IMPORTANT (13th May) / Do the focus at the very top in preference to ‘ALL’ others: Targeting Anything Defining what of ‘MYSELF’ what scripted items I am allowed to have active or ‘NOT’
This page is being regularly updated as new focuses are written in this current ‘intense’ phase. The current ‘IMPORTANT’ focus to do is:
Targeting Anything Defining what of ‘MYSELF’ what scripted items I am allowed to have active or ‘NOT’
For full background to the origins of the first focuses for this page then click and read the ‘BackGround’ TAB/Link above
Brief UPDATE with LATEST FOCUS follows:
Some people are ‘still’ experiencing extreme effects and it’s taken a while to figure out why!!! Increasingly over the last week I’ve been in the following effects which I assumed were to do with my original form (the person I’m simulating) being subjected to a lot of thinking management / distractions:
“being disengaged, in their own little world, not bothered or interested, not feeling like doing much, passing time, being distracted off and particularly with trivial things, not really feeling to get involved with anything important, feeling as if time’s standing still, experiencing their mind being dampened, not being able to think about anything or being in a switched off state”
Now, many of these effects are not the outcome of something ‘doing’ something they are the outcome of being prevented/blocked/kept disengaged/diverted/switched off/dampened down with respect to ‘what you’d normally or naturally do’ i.e. the ‘point’ of these is to NOT ‘ACTIVATE’ or allow to be activated ‘SOMETHING’ of yourself.
Basically, a lot of this shit is covering up / hiding and or blocking access to ‘shit’ / or more accurately the ‘bad’ state/states we are in, also, we ourselves will also have been prompted to orientate away from and or ignore our bad states / shit as part of making us less directly impacted / being OK about being in these AND it’s this shit contributing to these areas too. So you could say that there will be more of this shit with respect to the worst states impacting us. So, this is the problem because there is more of this shit / greater correlation associated with our WORST shit states. Also, it is the same collection of shit that is also contributing to blocking ourselves from being able to become aware of and figure out / take action against this shit.
Basically it’s overriding characteristic is to keep us disengaged from shit/ what is causing shit / how best to target it . . . which is why it’s taken a while to put together a focus to ‘better’ target these areas!!!
. . . it is also highly likely / guaranteed that there are scripted items that do the opposite and which PROMOTE you to ENGAGE with ‘aspects of your scripted self’, and to them AMPLIFY and EXTEND what is ‘ENGAGED’ with, things such as trauma, anger, irritation, pain . . .
Now the only way that you’d identify what these items actually ‘do’ is to let them activate i.e. you’d then end up being in the ‘target’ effects which are to dampen down / disengage and or blow up, amplify / extend. In other words it is very likely that these ‘types’ of ‘indirect’ actions/outcomes scripted items that are causing ‘identification’ problems / are taking time to identify / delete AND worse in the mean time are causing some people to be put into ‘extremes’.
So, the focus to target these areas (current version) is below try and do once a day for a while, it’ll likely be updated over the next few days too . . .
IMPORTANT: Any of the ‘TOP’ set of focuses listed below that ‘strike you’ are obviously ‘hitting/impacting you / something’ then PRINT THESE OUT and do each day / when nudged until these sensations disappear?
They are also listed in the order of importance, top ones more important lower less so!!!
“‘Copyright Statement – READ THIS ‘NOW’“ ‘accordion’ below . . .
AND, ‘DO’ read this before working with any ‘simulation’ experience targeting exercise: because you are ‘bound’ by certain conditions and given certain warnings with respect to this page and these exercises . . . ‘IF’ you have ALREADY read these warnings etc on another exercise page then CLICK on the accordion TAB immediately below to close it as this will save you having to scroll down the page to reach and work with the ‘exercise’!!!
The Simulation Software ‘Obviously’ WON’T LIKE People Accessing What Contributes to Themselves
Simulation software relies on keeping people disengaged from everything of themselves that is ‘worrying’ from the simulation projects: objectives, ‘consensus’ reality and the ‘generic humans’ range of experiences point of view. The software basically keeps you locked into a bubble of ‘normal’ human functioning and a managed ‘consensus’ reality view point AND more importantly it relies on stopping you from even becoming aware of any ‘out of bounds’ possibilities as in ‘extra’ enhancements and or abilities (or what these experiences imply). It relies on this ‘awareness and investigation’ disengagement tactic to severely suppresses you from even becoming aware of never mind of THINKING about trying to access never mind of allowing you to actually ‘understanding’ you are defined by software and a script of data.
So, in ‘playing’ with this and other ‘exercises’ here then the software will likely tag you as ‘dangerous’ and you can expect it’ll try and find ways to distract you, make this web site and your experiences gained here fade away from your memory faster that usual while keeping you busy and occupied elsewhere . . . and so on . . . this is just it’s standard operating protocol (SOP) for worrying people. I’ve personally been giving it ‘THE BIG FINGER’ for over a decade now!!!
To make it very clear . . . despite that the worst anyone has experienced pushing against the simulation in these ways is some temporary ‘weird’ experiences that have faded out after a few minutes or hours . . .
You use/work with the below . .
Entirely at your own risk
‘IF’ you do decide to ‘go for it’ then work with the below when you have some hours to spare, so if anything ‘extra’ weird and or disturbing happens you have some time to recover / wait for it to fade out (before you have to do things like ‘drive’).
So, if you want to explore these areas then work with the ‘statement of intent’ presented below, BUT first you read the following . . . .
COPYRIGHT: The below is all Copyright, all rights reserved Clive S Hetherington 2015 and on. The exercises’, the ‘focuses’ the statements of intent (SOI) STAY on this site and you don’t copy what is below to present on another site, I have made my copyright very clear that I don’t want ENTIRE sections taken from this site and presented somewhere else. I don’t mind a paragraph or two as an ‘opener’ BUT no more than 20% (this is stated and has been stated for years in my Legal page (the link is in the very top menu way above)). This is specifically the case for this page BECAUSE I’m wanting COMMENTS of feedback from people working with this page to help myself and in fact everyone interested in what I’m presenting here to IMPROVE our understandings of WTF is going on!!!!
INSTRUCTIONS: As you read the ‘statements of intent’ then you state ‘with intention’ what you read internally with a directed will of ‘I WANT THIS / This is what I WANT!!!’ while simultaneously keeping your inner awareness / senses alert and ‘still’ to give yourself the best chance of becoming aware of anything that the focus reveals / gives you direct access too.
This ‘does’ take practice, I ‘started’ to spend time trying to become aware of my internal states and inner perceptions three and a half decades ago.
AND . . . of course if you DO experience ANYTHING while using the above then you give us a comprehensive description as a comment below . . .
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
April 3, 2017 @ 2:11 pm
First thing what happened two minutes after i started the focus room-mate came in. I feel a lot of stuff from others. Didn’t manage to completely connect to what exactly happened notice i get a lot of associations fed ideas like ow it could be this or that. Like wait a minute Ehm likely all the crap of others that might be causing issues influencing my train of thoughts. Like its impossible to solve this just for one person but everything is interconnected. Lots of strange bodily sensations after finishing the focus. Its weird because every time i interact with someone my room-mates my parents my friends random people in the streets its like a part of me dives in them. That im being made to feel what they feel. I tried the last focus what causes stuff to be imprinted. Doesn’t make it go away.
April 3, 2017 @ 5:13 pm
Hi, Tommy, Melissa, Ouendy/N/Iris / other DollHouse people this focus will be the best for these specific ‘DH/Imprinted with other peoples EXPERIENCES’ issues as it’s likely not been possible until this specific focus to be able to identify and isolate never mind then start to separate out the Doll House imprints of other peoples experiences ‘SHIT’. So I’d recommend all DH people this focus regularly / as nudged as each DH person doing this will be helping to push these lines to resolve these issues ASAP!!!!
April 3, 2017 @ 2:42 pm
Read through this earlier, and then a couple more times before I did the exercise. Found it quite intense in terms of was “drawn in/sucked in” almost as if in a vacuum. The pressure changed, whole body went heavy, face and hands cold, lips and tongue as if sucking an ice lollie. I was in the middle of an egg shaped spac, felt as if I was spinning so fast. Then realised it wasn’t me spinning, but lots of screens/images/movies (?) of my life/ves (?) spinning around me anti-clockwise. I couldn’t stop them to get a clear image, so it looked like lots of colours and bits, as if fast forwarding or rewinding a film but extra quickly. Ears were ringing so loudly and eyes drawn deep to th back of my head. Then Something changed, a crack in the space, a change of pressure. Couldn’t grasp it. Felt nauseaous, as if I had actually been spinning. Felt sedated too, which was kind of forced pleasantness, but not, because I couldn’t move my body, but my mind was aware of what was going on. Like sleep paralysis but I didn’t “mind” (?) huh? I can’t stand that feeling. Took considerable effort to get out of it and move my body. Mouth still feels really cold, and I am feeling really anxious (in the background) but there is also excitement in there too. Left with internal tremor too. Thanks for everything.
April 4, 2017 @ 2:11 pm
Hi Olivia (all regulars read this) anyone that in doing any paragraph and particularly any of the ‘Optional’ ones that can feel significant things happening / reactions to those / ANY specific paragraphs then PRINT THEM OUT and do those specific ones regularly. Everyone that is simulating someone that worked on the EAAS project (which will include many that are doing the exercises on this site here) will have a lot that relates to the ‘Optional’ VR paragraphs. Olivia, you might be simulating someone that scanned / edited peoples memories (read about or maybe watch Robin Williams ‘Final Cut’ movie:!!!
April 6, 2017 @ 11:15 pm
I did the focus statements twice yesterday and later in my sleep, I saw one grey-white figure (just head and torso) lean over me and then a few minutes later, I saw three figures (again just heads and torsos) lean over me to assess me. I think I have been marked? I also feel desperation from the matrix.
April 10, 2017 @ 10:21 pm
Something is not right! There is some type of management that has significantly ramped up. I “feel” like I have become a conduit for shit to flow thru to everyone I come in contact with. Something has entered me and hijacked my command center. They are not allowing me to do what I want done and I am back to doing damage control. Perhaps this is part of the healing / hacking process but it just does not feel right. It got so bad I had to check into a hotel just to be alone and avoid contact with anyone. Examples;
1. I offered a canvas bag to someone shopping ( struggling with many items) and they got mad at me
2. I asked someone for carpentry help assembling a mechanical item in my home, and they did it wrong, knew they did it wrong, told me they did it wrong, and left saying it will be good enough
3. Friends and family with compulsive behavior have significantly become worse/regressed
4. I feel like I am plugged up and can’t drain this stuff – I was taken to emergency room with excruciating pain and told it is a kidney issue – but all they did was give me pain pills. After 4 days of sitting doing exercises to try to target this – I went into surgery and they said it was no big deal – just a tiny kidney stone – why did they put me in the hospital for that? I am never sick!
