As has been mentioned/discussed in comments we here are not allowed to ‘really’ have any appreciation of or understanding about ‘trauma’.
We are managed and orientated to conceptually distance ourselves from and to ignore trauma.
Even the word ‘trauma’ is ‘pathetic’ because not only is this term in ‘terms’ of what is is ACTUALLY describing kept extremely vague it is pretty much impossible to even appreciate that we should have many, MANY sub categories of trauma terms as well as whole dissertations and entire therapies helping people to orientate towards, engage with it and to ‘release’ different types of trauma from ourselves.
Rather than do what I just described above, we here actually ‘unknowingly’ collect and accumulate trauma relating to all sort of circumstances we have each lived through within our ENTIRE PAST not just the easily conceived of single human life BUT many ‘incarnations’ going back 1000’s of years (for a logical and reasoned page pointing out many of the anomalous experiences that are ‘evidence’ of ourselves having ‘incarnations’ as well as evidence that we are subtle beings interfaced to a physical human body then this page here would be a good start).
We are each steadily accumulating trauma as well as associated emotional, psychological, mental and or other ‘hurts and sores’ related to past; people, events, circumstances as well as or our own decisions and choices as well as those that relate to our own regrets and reactions to our past decisions and or behaviours as well as the past memories of all of these to.
Every unresolved past trauma, hurt and ‘sore’ and combination of these acts as a hidden unconscious definer/trigger that directly (in most cases subliminally and or sub-consciously) impacts your current self as in your behaviours, responses, reactions and decisions. Essentially the more hidden, unresolved trauma, ‘sores and hurts’ you have the easier it is by hidden means to manage and manipulate you, including managing the decisions you make, the quality of your interactions with others . . . and so on . . .
Re-Orientating TOWARDS TRAUMA, Psychological Sores & Hurts, Resonance Triggers SHIT
Basically our simulation software is making a massive effort to have people accumulate trauma, sores and hurts (resonance triggers) and so these areas have a high priority in terms of keeping them obscured because trauma and all of our sores and hurts of all types are basically the reason why the simulation we are in was put together in the first place. As such there are many strategies and software components orientating you / everyone away from even ‘exploring’ trauma never mind making it as difficult as possible to deal with any trauma, resonance triggers and or anything similar.
So, this exercise/focus targets these areas . . .
INSTRUCTIONS . . . again, the main/first focus is not too bad in length BUT, the second is a SUPER MONSTER, however, it’s worth making an effort to do the second after the first. In a general sense ‘try’ and do the two together have a rest for 2/3 days then do it again . . . and or then when nudged . . . .
Please read ALL of the open:
“‘Copyright Statement – READ THIS ‘NOW’“ ‘accordion’ below . . .
AND, do this before working with any ‘simulation’ experience targeting exercise: because you are ‘bound’ by certain conditions and given certain warnings with respect to this page and these exercises . . . ‘IF’ you have ALREADY read these warnings etc on another exercise page then CLICK on the accordion TAB immediately below to close it as this will save you having to scroll down the page to reach and work with the ‘exercise’!!!
The Simulation Software ‘Obviously’ WON’T LIKE People Accessing What Contributes to Themselves
Simulation software relies on keeping people disengaged from everything of themselves that is ‘worrying’ from the simulation projects: objectives, ‘consensus’ reality and the ‘generic humans’ range of experiences point of view. The software basically keeps you locked into a bubble of ‘normal’ human functioning and a managed ‘consensus’ reality view point AND more importantly it relies on stopping you from even becoming aware of any ‘out of bounds’ possibilities as in ‘extra’ enhancements and or abilities (or what these experiences imply). It relies on this ‘awareness and investigation’ disengagement tactic to severely suppresses you from even becoming aware of never mind of THINKING about trying to access never mind of allowing you to actually ‘understanding’ you are defined by software and a script of data.
So, in ‘playing’ with this and other ‘exercises’ here then the software will likely tag you as ‘dangerous’ and you can expect it’ll try and find ways to distract you, make this web site and your experiences gained here fade away from your memory faster that usual while keeping you busy and occupied elsewhere . . . and so on . . . this is just it’s standard operating protocol (SOP) for worrying people. I’ve personally been giving it ‘THE BIG FINGER’ for over a decade now!!!
