"Mandela Effect Anomalous Memories Investigation: This 18 page series (full list here) uses my own Walkers Crisps Mandela Effect experience to demonstrate how discussions of ANY/ALL Mandela Effect Experiences are all themselves consistently anomalous, specifically because essential/basic/important information relevant/central/critical to the 'ANOMALIES/EXPERIENCES' being discussed aren't even mentioned. In contrast, this series examines/evaluates memory 'composition' as well as important memory recall factors (feelings, emotions, internal states, inner sensations & awareness's (plus senses)) in attempts to not only 'highlight' these discussion anomalies while simultaneously providing comprehensive evaluation and analysis of the Mandela Effect memory anomalies, while even mentioning other apparently 'invisible/impossible to become aware of' memory anomalies too!!!"
Main Page Headings List
- My Own Personal Mandela Effect Walkers Crisp Packet Colour Switch Experience Described in DETAIL
- What Year did Walkers Crisps Change Colour? How Long Has The Walkers Crisps Mandela Effect Been Experienced?
- A Comprehensive Anomalies List Specific to the Walkers Crisps Mandela Effect Experience
- Do you 'REMEMBER', the Mandela Effect 'Discussion / Presentation': ANOMALY No5?
I going to repeat what I pointed out on the previous page:
“The only potential full spectrum experts of any anomalous experience, the people most qualified to properly evaluate an anomalous experience are those with FIRST HAND DIRECT EXPERIENCE of that specific anomalous experience itself.”
Which is probably a good opening/place for me to give own very detailed account of my own Mandela Effect experience, which follows below . . .
My Own Personal Mandela Effect Walkers Crisp Packet Colour Switch Experience Described in DETAIL
Firstly, as I’m self employed, writing and ‘running’ a few of my own web sites, which because this has me spending a lot of time in front of a computer then I tend to go out for a walk at least every other day. In that I live close to the centre of a small town then I don’t do a weekly shop. What I do is keep a list of what I’m running short of / need and I buy these when I go for a walk AND in that I have an EXCEPTIONALLY good memory then I ‘generally’ keep track of and remember ‘offers’ and price differences between the 6/7 shops that I make grocery/house upkeep purchases at. I generally save about 20% on my weekly grocery/household costs bill by shopping regularly and knowing where the same items are generally cheaper than elsewhere. One of the shops (a Tesco Express), I generally visit 2/3 times a week, since it opened likely 2/3 years ago. During this time, the store/product layout hasn’t changed much, so each time I enter the shop I always walk down the same isle which always takes me directly towards the crisps/snacks section where some of the Walkers crisps range are ‘right’ in front of myself.
So, on the day the crisp packet colours ‘changed’ I noticed this change ‘immediately’ (despite that I don’t generally buy Walkers crisps) and ‘internally’ I had a mixture of thinking ‘how stupid’ (as it would be easy for people to automatically pick up the wrong flavour crisps now), while I was also feeling slightly confused about this’!!! Overall, (in that I know that I’ve a VERY GOOD MEMORY) my immediate reaction was that the Walkers crisps company must be intent on committing some type of commercial suicide by winding up its regular customers!!!
However, over the next few days the slight confusion ‘resolved’ in that this crisp packet colour change/swap absolutely wasn’t realistic. Commercially for example, they’d not have been stupid enough to have done this. If they ‘HAD’ done this they’d likely have advertised this change and they’d likely be a POSTER above their crisp products in each shop selling them during the ‘colour’ transition phase. Basically they’d either lose money throwing away old coloured crisp packets OR there would be a few days/weeks where there was a mixture of blue/green packets in both crisp flavour piles (which ALSO didn’t happen).
The next time I check out the Reddit Mandela Effects page (likely a few weeks later), I notice some recent additions about the ‘WALKER CRISP’ PACKETS COLOUR CHANGE BIZARRENESS which a few people had commented on since the last time I’d browsed that page (including that the Walker crisp company had actually made a statement that they had made no changes to crisp packet colours)!!!
Having a company present a statement specifically about this phenomenon is direct confirmation of the prevalence of this specific Mandela Effect all on it’s own, isn’t IT!!!! However, the specific ‘wording’ of statement also makes it VERY CLEAR that the crisp packet colour swap experience is NOT RARE IN THE SLIGHTEST!!! Here it is:
“Contrary to popular belief, Walkers Cheese and Onion have always been in blue packets, and Salt and Vinegar have always been in green packets. We don’t have a plan to change this, as it’s signature to our brand.”
I’ve deliberately highlighted the “Contrary to popular belief” because this directly implies that it’s a POPULAR BELIEF/EXPERIENCE, i.e. it implies that MANY PEOPLE must have queried them about the changing colours of these crisp packet flavours.
In reading the comments on the Walkers crisp packet colour changes I find out that a few people (quite a few from the comments) noticed the walker crisp packets colour change and also ‘roughly’ at around the same time.
So, in an overall sense, it ‘strikes’ me, that not only is it UTTERLY UNREALISTIC that absolutely anyone should ‘suddenly’ (in some cases from one week or even from one day to the next since last ‘perceiving’ this item/these items) find that some common/regularly seen/tasted/smelt ‘item/items’ crisp packet seemingly ‘magically’ changes/transforms from one colour into another BUT it is also UTTERLY UNREALISTIC that the exact same ‘colour change/transformation’ simultaneously happens to two items such that they are both perceived as ‘now’ being each others past colour!!!
