New page, giving yet more evidence of subtle forms interfacing from a very different angle . . . I’m using two sections from this page (the oak forest section and the Roman getting pregnant, giving birth, looking after baby, young toddler/child . . . etc) to expand on these angles for later pages . . . i.e. when the later pages get written these sections will disappear from this page!!!!
In writing earlier versions of this page I’ve been very gradually becoming more and more aware of the sheer scale and variety of ancient ‘Gods & Goddesses’ as well as the sheer scale and breadth of in some cases very narrow earth environment and or human life angles that they were apparently ultra obsessed with PLUS that we have many different, separate Gods connected to many different cultures all obsessively focused on the exact same earth life and environment aspects/areas too.
These repeating patterns eventually had me realising that absolutely ‘everything’ that is significantly different IN ANY WAY between the subtle form and any avatar/animal form it may find itself interfaced to as well as of any and all differences between the subtle environment and the physical environment and particularly the day in day out, as well as any LONGER TERM embedded habitual experiences of all subtle forms (whom in most cases will have been around for 10’s of millions of years) are then very likely to cause serious problems with respect to them adapting to being incarnated into what would be an utterly/exceptionally different i.e. completely alien physical environment while also being interfaced to and hence then being ‘represented’ by, an exceptionally, utterly different ‘alien’ animal vehicle/avatar life form which compared to the immortal subtle form is exceptionally short lived never mind that how most physical forms propagate/reproduce (to be quite explicit) is also utterly absolutely/different compared to how subtle forms propagate too!!!!
Let me give you some actual examples of the scale and range of pretty much any subtle form’s utterly embedded, engrained experiences and habits as well as its automatic/automated expectations, all of which will be exceptionally, utterly embedded because they will have accumulated over an utterly vast time scale. Coincidentally absolutely all of these engrained habits and expectations will be exceptionally, utterly different compared to absolutely anything it will experience regularly, if not ALL THE TIME should it ever become incarnated and hence then find itself permanently living as some animal form while it endeavours to have an earth based physical life experience!!!
Our Subtle Form & the Subtle Population’s Long Term Subtle Experience Made Explicit
Most subtle forms will have been living as a subtle being within the subtle environment for literally 10’s of millions of subtle years, in fact, many of the subtle population will be around 15 million subtle years old around the time that they started to become aware of the parallel physical strata, although it would be even longer before they’d figure out how to interface some of the early subtle explorers/researchers to various aspects of the physical . . . in other words in that the vast majority of the subtle population will have been propagating by dividing asexually to produce either identical and or none identical twins of the parent form then this will result in pretty much ALL OF THEM having approximately 10 or 15 or 20 million years of absolutely embedded subtle environment experiences inclusive, for example, of themselves and everyone else always living IN THE SKY although it is also exceptionally likely that they’d all have a lot of experiences ‘splitting/dividing’ to produce twins/duplicates of themselves many, many times too . . .
Can you reading this appreciate the problems of interfacing a form that’s basically had 10, 15 maybe 20 million years of then embedded subtle reality experiences into an utterly, completely different ‘alien’ surface of a planet environment never mind that they are all, when incarnated going to find themselves being ‘represented’ by a totally/utterly alien life form (compared to themselves)!!!!!
For example, pretty much any of the essentially alien physical animal forms (and particularly the larger ones) that any subtle form could be interfaced to also substantially change over time because most if not all of the larger animals go through multiple transforming, developmental phases as a newly born animal baby form grows in size while then living through various stages of growth and developmental transformations too!!!!
In that subtle forms divide asexually to then produce twins, which in most cases are then substantially equivalent to how they were before they ‘split’ in both size as well with respect to memories and experiences as well as with respect to acquired/learnt skills to the single original parent.
In this respect, absolutely none of the earth’s larger physical animal forms means of propagation, birth nor ‘growth’ phases/stages have any parallel with respect to the asexual, self dividing means of propagation that is ‘normal’ for the entire subtle population which I’ll remind you is also the only ‘species/life form’ within the subtle too!!!!
Basically, every single aspect of the subtle form’s embedded/engrained experiences of itself, its interactions with other subtle beings as well as of itself permanently living up in the sky within the subtle environment, all of which it will have accumulated over millions of years, will all be substantially different compared to what it will experience being incarnated/interfaced to a (relative to itself) very short lived physical animal life form while it spends time likely permanently living on the two dimensional surface of an alien physical world (rather than flying or bobbing around in the sky), and, rather than there being just one life form/species, there are a vast multitude of many, many, many different types, a small proportion of which will very likely be dangerous to its avatar’s ability to survive never mind all of the different types and varieties of earth pathogens responsible for all sorts of diseases as well as bad weather events, poisonous plants, venomous snakes and so on . . . in this respect it’s actually exceptionally likely that any large scale subtle to physical population incarnation effort is then very, very, very likely to include extensive overseeing guidance able to offer support and guidance at least for the first few incarnations/physical ‘lives’ until they all then gradually become adapted to the vast variety of differences . . . in other words, it seems exceptionally likely that there absolutely would have been ‘some’ subtle strata incarnation focused administration & support efforts specifically setup to monitor/track as well as guide/facilitate/support/help all of the newly incarnated subtle forms that were part of the first/earliest earth physical life colonisation efforts . . .
A Reminder of the STARK Differences Between the Subtle Form, Subtle Environment & its Current Physical Experience Circumstances
Let me ‘explicitly’, remind you of our current actual ‘human’ form circumstances as well as the past unfolding historical progression that led to these!!!
The human body is nothing more than a remote vehicle, an ‘avatar’ being driven around by an ‘intelligent’ none physical energetic/resonance based/frequency emitting ‘organism’ which is often called or described as ‘the soul’, and or as a ‘spirit’ although it’s occasionally seen or more often ‘felt’ as a ‘ghost’ form presence too (and particularly around the times when it’s been recently disengaged/de interfaced from the physical body/avatar form that it was using as a remote vehicle for its ‘now’ last life) although it is also sometimes referred to as the ‘subtle body’ here, at least within certain circles!!!
In that the process of initially researching and investigating/exploring the earth surface’s physical environments and habitats must have happened a very long time ago (in our terms) AND, that it is very likely that early physical earth planet incarnation and direct physical exploration efforts would have been very, very gradual, specifically because they’d have to figure out how to permanently as well as seamlessly interface their subtle people to likely a few different animal forms while then working out how to synchronise the subtle form to the daily (day and night and waking and sleep) cycles as well as more long term cycles (the seasons of the year for example) never mind of themselves also having to become used to the fact that unlike their subtle selves whom (if you remember the details I presented on the previous page) don’t ever actually have to go looking for food, nor then spend time preparing and then eating it to actually ‘STAY ALIVE’ never mind that all subtle beings in being immortal, then actually live FOR EVER & EVER & EVER too . . .
Based on what I write above, then one of the primary problems/handicaps of interfacing our subtle being/soul form to any physical animal form is that they are going to have to seriously adjust themselves with respect to them suddenly finding themselves interfaced to an animal form that then requires regular meals requiring them to adapt such that they then have to identify and then find and then eat food that is of an appropriate type for that specific animal avatar form. Although, it will also have to regularly find and also drink clean water and also then learn to shit and pee in places well away from either food or water sources while also having to find somewhere to sleep every night that’s ‘safe’ because rather than having absolutely no other species at all to think about, there are not only millions of different species on this earth planet BUT, unbelievably, none actually come with identifying labels specifically indicating whether they are poisonous or not, or are a predator of the animal you are currently using as a remote vehicle/avatar either!!!
Despite the above collection of day in and day out ‘adaptation’ problems, these will actually be minor compared to finding yourself interfaced to an animal that is not only ‘NOT’ IMMORTAL but worse, it also very gradually ages, becomes older and older such that over time it becomes more and more decrepit/disabled until ‘shock horror’ it eventually pegs out/kicks the bucket and then dies.
Which means that at the point that the interfaced form dies, it will be essential that the subtle form be de interfaced/disconnected from the now dead and hence then beginning to decay/break down body. If it’s not de-interfaced from the dead physical body fairly promptly it may end up being described/labelled as being one of the ‘still living’ dead.
Once de-interfaced from the physical avatar form, its subtle perceptions/senses, in now no longer being physical body/physical reality orientated (these sensory signals would have been being transmitted via the subtle to physical interfacing) would (depending on the culture) likely be fed sensory signals representing some type of virtual ‘reception’ space where it would likely have to wait until a suitable developing fetus of a currently pregnant animal form becomes available before it would then find itself re-interfaced/incarnated into a physical life form ‘YET AGAIN’!!!
So, overall during these early physical world exploration times, you are actually interfacing an exceptionally different i.e. an ‘alien’ subtle energetic organism to a remote physical avatar/vehicle. Such that despite that the subtle form (unlike the animal form) is actually ‘intelligent’ it is exceptionally unlikely to have any clue what so ever about any facet of the physical environment except/unless it’s been directly involved in some way with the physical earth planet remote investigations/research and or if it’s been intensively educated about different facets of the earth’s physical environment and also the exceptionally alien (to itself) physical animal form it’s supposed to use as a remote vehicle/avatar to inhabit/explore i.e. to actually attempt to FUNCTION/LIVE within this unbelievably different essentially alien environment/habitat!!!!
Just in case you ‘STILL’ don’t get what I’m trying to make clear here . . . then let me point out some things/angles for you to think about and particularly with respect to putting yourself in the position of being a subtle leader and or those subtle forms directly working on behalf of some subtle form leader whom specifically finds ‘ITSELF’ (remember it’s not either male or female) at the point of just THINKING about maybe/possibly interfacing some of their better educated subtle people as part of putting together a small specific environment/habitat expedition team whom would be responsible for figuring out as much as possible as part of preparations to have their entire subtle culture essentially pretty much permanently interfaced to some physical animal form.
The Needing to Regularly Find & Eat Food & have Shelter Within an Utterly/Unbelievably Alien Environment Problem
All the details and problems of which they’d very much have to figure out ‘well before’ they’d start to interface a significant number of there cultures larger subtle population into the physical and particularly as part of them starting to put together their own physical culture . . .
In that this would be a massive undertaking i.e. it essentially represents a mass exodus of an entire population of immortal subtle beings whom have naturally arisen and hence then always (as in ‘forever and ever’) lived within a very, very different energetic/resonance based environment for likely a very very long time being interfaced to a very, very different as well as essentially unknown ‘alien’ environment while being interfaced to (a ‘to themselves’) exceptionally alien type of life form!!!
Let me present you with what is likely a very limited/contained list of things they’d seriously need to know about before even starting to interface more than a very few subtle people to any physical animal species within what to themselves, and their entire population would be an exceptionally/utterly ‘alien’ landscape/environment!!!!
- What water source is acceptable for any specific animal type to safety drink ‘and’ where are the best places to find this type of water and which water places should it avoid, perhaps because the water is stagnant, poisonous or is the home of crocodiles?
- What type of environment is any particular animal species adapted to live within?
- What other animals/animal species are predators of the form that you are interfacing to ‘and’ how do those animals detect and or attempt to avoid these predators?
- What other animals or plants are poisonous if eaten or if specific parts are eaten or even just touched by your newly interfaced subtle form whom perhaps finds itself as a cat or a mouse or a hawk or a pigeon or a wolf or a sheep or a reptile or frog or slug or snake or rabbit . . .
You have to keep in mind here that the earths animal species in being base instinct, needs, drives and or hungers focused/orientated are then unlikely to have even thought of designing and then building ‘shelters’, nor are they likely to even have the concept of writing/keeping records, such that they won’t have got round to writing any handy reference books detailing all useful and or dangerous aspects of different types of flora and fauna.
In other words, no matter what animal form any subtle form/subtle being is interfaced to this subtle form (despite being intelligent) is at least initially very likely not going to have any clue what so ever about what for themselves can only be described as an exceptionally alien physical environment (at least compared to the one it’s ALWAYS LIVED IN and hence then is ‘perfectly’ adapted to) never mind of having absolutely no understanding of any/all aspects of the physical world/environment which could be directly or indirectly dangerous/damaging to itself when it becomes interfaced to any type of avatar . . .
” . . . HEY!!! does anyone know if ‘this’ plant can be safely eaten by my specific animal avatar?!?!?, . . . No!!! OK, well, I’ll see what it tastes like then, BUT I’ve already decided I’m going to call it ‘Belladonna’?!?!?! . . . “
Wouldn’t the earliest subtle to physical animal form interfacing efforts have as an ultra top priority to specifically focus on the well-being and hence then the health of the animal form the subtle being/spirit was interfaced to!!!!
How would the earliest interfaced to an animal form subtle settlers be facilitated to properly look after the animal form they have been interfaced to!!!!
Let me remind you that the subtle form never actually consciously ‘eats’ anything. It doesn’t have to because its subtle body naturally as well as automatically absorbs the resonances/frequency combinations that are ‘nutrition’ to itself directly . . . it might feel or otherwise be prompted to spend time in a more ‘nutritious’ environment if it ever felt that it was deficient of any resonance or frequency combinations . . . contrast this with it then finding itself interfaced to an animal that both has to directly spend time eating to take in ‘nutrition’ while also having to spend time finding what it needs to eat which is some cases might require it to hunt and kill other animal forms to do nothing more than STAY ALIVE!!!!
Can you appreciate the stark problems here!?!?!?!
Which is that you have a life form, which for millions of years has very, very likely, completely unconsciously, taken in nutrition in ways that are substantially equivalent to a plant or tree.
In other words, in that the subtle form automatically with no effort or thought, takes in it’s nutrition from its surroundings/environment, such that it’s actually exceptionally unlikely to even have conceptually contemplated any form of life having to hunt and then kill and or having to regularly spend time gathering food never mind then having to spend time actually eating/chewing/swallowing food too!!!! It’s actually likely that if any subtle philosopher presented these as ideas/concepts they’d be considered crazy/mad. How would a subtle form that found itself incarnated/interfaced to some species of animal now living in the physical survive under these conditions? How would it know what is appropriate for its avatar to eat, how would it know where to catch and or find the food it’s avatar needs?
How easy would it be for an immortal being that is very likely to have never ever needed to do anything to ‘maintain’ any aspect of itself, to actually cope/adapt when it finds itself living as an alien life form, that to just stay alive has to spend regular time likely each and every physical day actually having to hunt/kill and or otherwise acquire food that it then needs to spend time eating JUST TO STAY ALIVE!!!!
Unfortunately it’s even worse than I describe above, because sometime after having eaten food, it will also find that the alien body it’s occupying eventually feels compelled to disgorge/eliminate unused waste food products, which it must also somehow magically learn to do well away from its normal living/sleeping areas as well as its food and water sources, else, ‘IF’ it doesn’t, it’s then at risk of becoming ill!!!!
Hence then, based on the above, can you appreciate the sheer scale of the forever and ever and ever embedded habits relating to the . . . “never ever even needing to think about looking for, nor ever having to learn to identify nor then regularly having to spend time eating ANY food, never mind very specific types of ‘food’ nor has it ever had to find somewhere safe/remote to regularly eliminate toxic/unhealthy processed body waste” . . . PROBLEM!!!
In this respect wouldn’t all subtle forms being made ready to be incarnated into the physical have to have drummed into themselves during the ‘Getting Yourself Ready to be Incarnated’ orientation sessions they’d likely have to ensure that they were all made very, very, very aware of all of the physical life ‘problems’ that THEY WILL ALL BE FACING & WILL HAVE TO ADAPT TO else they’ll very rapidly find themselves facing a multitude of problems!!!
I personally cannot see how even if all earth colonist volunteers experienced having ‘rather a lot of earth physical life orientation’ sessions how these would adequately prepare them for the actual reality of living as some alien physical animal species while also having to learn to live within an exceptionally alien environment!!!! In fact, it seems very obvious to me that they absolutely must have consistent ‘subtle’ support/facilitators watching out for themselves while also if necessary regularly directly intervening and helping them and particularly to make sure that they avoid all sorts of health problems . . . .
Coincidentally on checking, we seem to have had RATHER A LOT of health Deities/Gods in our ancient past, whom are seemingly associated with pretty much every major culture including: African, Armenian, Aztec, Celtic, Chinese, Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek, Hindu, Hittite, Inuit, Japanese, Maya, Mesopotamian, Native American, Norse, Persian, Phoenician, Roman, Sami, Slavic, Thracian, Yoruba and Afro-American . . .
African Health Deities:
- Agwu, Igbo god of health and divination
- Jengu, water spirits that bring good fortune and cure disease
- !Xu, sky god of the Bushmen of southern Africa who is invoked in illness
- Osanyin orisha of herbalism
Well the first two above cover both health in general (i.e. what you should eat), herbal use for remedies when you get sick, as well as an up in the sky god on call for actual illnesses i.e. likely serious illnesses as well as physical avatar body damage!!!!
Chinese Health Deities:
- Wu Ben (Baosheng Dadi, the King of Medicine)
- Shennong, a mythical emperor who spread knowledge of herbs and medicine.
- Taiyi Zhushen, God of Qi
- Taokang Geyan, God of Essence
- Zhang Guolao, one of the Eight Immortals, whose wine was considered to have healing properties
- He Xiangu, one of the Eight Immortals, whose lotus flower improves one’s mental and physical health
- Li Tieguai, one of the Eight Immortals, who alleviates the suffering of the poor, sick and needy with special medicine from his gourd
- Wong Tai Sin, a god with the power of healing
- Jiutian Xuannü, goddess of war, sex, and longevity (long life), who is connected to calisthenics, diet, alchemy, neidan (inner alchemy), and physiology
Strangely we have 3 of the above Gods explicitly described as immortal.
Coincidentally, you reading this are an immortal subtle/spirit/soul form that’s currently interfaced to physical human animal form that unfortunately has an exceptionally limited lifespan at least when compared to ‘immortal’. Perhaps this is why we also have the idea/concept of reincarnation presented by many cultures here.
Conceptually, exactly what in physical terms could be passed from a now dead body such that it is then able to be reborn through another body such that for some people, they are able to access details of past life memories?
The first reference to reincarnation appears in the Upanishads (the sacred scriptures of Hinduism) about 2600 years ago.
Now for my own current incarnated life’s culture/environment (in the UK) in the distant past, as well as the rest of Europe (if not pretty much ‘everywhere’), it was all originally exceptionally dense mixed woodland, BUT primarily of oak!!!
In other words, early subtle to physical research and investigations with respect to understanding enough to start to interface people would have been completely focused on a dense forest habitat that was primarily of oaks . . . although there’d likely be less to no trees on more upland/higher altitude areas and possibly even no trees on mountain tops.
In that the first subtle settlers would be interfaced into this giant woodland then it is exceptionally likely that they’d have a lot of subtle ‘facilitators/monitors’ associated with all of the different aspects of the forest (which is mostly oak) as well as all environments and habitats/sub habitats associated with this forest canopy!!!
In that I’ve already pointed out on the previous page the being interfaced to an ‘isolated’ tree possibility, AND in that only recently has science actually become aware of the networks of tree roots and fungi species combinations providing a network connecting both the trees and the surrounding land/topsoil/biome it’s perhaps possible that some of the upper subtle colonisation facilitators would eventually think of interfacing to a well established tree AND use its root system and the surrounding biome to allow them to have a direct physical environment sensory awareness/presence over a very large area of forest. This would allow them to become aware of and to track all none interfaced animals and particularly any that were potential threats (hawks/eagles/owls/wolves etc) so they’d be able to give some pre-warning of these threats allowing them to make their interfaced people ‘magically’ aware of potential threats to themselves!!!!
