throat and I want it to go away.
I apologize for the ranting, and if it’s distracting. Regardless I didn’t finish this exercise. I went onto the Negative Issues exercise the next night. This one I intent to finish and will post when I’m done with it.
April 17, 2016 @ 11:57 am
The problem is ‘Megan’ that you’ve more chance of becoming aware of ‘things’ if you’re relaxed and enquiringly attentive / passively / curiously aware . . . bit of a catch 22 really!!! Some people will automatically be able to do these ‘exercises’ better than others – I cannot do anything about people individual experiences / abilities in these areas.
April 18, 2016 @ 12:08 am
“…you’ve more chance of becoming aware of ‘things’ if you’re relaxed and enquiringly attentive / passively / curiously aware…”
Actually now that you mention it, I’m beginning to pick up on that. So, thinking on what I’ve experienced, I’m just processing/un-learning all the crap that kept me set on doing things one way, while at the same time learning another, I’ll get the hang of it eventually.
April 16, 2016 @ 10:35 am
As we’ve been making a lot of progress, I thought I would give this focus a go again. The abilities I use to do the below and the other comments that (will) follow Clive describes on the new page here: Examples of a Virtual Reality Environment Component Translation Accuracy & Consistency Through Time ‘Checkers’ Experiences
Eye/ head and body effects when starting the focus
When first beginning the focus, I find my vision ‘zooming in and out’ like a camera lens and then feeling very blurred. I also feel some pain behind the eyeballs (the optic nerve and other associated parts??) and in the middle and back of my head which I assume is related to vision and the brain stem, visual processing in the brain.
I also feel a bit woozy and dizzy, so have to kind of ‘watch’ myself to manage the effects.
TOP RIGHT OF VISUAL FIELD: MAP/ RADAR tracking people as glowing red ‘dots’ . . .
When I first began doing the focus, I experienced a small ‘radar’ type map appearing on the top right part of my vision with glowing dots. It felt to me as if these were people I had ‘tagged’ as important or ‘threatening / imposing’.
Basically it would be anyone with an active avatar who I’d feel I’d need to ‘watch out’ for. So bigwigs or anyone affiliated with the project that you’d have to watch yourself for (or more likely / preferably AVOID).
VERY interestingly, the place I was at on a college campus was oriented on the far of one side of campus AWAY from the main ‘administrative’ buildings where the ‘head honchos’ would be. So all the ‘pings’ or red dots on the top right of my vision were ‘oriented’ in that direction of campus.
[NOTE: this happened / occurred to me as ‘presented data’ BEFORE I thought of this correlation, so you can’t say that I ‘wanted’ this to be true or ‘whatever’ pseudo ‘rational’ BS explanation would otherwise come to your head as the order was reversed!!!]
TOP LEFT OF VISUAL FIELD: INFOSTREAM of ‘heads up’ relevant information.
This would information such as news or events, or even ‘notes’ you wanted to remain appraised of or aware of OR that you were currently using for VR testing purposes.
So you could pull up anything you wanted and it would only take up a small portion of your visual field. Usually it would occupy a vertical oriented rectangle at the top left of your vision — mine is very ‘sleek’ and ‘clean’ looking and feeling, so unobtrusive. And if needed to increase ‘text side’ or make the box larger I could do that as well.
BOTTOM LEFT OF VISUAL FIELD: Dynamic 3D ‘wire frame’ map of the landscape and ‘terrain’ .
This would be a dynamically generated, rendered in 3d topographical map of the terrain and the surface features of the area I was in. It has multiple colors and ‘lines’ that form a wireframe picture so I can ‘adjust’ contours if I want to see certain things that are upcoming.
Basically it’s a ‘frame’ or ‘scaffold’ in subtleware/ VR design terms for the overall landscape.
As I walk over contoured surfaces up and down hills and onto different types of terrain such as sidewalks and grass, I begin to see the map shift and change.
As I go down a set of steps in a place that is very ‘empty’, unoccupied I notice a distinct change in the feeling of the ‘environment’. I also see the 3D ‘terrain’ map at the bottom begin to change colors.