5. I gave a monetary donation to a charity center and they got upset and said they needed more
6. I continue to have flashbacks to another time / life in about the 1960’s – when I was only a child – but feel like I had a different family
7. I want to a resale shop to look at clothes and the first dress I looked at had a label titled “Dollhouse Clothes” – I had never hear of this brand
8. Someone took a personal item out of my office – this has never happened in my life
April 11, 2017 @ 8:11 pm
I know your busy, i have had dreams of large volumes of beings/people stuck under the earth/layers. Have looked into this or come across this with regards your experiences. laying down just to relax and saw someone put hammers and tools into my stomach regions and pull out a sword. Was watching sort of flowing particles (the flow coinsided with the focal point in the eyes looked as if they were going into the eye, done by just looking into street lit room and seeing what patterns the mind picks out)at night in the dark and saw them organising and fell a sleep, in the morning some being picked some shiny thing out my head and said this will make a nice brain for his wife???wtf
May 13, 2017 @ 2:22 pm
Hi Rup, most of the people coming to this site / working with the focuses are from one culture which is badly written about in the Frank Herbert’s ‘Dune’ books, key people (whom I call the MD’b twins) were set up and made to appear to have betrayed their culture (which they didn’t). Basically some of the MD’b twins were auto duplicated and ‘re-programmined/adjusted/given plausible back stories’ as part of making/having them ‘WORK’ for those that built for the EAAS system we are living within. Recently (about a week ago) we found that another set of people from an Asian culture had, had the same done to themselves. I.e. they have an equivalent ‘shit pile’ of management/suppression applied to themselves as part of having them also work to build the EAAS system. It’s interesting ‘you’ as Rup ‘Singh’ are here and also a Harry Singh as well as a Cathy ‘Shah’, all three of you are part of that ‘auto’ kidnapped set of Asian’s!!! Anyway we know about this set and more so it’s back story now so they are ‘on the radar’ as having an equivalent shit pile to the MD’b twins . . . all of these people (in the original circumstances) were all dumped on an ice hell world within the original MV, i.e. as a complete piss take they were treated as ‘betrayers’ when in fact it was they that had been betrayed. Also, because I figured out the ‘dumped’ on ice hell worlds a long time ago they were rescued quite a while ago and they are also working as part of the wsw teams outside to help sort this entire mess out i.e. us in here and them out there!!!
April 13, 2017 @ 11:28 pm
sim gave me some serious anxiety just thinking about doing focus 5. lasted about an hour and a half. it also kept me busy all morning with small irritating stuff. wouldn’t let me post either!
May 1, 2017 @ 4:50 pm
I connect to layers of reality – a feeling that above reality there’s a layer of trauma and a layer of trauma/resonance triggers. Below is a storage layer. I see intersections /lines connecting them
I feel a secondary set of trauma associated with “each and every traumatic experience I’ve ever had” – to make it worse
I sense trauma data stored in the shape of people. They remind me of the person in westworld who’d been hollowed out to store the entirety of the westworld database, like a “semblance of a person”. It doesn’t seem related to the layers described above ^
I connect to what seems like ‘rule sets’ in the form of people (I added in “culture specific” to the phrase “MVOS experiment specific and or EAAS sim specific objective supporting ‘RULES/RULESETS’ in ‘whatever’ format they are held/kept“). The impression fades in and out like something is trying to mask my ability to connect to this and I feel effects influencing my head and making me dizzy; things swirling about me.
The pressure and pain inside my head becomes more and more intense the more I try to connect to this; I sense resonance beams beaming towards my head .. mm feels like there are ‘satellite dishes’ (not ‘here’ – it’s an effect of some type) beaming things towards me .. it feels like an attack of some sort and it’s very intense.
Finally at the phrase “trauma/trt data is kept, stored, hidden and or backed up, I begin to get a feeling of people ‘seeded’ to unfold a different system perhaps – feels like a “trauma /make things worse system”?
For (1) Ideology, Religions / Way of life Orientation Possibilities:
I sense an AI?/ a “powerful being” that has ordained that it’s my role to sit at the bottom of the “trauma sink” and digest/experience/analyze and convert “all the trauma of the universe” into data .. dictating this is the life I have .. this hellish torturous life of “trauma”. I connect to ideologies that promote “it’s ok to be used like this. It’s ok to be put through shit – it’s for the good of mankind. It’s ok to be debilitated because of this way of life – it’s a duty and a calling. We are saving mankind.”
I get a feeling of a person outside the mv project; we are told to see this person as “God” or “the divine”.. but he’s really the person who put this hellish experiment into play (I sense a translation of his true identity to be portrayed as a spiritual force of some type). We live these lives -all of us- as ‘adherents’ to the mv project objectives, like it’s a ‘spiritual calling’ to live through trauma so it can be analyzed. And I feel this “hellishness” is concentrated and amplified for trauma researchers /nature of reality researchers – it feels that the nature of the intent of this project somehow twists back and makes everything worse in a cycle: ie we are debilitated by nature of being here, then the investigation creates debilitations then investigations of the debilitations creates more trauma and on and on and on. This feels like a concentrated folding and compression, like ever-increasingly painful and perpetually more and more wounding scar lines and fissures crisscrossing the energetic realm
It’s feeling that there’s a ‘commandment of suffering’ ..of making oneself more and more ‘hollowed out’ .. to empty oneself to become an empty vessel to accept more and more trauma .. that there is a promotion of trauma & suffering to be noble and rewarded (all in support of the hidden research objectives)
I also get a feeling of narratives been twisted or rewritten in any style or order to make sure that this role of “accepting debilitations” is absolutely held to, no matter what, even if it means giving people the feeling that they are doing the reverse (or even attacking or hacking the system): They are still being used to hold, accept and process trauma “at all costs”
“Anything Limiting Preventing Myself From Fully/Openly/Being/Living/Expressing ‘ME/MYSELF”
A feeling that there’s no “forum /environment /experience /choice /context /arena /team experience” available AT ALL to allow me to be my full self. I’m cut off, limited, stuck, not able to work with my team, entirely wrong environment and context. I’m frustrated, contained, isolated, feel directly controlled / under a thumb, not allowed full awareness & knowledge. It contributes to the torture.
VR experiences of working to accurately duplicate Reality, Aspects of Reality and or People:
I sense that the avatars working within “duplicated/ copied reality project VR’s” have prescribed experiences embedded in them – ie feels like everything is predetermined, prewritten, pre-scripted so as you interface to an avatar to be part of a copied reality project, you follow along the prescribed path of the role of that avatar to develop the copied reality, using the avatar’s embedded story to pull you along.
I connected to memories that, while working in copied reality projects, I observed that everything seems so perfectly choreographed – even conflicts or disagreements or fallouts – everything seems to follow a prescribed grand storyline. It seems that people are encouraged to ‘release themselves to the story’ ie to follow along with the storyline that the avatars play out, letting the narrative take charge instead of exerting any personal influence/ control /choice or free will
(A) Timing, Order & Sequencing of Scripted Events
Regarding the section on missing people: I sense a motion that feels a bit like ‘darning a hole in a sock’, sealing up a hole by pulling together threads (this motion reminds me of Clive writing about a ‘stitcher’ that stitches up holes left by ‘missing people’)
Yet I feel a different motion too – one that feels more like pixels being dropped out and fake placeholders – “blind spots”- being put in .. doesn’t feel related to the darning action though – it feels like it may be a different system. It feels people are managed around these blind spots to not see them nor notice them- I sense a ” turning around” action applied to people, so their back is always to the blind spot. This ‘turning around’ feeling is similar to a feeling I’ve connected to re ‘missing women’ ie woman/women whom feel like were made to be the cores of ‘fake realities’, whom everyone was memory wiped of before entering the new realit(ies) that these women are somehow locked away to ‘support’. (I’d also sensed this same /very similar effect in play when I’d tuned into the circumstances I’ve written briefly about here last year relating to certain people ‘turning away from me’ and ‘deleting me/my narrative’ when I was in some of the scariest and most traumatic extremes of my entire life)
At the phrase “extra people,“, I connect back to what I’d written here last year about the data I’d stolen and rendered that showed an “invading octopus that took over the planet that felt like it put in extra people onto the planet” but I start to get a chopped up feeling in my head and throughout my body while trying to perceive the mechanism of this. Things start to fritz out and I feel like my whole body is starting to short-circuit and operate incorrectly
Over the next hour or so I can feel my body descend to what feels like a state of madness. I personally feel psychologically OK but my body itself feels like it is going insane from the chopped up re-ordering – rearranging – rewriting of everything where everything is reversed / undone / spliced together .. nothing left but madness
I finally find a moment to begin to do the focus again and I’m riddled with pain and madness over this chopped up re-ordering of everything. Eventually I begin to feel like there’s a matching up of the “reordering” against the natural order of things as I sense changes such as “hidden knowledge protection” being undone and “awareness filters” being undone and this helps accelerate the matching up between the horribleness that I’ve been experiencing to the proper natural order of things
Note: these notes are from a session on April 10; I’m just now feeling able to compose and post them
May 13, 2017 @ 6:04 pm
experienced for the first time put off’s and distractions trying to work with focus exercises 9 in the last three days. sim has also been working actively to direct my thinking, moods, worries and make me angry for small shit.
May 22, 2017 @ 6:16 am
Thank you Clive for all this dollhouse stuff. You seem on the ball. I don’t know how you keep up with it all. It seems so overwhelming. Once again thanks!! ?
