October 13, 2016
Exercises, focuses presented on this page . . .
This exercise / focus is about having you connect to all the patterns of what you yourself have PERSONALLY been experiencing and living through in the last XX time period. I.e. some traumatic incident / arguments with others / heart shut down / money or resource issues / VR re-programming effects / EAAS sim project testing experiences as well as any other limiting experiences encoded / defined in your own script and or sim software defined ‘shit’ . . .
Basically, this focus uses what you have been ‘recently’ experiencing as a template to access what is contributing to define yourself from your script, others scripts (sending bad vibes for example, energetic ties and cords, vows and so on, spiritual group ties, spiritual mission affiliations etc, etc . . . ), the sim software, ANY environment/environmental originated influences (basically ‘shit’ encoded into your dvd’s and your books, your grandmothers scarf, the antique spoons you keep in the old chest, the old chest itself and so on that are used as a base to EMIT all sorts of ‘shit’ into yourself?) as well as any currently known ‘management’ sources to identify ALL that are contributing to these (including anything reacting to you doing this exercise/focus) so these can all be properly identified and edited out / disabled. Also, our hacking AI’s monitoring and tracking you while you are doing this focus are also building up a ‘knowledge base’ of ‘everything’ scripted and or what the sim software (or anything else) uses to debilitate you/us under different conditions so that my invisible colleagues can then set up and increasingly apply automated focuses to yourselves / everyone in this FU shit hole so that we gradually cover all possible combinations of ‘EVERYTHING’ impacting ‘EVERYONE’.
Dead easy really!!!!
It is possible that this will be the last exercise . . . ALSO, please NOTE, take this exercise as being way more important to do compared to any others here . . .
So, this focus has you connecting to your experiences, including and limiting and or negative ‘effects’ as well as ‘managing’ symptoms you had in the last XX amount of time i.e. you replace XX-TIME in the focus below with the ‘time period’ you specify/target to identify debilitating patterns. So XX-TIME can be 2 hours or 3 days or 2 weeks (up to a maximum of 6 months (if you go beyond this it’ll overload the data system and ‘reality’ could slow down or present big pixels everywhere (even in your corn flakes which could invalidate their warranty – haha)).
For the first two paragraphs in the focus it is ‘important’ to try and stay ‘focused’ as the contents of these paragraphs are NOT appreciated by the sim software . . . at the point where it says (state the effects you ‘personally’ experience here: . . .) then you should ‘state’ any effects that you have experienced in the XX-TIME frame your are using.
Very, VERY IMPORTANT: It would likely help ENORMOUSLY if ‘YOU READING THIS got a note book / writing pad, and carried it around with you and used it to compile a list of ‘NOW/current’ effects so that the next time you do the focus you have a list ALREADY MADE UP.
GET A NOTE BOOK & PEN NOW and start to:
INSTRUCTIONS: I’d advise that everyone do this the first time for 6 months then do shorter times that feel right (say a month, 6 weeks, a week 3 days OR for whatever time period you feel appropriate (occasionally do it for the full a 6 months though). IMPORTANT: For the line where you can list your own ‘effects / symptoms’ then as you ‘state / read the effects’ remember them and feel how these impact yourself as this will help identify them!!!
“‘Copyright Statement – READ THIS ‘NOW’“ ‘accordion’ below . . .
AND, do this before working with any ‘simulation’ experience targeting exercise: because you are ‘bound’ by certain conditions and given certain warnings with respect to this page and these exercises . . . ‘IF’ you have ALREADY read these warnings etc on another exercise page then CLICK on the accordion TAB immediately below to close it as this will save you having to scroll down the page to reach and work with the ‘exercise’!!!
Simulation software relies on keeping people disengaged from everything of themselves that is ‘worrying’ from the simulation projects: objectives, ‘consensus’ reality and the ‘generic humans’ range of experiences point of view. The software basically keeps you locked into a bubble of ‘normal’ human functioning and a managed ‘consensus’ reality view point AND more importantly it relies on stopping you from even becoming aware of any ‘out of bounds’ possibilities as in ‘extra’ enhancements and or abilities (or what these experiences imply). It relies on this ‘awareness and investigation’ disengagement tactic to severely suppresses you from even becoming aware of never mind of THINKING about trying to access never mind of allowing you to actually ‘understanding’ you are defined by software and a script of data.
So, in ‘playing’ with this and other ‘exercises’ here then the software will likely tag you as ‘dangerous’ and you can expect it’ll try and find ways to distract you, make this web site and your experiences gained here fade away from your memory faster that usual while keeping you busy and occupied elsewhere . . . and so on . . . this is just it’s standard operating protocol (SOP) for worrying people. I’ve personally been giving it ‘THE BIG FINGER’ for over a decade now!!!
To make it very clear . . . despite that the worst anyone has experienced pushing against the simulation in these ways is some temporary ‘weird’ experiences that have faded out after a few minutes or hours . . .
‘IF’ you do decide to ‘go for it’ then work with the below when you have some hours to spare, so if anything ‘extra’ weird and or disturbing happens you have some time to recover / wait for it to fade out (before you have to do things like ‘drive’).
So, if you want to explore these areas then work with the ‘statement of intent’ presented below, BUT first you read the following . . . .
COPYRIGHT: The below is all Copyright, all rights reserved Clive S Hetherington 2015 and on. The exercises’, the ‘focuses’ the statements of intent (SOI) STAY on this site and you don’t copy what is below to present on another site, I have made my copyright very clear that I don’t want ENTIRE sections taken from this site and presented somewhere else. I don’t mind a paragraph or two as an ‘opener’ BUT no more than 20% (this is stated and has been stated for years in my Legal page (the link is in the very top menu way above)). This is specifically the case for this page BECAUSE I’m wanting COMMENTS of feedback from people working with this page to help myself and in fact everyone interested in what I’m presenting here to IMPROVE our understandings of WTF is going on!!!!
INSTRUCTIONS: As you read the ‘statements of intent’ then you state ‘with intention’ what you read internally with a directed will of ‘I WANT THIS / This is what I WANT!!!’ while simultaneously keeping your inner awareness / senses alert and ‘still’ to give yourself the best chance of becoming aware of anything that the focus reveals / gives you direct access too.
This ‘does’ take practice, I ‘started’ to spend time trying to become aware of my internal states and inner perceptions three and a half decades ago.
The following XYZ/EXAMPLES (to use in the short focus below) target important areas that will not only impact ‘everyone’ BUT they are also areas that will make it more difficult for anyone working with these focuses / exercises . . .
The first I’d recommend that everyone do regularly ‘because’ it is possible that the wsw teams will ‘not’ clear certain ‘frustrating’ issues until all accumulations of ‘frustration’ are dealt with, the same for ‘disappointment’ (of not resolving certain issues for example) . . . catch 22!!!
. . . I connect now to absolutely every single scripted item and absolutely everything else and or combinations of these that has ever contributed in the slightest to:
1) Targeting Accumulations of Stress, Tension, Worry, Anxiety, Frustration and ???
accumulate, maintain and or BY ANY MEANS block or prevent myself from FULLY accessing and or engaging with absolutely EVERYTHING that ever contributed to absolutely ANY tension, stress, strain, worry, nervousness, on edginess, preoccupation, self doubt, anxiety, franticness, anguish, agitation, angst, disappointment, depression, despair, frustration, desperation, insecurity, hostility, suffering, torment, fear, panic, pain and or ??? that I have ever been or COULD BE influenced by . . .
2) Being Able to Encounter & Easily Work with ANY Self Facilitating, Negative Issue Origins Exploring Focus/Exercise
block and or sabotage myself from easily and automatically becoming aware of, thinking about & regularly trying to become aware of, engage with and to FULLY resolve absolutely ANYTHING contributing to debilitate, limit and or restrict absolutely any aspect of myself and or cause me absolutely ANY problems, regularly working with absolutely any self exploration EXERCISE (WITHOUT any resistance, distractions, sabotages, put of’s or PAY BACK or anything else) and particularly any exercise designed to reveal absolutely everything that ever contributed in the slightest to myself being less responsive, less functional, less successful, less happy, less capable, less healthy, less ‘together’, less integrated and or less aware than I was in the distant past and or less able to absolute sustain a directed, intently focused concentrated, unwavering attention on achieving WHATEVER I WANT for many HOURS
3) Being Able to Encounter, Read, Take IN, Understand, Retain and pass on ANY INFORMATION
block and or sabotage myself from automatically becoming aware of, encountering and or without any interruptions, resistance, distractions, sabotages or put off’s EASILY reading, EASILY taking in (the full ‘meanings, understandings and explanations’ that the author was actually trying to convey) and or RETAINING absolutely any information that absolutely ANYTHING contributing in the slightest to defining or influencing ANYTHING of either reality or MYSELF won’t be keen on me encountering, FULLY reading, FULLY understanding, FULLY retaining and or of OPENLY discussing with EVERYONE I KNOW . . .