To make it very clear . . . despite that the worst anyone has experienced pushing against the simulation in these ways is some temporary ‘weird’ experiences that have faded out after a few minutes or hours . . .
You use/work with the below . .
Entirely at your own risk
‘IF’ you do decide to ‘go for it’ then work with the below when you have some hours to spare, so if anything ‘extra’ weird and or disturbing happens you have some time to recover / wait for it to fade out (before you have to do things like ‘drive’).
So, if you want to explore these areas then work with the ‘statement of intent’ presented below, BUT first you read the following . . . .
COPYRIGHT: The below is all Copyright, all rights reserved Clive S Hetherington 2015 and on. The exercises’, the ‘focuses’ the statements of intent (SOI) STAY on this site and you don’t copy what is below to present on another site, I have made my copyright very clear that I don’t want ENTIRE sections taken from this site and presented somewhere else. I don’t mind a paragraph or two as an ‘opener’ BUT no more than 20% (this is stated and has been stated for years in my Legal page (the link is in the very top menu way above)). This is specifically the case for this page BECAUSE I’m wanting COMMENTS of feedback from people working with this page to help myself and in fact everyone interested in what I’m presenting here to IMPROVE our understandings of WTF is going on!!!!
INSTRUCTIONS: As you read the ‘statements of intent’ then you state ‘with intention’ what you read internally with a directed will of ‘I WANT THIS / This is what I WANT!!!’ while simultaneously keeping your inner awareness / senses alert and ‘still’ to give yourself the best chance of becoming aware of anything that the focus reveals / gives you direct access too.
This ‘does’ take practice, I ‘started’ to spend time trying to become aware of my internal states and inner perceptions three and a half decades ago.
AND . . . of course if you DO experience ANYTHING while using the above then you give us a comprehensive description as a comment below . . .
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
July 31, 2016 @ 2:26 pm
New Healing Exercise focus . . .
July 31, 2016 @ 2:32 pm
Clive no focus the blue beams are not there
July 31, 2016 @ 3:11 pm
Wow, I’m impressed the sim managed to ‘disappear / erase’ the contexts of the two focus accordions – not just here but on my original test version too. It’s now presenting these on this page (at least just for me)!!!
August 2, 2016 @ 7:01 am
Okay after reading through this a few times I feel very sick and very compressed like I was literally ran over a truck. Here is what I keep getting/seeing:
Torture Trauma 5000:
So this is looking like a VR specifically designed to have me be tortured by all the people that I love or had close relationships with in a friendly or family or romantic or any kind of close way. What happened was the worst torture I ever received in all of my torture experiences. It was when people where uploaded— I swear to goodness this feels real- but its hard to believe so it might of been fakes or partials of all of these people who were brain washed to hate me for literally no reason, and then torture me in the cruelest sickest ways and telling me what a worthless piece of shit I am.. Many of the people who were doing this– were people like Clive and even a few other people of the commenters. This makes so perfect sense as my whole life I have felt like everyone forgot that I loved them (((((all of the people in this VR were brainwashed into thinking I was a bad person- with their real memory and connection with me erased!!!!!!)))), in a really sick twisted way that is unnatural. They would even have all these people (who I felt like I loved) kill me!!!!!!! Just to break me down.. It was seriously fucked up as I knew no one could save me as it was if all the people who ever could or would want to save me where there beating the shit out of me!!!!!!!!!
August 4, 2016 @ 12:24 pm
Well, unfortunately ‘Mo’ VR reprogramming like this we still haven’t found a way of addressing the build up of trauma / resonance triggers etc ‘in the background’ as it were. I also figured out that some ‘key’ people (that the sim designers DON’T like) have been subjected to VR reprogramming while they are in the ‘your dead now’ space between the ‘pretend’ physical human lives (where the new age people are convinced you just ‘discuss’ what you did wrong in your previous life / prepare for the next one) probably sometime in the last 100 years or so. So, this is when this specific VR scenario was applied to yourself. We’ve come across people with a similar VR experience where it is they themselves that kill off all of their friends / family / close others. This specific VR is done to people that have a good scale of thinking and they like to talk to people / discuss weird / anomalous experiences possibilities. So, they have been put in a VR to talk to people close to them about weird things these people have over the top reactions, it all is then made escalate and they end up killing these people / then are made to be completely traumatised by trying to talk about ‘weird’ things / and so end up just avoiding / not talking about such things.