Even worse/more bizarre, is that this isn’t a single isolated instance, THE EXACT SAME MEMORY/COLOUR TRANSFORMATION OF THE EXACT SAME ITEMS doesn’t just happen to one person, the exact same thing actually happens (relatively speaking) seemingly to a largish group of people, some of whom are obviously having this happen at around the same time too!!!
What Year did Walkers Crisps Change Colour? How Long Has The Walkers Crisps Mandela Effect Been Experienced?
How is it possible that ‘ANYONE’, never mind MORE THAN ONE PERSON i.e. a significant number of people all end up HAVING ‘EXACTLY THE SAME ‘ALTERNATE/ALTERED’ MEMORY EXPERIENCE’, for EXACTLY the same two items, and ONLY these two items, out of 9 different products/ITEMS that are each in exactly the same packaging only differing in colour (and the product description) AND this has been recorded as happening for almost a decade, as a search for: “what year did walkers crisps change colour” returns at least one forum discussion including this topic from Dec 2008, although another ‘that’s here’ is from early 2002!!!
Anyone and particularly Skeptics (whom are actually our fake realities ‘integrity’ defenders) whom would like you to believe that someone/anyone could ‘miss-remember’ something/anything, that is actually of the colour of an entire ‘packet’ (rather than a small/tiny sub item/logo (like the dash ‘-‘ of a kit-kat)) AND that is of an ‘item’ that they regularly ‘see’ i.e. they are extremely ‘familiar with/regularly encounter’ and this is the case because they last saw this item 2/3/4 days ago, while coincidentally the same item has also been consistently seen for many years every 2/3/4 days, rather than for example of it being of something/an item that was both ‘obscure/rare’ while it was also of something that was kept in the back of a drawer, AND only seen once a year, which could ‘rationally’ then be ‘miss-remembered’ perhaps with respect to some detail BUT once again this is not likely to happen with respect to miss-remembering it’s entire colour . . . even worse, this specific colour change doesn’t just happen to this single commonly seen item, it happens to TWO ITEMS ‘SIMULTANEOUSLY’ . . . i.e. we are led to believe that we have supposedly miss-remembered TWO ITEMS THAT WE ARE FAMILIAR WITH AT THE SAME TIME because we now remember them as having each others colours in the past?
It’s not a surprise in the slightest that I’ve never seen mentioned never mind discussed any science postulated/identified memory ‘fault/switch’ that could be responsible for memories of two ultra specific items (out of 9 identical items (except for colours/minor text) in total) that ‘could/are’ responsible for this happening!!!
This happening absolutely doesn’t make any sense AT ALL!!!
A Comprehensive Anomalies List Specific to the Walkers Crisps Mandela Effect Experience
Let me be explicit and point out/list all of the independent ‘anomalies’ of this happening specifically with respect to this specific Mandela Effect:
- NO ‘APPARENT’ GRADUAL DEGRADATION OF MEMORIES: A very specific sub set of people EACH ‘SUDDENLY’ NOTICE that TWO CRISP PACKET FLAVOURS HAVE ‘MAGICALLY’ HAD THEIR COLOURS ‘SWAPPED’. The original colours seem to have been switched/swapped between BLUE <> GREEN!!!!
- THESE ITEMS ARE CONSISTENTLY ‘VISUALLY’ PRESENTED IN PLACES REGULARLY VISITED BY MOST PEOPLE: This specific Mandela Effect is of two ‘specific’ crisp flavours/packet colours i.e. TWO ‘ITEMS’ COMMONLY SEEN BY PRETTY MUCH ‘EVERYONE/EVERYWHERE, that coincidentally are often ‘STACKED/DISPLAYED’ right next to each other in most supermarkets/stores are noticed (by (relatively speaking) a small group of people) as ‘suddenly’ having their BLUE <> GREEN ‘packet’ colours ‘swapped’!!! Coincidentally, in that I walk towards a shop end shelf display ‘stack’ that pretty much always presents these two types of crisps in the large multipacks and such that I’ll ‘casually’ see/notice these EVERY TIME I’M IN THIS SHOP, such that it was these larger multi-packs that I noticed had changed/swapped their colours. Coincidentally, this is the same stack/display that I’ve walked towards and seen (in ‘passing’) the same display of Walker crisps packets for years AND even worse I’d have seen them every 2/3/4 days previously too. Hence you’d have to be severely retarded/mentally disabled to even suggest that there is any possibility of miss-remembering involved in this specific Mandela Effect for myself, an item that I’ve seen/noticed/been reminded of every 2/3/4 days for at least 3 years JUST IN THIS SHOP (I’d have seen the same in another 3/4 shops as I generally visit that number to buy specific things at least twice a week, EVERY WEEK too)!!!!
- THIS MANDELA EFFECT IS UNIQUE IN THAT IT IMPACTS ‘TWO’ SEPARATE ITEMS SIMULTANEOUSLY: Even more bizarre, is that the ‘magical’ colour ‘SWAP’ only happens with respect to two VERY ‘specific’ crisp packet flavours of very specific packet colours NOT BY ONE SINGLE ‘ISOLATED’ (perhaps memory befuddled) INDIVIDUAL, BUT by (relatively speaking) many people, AND many seem to notice this memory colour swap change as happening AT AROUND THE SAME TIME!!!
WHILE SOMEHOW IT CONSISTENTLY ‘ONLY’ IMPACTS THE SAME ‘2’ ITEMS OUT OF A TOTAL OF ‘9’ IDENTICAL PRODUCT ITEMS: Even more bizarre, is that the ‘magical’ colour ‘SWAP’ only happens with respect to two VERY ‘specific’ crisp packet flavours of very specific packet colours i.e. BLUE (Salt & Vinegar) & GREEN (Cheese & Onion) out of a collection/set of 9 DIFFERENT crisp packet flavours/colours in total!!! In other words, this specific memory change/swap appears to ONLY EVER HAPPEN for the exact same two crisp packet colours/flavours EVERY SINGLE TIME THIS HAPPENS!!!