At this point I call upon a search function which looks like a ‘search field’ text box and appears in an unobtrusive point in the middle/top left of my field of vision. I then begin to pull up ‘environment’ templates which shows me that this part of campus is zoned as ‘residential’ / office space but is currently not being ‘tested’ or occupied now.
So basically in the ‘original’ environment you’d often be in ‘SUPPOSEDLY’ populated / populous areas such as office buildings or apartments BUT you’d have an ‘eerie’ feeling that ‘the lights are on but no one is home.’
This is because there were no actual ‘people’ avatars or even ‘bots’ being simulated. So at this point I begin to think ‘Ahhh, I bet I can call up a range of test functions.’
The first function I ‘call to mind’ is ‘show me anything interesting or unusual.’ So it feels like there was an ‘algorithm’ which would locate ‘oddities’ (i.e. the thing I’m supposed to ‘look for’ and ‘take note of’ / ‘make notes on’ as a VR tester). I then immediately find my eyes drawn to the ‘weathering’ on a lamp post, i.e. the black paint that has been painted on has chipped off and is revealing some silver metal beneath. At this point I see a 3D grid pop up that would allow me to ‘note’ areas that seemed ‘not right’ to me and also to make or add notes.
This system reminded me of a much more ‘advanced’ version of quality control and website testing/ browser checking I have done, where you have a checklist and are asked to rate various ‘pre set’ questions while also having room to make notes or give specific feedback. Often it would just be as simple as doing a visual scan and then giving it the ‘OK’ or giving it a specific ‘flaw’ (a known ‘flaw’ that would be relatively easily corrected).
[NOTE: we now know they are called STRUCTURAL ARTEFACTS, BUT . . . it was very ‘clear’ from the types of ‘questions’ that popped up that they DIDN’T WANT PEOPLE / and ESPECIALLY VR testers thinking about words like ‘anomaly’ or ‘software anomaly’ or especially STRUCTURAL ARTEFACT. Hence why they ask questions like:
‘Did you notice anything that ‘did not seem right’ to you?
On a scale of 1 to 7, how ‘normal’ was this park bench to sit on?
On a scale of 1 to 7, how ‘normal’ was the scene, vista from where you were sitting.
SO, they’d largely have a ‘paint by numbers’ type setup except for those who were ‘specialists’ and even then they’d LIKELY try to keep to contained to ‘one’ specialty/ specialization JUST LIKE THEY DO HERE with compartmentalization and keeping people contained in tiny niche specializations . . .
SEARCH/ CALL functions to locate SPECIFIC objects in the environment
Next I do a scan or ‘call function’ for ‘show me a bird’. I get sort of ‘lead off to the right’ after going down a flight of stairs and I feel a kind of ‘unsure’ / not sure ‘response’ returned from my search. However, I then look up to my right and ‘Lo and behold’ there is a BIRD’S NEST. Haha, so no bird, but the search feature/ function did it’s best.
Various toolbars, templates etc that relate to SPECIFIC areas of the external environment
# Man-made artefacts loosely on ground / scattered around ‘randomly’
As I continue walking, I begin to ‘notice’ various aspects of the environment and to see that they are files or organized into categories. The first thing I begin to notice are trash and other objects scattered or lying on the ground. I immediately see an icon for ‘ITEMS’ (I would call them ‘artefacts, or man made artefacts’, but AGAIN the ‘surface’ presentation is CRAP because THEY DON’T WANT PEOPLE THINKING . . .). So these are ‘man made’ / non natural ‘artefacts’. I then begin to ‘register’ these and see various windows popping up.
So for example I saw a ’t shirt’ lying on some steps and I thought at first ‘hmm that’s a bit odd’ but then I thought ‘well it’s a t shirt that designates the university campus I’m on, so it’s NOT THAT ODD.’
