Remember I’ve been presenting a lot of pages on this site giving evidence here that we are all living in a fake reality. ‘PLUS’ a fake reality basically translates into a reality actually being software defined and a software defined fake reality is then all likely pointing to ourselves being in someone else’s experiment!!!!
- OUR CURRENT ‘HANGING AROUND/C19’ PISS-TAKING CIRCUMSTANCES/PHASE . . . & particularly with respect to:
So, in Shalin leaving a few comments on about ‘The Art of War’ as well as ‘Game Theory’ & also ‘The Cabal & the illuminati’ . . . which all seems very odd to me, except, when I started to think about these possibilities with respect to those way, way, way above/up over in the data system that specifically designed this EAAS shit hole that we are all living within here!!!!
Basically, what is going on here is not really about what is GOING ON OR HAPPENING HERE, it’s all about what is going on with respect to those that setup the entire data system we are all living within and or ‘why’ . . . so, in thinking about these possibilities for a few days . . . then I ‘surmise’ that the below ‘speculative points’ are then likely realistic possibilities given many past as well as ‘current’ VERY ‘stressing’ circumstances!!!!
Those at the very top (and particularly those above the top i.e. outside) it seems to me ‘must’ be in a stand off and or at war (or preparing for the potential for war) with another likely ‘subtle’ culture.
Now, a few weeks ago I started to think about and to present questions to those specifically at the very top/whom ever is ‘responding’ whom are at or are the closest to the ‘current’ top.
My first questions are very specific and direct. I told them that they (whomever I’m communicating with) simply ‘must’ be experts/extremely knowledgeable with respect to ‘anomalies in their own reality (specifically because in that I personally keep pointing out shit loads of anomalies here, then they ‘MUST’ be taking notice of this, and they are very likely doing this specifically because it’s likely that everything I’m doing ‘here’ they are having me do because it’s very likely VERY ‘important’ to their objectives/the reason why they set this all up in the first place!!!!) . . . HENCE THEN it will be somewhat impossible for themselves to not then either notice and or then be suspicious about any ANOMALIES THEY HAVE ON THEIR OWN LEVEL!!!!
So in response to my question as to whether they have and or are suspicious about certain anomalies and or anomalous experiences ON THEIR OWN LEVEL . . . I get a YES!!!
Hence then (as I already suspected), I’m not then ‘really’ communicating with the people whom are ‘outside the data system’, rather I’m likely communicating with ‘simulated’ people on a level very close to the top i.e. a level or levels below the actual ‘real’ reality.
For my second question was I directly ask them if they are in a stand off with another race/faction and or are preparing for a potential war . . . to which I get a ‘YES’ for both of these!!!!
Also, recently I was thinking about the insane number of experiments ‘JUST’ in our own little one off drop down/side branch. We are in an experiment that is of a repeating pattern of 12 drop down levels with most levels generating more MV variations on the level below, while some levels literally generate many, many 1000’s.
So, each x12 drop down from the single top most ‘experiment’ by the time each experiment spawns one or more or many multitudes of experiments as as it unfolds over 12 levels, results in the ‘one’ experiment generating approximately 3x5x120x5000x600x40,000 multiverses: = 216,000,000,000,000 i.e. 2.16^14.
However, ‘we’ as in ‘US HERE’ in our experiment is actually at the very, very, very bottom of the 6th set of the repeating x12 ‘experimental’ drop down pattern.
So, from the top of this experiment to ‘us’ with respect to all MV’s generated, involves 2.16^14 x 2.16^14 x 2.16^14 x 2.16^14 x 2.16^14 experiments, which (if I’ve multiplied these correctly) actually results in something like: 4.70184984576e+71 MV’s!!!
However, you have to remember that this is just for this one single ‘experiment/drop down’ in checking/asking just about other ‘local’ drop downss of different types of experiments I’m told by the upper lot that they have 300 ‘similar experiment/variations’ being set off below the same 73rd level above point.
Also, in a few years ago myself starting to try and gain access to the upper data system, (which was initially as part of dealing with ‘administration/experiment going off target’ shit sabotaging ourselves when ‘hacking’) which had me over time asking questions various versions of those above about various facets of their data system ((from there perspective)which of course in being ‘here say’ may or may not be correct) I eventually ‘seemed to get access’ to about 2.5 ‘BILLION’ levels above, plus (on asking) there are apparently we’re many, many side branches leading to yet more separate ‘drop’ downs likely leading to vast numbers of yet more actual individual ‘experiments’!!!!
So, after having a ‘think’ about the above, then my ‘take’ with respect to the sheer utterly INSANE scale of the data system and particularly with respect to the unbelievable number of experiments that are involved is that it is seems to me to be very, very, VERY, VERY ‘LIKELY’ that their data/simulation system is very, very, likely ‘compromised’, such that the ‘people/culture/race/???’ that they very, very top lot are having problems with are ‘likely’ accessing/hacking into it, or are trying to (as best they can)!!!
In this respect it seems to me (because in the above circumstances this is what I’d do) is that they’d very, very likely deliberately set off many, many, many, many, many, many, many different experiments, very specifically to make the data system as vast as possible, very deliberately to make it as difficult as possible for hackers to both ‘find’ as well as ”REALLY’ understand the needle in a haystack experiments that are the ones that are important AND ALSO to make it as difficult as possible to understand the relationships/connections between different experiments and or between multiple combinations of different experiments too!!!!
So, everything will have to be done in ways to make it all as convoluted and or as difficult to understand as possible and particularly with respect to the experiments and or combinations of experiments specifically setup because they relate to themselves having ‘standoff’s/incidents with another culture/race’ and or more particularly, because specific experiments/combinations of experiments are perhaps very much focused on ‘preparing for war’ . . .
What else would you do to make it as convoluted as difficult to figure out as possible!!!!
