Light v Demons & Dark Forces Sacred Score Card

This is the last page of a 22 page article series that:
"Catalogues the Deceptions, Lies, Suppressions & Injustices the Diabolical Policies & resulting Horrors & Atrocities of; 'The Usual 'Light' Suspects'; The Spiritual Hierarchy, Ascended Masters, 'Elohim' and assorted sidekicks. For the Spiritually Advanced wanting Initiation into Ancient Truths, Hidden Light Secrets & Higher Divine Activations. WARNING; For the Spiritually Ready ONLY . . . are you READY?"

Table of Contents


Who’s winning? Is it the bad, dastardly and dreadful demons and dark forces or are those of the Spiritual and Light holding the sacred and moral holy high ground? Our multidimensional research teams have been assessing all the evidence and the results may surprise you. To find out just how much better the amazing Spiritual Light teams are doing compared to the others pathetic efforts . . . and to experience how quickly you can be catapulted into the higher realms of dizzying enlightenment and gain truly astonishing knowledge and awesome insights first hand then start reading this page now . . .

In writing the page in the spiritual mission series describing how some people were being subjected to attacks by demon and dark forces types (described in; One Final Spiritual Betrayal & Let Down Example) I realized that I actually hardly ever deal with demon or dark force types when addressing what is responsible for my own or my clients negative and debilitating issues.

Are all Evil Demons and Dark Forces cowering behind the sofa?

So, even though we are dealing with large numbers of beings/people responsible for our difficult issues in direct face to face confrontations (so that we can understand why and then address the causes PROPERLY) it seemed that we rarely had encounters with so called dark forces and demon types. As the prevailing attitude within lightwork has these beings seemingly exclusively responsible for causing us all sorts of difficulties and dreadfulness then I found the lack of these beings in our encounters strange . . .

Also, rather than get my information from controlled ‘media’ sources i.e. light and spiritual channelling or readings I prefer to get off my arse and find things out for myself. Being a ‘proper’ researcher I/we document EVERYTHING, every being we process, every type of interference is catalogued and researched, every encounter with the useless help is recorded, every Demon that tries to scare the shit out of us and so on . . .

One of the benefits of accumulating so much real ‘data’ is that it sure comes in handy when confronting the spiritual hierarchy, ascended masters, demon types as well as other groups with full and indisputable details of their own dirty deeds . . .

The Truly Enlightening ‘Spiritual Light versus Demonic Dark’ Score Card

So, I decided to check on the numbers of the so called ‘light & Spiritual’ against the so called ‘dark, demonic and deplorable’ that we’d dealt with when confronting those responsible for our debilitating issues.

Below are the statistics that show the incidence of different being types whom were responsible for giving my clients or myself shit . . . the results might just surprise one or two of you . . .

Table Comparing the numbers of ‘Spiritual & Light’ Versus ‘Demons & Dark Forces’ giving my clients shit. (July 2008).

Well, well . . . WELL . . . . . fancy that . . .

. . . it looks to me like for every ONE Demon & Dark Forcie being type responsible for causing us shit there are about 1,200 spiritual leaders/lightworkers doing the same. I would have to say that the Spiritual Hierarchy LIGHT and Spiritual end of the field is absolutely BLAZINGLY ahead in the . . . £**# you . . . giving people a ‘shit’ time game . . .

Dark Evil Demons are TOTALLY outmatched by the Spiritual & Light Goodies . . .

Those so called dreadful, despicable dark forces and demon types seem to be seriously out matched in all injustice, suppression and atrocity areas if you ask me.

Are there any spiritual or lightworker leaders willing to put themselves out to help some beaten down, totally out matched, underdogs to help them start catching up?


Are there any spiritual or lightworker types out there who’ve managed to sort out enough of their fear and terror issues whom are still compassionate or loving enough that they’d volunteer to prop up the demon and dark forces end?

ANY Takers?

Dark Forces types are LIGHTYEARS behind in Attacks, Dirty Tricks & Suppression Efforts

It also seems to me that the so called Demon and Dark Force types are in dire need of some serious ‘light’ advice and training in dirty tricks, back stabbing and how to give people extended dreadful shit times.

They could probably also do with having advice on effective lying and how to brainwash huge numbers of people into completely accepting obvious lies as being true . . . because, well . . . pathetic demon types just don’t seem to be making any efforts in these areas either, they are TOTALLY incompetent at least compared to the Spiritual Hierarchy and Elohim whom are obviously the unrecognised supreme Divine Masters of deception and spin . . . it’s amazing how well they manage to keep the injustices and suppressions they continuously perpetrate hidden and secret . . .

The Good Light versus Evil Dark Battle Ground Conundrum

If anyone seriously wanted to suppress and control people then would not the best way of doing this be to somehow set yourself up as or convince people that you are ‘of the good’ particularly if you can control and manage people in a hidden and ‘behind the scenes’ way?

If you were doing this then what ‘beliefs’ would you promote to make sure that no one even thinks about this as a possibility never mind to actually dare investigate if this is so?

Well, lets see then what I’d do is convince everyone that they should be positive and to ALWAYS hold to a positive alignment and to NEVER worry or think about so called negative possibilities or actual negative happenings.

The best way of making sure people do this would be to convince them that by ‘thinking’ about negative things they are themselves actually responsible for causing them as opposed to it being TRUE that not actually seriously thinking about and engaging with negative things is actually more and more responsible for negative things never ever being properly investigated, understood or sorted out. If they actually fall for this then basically you would be able to do pretty much anything you wanted that would lead to negative outcomes because no one would really be able to properly THINK about what was going on because they will all be desperately trying to stay in their little ‘positive’ fantasy space bizarrely convinced that staying there is the only solution that will lead to something better.

GREAT idea . . . BUT almost impossible to implement unless you have the means to make people virtually mindless else there’s no way they’d fall for this drivel . . .

Have YOU fallen for this drivel?

Amazing Light & Spiritual Awareness Misses EVERYTHING & the Kitchen Sink

How’s that AMAZING expanded ‘light’ awareness doing? Surely it must be working well enough for you to ALREADY know about ALL of this?

Do YOU know about this?


Well, perhaps you need to consider that we’ve been fed industrial triple A grade spiritual bull shit probably for 100’s of lifetimes then? . . . .


. . . AND . . .

I’d be asking for my money back on that failed ‘awareness’ if I was you . . . you cannot let people take advantage of you like this . . . dupe you with some second hand, faulty, waste of time, rubbish, ‘good for nothing’ awareness . . . you should complain to the advertising standards people . . . so, that others don’t get fobbed off with a ‘fell off the back of a lorry, made in some 2D back alley, cannot find the guarantee’ bolt on type awareness . . . that seems to have you not actually being aware of ANYTHING much at all . . .

Lightworkers Unaware of Small Print AND where they left the Receipt!!!!

Don’t tell me you didn’t get round to reading the warranty small print? . . . those 300 pages hand written in Sanskrit scrawled down on the underside of the corner of a micro dot, hidden behind the folders in the back of a locked filing cabinet in the basement of the disused ‘light industries’ ULTRA important (to be kept secret) document section just left of the of main Akashic records editing (out all embarrassing bits) department? . . . did you miss that? . . . because it does mention >> in BOLD << that the amazing light awareness implant thingie is only guaranteed to work really REALLY WELL up to the 2nd Dimension (on good days . . . but only if you squint the right way . . . and have your fingers crossed) . . . did you know that? . . . you DO still have the receipt though . . . DON’T YOU?

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