May 23, 2017 @ 2:28 pm
The first time I read the most recent focus I began to feel sensations that were unfamiliar to me. It first started in my arms. It felt like. A comforting tingly sensation that extends beyond my physical body. It felt almost euphoric. I continued to read the focus while concentrating on what I was feeling. The second time I read it I felt this sensation in my lower body as well. I was so comforted by this feeling I was convinced that I would do this focus as many times as possible. That was over a week ago and I have not repeated it since for what ever reason… I can strongly relate with. your description of being disengaged with the world around me. I have very little desire to do anything outside of work and school and have been spending most of my time either sleepng or doing something mindless like watching tv or playing a silly game. I have very little desire leaving my apartment outside of commitments to work and school. At times it feels like I am scared to leave my apartment… it is very debilitating and I can’t seem to shake these new self destructive habits. I’m hoping they will stop very soon. I have also hhad a constant ringing in my ears for the past two years. Mostly I wouldn’t notice it until I went to sleep however lately it is worse and I seem to be bombarded by outside ringing noises wherever I go as well. Like a loud fridge, electronics ringing, a background ringing in the walls at work ect. It feels like I can’t get away from the ringing no matter where I am
May 24, 2017 @ 1:08 pm
Have done the top focus quite a few times now, at least 10′ and still I’m finding it near impossible to get the gist. I’m finding this one notoriously difficult. As I read parts of it, it’s as if the words disappear as soon as I’ve read it. I think about all kinds of other things. Nothing relevant. I can’t seem to make sense of most of it. I’m aware that my focus is being drawn away too, but as soon as I bring it back, I forget the words and or their meaning.
After I do the focus and tune in, I get absolutely nothing. As if there is a huge blanket around me that I can’t see much of. I get no information, no images, no thoughts, no ideas. It really is bizarre. It feels so strong, this shroud. Definitely am blocked off from myself, and then having other people’s shit amplified. I know it’s not mine, but I can’t grip my own. My usual techniques to increase tuning into myself are not working either. So I will just keep going at it until it breaks. Thanks for the update and all your effort.
May 24, 2017 @ 5:58 pm
after a long day at work at the restaurant, i do my clearest analytical thinking regarding our virtual reality over a glass of wine and a cigar. thoughts that make sense and show insight how all of this works. By the time i retire, sim wiped those insights clear…every single time. I’m also able at times to diferentiate sim generated thinking from my own, and remember my own self as i used to be.
June 1, 2017 @ 9:28 pm
I find that the effects of reading the statements are lasting longer; at the beginning of Exercise 9 readings, the positive effects would last about 10 hours, or so. Now is lasts more than 24 hours. I also have better emotional reserves, the brain fog in my daily life is improved. I still wish for the moments of clarity/silence in my mind that I have glimpsed, but now I know what goals I want for myself with these statements. I keep telling myself, it’s always going to be a fight for myself and just maybe, I can impact the insane world I live in somehow 🙂 Both my psychic psychologist and husband think I’m crazy/nuts 😉 Cheers.
June 16, 2017 @ 1:10 am
Hi Clive, just wanted you to know that the statements are working well for me, but I have a feeling somehow, something (whatever it is) needs tweaking, just a little push in one direction. Maybe this is just what I need to do for me…Otherwise, I am just doing the first statement only, from doing the top 5 statements. When I was doing all 5, I would get bad with the good. It reminds me of the Simpsons’ quote: ” The frogurt is free, but it is cursed.” But the general feeling is I just need to do the top one, and maybe the second top one because I am a little paranoid.
June 23, 2017 @ 8:41 am
Hi Clive, this is the third time I’ve tried doing this focus today. Very difficult to write this. Feel slow, paralyzed. When I read the word ‘disengaged’ I felt huge pressure in my jaw and throat area and I had to stop reading. And then came the huge ‘head press’ where it feels like my heads in a vice. I got nothing else but I have no experience with the subtle. Focus and will is all I have right now. I recognize the oddities of our reality on a daily basis all day long. Im allowed to think about it without too much ill effect. perhaps because it was unlikely I would share. I’ve been reading your articles for close to two years however, I havent shared up until this latest focus. Thinking about our physical environment holding the sequencing is sometimes obvious? for example important dates. I recently got married and in the weeks leading up to the wedding, I saw my wedding date in atleast 3 places. In plain daylight. Upon falling asleep and waking, I’ve noticed something changes in my thinking and its like its replaced by something else. Pasted right over the top. Ever since I was a kid I’ve wondered WTF is going on here?? I’ve always been searching for the answer and wondered why people seem so odd. Before I started reading your articles, I was reading about new age shit. I didnt trust it, I wanted to find holes. And I did. So I stopped going down that route. We went to a Christian church for a few years when I was growing up. I hated it. I was very reluctant. And then my parents lost interest in that and my Mum decided she was all love and light and angels and shit. I always felt bad around those types too. I didn’t trust them either. my mum seemed brainwashed and she never liked me questioning any of it. Anyhow, I’ve been searching most of my life and its been close to two years since I found you. I havent been researching any other possibilities. I feel like you’re onto something Clive. From thought management, the timelines, synchroncity…its all too big to be a coicidence. I’m a Systems Accountant and I was thinking about ETL and what it stands for. It made me think about how this is all constructed. For many years I wrote but its like I cant anymore.
July 7, 2017 @ 5:44 am
I’ve been doing the top most statement now for a few weeks. I seem to be better at handling my stressors at work, but it looks like the crappiness is also hitting people closest to me: my husband, a coworker, and now my dog. There is/was a weird ‘thickness’ in the air in my hallway, which freaked out the dog.(Who is now relaxing on my yoga mat, so no yoga tonight 🙂 If the system can’t attack me, it attacks those around me? By the way, posting comments is not too easy…but I am still able to do it.
July 13, 2017 @ 5:29 pm
Hi Clive. It would be great to get a brief update letting us know you are ok and anything we should be doing. A lot of unusual things happening.
August 22, 2017 @ 5:25 pm
UPDATE FOR REGULARS: In the first week of August we hacked the very last ‘EAAS’ shit version. I also figured out how the scheduling had been generated and kept hidden for each of ALL of the different versions of EAAS scripted/software versions (and a lot of key/important people/groups ‘SPECIFIC’ ‘maintain’ shit sets for example) AND all version backups. So, not only have we not had anything else activate / any other EAAS shit versions appear BUT from the pre-defined scheduling/activation order data we found it appeared as if THERE WEREN’T ANY MORE LEFT TO ACTIVATE EITHER.
We’d dealt with (mostly identified/deleted before activation) roughly 2 million increasingly sophisticated/massively aggressive EAAS versions over the previous 2/3 months. In other words it’s been getting increasingly obvious that we are dealing with LAST STAND SETS which at times have been presenting as somewhat DESPERATE (for example deliberately putting ‘worrying’ people those directly hacking it into ultra extremes). So, quite ‘wearing’ at times for Tom and Matt doing the front end hacking and less so myself (for the most part) sometimes having Tom in the WORST EXTREMES EVER in the 3/4 weeks leading up to the final early August as part of hacking SABOTAGES and DISTRACTIONS and Matt backed into some very contained/locked spaces too.
ALSO, two months BEFORE THIS the wsw/external to the ‘sim’ teams managed to set up an investigation/analysis engine of both personal script items as well as the external/environmental bread crumb trail data of each person which they then used this to systematically pick apart/investigate ‘shit’ as well as ‘shit’ effects/symptoms. Initially this was ‘initially’ just of Rose, Nyssa & Cathy Shah (they’ve the most extreme shit) BUT every 3/4 days this was expanded out to eventually systematically investigate about 30 million people that have the worst shit/anything unusual.
So, at the moment the wsw teams are FINALLY doing scripted investigations (with NOTHING ‘rogue/larger than personal scale’ messing with these) to MAKE SURE that we can deal with all scripted shit effects/symptoms/experiences etc. etc . . . post shift without having to put anyone into any ‘noticeable’ extremes.
August 15th, 2017: OK, so about a week ago we killed off the last EAAS and other ‘DYNAMICALLY ACTIVE’ shit sets which had us re-orientating to the scripted shit ‘mess’ of effects as: responses/states/pre-determining behaviours/experience outcomes. For myself a great deal of effort is made to attempt to keep my head ‘blank/in a fog’ to prevent me from thinking/figuring things out/joining dots so despite that this doesn’t work my head is pretty much always in a smothering fog!!! On asking questions the wsw teams approach is/was to ‘overlay’ myself as thinking about all sorts of ‘dangerous’ things which causes this suppression/smothering fog shit to activate which then ‘reveals’ the specific scripted bits contributing to this such that they can then be identified/deleted. The problem being that ‘more’ of the same that is ALREADY SITTING IN MY SCRIPT then activates to replace the now deleted sets AND it turns out that we’ve all been seeded with this shit such that there is enough to replace anything deleted for about 3 DECADES!!! So, how to get the whole lot way faster????
Well, as everything in subtle terms is about ‘frequencies/resonances’ AND my thinking suppression shit is basically beaming specific combinations of frequencies/resonances to negate/blank out the frequencies/resonances representing my emerging ‘thinking/potential’ then why don’t we design/deploy scripted items to monitor/instantly identify/catalogue these negating resonances and then ‘NEGATE’ them. In other words if the resonances negating XYZ of ourselves are themselves pretty much negated as they are switched on then it will force more scripted items to automatically activate in attempts to PROPERLY negate ‘whatever’.
So, they started to do this about two weeks ago AND this approach is now being used for all ‘shit’ effects, tiredness, over sleeping, PAIN etc, etc and even to identify what is responsible for ‘SHIT’ circumstances in our lives too . . . so this is why (on I pointed out that many healing resolutions ONLY LAST FOR SO LONG, A FEW HOURS/A DAY ETC before the same symptoms would return. In other words for me to personally to get rid of my ‘head suppression’ effects’ via ‘subtle’ healing sessions it would likely take about 3 decades doing some healing practice once or more times a day just to keep these effects TEMPORARILY AT BAY/BEFORE THEY RETURN before getting rid of them all. WHAT A PISS TAKE!!! This is why I stopped working with people (because it’s a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME) and oriented to try and get to the baseline of WTF is actually going on/restoring negative issues!!! It’s only taken about 12 years of NONE STOP/DAILY PUSHING to ‘NOW’ identify WTF is actually doing this AND to actually start to deal with it!!!!
August 21st: The last week has had the wsw teams et al getting more coherent access to SCRIPTED personal tech (which in many cases ALSO includes managing tech as well as tech used by others to manage / fuck up the people with this tech/through their tech). So, Matt has had quite a bit of his ‘tech/cultures managing shit / other cultures piggy backed shit’ deleted (and some restored (and then identified/deleted again)) in the last week, Rose had had her shared space and other tech deleted and yesterday I warned Stijn and Arjang (Borg tech) and Nyssa (Nazi puppetting tech) that they’d be having some of their tech/managing shit deleted too. Tomorrow MD’b ‘Navigator tech/management tech’ will be deleted, some SP/EAAS worker controlling/managing shit will also be deleted plus some ‘Psychotic/Psychoses’ inducing tech shit will start to be deleted to.