Yesterday I had some very weird as well as annoying/distracting ‘twitching muscles’ in my left arm around my elbow. In watching this I realised that it was VERY odd, specifically because seemingly 2 or 3 very specific areas/places both above and below the inside of my elbow area we’re seemingly exhibiting spasms in ‘coordination’ . . . resulting in distracting/annoying effects . . . in watching these (and the coordination of these effects/efforts) for a while, I realised that these ‘effects’ are very likely not being generated by ‘muscles’ BUT are likely ‘somehow’ being generated via the ‘fascial type connective tissue’
“The fascial system consists of the three-dimensional continuum of soft, collagen-containing, loose and dense fibrous connective tissues that permeate the body. It incorporates elements such as adipose tissue, adventitiae and neurovascular sheaths, aponeuroses, deep and superficial fasciae, epineurium, joint capsules, ligaments, membranes, meninges, myofascial expansions, periostea, retinacula, septa, tendons, visceral fasciae, and all the intramuscular and intermuscular connective tissues including endo-/peri-/epimysium. The fascial system interpenetrates and surrounds all organs, muscles, bones and nerve fibers, endowing the body with a functional structure, and providing an environment that enables all body systems to operate in an integrated manner . . . “
Now, when I checked with them way, way, up over (months ago), the original i.e. ‘NORMAL/STANDARD’ MV animal forms DON’T HAVE THIS. I.e. it’s been specifically been designed into our specific EAAS experiment as part of seemingly providing yet another backdoor into the human nervous system/main body functioning areas . . .
This then had me remembering that we also ONLY HAVE DREAMS HERE too (i.e. within our EAAS) BUT our original ‘subtle’ forms/and or any animal they are interfaced to don’t actually dream in the original MV either. Also, we’ve actually double the number of base elements in the periodic table here, which on checking a long time ago that the ‘extra/added in ones’ are ‘seemingly’ SYMBOLICALLY represent the ‘elements/base components’ of the ‘subtle’ environment within the original MV.
In other words, these also ‘appear’ to provide yet another set of back doors into the physical and hence then the physical forms/bodies here!!!
So, ‘EXTRAS’ specifically part of our EAAS here compared to the original MV (that I know of), because on checking there are 3 more!!!
- The fascial connective tissue system
- Dreams and also then Nightmares
- A way, way ‘richer’ physical environment
- The ‘electric’ universe and physical body electrification, (in some cases also leading to extreme ‘sensitivity’ to electricity/electrical fields) is another angle added into our own EAAS version!!!
Given all of the above and given that I’m suspicious of myself perhaps also being very, very DELIBERATELY presented with the fascial TWITCHING EFFECTS, perhaps very, very specifically to then ‘prompt’ myself to think about and then start making checks, very, very specifically to lead me to figure out the above . . . then leads me to start to speculate about ‘why’ they’d ‘add’ in specific things to our EAAS . . .
Which then has me wondering if these ‘extra’ things/factors perhaps specifically relate to what the upper shit’s (or more likely those above them somewhere ‘outside’) actually have as part of their own (maybe real) reality version!!!
On getting a yes for the above then this has me thinking of all sorts of interesting/oblique possibilities:
- The upper lot are perhaps deliberately setting up MV’s with starkly obvious (i.e. easily visible/seen) ‘VERY DIFFERENT’ factors relative to their own way, way up over circumstances specifically . . . perhaps (and this is likely) as part of deliberate miss-direction attempts so that anyone peeking/hacking into their data system will likely dismiss/maybe discount these specific experiments i.e. maybe NOT REALLY TAKE NOTICE OF THEM, PERHAPS VERY SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE THEY AREN’T ACTUALLY ACCURATE FOR &/OR AREN’T ‘REALLY’ REPRESENTATIVE OR ACCURATE OF THOSE UP OVER/THOSE ABOVE THE TOP’S BODY FORMS & OR THEIR ‘ACTUAL’ SUBTLE OR PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENTS & OR OTHER FACTORS TOO!!!!
- We also ‘seem to have been in some sort of holding pattern’ for well over a month now, which I’m sure the upper lot ‘initiated’ such that they are perhaps directly using the C19 situation (which they’d have easily initiated too) to help them ‘maximise’ variability/personal data variability???
Although, there is perhaps another very oblique ‘need to hang around for a while’ possibility that I’m also, pretty sure is likely correct!!!!
Which is that I am sure that the way up over lot/the ‘experiment’ initiators/designers will also have set off multiple experiments within very, very different places within the data system maybe just within our own specific experiment drop down set and or ALSO maybe from others in way more distant experiments within the entire data system, which perhaps are then:
- All, very likely pre-defined and coordinated (in terms of timing) so that they are ‘by and large’ running in parallel at the same time . . . while . . .
- At some point, all of these will be of EAAS versions each with some specific combinations of ‘additional/added in’ factors (for us fascial tissue/dreams and the much richer physical environment etc, etc) very specifically because these accurately reflect the upper top lot/above the top ‘designers’ body forms and or various environmental circumstances/factors which are all ‘now’, very likely being coordinated (in data terms) specifically in ways to combine all of the extra factors that actually do ACCURATELY relate to the top/original environments and or their subtle people/animal avatar body forms make up and or circumstances involving interactions so that all of the data from all of these separate experiments when combined as well as adjusted/adapted such that the hacking/anti hacking networks/systems are then tuned and ‘optimised’ specifically to reflect the ‘above the top designers’ subtle body and or physical avatar form and their specific subtle and physical environmental makeup/circumstances too!!!
And in asking directly to the upper lot I’m getting that they are coordinating and refining/adjusting the data involving 100,000ish different EAAS experiments/setups!!!!!
The bottom line here, is that I’m pretty sure that what I describe above is ‘by and large’ correct!!!
Hence then over the last month or more now during which we seem to have been . . .
- More or less ‘hanging around’ . . . while . . .
- I’m sure that at least specific groups of people here are being deliberately ‘kept/locked into’ the same shit states/levels . . . while . . .
- The recent C19 virus situation I’m sure is also part of this, because each cultures different response to C19 will impact some of the many, many versions of ourselves/people very specifically in ways very likely designed to maximise/optimise facets of the combined/mixed together ‘hacking/anti-hacking’ networks/systems, unfortunately with respect to WHAT THE ABOVE THE TOP LOT ACTUALLY WANT/RATHER THAN WHAT WE WANT!!!!
Plus writing all of the above makes me aware that the ‘Clives’ speciality is to take scant information/vague clues (but on a very large scale) and to then use these to deduce as much as possible our base ‘reality’ design, our back story and what is ‘likely’ going on . . . i.e. what the real behind the scene’s circumstances are most likely to be . . .
Unfortunately I cannot yet think of how to ‘speed up’ i.e. make faster or ‘easier’ our current specific ‘in shit’ phase, which is to be honest SUPER piss-taking because I’ve gone from being in virtually no shit to being in 2 or 3 different combinations of shit effects starting about 4 or 5 weeks ago now, which I’m also pretty sure have been copied and pasted from other ‘Clive’s’ whom are obviously in way worse shit compared to myself too!!!!