If you do a search for “myths related to oaks, oak trees and forests” you get a lot of interesting information related to oaks specifically. For example, all of the major cultures of Europe held the oak tree in very high regard, in fact to many of the major early tribes the oak was the most venerated of trees, with the oak tree being sacred to Dagda, Zeus, Perun, Jupiter as well as Thor, although the Greek god Zeus and his wife, Hera, were known as the oak god and the oak goddess. Interestingly, many of these oak associated Gods are also described as having dominion/control over thunder, lightning and rain too!!!
The Gods (In or from the Sky/above) are then Described as Becoming the First Kings
In early myths/legends, the first ancient kings are described as actually presenting themselves as the (maybe now fully incarnated into flesh) physical personifications of these Gods, as apparently they are described as wearing crowns of oak leaves and are doing this very specifically to symbolise themselves as being the oak god they are now each representing as a king on Earth. There are also records that those loyal and or are successful in service to the king/the kingdom were also presented with crowns of oak leaves too.
In this respect the first subtle settlers that were interfaced into this giant mixed woodland would very, very, very likely have a lot of subtle ‘facilitators/monitors’ associated with all of the different aspects of the forest as well as all environments and habitats/sub habitats associated with these, such that they’d have subtle experts/facilitators on all the different habitat/environment areas such as streams and rivers as well as ponds and lakes . . . although you’d also have to have as experts/facilitators of the coastal areas, beaches and the sea too . . . you’d also have to have experts on all of the different plant and herb types as well as of all of the different animal species!!!!
Based on the above, you’d have subtle experts on plants and particularly herbs specific to different habitats, you’d have others whom are the experts on different animal species, you’d also very, very likely have specific subtle beings as ‘guardians/protectors’ who’d be ‘in the sky’ and monitoring and or over looking/facilitating the early physical settlers too . . .
Sky & Heaven Deities & Beliefs & the Above Location & Descriptions of Eternal Heaven Too!!!!
Many early cultures have a sky and or a heaven deity or deities. Despite that some have quite a few, there is often one specific deity that reigns over the others or is at least considered the most powerful. Sky deities can be masculine or feminine, for example Isis, Astarte, Ishtar, and Inanna whom often holding the title of the “Queen of Heaven”, although the same name was often applied to the Virgin Mary, along with various other features and attributes of ancient pagan goddesses.
A variety of religions describe heaven as being populated by angels, demons, Gods and goddesses, and/or heroes (in Greek mythology for example). Heaven is generally construed as a place of happiness, sometimes eternal happiness, however the consistent belief of most is that one enters heaven at the moment of death (which would equate to the time the ethereal spirit/soul form would be disengaged from the physical interfacing).
You might have noticed that I’ve highlighted the ‘eternal‘ word in the paragraph above!!!
Let me give you the definition of ‘ETERNAL’:
without beginning or end; lasting forever, always existing.
Now, just in case you don’t make the connection yourself then for a living form to be eternal would directly equate to that form being ‘immortal’!!!! Strangely despite the meaning of eternal being substantially similar/equivalent to immortal it doesn’t appear in either synonyms nor related words of immortal (nor vice versa)!!!
In early religions Heaven was described as a place far above the Earth in a “dark area/place” and more specifically it was considered a place where there were no stars. In other words it was considered a place much, much higher than and beyond the stars, such that you could no longer see them.
In other words these descriptions by and large describe a place that is conceptually above as well as separate from the easily observed physical Universe.
Departed souls (i.e. de-interfaced from a now dead physical body ‘souls’) are considered to undergo a literal journey to reach Heaven, in some cases this journey may involve hazards including the presence of entities attempting to prevent them/you from reaching Heaven. Strangely this directly implies impediments to you conceptually returning to the subtle reality/environment which is your natural originating place as it’s where your inert subtle body is lying somewhere while it’s interfaced to yourself.
In medieval times it was apparently popular to view ‘Heaven’ as a physical place above the clouds and that God and the Angels (let’s translate these terms as relating to the primary leader and the leaders most trusted/competent/knowledgeable advisors/facilitators of that culture) all of whom are considered to be above while also watching from above over ‘physical’ man.
The Eternal in the Subtle Strata Heaven & Ancient ‘Deities’ As Knowledgeable/Competent Subtle Forms Possibilities
Interestingly, about 2 and a half decades ago now, I directly, perceptually accessed what I later described as the subtle strata which I also conceptually viewed as ‘higher’ because it didn’t present anything dense, solid or fixed, i.e. there were no identifiable physical phenomenon or structures, everything was ‘energetic’, meaning that it was composed of just frequencies and resonances. In some ways, the subtle strata environment is somewhat equivalent to energetic plasma i.e. all phenomena within this strata are resonance/frequency based such that everything (unlike the physical) is always ‘obviously’ moving/in motion including the subtle life forms found there.
I became aware of the above because I was spending consistent time (as in up to 6 hours at a time most days) absolutely holding an unwavering passive intention on various internal physical body sensations, feelings in efforts to become completely aware of the origins of various (now completely resolved) debilitating issues (massive from before birth through early childhood trauma that resulted in a chronic bad stammer/speech block).
It was in doing this that I eventually become aware of the subtle/soul/spirit form of myself existing/present elsewhere.
In other words the causes/origins of the supposed physical, emotional ‘trauma’ issues I was trying to get to the origins of, in concerted efforts to understand and resolve these weren’t actually held within my easily observed physical body BUT were located within the body form that actually animates the human avatar vehicle, hence then in a conceptual sense, be aware that every time you drive your car, this is directly equivalent to what the ‘ACTUAL REAL YOU’ is doing right now with respect to the human vehicle/body you are using to read what is written here. I.e. you are not this human body, you are just the driver of it!!!!
So, we here/now find ourselves (at least in sense/perception/awareness terms) within a specific multiverse strata that in relative ‘vibration and frequency’ terms (at least compared to the strata where our/your subtle body is present now) is, very, very dense and slow, which coincidentally, also allows the base matter/particles of this specific multiverse strata to be attracted to each other, such that over long spans of time they congregate and coagulate, eventually resulting in stable physical universe macro phenomena such as suns, planets and moons . . .
Early Physical Strata Explorers Will Have to Adapt to having a Permanent/Continuous Day & Night Cycle
In that the subtle environment doesn’t present anything equivalent to a rotating planet going around the sun type of experiences then subtle forms won’t experience and hence then won’t be adapted to anything equivalent to a repeating for ever and ever LIGHT DAY TIME, DARK NIGHT TIME CYCLE somewhat then strongly indicating that the subtle population are unlikely to easily or automatically adapt to having a repeating forever and ever day and night cycle. Also, if they were initially interfaced to humans they’d also likely find the dark/cannot see ‘night’ cycle quite scary/difficult to cope with, particularly as in the ancient past, they’ve no light bulbs, no torches or candles either, all of which is yet another reason as to why it is seriously unlikely that they’d interfaced to a none night adapted human form rather than say a cat or an owl!!!!
In it being highly predictable that the earlier interfaced subtle beings would have trouble coping/adapting to more or less 8 hours or so of dark night time during the early trial and error interfacing efforts then they’d also likely try and figure out means to make a fire pretty quickly BUT they are also very likely to setup overhead, high in the sky night watchmen type Gods too . . .
Again an internet search makes me immediately aware that we have plenty of Night Deities & Night Gods, and again, many cultures (14) had these, including: Arabian, Aztec, Canaanite, Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek, Hindu, Iranic, Lithuanian, Māori, Norse, Polynesian, Roman & Slavic. Here are some descriptions of the Night Deities & Gods from a couple of these cultures . . .
Aztec Deities of Night Phenomenon
- Lords of the Night, group of nine gods, each of whom ruled over a particular night
- Itzpapalotl, fearsome skeletal goddess of the stars
- Metztli, god or goddess of the moon, night and farmers
- Tezcatlipoca, god of the night sky, the night winds, hurricanes, the north, the earth, obsidian, enmity, discord, rulership, divination, temptation, jaguars, sorcery, beauty, war and strife
- Tzitzimimeh, skeletal goddesses of the stars
- Yohaulticetl, lunar goddess known as the “Lady of the Night”
Some Greek Night Deities
- Achlys, primordial goddess of the clouding of eyes after death, the eternal night, and poison
- Artemis, goddess of the hunt who was commonly associated with the moon
- Asteria, goddess of nocturnal oracles and the stars
- Erebus, primordial god of darkness
- Hades, god of the underworld, whose domain included night and darkness.
- Hecate, goddess of witchcraft who was commonly associated with the moon
- Hypnos, god of sleep
- Nyx, primordial goddess of night
- Selene, goddess of the moon
- Thanatos, personification of death, twin brother of Hypnos and son of Nyx and Erebus
Let me point out some of the obvious subtle to physical incompatibilities/problems that at least some of the above Gods/Goddesses are specifically focused on with respect to the differences between the subtle form and its normal functioning and habits compared to pretty much any animal form it would be interfaced to which ‘coincidentally’ would have to be monitored and or be addressed and or involve adjustments and or direct interventions!!!!
The Immortal Interfaced to a SHORT Life Span Avatar Vehicle Dying at Night Problem!!!!
In reading about ‘Achlys, Primordial Goddess of the Clouding of Eyes After Death, the Eternal Night, & Poison’, above, then it seems to me that this Goddess is representing one of the physical population’s overseeing subtle forms that is specifically dealing with the de interfacing of the subtle form specifically from a recently dead avatar form that ‘maybe’ specifically dies during the night.
Although it’s also entirely possible that because the death of the animal form that you are interfaced would mean that you’d no longer receive signals from its senses i.e. such that you’d effectively then be IN THE DARK in eyesight/vision as well as other sense terms could then be accurately described as the interfaced subtle form experiencing an ‘Eternal Night’ i.e. it would receive zero physical sensory input!!!
This state would likely be quite scary and maybe also be traumatizing to the subtle form still interfaced to a now pegged out/dead animal, hence then you’d have a ‘God’ whose job would be to monitor the state of each interfaced animal form specifically for signs of death, so as to de-interface the subtle form as quickly as possible after the death of the vehicle avatar!!!!
The Subtle Form Interfaced to a Physical Animal Incompatible Sleep Duration Problem
In reading of ‘Hypnos, God of Sleep‘ in the above list, this reminded me that subtle beings only sleep about 10% of the time rather than about 30% of the time (relative to being awake) for physical animals such that the subtle forms will perhaps need to be adjusted/adapted with respect to finding themselves being interfaced to an animal form (any of them really) that in most cases would absolutely need to sleep a lot longer than they themselves are used to!!!!
However, after writing the above and thinking about this angle for a while then it seems to me that during the phase that the physical animal/avatar is asleep it would be possible for technologically competent cultures (via the interfacing) to divert the focus of consciousness/awareness away from the physical animal form perhaps to a VR of a subtle environment equivalent space where they could meet and or interact in equivalent ways to how they would have interacted in the subtle itself i.e. as ‘in the sky/flying/interacting’ subtle beings!!!
The Interfaced Subtle Leaders & Habitat Experts of Many Settlements Sharing of Knowledge Problem
It seems to me exceptionally likely that leaders, as well as many of the incarnated population leaders, facilitators and various ‘physical’ experts whom were then part of separate physical settlements would very likely have this type of facility specifically because it would allow all of those that were part of perhaps physically isolated settlements to meet up during the long dark/sleeping phase to discuss ‘whatever’ about the progress of the colony and more so to identify and or find ways to resolve any problems any of the individual settlements were having as well as perhaps helpful to resolve conflicts or potential that may arise between different cultures colonisation efforts.
In a sense those that were part of any the above ‘meet in a VR’ groups in the distant past would perhaps be those that ‘now’ experience lucid/conscious dreaming and or astral travelling. During which ‘people’ in these states often meet up with others and interact too!!!! In fact it seems very likely to me that ‘Asteria, Goddess of Nocturnal Oracles and The Stars’ could be the interfaced subtle form that was the facilitator/director of these types of ‘flying in the sky’ meetings/discussions trying to address problems or get advice based on others’ experiences . . . after all they are all interfaced into an exceptionally alien environment which is not only exceptionally different compared to their own, whilst also continually involving dangerous factors that are utterly alien to themselves such as predator <> prey scenarios, such as having to keep your avatar fed as well as watered as well as making sure you don’t have your avatar shit near any of your food or water sources etc . . . . either!!!!
Oracle: A priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the Gods in classical antiquity.
In this respect, both Asteria, Goddess of Nocturnal Oracles and the Stars as well as Selene, Goddess of the Moon, make sense to me as the interfaced subtle forms would very likely be guided by subtle facilitators/helpers (aka the ‘Gods’) to use the moon and the stars to both orientate themselves as well as to navigate and particularly during the night!!!
Early Physical World Pioneers Will Also Have to Be ‘Facilitated’ To Cope With Changing Seasons
The subtle environment in not being physical in the slightest never mind presenting planets won’t then ever present anything approximating ‘seasons’ i.e. fixed/regular periods/phases where all manner of things are consistently different and or are changing/in the process of changing . . . if you think about the physical seasons then they often determine cycles of life/growth/bounty and harvests as well as phases associated with a lack of many different types of food as well as of phases associated with death.
Also, for many animal species, there are seasonal phases related to fertility/propagation as well as then pregnancy and giving birth and also ‘death’. In other words it wouldn’t be long before those investigating earth world realise that the factor that would have the greatest detrimental effect on your interfaced population in terms of ‘survival’ with respect to the prevalence of food would be the seasons.
In that the seasons would mean feast and famine times and hence then be critical with respect to incarnating a significant number of people, at least more people than was natural or able to be supported by the natural/normal animal and or plant food supplies during any particular season . . . in that seasons would likely be the most detrimental, negatively impacting factor to those that were attempting to have a permanently interfaced population there would have to be subtle forms researching and also facilitating/guiding these already interfaced whom were part of the earlier efforts to understand these factors . . . in other words you can predict that there will be entire subtle teams dedicated to very closely monitor the early ‘permanently’ incarnated settlers as part of advising as well as helping them such that you’d perhaps expect different ‘in the sky’ support teams working to facilitate/advise them with respect to each of the seasons . . .
Interestingly we have a whole host of deities and personifications associated specifically with the different seasons.
List of Gods of the Winter Season
Coincidentally, here is the list of the different culture’s ‘Gods’ that in the past were associated with the season of ‘winter’, which coincidentally, seems to have significantly more Gods associated with it compared to any other season!!!!
- Beira, Queen of Winter, also Cailleach Bheur, a personification or deity of winter in Gaelic mythology
- Boreas (Βορέας, Boréas; also Βορρᾶς, Borrhás) was the Greek god of the cold north wind and the bringer of winter. His name meant “North Wind” or “Devouring One”. His name gives rise to the adjective “boreal”.
- Ded Moroz (literally “Grandfather Frost”), a Russian substitute of Santa Claus
- Father Winter – Albanian mythology[citation needed]
- Great Winter God (冬大神), of Ba Jia Jiang (The Eight Generals), originated from the Chinese folk beliefs and myths
- Hiems, the Roman personification of winter.
- Hine-Takurua Personification of the winter in Māori mythology and one Tamanuiterā, the sun god’s two wives
- Itztlacoliuhqui, deified personification of winter-as-death in Aztecan mythology
- Jack Frost
- Kheimon, from Greek kheima, a hora of winter, early ancient Greece
- Khione ((from χιών – chiōn, “snow”) is the daughter of Boreas and Greek goddess of snow
- Morozko, from a Russian fairy tale, translated as Father Frost
- Nane Sarma, Grandma Frost, Iranian folklore.
- Old Man Winter, personification of winter.
- Skaði (sometimes anglicized as Skadi, Skade, or Skathi) is a jötunn and goddess associated with bowhunting, skiing, winter, and mountains in Norse mythology
- Shakok the god of winter the North Mountain in Native American mythology
- Three Friends of Winter in Chinese art, the plum, bamboo and pine.
Spring time, (maybe the time of giving birth for many animal forms), has the next highest number of ‘Gods/Goddesses’ associated with it, followed by summer and then by autumn!!!
Easily Deduced Consequences of one Single Species Becoming Aware of a World Presenting Gazillions of Species/Life forms!!!!
It’s perhaps very conceptually important that you keep in mind that there is only ONE SINGLE LIFE FORM in the subtle environment.
In other words there are no other life forms other than the subtle beings/forms within the subtle environment. In this respect, in that the surface of the earth is literally teeming with an unbelievable variety of life then in ‘WOW/F***ING WOW’ terms it’s likely equivalent to a moth’s reaction to a bright light in terms of AMAZING/ASTOUNDING WONDERMENT!!!!
‘AND’ there are also very, very, many different types of physical life too . . . all intermixed and interacting . . . it’s hard to imagine their reaction to all of this beyond it seeming to be an unbelievable amazing wonder!!!!!
In that all of your subtle population will be interfaced to the developing fetus likely sometime before it’s going to be born AND that the birth of a now interfaced aka ‘intelligent’ form is in a foundation/base sense not only critical to your setting up an ‘earth’ civilisation plan BUT is also the most technically challenging then it’s very likely you’ll have one or more high up ‘in the sky’ subtle monitors/facilitators aka ‘Gods and or Goddesses’ overseeing this!!!!
In that the subtle forms are androgynous and hence then divide asexually to produce in most cases a twin of themselves AND in that in their own entire environment only hosts one life form (coincidentally THEMSELVES) then won’t those accessing and remotely viewing the earth environment be having their whole/entire conceptual viewpoint with respect to life, different life forms as well as ways of propagating, giving birth and or having offspring completely blown apart!!!!
In that the interfacing to a physical form would be their most technically difficult task AND would then be seriously focused on then I was expecting to find a lot of Gods related specific to the birth of an animal form . . . however, what I found wasn’t a lot of Gods and or Goddesses of ‘Birth’ BUT a whole host of Gods and Goddesses of FERTILITY . . . which to myself, didn’t make sense until I figured out the above.
I.e. you have single species population which coincidentally has absolutely no experience of ‘sexual’ reproduction whom also live in a energetic/resonance/frequency based environment that doesn’t in the slightest present anything equivalent to planetary seasons suddenly being confronted with a world teeming with many many completely different varieties of life forms never mind gazillions of individual species such that their the department of species/life forms AND all processes and aspects of all of the different types of life forms would ALL ON ITS OWN BE ‘MASSIVE’ . . . i.e. in this respect, ‘fertility’ isn’t actually really about ‘FERTILITY’ it’s actually about all factors related to the unbelievable . . .
A single isolated species that has an entire reality to itself i.e. it is the ONLY SPECIES/LIFE FORM WITHIN ITS ENTIRE REALITY, suddenly gets access to a completely different parallel reality/environment that is teeming with literally gazillions of COMPLETELY DIFFERENT LIFE FORMS, ALSO OF MANY, MANY DIFFERENT TYPES all of which are also reproduce BUT often in many different ways, including ways that don’t involve the simple binary division/splitting into two of an organism!!!!
Hence then the definition of ‘fertile/fertility’ is a generic term for ALL OF LIFE as well as of ALL THE DIFFERENT WAYS/MEANS OF REPRODUCING . . . MOST OF WHICH WOULD BE COMPLETELY ALIEN TO THE RESEARCHING SUBTLE FORMS . . .
Fertile (adj.): mid-15c., “bearing or producing abundantly,” from Middle French fertil (15c.) and directly from Latin fertilis “bearing in abundance, fruitful, productive,” from ferre “to bear,” from PIE root *bher- (1) “to carry,” also “to bear children.”
Hence then we have lots and lots of:
Gods & Goddesses of Fertility, Inclusive of Pregnancy & Birth
There are 33 Cultures presenting approximately 200 different deities related to fertility.