So, from about two weeks ago all angles of negations/specific ACCUMULATED ‘SHIT’ sets responsible for shit effects WITHIN THE ENTIRE POPULATION are being systematically identified/addressed by the wsw teams external automated tech to continuously identify all contributing ‘shit’ angles as part of being able to gradually drop ALL OF THESE DOWN TO ‘NOTHING’ (which will take from days to weeks to months).
So, identification of all varieties/angles of scripted shit including waste of time / debilitating / irrelevant personal scripted tech and their deletion will continue until we’re sure that we’ve got a handle on ‘everything’ and particularly to make sure we’ve identified anything still able to restore anything/particularly extreme trauma/shit before magically ‘moving’ everyone out of this shit hole!!!
I’ve been extremely stressed/worn down from what was going 1 to 3 months ago (aggressive shit), so I’m ‘still’ ‘having a rest’ and cannot be bothered to reply to comments either which are at the very bottom of the priority list anyway and particularly as we’re still having (very occasional) personal ‘one offs’ shit sets trying to put temporary spanners in the works!!!
ALSO: SITE ‘Exercises’: For people that recently signed up (in the last 1/2 months) do any that catch your eye/strike you, all others just do any your obviously nudged/directed to do ELSE YOU CAN LEAVE THEM. Basically, because you/everyone/we are all now in an automated process which doesn’t for the most part require focuses now. HOWEVER: if anyone is in anything BEYOND/WAY BEYOND what they’ve previously experienced for say more than an hour or two then leave a comment here and I’ll check to see if you’ve some one off tech or ‘something’ that’s causing problems!!!
August 22, 2017 @ 6:38 am
I constantly dream of the ocean but its always a crisis situation. Tsunamis, boats. People are wiped out. Upon waking my dream / memory is replaced with something different and trivial usually work related. I get the feeling im supposed to be distracted by that, im not actually worried about work! Irrelevant material being used to mask over and over.
September 6, 2017 @ 2:56 pm
Hi Clive, thanks for letting us know you are OK & for the update. I know youre busy, and I really have been hoping to deal with what’s going on with me on my own, however I am just not managing to get my head around what I need to do/which exercises. To be honest, since mid July things have become increasingly difficult, really bizarre odd occurrences with people/places/issues with strange “natural” events whilst out of the UK (loads of mosquitoes / wasps / torrential rain / forest fires / power cuts / excessive noise after midnight / contact with a particularly psycho type personality, but not being able to listen to gut & avoid / excessive machine or other noises (people/radio/wifi etc that make me feel like I’m about to have a panic attack because I can actually feel them. Seeming to absorb other people’s shit – then feeling it severely myself, particularly anger, resentment, frustration, depression, sense of loss and sadness. I was doing really well, but feel like I am actually going insane. It’s severely affecting my day to day life, my relationships, my desire to return to work easily as an acupuncturist (I become exhausted and seem to pick up emotional issues from patients again – this had seemingly stopped). I also feel a real density/pressure – like clingfilm- to the space around me when I try and think & whilst I’m writing this, and also a strong resistance not to write anything. It seems a repeat/replica of what I was working through about a year ago, but worse because I’m so angry that it’s reoccurred. Last year I seemed more accepting and went with it, but now I feel like I’m fighting a battle I’m never going to win. It’s extremely disheartening. I do feel better after doing the exercises I feel nudged to do, but it is short lived, compared to three months ago where I really felt I was making excellent progress. I really do hope I’m not “designed” to be putting a spanner in the works. Appreciate any suggestions/insight you can offer, but am continuing to do as much as I can on my own, especially now that kiddo has returned to school.
September 8, 2017 @ 8:13 pm
Well these are certainly eventful times. After a relatively pleasant August, September started and so far been one of the toughest weeks of my life. Everything hitting the fan. Relationships breaking down, horrendous week at work and both physical and mental health issues. Not fun. Sooner we’re out of this crap the better.
September 24, 2017 @ 3:36 am
Hey Clive
I was using the ‘super short’ focus to try and target my blocked head/thinking/etc problem and the idea came to me that the md’b might have something to do with this / might be responsible for it? So I tried targeting “any md’b people/tech/etc working against my ability to think about/perceive/become aware of/etc anything” and while I still don’t get any visuals, I got some pretty strong bodily sensations that are usually a sign that a focus is connecting to things. While I was targeting this I started to think that the md’b might be working against us / trying to prevent us hacking/figuring things out etc, maybe to protect their own interests or prevent us from finding/dealing with/etc any shit/problems they might be causing etc? My head/thinking/etc are feeling a bit clearer after targeting this so I thought i’d ask whether there’s any truth to this or am I just being fed wrong ideas, etc?
September 25, 2017 @ 2:45 pm
Trent / Everyone . . . It’s DESPERATE very likely scripted shit Trent, inverting ‘HOW IT WAS/IS NOW’ i.e. its a ‘Kill the messenger’ attempt . . . since the last update // we’ve had no new ‘active’ shit either within the EAAS here or impacting from outside / elsewhere for about 3/4 days now ‘APART’ from ‘timer’ based checking shit (activates every so often and does a check) of which there was just 1 set. So, all efforts have been focusing on scripted accumulations of ‘shit’ and or scripted combinations of interactive shit/debilitating effects/responses etc. So, Tom for example (who is simulating someone with a mass of VR reprogramming efforts) has been and still is in different scripted combinations of ‘extremes’ as part of checking/finding identifying all scripted ‘variations’ // SO, it’s possible that others/’you reading this’ are also having different ‘extreme’ scripted combinations being checked out / there isn’t any way around this it cannot be helped!!!
Also, because the EAAS system we are within is running within a MV then we have slowed it down in here massively compared to the external MVOS speed so 1 day in here is now equal to 2700 years outside. So, anything set on a timer is about a million times more likely to activate each day compared to a 1:1 relative time difference i.e. no difference. So, were ‘basically’ in last checks making sure we’ve ‘everything’ identified / covered ‘here’ before FO to somewhere ‘nicer’!!!
September 25, 2017 @ 2:11 pm
Nyssa’s May 1 comment (which I cried a bit while reading it,) really hits home with some of the issues and experiences I am, and have, been dealing with for quite sometime, especially her comment on the ‘commandment of suffering’ and ‘accepting debilitations’ part.
I have to deal with some pretty controlling and dramatic people at work who react rather poorly to certain situations, and when they point their frustrations and problems at me, I just feel numb, and automatically agree with them even when I do not like or agree with them or their attitudes at all. My mind goes blank and I can’t feel anything at all. This happens a lot when dealing with people, especially whenever my mother would blow up at me when I was younger (single mother and only child, I was pretty much the only outlet she had. I was never physically abused, but the emotional and verbal abuse sucked.) I remember I would try to talk abck and stand up for myself, but she would always cut me down until I eventually repressed the urge and just learned to accept it and move on.
It’s frustrating to deal with because I would like to give these people a piece of my mind, but I can’t because, aside form the numb fuzziness, a part of me says it is ‘bad or wrong’ or ‘mean’ and would ‘hurt their feelings.’ Then I come up with some kind of excuse for their actions and behavior.
“Promotion of trauma and suffering to be noble and rewarded.” Reminds me of some of the enlightenment path bs I read about and dealt with, among other things. A big one for me is being guilt-tripped for my failures and mistakes, and making up for it by working hard and repenting for my sins.
Note: When Clive posted his May 13th comment, I didn’t realize that he had updated the most recent set of exercises as well until a few weeks before his August 22nd comment. I am usually pretty good at keeping track of exercise updates and I was quite stunned to discover I wasn’t using the most recent set of exercises for almost 2 months.
It reminds me a lot of the enlightenment path stuff Clive has mentioned here before, and I have noticed I am still dealing with the conditioning that such paths have placed on me.
September 25, 2017 @ 2:53 pm
Hi Megan/Nyssa/EVERYONE, ‘YEA’ it’s taking some intensive external ‘teams’ effort to get access to and map all of Nyssa’s scripted locked down areas (and also others with similar) BUT it’s all going well / steady progress seeing as we’ve nothing left piggybacking on investigations making them difficult/impossible to know if what we are getting is ‘correct’ . . . EVERYONE / just do ‘focuses/a focus’ if you are nudged/prodded else leave them at this time. ALSO, if any books or tv films/series ‘strike you’ then watch these as the teams are using these to track / identify / matching scripted experiences/responses for Matt and others too!!!
October 1, 2017 @ 3:20 am
July 1 – almost within in one week everything came crashing down as all of my “friends” and acquaintances, hobbies, work situations changed and decided to go their own way. In retrospect, the relationships were probably not the best and are now being replaced by healthier friends and work situations. Went into a massive detox starting August 20 and wondered what was going on, I was glad to see this confirmed by the August 22 update. Friends and family with compulsive behavior seem to be starting to improve – at least the people that want to get better. I find myself going thru some significant anxiety periods filled with fear.
While driving thru a tiny town I saw a historic movie theater with marquee that had only one word on it – “Annabelle”. As I looked it up on line – I see it really is a movie as a spin off of the move the “Conjuring, about a doll named Annabelle and how she got her demonic powers – unbelievable.
Experiencing a lot of disappearing and moving objects. Examples:
Food disappearing from the fridge – go to buy groceries and put them in the fridge. Two hours later they are gone – fruit, veggies – happened 4 to 5 times so far. Found a loaf of bread on the washing machine. I also heard other people speaking about this on line and explained it as “being on different timelines ascending to the 5th dimension”.
Toiletries are also moving around, I woke up one day to see a huge bottle of hand cream, I don’t use or own, on my dresser. I figured it was some SIM thing and took the bottle downstairs to take to charity to donate. I go back upstairs and the same bottle is now in a different bedroom. I take it downstairs, but now there are 2 bottles! On a different day – I purchased cosmetics and a few days later, went to open it to use it – and the container was empty. Several family members have been calling me in a panic about losing something important – their wallet, phone, purse, etc. I was “able” to help them locate these objects, by talking to them, within 5 seconds.
Time is going so slow and I am getting so much done, while new age folk on line continue to talk about time speeding up.