So, from my own personal perspective, current phase is: SUPER EXTRA/ULTRA PISS-TAKING!!!!
ON THE OTHER HAND: As I’ve explained on way ‘earlier’ pages here I ‘only’ started to seriously focus on this specific fake software defined reality ‘investigating line’ because I was seriously puzzled as to why it was IMPOSSIBLE to resolve specific peoples healing issues (no matter how competent and or how many healing sessions anyone had), and worse ‘issues’ that were ‘easy’ to resolve for others with these issues (because I’d resolved them in others) it appeared that you weren’t allowed to resolve at all.
In other words it appeared to me (10+ years ago) as if (no matter what you did) you simply aren’t allowed to resolve specific issues, however, originally I’m pretty sure that I thought that you’d only be able to resolve issues that the person someone is a copy of actually resolved (which if so would also be exceptionally PISS-TAKING anyway ) . . . however, I now suspect that it’s worse than this for our super FU EAAS experiment version, because it now seems as if it’s using anything as an excuse to make things worse for specific people!!!!
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
June 24, 2020 @ 5:09 pm
New Page/Update
June 25, 2020 @ 1:29 am
>however, I now suspect that it’s worse than this for our super FU EAAS
>experiment version, because it now seems as if it’s using anything as an
>excuse to make things worse for specific people!!!!
That would be me for whatever reason.
So bottom line: If anything is being used as an excuse/vehicle to make things worse for specific people what is the next step in your opinion?
June 25, 2020 @ 3:24 pm
“That would be me for whatever reason” . . .
Well, the above sort of completely sums up your attitude doesn’t it Shalin. Nope to a greater or lesser extent pretty much everyone here will be experiencing worse circumstances, relationships and or personal effects/impacts.
Personally, just speaking for myself, I’ve been hit by effects that are at least 10 times worse than anything that I’ve experienced for at least 2 or 3 ‘decades’ BUT your highly predictable outburst did help to remind me that many different experiments are specifically designed to be focused on some very specific ‘attributes’ . . . coincidentally our EAAS experiment version is focused on ‘Anger, Rage, Hate & Suffering’ . . .
Although on checking notes I identified others focused on other specific ‘attribute’ sets. For example
Shock, Horror, Terror
Shame, Embarrassment, Loathing, Distraught, Self-depreciation, Self-hatred, Disgust, Contempt
Disassociation, Depersonalization, Derealisation
Despair, Depression, Despondency and Demoralisation
Isolation, Separation, Loss, Grief, Keeping People Apart, Disengaged
‘AND’ there are experiments also focused on the polar opposites like happy, laughter, feeling content, fulfilled etc . . . .
Hence, then let me give you some ‘sensible’ advice re ‘negotiating’ because in that I’m not an idiot I figured out how to get at least ‘some’ leeway years ago now.
Firstly, you have to find out or figure out or maybe directly ‘ask’ THE UPPER SHITS THEMSELVES WHAT THEY ACTUALLY WANT, and particularly with respect to any current ‘shit’ phase!!! Once you’ve done this then you can then spend time very specifically thinking about things from their perspective (because from years of personal experience they don’t give a shit about us).
So, perhaps rather than waste time whingeing and whining on I’ve spent time figuring out how they can achieve the same while either reducing ‘shit’ levels and or suggest different ways of doing the same thing that would impact us less and or take less time while coincidentally achieving the same outcomes that the upper shit’s want.
Now, I’ve already not only spent time THINKING in the above ways BUT I’ve also actually written in great detail, specifying EXACTLY what the upper lots agenda is with respect to the current shit phase we find ourselves in. So, maybe you could get your shit attitude re orientated and do something useful like maybe try and figure out how they can achieve what they want IN SOME OTHER WAY!!! I’d be impressed if you can, because ‘personally’ so far, I cannot!!!!
Do you realise that I keep deleting a lot of your comments content specifically re cabball etc. etc. specifically because having this actually written/presented VISIBLY in public here will actually cause shit efforts to increase and seriously amplify?????????
June 25, 2020 @ 11:14 am
The last part kinda hit me while I was trying to explain something to someone who’s trying to help me. Happened a couple of days before you wrote it.
The dread of doesn’t matter what I do I get screwed over anyway. I really stopped giving a shit I thought I fixed my Tunisian mate he drank and smoked a lot of pot.
Last night he was up to his old tricks because that girl he wanted to marry and kinda thought that it’s going to fix him didn’t happen I kinda knew that already.
My ex with the bad back got in a accident again and was crying for money she thinks it’s some guy who’s doing black magic to screw her up I wisely kept my mouth shut.
I kinda gave up and joined my friend in his bad drinking habit. I have been doing nothing it all feels very futile. Why help my ex if she won’t get better and it’s just costing me money. Why do anything if I’m scripted to just get fucked over more.
Same goes for fixing my diet cleaning my house I feel a slave to my script and I’m just stewing in my frustrations. They use the useable suspects my past my exes my family lack of new things.
Me devolving into the loser neckbeard. I also hate how my face changed the weight I gained and me turning bald like Clive slowly I’m a vain asshole.
The whole final fantasy seven thing with zack and cloud is some nice dollhouse/stand in for someone else overlay of someone else bs.
They turned cloud into zack because it was convenient why train a new super soldier from scratch just give him the memories of the old one.
The whole psychosis with flashbacks stuff is way too relatable for me. I skipped the remake of the game because I was disappointed in the demo I played.
I was kinda angry with that also I had a for fucks sake why release a old game i love into three new releases that will be like 3 times the price I’m willing to pay for the complete story. Guess final fantasy 15 really was a flop that they had to resort to this.
I have big backlog of games to play just don’t want to play games anymore. I somehow have the suspension persona 5 has something to do with the dolls house imprints because you have to rescue spirits then combine them into something stronger.
Might be that they were looking to combine as many imprint to make some super whatever. Played bioshock again it trigged some old stuff guess this is why I am having such a hard time figuring what to do on my own.
How’s a military/dollhouse guy who’s basically been used to clean up other people’s shit guy going to find out what he’s good at loves if he only knows how to follow orders do stuff that others preprogrammed for him. Fml
There has been something new though it’s like I have more say in who to kick out of my body. I’m also more sensitive to the states of others my exes panic attacks are coming through a lot.