This means that there are 35 (8+7+6+5+4+3+2) paired colour change ‘swap’ possibilities. BUT strangely ABSOLUTELY everyone whom is exhibiting this specific WALKERS ‘crisp packet colour swap’ memory anomaly all ‘simultaneously’ have this happening for the EXACT SAME TWO COLOURS/FLAVOURS!!! In other words, this happening isn’t in the slightest ‘realistic’ in STATISTICAL/PROBABILITY terms is it?!!! Although I’d also suggest that it’s likely also not actually realistic in basic human PSYCHOLOGY/BODY FUNCTIONING terms either!!!
- What would be the memory function/mechanism that is in error/becomes faulty that would consistently result in the colours of two specific items out of 9 separate items suddenly being perceived as having been each others colour in the past while this also consistently happens over at least a decade to different people, such that this very specific fault/memory error has likely impacted many 1000’s of people?
- Why does this just happen to the two same ‘WALKERS’ crisp packet varieties ONLY?
- Why is it ‘JUST’ happening to two specific colours/flavours out of a total OF NINE varieties that are offered by the Walkers Crisps range?
- Why is this also not happening to other, different types of snacks (in identical packets of different flavours that are of the same two colours as the Walkers crisp packets this happens to), I’ve personally done some searches around these angles and couldn’t find any ME examples of these!!!!
- Why is this specific colour swap error/fault NOT happening for a variety of other ‘identical’ paired items of the same different colours as the ‘offending’ crisp packets? For example:
- Two identical coffee mugs of the same/different colours?
- Two identical t-shirts of the same/different colours?
- Two identical ‘ADD YOUR OWN ITEM IN HERE’!!!!
- THIS HAPPENS TO THE TWO MOST POPULAR, MOST COMMONEST SEEN/PURCHASED ITEMS: Even more bizarre/anomalous is that the most commonly purchased crisp flavour is Cheese & Onion while the second most common is Salt & Vinegar, i.e. these two (and Ready Salted) are the ones most commonly prominently displayed crisp packet flavours seen in shops (at least where I live) which then automatically makes them the least likely to have people FORGET WHICH COLOURS THEY ARE such that they suddenly (from one shop visit to the next) find themselves remembering them as being in the exact opposite COLOURS!!! It would in fact ABSOLUTELY be much more likely that they’d forget/misremember and or mix up the colours of LESS COMMON. LESS REGULARLY SEEN/PURCHASED CRISP FLAVOURS!! For myself ‘personally’, it was only when I posted the picture above of all current Walkers crisp packet flavours that I realised that the only ones I’m ‘really’ familiar with and can remember the packet colours of are the Salt & Vinegar, Cheese & Onion as well as Ready Salted, most of the rest I’d not be sure about in terms of their specific packet ‘colour’!!! Basically the Mandela Effect anomaly is specific to the two flavours/colours that will/should be the most easily REMEMBERED/RECALLED!!!!
- THIS HAPPENS TO 2 SPECIFIC ITEMS THAT ARE ‘LIKELY’ VISUALLY SEEN AT LEAST WEEKLY FOR YEARS, & PERHAPS EVEN DECADES: This is also despite that these ‘specific’ items will likely to be regularly ‘SEEN’ never mind picked up/handled (while taken through check out) and then again when being unpacked/stored at home and or when being eaten such that it/these specific items will be ‘viewed/seen’ at least on a weekly basis, never mind perhaps ‘daily’ (at least for some people). Let me be VERY blunt, this ‘ISN’T’ an item bought once a year which is then stuck in the back of a drawer out of sight as well as OUT OF MIND/MEMORY making it then somewhat vaguely ‘realistic’ that the occasional person would occasionally ‘misremember’ it’s colour!!! In other words, this happening isn’t in the slightest ‘realistic’ in BEHAVIOURAL TERMS either is it?!!!
- THE ‘EXACT’ SAME MEMORY ANOMALY IS CONSISTENTLY EXPERIENCED BY MANY, MANY PEOPLE FOR THE EXACT SAME ITEMS: In reading forums/discussions/comments, it appears as if many people have experienced the exact same anomaly for the exact same two crisp flavour packets. Strangely, no mention is ever made of this happening to other/different Walkers crisp packet flavour/colour combinations and strangely no one comments on how strange this SPECIFICITY actually is either!!!
- MANY DIFFERENT MANDELA EFFECT EXPERIENCES ARE IMPACTING MANY, MANY PEOPLE: Given the abundance of very different Mandela Effects that have been described on the internet because many people have been impacted by them. Comprehensively covered on different pages linked from here for example with the ‘commoner’ ones listed here, which describe ‘MANY’ of the more noticeable/commoner ‘items in our reality’ that have been documented as ‘changing’ by a few/a significant number of people, then this phenomena appears to be REGULARLY OCCURRING/HAPPENING WITHIN OUR LIVES/REALITY HERE!!!
Just to illustrate this in ‘REAL TIME’ let me repost the question that I already asked above/earlier:
“What is the STUPIDLY OBVIOUS AS WELL AS ‘STARK’ DIFFERENCE between pretty much any specific Mandela Effect memory anomaly relating to ‘ANY’ item (say the KitKat one) compared ‘specifically’ to the Walker Crisps Mandela Effect?”
