More ‘evidence’, expansive insights and more ‘connections’ and accurate perspectives compared to the previous version (Version 1 – which is here).
A Body of Evidence of the Spiritual Realms & Subtle Realities
I’ve decided to put up version 2 of the ‘Physical Con’ while still leaving version 1 intact because for version 2, I managed to THINK enough to re-frame how to approach explaining the evidence for the physical con AND in so doing I made connections well beyond what I’d already written. There are more ‘evidence’ points and the evidence points of version 1 are often greatly expanded.
Version 2 holds about 17000 words while version one was 7200 and I’ve also added lots of links to the nodes to version 2 not only to my own web pages BUT to other sites that have collected decent ‘evidence’ of specific ‘none physical’ experiences.
Extensive Evidence of None Physical Spiritual Realities & Subtle Realms
So, the differences ‘illustrate’ how we are managed to NOT ‘THINK’ expansively such that we don’t make obvious larger connections and or become aware of parallel associations and are unable to cognitively join obvious dot’s between these. In other words the differences highlight how well we are managed to NOT realize obvious things and how we are prevented from joining obvious dots.
For example, like realizing that the physical con is essentially describing a ‘matrix’ reality of subtle people in a subtle reality being interfaced to a physical avatar form animal body in a physical reality.
Our Subtle Origins
Back Story . . .
Who are we 'Really'?
How is REALITY actually structured?
Physical Life is Discovered & Studied
Interfacing to Physical Animal Forms Begins
Join 'MY' Civilisation
The 'Matrix' Reality Revealed & Exposed
Defining the Physical 'CON' Problems
Hypothesis Aims, Copyright & Version
Recruiting Volunteers to partake of your Physical Con Enterprise?
The Keeping the Kidnapping trauma of Subtle People Hidden Problem . .
2 Sets of Senses Problem
Learning to Engage with Subtle Body Senses & Subtle Attributes
Investigating the Causes & Origins of Blank & Dead Feelings
Spontaneously Engaging with a Traumatizing Past Life
Investigating Past Life Issue Origin Experiences Directly
Awareness, Feeling & Sensing of None Physical Presences & Atmospheres
Disguised Presence of Subtle Researchers Investigating the Physical Strata
Examples of Subtle Researcher Forms
Developing the Ability to Consciously Engage with Subtle Realms
Awareness of & Interactions with Subtle People as Ghosts
The Recycled Repeated Incarnations Problem
The Temporarily 'Reviving' just before Death Phenomenon
End of Life Experiences, Death bed Visions & Visitations
After Death, Dead People Contacting the Living
NDE's 'Near Death Experiences' The NOT 'Really' Dead Problem
Recall of Past Life Memory Details
Beliefs In Reincarnation
When is the Next Incarnation?
Who are your physical parents?
Which gender body do 'YOU' EXPECT to find yourself in?
The Physical Body is just a Vehicle Avatar Problem
Entity Possession
Entity Attachments & Bad Vibes
Walk In's & Walk Out's
Community Consciousness
Witches 'Spying' Familiars
Astral Travelling & Out of Body Experiences: OBE's
The 2 Bodies, 1 Kept Well Hidden Problem
Where 'exactly' is your memory?
What is 'consciousness'? Whom is 'conscious'?
Within which 'body' does your health or psychological problem originate?
2 Sets of People in 2 Environments Awareness & Communication Problem
The None Physical 'Sixth' Sense Problem
The Physical Con 'Convincers' Problem
The Invisible Subtle Implants Visible to Aware Incarnates Problem
Past Lives
Dead People
Out of
On this page here you will find a list of published mostly medical science research papers with my name on them. Science purports to be about understanding the fundamentals of 'reality' which is quite odd because their current theories have them missing nine tenths of what they EXPECT to be observable in physical reality. Strangely rather than this jolting them into having a 're-think' about the whole 'there is only the physical' delusion they have hypothesized the existence of various types of invisible substances. Even more strangely despite that there is no evidence for the hypothesized invisible substances (dark matter, dark energy and dark forces . . . ) they have been expending enormous amounts of time, energy and money trying to detect these. Contrast this with the absolute insistence that Hahahahahhhhhhahah NOTHING invisible and undetectable could be influencing 'physical' people and you might question that perhaps the existence of invisible influences is perhaps the only logical way of explaining the observable illogical 'rationalizations' exhibited by academics and scientists that are deducing and making pronouncements about 'invisible and undetectable' THINGS. Despite that 90% of the expected to be visible is AWOL and despite that it's taken a shit load of research, THINKING and calculations before they figured out that what they expect to be readily observably ISN'T such that they then started to put together models and hypothesize and look for clues for what MUST BE HIDDEN FROM THEM they are still observably incapable of applying the same logic to the huge numbers of persistent BUT readily perceptually OBSERVABLE invisible 'things' problem. So, for certain 'research' lines science can collect evidence and construct likely models to explain the evidence of what is hidden and undetectable and essentially missing. Strangely, for other 'research' lines academics and scientists are observably not even allowed to engage with these at least NOT in rational and objective ways (this is yet another reason as to why I left science). So, this VUE does what any purported to be 'rational and objective' researcher would do. It collates all the evidence of a wide variety of observable odd things as well as of common experiences while providing a very logical model of how certain aspects of reality would HAVE TO ACTUALLY BE to logically explain all of this evidence (including the balminess of science). So, this first section provided a likely back story leading to the circumstances which would result in a wide variety of 'hidden' things which have been readily detected by people with specific perceptual abilities. Despite everything in this section being laid out very logically it's likely that many that would consider themselves to be 'rational' will to be put off from reading further (probably because there in no mention of invisible dark matter or other related 'mythical' science substances). Strangely, avoiding (or being made to avoid) reading what I've put together here actually supports what I'm presenting BECAUSE 'IF' what I'm presenting is 'correct' then you can guarantee that researchers are all being managed (by invisible things) with respect to what they are allowed to read and how well they are allowed to evaluate what they are allowed to take in of what they are allowed to read. Managing 'everyone' but very particularly 'researchers' is actually very 'predictable' and particularly so if you actually become aware of the scale of observable and scientifically recorded evidence that supports quite a few angles of that I am laying out here.
We are actually IMMORTAL Subtle Beings, whom originate in what I personally describe as the subtle strata of reality. As subtle beings we naturally take in 'resonances' as 'energetic' sustenance directly from the subtle environment. In other words, in NOT having to scavenge or 'grow' food we have absolutely NO resource burdens . . . No one in the subtle reality 'WORKS' because there is no need. In fact it would be ridiculous to even suggest the concept of 'work' because just by existing they have everything they need to live and to do what they wish . . . Being made of a much lighter, higher frequency material (elements and atom type things) the material doesn't weigh enough to clump and form dense worlds. However, the strata next door which we call 'the physical' is way denser AND in some ways it is quite enticing as the denser material interactions over vast time spans have resulted in the emergence of physical worlds and even physical life.
We originate as subtle beings that are living in what I call a subtle strata. The subtle strata occupies the same 'space' but is of a different base resonance or frequency compared to the more dense parallel strata which we here identify as the physical strata. Some subtle beings in becoming aware of the denser physical strata started to directly explore this strata as they figured out how to design and build subtle to physical strata interfacing. Doing this allows them to enter and engage with the physical strata and over time to more and more effectively and seamlessly engage with this separate physical strata of reality and to explore it's make up. In achieving this they then have access to an entirely different 'realm' of reality. For expanded details of the 'macro structure of the multiverse' then read the VUE on this page here.
Eventually they discover some physical worlds whose surface is alive with many different forms of primitive organic life. The organic life seem to have developed and evolved over very long time spans. The subtle explorers and observers eventually become particularly interested in the free living animal forms. They spend time watching and studying these physical animal forms and learning about their life cycles and how they live in the environment. Eventually someone comes up with an interesting and very obvious idea . . . . . . perhaps they could interface to an animal form and even spend time LIVING AS THAT FORM . . .
So, eventually after developing more advanced interfacing and after lots of trial and error some immortal subtle forms are eventually able to directly interface to one of the weird organic physical forms that they have found living on the surface skin of the sparsely scattered round physical worlds. They have so much fun doing this that they invite more and more of their subtle friends to join them so they can all have an immersive physical experience with each of them living the experiences and life of the physical animal form they are interfaced to. With practice these physical strata explorers find that they can adapt their interfacing technologies to seamlessly engage with these animal forms AND even more exciting they eventually do this so well that they can live as if they are the animal form for it's entire life cycle. It doesn't take much imagination to appreciate that if they are interfaced 24 hours a day for many years to an animal form to experience living out it's entire life cycle AND they have specifically designed interfacing to give themselves the most immersive 'physical reality orientated' experience possible then they are at risk of losing touch with their subtle form origins. We are at this very moment NOW designing VR interfacing technologies AND some of the main design attributes that are being strived for is to give people a completely immersive VR experience as disengaged as possible from their assumed 'real' physical life. If the same design imperative was applied to the subtle to physical interfacing such that it was designed to always keep the subtle forms attention and awareness focused on the physical animal forms body and senses AND this was maintained for years then it's perhaps not difficult to imagine that they might start to forget that they have a 'real' subtle body lying 'somewhere'. Let's just imagine taking the above one step further and you design automated interfacing technologies that automatically search for and interface you to the next available animal form so you could continue your immersive physical experience. Under these circumstances, all it would take would be a memory wipe for you to risk forgetting your real subtle body origins . . . Then once you wipe their memories they 'forget' why they are AND you can use subtle implants to further adapt them to whatever ends you require. Interestingly what I describe above is exactly what I found happening when I started to seriously explore my own and my clients 'real' subtle origins. This is described on this page here: What Happens when you Physically Incarnate & Inconveniently Have Your Memory Erased? Other pages following the above linked page give details of 'interesting' subtle implants that ARE ONLY DESCRIBED because I found them implanted in the subtle energy body of the people working with me. Most of these subtle implants change peoples behaviour and 'attitudes' CONSIDERABLY.
It likely didn't take very long before some subtle psychopath figured out that if they kidnapped or by other means persuaded subtle people to sign up to have an amazing 'physical' animal life experience (while forgetting to tell them they'd be memory wiped when interfaced). If they did start doing this then it likely wouldn't be long before they found it convenient to interface their conned subtle population specifically to a genetically modified to be weak physical animal form. This would make it easier to persuade their 'conscious' limited life span fragile animals to do all of the hard work for them, particularly as part of some 'lets make a civilization' new startup idea. The rest as they say is 'History'.
As you read the previous popups in this section did it 'conceptually' sink in that what I have been describing is actually a 'Matrix'? It is describing yourself as a 'real' subtle being living in a subtle environment being interfaced to an already present independently LIVING physical animal form. This physical animal avatar probe is the subtle forms vehicle to engage with the 'real' physical strata environment. So, rather than having physical people interfaced to a computer generated virtual human animal avatar living in a virtual environment we have subtle people being interfaced to real animal forms in a real physical environment. For all intents and purposes the mechanics of the 'Physical Con' reality very accurately conforms to a Matrix reality.
Right, let's assume 'just for a laugh' that the 'physical con' is actually operational . . . 'IF' it is operational then everyone here is a subtle being that is a resident of a subtle environment whom has likely been memory wiped and forcibly interfaced to an animal body that is living on the skin of a physical world with it's inherent senses and perceptions exclusively focused on the physical world environment. So, 'IF' this has been done and we and YOU are LIVING this then can you figure out what likely problems will arise 'IF' you were trying to FOOL an entire subtle population each with an immortal subtle body lying prone somewhere within the subtle environment that they were now just a physical body AND that there is ONLY what you can see as the: 'Physical Reality' . . . What are the potential 'problems' that you simply cannot avoid 'IF' you implement this con? I ask this because 'IF' you can define the potential problems then this will help you to start becoming aware of what you could EXPECT to find presented in the physical population as both experience and awareness clues as well as 'beliefs' that you could perhaps expect to have presented in the physical population because the 'physical con' is OPERATIONAL. Becoming aware of, figuring out and then comprehensively defining the inherent problems in interfacing an immortal subtle population to a physical animal avatar form will provide you with a THINKING foundation from which it would be possible to PREDICT clues of the con that would emerge in the physical population as consistent experiences AND embedded beliefs. Can you THINK of any of the problems yourself NOW? For the next 'level' of this VUE I will define some of the problems AND then I'll point out the observable experience and belief clues that would be signs and indicators that the physical con has been implemented.
Physical Con 'Hypothesis' AIMS . . . There is a huge range of evidence of a parallel none physical reality. In fact there is a lot of evidence that we are subtle people interfaced to a physical animal form living in a physical environment. However, 'IF' we are in the 'Physical CON' then the perpetrators of such a con won't want us to 'definitively' find this out AND as a result they will manipulate the 'conned' population to NOT even become aware of of evidence of the 'physical con' nor will they be able to think well enough to put together 'physical con' evidence dots into a more 'integrated' and coherent whole. Now, as I've already had experience of pushing against these and other 'reality' management efforts then this specific physical con VUE will be presented as different versions to illustrate how my own awareness and thinking has 'evolved and changed' over time such that my 'conceptual' understandings relating to the physical con possibilities have changed and expanded and have led me to aware of more evidence clues of the 'physical con' as well as of joining more dot's between different categories of clues that we have already identified as evidence. For those trying to 'follow' this line of thinking then you should start to become aware of what you PERSONALLY missed in previous versions that you 'should' in the later version become aware was actually quite obvious BUT which you were not allowed to gain awareness of OR to THINK about after reading previous versions. So, you could say that this is a conceptual and cognitive exercise for me AND for anyone wishing to become more personally aware of how effective the reality management efforts are in suppressing our awareness and thinking and evaluating abilities at least of this particular 'physical con possibility' line . . . Basically 'IF' you want to gain practical awareness of 'some' of what is suppressing you while giving these management efforts 'THE FINGER' then spend time reading and taking in each VUE version in order. Doing this will give you the opportunity to properly 'raise your awareness' while giving most of you some idea of the 'battle' you'll encounter just because you choose to attempt to do this . . . AND . . . if you 'DO' join any dots or figure out some new evidence line OR have a 'story' of the effects you experience because you've giving the 'FINGER' to this 'shit' then leave a comment below . . . CopyrightThis VUE is Copyright Clive S Hetherington 2015 This is Version 2.00: Feburary 2015 (approx 17000 words) Version 1.00: November 2014 (approx 7000 words)
OK, so just imagine that you are a subtle psychopath and your dream is to have your very own physical world empire 'powered' by intelligent but not TOO intelligent 'conscious' animals. How are you going to persuade the subtle people to sign up in the numbers you need to build a physical empire big enough to impress your psychopathic friends? Can you imagine early versions of the 'subtle' sales people trying to sell immortal subtle people the: "incarnate into a physical animal and start 'living the dream'" CON? Can YOU? "Only 50 million miles on the clock, wheel tread you need an electron-microscope to detect, easy 'quick' start if you park at the top of a hill . . . those types of car sales people." These early subtle sales people will be the same ones that down the line you end up dealing with as used physical car sales people (as above so below) particularly when the psychopaths start running out of easily found subtle people to sign up for their physical con scam.
I'm sure that psychopath types in competition with each other to see who can build the biggest empire in the shortest time span might just be tempted to resort to kidnapping volunteers!!!! If you are kidnapping people in the subtle reality and are FORCIBLY interfacing them to a human body then it's very likely that the peaceful subtle people subjected to this will actually experience severe trauma when this is done to them. It is then possible that while living as a pretend physical form that under certain conditions the unexpressed traumas will come to the surface and play out in various ways within the physical avatar form. It is also possible that some subtle people will be sensitive enough to their subtle form that under certain conditions they will be able to sub-consciously sense or perceive the state of their subtle energy body which much like Neo in the Matrix films will be held immobile in some interfacing chamber with perhaps the occasional visit from a subtle form that would be checking and monitoring those in the interfacing chambers. Did you know that personal and 'real' to the individual 'inner' abduction experiences result in 'symptoms' that are estimated to be experienced by up to 6% of the population here? This would mean that globally about 400 million people here might be presenting what appears to the relived trauma of some sort of hidden or sub-conscious abduction event? Did you know that some sources claim that the very scary and traumatizing sleep paralysis experience that is part of these symptoms may be presenting in 25% of the population? In other words the incidence of what appears to be some suppressed trauma symptoms as 'sleep paralysis' could actually be being experienced by 2 billion here. My own personal sleep paralysis experience is described here, it includes my impression of the vague almost 'transparent' figures that occasionally made my sleep paralysis nights even more scary than usual. Do I need to point out to the poorly educated that 'subtle' beings are actually quite transparent, particularly when they are stripped of all of their interfacing and are 'as they are' minus all of the interfacing shit.