My ex feels like that woman from that Thomas camera guy who actually was a soldier. A fabrication something to make me less like how I originally am.
Combined with some keep me on script ai. I remember talking with some manager of the housing project I was in she came out of my body and was yelling stop.
She always goes on about how her job is to protect me ladidida. I can’t get angry at her because that affects her already trashed body. She goes like you can’t raise your voice or be negative because that makes my symptoms worse.
Kinda makes me want to pull my hair out. I have been trying to get a new tenant since October last year so she can get some extra money and pay some of the money I gave her back since she’s unable to repay me.
I used to be very anti establishment screw all the new age Christian bullshit I had pretty fucked morals also it’s like that all faded out.
I’m not actively into crime anymore I even doubt if that’s something I would be able to do since after the psychonaut stuff I lost my ability to be deceptive.
I have been fighting with my Christian mate a lot I did the kind Christian bullshit of helping and not being the quid pro quo asshole I used to be but the fucker didn’t even fixed my bike.
I’m not asking a lot of the guy but if you crashed on my couch for 3 months two times in two years I’d expect the bare minimum would be to just fix my bike.
Maybe not have me to whine fucking two years for it while ending up to semi threaten him. like if your not going to fix it now I’m going to shame you to a common friend who has a decent opinion off him.
I can’t shake the feeling whoever I’m simulating pissed off some higher ups that kinda ended up in this fuckery im stuck in. Like ow he doesn’t listen he’s prone to acting up let’s humiliate him a bit and bully him back into submission.
I’m so sick of it all the crimes I did were pretty petty compared to the punishments I received.
Clive was trying to get into contact with the higher ups I have been trying to contact whatever they called deities. Why if you have the power to change things or influence it you don’t actually exert it.
The answer was the same old broken record it’s all how it’s supposed to be suffering is necessary for growth free you self just enjoy the decent parts of your simulated life.
I figured the whole black lives matter thing was the “demons” darky types being fed up can’t blame them but I can’t shake the feeling that it was idiotic to do during a pandemic. I’m also pretty much waiting for a wave 2 and wave 3 of corona don’t ask me why though.
Enough whining and writing shit distracting comments go give some focussen to do because I have been slacking with that also. I never got your email to keep you in touch of how things are going so I just rant here ahahahahahaha
June 25, 2020 @ 4:22 pm
Well, my comment wasn’t intended to be taken as an outburst. I was simply asking what your thoughts were given the current piss taking situation.
I get what you are saying however.
And honestly, if you cant figure out a strategy that aligns with those above that helps them and us at the same time how can I when I haven’t been able to function, think, work, visit friends or attend any social gatherings or carry out any normal activities for 5 years? I’ve been in a constant state of hell since April/2015.
I am filled with so many shit effects of every kind from the list you described in your reply that my head is literally about to explode as is my abdomen. The knock on effects on every organ/physiological system due to everything that is trapped within me is staggering and has been so for 5 years now and as I’ve stated many times is *constant every nanosecond of the day/night*.
If I could think and function I’d definitely help you but I’m lucky I get thru the day. I try the best I can given my circumstances.
Yes, I have noticed you not posting the cabal related posts. I’m not certain why presenting them visibly would increase & amplify shit effects though. In any case, the posts regarding the cabal are mostly intended for your consumption and not the publics.
June 27, 2020 @ 3:07 pm
Any better now Shalin? My ‘seriously piss-taking’ super blips/shit effects windup’s seem to have stopped, I’m back to my more ‘normal’ i.e. milder wind-ups which seem to be facilitating more stress tension i.e. ‘stressed neck & locked jaw’ associated ‘release’ effects!!!
June 28, 2020 @ 3:36 am
Clive, I just had this thought:
Is it possible that you are being sabotaged or being mislead to a certain extent by those way way above &/or outside? Maybe something like being steered away from thinking about or discovering certain things or making you ignore/overlook certain things that could otherwise help you figure out something that would benefit us here but isn’t a priority for them?
I’m just speculating but the thought has crossed my mind because as you know my situation seems like its impregnable. Maybe they don’t want you to become aware of certain experiments/objectives and/or what is maintaining/locking down certain people. Just speculation however.
July 22, 2020 @ 12:56 am
Well, its the upper shits game Shalon, so whatever they want they’ll make sure they’ll get it, like for example if they don’t ‘really’ want people to do scans or target specific things because it’ll sabotage what they want, they’ll easily ‘negate’ these when people do them anyway!!!
July 23, 2020 @ 4:53 pm
RE: “I eventually ‘seemed to get access’ to about 2.5 ‘BILLION’ levels above, plus (on asking) there are apparently we’re many, many side branches leading to yet more separate ‘drop’ downs likely leading to vast numbers of yet more actual individual ‘experiments’!!!!”
Well… if we take into account that that explanation about that number of 2.5 billion realities correspond to levels in side branches of this MV system ‘It’s ONLY’ an interpretation of this system owners of what you accessed as what you thought were levels up (moreover, they probably ‘are unaware’ of the realities that eventually are above them reality)… then that number of 2.5 billion may ‘WELL’ refer to realities above this whole system!
And this leads me to wonder: how is it that as fragments of consciousness very, very, very, very little that we are, we manage to function perfectly as people apparently normal? It’s like the subtle body or whatever works in a fractal way?! It’s depressing, but it makes me think that we are all artificial consciousnesses manufactured by software from some level of ancestral reality…
December 19, 2020 @ 6:14 pm
Hi Clive, it’s been 8 months since you gave us the last update about what has been going on with respect to our issues and the work of the WSW teams…. So I wanted to ask you if the WSW teams are still alive… Are they still ON?
How is the process of solving our issues going?
January 2, 2021 @ 5:46 pm
UPDATE!!! Yea, well, that’s because I’ve been having concerted replays of all of my past trauma issues i.e. ‘PAST SHIT/IMPACTS’ being ‘re-presented to myself’ in reverse order (over the last 6+ months), it’s almost been like going back in time starting from when I was about 30 all the way back until the trauma and pain of wearing teeth braces, such that I’ve felt semi tortured, as far as I can tell by ‘phantom’ tooth pains due to the teeth braces I wore for a while over 5 decades ago now!?!?!?! However, what was worse was a very severe trauma as a toddler, which was so bad that I ended up completely disengaged from my parents//didn’t want anything to do with them.