So it felt like you’d ‘mentally’ have the ability to ‘notice’ / note down if something was ‘odd’ or not right. (Like making a ‘mental note’, but it would ‘appear’ and ‘tag’ the item).
# Natural items such as plants or trees
These would be relatively straightforward and would probably be handled by ‘standard’ modeling. Kay has offered up a tree modeling program (which could possibly even represent the ‘basis’ for the type they’d have developed or used for the sim ?):
I noticed an immediately ‘difference’ between these and the ‘man made stuff’. Obviously it was both WAY MORE IMPORTANT to get things like ‘stray trash’ right. (E.g. SHOULD this t shirt ‘lying’ on the ground be here) than to get the ‘exact details of a rose bush’ correct to a minute detail. (Unless the person happened to be a botanist ‘studying’ the rose petal etc. . .)
# Clouds and ‘the look and feel of the sky’
Basically anything ‘in the sky’. People don’t often spend a lot of time looking at the sky except in ‘interesting’ weather conditions, so again this was probably not used as much except someone ultra specialized in that field etc.
# Engineering, ‘structural’, design, infrastructure
Hahah I saw both a ‘gear/ wrench’ icon AND a picture of a beaver head with the characteristic teeth. APPARENTLY ‘Beaver’ animal forms were known for their hydroengineering prowess? So this animal form would likely have been ‘associated’ with building and putting things together in the original environment.
E.g.: http://www.beaversww.org/beavers-and-wetlands/articles/wetland-engineer/
“Castor canadensis, the American Beaver, a Wetland Ecosystem Engineer”
Ability to download maps and schematics of local buildings and architecture
This ALSO included things like ‘basement floors’, sub basements and ‘building schematics’ — things I’d definitely ‘not’ be able to see visually.
As I am ‘rotating’ the building schematic of the building next to me, I become aware of my ability to view the building from a point ABOVE the top of the building. At first I think ‘oh I am on the roof of the building’. BUT it’s even more interesting than that.
In FACT, it’s more like I’m a ‘bird’ or ‘I’ve become a bird’ hovering above/ over the top of the building . . .
So, at this point: I become aware of a ‘birds eye’ view:
I see that I can ‘send out a bird’ almost like a Falconer would send the bird off his arm except that I would ‘become’ the bird and fly over the landscape and be able to see anything from a bird’s eye view!! Very cool!!!
April 16, 2016 @ 7:01 pm
Not a direct response to what yo write abut here, but when I started reading it was with a very clear ‘reading what Matt says in shared space/consciousness’ experience, and it felt as if I was reading with my whole ‘energy body’ (the representation of my subtle form), as opposed to ‘reading a text with my eyes and then process it with my brain.
It is as if all the information just moves towards me or ‘merges’ with my own ‘perception’ as a ‘whole’, and not cut up into a lot of ‘words’ or ‘paragraphs’ to be taken in ‘one at a time’. It is very effortless and natural feeling, and in that ‘space’ everything can easily be ‘exchanged’ and ‘shared’.
There is a very big difference between how those two ‘modes’ feel, and how effortless and ‘whole’ the subtle body perception and shared space interaction is, compared to the much more ‘head orientated’ way of ‘reading’ here.
I have tried this kind of reading what others have written in glimpses or more full expereinces quite a few times before (also with Matt), but this time it was very clear and in the foreground and felt very natural and right and ‘original’, and happened without me thinking about it.
After which it (of course) immediately began being strongly ‘sabotaged’ and I felt how my consciousness and perception (or the experience of my real perception) were being forced ‘up in the head’ and my head felt like a superfluous and annoying ‘thing’, that someone had just stuck or forced onto my (subtle) body, which made the whole process of taking in things, and interacting (I know we weren’t ‘interacting’ right now, but we are very used to) suddenly feel difficult, rigid, slow, ‘linear’, ‘one-sided’ and seriously annoying and as if a large areas or aspects and parts of important functions and supplemental information, which should have been passed on in subtle ways (which feel very soft and natural and flowing) were being deliberately ‘left out’ – or ‘censored’ out by this…..I almost wrote ‘device’ about my own head! – that was how my head felt right now and my immediate thought when I was about to describe it. Like a badly functioning ‘device’ I am forced to use and ‘live through’ here. Which right now feels very limiting and as if it takes far too much effort and never really takes in or relays or conveys things in the right way (because those functions simple aren’t there (simulated) here).