August 2, 2016 @ 7:24 pm
Part One – First paragraph, I connect to thoughts of my imagination and how some of the things I created in my mind were actually soothing/coping/dealing with all the trauma and pain that I didn’t know how to deal with or couldn’t handle. I start crying heavily as I write all of this. My thoughts then connect to all the attempts I made to reach out and connect to others, especially in times when I knew something was wrong and/or that I had messed up in someway, and all they did was either yell at me, walk away/ignore me, or ‘pretend’ things were fine when they weren’t. I connect to all the grief and loneliness their rejection/ignorance caused and the desperate yearning for someone to give me the compassion and affection and forgiveness I want for my mistakes. I connect to the feelings of self-loathing I have for all this above mentioned desire, this ‘weakness’, and how I should be strong and independent and not need people, which makes me realize how a lot of the things I was into in the past (collecting stuff, video games, etc.) was my efforts to disconnect from people and strike out on my own. The crying has gotten to the point that I’m exhausted and I have a slight headache forming from all the crying. I attempted to do the optional paragraph two and don’t receive much, but I decide to stop here and try again later.
August 18, 2016 @ 9:42 am
There is a misspelling in this focus. Tried to copy and past it and my phone wouldn’t let me.
Experienced a ball of energy release from my solar plexus.
I get this feeling that other people’s guilt and energy are being stored in me. That the people who have control over me have others go to their VR they call “home” and one of the rules is that you can’t have guilt and you must make amends for all of your sins. Since none of them seem to not want to make amends they say that I am supposed to do it for them.
The ringleader claims he has the key to unlocking me or my blockages and he won’t let anyone else do it but him. He also claims that Clive is on his side.
This stuff causes stomach pain that I haven’t felt in awhile. It hurts.
Also I have observed that women don’t seem to look as attractive as they used to. The men look normal. It seems like someone wants others to believe that women are really men inside. It seems like they are trying to brainwash young women about women on planet earth.
Just as I was about to send this a voice said “I feel guilty about sending this.” And a female voice above my crown chakra said she would get it for him.
Also they like me better when I eat the junk food they like, they also said they are superior and above me and they don’t have to treat me equally. I wasn’t “meant” to be that way.
August 23, 2016 @ 2:31 pm
Hi Melissa, we’ve found another set of ‘shit’ locking down / preventing changes to ‘doll House’ people so let me know in a weeks time / leave a comment here ‘IF’ you’ve not had any noticeable progress.
November 22, 2016 @ 10:27 pm
Another difficult day. I am filled with Grief itself, painful, tangible. I’m made of it. When I tried to engage with the source of the grief, I’m ripped apart by grief. My body in shreds.
I tried this exercise to try to make it stop. I can’t take this much longer.
1A – first paragraph-
the scripts, the programming, the lives i’ve been forced to lead .. i can feel the psychological torture of the ‘everything’ of this madness. How much pain, love, trauma, terror and other emotions i’ve been forced to feel. How many ways my thinking has been managed, beliefs twisted and manipulated, how many time friends turned to enemies, how many times people whom can and should help me – people in true positions of influence and control, who’ve promised to help me and keep me safe, turn away and treat me like I’m worthless. Leaving me to die.
I feels places of tension in my body, like embedded triggers to be plucked.
I connect to memories and feelings about the people IRL I’ve written of here. How deeply they’ve hurt me by cutting me out of their lives, pushing me away, leaving me to excruciatingly suffer this past year, often fighting for my life day after day, and I’m completely unable to resolve any of this hurt or these rifts, unable to help reveal the truth about the lies they believe about me, the unhealable knife wounds that go on forever and ever in my heart, my body comprised of trauma itself. They’ve excised me from their lives and I seem to no longer exist for them; yet their behavior, choices, actions still feel to impact me; I feel kept in relation to them, not free, leashed, dragged along behind them, ignored, screaming, unheard.
