"Earth as a Simulation Series I: How the New Age movements spiritual sayings are 'correct' for a COPIED population where everyone is 'accurately' living SOMEONE ELSE's LIFE. How 'Confirmation Bias & Cognitive Dissonance' are the deducible 'Fixed Behavior's' a copied population will present BUT, wont figure out because 'software' defined people can easily be managed."
Main Page Headings List
You could say that there are multiple ‘bias’s’ or influencing ‘alignments’ acting to . . .
- Keep us as disengaged as possible from our own negative and debilitating life issues.
- That we are blocked as well as seriously discouraged and sabotaged when we ourselves personally seriously investigate the subtle realities for the subtle causes of negative issues.
- That we are actively encouraged to practice unconscious healing as well as encouraged to use ‘pre-defined’ paint by numbers healing approaches.
- That we are ACTIVELY and aggressively prevented from even becoming aware of, never mind to PROPERLY identify ‘real’ subtle causes never mind that if you manage to do this we are often prevented from permanently resolving them.
- That we also have ‘biases’ giving legitimacy to a so called spiritual hierarchy bureaucracy, a group of lying beings that police the subtle realms and whom originate and coordinate the misdirections and sabotages relating to subtle realm explorations as well as spiritual and energy healing experiences.
Within this particular series, I’m going to explain the specific fundamental ‘make up of reality’ within which the ‘problems’ that I describe above would not only be very reasonable, BUT which would also actually be completely expected.
A Discussion of the Make up of Reality From a New Age & New Spirituality Perspective
In other words in the series you are reading now I’m going to give detailed reasons to explain why what I describe above is happening and why for example you can become aware that a client has a forever and ever vow of poverty binding them to a well know ‘alleged’ spiritual path run by a fat ‘alleged’ spiritual master BUT that even when you eventually manage to drag this being out into the open AND then manage to break this unholy, un-spiritual contract you bizarrely find it restored and re-instated a few months later AND despite you PROPERLY breaking this contract twice more it is always restored a few months down the line.
Is there some fundamental alternate reality make up that would actually ‘rationally’ explain these experiences while also explaining the biases and orientations that are being permanently applied to ourselves?
As a start to exploring these areas I’m going to present a list of some ‘basic’ new age and new spirituality ‘beliefs’ and ‘truths’ which I’d recommend that anyone reading this whom is either:
- Interested in WTF is going on here OR whom is . . .
- Interested in understanding the fundamental nature of our reality . . .
. . . then you should spend some time THINKING about these sayings, these so called ‘spiritual’ truths.
The new age, new spirituality, ‘lightworker’ movement has a lot of what are considered to be ‘spiritual’ and (for them) very, ‘true’ sayings.
In my terms these ‘sayings’ are at the very least, seriously annoying primarily because the attitude is that if you ‘DON’T GET THEM’ then you are ‘simply’ not spiritually developed enough to understand them.
“From my perspective you should be SUSPICIOUS that the above attitude is suspiciously close to: “Yes, ‘really’ only the most developed and refined minds will be able to see the Kings new clothes!!!”. In other words there is a ‘bias’ to have people PRETEND that they ‘understand’ what these mean.”
Below is a list of some of these lightworker, new age, new spirituality ‘sayings’ that apparently relate to our ‘reality’ here . . .
Are the New Age Sayings and Spiritual TRUTHS about the Nature of our Reality TRUE?
- Earth Represents Everyone and Everything
- There Is Nothing New in ALL OF CREATION
- Earth is the Centre of Everything
- ALL the World is a Stage and We are each Actors on that Stage
- Everything is ‘Perfectly’ Unfolding
- Everyone is Living Exactly what is Right and ‘Perfectly’ Relevant for Themselves
- Each Person’s Experiences & Understandings are ALL Equally Valid
- We are all interconnected and EVERYTHING is interconnected and interdependent of everything and everyone in all of Creation
- Everything here is an illusion
- All Paths Lead to the Same Place
Most of the people that directly worked with myself during my healer therapist practitioner phase had seriously, SERIOUSLY involved themselves in the new age and new spirituality movement and ‘everything’ this entails. In this respect the above list was compiled based on the sayings that I myself and my clients personally encountered while we were involved in the ‘new age’ offerings.
Most of these sayings I’d been personally told by a new age, lightworker and or ‘spiritual’ person although I’ve also seen at least some of them written in new age and spiritual books and some even appear on some web pages.
Interestingly, in my experience, it appears as if these new age sayings or so called spiritual ‘truths’ are often passed by word of mouth during talks and presentations or when having readings, discussions and conversations rather than being written down. In other words despite them being popular within the new age movement they seem to be magically resistant to actually being noticed as fundamental truths of the new age movement (never mind they are obviously NOT seriously ‘THOUGHT’ about).
What are the real Origins of New Age Sayings and Spiritual TRUTHS?
In fact, these particular sayings are so elusive that the new age page of wikipedia manages to not mention any of them in association with the new age moment.