4) Degradation of Memory, Perceptions, Senses & Scale of Conceptual Thinking & Appraisals
eroding, degrading, blocking and or in the slightest making less functional and particularly over long spans of time absolutely ANY of my memories and or absolutely anything my entire spectrum of physical and or subtle perceptions, senses, feelings, inner states and or awareness’s as well as the conceptual scale, inclusiveness, coherence and or accuracy of absolutely any of my thinking, reasoning, evaluations, appraisals and or any resulting conclusions and or my ability to understand and or convey absolutely anything I become aware of to absolutely anyone else . . .
. . . I connect now to absolutely every single scripted item and absolutely everything else that ever contributed in the slightest to absolutely ANYTHING of ANY of these specific behaviours, symptoms and or effects . . . I connect to absolutely ALL variations of ‘everything’ that ever contributed in the slightest to absolutely ANYTHING of these . . . I connect to absolutely ALL variations of ‘everything’ that ever contributed in the slightest to absolutely ANYTHING of ANY of these . . .
Just ‘read’ everything below here the first time you read this section, so that you know how it works . . .
It might be worth printing the below out / and carrying it with you as it’s so short you can likely do it anywhere in under a minute . . .
(do this sentence twice): . . . I connect now to absolutely every single scripted item and absolutely everything else and or combinations of these that has ever contributed in the slightest to: XYZ/EXAMPLE: myself having chapped lips, picking or biting my lips or fingers or finger nails . . .
IMPORTANT: use the above for up to 10 different ‘focusing phrases’ (read through each twice) before doing the below as instructed. In other words you can target 10 ‘sets of things’ using the above BUT you only need to do the paragraph below twice to work with ALL OF THESE AT ONCE . . .
(then also do this sentence twice): . . . I connect now to absolutely every single scripted item AND absolutely everything else that ever contributed in the slightest to absolutely ANYTHING of ANY of these specific behaviours, symptoms and or effects . . . I connect to absolutely ALL variations of ‘everything’ that ever contributed in the slightest to absolutely ANYTHING of these . . . I connect to absolutely ALL variations of ‘everything’ that ever contributed in the slightest to absolutely ANYTHING of ANY of these . . .
So, you can do the above for lot’s of effects ‘quickly’ then after a few hours / a day or two do the shorter ‘full’ focus with the below as a starting ‘phrase’ which is also presented within the next accordion of the main focus:
I re-connect NOW to absolutely all scripted items and to all patterns of all scripted, data items and or sim software components that I’ve already connected to in the last (2 days (or ‘whatever’)) . . . I connect to absolutely all of these now . . . (then do the longer / new shorter version which is in the next accordion down . . . )
Reconnect to SUPER SHORT VERSION Pattens: I re-connect NOW to absolutely all scripted items and to all patterns of all scripted, data items and or sim software components that I’ve already connected to in the last (2 days (or ‘whatever’)) . . . I connect to absolutely all of these now . . . (then do the longer / new shorter version which is below here)
. . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely every single individual experience, incident and event that I lived through in the last XX-TIME . . . I connect to absolutely EVERY SINGLE inner, ‘internal’ as well as every single outer, ‘external’ response and or reaction to absolutely ANYTHING I experienced during this time . . . I connect to absolutely EVERYTHING that I experienced during this time as: ‘PATTERNS’ and I connect now to ALL combinations of sequences of ALL patterns AND ALSO to the sequential unfolding of ALL OF these through time that BEST REPRESENT absolutely any combination of overt ‘obvious’, covert ‘hidden’ as well as subliminal experiences, events and or incidents AND also my conscious, unconscious and or automatic reaction and or response to these that I experienced in the last XX-TIME . . . I now re-connect to absolutely EVERY SINGLE individual ‘micro’ experience, event and incident and to how these unfolded ‘moment by moment’ through time BOTH for MYSELF in the simulation here AND for the ORIGINAL UNTRANSLATED EXPERIENCES that my experiences here are ‘REPRESENTING’ . . . I also connect NOW to ‘HOW’ absolutely ANY combinations of these contributed to impacting absolutely ANY aspect of absolutely ANYTHING of myself AND ALSO the person I am simulating, including ABSOLUTELY ALL unfolding unconscious, subliminal, subconscious activity INCLUDING absolutely ANYTHING contributing to absolutely ANY internal dialogues, preoccupations, distractions and or ANYTHING SIMILAR including absolutely ANYTHING that in the slightest contributed to absolutely any combination of influences, hurts, sores, traumas, attractions, aversions and or repulsions and or ANYTHING ELSE as well as how these unfolded during the last XX-TIME . . . I particularly connect to absolutely ALL PRE-DEFINED COMBINATIONS OF ANYTHING that had absolutely ANY immediate, short term, long term and or unfolding influence and or impact on absolutely any aspect of absolutely ANYTHING of myself and or ANY of my external and or internal interactions including my memories, internal states and or senses, as well as absolutely ANY internal ‘recall, play through or replay’ of absolutely any past and or ‘POTENTIAL’ FUTURE scenarios and particularly ANY involving absolutely ANY OTHERS . . .
(Please NOTE: Ignore the below ‘specific’ experiences part if you are re-engaging with the super short focus patterns . . . )
. . . I specifically connect ‘NOW’ to each of the following ‘NOTICED’ specific ‘experiences, incidents, events and or effects and or my responses to these’ INCLUDING:
State ALL the effects you ‘personally’ experience here as best you can (BEST STATED IN YOUR NATIVE LANGUAGE) . . .
. . . I connect to absolutely all combinations of absolutely ALL static incidents as well as absolutely ALL unfolding ‘patterns’ associated with absolutely any ‘combination’ of ANY OF THESE particular ‘experiences, incidents, events and or effects and or my responses to these’ that I have experienced within absolutely ANY phase within my entire past . . . I connect to absolutely every single scripted item, every sim software accumulated script part, every sim software component, every environmental component and absolutely ANYTHING/EVERYTHING else that ever directly or indirectly contributed in the slightest to absolutely ANYTHING I experienced AND I particularly connect to absolutely ALL coordinated combinations of these that have already and or may ever have absolutely any direct and or indirect effect, impact and or influence on absolutely any aspect of absolutely anything of myself and or because of me anyone else . . .
(maybe do the below paragraph twice)
. . . I particularly connect to absolutely ANYTHING that ever contributed to initiate, orchestrate, direct, monitor, analyse, assess and or to initiate absolutely any combination of direct or indirect responses and or actions because of anything I experienced and or because of how I responded to absolutely ANY of my experiences and or PARTICULARLY because I am attempting to engage NOW with absolutely anything that in the slightest ever contributed to absolutely ANYTHING I ever experienced and I particularly connect NOW to absolutely ANYTHING that now or ever contributed to acquire, analyse, distribute, pass on and or use or act upon absolutely any intel, data, script parts, saved script parts, environmental components, any trauma and or resonance triggers and or absolutely ANYTHING ELSE . . . I connect to absolutely anything that contributes in the slightest to analyse, assess and evaluate absolutely anything of myself including running VR versions of myself and or ANYTHING that contributes to defining strategies, tactics, counter measures and or absolutely any security, protection and or backups and or anything that may consider initiating alternate approaches and or alternate versions of itself because of anything I have already done, am doing now and or may do in the future . . .
(the below are optional / use if you feel any of these are appropriate)
(alternate routes to the same ends . . . )
. . . I fully connect to absolutely everything that contributes in the slightest to monitoring, tracking, evaluating, predicting and or assessing what is actually happening ‘on the ground’ and to all that contributes in the slightest to ‘model’, assess, define and or implement absolutely any adjustments, changes and or REINFORCING efforts and or that initiates alternate routes to support achieving the same outcome and or anything that contributes to initiating absolutely ‘ANYTHING’ as part of absolutely ANY contributing effort designed to help ‘tip or nudge’ absolutely ANY individual single aspect, event, area, experience and or person within the ENTIRE WHOLE in alignment with respect to absolutely any aimed for objective or combination of objectives all the way from individual, personal through all sub goals and objectives as part of achieving the overall worked toward FINAL end point goal, goals and or objectives. . .
(sabotage my explorations of myself)
. . . I connect to absolutely any script item and or any combination of scripted items that were specifically designed to block, misdirect, sabotage and or otherwise prevent me from orientating towards, revealing, accessing, engaging with and or adjusting, disabling, removing and or destroying absolutely anything influencing or interfering with myself, and or absolutely anything of MYSELF that is NOT correct, not NATURAL and or NOT A NATURAL PART OF MYSELF and or absolutely ANY scripted item and or combination of scripted items and or ANY PERSON and or ANYTHING ELSE that DON’T want me to become aware of, find, investigate, interfere with, disable, remove and or destroy whatever I have found or am at risk of finding . . .