So, if this 'con' is operational then everyone here whether they are aware of it or not will each have two bodies: 1. You will have your subtle body . . . and . . . 2. You will also have the physical avatar body that you are interfaced to (likely the one you are most familiar with). If we do have two bodies then this means that we will actually have two sets of senses and perceptions. Of course, it is also likely that if the physical 'con' is operational then because it's based on 'deceit' it is likely that interfacing will be preferentially designed with a bias to have your attention and hence your full range of 'perceptions' focused on the 'enticing and vivid' external physical environment and as well away from your invisible subtle bodies senses and perceptions as possible. Strangely there is a correlation between activities such as meditation and various 'spiritual' and self awareness approaches AND of people becoming 'sensitive' to things that are not physically perceivable. This entire two senses problem section will describe the outcome of my own personal efforts that began in my early 20's to engage with and to investigate my internal body states and conditions. That in becoming more dedicated and focused on doing this over a span of three decades I more and more engaged with various none physical senses which are of course very likely to be my subtle bodies senses and perceptions. I am absolutely sure that anyone can learn to do this if they put in the time and are dedicated in their efforts.
It is specifically myself putting together this VUE because as a competent researcher I had various debilitating personal issues AND because of these from my early 20's I started to consciously train myself to try and directly engage with what was happening within myself. So, I started working as a Junior Research Associate at the age of 21. Six months later I started my own program of 'personal' self awareness in efforts to understand the causes of (and to eradicate) a debilitating stammer and speech block. From this time on 5% of my salary was spent each month on involving myself with various 'practices' and personal engagement 'approaches' that might help me to better engage with and to understand what was happening within myself more deeply. For example, in my mid 20's I started to meditate and I 'practiced' doing this for 1 and sometime 2 hours each day for probably 4/5 years. About a decade later I ended up feeling that this 'practice' wasn't particularly useful. At least it wasn't useful compared to what I achieved by learning to directly engage with myself and my own inner sensations and states (all described in this section). Some years after discontinuing with the meditation I started to spend serious time orientating to engage with and to directly explore my inner states in attempts to investigate and to understand why I had no interactive feelings AND to find what was responsible for myself NOT having 'normal' interactive feeling responses. To do this, I would sit and spend time orientating and learning to become aware of, engage with and to keep my attention on any body block sensations (such as tightness and tension within certain parts of my body) that I could consciously feel. Basically, I ended up spending more and more time engaging with and trying to become aware of what was happening within myself and particularly to investigate and to understand what felt to me to be blocked areas within my body as a start. It is only when you do this AND you do this consistently for years that you become aware of . . . 1. How much time and effort it requires before you just start to develop some basic self awareness of what is going on within your 'physical' body. 2. Persistence in taking this approach leads you to become aware of how much HAS been going on in your own body that you have been completely 'unconsciously' unaware of. 3. That after decades of doing this it eventually dawns on you that there actually appears to be a built in 'bias' keeping people (everyone) disengaged from their inner physical states. So, from around my mid 30's I changed gear and started spending more time engaging with my inner states in attempts to investigate my default 'no interactive' emotional responses condition.
While persistently engaging with what felt to me to be sensations linked to blocked areas in various parts of my body (particularly my heart and abdomen areas) I gradually become more and more aware of what can only be described as internal 'barriers, containments, tensions and tightness'. These 'containments' were more prominent or obvious in circumstances where I 'obviously' wasn't appropriately emotionally responding during particular interactions with friends or acquaintances. For example, I can remember having a difficult conversation with some friends whom basically said some very unfair and quite nasty things about myself. At the time I had no reaction including NO emotional reaction to this interaction BUT three weeks later I THEN found myself becoming very pre-occupied with the details of this past conversation which included me having very strong 'negative' emotional reactions to what was said to me. In other words my I seemed to have a bizarre three week buffer, before which I'd have no 'appropriate' reactions or responses and particularly emotional ones. To directly investigate these types of specific contained blocked areas I started to spend time at least every other day over a few months deliberately feeling into and continuously engaging with these blocked, containing, 'tight' sensations. I eventually managed to very strongly engage with what can only be described as internal invisible barriers and blocks which represented subtle seals keeping feelings and emotions that in the past I hadn't liked sealed and dampened down. In pushing against what felt like barriers and containments while holding to a very strong intention to have them opened I would end up having a strong emotional release almost like a catharsis. In repeatedly feeling for and engaging with these contained areas and opening them this had me gradually recovering interactive feelings in interactions with others. Before these FIFTEEN years of effort I was 'blank' and 'unresponsive' in feeling terms. This is no longer the case. So, I shifted from being emotionally blank and unresponsive to recovering 'normal' moment by moment interactive feeling responses curing interactions with other. While I was engaging with these containments and trying to trace them to their past origins I eventually became aware of what I can 'best' describe as a symbolic past event that represented myself emotionally disengaging from my parents. The next time I visited my parents I talked to my mother about this AND she confirmed that from one day to the next at the age of about three I had suddenly reacted against being held and 'cared' for AND from that time on I refused to be held, cared for or kissed after this point. Why was this? Well, when my mother was three months pregnant with myself my father fractured his skull in a bad road accident. This made him unstable and reactive to the slightest commotion or noise. My mother told me that when I was born I never cried and was always seriously quiet as a baby and toddler which she was thankful for because of my fathers 'reactive' condition. Basically, because of the accident, 'anything' could trigger my father into an uncontrollable rage during which 'anything' could happen. So, my dedicated personal investigations of myself and my inner states gradually had me becoming aware that I had spent the first few hours and years of my life making a big effort to shut down AND to completely block off my own natural feelings and responses. You could say that I started to recover 'natural' interactive feeling responses while becoming more and more generally 'sensitive' while simultaneously shifting out of an entirely 'stupid' disengaged, purported to be 'rational' (academic and scientist) head space in my mid to late 20's. After spending 15 years since the age of 21 spending consistent time becoming more and more sensitive to my inner workings while simultaneously opening up blocked feeling areas, I was now finding myself increasingly in what can only be described as 'persistent' out of control feelings. Which I can now appreciate would be a natural side effect of opening up blocked and sealed off persistent negative feelings. The main feelings that arose and built up over the latter 3 to 4 years of this period were fear, anxiety and panic. Coincidentally, these were exactly the feelings I would have had in my early childhood environment in the presence of my then potentially unstable father AND which I'd have blocked off to NOT cry in attempts to NOT disturb my father. It took me about 5 years to learn to engage with and begin to get some control over these feelings . . . As the feelings of fear, anxiety and panic reduced another set of feelings started to become prominent. These were anguish and despair. Oddly, these specific feelings didn't in the slightest correlate with ANYTHING of my easily observed and minutely examined current life's experience. Finding the origins of these particular feelings led to further revelations . . .
After reducing the fear, anxiety and panic feelings to manageable levels I then became overwhelmed with increasing anguish and despair feelings. I had already spent more than 6 months trying to find what I assumed would turn out to be the childhood origins of out of control anguish and despair (which again had no correlations to my visible life or past circumstances that I could determine) with no success. Let me put my investigative and self orientation efforts into perspective. I was training myself to absolutely and utterly engage my full and complete attention with anguish and despair feelings within myself. So, despite these feeling being 'not nice' ones I learnt to more and more 'be' in and absolutely absorbed in these feelings and in so doing I'd travel with them to wherever they originated. However, the origins of the anguish and despair feelings were way more elusive than the fear ones. I would quietly sit or more often lie down while I engaged with them for up to three hours at a stretch. In doing this I cannot emphasise enough that I ended up developing absolute and undivided concentration and attention such that I could literally, absolutely keep my attention on these feelings and my inner landscape for 2 to 3 hours at a stretch. After doing this at least every other day for six months at best I'd end up in what I can only describe as some sort of black cave with absolutely 'NO' context of meaning or significance. I felt as if I was ending up in meaningless dead ends. It became very obvious to me that for 'whatever' reason I 'somehow' wasn't able to engage with any childhood origins of these feelings. However, probably because of my extreme persistence, I eventually BROKE through to get access to a very coherent and consistent past life. In engaging with what was obviously a previous life because it involved rituals happening in ancient times being carried out on the top of a Mayan pyramid that was in the middle of a dense jungle then within a few weeks I had cleared these particular feelings as well as what had been an increasing pain in my heart area. The traumatic events of this Mayan past life made absolutely perfect sense as the origins of the anguish and despair feelings. I should point out that it took 15 years of effort to engage with my internal self and landscape, feelings, senses and perceptions before I 'naturally' got consistent access to past lives (literally 1000's of them). I should also stress that I didn't do any training courses or carry out any 'practices' in attempts to get access to past lives IT JUST HAPPENED. Even more odd' was that 'in my head' I was holding to the 'bizarre' idea that the past is gone and you should focus on the now. In other words I had an inbuilt conceptual bias to NOT engage with my entire past. This 'bias' is a very common and I now view this as a very obvious built in managed 'misdirection'. It should be seriously obvious to everyone reading this that who YOU are NOW is the result of your entire past experience. We are each a product of our past and ALL OF OUR PAST experiences, so any health, emotional, behavioural and or psychological problems should ALWAYS be investigated to identify their past origins. Unfortunately for the 'con' to remain undiscovered you cannot afford to have people dealing with health problems and debilitating issues such as a bad stammer, a speech block, dead feelings, no awareness of sleeping and so on and so on by dedicatedly exploring their past. You cannot encourage open investigation of their past because the outcome will be that they'll risk get access to their 'impossible' past lives.
After I achieved this break through into past lives then I eventually learnt to engage with the 'past' origins of any 'out of context' internal sensation, feeling or state that I perceived. 99% of the time this would have me becoming aware of and of then directly engaging with a specific event in a some specific past life. Over an intense six month personal 'training' period I engaged with about 3000 past lives AND to the entity attachments that had developed due to these past life events. After this intense 6 months of doing this daily then ANY 'odd' internal sensation or 'state' that I engaged my attention on I could identify within seconds if they were: 1. Due to situations happening NOW . . . 2. Due to something that happened in the past within this life . . . OR . . . 3. If they were due to something that had happened in a previous life. At the end of this phase, the average time to deal with ANYTHING that originated in a past life was about 30 seconds. A moderately complicated past life situation took 15 minutes a few took days and one took 2 years to fully understand before I was able to PROPERLY DEAL WITH IT. Your current life is no more than the tip of a VERY BIG hidden 'experience' ice berg. The vast majority of the causes of ANY issues you reading this currently have actually DON'T originate in this current life. It's interesting that for experience originated 'data' scientists don't personally try and DUPLICATE the conditions under which certain experiences and memories emerge which would be the most rational and objective approach as obviously experiences are actually experiences AND are not directly measurable or quantifiable. The avoidance of attempts to duplicate various experiences is particularly bizarre when they seem to insist on duplicating (replicating) everything else. For anyone reading this that is contemplating taking a competent, rational and objective approach to understanding the origins of their own personal negative and or debilitating issues of any type that you can expect to have to put in on average an hour a day for well over a decade BEFORE before you even start to properly engage with your inner perceptions, subtle feelings and sensations. If you do attempt to do this and you start being successful then I will also have to issue you with a word of WARNING . . . If you are serious and dedicated in attempting to do this then you should be warned of that this provokes your 'reality' to magically respond such that it gifts yourself with an unbelievable barrage of distracting 'shit' as described in this entire series here. It was around the same time that when spending time with someone able to access and perceive the subtle strata I again broke through and started to access and perceive the subtle realms myself.
In the last few years of my first 15 year 'apprenticeship' of regularly and consistently engaging with my inner states, feelings and senses I started to become aware of specific places that had consistent different 'atmospheres' as well as persistent 'presences'. Basically, toward the end of this 15 year phase I became more and more aware that certain places consistently felt as if there were things going on 'behind the scenes' that I 'somehow' just couldn't grasp, resolve or become directly aware of. Most of these places were in nature and away from built up areas EXCEPT for the occasional specific house or built up location that seemed to have these background 'extras' too. I've always enjoyed walks in nature and every few weeks I'd be off for a walk in some very nice nature setting (I used to arrange walks with colleagues of the department of clinical biochemistry and metabolic medicine when I worked there). One of these nature 'presence' places was in an open wood well off the footpath that went along the top of a cliff overlooking a very scenic river. I used to go off the path and into the wood and I'd end up sitting down for a half hour or so at the very same, very specific location each time I did this walk. This very specific 'location' (a meter or two in diameter) 'felt' significantly different to myself. When I spend time sitting at that location (which felt warmer than the surroundings) I'd also gradually become aware of and start to feel 'presences' in the woods around this 'location'. There were in fact times when I sat when I'd feel as if I was being watched by what felt like benevolent 'curious' presences. The woman whom ended up helping me become aware of what these presences really were did so because I took her on a walk specifically to have her give me her advice on what was happening at this 'spot'. It was winter, there was snow on the ground and we ended up getting lost because we started tracking two fawns. Unbelievably after walking by 'instinct' through dense wood we emerged right next to my open wood 'spot' space. Before I had the chance to say anything about how interested I was in this particular location, see asked me if I could 'see' the significance of this area. I was puzzled and told her that I couldn't. She then moved and stood directly on 'the spot' and pointed out that this 'location' was at the very centre of multiple (on inside the other) tree circles AND that there was a 'subtle' energy conduit at the very location she was standing which marked the 'bulls eye' centre of the tree circle rings. She then guided myself to help me engage with this 'conduit' at which point I not only became directly aware of the energy point and the flow BUT I also then because aware of some subtle beings that engaged with the physical from the alternate 'subtle' realm at that location. As the subtle environment is made up of different 'textures' and 'flows' of subtle energetic material then it is likely that the 'energy' conduit that I had been unconsciously aware of is a normal part of the parallel subtle environment AND is interesting enough to the subtle inhabitants of the subtle environment for them to spend time in proximity to this noticeable 'phenomenon'. This walk and my experiences on that day are described in detail here. Basically in orientating to my inner states and senses I had been been gradually engaging more and more with my separate subtle senses and perceptions and this had me becoming aware of the parallel subtle environment and also the presence of 'subtle' people in that environment directly.
As I've explained in the 'nodes' above, explorations of the physical are achieved by designing and constructing interfacing that stretches from the senses and perceptions of the subtle researchers subtle body to directly engage with different physical reality materials and components. Interfacing with distinctly different materials will require different interfacing techniques. For example interfacing to the component atoms and molecules of a rock is likely to require a different design and type of interfacing compared to the interfacing design needed to interface well to a rock, volcano lava, the molten core of the planet, a flower, a bird or two legged biped. The resolution, robustness, flexibility and accuracy of the interfacing would likely be very different and in fact specialised depending on the nature of the physical material being investigated. For example, a rock is inert and won't change significantly over even very long time spans, a lava flow will be moving and contain 'matter' in different transitions states too. Water would also likely be problematic as it moves and has different properties under different conditions. Even more difficult to study would be something like a living plant which would still be easier compared to studying and understanding some of the larger animal forms and particularly the more complex ones. You'd likely need to interface to complex animal forms for a very long time AND you'd likely to need to design different interfacing for different body organs and structures at least to allow you to collect accurate data. So, what would a subtle form look like to a sensitive and perhaps 'aware' subtle form now directly interfaced to a physical body? Well, at best they would look etheral, like wisps of coalescing fibrous mist or as fibrous 'wispy' energy forms. It is also likely that different sets of interfacing structures would given them a different appearance to an incarnated physically embodied subtle form that still has some sensitivity to the original subtle environment and that environments natural occupants. I'm going to have to diverge slightly here and tell you that the 'physical con' is made slightly more complicated in that we ourselves are being simulated as copies of the people being subjected to the physical con. This 'essentially' means that you have two Russian doll 'con' layers. The same people that perpetrated the 'physical' con are likely to be the ones that have set up the 'you're in a really 'real' reality' con. I say this because 'IF' you are doing what I'm doing then it becomes obvious that a great deal of effort is made by the simulation to 'disguise' subtle experiences compared to the original environment. This 'disguise' tactic has been used to the full to try and make it as difficult as possible for sensitive, incarnated, memory wiped people to 'conceptually' become aware that certain perceptions are actually the simulation translating the presence of subtle researchers into what can only be described as bizarre almost 'cartoon like' characters. In our little simulated reality here simulated subtle researchers and subtle explorers interfacing to the physical reality are translated into what have been seen by some people including myself as nature spirits. What some people perceive as nature spirits are our subtle perceptions of a subtle person's interfacing being translated into an often 'wispy' looking vaguely 'humanoid' form. As a subtle researcher, you could 'easily' travel around and explore the subtle reality AND with some experience you might even spend time interfacing yourself to different components of the parallel physical reality. If you did, then you might choose to spend time learning to competently engage with various physical things, like deep underground rock formations (those interfaced to an animal form on that world might then see you as a troll) or perhaps you'd like to spend time interfacing to different facets of the surface skin of a world (in which case you would (most of the time) be seen as a dwarf or a pixie) alternatively, perhaps your cup of tea would be to experience what it is like to be interfaced to different forms of vegetation or even a tree or trees (then you'd be seen as a nature fairy or a tree fawn) or perhaps you'd be more into engaging with the surface atmosphere and get turned on by being a cloud, rain or even thunder and lightening, perhaps even scaring the local animal life by perhaps being seen as a wind sprite or even better, during superstitious times you could try and have yourself mistaken for a powerful weather god. So, the next time some feebleminded 'official' researcher whose unconscious job is to support the physical con comes out with the favourite 'quip' of "OH, so you believe in fairies then - HAHA!!!" . . try and educate them by replying that no you don't believe in fairies BUT you are directly aware of the presence of simulated subtle researchers whom are engaging with and investigating different facets of the simulated physical.
