In that I’ve already made a decent case for technological developments being slowed down within our specific duplicated reality version here (at least when compared to what I can deduce of the original multiverse/reality version), very specifically because of the multitude of UFO sightings we have presented here then very strongly imply that we are very definitely missing inter planetary, inter solar system if not inter galaxy scale space craft/vessels here.
However, if you spend some concerted time thinking about (and around) these slowed down technology possibilities and particularly with respect to how some delayed and hence then perhaps not yet developed and or ‘missing’ technologies will directly or indirectly impact some specific events and circumstances here then you may become aware that it’s very possible (if not likely) that at least some very specific original multiverse circumstances, incidents and events because (directly or indirectly) they are very, very dependent on some specific ‘advanced/leading edge’ technologies (and or interacting combinations of technologies) are then quite likely to be delayed within our slowed down technology single inhabited planet within an entire multiverse version.
Basically some specific events that involve advanced and or leading edge technologies (within the original multiverse) will end up being delayed here, in some cases to such an extent that relative to the timeline of unfolding circumstances (within the original multiverse) then some very specific circumstances/events will automatically end up happening later here, in some cases perhaps much later here (relative to everything else happening here) i.e. ‘relatively speaking’ certain original multiverse events involving advanced technologies will end up happening in the future here.
The problem then is that the anyone here that are simulating someone that was either significantly impacted by ‘some’ event, and or because they where a news reporter or a writer that actually documented and or wrote about specific types of events means that the person that they are a copy of not only wrote about this event BUT they also had this published too.
If what I lay out above is correct, then some specific people here, whom because they are now living within a technology slowed down reality version, won’t then actually be presented with the HIGH TECHNOLOGY DEPENDENT EVENT that the person they are a copy of originally wrote about. Basically the same event ‘here’ WON’T ACTUALLY HAPPEN FOR THEM TO WRITE ABOUT AT THE ‘CORRECT’ DATE/TIME. However, because they are a copy of someone whom was either DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY SUFFICIENTLY IMPACTED BY ‘SOME EVENT’ WHOM THEN SPENT TIME ABSORBED IN THINKING ABOUT & WRITING ABOUT AND THEN HAVING PUBLISHED ‘SOMETHING’ RELATED TO SOME BIG ‘REAL/NEWS’ EVENT . . . then ‘here’ they will (despite that the event they originally wrote about doesn’t happen) find themselves spontaneously thinking about and then writing about this event/tragedy/circumstances, except that ‘here’ it will end up being written and also published very likely well before the real event it was based upon actually then happens here.
In other words, if what I write above is ‘correct’ then the deducible outcome within our slowed down/delayed technologies reality version will end up with some, perhaps many ‘very significant’ newsworthy events that ‘unbelievably/bizarrely’ have already been written about and published IN THE PAST, perhaps years or even decades before the actual REAL EVENT THAT THEY WROTE ABOUT IS BASED UPON ACTUALLY THEN REALLY ‘ACTUALLY’ HAPPENS (in the future here)!!!!!
Coincidentally, in the 19th century, the famous horror writer, Edgar Allan Poe, wrote a book called ‘The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym’ (which was published in 1838). This book was about four survivors of a shipwreck whom found themselves adrift in an open boat for many days before they decided to kill and eat the cabin boy that was with them (whose name in the book was Richard Parker). However, 46 years later (in 1884), the yawl, Mignonette, in sinking and leaving four crew members in an open boat for many days, eventually had the three senior crew members deciding to kill and eat the cabin boy, whom amazingly was actually called Richard Parker.
We also have Morgan Robertson’s 1898 novella ‘Futility’ matching up very well with the Titanic ice berg disaster (which happened: April 15, 1912); coincidentally this book specifically focused on a state-of-the-art ocean liner called Titan (i.e. an ocean liner whose design and technologies would have been leading edge for there time), which collides with an iceberg whilst en route to New York, inclusive of many dying because of the lack of lifeboats, although other details in this book also coincide with the actual real Titanic disaster.