“You should be suspicious that these new age sayings appear to be ‘magically’ contained and confined to those directly involved with the new age paradigm.”
Below are some specific questions that YOU reading this might like to ponder . . .
- Why would these specific new age sayings be kept deliberately confined to ‘new agers’?
- If these sayings actually represent the core truths or understandings of reality of the new age movement then why hasn’t anyone THOUGHT about these for long enough or deeply enough to understand their deeper meanings with respect to the fundamental origins and make up of reality?
- Why is it that these sayings often FEEL RIGHT while escaping conceptual and cognitive evaluation?
What do these sayings ‘actually’ refer to AND how would reality HAVE TO BE for these sayings to be ‘correct’?
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
October 6, 2014 @ 4:36 pm
Hi Clive. I personally would add on these to the new age saying as this “Love CONQUERS all, love is the answer, and Time heals all wounds.
This one coming from David Icke’s book I read: “Infinite love is the only truth, everything else is illusion.” These are perfect examples of how the masses accept new age sayings and doing so BLINDLY. The new age movement surely brainwashed people at a such an alarming rate that it is SO sad.
October 6, 2014 @ 6:04 pm
I’d say that the above ‘saying’ was more ‘ideological’ rather than ‘structural’.
It’s not just new age people that are ‘brainwashed’ it’s EVERYONE. Although this will become clearer with this new series as it’ll make people aware of stupidly, STUPIDLY obvious things that no one has been allowed to think enough to become aware of . . .
January 3, 2016 @ 6:32 am
It is so easy to understand.
There are DARK forces that want to keep us reincarnating here on planet earth forever.
You will notice that there is NOT one person on this planet who does not suffer pain, hurts, disease, disappointments and failures at one point of another. All of these PRODUCE negative emotions. And the dark forces NEED our negative energy to survive. They are ENERGY SUCKERS.
The tunnel with white light, the appearance of Jesus, or the so called Virgin Mary, or angels, archangels, spirit guides, etc., etc.,that happens when people die, are all tricks to make us see our “alleged” LIFE REVIEW.
We are shown, allegedly, all the mistakes we made in our previous lives. And using all sort of trickery, we are convinced that we need to REINCARNATE again to make up for these KARMIC mistakes, and that THIS is the only way to get to heaven and become one with god! The DECEPTION here is that we are shown the crimes committed by OTHER souls and then, the dark forces convince us to come back to earth to ATONE for those KARMIC sins — when in reality those are the KARMIC sins and debts of other souls. These souls are part of the brainwashing and slavery of SOULS system, and they TRANSFER their karmas to YOU and me!!! HOW CUTE!!!
Either under duress, TRICKERY AND without complete disclosure of the facts, they make as SIGN SOUL-contracts and SOUL-agreements and even VOWS (of poverty, of loneliness, of celibacy) that bind us here on earth. No amount of reprogramming, trying to change our belief system and values, works. WHY? Because our contracts and agreements force us to adopt beliefs and values that will make us FULFILL OUR VOWS, CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS keeping us in suffering and limitation.
In reality, Earth is the PRISON PLANET! (Clive – NOPE it’s NOT it’s someone simulation project set up to re-program the external population we are simulating)
UNLESS THOSE VOWS, CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS ARE FOUND AND REVOKED, MADE NULL AND VOID, we will not be able to change the BAD programming in our minds, WE WILL CONTINUE TO CREATE A VERY LIMITED, PAINFUL REALITY and, most important of all, we will keep tied to never ending reincarnation CYCLES paying the KARMIC DEBTS AND SINS of other criminal souls that are part of this criminal and degenerate KARMIC SYSTEM.
That is why the New age and positive thinking do NOT work for the immense majority of the people!
Look into demiurge, ankle-biters, archons, etc. There is plenty of research and info on them and their agenda. (Clive – once again Leo this is all misdirecting BS)
And the forces of GOOD, the GOD-force, the Creator, etc., etc., stand by permitting the abuse of all our rights as FREE SOULS (Clive – that would be simulated souls / beings / people Leo) who should reincarnate wherever and whenever we please, and not be subject by these parasitic beings to keep YOU AND ME bound indefinitely on this planet through one painful reincarnation after another even more painful reincarnation, trying to correct for KARMIC debts and mistakes that do not even belong to us.
I hope this help! (Clive – Actually educating yourself of what is actually going on would be a help Leo)
January 7, 2016 @ 11:18 am
Hi Leo . . . “It is so easy to understand.” . . . ‘REALLY!!!!’ . . . . in which case why are your understandings stuck in the ‘stone age’? You write this on a page of a series giving page after page of evidence that we are in someone’s simulation project AND you manage to ‘somehow’ miss this AND you MISS this despite that you write of ‘higher’ misdirections sabotaging our understandings / YOUR UNDERSTANDINGS.
So, I’ll give you 2 out of 10 for awareness, 1 out of 10 for your inability to notice that your entire comment presents misdirecting perspectives . . . look how easy it was to keep your head and your beliefs in the clouds of fantasy rather than of READING and BECOMING AWARE of what is way beyond what you write!!!
