"Earth as a Simulation Series I: How the New Age movements spiritual sayings are 'correct' for a COPIED population where everyone is 'accurately' living SOMEONE ELSE's LIFE. How 'Confirmation Bias & Cognitive Dissonance' are the deducible 'Fixed Behaviours' a copied population will present BUT, wont figure out because 'software' defined people can easily be managed."
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“Would you expect there to be observable differences in the behaviours, attitudes, understandings, beliefs and responses between a simulated copied person in a simulation compared to a real person living in a real reality?”
Would there be differences that would be observable and perhaps even noticed and even (god forbid) measurable?
For the earlier ‘Each person is an actor’ page I wrote . . .
“If we are in a simulation then each person will be very accurately living the life of someone else”
What does this imply or even actually really MEAN?
Well, what this means is that each person is emulated to exhibit the same behaviours, the same personality, the same ideas and the same understandings and beliefs as the person they are simulating.
ALSO, I will yet again REMIND you that to maintain the accuracy of each person in a simulation they will deliberately be KEPT aligned to the person they are simulating at all costs. In this respect, they will be ‘nudged and manoeuvred’ to take in the same degree of information and to hold to the same understandings and to make the same choices and decisions. They will be a member of the same social, political and or work group, they will exhibit the same thinking patterns, the same feeling responses AND they will be emulated to make the same ‘significant’ decisions at the same time as the person they are a copy of.
Will a Simulated Copied Persons Behaviour be Different to a Real Persons Behaviour in a Real Reality?
Because of the above, then ‘IF’ we are living in a simulation then as simulated people we would be observably locked into our behaviours, interactions, our understandings and our beliefs AND this would be true even with the respect to the scale and sophistication of our thinking compared to a real person in a real reality.
Under the above circumstances then the following would very, very likely be OBSERVABLE . . .
It is very likely that you could present easily understandable information to a simulated copy of a person to help them become aware that for example their ‘behaviour, understandings, beliefs and choices’ aren’t perhaps as sensible or ‘rational’ as they imagine in a basic sense.
It is very likely that you could repeatedly present information divergent to what a simulated copied person is being FORCIBLY held to AND they’d still have little or no capacity to change their behaviour or their understandings or their thinking or their beliefs or their decisions as they will always automatically be reverted to what is defined by the script of the person they are an accurate copy of.
Let me give you a REAL LIVE example of this . . .
‘IF’ the people we are allegedly simulating are living in a real ‘reality’ then while they are living permanently, moment by moment in that ‘real’ reality and environment they will build up solid and unchanging understandings and expectations relating to ALL THE CHARACTERISTICS OR A REAL REALITY.
Will a Simulated Copied Researchers Behaviour be Different to a Real Researchers Behaviour in a Real Reality?
‘IF’ we are simulating such people AND particularly researchers, as in academics and scientists from the original ‘real’ environment then these original researchers will in many case have spent their entire research life studying a really ‘real’ reality and as such they will end up with embedded understandings, behaviours, responses and EXPECTATIONS of how they CONSISTENTLY day in day out found their ‘real’ reality to REALLY BE. Their understandings will become embedded and instinctive.
‘IF’ we are in a simulation then anyone simulating one of these researchers with their engrained expectations of what a real reality is actually REALLY LIKE would NOT actually here respond rationally or realistically if their simulated reality presented even seriously obvious flaws or anomalies. They’d automatically assume that the flaws were not real because in an accurate simulation the 24/7/52 experience of the real person they are simulating whom lived in a real reality wouldn’t have EVER encountered any reality oddities or anomalies AND as such they’d actually be STRUCTURALLY cognitively blind to any potential ‘reality’ faults that they encountered within a simulation.
A simulated researcher in a simulated reality that encountered evidence, information or claims that didn’t conform to their EMBEDDED EXPECTATIONS would likely exhibit an IMMEDIATE ‘IMPOSSIBLE’ response while also exhibiting severe difficulty in RATIONALLY & OBJECTIVELY thinking about or evaluating ANYTHING that didn’t conform to their embedded SCRIPTED expectations.
As someone whom worked in science as a scientist for 16 years I can unreservedly confirm that I have personally observed the above automated responses and the absurd inability of so called objective people to actually be objective and rational when presented with possibilities that don’t conform to their (very obviously built in) expectations.
The inability of a simulated person to take in and ‘objectively’ evaluate information that is significantly different compared to the information and understandings of the person they are simulating is one of the ‘Absolute’ STRUCTURAL differences that you can EASILY deduce will be OBSERVABLE ‘IF’ you are a very accurate copy of someone else because this will result in you being completely FORCIBLY aligned to the original persons attitudes, behaviours, ideologies, decisions, understandings, expectations, interests and so on and so on.