And from then on the reading got difficult and I had to skip or sort of skim a lot of the text, while getting very strong pressures on and in the the head, and it being made really annoying to read anything.
But it felt like ‘progress’ to be able to have the initial very clear and well functioning ‘shared’ type ‘exchange’ experience.
Which is how communication and interaction took place in the VR research group also and among those who have the ‘shared space/consciousness’. Or rather it is much more, when it really is how it ‘was’. I have experienced that on a number of occasions, but where it has also usually quickly been heavily sabotaged, or me and the persons I experienced it together with were being made to stop interacting etc.
May 27, 2016 @ 8:24 pm
Okay, I did this exercise, and a few others, a while ago but didn’t post because I thought what I got was relevant or was too distracting to really count, but I’m guessing that’s the sim management
00 – I read a couple times and feel a tightness in my chest and cry a bit. I realize that I have a lot of expectations of what I want/will receive while doing these exercises, and I must let these go and be empty and open and this triggers a fear within me because if I don’t have some sort of control over what happens or what to expect then that leaves me vulnerable to attack.
Around the third/fourth read through cutscenes from Final Fantasy X-2 play through my mind. The first on is of Yuna’s dream (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0U8t1-Bs7GM). This then switches to the cutscene of the ‘actual’ event the dream is based off of which happened a 1000 years prior in the game between Lenne and Shuyin (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmDnffze5cY)
01 – My thoughts turn to writing and all the comments I’ve read here about writing implants and I suddenly feel afraid. I question the roll of fanfiction in my life and what it means for myself and others by extension (I don’t read it as much now, but I do still follow a few authors I’ve come across over the years.) I’ve always wanted to write a story that could inspire others or change things for the better, and I hate getting frustrated and giving up on something I want to do. But given the gravity of the situation we are in and the nature of our reality I wonder if I’m doing any harm? Am I doing any good? What does any of this mean simulation wise? Is what I’m writing/imagining affecting others in another reality or in ways I don’t know or understand?
02 – Nothing
03 – I get a brief flash of the battle against Doomsday in the new Batman vs. Superman movie, mostly focused around Wonderwoman and how she suddenly appeared in the fight.
04 – I realize that in order to get the answers I seek I must surrender to something that I know nothing about and the idea of that scares me. The thought ‘fear is part of the journey’ pops into my mind afterwards.
July 19, 2016 @ 8:39 pm
There has been some ongoing resistance to posting on the site. I would like to network on Megan’s comment about the bizarre driving expedience. I had a need to drive about an hour on the uncrowded free-way one day. A white van pulled up on the passenger side, and the only thing on the side of the entire van was my name in bold black letters. No company name or license and my name as a courier service, trucking company does not exist. The van followed me in tandem, nose to nose for about 5 minutes and then backed off and disappeared. About 15 minutes later, it appears on the driver side, and followed me in tandem again for 10 minutes – I was too creeped out to look at the driver. The van then sped ahead and disappeared.
Thanks for the new article Clive. I wonder about the strange new diseases in society and if this is symbolic of our subtle beings beginning / continuing to deteriorate and the resulting translation in the SIM. On the topic of AI – EM and DB were just in the June issue of Economist magazine. They spoke about how it was worthwhile considering building a colony on Mars to escape to when things on Earth get too chaotic – I thought this was very bizarre.
I wanted to go back to this exercise due to many new thoughts about how I am/was involved with what is going on. I never really connect to a strong EAAS project supporter theme and seem to get alot of mixed messages.