I am simulating someone that is competent 'subtle' researcher. This researcher spends half his time in any week in the subtle realms as the subtle being he is studying various aspects of the subtle reality as well as engaging with different aspects of the physical strata of reality often with colleagues. The other half of the week he generally spends in a physical probe vehicle, often engaging with others also interfaced to a physical vehicle. He's rightly horrified at the physical only bullshit research churned out by well conned physical ONLY forcibly incarnated researchers. So, the person I'm simulating spends time working with other subtle researchers investigating different environments and life forms of different physical worlds. As such it's not a surprise that I'm simulated here as bumping into other subtle researchers whom are interfacing and studying various aspects of the physical strata focused on the surface of a physical world. The combined physical con subtle management and the simulation software management of ourselves is so effective that it's taken me over two decades to join these stupidly simple dots to figure out what the cartoon character grade nature spirits actually represent. The below are links to descriptions of my experiences and perceptual encounters with some 'subtle' researchers well before I became aware that we are in a simulation AND as such didn't yet understand the efforts the simulation software goes to, to perceptually and conceptually keep things as 'confused' as possible in 'translation' and understanding terms. For my own direct perceptual experiences of engaging with subtle researchers whom have subtle to physical interfacing designed to engage with plant and flower forms then read this page here (which includes my perceptions of this researcher as a mass of interfacing). For my own direct perceptual experiences of engaging with subtle researchers whom have subtle to physical interfacing designed to engage with deep underground rock formations then read this page here. For my own direct perceptual experiences of engaging with subtle researchers whom have subtle to physical interfacing designed to engage with a planets atmosphere and weather then read this page here. For my own direct perceptual experiences of engaging with subtle researchers whom have subtle to physical interfacing designed to engage with the top layers of a planets surface then read this page here and here . For my own direct perceptual experiences of engaging with subtle researchers whom have subtle to physical interfacing designed to engage with running water then read this page here. For my own direct perceptual experiences of engaging with subtle researchers whom have subtle to physical interfacing designed to engage with the sea environment then read this page here. For an experience were a so called 'fairy' obviously was a more competent subtle researcher because the simulation translation of subtle researcher translation engine couldn't quite cope with a subtle researcher having multiple sets of interfacing which had them being presented as a combination of fairy, pixie and even perhaps an elf then read this page here. This page here describes how I engaged with my first subtle researcher and progressively 'attuned' my perceptions to the environment to become aware of more and more detail this subtle form.
Around the same time as I got access to the past life that held the events that represented the origins of my out of control anguish and despair I again broke through and started to directly perceive the subtle realms for myself too. So, I can confirm that with about 15 years of concerted effort you can re-engage with your subtle senses and perceptions AND that you can do this to such a degree that you can engage absolutely coherently with the subtle strata with others whom have engaged with their abilities to do this too. There is ample evidence of this in the article series here which walks readers though a clients 'healing' session with a client that is also aware of and has good access to the subtle realms. If this isn't enough then there are other examples of other clients with this ability on my site in this archives here. Some of what I gradually became aware of, described and learnt to deal with as subtle body and subtle environment 'phenomena' responsible for some of my own and my clients negative and debilitating issues included: 1. Subtle energetic barriers of protection 2. Energetic Ties and Cords binding ourselves to each other 3. 'Spells' as in directed subtle energetic attacks of a specific 'type' 4. Descriptions of many types of subtle energetic implants which are all implanted within the invisible not physically observable subtle energetic body Each of the above are described in great detail on pages on this site. Strangely for others not suffering from the perceptual equivalent of colour blindness whom have either naturally or through persistent effort like myself have managed to engage with their subtle orientated perceptions enough to become aware of the subtle they also 'amazingly' have independently become aware of and described the very same subtle 'shit' as myself. Strangely our academics and scientists (the physical and simulation con's unconscious official 'convincers') all seem to be exhibiting the symptoms of what can only be described as a hysterical 'physical only' mass delusion with secondary symptoms that include the inability to deduce possibilities from consistent experience based evidence and particularly evidence from 'researchers' that were too competent to stay engaged with the 'physical only' mass researcher delusion. So, far no effective medication has been developed to help those with this affliction which isn't a surprise as they are kept so well managed that they have not even been able to become aware that they even suffer from such an affliction.
As someone whom was eventually able to easily perceive what was hanging around in the subtle realm then I also started to perceive and to directly engage with quite a lot of dead people as ghosts. I describe this here. I actually ended up having to avoid walking past cemeteries as I'd become aware of many of what I initially considered to be 'dead' people as subtle forms and spent time trying to communicate with them and to pass them to the 're-incarnation administration' dealing with recently dis-incarnated subtle people. However as a competent researcher, over time I couldn't help becoming suspicious about these invisible cemetery occupiers. It eventually sank in that 'many' of the cemetery ghosts I was encountering were not actually 'coherently' responsive to my attempts to communicate. Most of these 'ghosts' were not in fact the dead physical avatar's subtle body. I eventually became aware that most of these ghosts were actually just the empty body suite interfacing shell. In effect the disengaged interfacing retains the shape and look of the original physical body form. I eventually figured out that the subtle interfacing apparatus seems to retain residual feeling, essence and or personality of the original physical body and the occupier. These 'impressions' somehow seem to become imprinted onto the interfacing. I also suspect that some of the material of these empty shells even retained impressed memories and engrained behaviours of their original physical form which because I was becoming more and more sensitive at 'perceiving' these things I was picking up and mistaking these 'shadow' effects as signals of a 'real' person. I describe my experiences of the above and beyond in greater detail here.
Having repeated incarnations despite being essential for you to maintain your physical con will leave you open to all sorts of unpredictable and hard to explain experience possibilities. For example, because you are interfacing a very, VERY long lived subtle form to a physical vehicle probe body that relatively speaking pegs out every five minutes then you are going to have to disengage your conned subtle person from their dead animal body and then re-cycle them into the next available most suitable physical animal body vehicle. For you con to work you will have to wait for a suitable animal form fetus to become available to interface your waiting subtle form. While they wait the subtle form will have to be kept occupied and distracted in this 'in between' physical lives environment AND it's likely going to have to be spun some tall yarn to convince it of the need to re-incarnate. How would you do this? Would you convince them that this is part of some very important 'spiritual' plan? That being incarnated is good for their 'soul'? How would you spin this? Can you THINK of the potential problems having an subtle form interfaced to a physical animal vehicle avatar form AND the vehicle DIES? Worrying and eminently observable 'experiences' that these problems will result in are each discussed in this section and are listed below. 1. Temporarily Gaining Clarity just before Death Phenomenon 2. End of Life Experiences & "deathbed visions" 3. NDE 'Near Death Experiences 4. After Death, Dead People Contacts 5. Beliefs In Reincarnation 6. Memories of Past Lives 7. When is the Next Incarnation? 8. Who are your physical parents? 9. Which specific gender body do you EXPECT to find yourself in?
One of the things that even science has become aware of is that people close to dying often have a day or two of clarity and lucidity which also seems to correlate with them being less impacted by any of their 'normal' long established health problems (including of issues such as dementia) just before actually dying. Obviously this happening just doesn't make any sense in the slightest from a purely physical body functioning perspective. Why, should anyone close to death whom has often been getting steadily worse for weeks, months and in most cases for many years suddenly be able to temporarily shrug off their long recognized worsening symptoms. They enter what appears to be a much better 'state' AFTER which they then die. Of course, if you are incarnating subtle beings into a physical body then when the physical avatar body is dying then it seems to me then the invisible subtle systems monitoring the physical body will detect the signs that the physical body vehicle is going to completely fail it's next 'Vehicle Fitness, MOT test' and this being the case other subtle systems are likely to automatically be activated to begin the process of disengaging the subtle interfacing from the dying and soon to be dead physical environment 'exploration' vehicle. This automated disengaging will likely be in stages AND it is likely that basic physical body organs and functions will be disengaged first. In other words this happening is likely to result in the 'seat' of consciousness and awareness of the subtle form now finding itself disengaged from many of the physical body organs and structures which will automatically result in any traumas and or health problems and malfunctions associated with the disengaged body areas having a much reduced impact on the none physical conscious form. Remember the physical body is nothing more than an avatar vehicle form and that the REAL SUBTLE FORM that is directing and occupying this form is 'somewhere' else entirely. In the same way that a ventriloquists dummy could have it's legs ripped off and be stabbed multiple times it'll still be able to 'apparent' speak because this happening doesn't impact the originator of it's speech which is the ventriloquist. The consciousness, awareness 'intelligent' subtle form will still be 'communicating' through the physical body BUT it will be much less impacted by the physical avatar forms health problems and disabilities because the interfacing providing the 'debilitating' feedback from the physical body is now very much disengaged. For all intents and purposes it will appear as if the physical form temporarily revives and gains more clarity and lucidity.
Let's have a think about some of the 'realities' of being a subtle being interfaced to a physical form and you are about to die. Let's imagine that you are 'really' just a physical avatar body with the subtle form interfaced to it AND that as some point this physical body THAT IS NOT YOU . . . DIES. As you are dying and you become disengaged from the physical body then amazingly you find yourself not only STILL ALIVE but you now living in some in between a physical life re-incarnation administration 'heaven' space. Now, if this was you in this 'in between' life administration space then whom are you absolutely going to be THINKING about when you arrive there? Well, you are very likely going to be thinking about all of the physical incarnate people that you cared about as friends and family because you will now miss them. It is in fact VERY likely that you will be pre-occupied with the family and friends that you left behind in your physical life that is now gone. You are also likely to start thinking about all of those you know that already recently died AND whom you might be able to meet in this strange in between place. So, in this waiting to be incarnated in between may or may not be 'heaven' space then what would YOU do if you found out that one of your still incarnated family members or a close friend was about to die? Seriously!!! What would you do? Well, what I'd personally do is I'd try and arrange to visit them just before they died AND I'd try and contact them to reassure them that kicking the old bucket isn't actually 'really' the end and that it was just a process that would find you moved to somewhere AND that this new space is is quite nice AND that they shouldn't worry about dying. That is what I'd likely try and do. Is this so hard to imagine? What would YOU reading this do? So, the million dollar question is? Does this actually happen? Do people that are supposed to be completely dead actually turn up at death beds and make an effort to reassure family members and good friends that everything will be OK when they die? Well it turns out that in most cultures some dying people are visited by and are talked to by close others that have already died. Some with this happening also describe seeing beautiful places in the 'spirit' world and some hear beautiful music. Strangely they are always visited by someone that has already died. I expect that the above is just far too logical and rational for any of the designated physical con convincers to 'get'!!!! For more detailed information on these specific experiences than read this page here.
Once again, let's have a think about some of the 'realities' of being a subtle being interfaced to a physical form AND for 'whatever' reason you have JUST died AND 'unbelievably' you now find yourself living in some strange inbetween physical lives re-incarnation administration 'heaven' space. Now, if this was you in this 'inbetween' life administration space then what are you absolutely going to be THINKING about when you arrive there? Well, you are very likely going to be thinking about all of the physical incarnate people that you cared about as friends and family that you will now very much miss. It is in fact VERY likely that you will be pre-occupied with the family and friends that you left behind in your physical life AND you are particularly likely to THINK about family and friends that will WORRY ABOUT YOU and PARTICULARLY those that don't know you were supposed to have died yet. Once again . . . under these circumstances then what would you reading this try and do 'IF' you can? Well, what I'd personally try and do is I'd try and arrange to visit my family and friends and I'd be trying to convey to them that I'm 'dead' BUT I'm fine being dead and they are not too worry about me. Once again . . . is this hard to imagine? AND . . . does this actually happen? Do people that are now 'supposed' to be completely dead actually turn up and visit close family members and friends AND make attempts to convey to them that they are fine despite being 'apparently' dead. When my mother was dying I'd already directly contacted and arranged for her already dead best friend to support her when it was her time to leave this particular physical life. A few weeks later, her best friends 'ghost' form was in her room when I came to visit. She was obviously supporting my mother as the friend she was and as a transition 'advisor' person. During this visit, I noticed that my mothers 'ghost' form was already half way out of her physical body (in other words her subtle to physical body interfacing was well on the way to being fully disengaged). Her physical body was lying down with her upper body propped up with pillows while her subtle interfaced 'ghost' form was actually standing upright through her propped up upper body. My mother was on morphine and didn't interact with myself or my father during this visit BUT her nurse took me to one side and explained to me that she was sure my mother would very likely die in the night because she'd been exhibiting all the 'it's close to the end' signs the nurse had come to recognise. She was a little taken back when I described the above and agreed with her assessment. She died very early the next morning. Now, I'm very sure that some people think that I'm a little strange because I'm seriously NOT bothered by people dying (although I am bothered about people having painful deaths). On dying they are now 'somewhere' else AND if they want to visit me then that's fine AND if they don't that's fine too. So, I don't particularly have an grief or bereavement beyond what you'd expect if someone close to you went to live in a far away country such that you could only have occasional contact with each other. Two days after her physical avatar forms death my mother turned up (as a ghost subtle form) and I went though her own funeral arrangements WITH HER. Just to make sure that everything was as she wanted it to be. As my father doesn't 'believe' in life after the physical body death I told him that when he died I'd just laugh and say . . . "Hahaha . . . I told you so . . ." I was with him when he died and all of his old already dead friends turned up a few hours before he passed. At his funeral, I was the lead into the service and was supposed to walk to the end of the first row and sit down, unfortunately the end two seats were already taken by invisible guests. In fact it didn't take long after sitting down before most of the front row seats were double occupied with my father and my mother and their dead friends all attending my dad's funeral. I managed to not mention this to the humanist giving the service, I'd imagine they'd react 'irrationally' to such information. My brother was quite impressed with my restraint. Unbelievably, being visited or feeling that you've been visited by someone recently dead is actually quite common. Surveys in different cultures have shown that up to 50% of people have had some experience indicating that someone they knew that recently died came to visit them. Basically, a huge number of people have seen or heard a person after they have died. Read this page here for more details of what is apparently a 'natural' phenomenon.
So, in the two previous notes in this section I described how 'spookily' common it is for someone approaching death to be visited and 'reassured' by someone they know that is ALREADY dead AND how recently dead people apparently often visit 'still stuck in the physical' friends and particularly to let them know they are fine in the invisible land that lies beyond physical death. As previous mentioned the subtle to physical interfacing disengagement process is likely automated. However, the subtle monitoring systems are unlikely to be able to absolutely always accurately predict if a dying physical body will actually always REALLY die. It seems to me that with 7/8 billion death variations the monitoring system no matter how good will be unable to predict the outcome of every physical death correctly. This means that the automated monitoring systems will sometimes completely disengage the subtle interfacing from the physical body BUT the physical body then recovers. 'IF' this happens then can you THINK well enough to understand the implications of this happening AND of the possible outcomes of this happening? Well, there are two 'predictable' possibilities 'IF' a dead physical body comes back to life that has already had the subtle form interfacing completely disengaged: 1. With no occupying 'conscious' subtle form then physical vehicle will actually be EMPTY then it revives. In this instance, the physical body, despite being alive is likely to remain UNCONSCIOUS. This is likely to be the case as there is no longer any occupying 'consciousness' to animate it. In other words the physical body will be alive BUT no one will be home. 2. The second is that the already disengaged subtle form that will have experienced being disengaged from and will have had an awareness of itself not only existing INDEPENDENTLY from the physical body BUT also in some instances it will have experiences of another none physical 'environment' before it returned to the physical body. It will then have 'physical' con revealing experiences to talk about. You can predict that some people being subjected to a physical con will under certain circumstances have what have been comprehensively described and catalogue as near death experiences. Near death experiences are basically what you would expect when an interfaced subtle form has been completely disengaged from a distressed or dying physical avatar body. This happening will cause the 'focus' of awareness and perception to shift to 'somewhere' outside of the physical body avatar. As the disengagement from the occupied physical animal body is happening then people will end up having experiences that are ABSOLUTELY NOT POSSIBLE 'IF' they are ONLY a physical being ONLY living in a physical 'what your physical avatar sees is what you get' reality. The 'FACT' that many people have had experiences that are recorded outside of AND in some cases well AWAY FROM their physical body AND we also have recorded memories of these experiences would lead ANYONE endowed with even just a smattering of rational and objective thinking abilities to conclude that the senses recording these experiences are NOT located in the physical body AND also that the physical body is not the storage location of the memories of these experiences either. To argue for anything else would suggest that the researchers were either feebleminded OR they were the physical con's artists designated 'convincers'. There is a page here covering many, many different and comprehensive research angles related to all facets of near death experiences. This page here gives detailed evidence and research sources of NDE's. If we are in a physical con then this would allow the people in the physical to be manipulated by none physical means and as such you would expect the physical cons designated 'official' researchers to be manipulated by invisible means to try and have them explain these types of out of body experiences in physical body only terms while having little ability to 'disengage' from the 'physical only biased NOT FACTUAL AT ALL assumption set'. Some examples of 'balmy' and DESPERATE never mind entirely impartial 'arguments' can be found on this .pdf here.