You could likely repeatedly present information divergent to what the person they are accurately emulating is scripted as being held to AND they’d still have little or no capacity to change their behaviour or their understandings or their thinking as they will always automatically be reverted to what is defined and scripted of the person they are an accurate copy of.
This is exactly what you would expect ‘IF’ you are in a simulation AND it was IMPORTANT as part of what would be a very, VERY, EXPENSIVE simulation project to retain accuracy.
- Just to make this VERY CLEAR, an accurately copied simulated person living in a simulated reality would automatically and ALWAYS present divergent behaviours compared to a person living in a real reality.
- The divergent behaviours exhibited by a simulated population cannot be hidden because they are the natural and the easily, EASILY deduced OUTCOME OF having simulating copied people living IN A SIMULATION PROJECT.
- Just to make this extra, EXTRA CLEAR these divergent behaviours cannot be changed or altered without sabotaging the objective of the simulation project. As a simulation designer, you are STUCK WITH THEM.
- As such a copied population being rendered in a simulation project will automatically ALWAYS exhibit these specific STRUCTURAL ANOMALIES.
- These structural anomalies are ANOMALIES that the designers cannot IN THE SLIGHTEST avoided having visibly and observably presented WITHIN THE SIMULATED POPULATION.
In other words in a ‘real’ reality there wouldn’t be ANY noticeable ‘confirmation bias OR cognitive dissonance’ AT ALL.
In a simulated reality with accurate, simulated as conscious people then EVERY SINGLE SIMULATED PERSON IN THAT REALITY would exhibit confirmation bias. Even worse there is absolutely no way to avoid having your population exhibit confirmation bias without compromising the accuracy of your simulation.
In other words . . .
Confirmation Bias & Cognitive Dissonance are examples of STRUCTURAL ANOMALIES.
They are STRUCTURAL anomalies because it is ABSOLUTELY, COMPLETELY & UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE to avoid having EACH simulated person in a simulated population exhibiting these anomalies.
‘IF’ your population is exhibiting confirmation bias OR cognitive dissonance then this would not only be evidence that you were in someone’s simulation project BUT it would be proof of this.
‘IF’ as a simulation designer you deduced and therefore KNEW that your simulated population would exhibit confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance AND you also knew that ‘IF’ your population figured out WHAT THIS MEANT then it would be a DISASTER FOR YOUR EXPENSIVE SIMULATION PROJECT then what strategies would you implement to ensure that your population didn’t join these unbelievably stupidly simple dots?
What would you do to make sure that under specific conditions your simulated people would give a seriously good impression of being feeble minded because apparently they cannot even be begin to THINK of seriously OBVIOUS, STUPIDLY SIMPLE THINGS?
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
December 4, 2014 @ 6:54 pm
Hello Clive,
Uh, major brainfog formulating the question…
If we live a simulation of someone elses life and have no free will or highly reduced freedom and most events of inner and outer nature are predefined (which I can confirm for myself and the people around me – in very obvious and crude ways), than would it be possible, that when we reach the point in the simulation, that is beyond the building and starting phase, i.e. the moment of conclusion, that there will be no definitions for future events and we will have ‘considerably more’ free will?
Yesterday I returned to your page after more than a year and read all pages regarding the simulation. A week ago I had a lucid dream, in which a group of unseen people said “We are the Builders.”. In my dreams I often see the backdrop of the scenery as being fake, like in a theater, the sky is painted on the ceiling and the landscape ends in a wall, endless doors behind doors, no way out and various prison scenarios. By day I often see grids and changing symmetrical ornaments with eyes closed.
Oh. I must conclude here, because I get very dizzy now, racing heart and chakras or whatever going crazy.
December 4, 2014 @ 7:11 pm
Well, you’d hope that end ‘conclusion’ would be the ‘one’ however this is the end of 4th simulation cycle and the imaginary ‘real’ freewill hasn’t kicked in yet has it?
It sounds like the sim is even more aggressive with yourself here than most people which makes sense if you’ve some ability to ‘see’ the facade. I’ll be putting some pages up in the next week of people I’ve found that were simulation ‘testers’ whom evaluated the ‘quality’ and translations applied in here. They’ve very interesting experiences.
February 12, 2015 @ 7:47 pm
if we are in the 4th simulation, then perhaps with each new set of simulations there will be a change in each from the other. Maybe either people will break out faster each time, and it will be easier because it’s been done before. And also more may be involved, more of creation for instance may end up in the simulation to better make it a reality..
February 13, 2015 @ 4:44 pm
It’s the 4th run through of exactly the same simulation putting us through exactly the same circumstances (as copied people).
What you write Sandra, actually isn’t possible in a simulation. This is why I gave definitions of simulation and matrix because no one has a clue. I’d read the simulation pages a few times to get a foundation baseline.
