This ‘post’ is a reply to Angel’s comment which is immediately below and which was originally from: here:
Okay so obviously a lot of this stuff goes over my head but in general makes sense pulling back. When you talk about things being hard or difficult to detect I’m pretty sure you’re referring to people who already have enough ability to sense and interact with such things easily and on a regular basis considering the majority of people have no idea about sensing energy at all. Me, I can feel and manipulate energy and some things I can see (energy patterns/moving air, light around stuff) , these are the things I do naturally 24/7, my body will just start flowing with energy patterns if I let it, which somehow allows me to ground people’s energy. There’s also the whole connecting with your intuition crap as well, which comes a lot less naturally and only every once in a while. These are things very developed in me when compared to the average person, but still very very underdeveloped when compared to someone like you or even some people that I know. I’ve been working with a friend who we’ve discovered is a very strong empath, can manipulate emotions, can detect ‘sparks’ in certain people (which allows us to find more people like us, but we’ve also discovered that not some people who don’t have sparks can still have certain sensitivities, like my sister doesn’t have a spark but is sensitive to spirits, she just doesn’t want anything to do with ghosts or this kind of stuff at all) and can do some of the things I do. And we work a little with another girl who we look at like our Oracle because she has visions and stuff. Even though I can feel the energy around me from anything at will, I still don’t understand how you’re constantly interacting with these things on such minute, broken down levels, like you can feel a subtle energetic implant or some issue and figure out what’s causing it and stuff, and I have no idea how to even go about that. Is that something specific to you and certain people or is it something developed? Are you just really advanced, or is all this subtle network detecting stuff just part of what YOU can do? I also feel like the stuff I sense isn’t the limit to the stuff I could be sensing, we are still figuring out the extent of our abilities and what we can do, but we feel like there are blocks and want to know how to get through them. I also notice of course that you don’t ever actually explain how to deal with a lot of the issues that are here, just a lot of pointing out that there are issues and possibilities to be aware of.
On the front page of I list some of my serious and debilitating personal issues that were all an overriding and un-ignorable incentive to ‘get my arse in gear’ in terms of understanding enough so that I’d be able to resolve these life shrinking issues.
So, I’ve not been ‘dabbling’ or casually exploring the subtle or just playing with energies or healing approaches, I’ve been systematically stripping reality down to the bare floor boards and beyond.
My web site gives some ‘relaxing’ examples of my EARLY mostly seriously worked for developed abilities. These emerged after pushing the ‘awareness’ boundaries virtually daily for about 15 years to gain intimate awareness of ‘myself’ and to learn to engage with as many of my full range of senses and perceptions as I could. That’s a decade and a half of determined digging from the age of 21 until about the age of 36.
After 15 years my ‘what’s right in front of me basic subtle ‘viewing’ senses’ became engaged and in using these early basic senses to look at subtle reality domains this resulted in all the earlier pages on
Awareness of Subtle Realities & Gaining Healing Experience
As part of improving my subtle reality awareness learning curve I engaged with the ‘new age’, lightworker, new spirituality line at around the 36 year mark and about 4 years later I wrote the Although in my terms this book is ancient history as it doesn’t in the slightest represent anything about ‘reality’ in any accurate way it ALSO tries to encourage the person reading it NOT to take things at face value, to NOT automatically trust so called ‘divine’ or ‘light’ beings because this is what led me way beyond that book.
Another 8 years down the line I write articles for to give people some ‘off the edge’ examples that gives clues that the new age line/approach/understandings are not actually working too well and isn’t actually presenting accurate information with respect to ‘healing’ (not in the slightest).
I’ve only very rarely USED the ‘what’s right in front of me basic subtle ‘viewing’ senses’ for 10 years now, they proved irrelevant in terms dealing with things on a larger scale at a great distance and at a such a finer microscopic ‘subtle’ resolution that makes all the quantum bits look as if they are the size of planets.
Then about 6 years ago I start to update
The none ‘scary’ pages are aligned with the and some of what is up on although there are examples beyond from later that are put up there in attempts to make you aware that NOTHING is as you are MADE to believe.
An Awareness of How Subtle Energy Healing Actually Works
If you are allowed to take in the new scary pages then it should sink in that the best, cutting edge, most advanced healing systems (new age and everything else) ALL OF THEM (NO EXCEPTIONS) are all what I’d call STICKING PLASTER HEALING systems. Irrespective of ‘success’ and I’ve gone to great pains here to make it very clear that how all subtle healing systems, therapies and approaches get their results, their ‘successes’ are all achieved by NOT doing anything in the slightest ‘correctly’. Every single one is about doing more to the energy field, making adjustments, putting up subtle protection, saturating your subtle body with ‘nice’ subtle energies to counteract fear, depression, negativity or ‘whatever’ OR you can be cleansed of negative ‘shit’ and end up being gifted with losing vast quantities of your subtle energy body.
I even give a very detailed, blow by blow example of the outcome of the use of so called ‘advanced healing’ and the dire awareness and pathetic understandings of so called ‘Advanced healers’ here.
The entire scary articles detail on page after page how new age and all other so called advanced healing actually works and the long term dire consequences that result.
And so, to the question you want answered as to why I don’t even attempt to try and explain anything in detail here: It’s very obvious.
It’s because there is no point in the slightest trying to explain anything to people whose competence level in healing and awareness terms is as advanced as ‘STICKING PLASTER’ when what is actually necessary is the equivalent of sophisticated brain surgery that has taken so far about 34 years of dedicated daily ‘pushing’ and understanding ‘reality’ terms to get to these depths of awareness and competence.
My site and book is slightly more advanced than the most advanced ‘new age’ healing available. The scary articles on this site are describing a competence level in both awareness terms and healing that are a few orders of magnitude beyond this. I’ll repeat that just in case you didn’t get it – A FEW ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE beyond the best, most advanced others elsewhere.
You can tell how well managed all the new age ‘lightworker’ types are because one of the things you are actually deliberately warned of is of anyone claiming to know way more than they do. Seriously, you reading this, you really have to make a big effort to remember that anyone actually writing 100’s of pages to back up what they are stating isn’t a sign of competence or expertise or the outcome of two and a half decades of way off the edge reality explorations and practitioner healing experience it’s the sign that someone is . . . wait for it . . . “Egotistical” . . .
It’s hilarious!!!
It’s hilarious how those that ‘imagine’ themselves as not being SHEEP, have been backed into a very dark and unaware corner while giving a very good impression of being shackled to the biggest pack of lies ever perpetrated while being managed IN EACH MOMENT by subtle means to ‘discern’ against anyone questioning and investigating beyond what they are doing.
The very same people are for the most part still holding to the same fantasies even after all signs of the so called ‘ascension’ have failed to materialize.
I’ve had people write to me asking for details of my ‘methods’ and ‘procedures’ which to be honest is like asking to be given the full procedure details to carry out delicate brain surgery when the only experience you have in these areas is of knowing how to apply STICKING PLASTERS.