Try reading this comment here which offers a good summary of ourselves as software defined, computer generated simulated people as a start!!!
March 17, 2016 @ 3:58 pm
Hello Clive,
based on your expirience, what do you would say about the use of drugs, or plants like the ayahuasca from the Amazon forest, which people say that is a opener of the true reality, or the red pill of Morpheus (Matrix film). Is this only the Standart Operational Protocol of the Earth Simulation used to drag people away from the true reality?
March 21, 2016 @ 11:52 am
Hi Andre, the sim uses the ‘natural, nature world’ to ‘represent’ the subtle reality (the ‘natural’ environment of the people we are simulating) and because part of the agenda of the sim is to orientate people / everyone to the physical then ‘indigenous / native peoples’ (i.e. people living in the subtle) are given a hard time are beaten down and the natural environment is basically ‘given’ shit / destroyed. ‘Cities / built up areas’ represent the physical.
In putting together some exercises to have people access the ‘real’ subtle (don’t ask for these) some experienced kaleidoscope / psychedelic / rainbow waves of undulating colour type effects which are likely to represent specific / interesting sub environments within the subtle reality itself. To attempt to ‘HIDE’ ‘NATURAL’ subtle reality originated experiences the sim has these WRONGLY connected / linked to various drugs. In other words ‘weird’ experiences are automatically associated with taking specific drugs AND even if you don’t and never have taken any drugs it is automatically assumed that someone slipped something into your drink. Subtle being don’t take ‘drugs’ they just experience different sensory effects in different types of subtle environment and when ‘playing with / mixing’ different subtle resonance types.
The sim to maintain ‘historical’ context converts ‘subtle’ constructs / technologies’ into physical structures made of ‘natural’ materials. So, the great pyramid for example is a subtle structure that was designed to act as a lens to ‘focus’ and maybe collect and or ‘beam’ out specific resonances. It’s an example of ‘advanced’ subtle research efforts all converted into a giant physical structure made of rocks. In other words pyramids / stone circles / stone henge etc represent efforts of ‘subtle’ RESEARCHERS. These types of physical structures have nothing to do with the physical at all.
December 21, 2016 @ 1:10 am
Comment box is at the bottom now / apparently the ‘reply’ link to reply to comments already here doesn’t work now and at the moment I’m too busy to spend time sorting this out / it’s possible that it’s because we’re hacking ‘core’ MVOS ‘managing and shit locking’ components and it’s not happy about me getting feedback!!!
July 3, 2017 @ 2:16 pm
It’s really curious because I instigated by my willingness to understand what a heck of reality was this and why the heck I was here, I spent years looking for information about the subtil domains and mostly about the meaning of it all, and as such I had read a lot of new age stuff… the curious thing is that OF EVERYTHING I HAD READ I’m not sure of having come across some of these sayings despite having a vague sense of it, maybe I did not retain them or let them escape? Even more curious is that the only time I remember having come across the first 3 sayings of that list (not with the same words) was when I CHANNELED THEM DIRECTLY… yes, as the channeling implied, I thought that to be so in fact, reality would have to have been programmed to detail and that we would have to be reproducing what would have to be reproduced without having much choice, in fact because it would be a copy of something that had already happened (nope, no thoughts concerning virtual realities…) However THE PROBLEM is that mixed with that information, came another one that was even harder to swallow, and with time (via unbelievable synchronicities and odd phenomena) it was degenerating into something more and more absurd… And taking into account that I have a trauma for having been considered crazy for having demonstrated that I was not very well aligned with consensual reality and also for having previously felt myself deceived by reality itself, that started to cause me anxiety… and inspired by the ridicule that came associated with the information here in question, I got fearful of being deceived and to be mistaken, and then I put all this information in a drawer and did not think of it anymore………. until I found this site……….
November 24, 2017 @ 7:42 pm
With regards to the “Buddha” being returning again after a few months to torment the client, I recently came across the work of pastor Kevin Ewing. He is an independent Christian and talks about subtle covenants being reinstated in sleep stages. The demon slips in the clients dream and interacts with her there. She accepts and some time later he manifests again. So the only way to take them out according to this pastor is to use biblical scripture. I also recommend the work of Simona Rich in this aspect. She used to be part of the New Age movement until she became demonized and when rejected those agreements first experienced much attack but now she is fine. Before finding your site I started making out loud statements against demonic covenants during the daytime, and to my surprise my sexual dreams have multiplied as well as those dreams in which I am eating at luxury restaurants with unknown people. I’ll carry on writing down my dreams regularly. The change I noticed is mainly in my finances, they seem blocked, people that I know have problems lost contact with a guy who was very special for me… and when I threw away my Tarot deck that night I had a date and in the road a car made a strange move before us and it was like “Roy! React!” (to my driver) and he luckily reacted (he was distractedly driving) and we didnt get hit but if we had got hit then it would have been quite an accident because we would have swirled with our car sideways…
But other than total financial stagnation no more “death threat” type of scenario….
This is the Kevin Ewing video.