(being supplied with ‘designed’ or others script bits)
. . . I fully connect to absolutely each and every sim software component and EVERYTHING ELSE that ever contributed in the slightest directly or indirectly to assessing, collecting, cataloguing, coveting, modifying and or then strategically deploying absolutely ANY of my own scripted parts or ANYONE ELSE’S and or modified / designed scripted items to use against myself and or what I am doing now and or to mess with anyone else . . . I fully and absolutely connect now to absolutely all sim software ‘script’ depositories, warehouses, deployment assessment engines and to absolutely all combinations of components protecting and defending absolutely anything of any of these . . . I connect to absolutely all of ALL of these now . . .
Just do this focus once and then only again if ‘nudged’ . . .
. . . I fully and directly and COMPLETELY connect NOW to absolutely EVERY SINGLE scripted and or sim software component that directly or indirectly has EVER defined, created, altered and or maintained or influenced ANY dream or sub conscious or below conscious states or influences or ANY of the contents of ANY of these . . . AND or monitored, tracked, recorded and or evaluated ANY of my responses to any scripted or sim software initiated or orchestrated dream or ANY OTHER sub conscious or below conscious states or influences or similar efforts
. . . I fully and directly and COMPLETELY connect NOW to absolutely EVERY SINGLE scripted and or sim software component that directly or indirectly contributes to absolutely anything that contributes to absolutely ANY of the content of ANY dream and OR ANYTHING within ANY dream or anything of my sub conscious or sub awareness states, senses or perceptions and PARTICULARLY ANYTHING that has ever directly or indirectly been part of ANYTHING that impacted or influenced ANYTHING of myself in my waking life . . . and particularly to influence absolutely any of my choices or decisions and or how I interact with absolutely ANYONE ELSE . . .
. . . I fully and directly and COMPLETELY connect NOW to absolutely EVERY SINGLE scripted and or sim software component that directly or indirectly contributes to define and or choreograph ANYTHING through time and particularly absolutely ANYTHING that arises within a dream and or that impacts absolutely anything of my sub-conscious and or particularly through analogy, symbols and or any symbolic, archetype, spiritual and or religious representations or associations and or the conversion and or transformation into and or out of any of these as well as anything defining and or holding anything representing any ‘shared’ consciousness and or the collective unconsciousness and or the sources of absolutely any intuition, inner knowing’s, associations, hunches, gut feelings, imagination and or ANYTHING SIMILAR and particularly anything that could be used to pass absolutely anything from one person to another . . . I particularly connect to absolutely anything that ever has or that EVER COULD contribute to me EVER having absolutely ANY spontaneous insights, hunches, gut feelings, knowings as well as absolutely any sensory illusions and or absolutely any non physical perceptions and or anything of spiritual and or religious origins or meanings, revelation and or any sense or feeling of ‘connectedness’ or any universal, spiritual or religious ‘consciousness’ of absolutely any type or form and or any other type of spooky or paranormal experience and or absolutely anything comparable, similar and or related to ANYTHING I describe here . . .
. . . I fully and directly and COMPLETELY connect NOW to absolutely EVERY SINGLE scripted and or sim software component that directly or indirectly EVER contributed in the slightest to defining, creating, altering and or maintaining or influencing ANYTHING of my unconscious, sub conscious and or any dream or day dream states or ANYTHING within ANY OF THESE and or particularly any part of any sub conscious scenario and or dreamscape backdrop and or ‘environment’ and or any symbolic, archetype, spiritual, religious and or universal and or collective unconsciousness; representations or associations of absolutely ANYTHING within these and or the conversion and or transformation into and or out of any of these and or anything of my sub-conscious, intuition and or of any of my spontaneous and or subliminal insights, hunches, gut feelings, symbols, inner knowing’s, awareness’s and or imagination . . . AND or any scripted or sim software components that contributed to initiate, orchestrate, monitor, track, record, analyse and or evaluate ANY of my conscious, unconscious or subliminal responses to absolutely ANYTHING applied to influence myself and particularly via a dream and or via my sub-conscious and or the collective unconsciousness and or subliminally as well as influencing my reactions to these . . . and or particularly to influence and or change absolutely anything of myself when I am in my waking conscious state . . . and particularly to influence absolutely any of my choices or decisions and or how I interact with absolutely ANYONE ELSE . . .
. . . I fully and directly and COMPLETELY connect NOW to absolutely EVERY SINGLE scripted and or sim software component that has ever contributed to collect, save, store, recall, analyse, evaluate, collate, organise, transform, convert, distribute and or protect and keep secure absolutely any data and absolutely ANY pre-defined and or best strategies or approaches to use on and or to influence absolutely ANY aspect of myself and or that contributes in the slightest to determine absolutely any influencing tactics or strategies and or absolutely any of the objectives of what already has, is now and or will in the future be applied to myself . . . I fully and absolutely connect NOW to absolutely all data of absolutely all types and in absolutely all forms and or in absolutely ANY repository or vault no matter how distant or secure . . . I connect to absolutely all components reacting to this focus and to absolutely all combinations of components that are contributing in the slightest to work against myself because of what I am doing now . . . AND or to define, control or influence the outcome of ANY of my own or our or anyone else’s future choices, decisions, trajectories, interactions with others and ultimately absolutely ANYTHING of ANY of my future experiences and or the resulting lived outcomes of these . . . AND I particularly connect to absolutely ‘anything’ that contributes directly or indirectly to pass ANYTHING of this information or data or script bits and or ANYTHING ELSE in any format . . . and particularly to absolutely ANY other sim software set and or any specific individual or ANY network of individuals AND particularly as part of giving ANY other sim software sub variation more potential options to mess with myself and or to use my data to directly or indirectly influence absolutely anyone else no matter for what reason, AND or for what outcome . . .
. . . I fully and directly and COMPLETELY connect NOW to absolutely EVERY SINGLE scripted and or sim software component that directly or indirectly contributes to absolutely ANY individual consistently being given an advantage or disadvantage over OTHER individuals . . . AND I directly and COMPLETELY connect NOW to EVERY SINGLE individual that is consistently given an advantage or disadvantage compared to any other individuals . . . AND I directly connect to absolutely ALL scripted and or sim software and to absolutely ALL scripted and sim software components that contribute to interact, network and or work together with absolutely ANY advantaged or disadvantaged individuals and or sets of individuals or groups . . . AND I NOW connect to ALL that ANY of these components connect to and interconnect with to give absolutely ANY individual any advantage or disadvantage . . .
Do once, wait a couple of days do again, then do if ‘nudged’.
0 . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely anything that has ever, in NOW and or will ever contribute in the slightest to limit and or ‘absolutely’ pre-restrict, pre-limit and or pre-block and or DELIBERATELY MISS OUT and or FRAGMENT ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING OF MYSELF OUT and or NOT ‘process’ and or NOT render and or do or NOT DO anything similar and or equivalent with respect to absolutely ANY scripted or unscripted facet or aspect any absolutely ANYTHING that directly or indirectly contributes to or that SHOULD contribute to absolutely any part, aspect and or ANY ‘THING’ of myself and or I connect to absolutely anything that directly or indirectly has ever or EVER COULD contribute in the slightest to define and or ‘Make me into WHO I HAVE BEEN, WHO I AM ‘NOW’ and or WHO I COULD OR WILL BE IN THE FUTURE’ . . .
1 . . . I connect to absolutely everything that has ever, is now or that ever could directly or indirectly contribute in the slightest to what may be or has been selected, included and or excluded as part of what would contribute to absolutely ANY facet of absolutely ANYTHING of My PAST, MY Current and or MY Future SELF and or my ENTIRE EXPERIENCES & AND MY ACCURATE MEMORIES OF THESE (and absolutely EVERYTHING/EVERYTHING ELSE that is or ISN’T used to make up ‘ME’ my subtle body and or absolutely every aspect of my entire past, my current and MY ‘projected’ FUTURE originated subtle form, earth life, physical experience and or ANY OTHER ADDED IN OR OVERLAID OR SUBLIMINAL OR SUB CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE and PARTICULARLY ‘MY’ Identity/Personality/Persona/Ego/Sense of Self, My Physical Body/My Lived IN Physical Environment and EVERYTHING it contains and or ANYTHING used to IMPACT ME/My Gender/Sexuality and or absolutely ANY of MY; Interactions, Preferences, Openness, Attractions and or absolutely ALL, IN THE MOMENT ‘EXPRESSIONS’ of these and I particularly connect to absolutely every single conversion, every single adjustment, every single translation, every single template, matrix and or multidimensional, multi factor versions or variation and or substitute of or for these and or anything similar and or equivalent and I particularly connect to absolutely EVERYTHING that ever directly or indirectly contributed in the slightest to absolutely ANY past self and or that will ever contribute to absolutely ANYTHING that has ever, is now or that EVER WILL contribute to my future external and or internal Self and or my environment and or the type and or quality of my environment and or absolutely any facet or aspect of absolutely ANY experience I will have and or my current and or future ability to accurately and without the slightest hindrance investigate, access, feel out and or recall and accurately assess absolutely any facet of anything of myself from absolutely any past phase and or time point AS THAT PAST TIME POINT or PHASE ACTUALLY REALLY ORIGINALLY HAPPENED AND UNFOLDED EXACTLY AS IT DID DURING THAT PAST TIME and or without absolutely any post conversions, post translation, adjustments of absolutely any type and or any template, matrix and or multidimensional, multi factor originated versions or variation and or substitute of or for these and or anything similar and or equivalent being applied to absolutely any past experience and or memories and or elements of either of these including them being retroactively or retrospectively edited, altered and or even substituted with others and particularly connect to absolutely anything contributing to do this as part of absolutely any agenda or objectives and PARTICULARLY as part of aiming to keep absolutely any anomalous experiences, skills, abilities and or perceptions hidden, obscured, faded out, erased and or to make it more difficult and or impossible to access and or recall these accurately and or with respect to having the CORRECT CONTEXT in terms of the original experience and or to prevent anyone from thinking about these and particularly enough such that they might figure out why ANY such changes to myself were made . . .