A NOT insignificant number of people in quite a few cultures believe that they have had previous lives and that they will have future lives. There are quite a few people that can recall past lives too and there are even practices and people that will facilitate you to recall your past lives or they will access these for you on your behalf (as I used to do with my clients to resolve issues whose origins where in pervious lifetimes). Interestingly and predictably the cons 'convincers and persuaders' have been managed to dismiss all past life memories as being 'made up' (for various reasons). If you go looking for proof of a past life by searching for a past person with the same details that you remember AND you find someone whose details do match then bizarrely this is apparently PROOF not of past lives BUT that you already found this information and are pretending to be that person. This shows you the extreme measures that the 'convincers and persuaders' go to, to have themselves and everyone else stay in a 'nice' delusion. It also shows the degree of feeblemindedness that you'd have to exhibit when you have examples such as the one on this forum page here which describes a three you old child describing details of what it was like being a fireman in a previous life. So, the 'explanation' of choice is that a three year old with only three years of experience is making up details of things it would be hard for an adult to find out about. As I've pointed out in popups above, I personally don't particularly have direct memories of my past lives, they don't seem to be immediately accessible as an extension of my current memories. I personally seem to have to make an effort to engage with the origins of a current issue before I can become aware of the perceptual details of the originating previous life. This to be quite frank is suspicious in itself because it implies that there is a generic and permanent 'firewall' that prevents you from having automatic and open access to past life memories. This page here describes me identifying the origins of a clients current life trauma as originating in an Egyptian past life AND the details of how we resolved that trauma by dealing with that past event directly. This page here describes the first time I became aware of the 'erase' the past life memories possibilities as well as of the implications of this being done.
Unbelievably, people of quite a few cultures and some involved in various so called 'spiritual' paths actually believe in a concept called reincarnation. Reincarnation being a word to describe people that they are just temporarily incarnating into a physical animal body vehicle which is NOT 'REALLY' THEMSELVES. The first question is 'Why would they believe this?' the second question is "How come our worlds apparently 'designated' researchers whom claim to be rational and whom whole heartedly believe in the existence of ONLY what they can see' are apparently unable to join ANY of the large numbers of 'coincidental' dots that support a parallel none physical realm?" Even more bizarrely, they can apparently join dots for other unseen things like 'mythical' dark matter, mythical dark forces and they can do the same for some mythical dark energy while what they seem unable to even contemplate, because it's apparently impossible for them to exercise any reasoning abilities what so ever for other 'unseen' and undetectable things is to join all of the visible 'experience' dot's and conclude that many beliefs AND consistent experiences would fit perfectly 'IF' we were none physical people being interfaced to a short lived physical animal avatar form. They are oblivious of these contradictions too, which would be quite consistent 'IF' we were all living a physical con because you'd have to have pseudo 'experts' of reality to act as convincers to persuade the 'being' conned people that there isn't a con being perpetrated in plain sight. I personally don't 'believe' in reincarnation. The 'belief' word is apparently way too complicated for most academics and scientists to get their head around. Belief is what you resort to when repeated experience is lacking. Let me give you an example: I don't believe in 'chairs', and I don't believe in them because I've day in day out consistent experience that takes them out of the category of belief. For the same reason I don't believe in re-incarnation because I can directly access my own and others past lives AND doing this has been the 'key' to understanding and completely and FINALLY resolving some severely debilitating long term personal issues. I also don't belief in ghost's or fairies or subtle implants in the same way as I don't believe in my local supermarket because my local supermarket is as consistent in my reality and perceptions as ghosts, fairies and subtle implants are.
Then we have the waiting around for the next available physical body form incarnation problem. When the physical body dies and the immortal subtle person is released from the body AND this incarnation lark is a con there will be an intermediate and also perceptually managed subtle avatar form that finds itself hanging around in a likely 'contained subtle environment' space. It is likely to be with with other subtle forms that are also hanging around at the same time. At this point you are going to have to sell them some fantastical yarn to convince them that they chose to incarnate AND that they'll be incarnated again when the next suitable animal form baby is located . . . For some people already convinced that there is a God then likely a pretend God will be materialized to explain 'what is what' and to reassure them that they choose this and it's all part of a Diving plan. To help support the incarnation con they may temporarily spend time in some garden paradise before being shuffled off into the next physical animal form again. You are likely to be able to persuade some people that this is all happening as part of some 'spiritual' development, advancement process. It would then be easy to keep them distracted during the waiting time by having them review their previous life (you'll already have stored the memories from the animal form avatar) and also to prepare them for the next incarnation. You could include things like Karma here and if you wanted to be really sneaky you'd have some incarnated people offering workshops to access past and in between lives to help validate this version of the 'con' too. It's likely that for alleged rational, objective, impartial types they'll be kept sedated during the entire between incarnation time while being blocked during their incarnated life to make sure they don't access past lives as well as to prevent them from even starting to THINK in any basic way. The next physical body form (as the developing fetus) that is selected for the next incarnation and of course, the physical parents of the selected fetus will be chosen with respect to the agenda of those that are perpetrating the 'physical' con.
Are your human parents your 'subtle' parents? There is great scope to 'gift' specific parents with known problematic children and vice versa. How many people reading feel that a specific parent or both parents are NOT 'really' there parents? How many people as parents feel that a child they have is NOT really theirs? How many reading this have met someone that is NOT a relative BUT whom feels as if they are part of your REAL family? I'd have to point out that DNA and 'genetics' would exclusively apply to the human physical avatar form and not in the slightest to the 'genetics' of the subtle form. In other words 'genetic' confirmation of a child being your's is just confirmation that 'someone' is incarnated into the physical vehicle you contributed physical only genetic material too.
As far as I can tell the subtle body form doesn't actually have a gender. However, it does have 'personality' or behaviour characteristics that could be construed as being either more male or female orientated. So, being incarnated into a physical body avatar of the WRONG gender could end up with some people feeling that they are VERY DEFINITELY NOT IN A BODY OF THE RIGHT GENDER. Of course the same 'I'm definitely NOT in the right gender body' could also happen after being incarnated into the same gender body for say 10 lifetimes during which time you've adapted to that gender AND then find that in the next incarnation when you are incarnated into the OPPOSITE gender body you find yourself very definitely feeling that you are in the wrong body. Is there any evidence that some people are quite adamant that they are NOT of the right gender body? Is there any evidence that this GROSS anomaly doesn't provoke any appropriate 'WTF' is going on response from 'dead in the water' academics and scientists?
Imagine that you are in an immersive virtual reality suit and that via your virtual avatar form you are exploring a very realistic virtual environment. This would have the 'real' you lying down 'somewhere' perhaps on your couch in your 'real' sitting room. You are lying there with all of your ATTENTION and senses on your VIRTUAL SELF. Can you imagine what this would feel like? Then try and imagine what 'could' happen if someone breaks into your house and finds you lying on the couch while your attention is absolutely and completely focused 'elsewhere'? Let's just imagine that you are in some very realistic 'virtual environment' AND that you are pretty disengaged from your 'real' body AND the 'real' environment. What happens if the person that broke into your house injects you with some drug or they stab you? Well, 'IF' they do, DO this then perhaps the virtual 'you' in your 'virtual environment' might start feeling as if something you cannot perceive or deal with is messing with you? You might even feel as if some invisible 'entity' is harassing you and particularly so because you can feel things being done to yourself BUT, 'NOTHING' of the virtual environment or your interactions there OR of what is visibly happening there matches up in the slightest with what you can feel and or perceive. In your virtual environment you might even visit a virtual doctor and on telling them what you are perceiving you find they diagnose yourself as suffering from some 'psychosis'. Even worse, the person that broke into your house might even be able to access and even HACK your interfacing tech? When was the last time you updated your virtual suit interfacing malware, Trojan and virus signatures? Can you remember? What if your unexpected intruder not only hacks into your suit interfacing BUT, they also begin to take control of your virtual avatar body? What would that feel like to your avatar form? Well, it'll be around this time that your virtual avatar form is finding out just what is feels like to be POSSESSED. It'll be experiencing having it's body taken over AND against it's will and control it's being made to do things it and 'YOU' cannot stop. What would you feel like if the hacker made your virtual avatar form look for a kitchen knife and then has you lurching off looking for other 'virtual' people to stab? What happens if your body is immortal AND doesn't need food AND you've had your memory wiped so you don't even know you've a subtle body never mind where you might have left it? Is the above too hard to 'envisage'? What other possibilities could apply in this scenario which could result in bizarre experiences? Well, what happens 'if' you and your friends can only afford 'one' avatar between yourselves? What happens if you take turns to engage with a single avatar on the 'virtual' net? What will other 'virtual' people THINK of your virtual avatar form particularly as it seems to be switching between different male and female personalities? What is a virtual avatar probe psychologist (whom also doesn't know they are virtual) going to make of this? So, if we are living a 'real' physical con then apart from the above what other ODD experiences can you deduce will be likely? Do any of these odd experiences MATCH with what people are actually LIVING here?
The only thing that makes your human body avatar yours is the interfacing that connects your subtle body perceptions and other attributes to the physical body. As your subtle body is lying on a slab 'somewhere' AND the majority of people here about as sensitive as a brick then with respect to them being aware that they have a separate subtle form body then anyone lacking morals and or anyone whom as a subtle being is holding a grudge against you or your brand of beliefs could decide to give you a hard time by co-interfacing to your very own physical avatar. This wouldn't be that difficult to do. In the same way that you can hack the controls of some cars and take control of car remotely AND the driver cannot do anything about it. In the same way that someone determined enough could HACK into your (invisible) wifi connection and hijack and take control of your game ‘avatar’ and then cause your avatar to do embarrassingly badly in that immersive game you spend time playing (like for example, having it try and kill off it’s game friends and associates!!!!). I’m sure that under these vaguely equivalent circumstances your game buddies may be slightly more understanding compared to say a psycho therapist listening to a client claiming that someone is trying to hijack their own personal physical earth life avatar vehicle?
What other ways could your invisible subtle energy body be influenced that could impact your physical avatar form and particularly in negative ways? Well, if you get direct access to the subtle realms and start to properly investigate these then you might eventually become aware of what are called 'attachments'. Basically your past connections and interactions with others as a subtle being results in what can only be described as very fine subtle energy connections (locally called energetic cords and ties) that permanently link you to others and them to you. These subtle energy connecting cords are assumed to be a part of the natural functioning of the subtle energy body. These cords and ties both maintain and influence your emotional connections and your behaviours and attitudes to others. They do in fact remind you of others AND others of yourself. As these subtle connections establish a permanent and direct 'living' link between yourself and 'specific' others then it is likely that when you read a book, watch a film, are talking to someone or are directly recalling past memories then even sub-consciously these can remind you of some past event, incident or experience you had with some other then it is likely that the person you then start thinking about will on some level feel that you have your 'attention' on them and they might even become aware of what you are feelings about themselves through these subtle connections. This is just one means by which people can (on some level) be aware of 'someone' else at a distance. This is how someone 'sensitive' to these connections can 'know' whom is ringing them before they answer the phone for example. The problem is that people you have spent time with in the past whom you have had disagreements, fall outs, emotional hurts and traumas with that have not been adequately resolved then these subtle cords actually act as a direct transmission line that at the very least can transmit 'disturbing' things to yourself or even worse these connecting lines act as tied string that can lead people you'd prefer to avoid to finding you. This is particularly the case with subtle beings who can then find your subtle body at which point they can start to directly interfere with it. So, just these energetic ties themselves with someone on the other end tugging on it or even just sending 'negative' vibes down the connecting line can cause people that assume they are just physical to start feeling undefined 'presences', 'invisible material accumulations and directed forces' as well as 'entity attacks' and general 'bad vibes'. ~ Basic Understandings to Approach Dealing with Entity Attachments ~ Learning How to Resolve Different Types of Entity Attachments ~ Becoming Aware of the Past Life Origins of Entity Attachments ~ Some Examples of The Different Reasons for Energetic Attachments ~ Subtle Connecting Cords & Ties Binding you to Others Explained ~ More Ideas of why you could have an Entity Attachment ~ Advice to Help you Release an Entity Attachment for Yourself Perhaps I should re-iterate that my original 'profession' was as a medical research scientist a profession that I now see as delusional in it's basic assumptions. Although being managed by invisible means to absolutely hold to delusional assumptions would be expected for the 'physical' CON as would the inability to approach 'experience' based 'data' as EXPERIENCES which if you could be rational and objective about these subjects you'd realise should be researched by the researcher finding ways to themselves experience THE SAME EXPERIENCES. Strangely, doing the work necessary to perceive and experience none physical realities is exactly what I have done . . . This is despite this not being my original intention! All I wanted to do was to understand 'everything' that was contributing to my own set of debilitating personal issues. What is described on these pages achieved this goal, all the original issues I was investigating are now resolved.
In certain circles it is common knowledge and commonly understood that the real subtle person interfaced to the physical body can be replaced by some other subtle person BY PRIOR ARRANGEMENT. The physical animal form body is considered by 'free' subtle forms as being purely a vehicle and in the same way that you can pass your car on to someone else, then some subtle people arrange to do this with their 'earth' based physical vehicle too. This is particularly the case with subtle researchers whom not being as brain dead as the researchers here would find it much more efficient to spend time in different physical vehicles to experience different environments and circumstances while NOT having their memory wiped. In the distant past I had a relationship with multiple subtle occupiers of the same physical vehicle. They were all part of a 'what is going on in this specific physical world' research project. They didn't think this arrangement strange, rather to them it was entirely normal. They had their full memories of 'themselves' as a subtle form and of their experience as a subtle form. Once a new subtle researcher form entered this physical vehicle they could then access the physical body memories of that vehicle too. In other words to themselves (these subtle researchers), there was a distinct separation between their own subtle memories and the memories of the physical vehicle they were currently using. It seemed to me that they kept these memories separate and they were well aware of the origin differences of different memories. They could also contact and communicate with their none physical i.e. subtle research team counterparts when required too. One of the subtle forms that engaged with the physical body initially felt that they had 'somehow' left something of themselves in the previous physical body that they had occupied (they felt something 'tying' them to the previous physical body they had occupied). They then engaged with the memories of that past physical avatar, extracted their previous name and address and then knocked on the door to have a chat with the current occupier. Within 'certain' circles this was 'normal'. Basically over a few years I spent time with 5 different subtle 'people' whom were using one physical body for their physical research project. They were all aware of each other and they even coordinated between each other so that 'whomever' had specific abilities or attributes would engage with the body during particular phases to deal with specific things because they were best suited out of the entire research team. As a medical research scientist at that time I found this to be a SERIOUSLY educational experience. I should point out the OBVIOUS here, which is that I am well aware of multiple personality and split/hidden personalities. I've no experience of these AND only the pitifully inept physical researcher would confuse the above very detailed descriptions with these possibilities. I should also point out that not being a brain dead or perceptually dead 'physical' only researcher I could also track, engage with and communicate with the subtle form occupiers AND their subtle only research teams 'IF' I was inclined to. At one point I spent two months tracking and engaging with the previous 'subtle' occupier after 'she' was replaced with the new physical occupier. I spent about half an hour each day keeping track of and engaging with her and of what she was currently doing as the independent subtle being she is. They are separate 'people' with separate existences and experiences. To put it bluntly, sciences understandings are more so their explanations are an embarrassment.
Walkins are sequential, One replaces the other which moves out. Some physical bodies however have been fitted with multiple interface points. In effect multiple subtle forms can engage with a single physical form simultaneously. It's a bit like a car driving instructor whom has a separate set of control BUT stays in the background unless needed at which point they can engage with the controls and take PRIMARY control over the vehicle being driven if needed. So, there are some physical vehicles that can are occupied by 'collective. Usually at any one time, just one is in he driver seat with the others as back seat passengers. With this flexibility then multiple subtle forms can keep track of the life and experience of a single physical form avatar.
I find physical remote viewing difficult. It seems easier to view the subtle reality or remote view 'anywhere' much easier than doing this for the physical. The best way of getting around this problem is to have two sets of interfacing and to use the second set to interface with a second physical avatar probe. The best form to use to view specific environments would be a bird form or fly or even a moth because these can obviously go pretty much anywhere. For closer and internal house viewing then using a 'curious' cat form seems to be quite common.
Yes we 'really' are in a real 'physical' only reality BUT strangely some people have coherent and consistent out of their physical body vehicle experiences. An out of body experience happens when a person's focus of conscious awareness somehow re-locates to 'somewhere' outside of their physical avatar vehicle body. Such experiences often happen spontaneously: they just happen and unlike the near death experiences people having out of body experiences are not suffering from health problems, trauma nor are they approaching death any more than the rest of the population. Strangely, some people can through conscious intent exit their physical avatar vehicle at will. The 'practice' of consciously and with directed 'intention' leaving your physical vehicle form is called 'astral projection'. Some people with this ability also spend time travelling and exploring a completely different reality AND even meet others in that reality AND even directly and consciously interact with them. Strangely many people doing this talk of being connected to their physical body by an invisible cord which if broken can prevent when from returning to their physical body vehicle. Mmmm, in this instance perhaps this 'cord' (which would be better described as a collection of fibres) is their subtle to physical interfacing. Interestingly I've not read of any researchers that have actually done the 'rational' and objective 'thing' which would be to actually train to astrally project. I personally don't do astral projection BUT when I was working as a 'healer practitioner' I never worked with clients face to face for over a decade. I would access them directly, as such it was very obvious to me that I can shift my consciousness to anywhere and even any 'when' I want AND for examining the 'real' subtle body this seems to be an automatic ability. This series here has me doing this with Shirley a client in Georgia USA with me in the UK here. I can feel what she is feeling, I can engage with the origins of sensations within her physical vehicle / subtle body combination AND identify things like subtle implants AND get rid of them all, despite that this is being done 1000's of physical miles away. This page here describes a subtle implant that Shirley had that was identified and dealt with at this distance. It's amazing how such coherent and consistent 'experiences' can be labeled as being the signs of 'delusion' by these being DIRECTLY made to believe in the 'physical only' science delusion whom are very likely to be our physical con artist convincers no less. For more on out of body experiences then read this page here. For an 'Out of body experiences proven by scientific study' then read this page here.