How to Expand your Healing Practitioner Experience and Subtle Reality Awareness
As I mention on this site on page here I described what I’ve been doing quite well:
“It’s me that figures out what is wrong and what needs to be done. It’s me that stretches my awareness and subtle abilities to the limit so that I have the best chance of understanding what is going on. It’s me that figures out ‘what’s what’ and it’s ‘actually’ my spirit ‘colleagues’ that learn from me how to actually resolve difficult issues for and between people on all dimensions.”
Never mind that the other reason as to why there is no point describing what I do is because resolving ALL that is contributing to a lot of issues requires the UNDOING of ALL past accumulated healing solutions that were permanently applied to your energy body (and as still there NOW as you read this). If you don’t believe this then read the extended in depth blow by blow account (with audio) of a single healing session and all of the past ‘subtle’ shit including LOTS of ‘healing’ SHIT that had to be dealt with (this 20 page example starts here). That was one healing session out of about 100 that dealt with similar, after all you reading this are an immortal subtle being that has been around for millions of years so doing things WRONGLY for huge spans of time adds up to a lot of healing shit that needs to be undone (as explained in depth on this page here).
So, let me put all that is presented on this site into a larger and more accurate perspective. This site presented what was required to dig up all ‘subtle’ shit contributing to ‘issues’. All of this is now done and dusted, there is nothing more to do. For myself, all my issues as described on on the first page here and more, I’ve sorted them all out BUT I myself and all my clients had other issues which clearing all subtle shit either didn’t fully resolve or didn’t touch. In all, dealing with subtle crap ‘properly’ will clear between 5% and 90% of issues. ‘Average’ per person is say 25%. The other 75% isn’t ‘physical’ either it’s due to us living in a virtual reality and what this reality does directly to ourselves. This is what I’m smacking around the head at this time.
To put the above into a more focused perspective, the client with the least resolved in terms of her ‘core’ issues wrote this ear infection example on this page here in other words she had in my terms major ‘ear’ issues magically disappeared BUT that was a drop in the ‘negative’ issue ocean from the point of view of her ‘serious’ issues. The serious ones are due to the virtual reality we are in translating some events and experiences from her origins and the consequences of these events completely incorrectly.
As far as I’m concerned we’re all buried under a combo of accumulating ‘subtle’ shit both ‘real’ and ‘virtual reality’ generated while being messed with by a deranged virtual reality system (read all of the simulation aricle series if you want to understand more about these areas). It’s the artificial reality components that I’ve been working on stripping down for the last two years.
So, I’m busy and I’ve no interest in working with anyone new BUT, if you want all ‘real’ and most of the ‘unreal’ simulated subtle shit dealt with ‘properly’ then check out what I’m offering as automated absent healing clearings on my session page.
I’ve also put up a page listing the huge range of my own negative, debilitating, life shrinking issues that I’ve now resolved in dealing with all the subtle shit (and more) that I describe on this very web site. It only took about 30 years of hard graft and determination to start dealing with these correctly. This page is here.
December 1, 2013 @ 7:39 pm
The last sentence was a statement not question. My questions had question marks. I already got a lot of that before you said it. I know nothing is what it seems, beyond my grasp, trust nothing but your own insights and even then beware, which gives a sort of hopeless numbing why bother feeling on the entire concept but I bother because it bothers me. we are just working on understanding and truth at the moment, just teenagers. I have no strictly held beliefs. I did not express interest in working you or anyone else especially not now because I know it’ll make life harder before better, which is why I stopped with the handbook at least until I graduate because it did make my life harder and my plates a lil full at the moment to try anything else before dealing with anything else. I was trying to discern never mind words are.. Ineffective as usual. Not claiming to be anything except life’s student because I’m just learning
“In a time of Universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act”-Orwell
December 5, 2013 @ 6:56 pm
“In a time of Universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act”-Orwell
A more accurate statement would be: “In a time of Universal deceit, where the ‘deceit’ is managed by the artificial reality you are in it makes no difference even presenting the truth.”
If you want to ‘split hairs’ Angel then strictly speaking I was making a big point stating that I’m not available to work with anyone.
If you ‘knew’ what was really going on then that ‘numbing’ feeling would likely be 10 times worse.
February 18, 2014 @ 11:07 am
Hahas sorry for some reason the first time i read that it frustrated me or made me angry or something which made absolutely no sense the second time. But thank you I’ve been reading your site for the past 2-3 years and i love it, changed my life, and its like me and philosophy, love-hate relationship. What purpose does all this leave for our daily lives do you think?
February 18, 2014 @ 5:25 pm
Hi Angel, “the first time i read that it frustrated me or made me angry or something which made absolutely no sense the second time” that’s an example of the ‘personal’ cognitive management we are being subjected to, to make you read something wrongly, in ‘out of context’ ways or to have you react to what is written (or the ‘managed version’ you are fed) when this shouldn’t happen.
“What purpose does all this leave for our daily lives do you think?” – the best short term advice is to live defensively, you are in a reality that is antagonistic to anyone figuring ‘reality’ out or of trying to describe reality in greater detail than others.
February 19, 2014 @ 2:32 am
Well i do stuff like that a lot, my ‘seer’ friend at one point said i was projecting, apparently we’re all emotionally unstable. I also have pretty paralyzing anxiety she thinks i may need to be on medication for, but i’ve had anxiety about talking ever since i can remember, everyone assumed i would grow out of it, i never did. At one point i thought it was getting better but now i hardly remember a time it was ever this bad, well its better and worse in a way. At what point do we accept responsibility for our own issues? How do we know when we are being sabotaged externally versus sabotaging ourselves, do we have the power to overcome our issues in either situation through deliberately making an effort to change our habits/ thought processes, or do we actually have to clear the interference to make any progress?
December 7, 2013 @ 1:40 pm
Anthroposophy and third generation cybernetics might offer some answers too. What do you think Clive?
December 7, 2013 @ 1:48 pm
You’d have to give me more details in terms of ‘context’. If you’re thinking cybernetics for the VR part it’s unlikely as our technology progress is being slowed down anyway. I’d take ‘all healing’ systems – in fact anything trying to ‘help’ people as falling under the umbrella of what I describe above. ‘Anthroposophy’ was one of the approaches used by two of my long term clients which didn’t scratch the surface of their issues.
December 7, 2013 @ 6:45 pm
What’s difficult is being able to turn off systems and programms that one has no idea are running. Cybernetics talks about the subject ‘observing’ determining the field of his experience ‘observed’. Second generation cybernetics questions the assumptions of our ‘observing’ position and questions how we come to construct this ‘observer’ . Third generation cybernetics potentially analyses how our very being is constructed. I think this opens to the impossible Real of what you’re talking about. I act in the interests of other spiritual beings. Any tips for waking up?
December 9, 2013 @ 10:26 am
Ah, I see where you are coming from now Richard.