Basically, my father had suffered a bad multi fractured skull accident just before I was born (my parents had a very bad road accident) which had my dad auto reacting in a startled/aggressive/out of control way to the slightest sound, i.e. sounds which included a toddler making noises and trying to talk and or otherwise just doing normal toddler things, like maybe throwing stuff, or bashing things together etc. etc..
So, that’s how I got my stammer and speech block before even getting to school, then I was of course bullied (from what I can recall) at junior and senior school . . . likely because I was an easy target with the stammer, however, when I got my first job I decided (after about 6 months) that I ‘HAD’ to get rid of the stammer/speech block.
So, I spent time figuring out how to do this (on my own) such that I managed to turn it around from a 95% failure rate to the opposite over about 5/6 years, although it wasn’t until my very late 20’s that through virtually daily self healing/self exploration (of issue origins) efforts I eventually managed to get access to the unbelievable massive scale of severe trauma that was preventing me from breathing ‘normally’ (from the abdomen) . . . i.e. I ended up doing the impossible (as apparently speech therapists cannot), I got rid of a stammer and speech block and all of the trauma contributing to myself having this!!!
So, I just got through a replay of pretty much all of the above trauma angles but then I had another, which has had me revisiting past shit/trauma BUT, now starting from age 30 and on . . which fortunately wasn’t anywhere near as bad as the first 30 years worth!!!
So, very recently this past trauma/shit replay has started to settle down, although occasionally there is yet ‘another’ annoying blip, like I spent about an hour and a half in (YET MORE) concerted stress/tension shit releases (teeth chattering) yesterday . . . that’s the longest so far!!!!
So, stress, tension, anxiety seem to have been my main underlying debilitations, built up via extreme toddler trauma, as well as early childhood bullying and also early job/work related ‘traumatic’ circumstances!!!
Oh, yea and generally (last 6 months), I’ve been massively blocked from pretty much writing ‘anything’ too, likely because this is a very, very, very good way of STRESSING ME & KEEPING ME IN STRESS/ANXIETY/TENSION etc i.e. being made to be pretty much completely blocked from writing has been a piss-taking way to have me get access to and to release yet more/any remaining stress/tension/anxiety etc shit . . . however, I have started and have been trying to get finished about 3 mostly quite different (to the usual) pages . . . unfortunately . . . they are all still ‘in progress’!!!
January 2, 2021 @ 11:26 pm
So, thinking about your latest update, are only a select few of us set up to experience our past trauma-dramas or is everyone here in the sim being simulated through their past issues?
January 3, 2021 @ 2:54 am
I’m not aware of anyone else that’s been specifically put through their past major ‘shit/traumatic’ experiences (in reverse order) that happened over give or take their first 3 decades while taking over 5/6 months to go through the replay of this. Personally I suspect that it’s just the ‘Clive’ versions (those writing about fake software reality while trying to track and figure everything out on a planet wide scale), basically likely only a dozen or so people/Clives (likely all in different languages so we aren’t known/won’t come across each other).
I’m aware of one person that seems to be in or have been put into ‘stress/anxiety’ things recently (last month or 2), but I’m not sure of the context, except, that it’s perhaps some side experiment or effort to try and figure out something regarding how to access or release the ‘Clives’ stress tension ‘data’.
Also, despite that I’m releasing stress/tension/anxiety I’ve actually not particularly been feeling tense or stressed i.e. I haven’t had strong physical body effects of these as I have had in the past. For example I’ve had ‘head’ stress/tension so bad in the past that my jaw completely locks/sticks, such that it isn’t possible for me to open my ‘jaw/mouth’ (I’ve then had to very strongly massage/dig into the side of face muscles to get it freed/released).
It’s regularly been this bad in the past at least during some phases BUT definitely not that bad, say in the last half a decade.
December 21, 2020 @ 5:08 pm
This kind of reminds me of a game I played called ‘No Mans Sky’ the protagonist was an explorer that travelled between different planets and galaxies and in the main storyline the character finds out that they themselves are actually in a simulation and everything they encountered was a simulated environment.
January 3, 2021 @ 3:36 am
Hi Xin, strangely I’ve written this below in the last week or so which is of me accessing the experiences of the person I’m a copy of living in a galaxy scale environment and flying around in my own personal space ship!!!! This original space/multiverse is also a software defined reality too i.e. it’s another simulation, likely also pretending that it’s real too!!!!
My Own Investigations of My Own Past Also, Had Myself Gaining Access To Other Worlds & Planets
Because of having a bad piss-taking stammer and speech block, which had myself making a concerted effort to orientate to and become more and more aware of my internal states and inner sensations in attempts to identify everything within my past (i.e. the originating circumstances and situations) that had contributed to my current issues and states had myself at time gaining spontaneous access (at least initially) to what seemed to me to be past life circumstances and incidents that I’d expect of earlier earth historical phases and circumstances.
However, in then spending consistent time accessing as many of my past life incidents as possible over a span of time that likely went on for many months a fair proportion of these seemed anomalous to me for various reasons, which I’ll try and explain now . . .
As a starter, there seemed to be rather a lot of these, as in literally many 100’s and possible 1000’s of these although as I was only getting scenes of specific defining and or traumatizing incidents/circumstance it is also very possible that at least some of these incidents happened multiple times within some past incarnation’. So. it seemed to me that some traumatizing circumstances definitely repeated both within separate lives as well as within the same life at times too.
For example I can remember accessing repeated instances/scenes of my wife/life partner leaving where we lived (maybe to go shopping or visit a friend) BUT she never returns, she just disappears, coincidentally, in this life I’ve had relationships finish in very bizarre ways too.
However, in repeatedly accessing various past life incidents over many, many months (possibly stretching into years) they eventually started to peter out while also then (in some cases) becoming decidedly weird specifically because I then found myself accessing to some specific environments, inclusive of circumstances and incidents relating to at least 4 or 5 very, very different planetary environments.
For example, from a surface environment point of view one appeared to be an airless rocky moon, another presented an exceptionally disjointed/weird Salvador Dali type environment inclusive of some of the weird bone looking items presented in his paintings while another presented a stark, seemingly rock only surfaced planet (it didn’t seem to have any significant vegetation) although I ended up at a water pool, at which point I found myself entering the pool, swimming underwater which had me gaining access to a large underground cave with a pool/small lake type habitat. However, the 4th world that I become aware of was of a more normal earth like suburban housing type town/community place except I seemed to be trapped within a specific house by 2 small seemingly deranged flying drone robot type minders, which I seemed to have to figure out how to disable before I could leave.