Had a terrible dream about walking around a lab, and people / scientists kept trying to inject me with things. They said they were excited that I was the oldest living specimen and I had survived and was doing so well. They took me in one room and were gong to strap me in a bed to get a 4-hour IV infusion. I did not want that, but they said I would not remember anything. A few moments later they were all just looking at me and smiling. I could not remember if they had done anything to me and really wanted to remember. I kept asking them, to their face, why they are doing this – just to get an explanation. They were robotic and did not respond, and every time I turned around some else had a needle and was injecting me with something.
Happened to be listing to a blog about recent weather events and the host started talking about how these weather events ushered in new alien water species that were going to help us “ascend”. I started to get so light headed that I did not know if it was the site or your invisible helpers working on me. I did see your note about watching movies / shows if nudged and this reaction described above, was impressive.
October 2, 2017 @ 4:22 pm
UPDATE/ALL REGULARS READ!!! . . . Over the last 2/3 days, the wsw teams et al have been deleting all external / environment based tech/networks/managing/controlling/puppetting systems etc. etc. that was/is also defined IN YOUR/OUR SCRIPTS (including the original EAAS VR working environment/tech/networks and managing shit integrated into these (which as we here are (for example) NOT ‘VISIBLY’ DESIGNING AN EAAS SYSTEM HERE, THEN IT SHOULDN’T EVEN BE GENERATED OR USED HERE)) while simultaneously they’ve been removing a mass of ‘EXTRA’ (shouldn’t be there) managing/maintaining trauma/maintaining EAAS objectives etc environmental ‘administration/controlling’ shit (there were over 5000 sets of these automatically managing/infiltrating different aspects of environment/environment ‘constructs’). In other words the ‘environmental’ data area has been duplicating/replicating as much as it can of ourselves/everything within our script in the environment. AND, we’ve now deleted ‘EVERYTHING’ FROM THE ENVIRONMENTAL DATA/ADMINISTRATION OF THESE that ‘SHOULDN’T BE THERE ANYWAY. Things like doll house neural imprints/remote puppetting tech, EVEN!!! blueprints of tech designs in peoples memories being MADE REAL & ‘RUN/OPERATIONAL’!!!.
However in actually DELETING this lot there now a ‘WAR/BLITZ’ as A) the basic ‘maintain the environmental’ system is (doing what it was designed to do) and is trying to re-create as much as possible of EVERYTHING that’s been deleted that ‘SHOULD BE’ ‘REPRESENTED’ WITHIN THE ENVIRONMENT while B) in being tracked it’s simultaneously revealing ‘things’ it shouldn’t be doing (which are being identified and edited out all the time) while C) It’s having to scan and identify all tech in peoples scripts (to recreate these externally) AND in tracking this it’s automatically revealing more and more of the remaining hidden tech/shit (because it’s got ‘admin/magical’ access to each persons script) that is STILL in peoples scripts that until now we’ve being blocked/still haven’t been allowed to get ‘OPEN’ access to.
So, BASICALLY, we are ‘NOW’ in an ‘extra’ INTENSE script investigation phase MIXED IN with tracking and identifying remaining ‘still active’ PRU (personal rendering unit/environmental) managing/compromised administration systems that are still trying to sabotage what we are doing.
A recent update from Tom indicates that he’s now got access to some very sophisticated scripted shit that’s managed to stay hidden because it was been ’emulated/duplicated/kept hidden’ in the environmental data space BUT it’s ‘NOW’ forced to be processed in ways that are immediately obvious. So, there is likely going to be an on going battle for 2/3/4 days while remaining tech (that doesn’t relate to our earth/human space / what we are all OBSERVABLY LIVING HERE) and or is part of tech FUCKING PEOPLE OVER is found / completely deleted while checking/preventing any of this from being re-created/emulated in the environment or anywhere else.
We’ve not had any EAAS in or key people or maintain system objectives shit (hidden with in the EAAS (in people scripts) or inserted from outside) activate for about a week now / i.e. we seem to have got rid of all versions of these / which is why it became glaringly obvious that ‘extras’ from the environment were ‘now’ the main ‘shit’ contributors!!!
October 7, 2017 @ 6:16 am
About 9/25/17, there seem to be a glitch in the matrix: we were coming out of a restaurant, onto a parking lot next to a usually very busy street, but it was so quiet, I could literally hear the crickets. It seem someone forgot to put all the traffic noise into the environment. This rather nice, quiet moment only lasted a few seconds.
The last few days have been trying and today was the worst, where I felt I had no control over my work environment. I felt overwhelmed. I hope there are no bad/annoying consequences to this week. Thank you WSW team, this week could have been much worse without your current progress.
October 29, 2017 @ 10:08 pm
I’ve been perusing this website for quite some time now and while not at all a skeptic in the general sense, it is very difficult to understand what in fact is being done to combat all of these negative side effects. The explanations offered are not useful for this purpose either. Please note – I am speaking as a ‘layperson’, as it were, but aside from Clive I assume most on this board are laypeople as well.
For example, this excerpt:
“A recent update from Tom indicates that he’s now got access to some very sophisticated scripted shit that’s managed to stay hidden because it was been ’emulated/duplicated/kept hidden’ in the environmental data space BUT it’s ‘NOW’ forced to be processed in ways that are immediately obvious.”
What does it all mean in ‘layman’s’ terms? What is “sophisticated scripted shit”? What precisely makes it “sophisticated”? What is “environmental data space”? Why is it “now forced to be processed in ways that are immediately obvious”?
The problem is, that for the average seeker coming to this site, who genuinely wants to learn and find out more about these sorts of things, the verbiage and the way things are explained make it highly difficult to do so.
Have other here felt (or currently feel) similarly? If so, has your understanding of these explanations increased over time? And how exactly?
December 9, 2017 @ 1:54 pm
This comment is a good illustration of the ‘problem’ of me actually leaving ‘UPDATE’ type comments!!!
My ‘focus/what all of my time is spent doing’ is figuring out how to get rid of the unbelievable numbers of versions of shit impacting ‘me/you/everyone’ AND actively ‘doing this’. The problem is that ‘my’ scale of personal knowledge of ‘DETAILS’ is about a x100 times beyond what is written here AND, I ‘could’ spend all my time trying to explain it BUT then a) I’d just end up having question after question because no one is actually allowed to understand it anyway AND b) In doing this I’d not have time to actually try and deal with WHAT NEEDS DEALING WITH!!!
So, I occasionally make the mistake of trying to leave a comment giving some idea of current ‘status’ BUT . . . look at what happens!!! I cannot do that without a) spending waste of time ‘TIME’ going through what I write multiple times to edit out anything that ‘someone’ might not understand / will ask for more details of or b) basically giving some ‘trite’ boiled down/off hand comment!!! It’s a catch 22!!!
So, here are some more details of my efforts, I’ve been pushing off the edge now for about 12 years, that’s 365×12 days, during this time I’ve not ever had a ‘holiday/any break’, not one day off EVER (I don’t have a 5 days working week and then the weekend off either I’ve a seven day working week, 52 weeks of the year). AND, this is for two reasons: 1) is because if you take your attention ‘OFF’ what you are doing you find that your understandings/your accumulated knowledge base are all FADED OUT, even over just a few weeks while 2) every day ‘off’ is in fact a day longer I myself personally and everyone else will end up STILL STAYING IN ‘SHIT’, this is a ‘fact’ and there is no way around this.
I ‘should’ also point out that despite how unbelievably stressful it is ‘at times’ I also seriously ‘enjoy’ what I’m doing, I actually ‘am’ taking on ‘everything’ against impossible odds and my ‘attitude’ is (because I DO KNOW HOW much this ‘reality’ is fucking pretty much everyone over) that I’M NOT BACKING DOWN while also to be honest there isn’t anything else ‘worth’ doing, I/we either sort this out or were all f***ed!!
Despite what you may ‘think’, no one here is ‘having a life’ we are all having what can be pretty accurately described as ‘LIVE’ VR REPROGRAMMING ‘EXPERIENCE’ being presented as if it’s a ‘REAL’ ‘HUMAN’ LIFE, when it’s not!!!
And ‘Claire’ this isn’t a ‘criticism’ of you/your comment, it’s just an ‘illustration’ of ‘how it is’ . . . I make an effort to ‘maximise’ my time doing what I am trying to do as effectively as possible . . . while minimising anything that ‘wastes my time’ . . . while our FAKE reality is dedicated in trying to make the opposite happen . . . that is just ‘how it is’!!!
December 7, 2017 @ 10:35 am
I’m an idiot Clive the postal code of the house I grew up in the letters were VR kinda asking myself what obvious shit else I’m missing
December 28, 2017 @ 6:42 am
I am a newbie. I just signed up for the auto/absence healing service as I have been dealing with a debilitating chronic health condition the past 2.5 years. I have received all sorts of treatments – qigong, acupuncture, so called medical intuitives, healers of all kinds, and now I am taking tibetan medicine herbs, homeopathy and wet cupping. I have had a LOT of emotional trauma in my adult life (I am 41). I suspect many of them are the root causes of the health condition but I try to practice a dissolve/release/purge energy practice but so far no changes in my physical condition. The diagnoses as per tibetan medical docs is extreme bile energy (imbalance of bile energy in the liver/gallbladder and small intestine) combined with rlung imbalances. These imbalances have thrown off many body systems and my mind has been so prone to negative thoughts and imagery.
In any case, I have been reading a lot on this website. A lot of it goes above my head at the moment, which is fine as I’ll continue to read. But I wanted to ask Clive, and the rest of the community here if there are any pages that describe some of the verbiage used on here?
-wsw teams (what does wsw stand for? and who are they?)
-Lots of references to Tom and Matt (who are they? and what do they do?)
-In Clive’s updates he seems to imply he and his team are involved in all sorts of work that appears to be computer/software engineering type work. Is Clive and his team writing code/software in languages like C#/C++/Javascript/Python etc to detect, analyze, delete, and perform other tasks on the virtual simulation that we live in?
-Lots of references made to our reality being *someone’s* simulation. Who is this someone? And what is the state of the world of where this *someone* lives? Is that *someone’s* world also a simulation run by someone else?
-Are we subjects for Clive and his team’s code? I.e. does his code scan us / our realities for the *shit* that is impacting our lives so they can iteratively learn and clear etc? Or is Clive’s code performing this task on the entire global population?
-When I go through this focus exercise (my first exercise to date) I don’t really know what to expect. I have my biases in terms of my senses of which traumas or emotional states are causing my health condition which I have been practicing to release. At least on a conscious level I dont have any of the emotions that I think are causing my health issue but subconsciously I dont know if they are still playing and causing my health issue. So when I perform this focus exercise I dont really notice anything. I keep telling myself I connect to ALL and EVERYTHING that is impacting me (etc as per the exercise) and I modify and delete whatever script(s)/sub-scripts or anything else that is causing my health issue.