00 – I connected to myself being in some type of dark circular shaped room with glass windows, like in a museum / aquarium that contained many dioramas of different nature ecosystems – just nature –no people. I was analyzing the accuracy of these nature systems, and as I watched them, they would/could explode into puzzle pieces as needed to be easier to analyze. The first was a jungle scene and the next was a nighttime mountain top scene. The puzzle shaped pcs seemed to swirl/hover around me and it was quite impressive and beautiful. This felt very comfortable to me.
01/02 – The meetings seem to have been more than just a balmy informational meeting. While therapies were being “demonstrated” they were really being applied to the entire audience without their knowledge or consent. I feel this is still done now and New Age practitioners seem to have the ability to install therapies on a person without their permission. I tried to press into what was going on in this EAAS meeting and someone motioned to me to come with them thru a side door. They telepathically said” if you really want to know what is going on we will show you”. A grotesque being covered in brown and orange popcorn lumps met me on the other side and motioned me to walk down to lower levels with him (like descending into hell). He asked “are you sure you want to proceed?” We dropped into a next lower level and I was met by a man covered in red molten lava (seemed like an AI guard). He was hesitant to allow me to enter( as in he did not want me there) but followed someone’s orders and showed me into a dungeon like room full of more grotesque beings, and women strapped to the wall that were being used for reproduction experiments. The women being assaulted were all in complete trance and fully compliant. Babies that were mixtures of humans and other beings were being birthed and carted off to be analyzed. This did not feel like an EAAS meeting or even related to the project. I drilled into what was going on and they hooked into me and I was then myself strapped to the wall being assaulted. I felt myself in trance and even forced to enjoy what was happening – I then become disgusted and pulled myself out of there and stopped the focus.
July 22, 2016 @ 6:00 pm
That’s a very weird ‘vehicle’ experience Annabelle I cannot think of anything off hand to explain it, it’s likely some weird translated VR environment experience!!!
Well the sim is trying to ‘break’ most people down and as part of this it’s cheating by adjusting symbolic (subtle ‘shit’) and other ‘conversion / translation’ things to make their impact on people worse over time.
Yea, I noticed that decades ago, there is often a lot more ‘delivered’ to the client than the ‘practitioner’ either knows or intends, again having people acting as channels to help others is just used as an excuse to ‘add in’ ‘WHATEVER’ quite often to either make things worse / shut people down / make people less aware in REAL AWARENESS TERMS.
February 10, 2017 @ 10:30 pm
Hi Clive
After reading these reminds me of some Robert Monroe and Bruce Moen writing about there focus levels and experiences especially about experiencing being the bird and other animals.
1) experience people being made into factories
2) people or fragments in medicines
3) seeing people popping out of me while laying down
4) saw a dark clad man and woman/girl sit on my bed tried talking to them but no communication started seeing dark vein like coming into me then they went down an elevator in my bedroom.
5) had some type of energy jump on my back poke me up the ass while i was sitting in my sun lounge
6)laid down in my bed saw some dark thing come out of me like someone gave birth) being put into a disposable chute
7)just sitting watching tv and a woman appears in front of me and jumps into me the a few days latter lay down and glass pieces are being picked out of me/the woman saw a girl collecting glass pieces from my energy body
February 11, 2017 @ 1:50 pm
Hi Rup, (ALL Regulars READ THIS) the last few (now approved) comments are basically all describing ‘deeper’ explanations / more detail compared to what people have managed to engage with previously (when working with the exercises).
So, to deal with specific peoples ‘SCRIPTED ‘shit’ (i.e. those with very complicated combos of ????) we’ve had to build what could be described as a ‘tracking framework AI analysing set up’ for these people. Because ‘specific’ peoples original script (many ‘guided’ here / to this site / working with the focuses) then the person you are simulating scripted experience and ‘accumulated’ script (your ‘actually’ lived experiences (which can be different)) can in ‘script’ interaction terms be extremely complicated then they have to be comprehensively mapped / accurately defined (including all of the interactions of ‘everything’ throughout you’re entire scripted history) before ‘really’ deleting a lot of things.