If the physical con is 'operational' then this means that everyone reading this has TWO bodies . . . If you have two bodies AND this 'IS' a con then the con merchants wouldn't admit or even hint at the possibility that everyone has a second body. In which case, what sort of problems could having two bodies while only being able to acknowledge the one highly visible physical body actually result in? Can you deduce any problems that might arise . . . ? AND if you can deduce specific problems then is there any visible evidence of these 'problems' being presented in our own population?
Where is your memory held? Is your memory accumulating in your REAL subtle form body which is then 'blocked' off when you start a new incarnation OR is your human avatar physical body memory 'somehow' exclusively used 'as your memory'. If it is the former then you will find that some people under certain conditions will be able to access their memories of their past physical incarnations AND even memories of their time as a subtle form. Even more disturbing is that the human body form local memory will function as if it is just a memory interface structure making it difficult to definitively 'identify' exactly where memory in the physical avatar form is actually stored. Is there any evidence for ANY OF THIS?
Well, it should be obvious if you've read the 'nodes' above that absolutely anything 'physical' can be conscious. This is because the word 'consciousness' was originally used to describe anything physical that has a subtle form interfaced to it. So, anything 'physical' that has a subtle form interfaced to it would be 'conscious'. So, any animal could be 'conscious', as could any plant, any tree, a cloud, a weather system, a rock, a mountain, even an entire planet (some call this planetary level of interfacing as Gaia). Obviously this is way too complicated for alleged rational and objective types to get their head around. As such, one of the 'great' problems of science is of trying to determine what actually is 'consciousness' and of what makes humans 'conscious' and other animal forms and things like wooden tables less conscious? For an implemented 'Physical Con' then predictably the con's designated 'convincers' job is to find what 'generates' consciousness in the physical avatar body forms 'head'. Absolutely everything must be done to pseudo rationally and pseudo objectively explain in physical animal brain cells and neurons what is responsible for and what gives rise to 'consciousness'. As a result of the 'physical only explanations' you have what are obviously 'compromised' academics translating terms such as the 'soul' into mental 'everything happens in your animal head' terms. Any competent academic NOT following the physical only 'explanations' program will likely find themselves in trouble.
Here is the leading question which will magically allow you to start THINKING about this problem . . . are you ready . . . “What specific ailments and health, mental and psychological problems etc . . . are actually specifically problems that originate in what can only be described as your animal body avatar AND which ones are specific to your REAL subtle body?” Any IDEAS? AND . . . . ‘EXACTLY’ . . . . ‘where’ . . . did you leave your subtle body? . . . can you remember? Well, it’s likely to be lying on a subtle slab somewhere . . . ISN’T IT . . . was it left in a good neighborhood do you think? What it won’t be doing, is that it won’t be getting out and about and for example meeting up with it’s mates in the local subtle pub. In fact, i won’t be moving at all will it. It’ll just be lying there completely encased with subtle to physical body interfacing wires . . . How long could your physical body lie immobile before it started to develop health problems? MMMMmm? FOR HOW LONG? Any ideas how long your subtle body could lie immobile and still remain healthy? How would you appraise whether some health problem was due to a physical body originated problem OR as opposed to it being due to a health problem in your magically amazingly well hidden subtle body? Any ideas? Well, as an ex-medical research scientist with published papers in medical research fields I’ll have a stab at answering this for you . . . here we go . . . . What is likely is that a physical ONLY symptom will be able to be cured and it’ll be done and gone. Conversely, a symptom that directly relates to an ailing subtle body form which cannot be addressed without compromising the long, long, long, con will be problematical to resolve. Symptoms of the subtle form are therefore very, VERY likely to be addressed AS SYMPTOMS, there won’t be any actual ‘real’ cures of the originating causes there will only be cures of the symptoms of the causes which will all be temporary as they are just suppressing the physical symptoms that actually arise from the subtle body form lying prone on a subtle slab located in the subtle environment ‘somewhere’. How do you address health problems that originate in a subtle form that is kept hidden as part of a long, long, long con? Is there any evidence that our modern much over hyped medicine is amazingly good at just temporarily disappearing SYMPTOMS? IS THERE? Is there any evidence that a great deal of effort is expended by the seriously well conned with respect to discrediting subtle energy healing and alternate healing approaches that are actually trying to address health problems that originate in the magically conceptually invisible subtle body? IS THERE?
So, hypothetically, we have two sets of people, we have subtle people in a subtle environment and some and perhaps many of these subtle people are interfaced to a physical avatar body which has them engaged with and orientated to a physical environment. It's quite likely that in the hypothetical scenario we are discussing here that there will be 'free' subtle people becoming puzzled all of way through to highly alarmed about what is happening to their subtle friends whom either seem to have disappeared OR are presenting themselves as being unconscious and unresponsive to 'subtle' environment prompts. How would subtle 'friends' and soul family members try and communicate to those now interfaced to a physical avatar and how would 'aware' incarnated people respond to becoming aware of communication attempts never mind of trying to communicate back to them? Interestingly, in trying to identify why one client's daughter had recurring parasite issues that didn't respond to anything we tried this eventually prompted me to directly engage with her subtle form on the subtle environment. Just trying to find her subtle form proved to be one of the hardest things I ever did. I eventually found her prone lying on a slab subtle form in what can only be described as a prison cell 'pod' in the subtle environment. She was entirely sealed into this pod. Within which her subtle form was interfaced to her physical body avatar. It turned out that when she had been sealed into the pod she had some 'subtle' lice forms that a) bred and b) couldn't get out. This parasite infection was being 'represented' in the simulation here as her repeatedly getting different 'parasite' infections. Coincidentally it took a great deal of competence, awareness and effort to find this cell pod because it was in a space within the subtle strata environment that was surrounded by 'dangerous / toxic' combinations of subtle strata substrate components. In other words her pod cell was very specifically in the subtle environment in a place that it was pretty much impossible to get to because you had to find a very twisting, narrow and convoluted route past the enclosing and surrounding 'toxic' subtle environment landscape. When I became aware of her pod jail and the entire surrounding environment I immediately went into an extreme passive 'stealth' mode. THIS PLACE SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME. It scared the shit out of me because there was not just one pod hidden within this completely contained and isolated location. There were in fact billions of these pods. The 'pod' fields went on as far as you could see, line upon line, row upon row, stack upon stack in all directions. This is the subtle equivalent of the physical pod 'Neo' was trapped in while being interfaced to the 'Matrix'. So, without 'Cypher' hacking the system and opening the pod then even if Neo had been released from the interfacing he'd still not have been able to get out of his pod jail cell. Robert Monroe in one of his books wrote of finding billions of 'unconscious' subtle forms each in a coma. Sorry, BUT 'NOPE', they are not in a coma they are subtle people interfaced to a physical avatar form. His 'managed' simulated guides explanation was that they were deceased 'atheists' and thus because they did not believe in 'life after death', they got what they had expected i.e. 'nothing'. Coincidentally, what Robert Monroe got was a complete bullshit mis-directing explanation to stop him figuring out the horrifying truth: that he'd found billions of interfaced subtle forms 'unconscious' of their subtle environment because they are all interfaced to an animal avatar body on some physical world. I had to 'sit' for ages beside the pod (as my subtle form) completely focused on engaging with the prone subtle form in the pod before I could 'pick up' what was going on with what initially appeared to be an 'unconscious' subtle form. Coincidentally someone wearing an invisible virtual reality suite lying prone on their sofa would also perhaps appear to be in a coma to anyone that found them interfaced to a virtual environment too. Coincidentally, Neo in his pod jail cell would also appear to be in a coma to anyone that opened the lid as his entire awareness and 'consciousness' of his immobile, unresponsive body would be completely focused on a pretend physical environment and pretend physical body. Remember, in the Matrix film, that a good way of KILLING someone's body was to unplug them from their 'real' physical body as it was lying back in the interfacing couch. Remember 'Cypher' going rogue and starting to unplug (and killing) his appearing to be 'unconscious' colleagues all lying on their interfacing couch because he'd made a deal with the agent smiths to be put back in the 'Matrix'. So, subtle beings are persuaded to sign up for an amazing 'physical incarnation' experience OR they are just kidnapped and forcibly interfaced to a physical body form. Their 'real' subtle form then becomes unresponsive to other subtle beings and is often taken and placed somewhere, where it is highly unlikely it will even be found by any subtle being. This section will point out the 'evidence' of subtle to physical to subtle communication showing up in our assumed absolutely ONLY physical 'real' reality . . .
Unfortunately we can easily dismiss all of the 'coincidental' information and evidence offered in all of nodes above because there is absolutely no evidence of or even any HINT that absolutely ANYONE here has been able to become aware of none physical phenomena AND there is not one HINT that anyone anywhere here can communicate with none physical 'entities'. You know, 'communicate' with the 'none' physical 'entities' and engage with other 'none physical' phenomena that most 'alleged' physical only people cannot immediately physically perceive. Here is a thought . . . In a 'real' reality populated by 'real' physical ONLY people it would be as likely for even just one of these people to be able to consistently perceive NONE-PHYSICAL sensory information as it would be for the same populations physical 'ONLY' alleged 'unmanaged' academic researchers to be absolutely UNABLE to openly THINK about, openly evaluate and then EASILY deduce the existence of a 'none' physical parallel reality. Strangely, as a population we seem to have been magically endowed with cognitively dysfunctional academics whom collectively exhibit a 99.99% incidence of some type of serious and as yet 'strangely' undiagnosed cognitive disorder, however, because there is evidence to suggest that it is selectively contagious then a much more rational diagnosis would be that it's some sort of mental or psychological mass hysteria psychosis. It took 15 years of hard graft and determined effort and practice to engage with my inner landscape, environment, senses and states sufficiently before I was able to OPENLY see invisible DEAD PEOPLE. It took quite a while to learn to 'properly' communicate with them. Some interfaced (not physical at all) physical avatar people seem under all sorts of different conditions to be able to engage with many different subtle senses. Which because everyone here has two sets of senses this would be expected. Strangely any 'extra' none physical sense is described as a 'sixth' sense. In other words, despite the 'fact' that there are a whole raft of 'extra' none physical senses that have being identified they are all compressed into one extra 'sixth' sense. People can see, hear, taste, smell and touch none physical 'things'. I personally can see none physical things AND I can also SENSE in many, many different ways that cannot even be described physically because I've also senses that are not equivalent to ANY physical senses. I actually estimate that I've about 15 extra sensory senses and ways of perceiving. For example I can obviously perceive easily and at will (at the drop of a hat actually) into the subtle 'past'. So, no matter how strange it sounds, there are plenty of people whom are aware of dead people AND there is plenty of evidence that plenty of people can communicate with them too . . . Unfortunately communicating with invisible dead people is somewhat easier that trying to communicate with highly visible academics whom in being managed to work in a highly compartmentalized fashion are for the most part NOT EVEN AWARE OF ANYTHING IMPORTANT . . . . NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST. Even if you manage to communicate with them they don't actually seem to be able to THINK beyond their invisibly allocated 'physical only' basic assumptions never mind that they exhibit zero ability to think in any 'joined up thinking ways' AT ALL. If either of the above two paragraphs were untrue then I'd not be putting this together because a whole RAFT of academics from different 'joined up disciplines' would have already done this.
The first thing to point out is that 'IF' this con is operational then one of the clues that you are being conned as described will be that despite their being an astounding abundance of clues that this con is 'REAL' and 'LIVE' no one will be allowed to have it sink in as to the REAL implications of what these clues 'REALLY' signify. This is because 'IF' you are conning people as described then you have to remember that those that have initiated this diabolical 'con' have the advantage of being able to invisibly 'mess' with EVERYONE's 'invisible' subtle energy body AND they'll likely do this as a priority to stop ANYONE even becoming AWARE of the abundance of interconnected clues of the CON that will be perceptually visible to the conned. Subtle aware people will be messed with in extreme ways to keep their understandings and investigations contained as described in this entire series here. The physical con artists designated researchers (the 'official' managed convincers of the 'there is ONLY the physical' con) will of course be directly managed by the same invisible 'subtle implant' means as is used on the 'new age' people as I describe here. Coincidentally after finding the 11 new age, new spirituality implants I started to check for other groups having implants that were designed to 'manage' the awareness, thinking and evaluating abilities. I identified 7 subtle implants specifically designed to MANAGE academics and scientists. Because I'd worked as an academic/scientist I had these too, I don't now. How do you 'explain' this 'FACT' to an academic? One of the foundation CLUES of the con is that despite their being a stupendous global collection of obvious clues the con's designated convincers (aka researchers and scientists) rather than being automatically OPEN about 'everything' will strangely be absolutely adamant that there is NO WAY anyone can be influenced by invisible means. In other words there would be an automatic, built in, decidedly engrained denial of this possibility. This denial will be 'irrationally' aggressively defended by the con's designated 'persuaders' aka all of the pseudo skeptics which are our very own AGENT SMITHS (coincidentally our agent smiths each have 4 subtle implants in their invisible subtle energy body each managing and directing themselves by invisible means to have them 'do what they do'). The second main clue will be an amazing inability of those that would claim to be 'clever' to be able to join the 'abundance of clues dots' such that they could figure out the likely 'make up of reality' that would eminently account for the majority of the presented 'physical con' clues. Even more amazing is that they are completely unable to do this despite that they have had no problem making up all sorts of invisible dark 'things' to explain 'OBVIOUS' missing physical material. Why is it that they are allowed to easily THINK of possibilities BUT ONLY in a one very narrow direction BUT are absolutely utterly incapable of THINKING in equivalent ways in other 'conceptual' directions. While of course not being allowed to even become suspicious about these specific 'oddities'. How would you approach managing any researcher reading any of the 'evidence' of the physical con so that the last thing they will ever, EVER THINK of is . . . Maybe I should try and gain this 'EXPERIENCE' . . . AND work to engage with and develop my subtle senses, inner states, inner landscape so that I can check this out for myself . . . because obviously this is the only way I'll be able to verify this . . . . . . OR . . . is this just TOO OBJECTIVE?
Getting on touch with pastlives and recovering memories of past lives.
More on memory possibilities . . .
Let me take this opportunity to point out that 'IF' we were living in one of those imagined straight forward but entirely mythical 'REAL' realities then there would not be ONE clue of this con. Not 'ONE' As there are PLENTY of clues then your 'THOUGHT EXPERIMENT' assignment is as follows . . . 'IF' you and your psychopathic mates are 'perpetrating' the physical con which very obviously means you've no discernable ethics or morals in the slightest then how would you approach subtly 'manipulating' the population with respect to keep the enormous scale and range of 'physical' con clues hidden in plain sight? 1. How would you 'manipulate' your incarnated population? 2. If population manipulations are 'operational' then what clues would be visibly present that this IS happening? 3. Which specific groups of people would you HAVE TO specifically directly manage? 4. How would you go about identifying the subtle means used to manipulate these groups? 5. How would you manage your academics and scientists AND 'IF' they were being managed with respect to 'physical con' clues then what would be obvious clues of this being done? 6. For example, how would you have your academics 'evaluate' experiences while stopping them from attempting to personally duplicate them? One of the 'foundation' manipulations applied to EVERYONE 'IF' these 'manipulations' are operational is that your head when confronted with this THOUGHT EXPERIMENT thinking list will (at best) be completely blank although it's possible you're also being fed irrational bullshit trying to justify why it's stupid to even consider starting to THINK about ANY OF THIS. You have a full semester to finish this assignment . . .
As part of the above ‘physical con’ evidence set given above, this ‘implies’ that we ‘should’ have many intelligent ‘people’ as many different animal forms being ‘SIMULATED’ here. This is not only correct, BUT, there are of course many, MANY clues that many people here are ‘NOT’ actually (really) humans.
What ‘clues’ and SERIOUSLY obvious ones would ‘crab’ people being ‘simulated’ as humans ‘exhibit’???
You’d imagine that some of those with advanced ‘observational’ powers would have spotted these people ages ago!!! So, try and attempt the ‘impossible’ and try and think of the ‘problems’ of translating a crab body form into a human body form and then attempt to identify the ‘people’ that are ‘obviously’ crabs. Attempt to do this before reading this comment here that lists ‘some’ of the many ‘crab people’ clues as this will help you to become aware of how MANAGED you are to prevent you from thinking about and becoming aware of ‘obvious’ things.
February 15, 2015 @ 12:33 pm
Physical Con, Version 2 – The ‘Matrix’ Revealed is now ‘live’
February 18, 2015 @ 8:15 pm
As usual, fascinating and horrifying at the same time, thanks Clive. I am just now, beginning to question my thought processes more consistently.
Since I am being allowed to do this, this must be in my script.