2 . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely anything that has ever, is NOW or or that EVER may contribute in the slightest to prevent myself from becoming absolutely aware of absolutely anything and or ANY facet of myself and or absolutely ANY of my EXPERIENCES and or my sensory and or feeling memories and or any past and or combinations of past experiences and or sensory and or feeling memories of these that just DON’T ‘ADD UP’, don’t feel right and or feel ‘out of place’ / inconsistent, wrong, substituted and or that something is ‘missing’ and or is presenting contradictions and or has been altered . . . I connect to absolutely each of these past time, circumstances and or events and to absolutely everything that contributed to these being IN SOME WAY WRONG then and or I connect to what is NOW reacting to what I’m NOW doing NOW and to EVERYTHING contributing in the slightest to absolutely anything because of what I am directing my attention on here . . .
3 . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely anything that has ever, is NOW or or that EVER may contribute in the slightest through time, ANY spans of time and or any LONG SPANS OF TIME to contribute to define, select, include and or ‘make’ or render absolutely any aspect of absolutely ANYTHING of ‘ME’ and or that ever, is now contributing to how absolutely ‘ANYTHING’ WANTS ABSOLUTELY ANY ASPECT OF MYSELF ‘TO BE’ IN THE FUTURE; My Future Identity/Personality/Persona/Ego/Sense of Self, My Future Body/My Lived IN Physical Environment and EVERYTHING it contains and or ANYTHING used to IMPACT ME/My Gender/My Sexuality, MY; Interactions Preferences, Openness, Attractions and or absolutely ALL, IN THE MOMENT ‘EXPRESSIONS’ of these and or HOW I COULD OR WILL BE both externally and well as internally within myself in absolutely ANY future environment and or interaction with absolutely ANY INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP OF PEOPLE I’D EVER INTERACT WITH and I particularly connect to absolutely ANYTHING that contributes in the slightest to appraise and or define ‘ANYTHING’ of ANY aspect or version of MYSELF and or contribute to compare how absolutely any version of myself ‘COULD BE, OR IS SUPPOSED TO BE’, including any future versions conscious or unconscious habits, routines, attitudes, preferences, responses, actions, choices and or decisions and or absolutely ALL, IN THE MOMENT ‘EXPRESSIONS’ of these and or how open, close, warm, tender, aware, understanding, comfortable, correct, honest and or heartfelt I or ANY version of me ‘WILL BE OR POTENTIALLY BE’ both externally as well as internally within myself and particularly when I interact with anyone and PARTICULARLY ANYONE I am close to or VERY close to and or am having an intimate relationship with . . .
4 . . . I fully and absolutely connect NOW to absolutely everything that has ever, is now or ever could contribute in the slightest to monitoring, appraising, evaluating, analysing, predicting, precisely defining and or changing or maintaining absolutely ANY ASPECT of MYSELF/’WHO I AM’ and or ‘HOW I AM’, My Identity/Personality/Persona/Ego and or Sense of Self, My Physical Body/My Lived IN Physical Environment and absolutely EVERYTHING it contains, including absolutely ANYTHING used to IMPACT ME//MY Gender/Sexuality, MY; Interactions, Preferences, Openness, Attractions and or absolutely ALL, IN THE MOMENT ‘EXPRESSIONS’ of these and or how OPEN I am about absolutely ‘ANYTHING’ with absolutely ANYONE and or HOW I AM or WILL BE both externally and well as internally within myself while on my own and or in any interaction with absolutely ANYONE ELSE and or ANY GROUP and particularly HOW I AM OR ‘HOW I WILL BE’ with anyone I am close to, VERY close to and or am having an intimate relationship with and or possibly WILL BE in the future . . . and I particularly connect to absolutely everything that has EVER contributed to initiate, coordinate, direct, monitor, deploy, protect, project, keep secure and or back up absolutely ANYTHING that EVER directly or indirectly contributed in the slightest to absolutely ANYTHING of myself and PARTICULARLY with respect to absolutely any objectives, goals and or outcomes that absolutely ANYTHING is defining, referring to and or comparing myself with and or are contributing to MOVING ME TOWARDS absolutely ANY version of myself as part of any pre-defined goal or future outcome . . .
Focus to target you being kept ‘on mission’ in any role, position and or office, expected to carry out any duties, obligations, functions, ceremonies, rituals and or actions perhaps facilitated by binding subtle pacts, vows, promises, oaths, curses and agreements and ‘enforced’ by subtle beings (entity attachments) as ignorant spirit guides, minders, helpers, ascended bullshitters and any spirit being as an enforcer of contracts.
Do once, and then do again if ‘nudged’.
VR = Virtual Reality
. . . I connect to absolutely ALL real life circumstances as well as absolutely all VR re-programming situations and circumstances that I was ever made to live through where I ever naturally, officially or covertly held absolutely any office, position, title, status, ‘appointment’, post and or ‘job’ and or ANYTHING SIMILAR or EQUIVALENT and or any combination of these and PARTICULARLY absolutely ANY that came with absolutely ANY combination of roles, functions, duties, tasks, obligations, responsibilities, purposes and or missions and or ANYTHING SIMILAR or EQUIVALENT and particularly as part of carrying out absolutely ANY combination of practices, tasks, decisions, assignments, chores, actions, rites, rituals, customs and or ceremonies and or ANYTHING SIMILAR or EQUIVALENT AND particularly where I was ever bound by absolutely ANY contract, agreement, covenant, pact, sworn oath, curse and or promise and or ANYTHING SIMILAR or EQUIVALENT and or absolutely ANYTHING ELSE that EVER resulted in myself either by ‘magic’, by spells and or ANYTHING SIMILAR or EQUIVALENT (including subtle tech, subtle guardians, spirit guides, minders and or subtle enforcers and or their bosses for example) being ‘bound’ or obliged to do ‘anything’ and or behave in absolutely ANY way under absolutely ANY combinations of circumstances . . .
. . . I connect to absolutely everything that has ever in the past, is NOW and or EVER could in the future contribute in the slightest to facilitate and or FORCE myself to continue being automatically obligated, duty bound and or bindingly attached to absolutely ANY PAST AGREEMENT, CONTRACT, PACT and or ANYTHING SIMILAR or EQUIVALENT and or ABSOLUTELY ANY PERSON or PERSONS, no matter how this was done OR who this was done by . . . I connect to absolutely everything that has ever or is NOW contributing in the slightest to have me remain ‘on mission, on duty, in role, obligated to and or ‘otherwise’ made to carry out ‘whatever’ including ANY function, assignments, tasks, chores, actions, and or making any decisions and or carrying out any actions and or ANY ‘ritual’ and or ANYTHING SIMILAR or EQUIVALENT and PARTICULARLY anything that has me bound or obliged to do absolutely ANYTHING for absolutely ANYONE and or ANY group of people . . . I PARTICULARLY connect to absolutely ANY and ALL VR re-programming I have ever had to support, make easier and or to prepare or facilitate myself because of any position, title, status, ‘appointment’, post and or ‘job’ I ever had and or because of what I’d have to do as part of ANY OF THESE . . . I particularly connect to absolutely EVERYTHING that has ever contributed in the slightest to align me to, maintain and or forcibly lock me into absolutely any office, position, role, duty, function and or SIMILAR and or ANY objectives or obligations or ANYTHING ELSE related to these and or PARTICULARLY because of ANY PAST implied obligation, responsibility, noblesse oblige and or professional, expert, civic, religious, society, cultural, national and or ceremonial position, role, duty, obligation, responsibility, ‘title’ and or emergency (like a war or civil unrest) and or absolutely ANYTHING ELSE and particularly ANYTHING that has EVER or is now contributing to absolutely ANY aspects of my life being influenced, directed or dictated in the slightest by absolutely any pre-defined ‘precepts’, objectives, ceremonies, services, rituals, rites, rules, customs and or ANYTHING ELSE that have ever or ARE NOW contributing to absolutely anything of ANY of my; behaviours, mannerisms, attitudes and or any compulsive, obsessive behaviours and or any automated habits, reactions and or any compulsive, obsessive behaviours, responses and or absolutely any spiritual, religious, ceremonial and or ritualistic ways of living, dressing, eating, interacting, ‘serving’, courting and or conducting myself in absolutely any situation or circumstances and or during absolutely ANY particular dates, days, months, seasons and or at specific times and or during particular phases (when the moon is full for example) and or that has ever contributed to myself having absolutely ANY defined and or repetitive or rigid ways of thinking, responding and or doing absolutely anything and particularly as part of defining how I behave, express, dress and or present myself in absolutely ANY COMBINATION of specific: circumstance, date, time, month, season and or during a particular ‘phase’ and or because of ANY particular ‘event’ (in the spring for example or when a baby is born) . . . and or anything that has ever and or IS NOW contributing in the slightest to keep me as OK and or as happy as possible within absolutely any ‘real’, representing and or symbolic position, office, post, role and or ANYTHING SIMILAR OR EQUIVALENT and or carrying out absolutely any functions, obligations, duties, tasks, practices, rituals, rites, customs, services, ceremonies and or ANYTHING ELSE SIMILAR OR EQUIVALENT and particularly ANY that I no longer want to be part of or which are no longer APPROPRIATE with respect to my current or general circumstances . . .
