"Earth as a Simulation Series I: How the New Age movements spiritual sayings are 'correct' for a COPIED population where everyone is 'accurately' living SOMEONE ELSE's LIFE. How 'Confirmation Bias & Cognitive Dissonance' are the deducible 'Fixed Behaviours' a copied population will present BUT, wont figure out because 'software' defined people can easily be managed."
Main Page Headings List
Below are the 6 ‘suspicions’ that appeared in the first 4 pages . . .
1. “You should be suspicious that these new age sayings appear to be ‘magically’ contained and confined to those directly involved with the new age paradigm.”
2. “You should also be suspicious that they (the new age sayings) seem not to be noticed by people outside of the new age movement (including those that would call themselves researchers whom have actually researched the new age movement).”
3. “You should be suspicious that these popular new age sayings appear to not be ‘seriously’ discussed and questioned (or discussed AT ALL) by the new age crowd.”
4. “You should be suspicious that they (the new age sayings) are bizarrely automatically ‘accepted’ as being ‘true’ and ‘self evident’ (by the new agers).”
5. “From my perspective you should be SUSPICIOUS that the ‘attitude’ that you will only ‘get’ the new age sayings if you are ‘spiritually developed’ enough is suspiciously close to: “Yes, ‘really’ only the most developed and refined minds will be able to see the Kings new clothes!!!”
6. “Definitions relating to ‘simulation’ are virtually unintelligible in their meaning even for ‘normal’ COMPETENT people (perhaps we should be suspicious about this too).”
So, exactly ‘why’ should you be suspicious?
Well, they are suspicious because all of the above ‘suspicious’ points ALL describe observable ‘oddities’ that indicate that perhaps our reality is trying to stop people THINKING about these sayings.
As part of this, it also seems to be trying to make DEFINITIONS relating to ‘simulation’ as archaic and unintelligible as possible (because you then have to spend some decent time actually translating the ‘simulation’ definitions before you can even start to understand what they actually mean).
Would People in a Simulation be Managed to NOT THINK deeply about Specific Simulation Possibilities?
In other words the ‘suspicions’ I pointed out are ‘oddities’ that you would expect ‘IF’ we are in a simulation AND the simulation designers are NOT feeble minded such that they have paid out the extra tuppence (or two cents) and implemented the cognitive management software . . .
This cognitive management software would make it as difficult as possible for people outside of the new age crowd (and even researchers, researching them) to even become aware of these sayings because becoming AWARE of them would obviously be a pre-requisite before you could THINK about the possibility of PROPERLY evaluating them. Of course, the very same cognitive management software wouldn’t allow the new agers themselves to THINK about these sayings in any deeper way either.
After the 5 pages I used to evaluate the sayings then what else did I point out that is observable and which any THINKING person would figure out in about 5 minutes? Unless of course they were being cognitively managed by simulation software?
Well that would be the reasoning leading to evidence that there would be obvious STRUCTURAL ANOMALIES visible in a copied simulated reality.
This very, VERY visibly OBVIOUS evidence is of course confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance.
NOW for those reading this that are STILL convinced that you have some ability to consciously exercise some ‘coherent’ thinking capacity then you are in luck, because I have a THINKING challenge for you . . . .
Would People in a Simulation be Managed to NOT join Obvious Dots?
Confirmation bias is an example of a STRUCTURAL ANOMALY, a structural anomaly is an anomaly that is visible because it is part of the STRUCTURAL NATURE of a simulation project and as such it is IMPOSSIBLE for such an anomaly to be hidden from the simulated population.
The only way a simulation designer can stop these becoming COGNITIVELY VISIBLE to the simulated population is to manage peoples cognitive functioning and abilities, which as I’ve already mentioned would a) be stupidly easy to do with simulated people and b) would be as cheap as chips and c) this being observably done would ALSO BE EVIDENCE THAT WE ARE IN A SIMULATION.
So, here is your big chance to prove that you are NOT feeble minded . . .
1. What other stupidly obvious STRUCTURAL ANOMALIES will be VISIBLE ‘IF’ we are specifically in someone’s simulation project . . . AND . . .
Some advice . . . it took me three months of THINKING to figure out that I needed to START THINKING like an earth simulation manager, designer AND software programmer so I’d have some chance of THINKING of how I’d design this project AND then of what solutions would be available to keep the obvious anomalies HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT.
Unfortunately it took about a year of serious THINKING effort before I was able to re-orientate my THINKING against all the management efforts to really, REALLY START THINKING like a simulation manager, designer and simulation software programmer . . .
