If you’ve read many pages here then it might be sinking that my scale of ‘understandings’ AND what I am directly dealing with are to put it bluntly seriously way off the edge. This VUE is a basic model of the multiverse guide for ‘dummies’ with the parallel ‘strata’ components that provide the backdrop of our understandings AND more importantly our experience. I’ve been keeping it simple on soul-healer.com here and writing of the ‘subtle’ using terms that other less aware subtle explorers can relate to.
However, the ‘reality’ of the subtle ‘shit’ that is impacting ourselves is way worse than anyone can imagine. In fact ‘everyone’ else has missed 99.9999999% of it.
This laid out in the VUE below.
Subtle Strata
Physical Dense
Two Parallel Strata multiverse components!!!
Then there were THREE Stratas
Subtle Strata
Physical Dense
Super Dense
Then a Conceptual BIAS was NOTED
Subtle Strata
Physical Dense
Super Dense
The IMPOSSIBLE to Detect Subtle Shit Problem
Fine Subtle 'Drone' Strata
Subtle Strata
Physical Dense
Super Dense
This is a strata with a much higher 'frequency' compared to the neighbouring physical strata. Subtle substrate matter within the subtle strata or layer isn't dense enough to noticeably aggregate and so the entire subtle environment is composed of what can only be described as energetic textures and flows.
The only 'life' in the subtle strata is ourselves. This is entirely true.
This is a strata that has heavier substrate components and a lower 'frequency' compared to the parallel subtle strata. Matter within this 'physical' strata is dense enough to aggregate and as this happens over very long spans of time it result in the creation of worlds, solar systems and galaxies.
Organic, physical life develops on the skins of suitable planets.
This twinned arrangement I'm deliberately putting side by side rather than to putting one HIGHER than the other.
Having just two stratas brings to mind twin paired compoents. This is how I viewed the macro structure of the multiverse until about 3 years ago.
I then remembered in the distant past reading in some 'spiritual' literature 'somewhere' of a third SUPER dense strata.
So, the twin 'state' black counter balanced by white, neutron coupled with proton type of arrangement died a death AND even more importantly on becoming aware that we had three parallel components, this prompted me to become aware of something even more important . . .
This is a strata with a much higher 'frequency' compared to the neighbouring physical strata. Subtle substrate 'matter' within the subtle strata or layer isn't dense enough to noticeably aggregate and so the entire subtle environment is composed of what can only be described as energetic textures and flows.
The only 'life' in the subtle strata is ourselves. This is entirely true.
This is a strata that has heavier substrate components and a lower 'frequency' compared to the parallel subtle strata. Matter within this 'physical' strata is dense enough to aggregate and as this happens over very long spans of time it result in the creation of worlds, solar systems and galaxies.
Organic, physical life develops on the skins of suitable planets.
This is a strata that is way, way more dense compared to the 'normal' physical strata that everyone here in being interfaced to an animal avatar form is conned into thinking is their originating home environment.
The super dense strata contains very low frequency substrate 'matter' components. The 'matter' is super DENSE.
Consciously engaging with this strata is somewhat like engaging with a black hole.
Unbelievably there are actually 'organic' life forms in this strata BUT their growth rate is such that you are more likely to detect movement in a pane of glass.
A year of growth in the physical is likely to be the equivalent of 10,000 years in the super dense strata AND rate of movement of life forms is also 10,000 times slower.
Three in parallel eventually makes you start to become aware that not only do we originate in the subtle strata BUT most people here are so out of touch with EVERYTHING that they imagine they are absolutely a physical being AND even more delusional is the assumption that there is only a physical reality.
That is bad enough BUT to have ourselves detect a super dense strata which I can confirm exists because I can access this CONSCIOUSLY . . . AND I can only do this because one of my clients had a severely traumatising experience of feeling herself being crushed and or being sucked into a black hole WHCH we eventually figured out was her subtle researcher experiences of investigating and directly interfacing to and engaging with the super dense strata which the simulation we are in here was translating horribly badly and traumatically.
You see once you get three in a row AND you realise that we seem to be FORCIBLY not only looking right BUT ONLY investigating or even conceptually THINKING and orientating to the RIGHT then personally that made me wonder what might be to the left . . . of our originating subtle strata?
This is a strata with a much higher 'frequency' compared to the neighbouring physical strata. Subtle substrate matter within the subtle strata or layer isn't dense enough to noticeably aggregate and so the entire subtle environment is composed of what can only be described as energetic textures and flows.
The only 'life' in the subtle strata is ourselves. This is entirely true.
This is a strata that has heavier substrate components and a lower 'frequency' compared to the parallel subtle strata. Matter within this 'physical' strata is dense enough to aggregate and as this happens over very long spans of time it result in the creation of worlds, solar systems and galaxies.
