I am sure that some reading the previous page/section might present some, ‘What Advanced WTC Building Technology’ reactions!!!
In which case, can you ‘identify’ anything that specifically peculiar/strange about our single planets, profusion of world trade centres?
Isn’t it ‘odd’ that we actually have world trade centre buildings/towers pretty much everywhere (one or even more in many individual countries), strangely they are also not individually named as being a specific countries trade centre i.e. they aren’t named in ways that are more realistic with respect to them each representing a specific country or group of countries such that ‘realistically’ you’d actually expect each to be named in ways that would more accurately reflect that it’s a specific country “X’s” ‘International Trading Centre’!!!
Such that say Italy’s trading centre building would then be called the ‘Italian International Trading Centre’ while the Russians would have their own ‘Russian International Trading Centre’ etc. etc.
However, if each trading centre building here is actually directly ‘representing’ an actual entire planet or many planets or even an entire disc world, then wouldn’t it be likely that it would be referred to as that specific world or collection of worlds: “WORLD TRADING CENTRE”.
Coincidentally on the World Trade Centre’s web site they present the following world trade centre description:
“A World Trade Centre brings together businesses involved in international trade from around the globe. The World Trade Centres Association, headquartered in New York City, is the umbrella organization for over 330 World Trade Centres in more than 100 countries.”
Now, if you translate the above in terms of different places on our planets surface here actually directly ‘representing’ either different planets and or bits of copied and pasted disc worlds then the above would suggest that the original many inhabited planets multiverse had inter world/inter planetary system trading centres, associated with 330 planets/disc worlds with perhaps the headquarters or central ‘hub’ of these associated with a specific place, that within our cut down reality version here seems to be being represented as the ‘New York’ World Trade Centres Association Building!!!!
So, if you think about this for a while, then any specific planet acting as a ‘world or worlds’ trading centre is then very, very likely to offer the ability for traders arriving with goods within space ships somewhere to dock and unload as well as load any bought/traded items inclusive of places/spaces to display and also to buy and sell goods!!!
Interplanetary Goods Traders & Tourists Space Port Docking Possibilities Discussed
In other words some individual planets or any even a specific group of local planets/disc worlds trading centre would very likely include means to accommodate the docking of different trading space ships perhaps inclusive of convenient/easy means to directly convey goods up and down between what would likely be an orbiting platform and the local planets surface.
In this respect the use of a permanent space elevator between some fixed ground based building and a ‘kept in stationary orbit above the ground facility’ space station to which traders from other worlds would then dock to ‘trade’ would likely be the most realistic option and particularly within a multiverse whose technologies are (very obviously) way in advance of our own!!!
In checking wikipedia I found the following written on space elevators:
“A space elevator is a type of planet-to-space transportation system using a cable anchored to the surface and extending into space. The design would permit vehicles to travel along the cable from a planetary surface, such as the Earth’s, directly into space or orbit, without the use of large rockets. The space elevator concept appeared in 1895 by Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. Inspired by the Eiffel Tower in Paris, he considered a similar tower that reached all the way into space.”
In that any upper ‘fixed position’ space station would offer amazing views of the planet below then it’s very likely not a coincidence that the very top floors of New Yorks World Trade Centre offer both a large restaurant called the ‘Windows on the World’, a smaller restaurant (called the ‘Wild Blue’) plus a separate bar called (‘The Greatest Bar on Earth’) within floors 106 and 107 (only 3 & 4 floors from the very top) of the North World Trade Tower hence then likely offering spectacular aerial city views from these.
So, if the top floors of the WTC are actually ‘really’ representing a space station, then they would automatically present spectacular views of the earth from space very likely from places that would sell food and drinks to those that wanted to take in the amazing views.
Interestingly, the actual view of the earth from space if you where actually on a real space station (rather than the view from the top of a large building) could very, very easily be summed up as ‘Wild Blue’ (see photo on the left here)!!!!