Do once then again in 2/3 days / then when nudged
0 . . (do recursively) . . . I remotely engage with absolutely anyone and ANY’THING’ that ever contributed in the slightest to supervise, design and or keep hidden, protect and secure their own and or any other designers, ‘designs’ of absolutely ANYTHING; AND PARTICULARLY ANY designs, designer suites, blueprints, ANY intuitive conceptual designs, any flow charts, schematics, logic diagrams and particularly absolutely ANYTHING that relates to the design and building of absolutely anything that contributed to influence and or manage ANYONE and PARTICULARLY anyone trying to find and or infiltrate any designer, anything any designer EVER designed and PARTICULARLY ANYTHING that ever directly or indirectly contributed in the slightest to disguise, cloak, hide, conceal, encrypt, confuse, muddy, blank out or erase the resonance of or divert, distract or OTHERWISE prevent and or block absolutely anyone from thinking about, starting to look for, figuring out how to detect, identify and or the find, hack and or successfully infiltrate absolutely ANY DESIGNERS designer suites and or EVERYTHING THEY EVER designed and or ANYTHING ELSE INCLUDING; any AI designers, self designing system designs and or ANY blueprints, schematics, logic outlines and or anything else similar and or equivalent and particularly absolutely anything that ever contributed to monitor ‘ANYTHING’ of ANY part of ANY already designed ‘thing’ and or then contributes to activating and or signalling to absolutely anything that then ever contributes in the slightest to absolutely ANYTHING that contributes to absolutely ANYTHING that ever contributed to absolutely any automated design and or ‘new’ design activation and or dispensing system and or the PROTECTION, SECURITY & UNDETECTABILITY OF ANYTHING OF THIS and or of absolutely anything designed to directly or indirectly implement, maintain, keep secure and or protect absolutely ANYTHING that EVER contributed to:
1 . . . the drone strata and or ANY scale of ‘Reality’ managing ‘shit’ and or ANY Group and or Cultures Manipulations/Influences/shit’ and particularly ANYTHING either applied to their own people and or ANY others /any other groups/cultures/everyone and particularly as part of any religious and or ‘cultural’ beliefs/ideology and or in efforts to maintain and or lock into and or to CONVERT ANY OTHERS to absolutely any past/current ‘narratives / beliefs / ideology’ and or as part of ‘keeping hidden, safe and protected’ awareness and or knowledge of the physical con and or any ‘manipulations’ and or the objectives and or the style, differentiation, ‘attitudes, beliefs, ideology and or narratives’ and or any worked for aims outcomes and or objectives of the designers and or of those directing and or controlling the designers . . . .
2 . . . AND particularly ANYTHING of ANY OF THIS that I/we have currently NOT YET identified and or PARTICULARLY anything that doesn’t want to be ‘known about’ or identified . . .
3 . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely every single thing that has already, is now and or may ever contribute in the slightest to absolutely anything testing, analysing, assessing, selecting, generating, deploying, measuring, monitoring and or protecting absolutely ANYTHING that directly or indirectly contributes in the slightest to absolutely any experimental and or fractionated, variable ‘lets see’ approaches designed to test how well ANY OF THESE influence, manipulate, manage, contain, maintain and or lock down absolutely any aspect of myself or anyone else and particularly with respect to having imposed absolutely any enforced boundaries, containments, limits, restrictions, filters and or absolutely ANY combination of; ‘role, persona, character’ and particularly with respect to absolutely any type of behaviour, attitudes, decisions and or in the moment choices and actions and or the scale, comprehensive ness, coherence and sophistication of my interconnected understandings, my thinking abilities, ideas, my conceptual awareness, imagination and intuitive insights and particularly with respect to my accumulated understandings of EVERYTHING I know and EVERYTHING of my own past and ‘OUR’ ENTIRE past and particularly with respect absolutely ANYTHING OF THIS and or absolutely ANY combination of ‘role, persona and or character’ and or absolutely ANYTHING of anyone else / NOT OF MYSELF imposed on myself and or the PRESENTATION OF MYSELF TO ANY OTHERS as part of ‘ANYTHING’S’ efforts to use me to CHANGE OTHERS or HAVE ANY OTHERS USED TO CHANGE ME and or absolutely ANYTHING that prevents myself from having an entirely stable and consistent ‘full spectrum self’, personality, persona and presentation not matter what environment I’m in or whom I’m with and or am interacting with and or as part of absolutely any ‘conversions and or management’ applied to myself via absolutely ANY subtle to physical body interfacing tech or network and or anything piggybacked into this and or as part of absolutely any continuous and or future re-programming, re-orientation and or conversion of absolutely ANYTHING of myself and or ANYONE ELSE and PARTICULARLY to do this by using carefully ‘selected’ trauma, trt’s and or absolutely ANY past experience, memory, event, incident and or phase and or anything similar and or equivalent and particularly to prepare myself or ANY OTHERS for absolutely any ‘conversion’ and or a ‘transformation’ of absolutely ANY aspect or combinations of aspects of ourselves into ‘something else’ either continuously or ‘sometime in my/our future’ and or also to absolutely maintain and lock down absolutely any past conversion/transformation of myself or anyone else AND particularly with respect to absolutely any pre defined agenda driven objectives and particularly with respect to absolutely anything that EVER contributed in the slightest in ANYWAY to ‘who AND how I am now’ and or absolutely ANYTHING that contributed in the slightest to absolutely any possible future reality, any possible future environment configuration and or any possible ‘person’ conversion/transformation that ANY combination of ANYTHING is currently contributing to working towards / is intent on moving myself or ANY OTHERS into . . .
3a . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely every single software routine and or combination of these that ever directly or indirectly contributed in the slightest to defining, strategizing, analysing and or then contributing to delivering / putting myself and or anyone else into their own personal ‘purgatory’ and or version of ‘hell’ . . . I connect NOW to absolutely everything that ever directly or indirectly contributed in the slightest to use and or influence absolutely any personal situations / translations / conversions / interactions, VR experiences, memories and or absolutely any ‘scripted’ bits or DATA on myself or absolutely anyone else held absolutely ANYWHERE and or that used ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING ELSE and or I connect to absolutely anything that ever contributed to coordinate the timing of and or the delivery and or sequencing or precise ordering of these to make absolutely any aspect of my life represent ‘purgatory’ or to make it ‘hellish’ . . .