March 14, 2015 @ 2:51 pm
Reactions that triggered whilst reading this page:
>feeling disinterested
>feeling overwhelmed / feeling there is too much to take in
>wanting to leave the page
>disagreeing with what is written
>unable to continue reading as there is too much resistance making me feel too emotionally uncomfortable
August 27, 2015 @ 2:18 am
Not sure where this post belongs but this Version 2 has some very interesting information. About 10 years ago I had an odd dream. I lucidly knew I had traveled to some remote location not on earth- I think. I find myself walking calmly, at my current age, down a sterile white hallway with many doors on each side. Looked almost like a school hallway , and then I entered what looked like a school room. Also completely white, with white desks, white walls, white lockers. I was all alone and not scared and knew I was there for some type of training. Four androgynous beings appeared , standing, wearing long white robes, beautiful crimson belts with gold bejeweled medallions, brown pixy hair, two eyes, nose and no mouth. I found the belts enchanting. We all communicated telepathically. They were holding clip boards and arguing about something. I sat at one of the desks. One of the beings said ” while you guys figure this out I am going to visit with her- she seems nice”. The other 3 were not keen on this. I thought this behavior was starting to seem very odd and that this training was beginning to look not so spiritual! Telepathically I asked what they were doing and they responded that they were upset that I was not learning fast enough. They needed to decide what to do next and what assignment I needed. They continued to argue, and then the Boss guy came in the door. He looked exactly the same , just alot taller. He gave them the evil eye and was NOT happy with their behavior- particularly the being that was trying to socialize with me. They all snapped to attention. I telepathically asked why they were arguing? The boss calmy responded ” they are not arguing- they are discussing”. I got the impression they felt they needed and wanted to dial up the stress level in my life as a test for my training. I said something like ” cut me some slack- I live on Earth”. I then woke up. I have no idea what that was about.
If this is any true indication of how things are managed, it does seem strange, chaotic, and they seem to get pleasure causing disruptions, inconsistent issues, and did not seem to be of the highest values.
October 7, 2015 @ 3:37 pm
Hi Clive,
After reading all this as well as the subtle strata multiverse visual I have a few comments/questions:
You said you had to ‘sit’ for ages beside the pod as your subtle form. This raises some questions:
1. As you’re still interfaced to this reality ( I presume like the rest of us, maybe I’m wrong ) how come your subtle form is able to move ?
2. In what subtle strata did you operate as your subtle form ? Because if you were operating in the subtle strata(astral ?) beneath the drone strata I doubt that even your super stealth mode would have gone undetected.
3. If there are jails for our subtle forms then when dying and going to the astral shit heaven we are then still interfaced, only even subtler than the physical ? I’ve also read about the so-called second death when one dies and leaves even the astral world to a dimension beyond it. Is that another made-up story as far as you can tell or what ?
4. Are we those here in the virtual sim still THE SAME person(a tiny bit actually) as the subtle person ? I don’t know exactly how to ask this, but here is an example: If I were drawing a sketch of myself, or taking a picture of myself that wouldn’t be me, it would only be a graphical representation of me. I mean what exactly is the soul, a tiny part of the subtle being which is interfaced here ? After we disengage from this simulation would we return to be that REAL SUBTLE PERSON, or would the REAL SUBTLE PERSON look at us pitifully and say hey you did well for a clone, but now it’s time to say goodbye little one ?
5. I am a bit confused about the terms subtle form, higher self and oversoul. Can you explain a bit which one is which or they mean the same thing.
6. The super-dense strata description resembles stories of hell.
7. And finally, besides the psychopath ego story of owning simulated worlds I think there is a basic function that subtle beings imprisoned perform like perhaps producing energy for other beings. In the Matrix movie humans were grown for the machines’ electrical needs.
8. You talk about the con, but as you describe the jail pods the word con feels somewhat inadequate. I would say abduction with brainwashing seems more appropriate in which case those responsible for these are not just some individuals with some tricks up their sleeve, but they seem more like a master race which conquers and then makes slaves of the defeated other race. In which case we are not only some folks lost in a virtual reality, but slaves which are tortured again and again according to the sick pleasures of our masters. Meaning reincarnating again and again.
As a personal note, my guides told me I am not enlightened enough so I have many lives to come here on earth 🙂
P.S. Your automatic program of removing the etheric implants does remove enough of them so I can perceive the subtle realities myself ?
October 17, 2015 @ 12:10 pm
1. This was done ‘REMOTELY’, no actual movement was required just me sitting still enough to become aware of what ‘IS’ somewhere else.
2. There is ONLY ONE SUBTLE STRATA, the fractions that are described elsewhere are ‘sim software management misdirections’ PLUS the drone strata ‘shit’ also feeds people the same delusions. You’ve basically got multiple sets of shit competing to feed people misdirections and delusions. Most people will have at least 5 MAIN sets of managing shit. The drone strata shit all by itself is composed of 1000’s of sub ‘shit’ set works each designed to manage people in different ways AND OR at through different timeline phases.
3. You’ve not read enough – you are simply moved up the interfacing to another ‘pretend’ state while you wait for re-incarnation. While in that intermediate state you’ll have some lying shyster explain to yourself some bullshit that you are MANAGED to feel / intuit is correct.
4. We are simulating someone else’s timeline and that forms ‘scripted’ state whether it is currently physical or subtle is translated/transformed by simulation software into the pretend physical human form.
5. I have explained the differences here. The higherself and the oversoul are both misleading, misdirections ‘tagged’ as ‘spiritual’.
6. No it doesn’t.
7. Won’t discuss, as it’ll lead to more and more ‘distracting’ and time wasting questions . . .
8. Well, your own questions are a good example of how well our concepts are managed people are brainwashed. Basically:
– A) Most ‘terms/realisations/understandings’ are fed to us by some ‘shit’ to keep us lost in some misdirection and well away from any coherent ‘truth/understanding’.
– B) Our circumstances HERE in the simulation is unbelievably complex . . .
– – B1) We are already being managed by ‘scripted’ networks, implants and other subtle shit, which the drone ‘shit’ also infiltrates and adjusts to it’s own agenda.
– – B2) We also have ‘scripted’ drone shit which also uses 1000’s of different networks/tech already applying different management / keep everything confused and obscured strategies to ourselves.
– – B3) We are ALSO being manipulated and managed by simulation software which is ALSO running to it’s own agenda.
– C) So, ‘IF’ you want to understand anything about our origins and ourselves and YOURSELF you have to get some understandings of all the different shit piles agendas, misdirections and it’s tech and it’s strategies AND how all shit piles interact to manage ourselves AND if ‘god forbid’ you want to ‘change’ anything you’ve to ACCESS this as SCRIPTED DATA, then UNDERSTAND all of this scripted shit AND all interactions of this scripted ‘shit’ before you can ‘really’ risk doing this.
That’s the sort of useless remark you can expect from useless guides . . . it’s they that are not educated enough. It’s their simulation designated job to keep everyone misinformed. That is what they are simulated to do. They tried telling me that, that’s why I kept sacking them all . . .
March 30, 2016 @ 12:14 am
Some info that relates to the Physical Con in terms of structuring societies.
(I came across this in the ‘freemans’ site about the origins of banking and bolded a few bits):
What brought up this subject was a comment I stumbled upon this morning, in a Wikipedia article about the origins of banking:
Wealth was deposited and kept in temples; in treasuries, where safety was afforded by the will of the gods.
I’ve actually studied ancient Mesopotamia, and I don’t for a minute believe that the guys who looted their local farmers believed it was protected by the gods. If they did, they wouldn’t have kept it in the most secure building in their kingdom, surrounded by thick walls and isolated from approach!
That line – that five thousand year old line – was created for the suckers, the people who gave the thugs their money but wanted to feel noble about it. And it’s still working! The ruler is automatically afforded every benefit of the doubt, at all times and in all ways.
History – at 3000 BC and even now – is written for the suckers: the people who maintain that eternal benefit of the doubt.
After reading/ circling around this the past day I then see this article on DOTE:
Clearly, stealing from the poor (neolithic farmers) is a social arrangement with no future, for it won’t take long before all the poor are gone—dead or moved on, if possible—or before a revolt undermines the power of elites (e.g., the French Revolution in modern times).
So that second example is in this sense artificial because such a hypothetical society is inherently unstable, although such arrangements, clearly, have occurred many times in human history (like in the United States right now).
Here is the new theory which explains the neolithic roots of kleptocracy.
This simple scenarios [above] show that surplus isn’t a precondition for taxation. It also illustrates our alternative theory that the transition to agriculture enabled hierarchy to emerge only where the cultivated crops were vulnerable to appropriation.
In particular, we contend that the Neolithic emergence of fiscal capacity and hierarchy was conditioned on the cultivation of appropriable cereals as the staple crops, in contrast to less appropriable staples such as roots and tubers.
ESPECIALLY / most importantly >>
“we contend that the Neolithic emergence of fiscal capacity and hierarchy was conditioned on the cultivation of appropriable cereals as the staple crops, in contrast to less appropriable staples such as roots and tubers.”
Thus, rather than surplus facilitating the emergence of the elite, we argue that the elite only emerged when and where it was possible to expropriate crops.
Haha, how ‘convenient’ eh??!!!:
“Grains tend to grow in temperate zones, whereas roots and tubers grow in equatorial zones, hence the link to Jared Diamond’s work.”
So that leads to the rest of the article which describes well the way this would have ‘unfolded’ originally.
March 30, 2016 @ 8:19 am
RE: The need to manage researchers
Applicable nodes:
The 2 Bodies, 1 Kept Well Hidden Problem >> What is ‘consciousness’? Whom is ‘conscious’?
As such, one of the ‘great’ problems of science is of trying to determine what actually is ‘consciousness’ and of what makes humans ‘conscious’ and other animal forms and things like wooden tables less conscious?
I regularly read DOTE website and the guy writing this is obviously extremely discerning with respect to visible, observable aspects of human nature, human behavior and larger ‘environment’ and current events things going on.
If you read this and other things he writes, you can see it’s well thought out in basic common sense reasoning terms of how people visibly ACTUALLY act and behave and the massive contradictions therein. So, this guy has a very markedly different characteristic, aspect, or ‘attribute’ of: being skeptical and ‘no nonsense’, no bullshit. Dealing with observable facts and human behavior particularly things that people all ‘do’ and the way they ‘all act’ but without any seeming conscious awareness of this being the case. The author calls this version of reality ‘Flatland’ and its inhabitants ‘Flatlanders’.
He is a researcher who seems to have escaped the standard academic quagmire. But he’s still got so much to contend with, doesn’t he? I mean it really makes you sympathize with just how ‘difficult’ it is in the ‘utterly barren and devoid of truth’ earth space to make heads or tails of anything of the basics.
In related terms, I wonder if he’s got any of these implants active or muddling/ meddling
(mentioned in this node:
The Physical Con ‘Convincers’ Problem >> The Invisible Subtle Implants Visible to Aware Incarnates Problem
I started to check for other groups having implants that were designed to ‘manage’ the awareness, thinking and evaluating abilities. I identified 7 subtle implants specifically designed to MANAGE academics and scientists. Because I’d worked as an academic/scientist I had these too, I don’t now. How do you ‘explain’ this ‘FACT’ to an academic?
Now, I don’t think he’s got these or he’d probably not be able to think enough outside the academic sandbox to write what he does. But he then writes in one of his comment replies:
Re: the self (internal and external)
I meant to distinguish between the “self” in the brain and “self” we present to the world.
Regarding the former, neuroscience tells us that bundle theory is the right way to think about it. So-called ego theory (there is a soul of some kind) is a story without foundation. The internal self is a narrative self, i.e., a story. That story gets updated over time.
So with that and in thinking about managing thinkers and philosopher / skeptic types, I’m curious about what would apply from the next part of the The Invisible Subtle Implants Visible to Aware Incarnates Problem node:
One of the foundation CLUES of the con is that despite their being a stupendous global collection of obvious clues the con’s designated convincers (aka researchers and scientists) rather than being automatically OPEN about ‘everything’ will strangely be absolutely adamant that there is NO WAY anyone can be influenced by invisible means. In other words there would be an automatic, built in, decidedly engrained denial of this possibility. This denial will be ‘irrationally’ aggressively defended by the con’s designated ‘persuaders’ aka all of the pseudo skeptics which are our very own AGENT SMITHS (coincidentally our agent smiths each have 4 subtle implants in their invisible subtle energy body each managing and directing themselves by invisible means to have them ‘do what they do’).
The second main clue will be an amazing inability of those that would claim to be ‘clever’ to be able to join the ‘abundance of clues dots’ such that they could figure out the likely ‘make up of reality’ that would eminently account for the majority of the presented ‘physical con’ clues. Even more amazing is that they are completely unable to do this despite that they have had no problem making up all sorts of invisible dark ‘things’ to explain ‘OBVIOUS’ missing physical material. Why is it that they are allowed to easily THINK of possibilities BUT ONLY in a one very narrow direction BUT are absolutely utterly incapable of THINKING in equivalent ways in other ‘conceptual’ directions. While of course not being allowed to even become suspicious about these specific ‘oddities’.
Maybe I should try and gain this ‘EXPERIENCE’ . . . AND work to engage with and develop my subtle senses, inner states, inner landscape so that I can check this out for myself . . . because obviously this is the only way I’ll be able to verify this . . . . . .
How would you approach managing any researcher reading any of the ‘evidence’ of the physical con so that the last thing they will ever, EVER THINK of is . . .
OR . . . is this just TOO OBJECTIVE?
So the ‘orientation away from self’ is also reflected in the author’s comment above. It’s an automated, ‘automatic’ inbuilt assumption.
And then on top of that you could ‘speculate’ that in fact his own personal trauma (he lost his job, he lives alone, retired early not by choice, not part of society, likely relationship trauma) would lead him to ‘not investigate the self’ / personal shutdown stuff while at the same time being extremely accurate as a ‘skeptic’ researching human nature, larger patterns etc.
So I suspect we’d also want to add ‘trauma’ at some point to this physical con diagram as the hidden element as ‘trauma’ in in fact what’s driving any and all management and providing traumatized people with ‘traumatizing’ formats to give them incentive to manage everyone.
Anyway, I was just thinking about this concept also–‘trauma’ as an impetus to drive people to research patterns while at the same time using trauma to keep the very thing they’d most need to get access to–their internal selves and landscape–constantly hidden and in fact more and more hidden over time.
March 30, 2016 @ 11:30 am
For this node Our Subtle Origins Back Story . . .
>> Join ‘MY’ Civilisation
If they did start doing this then it likely wouldn’t be long before they found it convenient to interface their conned subtle population specifically to a genetically modified to be weak physical animal form. This would make it easier to persuade their ‘conscious’ limited life span fragile animals to do all of the hard work for them, particularly as part of some ‘lets make a civilization’ new startup idea. The rest as they say is ‘History’.
This idea also dovetails into the idea of ‘work’. Productive work, creative work, the natural desire or tendency to make things. So this has to have been taken and ‘twisted’ intentionally to fit in with the objectives of the physical con (and beyond etc).
The reason I am ‘particularly’ thinking about this/ these areas is I came across a new blog recently that really presents a different take on ‘work’. The ‘value’ of work, of producing and the dignity of doing ‘work’ and making things. So that sort of had me feeling into or ‘backtracking’ to the point where it felt like people’s natural desires were hijacked or modified/ steered to be ‘used’ to fit in and conform with society. So you end up with things like the following progressions/ attitudes . . .
In all of our lifetimes, the inherent dignity of work has been absent. Since the industrial revolution, when people took boring jobs simply for better pay, work has become something that most people try to escape. This has been a mistake.
Work is the insertion of creativity into the world. Creating things, improving things, or making it possible for other people to create is rewarding and important. Work is good, noble, and deserving of respect.
All of this is fraudulent and manipulative. Worse, it has left most of us with an inferiority complex. We are the unnamed peasants, the mundanes, the “workers.”
There are many types of beauty in the world, many types of greatness, many reasons for respect. We can all partake, not just the rarest among us.
“If you are a member of the productive class, you should re-arrange your mind and stop responding to the demands of hierarchy and status. Instead, pay attention to things that really improve human life in the world.
Creating things, improving things, or making it possible for other people to create… these are noble, beautiful, and important things. We should gain a deep and enduring satisfaction from doing them.
And, indeed, when we put our minds and efforts to it, that’s exactly what we will gain.”
Knowing Ourselves
Let me begin with this: You don’t have to be a superstar to count yourself among the producers. In fact, you don’t even need to have a job. What matters is that, given a choice, you would rather create than live off of the production of others.
If you feel good coming home from an honest day of work; if you like pointing at something and saying “I made that;” if you care about your work as a carpenter, trucker, housewife, nurse, welder, shopkeeper, clerk, farmer, rancher, engineer, or any of a hundred other professions, you are a producer.
This desire for production is in us from childhood and perhaps from birth. It is natural to beings who have the ability to perceive, to will, and to compare before/after results. Even infants get satisfaction from willing and succeeding. Buckminster Fuller said it well: Every child has an enormous drive to demonstrate competence.
. . .
As we’ve said a lot recently, this comes back to a perverse root assumption:
It is right for other people to order me around.
It is easy to see that so long as producers keep believing this, those who order them around will abuse them without end.