Coincidentally, the actual ‘real’ view from the top of the towers (at least from the actual muddy coloured water visible ‘bay’ side) can be seen via the photo on the right above here.
The No Inter System Space Trading Infrastructure, No Space Vessels nor Orbiting Space Platform Problem
Coincidentally if an actual tethered to the earth via an elevator tower space station was actually attacked from space the direct cable elevator connection would very likely seriously stress the land based tower, very possibly enough to make it keel over and or completely collapse.
However, it is also possible (because the orbiting station will have being specifically designed to always STAY DIRECTLY ABOVE THE GROUND STRUCTURE IT IS DIRECTLY TETHERED TO), that it would actually stand a reasonable chance of falling directly onto the lower tower it is tethered too, which would perhaps then cause it to completely collapse!!!
A Lower Tech Reality Version Will Present Alternate Lower Tech Versions of Original Structures & Vehicles
Also, any directly attacked and hence then structurally damaged orbiting space station would very likely lose it’s atmosphere, perhaps particularly through more vulnerable windowed ‘viewing’ areas, such that anyone within the space station, in the equivalent of a restaurant or bar, perhaps there specifically to take in and enjoy the spectacular views (of the planet below) would then stand a reasonable chance of being ejected into space, after which I’m sure at least in some cases (based on their ejected trajectory) this happening could potentially have them falling all the way to the surface of the planet.
Interestingly, two of the companies with business’s within the ‘world’ trade centres that collapsed were called Majestic Star Yacht Chartering & Pluto Commodities!!!!
Also, if the earth is made up of many copied and pasted land pieces from many different inhabited planets and or disc worlds then planes/commercial aircraft here (even ones just flying between states never mind different countries) would then actually ‘symbolically’ be representing commercial space craft specifically taking people between one planet in one solar system to another planet within a different solar system.
In other words (to sum the above up) interplanetary and inter system craft would very likely dock with and disembark passengers directly to a space station above a planet which is also likely to have a space elevator type arrangement specifically because they’d likely try to avoid having inter planetary craft travelling though the atmosphere to land directly on a world (too dangerous).
The bottom line to the above ‘speculation’ is that many trading places directly associated with a planet would very likely have and use a space elevator, such that trading vessels would always then approach and then dock with a space station.
Coincidentally, the danger with this above described very ‘logical’ arrangement is of interplanetary craft being used and or even hijacked, taken over and then piloted specifically to have them crash into the upper tethered to a space elevator space station directly!!!!
While writing and re-writing this and the earlier 911 delayed technologies event section while also then thinking about the space port possibility, I remembered a film called ‘The 5th Element’ very specifically because part of it includes a journey on a commercial passenger transporting space ship very specifically of a design suspiciously equivalent to a modern international aircraft.
In checking out this film directly for scenes showing the space liner specifically I am then reminded that a fair part of the film was based within a very high tech version of New York (with flying vehicles everywhere).
Interestingly, within the film the space liner is presented not only taking off from New York BUT from a location that is very, very close to the location from where the twin towers should be. However, strangely the twin towers themselves are actually missing from this film.
This film (to myself) very strongly suggests that at least parts of New York could be representing a city within space i.e. a very large city scale/space station/orbital platform.
The Living a Duplicated Life Anomalous Accuracy In Duplicating Important Details Problem
Isn’t it possible that certain duplicated/copied reality ‘things/events/experiences’ are so important that they have to be duplicated i.e. ‘lived’ extremely accurately!!!!
While checking out the film I found the below which was written by someone working on the 5th element film itself whom is talking about different aspects of what was involved in making the film!!!!
“And I can’t remember what we were working in, maybe Prisms, it was kind of rough to get the whole thing set up. But then we started animating to the boards, and when we were ready Luc came in to start reviewing some of the shots. And we were so happy that he didn’t talk about style or finish quality or anything, he just started directing the shots. He started doing his job right away like he’d been doing it all the time.
