I’m offering an e-book called;
This book is written for the self healer and self explorer, it is a guide for those wanting to access and navigate in other realms, explore subtle origins and above all it’s a great starter for those wanting to learn to engage with and resolve issues from an energy body and subtle energy angle.
This book helps to support you to take responsibility for your own movement, to not rely on second hand information in the form of guidance, channelling, mediums, psychics or books – it supports you to go beyond these. It is not another book that confirms and supports what others are saying – it stands on its own and has the courage to present the seeds from which a deeper truth can emerge.
It is a very practical book, showing examples from those who really lived and engaged with this approach, from those who are really willing to explore beyond the known, beyond guidance and beyond masters.
As I lived what I present in this book then yes you can have an incredible and fun soul journey which at times is also scary and frightening because this is not about staying within the confines of your limits but about moving beyond them which means for example that you may meet parts of yourselves you’d rather not in past lives as well as other dimensions.
It can also be said that you need commitment, courage and determination to work with this approach as parts of this journey is about dealing with all your attachments from past lives and other levels too. It gives you the foundations to be well supported to do this to take you well beyond the misconceptions and misinformation presented about these and other areas.
Reading this book will also help you gain new perspectives of the supreme limitations of well meaning and so called divine guidance, and help you move beyond these limiting areas too.
You will start to understand that your greatest and deepest areas of limitation are not held in your human form they are held in forms that are also you in other dimensions beyond past lives. You can however as your human form here learn to deal with and resolve all challenges within all parts of yourself to bring yourself into a deeper level of wholeness and balance.
This is not therefore just another interesting but ‘standard’ healing book, if you want something to just read then this is not for you. If you want to try and really find out who you are in the deepest sense and are willing to be constantly surprised with what you find while doing this then this book will perhaps prompt you to to initiate your own journey and help you understand what is important as a starting point.
The book is in two halves, the first provides an excellent foundation in information terms that will give you a good basic understanding of what we are beginning to present. The second half in one sense expands on this and also zooms in to highlight work areas with respect to different energy levels and different situations.
To actively work with this book more effectively we have a subtle energy tool to support personal transformation and self exploration. This tool provides you with the resources to work more effectively with what this book presents. For more details read the Booster+ page.
It is not a book for transforming the planet as the author deeply understands that there will be no transformation on a large scale without a solid and unconditional foundation based on deep transformation within each individual. It offers much then for those who can step into this understanding, it is also for those who understand that you simply cannot take others where you have not gone or are not willing to go yourself.
The selfhealinghandbook is presented on a separate web site HERE. I’m offering this as a ‘free’ ebook to try. It’s available for download in two formats including as a .pdf document.
For some examples of reviews and what others have said about this book read this page HERE.
This book presents the foundation for a completely new advanced healing approach and unique spiriual path, where you have the possibility to take the driving seat, to take full responsibility for your own movement, to not rely on second hand information, in the form of guidance, channeling, mediums, psychics or books – it supports you to go beyond these. It is not another book that confirms and supports what others are saying – it stands on its own and has the courage to present the seeds from which a deeper truth can emerge.
It is a very practical book, showing examples from those who really live this approach, from those who are really willing to explore beyond the known, beyond guidance and beyond masters. From the authors own experience of living what he presents in this book it can be said that you need commitment, courage and determination to work with this approach.
You can have an incredible and fun soul journey which at times is also frightening because this is not about staying within the confines of your limits but about moving beyond them. You can meet parts of yourselves not just in past lives but also in other dimensions as energy forms.
Parts of this journey is about dealing with all your attachments, from this level, past lives and other levels too. It gives you the foundations to be well supported to do this to take you well beyond the misconceptions and misinformation presented about these and other areas. Reading this book will help you gain new perspectives of the supreme limitations of well meaning and so called divine guidance, and help you move beyond these limiting areas too.
You will start to understand that your greatest and deepest areas of limitation are not held in your human form they are held in forms that are also you in other dimensions beyond past lives. You can however as your human form here learn to deal with and resolve all challenges within all parts of yourself to bring yourself into a deeper level of wholeness and balance.
This is not therefore just another interesting healing book, if you want something to just read then this is not for you. If you want to really find out who you are in the deepest sense and are willing to be constantly surprised with what you find while doing this then this book will perhaps prompt you to to initiate your own journey and help you understand what is important as a starting point.
The book is in two halves, the first provides an excellent foundation in information terms that will give you a good basic understanding of what we are beginning to present. The second half in one sense expands on this and also zooms in to highlight work areas with respect to different energy levels and different situations. To actively work with this book you should either have an initiation or buy a personal unity facilitator energy tool. These provide you with the resources to work effectively with this approach resources from other systems will not.
It is not a book for transforming the planet as the author deeply understands that there will be no transformation on a large scale without a solid and unconditional foundation based on deep transformation within each individual. It offers much then for those who can step into this understanding, it is also for those who understand that you simply cannot take others where you have not gone or are not willing to go yourself.
Following books will build on this foundation to help people move into a deeper truth and greater freedom than has so far been presented or even offered to this planet.