Because the Titanic didn’t have lifeboats (maybe because they thought it was unsinkable!?!?!) then only about a third of the passengers were rescued. However, you’d expect any reporter/news person on this ship (of which they’d definitely be a few covering this specific voyage) that survived would then write about this experience (wouldn’t you!!!)!!!! However, if they did then because of the technology slow down what they wrote would also end up being written and published before the event here too, strangely, after writing the above ‘Futility’, I then found the following on wikipedia:
Coincidentally, 12 years before Morgan Robertson wrote ‘Futility’ a William Thomas Stead (An English investigative journalist and newspaper editor) wrote and published a short story titled “How the Mail Steamer Went Down in Mid Atlantic by a Survivor” in the 22 March 1886, issue of the Pall Mall Gazette. Stead included this editorial comment: “This is exactly what might take place and will take place if liners are sent to sea short of boats”. Coincidentally, William Stead was later a First Class passenger on the RMS Titanic when it collided with an iceberg on her maiden, he was one of the approximately 1,500 people who perished in the disaster.
In 1914, Morgan also wrote; ‘Beyond the Spectrum’, which was about a war in the future using aircraft that carried what she described as “sun bombs”, i.e. a bomb that was so powerful, it could destroy a whole city. In the book the war begins in December and is started by a Japanese sneak attack on Hawaii. Hiroshima and Nagasaki we’re bombed on August 6 and 9 in 1945.
What happens if you wrote a novel that was very specifically based on very specific people one of whom is genetically enhanced whilst also being of very ‘unusual’ experiences and circumstances including that you are writing about them specifically because you actually met with them and interviewed them i.e. you directly talked to them!!!!
Coincidentally Philip K Dick’s book called: “Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said” despite being written in 1970, he actually met a woman and her boyfriend (years later) that not only both had the same names as the main character’s in the book but the woman was the same age and when they met, she was also involved in a crime ring (equivalent to her character in the book), and she was having an affair with a police officer which coincidentally also matched up with her book character version. Now, in doing a search for a quick summary of this book I found this “The story follows a genetically enhanced pop singer and television star Jason Taverner who wakes up in a world where he has never existed”. Somewhat directly implying that the book was written about a person that was genetically enhanced (within the original population) which because of the technologies slow down reality version we are living within here we didn’t have these in 1970, although this story could also be of someone that was put into an alternate VR world within which he finds out that he’s never existed, i.e. he isn’t on any records and the memories of his real life don’t fit with the VR environment and circumstances he’s found himself in.
Based on the above then it’s perhaps reasonable to assume that the more newsworthy an event actually is to a greater number of people (maybe of an entire country or even the entire worlds population) would result in a much greater number of ‘before the event’ publications being presented within our many worlds reduced to a single world reality version here!!!!
The Bigger Any Advanced Technology Focused Future News Event Is The More ‘IN THE PAST’ Clue’s They’ll Likely Be!!!!
Coincidentally, the internationally covered 911 Twin Tower terrorist attack actually has loads and loads of documented pre-presentations, initially I found more than a dozen presented by various people that have already listed these although there is a video (titled “What is Predictive Programming?”) of someone that has compiled 63 possible instances of the New York based twin towers ‘WORLD TRADE CENTRE’ attack/collapse being presented/depicted in various ways well before it actually happened!!!
Here are few examples of in some cases very blatant pre-hints of 911 from 1963 till 2001
Porky Pig & Charlie Dog cartoon (1963)
The very first instance of the 911 towers collapsing and falling was indirectly ‘alluded to’ within a Porky Pig & Charlie Dog cartoon
“Asi sufre Latino America” (1983)
This book by Jose Borja was written almost 20 years before the 9/11 attacks. Did the author foresee the future or was it plain coincidence?