In that the above were generally (both individually as well as in an overall sense) EXCEPTIONALLY weird, whilst in some cases, being a combination of scary as well as somewhat disjointed/odd, I eventually realised (very likely months after having this experience) that because technological developments within our earth planet version have been massively slowed down compared to the original environment, then these specific places, circumstances and experiences I very strongly suspected were actually part of some sort of virtual reality personal security training program mixed in with a variety of experiences of different worlds/planets environments and habitats. Over time, this explanation makes the most sense to me because I seemed to be put into some very, very different physical planet/world environments as well as in some cases, some very difficult circumstances, lets say (sort of) under ‘controlled conditions’, implying that this was likely part of having myself accumulating experiences and or useful knowledge of different worlds/planet environments while also being put into some very different specific experiences and circumstances (including being put through some sort of house arrest scenario) likely as part of some training program intent on preparing helping myself to deal with different circumstances whilst familiarising myself with some different worlds environments too!!!!
Also, the above are the ‘experiences’ I engaged with relatively early on the timeline of the person I am supposedly a copy of here, however, later I got spontaneous access to other environments (when I lived in Brazil for a few years for example) that were all directly, visually ‘overlaid’ onto the current landscape/environment/place (most close to Alto Paraiso West of Brasilia).
Basically when I visited certain places I would at times find myself presented with two entirely different environmental views of that area. I’d have the ‘earth, visible to everyone’ view whilst at the same time I’d also have a very different landscape presented, often inclusive of (sometimes very space age) buildings and or monuments, some presented as you’d expect as part of the surface view/landscape whilst some seemingly permanent structures were actually permanently hovering ‘in the sky’, somewhat directly implying that anti gravity technologies were common within the original environment.
However, in at times occasionally returning to and re-accessing these experiences, specifically in attempts to extend my understanding of the original experiences and particularly because they were exceptionally different/odd too, such that I eventually found myself engaging with a specific time when I was leaving my residence in a remote nature countryside area (where I found myself interfaced to and living as a cat (with my cat partner)), so I tagged along while my cat form walked from our residence through a small small mixed forest area and into a clearing beyond this. Within this clearing there was a small space craft (which I entered), I then (watch myself) performing all of the necessary ‘operations’ within the cockpit necessary for take off’, and I then watch myself pilot this craft until it reaches what seems to me to be a fairly obvious physical space station type structure. I then dock my craft to this station, after which I’m then aware of tracking myself exiting from the craft, then walking down an automated docking system structure corridor, after which I then enter a side corridor and then eventually find myself coming to and entering a side room. Within this side room I walk right up to the far wall, I turn around, then (as the physical cat form) I lean up against the wall, at which point I find myself EXITING/LEAVING THE UPRIGHT CAT BODY FORM as my real ENERGETIC SUBTLE FORM SELF, which (in not being physical) then passes straight through the outer physical wall, after which I find myself entering what I can only describe as a large subtle building/complex, in then wandering around this complex, I became aware that it was the subtle reality administration building that was overseeing and managing members of their subtle population being incarnated to have a physical life experience, however, in over weeks and month coming back and re-engaging with this place to become aware of more details of this place, including that they seemed to offer about 30 different planetary habitats for their population to have a variety of physical life experiences.
In my mid to late 20’s early 30’s (about 5/6 years before I became aware of the above) I noticed that pretty much all cats had a very strange reaction to myself, when they first encountered me. Basically, most times I’d encounter a cat, it would ‘visibly’ do a ‘double take’ when seeing me, they’d see me and they’d often then stop walking, their head would pull back and they’d often have an expression of puzzlement (equivalent to ‘no way/this can’t be right’ sort of reaction), they’d then watch me intently for a while and then they’d ALWAYS come over and be unbelievably friendly. If this was at a friend’s house they’d end up on my chest and ‘plodging’ with their feet to get comfortable, they’d then spend time lying there very contentedly purring away!!!
So, after likely 2 or 3 years of the above cat reactions, during the first few weeks of meeting the woman I’d later marry, while out shopping together and each of us returning from our own shopping commitments to meet up again (after about 20 minutes or so) we both automatically greeted each other by rubbing our faces together and ‘MEOWING’!!!
WTF!!! Is exactly what we thought too!!!! It didn’t make any sense whatsoever!!!!
However, it was just a few months later that I spent time trying to understand and particularly to become aware of the origins of these weird cat behaviours that I found myself (as I describe above) on the nature/natural world as an cat form living with the other cat form and then having the above cat flying a space craft experience!!!!
Now, because I was intrigued by my experiences of being part of this physical life experience administration space whilst also being puzzled about the ’30’ habitable planets (doesn’t this seem to be to many for a single solar system?), then I’d occasionally spend time re-accessing my experiences connected to the subtle reality administration building in attempts to become more aware of what I actually did there. I eventually became aware that I was a physical life experience ‘counsellor’ whose job it was to support people and or groups of people and particularly in circumstances which involved ‘conflicts’.
So, while spending time accessing my original forms experiences in this administration space I became aware of phases where I worked with two tribes as incarnated groups of people as a sort of ‘conflict counsellor’. I basically worked with them to try and help them resolve differences or problems that had arisen between these two different incarnated populations.
At the time I was accessing these experiences I’d have been about 35 years old. Now (I’ve a pretty good memory) so, in becoming aware of and accessing these times/experiences as a sort of ‘conflict counsellor’ I eventually remembered that when I’d just finished my university degree (age about 21) and was trying to find a job, and was looking in the local papers jobs section and saw a job opening for a ‘conflict counsellor’ (you have to be aware that at this point in my life I have a very bad speech stammer/stutter), so I’m seriously unable to understand when reading this ad how I feel absolutely utterly sure that I’d be a very good conflict counsellor!!!! I seriously couldn’t understand my response to this advert, it made no sense in anyway.
So, between the time of reading that advert and actually having the above ‘subtle incarnation administration worker’ experience I worked as a supporting medical research scientist for a few years, after which I was employed as the manager of a university central resources technical facility for about a decade.