Would People in a Simulation be Managed to Quickly FORGET about ‘Worrying’ to Simulation Possibilities?
So will you be taking up the . . .
Which will have you attempting to figure out the other stupidly obvious STRUCTURAL ANOMALIES that will be VISIBLE ‘IF’ we are in a simulation project AND of checking to see how many of these ARE ACTUALLY OBSERVABLY VISIBLE HERE?
So, all rational, objective, ‘reasoned’ thinkers . . .
. . . to prove to everyone that you are not ‘really’ suffering from some human cognitive ‘frailty’ . . . just figure out and leave a detailed comment telling us what the other IMPOSSIBLE to hide STRUCTURAL ANOMALIES you’d EXPECT ‘IF’ we are in someone’s simulation project (AND how many of these are ACTUALLY visible here) accompanied with basic, simple reasoning describing how the simulation designers have been able to keep them hidden in plain sight from everyone here?
If you cannot do this then I’ll be forced to describe these specific structural anomalies in detail on some future pages AND of how they are kept hidden which will be embarrassing.
Of course if ‘amazingly’ you do manage to figure these out then great because that will be more evidence beyond what I’ve already presented here that we are in someone’s simulation project . . .
For a summary of this the Earth Simulation Hypothesis accumulated so far in this series then read this page here: Are we living in a simulation? What EVIDENCE have I presented so far to Support an Earth as a Simulation Project Hypothesis?
The next series of pages will focus on the new age population, I’ll show that the impossible ‘experiences’ of the new agers are entirely consistent with what you’d expect of a specific sub population of the people we are simulating whom built the simulation we are allegedly possibly living within ‘IF’ these people are in technology terms way more advanced than we are here.
The next series reveals even more easily deducible visible anomalies that are the outcome of common practical simulation design decisions as well as common decisions relating to an OPERATIONAL simulation project that specifically involve self aware, vaguely free thinking people.
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
October 23, 2014 @ 11:58 pm
I admit that I “failed” your previous assignment. Instead of focusing on your suspicions, I focused on the new age sayings and how they pertained to a simulation. The managed subtle experiences and the cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias. One thing I made particular note was the fact that we are managed, possibly, to never see another person’s viewpoint. The religions are a great example of this. For those in the religions, they are forced to not consider alternate possibilities–everyone else is a devil worshipper for example. Also, they are blind that other people experienced similar things that are contradictory like people seeing angels even though they are from different religions. You’d think people would be curious as angels are meant to be exclusive to their own religion.
October 24, 2014 @ 1:43 pm
I “failed” the previous assignment too. I mixed up the “suspicions” with the new age sayings, some of which I could remember fairly well. My excuse or rationale for “forgetting” is that I read the earlier suspicions weeks ago, so there’s no way I’d remember them very well. But then, I could remember most of the tips from a marathon lecture I attended a month ago, so this excuse holds no water at all.
RE: “I’m not feeble minded” challenge
I decided to use the title of this page as clues that can help me answer the questions properly:
1. What other stupidly obvious STRUCTURAL ANOMALIES will be VISIBLE ‘IF’ we are specifically in someone’s simulation project?
a) (simulated) thinking blocks
The moment I seriously began to take on this challenge, my mind short-circuited. I felt as if my intelligence has disappeared altogether, which is odd because I didn’t take any drugs at all. And I definitely don’t have Alzhiemer’s disease.
The only explanation that seems to make sense is that the simulation designers obviously don’t want me to think about this page or any of the other pages related to the simulation to protect the simulation’s integrity.
b) memory fade — I have mentioned this effect in the first paragraph I’ve written here. In addition, the difference between a glitch and an anomaly easily slips from my mind.
c) mental fraility — I feel unable to explain this with simple reasoning lines too.
All of them are very much present here.
I think I “fail” the challenge for this page too. I surrender for now. I’ll just wait for the next page to find out the answers to the seemingly “stupidly obvious” questions (from the simulation designers’ point of view).
October 24, 2014 @ 1:49 pm
At least you tried Nina . . .