Marvel Comic Book (1983)
A Marvel comic book “attacked” the Twin Towers, 18 years prior to the real incident, pronouncing a Fascist regime.
The Simpsons – “To Surveil With Love” (May 2, 1997)
The Simpsons family plan a trip to New York in this episode. But wait….doesn’t this magazine advertisement signal of impending doom?
Trade Center Defender Game (Early 2001)
A 1984 comic is pretty much presenting the collapse of the towers in ‘exact’ detail, this illustration on the right was just one of a few comics that includes a plane flying into a WTC tower before it actually happened.
The Lone Gunmen (March 2, 2001)
The X-Files creators came up with this television show called “The Lone Gunmen” with a pilot episode that revolved around an aircraft crashing into The World Trade Center!
Johnny Bravo – “Chain Gang Johnny” (April 27, 2001)
Did Johnny Bravo’s creators send a subliminal message in the episode titled “Chain Gang Johnny”?
The Coup – Party Music (September 2001)
Rap outfit The Coup was set to release their album titled Party Music, in September 2001. Their album art showed a disturbing image with the WTC Towers engulfed in flames. They rescheduled their release and were forced to change their album art.
Coincidentally, if we are ‘really’ living within a less advanced i.e. ‘primitive’ technology reality version such that our earth population here actually includes many originally advanced space faring ‘alien’ cultures, whom also originally lived on many, many different planets (and or disc worlds) then how would this vast inter system trading infrastructure inclusive be translated/converted into our one single planet/world scenario here?
Many Space Faring Alien Cultures All Now on One Single None Space Faring Planet
Is it possible that in translating what would have been a vast inter star system trading setup likely involving a vast number of space craft, space based structures and habitats (perhaps even inclusive of ‘Thunderbirds Are Go’ type space based search and rescue infrastructure) that these could perhaps end up presenting some anomalies because they are all now having to be translated into a one single world/single planet surface trading infrastructure version which doesn’t even have any regularly commercially used off planet craft, never mind inter-world trading possibilities?
For example, how would say a ‘fixed’ in ‘stationary’ orbit space trading station above a single planet or disc world, which perhaps had a space elevator to take goods and people up and down be translated into our single earth no space trading reality version?
Can you think of any unusual scenarios or incidents that would perhaps be ‘difficult’ to accurately translate?
For example, what sort of anomalies might arise if some specific worlds orbiting in space trading centre platform was say attacked by some rogue aliens whom after hijacking and taking control of some interplanetary passenger or trading goods vessel they then flew it directly into a worlds orbiting trading station, maybe even causing it to fall directly onto the planets or disc worlds surface?
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
August 31, 2020 @ 12:17 pm
Sort of a new post, . . . and ‘yea’ I have posted this before (as part of a much longer page), but it’s important ‘again’ specifically because it’s part of this sequence of pages . . . so, I’ll try and post the next page that this one is needed as an introduction ‘soon’!!!!
Personally, I seem to be being continually recycled through my ‘main’ background issues (basically head focused stress and tension symptoms) while efforts seem to be being made to dampen down these ‘shit’ effects as much as possible.
Basically I seem to have been ‘presented’ with different ‘stress/tense’ circumstances/impacts while these impacts are being worked on to have them reduced as much as possible. So, initially (weeks ago now) some engineered ‘life’ windups (and or potential imagined ones) had me exceptionally i.e. overly out of proportion stressed/wound up, while ‘now’ they seem more as just a background i.e. annoying inconvenience.
An example of these stressing windups. I’ve 3 computer ‘mice’ which all work great, except ‘now’ they have all developed the same annoying habit of not registering clicks and or registering clicks that don’t happen so it’s a nightmare writing, editing, any copy and paste efforts of ‘ANYTHING AT ALL’ because all mouse operations on any mouse are sabotaged, so it basically takes 2 or 3 times longer than usual to write the same amount PLUS, this happening is a massive distraction to the actually ‘content’ i.e. quality!!! I should point out that I’ve done gazillions of antivirus/malware etc checks, i.e. I’ve downloaded and checked using LOTS of full trial versions of quality software and NONE AT ALL FIND ANYTHING!!!!