The Walkers crisp packet Mandela Effect anomaly is spectacularly different from other Mandela Effects memory anomalies in two ways:
- Because it’s of memories of the colours of two different items being SWAPPED.
This is very different compared to the Mandela Effect Kit-Kat as well as the Pikachu anomaly examples both of these are of people having a memory alteration/change with respect to one distinct characteristic for each of these specific items, while the Walkers Crisp packet anomaly is of your memories of the colours of two essentially identical items being swapped. I.e. the GREEN salt & vinegar packet is remembered as being BLUE in the past while the BLUE cheese and onion packet in now remembered as being GREEN!!!
In that on the Mandela Effect pages I’ve read people investigating/speculating upon these Mandela Effect possibilities while not ever highlighting/listing the above 8+2 anomalous points suggests that there is YET ANOTHER ANOMALOUS CHARACTERISTIC associated with the Mandela Effect which is that people investigating/speculating upon these are ‘OBSERVABLY’ NOT ALLOWED TO BECOME AWARE OF, NEVER MIND DESCRIBE/DEFINE HIGHLY ANOMALOUS CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MANDELA EFFECT EXPERIENCES and particularly in terms of their BASE ANOMALOUS CHARACTERISTICS / HOW DIFFERENT THEY ARE COMPARED TO HOW PEOPLE & OR REALITY ARE ‘EXPECTED’ TO FUNCTION!!!
Do you ‘REMEMBER’, the Mandela Effect ‘Discussion / Presentation’: ANOMALY No5?
“No one comprehensively ‘INVESTIGATES/DISCUSSES IN DETAIL’ the specific circumstances/unfolding experience that relate to the specific ‘ITEM/THING’ that the MEMORY ANOMALY IS FOCUSED ON/ASSOCIATED WITH, WHEN IT FIRST HAPPENS!!!!”
Let me ‘reframe’ what I’ve pointed out so far in an attempt to make you realise just how utterly bizarre/anomalous/IMPOSSIBLE Mandela Effect memory anomalies actually are, let me make the ‘implications’ of this exceptionally clear!!!
‘IF’ people/humans had ‘something’ of themselves that caused their memory to go ‘FAULTY’ for some very, VERY specific sub memory item (for example, as a ‘KitKat’, as ‘Pikachu’ or any ‘iconic’ character/item, or the music/lyrics of a POPULAR song, or regularly bought/eaten ‘CRISP’ packets) . . . each of which (in most cases) are often regularly seen/heard/smelt/tasted while never mind perhaps also regularly invoking ’emotions/feelings‘ . . . such that you’d expect this memory fault/change to manifest within INDIVIDUALS under very specific conditions and or perhaps ‘seemingly’ randomly (i.e. with respect to may different ‘items’, not just repeated anomalies over time related to the SAME ITEMS)!!! What you’d absolutely ‘NOT’ EXPECT is that the very same memory of the VERY ‘SAME’ SPECIFIC/COMMON EVERYDAY ‘ITEM’ would ‘suddenly’ become ‘faulty’ and or ‘CHANGE’ IN EXACTLY THE SAME WAY for a set of SEEMINGLY RANDOM/UNCONNECTED PEOPLE, in some cases perhaps AT ‘AROUND’ THE SAME TIME, PERHAPS EVEN ‘AT’ THE SAME TIME while in the case of the Walkers crisps packet colour swap specifically, this seemingly doesn’t ever happen for other colour combinations involving IDENTICAL ITEMS of different colours, and this is despite the fact, that ALL OTHER COLOUR combinations are seen less often, in some cases WAY LESS OFTEN. In other words, all other crisp packet colours would have a higher probability of being ‘misremembered’ compared to the ones that end up ‘APPARENTLY’ actually being misremembered!!!
Why does this just happen for the same two specific crisp flavours/packet colours FOR ALL PEOPLE THAT HIS HAPPENS TO?
Why is this ‘recorded as happening’ ONLY to the ‘Walkers’ BLUE/GREEN crisp packets and not other makes/companies crisp packets?
>> These is absolutely ‘NO WAY’ that this could/should happen in a ‘REAL’ reality <<
HOWEVER, in that this obviously DOES HAPPEN (and REGULARLY) then this directly implies that the only rational conclusion you can come to is that ‘something’ has defined and has initiated/is carrying out a deliberately instigated/coordinated ‘memory transformation’ program likely very specifically to ‘NEGATIVELY/DETRIMENTALLY’ impact a very specific and perhaps even ‘pre-defined’ sub set of people because for each Mandela Effect item, they each exhibit exactly the same type of ‘FAULTY’ memory for exactly the same ‘VERY SPECIFIC’ item/items, at least when compared to EVERYONE ELSE/RECORDED HISTORY!!!
In that the eight (plus 2) points that I’ve made above actually DESCRIBE/DEFINE some of the recurring/common base ‘ANOMALOUS’ characteristics of these specific types of experiences in terms of the ANOMALIES/IMPROBABILITIES that these types of MANDELA EFFECT experiences REGULARLY EXHIBIT then you would expect that the SAME OR SIMILAR POINTS THAT I HAVE MADE ABOVE TO HAVE ALREADY BEEN MADE by others/those spending time trying to ‘UNDERSTAND/FIGURE OUT’ these specific types of anomalous experiences and this would specifically be the case, because they DEFINE very precisely the ‘angles/aspects’ of these experiences that are INDEPENDENTLY highly anomalous, i.e. I identify and list all of the aspects of these experiences that quite simply DON’T ADD UP/DON’T MAKE SENSE!!
One person having a specific memory recall problem of a single item that is RARELY SEEN/HEARD/SMELT/TASTED is perhaps ‘possible/realistic’, while the same type of memory problem with respect to something that is SEEN/HEARD/SMELT/TASTED ‘REGULARLY’ as in weekly or even daily which would be a ‘REALISTIC INCIDENCE’ at least for some of the Mandela Effect examples (and very definitely for the one that impacted myself) never mind that for some Mandela Effect items they are seen/viewed/experienced for many, many minutes and perhaps even for HOURS AT A TIME (as Pikachu would be) perhaps even on a daily basis . . . each of these factors are ANOMALOUS on their own . . . never mind that it should also be considered ANOMALOUS that this ‘memory fault/aberration’ also happens not to one single person but in some cases many people all of whom are likely to have been impacted by this independently of each other (they weren’t with each other at the time this happened) whom ALL recall/remember/experience EXACTLY THE SAME ‘SOMETHING’ as then having ‘CHANGED/TRANSFORMED’ in memory terms INTO THE EXACT SAME ‘SOMETHING ELSE’ . . .
NOTHING OF THIS is in the slightest ‘REALISTIC’ for an alleged ‘REAL’ REALITY!!!
AND . . . particularly with respect to the following points, which coincidentally, I’ve already covered in detail/mentioned A FEW TIMES above/on these pages such that you WILL ABSOLUTELY HAVE ‘RECENTLY’ READ THEM and so should then remember them unless your memories of relevant information is being deliberately, selectively faded out/messed with!!!! :
- Many people would all exhibit exactly the same memory problem/change/alternation for the exact same items AS EVERYONE ELSE/OTHERS that this also happens to . . .
- This is particularly the case for the Walkers crisp packet Mandela effect, because this anomaly is also anomalous because it ALWAYS JUST SEEMS TO HAPPEN for the exact same two items out of a collection of 9 identical items, which means that the memory swap only happens for one paired combination out of 35 possible combinations . . . that are also . . .
- Often, all regularly visibly displayed in the same place, next to each other . . . while . . .
- The two specific flavours of crisps/colour packets that are the exclusive focus of these specific memory anomalies/problems are the two commonest produced/purchased, most commonly seen packets of all of the walkers crisps varieties (in memory terms they should be more strongly impressed/resolved compared to the others) . . .
- While also being of specific items items within our reality that most people will see at least once a week, while often they’ll be seen WAY MORE REGULARLY, because (for example) they are included as part of lunch boxes, because you are eating them, because you’ll also see others eating these flavour of crisps too . . .
- While in the case of Walkers Crisp packets, these things/items have been around/have been regularly/consistently ‘in VIEW/SEEN’ by many people in the population literally for decades . . .
All of which would suggest that the cause could be . . . ‘???’ . . . ‘ANY IDEAS’?
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
May 31, 2018 @ 5:30 pm
The original ‘update’ comment is a few lines below, immediately below is a list of other ‘informative’ comments which I’ll keep adding to (latest will be at the top (clicking on the one you want will display/take you to that comment immediately))!!!
Feb 2019 Update link CLICK HERE
15th October: Update link
11th August: Update link
1st June Update: Tommy/Olivia/EVERYONE ELSE . . .
The ORIGINAL ‘Current Status’ Update is below:
The last 3/4/5 months have been ‘SHIT’ because the ‘maintain’ everyone in shit ‘shit’ versions and particularly the more numerous shit versions that PROTECT these have been getting more aggressive/extreme/torturous over this period (for those directly hacking these at least) likely ‘because’ it’s running out of new shit versions to activate . . . so new shit versions and protection of shit versions ‘sets’ have dropped off in ‘real’ number terms enormously over this period i.e. from literally 1000’s a day to (generally in the last two weeks) to way less than 10 on average (‘mostly’ it’s 1 or 2 a day now), although ‘competency/aggressiveness’ have been progressively increasing (you could say it’s been relying on wearing me/those close to me down over the last 5, 10+ years (fortunately it’s not managed this (been close a few times though))) . . . ‘SO’ because we’re now ACTUALLY getting consistent access to the areas that hold/store and or that represent peoples ‘shit’ and we’ve reduced ‘backup’ versions of these down to nothing/next to nothing then some of you ‘may’ find yourself shift into a noticeable decent/BETTER space . . . BUT it’s also very ‘possible’ that this will revert within a few hours/a day or so . . . as well hidden remaining ‘maintain people at all costs’ shit sets activate in panic and try and restore/revert people back to the levels of shit in the past . . . this has been happening to some people I have direct contact with (AND ‘me’) over the last few weeks/months anyway . . .
Bottom line is that we ‘seem’ (AT F***ing last) to be getting close to getting out of the other end of this torturous ‘sewer/shit’ accumulating set up/system . . .
. . . I nearly forgot, the above is the reason why new pages ‘HERE’ have been getting less and less over the last 2/3/4 months, basically because they are a distraction/have not been important with respect to my long term ‘priorities’!!!!
There is a focus a few comments below
May 31, 2018 @ 8:26 pm
Fair enough thanks for telling this can’t wait till you killed the system Clive do you still need us to do focuses? I have been doing them almost daily
May 31, 2018 @ 11:25 pm
Thanks so much for the update. The overwhelm from Jan to end of April has been totally crazy. Had to stop doing focuses for a while too as not handling paybacks. Dreams, illness, health scares, kiddo issues, financial strain, sudden astronomical unexplained fines, etc etc…. so much shit keeping me busy I haven’t had time to think; barely had room to breath (or read here!) Nearly desperate enough to find a quick fix (read: antidepressants) but somehow managed to find strength from somewhere and keep up the battle. The warrior in me managed to just about keep my head together. I do scream or shout in frustration occasionally, I don’t cry often, but the screaming and punching pillows and crying over the last few months must’ve really concerned my neighbours….let alone my poor hubby & daughter. Still slightly apprehensive to do a proper focus as May seemed a lot better. More relaxed. Not sure I’m ready to go through more of the emotional / noise in my head / shit / high oscillating vibrations / tension / overwhelm again just yet.