Organic, physical life develops on the skins of suitable planets.
This is a strata that is way, way more dense compared to the 'normal' physical strata that everyone here in being interfaced to an animal avatar form is conned into thinking is their originating home environment.
The super dense strata contains very low frequency substrate 'matter' components. The 'matter' is super DENSE.
Consciously engaging with this strata is somewhat like engaging with a black hole.
Unbelievably there are actually 'organic' life forms in this strata BUT their growth rate is such that you are more likely to detect movement in a pane of glass.
A year of growth in the physical is likely to be the equivalent of 10,000 years in the super dense strata AND rate of movement of life forms is also 10,000 times slower.
Simultaneously to me having the above 'model' structure in my head there was the knotty problem of detecting, identifying and dealing with what was turning out to be unbelievable numbers of almost impossible to detect subtle shit.
I say impossible because pretty much everyone accessing the subtle strata falls for the propaganda of the simulated as divine 'management' con artist subtle realm controllers. It is the job of the simulated guides under their control to limit as much as possible peoples direct explorations of the subtle realms. Hence the obvious support for and proliferation of essentially 'paint by numbers' healing systems where you are encouraged to just act as a sock-puppet channel for alleged 'divine' beings and supposedly 'intelligent' self directing energies.
All perceptually aware individuals that are directly accessing the subtle are all essentially managed to make it as difficult as possible for them to become aware of what is REALLY going on in that realm. A big effort is made to prevent people from directly personally investigating and attempting to identify ALL subtle contributions to debilitating issue causes. This is done to prevent them from become aware of the vast numbers of simulated subtle implants the person you are simulating has in their energy field all of which are directly managing themselves. Competent subtle explorers working with other might also become aware of subtle implants making clients into a physical PROSTITUTE for example. They might even eventually become so competent that they become aware that they are absolutely prevented from resolving certain issues PERMANENTLY. If they do then they might eventually figure out that this is because your cannot be allowed to resolve issues that the person you are a copy of AND are simulating DIDN'T themselves resolve.
The above is the reason as to why there is virtually no OPEN training for healers and an abundance of limited and entirely incorrect models which you are supposed to take as wholly correct.
This is why academics and scientists are not even conceptually allowed to THINK of doing the rational and objective 'thing' which would be to train and learn to experience what others OBVIOUSLY experience directly themselves. You'd not want 'researchers' exhibiting competence and building up a base of coherent direct perceptual experience about subtle realms THEMSELVES would you . . . .
So, it didn't take me long to figure out that so called spirit guides are basically MINDERS. It's their simulation designer assigned job to brainwash you by feeding you with what can only be described as 'bullshit'. They are the simulated subtle environments equivalent of our physical easily seen academics and scientists whose job here is essentially to do the same and supply us with physical only explanations that are essentially 'bullshit' too.
In declining to subscribe to the delusional fantasies I kept finding more and more subtle shit AND eventually perceptually spotted a whole tribe of seriously weird looking and even weirder feeling subtle beings.
These are 'subtle' beings BUT their behaviour is entirely mechanical and pre-programmed. Hence I describe them as drones.
They are pretty much impossible to detect because they are residents of the super fine strata which we are not even allowed to conceptually imagine may exist never mind peek into.
Essentially each person we are simulating has 155 programmed drone robots dedicated to applying essentially super invisible subtle shit to YOURSELF.
Which they have been doing since the beginning of each subtle forms existence.
A very small proportion of this super invisible, virtually impossible to detect super fine subtle shit acts on ourselves directly to forcibly orientate ourselves to the physical. The rest just fucks us all up (the people we are simulating) more and more over very long time spans.
The unbelievable huge numbers of subtle energetic shit that I describe on this page here are 99.999%+ mostly drone originated super fine strata subtle shit that is applied to our subtle bodies by super fine strata originated subtle interfacing stretching over and effectively glued to ourselves. From this drone strata three entirely independent and seriously comprehensive personal and entire population management layers (they manage us individually AND our interactions AND the development of our entire population over time) are all being defined and applied independently to ourselves ALL THE TIME. This doesn't count the numerous 'one off's' that are applied to new 'souls / subtle beings' as base line, foundation debilitations. We here are simulating the people that have this drone 'shit' applied to themselves. Recently we became aware that all of this drone 'shit' is defined in detail in our scripts AND it is all active.
You could say that it is these mechanical, programmed drones in the super fine strata that are responsible for our fall . . . although if you want to be absolutely correct then you'd have to state that it would be the beings that designed and originated these 'make an entire population fall' drones that are responsible.
However, . . . they are yet another 'story' . . .
This is a strata with a much higher 'frequency' compared to the neighbouring subtle strata on the right.