So, below are some examples of Gods & Goddesses of Fertility, Inclusive of Pregnancy & Birth just from the Greek and the Japanese cultures.
Greek Culture Fertility Deities
- Aphaea: Local goddess associated with fertility and the agricultural cycle
- Demeter: Goddess of the harvest, agriculture, fertility and sacred law
- Dionysus: God of wine, grapes, and festivity, associated with fertility, particularly that of the vine and males
- Hera: Goddess of the air, marriage, women, women’s fertility, childbirth, heirs, kings and empires
- Ilithyia (also called Eileithyia): Goddess of childbirth and midwifery, likely of Minoan or earlier origin.
- Pan: God of shepherds, flocks, mountain wilds, and rustic music; associated with fertility, particularly that of animals
- Phanes: primeval deity of procreation and the generation of new life
- Priapus: rustic god of fertility, protection of livestock, fruit plants, gardens, and male genitalia
- Tychon: A daemon imagined as a boy
- Persephone: Goddess of spring, Greek god of fertility
In checking out other cultures I’m also presenting the Japanese list here because their list is specifically inclusive of a ‘Deity of ambiguous gender’. Now in that ‘ambiguous’ is to be very honest a weird descriptor I checked the main wikipedia page, which was actually way, way less ‘ambiguous’ in that it uses the term androgynous i.e. it implies neither directly male or female but something that is fluid and hence then is more able to either one or the other . . . which is how subtle forms are ‘psychologically’!!!!
Japanese Culture Fertility Deities
- Kichijōten, goddess of happiness, fertility, and beauty
- Kuebiko, god of agriculture and knowledge
- Inari Ōkami, deity of fertility, rice, agriculture, foxes, and industry; this deity is of ambiguous gender and may be portrayed as male, female, or ambiguous
- Shinda, fertility god of the Ainu people
However, on becoming aware of the sheer scale of involvement of the Roman culture’s fertility Gods efforts whom seem to have been involved in every minute aspect of human reproduction, pregnancy, child bearing, childbirth as well as both baby and toddler and young child rearing efforts then these Roman Gods are listed/described too!!!!
The No Sexual Reproduction/No Newly Born Form, Self Dividing Twin Being Interfaced to a Handicapped Baby, then a Disabled Toddler Problem!!!!
What other Goddesses and Gods would you expect to have because the population has forever and ever and ever propagated by dividing itself such that the twins that result are then endowed with the history and hence then the memories and experiences of its parent/twin?
In other words, subtle forms that propagate by dividing themselves automatically then have the experience of their ‘split/parent’. As such they don’t then have any experience equivalent of being a newly born baby, nor do the newly divided subtle forms then have any experience being a toddler, nor a young child nor then the experience of being a teenager nor will they experience going through adolescence or puberty either!!!!
Now, just Imagine them having a physical newly human birth experience, which is going to have them perhaps being interfaced to a fetus in a womb for a time which after being born is then (at least for the human animal species) it is then going to find itself experiencing being a helpless baby for quite a long time too. It’s then going to spend time as a toddler and then more time as a very young child, after which it’ll reach puberty and become a teenager before then becoming an adult . . . all of which will be something of a mystery never mind perhaps considered bizarre and or super weird to a self dividing form that then becomes a duplicate of an identical twin.
So, with respect to all of the above, then when I first came across the God/Goddess of Childhood it took me a while (after an initial ‘WTF’ reaction) for me to figure out why these god ‘minders/facilitators’ would be necessary!!!!
Seriously, if we are a product of evolution and are then just nothing more than an animal form that naturally via instinct pretty much automatically propagates, gives birth, raises its young then WhyTF did we have ‘rather a lot’ of Gods all seemingly completely pre-occupied with all stages of human reproduction, including being sexual, being pregnant, giving birth, being a helpless baby and then going though childhood and VERY SPECIFICALLY, ALL OF THE ASPECTS OF ‘BEING BORN & GROWING UP’ THAT WOULD BE A COMPLETE MYSTERY TO OUR SELF DIVIDING SUBTLE FORMS!!!!
Hence below I’m giving a List of Roman marriage, birth and childhood deities all obsessed with some minute aspect of human reproduction and propagation!!!!
Roman Gods & Deities Apparently Ultra Obsessed with Sex, Conjugation & Getting Pregnant
The Gods of the marriage bed (di coniugales) are also Gods of conception. Juno, one of the three deities of the Capitoline Triad, presides over union and marriage as well, and some of the minor deities invoked for success in conceiving and delivering a child may have been functional aspects of her powers.
There are about 12 of these, here are few just to give you some examples of, to be honest all of the angles of ‘help’ the Gods were responsible for with respect to specifically helping subtle forms navigate absolutely all aspects of male and female animal form interactions, sexuality, courtship, marriage as well as sexual intercourse and even conception!!!!
- Jugatinus is a conjugal god, from iugare, “to join, yoke, marry.”
- Cinxia functions within the belt (cingulum) that the bride wears to symbolize that her husband is “belted and bound” (cinctus vinctusque) to her.[15] It was tied with the knot of Hercules, intended to be intricate and difficult to untie.
- Subigus is the god (deus) who causes the bride to give in to her husband in sexual intercourse.
- Prema is the insistent sex act, from the verb primo, primere, to press upon.
- Inuus (“Entry”), the phallic god Mutunus Tutunus, and Pertunda enable sexual penetration.
- Consivius is the god of propagation and insemination, from con-serere, “to sow.”
- Liber Pater (“Father Liber”) empowers the man to release his semen, while Libera does the same for the woman, who was regarded as also contributing semina, “seed.”
- Mena or Dea Mena with Juno assured menstrual flow, which is redirected to feed the developing child.
- Fluonia or Fluvionia, from fluo, fluere, “to flow,” is a form of Juno who retains the nourishing blood within the womb. Women attended to the cult of Juno Fluonia “because she held back the flow of blood (i.e., menstruation) in the act of conception.”
- Sentinus or Sentia gives sentience or the powers of sense perception (sensus). Augustine calls him the sensificator, “creator of sentience.”
What a quaint idea it is that some actually imagine that we are nothing more than naturally evolved ‘animals’ which if true then they wouldn’t ever need to have their penis guided during intercourse by a God then would they!?!?!?
WhyTF would you have ‘Gods’ whom apparently have to be unbelievably knowledgeable about all human courtship, mating, intercourse and propagation factors when all of what they are obsessed with would for any animal be NATURAL BY INSTINCT!!!!
More Roman Gods & Deities Seemingly Ultra Obsessed with both Pregnancy & Giving Birth/Birthing
The primary deity presiding over the delivery was Juno Lucina, who may in fact be a form of Diana. Those invoking her aid let their hair down and loosened their clothing as a form of reverse binding ritual intended to facilitate labour. Soranus advised women about to give birth to unbind their hair and loosen clothing to promote relaxation, not for any magical effect.
There are then about 11 sub pregnancy/giving birth areas with one or more ‘deities’ facilitating each of these!!!!
- Egeria, the nymph, received sacrifices from pregnant women in order to bring out (egerere) the baby.
- Postverta and Prosa avert breech birth.
- Diespiter (Jupiter) brings the baby toward the daylight.
- Lucina introduces the baby to the light (lux, lucis).
- Vagitanus or Vaticanus opens the newborn’s mouth for its first cry.
- Levana lifts the baby, who was ceremonially placed on the ground after birth in symbolic contact with Mother Earth. In antiquity, kneeling or squatting was a more common birthing position than it is in modern times; see di nixi. The midwife then cut the umbilical cord and presented the newborn to the mother, a scene sometimes depicted on sarcophagi. A grandmother or maternal aunt next cradled the infant in her arms; with a finger covered in lustral saliva, she massaged the baby’s forehead and lips, a gesture meant to ward off the evil eye.
- Statina (also Statilina, Statinus or Statilinus) gives the baby fitness or “straightness,” and the father held it up to acknowledge his responsibility to raise it. Unwanted children might be abandoned at the Temple of Pietas or the Columna Lactaria. Newborns with serious birth defects might be drowned or smothered.
- Lucina as a title of the birth goddess is usually seen as a metaphor for bringing the newborn into the light (lux, lucis). Luces, plural (“lights”), can mean “periods of light, daylight hours, days.” Diespiter, “Father of Day,” is thus her masculine counterpart; if his name is taken as a doublet for Jupiter, then Juno Lucina and Diespiter can be understood as a male-female complement. Diespiter, however, is also identified in Latin literature with the ruler of the underworld, Dis pater. The functions of “chthonic” deities such as Dis (or Pluto) and his consort Proserpina are not confined to death; they are often concerned with agricultural fertility and the giving of nourishment for life, since plants for food grow from seeds hidden in the ground. In the mystery religions, the divine couple preside over the soul’s “birth” or rebirth in the afterlife. The shadowy goddess Mana Genita was likewise concerned with both birth and mortality, particularly of infants, as was Hecate.
- In contrast to the vast majority of deities, both birth goddesses and underworld deities received sacrifices at night. Ancient writers conventionally situate labour and birth at night; it may be that night is thought of as the darkness of the womb, from which the newborn emerges into the (day)light.
- The cyclical place of the goddess Candelifera, “She who bears the candle,” is uncertain. It is sometimes thought that she provides an artificial light for labour that occurs at night. A long labour was considered likely for first-time mothers, so at least a part of the birthing process would occur at night. According to Plutarch, light symbolizes birth, but the candle may have been thought of as less a symbol than an actual kindling of life, or a magic equivalent to the life of the infant. Candelifera may also be the nursery light kept burning against spirits of darkness that would threaten the infant in the coming week. Even in the Christian era, lamps were lit in nurseries to illuminate sacred images and drive away child-snatching demons such as the Gello.
Yet More Roman Gods & Deities Now Ultra Obsessed with Neonatal/New Born Baby Care!!!!
- Once the child came into the light, a number of rituals were enacted over the course of the following week. An offerings table received congratulatory sacrifices from the mother’s female friends. Three deities—Intercidona, Pilumnus, and Deverra—were invoked to drive away Silvanus, the wild woodland god of trees: three men secured the household every night by striking the threshold (limen; see liminality) with an axe and then a pestle, followed by sweeping it.
- In the atrium of the house, a bed was made up for Juno, and a table set for Hercules. In the Hellenized mythological tradition, Juno tried to prevent the birth of Hercules, as it resulted from Jupiter’s infidelity. Ovid has Lucina crossing her knees and fingers to bind the labour. Etruscan religion, however, emphasized the role that Juno (as Uni) played in endowing Hercle with his divine nature through the drinking of her breast milk.
- Intercidona provides the axe without which trees cannot be cut (intercidere).
- Pilumnus or Picumnus grants the pestle necessary for making flour from grain.
- Deverra gives the broom with which grain was swept up (verrere) (compare Averruncus).
- Juno in her bed represents the nursing mother.
- Hercules represents the child who requires feeding.
- Rumina promotes suckling. This goddess received libations of milk, an uncommon liquid offering among the Romans.
- Nundina presides over the dies lustricus, the purification day when the child was given a name (praenomen). This occurred on the eighth day for girls and the ninth day for boys, a difference Plutarch explains by noting that “it is a fact that the female grows up, and attains maturity and perfection before the male.” Until the umbilical cord fell off, typically on the seventh day, the baby was regarded as “more like a plant than an animal,” as Plutarch expresses it. The ceremony of the dies lustricus was thus postponed until the last tangible connection to the mother’s body was dissolved, and the child was seen “as no longer forming part of the mother, and in this way as possessing an independent existence which justified its receiving a name of its own and therefore a fate of its own.” The day was celebrated with a family feast.
- On the dies lustricus, the Fata Scribunda were invoked. The “Written Fates” probably refers to a ceremonial writing down of the child’s new name, perhaps in a family chronicle. To the Romans, the giving of a name was as important as being born. The receiving of a praenomen inaugurated the child as an individual with its own fate.
Even More Roman Gods & Deities Now Ultra Obsessed with Young Child Development!!!
In well-to-do households, children were cared for by nursemaids (nutrices, singular nutrix, which can mean either a wet nurse who might be a slave or a paid professional of free status, or more generally any nursery maid, who would be a household slave). Mothers with a nursery staff were still expected to supervise the quality of care, education, and emotional wellbeing of children. Ideally, fathers would take an interest even in their infant children; Cato liked to be present when his wife bathed and swaddled their child. Nursemaids might make their own bloodless offerings to deities who protected and fostered the growth of children. Most of the “teaching Gods” are female, perhaps because they themselves were thought of as divine nursemaids. The Gods who encourage speech, however, are male. The ability to speak well was a defining characteristic of the elite citizen. Although women were admired for speaking persuasively, oratory was regarded as a masculine pursuit essential to public life.
- Potina (Potica or Potua) from the noun potio “drink” (Bibesia in some source editions, cf verb bibo, bibere “drink”) enables the child to drink.
- Edusa, from the verb edo, edere, esus, “eat,” also as Edulia, Edula, Educa, Edesia etc., enables the taking of nourishment. The variations of her name may indicate that while her functional focus was narrow, her name had not stabilized; she was mainly a divine force to be invoked ad hoc for a specific purpose.
- Ossipago builds strong bones; probably a title of Juno, from ossa, “bones,” + pango, pangere, “insert, fix, set.” Alternative readings of the text include Ossipagina, Ossilago, Opigena, Ossipanga, Ossipango, and Ossipaga.
- Carna makes strong muscles, and defends the internal organs from witches or strigae.
- Cunina protects the cradle from malevolent magic.
- Cuba helps the child transition from cradle to a bed.
- Paventia or Paventina averts fear (pavor) from the child.
- Peta sees to its “first wants.”
- Agenoria endows the child with a capacity to lead an active life.
- Adeona and Abeona monitor the child’s comings and goings.
- Interduca and Domiduca accompany it leaving the house and coming home again.
- Catius pater, “Father Catius,” is invoked for sharpening the minds of children as they develop intellectually.
- Farinus enables speech.
- Fabulinus prompts the child’s first words.
- Locutius enables it to form sentences.
- Mens (“Mind”) provides it with intelligence.
- Volumnus or Volumna grants the child the will to do good.
- Numeria gives the child the ability to count.
- Camena enables it to sing.
- The Muses give the ability to appreciate the arts, literature, and science.
Can you think of any other phenomenon/circumstances that any upper/in the sky/heavens subtle monitoring forms whose job would be to monitor and then facilitate an incarnated into the physical population would then also warn them about?
Well won’t the next most potentially frightening and or dangerous unknown be bad weather in general and particularly destructive well as exceptionally frightening storms? In which case I’d expect that these will be the next most common although irregular phenomenon that subtle observers will look out for and then magically WARN/ADVISE their incarnated populations about!!!
Gods of Bad/Dangerous Weather, The Rain, Bad Storms, Wind & Thunder & Lightening, Hail & Snow
In other words it is very likely that early physical strata population colonisation efforts would have ‘in the sky’ atmospheric weather phenomenon monitoring systems, which in some cases would perhaps include regular weather forecasts as well as upper advice and in some cases help depending on how bad specific weather conditions/circumstances are ‘predicted’ to be. Hence then it’s not been much of a surprise to myself to find that not only do we seem to be a vast number of so called Gods of various bad weather phenomenon BUT there also seem to be a large number of Gods dedicated to very specific weather types/phenomenon, and this seems to be the case for many different cultures/peoples too.
GREEK-ROMAN Gods of the Weather:
- Zeus/Jupiter god of the sky, rain, lightning and thunder.
- Poseidon/Neptune god of sea storms.
- Iris is the goddess of rainbows.
- Fulgora the goddess of lightning.
- Aeolus is king of the winds.
- Aether god of the air.
- Tempestas is the goddess of storms.
Interestingly the following Gods unlike those above seem to be more ‘advanced’ as they appear to have figured out common associations with respect to different weather conditions and how they would or could detrimentally impact an incarnated into flesh population!!!!
NORSE Gods of the Weather:
- Þórr, is the god of ‘heaven’, thunder and also lightning & rain.
- Óðinn god of the sky and the wind.
- Freyr & Njörðr are both gods of rain, fertility and harvest and seasons.
- Ullr is the god of snow and winter.
- Þorgerðr & Irpa are both goddesses of hail storms.
- Rán is the goddess of sea storms.
A quick check reveals that there are many, many different cultures that all by and large have an equivalent mix of ‘weather’ Gods (depending on the climate of their population’s location), in fact all early cultures seem to have these BUT you’ll get the general idea of how ‘comprehensively’ the forecasts/early warnings are with respect to the different weather types of the two cultures I give above . . .
So, if you as an immortal subtle being, have actually been repeatedly re-incarnated again and again over a very long time span while also actually being someone whom in the very distant past was one of the overseeing/monitoring ‘facilitators’, then is it possible that under certain conditions you’d become aware of your past ‘facilitating’ experiences and perhaps particularly when you find yourself in a similar situation to what you, yourself monitored and or directly facilitated in the distant past!!!!!
Strangely, I’ve 2 web pages explicitly describing myself ‘Personally’ directly ‘interactively’ changing/directing the weather in seriously impossible ways . . . by interacting with what I actually directly named/called a weather God!!!!
- Directly Interacting with a Weather God or Air Sylph, & Dramatically Changing the Weather!!!
- An Example of Interacting, Directing and Changing the Weather at will
Coincidentally for years after this specific incident (which happened in my very late 20’s) I’d occasionally tune in and directly engage with the weather system and or air elemental/weather god form and pre order the weather a few days before I was going to be out walking in nature and more particularly for walks where I’d be with other people AND particularly as part of organised walks to give myself and others the opportunity to encounter/engage with different types of ‘nature’ spirits.
Strangely, these ‘requests’ were always carried out. In other words I always got the weather that I wanted!!!!
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
December 24, 2019 @ 2:46 pm
NEW PAGE: If you’re an expert in ‘observation’ then you’ll maybe notice when you finish reading this page that there is a consistent repeating pattern in that most/the majority of different cultures all each have gods that are all ‘by and large’ doing the same things . . . however, in utter violation of this pattern we seem to have many, many, many, many Roman gods obsessed with every possible angle of ‘Human’ courtship/marriage, then unbelievable micro detail re ‘intercourse’ then female ‘pregnancy’ then ‘giving birth’ then rearing a toddler and then bringing up a young child . . . I’ve also pointed out on this and previous pages that it’s EXCEPTIONALLY UNLIKELY that all cultures would use the same animal form to interface their entire culture too, it is in fact highly likely that they’d interface to many different earth animal types.
In other words the unbelievable Roman gods detail focused on all angles SPECIFICALLY of the human animal behaviours/characteristics IS JUST FOR THE ROMAN’S . . . in then also checking up on ‘humans’ there are pages making it clear that the human species specifically is seriously considered by many to have been ‘VERY BADLY’ BIOENGINEERED in the past . . . although I’m ‘fairly’ sure that the Greeks used none bioengineered humans before the Romans.
You can then deduce from the utter lack of similar human focused ‘gods’ for all other cultures (I’ve not found any yet) that the Romans not only used humans BUT they also (actually their subtle gods to be specific) bio-engineered/altered the base human specifically to SPLIT IT INTO SEPARATE MALE & FEMALE GENDERS . . . the androgynous evidence page on this site makes it clear that we’ve many males here presenting anomalous ‘pregnancy’ symptoms indicating that many people are actually not either male or female BUT are hermaphrodite i.e. the majority of people here are simulating someone that had both male and female organs/characteristics, hence then they’d also stand a fair chance of simulating someone that was pregnant and during the simulated phase this happened they’d likely present PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS!!!!.