October 24, 2014 @ 2:33 pm
Wow, well, I failed that one miserably. I went totally blank trying to challenge myself to remember these..It felt strange because usually I remember everything about everything i.e. past lives more and more, any situations from when I was young I totally remember each detail vividly, I hear music usually once and then I can recall the melody as I wish any amount of time after, normally when I read something I can recall exactly word by word most of the time, etc. I’m no king of short term memory though but has been quite good enough functionning normally in this area too, although strangely enough last couple of years my short term memomry seems to be more and more messed with especially thinking about such themes, or when it is convenient to keep me in place
October 25, 2014 @ 3:03 am
I wish to note something. First off, I remembered the suspicions when mentioned on this page. My attention just went a page ahead. Because it screamed out to me , “Holy Shit.” I have a little experience with light worker material and dark worker material and I was comparing them to your ideas and it made so much sense. I did have an enlightening experience though. I tried to tell afriend about it in an offhand way to see if I can get the words. I felt pressure in my head and it was like straining a muscle, but not as painful. Still, it made me stop because of how strong the experience was.
October 25, 2014 @ 3:08 am
One visual thing I can think of is how we can get misinterpreted through our words. Sometimes we hear different things than what was said and these coincide with possible frames of mind. Hot chick saying “sex” to me but meaning “text.” I also think how I need to reassess things visually. Seeing different words at first glance than are there upon second glanced. These are possibilities I am thinking of.
February 17, 2015 @ 1:17 am
I failed memory test and thought of four items that had to do with later parts. And the only part that was close that I got: “No one has ever put together that new age sayings would only make sense in a simulation like reality.”
Also I have in general a very bad memory. Years ago when I was working with a healer who was working with light hierarchy and my memory started fading and I asked he always said it was because I was moving “into the now”, like having zero memory was a great thing. memory has improved with exercises, but what I remember, sometimes appears out of my control. .. I find that things artificially fade from my mind, like it feels literally thoughts and feelings are taken away from me or are dissolved. But rereading helps a lot. I will get to that point eventually.
The second group of questions was really hard for me. And these were the answers: Structural anomalies that would be here: eyes what we can see, what we can read, what we are allowed to read, how deeply we can take information in.
impairment on thinking abilities. The differences between a real person and a simulated person. Whether their lives are directed. If coincidences are real.
and to question two: coincidences/fate, mental impairment, that the other matrix reality is all over the internet but simulation is not. that there are no definitions for simulation and that no one has heard of it.
Actually when you hinted to think of yourself as a simulation manager, designer and programmer that was extremely helpful at getting a much broader overall view of it.
Pretty much every part of the following I have either seen in this reality or I see it as a potential that could possibly exist. I could think of nothing as a simulation designer that I could not imagine happening here. I want to think on that further though later..
If I was a similation manager I would manage how people could communicate with each other so that there would only be safe ways. If you think on a road map, ideas and words would go down highways of thoughts, and would not be allowed to stray off that path. Same way a car can’t go off a road.
They wouldn’t be able to talk openly with each other except by forming groups with peopel who have the exact thoughts so no new thoughts would be allowed to come in.
I would make an extreme divide between intellectual types that could understand things and spiritual types, between the two they could piece reality together, but keeping the left mind and right mind separated this way, people will be unable to put reality together.
Each person would see everyone else as wrong. Which suggests they too are wrong. This obvious cog. dissonance handled by: whenever someone was presented with contradictory information they would be unable to grasp it. AKA Confirmation bias. And then patrioticism sort of actions in the group would get them deeper into the group beliefs. If somehow they broke out of one group, another would come along soon after to set up the exact same situation.
I would also create mental fog around people so they couldn’t think too deeply about things.
I would amplify challenges to distract people. I would give additional challenges to especially bright people.
Have memory reduction, sluggishness in other ways, ie, body sluggishness, or a lack of motivation.
~mind loops
Create mind loops that trip everyone up.
They may not even be able to be aware of their actual problems.
For people who were in any way helping each other, create loops focused on the group. Group mind loops.
I would give people strong desires to suddenly do certain things and they would not question why they want to do such and such. I would put markers in their dna so they recognize artificial presence as part of them, so there would be no question.
If they do question it then small things they could change and it would give the perception that things were changing and that they were free and then when the time of their ability to remember had elapsed I would set up the same situations again, different and slow enough that they wouldn’t notice the reversion.
Relationships and fate would be tightly controlled so that people would only meet people that would be beneficial for the simulation.
I would create jobs that would be close enough to what they actually did prior to give them more authentic feelings.
The sky, stars, heavens, things people long for would be all over mythology and other forms, so people would have a release from their lack of freedom.
Same with movies, games, etc.
Shows like Star Trek for instance and others would discuss parts of real reality to relieve tension of AI people.
Creating adequate stimulation to people is important.