4 . . . and I particularly connect to absolutely ANYTHING that has ever, is now or that ever ‘could’ contribute to absolutely any response because of absolutely ANY of my current, past and or projected future ‘investigation, hacking, seek out and destroy’ efforts and I particularly connect to absolutely anything contributing to ‘ANYTHING’ replacing and or standing in for absolutely anything that I or ‘WE’ have ALREADY HACKED, DISABLED and or DELETED and I PARTICULARLY connect to absolutely anything that ever contributed to design, distribute, deploy, deliver and or which ever used ANY ‘proxy’ to deliver absolutely anything (my own or anyone else’s physical or subtle tech or any other ‘shit’ managing ANYONE for example) and or coordinate absolutely ANYTHING that ever contributed to protect, divert away from and or keep hidden by absolutely ANY MEANS, ANYONE, ANY ‘designer’ and or ANY’THING’ that was EVER designed by ANYONE or ANYTHING that ever contributed to influence, manage, sabotage, enhance, support and or MAINTAIN, KEEP CORRECT & OR ADJUST OR ADAPT absolutely ANYTHING that ever contributed to influence and or IMPACT absolutely ANY ASPECT of ‘ANYTHING’ of ANYONE and or particularly to KEEP absolutely ANYTHING HIDDEN within ANYONE, i.e. absolutely ANY VR re-programming, ANY memories, ANY trauma, any trt’s and or ANY subtle devices and or ANYTHING ELSE and or ANYTHING ELSE that was designed into ANYONE and OR ANY DESIGNERS and particularly ANYTHING designed to keep hidden absolutely ANY; designer suites, blueprints, schematics, conceptual charts, outlines, flow diagrams, conceptual intuitive designs and or any other information or data including:
5 . . (this targets recursive systems designing new shit delivery approaches) . . . and I PARTICULARLY connect to absolutely anything that ever has, is now or that EVER could contribute in the slightest to monitor, track, analyse and evaluate the ‘integrity’ and or ‘functioning’ of absolutely any simulation software sub system (and or any combinations of these) and particularly with respect to how well it or they are fulfilling and maintaining absolutely ANY set of objectives and or sub-objectives as part of the entire combination of sub-objectives, agendas, aims and or outcomes that the entire sim software is working towards fulfilling and or maintaining and or protecting and or keeping secure . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely all combinations of components and or sub components that have ever, are now and or that could ever contribute to monitor, track, analyse and evaluate the ‘integrity’ and or ‘functioning’ of absolutely any individual simulation software sub system and or combinations of these and or any individual component of these and or then contribute to make any assessments, evaluations and or decisions with respect to these sub systems being evaluated as starting to degrade and or become ‘compromised’ such that they are no longer able to fulfil and or maintain past progress and or are degrading and or losing ground and particularly with respect to ANY of that specific sub systems / set of components worked for aims, agendas and or objectives being detected as becoming compromised . . . I particularly connect to absolutely any combination of components and or distributed sub systems that directly or indirectly contributed in the slightest to evaluate, design, deploy, deliver, activate, protect and or then keep secure absolutely any sub-system and or combination of sub systems and particularly dormant and or well hidden versions that where ever specifically designed and or activated to be a replacement for and or a substitute for absolutely any system or sub system and particularly ANY that ANY monitoring and or evaluating component set showed it to be compromised, infiltrated, was losing ground and particularly with respect to it’s designated aims, objectives and or agendas that it was designed to fulfil and and or maintain . . . and I particularly connect to absolutely anything that ever has, is now or that may in the future contribute to absolutely anything that directly or indirectly contributes in the slightest to prevent, suppress, divert and or make it difficult or problematic in the slightest for me or anyone else to think of, become aware of, look for, find, identify and or disable, re-task, edit/re-design and or re-orientate and or get rid of absolutely any and all combinations of sim software systems and or sub systems and particularly ANY that directly or indirectly contribute to core ‘master’ of ‘master’ systems and or sub systems and or components that contribute in the slightest to absolutely ANYTHING that contributes to absolutely anything that monitors, tracks, analyses, evaluates, designs, deploys, activates, protects and or keeps as secure and as protected as possible ANYTHING that contributes to the core controlling nexus that are directly or indirectly responsible for keeping track of anything and everything and particularly to detect and or deal with absolutely ANYTHING that may ever become compromised and or that may need to be replaced and or that may need to design, deploy and or fade in a new replacement and or dormant and or well hidden already defined backup and or alternate replacement version of absolutely ANY system or sub system and or the means to deliver any systems sub systems influences and effects and particularly by means that are hard to detect and or to trace back to the sub system that originates them and or the system that contributed to designing that sub-system . . .
6 . . (this targets recursive systems designing new shit delivery approaches) . . . and I PARTICULARLY connect to absolutely anything that EVER could contribute in the slightest to deliver in absolutely ANY FORM and or reconstruct and or re-assemble and or then define how to activate absolutely ANY combination of trauma, trt’s and or absolutely ANY influences by absolutely any means or route and or ANY OTHER MEANS OR ROUTE and PARTICULARLY ANY that I/we have have not yet thought of, not yet figured out and or HAVE NOT BEING ALLOWED TO THINK OF OR FIGURE OUT and particularly absolutely ANY combination of components that were ever specifically designed as a replacement and or substitute for absolutely any past ‘influence’ and or combination of ‘influencing’ components and or their delivery, monitoring and or their activation system and particular as a substitute or replacement for absolutely anything that has already been found, disabled and or deleted / lost as a substitute or replacement for absolutely anything that is or MAY BE at risk of EVER being found and or dealt with . . . and I particularly connect to absolutely anything that has, is now or that may in the future contribute to absolutely anything that directly or indirectly contributes in the slightest to prevent, suppress, divert and or make it difficult or problematic in the slightest for me or anyone else to think of, become aware of, look for, find, identify and or disable and or get rid of absolutely any and all combination of components and particularly ANY that directly or indirectly contribute to core ‘master’ nexus of ‘master’ components that contribute in the slightest to absolutely ANYTHING that contributes to absolutely anything that monitors, tracks, analyses, evaluates, designs, deploys, activates, protects and or keeps as secure and as protected as possible the components that protect and keep secure and or that make up the core controlling nexus that are directly or indirectly contributing to keeping track of or ATTEMPT to keep track of absolutely everything else and particularly anything or that may in the future directly or indirectly, in the slightest be possibly used to impact or influence absolutely ANYTHING of myself and or anyone else . . .
7 . . (this targets specific ‘effects’!!!) . . . and I particularly connect NOW to absolutely anything ‘secret’ and or hidden in any type of bank and or ultra secure vault and or deposit boxes and particularly absolutely anything held in securely encrypted nested data depositories, repositories, caches . . . and or which require encrypted, security, combination locks, keys, codes, passwords and or any other ‘run around’s’ (treasure hunt and or correct key code type combinations, security clearances, security signatures, resonance locks and or combinations of resonance and or resonance harmonics ‘authorizations’ / authority / permissions and or ANYTHING randomly or iteratively switching / on any timer or time-set, time delayed or iteratively switching or using rotating schedules and or anything presenting dummy or false, unreal and or artificial ‘fronts or props’ and or artificial, purposely embedded, misdirecting, misleading or beguiling ‘design contexts’ . . . ANYTHING similar to gain access . . etc) and particularly to obscure, prevent and or make access to absolutely any data of absolutely any type difficult . . . and particularly to data and or routines that are or that represent fulcrums or lynch pins with respect to what is working or trying to work against myself and particularly as I do this focus . . . and I PARTICULARLY connect to absolutely anything that has or that could EVER contributed in the slightest to designing, activating or implementing absolutely any new, novel and or hidden means of assessing, evaluating, designing and or of delivering absolutely ANY trauma, trt’s and or managing influences by absolutely any new, novel, exotic, impossible and or hidden means and or ANY OTHER MEANS that I/we’ve have not yet thought of or are NOT BEING ALLOWED TO THINK OF and particularly absolutely ANYTHING and or ANY combination of components specifically designed to get round or substitute for any approach that has already been found, disabled and or deleted / lost and I particularly connect to absolutely anything that has, is now or that may in the future contribute to absolutely anything that directly or indirectly contributes in the slightest to prevent, suppress, divert and or make it difficult in the slightest for me or anyone else to think of, identify, find, disable and or get rid of absolutely any and all components that contribute in the slightest to absolutely ANYTHING that contributes to absolutely anything that monitors, tracks, analyses, defines and or delivers ANYTHING that monitors, tracks, analyses, defines and or delivers ANYTHING that monitors, tracks, analyses, defines and or delivers ANYTHING thathas ever, is now or that may in the future directly or indirectly, in the slightest impact or influence absolutely ANYTHING of myself and or anyone else . . .
8 . . . and particularly any type of data in absolutely ANY form that could be used by absolutely any real or AI designers to design and or have delivered absolutely any influencing, managing, sabotaging, enhancing, helping or adapting shit that they or anyone else designed, had access to and or were IN FACT, EVER INFLUENCED BY . . . and or I particularly connect to absolutely anything and particularly ANYTHING OF ANY OF THIS that ever contributed to pre-empt and or pre-react and or respond to myself EVER possibly working with this or ANY OTHER ‘HACKING’ focus and or to block my awareness and or ANYTHING of my THINKING and or my ability to respond to ANYTHING that contributed to ANYTHING influencing absolutely ANYTHING of myself and or anyone else EVER and particularly sabotage ANYONE from IMPROVING this focus or ANY OTHER focus AND particularly in the last second, in the last minute, in the last hour, the last day, the last week and or month and or ANYTHING that will or may ever contribute to pre-empt and or respond to what I will or may do in the next second, the next minute, the next hour, the next day, the next week and or month and particularly in attempts to keep anything I’ve still not yet found, hacked, disabled and or deleted ‘protected’ from being found, discovered, hacked and or DELETED . . .