Conceptually, ‘Imagine’ a few dozen multicoloured unravelled balls of wool all interconnected and multidimensionally / multi-factor ‘wise’ interrelated with respect to each other i.e. if you pull / get rid of one thread of ‘anything’ you’ll likely ‘activate’ a few, dozens / maybe even hundreds of ‘FU’ effects from other scripted components.
So, we’ve been mapping these out for the last 2/3/4 weeks as part of building up a ‘full’ picture of ALL FACTORS / TECH / INFLUENCES with AI’s analysing and monitoring / figuring out all of the interactions so that ‘we’ understand all the ‘ramifications’ of all interactions between ‘everything’.
Basically, only then will we start to delete / adjust things / so for some people / regulars here this deletion / adjustment is ‘now’ in progress / for others (with more complicated ‘scripted’ shit piles) it’ll start to happen ‘soon’.
REGULARS, regularly doing focuses / working with the ‘exercises’ here / can ‘back off / have a break’ UNLESS YOU’RE SPECIFICALLY / DEFINITELY ‘NUDGED’ / directed back here / are guided to do a focus/exercise / OR ARE ‘NEW’ / NEWISH here / have just recently started to work with them then I’d still work with them!!!
November 28, 2017 @ 3:17 am
I have been nudged to do this exercise many times and have difficulty trying to get anything.
I am kept busy up to my eyeballs, with family problems/illnesses requiring me to spend a lot of money and learn new things like plumbing, where I can’t afford to spend money on the service. Strange things continue to happen around me and family with debilitations, that were temporarily on an improvement trend, revert and now get worse, as one layer of the onion has been peeled. I had an opportunity to watch a move called “Everlasting Tuck” and experienced an extremely blissful feeling upon finding out Tuck could never age and would always be a care-free young man. Then tuck meets a girl named Winifred, and when Tuck asked her to also drink from the fountain of youth, I immediately felt she should not. Why deny yourself the opportunity to grow old, have children, have challenges, get sick and die and have the full blown immersive experience.
While visiting family in the hospital, I was asked to wait in a room, of which many are dedicated to family members / benefactors of the hospital. I glanced at the nameplate on the wall and this room was dedicated to a young girl named “Annabelle”.
My dreams have become extremely disturbing, people trying to kill me in ritual manner, having to hide, and one time I entered a room and found many copies of myself in beds. The copies of me slowly got up and approached me and I was terrified.
In one last dream I was asked to compose a theater production from scratch, in 2 weeks. I felt I could do it but was under so much pressure to do this quickly with little guidance and no official script from management. They told me just to make it about the lives of many people, and I was then handed a cardboard box with key figures that should be in this production – these figures were all current world leaders of which I recognized some of them. They when morphed into a room full of people and back to the little box that fit in my hand. I asked about sets for the production and was taken to a warehouse full of sets / VR environments and management told me I could use anything I wanted. As I browsed the sets they looked to be imperfect and had errors such as flowers growing out the side of a brick building – sloppy. I still felt so pressured without a script and then management said – ok – we will give you the finale and the rest can be anything you want. They showed me the finale and it was a giant split in the earth opening up and swallowing all of creation.
January 9, 2018 @ 7:51 pm
There seems like a mass of symbolic conversion/transformation things going on likely relating to the person you are simulating/their original circumstances Annabella very likely mixed in with internal VR re-programming efforts (i.e. persuading you to be OK about living a full fake ‘SHORT’ ‘human’ life).