June 1, 2018 @ 12:15 am
Tommy/Olivia/EVERYONE ELSE . . . Having ‘for the most part’ broken through the ‘protection’ shit we’ve found that the subtle bodies for specific people had basically all been encrypted/jumbled (to make each pretty much impossible to access/investigate properly) so in the last 24 hours we’ve managed to convert this back to the same ‘open’ format as everyone else’s subtle body data format BUT these now also seems to have yet more protection networked within and between those . . . so, this is now ‘sabotaging/firewalling/limiting’ access to all of these specific peoples subtle bodies (most of this group will likely include you reading this) . . . so if anyone here wants a focus to work with/use likely just for the next 24 hours then use the one below (I’ll delete it // maybe add another when this is ‘cracked/done’ we need to target something else) . . . we are rarely unable to solve a specific hacking/access ‘problem’ (when we become aware of it) in less than a half day now . . .
FOCUS “I connect to myself/absolutely all ‘betrayers and ‘key’ people’ and then to absolutely anything/everything in my own/our/their subtle bodies and subtle body ‘data’ that has been, is now and or that could ever contribute in the slightest to myself and to ANY OF THESE OTHERS experiencing absolutely any debilitating/limiting effects/symptoms and or particularly absolutely ANY of the specific negative/debilitating/limiting effects/symptoms that I’ve personally experienced recently/in the last 6 months . . . “
The OTHER FOCUSES on this site I’d ‘now’ leave unless you specifically feel ‘nudged’!!!!
June 4, 2018 @ 2:10 pm
Our subtle body (you know the invisible one that academics cannot deduce as likely from all of the evidence) ‘data’ is ‘holographically’ encoded/encrypted (same as for our memories (as I pointed out on this page here)). In that this ‘format’ makes it very difficult to investigate, then this means ‘shit’ hidden within your subtle body is a nightmare to track down . . . which is a bit of a piss take as remaining ‘sophisticated’ shit seems to be hiding within this data.
However in the last few hours we’ve managed to decode and unpack so that all subtle body form items/paraphernalia is now easily ‘examined’ AND as must of you reading this are likely to have ‘shit’ messing with you that’s been hiding within the subtle body it would ‘help’ current shit reduction efforts if you use/work with the below!!!!
So, EVERYONE try/play with the below which may possibly be updated over today (do once wait and then maybe do 4/6 hour later (I suspect that by the end of today we’ll have dealt with ‘whatever/ALL’ shit within these areas within 24/26 hours from posting this comment).
“. . . I fully and absolutely connect NOW to absolutely all scripted/subtle body components/resonances and or to all patterns/textures resonance combinations/emissions and particularly any that directly or indirectly mesmerise, bewitch, beguile, becharm, enchant, en-trance and or otherwise gradually influence and or re-orientate, change and or control absolutely anything/any aspect of myself and or anyone else/others and or particularly via wirelessly, remotely ‘broadcasting/emitting’ and or via phasing in or out, synchronising, matching, resonant harmonies and or otherwise ‘harmonically’ tuning/attuning/resonating to influence absolutely any matching patterns of resonances, frequencies, vibrations and or harmonics or any textures/patterns of these and or absolutely any combinations of these and or by synchronising through time absolutely any combination of these and or particularly to generate and or broadcast absolutely any orchestrated, dynamic, harmonic compositions/resonances/emissions and particularly any combination of combinations that are dynamically applied and or interwoven/interchanged/imprinted and or layered and particularly over time . . . I fully and absolutely connect NOW to absolutely each of these types of scripted/subtle component/components that ever, EVER contributed to monitor, detect, respond and or to initiate defences because I could or am now searching for, investigating and or am intent on understanding/finding and or dealing with WHAT I AM DESCRIBING HERE . . . I fully and absolutely connect NOW to absolutely EVERY SINGLE subtle component and or combinations of these contributing to mask, obscure and or imprint/enhance and or amplify and particularly to dynamically/covertly negatively influence, impact and or to influence/control and or take control/maintain control of absolutely any aspect of ‘anything’ of myself/any others and particularly in the last 30 seconds . . . in the last 10 minutes . . . in the last 24 hours . . . and or the last week . . . and or through time and or during any pre-defined synchronised phase or phases though time . . . “
June 8, 2018 @ 9:51 pm
Hi, I came accross this site when I was feeling really worried/anxious and was seeking someone who had experienced the same. I don’t understand much of what you are talking about, but for the past 2 years, feel like I’ve been waking up and I started getting “downloads” in my head; I started wondering if we really are in a simulation consisting of only 10k people duplicated. That we are perhaps all experiencing the “universe” in multiple “bodies” simultaneously. I seem to get a lot of visions like movies playing through my head of future events, I get ideas pop into my head that I feel I need to creatively execute. I see people who seem to carry the energy of someone close to me, yet I’ve never met this person before, but they don’t seem to be aware of it, nor does the person close to me seem to be aware that they are duplicated.