I try to move on re this situation, but I can’t. There’s no resolution to this real life situation. No reconciliation. No restoration of their real memories of me. They can’t and don’t understand me. I’m edited out, or twisted to be a monster in their eyes.
Something keeps me here, emotionally, mentally, traumatically. I want to just forget them like they seem to have forgotten me. Not hurt anymore.
The back of my neck / head explodes in pain.
The rest of section 1A, I read but skip around and can’t focus. I’m so tired of hurting so badly.
1B – I finally force myself to open this section of the exercise.
It’s extremely hard to sense (this trauma described above is thick and hurtful, coursing through my body, dulling me) but it vaguely feels like I have a core or base ‘trauma print’ from someone else. The phrase ‘missing people’ strikes me but the trauma and grief filling my head makes it very hard to move into this phrase. I can sense vast ‘somethings’ and systems of ‘somethings’ working together to execute what’s being described in this paragraph but I have too much Grief / trauma deadening my senses to grasp it properly.
I can often ignore the pain I write of here, but it feels like without reconciliation it’s an unhealable wound that pumps me full of pain and trauma day after day.
November 23, 2016 @ 3:33 pm
Hi Nyssa, / EVERYONE READ / ‘head and neck’ pain as per the ‘Matrix’ film the interfacing ‘nexus’ giving access to VR spaces / personal tech is very much focused on the ‘neck/brain stem’ areas and as we are closing in on this tech (and more so shit piggybacking into this (of which there are often lots)) it’s all getting more ‘reactive’ / ‘antagonistic to our explorations.
In the last week we found tech blocking us from becoming aware of and or ‘thinking’ about itself and or similar ‘protective’ tech and also the ‘tech/systems/setups’ used to design these to make sure no one became aware of this which they’s need to before looking / finding it all. So, in ‘getting’ this lot we’ve then figured out that pretty much all managing ‘tech/networks/systems’ have all been designed and particular extensively TESTED & it’s functioning REFINED / and improved in VR spaces. As a result, in the last couple of days we’ve found the ‘data’ of these VR ‘shit’ testing systems, and got all of the data of what they were running such that we (those ‘outside) are now ‘running’ these VR’s ourselves to understand how ‘ALL’ of the still active ‘tech’ works and or how different sets / what protects these function and work ‘together’ which is ‘greatly’ helping us to understand how some of the more sophisticated and sneaky ‘shit’ actually works. So, ‘everything’ left is steadily being backed into a corner and either deleted or retasked to help find more.
It’s this ‘sophisticated’ shit that is still ‘holding’ out and in some cases for some people it’s preventing access / RELEASE of trauma, for me you / Nyssa / everyone. In your case Nyssa it’s also ‘using’ the trauma in ways to to put you off / make it difficult to continue to do focuses. So, Matt/Tom/Me (our main hackers) are doing ‘front edge’ focuses for ourselves/each other / ‘you/us’ daily to target remaining stuck areas / ‘still in the wild’ tech/shit.
To ‘target’ the remaining shit (this is for Matt/Tom/Me not anyone here / I’d NOT recommend anyone here do this): we are ” . . . connecting to everyone that did a s-h exercise/focus in the last 6 months and then connecting to all of these that had ‘any’ shit / tech / systems that reacted / took actions against them because they worked with a focus / we also connect to ANYTHING that is now / is currently still maintaining any debilitations / lock downs / extremes / doing anything nasty / to put them off / make things worse for them / keep them away / cause problems for me / us? / then we are doing the focus linked to below . . .
AND as part of this ‘push’ there is a new focus: Targeting Anyone/Anything Keeping Manipulation Origins/Designers Hidden / which I’d recommend everyone here / regulars do as a priority as it’s the best focus we’ve had ‘this decade’ to harass and hunt down ‘whatever’ else is messing with you/us . . . it’s on this page here as No 5.
Nyssa if necessary rest / keep your head down if you cannot do focuses / have too much putting you off / because what’s blocking will likely get opened up / cleared ‘soon’ anyway / our progress / advances are pretty much doubling each day / every other day.