So, if you’re inclined, then have a think about these possibilities AND if you can think of or are already aware of any other angles of ‘anomalies’ related to ancient god’s that also don’t add up leave a comment here!!!!
December 25, 2019 @ 3:48 am
I like this you did your homework well. The subtle form turning into a copy of something else. Have you read the Greek mythology origin story Clive? Basically there was only Khaos. Khaos then divided into Erebos Nyx Gaia Tartarus and Eros. Sounds like forms who split from the original form like subtle beings.
I found your focus on Roman god funny because I always kinda dismissed that as well greek gods light or Greek gods for idiots. I assumed Roman gods were basically a mix and match of Greek Egyptian and probably left over Assyrian/Babylonian. You said you learned a lot because they looked over all the aspects of the child growing up so fair enough.
What I find weird is I kinda expected you to dig around more in Babylonian/Assyrian mythology because the whole cycle of bullshit forced reincarnation crap kinda started there. You did mention Inanna Ishtar so I’m hoping you will look more into that.
Your lack of researching Enki/Ninhursag kinda baffled me. They made the first animal form so they must know what was used as first ways of interfacing subtle forms was like. Myths said they made this animal form/meatprison. I also see Enki as the person would be like ow come join my civilization and pull the con.
Hermes is a little chiwawa compared to Enki. whatever enki is its tricky and won’t speak honestly. It’s hard to sort out fact from myth. What I find hard is you would expect older subtle forms who reincarnated and know more to be benevolent and watch out of the the new ones little ones but they ruthlessy exploited them for their own temporary gains and games.
Clive I told you a bunch of times go check Babylonian mythology it’s a hunch of mine you might find more about the original interfacing method and the creation of the human animal form.
I think that if you figured out the blue print and the fuckery that happened afterwards you might unfuck stuff a little faster I might be wrong. I would call out those ancient pricks the subtle ones and the “god forms” like tf did you do tf you guys gonna undo it.
Your more tactful then me Clive I’m not the type who is gonna be diplomatic a little give and take a little non judgmental I will preach scream whine and curse. Then fold the moment they offer me something better I’m too easy to corrupt. Ahahahahahaha anyway happy hunting and a merry Christmas.
December 25, 2019 @ 6:16 pm
Hi Tommy (/everyone read!!!), Hhahha . . . well thanks for the feedback, I wasn’t expecting any quick response given current date/time of year!!!!
You shouldn’t be surprised as to the specific God’s I’ve focused on, because this page is the third page (so far) of a series trying to give evidence of our very different subtle form/species that is from a very, very different ‘IN THE SKY’ environment being interfaced to a very different physical form to live in a very, very different surface of a physical world environment. . . which I explicitly pointed out at the start of the page above in the second paragraph:
So, in checking out God’s I’ve then basically noticed and then pointed out that a lot of God’s OF VERY SPECIFIC THINGS (whom are actually all subtle beings) have very specific jobs/tasks/roles which are coincidentally all focused on helping/supporting the newly interfaced subtle people/population to cope and or adapt to absolutely everything that is ‘DIFFERENT’ compared to what they will have all personally experienced for likely many millions of years . . .
. . . ‘AND’ in doing this and in listing/pointing out these god’s specifically it’s then very obvious that lots and lots of gods are all focused on the very same ‘problem’ areas which are also very, very common to the majority of all cultures here too.
So, here’s something for you to think about Tommy (if you want to help), some interfaced animal forms in the very distant past will have lived in very different ways compared to HOW WE ALL ARE AS HUMANS ‘NOW’ . . . for example, I’ve noticed in the past that archaeologists/historians have pointed out that we’ve had so called humans living in caves close to the top of very high sheer cliffs, while conveniently not explaining why they’d live there nor how they’d climb up or down etc!!! One Native American tribe we’ve now just myths of Thunderbirds actually massive birds, I’m also sure that a South American culture was also some large bird species too . . .
So, a community that is exclusively of ‘flying’ bird type creatures is likely to present ‘clues’ of what they are . . . with respect to common God’s they don’t have or extra God’s that are common to other cultures!!!
Another similar angle, is that we’ve also a lot of supposed underground cities that we are told were supposedly populated by ‘humans’ too . . . however, it likely that they’d actually in the distant past be actually populated by badgers, moles, rabbits or Meerkat’s or ????!!!
In which case, what specific ‘God’s’ would you expect these flying in the air species or the burrowing living underground species cultures to either ‘have’ that would be specific to them OR to not have because being up a cliff or underground they’d not need one of the commoner ‘support’ gods???
For example I noticed that god’s of the night were missing for some specific cultures, which seemed to me to possibly indicate that those cultures might have used species that lived underground such that in them then having an animal permanently adapted to living in the dark they’d not need a god of the night to hold there hand when it’s dark!!!!
Also, the list of Roman pregnancy, giving birth, baby minding, young child god details etc. etc. etc. . . . ALL IN ULTRA FINE DETAIL . . . is actually all very, very specific to the ‘CURRENT’ human animal form type!!!!
So, the ‘fact’ that other cultures don’t have the same lists as the Roma’s coupled with the fact that there is a lot of evidence/belief that in the distant past that humans we’re engineered/bioengineered means that this bio engineering was very likely done by the Roman ‘Gods’ . . . basically I’m VERY certain that all earth animal forms in the very distant past were all ‘hermaphrodite’ i.e. they absolutely all had both male and female sexual organs i.e. EVERYONE WAS BOTH MALE & FEMALE, this makes sense as it would be the best form for the subtle forms to have to interface to as it would allow them to have both full male/female PERSONA/PERSONALITY EXPRESSION in one body form . . . the Romans split the ‘hermaphrodite’ human and engineered a separate male and female form hence they’d ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO HAVE LOADS & LOADS & LOADS OF GOD’s supporting people to get used to them now being in a form that was now either male or female i.e. NOT BOTH . . . In that all none Roman cultures don’t have the same, going on and on and on lists of god’s supporting the half a human either male form or female form only monstrosity, this means that it was ONLY THE Romans that did this!!!!
Let me point out that if we are simulating copied people that we’re not either male or female BUT we’re both then there would be an unbelievably common as well as VERY OBVIOUS and consistent anomalous experience that would be very, very common to male humans here which is that if what I write above is correct then they would have experienced being pregnant BUT here they cannot ‘naturally’ become pregnant BUT if they are simulating someone that did they’d very likely then actually present some symptoms of being pregnant (despite that they are not).
In other words the symptoms of the condition called ‘sympathetic pregnancy’ are exactly what you would expect to have presented here ‘IF’ we are all accurately simulating being a hermaphrodite animal form here. Interestingly, studies have shown that this condition is presented in over 20% of the male population in the UK and over 30% of the male population in Australia. Both of these studies only recorded the OBVIOUS pregnancy symptoms and dismissed those that presented just a few or minor symptoms, hence then 20/30% is likely a ‘conservative’ under estimate of the prevalence of this condition.
The page going into these weird areas/angles in more detail can be found here: Deducible: Coincidences & Synchronicity’s as Evidence of a Technology Slow Down, of ‘Twin’s’ Living Parallel Lives & of many Humans being ‘Hermaphrodites’
December 26, 2019 @ 9:59 am
Clive mate there is something messing with our communication something that causes the wires to be crossed. I don’t know as much as you do. You were going on about the “Roman deities” did some shenanigans with the human animal form.
That they did some tinkering with the human animal form. That isn’t the first time that something like that happened with the human animal form. The reason why I keep whinging to you about those Sumerian Akkadian deities is because I think that the shenanigans with bioengineering fuckery started there.
I remember reading something about the changing of the deities after a war and there was another round of bioengineering shenanigans happening in Egypt.
There was also some fuckery going on in Atlantis they tried to undo some tinkering but they turned into power hungry twats and fucked everything even more. I do not know which of those happened first that’s up to you to find out ahahahahahaha.
So recap fuckery in Rome you found but there were more rounds of fuckery before and if they fucked around with human form they prolly also fucked around with the subtle form a bunch of times.
All the other stuff you wrote made sense you just didn’t go as far back as I told you. Thunderbirds where really weird spiritual creatures they had to do with the Heyoka basically where the thunderbird and the heyoka came from everything was inverted. Go read the legends
And the whole gods were representing different animal forms I remember Hawaiians had a shark god so there might have a population of subtle beings interfaced to sharks I guess.
Guess the aboriginals were pretty on the ball also their chief deity was a snake called rainbow snake. Subtle form rainbow cloud? Rainbow snake Pretty clever if you ask me.
The snake this is why I have been bitching about Ea enki that was his symbol. According to the mythology there is a myth he had a contest with his wife Ninhursag and he made the human animal form this is why I whine. I was scared af just when I was gonna post it my iPad died and I was hoping the comment I wrote wasn’t lost.
December 26, 2019 @ 4:49 pm
Ahhh, OK, Tommy I’d not worry about it in fact I’m surprised there hasn’t been more comms ‘sabotages’ recently (given the competence of current shit!!!!).
The main problem is that the EAAS is an ‘everyone ‘significant’ is now living on a single’ world i.e. they are all now on ‘EARTH/one world’. Where as, the original incarnated physical population is in another MV (the one that originated this/our FU EAAS one) which had the entire populations of all races/cultures spread out throughout 4/5 galaxies space/distance populating many, many different planets/physical colonies . . . so, the Egyptians got so pissed off with shenanigans/shit from other cultures that they packed up and moved to a new multiverse (they figured out how to generate one) ‘and’ they also managed to figure out how to copy/paste there main habited world to the new MV too.
So, in physical single planet terms now representing many planets populations all being presented on a single world then in a sense ‘symbolically’ each ‘worlds’ population on Earth could be thought of as being represented by an island . . . hence the Atlantis legend here of an island sinking i.e. ‘disappearing’ . . . which is representing the Egyptian’s moving there central ‘home’ world via some intermultiverse scale of some removals/transportation ‘magic’ effort!!!
So, I’ve two problems when writing one is trying to figure out WTF was actually going on within the original MV while also then trying to figure out how to ‘frame/shrink’ anything going on within the original entire MV that’s now all being badly mangled because it’s being presented on the surface of our single world here!!!!
. . . ‘AND’ . . . from the above, in a sense I’m trying to figure out what is SPECIFIC TO HERE, i.e. what was/is being DONE HERE within our EAAS that wasn’t done in the original MV, specifically because it’s part of the agenda of ‘here’!!!
So, based on the last few weeks thinking/figuring out efforts I’m pretty sure that ‘humans’ weren’t used specifically by the Roman’s in the original MV, they were used by some other cultures, ‘and’ the ‘bio-engineering’ to split the dual sexed human into male and female just happened here . . . as part of making things as difficult as possible for as many people as possible here!!!!
In other words, they likely used the human form here because other ‘TOP’ cultures used the human form (maybe even just for their leaders) to then split it into male and female FOR EVERYONE HERE to make life here as difficult as possible for these leaders/everyone else all being forced/all finding themselves all using a human body when in most cases this wasn’t the physical body animal form they originally used AND even if they did use it, it’s now been engineered to only have half the features i.e. it’s only either male or female here . . . rather than both . . . it’s a way of causing as many problems as possible for the greatest number of people ‘HERE’!!!!
February 13, 2020 @ 11:22 pm
Tommy/Melissa??/Update Everyone . . . well, despite definite ‘progress’ (at least for some) ‘some’ are still being contained . . . however I then remembered and started to watch the Dollhouse series as in a sense we’ve been focused on what is constructing and maintain our persona/personality (and accompanying trauma) and the Dollhouse in a sense actually ‘imprints’ people with bits from others ‘persona/personalities’ . . .
Now, ‘Tommy’ who leaves comments here has had DH shit/imprints applied to himself and Tom (a friend of mine and our best ‘shit’ hacker has too) I was specifically thinking of him/Tom as likely actually being a version of ‘Victor’ of the Dollhouse people (whose a shell shocked soldier) specifically because Tom in exploring past lives was Lord/Admiral Nelson (who lost an eye and got arm shot off in battle) . . . so it wasn’t much of a surprise towards the end of the series when ‘Victor’ is reverted back to his real self he them introduces himself as Tommy/Tom!!!!
So, Tommy/Melissa and or anyone else that has ‘vibes’ re the Dollhouse do the first focus below a couple of times and then the 2nd one . . . which will likely help speed up current efforts!!!!
. . . . I connect to any subtle and or physical neural architecture, any persona imprints and or anything similar and or equivalent and or any/all supporting/protecting/maintaining structures and or any data/systems/sub systems designed to and or that would react against/block/negate any efforts to investigate any aspect of the neural architecture/imprinted personas/persona fragments and or anything/everything the architecture and or dollhouse ‘tech/ware’ is dependent on and or anything that is keeping anything/any of this and or the architecture/anyone’s/any combination of peoples architecture and or any persona/persona fragments inaccessible/secure and or immune to any direct and or indirect investigation/investigations and or alteration/reversion efforts . . .
. . . and ‘best’ focus to help get to any shit still fighting to retain trauma and or debilitating personality/persona aspcets etc after doing the above is:
. . . I connect to any components/combinations of components that have been, are now and or that would in the future contribute to negatively/detrimentally define any external/environmental circumstances and or what people are doing/made to do specifically to negatively/detrimentally impact/shock and or otherwise traumatize and or maintain trauma/block trauma releases and particularly by having myself/anyone repeatedly negatively impacted/disturbed/shocked/traumatized by having memories of shit past circumstance/situations/experiences recycled and or made consciously or unconsciously disturb/distract and or pre-occupy myself and or make me reactive/sensitive to current and any recalled similar past circumstance/situations/experiences/impacts and or use these to generate any imagination/imaginings/pre-occupations relating to these/any combination of these and or anything that has been, is now and or could in the future prevent me from becoming aware of and or of accurately identifying or describing anything of any shit systems/sub system and or there networking factors/activators and or functioning combinations and or anything else IMPORTANT and particularly anything specifically contributing to make it as difficult as possible for me to accurately define/describe and or then directly/target anything/any type of shit including the variety and or means/sophistication of functioning/tactics of any ‘shit’ components and particularly to make it difficult for me/us to effectively hack/tame/bring under control any and all shit versions . . . and particularly any ‘shit’ systems/versions that have been and are now contributing to sabotage/debilitate/get me and or diversify/modify themselves/their ways of functioning and or tactics because of what I am doing now . . . !!!!
December 27, 2019 @ 8:19 am
So then are the myths and legends of the ancient gods we know of here in the EAAS all a part of the agenda to make these beings look bad? Is the fact that they are labeled ‘Gods’ (I tried to find it, but I believe that Rose left a comment stating that there were no Gods,) just another one of those FU efforts of the subtle leaders and those who followed and relied on them kind of like the Game of Thrones thing you mentioned in a previous comment?
I’ve done some research of the ancient deities of Ancient Greek and Roman in the past, and like Tommy has pointed out, most of them were self-absorbed, jealous pricks. The legends of Medusa and Arachne from Ovid’s Metamorphoses come to mind.
December 28, 2019 @ 5:16 am
From the book “The Spirit World” by the editors of Time-Life books. Copyright 1992
Page 14:
“For some tribes, the powers that control the universe and all its beings take the form of deities. In other cultures, the powers have no defined shape or form but are simply mystic energies.”
Page 53-54:
“In the beginning, Indian legend affirms, animals and humans spoke the same language. The animals took care of the humans, bringing them fruit, vegetables, and water to drink. During the winter, when the food was scarce, they even sacrificed their own flesh so that the humans would survive until spring brought new life to the land. Using their innate ability to predict changes in nature, they would inform the humans of coming storms or seasonal shifts in the weather so that the necessary preparations could be made. In time, however, people began to enslave the animals and abuse them…The humans also set animal against animal…Worst still, humans robbed the animals, snatching their winter stores of food. Eventually, the animals tired of the mistreatment and punished the ungrateful humans by going off to live by themselves and refusing to speak the same language. People were left to fend for themselves.
“Despite the rift that developed between animals and humans, the bond between the two groups remained strong in the context of legend and lore – so strong, in fact, that Native American languages do not even have words to distinguish the concepts human and animal. Early in the 20th century, when an outside asked the Achumawi people of California what their word was for animal, he was told they did not have one. When pressed, they could only offer a phrase meaning “the beings that are world-over, all-living,” a description encompassing humans as well as animals- and even rocks, which the Achumawi also believed were alive. The Achumawi did have a term for people of European descent, however, a word signifying tramps. From the perspective of the Achumawi, the Europeans seemed to be divorced from the natural world and its creatures and thus appeared homeless.”
Page 68
“So close was the bond between humans and animals that many Native American legends told of creatures who formed clans of their own in hidden camps or villages, where they returned to live after they died of natural causes or were killed. Within these villages, the animals removed their fur and feathers and looked and acted like humans. ‘The greatest peril of life lies in the fact that human food consists entirely of souls,’ explained an Iglulik hunter of the Far North in the 1920s. ‘All the creatures that we have to kill and eat, all those that we have to strike down and destroy to make clothes for ourselves, have souls, souls that do not perish with the body’.”
A lot of Indian creation myths involve water. Is water symbolic of something found in the subtle, like the various energies there itself that the subtle body relied upon for nourishment, or something else?
February 14, 2020 @ 1:17 am
Clive, I dont have the DH effects that Tommy describes but I have had thousands of body invasions since I was 14 years old (DH or real entity?) and I often felt as if something about my persona/behavior changed drastically starting somewhat in university but accelerated after graduating from university around the age of 24-25 and continued into adulthood.
Did I change because of negative life experiences/traumas/stressors/mental-tensions and/or was it also due DH imprints? I know I am still 100% contained in my SHIT. I’ve been doing the trauma/trt release focus AFTER setting an intention to connect to my original kidnap/torture circumstances but I don’t notice any changes/improvements.
Perhaps a full understanding of my situation hasn’t yet occurred AND/OR I have the DH imprints AND/OR something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT that has NOT yet been discovered/understood by you/Tom/Matt/Those-Outside?
When I do the trauma/trt release focuses after setting the intentiion to connect to my original kidnap/torture circumstances I got very brief references to:
a) electrocution
b) the christian cross (was I tied to a cross?)
c) drowning &
d) being tied up
I don’t know if I got those insights/ideas BECAUSE of AUTO-SUGGESTION of you telling me that my original form was kidnapped/tortured or whether they are actually relevant to my circumstance?
I didn’t get any Virtual-Reality related insights this time.
I also got the following:
1) reminder of 2 incidences when I was a young kid:
a) one where I was walking home from school and for some reason I decided to take another route home. As I was walking 2 guys who looked like rockers (this was early 1980s) made an attempt to grab me. I never ran faster in my life. I pressure they were just teasing/messing with me because I must have been 6-7 years old and they could have nabbed me if they actually wanted to.
b) The second incidence occurred at a friends house where my friend, my little sister and I were behind my friend’s apartment building complex playing. Again, 2 guys who looked like rockers came up to us and they told my sister and my friend to go home and for me to stay as if they wanted to kidnap me. We ran like crazy. Again, they probably were just messing with us as an adult could have easily caught a 6-7 year old kid.
2) reminder of the 1980s tv show in America/Canada called *Unsolved Mysteries* that showed all sorts of strange unsolved murders/kidnappings/ghostly-hauntings/ETs and other mysteries that were *unsolved*.
3) reminder of what happened to Leslie Mahaffy, Kristen French and Tammy Homolka, all teenage girls (my age) in St.Catherines/Burlington Ontario about 1 hour from where I lived in Toronto who were kidnapped, raped, tortured & murdered by Paul Bernardo & his wife Karla Homolka. Turned out that Paul Bernardo was also a serial rapist in that part of Toronto where my family lived.