Unfortunately it’s all perceptual, ‘we’ are all just perceptual input / outputs. Although there is a ‘real’ subtle, the ‘subtle’ here is all simulated, and the ‘simulation’ is making a big effort to manage it all so that no one figures out it’s all ‘unreal’. If you spend time directly accessing the ‘subtle’ such that you build up a decent large scale picture of it and push against the ‘just accept it as it is’ directive then you’ll notice at the very least some ‘oddities’.
Spirit guides for example, these are supplied for ‘free’ by the ‘sim’ to ‘manage’ subtle explorers, to make sure they stay contained both perceptually and ‘knowledge’ wise. The ‘Useless Help’ have as a primary directive to manage ‘subtle’ explorers and to provide managed and safe understandings (safe for the sim). Guides = minders.
On I describe some of my subtle experiences, from these I’ve noticed that the subtle is divided up into perceptual domains or zones. ‘Nature Spirits’ , ‘Subtle Higher Dimensional Aliens’, ‘Subtle Star Beings’, Subtle ‘Ghosts’, Subtle ‘So Called Divine Beings’ and so on. If I focus to engage with a ‘fairy’ in the nature spirit realm then I’ll lose the ‘ghost’ I was just interacting with which actually exists in exactly the same ‘dimensional’ space. I cannot access both simultaneously, it’s one or the other BUT you find that your ‘minders/guides’ can magically be in any domain and can shift as you shift your subtle perceptions. It’s all a big ‘keep em occupied’ con.
You might have figured out that (worked off his divine subtle ar*e) Archangel Michael will likely be simultaneously ‘called’ to some subtle emergency probably at least every second by the new age sleepers. That’s not how the real subtle works BUT in an unreal simulated subtle it’s dead easy to perceptually and atmosphere wise simulate yet another Archangel Michael copy in 10,000 places at once. Which is what is being done.
Everyone here is being managed in terms of what they are allowed to ‘think’ about and to conceptually ‘contemplate at the very least. Hence you’ve virtually all science types stuck in the ‘naughty’ corner intently studying a simulated dead end and aren’t even allowed to even cognitively ‘think’ about never mind directly explore subtle realities. It’s hilarious.
‘Waking up’ is a) lonely, b) frustrating the more you know the less you can state because the more managed what you present becomes. For example I’ve not done anything on for years, however, I’ve written 5+ new posts and updated others in the last two months BUT as the new pages are pointedly speculative – i.e. I’m making attempts to induce some ‘simulated’ thinking in readers then I’ve been gifted with now having less traffic than two months ago. The playing field isn’t even vaguely level it’s at an 89′ angle. However c) you learn unbelievable amounts and your understandings of our ‘real’, ‘unreal’ reality and how it works go through the roof if you give the ‘sim’ the finger and deliberately take all the disallowed, ‘managed’ routes. A lot depends on what you will do for ‘fun’ as in: ‘just for the fun of it’ and how much determination and bl**dy mindedness you have. I’ve lots.
December 9, 2013 @ 12:11 pm
Dear Clive, thanks for your comment. I felt really ‘heard’. Great that when one is lonely , that you are there. I’d like to make a few comments and hopefully get your response.
Firstly regarding guardians and beings attached to different esoteric groups. In my experience different groups are packaged and designated insignia and assigned guardians (best word I can find).These groups are then subtly managed from different points, some decidedly earthly. Why this dynamic? a) The group will have its leaders and followers and history the group feeling creates the warm fuzzy sense of belonging that many crave. b) our managed reality makes us look for outer karmic response c)although there has been an explosion in esoteric in twentieth century this hides a more hidden pervasive search for metaphorical consciousness ‘sedatives’ and ‘narcotics’. This in its turn leads to isolation and rejection the more one awakens.
One method for control of the occult is to mix nine tenths truth with one tenth lie. The truth esoterically hooks the punters the lie gives control of that system , if you know how to control it astrally.
Waking up involves, means realizing you are attacked spiritually by friends and family past and present and prevented from fulfilling your soul purposes by precisely those spiritual groups to which you are likely to affiliate yourself. Unfortunately for me I have had a great thirst for knowledge and experience and the list is rather long.
Hence the necessity, then to also find the root causes from previous affiliations in previous lives. I gave a talk the other night about manipulation in the media, reality and esoteric of the twentieth century. Was so surprised that so little of the content was heard. People relate what’s said to themselves selectively. They pick and choose what to listen to, then they feel intimidated if you’ve learned, experienced more, and try to one up you with esoteric wisdom. Crazy.
Bloody mindedness and disallowed paths are difficult to identify perhaps’ without effort’, ‘without superstar outer success’, ‘without conditions’, but within managed simulations these are quickly assimilated. Still I would agree one learns a lot. Further, disallowed paths are essentially mutidimensional awareness. The ultimate no no.
Best wishes Clive.
December 9, 2013 @ 12:43 pm
You said deliberately take all the disallowed and ‘managed routes’ what is a ‘managed’ route?
December 14, 2013 @ 12:30 pm
Read this section:
Any research line that gifts you with this degree of distractions, diversions and put offs by ‘reality’ is being managed.
It’s actually more like 90% lies with about 10% being somewhat vaguely correct Richard.
Most as in 99% of paths, ways and ideologies are what I’d call pre-defined with the aim of keeping us focused on these while keeping us occupied by the separating stances these pre-defined not ‘true in a TRUE sense at all’ paths and ‘ideas lines’ are designed to cause. In other words most ‘seekers’ are kept occupied trying to figure out what is true and what isn’t when in fact NONE OF IT IS. It’s ALL a misdirection.
Our simulated reality is managing you, so it’s facilitating you to ‘think’ that it’s YOU making a choice to pick and choose what you listen to or read about and so on. There are some pages presented on this web site presenting very BANNED information if you read these specific pages (that’s assuming you are allowed to find them) and you take NOTES as you read them and then read them the next week and the next week and so on each time keeping notes then you’ll start building up a profile of how your ‘thinking’ and ‘evaluations’ about the content on those pages are being managed even in IN YOUR HEAD as you read them.
This section: I describe ‘spiritual manipulations and suppression’s’ you can translate this as the ‘managed simulated spiritual’ the end result of this management was to drop my site traffic to that specific page through the floor BECAUSE OF ONE POINTED COMMENT accurately describing why some people actually see themselves as invisible and ACTUALLY ARE.
December 15, 2013 @ 9:57 am
Yes I had read this before. Incredibly subtle attacks I’ll have to readdress. So I tried to work with your stuff a lot last year, around christmas. Then… Well a whole year of other stuff , other paths, dreams and visions, responsibilities and dramas. How many more years I’ll be living out fairy tales I don’t know.
Intolerable experiences, debilitating conditions, lack of results,
looks like its back to the drawing board again!