June 11, 2018 @ 1:24 am
It’s mostly the other way round Belle // we (as copied people) and as a population are ‘missing’ a lot of people that the person we are a copy of met (we here only represent 0.2% of the original population or 1 in 500, so for every person here 500 are missing). So ‘here’ many people we meet are given an overlay of ‘someone’ that’s missing/not actually here for us so in effect a lot of people we meet are actually being used to ‘represent’ someone else. This is going on all of the time.
You / everyone reading this, you might sometime ‘catch’ yourself with someone and find yourself behaving significantly different perhaps even weirdly and or out of character/not in alignment with your ‘normal’ persona/personality. This is ‘YOU’ being ‘adjusted/having the characteristics of someone else overlaid onto yourself’ because you’re being used as a stand in for the person you are meeting in effect you are temporarily playing/behaving as if you’re someone else . . .
To be reasonably ‘accurate’ people that the ‘shit’ simulation we are living with in DOESN’T LIKE AT ALL have multiple copies incarnated and specifically into ‘difficult’ families/cultures (saudo arabia / dubai / North Korea and other places) as part of giving them all a hard time. So, basically all ‘shit/difficult’ experiences/traumas/stress’s etc are then fed back into all duplicates so as to increase their ‘shit/traumas etc’ as fast as possible!!! For the next incarnations they may have accumulated enough to only then have one incarnation in one place!!!! So, this person if they accessed their past lives would find that they’d had say 10 at the same time in history in parallel!!!
So, this isn’t a simulation bug it’s a fuck people up faster creative ‘feature’!!!
June 8, 2018 @ 1:25 am
Thank you Clive for the update and this focus.
When I do this focus, what comes up are the same issues I have extensively documented – that being all of the mountains of frustration, set-backs, let-downs, disappointments, resentments, traumas, unable to let go of past girlfriends, work stress, the myriad of negative emotions as a result and sources that may be emitting shit into me (but I am speculating as I dont know for sure). These are more or less the same things that repeatedly come up for me in my journey doing the various focus exercises you have developed.
So not much new material is coming up for me and maybe that is perfectly fine or maybe I am being blocked from accessing other shit. I am still stuck in the extreme symptoms that have been going on for the past 3 years.
I feel like I have so much shit – layers and layers of it that I don’t know whether any of the things I have extensively documented even scratch the surface in moving towards healing the extreme symptoms.
You and your colleagues would have a better sense.
I will continue to do this focus 2-3 times a day.
June 17, 2018 @ 2:02 am
Thanks so much Clive for the new article. It really helps to continue to try to understand things. I have been struggling to get back to posting comments. All kinds of family issues, extreme financial bills, emergencies, house repairs, car issues, medical, etc consuming all of my time. People are being very mean to me and not themselves and lashing out. I feel like saying something but always hold back. Very strange things have been happening. I am regularly followed by cars as I am driving very long distances – they stay on my tail for one hour and then just disappear. Many are official cars. I also am getting very strange bug bites on my head, and legs, and am used to working outside and there is no reason for this, and I never had had bug bites this large ( 2 inches in diameter) before. In addition I have gained 10 lbs., out of no where, and my weight has not changed in 40 years. My dreams are torture and they all consist of family members trying to hurt me or speak poorly about me.
I was driving the other day, to run some boxes to a friend about an hour away, and got there about 11 am. As I was leaving my friends driveway, I briefly lost track of where I was /all time and I looked at my car clock and thought ” It is 11 am – I better get going to deliver these boxes and why am I so late in getting this done?” After about 5 minutes I recovered where I was and realized I had already done this errand and was one my way back home!
July 3, 2018 @ 5:46 pm
Thanks for the new focus’s which I’ve done a few times now. SOP for me is falling asleep, totally zoned out for a good few hours. The first time I’ve done a proper focus in months due to all aforementioned shit in my previous comment. Did this again 30 minutes ago and noticed eyes (particularly left eye) moving rapidly left and centre repeatedly as if trying to access data. After sometime of this happening, eyes moved fully to the right and left. Felt some heavy “interference”. Headache or a sense of my brain being squeezed under pressure. I don’t remember everything, apart from being inside a box with someone else, but that someone else was also me. I was fighting or trying not to “go back in” but I couldn’t get out. The box was upright and closed over my head. Took me quite some time to reconnect to my physical body “here”. Had to make a conscious effort to “climb back into myself” here after tuning in.
Three side notes: I’ve managed to start reading your site again, but feel exhausted after, so can’t do it often. Some of your new and updated pages with the links won’t load (server stops responding) but I keep at it. Auto correct is going ape shit creating odd words here as I type so this makes less sense. Have read over and corrected what I can. Hope this helps!
July 15, 2018 @ 3:57 pm
I don’t know where to post this comment, so feel free to put anywhere where it seems most appropriate or not at all haha.
In one of your previous comments you said that we are in VR reprogramming and specifically designed sophisticated shit have been inserted to our scripts. As well as the access to our scripts (350 thousand people) is blockaded/stonewalled. Recently it seems you have been able to access to our subtle bodies/scripts. You mentioned that we don’t need to do any focuses (besides the latest 4th June exercise). All is done automatically. I wonder why the cause of these shitty/debilitating voices haven’t been found up until now.
I have read nearly all comments of other people and didn’t found such problem in any of these regulars/commenters other than happening for a little time period not like me: 7-8 years continuously. There was a case with Tommy which you confirmed that the voices are due to Dollhouse imprints/tech. Because of these never-ending voices that has caused worries/anxieties/nightmares/constant fear it seems so hard to focus on anything lest even doing exercises properly. No matter what exercise I do, the same symptoms (feeling pressure inside my head/pain and high-pitched noise in my ears, extreme chest pain/pressure, jerking of body parts, shaking, overlaid crappy visuals, feeling of something inserted into my spine/neck and brain stem area and so on). (don’t want to bother you/take your time by talking about endless symptoms either!!!)