However, in that I decided I had to get rid of the stammer about 6 months after starting the university job, which had me figuring out and developing approaches/strategies to resolve the stammer myself, such that after about 5 years I turned the stammer/speech block around from a 95% failure rate to the opposite and another 4 years to pretty much eradicate it completely. At which point I then left the university and set myself up as a healer, therapist, practitioner, which had myself talking to and facilitating people pretty much ALL THE TIME!!!
In this respect, by my mid 30’s I actually became a full time therapist/counsellor, (spending all of my time talking to and listening to clients) something I’d not have imagined would have been possible when I read the ‘conflict counsellor’ advert.
I suspect that the administration building overseeing what seemed to be 30 planets, are likely not planets but are different planetary environments/habitats presented on a flat disc world!!!! Hence we have people here believing the world is flat – that’s because these people DID live on a flat disc world!!!!
January 6, 2021 @ 2:33 am
Thanks to your examples I’ve been able to figure out that I am simulating a wolf, specifically an omega wolf.
I am very hairy to the point I don’t see the point in shaving unless I can remove it with laser surgery. I have also had children question whether I was a girl once they saw my legs. I also have very long and shaggy hair.
I prefer eating a fork which is like digging at the ground looking for food or tearing at food with sharp teeth.
My canine teeth have been severely worn down due to stress-grinding when I sleep. I remember as a kid being so proud of how long and sharp they were to the point I thought I was a vampire.
In video games, I am attracted to characters that represent wolves themselves. Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII (he rides a motorcycle named Fenrir and even has a wolf head earring and emblem on a shoulder guard.) Link from the Legend of Zelda series, he is deeply connected to the forests and even transforms into a wolf in the game Twilight Princess.
I have an acute sense of hearing and smell.
My mother’s dog also looks at me funny. I have often caught him just standing in the middle of the living room just staring at me even when I call him to sit on my lap. My mother has also remarked that he acts strangely around me.
I prefer to live in single room/efficiency apartments which is kind of like living in a den.
I also prefer to sleep in a nest of pillows and blankets, and usually I am sleeping on my side or my stomach. It is too uncomfortable to sleep on my back.
I am attracted to the sound of the violin which sounds like a wolf howling.
I believe the Lakota/Nakota/Dakota Indian tribes are simulating packs of wolves. If you listen to Indians singing they even sound like wolves howling. Their ancestors used dogs as pack animals, and putting them on reservations is kind of like putting them in a cage or pound.
I also used to ride motorcycle (now I just have a bicycle.) Cars and motorcycles that bunch together on the interstate are known as wolf packs. Motorcycles even sound like wolves growling (or even horses with their thundering hooves.)
Evidence I am simulating an omega wolf. Quotes taken from
Omega wolves are at the bottom of the totem pole. “One or many of the wolves will assert themselves over the omega, who flips over onto his back, whimpering in surrender.” I am a bit of a doormat and have always allowed others to walk all over me. People tend to take their stress out and frustrations out on me as well that left me feeling like shit internally (and it was always my gut/solar plexus that hurt. Even in arguments I would quickly surrender to the will of the other person involved.
“The alpha pair would never allow the omega male and female to mate, therefore the omegas are not pair-bonded to each other like the alphas.” As much as I want a relationship with another I have always had an aversion to them, or the pairing would feel wrong. I also feel like there was something wrong with me, and that I wasn’t worthy or didn’t deserve it.
“He kept his tail tucked, his shoulders hunched and his head lowered as he moved about with uncertainty.” I have hunched shoulders and in the past, would often walk with the head down. In fact, I used to believe doing this would keep me out of trouble or get people to leave me alone.
“Over the years that I observed him, Lakota would often approach me and timidly lick my face. During these occasions, I would run my hand down his back through his fur coat. Sadly, his skin was riddled with small bumps and scabs where the other wolves had nipped him, and there were small scars on his muzzle where the fur would not grow back. In dominance displays, a dominant wolf will frequently grab the muzzle of the submissive wolf, as a mother might do to discipline her pups. Lakota’s face bore the marks from such encounters. As I would sit with him, he would begin to relax a little, beginning to trust that I wasn’t going to hurt him. Then, he would take his paw, gently place it on my shoulder, and gaze at me with his sweet, wise, amber eyes. We would sit that way for quite a while. From that moment, I was captivated by him and would forever hold a special place for him in my heart.” It is hard for me to trust others and to let people in. I am still crave socialization despite wanting to be alone.
“He must suffer terrible abuse at the hands of the king and court, but he is undeniably loved. Like a jester, the omega is often the one to instigate play and act the fool… Sadly, there were times when Lakota’s playful attitude would backfire. The attention he would draw to himself could sometimes result in a full-on mobbing. As he’d run, we could see him realize that the pursuit was not a game this time. It was painful to watch his hopeful expectations dissolve, fear spring into his eyes, and his entire posture change. Quickly he’d flip over onto his back and yelp in submission while each mid-ranking member of the pack got his digs in.” I like making people happy and I like when they are happy in return, so much to the point that I often make stupid, inappropriate remarks in order to get a laugh or to fit in, and when it all fails I feel awful and embarrassed and afraid to try again.
“This was easier with Lakota because he often stood on the fringe, howling, but trying to keep a low profile. With the eight-foot boom microphone in front of me, I’d slowly and quietly approach him in a crawl, careful not to disturb his singing.” I feel more at peace and able to express myself freely when I am alone. When others are around I am quick to shut up and behave. I also have problems with expressing myself or sharing myself with or around others. I will also go along with what they like and agree with what they believe in so long as I have an ‘in’ with the other.
Also, actress Tanya Roberts was reported to have died a short time before she actually died, here are two news articles: and
January 8, 2021 @ 6:23 am
Thats amazing! I cant believe the original versions of us could live such amazing lives! The part about the 30 planets was intriguing because even in ‘No Man’s Sky’ each galaxy consisted about 3-6 planets even though it was a simulation. Most planets would have a typical climate with a radioactive environment with a few being goldilocks planets, ice planets and planets covered in water. It makes me sad that us here are prevented from experiencing that. And the part about you living a life as a cat was so cute! I have a soft spot for cats actually. In my own life people have remarked about how much i act like a cat and when i would show affection to them I realise that I would give them scratches and pets like some crazy cat lady or even rub my face against theirs like a cat.