Having managed to start perceptually LOOKING and engaging in this conceptually 'banned' direction we have detected another 3 strata's beyond the drone occupied strata. So far we are unable to detect anything in these three super fine strata's.
In other words the macro structure of the multiverse includes 7 parallel sub layers, sub levels as independent strata's or domains of reality.
This is a strata with a much higher 'frequency' compared to the neighbouring physical strata. Subtle substrate matter within the subtle strata or layer isn't dense enough to noticeably aggregate and so the entire subtle environment is composed of what can only be described as energetic textures and flows.
The only 'life' in the subtle strata is ourselves. This is entirely true.
This is a strata that has heavier substrate components and a lower 'frequency' compared to the parallel subtle strata. Matter within this 'physical' strata is dense enough to aggregate and as this happens over very long spans of time it result in the creation of worlds, solar systems and galaxies.
Organic, physical life develops on the skins of suitable planets.
This is a strata that is way, way more dense compared to the 'normal' physical strata that everyone here in being interfaced to an animal avatar form is conned into thinking is their originating home environment.
The super dense strata contains very low frequency substrate 'matter' components. The 'matter' is super DENSE.
Consciously engaging with this strata is somewhat like engaging with a black hole.
Unbelievably there are actually 'organic' life forms in this strata BUT their growth rate is such that you are more likely to detect movement in a pane of glass.
A year of growth in the physical is likely to be the equivalent of 10,000 years in the super dense strata AND rate of movement of life forms is also 10,000 times slower.
January 2, 2015 @ 11:34 pm
I’m actually slightly hyperventilating. WTF. How much more can we be *&%’d! This makes me really sad. It seems impossible to dig out from all this *stuff* Also, I almost didn’t read this post because it would be too hard to understand.
January 3, 2015 @ 12:22 pm
Except, this is now all ‘known’ and out in the ‘real’ subtle can/is all being cleared.
Unfortunately this drone shit is what creates multiple ‘persona’s’ and switches between them for us when we meet different people, it is also responsible for ‘creating’ split personalities / multiple personalities too. It is this drone shit that makes the subtle cords and ties that bind people to each other AND to the likes of vows, pacts, promises and so on. It is this ‘shit’ that ‘manufactures’ most subtle barriers and the useless blanketing of out of control feelings which are only out or control because this drone ‘shit’ amplifies it all (it is responsible for causing people to develop addictions, compulsions and obsessions).
It is also the drone ‘shit’ that actually makes ‘spells and curses etc’ when these are invoked.
Basically any ‘combination of FU shit’ you can imagine that messes people up over time while reducing their options and abilities – it’s doing it.
Like the sim software drone ‘shit’ is also managing people’s THINKING, evaluations and decisions too.
January 3, 2015 @ 1:53 pm
Hey Clive. Happy new year. I like the way you emphasize the nature of the drones. I have been hearing news on TV and reading news articles on drones and the impression that I got about drones or things relating to drones is that it is used as a mechanism for control, attacks, inappropriate supervision, management and hinderance. It is just scary.
January 4, 2015 @ 5:37 am
I originally thought the first poster was overreacting to what this page was about, but then I read it. I’m prevented from feeling a full amount of fear but I have this intellectual understanding of the horror. Actually, I feel subdued anger. Being someone’s puppet is rather annoying.
February 21, 2015 @ 4:59 pm
This ‘basic model of the multiverse guide for ‘dummies’ is clear, easy to understand, helpful, interesting, visually pleasant & educational.
March 9, 2015 @ 11:39 pm
Hi Clive. I would also believe that the drone that you mentioned above is responsible for people being attached to never-ending beliefs and understandings especially religious ones.
March 10, 2015 @ 11:49 am
They pre-define ‘beliefs’ and even ideas and keep people ‘attached’ to them. They manage thinking lines and they will orientate people to preferentially think down specific lines and not others. They also generate intuition and insights. All of this is on top of the simulation software management ‘shit’ as it’s embedded into the scripts that define each simulated person here and their lives. Basically it’s ‘delusional’ to imagine that we’ve any ‘natural’ capacity to openly think or to be able to openly evaluate ‘anything’ here.
April 10, 2015 @ 1:59 am
This makes me so damn angry! It’s a wonder people have not offed themselves because of all of what’s going on! I know I have almost done it a few times but I know it’t not me wanting to end my life! F^%$ing assholes! Like how do we get free of this s%^&?
April 10, 2015 @ 9:56 pm
“Like how do we get free of this” . . . in progress . . .