I don’t know my involvement in EAAS at all. Is it possible due to being tortured in VR departments/environments in EAAS or in another VR setup? Is it even possible what may be done in VR construct somewhere (AI or robotic people/drones in this VR f**king/torturing me) thus being able to hear the voices here in “physical” simulated version of myself?
I don’t even know whether other teams either have hijacked my own tech/implants or installed their own ones (puppeting tech) to debilitate me with never-ending voices (screaming, bothering, giving crappy advises as well as monitoring/controlling my thoughts/actions). Once you said that it may be due to uploaded AI versions of myself in my head when I sign in to AAHS more than a year ago and did the exercises you advised. I have stuck in these many assumptions/confusion bubble in more than 6 months. Ops maybe entirely in the last 8-9 years.
Could you tune into (if you would have a spare time at all!!!) or your team check for any one-off tech/as well as other shit (subtle crap/PRU crap, sim components, drone shit) or at least give me some context via dreams/visuals/icons/symbols?
I feel the constant voices/high pitched amplified background noise/screaming are being generated by some tech and transmitted to my tech in interfacing suit (around my head/inner ears) via wirelessly/ultrasonic as if it has been taped over and over again. It has also function that somehow changes the normal environmental sounds/especially other peoples’ voices to the shit in specific times (e.g: while doing exercises). It is also used for programming (diabolic/contradictory messages) in the subconscious. I also seem to get some set of voices other than the constant looping ones. These may be the beings who control the tech and whoever/whatever they are it seems they are using the best ways to distract me. I don’t want to be manipulated heavily by tech/shit.
Last time I did the exercise few weeks ago and went to sleep and saw myself/my energetic body strapped onto slab and the ghost like beings (maybe special invisible avatars to fool me off) performing something on my energetic body and also sensed ball-shaped drones/tech were swirling around my head (beaming frequencies/resonance signatures to keep me locked/contained to the same shit). I couldn’t move my arms/other body parts no matter how hard I tried. It seems that my original form has been f**cked up/been hacked. I think your team did found out the swirling drones and removed them or maybe they aren’t using these anymore.!?
Once you told that drones are responsible for subconscious/etheric construct and dreams as well and you have stripped all drone strata shit. So, this means there should be no drones either in our script or somewhere in environment?
Yes, I get that meaning of comments is to give detailed explanation of visuals/experiences but this comment lacks details because I haven’t get any detail or visuals at all in any exercise that I have done nearly every day in 3 months period except the last one (instead I’m being bombarded with crap/overlays in my inner visual field).
October 15, 2018 @ 3:17 pm
REGULARS READ!!! AS I EXPLAINED IN THE LATEST LINKED UPDATE/COMMENTS we’ve been ‘stuck’ because remaining very well hidden shit versions have collected and stored and are then determinedly/independently maintaining each persons specific shit pile/effect/symptoms, since that specific comment, I’m pretty sure that we’ve got rid of the last embedded ‘within’ our MVOS system tech and or data doing this (specifically the last shit set was designed/embedded within an extra, just designed into our specific MV, an added in FAKE subtle to physical ‘SYMBOLIC’ transition reality STRATA which were being used to maintain ‘OUR/EVERYONE’S’ shit issues (the series ‘Ghost Wars’, ‘Hannibal’ and ‘Ice Fantasy’ represent ‘some’ of these EAAS FU ‘design’ efforts)) . . . however after getting rid of the last ‘maintain’ shit sets within our EAAS system the same issues/shit are now being maintained by ‘shit/tech/systems’ not only outside of our MV further BUT also further up the data/experiment system . . . which, despite it appearing to be impossible, we’re also dealing with!!!!
For ‘others’ imagining that they’ve some valid questions and or suggestions/advice, then make an effort to remember that 99.9% of these have already been answered here, of course, you ‘MIGHT’ be put off at the suggestion that you read all of the pages presented on this site 2/3 times before considering writing an equivalent potentially time wasting question/query ‘comment’ on the grounds that you’d have to spend some decent time ‘educating/fully appraising/informing yourself’, which is to be honest EXTREMELY ODD because the time it would take to read these pages 3 times would only amount to a fraction of the time it’s taken me to figure out what is presented here NEVER MIND THE TIME TAKEN TO WRITE/POST THESE HERE IN A ‘DECENT’ FORM . . . what is written here is the outcome of 4 decades of concerted effort, the last decade and a half it’s the outcome of ‘daily’ as in day in day out/no days off, none trivial effort (The drone shit for example I first accessed and explored and dealt with (in the MV ‘outside about 13/14 years ago and then ‘inside/in here’ about 6/7 years ago) . . .
July 17, 2018 @ 4:53 am
I did the latest focus before going to bed the night before last, and while I didn’t get anything after the initial reading I had this strange dream where I had this giant, black spider with a large round body and long, poisonous fangs sitting on my solar plexus. I remember focusing in on this spider, and I could physically feel it sitting on my solar plexus with its fangs hovering where my sacral chakra was, and I felt completely terrified. I didn’t dare move and I couldn’t remove it because I knew if I tried to do anything to it, it would bite me and I would be in agony.
May 23, 2020 @ 3:43 am
Here’s a clip from a SkyNews where a red budget folder suddenly turns green on live TV. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsymzzkmVpw
June 14, 2020 @ 1:30 am
Haha, that’s very funny!!!!