Simulation Argument Evidence Basics
Compilation of Evidence that we are entire software defined people living in an entirely software defined external reality?
Extensive Intelligently Designed Earth, Moon & Solar System Evidence
Matrix Film, Plato’s Cave, Theory of Forms, Metempsychosis & Platonic Dualism Comparisons
Are we living in an Artificial Reality? The ‘Matrix’ or a Simulation?
How a ‘Matrix Reality’ Model of Subtle Form Interfaced to a Physical Animal Body Explains & Validates many Anomalous, Paranormal & Spiritual Experiences
An Example of an Earth Simulation Rendering ANOMALY likely due to Unanticipated Software Interactions
The Biggest Science ‘Glitch’ – We only research ‘Regularities’ and we only look for ‘Patterns’ Anomalous Researcher Behaviour
The Anomalous, Invisible & Ignored ‘Glitch in the Matrix’ Anomaly Phenomena
How many Earth Simulation Software Programmers would it take to Simulate People Changing a Light Bulb without Presenting Anomalies?
What is an ‘Anomaly’? What would be a good Definition of Anomaly for Simulation Evidence Investigations & Evaluations?
How Simulation Design Boundary Limits & Simplifying Approximations Will Confound the Embedded Expectations of Accurately Simulated Individuals
The Evidence that an Earth Simulation Designer has applied Boundary Limits & ‘Unreal’ Software ONLY Approaches to our likely UNREAL world
Are we living in a simulation? What Evidence have I presented so far to Support an Earth as a Simulation Project Hypothesis?
Collecting Simulation Argument Evidence Polls & Surveys
Some Examples of a Catastrophic Hardware Overload Simulation Anomaly or ‘Glitch in the Matrix’ Event? . . .
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