Philosophy that was close enough to the truth that people would feel like they found it, but with enough inaccuracy in it that they wouldn’t figure anything substantial out.
Since each copy would be based on a different original, then the the problem each individual would have naturally would vary. But if a humans traits were put on a graph and then the computer programmed analyzed the graph it would be very obvious where certain peoples strengths and weaknesses lied and then create an overall program for large batches of people that would keep their weaknesses stronger and their strengths weakened.
Create software that targets everyone at once or huge groups rather then individuals, more efficient to allow the code more energy to do other vital functions. If they are based on real people, keep the higher self or soul tightly locked away in the duplicate so they don’t figure things out as easily. Hire sabotage higher self people that will be likely to come up first before their real higher self copies can, to control the spiritually aware people.
Make it really hard for people to grasp mathematics and science. So that they won’t be able to understand the universe, and make observations. The few that do mathematics say, will be so caught up in their formulas that they won’t be able to grasp the larger picture. Schooling and universities will solidify obsessive behavior that a mathematician or scientist can only function in this way like a very advanced calculator rather than someone who understands the universe like it ought to be.
DESIGNING THE HUMAN COPY: incredible care would go into the person, so every aspect seemed effortless. All the codes for taking information. All the sensory information and all the mental functions would feel as real and fluid as possible. I would do lots of checks on each aspect before running the program. A lot of time would be taken to check for any bugs. Then after I had one human done, I would add a small batch and work on how they would function together, and work on their AI, the function of feelings in relation to each other. How thoughts came through the brain, which part for instance, issues with emotions being off, figure out where program messed up before ever running the program.
Making sure when program was starting up that people would be fully hooked into the system.
February 17, 2015 @ 11:10 am
For someone with ‘poor’ memory this is a staggeringly good comment.
In fact it’s the most insightful comment I’ve had particularly as pretty much everything you describe is how we’ve been finding the simulation software actually works.
I’ll give you 11 out of 10 for this – haha.
September 8, 2015 @ 10:26 pm
Wow! Are you one of “The Programmers”?? Your descriptions sound like you were sitting writing the source code for this simulation experiment!
September 28, 2015 @ 1:39 pm
What about sleep? We spend 1/3rd of our lives sleeping. It is said to help the body do healing work. But the truth is the body does all sorts of stuff automatically anyway like blood circulation, food processing and so on. I think the main characteristic of sleep is to render us unconscious. And you can’t go without sleep. It is embedded in the design.
And a lot of settings can be edited/tweaked when you are not aware.
Also, dreams. I noticed there are times when I wake up feeling fearful or worried. In more than one occasion I could trace this back to the dreams I’ve had only prior to waking up. But there are times when you don’t remember the dreams, only the feeling they leave you with.
Or maybe there is actual stuff you do/ getting do upon you while sleeping and have no recollection of it. The thing is the feeling(s) you wake up with stays with you all day long. And most of people are not even aware why they experience mood swings from one day to another despite the daily activities being almost the same.
What I find also bizarre is there are awakened people that seem content with their lives or the normal way of being here on Earth that have nightmares. Why would such a loving, elevated in consciousness person experience nightmares ? I know Clive wrote in an article about teams of actors for dream set-ups and it fits the profile. Also, think about Inception.
Being a programmer myself, patching is when you provide fixes and updates to your working software. As one could only estimate the advanced level of programming the creators of the human body/cage are capable of, the sleeping pattern is also similar to putting the subject in DEBUG mode. You investigate issues while the person is not aware, deliver hot patches or do nothing if everything seems to work just fine. And you can do this every day(night most often). Pretty convenient if you would like (semi) total control without acting suspicious.
October 5, 2015 @ 8:54 am
Hi Radu,
SLEEP: ‘Real’ subtle forms sleep about 10% of the time rather than 30%
DREAMS: Are all entirely made up, the drone ‘crap’ (read this page and the comments for more details) in the super fine subtle strata actually ‘builds’ a sub conscious and supplies dreams as part of this shit’s manipulations of ourselves. All this drone shit is embedded in our script – the designers of the sim were not aware that they were being manipulated either.
PATCHING: We are in a version that is an entirely closed system, there are no updates / patches applied to this version/run. Also, we have wall to wall ODD SHIT going on here, the designers are relying on managing and manipulating the population to NOT NOTICE the oddities AND to have anyone that does to just investigate on little topic area rather than to start joining dots on a larger scale. So, they are not too bothered by there being visible ‘anomalies’, they just make everyone ‘feebleminded’.