December 6, 2014 @ 1:29 am
That is interesting Anna. I had a lucid dream also, but I thought I was getting rid of an implant. The implant was the size of a water heater and it looked all complicated mechanical thing. I tried to get rid of it, but couldn’t. Then I looked back at behind it and there in another room with windows was a TV crew projecting this implant through a camera. I kindly asked them to leave and then unkindly asked them to leave this space. I thought I was getting rid of some sort of awkwardness as I had been knocking things over and generally thinking I was being clumsy. The “implant” was removed but the place it was previously was had marks where the legs were anchored. If fact there were still metal attachments there in the floor. Maybe it wasn’t an implant. I’m commenting because I felt I really felt like I did not want to comment at all.
December 8, 2014 @ 7:47 pm
What you wrote, here, gives new perspectives to what I experience constantly, whenever I am here, attempting to read and write to give food for thought for others (as well as in my daily experiences). I have found that with every single person I have known, who has the tendency to state or show intention to do something distinct from their daily lives even if it is as simple as THINKING of it (and may feel stoked to do it,) but somehow, some way, forget all about it later on, and behave as if the initial idea or opportunity never existed; to the people I addressed this phenomena to, none bothered to delve deeply into the cause behind this suspicious behavior, and almost always seek to end the topic at once (sometimes vehemently. from people who would usually behave otherwise,) Experiencing this again and again made me see people as very inorganic, and robotic in persona; like an old role playing game. This is so common that I would find it hypocritical if anyone ever states that they have NEVER experienced this happening, including from themselves.
I, personally, know well that I am competent in many areas, and have plenty of free time to develop my skills or explore the city, and yet find myself diverted to all sorts of entertainment if I so much as THINK about investing time in anything conducive to my life. Going by the logic of this series, I must be simulating a person that has spent very little time outside of Media hubs/Virtual Realities.
I definitely have more to say about this, but I cannot remember what exactly I was planning to say, earlier, in spite of having repeatedly thought about it, for for days.
June 29, 2016 @ 4:26 pm
I recently thought I saw an undeniable ‘glitch’. A blur of an animal ran by us outside the fence and then a few moments later the same animal ran by at a normal pace, it was the same shape, color and size and was a grey fox, though I have never seen one before in the urban areas. It was unnatural. Had to mention it. Also, I have to admit my mom called, as if on cue, like The Truman Show, while I was reading these articles and we briefly discussed The Mandela Effect, which has intrigued me lately and also been part of what might be matrix glitches. Some people remember some things and not others. My mother continued to babble to discourage these lines of thought and I realized she was a simulated person. I now realize I know many, and it makes me feel weird to be forced to acknowledge that my mother is one, but I must admit, there are many people like this, who cannot take in the facts or apply them. While it may be that these people are trying to fit in, I believe it is more likely they are to keep the others of us in line. Make us question our own sanity, lead us down the trail of ‘normality’ or social conformity. They probably outnumber us to maintain social or political agendas. And then when social agendas change, they change on mass, as if these people have been suddenly reprogrammed. One can see this with the gay agenda, one year it is taboo and now suddenly it is mainstream and acceptable as well as gay marriage. That is one example. These people seem easily programmed by national media, while the minority of us sit back and shake our heads saying, this doesn’t make any sense. While there might be endless lines of explanations. Or perhaps, their memory wipes were too good, and ours didn’t take all the way.
July 1, 2016 @ 10:49 am
Hi Christina, you’re getting a little confused ‘everyone’ here is a software defined person including you. So, what you are describing means that you are simulating someone that interacted with ‘fake’ software defined people in a VR, as this fake people in a VR ‘experience’ will be part of your software script here and as a result you have people around you being presented as if they are ‘fake / software defined’.
You could try working with VR experiences investigations 2 & 3 which ‘may’ provide you with more details of these scripted experiences!! The full exercise list is here.
November 7, 2019 @ 9:03 pm
For the longest time, I didn’t know how I fit into the matrix. I had no idea how I fit into the EAAS project. Now, I know. I am/was a single woman, a middle manager. I was very good at my job, I loved to travel by myself. In this lifetime, I am married, work in a medical field and am anxious about being by myself. I’m terrified of going to protests, especially by myself. I also interviewed at a big tech company and it was one of my more interesting and worst interviews ever. I felt abused. I also have many vague memories of belonging to some sort of resistance in past lives. I’ve been killed, tortured, whatever. I feel resisting is reading and commenting on this website here. Now I want to delete this comment.
One more thing: I noticed my vision was pixelating as I was trying to write this and another comment, so more glitches occur if the matrix is putting in more managing scripts. I’ll try to remember this.