And, this is a little aside, but it came up in a conversation I had recently with Luc’s visual effects producer Sophie Leclerc on Valerian. She said Luc could direct the previs because he had the whole movie in his head, and then she did a funny thing. We had lunch together about a month or so ago and she did a funny thing where she said she’d asked him a question about story or about shots or something like that, and he’d lift his eyes like this and think about it for a second and then come down and give her a straight answer, and that was it, that was the answer. And that’s the way he always was with me too. And to me he’s looking up and playing back the movie in his head and just seeing how the cut works with your shot in it. He knew the movie, you know he had the movie in his head, and he was just executing what was already in his head. So that was neat, that was really cool.”
I’ve also read similar accounts to the above not just for films BUT also with respect to people writing some books too.
Basically if we are actually living within a duplicated reality then this means that many aspects of our lives are pre-defined, and some aspects of some peoples lives will have to be very precisely defined because likely the person they are a copy of influenced many people very specifically via a book they wrote and or because of a film they contributed to making. It is in fact very, very likely that in the duplicated reality under specific circumstances it’s actually exceptionally important that the end result is a decently accurate ‘duplicated’ version of the original such that they will essentially then be directly internally fed the book or play or film script in exacting detail.
Basically, under these circumstances you’d likely have the book/story/screen play directly ‘channelled’ i.e. fed into their head, very likely IN AMAZING/EXACTING DETAIL!!!!
How would advanced space travel, space vehicles and particularly those involved in commercial space travelling incidents/accidents/crashes and particularly major ones be presented here when we don’t have anything of these as part of out current societies?
Interestingly shortly after writing the above section I watched a science fiction series called ‘The Event’ which has an air plane identical to our ‘international’ air craft ‘manifesting’ in flight in the air somewhere above the USA to then crash in a desert. However, before help arrives a few of the survivors leave the crash site while the rest are taken and then kept imprisoned when they are later identified as none human ‘aliens’!!!!
For myself personally the scenes covering the ‘materialization’ of the airplane gave me the strong impression that it had actually just dropped out of hyperspace.
Basically you have what is a ‘normal’ looking international flight aircraft full of people that seem to be of Persian/Arab origins seemingly magically materialising out of nowhere to then crash. Those that leave the crash site then do everything they can with the money they have to setup a company specifically to then build an earth orbital communications satellite which on being launched then goes through an unfurling and activation process after which it then orientates itself to send signals out into space i.e. the survivors are trying to directly contact and hence then get help from their own peoples on their OWN HOME PLANET!!!!
Two Trading Space Station Platforms Right Next to Each other Are Perfectly Placed For Anyone Daring Enough to Try to Space Walk (or jump) Between Them
Before the twin towers attack the original two towers where not only very close to each other BUT they were both exactly the same height to the flat topped roof area.
Coincidentally, if the top of each of these towers is actually really ‘representing’ an independent geostationary space station, then (in space) they must actually be very close to each other. In which case isn’t it be somewhat possible (if not reasonably likely) that some dare devil type would attempt to do a free space walk/jump between the two geostationary space platforms?
Basically isn’t it likely that some dare devil type would try and make it from one space station to the next IN A SPACE SUIT rather than say, via a space shuttle?
However, to do this they’d have to very precisely launch themselves from one space station on a very, very ‘precise/exacting’ STRAIGHT LINE trajectory in an attempt to ensure that when they arrived at the other space structure (very likely) at a very precise place where that they can safely anchor themselves and or otherwise be ‘caught’ maybe even by someone waiting on the other station!!!!
Coincidentally, the below was written by Philippe Petit, a tightrope walking artiste whom did something pretty equivalent to a space walk/jump between two space type structures by walking across a rope/wire which was strung between the the very top of the two world trade buildings:
“That gray morning of Aug. 7, 1974, the twins, separated at birth, acquiesced in a temporary union, as they welcomed a trespassing poet determined to etch his destiny upon the sky. I linked them with a smile, that of my cable’s catenary curve.