So, the playing field for myself has gone from level to pretty much an 89′ angle from about 2 weeks ago!!!! Coincidentally this happening is continually very, very annoying i.e. stressing!!!! Coincidentally (for example) editing this comment (which has me clicking on the edit button), ehhh, often again and again . . . and again . . . as the mouse click isn’t allowed to ‘register’!!!! Although the opposite also happens at times in that I move my mouse to ‘somewhere’ BUT during the movement an invisible, not made by me mouse click or two has me finding myself picking up and ‘dragging’ text to some where it shouldn’t be!!!!
August 31, 2020 @ 5:32 pm
The other angle to all this is those anomalies where content creators produce something that foreshadows a future event may actually be *intentional* in some cases by a small segment of the population.
For instance:
9/11 has been foreshadowed in films where clocks & watches where the hands are pointing to 9 & 11 or 11 minutes after 9. The above link shows examples of this and also briefly discusses a 1967 magazine photo of David Rockerfeller (illuminati bloodline) who was instrumental in ensuring the Twin World Trade Towers in New York City were built. In the photo he is seen with a watch where the hands are pointing to 9 & 11.
Where these messages intentional? Where they a symbolic message by members of the illuminati bloodline of future events to come? The illuminati operates by symbolism and has displayed their symbolism in clear sight in the public for generations. Only a small segment of people caught onto this but they were deflected as *tin foil hat conspiracy theorists*. Although they are being proven correct given the events unfolding here on earth currently.
Below is an example of 9/11 potentially foreshadowed in the 1980s cult classic film “Back To The Future”:
If these are intentional messages by illuminati controlled Hollywood then what is the significance of that with respect to translation of what is going on way above in the MV of the subtle beings who created us and our MV?
Perhaps it foreshadowed what is going on right now with respect to what the upper lots are busy doing. The war with another culture etc.
As it stands this war here on Earth is still playing out, which is why I think we are still all hanging around & stuck in our current shit effects.
You can edit my comment or not post it as I know you feel that my comments re: illuminati would cause more problems if posted on a public website.
September 12, 2020 @ 1:23 pm
Thanks Shalin, I’d completely forgotten about these specific date and number 9/11 examples, which as you point out, yea there are many, many of these too!!!
August 31, 2020 @ 8:11 pm
Hmmmmmm this makes me think of the hypersigils. Have a read The Simpson’s have to do with this.
I saw a disturbing cartoon that kinda showed what’s going to happen with me by some Russian Cartoonist.
I’m trying to make sure it won’t happen.
Your story with the books is something I kinda knew but forgot I explained to you their was some weird druid with a book shop 2 or 3 years before I joined the wsw.
I didn’t trust that man and he had another guy who basically said I would be new god or devil.
I remember playing a game while being angry couple of months before the COVID I was playing plague inc sounds all too insane.
Might all be unrelated but let’s say whatever those weird guys did was actually true and effective? Suggestions? I have been whining a lot about everything but I have no clue what or how I could change things?
Don’t post this just see what you can do with it because it sounds too insane for words
September 12, 2020 @ 1:20 pm
Hi Tommy, given the other recent comments, also sort of suggesting and or giving hints of some perhaps very, very different angles of personal impacts/re-programming/adjustments then perhaps your suggestion here actually isn’t as crazy as you imagine!!!!
It does seem to me that to end up with a network designed to manipulate and manage two populations simultaneously i.e. one it will help/support, while the other it will sabotage such that they’ll likely have seriously odd ‘symbolic’ and or ‘representational’ (i.e. completely made up), sort of filters/convertors/translators specifically defined to make trying to figure out never mind track and or counteract anything of this as difficult as possible.