Am I practicing the exercises correctly? Anything else I should be doing?
January 11, 2018 @ 4:15 pm
“I just signed up for the auto/absence healing service”, yes you did and a highlighted EXTREMELY important part of my detailed explanations of this is that I DON’T WORK ON ISSUES as it’s a complete waste of time, AND despite that I make this clear you leave a list of ISSUES in this piss taking comment, NOT ONLY THAT, but I also make it clear about sending me an update 2/3 months after you sign up and yet today (2 ‘WEEKS’ after signing up) I get not just one e-mail from you BUT 3 TIME WASTING/PISS TAKING AGREEMENT VIOLATING E-MAILS yet again unbelievably giving me a list of health/issues/problems!!!! I’VE NO IDEA WHY as all your doing is not only wasting my time BUT in doing this your ensuring that YOUR ISSUES TAKE LONGER TO RESOLVE.
The time to write this comment is from my perspective a WASTE OF MY TIME!!!
Whose ‘Matt’, well Matt is someone that’s read every page on this site (and my other sites ) at least THREE TIMES, he’s also left ‘INTELLIGENT’ comments showing that he’s some clue as to what I’m writing about. There are 560 ‘pages/posts’ on this site most of which are 3/4+ pages of A4 (some are 20+ pages of A4 long) that span 3 decades+ of my ‘experiences’ and changing approaches/perspectives (as explained on the home page here).
So, until you read them all a few times and so GET AN EDUCATION then I’m pretty sure the quality of your comments will remain a piss poor as this one.
Most single pages here take hours to write many take multiple re-writes over weeks and even months so, ‘AMAZINGLY’ in that all of the hard work has been done FOR YOU, in that all YOU HAVE TO DO is READ THEM, perhaps even ALL OF THEM MULTIPLE TIMES, as you do this you can then spend time thinking about them which may end up with you (like Matt did/does) starting to join dots to a point where I actually get a comment that tells me something that I DON’T ALREADY KNOW.
For you or anyone else to READ THEM ALL will likely take less that a 50th of the time it took me to write them and yet I’ve people complaining because they cannot immediately find ‘something’ referred to on a site that is COMPREHENSIVE & PAINSTAKING IN IT’S DETAIL/REASONING/EXPLANATIONS!!!!
There are a few people leaving comments here that have shown that they’ve A) started to get their heads around at least some of what is presented here, while B) some have even managed to point out a few things beyond what I’d already pointed out myself!!! Jessica Antunes for example has obviously been working her way through pretty much everything here and in starting to get her head around some angles and has written some exceptionally good comments . . . (as have others in the past) . . .
Coincidentally, the only comment I get from you is a ‘whining’ piss taking, time wasting one!!!
I replied to another distracting comment here, ‘wsw teams’ for example are only mentioned in comments here, they are not part of the explanations on ‘pages’ (comments will of course mostly have been read by regulars in the past). So, if you ‘really’ wanted to figure out who/what wsw teams are then perhaps this is mentioned in earlier comments!!! Perhaps, you ‘could’ even get off your arse and do a google search of this site for wsw teams!!!!
A half hour+ was wasted on writing this comment because it’s been thought about and edited to the same degree/quality as the rest written here!!!
January 12, 2018 @ 4:28 pm
ALL regulars here anyone that signed up for the AAH service/Azad READ THIS
. . . AND, as I’ve just had another that signed up for the auto/absence healing service also ‘NOW’ since I replied to comment yesterday unbelievably ‘again’ leave a comment with a list of symptoms/ailments.
As per agreement I’ve no problem with people sending me an update VIA E-MAIL every 2/3 months, BUT from now on I’ll delete out right anything posted as a comment ‘update’ as this is not appropriate/not part of the agreement.
For all of those whom did sign up there here is another (likely incomprehensible) UPDATE:
You/we are all in a VR reprogramming simulation determinedly putting everyone into more and more and WORSE issues/symptoms/shit of all types. Specific people // a sub set of people are particularly targetted (about 350,000 individuals) AND in most instances these people have been guided here/to this site ‘BECAUSE’ they have the WORST SHIT, which if we ‘really’ want to sort ‘everything’ out then we’re going to have to figure out how to deal with these specific peoples scripted accumulations of ‘SHIT’!!!
So, I’ve left details of the amount of versions of ‘shit’ we’d already dealt with in a previous update that were preventing us from even JUST GAINING ACCESS to people scripts or of dealing with ‘what needs to be dealt with’ because it’s all effectively blockaded/stonewalled . . . about week or so back we actually managed to get rid of the last of the ‘external’ to the scripts ‘maintain’ everyone’s shit, so we’ve actually been able to get access to scripts without external sabotaging and RESTORING PEOPLES SHIT/HEALTH PROBLEMS ETC. ETC ‘shit’ . . .
However the same 350,000 people, the ones that have mostly signed up for the AAH service we are now finding have had specifically ‘designed’ combinations of scripted items added into their scripts specifically to monitor and sabotage efforts to gain access to scripted items that are DEFINING PEOPLES SHIT . . . can you see the problem here? Yes doing focuses great, this makes us aware of what the problems might be BUT unfortunately posting symptoms etc etc doesn’t magically give us access of even help me to ‘magically’ figure out how to do this . . . and without access we are ‘stuck’ . . . it’s no coincidence that I’ve had another person specifically leaving another piss taking comment with a massive list of symptoms after leaving my reply yesterday. YES it’s much better use of my time to write yet another comment rather than spend time figuring out how the current variation of shit is working // finding out/figuring out who/what designed this // track this down/find this WITHIN ANOTHER MV / getting the designs of this and passing these to those ‘outside’ whom in then having some idea of what we are dealing with can actually try and do something about it!!!
AND I’m not in the slightest interested in have any comments asking me about how or what or ‘whatever’ . . . about what I’ve written here either . . . ‘sometime’ when this is DONE because come fucking hell or high water it WILL BE DONE then I’ll explain ‘everything’ and as EVERYTHING is about absolutely EVERYTHING it’ll likely take a few years just to explain BASE LINE/FOUNDATION THINGS because you’ll all have to be re-educated from scratch about everything before you’d start to understand / get your head around anything beyond the basics . . . I cannot explain ANYTHING AT ALL PROPERLY because for you to understand it to a point that you don’t need to ask more and yet more time wasting questions would require I spend years explain things in detail that you STILL WON’T UNDERSTAND ANYWAY BECAUSE EVERYONE HERE IS MANAGED TO NOT UNDERSTAND EVEN BASICS ANYWAY.
So, AZAD, yes I’ve got your comment I’ll have a read of it ‘AGAIN’ when I know I’ve got full/unimpeded access to everyone scripts and can actually then DO SOMETHING ABOUT THESE!!! AND when that’s done/this happens, it’s likely that these issues will be sorted out BEFORE I even get round to reading what you write ‘again’ anyway because the limiting factor is not being able to get access to make changes in most case we DO ‘KNOW’ WHAT IS THE REAL CAUSE OF PEOPLES ISSUES/PROBLEMS . . .
January 12, 2018 @ 8:54 pm
I apologize for the questions. I will continue to read and refrain from asking questions for the time being.
I do appreciate your time and the work you are doing for all of us. Very grateful for that. Thank you.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:23 pm
I’d not worry about it Shalin, it’s ‘managing’ shit creating ‘distractions’ it’s a difficult to avoid side effect of what I’m doing!!!!
February 7, 2018 @ 11:42 pm
Clive have you checked altered carbon it’s a new tv show I found it has some vr torture scenes some body swap shenanigans it reminds me of dollhouse but different does this has any relevance to myself or was it your wsw mates checking for reactions and subtle crap.
February 24, 2018 @ 2:38 pm
Only if as a dollhouse ‘doll’ as your original form was imprinted with ‘someone’s’ experience of having that type of horrifying VR Reprogramming shit done to them Tommy!!!
February 20, 2018 @ 11:33 am
I am in the middle of your clearing and I notice more in my dreams and so I do the above targeted exercises before bed. Before I share, I just wanted to add, your invisible friends were already working with me, I noticed dreams where I was being merge with lost parts of myself from other life times, I think this was the fact I was intending to pay for the clearing way in advance while reading your work and I did in spirit pay for it; this would suggest how powerful our thoughts can be, just by thinking of something/someone whether good or not actually happens in the spirit world first. This is how psychic attack happens. Right back to your question.
Yes I have noticed something very odd in my dreams and visions while relaxed and after your exercises, it as taken awhile to piece these together since these are taken from accounts from my dreams and visions/experiences over a long period of time; below are snippets taken from my dream diary:
…There I noticed a column with numerous plugs and switches, some were turned on, and others were not. On them were labels with names like initiation (the others I can’t remember) which make me think that Clive Hetherington’s theory that we all live in a virtual reality world is right. It’s like we are wired up electrically and the switch of a button can change the course of our dreams and reality…
…I was walking down a winding corridor with two other initiates who were manually guiding me, the female did something strange with my right arm; near my wrist she pressed into my arm as if some buttons were there and had activated something
The whole thing was weird it was like I was playing a VR game (mega drive), the characters were hard to move and similarities to playing a mega drive game like ‘Streets of Rage’ were identical. For example: My spirit kept running into walls because it was difficult directing him round corners and when he ran into a wall he kept running even though he couldn’t move, then the second Rami character that wasn’t moving was like a boss waiting for the next game episode and had respawned. It was exactly like a video game. Which makes me believe even further that Clive’s theory about a VR reality is true?…
…I was laid on my bed and for a second a vision showed me electrical wires coming from my auric field/sphere which were extended quite a way…
…I was suddenly laid on the sofa and my consciousness separated from my spirit, my consciousness was on the dog floor watching. A familiar sensation of De Ja Vu, came over me; someone else was speaking to my other part of me and was dressed in a human suit with buttons. That’s right, a human meat suit. I did say to him, ‘what is that your wearing it’s kind of freaky’? He looked at me and opened up the front of the suit to reveal a glowing white slim body underneath. When I say white, I mean a spiritual white, that of a light being glowing with divine light, I don’t know why he would have to hide himself like this but I guess it was for a reason. The suit had weird buttons on the front, one was crystal coloured the other white bone colour. He said to me as he opened his suit, ‘see there is nothing to be freaked out, about’…
I thought the being was a positive ET grey alien and that is why he chose the human meat suit as not to scare or shock me. And then I remembered this was a repeat dream that is why it was familiar. I think this is part of a VR programming for initiation, I say this, because one, it is exactly the same as before; two, my initiation followed soon after this dream. And this as happened a few times. I recorded above, the wires I saw that were connected up to my auric field and they would have been connected up to those plug sockets I saw with labels on (one was initiation). I know that the energy floating around and within our auric fields records everything like memories, that is how psychics give readings by reading our energy in the auric field. So if this is correct than data can also be put into the auric field like messages, videos, music, sounds, text and other communications etc. etc. And this would mean that the repeat dreams are showing repeated things, why? Some of the dreams repeated were not nice and involved being annoyed, angered or someone negatively being nasty towards me. Some are of initiations and voice messages. The nasty ones I reckon are repeated until you learn from them, they are a sort of debilitating lesson to overcome a certain trauma or negative emotion. The initiations are obviously pre recorded experiences I have already had and are just being replayed instead of having to go through it all again. Same as the voice messages, etc. etc. It’s kind of weird to think that someone only has to flip a switch to change my dreams and reality.