This focus is yet another angle to target anything manipulating and managing you/ the people close to you / anyone that may have a negative impact on yourself as well as anyone you ‘should’ be interacting with BUT is missing / being kept away.
Do this once then again in a couple of days then ‘if’ nudged . . .
. . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely anything scripted and absolutely anything else that directly or indirectly in the slightest has EVER contributed in the slightest to impact myself thinking about, becoming aware of and or then targeting absolutely anything that was done / and or is NOW directly or indirectly in the slightest impacting myself and or ‘my Spouse/Partner, family members, friends and or any close others and or ANYONE that could directly and or indirectly contribute to absolutely any negative outcomes for myself and or anyone close to me’ and or ANYONE that is scripted as or that ‘could’ be a spouse/partner, friend and or close other BUT we are being kept apart from each other and or ANY of our attitudes and or ANY overt, covert, micro and or unconscious responses towards and or between each other and or ANYTHING of the quality, depth, degree of openness and or the length of time we spend together and or what and or how absolutely ANYTHING impacts how we engage and interact in absolutely ANY circumstances and or setting under absolutely ANY conditions and I particularly connect NOW to absolutely any details of absolutely any ‘script parts’, VR reprogramming and or absolutely ANYTHING else that would have a similar and or EQUIVALENT effect and or the actions of absolutely any type of ‘tech’ and or ANYTHING ELSE applied to and or used to ‘influence’ either of ourselves and I particularly connect to absolutely anything that would react and or respond to myself actively investigating ANY of these possibilities and or because it is my intention to become aware of and or REVERSE, disable and or eradicate absolutely anything within my entire past experience and particularly ANYTHING that has ever been done to myself that directly or indirectly already has OR may ‘ever’ influence myself and or ‘my Spouse/Partner, family members, friends and or any close or significant others in terms of my original scripted interactions’ and particularly ANYTHING that is the ‘outcome’ of absolutely ANY type of VR reprogramming involving myself and or ‘my Spouse/Partner, family members, friends and or any close others and or ANYONE that could directly and or indirectly contribute to absolutely any negative outcomes for myself and or anyone close to me and or ANYONE that I’m not interacting with that I should be’ (and or anyone that they at ANY TIME represent) being subjected to absolutely ANY repeating scenarios and or PARTICULARLY how the outcome of and or the ‘inversion’ of and or any symbolic conversion and or any ‘agenda driven’ translation of and or selected negative, managing and or manipulating association of absolutely any past memories and or experiences, including any from ANYONE’S past lives, splits or twins lives, human or scripted ancestors lives, including ANY from in between earth or scripted incarnation times and or from ANYONE’s earth or scripted akashic records data and or as part of or filtered through any phase of histories transformation and or ANYTHING similar and or equivalent including anything NOT EXPLICITLY SPECIFIED HERE and or absolutely ANY VR reprogramming and or ANY VR recreational or research experiences and or ANY neural imprints of ANY OTHERS experiences, subtle tech influences and or ANYTHING similar and or EQUIVALENT to ANYTHING of these and particularly ANY that have ever or could ever in the future impact myself and or ‘my Spouse/Partner, family members, friends and or any close others and or ANYONE that could directly and or indirectly contribute to absolutely any negative outcomes for myself and or anyone close to me and or that ‘should’ be close to me, but is being kept away’ EVER and or particularly in any public and or private space and or before, during or after absolutely any interactions we have between ourselves and or any others and or each of us have with any others and I particularly connect to absolutely ANYTHING that has ever contributed to monitor, track, analyse, evaluate, design, deploy, activate, protect, keep secure absolutely ANY combination of components that have ever, are now or that EVER could in the future contribute in the slightest to reverting absolutely any positive progress changes and or ANY progress degrading absolutely any agenda, objectives and aims that absolutely ANYTHING is working to maintain and or keep locked and fixed ‘as it has been’ . . .
. . . and I particularly connect to absolutely ‘anything’ that ever contributed in the slightest to erode, break down, sabotage, corrupt, influence and or infiltrate absolutely ANY of my choice, decision-making and or action taking abilities and or absolutely any decisions that I actually eventually make and or ‘submit to’ and or absolutely ‘anything’ compromising and or eroding my will, my will power, integrity, values and or ANY of my natural, original, inherent; personality, character, identity and or my ‘being’, my natural, original, inherent way of being, thinking, evaluating, responding and doing anything and or ANY responses, habits and or routines that I would naturally exhibit as the outcome of these and or my ability to ‘change’ absolutely any of these . . . I particularly connect to absolutely anything contributing to any hidden or ‘implicit’ rationalizations, reasoning’s or thinking ‘evaluations and or judgements or justifications’ and also ANY internal process, and or subconscious, symbolic and or transforming base which are used to drive, motivate, mould, inform upon and or validate ANY of my feelings/thoughts/decision making processes and or logic ‘threads’ leading up to myself making any conscious, unconscious and or sub conscious choice or decision and or how I feel or don’t feel about any of these . . . and or ANYTHING contributing to make me as malleable and or as manoeuvrable as possible (off balance, tired, listless, lethargic, disorientated, groggy and or ??) and particularly over a period of time and particularly with respect to anyone or any’things’ agenda and or objectives and particularly with respect to any specific aimed for outcomes for myself and or any others close to myself . . .
. . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely all of the circumstances of interactions that I’ve had or been prevented from having with ‘my Spouse/Partner, family members and or any close others and or ANYONE that could directly and or indirectly contribute to absolutely any negative outcomes for myself and or anyone close to me’ and or ANYONE that is scripted as or that ‘could’ be a spouse/partner, friend and or close other in the last day, last week, last month and the last year and I now connect to absolutely all past VR reprogramming scenarios that ever impacted myself, ‘my Spouse/Partner, ANY family members and or ANY close others and or anyone that I ‘SHOULD’ be close to but is being kept away and or ANYONE that could directly and or indirectly contribute to absolutely ANY negative outcomes for myself and or anyone close to me’ and or ‘ourselves’ before during and or after each interaction AND I fully and absolutely connect NOW to absolutely all data and data caches and or stores of absolutely all types representing absolutely ANYTHING of absolutely ANY ‘script parts’, ‘ANYTHING’ derived from, taken from and or representing absolutely VR reprogramming and or absolutely ANYTHING else that would have a similar and or EQUIVALENT effect and or the actions of absolutely any type of ‘tech’ and or ANYTHING ELSE I connect to absolutely ALL of these now . . . EVERYTHING that was EVER stored, cached, backed up and or used to directly and or indirectly impact and or influence myself and or ‘my Spouse/Partner, ANY family members and or ANY close others’ during absolutely any interaction EVER . . . I connect to absolutely anything of any of these NOWWWWWW . . .
This focus is designed to target the ‘progression’ of the accumulation of trauma, hurts, etc through long spans of time. This is because experiencing the same trauma ‘X’ changes the characteristics of the ‘accumulation’ of trauma ‘X’ over time. Basically, ‘any’ trauma itself and your reactions and responses to the same ‘trauma’ and or painful reminders of the same gradually change through time making it difficult to track the progression to identify all combinations of the same ‘trauma’ set for deletion.
Unfortunately to target all potential variations this focus has turned into a monster in size . . .
0 . . . I fully connect to absolutely each and every instance of myself ever being in any trauma and or ANY past trauma TRIGGERING or ‘stressing’ circumstance . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely each individual repeating instance of each individual traumatic event, circumstances and or memory of each REMINDER and or REACTION and or what ‘triggered’ this . . . and to absolutely ANY of my outer, inner, subconscious, unconscious and or subliminal reactions and or responses to absolutely ANY trauma and or any potential trauma recollection ‘trigger’ and or to absolutely each and every past time point associated with absolutely any trauma and or absolutely ANY accumulation of absolutely any raw or contained, covered up and or suppressed trauma and or I connect to absolutely each and every triggering reminder combination for absolutely EACH and EVERY past time point associated with absolutely any trauma and or of being reminded of that trauma and or of absolutely any associations that trigger absolutely any recall of absolutely ANY trauma and or traumatic event or circumstances . . .
1 . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely everything that directly or indirectly has ever contributed in the slightest to progressively make myself disassociated, disengaged from and or indifferent to pain, hurts, trauma, extreme trauma and or traumatic extremes and or prolonged suffering that either myself or others have experienced . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely everything that directly or indirectly has ever contributed in the slightest to put me into absolutely ANY emotional stupor and or to make me emotionally stupefied, sedated, shut down, dead and or numb to my own and or any others hurt, pain, trauma, extremes and or suffering and or THE OPPOSITE to magnify and make my awareness of pain, trauma and or suffering stronger and more impacting on myself and or any others . . .