Plus in having specific people trying to come up with different diverting as well as difficult to follow and or understand ‘symbolic’ variations of shit systems and networks then the same people within our EAAS here would likely end up having these efforts presented/represented as exceptionally weird/odd books, computer games, films and or series.
For example, I started to watch a NF series called ‘October Faction’ yesterday, it’s story line involves different humans, some of whom we are specifically made aware actually ‘represent’ various types of weird creatures while having many of these ‘characters/people’ behaving very, very oddly. So, it seems to me that this series is ‘representing/depicting’ efforts to use some specific peoples ‘odd/different’ avatar/incarnated animal forms base behaviour, temperament and or other characteristics (maybe reflexive/automatic behaviours and or reactions) to specifically cause the subtle forms/subtle people interfaced to these as many problems/difficulties as possible.
September 12, 2020 @ 3:25 am
Speaking of advanced technologies, your article reminded me of a few incidents I have had in the past that I’ve meant to share, but always forgot.
One time I was driving past a wind farm, and saw these tall towers with onion dome like top and structures that rotated perpendicular to the ground (they didn’t have the rotating blades like the turbines I saw.) I got the impression that these were subtle structures I saw, and I do not think they were necessarily for power generation from what I felt.
Another is a time my mom and I went to an IMAX movie theater, and they had these huge, red reclining seats, and what I saw was more complicated. It was something like the chair Neo and the others in The Matrix films used to interface into the Matrix, but instead of a big screen there was a visual visor that was suppose to be over our visual field and we were to interface into the movie itself. I remember feeling a little apprehensive about the experience, expecting pain in the back of my neck/base of the skull.
Another strange experience I had was playing a video game called Death Stranding. Set in a post-apocalyptic America, the protagonist, Sam Bridges, is a glorified delivery boy who is tasked by the remnants of the US government to reconnect the country through the ‘chiral network’ – basically using the subtle realms as an internet connection to connect remote physical places. In one part of the game, it is a very rocky, arid, desert climate and you are tasked with rebuilding the road between on outpost and the next. I actually felt relief, physically in my legs and lower torso as well as mentally and emotionally, being able to walk and run around on smooth, flat asphault after running around the desert for so many hours gathering the materials to rebuild the road(which is done using giant 3D printers.) I also had an extreme emotional reaction when starting the game because the protagonist is essentially forced/enslaved to save the USA by his adopted mother, the last female President of the USA. Hell, even the advanced communication device the protagonist is given look like a pair of handcuffs. I got the impression that this was a method, using VR/AR gaming/spaces, used to capture and enslave a lot of people. I also had the theory that my reactions had something to do with the concept of mirror neurons and empathy considering these video game characters are modeled after actual people, Sam Bridges is modeled after Norman Reedus.
I’ve been going through a lot of head stuff here, too. Heh, I wonder if this is how Crichton and Crais felt after being put through the aurora chair, or even what it is like to be brain damaged because I feel like I can’t even think logically or critically at times, and it feels like a struggle working or being a part of society. I feel like I’m getting closer to recovering something I have been fighting to get back for a long time, and I feel like I’m slowly reconnecting to the world around me but it’s like trying to dig through granite rock with your fingernails though.
Doing an exercise recently, I added a part connecting to any times and anyone I worked with as a healer, a holy person, a scientist, doctor, therapist, nurse, etc, and I connected to a scene from the video game Final Fantasy VII. I don’t know if your teams have worked on the gaming VR networks/shit yet, but I gladly volunteer as a guinea pig to get rid of this shit if they need someone to experiment on.
September 12, 2020 @ 12:24 pm
Hi Megan, yea, in the past I’ve read of wind farms in Scotland (UK) causing people problems, I’m sure there is likely some overall resonance/frequency/harmonics generated by specific combinations of windmill distribution as well as wind direction and speed that will result in (lets say) antagonistic frequencies detrimentally impacting people in various ways whom are living near by (I cannot remember the full list, but sabotaged/disturbed sleep I’m sure was one).