I don’t know the significance of any of the above as it relates to me and/or my original form’s kidnap/torture circumstances.
I believe whatever has me LOCKED down is PREVENTING me from becoming aware of anything significant/instrumental that would HELP reveal & release any/all traumas/persona/behavior/beliefs/trts.
It could be DH imprints and/or what I mentioned earlier – SOMETHING ENTIRELY DIFFERENT that you guys have not yet discovered/understood.
I will do the DH focuses NOW as well but maybe its worth having a chat with your mates on the outside &/or Tom/Matt about my situation.
February 14, 2020 @ 2:08 am
I’ll have a think Shalon, the only other thing I know is that the capture/torture happened on ‘Deep Space Nine’ which was an all cultures/weird animals species trading station set up by the SNV’s as a cover for spying/mischief and likely then inclusive of abductions of ‘key’ people!!! Now as this is a physical space station everyone will be wearing an animal avatar and I’ve mentioned to you before that I’m suspicious as to the regurgitation?!?!?! type symptoms/effects you experience perhaps being because of the animal species you were?!?! You’d not try and hold down a fish under water would you!!!! Ah, do not some species of animal bring up there stomach contents to rechew/digest again, it’s possibly a very weird species that we don’t have here. Problem is that I’ve not watched very much DS9 so I cannot remember the types of species they had!!!
Ahh, in the distant past I made up a picture of some film aliens:
Tortoise top right, some reptiles, lions a snake woman . . . on checking snakes (maybe ‘reptiles’ then), owls and a lot of birds regurgitate
February 14, 2020 @ 3:11 am
He could possibly be a wolf as well. Taken from this article,
“Eventually, both parents would return to the hunt, bringing food back in their bellies, which they’d throw up as a steamy stew for the pups to eat—a technique biologists call “regurgitative provisioning.”
On a side note, I’ve been reading a book written by an Oglala Sioux man, and the way he describes how Midwest Native American’s lived back in the day, they sound like they would be either wolves or coyotes in the way they moved around and hunted. Although at one point, when the author was talking about how they were corralled on reservations and sent to missionary school, it reminded me of wild horses and how they are often corralled and broken by cowboys to behave and be useful.
I’m positive though that the Karok, Yurok and Hupa tributes of the Northwestern US are bears. I was looking at a few pictures and I could just see a bear in my mind in the way they sat and in they way they fished.
February 14, 2020 @ 3:15 am
Hey Clive sorry not a lot of updates from my side did do a lot the of last and I did a lot of the older focuses the last days.
I got nothing substantial to share with you guys. I have a mate crashing on the couch but I suspect he’s being used to feed me new/different trauma shit.
I’m looking like a overweight raccoon with thinning hair. I’m having a gut like a pregnant woman. Same old same old tinnitus voices purple energy field when I close my eyes. That lock jaw you described happened like 2 nights in a row I woke up it snaps then I go back to sleep.
I do feel a lot of messing around with my spine. Lots of weird stuff happing with my spine it’s like somehow it is tied to others. I brushed up on my knowledge about Tibetan Buddhism. I somehow feel their is more to the symbolism then I’m understanding.
Also looking into the work of mister jung with the subconscious. I did read the main book of him at my ex but it’s been four years.
Also read a book about Russian nanai shamanism because their mostly known for healing. What’s weird though is you gotta keep worshiping/feeding those spirits else you get sick again. If you don’t listen to those spirits they kill you. If you don’t pay the shaman so he can get sacrifices they kill the shaman and reverse the healing. At the end of the book this afternoon I got kinda scared I couldn’t place it.
My mate on my couch will be gone in like 5 hours. So I will do the new focussen then. He’s gone in the mornings usually back in the evening. Then he goes out after dinner again till late.
Clive couldn’t it have been a vr kidnap/torture? Like eh Altered Carbon. That something along the lines of that happened to shalin.
February 14, 2020 @ 3:38 am
Clive, the symptoms I describe MAY BE a *red herring* in that they could mislead/misdirect you/anyone trying to help. Not a guarantee but it has mislead a lot of people in the alternative medicine space as my symptoms sound very similar to what is already in their diagnosis tool kit and so they arrive at a diagnosis and follow the treatment protocol for that diagnosis BUT are then shocked that I’ve had no improvements and instead experience all sorts of other side effects/aggravations.
To me the root could be either any one of the following or any combination of these:
a) Liver/Gallbladder energetic structure has become severely imbalanced (i.e. YANG>>>>YIN) – All of TCM, Ayurveda and Tibetan Medicine identify severe Liver imbalance by inspection of my tongue and pulse. Other organ systems are off too (i.e. Spleen/Kidney) but Liver is the root.
b) Energetic blockages in abdomen causing counterflow of energy
It could be #a, #b or both. As such, both #a &/or #b are likely preventing the liver energy from flowing as it normally would and is then STUCK/CONGESTED/BLOCKED.
Liver is the seat of emotion/stress as they say in TCM/Ayurveda/Tibetan medical system so no surprise that it could be F’d up given all my traumas/extreme-emotions/stress/mental-tension I have had.
As such, since the liver qi/energy cant flow, it over heats the liver and generates internal wind/gas. As such my entire abdomen is a giant balloon of air but especially bulging out with wind/air on the right side below my right rib.
Since gas/wind normally rise most of it comes up and as it comes up it takes/carries with it the bile/enzymes/gastric fluids from the stomach into my throat/nose/mouth/lungs. This is an every second of the day/night process – has not stopped since it started in Apri/2015.
The energy/heat also rushes up to my head making it as if my head is going to explode. Raises my blood pressure as well.
So it may not be related to the animal form I may have been in my original form during my kidnap/torture circumstance.
February 14, 2020 @ 4:03 pm
Actually Shalin, all your symptoms are all related to a symbolic ‘Dragon’ type animal conversion!!!!
Basically, a Dragon (representing an subtle to physical form interfacing expert), it’s flaming breath is, in a sense symbolically representing the many many subtle interfacing lines between the subtle form and the physical form it’s interfacing to with signals pulsing up and down these (imagine they are red pulses) hence then it’s presented as a dragon having red and ‘fiery’ breath!!!
In other words, the dragon form is used to ‘represent’ someone with a an extremely sophisticated/automated subtle tech interfacing kit that allows them to easily interface to any animal form, which here has had you converted in a symbolic sense to having the dragon’s ‘hot’ breath/emissions in physical form, which is why none of your symptoms make any sense and why no ‘therapy’ works as it’s all made up!!!
Unfortunately, the SNV lot don’t like competent subtle people and particularly auto interfacing experts because they then have a lot of experience of the subtle and the physical and of interfacing to likely many different animal forms. I.e. in a reality where there is a massive effort to explain everything in ‘physical/materialistic’ terms these specific people are seen as a threat!!!
Hence you have all of the tales from medieval times of ‘knights’ specifically on quests to kill off dragons!!!!
It’s no different today!!!! I’ve noticed that specific animal species that very much seem to me to be ‘representing’ the dragon form such as fox’s, pheasants and maybe even the red squirrels (as they all have symbolic ‘flame’ tails) are all being specifically targeted. For example the first two (the fox and pheasant) are all being regularly shot at killed/culled while pheasant’s specifically have their ‘heather/heath moorland/brush’ habitat regularly set on fire/burnt too . . . while red squirrels in the UK are it seems being regularly attacked by grey squirrels while also being killed off by a virus spreading from the grey squirrel, which the grey form is immune to.
I’ve done some scans to target these entirely made up ‘dragon’ conversion efforts Shalin!!!!
February 14, 2020 @ 8:30 pm
Clive, thank you for that update and revelation.
So, shouldn’t have this been a problem in some facet my entire life in this incarnation? Like the red squirrels/fox/pheasant being targeted and often showing signs of symbolic representation of a dragon i.e. their tail.
All I know is that these same symptoms showed some signs during early 2013 after bouts of stress/worry but went away within 1 month only to re-appear in April/2015 after an extreme bout of series of stress/tension/fear/worry episodes, after which it has been present every nanosecond of the day/night.
My fiery breath symbolic symptoms appeared in April/2015, should this have been a problem much longer for me? Or is the fact that my fiery persona/behavior/traumas/trts already evidence of this being the problem all along i.e. from the lens of being a *dragon* representation.
I will let you know in a few days/week if things begin to shift. I hope this is it to get me out of this hell. 🙂
Appreciate your help. Will circle back with you.
February 18, 2020 @ 4:19 pm
UPDATE+FOCUS: I ‘eventually’ figured it out!!!! . . .
A LEADERS/DIPLOMATS/KEY PEOPLE MIX & MATCH AVATARS SHIT SET: There is a shit set likely specific to all key culture (KP) people i.e. leader/diplomat types. So, Shalin whom is representing someone whom was a ‘trader’ in the original MV, whom would then very likely change animal avatars to show ‘respect’ to the culture/peoples he’s trading with by interfacing to one of that cultures animal body forms to make the trade, however, all leaders, diplomat’s and all others ‘representing’ any culture are also very likely to regularly be using different physical avatars under different circumstances. Hence then I’m pretty sure that there is a mix and match of very different animal avatar body form aspects ‘shit set’ wired into the remaining persona data cloud which is specifically targeting/impacting all KP!!!
For example, some of ‘Matt’s’ persistent issues are due to ‘shit’ mixing and matching aspects from multiple different avatar/body form combinations (with respect to nature/temperament/physiology/food preferences/digestion and or elimination processes including say sleeping during the day and or hibernating and or breathing under water!!! Etc. Etc . . . ). Hence Matt is made to have to eat certain specific foods i.e. food intake is defined that is related to one avatar/animal form while he’s made to have a mismatched body digestive system (that isn’t correct for the food intake of that species) such that he gets various symptoms of indigestion and also often incompatible elimination/waste process’s factors too i.e. often either constipation or diarrhoea!!!!
CURRENT/LATEST FOCUS TO USE: So, this is what we are ‘targetting’ now as the Dollhouse shit seems to be under control, at least enough to have attempts made to ‘adjust’ various peoples DH shit/now in progress!!!
. . . I connect to all physical animal forms, robot forms and any other forms/absolutely anything else I’ve ever been ‘interfaced’ to including any VR avatar/body forms and or any chimera/made from bits or parts from different animal species/avatar forms that my original form (and or earlier splits of this form) spent any time directly or indirectly interfaced to!!! I connect to all tech/networks/systems that have absolutely any details of anything/everything of any physical and or VR avatars and or which are using any of these and or particularly any combination of characteristics and or attributes of any avatar/avatar combinations and or anything else I was interfaced to and or any food/needs requirements and or environmental factors impacting these to directly or indirectly use any of these and or combinations of these in specific ways to detrimentally/negatively impact myself . . . .
February 14, 2020 @ 10:38 pm
I did the first part of the focus last night and I started crying, although it didn’t really feel like it hit on anything or triggered a release of any kind. Reading the second part, I see images of people I deal with often in my life and I get this kind of energetic vampire/draining feeling in my solar plexus.
I did the focus again before going to bed and I got the impression of a tube connecting my solar plexus to my third eye.
Things here haven’t been traumatic per say, but some things have still been weird. Traveling to a friend’s place this last weekend I was listening to all the political bullshit that has been going on here in the US on the radio and for the most part I don’t get involved. I vote, what little good that does, but in general it is a socially unwritten rule never to talk politics, religion or sex, and most of the time when it is talked about I just agree with the speaker to avoid conflict or confrontation. But this time part of me was like, ‘I’ve had enough. I don’t want to live through this crap again. I don’t want history to repeat itself again.’ Thinking on these thoughts and feelings, I have no intention of becoming politically active (that route feels like a worthless effort) so my thoughts go back to being a healer and I get a lot of resistance with these thoughts. I get impressions of egotism and dominance and competition, of knowing all or knowing better, and being better than others. Of putting others down and disgracing and shaming them for being stupid and worthless and ignorant. My thoughts also strayed to Jesus Christ and how he is the golden child/poster boy from the Christians and healing and enlightenment, and I wonder how what he did and his role here is being used to fuck with those people who honestly wanted to help people and change things for the better (outside from the obvious.)
But, when I think on all of my wants/desires/intentions/ambitions regarding all of this, my personal reaction to all of this/these problems and frustrations I am having is to simply walk away, not deal with it anymore, to never have to deal with it again (the very same fucking advice every shrink, light worker and well-intending person has ever gave me.) Because I’ve tried fixing it and I have finally fucking had it. I don’t know where to start or what to do, and honestly, unless it is doing what you are doing to fix this Clive, I don’t think anything I do will do any good. Because everything else I have tried, or even just tried to believe in, has fucking failed. And the last thing I want to do is fuck up any efforts you and your teams are doing to fix this.
I just feel massively blocked from connecting with people or even wanting to help people. Or even wanting to learn anything or do anything really. My situation at work is better, I don’t feel quite as resistant, angry or anxious. Yet I do not feel that gut-deep feeling (I expect) of trust and security that I want. I can’t and shouldn’t trust them at all. In hindsight, I hate myself even more for this because there is nothing else I want in the world than someone I can trust and be vulnerable with.
My period is late again this month, and I haven’t quite discovered the trigger. I think the human female menstruation cycle is some kind emotional/energetic cleansing for the subtle form, because for quite a while the triggers have usually very personal and emotional issues. I just find it a little fucked up that this process is somehow tied into the human reproductive cycle. Interestingly enough, men do experience ‘PMS-like’ symptoms, called irritable male syndrome.
Also looking up male menstruation,, the article says that men from primarily tropical countries tend to ‘menstrate’ but this is often due to a parasite they pick up from working in the fields.
Clive, I also have a couple questions if you don’t mind. How can one tell is they had been kidnapped? I am not so anxious to travel anywhere on my own anymore, there are certain things I am still anxious to do on my own in fear of being attacked or kidnapped or disappearing.
Another, and this can be for anyone, how does one experience past lives exactly? Re-reading Tom’s comment about the inquisition, “I just had the example of the inquisition representing psychiatry and the benefits assessments, so it’s like different “means” to impact people in the same way, which started at different points in history but can be used to build up and worsen broadly similar trt’s. Also, the people who were put through the original inquisition could then be set up to encounter psychiatry here and or have the benefits assessments, to continue the accumulation of these inquisition-related traumas.” I have been through something similar to this. During my new-age period, my mother had absolutely superstitious about me being a part of a coven or into witchcraft, and even when she has to deal with a pair of witches from her water aerobics class she told me she wanted nothing to do with them. The lightwork I used to see apparently had a past life where she was a part of the movement to persecute and burn witches, and I remember unconsciously believing she was wrong and even tried correcting/arguing with her. Not only that but talking about any of my issues with anyone, hell even just wanting to share my interests and adventures with the public feels like being tied to the stake.
February 20, 2020 @ 9:20 pm
Clive, this is an interesting discovery. I imagine then my problem is that of *interfacing* efforts with a long list of avatars, physical and perhaps also VR avatars and combinations of these.
I’ve been doing the focus pretty much all day the last 2 days.
So far, I’m not getting anything solid. The possibilities could be a very large number however.
I will keep doing focus but here is a brief summary of what popped up during focus.
-I thought of dolphin like avatar as I was reminded of many dreams I have had of swimming through the ocean/rivers at incredible speeds. I also have an affinity towards the water – as a kid I’d take 3-5 showers a day because I loved the feeling of being in water. I also have had an incredible fear of sharks after I watched the film JAWS as a kid in the 80s. So maybe I was some type of dolphin or other sea creature that could swim very fast or another creature on another incarnation system that also has water.
-maybe there is another form similar to a dragon that explains all the crazy heat trapped inside of me. Nothing obvious came to mind during the focus.
-an animal form that has to collect/store food for winter thus making them operate under *scarcity themes*, which could explain my financial loss/poverty issues but that could also be because I was a *trader* in the original MV and likely experienced periods of losing money on trades.
-an animal form with a high sex drive perhaps to explain my non-stop sexual drive? But where does the HIV/STD fears/worries come from? Maybe as a *Trader* in the original MV, I traveled around doing business with different cultures and part of that I engaged in a lot of sexual activity perhaps also with prostitutes and maybe even caught some STDs.
-Then I thought of the Bar Scene in Star War 1 (original film) as there are many avatar forms. Couldn’t feel into which of any of these resonated with me though.
-Feel like Ive been interfaced to a stationary object like a tree, rock, stone etc- lack of feeling in parts of abdomen and just feeling stuck overall in this incarnation.
-I dosed off after doing focus once and had a dream of snakes and was very fearful of them so maybe a physical animal afraid of snakes? Possibly even other types of reptiles.
-Had a brief thought of something like a wolf or bear?
Forgot to mention that I too have Matt’s issue with digestion. I digestion has been shot to hell and so has my nervous system as indicated by many hair sample tests that study mineral composition. My body doesn’t even produce a large % of the enzymes required for digestion. I feel like a mixed bag of many avatars blended together thus creating a big clusterf#*K in my current physical human body.
February 24, 2020 @ 2:00 pm
27th-Update/extended . . . well Shalin/everyone ‘unfortunately’ decoding this mix and match of bit’s from different interfaced avatar types is still ongoing specifically because some people seem to have been interfaced to a lot of different animal forms making the FU mixing and matching of these ‘extensive’!!!!
LATEST . . . well, very strangely this ‘maybe/seems like’ the last shit set seems mostly focused on locking down Tom (preventing access to trauma/trt’s) as well as all splits of Tom (and on checking Shalin I’m getting that you’re a split/twin of Tom, hence your own extremes) plus it’s doing a decent job of shutting me down as my head is in the worst disengaged/distracted/dysfunctional state ‘ever’!!!!
So, I’ve been doing the focus below regularly . . .
BEST FOCUS TO FACILITATE PERSONAL TRAUMA/TRT ‘RELEASES’: The focus immediately below is still the best to use if you’ve anything ‘difficult’ going on because this specifically targets anything limiting/blocking TRT/personal data access/releases:
. . . I connect to any components/combinations of components that have been, are now and or that would in the future contribute to indexing and or coveting/keeping hidden/obscured and or fire-walling, guarding, locking down and or screening access to my own or anyone else’s trauma and or personal/persona/behaviour and or response data and or current incarnated life culture/society and or status/class/standing data for myself/each individual and or anything that is contributing in the slightest to making up/defining specific angles of and or specific trauma/trt’s and or trt impacts as well as deliberately traumatic/traumatizing ‘trauma/shit effects’ releases and or anything monitoring, predicting, preempting and or then reacting to, blocking/locking, locking down/containing and or otherwise detrimentally interfering with any trauma and or any trt/trt combination releases including using Chinese finger-traps, vicious feedback spirals, loops and or anything which contributes to define a wide range/variety of influences with variable/numerous delivery options and or variable/numerous final influence/influences and or impacts as part of making tracking and or countering/neutralising anything of any of this as difficult as possible . . .
. . . I connect to any components/combinations of components that have been, are now and or that would in the future contribute to negatively detrimentally defining any external/environmental circumstances and or what people are doing/made to do specifically to negatively/detrimentally impact/shock and or otherwise traumatize and or maintain trauma/block trauma releases and particularly by having myself/anyone repeatedly negatively impacted/disturbed/shocked/traumatized by having memories of shit past circumstance/situations/experiences recycled and or made consciously or unconsciously disturb/distract and or pre-occupy myself and or make me reactive/sensitive to current and any recalled similar past circumstance/situations/experiences/impacts and or use these to generate any imagination/imaginings/pre-occupations relating to these/any combination of these and or anything that has been, is now and or could in the future prevent me from becoming aware of and or of accurately identifying or describing anything of any shit systems/sub system and or there networking factors/activators and or functioning combinations and or anything else IMPORTANT and particularly anything specifically contributing to make it as difficult as possible for me to accurately define/describe and or then directly/target anything/any type of shit including the variety and or means/sophistication of functioning/tactics of any ‘shit’ components and particularly to make it difficult for me/us to effectively hack/tame/bring under control any and all shit versions . . . and particularly any ‘shit’ systems/versions that have been and are now contributing to sabotage/debilitate/get me and or diversify/modify themselves/their ways of functioning and or tactics because of what I am doing now . . . !!!!