The curve of my involuntary smile mirrored that of the cable as I took my first steps. The towers whispered in awe. At mid-crossing, I sat down to contemplate the horizon and noticed that it, like my balancing pole, was slightly curved; the towers had imparted to me a most important discovery: “The earth is round!”
They quieted down the moment I genuflected, so that I could hear the clamoring of the astonished audience that had gathered a quarter of a mile below. The towers kindly held their breath as I lay down upon the wire, they eavesdropped on my silent dialogue with a red-eyed seagull that hovered above me.”
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
October 2, 2020 @ 5:56 pm
Update . . . this is a very odd ‘phase’, personally (over the last week or two) I’m feeling as if I’m having many ‘adjustments’ made and particularly re ‘Clives’ functioning/abilities/interests. However, I’m also being ‘magically’ sabotaged specifically in writing as all 3 of my mice are not responding to clicks as they should i.e. sometimes I have to click 5/6 times before it registers. Overall it makes ‘selecting’ via the mouse, say for copying and pasting and or to ‘edit’ anything a nightmare. It basically, now takes ages to write and edit/re-edit and hence then these piss-taking mouse problems have been seriously sabotaging ‘writing’ anything in general and more so when I’m writing and editing new evidence pages which are been made more and more difficult to work on/edit/adjust/extend!!!
I should point out that I’ve used multiple malware and antivirus packages etc and I’ve nothing of this type detected indicating that I’m basically being magically sabotaged in ways that I cannot counteract (in other words buying a 4th mouse would be a waste of money).
In this respect, as far as I can tell (after thinking about these sabotages) upper ‘owners’ of the data system we are living within I’m sure are doing this deliberately as part of their agenda re ‘Clives’ here (those that are aware they are in a data system and or trying to define it, understand it’s objectives and or hack it)!!!! Basically, from my point of view they seem to be subjecting me to various investigations and adjustments which seem to be focused on my subtle ‘tech’ enhancements specifically in alignment with their objectives of the functioning and focus of ‘Clives’!!! In other words they seem to be making adjustments to me and specifically to the design of my subtle tech that ‘facilitates’ me in ways that they want, coincidentally, not going mad, nor being overly worked up by the recent deliberate sabotaged would be one example of these aims.
So, to put the above in a larger and specifically a ‘many, many experiments in a vast data system’ context, within which similar experiments are being set off regularly as ‘duplicated’ populations of populations originally higher up within the data system then it seems to me that they are ‘messing’ with my subtle tech to (at least in some ways) make the tech better/way better for later ‘Clive’ versions that will be in lower down in the data system experiments in the future. So, despite being quite PISS-TAKING these sabotages sort of make sense to me ‘IN THIS CONTEXT/FROM THIS VIEWPOINT’.
To put it another way, it seems as if as this ‘experiment’ version in perhaps being close to finishing is having the ‘experiment’ designers using specific people within ‘here’ to try out different tech designs that (with respect to myself), later ‘Clives’ will be made to design (and then use) specific subtle tech enhancements that will help the upper lot with respect to their agenda of what they want the Clive’s to do. In this respect I’ve also noticed one other person whom from feedback (who gives me the best most useful feedback/help/suggestions) also seems to be having their subtle tech adjusted with respect to them also being optimised with respect to upper owners agenda too.
I’m also in the middle of another evidence ‘page’ mostly focused on anomalous ancient ‘foot and shoe’ prints and other exceptionally odd anomalies also closely related to these . . . I ‘might’ have this finished enough to post within a few weeks . . . BUT given current sabotages it’s difficult to give any estimate!!!