November 23, 2016 @ 8:40 pm
Thank you for the words of support and the work of you / others. The-back-of-my-neck stuff has been a source of extreme trauma for me .. I don’t generally experience it in my physical body but I have sensed the tech/’whatever it is’ for awhile now and it feels like a core debilitation. A few days ago I found myself clawing at the back of my neck, trying to rip ‘whatever-it-is’ out, wanting to die, that nothing in this world was worth what it was doing to me, it was so bad. I’ll take a rest for now .. thx
January 17, 2017 @ 3:53 am
Whoa. This was my first time reading this exercise. I had trouble concentrating and reading about 1/2 way through the first paragraph. I continued and with the second section I could not focus, and skimmed and stated to specifically target my head as place where I have difficulty. Then my chest and head started to move and shake and it felt like entity related stuff getting worked up. Way to intense so I stopped. I want to add that last night and earlier today, I released what appeared to be deep entities that were embedded in four chakras. I did this through forgiveness of self and regret for past pain caused to others, and deep looking at my own traumas. I then realized the chakras are likely false/fake and I stated I was done with all chakras and intended to connect only with real energy field. This caused spontaneously an entity or implant to leave from deep within the top of the head. I say all of the entities/implants seemed to be chakra related because they were cone or funnel shaped upon leaving and were in the back of the chakra areas. The entities were sort of scorpion shaped with cone like implants that were inside my chakras! I had never seen this before.
January 17, 2017 @ 12:08 pm
Hi Nancy, “The entities were sort of scorpion shaped with cone like implants that were inside my chakras”. Some races/cultures ‘controlling/managing’ tech is all subtle/organic. i.e. some part of your own subtle energy body has been ‘covertly’ duplicated and then ‘re-configured’ in this case to store and deliver trauma (although they can be designed to do anything (manage your thinking for example, to attribute some ‘effects/problems’ to ‘entities’ when this isn’t true to keep you misdirected from what is actually really causing specific effects/debilitations). ‘Scorpion’ looking subtle tech forms are Egyptian, although ‘Amoeba’ types are common as they are designed/used by the culture that most people coming to this site have connections to. As your own subtle body is used to make these then this makes it ‘extremely’ difficult to detect within your own subtle body (because they are not ‘alien’ i.e. they are not different with respect to your own subtle body ‘material’ in the slightest). Plus, these ‘subtle tech’ forms are often interfaced into your subtle to physical body ‘interfacing’ tech i.e. it would be wired into chakras, meridians etc (as described as part of the ‘evidence’ of the subtle to physical ‘interfacing’ arrangement part way down on this page here).
The ‘fact’ that you’ve got access to this and had it removed is ‘testament’ to what we are able to deal with ‘quite easily’ now i.e. our ‘auto’ investigation tech ‘automatically’ identified this and ‘automatically’ removed it.
March 2, 2017 @ 7:23 pm
I had previously described a spinning sparking silver thing that would occasionally come by me, follow me, encase me, as well as try to influence me when doing exercises. Stumbled upon this random website that has a very accurate example of this thing…..
March 24, 2017 @ 7:11 pm
okay that was the second focus I made. SOOO HARD to focus! ??? I just don’t know where my ‘focus’ was I feel like it lasted hours to read I still have like difficulties to connect is is like oh shit I don’t know. I went to pee after reading it and also I am freezing and looking at the mirror with some like entity in my left eye saying ‘I am still here’ and then going outside feeling like asleep. I feel like something is processing in my head in background… and some pain in one spot behind the left ear.. well….
January 29, 2018 @ 7:31 pm
Lots of energy shifting in my lower back, and my left side. After this exercise I got up and felt a shooting pain like sciatic down my leg. And my hips. I recalled the first time I became aware of energetic implants, and drew one in my head. That was decades ago… thank you for sharing this work.
July 29, 2018 @ 5:22 pm
Hi, I keep doing the exercises and I get very brief flashbacks to mundane events of this current life. I feel like things are repetitive here, and like there’s some kind of block since childhood. It’s as if there was always a lack of motivation or something missing. I wonder if our lives loop if that’s even possible. I also wonder if I am able to feel others’ emotions or if negative emotions are purposely induced in me, or if other people are somehow connected to me.
September 6, 2018 @ 7:46 am
A few blocks removed. Some healing work I have been working on for the past few years seemed to get more vigorous. The trauma response of ‘I am dying’ is still there. Would love to release this. I’m also prevented from connecting to my body.