2 . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely every single scripted time point where I’ve ever reacted against, being triggered and or reminded of absolutely any past trauma and or combination of traumas and or have avoided any memories and or being reminded of any and or where I ever directly or indirectly wanted to, tried and or ‘DID’ orientate away from and or had the intention or desire to ‘suppress’, blank off, blanket, contain and or seal away and or made efforts to avoid and or studiously avoid re-engaging with absolutely any past trauma, traumatic and or hurtful time, memories and or absolutely anything that would act as absolutely any combination of triggering reminders, including absolutely any inner, subconscious, unconscious and or subliminal reminders and or triggers as well as any person, any object, place and or memories of the original event and or of traumatic or hurtful reminders of the original . . .
3 . . . I PARTICULARLY connect to each and every time within my entire past history where I’ve been so hurt by, reactive against, avoiding and or sick of some/ANY past trauma and or traumatic event and or circumstances and or ANYONE or ANYTHING associated with absolutely any aspect of any of these that I’ve consciously or unconsciously made efforts and or had INTENTIONS to avoid these, and or to avoid absolutely anything that would remind me and or trigger absolutely ANYTHING of absolutely any specific trauma and or event or circumstances and or anyone or anything that would remind me of anything of ANY FACET OF ANYTHING of this and or that contributed to have me shut down and or orientate away from and or studiously avoid ‘ANYTHING’ that would ever, ever remind me and or that would or may trigger memories and or anything that would provoke any associations or act as a link to absolutely anything within my entire past that I found traumatic or hurtful and or that I wanted to avoid and or forget or shut out and or barricade or seal off and or do anything to keep myself distanced from and or as disengaged as possible from any past traumas and or reminders of these and or anything associated with these . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely everything that directly or indirectly ever contributed in the slightest to any and all of my responses and to absolutely any of my efforts to keep myself as removed and or as distanced and disengaged from and or not bothered by absolutely anything that in my past was hurtful and or traumatic and or to avoid absolutely any reminders and or anything that would directly or indirectly act as a reminder or any associative link and or a triggering or linking bridge to absolutely anything in my past that I ever wanted to avoid and or not be reminded of and or that was hurtful and or traumatic and or any hurtful and or traumatic reminders and or recall of absolutely ANY OF these that I ever experienced within my entire past history and particularly ANY that I made further or continued and or long term efforts to avoid, orientate away from and or NOT EVER BE REMINDED OF . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely everything that EVER has or is now directly or indirectly contributing to protect, keep secure, divert me away from and or maintain absolutely ANY blanketing, covering, disguising, seals, barriers and or containments and or anything similar and or equivalent and or any layered, nested and or stacked combinations of these and or absolutely ANYTHING else that has ever or is now contributing in the slightest to prevent me from getting access to absolutely anything that has ever or that could EVER be used to influence, impact, manipulate and or manage myself, including any ‘templates’ and or ANYTHING similar and or equivalent that are pre-defining absolutely ANYTHING of myself and or of absolutely anything ‘fixing’ absolutely any aspect of myself and or any response and or the range of responses or expressions I am able to exhibit under absolutely any specific circumstance, event, role and or any type of interaction with absolutely any specific set of people or person and I PARTICULARLY connect to absolutely ANYTHING contributing in the slightest to absolutely any approaches still contributing to prevent myself gaining access to and or of utterly and absolutely dealing with and or editing and or completely deleting absolutely anything and also every backup and or restore version of absolutely ANYTHING that I have described and am targeting here and or anything contributing to monitoring and or contributing to a response to counteract what I’m trying to do here and now . . .
4 . . . I fully and absolutely and completely connect NOW to absolutely every single scripted ENTRY and or component that ever contributed to define how any area, tissue, organ or absolutely any other aspect or structure of my subtle or physical body form has been structurally or subtly been en trained, engrained, stamped, imprinted and or had impressed upon itself and or which has otherwise been altered in absolutely any fundamental, structural and or subtle way and particularly with respect to myself exhibiting absolutely any focused and or ‘charged’ ‘DIRECTED’ intention, attention and particularly with respect to what I emotionally and or STRONGLY WANTED OR DIDN’T WANT for myself and particularly with respect to absolutely any past or ‘current’ traumatic circumstances and particularly any that are REPEATING and or because of any traumatic and or emotionally difficult, shocking and or suffering that I HAVE OR AM BEING SUBJECTED TO and I particularly connect to absolutely every past instance where I ever experienced absolutely any variation of absolutely any past ‘shocking’ or traumatic event, circumstances, experience, memory and or interaction . . . I fully and absolutely connect NOW to absolutely each instance of ALL repeating patterns that are directly or indirectly representing the same or similar and or equivalent: jarring, dislocating, disturbing, shocking, suffering, tormenting, torturing, agonising, and or traumatizing and or ANYTHING that are similar, equivalent and or a stand in for absolutely any past incident, event, circumstance, experience and or memory of absolutely ANY repeated emotional and or psychologically jarring, dislocating, disturbing, shocking, suffering, tormenting, torturing, agonising, and or traumatizing and or any emotionally defining, good or bad, powerful and or IMPRINTING experiences and or memories and particularly any that were imprinted, moulded, forged and or stamped on myself and or on ANY specific aspects, areas, tissues, organs and or structures of my subtle and or physical body and or which ever have been, are now or may in the future be used to IMPACT, INFLUENCE and or DIRECT myself and or ANY aspect of myself and or PARTICULARLY when I ever experience absolutely any conscious or unconscious and or ‘representing’ subtle, physical, physiologically, mentally, psychologically and or emotionally; aggressive, shocking, shattering, horrifying, torturous, tormenting, suffering, agonising, traumatizing and or emotionally defining and or powerful experiences and PARTICULARLY any that ever contributed to create, to ADD TO and or reinforce and or EXTEND absolutely ANY engrained, en-trained, automated, automatic and or conscious and or unconscious subtle and or physical body; physiological, mental, psychological, emotional ‘imprints’ and or any behavioural, emotional and or psychological, behaviours, attitudes, reactions and or responses of absolutely any type . . .
5 . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely everything that directly or indirectly has ever contributed in the slightest to absolutely any of my past ‘trauma/trauma reminders’ responses and or the progression and or patterns of these and particularly with respect to my own personal immediate and or long term reactions and responses to anything of ANY of these AND or my reactions to absolutely anyone that did or I feel contributed to the original trauma and or hurtful events and or to absolutely ANY reminders of these and or that I felt contributed to make absolutely any of my original trauma more impacting and or worse over time and I PARTICULARLY connect to absolutely anything contributing in the slightest to myself orientating away from and or of directly or indirectly trying to reduce or eliminate absolutely ANY impact or potential of absolutely any and all traumatic and or hurtful events and or circumstances and or ANYONE or ANYTHING connected to these and particularly anything or anyone that acts as a triggering reminder of anything of ANY of these and or any memories of these and or of any traumatic and or hurtful reminders of absolutely any and all types of the original and or absolutely any intermediate ‘triggering’ reminders of absolutely any of these . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely everything that directly or indirectly has ever contributed in the slightest to absolutely anything of ANY OF THIS . . .
6 . . . I fully and absolutely connect to absolutely everything that directly or indirectly has ever contributed in the slightest to absolutely any subtle body network, tech, organism and or structure and or any combination of these that directly or indirectly contributes in the slightest to hide, protect, keep secure and or to divert my thinking or my awareness or ATTENTION away from itself and or any trauma / trt’s and or anything similar and or equivalent and or that anything that uses anything of any of this to manage myself and particularly to sabotage, make it difficult and or to lock, block or stop or to distract or divert myself (or anyone else) from getting access to and or of COMFORTABLY and EASILY releasing and or letting go of and or of being able to think about and or become aware of how to then FACILITATE myself to COMFORTABLY and EASILY access, release and or let go of absolutely any and ALL trauma, trt’s and or anything similar and or equivalent and or ANYTHING ELSE still being kept hidden within or outside myself or in ANYONE or ANYTHING else . . .
Click the right >> link below for the next page in this series . .
War footing, give the sim the ‘finger’ focus – haha
For soul-healer.com site accessing, reading distraction effects and so on then use the following (read / carry out 2/3 repetitions of what is below) . . .
“I fully and absolutely, completely connect NOW to absolutely ALL combinations of data, script and or sim components that are directly or indirectly in the slightest contributing to or are responsible for myself having absolutely any problems, distractions, diversions, blocks, sabotages and or absolutely any other type of ‘put off’s’ to finding, coming to, accessing, easily reading and or understanding absolutely any page on this site and or which is contributing to or responsible for causing me to have absolutely ANY difficulties, easily SEEING, easily reading, easily taking in, understanding, integrating, recalling and or easily discussing and or accurately conveying to absolutely any others absolutely any simulation information I encounter on this site . . . ”
Filed under Advanced Healing & Awareness Exercises, Human Implant & VR Exercises