December 15, 2013 @ 1:45 pm
Well, Richard, that’s why I gave up on all the paths offered (every single one) which I’d now describe as ‘managed bait’ and started to dig to uncover ‘what actually is’. What is presented on this site actually just skims the surface, it’s way, way worse than I describe. The best I can offer is the absent clearings in the mean time: which I decided to add in here in the last week and I’ve also put up my resolved issue list page too which gives you more idea of what is possible beyond beating your head off the same brick wall:
Do you have a web site?
December 17, 2013 @ 8:33 am
Thanks Clive, I don’t have a website. The gesture of my researches, and the possibility of speaking about them to a wider public, like you naturally brings these challenges with it, and provokes the powers that be.
February 28, 2014 @ 11:57 pm
This must relate to the so called “Archons” or Archonic entities?
It is of course full of misunderstandings and wrong information and the author clearly doesnt know what is going but it looks like a step forward for a “lightworker” yes?
“Able to slip from one dimension to another”. Does that sound familiar? (You mentioned Archangel Michael for example projected in different dimensions)
In many points it seems related and I stumbled onto that page by chance in very much the same way I stumbled on the pages here written by you. I also stumbled on this:
What the “Toltec seers” referred to as the “topic of topics”. The idea of a foreign installation influencing us.
On very obscure blogs with probably close to no readers. COINCIDENCE? I think not.
I also had the same management happening when I first read them. My head going “Nah, this is nonsense. This is absurd nonsense.”. And yet – I was intrigued by it. It pops up again and again and again.
I wonder how deep the rabbit-hole really goes.
However I do believe your articles and descriptions and explanations of what THE HELL is going in here are the BEST so far I have EVER come across and with such humour and clarity I can only give you thanks. Excellent work!
An idea popped into my mind as I was reading your articles. Are you using some sort of highly sophisticated subtle technology to “reach out” with your articles to people like me? Are you using these technologies to “help” us find your pages and “understand” them? Are you now currently working on perhaps say automated technologies who can, on a large/global scale “undo” what the “sim” is doing or counteract the SH? I have so many questions…
March 1, 2014 @ 2:36 pm
I read a few pages of the ‘archon’ crap (translate this as the sim presenting it’s own generated ‘shit’ in many different forms both to keep people occupied AND to keep everything confused). If we are in a ‘real’ reality then how come bad negative ‘things’ are automatically color coded as black while supposed good, loving, right / correct things are color coded as ‘white’? If these we’re not color coded then people would have to get their arses in gear and work seriously hard in sensory and THINKING terms to ‘figure’ out WTF was what? Of course automated color coding of things could easily be done in a simulated reality and this would be done if it helped keep people ‘stupid and lost (while perhaps thinking otherwise)’.
March 3, 2014 @ 6:05 pm
Regarding your page “Spiritual Hierarchy ‘Dictatorship Facilitator’ Implant” (
As horrible as it is really is I actually couldn’t stop laughing/start breathing for 10 minutes when I read that page. Your clarity and humour is unprecedented. And last night it was dawning on me in just how “deep shit” we ACTUALLY are in. IT is almost ABSURD just how f’d everything is. We are in the deepest shitty shit in the history of deep shit EVER, and yet;
Its interesting, like you are describing I find it difficult to think about these matters clearly (though I do A LOT right now) and find myself being distracted all the time. Not only that, it is very difficult to REALLY TAKE IN everything I am reading about. Even more difficult to have the appropriate emotional response. I understand intellectually and I am intellectually horrified and PISSED OFF however it is almost like there is a wall or a blockage that doesn’t allow me to EMOTIONALLY connect with what I am reading .
I am reading as much as I can every day and the answer might be somewhere but I’ve been wondering:
* Do we have “in-between” lifetime time ‘here’ or are we automatically instantly reincarnated into a physical body? (forced?)
March 3, 2014 @ 9:56 pm
Yea, I remember writing that page the “Spiritual Hierarchy ‘Dictatorship Facilitator’ Implant” ( I think I nearly ruptured something laughing as I wrote it that even advanced ‘dictatorship approved lightworker stickyplaster healing’ couldn’t sort out. Hahaha
Everyone is managed in their thinking, evaluations and conclusions. Everyone. The closer to anything ‘real’ you get the more noticeable it is. This site is guaranteed 110% Spiritual Hierarchy lightbeing dictator & Karmic Board disapproved and so is highly conducive to provoking managed thinking effects. All at no extra charge – haha.
April 28, 2014 @ 10:08 pm
Its nice of them to give you the stamp of disapproval, at no extra charge.
In the future, I shall recommend such a scheme to other “light being” pretenders.
In regards to “managed thinking”, its becoming easier and easier for me to read this site. At first I could barely concentrate, but I forced myself to keep reading.
Fortunately I already recognised all the new age stuff as false. You only have to read some of the “channelled messages” (and to be able to think for yourself, all too uncommon these days) to see through the rubbish they try and haul on you.
I hope you didn’t rupture anything important.
April 28, 2014 @ 10:37 pm
I’ve added the ‘I’m disapproved of by the SH’ to my ‘spiritual’ CV. On the rupture front . . . only their egos.
March 3, 2014 @ 10:03 pm
There is a ‘pretend’ therapy ‘sort your issues out’ inbetween life evaluation about what you did or didn’t do right in the last life before you’re incarnated into the next unfolding slow motion road crash which you spend time discussing what you should try and do or not do too.
Interestingly the little ‘fact’ that on incarnation you lose memory of these important discussions and so end up not having much of a conscious clue isn’t considered that important.
March 6, 2014 @ 12:28 pm
I have now read all your articles. Excellent work. I will definitely recommend them to “spiritual/therapy/light types”. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to go through all that you went through. And I thought I MYSELF had a “rough time” searching for ‘real’ REAL truth. My ride (though I’ve definitely been subjected to sabotage) has been a Disneyland-trip with fairytales, popcorn and lollipops compared to yours.
After reading all the material there is still one thing I can’t get my head around and since I dont yet have the ability to research my past lives I have been thinking about it a lot.
I understand that you dont want to work with anyone new or “teach” anyone and I hope I am not distracting you too much from your work but I cant find the answers anywhere. After this post I’ll be quiet and just start working, thinking on my OWN. Promise 😉
If however, someone WANTS to develop subtle abilites WITHOUT your help in order to MAYBE, possibly ‘help’ our cause in the future then I suppose the only way is to not read any books or ANYTHING and just experiment,try, try, try MYSELF and push the boundaries daily myself, yes?
Thats all I need to know. Hope I’m not too annoying and that you can reply.
March 15, 2014 @ 10:46 pm
Hi Clive. In regards to writing “Examples of Spiritual Insecurity, Fear & Paranoia”, I read that the spritual hiearchy would use excuses like: karmic debts from past lives, not learning life lessons, attracting negativity with our thoughts and such. Therefore I am starting to believe that all people who go through hell in their lives have some implant. In addition, from learning from your site, what came to my mind is astrology. I also have the thought that the spiritual hierarchy would use astrology like saying, “When incarnated, one agreed to the experience and made a so-called contract with the universe to help facilitate the experience which would explain why there are people with unfortunate ASTROLOGY charts. Reading about the spritual hierarchy gives me a laugh. When I comment, don’t feel that I am annoying. I just enjoy reading the website and in which I have asked you about healing being that most healers work in conjunction with the spiritual hierarchy. If you are planning to write on astrology, I would love to learn something on it.