November 8, 2020 @ 8:11 pm
Has anyone been experiencing issues with their clocks or telling time or knowing what time in it I would say within the last week or 24 hours? So, I don’t know how it works internationally, but we had daylight savings time last week on November 1st and had to roll our clocks back. Well, so far as I can tell, my phone had adjusted to daylight savings time as it is expected to being connected to a phone network, and I had been going to work at the same time and starting work (hell, all of my co-workers did) at the same time (though I will admit reading the analog clocks at work felt a little weird because not all of them had been adjusted.) So today(11/6/2020), I wake up to the sound of my roommate leaving the house at roughly the same times she always does to go to church. Well, I decide to go out for breakfast at my favorite restaurant between 10:40am and 11:00am (according to my phone) which at that time they are scheduled to be open and serving. Well, the door was unlocked and I walked and and was told that they were not open yet and don’t start serving until ten. Well I pull out my phone, which read 10:51am, and showed it to the waitress, who in turn grabbed her phone and showed me 9:51am. Now, so far as I can tell and remember, my phone had not had a system update this week (I have the screen brightness and blue light filter set on very low settings, and usually when my phone has to update (like a system update) it has to restart and these display settings are reset back to their original settings until I sign into my phone and it reapply the settings I have chosen. Well, I manually shut down my phone and powered it back on, and sure enough the time adjusted to an hour later than it had been (9:57am) at that time.
November 21, 2020 @ 12:41 pm
Likely only me, haha, I don’t have a watch and I don’t use i.e. I don’t carry a smart type phone, it stays in a drawer switched off, basically, I only use a mobile (a very, very old Nokia) when I travel which is rare now and I only bought a 2nd hand smart phone out of curiosity/to have a play with it.
But, my digital clock which had an auto wireless radio update ability decided to do weird things, such that on actually checking it, I found that it was presenting the wrong time, and that pressing the radio receiver auto time reset button just didn’t seem to work either. However, I then remembered that I’d ordered 2 clocks about a month or so previously BUT they’d never arrived, although around the autumn ‘reset the clocks time’ the landlord turned up and we found that some mail person had been stuffing small mail packets behind a wall panel in the shared house foyer area (which no one had noticed).
So, I then found I’d two clocks, although I’d also (in not getting these) ordered another wireless radio time update version, so, while setting up the new ones and double checking the old one before throwing it out, I found that it had also started to work properly again i.e. the radio wireless update facility started to work again too. In also getting on the internet to double check the UK/Britain time I then found that my computer time had also been out by an hour (I’d never noticed), although it ‘really’ doesn’t make any difference as I don’t take much notice of ‘time’ anyway, (I also don’t have either a TV nor a radio either).
Bottom line, I was exceptionally well ‘wound up’ re time/clocks for a good few weeks and I’ve 4 clocks now.
January 19, 2021 @ 1:08 pm
I kind of had an anomalous experience today when doing an experiment. We set some powder to dry in an air convection oven to calculate the moisture content. There was an increase in the mass of the powder in the crucible which shouldnt happen as the water is supposed to evaporate out.
February 2, 2021 @ 2:28 am
I didn’t leave any comments because I didn’t really see the point since no new focus and you didn’t write any new things I know your stuck in release crap also.
Things have been more of the same it’s basically a do over of my mate sleeping on my couch only now instead of my mate filly I have some Ukrainian/Russian named Andrii.
I adopted him kinda a couple of months ago. I was trying to be saint Tommy the savior of the lost and the damned I learned my lesson no more helping junkies anyway andrey tagged along with the junkie. I would take the junkie in but he stole my videogames so I kicked him out.
Andrii didn’t have place to stay so I let him crash on my couch. Original plan was he would stay until he had enough money to go to his ex in Peru. That was like maybe a month or so it turned into two months which turned into three and now we are going into month four.
Like me familiar with psychedelics mostly mushrooms and ayahuasca wants to travel to Peru to become curandero. His ex is also some weird shaman type kind of thing. As day job she’s a doctor specialized in virology
So far so good is electrical engineer. He basically picks up shit from the trash and fixes it while doing mostly illegal work in construction. He doesn’t have a working permit and it’s a fucking pain in the ass to get one.