January 18, 2021 @ 9:01 am
The part about cats intrigues me since it does explain why there are many cats in neighbourhood areas and it kind of reminds me of a scene in Harry Potter where wizards/ witches use animal forms for intel gathering. Since I live in south east asia there are folktales of cats being able to see spirits and ghosts and even protect their owners from them which I feel may relate to the admin duties you speak of. I was wondering whether cat avatars in the sim were able to talk too as I have read that cats are able to produce a wide range of vocalisations and watched videos where they were able to vocalise words.
February 15, 2021 @ 7:37 pm
2nd attempt:
Hi Clive, (I’m re-writing this to be more vague in certain references). It’s been a long time since I’ve done some focus – my partner has just joined in the remote WSW team and I have been re-reading Set 9. A lot has been updated. So I’m struck by how the targets focuses cover how events since March have lead to different ways of living/interacting.
I’m now terrified / panicked of the controlling scenarios and I’m young enough to have some time before been invited to have something introduced to me which is likely not healthy. This fear of not wanting to comply, then the consequences of being outside society / or worse put somewhere. So all this is likely to happen, but my psyche is struggling, and then there is the feeling of being clueless as to what to do, and in fact been managed to not pay attention, and then freak out when I do pay attention.
So I see I’m being scripted to be triggered by the fear of all this as terror – it’s an attack. And I’m also seeing the pattern of just how difficult it is to figure out how to ‘save oneself’. Reading the intents has calmed me down a bit. I’m hoping the wsw are still looking at different ways people are are triggered. It feels like I’m can only manage calm enough to do day to day things and not ‘figure-out’ some kind of plan (today that feels so abstract that it can’t be grasped). I also wanted to check something with you: Oracle Girl ‘a Jaqueline Fay Hobbs. I’ve been listening/reading to her stuff trying to figure out if she might actually be someone from the future who is trying to help with transmitting pure love healing.
I watched a live stream of her explaining ‘the end of the death space’ I wondered if she’d realised that she realised heaven shouldn’t be there along with karma. And yes that was the case, but then I had to check back with the logic that any aspect of this virtual reality shouldn’t be here. Oracle Girl’s explanation was that the ‘neg high frequency beings’ are leaving but that anyone who decides to have that ‘thing’ will be more enmeshed to those neg beings. Then as that death space and neg beings are leaving, it will also pull those with affected out of this existence and into another reality. Effectively a lot of people dying, but that those who are purifying and don’t have the ‘thing’ can hold on and stay here on earth as it rises in frequency. There are other parallel stories of this planet being able to rise out of these challenges. You can see why I might have hoped we had a positive scenario.
Something else to ‘test against’ the living in a simulated world logic: Oracle girl explained that those left on this planet would not have to go through reincarnation but remain in the body and then embody the multi-dimensional self. I was expecting mention of the soul/subtle body being free to return to source. I just didn’t like the feel that unwitting people being affected (doh, aren’t we all already, and this is like a mirror for what this represents). I could see questions being asked in the chat section, some grumbles because this ‘scenario’ seems unfair. Even though this world was mentioned as a matrix reality it seems to be one overlaid with a foreign ‘non-source’ energy that trying to take over. Although this lady is very bright and has lots of perception – can her version of events really be actually happening. There’s no mention that all of this is a simulation and virtually almost everything is stage-ands we are props to experiments.
At least it’s thrown me back into reading your stuff. I was able to read some sections pretty well but had to read out loud some things. I did get a better nights sleep. I found a comment of yours from October – I’m trying to get my head round being duplicates of duplicates and this is even more complex than some of the things you commented on in 2017.
February 19, 2021 @ 1:53 pm
Hi Anne, I’ve moved your comment to the page that at least attempted to give some context to our current ‘experiment’ circumstances, I’ve noticed that despite that I made an effort to indirectly give the current ‘pandemic phase’ some realistic deranged ‘experiment’ context, pretty much everyone then leaves comments on any other page/anywhere whilst seemingly ignoring this one!!!
In other words the ‘experiment’ we are all living within doesn’t like this page one bit!!! I’d advise that everyone read the page above again and start to try and get their heads around this page as it, at least attempts to provide some realistic ‘pandemic’ context.
Oracle Girl has amazingly managed to give absolutely no background context to our real selves and or our original circumstances?!?! I.e. that we here are all subtle spirit/soul being forms i.e. WE ARE NOT PHYSICAL, although we are also each a copy of someone else supposedly living out a duplicated life that represents someone else somewhere else.
I’m a copy of a subtle being that (relatively speaking) spent virtually no time as a physical form. In other words I lived most of the time as a subtle being in the subtle environment, while also interacting with other subtle beings within the subtle environment too.
However, most in the original population were interfaced to some hermaphrodite animal form (i.e. a physical animal form that was both male and female in gender terms) to have a physical life experience, this is why I wrote a page here giving the evidence of our population originally being interfaced to physical hermaphrodite forms i.e. a physical form that has both male and female gender characteristics/organs.
I pointed out that if we are all simulating someone that had both male and female characteristics (because they were hermaphrodite) then this means that all females AND males had an equal chance of simulating someone that became pregnant. I.e. if we were all originally ‘REALLY’ a hermaphrodite population then this means that a fair percentage of males here would end up presenting symptoms of being pregnant. I then presented the science research evidence that showed that even scientists have noticed that males in our population (depending on the country) present some symptoms (if I remember correctly) between about 25% and 70% of the male population of being pregnant!!!
So, a subtle population that (on the whole) spent most of their time as a subtle being, whilst then also at times occasionally choosing to interface to some two gendered hermaphrodite animal form to have a physical life/culture experience.
Contrast this to here!!!
We have no choice, in fact the majority of people here are so ‘physicalised’ that they’d likely think that what I’m writing here is crazy/mad. That’s the whole point of this place is to convince everyone they are nothing more than this physical male or female human form, i.e. to have everyone/as many people as possible unaware of themselves as a free living subtle being.
So, oracle girl is describing the ‘new age’ version, which is that because within the original environment there were disasters that caused entire populations to be FO (I’m pretty sure (I kid you not) there was some ‘Zombie’ conversions), so the EAAS was setup to use us here as ‘real’ people templates to update the zombified and or other FU population’s back to how they were before they were zombified/FU. Except this was just a cover story for something much darker i.e. (to me) it’s designed to FO everyone here and to use the worst FU/compliant versions of people here to update us here and then the original population to the most FU/compliant i.e. e n s l a v e d versions of ‘us’!!!