March 17, 2014 @ 2:15 pm
I have read this article and I glad that I did. I want to be able to help myself in such a way that would eradicate all life sabotage problems. Everything that is taught in modern day from what I believed along is brainwashed. There are healers that would call upon the Angels(like Michael or Gabriel, etc.) to help heal clients. I have always been skeptical about the angels.
March 27, 2014 @ 6:59 am
Ok do we want to be able to live in the stars and understand see them think them for ourselves or do we want the stars to tell us what to think , what to do? The stars as intellectualized in astrology will show you a lot of stuff to keep you going spinning what if’s and construct systems. There’s is a possibility to develop a new kind of astrology but it would have to be based on experience and knowledge not conjecture. Otherwise it’s gonna be assimilated as Clive describes so well. Opposed to intellect would be enlivened courage for thought, thinking that fires the enthusiasm, dispels doubt. The hard demoralizing need to throw away the crutches , but knowing that thereby the stars can be for me eventually ‘now’ real. Any thoughts Clive?
April 3, 2014 @ 8:57 am
Well, like just about everything (if not ‘everything’ literally) astrology is a ‘construct’.
In subtle terms someone has linked the movement of planets within a physical solar system with the interfacing of subtle beings into a physical body to the exact time of the incarnated forms birth to have a defined physical world experience (likely presented on the glossy incarnation options brochure as giving you an amazing spiritual ‘learning’ experience). So, subtle ‘behind the scenes’ manipulations are applied to manage the timeline of that subtle / physical persons life and their own subtle form persona and characteristics with respect to the pre-defined astrology system being used for that solar systems physical life experiences.
If you convince subtle people to physically incarnate and on doing this you block off their past memories you can by ‘slight of hand’ / beyond & behind the ‘veil’ means have them go along with pretty much anything particularly if you call it a ‘spiritual learning experience’. Easy really . . . .
April 9, 2014 @ 12:30 pm
OK so we got into this rather demonic realm (to each their own, demonic is fun for a while) tricked, they erase our memories and therefore our identity each lifetime and they torture and use us while “alive” obviously to feed them somehow as we use chicken and what not, and they torture and supress more fiercely those that *could* awaken and more so those that ARE awakening? So how do we get the hell out of here or at least get some memories/free will back and improve oursselves and this place? Also, how does all of this tie to the Grays, Reptilians and etc?
Btw lol I just commented where I could, I could not post in the articles I was reading which were related to what I am saying.
April 28, 2014 @ 10:31 pm
It’d say severely confused and distracted rather than demonic (although there are definitely aspects that qualify for the ‘D’ label). Grey’s, reptilians are more confusions. There are no aliens ‘out there’ as they are all already here. I might get round to explaining that sometime. The other question, ‘we’re’ working on it.
April 9, 2014 @ 12:46 pm
Also what really means saying that we live in a “simulated reality”? I get that everything and everyone is engineered, scripted, managed, controlled etc so in a sense… is that what you mean? How would be a non-simulated reality? Also, do you think a lot of people are “part of the program”, organic portals? No paranoid shit, but most of people are very blunt and cannot/don´t want to see say chemtrails and they are clonic in many ways not just in their lack of interest in Ontology/Metaphysics.
April 28, 2014 @ 10:34 pm
That’s the problem. people talk about the Matrix, Nick Bostrom presents a simulation argument and then uses the Matrix film to explain his simulation argument when a Matrix (virtual reality) and Simulation (simulated people in a simulated reality) are two different very different things. The quality of information in Matrix and Simulation areas = pathetic.
April 30, 2014 @ 8:52 pm
Note: posted here due to unavailability of comments on more relevant articles
I remember on an article about implants, you mentioned something about other “worlds”. Are these part of the simulation we are in? Are they a separate simulation?
What is the purpose of multiple simulated worlds?
Why would one choose to take part in a simulation?
I appear to have the symptoms of being “gifted” traumatizing events multiple past lives (and a speech block).
Its nice to be able to confirm what people say, unlike the new age “love and light” mantra.
Have you read any channelled messages from them? Utter rubbish.
May 9, 2014 @ 3:04 pm
I’ve had to conclude that the sim ‘makes up’ the details of the other worlds when you access them, it has to do this because the people we are simulating had access to other words, it’s keeping us on one. So, it’s not multiple sim’s it’s one trying to keep you perceptually fooled.
You assume that ‘you’ had a choice? If you are simulating someone then the person you are simulating had that choice.
May 17, 2014 @ 9:02 pm
Clive I hope you make some article explaining this simulation stuff, looks interesting.
June 1, 2014 @ 10:49 am
I’d sign up for the newsletter as this will be the route I’ll let people know!!
May 2, 2014 @ 2:17 pm
In regards to this reality, it is said that to heal, one would have to heal past issues. This is fine, but the things why would one have to go through SO MUCH hell just to heal the issues? In addtition, in find out of our past lives, for those who do healing sessions with others, only a small portion of one’s past lives would be revealed and the rest especially if it is important to know will not be revealed simply because it is not important to ones HIGHEST GOOD. I have also seen where healers and even ones spirit guide(s) would say that one is love. After reading specific areas of this site, I want to feel that the way love is mentioned especially by the so-called spiritual hierarchy and spirit guides,the concept of love is used as a distraction from allowing one to deal with their issues and heal themselves. People who would go through a life crisis as a result of healing or those who are in a transitional period I believe may have implants as well as ones spirit guides helping to facilitate such chaos. I hope this comment is not a waste of time. I am just decoding what I am seeing to be the possible outcome.
May 9, 2014 @ 3:08 pm
The whole ‘new age / spiritual’ line here is just a way of keeping good / decent people occupied. That’s it.
May 2, 2014 @ 2:28 pm
In addition, in regards to a person’s experience, for those who want to break agreements in regarding to ones soul contract, I have learned that people at least some who have the experience of being channelled by an individual’s gatekeepers would tell them that their soul agreements cannot be altered or be rewritten. One can learn, heal, and grow. Seriously, if a person’s guides are going to tell someone to learn, heal, and grow, then one would think, why wouldn’t they tell them as to HOW to learn to do such things. I feel that people who go through high levels of trauma may go through the senior age being miserable and that if one’s life is better in the old age than the younger age, I feel that the subtle system is being manipulative on that behalf.
By the way, it is continously said that an economic collapse, food shortage, and police state is on the arrival. Now to the spiritual hierarchy, (from the impression that I am getting) is that they would tell us that it is a spiritual transformation. Yet, one’s gut feeling would tell them otherwise. From what I and I am pretty sure everyone is seeing, that things are changing from bad to WORSE.