On the other hand, if the producers ever stop believing that their role in life is to be ordered around, the world changes in an instant – radically and dramatically for the better. The values of production, if ever dominant in the world or any section of it, generate not only prosperity, but morality.
April 2, 2016 @ 7:54 am
Pertaining to the nodes:
Interfacing to Physical Animal Forms Begins:
It doesn’t take much imagination to appreciate that if they are interfaced 24 hours a day for many years to an animal form to experience living out it’s entire life cycle AND they have specifically designed interfacing to give themselves the most immersive ‘physical reality orientated’ experience possible then they are at risk of losing touch with their subtle form origins.
& also
Join ‘MY’ Civilisation:
If they did start doing this then it likely wouldn’t be long before they found it convenient to interface their conned subtle population specifically to a genetically modified to be weak physical animal form. This would make it easier to persuade their ‘conscious’ limited life span fragile animals to do all of the hard work for them, particularly as part of some ‘lets make a civilization’ new startup idea.
I came across an interesting link related to an article Clive sent by this guy who has an interest in ‘Idle Theory’:
Idle Theory’s approach to economics owes more to physics than to anything else. In Idle Theory living things, humans included, are regarded first and foremost as gaining, storing, and expending energy. They have to work to stay alive. Or at least, they work part-time to stay alive. Predators like tigers do not spend all their time hunting. Nor do grazing animals spend all their time grazing. And plants can only capture the energy of sunlight in their leaves during daylight hours. And when they’re not busy, living things idle, their metabolism ticking over slowly. Very often they sleep. And hibernating animals often sleep for months on end.
And humans are no different. Except that while many animals sleep in their idle time, humans are often very busy, doing any number of things. And, unlike most animals, humans make and use a variety of different tools. And, again unlike most animals, they exchange these and other goods with each other, very often using money in the exchanges. And some of them often possess a great many of these goods, while others have very few, with the disparity breeding dissension.
This in and of itself is interesting and seems to relate generally to the ‘work’ facet of the Physical Con.
Specifically what grabbed my attention though here was the use of ‘animal forms’ in making the arguments about getting energy. This is approached in even more detail and in a ‘scientific’ way on the next page:
Work, Energy, and Idleness
All living things must work to survive. And this work always entails an expenditure of some amount of energy in order to acquire some greater amount of energy. A tiger that pursues and brings down a deer is performing a great deal of work as it sprints after its prey. But the reward it reaps is the far greater amount of food energy stored in the body of the deer, which may be sufficient to allow it to lie indolently sunning itself for days thereafter, until hunger sets it hunting again.
Yet even while it lies idly sunning itself between hunting expeditions, a tiger is still performing work. Its heart beats, and its lungs breathe. And every cell in its body is busy repairing or replacing itself. Any living creature continually performs some minimum amount of work, but only periodically performs a far greater amount of work to capture more energy. If the rate at which it continuously expends energy, its basal metabolic rate, is Pm, and the rate at which it can expend energy in acquiring food is Pe, and the rate at which it gains and stores energy while it does this is Pi, then when in net energy balance its income of energy will equal its net energy expenditures.
So you can sort of see how in the original population as they lost touch with their memories of being subtle beings and thought of themselves as ‘just physical’, they could have used or ‘come up’ with these types of arguments. Intelligent tiger species or cat species for example. It seems like there is a lot else going on besides this but at least the part about forming arguments based on the original animal form populations would make sense to me.
And then it’s interesting to think about how the information would have been modified and further obscured in the sim, e.g.:
Such convivial ‘sociable’ societies can only exist if there is enough idle time available for people to spend on one another. In a deepening ice age, as humans had to work harder to survive, they would have less and less time for feasting and dancing and playing games, and so such ‘sociable’ societies would have dwindled away.
But as such ‘sociable’ societies vanished, they would have likely been replaced by busy, working societies in which humans acted co-operatively out of necessity rather than choice. Instead of being societies of idle humans, they would have been composed of busy, working humans, all trying to increase their idleness to the levels formerly enjoyed.
So even the pretend ‘ice age’ backstory that was added in to the earth sim backdrop and ‘mythological’ backstory of human evolution gets worked in. It’s like an entire rewrite or overlay.
April 5, 2016 @ 9:08 am
As part of the above ‘physical con’ evidence set it ‘implies’ that we ‘should’ have many intelligent ‘people’ as many different animal forms being ‘SIMULATED’ here. This is not only correct, BUT, there is of course many, MANY clues that many people here are not ACTUALLY HUMANS.
What many ‘clues’ and SERIOUSLY obvious ones would ‘crab’ people being ‘simulated’ as humans ‘exhibit’??? You’d imagine that some of those with advanced ‘observational’ powers would have spotted these people ages ago!!! Attempt to think of the ‘problems’ of translating a crab into a human and then attempt to identify the ‘people’ that are ‘obviously’ crabs before reading the comment listing ‘some’ of the many clues that you will find here.
January 18, 2017 @ 7:14 pm
RE: Subtle researcher forms / particularly:
For my own direct perceptual experiences of engaging with subtle researchers whom have subtle to physical interfacing designed to engage with plant and flower forms then read this page here (which includes my perceptions of this researcher as a mass of interfacing).
I found this article very interesting in terms of the ‘lack’ of basic understandings about the subtle and interfacing possibilities / i.e. ‘anything’ that is being interfaced to by a subtle person would be seen as ‘conscious’ / if not then it’s not conscious . . . :
You’ve obviously got everything extremely ‘confused’ here in the physically conned sim with a mixed bag of sim researchers, subtle researchers and ‘symbolically’ translated aspects of the ‘real’ subtle strata . . . also the ‘time differential’ between the subtle and physical strata is interesting . . . in the subtle everything is already ‘sped up’ in perceptual terms by 15,000 so everything in the physical would be like watching an extremely slow motion video / changes would already be incredibly slow and would best be tracked over very long spans of time by monitoring or technologies – thinking about this reminds me of the video linked off from this page / which is interesting as well:
So the article is good mostly for ‘discerning’ how poorly all physical researchers (and ALL researchers ‘here’) have been made to understand simplistic ‘basics’ about research and it’s also obvious how poor their understanding of ‘consciousness’ is / i.e. it’s just the interfacing point from the subtle form to whatever ‘sensory’ apparatus the physical form contains – in ‘animal forms’ this would be a neural brain complex but in plants it’d likely be something else . . . E.g.:
Plants are supremely adapted for doing exactly what they need to do. They may lack a nervous system, a brain and other features we associate with complexity, but they excel in other areas.
For example, despite lacking eyes, plants such as Arabidopsis possess at least 11 types of photoreceptor, compared to our measly four. This means that, in a way, their vision is more complex than ours. Plants have different priorities, and their sensory systems reflect this. As Chamovitz points out in his book: “light for a plant is much more than a signal; light is food.”
So while plants face many of the same challenges as animals, their sensory requirements are equally shaped by the things that distinguish them. “The rootedness of plants – the fact that they are unmoving – means they actually have to be much more aware of their environment than you or I do,” says Chamovitz.
I almost didn’t bother posting a quote because the quality, scope and scale of ‘thinking’ is so poor but this is also illustrative of the ‘best’ that pseudo thinkers / so called ‘researchers’ can come up with here . . .
January 21, 2017 @ 10:37 pm
Last week I read this and it didn’t make sense and I couldn’t get through it. Today I did. I rejoiced when reading about the origins and our real self, which is what I had already come to believe/feel to be the case. Unfettered, free subtle beings. And also that we got conned or manipulated into getting into inferior/tampered with bodies and thus starts “”civilizations.”” (Talked about in Gnostic texts and Sumerian and Upanishads and Genesis …although texts are also manipulated..but have sensed truth in them). I had wondered why there was no intent to DISCONNECT from the VR worlds in the exercises here. Vaguely thought it might be dangerous. And just read about Clive finding the subtle person in the pod. In my own investigations, I have repeatedly “seen” multiple cords attached and felt furious at being in VR. Also felt “strapped” down and even ” mocked” by a group that I can’t see. And for many years in this “life”, my intention has been to “be free” and to “come home” but didn’t know what that meant. In the Matrix movie, Neo gets free via AWARENESS and CHOICE, yes? So I now conclude that we must become very aware of the nature of the confinement and how to navigate as subtle bodies outside the VR. And now I see why the exercises are focussed on awareness. Holy Cow. Also, in soooo many ways, I have seen the outer sim culture using a grain of truth and spinning it, especially in all the religions and the spiritual offshoots and the New Age crap. And how fear is used to make ppl believe they are VICTIMS and powerless to a God, government, angry group, etc. etc. I also uncovered in myself STILL a belief that I cannot do this by myself. I saw it when asking about core level reason for some physical crap that keep coming up. Thank you, Clive.
January 22, 2017 @ 3:49 pm
Nancy / EVERYONE: All of what is presented here/on this site is ‘very’ complicated Nancy, many of your comments indicate that you’re still not getting ‘a LOT’ of what I write here (and end up presenting from my perspective very diverting perspectives (i.e. the ‘management’ is defining what you write so that ‘alternate’ distracting / perspectives are presented here.)) For example ‘WE ARE NOT PRIMARILY LIVING WITHIN A ‘VR’.
1. We here (in this ‘Earth’ space) are absolutely ALL entirely software defined people (i.e. we are not ‘REAL’ people living in a VR ‘PERIOD’) . . .
2. Most people here as software defined copies of ‘someone’ else are simulating someone that who was originally interfaced to a physical form (animal, human, plant, rock, cloud) . . .
3. 95% of us ‘HERE’ in this earth space ‘simulation’ are simulating someone that was interfaced to an animal form i.e. most people have experience of ‘living’ as some animal i.e. a cat(woman), elephant, dog, bat(man / vampire bat) or in rarer cases they are interfaced to a robot, android and or animal / tech hybrid (the Daleks, the Borg, Cybermen, ‘Ironman’, the Cylons etc . . . ) i.e. evidence of ourselves as subtle beings and this ‘subtle form interfaced into the physical arrangement’ is given on this page . . .
4. A small number (likely less than 1%) of the entire original population (as either free living subtle beings and or those interfaced to a physical ‘form’) are ALSO then permanently or occasionally interfaced into a VR and are then engaged with a SOFTWARE / DATA DEFINED avatar (ALL EAAS ‘earth as a simulation’ workers / testers / designers for example are interfaced into a VR).
In rare cases you can have ‘crazy’ as well as very complicated variations of the above listed combinations. Eg. a subtle being interfaced into a VR then interfaced to a physical animal form, which is then interfaced to a remote ‘robot’ form which for recreational purposes then interfaces into a VR and uses a ‘bat or a seal or ???’ as an avatar!!!!
So, Nancy you as an entire software version of ‘someone’ are likely ‘simulating’ someone that ‘was’ either being forcibly interfaced and automatically recycled back into a physical body form and or this PLUS this form spent time in a VR and was maybe also ‘stuck’ interfaced into a VR because this comes through in what you write.
In a previous comment you wrote: “I have not subscribed to your auto tech removal. Are you saying that because it exists, that it was easy for me to remove on my own?”, so does this mean that you imagine I’m this ‘unethical’? that I’d present ‘exercises’ that wouldn’t work for people that hadn’t signed up for the automated absent healing service (AAHS)? Because that is quite dis respectful all on it’s own Nancy. So, in myself being ‘ETHICAL’ I do expect that those regularly working with the exercises i.e. that are making use of my expertise and efforts that the would sign up for the AAHS because this is what I’d do.
So, ‘no’ Nancy (even though I made this clear in an earlier reply) you don’t have the ability to do anything that is ‘done’ when you work with these ‘focuses’. It’s is ‘my’ teams that are tracking you doing a focus (and who then track what responds to you actually doing the focus) as well as directing the focus to reveal what ‘you are asking for’ too AND it is them that are also identifying and then figuring out how to undo subtle or other (drone strata level for example) ‘shit’ AND it is them that are also MAKING YOU AWARE of the ‘shit’ that THEY ARE DEALING WITH.
Is this ‘clear’ enough!!!
I spend all of my time ‘doing what I do’, the only income I get is from the automated absent healing service AAHS, which is specifically set up so that I’m NOT distracted / can devote my entire time to pushing the boundaries (i.e. I’m making sure that we I / we continually are able to resolve more and more issues ALL THE TIME (rather then be distracted holding people’s hands and or giving ‘explanations’ that most people don’t understand anyway). You may also have noticed that I don’t put ‘AD’s’ on this site or any other of my sites (they are entirely ‘distraction free’ as well). However, the down side of myself offering and organising myself to MAXIMISE the long terms outcome of what I’m doing i.e. ‘maximise’ the effectiveness of the AAHS is that for the last three years my income is less than half of my outgoings, which coincidentally, means that when I run out of my savings then I’ll have to WASTE MY TIME DOING THINGS THAT WILL BE A DISTRACTION TO WHAT I’M TRYING TO DO i.e. progress will slow down and or stop . . .
As I’ve mentioned ‘everywhere’ on this site; “we are all being managed” (with the overriding aim of sabotaging what I am doing here specifically) then I’m stuck in a catch 22, i.e. if I directly state that doing the exercises ‘regularly’ is a way of avoiding paying me for my time an effort then the management will make every effort to ‘persuade’ people to ‘not’ sign up for the AAHS, so I’ve chosen to not state this directly.
AND . . . let me make it quite clear I ‘DO’ appreciate that some people WILL BE COMPLETELY ‘ON THE EDGE’ MONEY WISE, i.e. they cannot afford to pay for the AAHS or make any contribution at all, this is fair enough I don’t want people to feel they cannot work with the focuses / exercises here because they cannot afford to pay anything. This is why I ALSO ‘DON’T’ plaster this site with ‘DONATION’ buttons, specifically because the ‘management’ shit will deliberately make some people disappear from this site / NOT work with the exercises / focuses because they cannot afford to sign up for the AAHS (some people ‘are’ like this). I should also point out that because a) I’m exceptionally competent and b) a decade ago I figured out what I would be up against i.e. I’m taking a stance against absolutely ‘EVERYTHING’ / our entire ‘software defined’ reality such that I PLANNED accordingly from that point on (for example, I have absolutely minimised my outgoings), then I’m also not about to run out of money anytime ‘soon’ either . . .
Thanks Trent for the ‘extra’ donation (made on another or my sites here) that you made recently despite that you already signed up for / paid for the auto absent healing service (AAHS) over a year ago!!! It’s appreciated.
January 27, 2017 @ 9:22 am
These animals that the original subtle forms interfaced to, these are not software-defined inside a VR, correct? These are living on the ‘real’ Earth in the physical? So basically the existing ‘real’ physical animal would be ‘taken over’ by the subtle form?
So you’re saying certain EAAS workers were interfaced into a VR WHILE they were interfaced to an animal form, living and thinking as that animal? The only way to do that would be to capture the animal and force it to be interfaced into the VR?
Please let me know if I’m talking nonsense :). Thanks.
January 27, 2017 @ 12:40 pm
Hi Stijn “you’re saying certain EAAS workers” eh ‘no’ I’m saying combinations of the 1,2,3,4 above could ‘include’ such a possibility. However (for example). ‘Matt’ specifically is as a subtle being interfaced into a subtle VR (whom is ‘living’ within that VR) whom is then also interfaced into the EAAS VR (to work on the EAAS project) whom also has interfacing (in the original subtle / subtle VR) to have him engage with and use ‘proxy’ physical bodies to interact directly with the physical environment. In ‘Matt’s case it is likely that his ‘consciousness’ ‘could’ be focused in any of the ‘interfaced’ node points i.e. he could shift his awareness between his own subtle VR space, the EAAS VR space and or any physical animal form he was currently interfaced to. In Matt’s case he likely has many potential interfacing nodes directly available from his subtle body as his culture is not ‘hiding’ the ‘FACT’ that people are more than the physical form that they are interfaced to. However, for cultures fixated on conning people into believing there is just the physical and they are just the physical ‘animal/??’ form that they are interfaced to then they will very likely be interfaced in concatenated / convoluted ways.
October 16, 2017 @ 11:12 pm
If I were a physical com artist and if I really wanted to make sure that people could not represent in any way any danger to the con, I would employ A BIG effort to make sure people were as mindless and manipulable as possible, did’t ask compromising questions and do not take dangerous stances. I would do this in several ways…
1. I would imprint on people a sense of inferiority with regard to themselves and their existential condition, this through beliefs of the existence of superior and divine beings (that in fact could only be superior with reference to someone) and of us being fundamentally imperfect (ohh we are all born sinners [shame on you]… all because the ancient mother would have dared to want to know as much as the assumed and self-proclaimed creator god).
2. Furthermore I would promote the ideal of obedience and respect (I mean fear and insecurity) towards superior beings (the sheep and the good shepherd), were these the divine beings or, for ex, our parents, “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far away..” (proverbs 22:15, Holy Bible) or “Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.” (Colossians 3:20, Holy Bible)…
3. I would provide conditions (much at the expense of the above) for people to be as insecure, suggestible, manageable (and stupid) as possible in the face of those who would be made to believe that were superior beings, ie. “divine beings” and their representatives (but also parents, teachers, and anything that could represent a superior or higher condition, in other words authorities in general…).