April 16, 2015 @ 4:23 am
I did read a lot of what you had said about the light workers and that pissed me off because everyone I ran into that talked about the “light” are the same damn way. It’s like they don’t even know what’s going on or what “light” they are serving. >__< If I find out how to get free of this I will let you know but you will find out before me 🙂
February 18, 2016 @ 6:42 pm
Hi Clive – hopefully a quick question about this recent stuff you are working to clear – regarding
“Except, this is now all ‘known’ and out in the ‘real’ subtle can/is all being cleared.
Unfortunately this drone shit is what creates multiple ‘persona’s’ and switches between them for us when we meet different people, it is also responsible for ‘creating’ split personalities / multiple personalities too. It is this drone shit that makes the subtle cords and ties that bind people to each other AND to the likes of vows, pacts, promises and so on. It is this ‘shit’ that ‘manufactures’ most subtle barriers and the useless blanketing of out of control feelings which are only out or control because this drone ‘shit’ amplifies it all (it is responsible for causing people to develop addictions, compulsions and obsessions). It is also the drone ‘shit’ that actually makes ‘spells and curses etc.’ when these are invoked.”
Since this recent clearing work started – I have noticed incredible resistance to trying to work the focuses and an explosion of this above type of shit behaviour in family and friends – just in the last 2 weeks (not to mention all of the magic stuff we are getting). Is this a last ditch attempt? It can’t be a coincidence.
Do you have an expectation of what we should be seeing as this clearing happens or assignments on how we can help at our end – if all – feedback or observations or continue to do the exercise with a different intent? Thanks again for all of your dedicated work.
February 19, 2016 @ 12:44 pm
Hi Annabelle (EVERYONE READ / GENERAL UPDATE / and this is now ‘updated’ again) . . .
Bit of a catch 22 because as most people are simulating someone that as a subtle form has been around for millions of years then that means that most have a lot of scripted nooks and crannies to investigate. So while we should expect general levels of ‘shit / debilitations / extremes’ to drop (as is happening to me and some others) it is ‘generally’ hard to keep track of or appraise because it depends on the individual and all of the remaining scripted ‘nooks and crannies’ of ‘shit’ they are still being moved into for investigation (these investigations tend to make it difficult for people to be aware of their lowered baseline!!!).
GENERAL STRATEGY we are following: The overall approach / attitude / strategy to dealing with ‘everyone’s’ shit I explained in a previous comment which is here (I’ve just edited this to expand / make clearer what I wrote originally).
Basically, I track / keep track of and I ‘feel’ into what is going on ALL THE TIME (I’m seriously ‘sensitive’ in appropriate ways) and this sensitivity covers what is going on in the sim and outside / how those outside are doing to . . . at the moment everything ‘out there’ AND ‘in here’ is moving fine / I’m not feeling any need to even write any other exercises, even the ‘magical realms’ exercise or anything else at the present time. So, this means that everything is basically proceeding as needed with what we already have here.
I should point out that our approaches are always being refined and the ‘tech’ that keeps track of everything / our understandings and ‘new’ approaches is being updated or upgraded often . . . so everything we are doing is part of an ongoing / unfolding process and I just watch out for ‘blockages / limitations / restrictions’ and then figure out how to get round these and or put together a focus to target specific angles or issues etc from ‘this / our’ end / the ‘in the sim people’ side of things . . . at the moment / the last few days there are no ‘blockages / limitations / restrictions’ that need addressing.
So, for example, in keeping track of ‘inside and outside’ coordination then yesterday on spending time thinking about how those outside are investigating our scripts and knowing how the tech outside is being set up to do this then I figure out a possible improvement to make detection of ‘scripted’ shit more efficient, on testing this it proved very useful and so they updated the external tech for all those with serious extremes to investigate (these changes will likely cut down the time people here spend in ‘investigating’ extremes by two-thirds).
Current Recommendations: So, the only recommendation at the present time for those coming to this site / working with the exercises is to ‘feel’ into and do ‘ANY’ exercise here that you feel ‘nudged / prompted / are drawn to’. It’s obvious from all recent comments that people doing exercises are being taken more deeply into ‘investigation / issue’ areas that they’ve already been ‘introduced’ to. So, people here are being taken into deeper and deeper layers of the same issues areas as well as into related or connected issue areas too . . .
We are working on ‘EVERYONE’: All of this will be coordinated so that ‘everyone’ in the entire population with the same issues / shit as the people working on the exercises here will ALSO be investigated to the same level / depth so they/we learn the maximum amount at that depth of extreme BEFORE they’d investigate what is deeper / below the already investigated levels. In other words you won’t be allowed to ‘drill’ down into new issue bedrock until all on the current issue level is ‘exhausted / understood’ in investigation terms.
February 19, 2016 @ 1:21 pm
UPDATED / EVERYONE Read the comment above – this lays out our current ‘status’, it explains how we are investigating / dealing with ‘extremes / issues’ at the present time and gives recommendations . . .