May 9, 2014 @ 3:07 pm
Well, they are professional bullshitters, industrial grade. Quite right about the last part – they’ll sell you any story to stop people from ‘thinking’.
May 18, 2014 @ 9:26 pm
I want to ask how the hell I ended up here. If all this stuff on these web pages is so tightly controlled by the SH, why was I led to these pages – how did I get through the controls. Does my soul still have some guidance mechanism that isn’t being manipulated?
I know that I am tired of meeting self-proclaimed enlightened people who accuse me of being defensive and get angry when I want to ask straight forward questions about the contradictions they make. I am also tired of trying to find ways to let go of my limiting beliefs and behaviours – ways that actually work for me, instead of light workers continually saying stuff like: “You’ve got to let go”, “Be love and light”, “Think positive thoughts”, when they themselves seem to lack integrity.
It seems there must be a part of me that wants to find my own way and wants to find the purpose, not only behind all of the illusion presented to us but what I am here for besides releasing karmic and other residue from past existences – and I am continually disillusioned with what life brings me as answers. I feel like a carrot is continually dangled in front of me, with little hope of ever getting to eat it.
What I really want to know is, is there a part of me that I can trust? If not, why did I end up here reading and absorbing much of the information you present here, Clive?
Where before I liked to believe what I experienced for myself, now I am unsure whether I can even believe in that.
June 1, 2014 @ 10:53 am
You were probably just unlucky, they were likely having a divine tea ceremony break when you clicked on the wrong ‘dangerous’ link . . . haha
September 19, 2014 @ 6:36 am
I don’t know how I ended up on this site either, I don’t think it was an accident. But I am overwhelmed after reading ALL your pages, have no clue and cannot understand matrix, simulation and the like. I am not a light worker or healer of any kind. Am I dumb or something to not understand everything you have written, Clive?
September 19, 2014 @ 10:55 am
Well, you cannot have read ‘everything’ Boston else you#d have answered your question yourself.
May 22, 2014 @ 8:26 pm
Hi Everyone. In regards to healing, many would say that the people who have done one wrong especially in ways that may be traumatic, it is said that one should forgive and forget but I feel that it is another thing when someone keeps doing the same harm, mockery, or mischief to someone which is why I don’t understand how can forgiveness can heal. In regards to this too, it is also said that one has failed to learn life lesson (like learning to forgive) so therefore, fate or karma will constantly put people to do others harm until they learn to forgive. I feel that is just so utterly ridiculous.
May 22, 2014 @ 8:34 pm
In addition, I have been at lectures where one would talk saying that a particular race was the best. There are groups who are into Pan-Africanism and would say for example that blacks were the first people on Earth from ancient Atlantis to now. There are other people who would claim that the race the ones belong in were the first. Any thoughts? I hope I am not wasting your time. I am just curious in regards to belief.
June 1, 2014 @ 10:56 am
Yea, ‘contradictions’ are everywhere BUT somehow miraculously escape those whom are supposed to be ‘aware’ and are about to ascend (anytime now, tick, tick . . . )!!!
May 31, 2014 @ 5:01 pm
Some reflections on the information presented here.
With each moment of life there are opportunities to either be fully present, or to delve further into the mysteries of my individual story. That story includes all that I can not consciously remember, from all past (and possibly future) existences. Every action I have taken, every word I have spoken, emotion I have felt and thought that I have reflected on, contributes to this story. And the story itself culminates in the creation of my individual world.
I say ‘my’ individual world because it doesn’t seem to matter what the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual events are; I experience these events in my own unique way….through an abundance of personalised filters that molded by my story.
Each time I attempt to look under the veil and discover the truth, it seems to take me deeper into my own story. But as I continue to search for some element of truth and knowing, I become more and more uncertain that I am actually seeing any truth but my own.
Many people now say they know that they are living in a virtual reality world – a world of energy projected onto a blank screen by our own individual projectors. Our projector is affected by numerous influences, and so our interactions with the world of form are all influenced and affected depending upon the beliefs and attitudes and patterns that we hold at any one time.
This world of form must include forms of energy – energetic beings, spirits. Because each of these take a form, even if it is not physical.
And here is one of my assumptions – that all souls, and all spirit beings came from the same source. Therefore, my highest self is intimately connected with each and every one of these beings. I am the creator, I am source and therefore each of these beings comes from me. Our essence is the same.
So If I percieve any of these beings in a particular way (dark, light, good, bad, ignorant, sheepish, lost, uncertain, arrogant, foolish, wise, humble, etc.), then would it not be right to say that I am actually perceiving those parts of myself that I have still not resolved or brought into balance.
Even when two psychicaly gifted people call upon the services of the same spirit or angel, do they hear the same message? In my limited experience, the answer is no. And often they don’t even perceive the form of the angel in the same way. Therefore, is it possible that we might perceive the higher spirit realms in the same way? From our own unique perspective, through filters that might still be there, no matter how much clearing and issue resolving we’ve done in the past.
Perhaps this way of perceiving the spiritual hierarchy that is presented here is a similar thing – that the mess that everything is in, is possibly an even further extension of a pattern or belief system that is yet unresolved.
Consider the fractals that scientists and philosophers say represent the structure of the universe and all life within it. Each part of the fractal is mirrored in every other part, and the deeper we go within, the more we see of the repeating patterns that are on the surface. So no matter how deep we go, no matter how much we raise our vibration and go to higher and higher dimensional realities, we will find the same patterns as what we are experiencing in the lower dimensions and more dense realities. Therefore, if we find corruption and arrogant hierarchies of power in this 3D physical experience on Earth, then we will find the same in the 5th, 6th and even higher dimensions (As above, so below, right?).
Perhaps there is a reason for experiencing this messed up hierarchical system of things. Perhaps there is something we have not yet seen in ourselves that still needs to be addressed. Or perhaps this experience encourages us to delve deeper and continue exploring in this way. Who knows? It is possible that just trying to know all this stuff is part of our pattern of control – something we are told over and over again to let go of.
I say this not as a statement, but more just a possibility. I’ve had so many self proclaimed masters and enlightened light workers and spiritual teachers telling me things that they claim to ‘know’ or have been told by the angels or higher beings – and many of them contradict each other, or their arguments don’t hold up under an even mild level of questioning. I find myself influenced by them at first, and then, when I really start to ponder their words, I find that my newly formed beliefs start to crumble. So I like to stay open to possibilities.
And it is these influences that I experience, that I feel are part of a much wider issue. Our individual need for ‘importance’. For a place or purpose in this universe. Where would we be without one. Can any of us imagine ‘not’ having any purpose at all. Can any of us imagine not having any influence at all? Not trying to influence anyone or anything!
This is a big thing for me because I know a part of my ego mind wants to be important. Wants an important mission or purpose. It wants to influence others. To do that, it needs to ‘know’ stuff, to be confident about that knowing, and then to deliver that knowledge in the form of tools or information that others see as helpful – a service to humanity and beyond humanity.