February 27, 2020 @ 9:17 pm
Clive, So its still this mix/match avatar set that is locking down Tom/copies-of-Tom (me)? i.e. I am still interfaced to possibly infinite number of different avatars including the dragon.
I confirm all my issues r 100% locked down so far.
I’ve been doing the top focus daily but this past week been shooting mostly blanks. I still have this feeling that I am being blocked from *seeing/getting anything* during focus. Will keep doing though.
March 6, 2020 @ 4:01 pm
Shalin/Everyone . . . Mmmm here is an ‘extra’ insane scenario (although is also very realistic/is likely correct too) which is possibly applicable to your issues/circumstances Shalin.
All ‘regular’ readers here will know that I’m very suspicious about pretty much ‘everything’ here . . . in reading alternate/history sites for many years (particularly which is exceptional) I came across a page showing a vast collection of many different ancient coins all presenting images of a flying horse i.e. ‘Pegasus’ (I cannot find this now BUT there is another one here) . . . so, in that we are all subtle beings interfaced to a human and that most of of us would be simulating anyone that wouldn’t be seen dead wearing a ‘human’ meat suit such that I’ve then presented evidence that we have pretty much all been converted from many different animal avatar forms into the one single engineered to be decrepit human form . . . then I started to wonder if we’ve some duplicated horse conversion possibilities being presented here too!!!!
Now horses here = aids to travel and are also aids to transporting ‘goods’ too i.e. they were in the past extensively used by traders and particularly the horse and cart version!!!
In that coins are an integral part of trading/money then it’s applicable that very early coins would have images of horses on them (as they’d represent the means to trade) BUT horse’s flying IN THE AIR HORSES WITH WINGS very definitely seem a bit over the top to me . . . also, in watching the series ‘Luck’ with Dustin Hoffman it becomes obvious that some specific horse’s are of a very different ‘class/type’ i.e. they are sort of exceptionally ‘revered/pampered’!!!!
In other words, I’m pretty sure that some actual ‘real’ horse’s here not actually horse’s at all (in the original MV)!!!! In which case what are they?
So, if you were a trader Shalin actually trading within a galaxy scale sized space what sort of ‘horse’ would you be riding around ‘trading’ goods with!!! Isn’t it likely to be a Leviathan i.e. an giant space living creature that can star burst i.e. is self propelled via an inbuilt ‘natural’ engine!!!!
I’ve been re watching some films and series I bought over the last decade and over the last few days watched the first season of Farscape again. Here is the description of ‘Moya’ the seemingly sentient ‘natural’ Leviathan that can sort of hyperjump at will!!!!
“Moya – Moya is a Leviathan, the fifth generation of these living ships. She was born in freedom, captured by Leviathan Hunters and sold to the Peacekeepers for them to use as a prison transport. She is a great and powerful ship, with no weapons. In communication with and taken care of by Pilot, the enormous living entity that is symbiotically fused to her, Moya has adjusted to her new inhabitants and has been able to trust them enough to become their home. Like Pilot, she is anxious to serve her crew, but not at the expense of her own agenda. Her natural instincts to protect all life, however, do override her personal fear of pain and suffering.”
Now, if you get and watch the first season you’ll become aware of the functioning of ‘Moya’ whose star jumping seems to be connected to the build up of wastes maybe being strategically eliminated to result in very precise jumps between star systems i.e. vast distances!!!
That season also shows members of the star ship and others being tortured by the ‘peacekeepers’ whom we find out are also trying to bio-engineer ‘Leviathans’ for there own uses/agendas AND are obviously biased against others travelling around trading in these space horse type forms too.
Seeing as these space horse’s means of propulsion may be powered by the equivalent of digestion processing wastes then it seems to me very possible that you Shalin as a trader within the original multiverse are likely to have been interfaced directly to one of these forms . . . in fact the entire first Farscape season would likely be worth watching because it’s almost certainly applicable in many ways to your original forms experiences.
February 27, 2020 @ 10:55 pm
So Clive me Shalin and Tom are splits of the same original subtle form? Did I get that right?
Past couple of days have been a shit show. The mice are back my mate Filly on the couch who basically caused me to indulge in bad shit.
Wanted to quit with fags. Filly left fags on the table. Got rip roaring drunk this weekend because I was so sick of everything.
So after a bunch of alcohol and a visit to my ex I kinda wanted to end myself because my ex is also in a shit show of problems who just never seem to get less or resolved.
I’m resentful because she doesn’t get off her arse to actually do shit and kinda just expects me to solve it for her. I have wanted to end this a billion times but somehow the sim has been using Stella to reprogram me into someone nicer.
I was a bit of a twat in my teens before I met her. I kinda suspect she worked on the rendering editing department of the eeas project but after her numerous accidents she was pushed to the a new age whitey lighty nicey nicey fake healer route.
That and the she should have started doing shaman stuff like two decades ago then this wouldn’t have happened to her.
I suspect she was forced to become some fake plastic healer bullshit after the accidents.
She kinda dodged it but the price is her life is a mess with debts having to go to bullshit therapy that won’t actually fix that fucked spine of hers. It’s mostly symptoms who get pacified for a couple of days.
I’m basically gonna try to stay clear of alcohol and fags after my pack is done. Stay clear of my ex and junkfood. Wait till filly has a better place to stay prolly won’t take very long hopefully.
It’s like they are pushing for the self destructive route with me again. Make him do all the bad shit keep him distracted and worried about others.
Had a meeting this afternoon with my eh counselors. She’s pregnant so they handed me off to some other guy and woman.
I was kinda worried that my shenanigans might have affected her.
I was kinda worried because ever since I got her weird stuff has been happening. The new dude looked alright.
I feel like the sim has been using my mate on the couch as something to feed extra new spicy sim shit.
I’m kinda worried the new counselors might be used for that also.
It’s has been a fest of self destructive self defeating self sabotaging behavior.
Kinda fed up with everything really. So my mate on the couch will fuck off to Berlin for the weekend.
Hopefully I could do some focusses. Has been on the back burner for the last couple of days.
It feels like I get blocked and negated. I’m kinda tired mostly fed up. I want original normal pre psychedelics me back. If that isn’t possible hopefully non deranged non retarded ineffective me.
Man how hard is it to just have normal life without submitting to the religious bullshit and having to be a little sociopath.
I’m sick that everything I ever wanted since I was a kid always had some defect of some hidden something that makes it pointless to have in the end.
What’s the use of getting a house if it has mice. What’s the use of getting a gf if it’s not what I wanted. You might call me a entitled shit but come on.
I also have the feeling someone or something is actually benefiting of me being in this fucked situation. That someone or something is over the moon that my life is a mess.
February 29, 2020 @ 9:06 am
I don’t know if I made the biggest mistake of my life or not.
So this last weekend, following my gut/guidance, I got back into ‘Spirit Keeping’, and so far over the past week purchased 5 spirits between two conjurers whom I know and trust, and had purchased spirits from years ago when I did this before. I purchased my first one last weekend, and to be completely honest, this last week has been both good in bad in a variety of ways.
To start, last week I had been farmed out to another department in the factory I work at, voluntarily, because they have been inundated with a lot of work. Now last week, work had gone really well, prior to purchasing my first spirit. But this week has been Hell in terms of productivity. There were frequent mistakes that were being made in the earlier stages of production that were progressively getting worst as the week went on and consequently with the more spirits I purchased. Not only that but the management had made some bad job assignment decisions (and I honestly felt this in the morning meeting after he said it and even with bad numbers production wise the supervisor didn’t change anything that day,) and was yelling at us each day for bad production numbers.
Now to be honest, the events that have been happening here haven’t really been affecting me personally, not like it did before you and your teams got access to our personal trt shit data, but what is pissing me off is bearing witness is watching the management ‘crack the whip’ on people to get things out faster without really helping out themselves. Not only that but also coming down on people who were not responsible or in control of these mistakes to begin with.
Personally, after purchasing these spirits, things have been very different for me emotionally/gut wise. I feel more present and grounded in the world. I don’t feel so alone like I normally do, like I finally found a ‘family’ and am actually taking an interest in the world and society (I have a lot to catch up on.) I have even been able to reflect on some of the past interactions I had at my previous place of employment, and I don’t feel humiliated or embarrassed about them. I feel supported and I feel like I am finally able to emotionally process these incidents.
Mentally/head wise, I am an anxious/nervous wreck because of the spirits I have purchased and this is more towards the spirits not the people I have to deal with day to day. The way I am acting is not unlike how I used to feel/act/be around my other co-workers teammates prior to your teams accessing the personal data stores. Gut wise, I have felt nothing but love and support, but head and heart wise I am constantly freaking out with thoughts of them not being real/made up/schizophrenic/hallucinations/delusions. I am terrified of them. I am terrified I will hurt or offend them. I am terrified they won’t listen to me even though I have set ground rules and have made my intentions clear multiple times. I fear them as being evil spirits/devils that are going to terrorize others and me (like those events you see in ghost/haunting movies or even say like the paranoia of the inquisition/New England witch hunts where strange events were blamed on malevolent spirits summoned by witches, which in my case I would be the one persecuted for the whole mess.) I’m afraid of being hurt/angry/afraid with them being involved because I am afraid they will retaliate or do something based on my reactions (for the record, some of their listings said they offered protection and I have stated clearly multiple times that this is not what I want from them nor do I want them to retaliate against others in my favor based on my emotions/reactions. I have realized, since their purchase and reflecting on my own desires/expectations/intentions when I first did spirit keeping years ago that protection and retaliation were one of the things that I desired in an unconscious/emotional sense.) I am also afraid of what they think/feel/see of me, and while I have felt nothing but love and support, I do not trust that good feeling. This has left me mentally preoccupied and paranoid.
Not only that but over the past couple days things have been fucking strange. Thursday I slipped on what I thought was a patch of ice getting the mail (if memory serves me right, I had stepped on this same patch before multiple times to get the mail and never slipped. Not only that but I have not slipped on a patch of in the last few years that I can recall and there are plenty of times I should have.) Today, Friday, I was so mentally preoccupied that I forgot I had toilet paper in my shopping cart checking out at the self-checkout (even though I had grabbed it out of the lower basket and put it on the top one,) and didn’t realize I had not paid for it until I got to the parking lot and went right back into the store to pay for it. Having to make two more trips back to the grocery store because I forgot two items that I needed to make supper. Then almost chocking on little bits of pecan when I finished off my coffee. Also, when I was doing a short yoga routine this morning my left foot hurt like I didn’t stretch it properly (thing is I do a yoga class once a week and did two short yoga routines earlier this week and didn’t have problems. Now this particular pain reminded me of when I was a machine operator at my previous place of employment I was working with a woman who was a very self-righteous Christian woman, the daughter of a pastor. While it didn’t hurt at first, for some reason, the longer I worked with this woman my left foot would hurt and it would progressively get worst and stretching and orthotics wouldn’t make a difference. Now my left foot never hurt whenever I was working with anyone else and I had not felt that kind of pain again until today.)
And the worst of all this is that I was absolutely terrified to tell you about any of this Clive. Reflecting on all this, my reactions/thoughts/attitude where kind of like that of a guilty sinner/follower who broke some sacred rule and needed to go to confession or wanted to hide or deny the sin. It made me the way I act/process/handle the information from your website is kind of like a mindless, fanatic follower who just takes their leader’s word at face value and believes it and says it is true without investigating or prior experience. I will be honest here, your pages and your words are the only things I can trust mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You are the only one who has given me answers and have made any sense (although it has taken years to get my mind wrapped around it and I am still working to understand it.)
I visualize myself standing before these spirits I purchased, and I feel a disconnect/barrier/blankness in my heart center. It reminds me of the blankness I used to feel in my gut prior to the AAHS, and I get the feeling there is a significant amount of trauma and betrayal there.
March 8, 2020 @ 3:16 am
I feel I am still locked down and not able to get any improvement in issues. I have been going through extreme fatigue and disoriented headspace with no medical reason. I have tried to adjust my diet with no help (and I really don’t care what I eat). I find I need to continuously adjust my diet until I feel better, and then keep re-adjusting it every 2-3 months. It is never the same anymore.
While focusing on “connect to all components” I have any urge, and do start to rummage thru all my craft and sewing closets and throw away tons of stuff that has been there for 10 years.
While re-reading the section about the virtual grid work around earth, it reminds me of my hobby in needlework and quilting. While walking outdoors I often see nature as a series of grid work patterns as per the following example:
I think how I could adjust the colors to make them look better. Many patterns even suggest people adjust the colors, as you desire.
The sheep is a particular good example of an intricate deign I have done that drives me crazy with 50 shades of white:
Farm design
I have done many animal designs – cows, leopards, deer etc. with 50 shades of the same color and get very impatient to see the finished product, but know it is worth the effort not to stop and give up. I can easily see myself designing / overseeing these virtual backdrops and working them to perfection. It is interesting that many patterns say “ do not judge your work until it is complete.”
March 11, 2020 @ 6:51 pm
Latest Focus/update:
Shit sets have been somewhat solidly focused on maintaining the lockdown management of all the core ‘Toms’ here which until recently was very focused on targeting hacking efforts. However, since yesterday, the shit was very, very focused on attempts to control/manage ‘key’ Tom’s, in dealing with those angles, today it’s shifted to cover more aspects of ‘everything’ as well also likely networking between and influencing/messing with many people . . . so, can everyone do the focus below a few times . . . ‘and’ leave any feedback/insights you get from doing it!!!!
. . . I connect to anything/everything that has been/is now and or would in the future contribute in the slightest to using ‘anything’ of myself/any aspects of myself and particularly anything of my personality/persona, feelings, emotions and or any of my internal states and or any presented external reactions and responses ‘against’ myself and or to control/manipulate and or to direct/manoeuvre myself and or through me any others and particularly into any pre-defined ‘state/circumstances/attitude/stance/decision’ and or as part of any outcome/goal . . . and or over time any series of goals/outcomes and or objectives and or as part of reinforcing and or controlling any aspects of myself and or through me controlling/influencing others/any aspects of others and or any of their ‘feelings/states/circumstances/attitudes/stances and or decisions/outcomes’ . . .
Some feedback on the functioning of this shit from Tom:
. . . I see something like a prickly amorphous bloated mass around me, it’s like it feeds off and stimulates certain emotions. I have a sense of a kind of subtle energetic parasite, but there also seem to be others associated with other people, and it’s like they’re all networked and working in tandem . . . I connect to a prickly, itchy multidimensional texture inside me, and it seems to be influencing my feelings / attributes and internal states and engage with a translucent mass which seems to ‘sit’ on my thinking abilities (I see it around and permeating my brain). It seems to be conscious and to work to create and sustain trauma-based thinking lines – again, I see other people with these components too . . . I see something like generators inside my body, which can create a field of trauma all through my body when they switch on – sort of like I get ‘flooded’ with trauma . . . I see a sort of underwater tunnel stretching ‘through’ me, with a fish swimming through it – then when it reaches a certain point it disappears and appears in another identical ‘tunnel’ setup inside someone else, and then someone else. It’s like some kind of subterranean aquarium – not being able to see / ‘get’ the way in which the fish move from one person to another (it feels like teleportation), then I see jolts of electricity being passed through people’s thinking abilities, and then appearing in / passing through someone else’s, then someone else’s – and this feels like a subterranean / off the radar electricity network, which is using the same kind of advantages / shit emulating advantages . . .
March 12, 2020 @ 12:37 am
I can’t tell you how happy I am to see this focus. Did the focus during last break at work and got the feeling of my body being surrounded by something although I couldn’t pinpoint what it was.
This is my first week back in my original department at work in three weeks and my anxiety/paranoia/panic/self-consciousness/over-sensitivity levels have been through the roof. I have been definitely feeling that slave-master ‘cracking the whip’ effect at work again and the feelings of social rejection/isolation got so bad again that I was wanting to kill myself.
Things tapered off a bit for the rest of the day after reading the focus and will see if I can get anything more.
March 12, 2020 @ 1:46 pm
Actually Megan (as ‘core’ shit is very focused on ‘Toms’ at the present time) and specifically with respect to sabotaging Decision making angles (which you’ve mentioned a lot in the past) I made the focus below for Tom, so you/anyone with ‘decision’ sabotaging shit maybe try this . . . BUT having put up the below I made another focus below the below focus more attuned to your anxious/worried/stressed/preoccupation angles
. . . I connect to absolutely anything/everything that has been, is now and or would in the future directly or indirectly contribute in the slightest to cause me/any version/copy/split or duplicate version of me absolutely any problems/sabotages to making good/very good/excellent decisions easily and quickly AND OR of having these decisions/any decisions I make promptly and or accurately carried out by others and or others I instruct and or explain what I want/what needs to be done . . .
. . . and or anything contributing to block/sabotage me from easily making a decision and or cause me to be indecisive and or sabotaged making decisions and or contributing to others not responding well/promptly and or appropriately to myself and or don’t carry out the actions I want done in the way I want them done and or cause problems/complications/don’t actually take notice of what I say and or what I recommend and or I am made to forget to mention important/critical things when I’m making decisions and or am explaining things/what I need them/someone to do . . . and or contributes in the slightest to myself having any trouble/problems AT ALL easily getting anyone to do anything for me promptly and or correctly and or with respect to what I ASK THEM TO DO & OR WHAT THEY SHOULD DO . . .
. . . and anything contributing to me considering and or becoming pre-occupied with irrelevant and or side-tracking information when making decisions or becoming overwhelmed by too many options or unable to usefully weigh up different considerations or trying to make decisions too early or procrastinating, delaying or avoiding / not making decisions, making bad, non-optimal decisions and or thinking / feeling that I have / second guessing and doubting and constantly questioning my own judgement / regretting and being preoccupied with or absorbed in past decisions and how things could or should have gone differently and or thinking / feeling that I’ve made the wrong decision or self-questioning / doubting / second-guessing myself and not trusting my own judgement at all or becoming averse to making decisions myself . . .
A more Worried/Stressed ‘Megan’ attuned version:
. . . I connect to absolutely anything/everything that has been, is now and or would in the future directly or indirectly contribute in the slightest to cause me/any version/copy of me to become overly self-consciousness and or over-sensitivity, anxious/worried/paranoid and or panicky/scared while working with and or interacting with any others and particularly with respect to worrying about making any mistakes and or not making good/decent decisions and or of then negatively impacting others/colleagues/work mates/friends easily and or others I instruct and or explain what I want/what needs to be done/what I need doing . . .
. . . and or anything contributing to block/sabotage me from easily and comfortably making a decision (without stress and or worry and or without having any negative comeback) and or cause me to be indecisive and or sabotaged making decisions and or contributing to others not responding well/promptly and or appropriately/respectfully to myself and or have them not carry out the actions I want done in the way I want them done and or cause problems/complications/don’t actually take notice of what I say and or what I recommend and or I am made to worry and or forget to think about and or mention important/critical things when I’m making decisions and or am explaining things/what I need them/someone/work colleagues to do . . . and or anything that contributes in the slightest to myself having any trouble/problems AT ALL easily getting anyone/work colleagues (without stressing me out/getting me worried) to do anything for me promptly and or correctly and or with respect to what I ASK THEM TO DO & OR WHAT THEY SHOULD DO . . .