December 13, 2018 @ 4:06 am
Hey mr Clive just wanted to compliment your site. Four years ago I was to be initiated as a shaman, needless to say by following my soul purpose as you describe that’s not working out so hot anyway now constant OBES, thought blocking rift raft and a plethora of inconsistencies and out right violations to the person I was trying to become. Anyway mr Clive great insights and perspectives I only wish I had some of the experience in removing these implanted devices and proper removal of subtle beings I undoubtedly have hundreds possibly thousands I do try to look behind archetypes and that sort of thing however the unfortunate side effect is something is definitely blocking my thoughts. Ultimately now I’m under attack through nightmares go figure lol.
December 26, 2018 @ 7:21 pm
I’ve been reading the comments here,
and clive’s mention of the ‘your dead now’ space reminded me of a dream i had a couple of years ago.
I was in some sort of a place that looks like one of the big malls with escalators and cafes, and everyone there knew that it was the place before reincarnation.
Everyone had a choice, ether they can stay there or go to a place to be “cleansed” for reincarnation.
The only problem is that this method of cleansing is a torture chamber(looked to be limitless in size from what i could see from the entrance) with every torture imaginable where you can hear the screams of everyone inside the chamber.
The idea of this “cleansing” is to be tortured untill your memory personality and sense of self is completly destroyed from the constant intensity of the torture.
i remember getting very angry about the whole thing and as someone who is at least somewhat aware that im dreaming, i tried to destroy the entire place by turning my essence (soul and all) into a reality corrupting virus that will destroy the entire place.
while i was having some form of soccess, some people came with syringes and injected me with them after which i started to feel weak.
I pretended to calm down and left the entrance to the chamber.
Before waking up i remember promising myself to find a way to return to that place and finally destroy it.
November 16, 2019 @ 9:41 am
Anima your dream was terrifying. Somewhat reIated, have recently wondered why any spirit would want to be incarnated down here at all, since it means a life of pain, illness, grief. Happiness, if found, is short lived. Makes you wonder, how horrible is it on the other side that it would make any spirit WANT to come down here? Or are we forced to, or lied to (that it’s necessary for ‘spiritual growth’)? And WHY, what is the reason for it all, and what is the endgame?
November 16, 2019 @ 6:39 pm
Hi Cathy, I became suspicious about ‘spirits/spirit guides’ etc ages and ages ago . . . and particularly because of of apparent separate versions of myself that others we’re seeing and hence then told me that ‘I’ had turned up and helped them at a certain time (except then why am I not aware of these/doing this!!!) . . . basically I think that some people here have separate versions of ourselves rendered in the subtle i.e. completely independent of us, actually this is likely being done with respect to people like me that have no experience of having an incarnated ‘life’ (as opposed to lots of temporary few weeks/month or two) time spent interfaced for research/recreational purposes to different animal forms and or on different physical worlds . . . . eventually (due to other anomalies too) I realised that we’ve two fake sort of intermediate strata’s between the physical and the subtle one presents us with fake/or made up/managed interactions with ‘spirit/higher beings’ etc while there are separate ‘living’ spirit/soul forms of us (i.e. rather than being ‘interfaced’) that see/perceive our circumstances/the physical very differently to how it actually is.
I’m also sure that the ‘real’ subtle forms are trying to ‘help’ BUT are actually made to be focused on the fake physical ‘presentation’ rather than our version/the real one . . . EVERY angle you can think of (and likely a lot we cannot/I’ve not become aware of) is used to misdirect as well as maintain shit it here!!!!
November 16, 2019 @ 9:14 pm
Reply to Clive: “because of of apparent separate versions of myself that others we’re seeing and hence then told me that ‘I’ had turned up and helped them at a certain time (except then why am I not aware of these/doing this!!!)” I had an extensive reiki session done years ago where something like this happened. The session was being done remotely (we lived hundreds of miles apart from each other,) and apparently while the practitioner had me laid out on her table I or my ‘higher self’ showed up, something she claimed had never happened in a session before. Funny thing is I know it wasn’t me because I didn’t have an out of body experience during the session.