Sure, that part of me wants to be important in a good way. To help others in some way. But it makes no difference whether that importance is of service to others or simply their to meet my own desires. By seeking any kind of importance (important work, important service, important purpose in this life), I continue to be a force of creation in this universe of form (virtual reality) and what I am creating is a universe that needs some beings to be more important than others. And for that to be created, my limited mind will create chaotic systems, bureaucracy, arrogant beings who give the impression they are very wise and superior but actually don’t know how to do much in the way of useful stuff, and different groups of beings who are all in conflict with each other because they see their way as right and everyone else’s way as wrong and leading to the dark side.
Kind of reminds me of religions over the past couple of thousand years and the new age spiritual market place today, where many claim to know what the right thing to do is, but they can’t for the life of you tell you actually ‘how’ to do it. And if you question any of them about it, you’re branded as defensive, ignorant, naive, and possibly even one for the dark side.
It seems that every energy in the universe has a similar desire – to influence. And for that to happen, they need a certain amount of importance over other energies, which is why we seem to have so much difficulty bringing things into balance….especially if we continue to have an ‘us’ and ‘them’ attitude, in any way at all (good/bad, light/dark, etc.). This includes emotions too. Almost every new age person I meet clings to the attitude of ‘stay away from fear and negtivity’ – but surely fear is just another energy, with a unique vibration, set at a frequency we can recognise so that we can receive its message clearly. Surely fear wants to be free, just like we do – not avoided or trapped inside some being’s energy field when all it wants to do is deliver a message.
I am happy to recognise my limiting beliefs and let go of them. But I do believe in what I have written above about the need to influence and self importance. This is a need that I think goes unrecognised in many of us because we are too busy being self important….and therefore we continue to perceive beings and the universe around us through those very filters – which confirm the need for our own special and important selves.
June 1, 2014 @ 11:09 am
Yea, and if you define ‘source’ and the ‘source of all’ as simulation software, then how might that change your perspective in terms where we all ‘originate’ from? Especially when you are told that the ‘Light & Divine Beings’ are aligned with source AND that they are ‘guided’ by source and that the ‘chosen ones’ (chosen to be deliberately misguided if you ask me) are able to receive personalized messages ‘channeled’ directly or indirectly from this ‘source’ code. Yea there is a ‘reason’ as to why we are messed around with. It’s so that you don’t find out that the ‘source of all’ is programmed software. How else is it possible to have ‘Akashic’ records ( for example? Records of each of your lives here – these are accessible life FILES stored in the simulations memory.
I did delve deeper because I wanted to find out WTF is going on. You are absolutely NOT ENCOURAGED TO DO THIS. You are encouraged to lock onto distracting so called spiritual truths.
I wrote this ages ago and just decided to put it up as now as it shows my attitude to my own reality explorations:
July 15, 2014 @ 9:20 pm
Hi Clive, been reading on and off on your sites since quite a while, lots of sleepless nights reading the scary articles and other of your stuff. I have a gazillion questions upon reading your material, and some of the recent ones imply what you described as the sim, not being like a matrix but being something else entirely, like holographic reality or not that at all as well? Somewhere you mentionned that you kind of got now really close to get what’s going on, plus start to see solutions on these levels. Did you get to see what is ‘behind/beyond’ the sim, who is behind/beyond it and its purpose (is it for healing originally)? Are we simulating ourselves in some ways (being beyond the sim from ‘true levels’, and are there true/truer levels and real sources vs false ones?), or more along the line of being played with from beyond (kept from reconnecting beyond the sim or some similar ideas), does it imply that at ‘large’ scopes all the whole cosmos (on all levels) is part of the sim, is/are there true levels running alongside/beyond it all where we are in, or simulating something else? What about theories on different lines of time running simultaneously (some ‘ascending’ and others ‘descending/kind of loop in time leading to bad ends’) and that at this moment there are opportunities and help to heal and regain all our consciousness on all levels (seems like I’ve been since starting to work on myself as much as I can, re-access different realms and md levels and heal some fragments,etc.) or all is a run in circle games, any exit point or solutions to not get meatgrinded?
July 26, 2014 @ 12:22 pm
If you read ‘Matrix’ and ‘Simulation Argument’ web sites you’ll rarely find these terms DEFINED (we are ‘managed’ by the simulation software to not have them defined to keep everyone confused). A Matrix reality is of real people interfaced to a simulated environment, each ‘real’ person is ‘represented’ within that environment as an ‘Avatar’. A ‘PURE’ Simulation has us as entirely simulated people in a simulated reality. What makes it seriously confusing is that we are simulating ‘real’ people whom in many cases are subtle people interfaced to a physical body form. In other words we are simulating people whom are mostly ALREADY very much LOST in what they believe to be ‘natural physical’ Matrix. So, there is NOTHING ‘real’ here, everything is defined by software as part of the ‘objectives’ of the simulation project.
I know someone whom lived through the same ‘year’ at school TWICE. This is possible in a simulation BUT way more difficult to achieve in a Matrix.
I’ve been updating to include a wider range of some of my ‘unreal’ experiences that don’t make sense ‘IF’ we are in a real reality.
August 5, 2014 @ 8:58 pm
Hi Clive, thanks for the answer, I’ll reread my post and yours, as I accumulated other questions and things about it, for now, to make it quick, as I know you are extremely occupied, kind of weird hey that I took that much time to be able to answer, distracted from doing it each time I wanted to post again and engage and that now I have some kind of throat thing which reduces the power and tone of my voice.
As for the glitches yes I noticed some of these, some are absurd, for some reason in a forest where I walk regularly, even though the road I noticed the glitch is on is not the one I take often (which makes me doubt a little), it seems a big 30 feet tree appeared in a really self-evident place middle of the road like that I never noticed before, I was kind of really puzzled when seeing this first, confused and not sure if it always was like this of was a real glitch.
September 18, 2014 @ 8:11 am
Hi Clive. Is the list on your “Self Healing Facilitator” webpage:,
of what the Self Healing Facilitator does a good example of what the auto clearing does? I think the auto clearing is more advanced and better, I just want to give an example list to someone of what to expect from the auto clearing that does not read all the scary pages on your website. Thanks.
September 19, 2014 @ 11:35 am
Everyone will have a different response to the auto clearing, so even clearing everything on this selfhealinghandbook list might not actually change things too much. Unfortunately ‘what is cleared’ is very dependent on the ‘script’ of each person. Which is why a) I’m now focusing on the ‘sim’ areas and b) I’m not doing ‘support’ because it’s a waste of my time acting as a talking head about ‘things’ we cannot influence ‘yet’ (that was part of the agreement Sean).