4. I would instill in the population fixed (and convenient) ideas about how things should be, or about what would be right or wrong and would make sure they were all “very well educated” (inclusive I would certify that this statute was used to reprove or gratify people so that they would be proud of this condition and ostentated it, and were afraid of not being worthy of it). Inclusive I would gather efforts for people to measure their worth with reference to these ideals of how things should be – all this based on their needs for belonging and acceptance; all this would act in a sneaky way so that they would orient themselves towards certain lines. Thus, in the same way as they would judge themselves, they would judge others, acting as agents and perpetuators of the system.
5. I would go further, and would gather efforts for people to judge themselves and others in particularly cruel ways (and who knows what else (…no mercy…)), thereby the desirable effects would be more effective (after all, god would also have no mercy to those who refused to follow his laws…). Thus, the whole system would be oriented according to the ideal of punishment, to the detriment of any other approaches that tried to honestly understand the underlying causes and truly help people (the point is that the system in these circumstances would in fact be REALLY DEGRADING and if people tried to honestly understand why some ones were and react in certain ways in order to help them, it could become quite evident).
6. I would disseminate in people a discredit and lack of confidence regarding themselves with respect to everything they could discern in an autonomously and independently way (discredit of contrasting or original sensations or ideas).
7. I would establish an educational system that would reward or penalize their students according to how well they could reproduce what they would be told, while critical sense, thinking abilities and creativity would be discouraged (and also autonomy and self-sufficiency).
8. In order to facilitate the program of keeping people under safe lines, I would encourage them to face introspection and solitude as a bad thing – thus they would not only have less chances of getting in touch with themselves, with their natural impulses and their real needs (and who knows what else) (and consequently of appearing with original and DANGEROUS ideas and/or stances), as they would get lost more easily in the tangle of getting carried away by what others expect of them, becoming as influenced and suggestible as possible.
9. I would promote all sorts of pursuit of happiness illusory promises, so people would apply much of their (scarce) free time and energy doing nonsense things, dispensing its application in more useful and intelligent things.
10. I would promote everything that would serve to keep people as busy and distracted as possible, so that useful reflexive (or simply quiet) moments were an improbability (basic needs and all that implies, all that money could allow, friends, partner, family, children, all sorts of trouble, fun tools, etc…).
11. Even better, I would gather efforts for people to face the act of thinking as DOING NOTHING.
12. I would also make efforts to isolate resistant and dangerous people as much as possible, so there would be a lower risk of contaminating others…
13. And I would also disseminate in the population the bias of the less appreciation for the introvert, sensible and intellectual types (uhh those nerds), while I would promote the funny and extrovert types, who have many friends and are never alone as THE ideal of example to follow…
14. I would also heavily disseminate all kinds of cunningly engineered pre-cooked beliefs and ideas for all tastes (mostly through science and religious and spiritual movements), all to misguide people who would dare ask deep questions and keep them in a conceptual amusement park. Thus the chances of thinking and orientating themselves in truly dangerous ways would be greatly reduced.
15. Ah of course, and with respect to the compromising and difficult to explain phenomena, I would deliberately propagate those who sound scary so that those who could still conceive the existence of certain things would feel VERY AFRAID of spiritual phenomena and discouraged from orienting their senses in certain directions (needless to say, that’s also the role of many religions, anything it’s called demonic manifestations… ohh scary…).
16. And as for those who could do things like hear voices and see dead people would be called crazy (mainly by the authorities…), and as for those with ideas that go against what would be the norm or what would be pre-established as well!
Any resemblance to reality may not be mere coincidence…
Ok, regarding supression efforts, in writing this comment I had a hard time concentrating on what I was trying to express and on integrating my ideas. Furthermore I was interrupted by someone who was very committed to discouraging me from spending so much time in front of the computer and to convincing me to “get a life”.
And something inside me continued to insist that the comment might be inappropriate (I hope not…).
… And if I had not written this first elsewhere I could say bye bye to my comment (got error when posting)….
October 22, 2017 @ 11:56 am
Haha, So you’re likely simulating the person in charge of this EAAS department then Jessica – haha
November 4, 2017 @ 7:17 pm
Trying to respond to the thought experiment assignment proposed in the topic “The Physical Con ‘Convincers’ Problem’”, and because I struggled to (counter)think that actually it would not be so stupid to comment … here goes…
(I skipped a few points for already having alluded to them in my previous comment)
1. First and above all I would worry about pull strings so that those who occupy strategic positions of greater power and prestige in society were those that I assuredly knew were the best to intercede in command of the physical con mafia’s objectives. To do that, I would choose beforehand those with the best psychopath profile, that I knew were the best on the challenge of being able to sacrifice an entire population for power and stupid things (and who simultaneously had the ability to maintain the posture).
As for these, I would have them born under certain very specific conditions and would pre-prepare their life so that they would most likely end up occupying strategic positions in society. Thus, efforts would be employed so that their psychopathic profile (the best from the physical con mafia’s point of view) was maintained (or aggravated), that way I would make sure that things in society would take the intended course. These would be our main authority figures (or those behind them), those protected by the status quo and who would be the target of a strange bias by the population which right from the start would make them have those people in greater “respect” and consideration, before which would exhibit a greater level of insecurity and suggestibility (after all, they would be superior beings…).
2. Another very important group to manage would obviously be the academics and scientists (the representative authorities of knowledge) and their followers. These would be persistently fed with certain ideas (convenient from the physical con mafia’s point of view) and managed to face the current scientific paradigm (also obviously convenient to the physical con mafia’s interests) as a religion, being willing to put everything they have to defend their assumptions (or rather their faith) when necessary. And once this contradicts their idealized profile of a skeptical, objective and rational person, it would also be very important that they be managed so that they did not realize (or do not want to notice) the fact that they actually behave just as the opposite of what they believe or proclaim to be…
To do that, I would make sure that the way in which the members of this group and their followers operated was fundamentally the same as the followers of religious groups or “mystics” (especially when the subject in question was compromising to the physical con), in other words, all their emotional and psychological triggers of needing to feel they know, to feel they are right, to feel secure, to belong to a group, and to gain approval and recognition from their members, would be instigated and fomented.
It would be thus that a movement claiming to be about the investigation of the fundamental nature of all things would be corrupted in favor of the physical con mafia’s interests, a movement that would naturally excite certain types of people, but which would nevertheless, because it is a covertly dogmatic system, take the risk of limiting them in conceptual terms, which in turn would make them less likely to adopt dangerous approaches…
It would be thus that a whole scientific community would position itself in a non-scientific and typical believer way, a community that would tend to irrationally defend its assumptions and to irrationally reject those who were not in accordance with its own.
Once it got to this point, a great strategy to use (from the physical con mafia’s point of view) would be to appopriate terms such as skeptical, impartial, objective, rational… since this would raise the whole process of suggestion of themselves and of the most unprepared to another level…
And since they would have a psychological need to position themselves before certain ideas as being wrong, doing typically scientific things like duplicate experiences to determine whether or not the ideas in question were wrong, would be for them an obvious waste of time…
And especially if the outcome of these experiments could not be recorded or measured so that it could be presented to their colleagues… that, as you can imagine, would be a huge inconvenience and an additional factor in terms of wasted time…
Actually, if I were a con artist, another very pertinent measure that I could NEVER fail to put into practice, if I wanted to avoid to the maximum the gathering of evidence of the physical con, was to implement in researchers a great deal of unwillingness to perform experiments whose results could not be empirically recorded and measured by physical means at their disposal. This unwillingness would be due not only to the fact that the scientific community function in a pseudoskeptic mode and to the fact that it’s less gratifying, but also to the existence of a strange bias to view this type of experiment results as being of less value and less importance. Thus, the whole panorama of scientific investigation would be flawed and fated to exclude all that were opportunities for the attainment of all that were evidences of extraphysical realities and, in turn, of everything that was evidence of the physical con.
And of course all this classical scientific-religious puppetry entertains and misleads people into making them less likely to think under unauthorized lines…
I would not be surprised if there were a mechanism that would make people before clues of the existence of something extra physical, for having difficulty in abstracting themselves from the religious paradigm deeply embedded in society (and in themselves) and also from their automatic feelings towards it, function in a way in which their automatic emotional responses influenced them to think in a (more or less conscious) dichotomous and fallacious way, of the kind “the belief in an almighty god, in his angels and in his promised paradise is completely ridiculous and childish, therefore (any evidence of the existence of something extraphysical that arises) that’s false” – the question is this, if it were possible inducing that via invisible means, then it would be utterly stupid that it was not applied…
Anyway, explanations as “ahh that must have been a hallucination, our brain can do many things, you know?” or “that must have been maked up or it must be imagination” are always to hand and, of course, are great to use on any occasion… very convenient … a great strategy to mislead people from thinking seriously and openly about dangerous possibilities to the physical con…
This page is very good at describing the behavior of many (if not most) researchers and science fans
(got error when posting again just like the other time…)
November 4, 2017 @ 7:31 pm
I remembered (after making an effort to think) of other phenomena that actually suggest the existence of an extra environment, an extra population and also of (at least) one extra hidden body interconnected to the physical body, wich are reported by many people…
This is the name by which the phenomenon of feeling pain is known after the amputation of some part of the body but in the location corresponding to the member removed, in other words, people report having pain sensations in a limb that no longer exists and so they call it a ghost. This pain can last from a few days to months and even years and affects between 50 and 80% of all amputees. And it also seems that at least 20% of congenitally limb-deficient people report the same symptoms.
In addition, according to this abstract it seems that “the phantoms are detailed and can be described in terms of size, shape, position, movement and temporal properties”.
For more details:
Within what is discussed in this topic “Within which ‘body’ does your health or psychological problem originate?”, there are particular physical reactions that are noticed for being sudden and have no apparent correlation with anything physical. In this case it’s probable that the symptoms started not for the same reason described in the topic in question (subtle body immobility) but by the influence of an external extra-physical agent.
Being nauseaed is a phenomenon that often accompanies reports of paranormal phenomena and the feeling of spiritual presences for example.
Some spiritual groups associate compulsive manifestations of coughing, yawning, burping, sneezing, farting with the presence of negative spirits.
I have a neighbor well known to me that when is close to certain people, or simply on the phone with them begins to feel sick in a mysterious way and to burp compulsively. Perhaps the cause was invisible spiritual influences…
There are even more tenuous symptoms than those mentioned above, also with no apparent correlation with anything identifiable, which are also often described together with reports of perceived nonphysical presences, so frequent that they are actually common sense in various spiritual circles.
These perceptions are often accompanied by chills, sensations of tingling, of higher density in a very localized area and of a markedly lower or higher temperature also in very specific locations.
These pages are example of what I describe above:
There are several people who report that after they had dreamed that they were hurting, woke up feeling exactly the same effects with which they had dreamed. In many reports these effects even include physical injuries corresponding to the specific wound with which they had dreamed.
In this forum thread are some publicly known examples of this phenomenon
Also I found a person account (–27357245/) who says that after having dreamed that had run and jumped a lot, woke up feeling his legs very tired and sore, symptoms which he says has lasted for a couple of days…
The person who started this forum thread shares some personal examples of this phenomenon.
My ex-partner used to tell that what made him believe in spirits was an episode in which he had had a nightmare in which someone was attacking him and that soon after waking up had a hand drawing much larger than his visibly marked on his chest. His sister claimed to have witnessed the same.
Assuming that this phenomenon is real, the only conventional explanation that has been given to it (apart from that in which would be the people themselves to physically make their wounds) is that it would be our own minds that would cause these results. This effect is called nocebo and is (in my opinion) a plausible explanation for this phenomenon, given that there are several experiments that indicate that under hypnosis and under suggestion people are able to cause wounds to appear.
This effect may explain this phenomenon, however would it explain all the events?
Some people and spiritual groups claim that whenever we sleep that a body projects itself and that that body is interconnected to our physical body through an energetic string. That string and body frequently described fit perfectly the hypothesis of the physical con and are a plausible explanation for the experiences described above, as the two bodies would be interconnected.
So, assuming that the immobile subtle body health problems could manifest in the physical body, it would not be unreasonable to think in the same way once something had impaired that body.
Another very common mysterious phenomenon is the occurrence of physical contact by something physically undetectable.
Many people report being touched by something invisible. Some testimonials can be found on these pages…
I grew up with my dad taking punches that apparently came from the couch, in our home we could all realize that in fact he had at least this perception. I might have thought he had some kind of psychological disorder… if I had not been struck in the same way… also I several times felt other types of physical touch sensations without having anyone around.
Getting back to the dreams subject and to the reports of people who upon waking found physical injuries corresponding to those they had dreamed of… Could the explanation for some of these events also be here?
It’s also frequent to hear reports of noises that arise mysteriously, often also accompanied by reports of other paranormal phenomena.
Some examples…
At my ex-parner’s house it was quite common to hear footsteps on the stairs at night (to everyone who slept there, including me).
Once my brother and I heard a voice singing in our home’s corridor and we were both alone…
Also I have already heard the kitchen switch turning on and seen the light to light up at the same time and yet have not seen anyone (it was a frequent phenomenon in my home)…
Many types of physically visible anomalous sightings with no apparent physical explanation are reported by many people.
Here are some examples…
About sightings of so-called orbs -> and
Other phenomena -> and and also
I personally see bright light flashes with some frequency for some time. I have already seen them from occupying a small area to illuminating an entire room as if it were a lightning bolt. My ex-partner, my current partner and my pet have also already witnessed it.
Many people report weird occurrences of disappearance and appearance of objects…
Some examples…
I witnessed an object of daily use which I kept every day in the same place disappearing the next morning without any explanation… I asked my mother and my brother if they had kept it and they assured me that they did not (they are people I know who assuredly don’t have the habit of lying or stealing). Later I knew occasionally when contacting a spirit that incorporated (or possessed) my partner that after all it had been him that had made it disappear…
Another much-reported phenomenon, often accompanied by other accounts of events that are difficult to explain and a sense of mysterious presences, is the witnessing of objects moving without apparent explanation.
Some accounts…
I have already seen a coin falling in front of my feet which I knew with absolute certainty that should be on my desk, when I looked to the place where it was supposed to be, I noticed that the coin was gone… apparently no one was around…
In addition to all the many clues included on this page that suggest for itselves the existence of something beyond the physical, one can not ignore the fact that most of the belief systems that have ever existed associated with the most diverse cultures around the world assume the existence of realities beyond the physical and also of extra-physical beings, fact which actually ends up giving even greater support to this hypothesis.
Of course, one could always argue that everything would be derived from a human need to believe in something greater or more fantastic. But what about cultures completely separate from each other that describe and live the same phenomena?
Phenomena such as spiritual possession for example, a phenomenon widely referenced by many traditions around the world, as this wikipedia page demonstrates
And as mentioned on this page, the belief in reincarnation is not only shared by many cultures, but is actually one of the most prevalent beliefs among all belief systems around the world ever recorded, as this wikipedia page about reincarnation suggests…
As to sabotages, I took longer than I would like to write this comment… at the beginning, whenever I took the initiative to write and research information or someone came to talk to me (for more than 30 min) or was invaded by distractions and many of them quite noisy, or I simply got scattered, on top of that my laptop battery is on the blink and I have no light at home, any way in general all my current scenario has not been very inviting…
December 12, 2017 @ 8:42 pm
Jessica, this is a very good summary/extension’ of more ‘vague’ subtle form related ‘experiences’ being translated into ‘ODD’ things here . . . I have listed about half of these but never got round to writing them up as a page . . .
Injuries related to Dreams/Sleep: I woke up one morning (probably about 8 years ago now) with my left foot so utterly painful I couldn’t even lightly/gently touch the floor with a toe, it was utter agony. I cannot recall dreaming anything (although I rarely do anyway), as my sheets are tucked in around the bed there is no way I could have kicked out to ‘hit’ anything (I suspect that this is what would be assumed by a doctor).
On ‘tuning/feeling’ into the origins of this I became aware of a past life where ‘someone’ (possibly a pre ‘skeptic’ – haha) had punctured/punched a hole through the top of the middle of my foot and out the bottom AND then put a metal ring though it so it’d not heal!!! So, I could ‘appreciate’ why I was in absolute AGONY with this . . . in fully ‘accessing/engaging’ with this experience/life this I ‘releasing/processed’ it all within about 90 minutes such that I could the walk enough to go out to get milk from the local shop for my morning tea.
For the auto reactions to ‘negative’ spirits: “Some spiritual groups associate compulsive manifestations of coughing, yawning, burping, sneezing, farting with the presence of negative spirits.” . . . the subtle form ‘naturally’ cleanses/dispels extraneous ‘resonances’ AND a fair number of subtle forms have designed into the subtle body subtle tech scanning/detection systems to detect invasive ‘shit/resonances’ (spells for example).
Our piss-taking reality as elected to convert/transform these specific none physical ‘release/disperse’ experiences as: “coughing, yawning, burping, sneezing, farting” . . . I kid you not, so these ‘effects’ can manifest if you’re under subtle/psychic’ attack or being subjected to ‘energetic’ shit/negative entities/subtle forms!!!
August 10, 2020 @ 10:51 am
Jessica Hello I’m Korean, I’m worried that there are so many people who strongly worship the ascended master in south Korea. There are really many people who worship the ascended master in south Korea. Korea has too many problems