Yea we do seem to have ‘gazillions’ of dystopian nightmare type films and series, likely representing pre-defining yet another ‘difficult’ scenario/circumstances and combinations of these specifically to detrimentally alter someone’s behaviour and or attitude while also traumatising them!!!! Although given the number of organised multiplayer games on the internet I’d not be surprised if most of these are actually part of ‘real’ networks/systems that are focused on adapting/altering people’s behaviours and or responses here too.
September 13, 2020 @ 3:27 am
I thought I remembered reading on one of the implant or VR exercises that your teams were studying the tech to understand it completely before deciding to make any changes to a live system, but I may have misunderstood the comment, which happens often with me.
I’ve played the most recent version of Call of Duty – a battle royal game – and didn’t get very far in playing it before I had to quit because the entire premise of the game disturbed me.
There is another post-apocalyptic game that I played, The Last of Us (set in a post-apocalyptic USA overran by zombies created by an mutated form of Cordyceps fungi) it also has a multiplayer function I never played, but I wound up abandoning the game when I got to a point where the protagonists run into a group of cannibals in Philadelphia who trap and slaughter humans like cattle.
September 16, 2020 @ 1:54 pm
Ow jeez I hope that’s not correct what you say about the computer games
I own a ton of games that have to do with being controlled by others Bioshock 1 your basically made as a weapon.
Bioshock 2 you get turned into a big daddy basically their version of daleks.
The third one you sell your daughter with superpowers she ends up killing you.
The prototype series is basically you committing suicide with a biological weapon created by the goverment and turning into a superpowered monster murdering your way through dozens of military personal to figure out wtf happened.
I also have a set of games of you being a assassin the dishonored series is basically you being a higher up of the emperess she dies but you go on a revenge trip to keep her daughter save.
You remove elements that might threaten her rule but gaining supernatural powers to make the job a lot easier.
They basically created a god during a ritual sacrifice went wrong and because he needs some entertainment he goes around bestowing powers. Goal is to kill the god in the third game.
Metal gear solid 5 was about being made into a legendary super soldier after being super long friends with him because legendary super soldier had to do some other stuff so you had to fill in for him.
This plan was made by the friends of the legendary super soldier he will think he’s you he will lead the troops while your gone doing other stuff.
So guess who got his arm amputated and lost his eye? Too make sure he looks alike. It’s funny because the woman in the last part of dishonored also has that. Sounds a lot like other Toms Lord Nelson.
It are all videogames I just play on my PlayStation and these are the ones that are kinda obvious to figure out what they do or what they represent.
On another note I feel that the people around me are mostly sabotaging or just bad people. Tunisian guy has a lot of problems doesn’t do a lot for the trouble he causes me but feeding my frustration and nurturing my raging budding alcoholism.
One of my neighbors sells drugs I took pity on him after a long night of talking but guess what he’s a Christian. Pretty pisstaking I quit with coke and criminal stuff a long time ago but it never lets me go completely.
I was working out a couple of nights later and I met this scary known criminal in my city who comes from former Yugoslavia dropped him at my drug selling neighbor because idk what else I should have done with the guy.
It’s all great fun I’m hoping they don’t set me up to become a addicted criminal again because that would be a pisstake. Both the guys drink like fish and use coke in amounts I didn’t even do when I was 19.
October 22, 2020 @ 11:44 pm
Networking from Tommy’s comment, I got back into playing Call of Duty (I felt encouraged to do so) and am having a lot a fun with it. The concerning thing for me is on October 2, I was laying on the couch not quite napping and not quite meditating when I saw myself playing in Call of Duty in my head and at one point felt (in my gut) a piece of myself break off and hop into the game.
I have also noticed within the last week that I am not keeping track of time very well. I am usually running about a day or two behind or ahead of when I am at. For example, I archive all my comments and I wanted to date the file as 10-24-2020.