Think of it this way, this ‘earth space’ is a ‘gamed’ system so the sim would love to have me waste my time answering questions that a) pretty much no one would understand the answers to anyway and b) the sim ‘manipulates’ peoples understandings so the ‘understandings’ people actually get are not the ones I was trying to convey in the first place (I’m SERIOUS about this). I already know this because the ‘simpler, more coherent, more descriptive, easiest to read’ pages that I write on how the sim works / giving evidence of it the more impossible it is for a LANGUAGE MAJOR to read and understand them (and he’s someone that is seriously, SERIOUSLY interested AND is seriously determined to gain deeper understandings). Even with seriously good but less simple pages it takes 5/6 readings before you start, START to ‘really’ get them. With my best pages it’s estimated it’ll take 20-30 readings.
The average reader of this site reads 2 to 3 pages, for all sorts of reasons it’s very unlikely that anyone will make a determined effort and say read all the scary pages 5/6 times which is what you’d need to do before you can start to join the dots between different pages in different sections and ‘get the bigger picture’. At the same time, as the bigger picture is horrific and depressing then this too is incentive to not take in what is written here either. It’s much easier for most people to stay in a ‘light’ fantasy or to retreat to some other ‘explanations’ which are much more emotionally or mentally palatable.
April 21, 2015 @ 3:35 am
Oi Clive, obrigado por expor tudo isso!
Sempre quando estou lendo essas páginas sou distraído com algo é impressionante isso.
Parece que foi um milagre ter encontrado este site.
Hi Clive, thank you for exposing all!
Whenever I’m reading these pages I’m distracted by something that is impressive.
It seems it was a miracle to have found this site.
April 21, 2015 @ 10:14 am
Yea, it is a miracle if you find this site and another if you are able to stay and read what is here . . .
June 12, 2015 @ 10:37 am
Hi Clive,
I came across your sites only this week. Underwent Reiki training 25 years ago and now understand why it felt so wrong, why I intuitively abandoned all the symbols pretty quickly, and have been trying to ‘retrieve myself’ ever since. Did self healing yesterday with the aim of dissolving the implants etc., a work in progress; today meditating on how ‘high self’ and ‘all that I am’ reveals itself to me. Seeking to understand how I can create a ‘really useful’ spiritual support team, to work with me in undertaking current and future energy work. Enjoyed reading your suggested invocations…’Take me beyond all my assumptions…’ etc :o) Looking forward to ‘seeing’ what is beyond the sim!
One question…I agree with your concept of healing energy being categorisable into either contracting or expanding, and I appreciate how an expanding energy could be useful for exposing what is hidden and needs addressing…yet, part of me wants to further categorise contracting energy as ‘structural, male, rigid,’ and expanding energy as, ‘flexible, expansive, female.’ Do we not ultimately need a balance of these two? The balance of chaos and structure, yin and yang, to facilitate pure creative potential?
Thank you in advance for your thoughts on this :o)
June 12, 2015 @ 12:05 pm
“contracting or expanding” . . . let me give you some more ‘appropriate’ definitions.
Contracting = “‘Sticky Plaster, ‘Managed’, ‘Paint by numbers'” ‘incompetent’ Healing . . . contracting approaches have people applying healing solutions unconsciously, solutions that are not aware of, that don’t identify or then ever ‘PROPERLY’ address ALL contributing causes revelant to the issue. In other words ‘contracting’ healing which is 99.999% of healing that is supported here applies solutions that absolutely DON’T address the originating problems while themselves result in the accumulation of more problems/issues over time.
Expansive = “Requires Competence” . . . it describes an approach that requires that you KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING in other words it requires that you are COMPETENT that you can push through all of the misdirections and bullshit for a start as part of what is needed to look for, never mind find / identify all cvontributing causes AND then the competence to develop solutions based on understanding the causes so that they are each and all dealt with ‘CORRECTLY’.
So, why on earth would anyone argue that combining “knowledge, experience, competence and awareness” with “incompetent, no experience, following a FU ‘Paint by Numbers’ formula, do things completely wrongly” would lead to BALANCE?
Never mind that as subtle beings have no GENDER, then the whole ‘male / female’ shit pile is also an ‘engineered’ MISDIRECTION.
Many people are ‘easily’ kept occupied with the manufactured misdirections/distractions rather than becoming competent enough to identify the well hidden subtle energetic ‘shit’ that is actually responsible for them. Like (for example) identifying the ‘shit’ that is ENGINEERING the male female polarisation in the first place. Which I have done. A few % of the multilayered managing ‘shit’ pile is dedicated to artificially seperate out what was originally an androgenous subtle population into two discintly seperate incarnated ‘gendered’ populations so that they each end up exhibiting distinctly different ‘behavioural and psychological’ characteristics. At this point these two artificually manufactured and now ‘polarised’ populations then begin to have different subtle ‘shit’ applied specifically to cause increasing problems between members of each. This takes ‘divide’ and ‘conquer’ to a whole new level doesn’t it?
This site presents high quality information that barely scratches the surface of what is actually ‘really’ going on. ‘IF’ anyone wants to have some basic and I really do mean BASIC understanding of ‘what is REALLY what here’ then you are recommended to read everything here at least 2/3 times as this is about the minimum required before you personally will start to catch on such that you may even start being able to join some of the many interconnecting dots bridging the many different angles of presentation given on this site.
June 12, 2015 @ 12:29 pm
Thank you for your response.
Well – I did ask to be taken beyond my assumptions!
Another issue for me to meditate on :o) I look forward to experiencing clarity…
June 12, 2015 @ 12:42 pm
Let me give you another perspective on this site . . . it’s taken me 35+ years to gain the ‘experience’ and to accumulate my understandings to reach this point today. The last 2 decades I have lived and breathed 24/7/52 what I write about here.
Interestingly, for anyone wanting to understand ‘basics’ it would take them rather less time to get up to a bare minimum ‘understanding’ speed than it took me to write these pages.
I have people asking “How can I/we get out of this / what can we do / to start to change / deal with these things” . . . and ‘yet’ people spend years at a business school or studying engineering, medicine or ‘programming’ or psychology or ‘whatever’ . . . they do this to gain a bare mimimum of ‘competence’ just in ‘understanding’ terms of their area of interest / study. Yet people arriving here and whom are ‘concerned and interested’ in these areas don’t seem to be able to appreciate that as a mimimum they should ‘study’ what is here. Strangely, I don’t even charge anything for people to read these pages never mind an amount that would be equivalent for them to ‘get an education’ elsewhere.
Despite me pointing out again and again and AGAIN here . . . that the managing ‘shit’ as a PRIORITY wants you all to remain ignorant / uneducated . . . people are still so easily managed that they don’t realize the significance of this tactic as they attempt to read these pages.
My ‘attitude’ over a decade ago when what I write here started to sink in was to be completely ‘affonted’ by what I was finding AND to give all of this ‘shit’ of all types ‘The FINGER’.
Well, you could try and become competently ‘informed’ / gain some understandings as a start particularly as being dedicated in doing this results in you gaining direct experience of the ‘invisible’ efforts dedicatedly applied to yourself in attempts to make sure that you discontinue these ‘studies’ ASAP?