February 20, 2018 @ 11:42 am
I didn’t do anymore visualizations but I had a vision, my conscious awareness came out of my body and stopped to look at myself, I was facing myself sat on bed. I noticed where my third eye should have been was gone, just a large round dent left in place instead; It looked like it had been burnt out.
This proves what Clive Hetherington said about chakras, they are quite easily removable and we can have them stolen, lost or blocked. I didn’t quite believe him when he said you could take them out and clean them. But I am convinced now our spirit is nothing more than a machine made up of wires, cogs and parts. A few days ago I forgot to mention a vision/dream I had which was after a targeted exercise the night before I fell asleep. It only lasted for a few seconds but I saw enough to convince me. I saw many, many wires coming from my energy field and was wired up to some electrical device. I think this coincides with the plug socket dream and these wires were wired to the sockets which had labels like, initiation, healing etc. etc.
On another occasion, in my dream my right arm separated and was attached to a wire and the arm was nothing more than an attached object on wires.
March 23, 2018 @ 10:06 am
I wasn’t sure where to post this, but something weird thats been happening on and off over the last 2-3 months: I’ll encounter something new, that i’ve never seen before (most recently it was a specific part of a scene in a tv show) and things are fine/normal, but over the next few days i’ll start having ‘deja vu’ sensations where it feels like I have the exact same memory of the same thing, but from 6-12 months or more ago (it feels like I have multiple sets of the same memory, with one of them being from the distant past) even when those things didn’t ‘exist’ at that time. I don’t think I ‘actually’ have past memories of those same things (at least, there aren’t any hints of this when I first encounter them), but it’s quite weird, jarring and confusing. It’s happened enough times now for me to get suspicious about it and I thought I should mention it.
April 30, 2018 @ 5:41 pm
I’ll get back to this comment Trent after I’ve more faulty ‘memory’ Mandela Effect pages up because it should be as a comment on one of these (I’ve not finished writing it yet), so I’ll move this comment when the right page is posted and then reply to it there as it fits in with the agenda/aims of Mandela Effect memory anomaly ‘SHIT’, except it’s a very different variation that I’ve not ever come across!!!!
May 1, 2018 @ 1:40 pm
I wasn’t sure whether to post this or not, but I had another weird memory experience, similar to the last one I posted about. So I had a weird, action-packed, skinhead/nazi-themed dream last night and 1-2 seconds after waking up I had this feeling of ‘familiarity’ and was certain i’d seen the same things in the past, possibly as part of a movie/movie trailer (it felt like maybe 6 months or so into the past) – I thought this was odd so as I laid there trying to remember when/where i’d seen this before, as well as thinking about what happened in the dream, I realised this was bullshit and that I hadn’t seen it before. I didn’t get any ‘deja vu’ sensations but it did feel like I had a past memory set of pretty much the same things – it didn’t feel like I had past memories of all of the specific scenes i’d experienced in the dream, but the storyline as well as the setting and the general overview of ‘what happened’ was the same. Since this experience was a bit different to the last, and seemingly happened as part of a dream rather than in my waking life I thought I should share it.
July 5, 2018 @ 3:36 pm
Yesterday I did the ‘environmental spaces and object originating shit’ focus, which felt like it was doing something significant and afterwards I felt better/calmer/clearer. A few hours later I was at my computer just clicking around/browsing, not doing anything particularly important or interesting, when I had a jarring experience which lasted 3-4 seconds. Basically reality/my environment suddenly felt ’empty’/devoid of feeling/emotion/life/meaning and I can’t really describe it but it looked/felt fake/artificial/virtual, kind of like it’s just an image and it’s my perceptions of it that give it meaning. My perception of what I was seeing on the computer screen (Firefox web browser and the site I had open) also changed and the style looked old/outdated/wrong almost as if I were suddenly using Window 95 or something (it made me think of the North Korean Intranet, how the people are conned into believing it’s ‘up to date/cutting edge’ technology when really it’s basic/limited/outdated). Despite reading this site, I found the experience to be scary/shocking; it’s one thing to read/think about these things, another to have a direct experience which basically says ‘look at reality, it’s fake as fuck’. This experience then repeated a few times over the next couple of hours, happening I think 3 times in total.
Since this happened i’ve been thinking about it and paying attention to how I usually/normally experience my environment/objects within it, so i’m regularly looking around/focusing on different spaces/objects and kind of watching my reactions to/perceptions of these, and it seems like whenever I look at/focus on/interact with these that there’s a kind of ‘mental construct’ that I automatically perceive/experience, made up of my knowledge/thoughts about what a place/object is, where it is, what it does/can be used for / what I can do within the space, how the thing itself ‘feels’ and also my own feelings/emotions about the space/object, and sometimes I experience memories associated with the same/a similar environment/object. There’s also a kind of ‘feely’ness to this, kind of like an ‘energy’, I don’t know how to describe it but it feels like something extra/un-natural/manipulative. So it seems like the ’emptyness’ I felt could’ve been the absence of this feeling/perceptual stuff?
Hmm.. now that i’ve written the above paragraph i’m hit with a ‘weird’ feeling, like i’m wrong about my description of what i’ve been consistently noticing as I observe different spaces/objects.. so I take a break for a few minutes and look around the room and at different objects, to kind of ‘check again’ and my perception has changed, there’s less flow and I feel blank when looking at things, like i’m ‘just seeing the object/nothing interesting is happening’ and also i’m being prompted/given feelings to not post this.
I just remembered/I should mention that I also did the ‘moment by moment experience’ focus earlier. It didn’t feel like it was doing anything and because of this, then the experience I describe above I hadn’t even considered until now that this focus could have something to do with it.
July 15, 2018 @ 5:09 pm
Hi Clive, I’ve just joined the Absent Healing group. I’ve noted how difficult/ sleepy/sore eyes get when reading the above exercise and others. My back/disc hurts again. So I’ll add this to the focus (as well as do some stretching). I had a near miss on the motorway commute to work about 2/3 days after joining. A car overtook rather slowly and I needed to pull out to get behind them as the car in front was slower than me. Felt quite boxed in. Suddenly car in front as moving ahead of me indicates into right left and swerves to avoid a strip of tyre – pretty large. I managed an evasive maneuver to the left and could have crashes into the car on my left but had overtaken it enough – gulp.
My personal crap has been obsessive ruminating and lots of self hate verbalizing in my head and even out loud – shorting at myself to shut up. I do lots of imaginary scenarios of trying to re-do events with real people, e.g. trying to fix something I feel extreme anguish/rejection over and some seems to be unrequited love issue with Dad, and also sexual shame. In having I have a very vivid imagination, as a child I would be more engaged with this rather than dealing with what is. When reading the exercises it really shows how debilitating they are to concentration and in such thought loops. I am re-triggering myself with the awful stuff and I can use to be ‘high’ thinking of good situations. I haven’t become aware of any subtle stuff with what’s going on in the background but this use of imagination sounds like running VR scrips and trying to -re-write history.
I was part of a Spiritual Group for 10 years and it was a waste of time. As with other healing modalities I now know there’s no substitute for just actively engaging with our own stuff and allowing it flow. However, the over-thinking/ obsession was the breaking point – I know I’ve been in a descending mental health state. It was my partner who found this site and I have got involved reading it very recently. I don’t think I would have found this site by myself. Thanks to all for doing a kick-arse job of hacking and clearing this SIM.
December 7, 2018 @ 5:02 pm
Anne/Everyone . . . I started to get ‘suspicious’ about two decades ago about our ‘healing’ approaches and so called ‘guides’ . . . I’d set up a small ‘casual but very focused’ group that met every week for DEEP ISSUE ORIGINS INVESTIGATIONS/DEEPER EXPLANATIONS . . . i.e. we were starting to engage with things independently of any new age or spiritual ‘fairy story’ . . . over the course of time that we met up we ended up having to devote every 4th meeting to clear all of the shit/shadowy guides/groups that we seemed to attract to basically try and get them all to fuck off . . . at one point we became aware of a very small group ‘watching’ us, whom felt different . . . on directly engaging with them and asking why they were interested in ‘us/a group dedicated to OPENLY exploring the REAL ORIGINS OF ALL ISSUES’ we were somewhat shocked to be told that they we’re interested in us because A) virtually no one was doing this and B) no one had EVER DONE THIS/WAS ALLOWED TO . . . it took another 3/4 years before it sank in that all ‘healing efforts’ are manipulated and sabotaged, that it’s possible to resolve certain things but for others either your blocked completely or it does change BUT then reverts after a week or two or in some cases longer OR even more perplexing it’s replaced by another apparently completely different set if SHIT/ISSUES . . . so, in that this/our circumstances eventually sank in then this is what I’ve been spending my time doing which is to identify and to deal with ALL THE BLOCKING THINGS . . . which pisstakingly are still ongoing . . . the one example I gave of ONE SINGLE SESSION of Shirley on site here (similar in content to the other sessions for all clients) was pointing out that no matter how REALLY/ABSOLUTELY serious you are about finding/engaging with and resolving the real origins of issues/shit you can expect massive ‘shit’ efforts against you and pay back because of these . . . this is why I reverted to ‘ATTACKING’ all that’s contributing to maintain these ‘blocking/maintaining’ efforts as until these are dealt with we aren’t ‘really’ going to be able to sort ourselves/anything else here out . . . I recently checked out on various stats with respect to various ‘medical’ health problems and pretty much all health issues for all populations/countries are sky rocketing as basically the ‘system’ want’s everyone in a broken down debilitate state less and less able to do anything about anything . . . modern health care is about supporting people to maintain/keep a health issue (perhaps in the background) with medication that gifts them with more and more ‘other’ issues . . .