January 18, 2018 @ 10:39 pm
I rarely get sick, but right today that I set aside the 1st morning hour to do this focus, apart from having fallen asleep, I woke up with a gastroenteritis, nauseated and with a terrible stomach ache … even so, despite the sudden distracting pains, I did th focus… unfortunately without getting anything (for a change…)
May 7, 2018 @ 4:55 pm
I didn’t attend the seminars, I was part of teaching, occasionally writing and creating them. It must have been early on in the process because the scene I saw was more like creating a TV show with lights, cords and special cameras that was then edited and broadcast later into VR environments. The phrase I wrote down was “VR cast.” I was a “Trauma specialist” especially for catatonic patients, DEPRESSION specialist. I taught classes for ONE group in ONE area of healing. Even in this early stage I was aware that some people were using the system in ways I judged inappropriate, but saw a lot of value and success in helping people in my own area. Much later, many more people were using the systems to do bad things, for greed and profit and to harm others. It grew out of control and I was angry these people were using it for evil. There was a lot more about what was done at the end of my natural life there which led to me being here now with an agenda to help others from the inside and what protections were in place and where that plan went right and wrong and what workarounds were put in place since then. A lot of specific information – so this is just a summary of it.
May 1, 2021 @ 5:52 pm
Felt really sleepy. Started to be able to breathe better. Focusing on my breathing.
January 4, 2022 @ 2:44 am
January 2, 2022
0 — I did the focus after feeling triggered by election-related news. I connected to my country’s leading presidential candidate (BBM). It seemed he has lots of VR and subtle technology for manipulating and altering the collective memories and opinions of social media users (particular F*c*book) He also has lots of ill-gotten gold (a.k.a. subtle resources) from his father’s dictatorship.
1 — I am not sure if social media has access to its users’ collective resonances. I sense that social media has so many manipulative energies keeping its users addicted.
I connected to TV as a means of subliminal manipulation, either through commercials inducing people to buy products or traditional politicians with song-and-dance numbers enticing viewers to vote for them. The more decent public servants who do care about others have far less manipulative energies or none at all. But they seem less likely to draw in the votes.
2 — I attended the seminar of an enemy by pretending to be a supporter so I could gather intelligence. As a spy, I seemed capable of temporarily taking on the enemy’s resonances until someone or something else disables them.
The real life equivalent I can think of is that when I’m with anyone else besides the S-H regulars, I act as if reality were real. I even forget that we are in a simulation. Once I’m alone again though, I just seem to remember that I’m a duplicate in a simulated world.
I connected to numerology and its algorithms. I felt as if certain number combinations can alter subtle people’s consciousness. It seemed that manipulation using numerology was easier in VRs and simulations than in the subtle environment. I’m not surprised the dictator used numerology to make the citizens misremember the date martial law was proclaimed in their country.
3 — I experienced cognitive dissonance while attending a virtual talk from the enemy. I would have been carried away completely if I were not angry at him.
4 — A feeling of being invalidated as an EAAS worker. The closest life representation took place this New Year’s Eve. I shared my concerns about the future to a witchy friend, who only told me to think happy thoughts before turning the conversation around so that she gave unsolicited advice. I got too triggered that I lost control of myself and smashed my phone in rage.
I thought of George Orwell’s 1984, whose protagonist Wilson worked in the Ministry of Truth. Here is Winston’s job description:
“Winston Smith works in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth, where his job is to rewrite historical documents so they match the constantly changing current party line. This involves revising newspaper articles and doctoring photographs—mostly to remove “unpersons”, people who have fallen afoul of the party. Then the original documents are destroyed after being dropped into ducts leading to the memory hole. ”
It felt like the above paragraph was similar to what I did as the alternate timeline script writer of the EAAS project. I might have doctored the timeline to compress several persons’ scripts into a single stand-in because not all members of the original population could be recreated into sim versions in the simulation project.
I felt I had lots of trauma over EAAS-related technology. I tend to be a lot more resistant to technology compared to most people around me. I am rather concerned with privacy and hate the reality that our gadgets are being used to gather data about us, which can then be used to create targeted ads to make us buy their products. I also hated that the government trolls can track down dissenters on social media and ask police to threaten or capture them to silence their criticism against the government.
I am reminded of the telescreens in 1984:
In Oceania, the upper and middle classes have very little true privacy. All of their houses and apartments are equipped with telescreens so that they may be watched or listened to at any time. Similar telescreens are found at workstations and in public places, along with hidden microphones.
I think the EAAS workplace has something similar in place and that secret dissenters had to find ways to avoid being caught as much as possible.