First time he didn’t have enough money to travel and we had another lockdown. I was miffed but said fine he actually had enough money but then he was too late again because stricter rules since covid. Now Peru has a travel ban till 14 February but looks like it will be even longer.
I have been angry a lot and drinking a lot. It was weird when you wrote something about this clock business he was fucking around with clocks. He tries to be nice and helpful but something is making me be angry with him but I can’t place my finger on it.
My ex has been crying a lot on the phone because her debts are so bad she’s considering suicide it stresses me out a lot. I also don’t have a lot of finances so I can’t support her she helped me in the past she keeps falling back on that to guilt me into helping her.
I tried to get her spare room rented out since October 2018 it’s impossible to find someone who takes it. I have more of the same issues I already told you about in my older comments. Weird body blocks weird stuff with my spine weird pain in head ears throat chest. The hallucinations the beeping the voices Etc etc etc. Lots of anger lots of things go missing my atm card I just got a new one.
I made another friend who also isn’t a friend he reminded me of my old friends but he’s not that nice. It feels like I put a lot in other people and not really see anything back for it. The other friend is a self proclaimed witch it’s weird everything I need somehow ends up with him.
I still have mice in my apartment I wanted a cat and somehow this witchy guy ends up with a cat. I have been screaming to the heavens for a new woman and he gets another one who is Brazilian. Reminded me of you. First evening I met him i was looking for a bike and ofc that kid picked up a bike out of nowhere
It can’t really properly do focusses because whenever I do that sim hijacks Andrii to shut it down. Witchy kid mostly triggers feelings of envy jealousy as in this would have been me if all this fuckery didn’t happen. Also why tf does he get everything I have been wanting for quit some time effortlessly
Andrii triggers feelings of disgust it triggers some weird superiority complex which is weird he knows a lot about technical stuff which I don’t know anything about. He’s a shivaite but he also doesn’t know his myths you know I know my myths and I’m like eh?
somehow I feel he’s beneath me he reminds me of all my ex girlfriends I shouldn’t have dated in the first place.
I’m also sick of him turning my house into a fucking graveyard of old electrical appliances . It’s like I’m living with some old Soviet dwarf who hoards more shit like a dragon. I swear If you look at my storage you think fucking Smaug hit the rummage sale.
I dated a lot of people just for what they could do for me I know bad but I was young and lazy. Speaking about lazy and procrastinating it feels like I can’t do fucking anything.
It’s a pain to get out of bed cooking exercising and cleaning my place also has been a massive fucking undertaking since I have so much shit I don’t use or wanna use of wanted to have in the first place.
I’m not really the hoarding type nor the materialistic type feels for me that it’s just shit to give me a nice environmental cluster fuck of extra spicy sim shite.
My house had the bare necessities I fucking chucked my own microwave in the storage because I don’t use it. Dude builds a whole fucking micro wave oven.
Idk releasing stuff has been pretty much in the background just a lot of random anger and more rehashed crap from my teens.
The jealousy the anger frustration depression me just wanting to be teen asshole me because I wouldn’t have had any of these problems if I just was a lying stealing conning cunt like I used to be.
I feel like somehow I’m so toxic and destructive I shouldn’t even interact with people irl.
I can’t whine about you not writing stuff because your mouse and sim massively fucks you with that.
I know your swamped with other stuff but maybe send one of you invisible mates to saunter over to me and scope out what in the flying fuck happened and how to remedy sort solve idk suggestions for this new bullshit I’m dealing with.
I somehow feel you mates are missing something or didn’t check something properly or didn’t told me something idk something feels massively off and I can’t put my finger on it.
Is my Soviet dwarf some dollhouse twat? Is that witch kid Some cunt who takes gets my shite that I put a lot of effort in? Why tf can’t I do anything anymore it’s like your focus six turn into shadow version of yourself is in full gear
Ow well enough selfish ranting hope the rest of you aren’t going mental. WTf happened to everyone else no one has been commenting!!!