The below is from Jon Rappoport which sums up science in general and medical research/modern medicine in particular . . . it presents ‘quotes’ from various ‘OFFICIAL’ SOURCES!!!
One:: Richard Horton, editor-in-chief, The Lancet, in The Lancet, 11 April, 2015, Vol 385, “Offline: What is medicine’s 5 sigma?”:
Two: Marcia Angell, former editor of The New England Journal of Medicine, in the NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption”:
Three: John PA Ioannidis, Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of Ioannina School of Medicine, Ioannina, Greece, and Institute for Clinical Research and Health Policy Studies, Department of Medicine, Tufts-New England Medical Center, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, in PLoS Medicine, August 30, 2005, “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False”:
Four: Back to Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet. In the same editorial quoted above, Horton makes reference to a recent symposium he attended at the Wellcome Trust in London. The subject of the meeting was the reliability of published biomedical research. His following quote carries additional force because he and other attendees were told to obey Chatham House rules—meaning no one would reveal who made any given comment during the conference.
December 31, 2018 @ 9:42 pm
im not sure if this is considered as experiencing debilitations while doing the exercises, but i will still write it.
since the age of 8 i have epilepsy, and every time before a big epileptic siezure i have a loud noise in my head somewhat similliar to the noise non plasma tv’s make when you turn them on but louder.
when im in a quiet place and focus on the silence i can hear this noise in the background.
i started doing the exercises about 3 weeks ago without much results except better focus, but in the last 4-5 day i noticed that i started to hear that noise getting louder when im doing the exercises.
i finished doing all the self healing exercises yesterday and from today onwards im repeating the exercises on this page.
when i was doing the exercises today the noise got really loud and i started to feel pressure in my head. so far nothing else beside that but im curious if there is some exercise to silence that noise, the audio implant exercise doesn’t work.
May 5, 2019 @ 11:03 pm
Can anyone explain how do I use these exercises? Sorry if it’s obvious, as I tried to search and didn’t find anything (I already read most of this website but not all) … Do I just read it aloud with the intention “I want this”, and then what? I did the “targeting all scripted debilitating etc.”, and it seems like I just connected to a lot of shit waiting for some kind of command. Was I supposed to use a SOI after reading the focus?
May 14, 2019 @ 1:56 pm
Well, in being surprised because I was sure that I’d left instructions on all of these pages, and I’m ‘right’ I have!!!
January 4, 2020 @ 8:17 pm
So I read the ‘Super’ targets ‘Everything’ on the evening of 1/3/2020. So here is a bit of background into what I saw.
I work in a rather small room that faces north to south with a garage door on the south end with two doors on the east and west sides, one set on the north side, one set on the south side. The flow line of how we make and build our products starts at the south end, travels along the west wall to the north and then back down the east wall where it exits out the south garage door, a ‘U’ turn you could say. My station is at the very north end of the room at the turn of the U, and on 1/3/2020, I was working in that station on my own that day and to be honest, it all felt a little weird.
Doing the ‘Super’ focus, on top of the newest focus Clive provided, I saw my workstation as some kind of dark, isolated corner, and I saw myself as kind of stuck or huddled there, scared and uncertain, looking out at my supervisor and the rest of my co-workers in the other stations of the room who were positioned there as gate keepers trying to keep me from getting out.
January 7, 2020 @ 6:48 pm
Hi Megan, it feels as if you are corralled/contained via influences passed or channelled via your co-workers that are part of this work ‘line/flow’ . . . also in checking I’m pretty sure that you are someone that ‘criticised’ the SNV lot, such that it then seems possible that the criticism was maybe about ‘controlling/corralling’ their people/the population and or maybe specifically females and or the type of working conditions they were subjected to!!! I don’t know specifically BUT, it’s something along these lines!!!!
March 7, 2021 @ 7:45 pm
I’m at the lake/ park and I was continuing my scripting / hacking of “Time, Order, & Sequencing of Scripted Events”
Not even 5 minutes later two men and a small child stop right behind me and start having a conversation…….I stop and do the “site access availability” script 2 times and they stay. I ended up stopping and listening to their conversation and going over to the “Proper use of Will and Intent” page to see how I can adjust my abilities to make them go away….
I waited until they where gone, realizing I created the distraction for myself and just worked on being patient.
One of the men literally sat on the sidewalk (he was older) and just had the conversation.
After they left I started again and another distraction arose.
I was extraordinarily amused to say the least
Now as I try to post this comment there’s an error ironically about Java scripts, posting comments too fast and to reload
March 23, 2021 @ 3:17 pm
Haha, yea, ‘the magically manifested’ distractions Amua!!! I ‘hate’ mobile phones, I’ve never carried one when out shopping (who TF would want to carry something allowing themselves to be pretty much permanently distracted, it’s insane!!!), my mobile is a Nokia 4500 (i.e. it’s super ancient – haha), it’s also left in the bottom of a drawer switched off when I’m not travelling. I occasionally, ‘still’ get cold callers on my landline (I’m not sure why as I’m sure they’ve a ‘NEVER RING THIS PERSON LIST’ which I should be on). If it’s a cold caller trying to sell me some bullshit, after I realise this I’ll pretend I’ve someone asking me questions and tell them I’ll be back – hang on . . . then keep them hanging on for as long as possible, at least until they get the message and put the phone down!!!
March 17, 2021 @ 2:58 am
I tried doing some of the sections such as connecting with my true self and practices which sabotage myself from connecting with it and i feel a grip on my heart preventing me from accessing this, I have no idea how to remove that.
March 24, 2021 @ 3:22 am
Clive, I’ve been meaning to ask this question for some time but keep forgetting.
So you have on occasion mentioned that your original form rarely spent time interfaced to a physical avatar form until this current version you as Clive. You also mention on occasion that many of us in our original form as a subtle beings have been interfaced to some avatar form here on EAAS or in other MVs often millions of times.
This leads me to ask, are WE as subtle beings given a choice to interface to a physical avatar and incarnate or are we being coerced or even forced to do so. Are we as our original subtle form kidnapped by the creators of our MV (and/or those way way above i.e data owners) and trapped in a pod like in the film the Matrix and forced to interface to physical avatars over and over?
I’m confused if your form rarely spent time interfaced to a physical form until you as Clive, how did this come about? Were you given a choice to interface to you as Clive? I know the data owners and our MV’s creators wipe our memories from one physical incarnation to the next (although not always successfully) but after reading all your literature I am unclear whether our subtle forms are kidnapped and trapped to take on interfaces in a forever loop or is there path to exit this simulation for our subtle forms? I know once we are here interfaced to a physical avatar we are stuck until our physical form dies but is there a path to exit from this cycle?
You have commented at times that we in our subtle forms can take on many number of interesting and fascinating projects. Wondering whether we have the free will to actually do this OR whether we are stuck to forever take on interfaced lives here and in other MVs at the mercy of those who have kidnapped/trapped our subtle forms.
Not sure if you have spent much time thinking about this at all. Appreciate your thoughts if you have any on this. Thank you.
April 3, 2021 @ 7:02 pm
Ehhh, you’ve forgotten a few things Shalon. We are in a duplicated simulation. We are each a copy of someone else, and we are each (by and large) living out some other person’s life here within a single world/planet reality version rather than a many inhabited planets within a galaxy scale reality version. Hence, we have a shitload of anomalous personal experiences and or phenomena. So, we are subtle forms, whom in the original environment some would stay in the subtle not incarnating, some would interface to a physical form to use it as a vehicle to investigate/explore whilst others did this to have a physical incarnated life experience as part of an incarnated population’s physical culture.
In the original environment most cultures would give ‘subtle’ people a choice, so some would incarnate, whilst others wouldn’t. Also, some cultures got wrapped up in the physical and wanted all of their population ‘incarnated’. So within our ‘rickety’ single earth planet reality version we aren’t given a choice, because part of the agenda is to try and convince everyone that THIS IS ALL YOU ARE i.e. a physical human form, who lives one life then dies forever (i.e. we are likely be memory wiped at the end of each life).
However, (annoyingly for the designers) I’m simulating someone with off-line ‘memory’ storage tech, so, as this has been running all the time I can (under certain circumstances) access these stored memories and become aware of my past life ‘earth’ experiences.
So, an original galaxy+ scale population of 7 races and many cultures within each of these, most of these would incarnate some or most or maybe all of their subtle population. Here on earth we are a very, very small subset specifically of ‘KEY’ people from this original other MV population.
So, most of us here have many 1000’s of other versions of ourselves. Part of the agenda of this place here is to have as many combinations of good and FU incarnated experience variations as possible for all duplicates of each original, incarnated person.
Also, ‘not’ millions of times, our original subtle form within the original ‘subtle’ environment is immortal and the timescale of the subtle is (if I remember correctly) 1 physical year (in the original multiverse) was equivalent to about 20,000 subtle years i.e. subtle forms in the subtle environment are on a very different timescale compared to the physical. So, if you ‘incarnate’ and spend a day in the physical, to your friends in the subtle your ‘gone i.e. interfaced’ for 20,000 subtle days!!! I.e. a very long time.
Also, I was a technically competent administrator helper whom at times worked with and helped different peoples in different cultures. So, my original self spent time in an Arabic culture (Greek), an Asian (giraffe) culture, two South American cultures (as a cat form) and also two ‘oriental’ (mostly interfaced to a crab and on checking now maybe an octopus form too), now, contrast this with our boring single upright, 2 legged bioengineered human animal form we are each interfaced to here.
So, most, maybe all people here have multiple versions of themselves ‘HERE’, all living out their own different life in good, bad, fantastic and or super shit circumstances.
Also, I’m still in and out of various ‘shit’ states/impacts, that are ‘still’ making it difficult to ‘think’ at times, never mind actually ‘writing’ anything decent or extended. Also, my Windows PC is giving me ‘end of life’ OS warning messages on my win 10, that was originally a win 7 install. So, I’m also being forced to spend time trying to figure out how to create 2 partitions on my computer (done now), whilst also trying to figure out how to install a decent linux version whilst shifting to linux software versions too, so I eventually completely dump the whinny MS window’s for ever and ever.