OK, let me try and explain what I mean? Lets say hypothetically that four people all have the same emotional trauma, that prevents them from letting someone (anyone) be intimate with them.
After some time each decides they want to move on from this restriction.
They each take a different route to do this;
Now, we would say that all of these are successful solutions.
But lets look at these more closely;
Resolving some of our own traumas has taken a long time, simply because we have needed to understand the above with regards everything that we do. For example a favourite solution I used in other existences was to hide or bury traumas and suppress feelings to such an extent that it was no longer feasible to continue doing the same – the energy debt was simply too much. The weight of this baggage itself was becoming a trauma.
Limited, quick fix, surface, ‘means to an end’ solutions are also a reflection of many cultures on earth today. The saying – “why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?” sums it up perfectly. Hence many of the established and readily chosen solutions as described above are the most limiting and short term while those offering a complete or lasting resolution require a degree of discomfort, effort, self reflection and time to bring to completion.
This pattern is in everything that we do. Many people are very tired, depressed, drained and spent simply because they wish to continue with the comfortable but limited solutions, not understanding that it is often these that are responsible for how they feel in the first place.
Although we have focused on an emotional challenge causing life restrictions here. We could very easily do the same thing with regards spiritual approaches where outcome is more important than either the means or intention held to that drives the means.
Disappearance of symptoms and effects DOES NOT MEAN THAT how these are ADDRESSED actually gets to what was responsible for these in the first place. Just because you get a change, your debilitating symptoms and challenging effects disappear does not mean that HOW THIS HAS BEEN DONE has even touched ANY causes never mind actually dealing with them.
It is spectacularly easy using many subtle energy / therapy means to address certain / many / most symptoms and effects and ‘clear’ these without even understanding never mind touching underlying causes. The use of such means BURIES causes and origins, making is more and more difficult with each lifetime to unbury the REAL causes while ALSO building up and increasing the effects of same symptoms making them very gradually WORSE and worse lifetime after lifetime . . . . they DO eventually become CHRONIC, never mind the side effects of a stressed energy field causing in some cases tiredness and lowered vitality to name just two effects . . . .
The ‘end’ as in ‘the result’ is NOT important COMPARED to how these results are achieved . . . AS . . . when results are achieved by seemingly VERY effective BUT false ‘smoke and mirror means’ then the effects and symptoms WILL return . . . and unfortunately for most of you they will in most cases return in the next life time or 10 . . or even 50 . . where inconveniently most of you seem to have forgotten YET again that you supposedly got rid of the same 5 lifetimes ago and . . . . are attracted to and end up using EXACTLY the same means (therapy / medicine / healing system) yet again to once again ‘NOT ‘really’ get rid of the same’.
99+% of what we ALL use and consider WONDERFUL therapies and healing systems and so on are doing just this . . . . yet again.
How many of you have sufficient COHERENT access to your past lives AND to enough past lives (as in 1000’s) AND be searching through you ‘negative’ times (bit difficult for psychotically ‘positively’ aligned light workers to be doing that eh!) to start joining these dots?
As far as I can tell NONE . . .