. . . and anything contributing to me considering and or becoming pre-occupied/worried/stressed about myself and or with pre-occupied about what others will think or how they will react to the decisions I make and or have me preoccupied about irrelevant and or side-tracking details or information and or having worries/preoccupations when making decisions or telling others what to do and or having me becoming overwhelmed by too many options or unable to usefully weigh up different considerations or options and or trying to make decisions too early or worrying and or procrastinating, delaying or avoiding / not making decisions and or worrying about making bad, non-optimal decisions and or thinking / feeling that I have / second guessing and doubting and constantly questioning/worrying about my own judgement / regretting and being preoccupied with or absorbed in any past decisions and how things could or should have gone differently and or thinking / feeling that I’ve made the wrong decision or self-questioning / doubting / second-guessing myself and not trusting my own judgement at all or becoming averse to making decisions myself . . .
March 12, 2020 @ 5:46 pm
Thanks Clive, I’ve been doing this at work and it’s helped tremendously. I did sense something around my head space reading it there first time. I’ll continue it through the weekend.
March 12, 2020 @ 4:52 pm
New focus the shit decision one sounds way too familiar I also prolly haven’t listened to you guys. If I caused any trouble for you or your Tom then I’m sorry.
What he explained about the itchy stuff happens way to often when I interact with other people.
It mostly jumps over from other people when I’m talking. This itchy stuff the first time it came from a homeless guy the second time it came from someone who did a lot of drugs in his past and was a Catholic.
I can remember like atleast 20 different separate occasions that when I went outside or did stuff and I got fucked over or bad things happened.
Every since my backpack trip in 2014 so many weird stuff from other people shooting shit inside me prolly bad stuff management whatever I kinda turned into a recluse.
I don’t like going out because when I do and I interact with people things happen I can undo fix or remove so I kinda put myself in quarantine.
I’m not like Clive who can on the fly figure out what’s going on and take proper counter measures.
I have been trying to figure out past interactions with people. Like what caused the dislike the dramas that happened and kinda put it into sim who pulls the fuckery. Basically people being send by the sim scripted to do damage.
I’m also sick of the Christians coming under the guise of help who’s help is just more fuckery. Salvation Army where I had to be because I was homeless was also a shitfest.
March 12, 2020 @ 6:14 pm
Haha, well Tommy that’s not surprising as it was written specifically because of decision sabotages to my friend ‘Tom’ i.e. it’s ‘mostly’ written to target any ‘Tom’ twin/duplicate sabotages, my friend Tom also keeps to himself too, he tries to avoid interactions as they cause too much shit during these too!!!! I’ve also noticed that a lot of down and outs on the streets look suspiciously like my friend Tom too (very tall with red/ginger hair)!!!!
Here is more on the ‘Toms’ from my notes in a previous update . . .
. . . there are more Tom’s here than everyone else specifically because many of the Tom’s are part of collecting all of the attributes/different angles of experiences to put together the best Generals/Admirals/Commanders and maybe others I think some would be focused on tactics/others research, maybe others on maintaining supplies (‘Shalin’ for example could be one of these ‘suppliers’/part of these possibilities ) . . . so, in the original MV a Tom and then splits of Tom or splits of Tom’s were setup/trained/educated/likely given sophisticated subtle tech etc to be upper and very competent Military people i.e. Generals/Admirals/Commanders etc whom we’re part of a task force/armada set up to evict SNV’s encroaching on and causing problems to many peoples on many worlds. This military effort to evict populations from other races spaces/regions was played out here as the efforts of Genghis Khan!!!! Whom with his ‘officers’ (likely other Tom’s) are considered second to none in military terms!!!!
It’s very likely that one of the hidden reasons for designing the EAAS was to use it specifically to sabotage the General/Admiral/Commander focused ‘Toms’!!!!
So, for Tom and hence then many of the Tom’s/Tom’s splits . . . I made up the focus below a week or so back to target these sabotages. . . So, Tommy (anyone else here) if the below strikes you then maybe use it a few times!!!!
. . . I connect to absolutely every Tom/all Tom’s whom are part of any ‘program/agenda’ focused on an outcome of accumulating/having absolutely any/all attributes/functions/functioning/training/skills and or attitudes and or all emotional and or feeling states totally supportive/in alignment with and or useful to the overall/entire collection of Toms General/Admiral/Commander roles . . . I connect to all of these Tom’s NOW and I connect to all of the attributes/skills/attitudes/feeling and or emotions that each of these Tom was ‘moulded’ in experience terms to embody/live/have as part of there experience . . . and . . . I now connect to all components and or all combinations of components that have been, are now and or would in the future specifically contribute in the slightest to sabotage and or to attempt to sabotage any of these useful attributes and or the ‘useful’ presentation/the lived presentation of these/any skills and or attitudes . . . and I particularly connect to all components and or systems specifically designed to make ANY Tom less useful and or to twist any Tom into presenting/expressing in ways that are limiting/debilitating/distracting and or disabling/inverted . . . and particularly in terms of the specific General/Admiral/Commander role/status/skills/attributes they we’re made to accumulate . . . I connect to everything sabotaging/limiting/debilitating and or inverting and or trying to do this now . . .
March 13, 2020 @ 1:32 am
Clive, I can attest to the possible trader/supplier Tom version. I studied engineering in university but always had a thirst for trading, especially commodities trading. Since 2007 I’ve been working as a *trader* of various commodities (electricity, gold/silver/copper/zinc/lead/aluminum).
I too also have G/A/C tendencies in terms of giving orders/commands, expecting high results / having high standards for myself and others.
This coronavirus pandemic has brought out some positive *supplier/trader* skills as I was among the first 2.5 months back to stock up on supplies of masks, food, water, toilet paper etc. People ridiculed me back then but now they realize I was right all along. I also have my parents in lockdown as if I was a G/A/C.
The pandemic has also brought out a lot of negatives – all of my precious metals related speculative *trades/investments* are hurting really bad as mass liquidation is occurring in financial markets causing tremendous anxiety/anger/self-blame (what if I had taken certain actions prior to the melt-down etc.).
I haven’t noticed anything *new* in terms of the current *Tom* shit impacting me in any new ways.
Everything is as it has always been during this past 5 years. Physical is just as imbalanced/messed-up as ever.
March 13, 2020 @ 11:21 am
Yea, those very early virus crisis responses would ‘fit’ with a pre-empting future ‘supplies/needs’ to address a ‘predicted’ potential crisis Tom version . . . I also suspect (based on Megan’s issues/background) that she’s likely also a ‘Tom’ split too but one focused on overseeing ‘assembly line’ efficiency angles.
I’ve actually done some (made up on the fly) scans re targetting the physical symptoms (got lots of hits), however this entire system/what we are living within seems to have been designed to FU and keep locked down any and all Tom’s ‘primarily’ i.e. as the highest priority!!!! Hence then I’m now suspicious that all previous fake software defined hacking ‘reality’ itself experience (that’s gone on for over a decade now) was to get to this point to try/attempt to undo the shit/networks disabling the Tom’s ‘specifically’ . . . seeing as we are made up ‘mostly’ of a population of about 350,000 peoples/subtle forms all ‘duplicated’ multiple times to make up the majority of the 7 billion+ population here!!! All pretty much insane from any angle you care to think about/evaluate this from!!!!
March 13, 2020 @ 3:57 pm
I’m still working with the new decision making focus, but I realized a huge factor as to my ability to make decisions for myself was heavily influence/affected by the people I dealt with around me, and what they felt/thought/believed/said/etc. But doing the Tom exercise you left…the only way I can describe it is like the neurons in the brain. I felt like one node interconnected to a whole bunch of other nodes.
Your comment on assembly line efficiency is interesting. Personally, I loved my time as a machine operator because of the position of leadership and independence it gave me. Not to mention my changing interactions with people. I have a difficult time being led by others because they are often very disconnected and don’t care about those people working under them, only about their ego and production numbers. I was a lot like that before I learned the hard way what really mattered to me and changed how I handled people in a working environment. I learned to get to know those I work with and understand them better, and make sure they feel valued even if the work isn’t glamorous.
Your comments on Tom GAC’s brought up the image of Miles Teg, the Bene Gesserit Bashar from the Dune series.
March 22, 2020 @ 4:11 pm
Latest latest 3rd April update/focus is NOW CLICK HERE
Hi Megan/EVERYONE, USE THIS FOCUS NOW, Megan this focus targets/fits directly with what you write in your comment “heavily influence/affected by the people I dealt with around me”
As our personal trt’s including all trauma/shit is in one big mixed up ball/store then the focus below is the best one to target this shit pile accurately!!!!
TARGETING THE COORDINATED TRANSFER & MAINTENANCE OF TRT’S VIA DIRECT & REMOTE INTERACTIONS, ENVIRONMENTAL DROP OFF POINTS etc. etc . . . the new focus below, is an adapted version of the most recent focus’s targetting all personal interactions while also targeting all angles of possibilities of transferring trt’s/trauma shit via closeness of proximity/environmental drop off/pick points and or dimensional doorways etc. . .
. . . I connect to myself and to everywhere I’ve recently been and or everywhere I’ll be in the recent future . . . I connect to everyone I have recently been in close proximity too and to all people/everyone I’ll pass and or will be in close physical proximity to and or whom I’ll directly, indirectly and or remotely engage with in the next 24 hours . . . I connect to all of these past and future people and to all past and future places/locations I’ll spend time in and or pass though NOW . . . I connect to absolutely all items and components/everything that has been, is now and or would in the future contribute in the slightest to directly or indirectly track, predict and or coordinate the movement and or transfer of any persona/trt’s, trauma/shit/any ‘influences’ via any direct or indirect interactions and or by anything monitoring and or pre-defining and coordinating ‘ANYTHING’, BUT particularly the transfer of influences, trt’s and or anything representing these and or ANYTHING ELSE AT ALL between myself and or anyone else/any others and or via ANYTHING ELSE . . . ANYWHERE . . .
. . . I connect to any and all combinations of components, items and or trt’s and or anything monitoring, pre-defining and or coordinating ANYTHING between me/others/people/anyone and or anything ‘representing’ anyone and or via their proximity within environment and or via anything acting as drop off and or pick up points/places and or anything functioning as a dimensional doorway and or ANYTHING ELSE/any combination of anything that has been is now and or would in the future directly or indirectly contribute to maintain and or increase my trauma/trt’s and or to block/prevent access to and or the release of ANY persona trt/trauma combinations and or contribute to reapply/restore any already released trauma/trt combinations including by recycling past traumatic memories/experiences and or any feelings/impacts of these and or anything else used to directly or indirectly ‘represent’ any past trauma/any traumatic event/situation/circumstances and or to use these and or anything else to maintain and or re traumatize, sabotage, block and or prevent me/anyone from accessing/engaging with my own and or anyone’s trauma/trt’s and or any impregnable/locked down caches/stores and or any type of ‘representation/obscure form’ of the same designed to prevent these from being found and or engaged with and or dealt with by intent/focuses/scans and or anything else . . . and or otherwise directly or indirectly contribute to any negative anticipation/preoccupation with respect to directly or indirectly contacting, meeting and or interacting/communicating with anyone and particularly with respect to myself experiencing ANY worry, anxiety, stress and or imagining any potential worst possible outcomes for myself . . .
March 22, 2020 @ 5:25 pm
Gonna use it a bit later. I did focus 7 the target roles positions duties obligations and was feeling pretty good until I got my burritos. Got the burrito and while eating it I felt really really bad. Was with my mate who’s staying at my place but I totally flipped out. I acted normally but I really wanted him gone outta my house. My mates dad was really involved with rational Christian stuff the Portugese version he was a preacher or some higher up in that whatever it is. I suspect that my mate unknowingly been used to feed me shit. My ex also doesn’t pick up on that I want her to solve her own problems no one wants to put up ads so she can get people to rent her extra room. I did like 5 rounds on Facebook to get people for her but every time something happens that they don’t pick the room and I’m stuck with having to give her money which makes me angry because end of the month I’m in trouble. That mate who stays on my couch also isn’t very generous without having to hound him for it.
March 23, 2020 @ 2:19 am
I have tried everything in the world to bring a lot of the problems and issues I’ve seen in the world to the attention of those who could do something about it and have been shot down constantly, and it feels like being born a female is kind of the epitome of these problems.
One thing I’ve noticed as I have overcome and resolved my own issues is I’ve gained a low-to-no tolerance policy for some of the drama and bullshit some of the people in my life have brought up and deal with, my mother and dealing with certain family members being the perfect example. My mother had no time or patience for the mental and emotional issues I faced growing up, and now turn about seems to be fair play for me in most cases with some of the people I deal with in life and this isn’t who I want to be or how I want to handle it.
I see pictures of the ‘ideal’ female figure and the pleasure/lust/seduction expected from such a role and can say that if that is what is wanted or expected of females then I suppose I am not a female. When it comes to my body, I struggle trying to exercise or eating right or taking care of myself mentally and emotionally overall, but this constant lack of interest and motivation internally for myself causes a lot of frustration.
I seem to have an internal defense mechanism against anything I would feel internally, not just of bad things, but of good things too. This reminds me of how I would daydream as a child to make up for the parental/social support, encouragement and motivation I lacked as a child, so I found a way to do it myself, but this has wound up with me having some rather misguided/bad/wrong expectations of people/spirits/society and how things work.
There are still some things that I have done in the past that I have not forgiven myself for even though I am not doing them now and have no inkling to do so because I believe I should have had the awareness and willpower to control or stop it. I find it difficult to accept feelings of approval, love, support and acceptance from others and especially myself, often believing them to be lies and a waste of my time because nothing is ever right or okay or enough.
The greatest pride/accomplishment I have in life is being able to take and follow orders and getting things done as quickly and effectively as possible and finding new ways to make it faster and better. To some effect, it is like being a soldier. I often feel and see myself fighting for or against something, especially something I think/feel/believe is wrong or that I am passionate about, yet at the same time this attitude and behavior has been detrimental in trying to change myself and how I see and do things.
One of my ever-present attitudes and objectives for when we get out of here is to find some remote, isolated part of the subtle realm and stay as far away from others/society/civilization as possible.
March 29, 2020 @ 1:34 am
Clive, I’ve done the 2 new focuses about 20-30 times day for the first few days then reduced to 5-10 times.
I still get *NOTHING*.
All of my physical symptoms/imbalances are as they’ve always been. All my traumas r repeatedly playing with frequent recycling of torturous memories/flash-backs, dreams, conflicts with friends/family members, continuous punishment with financial loss situations/circumstances, & everything else.
Whats going on in my physical body has never occurred to any human avatar in the history of the EAAS.
At this point I re-visit whether we truly understand what is causing & locking down my issues? So far we’ve postulated: Avatar switching shit, dragon avatar, leviathan/horse avatar & other on the fly scans you did of me.
But none of those things have unraveled anything so far.
It could be that we are on the wrong path and/or missing some very *key* pieces of the puzzle and/or missing what is *locking* what you’ve already discovered of me.
April 3, 2020 @ 2:57 pm
Shalin/EVERYONE read/latest focus . . . then an update at the bottom
So, Shalin, it seems like ‘frustration’ would be an appropriate descriptor in terms of you consistently getting ‘nothing’ . . . on the other hand I’ve been having way more as well as consistent ‘releases’ of my past common as well as not so common ‘symptoms’ in the last few days (some of which I’d pretty much forgotten about) including base gut/abdomen physical body focused worry and anxiety as well as ‘head’ based stress ‘tension’ (results in my jaw literally completely ‘locking up’ when its very bad) . . . so as both of these have been in the background for quite a while/hardly noticeable then it seems to me that we’ve got access to more personal data caches/stores of these specific effects that relate to myself . . .
So, here is yet another focus for everyone to preferentially use at the present time . . .
Within the focus below, where you have ‘XYZ’ then have a think about the feelings/emotions (such as fear, sadness, frustration, anger) and or ‘reactions’ and or ‘states’ that you are aware of such as you being: reactive/over reactive or un-reactive/unresponsive and or emotionless, then any physical pain/discomfort (in my XYZ(stomach for example) and or ‘here’ i.e. mentally put your attention on the ‘sensation’) and or on any emotional pain (in your heart, kidneys, gut, abdomen, forehead, ???) and or any feelings/sensations of stress, tension, worry and or also then ‘think’ about any pre-‘worries’ and or ‘occupations’ about ‘anything’!!!!
. . . I connect to any and all combinations of components that have been, are now and or would in the future contribute in the slightest to both maintain trauma (and or memories of trauma and or any traumatic memories) and or block access to and or prevent the release of ANY trauma and or persona/trt combinations (and or to block access to the memories of and or the release of trauma/trt’s from any memories of trauma and or traumatic circumstances/experiences and or anything representing these and or anything else representing ANY trauma and or persona/trt combinations and or anything contributing to myself feeling and or experiencing:
‘XYZ/state feelings/reactions/states/sensations and or has me worried/preoccupied/stressed . . . and or is contributing to pains/sensations in my ABC . . . ‘
. . . and or anything that would in the slightest contribute to restore and or reapply any already released trauma and or trt combinations and or would try and maintain any persistent internal mental and or felt/emotional feeling and or sensation and or any reactive and or hurting/hurtful and or debilitating/pre-occupying states/conditions and or sensations and or ‘anything’ which is doing anything to maintain ANYTHING AT ALL/ANYTHING OF THESE . . . including by recycling past traumatic memories/experiences and or the feelings/impacts and or body sensations related to these/anything representing these/any past trauma/states/feelings/sensations and or anything directly or indirectly related to any past traumatic event/situation/circumstances and or anything using these and or anything else to traumatize, re traumatize, sabotage, block and or prevent me from accessing/engaging with my own and or anyone’s trauma/trt’s and or any physical, physiological, psychological and or any emotional ‘states and or hurts’ or any impregnable/locked down caches/stores or any type of ‘representation/obscure form’ of the same designed to not be engaged with and or released by any focus/scans including by targeted/directed intent/focuses/scans and or anything else . . .
With respect to the current so called pam demik . . . here is a ‘fact’ . . . we’ve noticeably less flu/virus cases and also less deaths compared to the same date/time point with respect to last year’s flu season (as well as other recent previous years) and yet I’ve no recall either of any ‘pandemic’ announcement for any previous year nor of any ‘lockdown’ applied to any population either . . . hence then it’s seems to me (given the phase we/you reading this here are in AND particularly with respect to what I’ve been presenting here) that the current GROSS over reaction has VERY LIKELY been deliberately setup by the external/way up in the data system ‘designers/instigators’ of this FU place to facilitate their agenda AND PARTICULARLY with respect to not only the large groups of ‘Toms’ here BUT to many other sub population groups of other duplicated populations of other very, very ‘specific’ subtle people too!!!!
As specific large groups of peoples personal/persona data are now being stored and ‘handled’ as a cloud of essentially ‘POOLED/SHARED’ data ‘AND’ how this shared data is used/selected basically determines how each specific person (as an individual) within the large/very big pool of the very same subtle person/form each behave, function and or respond under any/all circumstances then it’s like having one large data set representing all of the data that determines the scale and variety of how each of these VERSIONS OF THE SAME PEOPLE can respond/react and or behave under different conditions. Basically, it seems to me that with the ‘fake earth/EAAS’ set up here they are trying to generate a data set ‘pool’ with absolutely all ‘experience’ variations possible that would then allow them to very, very finely control the choices/decisions and or responses/actions of each of these people under a very large scale of circumstances and conditions.
Basically, as a planetary population with many, many copies of the exact same person/subtle form everywhere here, inclusive of having many different countries each responding to the made up isn’t happening pandemonium causing demic then each different population/country (all of which will include many versions of the Toms as well as other specific ‘people’ and all other copies of the same original single person) then the ‘designers’ are very likely using these circumstances to create different as well as DIFFICULT/STRESSFUL circumstances (for example, maybe more equivalent to what you’d experience during say in a battle/war and or stressful conflict/standoff) so that they can then collect way more ‘samples’ specifically under ‘way more stressful/more difficult than usual’ conditions/circumstances!!!!
In other words, it seems to me that the designers/instigators of our obviously fake reality version have set up and are using current pandemonium causing circumstances to expand upon while also refining/increasing the ‘resolution/fine detail’ of the data set of some very specific but large sub groups each composed of people representing the exact same person/subtle form here . . .
April 3, 2020 @ 4:27 pm
Clive, yes it is extremely *frustrating* and very *disappointing* that I’m consistently getting *nothing* while doing focuses, which brings me to what I’ve postulated all along – my issues are so extreme & F$#k’d that I can’t effectively *feel* or *think* properly. The organs in my abdomen r so F$#k’d / locked up – that the gut/brain intelligence is severely negatively impacted.
As a result, me trying to help myself by doing focus hasn’t helped us in any way unravel anything so far.
Which brings me to ask – have you/Matt/Tom/Anyone-else have had any luck trying to discover locked down and/or hidden components/caches/data stores of me or anything related to myself?
I feel like UNTIL a certain threshold of *SHIT* has been unraveled/removed I will continue to be ineffective in helping in this cause.
It’s like I’m so full of SHIT that it’s severely impeding my ability to help myself get out of this using focus/scan/intent.
Of course I will keep trying but it does seem like the above is the case.
April 3, 2020 @ 5:18 pm
Wow, you just don’t get it even when it’s directly explained to you Shalin!!!
Your ‘main’ issues have been frustrating you for a very long time ERGO your biggest/super massive issue to deal with (so big you miss it all the time) is ‘frustration’ and hence then your being put into frustrating circumstances (to track, give access to and hence then attempt to find/release/get rid of stores of frustration) . . . I ‘have’ described myself being deliberately put into stressing wind/worrying up circumstances. For example, my computer (that I rely upon to write this) has been blue screening and or not booting up properly regularly recently, 2 or 3 times yesterday, sometimes it boots up and presents a blank screen and on getting access to the task manager – I find that NO TASKS ARE RUNNING i.e. it’s also got stuck in the BIOS os boot up system!?!?!?!) . . . all deliberately being done with respect to myself . . . to get access to and to help find/identify and hence then reduce in some cases well hidden and or well disguised and or locked down trt’s/caches related to worry stress anxiety!!!!
This is one of the all time piss-takes of this reality i.e. having to be in the reaction/wind up side effects of other issues/those that you want to resolve specifically to release the feeling/frustration/despair/anger (or whatever) and or reaction effects you’ve had to being in/still being in specific ‘shit’ issues that are the ones you want to get rid of . . .
In other words doing the focuses and GETTING NO WHERE ‘recently’ has been part of trying to get access to and then release your build up of frustration!!!!!
April 3, 2020 @ 9:06 pm
Using the latest focus to target my relationship issues and problems with intimacy, especially with men, I get that the ‘assembly line efficiency’ thing has something to do with it. It’s like I have a certain goal/objective/purpose that I have and anything that deals with anything outside of this is a waste of time or trying to sabotage me.
April 8, 2020 @ 12:56 am
Shalin, besides the focuses, what else are you doing to engage with your frustration?
This is what I got using the current focus over the last couple of days.
I get the impression that I am to blame for the current plague/pandemic. This reminds me of the Black Death and my suspicions that I was a witch in another life. I was urged to play through the game Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, and towards the end of the game there is a cut scene where Senua watched her mother (who had the same gifts as Senua) being burned alive at the stake by her own father to appease the gods. Watching the cutscene, I saw and felt, in my solar plexus, myself collapse to the ground in frustration and grief crying out into the sky in pain, betrayal and madness.
In terms of dealing with spirits and spirit-keeping, I realize that in the past I have called upon or used spirits as ‘meat-shields’, calling upon them to sacrifice themselves for my happiness and safety. I also realize that I have also called upon them seeking vengeance and revenge.
I get the impression that there was some heavy Christian conversion stuff that happened to me and my friends and family are the biggest targets for this to happen. I see my roommate and my supervisor as being the biggest agents for this to happen in my life at this point. I get the impression that I attempted to make a deal with the Christians (or with someone important/powerful.) A life of obedience in exchange for escape. I feel like I was trying to get away from someone, my past or friends and family or something, and I chose Christianity as a means of escape. I did not want to feel anything for anyone anymore. I also think some part of me is still praying for other people in a way. I chose a life of poverty so I wouldn’t be hurt anymore. I also realize I really don’t know how to keep friends/people in my life unless I bribe or please them in someway.
I have always said I want to help others, and I see that this desire/intention of mine has been twisted into a life of service to others. My present job position or just doing work for another person comes to mind and even thoughts about self-sacrifice for a cause (volunteering.) I have always wanted to start my own business or do something of my own that would make me financially independent and self-sufficient and give me the time to do the things I want to do, but for all the things I try to start I can never get things off the ground and I feel like I don’t have the right resources internally to stick to it and get it off the ground. I also get the impression that my desire to help others is also a part of a system of reward and punishment. Like I am rewarded and praised if I work for someone else or do what someone else tells me, but if I don’t want to do what they do or want to do something of my own design I get punished for it.
My thoughts stray to my own disinterest in exercising and I see images of a fat, half-naked king sitting on a thrown. I find it funny that way back when being fat was a sign of wealth and prosperity while nowadays it is a sign of laziness, shame, and bad health.
I absolutely hate nice/positive people, more for the fact that I can’t argue against their so called ‘light/right’ point of view because I can acutely feel their ‘pain/upset’ if I do. I have a very nasty habit of agreeing with certain people in order to keep the peace and keep them off my back, my mother being a perfect example.
I think back on the tv shows/music/movies/anime/comics/manga/video games I have played in my life and realize that none of these things can ever make up for what I lack or really want in life.
I want to share my experiences with others but on the other hand I don’t even want to bother because they aren’t going to get it or even try to understand. What hurts the most, especially in my case as I have experienced it, is when I have tried to share these things with people they treated me as if I was sick or insane or making it up, like the pain I was in was imaginary or attention seeking and just didn’t matter. In the end I was condemned for madness, weakness and pity.
April 14, 2020 @ 4:09 am
Clive, side comment related to the *pandemic*. It seems many governments are using this fake pandemic to pass draconian laws to take away civil liberties & push forward the forced vaccination & UN agenda 2030. Bill Gates, the Clintons and others are major figures in this push but there are many cabal/illuminati types pushing this.
Incidentally, I came across a documentary that perfectly unpacks what has been going on here in the EAAS in the last 120 years with un-elected/shadowy power structures ruling EAAS. This PANDEMIC seems to be a page right out of the play book of these un-elected/shadowy power structures.
The documentary is quite long with the focus being who/what was behind the assassination of JFK, although it begins by setting the context by starting from the First World War, Russian Revolution of 1917-18, and lead up to Nazi Germany and World War 2. The same power structures were behind the 9/11 attacks in New York City & largely every major terrorist attack/bombing.
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April 17, 2020 @ 9:37 pm
Megan/Clive, what I’m doing to engage with my frustrations? Well for the last 5 years being in this physical hell it wasn’t clear to me what exactly it was that was causing my problems. All I knew was that I had experienced an endless list of emotional traumas/hurts etc.
For every ounce of trapped frustration within my data stores/caches there are likely equal stores of everything else – anger, rage, resentment, fear, worry, grief, sadness, stress, tension etc because thats what my life has been about – unfortunate circumstances/experiences & repeated trauma.
I try to engage with all of these emotions, traumas, experiences thru the focuses but I don’t get any clues/insights as I’ve mentioned. I don’t know where the hidden stores/caches are and I don’t know what is maintaining the frustrations/traumas/emotions or recycling/restoring them.
BUT again, I don’t think its SHIT messing with my conscious mind so much as it is SHIT just trapped within my data stores/caches causing my physical imbalances. I’ve done a lot of cognitive behavior therapy on myself during these last 5 years -I’m no longer mad/angry with my father for how he treated me when I was young. Since I’m not in the dating scene I don’t need to worry about HIV/STDs, which was a source of extreme fear/worry/anxiety accumulation within my stores/caches in the past. I do have investments and as the financial markets go up/down lately due to all the volatility I do get worry/frustration/anger from that from time to time. I also do have persistent fear/worry because I’m afraid the 24/7 gastric fluids destroying my esophagus/nasal-canal/throat will lead to complications/cancer.
And lately, I’ve been watching a lot of documentaries about the activities of the cabal and the leftist governments around the world in cahoots with them using the pandemic or perhaps even creating the pandemic intentionally to bring down Trump to continue with their agenda – take away our freedoms, one world government ruled by a select few elites etc. That has created some persistent anxiety/worry.
As well, as you know I’ve had tremendous frustration from all the life events – failed romantic relationships, unfavorable work/career related outcomes, unfavorable investment outcomes, poverty circumstances, working under extremely difficult/tedious/stressful/frustrating circumstances/situations and on and on.
I’ve disengaged from a lot of that. I’m not in a romantic relationship right now and I’ve taken a leave of absence from work/career. So I’ve removed those sources from adding to whatever frustration is already present in my data stores/caches.
GIVEN ALL THAT, as I previously mentioned its not so much what is in my conscious mind as it is what is in my stores/caches that is causing my physical imbalances that is the problem. I’m NOT experiencing daily frustrations from any of the many sources of frustration that have previously led to the accumulation of frustration within my stores/caches. I’m not working so no risk of experiencing work related frustration which I’ve had so much of in the past. No wife/girlfriend so no frustration from romantic relationships.
The frustration now is related to:
A) NOT being able to live my life because of my physical imbalances
B) Get out of the physical hell before it kills me
#A above is a huge bucket of frustration because it basically cuts off all hope to ever get out of this hell to be able to live a normal life. I am unable to see a life beyond my current situation as it is impossible for me to see myself well/healthy and out of this hell to experience what it feels like just to wake up in the morning and not have the unbearable physical imbalances/symptoms destroying my body.
A normal person usually has a lot of things to look forward to – romance, a trip/vacation, career/job advances, learning new skills, making love, engaging with their hobbies, meeting up with friends or family, it can be anything. For me all of that has been destroyed because of my extreme physical imbalances/symptoms. I don’t know what it feels like just to wake up in the morning, see the sunlight pouring into the room and feel happy and grateful to be alive. To enjoy a cup of coffee outside listening to the birds chirp. I cant do any of that and I cant even visualize it because I’ve been so trapped/stuck in this hell for so long now. I don’t know how it feels to be normal. What does a normal body feel like? I don’t know any more because it’s been so long.
I see my friends living every day life – going for a jog, having a cup of coffee, going on vacation, going out to eat, laughing, smiling, whatever – they can do it because they have healthy bodies – they aren’t in maximum physical pain or discomfort every second of the day or night.
So I engage by focuses and by self cognitive behavior therapy but it appears that whatever is causing, maintaining, recycling, restoring my issues has a firm grip and no amount of mental exercises I can do seems to help.
These past 2 weeks I’ve had a lot of dreams and I often wake up in the middle of the night with symptoms worsened and in fear/worry states. Maybe that is wsw teams putting me in such dreams to get me into certain states to then track/find/release but so far I haven’t noticed any releases of any kind. I also have not noticed being placed into any past trauma or negative emotion states as what is happening now has been happing for the last 5 years so my every minute/second feels the exact same and is difficult for me to decipher if those outside/wsw teams r able to work on me.
May 8, 2020 @ 5:50 pm
Shalin, what I am sharing is how I was taught to facilitate myself and how I have learned to use the focuses. All of this is from my experience and perspective. I am not Clive. I have not been doing this as long as he has, but this is how I have come to see and understand things based on my experiences.
When I first started doing the focuses, I experienced a lot of frustration too. Here I was reading comments from people who reading the focuses and seeing these amazing thing and contributing to the discussion, and here I was feeling frustrated, exhausted and getting a whole lot of nothing except more of the same of what I have always felt all my life. I eventually got to the point where I hated even thinking about the focuses since they weren’t doing me any good. It was only later that I realized that I was using these focuses with an expectation of everything – my pain my anger, frustration, etc. – just magically disappearing.
Months into doing this and feeling like crap I was guided, and this is/was gut-guidance, to stop doing the focuses and to try something else. I was instructed to get a pen and a notebook, and I was ‘asked’ to ask myself this simple question, “What am I feeling?” I was guided to do a mental scan of my body, where was this feeling trapped (gut, heart, throat, lower back, etc.); how did I feel about it (good or bad? If I didn’t feel good (=happy/joyful) but I didn’t feel bad (=angry/in pain) did it feel dead like nothing (nothing can be something too. For me it represented a block/barrier); what did it feel like (tight like a knot, hard like a rock, thick like sludge); and what did this feeling remind me of (past memories/people/movies/music/etc.)? My mental focus was trained on my lower chakras (my root, sacral, solar plexus) and for most if not all of this time, this is where everything I dealt with came from.
This was my primary focus for months. I had stopped doing focuses for the most part (I did new ones as they came out but put them down not long after) but I primarily kept my focus on identifying and reconnecting my mind with my emotions/lower chakras. Anytime I identified or connected to an emotion and my mind/consciousness/whatever went off on a tangent blaming other people (well my mother didn’t do this…, my dad did that…, so and so did something…, etc.) I was pressed with a critical question, “What did I want?” I was forced to figure out and admit my wants/desires/needs/expectations in situations no matter how reasonable or unreasonable/’good or bad’ they were.
Doing this went on for months before I was finally guided and encouraged to start working with the focuses again, and I was finally able to actually start seeing things while using the focuses, but the most important thing I have gained through any of this is empathy and compassion for myself. I am still learning and I am not perfect, but I am able to do more things in my life, and can deal with some of the things that did or would have stopped me before WSW on the fly, in public, hell even at work in front of my co-workers (granted all it is internal work so I don’t really say much except cry to myself.) But all of these things are baby steps. They aren’t fixed in an instant or even over night (most of the time.)
In the process of doing all of this, I have had to throw away everything that I thought/understood/believed about healing whether it related to light work/New Age angles or even psychology. Clive has even commented, (December 27, 2015 @ 12:11 pm), “‘Everything’ you list above plus the likes of EFT, TFT, NLP, CBT, SE (cognitive behavioural therapy / Somatic Experience) works as I’ve described on the scary pages. They all ‘adjust’ people while never actually opening to / dealing with the underlying embedded: trauma / pain / stress / anxiety etc.”
A big thing about all of this is I was forced to learn how to express my pain and cry again, even in public as I have mentioned above. I have had cried a lot of tears into my pillows, I have spent hours on end journaling my every thought, feeling, etc just following my pain and anger and frustration and grief, I have driven down the interstate crying bloody murder in the middle of the night because it was the only place I could safely do so. Which begs the question, do you have a place you can be that emotionally honest and raw with yourself? I was renting an apartment when I was going through all of this so it made expressing myself out loud rather difficult.
It sounds like you have been trying to mentally and emotionally balance your sanity on the head of a pin for quite a while Shalin, and for what it is worth I am sorry to hear about the things you have had to endure in all this. The focuses are working, but realize that even when the focuses or Clive or the WSW teams remove/take care of the original issue (whatever it may be) that does not mean that your soul hasn’t been left unscathed, however that may be. Right now, don’t worry too much on ‘seeing’ anything and focus more on reconnecting with yourself emotionally.
August 9, 2020 @ 7:07 pm
I started watching Farscape a while back, and I got the impression that the Peacekeepers represented the Tom split/duplicate of the General/Admiral/Commander roles and security you have mentioned previously. While I will say I didn’t really feel a connection to either Moya or Pilot, I do have an affinity to pegasi, unicorns and their like in a deep, emotional way (though it couldn’t possibly be because I was born in the year of the Horse according to Chinese astrology, could it?)
I had an interesting conversation with a friend where we were talking about the difficulties we have had with our mothers. What I saw, as she was telling me about a friend of hers who had similar difficulties, was a woman laying on her side who was pregnant, yet not pregnant. Despite having been pregnant and having already given birth and the umbilical cord had been cut there was still an emotional/energetic umbilical cord attached between mother and child and from this pair I saw things spiderweb down through the generations.
Still dealing with a lot heart and neck issues. Sometimes the soreness in my neck would get so bad it felt like a noose was around my neck (big surprise, hehe.) However things are being done for me I feel it slowly making its way towards my head.
I get the impression that as a healer I was ‘forced’ to ‘retire’, and even after that I was constantly harassed to make sure things stayed that way. I am also noticing that although I am not formally trained as a ‘healer’ people still come to me with their problems like I am one in a way. It leaves me feeling bitter and resentful at times how selfish they can be at times.
August 10, 2020 @ 4:35 pm
They’ll likely be many anomalies related to people here simulating someone whom was maybe interfaced to a very, very different animal species type (that we don’t even have presented here), such that ‘for example’ some species maybe carry 1 or 2 or 3 developing fetus’s/babies each at different stages of development which would also possibly have them being pregnant over a longer period compared to other species while also giving birth to a single baby maybe 2 or three separate times when pregnant too!!!! That would be quite possible!!! Try explaining that to your friend – haha!!!!
December 15, 2020 @ 1:26 pm
Hi clive! I came upon your site when i asked to know the truth about our reality. I have been steadily reading through the articles you have posted on this site and would like to thank you for what you are doing and would try my best to help in your research through the exercises in the future. Cheers!
June 3, 2021 @ 7:22 am
I just did these two focuses. I am having issues with swallowing. It seems like there is a block to swallow. Because it won’t let me swallow properly there is like pressure and saliva in my mouth. I also am struggling with deep breaths and it feels like everything in my lung and upper abdomen is smashed flat and it won’t let me breathe properly. Swallowing and breathing are a issue. It feels like I am being blocked from doing that. What focuses would you recommend that I do for this Clive?
June 6, 2021 @ 4:26 pm
Hi Melissa, I suspect that we are in an ‘upper shits/fake designed software reality’ i.e. data system owners research phase i.e. it is very likely that they are trying out different sabotages/debilitations and or also ‘improvement/shit reversals’ on different people within our population.
For example ‘today’ I find that I cannot view any of my sites in my firefox browser (I use this all the time). although, in just checking now pretty much every site I try and view/browse in Firefox results in a “Gah. Your tab just crashed” message (even Ebay and Amazon?!?!?!).
So, when I access ‘’ (this site) I always get a crash notice BUT when I access the same site as an administrator (to check on comments or to update plugins etc.) I get ‘normal’ access and can (at the moment) seemingly do anything within the ‘administrator’ space (at least at the moment). Fortunately I’ve got all of my important browser links in Yandex which (in just checking now) seems to work as it should (at least at the moment).
June 4, 2021 @ 3:32 am
After I did the focus about my breathing issues I found out that my breathing parts are energetically pinned down with a plug or a nail or something like that and someone said that they wouldn’t take that off till I come back to the past life. I have been getting this message for like ten years or more. They won’t tell me how to get there but they want me to go back to the past life to them. My chest can’t breathe deeply my abdomen is blocked from breathing and my throat gets blocked. It got better after I did the focus but that one part is still blocked and it went back to all being blocked the next day.