This is page 2 of 12 of an article series on: "Psychic Protection, Energetic Shielding & Barriers, How, Why & When to use these, How Accumulating Barriers leads to Energy Body Starvation, Reduced Awareness, Serious Hidden Issues & Examples . ."
There are also many ‘standard’ approaches, practices and procedures in the form of exercises, ‘intent recipes’ as well as invocations that all in different ways end up with people energetically protected and shielded from entities, negative influences and anything else.
I’m going to list and describe these in detail now . . .
Overall, these achieve what they present by working in one of two ways;
The commoner protection methods have you visualizing ‘light’ bubbles, egg shells or spheres of various colours around yourself.
Visualizing Golden light is often recommended . . . the stronger the intent you hold for these the stronger will be the barrier.
In these cases the protection you are invoking is more likely to be through inviting particular beings and or technologies whom work to install these around yourself.
If you are a member of a healing, therapy or spiritual group and you ask for protection then it will often be the guides or helping beings from the group that you are ‘affiliated’ to whom will act to create barriers, shields and so on, on your behalf.
You can call in various beings to help. Archangel Michael for example is a well respected ‘security’ expert although I imagine sometimes that the poor guy must be getting run off his feet helping to seal people into their own personal energetic panic rooms . . .
Some people actually have subtle energetic technologies bolted onto their energy field to amplify will and intent which although usually used to make REALLY strong and powerful spells this type of subtle energy technology will also allow them to create much stronger energetic barriers which is a great bonus because such people often need to have these to hide behind when others find out whom has spelled them . . .
It seems to me that many ‘energetically aware people are putting up barriers and or asking to be spiritually shielded and protected regularly. So, here are some things for you to think about? . . .
How aware of these barriers are you? Do you know exactly what they are designed to protect you from and keep away from you?
Can you ‘see’ all of the protective layers you have around yourself? If you ‘tune in’ how many do you see? I suspect you wont see many because they are VERY fine and transparent if not invisible. Have you considered how many times in previous lifetimes you might have used energetic protection (perhaps on a ‘regular’ basis too) . . .
Do you know that protection and shielding barriers act to filter out various resonances and frequencies?
Did you know that the more of these filters (Protection/Shielding) you use then the more you are blocking not only specific energies but ALL energies . . . in other words they DEPRESS awareness, senses and perceptions . . . not to mention causing other problems . . . Did you know that if you are using protection NOW then it’s very likely that you WILL have been using protection in the last life and the ones before this too . . .
So if your sensitivity and awareness is being filtered by such protection then how aware would you be IF your awareness and sensitivity (to what’s ‘OUT THERE’) dropped by say 1% over the course of a life . . . . heck . . . even though my awareness of myself in past lives is pretty amazing I’d have to say that I myself would be REALLY hard pushed to pick up a 1% awareness drop . . . I dare say you’d be hard pushed too . . . as it turns out 1% is at the lower end of what you’d expect to lose . . . and so . . . it wouldn’t take more than a ‘dash’ of lives before you’d lose say 10% and really not many at all before your awarenesses are down below 20% . . . . and still dropping . . . while actually not being aware that this is happening . . .
As many of you are intent on using shielding specifically to protect yourselves from negative things then do you know that what this ACTUALLY means is that you become less and less aware of ‘negative’ things around yourself. In other words you may have many negative things out of sight never mind out of your awareness that CAN actually be messing with you in all sorts of ways without you being aware of these . . . never mind that your ‘guides’ use protection too . . . and . . . well . . . it’s hardly worth thinking about is it . . . because it turns out that they are no more aware of things than you are . . .
Have you ever asked to have ALL your protection taken down? Just to see what’s out there? One would imagine that you’d never even thought of doing this . . . never mind to actually try doing it . . .
. . . I’d recommend that you DO try . . . because as explained in detail in an example on a later page here . . . this protection is often ‘guarded’ . . . did you know that . . . specifically in fact when your protection is keeping something really nasty at bay, like hordes of entities? In these instances these guardians will stop you from taking it down . . . any ideas why they’d do this? . . . apart that is from preventing you from becoming aware of what’s REALLY OUT THERE? . . . never mind from preventing you from becoming aware of how much you and your guides and all those ascended masters and so called ‘divine’ beings HAVE NOT A CLUE as to how to deal with anything whatsoever PROPERLY . . . so they cannot let you take certain barriers down else you’ll end up face to face with some nasty past shit that ‘in your dreams’ . . . you thought you’d DEALT WITH . . .
So, as most people using protection in this life now have been using protection life time after life time . . . then how many filtering / sensitivity reducing / awareness killing layers and barriers might you have ‘out there’? Would that be 50 or 500 or 5,000? . . . did you know that from my experience of TAKING these down then you’re unlikely to have less than 50,000 (of different types and grades) . . . I’m not kidding about this . . . not one bit!
How much would 50,000 shielding layers be filtering out? . . . well . . . having got rid of quite a lot myself I’d say LOTS . . .
I’d advise you read the later page; ‘1000’s of Hidden Entity Attachments Example’ particularly if you are a healer, therapist or practitioner because this is just 1 detailed example of what might REALLY be out there behind all of these barriers . . . that you are actually and completely unaware of . . . PARTICULARLY the effects these hidden things are having on you . . . until you get rid of them . . .
I neither use protection now nor do I have any protective barriers around myself . . . I’ve been steadily getting rid of the whole useless lot . . . which goes some way to explain why it’s me presenting this and you probably finding yourself feeling quite . . . maybe . . . ‘uncomfortable’ . . . and so you should . . .
You SHOULD be asking yourself some VERY basic questions . . .
WHY are you / we ALL being guided to do things in ways that make us ALL less and less aware and less and less able . . .
That’s the real corker of a question . . . isn’t it? Perhaps you have been imagining that all these conspiracies and misdirections and attempts to keep people asleep somehow missed all the lightwork and spiritual types? GOSH you DID . . . how unfortunate . . .
The best way to keep the best people sleeping is to CONVINCE THEM THAT THEY ARE ALREADY AWAKE . . . . because you know what happens then? Well, what happens is that they all think that what they are doing is COMPLETELY RIGHT . . . they never check, they never question . . . DO THEY?
. . . did you think I was kidding when I labelled these articles as ‘scary’? . . . well . . . that’s unfortunate because I’m a very precise person . . . as all of these articles are going to keep reiterating . . . I’d recommend that you don’t stop reading though . . . because were just getting warmed up here . . .
There is an exercise on this page here that would be worth doing as it targets these areas more directly compared to anything else presented here. It basically targets many of the reasons as to why you’d want to have ‘protect’ or surround yourself with subtle barriers in the first place
Exercise 4 on that page targets: Binding Roles, Positions, Offices, Duties, Obligations, Functions, Ceremonies as well or Rituals while also targeting: binding contracts, oaths, pacts and or subtle enforcers (which equates to entity attachments / subtle being interferences).
It basically targets you being kept ‘on mission’ in any role, position (job) and or ‘office’, any circumstances where you are expected to carry out any duties, obligations, functions, ceremonies, rituals and or actions perhaps forcible facilitated / nudged to keep doing this by binding subtle pacts, vows, promises, oaths, curses and agreements and perhaps even ‘enforced’ by subtle beings (entity attachments) as ignorant spirit guides, minders, helpers, ascended bullshitters, spiritual path leaders and any spirit being as an enforcer of contracts you made in the past.
Either click on the NextPage link below for the next page in this series OR you may be interested in reading some other pages on this site such as these below: